Pastor Allen Jackson's mission is to help people become fully devoted followers of Jesus Christ.
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Allen Jackson Ministries | Allen Jackson - Breakthrough... Looting America (Part 1) | December 31, 2024
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- Allen jackson: we're walking through a series under the
- 00:00:22.204 --> 00:00:23.172
- General theme of "breakthroughs."
- 00:00:23.872 --> 00:00:26.775
- Interventions, god's interventions in our lives.
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- Those times where god steps into time and makes a difference in
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- Our experience.
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- I don't believe that we can fulfill god's intended purpose
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- For our lives without his breakthroughs.
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- I don't believe there's any such thing as a faithful christian
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- Disciple who isn't engaged with the supernatural power of god.
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- Because we can't fulfill what god created us for with our own
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- Intellect and our own strength and our own intended efforts.
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- We need breakthroughs.
- 00:00:54.670 --> 00:00:56.038
- We need god's interventions.
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- And we--the bible's filled with them from cover to cover.
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- I won't take the time to highlight all of them, but you
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- Know the characters.
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- They're your heroes.
- 00:01:05.280 --> 00:01:06.615
- When god recruited moses, he was a murderer and a failure on the
- 00:01:06.615 --> 00:01:11.987
- Backside of the desert and there's an intervention, but the
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- Real breakthrough is god said, "i'm gonna deliver my people,
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- The hebrew people, from egyptian slavery.
- 00:01:18.694 --> 00:01:20.629
- They've been there 400 years."
- 00:01:20.629 --> 00:01:22.931
- They didn't have the power, the military.
- 00:01:22.931 --> 00:01:24.900
- They didn't have the votes.
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- They didn't have the finances.
- 00:01:26.335 --> 00:01:27.703
- They didn't have any advocates.
- 00:01:27.703 --> 00:01:29.037
- They had no way out of the place where they were and god showed
- 00:01:29.037 --> 00:01:32.474
- Up and said, "i have seen their condition and i'm here to set
- 00:01:32.474 --> 00:01:34.943
- Them free.
- 00:01:34.943 --> 00:01:36.478
- And moses, i'm sending you."
- 00:01:36.478 --> 00:01:39.414
- And you know that moses wasn't overly enthusiastic about the
- 00:01:39.414 --> 00:01:42.050
- Assignment, but it was a breakthrough.
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- It wasn't easy.
- 00:01:45.053 --> 00:01:46.421
- It wasn't comfortable.
- 00:01:46.421 --> 00:01:47.956
- Some of you prefer the new testament on the road
- 00:01:47.956 --> 00:01:49.691
- To damascus.
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- Paul--saul of tarsus met one jesus of nazareth.
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- At that time, saul was an angry, violent, murderous man.
- 00:01:55.497 --> 00:01:58.600
- He hated people who said jesus was the messiah and he met
- 00:01:58.600 --> 00:02:02.070
- That messiah.
- 00:02:02.070 --> 00:02:04.373
- It was a breakthrough, but it changed everything about
- 00:02:04.373 --> 00:02:07.776
- His life.
- 00:02:07.776 --> 00:02:09.311
- You see those divine intervention, those times when
- 00:02:09.311 --> 00:02:12.281
- God intervenes in our lives, those breakthrough moments are
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- Not simply to alleviate pain or to reverse a diagnosis or to
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- Open a monetary opportunity.
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- They may do all of those things, but they're really intended to
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- Open our lives more fully and completely to the purposes
- 00:02:26.094 --> 00:02:28.764
- Of god.
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- To change the trajectory of our existence.
- 00:02:30.265 --> 00:02:33.168
- To help us realign values and goals and perspectives.
- 00:02:33.168 --> 00:02:38.473
- See, the traditional--and it often flourishes in pulpits.
- 00:02:38.473 --> 00:02:41.710
- The traditional idea of a breakthrough is we have a
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- Problem, we ask god to help, and we want him to solve our
- 00:02:44.079 --> 00:02:47.583
- Problems so we can go back to whatever we were doing before we
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- Asked god to help.
- 00:02:50.519 --> 00:02:53.522
- And that, truthfully, is not a great blessing.
- 00:02:53.522 --> 00:02:57.192
- It might be a blessing in the moment.
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- It might be victory over a diagnosis or some form of
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- Provision, but ultimately you want to cooperate with god
- 00:03:01.997 --> 00:03:05.400
- More completely.
- 00:03:05.400 --> 00:03:08.136
- And so, when we talk about breakthroughs, we're trying to
- 00:03:08.136 --> 00:03:11.106
- Understand the components so that we could cooperate with
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- Them more fully in our lives because folks, we need
- 00:03:14.176 --> 00:03:17.212
- A breakthrough.
- 00:03:17.212 --> 00:03:19.581
- We're in a desperate place.
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- In this session, i want to talk specifically about the looting
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- That's taking place in america.
- 00:03:25.187 --> 00:03:27.956
- But i want to do it in the context of a breakthrough, a
- 00:03:27.956 --> 00:03:30.492
- Deliverance, a revelation, insight, understanding,
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- A redirection.
- 00:03:33.629 --> 00:03:35.731
- When god's purposes and plans are initiated, when they're
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- Completed, when they're revealed, when they're advanced,
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- When they're welcomed, when they're understood.
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- Not that idealistic thing where we just get the answer we want
- 00:03:45.307 --> 00:03:48.410
- And we can continue to do whatever we want.
- 00:03:48.410 --> 00:03:51.380
- Life is very seldom ideal.
- 00:03:51.380 --> 00:03:54.049
- It's often more challenging.
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- And i want to start with a biblical perspective that i
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- Don't hear it discussed a great deal.
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- I don't think it's anything unique to us, but this notion of
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- Looting, plundering could be understood in a biblical context
- 00:04:05.093 --> 00:04:10.565
- In a different way as the judgment of god.
