Pastor Allen Jackson's mission is to help people become fully devoted followers of Jesus Christ.
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Allen Jackson Ministries | Allen Jackson - Breakthroughs Declined (Part 1) | January 21, 2025
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- Allen jackson: we've been working through a study on
- 00:00:08.257 --> 00:00:10.292
- Breakthroughs, those points where god intervenes in
- 00:00:10.426 --> 00:00:13.862
- Our lives.
- 00:00:13.996 --> 00:00:14.163
- Outcomes that can only be explained by god's
- 00:00:15.631 --> 00:00:18.267
- Participation, when there's a-- you arrive at a place in your
- 00:00:18.267 --> 00:00:21.170
- Life and there's really no imagined outcome that's
- 00:00:21.170 --> 00:00:23.472
- Acceptable, without god's intervention.
- 00:00:23.472 --> 00:00:26.275
- What you need is a breakthrough.
- 00:00:26.275 --> 00:00:28.477
- And we've tried to understand that a little better because i
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- Don't think they're random.
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- I don't think they are just arbitrary.
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- I think we can actually make choices that will facilitate
- 00:00:35.284 --> 00:00:38.787
- Those moments in our journey.
- 00:00:38.787 --> 00:00:41.490
- As i worked through the study, and did my preparation, i
- 00:00:41.490 --> 00:00:45.527
- Learned something really unexpectedly, to be honest.
- 00:00:45.527 --> 00:00:49.131
- That, in scripture, there are more breakthroughs that are
- 00:00:49.131 --> 00:00:51.733
- Refused than were accepted.
- 00:00:51.733 --> 00:00:54.903
- The list of people, it seemed to me who were presented with
- 00:00:54.903 --> 00:00:57.306
- Opportunities for that--those breakthroughs, for those
- 00:00:57.306 --> 00:00:59.942
- Interventions from god, and declined them, actually exceeded
- 00:00:59.942 --> 00:01:05.314
- The people that accepted them.
- 00:01:05.314 --> 00:01:08.016
- And i wasn't prepared for that to be something that i learned,
- 00:01:08.016 --> 00:01:11.386
- As i did my work.
- 00:01:11.386 --> 00:01:12.955
- So i want to do a session or two on those breakthroughs that
- 00:01:12.955 --> 00:01:15.757
- Are declined.
- 00:01:15.757 --> 00:01:17.426
- It may seem irrational, or illogical, but as i reflected on
- 00:01:17.426 --> 00:01:21.330
- My own journey, i could see there were places where i've
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- Cooperated with the lord and there are times where i've
- 00:01:23.432 --> 00:01:25.400
- Chosen not to.
- 00:01:25.400 --> 00:01:27.603
- And it's not always between moral and immoral, or godly and
- 00:01:27.603 --> 00:01:30.272
- Ungodly, or good and evil, sometimes there's a sense that
- 00:01:30.272 --> 00:01:33.142
- God puts something in front of you and you're just like, "no,
- 00:01:33.142 --> 00:01:35.110
- I'm busy."
- 00:01:35.110 --> 00:01:36.445
- Or, "i don't really wanna do the work."
- 00:01:36.445 --> 00:01:40.282
- Or, "i don't wanna practice generosity, there."
- 00:01:40.282 --> 00:01:43.652
- Then i take a pass and, in the moment, i wasn't conscious that
- 00:01:43.652 --> 00:01:46.889
- I was actually declining an invitation from god that would
- 00:01:46.889 --> 00:01:50.526
- Have led to something of greater significance, but in hindsight,
- 00:01:50.526 --> 00:01:53.762
- It became pretty evident to me i have done that, more than once.
- 00:01:53.762 --> 00:01:58.267
- I can point to places where i've said "yes" to the lord, but i
- 00:01:58.267 --> 00:02:01.603
- Think the candor to recognize both is very, very important.
- 00:02:01.603 --> 00:02:05.774
- And at this season of my life, i'm determined, with the help of
- 00:02:05.774 --> 00:02:08.644
- God, not to decline any of those invitations.
- 00:02:08.644 --> 00:02:12.047
- I don't wanna leave any of those things unaccepted.
- 00:02:12.047 --> 00:02:16.018
- Too important, too important.
- 00:02:16.018 --> 00:02:18.453
- So my goal, in this session, is to help us understand a little
- 00:02:18.453 --> 00:02:21.657
- Bit about those breakthroughs that have been declined, so that
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- We don't do that.
- 00:02:24.193 --> 00:02:26.195
- And i'll start with a line from a song i bet you learned as a
- 00:02:26.195 --> 00:02:28.864
- Child, i did.
- 00:02:28.864 --> 00:02:30.732
- "jesus loves me, this i know," you know that little chorus?
- 00:02:30.732 --> 00:02:33.969
- You know, i find that i still will hum that or, if i sing,
- 00:02:33.969 --> 00:02:37.039
- It's usually because i'm on the tractor.
- 00:02:37.039 --> 00:02:38.407
- I've got this old, raggedy diesel tractor that makes enough
- 00:02:38.407 --> 00:02:40.742
- Noise to wake people.
- 00:02:40.742 --> 00:02:43.245
- And on that tractor, i feel confident singing.
- 00:02:43.245 --> 00:02:47.482
- Because you've got to be within five or six yards to hear above
- 00:02:47.482 --> 00:02:50.118
- The rattle of the engine, and i feel protected.
- 00:02:50.118 --> 00:02:53.488
- And i'll find myself singing that little chorus, "jesus loves
- 00:02:53.488 --> 00:02:56.525
- Me, this i know, for the bible tells me so.
- 00:02:56.525 --> 00:02:58.994
- Little ones, to him, belong."
- 00:02:58.994 --> 00:03:01.029
- There's comfort in that to me, even at this point in my life.
- 00:03:01.029 --> 00:03:05.367
- And i would have to say to you, i think that's been a
- 00:03:05.367 --> 00:03:07.302
- Predominant message of american evangelicalism, for decades.
- 00:03:07.302 --> 00:03:11.139
- "jesus loves you!
- 00:03:11.139 --> 00:03:13.475
- Jesus loves you.
- 00:03:13.475 --> 00:03:14.843
- Did you know jesus loves you?"
- 00:03:14.843 --> 00:03:16.645
- And you know, it's true he does love you, that's
- 00:03:16.645 --> 00:03:19.881
- Absolutely true.
