Pastor Allen Jackson's mission is to help people become fully devoted followers of Jesus Christ.
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Allen Jackson Ministries | Allen Jackson - Living Faith (Part 1) | November 30, 2024
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- Allen jackson: the topic is "living faith," and to be
- 00:00:06.298 --> 00:00:09.201
- Completely candid, i had prepared an outline, at least
- 00:00:09.201 --> 00:00:13.572
- Sketched out the outline that i intended for this evening, and
- 00:00:13.572 --> 00:00:16.475
- When i did the bible reading this morning, i felt like i got
- 00:00:16.475 --> 00:00:20.579
- A whole different perspective just kinda dropped in almost in
- 00:00:20.579 --> 00:00:23.882
- Total, so i'm gonna start.
- 00:00:23.882 --> 00:00:25.217
- If you--i hope you're doing the daily bible reading with us.
- 00:00:25.217 --> 00:00:27.553
- We're in the book of jeremiah, which is not the happiest book
- 00:00:27.553 --> 00:00:29.922
- Of the bible, but it certainly feels like it could have been
- 00:00:29.922 --> 00:00:33.659
- Peeled from the headlines.
- 00:00:33.659 --> 00:00:35.861
- And this was the beginning this morning.
- 00:00:35.861 --> 00:00:37.429
- It's jeremiah 26: "early in the reign of jehoiakim son of
- 00:00:37.429 --> 00:00:42.367
- Josiah the king of judah, this word came from the lord: this is
- 00:00:42.367 --> 00:00:46.905
- What the lord says: stand in the courtyard of the lord's house
- 00:00:46.905 --> 00:00:50.008
- And speak to all the people of the towns of judah who come to
- 00:00:50.008 --> 00:00:53.278
- Worship in the house of the lord," i wanna start by pulling
- 00:00:53.278 --> 00:00:57.282
- Your attention to who this message is for.
- 00:00:57.282 --> 00:01:00.819
- This is the message given to the people who come to the temple to
- 00:01:00.819 --> 00:01:04.156
- Worship, and i think it's a reasonable assumption that the
- 00:01:04.156 --> 00:01:08.527
- People who came to worship would not be unlike the people who
- 00:01:08.527 --> 00:01:11.163
- Come to worship today, which means everybody didn't come
- 00:01:11.163 --> 00:01:14.133
- To worship.
- 00:01:14.133 --> 00:01:16.568
- We have room for a few more, and i'm not casting stones.
- 00:01:16.568 --> 00:01:21.473
- I want you to understand who this message is directed to.
- 00:01:21.473 --> 00:01:25.644
- Whatever is coming after, this is directed to the people who
- 00:01:25.644 --> 00:01:28.380
- Were faithful enough to make the effort to go to the temple
- 00:01:28.380 --> 00:01:31.817
- To worship.
- 00:01:31.817 --> 00:01:34.486
- And god says, "i have something i want to say to you." and we
- 00:01:34.486 --> 00:01:39.324
- Can read on, verse 3, "perhaps they will listen and each will
- 00:01:39.324 --> 00:01:44.496
- Turn from his evil way," the assumption is that the people
- 00:01:44.496 --> 00:01:49.168
- Coming to worship need to turn.
- 00:01:49.168 --> 00:01:54.039
- We make the opposite assumption.
- 00:01:54.039 --> 00:01:57.042
- I mean, without calling names or raising hands, we typically feel
- 00:01:57.042 --> 00:02:00.979
- Pretty good about ourselves, particularly if it's a midweek
- 00:02:00.979 --> 00:02:02.814
- Service and we came to church.
- 00:02:02.814 --> 00:02:05.450
- I mean, we get extra square feet in the mansion in heaven if you
- 00:02:05.450 --> 00:02:07.953
- Come to midweek service, right?
- 00:02:07.953 --> 00:02:13.525
- I mean, there's some joke about wednesday nights don't count.
- 00:02:13.525 --> 00:02:16.228
- I don't remember exactly, but.
- 00:02:16.228 --> 00:02:20.232
- And this is a message given to the people who are coming to
- 00:02:20.232 --> 00:02:23.502
- Worship, and god's expectation is that they will need to turn
- 00:02:23.502 --> 00:02:27.206
- From their evil way, "and then i will relent and not bring on
- 00:02:27.206 --> 00:02:31.009
- Them the disaster i was planning because of the evil they have
- 00:02:31.009 --> 00:02:33.812
- Done," god intends disaster on people that go to worship him,
- 00:02:33.812 --> 00:02:43.522
- "say to them, 'this is what the lord says: if you do not listen
- 00:02:43.522 --> 00:02:47.226
- To me and follow my law, which i've set before you, and if you
- 00:02:47.226 --> 00:02:50.896
- Do not listen to the words of my servants the prophets, whom i've
- 00:02:50.896 --> 00:02:53.565
- Sent to you again and again (though you have not listened),
- 00:02:53.565 --> 00:02:58.503
- Then i will make this house like shiloh,'" shiloh was the
- 00:02:58.503 --> 00:03:01.173
- Location where, when they occupied the--when they first
- 00:03:01.173 --> 00:03:04.710
- Occupied the promised land, it's where they landed.
- 00:03:04.710 --> 00:03:07.179
- It's where the tabernacle was put up.
- 00:03:07.179 --> 00:03:09.982
- And after the tabernacle was destroyed, shiloh
- 00:03:09.982 --> 00:03:12.017
- Became desolate.
- 00:03:12.017 --> 00:03:13.352
- It was empty and abandoned.
- 00:03:13.352 --> 00:03:15.887
- It became pasture for goats.
