Pastor Allen Jackson's mission is to help people become fully devoted followers of Jesus Christ.
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Allen Jackson Ministries | Allen Jackson - Looting Interrupted (Part 2) | December 30, 2024
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- Allen jackson: and so, i'm concerned about our generation
- 00:00:21.904 --> 00:00:24.273
- And what we're doing.
- 00:00:24.273 --> 00:00:25.974
- I made a list of some things happening.
- 00:00:25.974 --> 00:00:27.309
- Looting has become so prevalent, i think we're almost immune
- 00:00:27.309 --> 00:00:34.149
- To it.
- 00:00:34.149 --> 00:00:35.484
- I think we've accepted as a normal way of living.
- 00:00:35.484 --> 00:00:38.153
- It's become it's--and i'm--it isn't--i'm not talking about
- 00:00:38.153 --> 00:00:40.989
- Some recent administration.
- 00:00:40.989 --> 00:00:42.758
- This has been happening for some decades now.
- 00:00:42.758 --> 00:00:45.727
- Both political parties involved.
- 00:00:45.727 --> 00:00:48.697
- I've arrived at a place where--up until recently, i've
- 00:00:48.697 --> 00:00:51.166
- Just thought of it as a uniparty.
- 00:00:51.166 --> 00:00:52.534
- It's kinda like a globetrotters game.
- 00:00:52.534 --> 00:00:55.437
- And everybody rides the same bus to the game, they put on
- 00:00:55.437 --> 00:00:57.473
- Different uniforms, and they split the gate after the game.
- 00:00:57.473 --> 00:01:02.311
- I wanna be clear, i'm not suggesting to you that the
- 00:01:02.311 --> 00:01:04.847
- Ransacking of a grocery store or a drugstore is the heart of
- 00:01:04.847 --> 00:01:09.451
- This problem.
- 00:01:09.451 --> 00:01:10.986
- I think it's far more profound than that.
- 00:01:10.986 --> 00:01:12.955
- I think it's happening on a national basis in a far more
- 00:01:12.955 --> 00:01:16.492
- Widespread way, but i think it's being expressed in micro ways,
- 00:01:16.492 --> 00:01:20.762
- In that, things that we used to would have considered to be
- 00:01:20.762 --> 00:01:23.098
- Reprehensible, we now kinda shrug our shoulders at and go,
- 00:01:23.098 --> 00:01:26.168
- "yeah, it's unfortunate."
- 00:01:26.168 --> 00:01:28.537
- We've got a whole new vocabulary for it.
- 00:01:28.537 --> 00:01:30.105
- Smash and grabs now become a description for an evening out.
- 00:01:30.105 --> 00:01:35.577
- Somebody asked me, one of our volunteers asked me recently if
- 00:01:35.577 --> 00:01:39.648
- We cared if people took things from the next chapter.
- 00:01:39.648 --> 00:01:45.754
- And i said, "yes, we do."
- 00:01:45.754 --> 00:01:47.723
- You should stop them.
- 00:01:47.723 --> 00:01:50.325
- It's not okay.
- 00:01:50.325 --> 00:01:53.328
- Something has happened to our hearts and our attitudes.
- 00:01:53.328 --> 00:01:56.698
- I just sat down and made a list of some things that i think have
- 00:01:56.698 --> 00:01:59.735
- Contributed to this.
- 00:01:59.735 --> 00:02:01.937
- And some of these are contributive and some of them
- 00:02:01.937 --> 00:02:03.639
- Are expressions of the looting that's taking place.
- 00:02:03.639 --> 00:02:06.642
- Globalism, this move towards a global economy and currency.
- 00:02:06.642 --> 00:02:10.245
- The diminishment of nationalism where we shouldn't be proud of
- 00:02:10.245 --> 00:02:12.881
- Our country, we should be embarrassed of it.
- 00:02:12.881 --> 00:02:16.685
- Causes us not to value the things that are valuable to us
- 00:02:16.685 --> 00:02:19.521
- As a people.
- 00:02:19.521 --> 00:02:21.823
- That diminishment of nationalism is associated with the
- 00:02:21.823 --> 00:02:25.694
- Demonization of colonialism.
- 00:02:25.694 --> 00:02:28.130
- And into that discussion they roll in missional activities.
- 00:02:28.130 --> 00:02:32.868
- I'm talking about discussions at the most celebrated academic
- 00:02:32.868 --> 00:02:36.104
- Institutions in the country.
- 00:02:36.104 --> 00:02:37.639
- Academia often teaches that christian missions are a
- 00:02:37.639 --> 00:02:40.442
- Reflection of an antiquated view of people and culture.
- 00:02:40.442 --> 00:02:43.812
- That we shouldn't presume to have a message of salvation
- 00:02:43.812 --> 00:02:48.050
- Which needs to be shared.
- 00:02:48.050 --> 00:02:50.986
- And in order to discourage people from embracing that and
- 00:02:50.986 --> 00:02:53.722
- Please understand they've been telling your young people in our
- 00:02:53.722 --> 00:02:56.725
- Universities for decades now, that the idea of missions is
- 00:02:56.725 --> 00:03:00.395
- Inappropriate, it's wicked, it's evil, condescending.
- 00:03:00.395 --> 00:03:05.400
- And they'll cite the worst examples they can find of
- 00:03:05.400 --> 00:03:08.003
- Cultural, missional activity.