- 00:03:19.881 --> 00:03:22.251
- But the fact that jesus loves you is not sufficient to ensure
- 00:03:22.251 --> 00:03:25.654
- Your participation in his kingdom, spoiler alert.
- 00:03:25.654 --> 00:03:32.194
- Hell will be filled with people that jesus loved.
- 00:03:32.194 --> 00:03:38.166
- Now, that message we don't talk about as much.
- 00:03:38.166 --> 00:03:41.403
- Breakthroughs that are declined.
- 00:03:41.403 --> 00:03:44.773
- You see, i'm far more aware of this, having spent a few weeks,
- 00:03:44.773 --> 00:03:49.044
- And even months, with the topic.
- 00:03:49.044 --> 00:03:51.380
- So i want to start with a pretty familiar narrative, it's in mark
- 00:03:51.380 --> 00:03:53.915
- Chapter 10, it's repeated in multiple gospels.
- 00:03:53.915 --> 00:03:58.153
- It's this young man, a wealthy young man, a man with authority,
- 00:03:58.153 --> 00:04:01.456
- A godly young man approaches jesus.
- 00:04:01.456 --> 00:04:05.594
- "as jesus started on his way, a man ran up to him and he fell on
- 00:04:05.594 --> 00:04:08.130
- His knees before him."
- 00:04:08.130 --> 00:04:09.498
- So there's a--at the very introduction to this narrative,
- 00:04:09.498 --> 00:04:12.334
- Before you know anything else, this young man is kneeling at
- 00:04:12.334 --> 00:04:14.403
- The feet of jesus, in public.
- 00:04:14.403 --> 00:04:16.204
- When was the last time you knelt at somebody's--before somebody,
- 00:04:16.204 --> 00:04:19.141
- In public?
- 00:04:19.141 --> 00:04:20.909
- Been a day or two, it didn't mean something different in the
- 00:04:20.909 --> 00:04:22.944
- First century than it does, now.
- 00:04:22.944 --> 00:04:25.213
- It's an expression of yielding, it's an expression of honor, all
- 00:04:25.213 --> 00:04:28.317
- Sorts of things.
- 00:04:28.317 --> 00:04:30.185
- "'good teacher,' he asked, 'what must i do to inherit
- 00:04:30.185 --> 00:04:32.554
- Eternal life?'
- 00:04:32.554 --> 00:04:34.656
- Jesus answered, 'why do you call me good?
- 00:04:34.656 --> 00:04:36.291
- No one is good--except god alone.
- 00:04:36.291 --> 00:04:38.393
- You know the commandments: "don't murder, don't commit
- 00:04:38.393 --> 00:04:40.329
- Adultery, don't steal, don't give false testimony, don't
- 00:04:40.329 --> 00:04:42.698
- Defraud, honor your father and mother,"'" he's listing the big
- 00:04:42.698 --> 00:04:46.001
- Ten, you know, the ones we've kind of put away.
- 00:04:46.001 --> 00:04:49.738
- "and he declared, 'teacher, all these i have kept since i was
- 00:04:49.738 --> 00:04:52.974
- A boy.'"
- 00:04:52.974 --> 00:04:54.776
- Wow, imagine having a one-on-one with jesus and saying, "i've
- 00:04:54.776 --> 00:04:58.580
- Kept all the rules."
- 00:04:58.580 --> 00:05:02.718
- Jesus was more polite than i am, he didn't snicker.
- 00:05:02.718 --> 00:05:06.755
- But mark, it gives us an insight.
- 00:05:06.755 --> 00:05:09.624
- In verse 21, it says, "jesus looked at him and he loved him."
- 00:05:09.624 --> 00:05:14.196
- There's a little chorus, "jesus loves me, this i know."
- 00:05:14.196 --> 00:05:22.037
- He loves this man, he tells us that.
- 00:05:22.037 --> 00:05:26.408
- So he's gonna give him an invitation.
- 00:05:26.408 --> 00:05:28.744
- He said, "there's one thing you lack, go and sell everything you
- 00:05:28.744 --> 00:05:31.113
- Have and give to the poor, and you'll have treasure in heaven.
- 00:05:31.113 --> 00:05:35.283
- Then come follow me," there it is.
- 00:05:35.283 --> 00:05:37.552
- "come follow me," it's what he said to peter, it's what he said
- 00:05:37.552 --> 00:05:39.721
- To james, it's what he said to john.
- 00:05:39.721 --> 00:05:42.057
- Their lives were changed.
- 00:05:42.057 --> 00:05:44.092
- They walked away from businesses, families, friends,
- 00:05:44.092 --> 00:05:46.561
- Routines, habits, their whole lives got disrupted.
- 00:05:46.561 --> 00:05:49.598
- "come follow me," he said, and they said, "okay."
- 00:05:49.598 --> 00:05:52.367
- He says the same thing to this young man, godly young man, a
- 00:05:52.367 --> 00:05:56.638
- Man yielded to the authority of jesus, he's inquiring.
- 00:05:56.638 --> 00:06:01.476
- "the man's face fell.
- 00:06:01.476 --> 00:06:03.745
- He went away sad, he had great wealth.
- 00:06:03.745 --> 00:06:07.149
- Jesus looked around to his said to his disciples, 'how hard it
- 00:06:07.149 --> 00:06:09.951
- Is for the rich to enter the kingdom of god!'"
- 00:06:09.951 --> 00:06:14.022
- Then this next phrase intrigues me, it's verse 24, says, "the
- 00:06:14.022 --> 00:06:16.558
- Disciples were amazed at his words."
- 00:06:16.558 --> 00:06:19.294
- They weren't prepared for this.
- 00:06:19.294 --> 00:06:21.663
- I know this feeling a little bit, you know, if you engage in
- 00:06:21.663 --> 00:06:25.033
- Serving the lord, and trying to establish ministry, and the
- 00:06:25.033 --> 00:06:27.402
- Disciples have done that, they want to see jesus's ministry
- 00:06:27.402 --> 00:06:29.604
- Expand, his influence to grow.
- 00:06:29.604 --> 00:06:31.840
- I'm certain that's a part of the nature of this relationship that
- 00:06:31.840 --> 00:06:34.276
- They've engaged in.
- 00:06:34.276 --> 00:06:35.644
- It feels somewhat similar to the world i've spent my adult life
- 00:06:35.644 --> 00:06:39.080
- In, and there are times you meet people and you think, "if that
- 00:06:39.080 --> 00:06:41.850
- Person would get on board with this, they'd use
- 00:06:41.850 --> 00:06:45.220
- Their influence.