- 00:03:15.887 --> 00:03:17.990
- "i'll make this house like shiloh and this city an object
- 00:03:17.990 --> 00:03:21.059
- Of cursing among all the nations of the earth."
- 00:03:21.059 --> 00:03:24.363
- That was our introduction to our daily reading today.
- 00:03:24.363 --> 00:03:27.733
- What a happy little passage.
- 00:03:27.733 --> 00:03:32.304
- God said, "if you will listen and turn from evil," these are
- 00:03:32.304 --> 00:03:35.007
- The people coming to worship, "then i will relent and not
- 00:03:35.007 --> 00:03:39.244
- Bring disaster, but if you do not listen," and he says that
- 00:03:39.244 --> 00:03:43.649
- Three times.
- 00:03:43.649 --> 00:03:45.017
- Three times, he says, "you don't listen."
- 00:03:45.017 --> 00:03:48.754
- Hebrew's an ancient language.
- 00:03:48.754 --> 00:03:50.989
- It's simple in some respects, and the emphasis is added
- 00:03:50.989 --> 00:03:54.059
- By repetition.
- 00:03:54.059 --> 00:03:55.927
- Sometimes you'll read in english, he says,
- 00:03:55.927 --> 00:03:57.696
- "listen listening."
- 00:03:57.696 --> 00:03:59.665
- That's an old language saying, "listen carefully."
- 00:03:59.665 --> 00:04:02.834
- And in this case, when he repeats it three times, you
- 00:04:02.834 --> 00:04:05.470
- Don't listen.
- 00:04:05.470 --> 00:04:07.839
- He said, "then you're gonna be left desolate, empty, abandoned,
- 00:04:07.839 --> 00:04:12.678
- And you'll be an object of cursing among all the nations."
- 00:04:12.678 --> 00:04:18.317
- Well, i'm of the opinion, and this would be my opinion, so you
- 00:04:18.317 --> 00:04:21.453
- Could disagree and we could both go to heaven, that there's a
- 00:04:21.453 --> 00:04:24.289
- Political change underway in our nation.
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- My opinion, i think god showed great mercy to us.
- 00:04:27.859 --> 00:04:32.898
- And i shared with you in an earlier session that i felt like
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- The response of the heartland of america was the most
- 00:04:38.670 --> 00:04:43.508
- Overwhelming part to me of what we've been watching these last
- 00:04:43.508 --> 00:04:46.545
- Several days.
- 00:04:46.545 --> 00:04:47.879
- It seemed to me that people who had been less engaged, or
- 00:04:47.879 --> 00:04:50.682
- Disengaged, or disinterested, or for whatever reason in flyover
- 00:04:50.682 --> 00:04:55.487
- Country, blue-collar people, people who more sophisticated
- 00:04:55.487 --> 00:05:00.792
- People often want to call names, i'm delighted to stand in the
- 00:05:00.792 --> 00:05:04.996
- Midst of those people, but it seemed to me they raised their
- 00:05:04.996 --> 00:05:07.199
- Hands and said, "we don't wanna go this way," and that gives me
- 00:05:07.199 --> 00:05:12.270
- Hope because it takes god to stir that in our hearts.
- 00:05:12.270 --> 00:05:15.273
- We've been on a wrong path for a long time that transcends
- 00:05:15.273 --> 00:05:18.677
- Politicians and parties.
- 00:05:18.677 --> 00:05:20.879
- We've been making bad decisions for a long time, and we had an
- 00:05:20.879 --> 00:05:24.449
- Unprecedented number of people stand up.
- 00:05:24.449 --> 00:05:26.518
- So to think about this in terms of politicians, or candidates,
- 00:05:26.518 --> 00:05:29.821
- Or even parties i believe is a, is a very narrow understanding
- 00:05:29.821 --> 00:05:33.859
- Of what we're witnessing.
- 00:05:33.859 --> 00:05:36.895
- I think it's god's mercy that awakens us enough, 'cause we
- 00:05:36.895 --> 00:05:40.332
- Still live with a bit of a representative form
- 00:05:40.332 --> 00:05:42.467
- Of government.
- 00:05:42.467 --> 00:05:43.802
- We get to choose our leaders.
- 00:05:43.802 --> 00:05:45.971
- And i don't know of anything but the mercy of god that would
- 00:05:45.971 --> 00:05:48.874
- Allow a political change to perhaps be underway, a political
- 00:05:48.874 --> 00:05:52.878
- Change, yes.
- 00:05:52.878 --> 00:05:54.212
- I think what's still in question is if a policy change will be
- 00:05:54.212 --> 00:05:57.983
- Enacted, and i say that because we're still in the point--it's
- 00:05:57.983 --> 00:06:02.087
- Like the introductions before the an athletic event.
- 00:06:02.087 --> 00:06:06.758
- It's like the introductions before a big football game or a
- 00:06:06.758 --> 00:06:08.760
- Big basketball game.
- 00:06:08.760 --> 00:06:10.095
- You know, they turn all the lights off, and they turn on the
- 00:06:10.095 --> 00:06:12.097
- Spotlights, and they introduce the players, and there's smoke
- 00:06:12.097 --> 00:06:14.599
- And sparks.
- 00:06:14.599 --> 00:06:16.468
- If it's your team, you're screaming, "this is awesome!
- 00:06:16.468 --> 00:06:19.204
- We're wonderful.
- 00:06:19.204 --> 00:06:20.539
- We're gonna crush the enemy," right?
- 00:06:20.539 --> 00:06:23.141
- Everybody looks good when you introduce the teams.
- 00:06:23.141 --> 00:06:28.146
- We're all heroes.