- 00:03:08.003 --> 00:03:10.072
- We try to convert people's clothing and not change
- 00:03:10.072 --> 00:03:12.608
- Their hearts.
- 00:03:12.608 --> 00:03:15.477
- They tell us christian nationalism is wicked.
- 00:03:15.477 --> 00:03:18.347
- It's become a derogatory term.
- 00:03:18.347 --> 00:03:20.616
- Language has been manipulated to suggest that a love of country
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- Combined with an awareness of the sovereign intervention of
- 00:03:23.852 --> 00:03:26.955
- God in history is not only inappropriate, it's dangerous.
- 00:03:26.955 --> 00:03:33.295
- We should be investigated, monitored, watched.
- 00:03:33.295 --> 00:03:38.400
- Christian zionism gets dumped in that same bucket that's the
- 00:03:38.400 --> 00:03:41.103
- Christians who believe god has given the land of israel to the
- 00:03:41.103 --> 00:03:44.039
- Jewish people.
- 00:03:44.039 --> 00:03:47.242
- We were recently included in the jerusalem post as one of the
- 00:03:47.242 --> 00:03:50.712
- Leading expressions of christian zionism in the world.
- 00:03:50.712 --> 00:03:54.816
- I took it as a complement.
- 00:03:54.816 --> 00:04:00.789
- But i can give you some expressions of the looting
- 00:04:00.789 --> 00:04:02.791
- Of america.
- 00:04:02.791 --> 00:04:04.559
- And one of them is the intentional marginalization of
- 00:04:04.559 --> 00:04:07.663
- A biblical worldviews.
- 00:04:07.663 --> 00:04:09.564
- Folks, that's our heritage.
- 00:04:09.564 --> 00:04:12.567
- That's our heritage.
- 00:04:12.567 --> 00:04:14.036
- Imagine denying the heritage of the indigenous people of this
- 00:04:14.036 --> 00:04:17.673
- Nation, the native american people, tell 'em that the way
- 00:04:17.673 --> 00:04:20.042
- They worshiped should not be remembered.
- 00:04:20.042 --> 00:04:22.244
- We should be eliminated.
- 00:04:22.244 --> 00:04:23.578
- We should find the worst examples of how it
- 00:04:23.578 --> 00:04:27.649
- Affected behaviors.
- 00:04:27.649 --> 00:04:29.851
- You wouldn't think of it, but they've taken our
- 00:04:29.851 --> 00:04:31.453
- Christian heritage.
- 00:04:31.453 --> 00:04:33.922
- So, now we see apostasy within the church.
- 00:04:33.922 --> 00:04:36.792
- And we see assaults upon our faith from without.
- 00:04:36.792 --> 00:04:39.461
- You understand, i hope that marxism requires the
- 00:04:39.461 --> 00:04:41.697
- Diminishment of faith.
- 00:04:41.697 --> 00:04:44.032
- Marxism is not a mystery, it's been practiced now for, well,
- 00:04:44.032 --> 00:04:47.502
- Over a century and wherever they come into authority, wherever
- 00:04:47.502 --> 00:04:50.272
- They gain power, one of the first things they do is close
- 00:04:50.272 --> 00:04:53.442
- The churches, eliminate the leadership and the voices.
- 00:04:53.442 --> 00:05:00.615
- The movement of manufacturing away from our nation is
- 00:05:00.615 --> 00:05:03.185
- A plundering of our nation.
- 00:05:03.185 --> 00:05:06.421
- I mean it's been going on.
- 00:05:06.421 --> 00:05:07.756
- It started in a very significant way, in an intentional way in
- 00:05:07.756 --> 00:05:10.125
- The 1970s.
- 00:05:10.125 --> 00:05:12.160
- Moving manufacturing overseas, offshoring.
- 00:05:12.160 --> 00:05:16.565
- There's a lot of statistics and a lot of numbers.
- 00:05:16.565 --> 00:05:18.533
- I'll give you some high view stuff.
- 00:05:18.533 --> 00:05:20.335
- As a result, the us currently has a deficit of goods and
- 00:05:20.335 --> 00:05:23.605
- Services of over $500 billion a year.
- 00:05:23.605 --> 00:05:28.443
- We don't make things anymore.
- 00:05:28.443 --> 00:05:31.046
- We don't even wanna go to work anymore.
- 00:05:31.046 --> 00:05:34.416
- We don't even wanna go to the office anymore.
- 00:05:34.416 --> 00:05:38.286
- We wanna work in our pajamas.
- 00:05:38.286 --> 00:05:42.023
- It's become a national infection.
- 00:05:42.023 --> 00:05:44.960
- But we didn't get to this point in a day or a week.
- 00:05:44.960 --> 00:05:47.262
- It's not the result of a current administration, folks.
- 00:05:47.262 --> 00:05:51.199
- This has been coming on us sequentially for quite a season.
- 00:05:51.199 --> 00:05:56.338
- The devaluing of work and effort.
- 00:05:56.338 --> 00:06:00.308
- Let me give you a list, converse shoes, gerber baby food, schwin
- 00:06:00.308 --> 00:06:03.678
- Bicycles, craftsman tools, under armour, sports clothing, and
- 00:06:03.678 --> 00:06:09.084
- Shoes and gear, york peppermint patties.
- 00:06:09.084 --> 00:06:14.389
- How many of those you think are still manufactured in the us?
- 00:06:14.389 --> 00:06:18.427
- None of them. none of them.