- 00:04:10.565 --> 00:04:14.136
- It's a consistent, persistent theme of scripture from the
- 00:04:14.136 --> 00:04:18.640
- Old testament right into the new testament--
- 00:04:18.640 --> 00:04:21.443
- That when god begins to discipline his people, his
- 00:04:21.443 --> 00:04:25.580
- Protection is not there and they begin to forfeit things he
- 00:04:25.580 --> 00:04:29.418
- Intends them to have.
- 00:04:29.418 --> 00:04:32.220
- If you want it in a spiritual language, satan, the devil,
- 00:04:32.220 --> 00:04:35.824
- Steals the blessings that god intends for his people.
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- If you want to evaluate it in a secular term, they're plundered
- 00:04:39.995 --> 00:04:43.231
- By more powerful people--
- 00:04:43.231 --> 00:04:44.599
- People with superior technology,
- 00:04:44.599 --> 00:04:46.234
- People who make better choices.
- 00:04:46.234 --> 00:04:47.969
- However you choose to describe it, whether you do it
- 00:04:47.969 --> 00:04:50.405
- Spiritually or in a secular way, the outcome is the people of god
- 00:04:50.405 --> 00:04:54.109
- Are diminished frequently, incrementally, bit by bit, the
- 00:04:54.109 --> 00:04:59.915
- Idea being that they will turn their faces to the lord and say,
- 00:04:59.915 --> 00:05:03.318
- "we need help."
- 00:05:03.318 --> 00:05:07.589
- I brought you some examples.
- 00:05:07.589 --> 00:05:10.359
- Again, this is a common part of scripture.
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- We see it on the national basis, not the individual, not just the
- 00:05:13.762 --> 00:05:17.399
- Individual basis or the tribal basis.
- 00:05:17.399 --> 00:05:20.502
- Israel or judah often are presented in scripture as a
- 00:05:20.502 --> 00:05:24.606
- Vassal state subjugated to another nation.
- 00:05:24.606 --> 00:05:28.076
- It's an expression of god's judgment.
- 00:05:28.076 --> 00:05:30.045
- It's not a failure of their military.
- 00:05:30.045 --> 00:05:33.615
- It's not an economic downturn that makes them vulnerable.
- 00:05:33.615 --> 00:05:36.551
- It's not the location of the land that god promised them.
- 00:05:36.551 --> 00:05:40.055
- I assure you god is capable of providing and protecting israel
- 00:05:40.055 --> 00:05:44.226
- Even though the land they occupy makes them seem vulnerable.
- 00:05:44.226 --> 00:05:48.163
- Modern history is a great example of that.
- 00:05:48.163 --> 00:05:51.733
- Most improbably tiny israel flourishes today in the midst of
- 00:05:51.733 --> 00:05:57.139
- Hundreds of millions of people who are sworn to
- 00:05:57.139 --> 00:05:59.608
- Their annihilation.
- 00:05:59.608 --> 00:06:02.210
- God is the only explanation.
- 00:06:02.210 --> 00:06:03.712
- Well, it's true in history as well.
- 00:06:03.712 --> 00:06:07.282
- So, when the looting begins, it's an expression of
- 00:06:07.282 --> 00:06:09.584
- God's judgment.
- 00:06:09.584 --> 00:06:10.952
- It is not principally about military might or
- 00:06:10.952 --> 00:06:15.157
- Political maneuverings.
- 00:06:15.157 --> 00:06:17.926
- There are many accounts of god delivering his people in the
- 00:06:17.926 --> 00:06:20.295
- Face of overwhelming odds.
- 00:06:20.295 --> 00:06:21.663
- It's the story of scripture.
- 00:06:21.663 --> 00:06:23.799
- David and goliath.
- 00:06:23.799 --> 00:06:26.368
- I mean, it's almost a limitless number of stories.
- 00:06:26.368 --> 00:06:30.238
- Defeat is typically an expression of discipline.
- 00:06:30.238 --> 00:06:35.076
- It's very important to get these ideas grounded.
- 00:06:35.076 --> 00:06:38.113
- They're gonna support everything we're gonna look at for the next
- 00:06:38.113 --> 00:06:40.248
- Few minutes.
- 00:06:40.248 --> 00:06:42.184
- This incremental decline, the looting of the purposes of god
- 00:06:42.184 --> 00:06:47.022
- For a people is not an expression of a
- 00:06:47.022 --> 00:06:50.325
- Superior adversary.
- 00:06:50.325 --> 00:06:52.527
- It is an expression of disobedience in the hearts of
- 00:06:52.527 --> 00:06:55.931
- God's people that brings his judgment.
- 00:06:55.931 --> 00:06:59.367
- I can give you some examples in the book of judges chapter 4.
- 00:06:59.367 --> 00:07:02.938
- You have it in your notes.
- 00:07:02.938 --> 00:07:05.040
- "after ehud died," he would have been a leader in israel, "the
- 00:07:05.040 --> 00:07:07.576
- Israelites once again did evil in the eyes of the lord."
- 00:07:07.576 --> 00:07:12.747
- These are the covenant people of god.
- 00:07:12.747 --> 00:07:15.517
- They keep sabbath and keep kosher.
- 00:07:15.517 --> 00:07:18.553
- They celebrate passover.
- 00:07:18.553 --> 00:07:20.021
- They have lots of religious activities and religious rules
- 00:07:20.021 --> 00:07:22.891
- And religious behaviors, but it says, "they did evil."
- 00:07:22.891 --> 00:07:25.794
- Did you know you can sit in church and do evil?
- 00:07:25.794 --> 00:07:31.266
- Look at the person on your right--no, don't do that.
- 00:07:31.266 --> 00:07:35.170
- The israelites once again did evil in the eyes of the lord.
- 00:07:35.170 --> 00:07:37.939
- "so the lord sold them into the hands of jabin, a king
- 00:07:37.939 --> 00:07:40.909
- Of canaan.
- 00:07:40.909 --> 00:07:42.444
- He reined in hazor.