- 00:06:28.146 --> 00:06:29.514
- We're all filled with optimism.
- 00:06:29.514 --> 00:06:30.849
- We're betting on our team, i mean, not really, you're just.
- 00:06:30.849 --> 00:06:35.821
- But everybody's, you know, excited when you introduce
- 00:06:35.821 --> 00:06:38.690
- The team.
- 00:06:38.690 --> 00:06:40.058
- But then when they actually, when the competition begins, and
- 00:06:40.058 --> 00:06:43.562
- There's adversaries, and there's opposition, and you need
- 00:06:43.562 --> 00:06:47.532
- Referees 'cause everybody didn't play fair and people are looking
- 00:06:47.532 --> 00:06:50.469
- For advantages, we haven't gotten to that part yet, and it
- 00:06:50.469 --> 00:06:56.041
- Isn't clear whether there will actually be policy
- 00:06:56.041 --> 00:06:58.877
- Changes enacted.
- 00:06:58.877 --> 00:07:02.280
- Well, the question that i think is most germane, and it's really
- 00:07:02.280 --> 00:07:06.518
- Where this lesson comes from, is will there be a spiritual change
- 00:07:06.518 --> 00:07:09.754
- Of equal or greater magnitude?
- 00:07:09.754 --> 00:07:12.591
- I've been saying to you for months, years now, that i don't
- 00:07:12.591 --> 00:07:14.926
- Think our problems are fundamentally political.
- 00:07:14.926 --> 00:07:17.362
- I believe the fundamental challenge we have is a
- 00:07:17.362 --> 00:07:20.031
- Spiritual problem.
- 00:07:20.031 --> 00:07:22.334
- And many people i know have been rather excited about the
- 00:07:22.334 --> 00:07:25.437
- Political realignment and the potential of policy changes.
- 00:07:25.437 --> 00:07:29.641
- They think it's wonderful, and i'm okay with that.
- 00:07:29.641 --> 00:07:34.279
- But i'm telling you, if we don't make the underlying spiritual
- 00:07:34.279 --> 00:07:37.816
- Changes, there's no policy change that will be enacted that
- 00:07:37.816 --> 00:07:40.485
- Will be held.
- 00:07:40.485 --> 00:07:43.655
- The current president elect has been president before, and i
- 00:07:43.655 --> 00:07:48.894
- Don't think his policies are dramatically different.
- 00:07:48.894 --> 00:07:51.463
- And the last time when he left office, within 30 days, a
- 00:07:51.463 --> 00:07:53.999
- Significant majority of his policies were completely undone
- 00:07:53.999 --> 00:07:59.037
- Because we didn't have the heart change.
- 00:07:59.037 --> 00:08:02.073
- And you say, "well, wait a minute, i'm not the person that
- 00:08:02.073 --> 00:08:03.775
- Needs to change." well, i hear you, but god's message was to
- 00:08:03.775 --> 00:08:08.680
- The people who came to the temple, not to the pagans
- 00:08:08.680 --> 00:08:10.815
- Who didn't.
- 00:08:10.815 --> 00:08:13.285
- He didn't say, "go home and tell all the backsliders that stayed
- 00:08:13.285 --> 00:08:15.620
- Home and washed their car," he didn't say, "go home and talk to
- 00:08:15.620 --> 00:08:20.091
- All your friends that were hungover from saturday night at
- 00:08:20.091 --> 00:08:22.160
- The ball game," he said, "tell the people that come to worship,
- 00:08:22.160 --> 00:08:27.933
- 'if you don't change,'" and so, i wanna submit to you that while
- 00:08:27.933 --> 00:08:34.339
- We're watching with some interest all of these attempts
- 00:08:34.339 --> 00:08:37.175
- At significant policy changes that we think will make our
- 00:08:37.175 --> 00:08:40.178
- Futures better that the greatest need is gonna be a
- 00:08:40.178 --> 00:08:44.449
- Change in our hearts.
- 00:08:44.449 --> 00:08:47.018
- I'll give you a real practical example.
- 00:08:47.018 --> 00:08:48.687
- They selected a candidate for the secretary of defense
- 00:08:48.687 --> 00:08:51.156
- Yesterday from middle tennessee.
- 00:08:51.156 --> 00:08:56.661
- Yeah, okay.
- 00:08:56.661 --> 00:09:03.702
- And i don't know what he said as a--in that office, but i've
- 00:09:03.702 --> 00:09:07.505
- Heard statements from him in the past that he said he didn't
- 00:09:07.505 --> 00:09:10.875
- Believe women should be included in forward posit--forward combat
- 00:09:10.875 --> 00:09:16.715
- Positions, that for many reasons it's a challenge.
- 00:09:16.715 --> 00:09:23.555
- And somebody said that to me today, and they said, "boy,
- 00:09:23.555 --> 00:09:25.523
- That's a wonderful policy."
- 00:09:25.523 --> 00:09:28.860
- And i thought to myself, wow, you know, we're gonna ask
- 00:09:28.860 --> 00:09:31.429
- Somebody to put their career on the line to stand up for
- 00:09:31.429 --> 00:09:34.532
- Something when, within the church, we have been mostly for
- 00:09:34.532 --> 00:09:36.868
- The most part unwilling to talk about gender roles.
- 00:09:36.868 --> 00:09:44.109
- Don't everybody shout "amen" at once.
- 00:09:44.109 --> 00:09:46.111
- It could distract our guests and visitors.
- 00:09:46.111 --> 00:09:50.348
- In the broader church, we just don't wanna have
- 00:09:50.348 --> 00:09:52.951
- That discussion.