- 00:06:45.220 --> 00:06:47.422
- If everybody else saw that person raise their hand and go,
- 00:06:47.422 --> 00:06:50.392
- 'i'm for this, it would make the lift easier.'"
- 00:06:50.392 --> 00:06:54.563
- And when this young man came up, with his authority, with his
- 00:06:54.563 --> 00:06:57.766
- Influence, with his resources, you can almost see the disciples
- 00:06:57.766 --> 00:07:00.602
- Going, "yes!"
- 00:07:00.602 --> 00:07:04.339
- And the young man walks away.
- 00:07:04.339 --> 00:07:06.942
- And jesus said, "it's really difficult for him," and "the
- 00:07:06.942 --> 00:07:09.077
- Disciples are amazed at his words.
- 00:07:09.077 --> 00:07:11.446
- But jesus said again, 'how hard it is to enter the kingdom
- 00:07:11.446 --> 00:07:15.484
- Of god!'"
- 00:07:15.484 --> 00:07:18.253
- "how hard it is to enter the kingdom of god."
- 00:07:18.253 --> 00:07:21.022
- Wait a minute, that's not in the little chorus, "jesus loves
- 00:07:21.022 --> 00:07:24.259
- Me--" "how hard it is to enter the kingdom of god."
- 00:07:24.259 --> 00:07:30.332
- We haven't talked about that, folks.
- 00:07:30.332 --> 00:07:33.602
- I've been in thousands, and thousands of church services.
- 00:07:33.602 --> 00:07:37.239
- I've heard more sermons than you have, and you've suffered!
- 00:07:37.239 --> 00:07:44.012
- And we don't hear very many messages where people say, "you
- 00:07:44.012 --> 00:07:46.448
- Know, it's really not easy."
- 00:07:46.448 --> 00:07:48.783
- Jesus said to his closest friends, "it's hard to enter the
- 00:07:52.921 --> 00:07:56.625
- Kingdom of god."
- 00:07:56.625 --> 00:08:00.161
- He's not finished, "'it's easier for a camel to go through the
- 00:08:00.161 --> 00:08:04.032
- Eye of a needle than for a rich man to enter the kingdom
- 00:08:04.032 --> 00:08:06.134
- Of god.'
- 00:08:06.134 --> 00:08:07.702
- The disciples were even more amazed."
- 00:08:07.702 --> 00:08:10.972
- In verse 24, they were amazed, but in verse 26, mark adds in
- 00:08:10.972 --> 00:08:14.643
- Here, so there's an emphasis, they're even more amazed!
- 00:08:14.643 --> 00:08:17.345
- And they said, "well, then who can be saved?"
- 00:08:17.345 --> 00:08:22.117
- And "jesus looked at them and said, 'with man it's impossible,
- 00:08:22.117 --> 00:08:24.185
- But not with god; all things are possible with god.'
- 00:08:24.185 --> 00:08:31.259
- And peter said, 'we've left everything to follow you!'"
- 00:08:31.259 --> 00:08:33.562
- You got a peter just blah.
- 00:08:33.562 --> 00:08:37.699
- And jesus replied, "i tell you the truth," and you know by now
- 00:08:37.699 --> 00:08:40.368
- When you see that phrase, he's about to drop something
- 00:08:40.368 --> 00:08:42.771
- Completely unexpected.
- 00:08:42.771 --> 00:08:44.573
- "i tell you the truth, no one who has left home or brothers or
- 00:08:44.573 --> 00:08:47.409
- Sisters or mother or father or children or fields for me or the
- 00:08:47.409 --> 00:08:50.145
- Gospel will fail to receive 100 times as much in this
- 00:08:50.145 --> 00:08:53.915
- Present age.
- 00:08:53.915 --> 00:08:56.184
- Homes and brothers and sisters and mothers and children and
- 00:08:56.184 --> 00:08:58.620
- Fields- and with them, persecutions.
- 00:08:58.620 --> 00:09:02.524
- And in the age to come, eternal life.
- 00:09:02.524 --> 00:09:04.960
- The many who were first will be last, and the last will
- 00:09:04.960 --> 00:09:07.495
- Be first."
- 00:09:07.495 --> 00:09:09.297
- That's a fascinating passage.
- 00:09:09.297 --> 00:09:10.632
- We could spend a lot of time here, more than i'm going
- 00:09:10.632 --> 00:09:12.500
- To, today.
- 00:09:12.500 --> 00:09:14.002
- Jesus said one of the things that will come with all the
- 00:09:14.002 --> 00:09:15.770
- Blessings are persecutions.
- 00:09:15.770 --> 00:09:17.472
- We are living in a season where there has been a tremendous
- 00:09:17.472 --> 00:09:20.175
- Initiative demonstrated on behalf of people of faith and
- 00:09:20.175 --> 00:09:23.411
- Organized religion to avoid any kind of persecution.
- 00:09:23.411 --> 00:09:29.217
- We've hidden from the truth.
- 00:09:29.217 --> 00:09:31.753
- We don't want to talk about the truth.
- 00:09:31.753 --> 00:09:34.923
- We prefer our favorite passages.
- 00:09:34.923 --> 00:09:36.591
- We try to be embraced by the culture.
- 00:09:36.591 --> 00:09:38.293
- We want to be loved by the culture.
- 00:09:38.293 --> 00:09:40.528
- We want to be applauded by the culture, folks.
- 00:09:40.528 --> 00:09:42.464
- Holding out the truth will not always bring applause.
- 00:09:42.464 --> 00:09:47.602
- You don't have to be intentionally obnoxious, we do
- 00:09:47.602 --> 00:09:51.539
- That well enough without trying.
- 00:09:51.539 --> 00:09:54.709
- But we have to be willing to tell the truth.
- 00:09:54.709 --> 00:09:57.112
- I want to make an observation from this passage, because it's
- 00:09:57.112 --> 00:09:59.280
- About a very remarkable young man, a man with tremendous
- 00:09:59.280 --> 00:10:01.983
- Potential, a godly young man, a young man interested in serving
- 00:10:01.983 --> 00:10:04.919
- The lord, a man of great resources, a man that jesus
- 00:10:04.919 --> 00:10:08.256
- Loved, specifically.
- 00:10:08.256 --> 00:10:11.092
- Who's given a personal invitation, and yet, he declines
- 00:10:11.092 --> 00:10:15.430
- The breakthrough.