- 00:07:42.444 --> 00:07:43.778
- The commander of his army was sisera, who lived somewhere.
- 00:07:43.778 --> 00:07:47.883
- And because he had nine hundred iron chariots and had cruelly
- 00:07:47.883 --> 00:07:50.585
- Oppressed the israelites for twenty years, they cried to the
- 00:07:50.585 --> 00:07:53.188
- Lord for help."
- 00:07:53.188 --> 00:07:54.523
- For 20 years, they suffered.
- 00:07:54.523 --> 00:07:57.025
- Not because someone had superior military technology.
- 00:07:57.025 --> 00:08:00.395
- He did.
- 00:08:00.395 --> 00:08:01.730
- He had iron chariots.
- 00:08:01.730 --> 00:08:03.098
- It gave him an advantage in the flatlands and the plains and
- 00:08:03.098 --> 00:08:04.900
- The valleys.
- 00:08:04.900 --> 00:08:06.234
- But it wasn't his technical advantage that gave him the
- 00:08:06.234 --> 00:08:09.638
- Authority over the people.
- 00:08:09.638 --> 00:08:11.006
- It was the fact that they did evil in the eyes of the lord, so
- 00:08:11.006 --> 00:08:14.009
- God sold them into the hands of jabin.
- 00:08:14.009 --> 00:08:16.645
- God's people were being looted.
- 00:08:16.645 --> 00:08:20.348
- Same book, the book of judges chapter 6.
- 00:08:20.348 --> 00:08:23.151
- "again the israelites did evil in the eyes of the lord,
- 00:08:23.151 --> 00:08:26.054
- And for seven years he gave them into the hands
- 00:08:26.054 --> 00:08:28.156
- Of the midianites."
- 00:08:28.156 --> 00:08:30.525
- God did that.
- 00:08:30.525 --> 00:08:32.394
- See, disobedience is not arbitrary.
- 00:08:32.394 --> 00:08:35.564
- We think we got away with it.
- 00:08:35.564 --> 00:08:36.898
- There wasn't a lightning bolt.
- 00:08:36.898 --> 00:08:39.834
- We think we can be immoral and ungodly and greedy and filled
- 00:08:39.834 --> 00:08:43.672
- With all sorts of things that we're not necessarily proud of
- 00:08:43.672 --> 00:08:46.274
- And we think there's no consequence, but the bible very
- 00:08:46.274 --> 00:08:49.277
- Clearly tells us that god is the judge of all and his judgment
- 00:08:49.277 --> 00:08:52.013
- Isn't just for eternity.
- 00:08:52.013 --> 00:08:53.715
- It's not just a judgment of destination--heaven or hell.
- 00:08:53.715 --> 00:08:57.018
- He judges our actions in our lives, both in time in history,
- 00:08:57.018 --> 00:09:02.724
- And then he will judge them out of time.
- 00:09:02.724 --> 00:09:07.529
- The israelites did evil in the eyes of the lord.
- 00:09:07.529 --> 00:09:09.664
- Again, these are the covenant people of god.
- 00:09:09.664 --> 00:09:11.833
- They're going to worship, they're going to temple, they're
- 00:09:11.833 --> 00:09:15.870
- Offering sacrifices.
- 00:09:15.870 --> 00:09:18.673
- And god gave them into the hands of the midianites, "because the
- 00:09:18.673 --> 00:09:21.109
- Power of midian was so oppressive, the israelites
- 00:09:21.109 --> 00:09:23.945
- Prepared shelters for themselves in mountain cliffs,
- 00:09:23.945 --> 00:09:26.114
- Caves, strongholds.
- 00:09:26.114 --> 00:09:27.482
- Whenever the israelites planted their crops, the midianites and
- 00:09:27.482 --> 00:09:30.251
- Amalekites and other eastern peoples invaded the country.
- 00:09:30.251 --> 00:09:32.787
- They camped on the land.
- 00:09:32.787 --> 00:09:34.155
- They ruined the crops.
- 00:09:34.155 --> 00:09:35.490
- They didn't spare a living thing for israel, neither sheep nor
- 00:09:35.490 --> 00:09:38.059
- Cattle nor donkeys."
- 00:09:38.059 --> 00:09:39.394
- What are they doing?
- 00:09:39.394 --> 00:09:41.229
- They're looting the country.
- 00:09:41.229 --> 00:09:43.765
- Every year at harvest time, these foreign peoples would
- 00:09:43.765 --> 00:09:47.235
- Invade and take the plunder.
- 00:09:47.235 --> 00:09:49.571
- They would loot the country.
- 00:09:49.571 --> 00:09:52.741
- Why did they do that?
- 00:09:52.741 --> 00:09:54.309
- Because god gave it into their hands.
- 00:09:54.309 --> 00:09:59.414
- 1 kings, there's a monarchy now.
- 00:09:59.414 --> 00:10:01.750
- There's a king. there's an army.
- 00:10:01.750 --> 00:10:03.084
- You would think there's a new power structure, perhaps they
- 00:10:03.084 --> 00:10:06.755
- Will be free of that.
- 00:10:06.755 --> 00:10:09.324
- "in the fifth year of king rehoboam boam, the king of egypt
- 00:10:09.324 --> 00:10:12.193
- Attacked jerusalem.
- 00:10:12.193 --> 00:10:13.528
- He carried off the treasures of the temple of the lord and the
- 00:10:13.528 --> 00:10:16.765
- Treasures of the royal palace.
- 00:10:16.765 --> 00:10:18.166
- He took everything, including all the gold shields solomon
- 00:10:18.166 --> 00:10:21.002
- Had made.
- 00:10:21.002 --> 00:10:23.304
- So the king made bronze shields to replace them and assigned
- 00:10:23.304 --> 00:10:26.241
- These to the commanders of the guard on duty at the entrance to
- 00:10:26.241 --> 00:10:28.843
- The royal palace."