- 00:09:52.951 --> 00:09:54.285
- Surely, there's some, you know, there's some way we can
- 00:09:54.285 --> 00:09:56.287
- Understand it culturally, where it doesn't mean what it says,
- 00:09:56.287 --> 00:09:58.857
- And, you know, we can get around it.
- 00:09:58.857 --> 00:10:01.526
- And i'm telling you that it is illegitimate to imagine that we
- 00:10:01.526 --> 00:10:05.664
- Can ask people to enact policies on our behalf if we're not
- 00:10:05.664 --> 00:10:09.734
- Willing to engage the biblical principles around our kitchen
- 00:10:09.734 --> 00:10:12.303
- Table and our holiday table.
- 00:10:12.303 --> 00:10:15.507
- If we want a more moral government, we're gonna have to
- 00:10:15.507 --> 00:10:17.742
- Have more moral table conversations.
- 00:10:17.742 --> 00:10:21.846
- That's the reality.
- 00:10:21.846 --> 00:10:25.283
- And my great concern as i read jeremiah is this pleading that
- 00:10:26.584 --> 00:10:31.322
- God is doing with his people.
- 00:10:31.322 --> 00:10:34.325
- He's saying, "go tell them if they will listen, things will be
- 00:10:34.325 --> 00:10:38.730
- Really good, but if they don't listen, if they don't listen, if
- 00:10:38.730 --> 00:10:44.569
- They don't listen," he says it over and over, it isn't subtle,
- 00:10:44.569 --> 00:10:50.241
- "it will be awful, and i will be the one that makes it awful."
- 00:10:50.241 --> 00:10:56.581
- I believe we have received mercy, not political mercy,
- 00:10:56.581 --> 00:11:02.554
- I believe the mercy of god.
- 00:11:02.554 --> 00:11:04.756
- I look forward to the day when we can choose between political
- 00:11:04.756 --> 00:11:07.525
- Parties that both reflect biblical worldviews.
- 00:11:07.525 --> 00:11:10.028
- There's just nuance, and subtlety, and difference in how
- 00:11:10.028 --> 00:11:13.031
- It's applied.
- 00:11:13.031 --> 00:11:15.166
- We have lived that way at one time.
- 00:11:15.166 --> 00:11:19.037
- But we have received mercy, but now i believe that the real
- 00:11:19.037 --> 00:11:22.607
- Difference has to come from the hearts of god's people.
- 00:11:22.607 --> 00:11:26.377
- Because when we're done with the introductions, and the
- 00:11:26.377 --> 00:11:29.714
- Sparklers, and the spotlights swirling around the stadium,
- 00:11:29.714 --> 00:11:33.184
- We're left with the hard work of initiating change, and we all
- 00:11:33.184 --> 00:11:40.291
- Understand that change faces great resistance.
- 00:11:40.291 --> 00:11:47.098
- Change in the church faces great resistance.
- 00:11:47.098 --> 00:11:51.936
- If i told you you could not sit in your favorite seat, many of
- 00:11:51.936 --> 00:11:58.109
- You would contemplate a new church 'cause you're quite
- 00:11:58.109 --> 00:12:06.684
- Confident the holy spirit only visits about three seats in the
- 00:12:06.684 --> 00:12:09.554
- Entire complex.
- 00:12:09.554 --> 00:12:15.193
- Change is not easy for us!
- 00:12:15.193 --> 00:12:19.464
- Imagine doing it on a broader level.
- 00:12:19.464 --> 00:12:26.738
- Allen: i want to take just a moment to say thank you.
- 00:12:30.809 --> 00:12:33.211
- In a year of political turmoil and confusion and wars and
- 00:12:33.211 --> 00:12:37.048
- Rumors of wars, because of your partnership,
- 00:12:37.048 --> 00:12:39.617
- Your generosity, your prayers, your encouragement,
- 00:12:39.617 --> 00:12:42.821
- We have done more for the gospel than any year
- 00:12:42.821 --> 00:12:45.190
- In our ministry so far.
- 00:12:45.190 --> 00:12:46.658
- We started a whole new genre of programing.
- 00:12:46.658 --> 00:12:49.027
- Allen jackson now does a daily review of headlines
- 00:12:49.027 --> 00:12:51.863
- From a biblical worldview.
- 00:12:51.863 --> 00:12:53.498
- We've started a new podcast, "culture & christianity," to
- 00:12:53.498 --> 00:12:56.167
- Help stabilize god's people in the midst of all the confusion.
- 00:12:56.167 --> 00:13:00.238
- All of that because of your faithfulness,
- 00:13:00.238 --> 00:13:02.073
- Your generosity, your prayers.
- 00:13:02.073 --> 00:13:03.808
- Thank you so much.
- 00:13:03.808 --> 00:13:05.376
- As we come to the end of this year, i want to ask
- 00:13:05.376 --> 00:13:07.312
- You to prayerfully consider making a sacrificial
- 00:13:07.312 --> 00:13:09.814
- Investment in what's next.
- 00:13:09.814 --> 00:13:12.350
- We want to take those programs, share them in new
- 00:13:12.350 --> 00:13:14.986
- Places with more people.
- 00:13:14.986 --> 00:13:16.821
- We want to continue to be creative in how we share the
- 00:13:16.821 --> 00:13:19.824
- Good news of jesus christ.
- 00:13:19.824 --> 00:13:21.759
- A generous partner makes it possible.
- 00:13:21.759 --> 00:13:23.361
- Every gift you give will be matched.
- 00:13:23.361 --> 00:13:25.096
- It doubles your gift between now and the end of the year.