- 00:10:15.430 --> 00:10:17.198
- He takes a pass, it's not convenient.
- 00:10:17.198 --> 00:10:22.637
- And the observation, it seems so simple, but it needs to be
- 00:10:22.637 --> 00:10:25.573
- Noted: not all who reject breakthroughs are wicked
- 00:10:25.573 --> 00:10:28.810
- And ungodly.
- 00:10:28.810 --> 00:10:31.513
- See, i think we've imagined that the categories are "good people
- 00:10:31.513 --> 00:10:34.282
- Say yes to the lord" and "wicked people say no to the lord," and
- 00:10:34.282 --> 00:10:38.053
- It's that neat and clean.
- 00:10:38.053 --> 00:10:40.288
- And we point to these biblical characters, "pharaoh, he refused
- 00:10:40.288 --> 00:10:44.259
- To cooperate with god."
- 00:10:44.259 --> 00:10:45.627
- Yeah, he did.
- 00:10:45.627 --> 00:10:47.195
- Think how different egypt would have been if pharaoh had said to
- 00:10:47.195 --> 00:10:49.364
- Moses, on their first visit, "you're right, we've mistreated
- 00:10:49.364 --> 00:10:52.267
- The hebrew people.
- 00:10:52.267 --> 00:10:54.936
- We will not only release you, we'll give you all the
- 00:10:54.936 --> 00:10:57.072
- Provisions you need to make it to whatever destination you feel
- 00:10:57.072 --> 00:11:00.442
- Led to."
- 00:11:00.442 --> 00:11:02.277
- Imagine the difference that would have met in egypt.
- 00:11:02.277 --> 00:11:06.347
- Imagine if pontius pilate, the roman governor, when he had that
- 00:11:06.347 --> 00:11:09.384
- Private audience with jesus, and said, "listen, i'm a political
- 00:11:09.384 --> 00:11:12.754
- Animal myself, and i see the political jealousy that's being
- 00:11:12.754 --> 00:11:15.957
- Directed at you, and i'm gonna stand up on your behalf."
- 00:11:15.957 --> 00:11:19.461
- Imagine the different future pilate could have had, but we
- 00:11:23.264 --> 00:11:26.167
- Know pilate chose to crucify jesus, and pharaoh chose to
- 00:11:26.167 --> 00:11:29.003
- Persecute the hebrew slaves, and they both suffered greatly for
- 00:11:29.003 --> 00:11:32.741
- It and we put them in the "villains" category.
- 00:11:32.741 --> 00:11:35.176
- But not everybody that rejects, or declines, these
- 00:11:35.176 --> 00:11:38.279
- Breakthroughs, in scripture, in fact, the majority of the people
- 00:11:38.279 --> 00:11:41.182
- Aren't villains.
- 00:11:41.182 --> 00:11:44.586
- They're the covenant people of god, standing on the jordan
- 00:11:44.586 --> 00:11:47.055
- River, looking into the promised land going, "no, thank you."
- 00:11:47.055 --> 00:11:52.494
- And in this particular case, in mark's gospel, it's this rich
- 00:11:52.494 --> 00:11:55.363
- Young ruler.
- 00:11:55.363 --> 00:11:57.065
- Not everybody who rejects breakthroughs are wicked
- 00:11:57.065 --> 00:11:59.968
- And ungodly.
- 00:11:59.968 --> 00:12:01.302
- We have to recalibrate, folks.
- 00:12:01.302 --> 00:12:02.737
- We've got to stop telling our god stories in terms of what we
- 00:12:02.737 --> 00:12:06.508
- Have done, and pointing at our conversion date, and our baptism
- 00:12:06.508 --> 00:12:10.812
- Date, and the bible studies we led, and the times we
- 00:12:10.812 --> 00:12:13.314
- Volunteered, and the dollars that we have given.
- 00:12:13.314 --> 00:12:16.551
- I'm appreciate all of those things, they're a part of my own
- 00:12:16.551 --> 00:12:18.653
- Journey, as well.
- 00:12:18.653 --> 00:12:20.021
- But what's relevant for me today is, "am i gonna say 'yes' to
- 00:12:20.021 --> 00:12:23.391
- The lord?"
- 00:12:23.391 --> 00:12:24.759
- "well, pastor, what are you suggesting, that we earn
- 00:12:27.762 --> 00:12:29.531
- Our way?"
- 00:12:29.531 --> 00:12:30.899
- No, i'm not talking about earning your way to anything,
- 00:12:30.899 --> 00:12:32.233
- I'm talking about saying "yes" to the lord.
- 00:12:32.233 --> 00:12:33.635
- I don't know the ultimate outcome of this young man.
- 00:12:36.704 --> 00:12:39.607
- He steps completely out of the narrative, we don't see
- 00:12:39.607 --> 00:12:41.643
- Him again.
- 00:12:41.643 --> 00:12:43.378
- He may have ended up in the crowds, he may have been a
- 00:12:43.378 --> 00:12:45.613
- Supporter of jesus, i don't know.
- 00:12:45.613 --> 00:12:48.817
- I know he didn't follow him, i know he didn't make it to the
- 00:12:48.817 --> 00:12:50.885
- Inner circle.
- 00:12:50.885 --> 00:12:53.254
- He missed his breakthrough.
- 00:12:53.254 --> 00:12:54.656
- ♪♪♪
- 00:12:54.722 --> 00:13:03.398
- Female announcer: if you look, you'll find good
- 00:13:03.398 --> 00:13:04.999
- News, everywhere.
- 00:13:04.999 --> 00:13:06.901
- Female: our baby was born healthy and strong.
- 00:13:06.901 --> 00:13:10.772
- Female: we have the groceries we need.
- 00:13:10.772 --> 00:13:13.341
- Male: another year cancer-free.
- 00:13:13.341 --> 00:13:16.711
- Female: we bought our first house this year.
- 00:13:16.711 --> 00:13:20.648
- Female: the raise came through, when i needed it most.
- 00:13:20.648 --> 00:13:24.285
- Male: i have a working car.
- 00:13:24.285 --> 00:13:27.889
- Female: my husband came home safe.
- 00:13:27.889 --> 00:13:31.793
- Female announcer: philippians 4 tells us to "think about
- 00:13:31.793 --> 00:13:33.595
- Whatever is true, noble, right, pure, lovely, admirable,
- 00:13:33.595 --> 00:13:39.200
- Excellent, and praiseworthy."