- 00:10:28.843 --> 00:10:31.179
- Israel becomes a vassal state of egypt in the egyptian kingdom.
- 00:10:31.179 --> 00:10:35.283
- The temple in jerusalem was the national bank.
- 00:10:35.283 --> 00:10:37.686
- It's the national treasury.
- 00:10:37.686 --> 00:10:39.587
- It's why there was such an ostentatious display of wealth.
- 00:10:39.587 --> 00:10:42.590
- It's the center of the country, an the egyptian king sees it
- 00:10:42.590 --> 00:10:46.127
- And he takes away--he loots the temple.
- 00:10:46.127 --> 00:10:49.931
- It's the most humiliating thing you could do to the people.
- 00:10:49.931 --> 00:10:53.435
- They believe what gives them status and standing is the
- 00:10:53.435 --> 00:10:56.971
- Presence of god in their midst and the egyptian king, the pagan
- 00:10:56.971 --> 00:11:00.508
- King, loots the temple of god and the response of the king of
- 00:11:00.508 --> 00:11:04.245
- Judah is to make bronze shields.
- 00:11:04.245 --> 00:11:09.284
- Nothing to see here.
- 00:11:09.284 --> 00:11:14.889
- It's not just an old testament idea.
- 00:11:14.889 --> 00:11:18.093
- When the new testament opens and the gospels begin, israel is
- 00:11:18.093 --> 00:11:22.263
- Still a vassal state.
- 00:11:22.263 --> 00:11:24.666
- In matthew, mark, luke, and john, during the days of jesus,
- 00:11:24.666 --> 00:11:27.035
- It's not a vassal state to egypt or assyria or babylon, they're a
- 00:11:27.035 --> 00:11:30.705
- Vassal state to rome.
- 00:11:30.705 --> 00:11:34.743
- And once again, it's because of the condition of their heart.
- 00:11:34.743 --> 00:11:38.780
- God sent jesus.
- 00:11:38.780 --> 00:11:40.148
- Jesus said, "i came to seek and to save those who are lost."
- 00:11:40.148 --> 00:11:46.354
- He came on a search and rescue mission.
- 00:11:46.354 --> 00:11:49.390
- And do you remember what the response of the people was?
- 00:11:49.390 --> 00:11:51.459
- They stood in the streets of jerusalem and said,
- 00:11:51.459 --> 00:11:53.294
- "crucify him."
- 00:11:53.294 --> 00:11:56.131
- Be careful, because when jesus comes back the second time, the
- 00:11:56.131 --> 00:11:59.834
- World will be in such a desperate place, on the brink of
- 00:11:59.834 --> 00:12:03.738
- Total destruction.
- 00:12:03.738 --> 00:12:05.607
- And he will come back on another search and rescue mission.
- 00:12:05.607 --> 00:12:11.079
- When the lord returns, you and i won't look up and go, "oh, it's
- 00:12:11.079 --> 00:12:13.414
- Nice to have you back."
- 00:12:13.414 --> 00:12:16.184
- The answer will be, "without your arrival, survivability was
- 00:12:16.184 --> 00:12:19.821
- Not possible."
- 00:12:19.821 --> 00:12:22.323
- The new testament, you've got it.
- 00:12:22.323 --> 00:12:23.658
- Romans chapter 1, it says, "god gave them over," his covenant
- 00:12:23.658 --> 00:12:26.728
- People, "he gave them over in the sinful desires of their
- 00:12:26.728 --> 00:12:30.632
- Hearts to immorality, to the degrading of their bodies.
- 00:12:30.632 --> 00:12:34.035
- And they exchanged the truth of god for a lie.
- 00:12:34.035 --> 00:12:37.772
- God gave them over."
- 00:12:37.772 --> 00:12:39.107
- He repeats it twice.
- 00:12:39.107 --> 00:12:40.475
- Acts chapter 7, it's talking about that exodus generation,
- 00:12:40.475 --> 00:12:44.746
- But it's the new testament.
- 00:12:44.746 --> 00:12:46.080
- They're helping us understand our scripture.
- 00:12:46.080 --> 00:12:47.849
- If you look at verse 42, it says, "god turned away and gave
- 00:12:47.849 --> 00:12:51.252
- Them over to the worship of the heavenly bodies."
- 00:12:51.252 --> 00:12:55.490
- You see, when we see looting begin, what we can understand--
- 00:12:55.490 --> 00:12:58.760
- You watch the behavior, the diminishment of resources, the
- 00:12:58.760 --> 00:13:01.863
- Diminishment of liberties, the diminishment of opportunities.
- 00:13:01.863 --> 00:13:06.201
- We recognize that the protection that's been in place, the
- 00:13:06.201 --> 00:13:08.636
- Provision that has been in place has diminished.
- 00:13:08.636 --> 00:13:11.105
- It's been withdrawn.
- 00:13:11.105 --> 00:13:12.473
- It's not as available.
- 00:13:12.473 --> 00:13:14.642
- It isn't a political issue.
- 00:13:14.642 --> 00:13:16.077
- It's not an economic circumstance.
- 00:13:16.077 --> 00:13:18.079
- It's a spiritual issue.
- 00:13:18.079 --> 00:13:20.648
- It's being worked out in those arenas, but it begins with the
- 00:13:20.648 --> 00:13:24.252
- Attitude of the people of god.
- 00:13:24.252 --> 00:13:26.054
- It's not about the technical superiority of the ungodly.
- 00:13:26.054 --> 00:13:31.025
- It's the withdrawal of the hearts of the people of god.
- 00:13:31.025 --> 00:13:35.363
- The outcome of looting, if i can use the word, john chapter 10,
- 00:13:35.363 --> 00:13:38.633
- These are jesus's words.
- 00:13:38.633 --> 00:13:40.068
- He said, "the thief," satan, "comes only to steal, to kill,
- 00:13:40.068 --> 00:13:44.239
- And to destroy; i've come that you might have life, and have
- 00:13:44.239 --> 00:13:47.976
- It abundantly."