- 00:13:25.096 --> 00:13:27.799
- Let me thank you in advance for what we've been doing and what
- 00:13:27.799 --> 00:13:30.635
- God's going to do with our lives and our partnership
- 00:13:30.635 --> 00:13:33.271
- Together in 2025.
- 00:13:33.271 --> 00:13:35.707
- Thank you and god bless you.
- 00:13:35.707 --> 00:13:38.109
- Female announcer: god is moving in major ways in the
- 00:13:38.176 --> 00:13:40.144
- Ministry and our world.
- 00:13:40.144 --> 00:13:42.680
- As we watched the 2024 election unfold,
- 00:13:42.680 --> 00:13:45.583
- We witnessed a miracle.
- 00:13:45.583 --> 00:13:47.485
- God has heard our prayers.
- 00:13:47.485 --> 00:13:49.621
- He has shown us his mercy.
- 00:13:49.621 --> 00:13:51.856
- We're entering a new era with new leaders,
- 00:13:51.856 --> 00:13:54.859
- But it's not a time to rest.
- 00:13:54.859 --> 00:13:57.095
- Our assignment hasn't changed.
- 00:13:57.095 --> 00:13:59.130
- In fact, it's as urgent as ever.
- 00:13:59.130 --> 00:14:02.166
- You and i have been set apart by god for his purposes,
- 00:14:02.166 --> 00:14:05.603
- And there's a lot for us to do.
- 00:14:05.603 --> 00:14:07.872
- Allen: i believe when god shows you mercy,
- 00:14:07.872 --> 00:14:12.243
- He gives with it an opportunity.
- 00:14:12.243 --> 00:14:15.013
- I want us to quietly say to the lord, "here am i.
- 00:14:15.013 --> 00:14:24.789
- Let me go.
- 00:14:24.789 --> 00:14:27.191
- Let me go back to where i work in the name of jesus.
- 00:14:27.191 --> 00:14:31.029
- Let me go back into my neighborhood
- 00:14:31.029 --> 00:14:32.597
- In the name of jesus."
- 00:14:32.597 --> 00:14:35.233
- God himself has shown us grace, and it will require of us
- 00:14:35.233 --> 00:14:43.007
- Greater strength and greater courage than we have ever had to
- 00:14:43.007 --> 00:14:47.211
- Attach to our faith before.
- 00:14:47.211 --> 00:14:50.815
- Let's go. let's go.
- 00:14:50.815 --> 00:14:54.819
- Announcer: let's set our hearts on preparing for what's
- 00:14:54.886 --> 00:14:57.221
- Next with pastor allen's brand-new 90-day devotional
- 00:14:57.221 --> 00:15:00.858
- Called "set apart for his purposes."
- 00:15:00.858 --> 00:15:03.528
- It will help us seek god so we can recognize his voice and
- 00:15:03.528 --> 00:15:06.898
- Consistently choose to follow him.
- 00:15:06.898 --> 00:15:08.800
- Each day includes scripture, a short teaching,
- 00:15:08.800 --> 00:15:11.336
- And a prayer, followed by a journaling prompt and room
- 00:15:11.336 --> 00:15:14.672
- To write and reflect.
- 00:15:14.672 --> 00:15:16.140
- Let's get ready for the season ahead.
- 00:15:16.140 --> 00:15:18.276
- Request your copy of "set apart for his purposes" when you
- 00:15:18.276 --> 00:15:21.412
- Donate $50 or more today at or by calling
- 00:15:21.412 --> 00:15:25.683
- ...
- 00:15:25.683 --> 00:15:29.887
- Allen: let's go back to that passage, the very first verse:
- 00:15:31.489 --> 00:15:33.424
- "early in the reign of jehoiakim the son of josiah the king of
- 00:15:33.424 --> 00:15:37.495
- Judah," josiah is one of the good kings.
- 00:15:37.495 --> 00:15:42.533
- His son is reigning in judah now.
- 00:15:42.533 --> 00:15:45.903
- His son will watch the destruction of jerusalem.
- 00:15:45.903 --> 00:15:50.308
- He'll be taken captive.
- 00:15:50.308 --> 00:15:53.177
- But i wanted to go back to josiah's life, because josiah's
- 00:15:53.177 --> 00:15:57.749
- Choices brought a season of opportunity to the
- 00:15:57.749 --> 00:16:01.519
- Entire nation.
- 00:16:01.519 --> 00:16:03.921
- And my prayer for us is that we will make decisions in the
- 00:16:03.921 --> 00:16:07.959
- Months ahead of us that would enable the blessings of god to
- 00:16:07.959 --> 00:16:12.063
- Be extended, because i'm very confident that if we receive the
- 00:16:12.063 --> 00:16:17.101
- Mercy of god, and the kindness of god, and the grace of god and
- 00:16:17.101 --> 00:16:21.372
- We return to our familiar patterns that we will face the
- 00:16:21.372 --> 00:16:26.411
- Judgment of god.
- 00:16:26.411 --> 00:16:29.247
- Now, i understand we don't think we're the problem, which is the
- 00:16:29.247 --> 00:16:33.284
- Root of the problem.
- 00:16:33.284 --> 00:16:36.154
- We're convinced we're born again, and spirit-filled, and
- 00:16:36.154 --> 00:16:38.689
- Water baptized, and church attending, and bible carrying.
- 00:16:38.689 --> 00:16:42.360
- How could we contribute to the problem?
- 00:16:42.360 --> 00:16:44.662
- And yet god said to the people that were coming to the temple,
- 00:16:44.662 --> 00:16:50.668
- "tell them everything i command.
- 00:16:50.668 --> 00:16:52.437
- You don't omit a word.