- 00:13:39.200 --> 00:13:41.469
- All of these things honor god and when we take time to notice
- 00:13:41.469 --> 00:13:44.772
- Them, we welcome god's presence, and experience his peace.
- 00:13:44.772 --> 00:13:48.243
- Allen: you know, the two most critical junctures of any
- 00:13:50.411 --> 00:13:52.914
- Enterprise are how we begin and how we conclude.
- 00:13:52.914 --> 00:13:56.384
- So the beginning of a new year is a tremendous opportunity.
- 00:13:56.384 --> 00:14:00.321
- We've prepared a tool we want to share with you.
- 00:14:00.321 --> 00:14:02.090
- It's a "good news journal."
- 00:14:02.090 --> 00:14:03.992
- We wanna help you set a habit this year, to do something with
- 00:14:03.992 --> 00:14:07.896
- A bit more intention than perhaps has been our pattern in
- 00:14:07.896 --> 00:14:10.965
- The past.
- 00:14:10.965 --> 00:14:12.300
- We want to start our year with an attitude of appreciation, and
- 00:14:12.300 --> 00:14:15.370
- Gratitude, for the blessings of god in our lives.
- 00:14:15.370 --> 00:14:18.606
- So we've designed this journal so that you can use it as a part
- 00:14:18.606 --> 00:14:21.609
- Of your devotional it's something you could include the
- 00:14:21.609 --> 00:14:23.544
- Children, the grandchildren, you could take it to work, and
- 00:14:23.544 --> 00:14:26.481
- Create a "good news journal" for the people you work with,
- 00:14:26.481 --> 00:14:29.217
- Wherever that may be.
- 00:14:29.217 --> 00:14:30.551
- Let's start our year out purposefully, intentionally,
- 00:14:30.551 --> 00:14:34.255
- Saying "thank you" to the lord for his goodness to us.
- 00:14:34.255 --> 00:14:37.458
- I know there's challenges, and we have places where we need
- 00:14:37.458 --> 00:14:39.861
- God's help, but we're gonna begin with gratitude, and walk
- 00:14:39.861 --> 00:14:43.765
- Into the blessings of god, in this year.
- 00:14:43.765 --> 00:14:46.467
- I think you'll enjoy the journal, god bless.
- 00:14:46.467 --> 00:14:49.270
- Female announcer: when you keep a "good news list," you'll
- 00:14:49.270 --> 00:14:51.272
- Notice how god is constantly at work, all around you.
- 00:14:51.272 --> 00:14:54.909
- Our new, 52-week "good news notebook" gives you a place to
- 00:14:54.909 --> 00:14:58.846
- Record your good news, prayers you saw god answer, and your
- 00:14:58.846 --> 00:15:02.450
- Current prayer requests.
- 00:15:02.450 --> 00:15:04.218
- As you look back on your lists over the weeks and months to
- 00:15:04.218 --> 00:15:07.088
- Come, you'll find a personal record of god's faithfulness
- 00:15:07.088 --> 00:15:10.024
- To you.
- 00:15:10.024 --> 00:15:11.359
- Allen: we are trusting god for a year like no other, for his
- 00:15:11.359 --> 00:15:13.761
- Breakthroughs, this year.
- 00:15:13.761 --> 00:15:15.129
- I believe the "good news journal" can be a part of our
- 00:15:15.129 --> 00:15:17.265
- Journey, in each of our lives.
- 00:15:17.265 --> 00:15:19.233
- Female announcer: request your "good news notebook" when you
- 00:15:19.300 --> 00:15:21.035
- Donate $20 or more, today, at or by
- 00:15:21.035 --> 00:15:25.173
- Calling...
- 00:15:25.173 --> 00:15:29.010
- Female announcer: we are committed to helping you grow in
- 00:15:32.013 --> 00:15:33.581
- Your faith and have tools for your journey, no matter
- 00:15:33.581 --> 00:15:35.783
- Your schedule.
- 00:15:35.783 --> 00:15:37.118
- Get daily encouragement and insight with pastor allen's
- 00:15:37.118 --> 00:15:39.454
- Daily devotion, right in your inbox.
- 00:15:39.454 --> 00:15:41.222
- Just sign up on the website.
- 00:15:41.222 --> 00:15:42.824
- Join us on one of our livestream services, right from your tv,
- 00:15:42.824 --> 00:15:45.893
- Using the "allen jackson ministries" app.
- 00:15:45.893 --> 00:15:48.329
- Listen to a powerful message through your favorite podcast
- 00:15:48.329 --> 00:15:50.999
- App, perfect for a commute.
- 00:15:50.999 --> 00:15:52.533
- And make sure to follow
- 00:15:52.533 --> 00:15:53.868
- Pastor allen on social media,
- 00:15:53.868 --> 00:15:55.269
- To stay up to date with
- 00:15:55.269 --> 00:15:56.604
- Everything happening here with
- 00:15:56.604 --> 00:15:57.939
- Allen jackson ministries.
- 00:15:57.939 --> 00:15:59.674
- ♪♪♪
- 00:15:59.674 --> 00:16:03.144
- Allen: there's some things you'll need, there's some things
- 00:16:03.144 --> 00:16:04.712
- That'll have to be in place, to be prepared to accept
- 00:16:04.712 --> 00:16:08.082
- The breakthrough.
- 00:16:08.082 --> 00:16:09.417
- I can't spend much time on them, but i can tag them for you.
- 00:16:09.417 --> 00:16:11.853
- As i have walked through this list, one of them is you'll have
- 00:16:11.853 --> 00:16:14.422
- To have the will to bear discomfort.
- 00:16:14.422 --> 00:16:17.125
- It's not always gonna be easy.
- 00:16:17.125 --> 00:16:18.459
- This young man missed it because it wasn't comfortable
- 00:16:18.459 --> 00:16:20.194
- Or convenient.
- 00:16:20.194 --> 00:16:22.397
- And we are way too committed to comfort and convenience, in the
- 00:16:22.397 --> 00:16:26.134
- Context of our faith.
- 00:16:26.134 --> 00:16:28.336
- I can't tell you, you may know, how bent out of shape we get if
- 00:16:28.336 --> 00:16:31.973
- We can't park where we want, or sit where we want.
- 00:16:31.973 --> 00:16:33.875
- We're building more parking, i love you, it's okay!