- 00:06:18.427 --> 00:06:22.998
- Gerber baby for the rest of 'em i can tell you where they're
- 00:06:22.998 --> 00:06:25.133
- Manufactured, but gerber doesn't disclose its
- 00:06:25.133 --> 00:06:27.736
- Manufacturing sites.
- 00:06:27.736 --> 00:06:30.305
- Nestlé, the owner of gerber just states that they have 418
- 00:06:30.305 --> 00:06:35.477
- Factories in 86 countries.
- 00:06:35.477 --> 00:06:38.346
- But they don't make any of it here.
- 00:06:38.346 --> 00:06:42.117
- I'll give you another component of the looting of america, the
- 00:06:42.117 --> 00:06:44.686
- Refusal to use american energy sources.
- 00:06:44.686 --> 00:06:47.889
- We spend billions of dollars annually spending it with other
- 00:06:47.889 --> 00:06:51.359
- Nations depriving us companies and citizens of the revenue and
- 00:06:51.359 --> 00:06:55.931
- The jobs.
- 00:06:55.931 --> 00:06:57.265
- We are looting our country.
- 00:06:57.265 --> 00:07:00.936
- Terrorism.
- 00:07:00.936 --> 00:07:03.004
- The targeting of civilians, and acts of violence and war, and we
- 00:07:03.004 --> 00:07:07.108
- Won't say it.
- 00:07:07.108 --> 00:07:09.578
- We relabel.
- 00:07:09.578 --> 00:07:12.113
- We don't wanna create angst towards anyone.
- 00:07:12.113 --> 00:07:14.483
- And if you dare to say some people group sponsor terrorism,
- 00:07:14.483 --> 00:07:17.786
- You're xenophobic or some other phobic.
- 00:07:17.786 --> 00:07:22.457
- We watched it in spades on 9/11.
- 00:07:22.457 --> 00:07:26.661
- Airplanes were weaponized.
- 00:07:26.661 --> 00:07:29.764
- Terrorism on our planet is not exclusively an islamic issue,
- 00:07:29.764 --> 00:07:33.802
- But it has been a predominantly islamic issue.
- 00:07:33.802 --> 00:07:39.975
- Trillions of dollars spent to try to make us safe.
- 00:07:39.975 --> 00:07:45.614
- The loss of thousands of lives.
- 00:07:45.614 --> 00:07:50.585
- They are looting our nation.
- 00:07:50.585 --> 00:07:55.357
- Targeting civilians, men and women and children.
- 00:07:55.357 --> 00:08:00.562
- And we are reluctant to say it.
- 00:08:00.562 --> 00:08:02.664
- We are so addled, so confused.
- 00:08:02.664 --> 00:08:08.803
- They tell us we deserve it.
- 00:08:08.803 --> 00:08:12.574
- And we pay for our children to sit in the classrooms where that
- 00:08:12.574 --> 00:08:16.678
- Is taught.
- 00:08:16.678 --> 00:08:24.019
- Illegal immigration.
- 00:08:24.019 --> 00:08:28.123
- American taxpayers spend more than 150 billion, and these are
- 00:08:28.123 --> 00:08:33.495
- Conservative numbers, on immigrants illegally in the
- 00:08:33.495 --> 00:08:37.732
- United states in 2023 alone.
- 00:08:37.732 --> 00:08:41.570
- $150 billion.
- 00:08:41.570 --> 00:08:49.778
- Illegal is the key word.
- 00:08:49.778 --> 00:08:53.248
- If we wanna change the immigration system, if we wanna
- 00:08:53.248 --> 00:08:55.684
- Change the--it's okay, we can do that.
- 00:08:55.684 --> 00:08:59.321
- You and i would go to prison for making illegal withdrawals from
- 00:08:59.321 --> 00:09:03.258
- The bank.
- 00:09:03.258 --> 00:09:04.593
- We call it stealing.
- 00:09:04.593 --> 00:09:07.028
- When people come to our country uninvited, intentionally avoid
- 00:09:07.028 --> 00:09:10.865
- The immigration process, and consume our services of
- 00:09:10.865 --> 00:09:15.236
- Education, of health care, our social services, they are
- 00:09:15.236 --> 00:09:19.040
- Overwhelming us.
- 00:09:19.040 --> 00:09:20.775
- It is looting our country.
- 00:09:20.775 --> 00:09:24.813
- And we're so addled as a nation we have trouble saying it.
- 00:09:24.813 --> 00:09:31.653
- We have sanctuary cities.
- 00:09:31.653 --> 00:09:34.222
- Major american cities, some of the most celebrated american
- 00:09:34.222 --> 00:09:37.025
- Cities that refuse to obey federal laws, but demand
- 00:09:37.025 --> 00:09:42.664
- Federal funding.
- 00:09:42.664 --> 00:09:46.301
- Looting this nation, taking money from people who pay their
- 00:09:46.301 --> 00:09:50.939
- Taxes, and refusing to enforce the laws that we have agreed
- 00:09:50.939 --> 00:09:54.976
- To yield to.
- 00:09:54.976 --> 00:09:56.378
- I've been considering declaring myself a sanctuary person.
- 00:09:56.378 --> 00:10:03.151
- Do you suppose i could avoid the irs that way?
- 00:10:03.151 --> 00:10:08.023
- Probably not.
- 00:10:08.023 --> 00:10:10.825
- We've used our military as a social experiment.