- 00:16:52.437 --> 00:16:53.771
- If they will, each one." he didn't say "some of them."
- 00:16:53.771 --> 00:16:57.008
- He said, "each one of them needs to turn."
- 00:16:57.008 --> 00:17:00.244
- So here's the simple little prayer.
- 00:17:00.244 --> 00:17:02.113
- If you don't hear anything else i say, and i'm probably not
- 00:17:02.113 --> 00:17:04.615
- Gonna finish all those scriptures, but they're all
- 00:17:04.615 --> 00:17:07.385
- About josiah, here's the simple prayer: "god, if--help me see
- 00:17:07.385 --> 00:17:11.889
- The places where i need to turn."
- 00:17:11.889 --> 00:17:15.526
- And imagine that it's as
- 00:17:15.526 --> 00:17:17.195
- Important as whatever your favorite policy transformation
- 00:17:17.195 --> 00:17:21.432
- Will be.
- 00:17:21.432 --> 00:17:23.601
- If you think closing the border is important, ask the lord where
- 00:17:23.601 --> 00:17:27.038
- You've left an open border.
- 00:17:27.038 --> 00:17:30.541
- Ask the lord where you're allowing things into your life,
- 00:17:30.541 --> 00:17:33.277
- Your heart, your thoughts, your family system that are making
- 00:17:33.277 --> 00:17:38.716
- You vulnerable or diminishing your potential in the kingdom
- 00:17:38.716 --> 00:17:42.353
- Of god.
- 00:17:42.353 --> 00:17:44.889
- If you think it's fiscal policy that needs to be changed and
- 00:17:44.889 --> 00:17:48.192
- You're waiting for that one to break through, ask the lord,
- 00:17:48.192 --> 00:17:51.129
- "lord, is there any way that i manage my resources, my time, my
- 00:17:51.129 --> 00:17:54.632
- Money, my," you understand?
- 00:17:54.632 --> 00:17:57.768
- Give god permission.
- 00:17:57.768 --> 00:17:59.203
- Let's decide we're going to be the people who are transformed.
- 00:17:59.203 --> 00:18:05.009
- It doesn't have to be the majority.
- 00:18:05.009 --> 00:18:07.211
- There is an authority in truth.
- 00:18:07.211 --> 00:18:10.948
- And if the people of god will take seriously this expression
- 00:18:10.948 --> 00:18:14.619
- Of mercy, it's very seldom, if ever the majority.
- 00:18:14.619 --> 00:18:21.526
- When god delivered the hebrew slaves from egypt, they didn't
- 00:18:21.526 --> 00:18:26.197
- Get--they only got three days out of egypt before the whole
- 00:18:26.197 --> 00:18:30.301
- Crowd was grumbling and wanted new leadership, three days.
- 00:18:30.301 --> 00:18:39.310
- I'm thinking plague-stirring, water-parting.
- 00:18:39.310 --> 00:18:44.448
- That's not bad for a beginning leadership class.
- 00:18:44.448 --> 00:18:49.887
- And they said, "we should have just stayed where we were."
- 00:18:49.887 --> 00:18:53.324
- And it persists all the way through the journey.
- 00:18:53.324 --> 00:18:58.129
- I mean, one day the earth opens up and swallows thousands and
- 00:18:58.129 --> 00:19:01.699
- Thousands of them, and the next morning, there's a new
- 00:19:01.699 --> 00:19:04.035
- Complaint line.
- 00:19:04.035 --> 00:19:06.704
- I mean, they're not only grumpy, they're not the brightest bulbs
- 00:19:06.704 --> 00:19:09.473
- In the box.
- 00:19:09.473 --> 00:19:12.710
- So this is not about the majority.
- 00:19:12.710 --> 00:19:14.679
- I'm asking you if you're willing to be different.
- 00:19:14.679 --> 00:19:18.716
- We've been in camouflage for too long.
- 00:19:18.716 --> 00:19:20.918
- We've blended in for too long.
- 00:19:20.918 --> 00:19:22.787
- We've been too far in the world with too little fear of god.
- 00:19:22.787 --> 00:19:27.291
- He has given us an opportunity.
- 00:19:27.291 --> 00:19:31.062
- He has given us an opportunity, and how we respond is more
- 00:19:31.062 --> 00:19:35.333
- Important than what our elected officials do.
- 00:19:35.333 --> 00:19:39.570
- Because god will raise up additional people.
- 00:19:39.570 --> 00:19:42.306
- He will create opportunities for the truth.
- 00:19:42.306 --> 00:19:44.375
- He will bring down strongholds, and principalities, and powers
- 00:19:44.375 --> 00:19:48.212
- In response to his people, or he will make us desolate.
- 00:19:48.212 --> 00:19:54.151
- And i know i'm preaching to the choir, but it's the choir that
- 00:19:54.151 --> 00:19:56.621
- Has to sing.
- 00:19:56.621 --> 00:20:00.958
- If you preach to the people in the pews and you expect them to
- 00:20:00.958 --> 00:20:03.427
- Be the choir, it's not gonna go well.
- 00:20:03.427 --> 00:20:06.230
- The best chance is to take the people who have the abilities,
- 00:20:06.230 --> 00:20:08.899
- And the gifts, and the desires, and have presented, and if
- 00:20:08.899 --> 00:20:11.502
- Prepared, if we get the message right, god will use whatever he
- 00:20:11.502 --> 00:20:15.940
- Chooses to bring forth.
- 00:20:15.940 --> 00:20:20.711
- So josiah, it's really a little window into the people of god
- 00:20:20.711 --> 00:20:25.149
- And how god brings change.