- 00:16:37.945 --> 00:16:41.716
- But we've got to be honest, folks, we have somehow distilled
- 00:16:41.716 --> 00:16:44.786
- Our faith, it should be easy.
- 00:16:44.786 --> 00:16:48.289
- It should be well-organized, and orchestrated, and i'm for all
- 00:16:48.289 --> 00:16:51.726
- Those things, i love a plan, when it works.
- 00:16:51.726 --> 00:16:54.962
- But we don't serve god, based on comfort and convenience.
- 00:16:54.962 --> 00:16:58.032
- We're gonna have to be willing to bear discomfort.
- 00:16:58.032 --> 00:16:59.867
- That means you'll have to deconstruct disappointments.
- 00:16:59.867 --> 00:17:02.303
- Things won't go the way you like and you can't withdraw.
- 00:17:02.303 --> 00:17:05.206
- Things will happen in your life that god could have prevented,
- 00:17:05.206 --> 00:17:07.809
- Or caused a different outcome to be, and he won't, and some of
- 00:17:07.809 --> 00:17:11.012
- You will be tempted to say, "i'm so disappointed, i quit."
- 00:17:11.012 --> 00:17:17.351
- Please don't do that.
- 00:17:17.351 --> 00:17:21.622
- Serving the lord, joining his kingdom, being a part of what
- 00:17:21.622 --> 00:17:24.292
- God is doing in the earth, doesn't mean it's always easy.
- 00:17:24.292 --> 00:17:27.495
- None of our heroes had it always easy.
- 00:17:27.495 --> 00:17:30.965
- None of them, jesus didn't.
- 00:17:30.965 --> 00:17:36.304
- You'll have to deconstruct those disappointments.
- 00:17:36.304 --> 00:17:38.573
- You'll have to empty yourself of your entitlement.
- 00:17:38.573 --> 00:17:43.111
- Folks, that's a pandemic that makes covid look like a
- 00:17:43.111 --> 00:17:46.447
- Starter set.
- 00:17:46.447 --> 00:17:48.683
- We are entitled.
- 00:17:48.683 --> 00:17:52.086
- "well i just think i deserve--" and out rolls the list.
- 00:17:52.086 --> 00:17:58.426
- And it's amazing, if we've never been here before, "i deserved
- 00:17:58.426 --> 00:18:00.795
- Better treatment.
- 00:18:00.795 --> 00:18:02.163
- I was a guest and they should have known."
- 00:18:02.163 --> 00:18:04.132
- If you've been here for 80 years, "well, i've been there
- 00:18:04.132 --> 00:18:06.067
- For 80 years!"
- 00:18:06.067 --> 00:18:08.102
- It doesn't matter, we just feel entitled.
- 00:18:08.102 --> 00:18:11.239
- And it's not just in church, we just feel entitled.
- 00:18:11.239 --> 00:18:15.810
- You're gonna have to lay that down.
- 00:18:15.810 --> 00:18:18.379
- You're not special, i'm not special.
- 00:18:18.379 --> 00:18:28.022
- "well, we're children of the king!"
- 00:18:28.022 --> 00:18:29.357
- Yes, you are, but you didn't deserve it, you didn't earn it,
- 00:18:29.357 --> 00:18:31.592
- It was a gift.
- 00:18:31.592 --> 00:18:32.960
- You didn't qualify for it.
- 00:18:32.960 --> 00:18:34.295
- If it was merit-based, you wouldn't be in the family.
- 00:18:34.295 --> 00:18:36.130
- We've been pumping this message out, through pulpits, for way
- 00:18:40.268 --> 00:18:43.171
- Too long.
- 00:18:43.171 --> 00:18:45.573
- Folks, you are not entitled.
- 00:18:45.573 --> 00:18:49.043
- I don't want what i deserve.
- 00:18:49.043 --> 00:18:51.012
- I'm not pounding the gavel, demanding justice.
- 00:18:55.016 --> 00:18:59.020
- I'm going to get in the "mercy" line.
- 00:18:59.020 --> 00:19:06.327
- There's something else you need, if you're gonna be able to
- 00:19:10.464 --> 00:19:13.301
- Cooperate with the breakthroughs, and that's a
- 00:19:13.301 --> 00:19:15.002
- Disciplined life.
- 00:19:15.002 --> 00:19:17.872
- You can't be a disciple without discipline, that's not
- 00:19:17.872 --> 00:19:20.007
- Rocket science.
- 00:19:20.007 --> 00:19:21.375
- I know you understand, but it means there's a leaving behind.
- 00:19:21.375 --> 00:19:23.778
- This young man had some things he would have had to
- 00:19:23.778 --> 00:19:25.246
- Left behind.
- 00:19:25.246 --> 00:19:26.847
- There's a separation that comes.
- 00:19:26.847 --> 00:19:28.583
- You will not find god's best, unless you're willing to leave
- 00:19:28.583 --> 00:19:31.886
- Behind some things.
- 00:19:31.886 --> 00:19:33.921
- Not everybody will go that way.
- 00:19:33.921 --> 00:19:37.191
- You hear all kinds of expressions about this, you
- 00:19:37.191 --> 00:19:38.993
- Know, in sports, you hear it in business, you hear it, you know,
- 00:19:38.993 --> 00:19:42.063
- If you're gonna succeed or you're gonna do something that's
- 00:19:42.063 --> 00:19:44.599
- Not just normal, well in in pursuing the lord, if you're
- 00:19:44.599 --> 00:19:49.503
- Looking for the minimal daily requirement, "what's the least i
- 00:19:49.503 --> 00:19:52.173
- Can do and still just get in?"
- 00:19:52.173 --> 00:19:56.244
- Please begin by recognizing how offensive that is.
- 00:19:56.244 --> 00:20:01.148
- Imagine a proposal of marriage, on those terms.
- 00:20:01.148 --> 00:20:05.953
- "would you marry me?
- 00:20:05.953 --> 00:20:08.589
- Before you say 'yes,' i have a follow up question: would you be
- 00:20:08.589 --> 00:20:13.327
- Willing to tell me, what's the very least you would expect
- 00:20:13.327 --> 00:20:16.697
- Of me?
- 00:20:16.697 --> 00:20:18.432
- How often do i have to come home at night?
- 00:20:18.432 --> 00:20:22.570
- How do you define 'faithfulness?'
- 00:20:22.570 --> 00:20:25.339
- Is taking out the trash, like, a make-or-break thing?