- 00:10:10.825 --> 00:10:14.796
- Looting our nation.
- 00:10:14.796 --> 00:10:17.399
- Diminishing the ability of our fine men and women who
- 00:10:17.399 --> 00:10:20.869
- Voluntarily raise their hands to do the two things they're
- 00:10:20.869 --> 00:10:24.939
- Supposed to do in the military, defend our country and defeat
- 00:10:24.939 --> 00:10:27.909
- Our enemies.
- 00:10:27.909 --> 00:10:29.844
- And we've watched them be turned into a dei experiment.
- 00:10:29.844 --> 00:10:35.784
- We've watched them turn them into an lgbtqi2 and whatever
- 00:10:35.784 --> 00:10:39.587
- Number they had this week.
- 00:10:39.587 --> 00:10:42.457
- And they've rendered them ineffective.
- 00:10:42.457 --> 00:10:44.259
- They've mocked them.
- 00:10:44.259 --> 00:10:45.593
- They've hunted down people in the military who had a strong
- 00:10:45.593 --> 00:10:48.363
- Biblical worldview and have expelled them.
- 00:10:48.363 --> 00:10:52.333
- They are looting our country.
- 00:10:52.333 --> 00:10:56.938
- And what do the christians say?
- 00:10:56.938 --> 00:10:58.907
- "oh, we don't wanna talk about that.
- 00:10:58.907 --> 00:11:00.275
- Could we do a bible study on the pharisees."
- 00:11:00.275 --> 00:11:06.614
- Folks, i believe in studying the bible, but the point of that is
- 00:11:06.614 --> 00:11:09.751
- To be salt and light.
- 00:11:09.751 --> 00:11:12.654
- The list goes on.
- 00:11:12.654 --> 00:11:15.256
- We've defunded the police.
- 00:11:15.256 --> 00:11:18.393
- You know, the ultimate outcome of all of this, if the looting
- 00:11:18.393 --> 00:11:21.396
- Continues unchecked, i'll tell you where it's going.
- 00:11:21.396 --> 00:11:26.701
- There'll be a complete absence of any leadership from churches.
- 00:11:26.701 --> 00:11:31.272
- Will simply be asked to be cultural voices.
- 00:11:31.272 --> 00:11:35.376
- Not to be advocates for a biblical worldview.
- 00:11:35.376 --> 00:11:38.580
- We'll just be asked to repeat whatever the mantra is of
- 00:11:38.580 --> 00:11:42.050
- Whoever happens to have authority over us.
- 00:11:42.050 --> 00:11:44.686
- That'll be the only way to maintain our status, you'll have
- 00:11:44.686 --> 00:11:46.988
- To deny your faith.
- 00:11:46.988 --> 00:11:49.057
- You better use your freedom while you have freedom to be an
- 00:11:49.057 --> 00:11:53.328
- Advocate for a biblical worldview.
- 00:11:53.328 --> 00:11:59.033
- There's another outcome.
- 00:11:59.033 --> 00:12:00.568
- It doesn't take any imagination.
- 00:12:00.568 --> 00:12:02.070
- This is not prophetic, folks.
- 00:12:02.070 --> 00:12:03.772
- We'll be bankrupt.
- 00:12:03.772 --> 00:12:05.907
- We are currently--they say $36 trillion in debt, but that's
- 00:12:05.907 --> 00:12:09.778
- Really a tiny expression of the total debt that we have.
- 00:12:09.778 --> 00:12:13.581
- If the numbers are so far beyond imagination, it--i--the interest
- 00:12:13.581 --> 00:12:18.419
- Payment on our debt for this year is projected to be
- 00:12:18.419 --> 00:12:20.922
- $892 billion.
- 00:12:20.922 --> 00:12:24.826
- If you don't know, that's more than we we spend on our entire
- 00:12:24.826 --> 00:12:28.196
- Defense budget.
- 00:12:28.196 --> 00:12:30.431
- And it's almost a third higher than the interest payment on our
- 00:12:30.431 --> 00:12:34.035
- Debt in 2023.
- 00:12:34.035 --> 00:12:36.771
- It is not sustainable, they are looting our country.
- 00:12:36.771 --> 00:12:43.244
- Lawlessness will grow rapidly.
- 00:12:43.244 --> 00:12:47.549
- What you saw in the little video is an hors d'oeuvre.
- 00:12:47.549 --> 00:12:52.887
- Widespread violence is growing.
- 00:12:52.887 --> 00:12:56.157
- Our children are being preyed upon and they're not being
- 00:12:56.157 --> 00:12:59.460
- Educated well.
- 00:12:59.460 --> 00:13:02.197
- They're seen as profit centers in the healthcare community
- 00:13:02.197 --> 00:13:05.633
- While they're mutilated.
- 00:13:05.633 --> 00:13:07.602
- Biological sex is not confusing, they are looting our homes.
- 00:13:07.602 --> 00:13:16.544
- The health care system as we have known it, will collapse.
- 00:13:16.544 --> 00:13:20.682
- We will watch an unbridled pursuit of pleasure.
- 00:13:20.682 --> 00:13:24.853
- Hedonism.
- 00:13:24.853 --> 00:13:26.821
- I could go on.
- 00:13:26.821 --> 00:13:28.156
- I think you get a sense.
- 00:13:28.156 --> 00:13:31.693
- Allen: 2024 has almost slipped past us.