- 00:20:25.149 --> 00:20:27.118
- It's in 2 kings 22, but it's really all driven out of what
- 00:20:27.118 --> 00:20:30.054
- You read in jeremiah, because the people that jeremiah is
- 00:20:30.054 --> 00:20:32.723
- Speaking to, they know who josiah is the same way you know
- 00:20:32.723 --> 00:20:35.726
- Who joe biden is or donald trump.
- 00:20:35.726 --> 00:20:38.963
- They're as familiar with their legacies, and their stories, and
- 00:20:38.963 --> 00:20:41.866
- The events surrounding their lives as you would be with
- 00:20:41.866 --> 00:20:43.901
- Modern-day politicians.
- 00:20:43.901 --> 00:20:46.871
- I smile when people say the bible isn't about leadership.
- 00:20:46.871 --> 00:20:54.412
- Which bible?
- 00:20:54.412 --> 00:20:56.881
- Not the holy one.
- 00:20:56.881 --> 00:20:59.050
- In 2 kings 22, it says, "josiah was eight years old when he
- 00:20:59.050 --> 00:21:02.787
- Became king, and he reigned in jerusalem thirty-one years.
- 00:21:02.787 --> 00:21:07.792
- His mother's name was jedidah the daughter of somebody; and
- 00:21:07.792 --> 00:21:11.295
- She was from somewhere," excuse me, "and he did what was right
- 00:21:11.295 --> 00:21:18.002
- In the eyes of the lord and he walked in all the ways of his
- 00:21:18.002 --> 00:21:20.805
- Father david, not turning aside to the right or to the left."
- 00:21:20.805 --> 00:21:25.242
- Verse 2, that's the money line: "josiah did what was right in
- 00:21:25.242 --> 00:21:30.948
- The eyes of the lord."
- 00:21:30.948 --> 00:21:32.850
- Here's the que--this is the $64,000 question for every one
- 00:21:32.850 --> 00:21:36.120
- Of us: are we willing to do what's right in the eyes of
- 00:21:36.120 --> 00:21:38.222
- The lord?
- 00:21:38.222 --> 00:21:42.159
- I mean, i know we're in church and the answers go, "well,
- 00:21:42.159 --> 00:21:44.795
- Absolutely, pastor."
- 00:21:44.795 --> 00:21:48.332
- But how much, how much infiltration of
- 00:21:48.332 --> 00:21:52.203
- Culture do we have?
- 00:21:52.203 --> 00:21:54.905
- How far are we from the eyes of the lord?
- 00:21:54.905 --> 00:21:56.907
- See, this is not like a, this isn't a 21st century problem, or
- 00:21:56.907 --> 00:22:00.845
- A problem of the democrats, or the problem of the progressives,
- 00:22:00.845 --> 00:22:03.848
- Or a problem of the woke, or a problem of the methodist if
- 00:22:03.848 --> 00:22:06.884
- You're a baptist, or a problem of the church of christ if
- 00:22:06.884 --> 00:22:09.653
- You're a methodist.
- 00:22:09.653 --> 00:22:11.355
- This is a problem of the people of god.
- 00:22:11.355 --> 00:22:15.760
- By the time we get to the gospels and jesus is
- 00:22:15.760 --> 00:22:18.896
- Ministering, they say, "you healed on the wrong day of
- 00:22:18.896 --> 00:22:23.067
- The week."
- 00:22:23.067 --> 00:22:24.769
- And he said, "you're confused about sabbath rules."
- 00:22:24.769 --> 00:22:30.908
- And they weren't particularly interested in doing what was
- 00:22:30.908 --> 00:22:32.943
- Right in the eyes of the lord.
- 00:22:32.943 --> 00:22:34.578
- They wanted to do what they thought was right, the people of
- 00:22:34.578 --> 00:22:37.782
- God, the people offering sacrifices, keeping holidays,
- 00:22:37.782 --> 00:22:41.285
- Managing kosher.
- 00:22:41.285 --> 00:22:43.287
- So my question again, i'm gonna say it repeatedly over these for
- 00:22:43.287 --> 00:22:46.891
- A while because i think we have a little window of opportunity
- 00:22:46.891 --> 00:22:52.797
- Not to be angry at others, or to point accusing fingers, or to
- 00:22:52.797 --> 00:22:56.300
- Puff out our chest and imagine we've done something.
- 00:22:56.300 --> 00:22:58.869
- I think we have been granted an opportunity.
- 00:22:58.869 --> 00:23:06.410
- Josiah did what was right in the eyes of the lord.
- 00:23:06.477 --> 00:23:09.046
- "lord, i wanna do what's right in your eyes.
- 00:23:09.046 --> 00:23:12.416
- Holy spirit, help me see any place where i'm not walking
- 00:23:12.416 --> 00:23:16.821
- Before you that i should be."
- 00:23:16.821 --> 00:23:20.991
- And i mean, you be as serious about implementing that change
- 00:23:20.991 --> 00:23:25.830
- As you want the people that are going to build new policies are.
- 00:23:25.830 --> 00:23:30.601
- Don't be an obstructionist.
- 00:23:30.601 --> 00:23:33.604
- Don't excuse it.
- 00:23:33.604 --> 00:23:35.172
- Don't tell me you're born again.
- 00:23:35.172 --> 00:23:38.476
- The new testament equivalent of that is we're children
- 00:23:38.476 --> 00:23:40.678
- Of abraham.
- 00:23:40.678 --> 00:23:42.046
- And jesus said, "you know, i can make those out of rocks."
- 00:23:42.046 --> 00:23:48.085
- I want to do what's right in your sight.