- 00:20:29.443 --> 00:20:34.181
- How truthful do i have--"
- 00:20:34.181 --> 00:20:35.516
- Can you imagine, i mean, it's kind of an offensive, right?
- 00:20:35.516 --> 00:20:38.052
- If one of your children said they had proposed to someone and
- 00:20:38.052 --> 00:20:40.254
- That was the response, i think you would say, "run!"
- 00:20:40.254 --> 00:20:45.860
- And yet, we kind of approach god that way.
- 00:20:45.860 --> 00:20:49.430
- "what's the very least i could do and still get, like, in
- 00:20:49.430 --> 00:20:52.566
- The door?
- 00:20:52.566 --> 00:20:54.702
- I don't wanna be, like, an overachiever.
- 00:20:54.702 --> 00:20:56.404
- I don't wanna be, like, a hyper-christian."
- 00:20:56.404 --> 00:20:58.372
- Well we've got them, in our head.
- 00:21:02.176 --> 00:21:05.112
- There's a leaving behind, there's some separation that has
- 00:21:05.112 --> 00:21:07.381
- To come.
- 00:21:07.381 --> 00:21:08.716
- It's a disciplined life.
- 00:21:08.716 --> 00:21:10.851
- The kingdom of god, jesus said, "it's difficult to enter."
- 00:21:10.851 --> 00:21:13.487
- You gotta live with that a little bit.
- 00:21:13.487 --> 00:21:15.756
- "i didn't expect it to be difficult."
- 00:21:15.756 --> 00:21:17.124
- You're not reading!
- 00:21:17.124 --> 00:21:20.094
- It's just not easy.
- 00:21:20.094 --> 00:21:22.797
- This time of year, all of us want to lose five pounds.
- 00:21:22.797 --> 00:21:27.501
- If you don't want to lose five pounds, we don't like you.
- 00:21:27.501 --> 00:21:32.640
- "jesus loves you," i'll sing you the little chorus, but we don't
- 00:21:32.640 --> 00:21:35.409
- Like you.
- 00:21:35.409 --> 00:21:38.379
- But it's not really, like, a mystery, we should eat less and
- 00:21:38.379 --> 00:21:41.015
- Move more.
- 00:21:41.015 --> 00:21:42.750
- But i'm watching late-night tv, looking for a cream i can rub on
- 00:21:42.750 --> 00:21:45.953
- My belly, right?
- 00:21:45.953 --> 00:21:51.258
- And i will pay $19.99 plus shipping and handling.
- 00:21:51.258 --> 00:21:56.330
- I'm looking for my phone, i'm dialing that number,
- 00:21:56.330 --> 00:21:59.066
- They have got me.
- 00:21:59.066 --> 00:22:04.405
- And we do that with our faith, it's difficult stuff, and yet,
- 00:22:04.405 --> 00:22:08.542
- Jesus said, "all things are possible with god."
- 00:22:08.542 --> 00:22:11.645
- And all of my brokenness, and all of my inconsistencies, and
- 00:22:11.645 --> 00:22:14.548
- All of the things that i'm not, nothing is impossible
- 00:22:14.548 --> 00:22:17.418
- Without god.
- 00:22:17.418 --> 00:22:18.786
- Even, god could help me even lead a disciplined life.
- 00:22:18.786 --> 00:22:22.923
- And then i think, if we're gonna have these breakthroughs, it's
- 00:22:22.923 --> 00:22:24.925
- About seedtime and harvest.
- 00:22:24.925 --> 00:22:28.095
- I don't like this part.
- 00:22:28.095 --> 00:22:29.964
- I've confessed before you, before, i could be impatient.
- 00:22:29.964 --> 00:22:33.768
- Microwaves seem really slow to me.
- 00:22:33.768 --> 00:22:35.403
- We invented the microwave 50-years-ago.
- 00:22:35.403 --> 00:22:37.071
- Could we not have improved by now?
- 00:22:37.071 --> 00:22:40.141
- What's beyond the microwave?
- 00:22:40.141 --> 00:22:41.475
- What's faster than a microwave?
- 00:22:41.475 --> 00:22:42.843
- Why does it take a minute and a half for it to boil a cup
- 00:22:42.843 --> 00:22:46.013
- Of coffee?
- 00:22:46.013 --> 00:22:47.882
- Can't we do that in 10 seconds?
- 00:22:47.882 --> 00:22:49.216
- What are we doing?
- 00:22:49.216 --> 00:22:50.584
- Come on!
- 00:22:50.584 --> 00:22:53.020
- And there's something in genesis, god said that as long
- 00:22:53.020 --> 00:22:55.256
- As the earth endures, seedtime and harvest.
- 00:22:55.256 --> 00:22:59.360
- Now, i had the privilege of growing up in a bit of a rural
- 00:22:59.360 --> 00:23:01.996
- Setting, murfreesboro used to be different.
- 00:23:01.996 --> 00:23:06.000
- And so, i got to plant some things, and you know, you can't
- 00:23:06.000 --> 00:23:10.971
- Hurry that.
- 00:23:10.971 --> 00:23:12.339
- I love summertime vegetables, in tennessee, but it's just hard to
- 00:23:12.339 --> 00:23:17.244
- Get good tennessee tomatoes, much before july 4th, because
- 00:23:17.244 --> 00:23:21.782
- If you plant them in february, they're gonna freeze.
- 00:23:21.782 --> 00:23:25.119
- And you gotta wait until you're not gonna have any more frost,
- 00:23:25.119 --> 00:23:27.455
- And maybe you'll get it right one year, so you plant every
- 00:23:27.455 --> 00:23:29.590
- February if you want, but you're gonna lose more tomatoes than
- 00:23:29.590 --> 00:23:31.826
- You grow.
- 00:23:31.826 --> 00:23:34.028
- Seedtime and harvest, and if you're trying to grow oak trees,
- 00:23:34.028 --> 00:23:36.363
- That's a whole different discussion.
- 00:23:36.363 --> 00:23:39.633
- I like trees, i love big, beautiful trees.
- 00:23:39.633 --> 00:23:42.503
- They're amazing to me, they're expressions of the power of god,
- 00:23:42.503 --> 00:23:45.239
- And i just like trees, but, oak trees.
- 00:23:45.239 --> 00:23:50.611
- Seedtime and harvest.
- 00:23:54.148 --> 00:23:56.083
- Jesus used the imagery.
- 00:23:56.083 --> 00:23:57.585
- He said, "you'll receive 100 times as much."