- 00:13:47.976 --> 00:13:49.344
- When life is abundant and opportunities are flourishing,
- 00:13:49.344 --> 00:13:51.946
- There's a cooperation with the lord.
- 00:13:51.946 --> 00:13:53.481
- It's the biblical model.
- 00:13:53.481 --> 00:13:55.283
- When the looting begins, we understand that god has
- 00:13:55.283 --> 00:13:59.454
- Stepped back.
- 00:13:59.454 --> 00:14:00.822
- His people have walked out from under his protection.
- 00:14:00.822 --> 00:14:04.459
- "well, pastor, what about god's grace and mercy?"
- 00:14:04.459 --> 00:14:07.528
- That's why we use the word looting.
- 00:14:07.528 --> 00:14:10.331
- It's incremental.
- 00:14:10.331 --> 00:14:12.333
- It's bit by bit.
- 00:14:12.333 --> 00:14:14.369
- It starts in small ways that you can overlook.
- 00:14:14.369 --> 00:14:18.606
- You could maybe find a way to be distracted and think it's not
- 00:14:18.606 --> 00:14:21.809
- That significant.
- 00:14:21.809 --> 00:14:23.144
- If you don't pay attention, ultimately it ends in the
- 00:14:23.144 --> 00:14:25.313
- Destruction of jerusalem and the destruction of the temple and 70
- 00:14:25.313 --> 00:14:28.583
- Years living in a foreign land as slaves.
- 00:14:28.583 --> 00:14:34.022
- The thief comes only to steal, to kill, and destroy.
- 00:14:34.022 --> 00:14:36.691
- I've taken a minute with that because i want to take the next
- 00:14:36.691 --> 00:14:40.361
- Segment and talk a bit about what we're watching around us.
- 00:14:40.361 --> 00:14:44.966
- I believe we are witnessing the looting of america.
- 00:14:44.966 --> 00:14:49.103
- And i don't imagine it's really a political problem.
- 00:14:49.103 --> 00:14:51.472
- I don't believe it's about international events.
- 00:14:51.472 --> 00:14:53.741
- I don't believe it's about technical superiority.
- 00:14:53.741 --> 00:14:57.211
- I don't even think it can be fully understood in economic
- 00:14:57.211 --> 00:14:59.714
- Terms or military terms.
- 00:14:59.714 --> 00:15:02.283
- I think if the people of faith would honor the lord and seek
- 00:15:02.283 --> 00:15:04.919
- The lord and pursue the lord, the generations who follow us
- 00:15:04.919 --> 00:15:08.256
- Could understand freedom and liberty as we have known it.
- 00:15:08.256 --> 00:15:11.793
- I think if we continue in the direction that we're going,
- 00:15:11.793 --> 00:15:15.330
- Those things will be completely forfeited.
- 00:15:15.330 --> 00:15:18.433
- It's happening incrementally.
- 00:15:18.433 --> 00:15:20.068
- Are you watching?
- 00:15:20.068 --> 00:15:23.571
- We have a whole new vocabulary for looting.
- 00:15:23.571 --> 00:15:26.274
- It's almost become recreational.
- 00:15:26.274 --> 00:15:27.675
- It's smash and grab.
- 00:15:27.675 --> 00:15:29.010
- It's like an outing for the weekend.
- 00:15:29.010 --> 00:15:34.015
- Allen: 2024 has almost slipped past us.
- 00:15:37.885 --> 00:15:41.189
- Thank you for your partnership this year.
- 00:15:41.189 --> 00:15:43.024
- It's been the most remarkable season we've ever known together
- 00:15:43.024 --> 00:15:46.361
- And i thank you for your faithful investment of time,
- 00:15:46.361 --> 00:15:49.364
- Energy, and prayers in our ministry.
- 00:15:49.364 --> 00:15:51.532
- Change is taking place in the earth.
- 00:15:51.532 --> 00:15:53.735
- We're seeing it in our own nation.
- 00:15:53.735 --> 00:15:55.069
- God responded to us with tremendous mercy and grace.
- 00:15:55.069 --> 00:15:59.173
- We have leaders that are headed to washington, d.c., to enact
- 00:15:59.173 --> 00:16:02.176
- Changes, to restore a set of values that have brought
- 00:16:02.176 --> 00:16:04.712
- Strength to our nation.
- 00:16:04.712 --> 00:16:06.114
- It's a time of great optimism and hope and anticipation and i
- 00:16:06.114 --> 00:16:10.084
- Believe that's true in the church as well.
- 00:16:10.084 --> 00:16:12.086
- Folks, we can't stand on the sidelines and expect somebody
- 00:16:12.086 --> 00:16:14.856
- Else to be the change.
- 00:16:14.856 --> 00:16:16.724
- We need the presence of god to emerge in our schools, on our
- 00:16:16.724 --> 00:16:19.761
- College campuses, back in our churches.
- 00:16:19.761 --> 00:16:22.597
- And so, i think it's a critical time that we bring the message
- 00:16:22.597 --> 00:16:25.600
- Of the truth of jesus christ.
- 00:16:25.600 --> 00:16:27.468
- It's a hopeful message.
- 00:16:27.468 --> 00:16:28.803
- It's a message of wholeness and healing and deliverance and
- 00:16:28.803 --> 00:16:31.739
- Freedom that we desperately need in our cities, in our
- 00:16:31.739 --> 00:16:35.343
- Communities, wherever god's people gather.
- 00:16:35.343 --> 00:16:37.912
- Join us.
- 00:16:37.912 --> 00:16:39.247
- Let's be a part of what god is doing in the earth and we will
- 00:16:39.247 --> 00:16:41.649
- Celebrate his faithfulness to the people of our generation.
- 00:16:41.649 --> 00:16:45.553
- Thank you for being a part.
- 00:16:45.553 --> 00:16:48.856
- Female announcer: god has uniquely blessed us.