- 00:13:35.563 --> 00:13:38.867
- Thank you for your partnership this year.
- 00:13:38.867 --> 00:13:40.702
- It's been the most remarkable season we've ever
- 00:13:40.702 --> 00:13:42.837
- Known together.
- 00:13:42.837 --> 00:13:44.172
- And i thank you for your faithful investment of time,
- 00:13:44.172 --> 00:13:47.041
- Energy, and prayers in our ministry.
- 00:13:47.041 --> 00:13:49.177
- Change is taking place in the earth.
- 00:13:49.177 --> 00:13:51.379
- We're seeing in our own nation, god responded to us with
- 00:13:51.379 --> 00:13:54.148
- Tremendous mercy and grace.
- 00:13:54.148 --> 00:13:56.818
- We have leaders that are headed to washington, d.c.
- 00:13:56.818 --> 00:13:59.287
- To enact changes to restore a set of values that have brought
- 00:13:59.287 --> 00:14:02.390
- Strength to our nation.
- 00:14:02.390 --> 00:14:03.791
- It's a time of great optimism, and hope, and anticipation, and
- 00:14:03.791 --> 00:14:07.595
- I believe that's true in the church as well.
- 00:14:07.595 --> 00:14:09.764
- Folks, we can't stand on the sidelines and expect somebody
- 00:14:09.764 --> 00:14:12.533
- Else to be the change.
- 00:14:12.533 --> 00:14:14.435
- We need the presence of god to emerge in our schools, on our
- 00:14:14.435 --> 00:14:17.438
- College campuses, back in our churches.
- 00:14:17.438 --> 00:14:20.575
- And so, i think it's a critical time that we bring the message
- 00:14:20.575 --> 00:14:23.278
- Of the truth of jesus christ.
- 00:14:23.278 --> 00:14:25.146
- It's a hopeful message.
- 00:14:25.146 --> 00:14:26.481
- It's a message of wholeness, and healing, and deliverance, and
- 00:14:26.481 --> 00:14:29.417
- Freedom that we desperately need in our cities, in our
- 00:14:29.417 --> 00:14:33.021
- Communities, wherever god's people gather.
- 00:14:33.021 --> 00:14:35.556
- Join us.
- 00:14:35.556 --> 00:14:36.925
- Let's be a part of what god is doing in the earth, and we will
- 00:14:36.925 --> 00:14:39.360
- Celebrate his faithfulness to the people of our generation.
- 00:14:39.360 --> 00:14:43.197
- Thank you for being a part.
- 00:14:43.197 --> 00:14:46.634
- Female announcer: god has uniquely blessed us.
- 00:14:46.634 --> 00:14:48.970
- The best is yet to come.
- 00:14:48.970 --> 00:14:51.806
- God has heard our prayers.
- 00:14:51.806 --> 00:14:54.342
- God has delivered us from oppression.
- 00:14:54.342 --> 00:14:58.146
- We live in a season of shaking, but together we stand.
- 00:14:58.146 --> 00:15:03.618
- United in heart and purpose to accomplish the will of god in
- 00:15:03.618 --> 00:15:07.655
- Our generation.
- 00:15:07.655 --> 00:15:10.258
- We will not stop.
- 00:15:10.258 --> 00:15:14.495
- Allen: i wanna ask you to make a sacrificial investment in
- 00:15:14.495 --> 00:15:16.965
- Our ministry.
- 00:15:16.965 --> 00:15:18.333
- We have a generous partner who'll match every gift between
- 00:15:18.333 --> 00:15:20.401
- Now and the end of the year.
- 00:15:20.401 --> 00:15:21.903
- We're making plans for the year ahead with a boldness and
- 00:15:21.903 --> 00:15:24.973
- A courage, unlike anything we've done in the past.
- 00:15:24.973 --> 00:15:27.875
- We wanna make as clear a statement for the gospel of
- 00:15:27.875 --> 00:15:30.445
- Jesus christ.
- 00:15:30.445 --> 00:15:31.813
- We wanna strengthen the church.
- 00:15:31.813 --> 00:15:33.381
- We want to tell the truth in a way that people can rally
- 00:15:33.381 --> 00:15:36.551
- Around it.
- 00:15:36.551 --> 00:15:37.919
- God is moving in the earth, and we intend to participate
- 00:15:37.919 --> 00:15:40.388
- With him.
- 00:15:40.388 --> 00:15:41.756
- I hope you'll join us as we look forward to the new year.
- 00:15:41.756 --> 00:15:44.959
- Thank you in advance for your generous investments in what god
- 00:15:44.959 --> 00:15:47.929
- Is doing.
- 00:15:47.929 --> 00:15:49.263
- God bless you.
- 00:15:49.263 --> 00:15:50.631
- Female announcer: as we step into this new season, let's be
- 00:15:50.631 --> 00:15:52.834
- Faithful to seek god.
- 00:15:52.834 --> 00:15:55.269
- Let's make room for him to refine our hearts so we can join
- 00:15:55.269 --> 00:15:58.606
- Him in what he's doing.
- 00:15:58.606 --> 00:16:00.675
- Pastor allen's new, 90-day devotional journal called, "set
- 00:16:00.675 --> 00:16:04.612
- Apart for his purposes," can help.
- 00:16:04.612 --> 00:16:07.515
- Each day brings a new scripture, teaching prayer and
- 00:16:07.515 --> 00:16:11.219
- A journaling prompt.
