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Thank you TBN for providing a Christian TV channel to watch 24/7. Had I not had TBN to watch during my husband's sickness, then his passing, I would not have had the strength or faith to carry on. You have been an anchor for me.
July 15, 2021
Dear TBN, Thank you for being our family's light in the time of crisis and isolation.
Harris household
July 15, 2021
TBN is by far one of the best channels on TV today! I have learned so much about God, Jesus and the Holy Spirit over these past years. Thank you for being on the air 24/7! God Bless You!
July 15, 2021
Really enjoyed the Max Lucado program. He makes so much sense! He makes me want to keep on keeping on! I just love TBN and Laurie's gentle spirit. God bless you as you carry on your parents' mission.
5th May 2021
I am so grateful for all the great programs and the encouragement I receive from your programs. May you continue to be a light and be led by Him!
5th May 2021
TBN, Thank you for your programming. It is usually the only station we watch. God Bless!
4th May 2021
I am so thankful for your television ministry and recently really enjoyed the Good Friday Worldwide program. I love the excellent teaching programs and your programs for women. I also enjoy Huckabee and Mike Rowe's program on Saturday nights. God bless you!
4th May 2021
I am enjoying "The Chosen" series tremendously.
4th May 2021
Thank you for the many GREAT programs!
4rd May 2021
Thank you for recently airing the Michael W. Smith Surrounded program. I was so blessed by the Praise and Worship and how authentic the program was. May God continue to bless you!
4nd May 2021
TBN, thank you for all the amazing programs you broadcast day after day. Your passion and commitment for spreading the Good News of Jesus Christ will one day be rewarded! Please never stop what you are doing for the kingdom of God. —Cynthia
6th Apr 2021
I am 11 years old and have been watching TBN all my life. I love TBN because of your Saturday morning children’s programs and especially VeggieTales.
I hope to watch TBN when I get older. You are the best!
From a kid who loves TBN. —Jonathan
6th Apr 2021
I just want to thank you for your prayers and all that you do for us who are in prison. The daily teachings on your channel are such a blessing to me now that I have accepted Jesus Christ as my Lord and Savior. May God Bless you all! —Eduardo
6th Apr 2021
May God bless the TBN team for all that you do for the body of Christ. I am an inmate in Indiana and want you to know that you have made an impact on countless lives and we will forever be affected for eternity. May God continue to bless you and your wonderful ministry!
5th Apr 2021
Thank you TBN, for programs like Huckabee and the Eric Metaxas Radio Show and for proclaiming the Gospel locally and worldwide. Looking forward to what God will do in 2021!
2nd Mar 2021
Thank you for showing the programs regarding the closing of the churches in California and other states during COVID. So proud of the pastors who are taking a stand and defending the People's right to worship. God bless you all.
2nd Mar 2021
Praise report! After many years of witnessing to my husband, and after watching "The Chosen" on TBN with him, he gave his life to the Lord! So thankful to the writers and producers of this wonderful film. Keep going, guys - the Lord is on your side!
1st Mar 2021
I have served time for the past 7 years and words cannot express how much I appreciate your programs and gifts. Thank you for getting the Gospel out to the world and to those in prison. God Bless you!
15th Feb 2021
Prison can be a sad and lonely place but with all of the uplifting and spirit-filled ambassadors for Christ, I am overcome with love and positivity. TBN, I appreciate all you do to get the message out. I am able to watch enriching programs here in prison while I am turning my life around. God Bless!
1st Feb 2021
Today I am writing you from my home with my family but last time I wrote you I was still in prison. God brought me out by the power of his Word. My life sentence ended after 54 months! It does not matter what the world says when you make God's Word the final authority. Thank you TBN for providing TV shows, materials and prayers for me in the midst of the storm.
15th Jan 2021

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