- 00:16:48.923 --> 00:16:51.259
- The best is yet to come.
- 00:16:51.259 --> 00:16:54.128
- God has heard our prayers.
- 00:16:54.128 --> 00:16:56.697
- God has delivered us from oppression.
- 00:16:56.697 --> 00:17:00.468
- We live in a season of shaking, but together we stand, united in
- 00:17:00.468 --> 00:17:06.774
- Heart and purpose to accomplish the will of god in
- 00:17:06.774 --> 00:17:09.977
- Our generation.
- 00:17:09.977 --> 00:17:12.613
- We will not stop.
- 00:17:12.613 --> 00:17:16.517
- Allen: i want to ask you to make a sacrificial investment in
- 00:17:16.584 --> 00:17:19.287
- Our ministry.
- 00:17:19.287 --> 00:17:20.655
- We have a generous partner who'll match every gift between
- 00:17:20.655 --> 00:17:22.723
- Now and the end of the year.
- 00:17:22.723 --> 00:17:24.225
- We're making plans for the year ahead with a boldness and a
- 00:17:24.225 --> 00:17:27.295
- Courage unlike anything we've done in the past.
- 00:17:27.295 --> 00:17:30.198
- We wanna make as clear a statement for the gospel of
- 00:17:30.198 --> 00:17:32.767
- Jesus christ.
- 00:17:32.767 --> 00:17:34.135
- We want to strengthen the church.
- 00:17:34.135 --> 00:17:35.703
- We want to tell the truth in a way that people can rally
- 00:17:35.703 --> 00:17:38.873
- Around it.
- 00:17:38.873 --> 00:17:40.241
- God is moving in the earth, and we intend to participate
- 00:17:40.241 --> 00:17:42.710
- With him.
- 00:17:42.710 --> 00:17:44.078
- I hope you'll join us as we look forward to the new year.
- 00:17:44.078 --> 00:17:47.281
- Thank you in advance for your generous investments in what god
- 00:17:47.281 --> 00:17:50.251
- Is doing.
- 00:17:50.251 --> 00:17:51.586
- God bless you.
- 00:17:51.586 --> 00:17:52.954
- Female announcer: as we step into this new season, let's be
- 00:17:52.954 --> 00:17:55.156
- Faithful to seek god.
- 00:17:55.156 --> 00:17:57.592
- Let's make room for him to refine our hearts so we can join
- 00:17:57.592 --> 00:18:00.928
- Him in what he's doing.
- 00:18:00.928 --> 00:18:02.997
- Pastor allen's new 90 day devotional journal called "set
- 00:18:02.997 --> 00:18:06.934
- Apart for his purposes" can help.
- 00:18:06.934 --> 00:18:09.804
- Each day brings a new scripture, teaching, prayer, and a
- 00:18:09.804 --> 00:18:13.541
- Journaling prompt.
- 00:18:13.541 --> 00:18:14.876
- We'll also send custom page markers so you can flag anything
- 00:18:14.876 --> 00:18:18.179
- You want to revisit.
- 00:18:18.179 --> 00:18:20.047
- Request your copy of "set apart for his purposes" when you
- 00:18:20.047 --> 00:18:22.583
- Donate $50 or more today at or call...
- 00:18:22.583 --> 00:18:34.529
- Allen: now, i don't want to suggest that the looting of a
- 00:18:38.733 --> 00:18:40.635
- Cvs or a grocery store is the essence of what i'm
- 00:18:40.635 --> 00:18:44.305
- Talking about.
- 00:18:44.305 --> 00:18:46.741
- That's not really our problem.
- 00:18:46.741 --> 00:18:48.075
- I mean, it's happening with greater frequencies.
- 00:18:48.075 --> 00:18:49.710
- Retailers are closing places because of our inability to
- 00:18:49.710 --> 00:18:53.948
- Protect them because we have the idea somehow we're entitled.
- 00:18:53.948 --> 00:18:57.718
- And there's not the will or the desire or the intentionality to
- 00:18:57.718 --> 00:19:00.955
- Defend those retail outlets.
- 00:19:00.955 --> 00:19:02.924
- But what i want to suggest to you is that looting on a rather
- 00:19:02.924 --> 00:19:05.660
- Small scale is emblematic of what is happening on a very
- 00:19:05.660 --> 00:19:09.530
- Grand scale.
- 00:19:09.530 --> 00:19:11.899
- Please don't misunderstand me.
- 00:19:11.899 --> 00:19:13.267
- I'm not talking about politics and political parties.
- 00:19:13.267 --> 00:19:15.269
- This has been happening for decades.
- 00:19:15.269 --> 00:19:18.839
- This is a uniparty issue.
- 00:19:18.839 --> 00:19:21.175
- This is a heart issue.
- 00:19:21.175 --> 00:19:23.311
- We may see changes come in the political arena, but the
- 00:19:23.311 --> 00:19:26.380
- Motivation for the change will come from the hearts of
- 00:19:26.380 --> 00:19:28.616
- The people.
- 00:19:28.616 --> 00:19:30.851
- I want to give you some examples of how i imagine america is
- 00:19:30.851 --> 00:19:33.487
- Being looted today.
- 00:19:33.487 --> 00:19:34.822
- One is they're looting our heritage.
- 00:19:34.822 --> 00:19:37.191
- America is the greatest experiment in self-government
- 00:19:37.191 --> 00:19:39.493
- Our world has ever seen.
- 00:19:39.493 --> 00:19:41.862
- That's the truth.
- 00:19:41.862 --> 00:19:43.764
- We are bound together--not by ethnicity, race, or some
- 00:19:43.764 --> 00:19:46.701
- Tribal loyalty.
- 00:19:46.701 --> 00:19:48.202
- We've been united by a worldview, a faith in the god of
- 00:19:48.202 --> 00:19:52.073
- Abraham, isaac, and jacob.
- 00:19:52.073 --> 00:19:53.908
- That's been our story since the founding of this nation.