- 00:16:11.219 --> 00:16:12.553
- We'll also send custom page markers so you can flag anything
- 00:16:12.553 --> 00:16:15.823
- You want to revisit.
- 00:16:15.823 --> 00:16:17.692
- Request your copy of "set apart for his purposes," when you
- 00:16:17.692 --> 00:16:20.261
- Donate $50 or more today at or call...
- 00:16:20.261 --> 00:16:32.040
- Allen: i've got just a few moments.
- 00:16:35.843 --> 00:16:37.311
- I wanna give you a response.
- 00:16:37.311 --> 00:16:40.448
- I wanna go back to the biblical notion for a minute.
- 00:16:40.448 --> 00:16:42.650
- What happened when the babylonians burned the temple?
- 00:16:42.650 --> 00:16:46.187
- Didn't happen because nebuchadnezzar got up one
- 00:16:46.187 --> 00:16:48.423
- Morning on the wrong side of the bed.
- 00:16:48.423 --> 00:16:51.659
- It didn't happen in a day or a week.
- 00:16:51.659 --> 00:16:54.495
- It was the result of years of the people of god saying, "we
- 00:16:54.495 --> 00:16:59.834
- Don't intend to listen.
- 00:16:59.834 --> 00:17:02.637
- We want to do what we wanna do."
- 00:17:02.637 --> 00:17:06.874
- Some of us don't wanna pay attention 'cause we've done
- 00:17:06.874 --> 00:17:09.477
- Pretty well while the looting is taking place.
- 00:17:09.477 --> 00:17:11.646
- We've gotten some of the loot.
- 00:17:11.646 --> 00:17:15.383
- So, we'll just keep looking straight ahead, acting like we
- 00:17:15.383 --> 00:17:18.219
- Don't notice.
- 00:17:18.219 --> 00:17:20.721
- It's going to take courageous change from the people of faith.
- 00:17:20.721 --> 00:17:26.294
- The most hopeful thing i have seen in a season was the
- 00:17:26.294 --> 00:17:29.797
- Response of the election, not because of the people that were
- 00:17:29.797 --> 00:17:32.366
- Sent, but the millions of people across this nation in flyover
- 00:17:32.366 --> 00:17:36.871
- Country that raised their hands inexplicably.
- 00:17:36.871 --> 00:17:40.575
- They haven't done it in a long, long, long time.
- 00:17:40.575 --> 00:17:42.677
- It was a historic response.
- 00:17:42.677 --> 00:17:44.479
- They said, "we think we're going the wrong direction."
- 00:17:44.479 --> 00:17:52.753
- So, here's my suggestion.
- 00:17:52.753 --> 00:17:54.088
- You've got some notes for this.
- 00:17:54.088 --> 00:17:55.690
- I believe we are at a pivot point.
- 00:17:55.690 --> 00:17:57.225
- We can choose the lord with a new heart and experience
- 00:17:57.225 --> 00:17:59.560
- Freedom, or we can continue to imagine we're capable of solving
- 00:17:59.560 --> 00:18:02.830
- Our own problems and we'll face greater expressions of judgment.
- 00:18:02.830 --> 00:18:07.034
- The babylonians are not our problem.
- 00:18:07.034 --> 00:18:09.737
- A political party, a political adversary is not your problem.
- 00:18:09.737 --> 00:18:14.108
- China is not our problem.
- 00:18:14.108 --> 00:18:15.776
- They are a problem, but they're an expression.
- 00:18:15.776 --> 00:18:22.250
- Isaiah chapter 1, god said, "come now, let us
- 00:18:22.250 --> 00:18:25.019
- Reason together.
- 00:18:25.019 --> 00:18:26.521
- Though your sins are like scarlet, they shall be as white
- 00:18:26.521 --> 00:18:28.923
- As snow; and though they're red as crimson, they shall be
- 00:18:28.923 --> 00:18:31.859
- Like wool.
- 00:18:31.859 --> 00:18:33.194
- If you're willing and obedient, you'll eat the best from the
- 00:18:33.194 --> 00:18:35.229
- Land; but if you resist and rebel, you'll be devoured by
- 00:18:35.229 --> 00:18:37.698
- The sword."
- 00:18:37.698 --> 00:18:39.600
- That didn't happen the next day.
- 00:18:39.600 --> 00:18:41.903
- It didn't happen the next week.
- 00:18:41.903 --> 00:18:43.237
- It didn't happen the next month.
- 00:18:43.237 --> 00:18:46.607
- So, people that heard it thought, "that's not
- 00:18:46.607 --> 00:18:48.276
- Serious business."
- 00:18:48.276 --> 00:18:51.312
- But the kids that were born in babylon, when they read it, they
- 00:18:51.312 --> 00:18:55.950
- Thought, "i wish they would have listened."
- 00:18:55.950 --> 00:18:59.086
- I'm tired of all the banter about how much you care for the
- 00:18:59.086 --> 00:19:01.556
- Children and you persist in your ungodliness.
- 00:19:01.556 --> 00:19:04.225
- You don't give a hoot about the kids or you'd begin to honor
- 00:19:04.225 --> 00:19:06.661
- The lord.
- 00:19:06.661 --> 00:19:11.065
- We are ravaging the generations coming with our ungodliness.
- 00:19:11.065 --> 00:19:18.072
- "well, they'll change.
- 00:19:18.072 --> 00:19:20.474
- They'll find a way, god is faithful."