- 00:23:57.585 --> 00:24:00.588
- "as much as what?"
- 00:24:00.588 --> 00:24:01.922
- As much as you sacrifice, as much as you plant.
- 00:24:01.922 --> 00:24:05.226
- Oh, and he said, "and there'll be persecutions."
- 00:24:05.226 --> 00:24:08.996
- Seedtime and harvest means there's sacrifice.
- 00:24:08.996 --> 00:24:11.131
- You have to acquire the land, you have to prepare the land,
- 00:24:11.131 --> 00:24:14.568
- It's hard work.
- 00:24:14.568 --> 00:24:15.903
- Planting and cultivation is just hard work.
- 00:24:15.903 --> 00:24:18.639
- We have become a society that avoids work.
- 00:24:18.639 --> 00:24:20.708
- We don't wanna work.
- 00:24:20.708 --> 00:24:22.710
- We want to recreate, we wanna play, we want to pursue our
- 00:24:22.710 --> 00:24:25.646
- Dreams and passions.
- 00:24:25.646 --> 00:24:26.981
- Folks, all the best things in life are on the other side
- 00:24:26.981 --> 00:24:29.149
- Of "difficult."
- 00:24:29.149 --> 00:24:31.785
- And that's true in the kingdom of god, too.
- 00:24:31.785 --> 00:24:34.855
- And we've got this easy believism.
- 00:24:34.855 --> 00:24:36.991
- Bonhoeffer called it, "men without chests, sloppy grace."
- 00:24:36.991 --> 00:24:42.796
- I believe in the grace and the mercy of god, i'm the poster
- 00:24:42.796 --> 00:24:45.432
- Child for those things, but i intend to be caught giving god
- 00:24:45.432 --> 00:24:48.602
- My best, and i would invite you to a similar path.
- 00:24:48.602 --> 00:24:52.473
- He deserves nothing less than that.
- 00:24:52.473 --> 00:24:55.276
- He gave us his best, so let's decide
- 00:24:55.276 --> 00:24:59.780
- We're gonna do difficult.
- 00:24:59.780 --> 00:25:02.116
- That we don't want to leave any breakthroughs unexplored.
- 00:25:02.116 --> 00:25:05.653
- We are the beneficiaries of the grace of god.
- 00:25:05.653 --> 00:25:07.922
- I wanna look at one more narrative, and i'll do it
- 00:25:07.922 --> 00:25:09.790
- Quickly because i'm rattling on.
- 00:25:09.790 --> 00:25:13.160
- But you can't separate the grace of god.
- 00:25:13.160 --> 00:25:15.629
- The grace is undeserved blessing, unearned merit.
- 00:25:15.629 --> 00:25:19.133
- Things that come to you that have nothing to do with merit.
- 00:25:19.133 --> 00:25:21.835
- If you earned it, it isn't grace.
- 00:25:21.835 --> 00:25:24.605
- And we are creatures of grace, we stand in the grace of god.
- 00:25:24.605 --> 00:25:29.476
- Having said that, if we're going to live out the benefits of
- 00:25:29.476 --> 00:25:32.813
- Breakthroughs, it requires a response of us, and we reject
- 00:25:32.813 --> 00:25:36.884
- More than we accept.
- 00:25:36.884 --> 00:25:40.020
- We decline more breakthroughs, typically, than we accept.
- 00:25:40.020 --> 00:25:44.191
- In john chapter 9, we are introduced to a man who's
- 00:25:44.191 --> 00:25:46.460
- Born blind.
- 00:25:46.460 --> 00:25:48.729
- And jesus extends to him, an opportunity for healing.
- 00:25:48.729 --> 00:25:52.533
- It's uninvited, the man doesn't ask.
- 00:25:52.533 --> 00:25:54.668
- This isn't bartimaeus that screams loudly enough, "have
- 00:25:54.668 --> 00:25:58.038
- Mercy on me!"
- 00:25:58.038 --> 00:25:59.373
- This man says nothing, he doesn't ask jesus.
- 00:25:59.373 --> 00:26:03.944
- The disciples draw jesus's attention to him.
- 00:26:03.944 --> 00:26:07.381
- And jesus, it seems, at first glance, almost makes a mockery
- 00:26:07.381 --> 00:26:10.684
- Of him.
- 00:26:10.684 --> 00:26:12.052
- He smears mud on his face.
- 00:26:12.052 --> 00:26:14.688
- And then he tells him to go wash in the pool of siloam.
- 00:26:14.688 --> 00:26:17.558
- Siloam's at the lowest point in the city of jerusalem.
- 00:26:17.558 --> 00:26:19.960
- Jerusalem is a city built on hills, and siloam is the water
- 00:26:19.960 --> 00:26:23.397
- Source at the lowest point in the city.
- 00:26:23.397 --> 00:26:26.066
- And so jesus is sending a blind man, that he's just smeared mud
- 00:26:26.066 --> 00:26:29.036
- On his face, on a journey through a very crowded city.
- 00:26:29.036 --> 00:26:34.475
- Without explanation, he just says, "go and wash."
- 00:26:34.475 --> 00:26:38.812
- And in the understatement of scripture, it says, "the man
- 00:26:38.812 --> 00:26:40.781
- Went and washed and he came home seeing."
- 00:26:40.781 --> 00:26:42.783
- Allen: i wanna pray with you before we go that god will give
- 00:26:44.351 --> 00:26:46.887
- Us a revelation of himself, beyond church, beyond
- 00:26:46.887 --> 00:26:51.025
- Just information.
- 00:26:51.025 --> 00:26:52.393
- A revelation, something beyond study, to help us understand who
- 00:26:52.393 --> 00:26:55.963
- God is, and his love for us, let's pray.
- 00:26:55.963 --> 00:26:58.899
- Father, i pray that you would give us a spirit of wisdom and
- 00:26:58.899 --> 00:27:01.435
- Revelation, that we might know you better.
- 00:27:01.435 --> 00:27:03.637
- Far beyond sermons, or church, or bible studies, or small
- 00:27:03.637 --> 00:27:07.074
- Groups, by the spirit of god, give us an understanding of your
- 00:27:07.074 --> 00:27:10.544
- Majesty and your power, in jesus's name, amen.
- 00:27:10.544 --> 00:27:14.715
- God bless you.
- 00:27:14.715 --> 00:27:16.150
- ♪♪♪
- 00:27:16.150 --> 00:27:29.997