- 00:19:53.908 --> 00:19:58.713
- We have never been a uniquely christian nation.
- 00:19:58.713 --> 00:20:01.015
- We have always been a very diverse nation,
- 00:20:01.015 --> 00:20:04.285
- Which means everyone doesn't believe the same thing in the
- 00:20:04.285 --> 00:20:07.188
- Same way or worship in the same way, but we have agreed upon a
- 00:20:07.188 --> 00:20:12.126
- Set of values, a worldview which, oh, by the way,
- 00:20:12.126 --> 00:20:16.597
- Were derived from the scripture.
- 00:20:16.597 --> 00:20:19.900
- Principles like the sanctity of human life.
- 00:20:19.900 --> 00:20:23.738
- The very young and the very old, that every life had a dignity.
- 00:20:23.738 --> 00:20:27.541
- The biblical language for it is we're the image bearers of god.
- 00:20:27.541 --> 00:20:33.180
- We have believed in the importance of family.
- 00:20:33.180 --> 00:20:36.417
- We have understood marriage as the foundational contract of
- 00:20:36.417 --> 00:20:39.353
- Our civilization.
- 00:20:39.353 --> 00:20:41.422
- We've believed in equality before the law, that justice
- 00:20:41.422 --> 00:20:45.192
- Should be blind.
- 00:20:45.192 --> 00:20:47.228
- We have believed collectively that it was not okay to steal,
- 00:20:47.228 --> 00:20:51.332
- That you shouldn't lie.
- 00:20:51.332 --> 00:20:53.234
- There was a set of values that bound us together.
- 00:20:53.234 --> 00:20:56.037
- We looked different, we had different accents, but we had
- 00:20:56.037 --> 00:20:59.674
- A heritage.
- 00:20:59.674 --> 00:21:01.776
- That heritage has been looted for years.
- 00:21:01.776 --> 00:21:06.314
- It's been mocked, it's been ridiculed, it's been denigrated.
- 00:21:06.314 --> 00:21:11.786
- Our children have been taught this very systematically.
- 00:21:11.786 --> 00:21:17.358
- Phrases like "christian nationalism" have become
- 00:21:17.358 --> 00:21:19.860
- Derogatory terms.
- 00:21:19.860 --> 00:21:22.563
- Language has been crafted, manipulated to suggest that if
- 00:21:22.563 --> 00:21:25.433
- You love this country and you combine it with an awareness of
- 00:21:25.433 --> 00:21:28.903
- The sovereign and intervention of god, that it's inappropriate.
- 00:21:28.903 --> 00:21:35.276
- In fact, it's told--we're told now, publicly, that
- 00:21:35.276 --> 00:21:38.913
- It's dangerous.
- 00:21:38.913 --> 00:21:42.583
- There's a bit of an aside.
- 00:21:42.583 --> 00:21:44.785
- Christian zionist is another term that is frequently used.
- 00:21:44.785 --> 00:21:48.823
- People suggest that if you believe god has given the land
- 00:21:48.823 --> 00:21:51.859
- Of israel to the jewish people, you're a christian zionist and
- 00:21:51.859 --> 00:21:55.229
- You're dangerous.
- 00:21:55.229 --> 00:21:57.531
- "the jerusalem post" recently printed a list of the top--the
- 00:21:57.531 --> 00:22:03.571
- Most recognized 10 christian zionists in the world.
- 00:22:03.571 --> 00:22:08.242
- They included us.
- 00:22:08.242 --> 00:22:11.011
- I considered it an honor.
- 00:22:11.011 --> 00:22:17.685
- Another way we're being looted is globalism.
- 00:22:17.685 --> 00:22:22.923
- I'm not an isolationist.
- 00:22:22.923 --> 00:22:24.291
- I understand we live amongst the constellation of nations, but
- 00:22:24.291 --> 00:22:28.129
- There has been a relentless march towards a global economy,
- 00:22:28.129 --> 00:22:31.332
- A global currency.
- 00:22:31.332 --> 00:22:33.734
- Both of which require, demand, necessitate the diminishment
- 00:22:33.734 --> 00:22:38.406
- Of america.
- 00:22:38.406 --> 00:22:40.574
- Globalism, to an alarming degree, has hollowed out our
- 00:22:40.574 --> 00:22:44.678
- Sense of purpose.
- 00:22:44.678 --> 00:22:46.714
- It is diminished amongst us things like the dignity of work.
- 00:22:46.714 --> 00:22:50.885
- National exceptionalism has been replaced with selfish ambition.
- 00:22:50.885 --> 00:22:57.691
- It has greatly diminished our manufacturing abilities.
- 00:22:57.691 --> 00:23:00.594
- We just don't make anything anymore.
- 00:23:00.594 --> 00:23:02.930
- I mean, there are some exceptions, but as a general
- 00:23:02.930 --> 00:23:05.332
- Rule, compared to our historic productivity, it is a shadow of
- 00:23:05.332 --> 00:23:09.537
- Our former selves.
- 00:23:09.537 --> 00:23:10.871
- The movement of manufacturing away from america, it really
- 00:23:10.871 --> 00:23:14.108
- Gained tremendous momentum in the '70s, the 1970s.
- 00:23:14.108 --> 00:23:19.280
- Manufacturing began moving off--overseas, offshore.
- 00:23:19.280 --> 00:23:24.051
- As a result, last year, the united states had a deficit of
- 00:23:24.051 --> 00:23:27.888
- Goods and services in excess of $500 billion.
- 00:23:27.888 --> 00:23:34.862
- I wanna give you a little list-- products you'll know.
- 00:23:34.862 --> 00:23:38.699
- Converse shoes, gerber baby food, schwinn bicycles,
- 00:23:38.699 --> 00:23:42.269
- Craftsman tools, under armour-- the sports apparel and
- 00:23:42.269 --> 00:23:47.107
- Equipment company--york peppermint patties.
