Lost and Found by Christine Caine
God wants to rekindle your passion for the dream you once had...
God created you with a purpose and He’s given you a dream. Yet, if you’ve gotten distracted and lost passion for the vision He’s given you, God wants to help you find it again. In Christine Caine’s latest 5-part DVD teaching Lost and Found, you’ll discover:
- Why you must reawaken to your God-given purpose
- How God causes you to regain your passion
- The power that’s unleashed from operating in your calling
- And much more!
For your gift of any amount: TBN wants to send you Lost and Found to help you walk in the power-filled purpose God has destined you for.
Your financial support means the Gospel will remain on air and reach the lost in need of Christ.
Please use the form to submit your donation and we’ll send you Christine’s newest series with our gratitude!
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