- 00:23:50.321 --> 00:23:53.858
- Same chapter, verse 3: "in the eighteenth year of his reign,"
- 00:23:53.858 --> 00:23:58.796
- He started when he's eight, he's 18 years in now, "king josiah
- 00:23:58.796 --> 00:24:01.765
- Sent the secretary, son of somebody who was the son of
- 00:24:01.765 --> 00:24:06.971
- Somebody else, to the temple.
- 00:24:06.971 --> 00:24:10.040
- Then the secretary informed the king that 'the priest has given
- 00:24:10.040 --> 00:24:13.110
- Me a book.'
- 00:24:13.110 --> 00:24:15.279
- And he read it in the presence of the king."
- 00:24:15.279 --> 00:24:18.749
- The temple had fallen in disrepair.
- 00:24:18.749 --> 00:24:21.285
- Their interest in the things of the lord was so low that the
- 00:24:21.285 --> 00:24:24.822
- Temple had fallen into ill repair.
- 00:24:24.822 --> 00:24:29.760
- You know, there's a time in our history where the most beautiful
- 00:24:29.760 --> 00:24:31.962
- Buildings in most of our cities were the churches.
- 00:24:31.962 --> 00:24:35.566
- We're decades and decades away from that now.
- 00:24:35.566 --> 00:24:39.470
- And i'm not arguing that the elaborate nature of our
- 00:24:39.470 --> 00:24:42.640
- Buildings is a reflection of our spiritual condition, but it is a
- 00:24:42.640 --> 00:24:46.043
- Reflection of where we invest our resources.
- 00:24:46.043 --> 00:24:50.414
- And i just offer it as kind of a cultural note.
- 00:24:50.414 --> 00:24:53.918
- Most of us would be offended.
- 00:24:53.918 --> 00:24:55.252
- Most of us who fill churches today would be offended if the
- 00:24:55.252 --> 00:24:57.655
- Most elaborate buildings in our communities were the churches.
- 00:24:57.655 --> 00:25:03.594
- The temple has fallen into grave disrepair, and josiah sets apart
- 00:25:03.594 --> 00:25:08.365
- Some resources and sends the people to do it.
- 00:25:08.365 --> 00:25:10.200
- And when they're repairing the temple, they find in one of the
- 00:25:10.200 --> 00:25:13.704
- Walls that they're demolishing a book, and they bring it to read.
- 00:25:13.704 --> 00:25:21.245
- "when the king heard the words of the book of the law, he tore
- 00:25:21.245 --> 00:25:24.748
- His robes.
- 00:25:24.748 --> 00:25:26.650
- And he gave these orders to the priest and all the people who
- 00:25:26.650 --> 00:25:31.488
- Were with him: "go and inquire of the lord for me and for the
- 00:25:31.488 --> 00:25:34.892
- People and for all of judah about what is written in this
- 00:25:34.892 --> 00:25:37.328
- Book that's been found.
- 00:25:37.328 --> 00:25:39.663
- Great is the lord's anger that burns against us because our
- 00:25:39.663 --> 00:25:43.334
- Fathers haven't obeyed the words of this book; and they haven't
- 00:25:43.334 --> 00:25:46.637
- Acted in accordance with all that is written there
- 00:25:46.637 --> 00:25:49.740
- Concerning us.'"
- 00:25:49.740 --> 00:25:51.075
- Now, another time in history, folks, there is no
- 00:25:51.075 --> 00:25:52.543
- Printing press yet.
- 00:25:52.543 --> 00:25:54.278
- The only written material they have is handcopied.
- 00:25:54.278 --> 00:25:57.114
- There were very precious few of those.
- 00:25:57.114 --> 00:26:00.551
- The books are not in practice.
- 00:26:00.551 --> 00:26:02.186
- They use a scroll.
- 00:26:02.186 --> 00:26:03.554
- And they found hidden in the wall a scroll with the books of
- 00:26:03.554 --> 00:26:06.890
- Moses on it, the law.
- 00:26:06.890 --> 00:26:09.693
- They lost their bible, and nobody noticed.
- 00:26:09.693 --> 00:26:15.566
- Gee, that sounds a lot like us!
- 00:26:15.566 --> 00:26:20.804
- I did an interview with george barna, and he said less than 10%
- 00:26:20.804 --> 00:26:25.409
- Of the youth pastors in american churches have a biblical
- 00:26:25.409 --> 00:26:28.479
- Worldview, not the pagans, not the--we've lost our bibles too.
- 00:26:28.479 --> 00:26:38.489
- Allen: i think it's such an amazing revelation that god
- 00:26:39.823 --> 00:26:42.226
- Knows what's happening in our lives.
- 00:26:42.226 --> 00:26:44.328
- If he knows when a sparrow falls to the ground or how many hairs
- 00:26:44.328 --> 00:26:46.597
- We have on our head, he knows the details of our lives.
- 00:26:46.597 --> 00:26:49.199
- That's not a threat. that's a promise.
- 00:26:49.199 --> 00:26:51.769
- What a wonderful thing. let's pray.
- 00:26:51.769 --> 00:26:54.071
- Father, i thank you that we're not alone, or isolated, or
- 00:26:54.071 --> 00:26:56.774
- Separated from you, that you know the details of our days.
- 00:26:56.774 --> 00:27:00.144
- We trust you with that.
- 00:27:00.144 --> 00:27:01.478
- We trust you with our future. help us.
- 00:27:01.478 --> 00:27:04.448
- We need your help, in jesus's name, amen.
- 00:27:04.448 --> 00:27:07.117
- ♪♪♪
- 00:27:09.253 --> 00:27:28.105