- 00:19:20.474 --> 00:19:24.011
- But they'll look at us.
- 00:19:24.011 --> 00:19:27.114
- In james chapter 4, we're given a prescription says, "you
- 00:19:27.114 --> 00:19:30.451
- Adulterous people."
- 00:19:30.451 --> 00:19:32.587
- James is writing to people of faith, he's not writing
- 00:19:32.587 --> 00:19:35.656
- To pagans.
- 00:19:35.656 --> 00:19:37.191
- "you adulterous people, don't you know?"
- 00:19:37.191 --> 00:19:39.860
- And when the bible says, "don't you know," what's the answer?
- 00:19:39.860 --> 00:19:43.297
- Probably not.
- 00:19:43.297 --> 00:19:45.666
- "don't you know that friendship with the world is hatred
- 00:19:45.666 --> 00:19:48.669
- Towards god?
- 00:19:48.669 --> 00:19:50.371
- Anyone who chooses to be a friend of the world becomes an
- 00:19:50.371 --> 00:19:52.707
- Enemy of god."
- 00:19:52.707 --> 00:19:54.075
- In the new testament, the word world talks about this present
- 00:19:54.075 --> 00:19:56.544
- World order, the systems in place, the means of engaging,
- 00:19:56.544 --> 00:20:00.448
- The activities.
- 00:20:00.448 --> 00:20:01.782
- He said, "to be a friend with this present world order means
- 00:20:01.782 --> 00:20:04.852
- You're an enemy of god."
- 00:20:04.852 --> 00:20:07.455
- Or do you think the scriptures say without reason that, "the
- 00:20:07.455 --> 00:20:10.024
- Spirit he caused to live in us envies intensely?"
- 00:20:10.024 --> 00:20:14.095
- But he gives us more grace.
- 00:20:14.095 --> 00:20:16.330
- That is why the scripture says, "god opposes the proud, but he
- 00:20:16.330 --> 00:20:19.267
- Gives grace to the humble."
- 00:20:19.267 --> 00:20:21.836
- And then we're given a response.
- 00:20:21.836 --> 00:20:25.673
- "submit yourselves, then to god, resist the devil, and he will
- 00:20:25.673 --> 00:20:30.411
- Flee from you."
- 00:20:30.411 --> 00:20:31.779
- The first step is what?
- 00:20:31.779 --> 00:20:33.514
- Submit to god.
- 00:20:33.514 --> 00:20:35.383
- Bend your knee.
- 00:20:35.383 --> 00:20:37.952
- Decide that jesus is lord, that he's not just a sinner's prayer.
- 00:20:37.952 --> 00:20:44.558
- I believe in conversion, but the point of conversion is so that
- 00:20:44.558 --> 00:20:48.396
- Jesus can be lord.
- 00:20:48.396 --> 00:20:51.799
- Begin for yourself.
- 00:20:51.799 --> 00:20:53.134
- Don't say, "i've said that prayer and i've been baptized."
- 00:20:53.134 --> 00:20:56.437
- Is jesus really lord?
- 00:20:56.437 --> 00:20:58.239
- Are you submitted to god in your life or do you
- 00:20:58.239 --> 00:21:02.009
- Tolerate ungodliness?
- 00:21:02.009 --> 00:21:07.214
- It's a very important question for every one of us to answer.
- 00:21:07.214 --> 00:21:10.951
- The next statement is, "resist the devil."
- 00:21:10.951 --> 00:21:13.421
- Now, we can get some momentum around that, but folks, your
- 00:21:13.421 --> 00:21:16.824
- Powers, it's foolish, it's useless to try to resist the
- 00:21:16.824 --> 00:21:21.228
- Devil if you're not submitted to god.
- 00:21:21.228 --> 00:21:29.437
- "come near to god and he'll come near to you."
- 00:21:29.437 --> 00:21:34.775
- So, that's the next invitation, we wanna come nearer to god.
- 00:21:34.775 --> 00:21:39.547
- Well, how would we do that?
- 00:21:39.547 --> 00:21:42.917
- We already wanna park closer to the building.
- 00:21:42.917 --> 00:21:44.885
- Does that count?
- 00:21:44.885 --> 00:21:47.888
- "come near to god."
- 00:21:47.888 --> 00:21:49.256
- He gives us three very practical ways.
- 00:21:49.256 --> 00:21:50.591
- James is so practical.
- 00:21:50.591 --> 00:21:52.059
- He said, "wash your hands."
- 00:21:52.059 --> 00:21:54.261
- Don't leave dirt on your hands.
- 00:21:54.261 --> 00:21:55.596
- Don't leave unforgiveness on your hands.
- 00:21:55.596 --> 00:21:57.098
- Don't leave resentment on your hands.
- 00:21:57.098 --> 00:21:59.166
- Don't leave bitterness or hatred or anger.
- 00:21:59.166 --> 00:22:01.936
- Wash your hands.
- 00:22:01.936 --> 00:22:03.270
- How do you wash your hands?
- 00:22:03.270 --> 00:22:06.240
- With repentance.
- 00:22:06.240 --> 00:22:08.042
- The change of thought and a change of behavior.
- 00:22:08.042 --> 00:22:11.145
- "purify your hearts from double-mindedness."