- 00:23:47.107 --> 00:23:53.914
- How many of those products do you imagine were manufactured in
- 00:23:53.914 --> 00:23:56.817
- The united states?
- 00:23:56.817 --> 00:23:58.853
- Oh, you got a bias, i know.
- 00:23:58.853 --> 00:24:00.988
- None of them.
- 00:24:00.988 --> 00:24:02.623
- None of them.
- 00:24:02.690 --> 00:24:04.024
- All of them, with the exception of gerber, tells us where it was
- 00:24:04.024 --> 00:24:07.027
- The products were made.
- 00:24:07.027 --> 00:24:08.395
- Indonesia, taiwan, central and south america, mexico.
- 00:24:08.395 --> 00:24:14.168
- Gerber doesn't even do that.
- 00:24:14.168 --> 00:24:15.736
- They simply acknowledge that they have company manufacturing
- 00:24:15.736 --> 00:24:19.740
- Factories in 418 places, in 86 different countries.
- 00:24:19.740 --> 00:24:27.047
- The outcome of that is the things like pride in our work,
- 00:24:27.047 --> 00:24:31.051
- Effort, sacrifice, a job well done have evaporated amongst us.
- 00:24:31.051 --> 00:24:37.424
- Globalism has contributed to a great diminishment
- 00:24:37.424 --> 00:24:40.594
- Of nationalism.
- 00:24:40.594 --> 00:24:42.196
- And this isn't just something that's heartfelt, it's being
- 00:24:42.196 --> 00:24:44.164
- Taught in our finest schools.
- 00:24:44.164 --> 00:24:47.868
- Our children are being indoctrinated.
- 00:24:47.868 --> 00:24:52.039
- The pride of country or accomplishment, we're told,
- 00:24:52.039 --> 00:24:55.442
- Are inappropriate.
- 00:24:55.442 --> 00:24:57.478
- And associated with that is the demonization of our history--
- 00:24:57.478 --> 00:25:00.814
- Things like colonialism.
- 00:25:00.814 --> 00:25:02.182
- It wasn't unique to this nation.
- 00:25:02.182 --> 00:25:05.085
- It's a part of the story of civilization's advancement and
- 00:25:05.085 --> 00:25:08.589
- It's been demonized.
- 00:25:08.589 --> 00:25:10.024
- And along with colonialism being demonized, missional activity by
- 00:25:10.024 --> 00:25:14.428
- People of faith has been demonized.
- 00:25:14.428 --> 00:25:16.330
- It's wrong the children are taught.
- 00:25:16.330 --> 00:25:19.833
- Academia often teaches that christian missions are a
- 00:25:19.833 --> 00:25:23.203
- Reflection of an antiquated view of people and culture.
- 00:25:23.203 --> 00:25:26.674
- That we should no longer presume to have a message of salvation
- 00:25:26.674 --> 00:25:30.110
- Which needs to be shared.
- 00:25:30.110 --> 00:25:32.746
- And they'll frequently cite examples, the worst-case
- 00:25:32.746 --> 00:25:35.816
- Examples of people in the name of faith bringing cultural
- 00:25:35.816 --> 00:25:40.020
- Changes that have very little to do with faith.
- 00:25:40.020 --> 00:25:44.758
- Our educational system is being looted.
- 00:25:44.758 --> 00:25:48.596
- Discipline has been removed to a great extent from our schools.
- 00:25:48.596 --> 00:25:51.699
- Parents won't tolerate it.
- 00:25:51.699 --> 00:25:54.168
- Hatred for our history has been--has replaced the love of
- 00:25:54.168 --> 00:25:57.438
- Our country.
- 00:25:57.438 --> 00:25:58.939
- It is being taught in our schools and our universities.
- 00:25:58.939 --> 00:26:03.877
- There isn't anything to be celebrated.
- 00:26:03.877 --> 00:26:08.682
- Judeo christian values have been diminished.
- 00:26:08.682 --> 00:26:12.019
- Marxist, secularist values have been championed.
- 00:26:12.019 --> 00:26:16.724
- Folks, this is not theoretical.
- 00:26:16.724 --> 00:26:20.060
- Education has been perverted to focus on experience, not
- 00:26:20.060 --> 00:26:23.631
- Disciplined preparation for a better future.
- 00:26:23.631 --> 00:26:27.167
- Teachers unions now openly, blatantly, boldly assert
- 00:26:27.167 --> 00:26:31.105
- Authority over children's lives that they believe should
- 00:26:31.105 --> 00:26:34.842
- Supersede parental authority.
- 00:26:34.842 --> 00:26:38.178
- Parents have been largely distracted while the looting has
- 00:26:38.178 --> 00:26:40.748
- Been taking place.
- 00:26:40.748 --> 00:26:43.884
- Our political process has been looted.
- 00:26:43.884 --> 00:26:46.920
- Fair elections--those seem very difficult to secure these days.
- 00:26:46.920 --> 00:26:53.027
- We just concede the fact that there are highly orchestrated
- 00:26:53.027 --> 00:26:55.496
- Schemes to manipulate.
- 00:26:55.496 --> 00:26:57.665
- We accept that as the norm.
- 00:26:57.665 --> 00:26:59.199
- Why would we accept that?
- 00:26:59.199 --> 00:27:01.735
- Allen: jesus was frequently in trouble because he wouldn't keep
- 00:27:01.802 --> 00:27:04.204
- Ungodly rules.
- 00:27:04.204 --> 00:27:05.706
- I don't intend to yield to ungodliness.
- 00:27:05.706 --> 00:27:07.908
- I want the lord to be pleased with us.
- 00:27:07.908 --> 00:27:09.877
- Let's pray.
- 00:27:09.877 --> 00:27:11.245
- Father, we want your approval more than we want the approval
- 00:27:11.245 --> 00:27:13.213
- Of any person or any organization.
- 00:27:13.213 --> 00:27:15.115
- May you be pleased with us in jesus's name, amen.
- 00:27:15.115 --> 00:27:27.294