- 00:22:11.145 --> 00:22:14.081
- James says to us, "if you're double-minded, if you're
- 00:22:14.081 --> 00:22:17.985
- Inconsistent," he said, you're unstable in every way, "you
- 00:22:17.985 --> 00:22:21.322
- Shouldn't imagine you should--you'll receive anything
- 00:22:21.322 --> 00:22:23.424
- From god."
- 00:22:23.424 --> 00:22:26.794
- "change your laughter to mourning and your joy to gloom."
- 00:22:26.794 --> 00:22:31.265
- It's a serious time when you recognize that the judgment of
- 00:22:31.265 --> 00:22:34.068
- God is unfolding.
- 00:22:34.068 --> 00:22:37.071
- When the layers of the exile have begun, it's a serious time.
- 00:22:37.071 --> 00:22:41.675
- Doesn't mean you can't laugh, it doesn't mean you can't recreate,
- 00:22:41.675 --> 00:22:45.212
- But you better not be chasing that as your life goal.
- 00:22:45.212 --> 00:22:49.583
- It's a time to reevaluate priorities.
- 00:22:49.583 --> 00:22:53.521
- And then the last thing he gives us is in verse 10, he said,
- 00:22:53.521 --> 00:22:55.990
- "humble yourselves."
- 00:22:55.990 --> 00:22:58.659
- You know, there's no place in the bible that god says he will
- 00:22:58.659 --> 00:23:02.196
- Humble you.
- 00:23:02.196 --> 00:23:03.931
- There are many, many places he invites us to humble ourselves.
- 00:23:03.931 --> 00:23:08.269
- If god has to bring--intervene, it's humiliation.
- 00:23:08.269 --> 00:23:12.640
- You can humble yourself, or you can be humiliated before the
- 00:23:12.640 --> 00:23:16.343
- Power of god.
- 00:23:16.343 --> 00:23:17.945
- But the invitation they were given throughout scripture is to
- 00:23:17.945 --> 00:23:20.247
- Humble ourselves.
- 00:23:20.247 --> 00:23:21.582
- Doesn't mean we have no value, that we have no worth, it means
- 00:23:21.582 --> 00:23:24.251
- We understand ourselves in god's economy that there's a god and
- 00:23:24.251 --> 00:23:27.388
- It's not us.
- 00:23:27.388 --> 00:23:30.024
- It's not saying i don't have any abilities.
- 00:23:30.024 --> 00:23:31.659
- You do, god's given you abilities.
- 00:23:31.659 --> 00:23:33.194
- He's given you influence, he's given you talents and gifts.
- 00:23:33.194 --> 00:23:36.197
- Use 'em for him.
- 00:23:36.197 --> 00:23:39.133
- Humble yourselves before the lord.
- 00:23:39.133 --> 00:23:41.869
- And then look at the outcome.
- 00:23:41.869 --> 00:23:44.038
- He will lift you up.
- 00:23:44.038 --> 00:23:46.140
- Doesn't matter who the enemy is.
- 00:23:46.140 --> 00:23:48.442
- It doesn't matter how dark the circumstance.
- 00:23:48.442 --> 00:23:51.645
- You see, we don't have to have a majority, folks, there is an
- 00:23:51.645 --> 00:23:54.014
- Authority in the truth of god.
- 00:23:54.014 --> 00:23:56.750
- God is moving in the earth.
- 00:23:56.750 --> 00:24:00.020
- I've never been--i don't believe i've ever been more excited.
- 00:24:00.020 --> 00:24:02.690
- I don't think i've ever had a greater sense of anticipation.
- 00:24:02.690 --> 00:24:05.326
- I don't think i've ever recognized a greater season
- 00:24:05.326 --> 00:24:07.328
- Of opportunity.
- 00:24:07.328 --> 00:24:09.864
- I'm reordering my schedule.
- 00:24:09.864 --> 00:24:13.267
- I'm re--and i'm not dialing it back.
- 00:24:13.267 --> 00:24:19.006
- I'm saying to the lord, "whatever, however, you show me,
- 00:24:19.006 --> 00:24:22.576
- I'll go.
- 00:24:22.576 --> 00:24:23.944
- Let's do this.
- 00:24:23.944 --> 00:24:25.279
- Let's make an impact."
- 00:24:25.279 --> 00:24:30.885
- You can do that too.
- 00:24:30.885 --> 00:24:32.553
- We can do this.
- 00:24:32.553 --> 00:24:33.921
- We're salt and light.
- 00:24:33.921 --> 00:24:35.890
- God will help us.
- 00:24:35.890 --> 00:24:41.161
- He will stop the looting.
- 00:24:38.759 --> 00:24:48.536
- You ready for a breakthrough?
- 00:24:48.536 --> 00:24:50.971
- Let's stand, we'll pray.
- 00:24:50.971 --> 00:24:56.410
- You better join hands with somebody.
- 00:24:56.410 --> 00:24:57.945
- This is a team sport.
- 00:24:57.945 --> 00:25:06.320
- Lord, i thank you for your word.
- 00:25:06.320 --> 00:25:09.657
- I thank you for the insight you bring.
- 00:25:09.657 --> 00:25:13.027
- For the clarity that you give us.
- 00:25:13.027 --> 00:25:15.996
- Lord, i thank you for your great mercy.
- 00:25:15.996 --> 00:25:18.632
- That you don't respond to us as we deserve that you respond to
- 00:25:18.632 --> 00:25:23.704
- Us with kindness and compassion.
- 00:25:23.704 --> 00:25:26.240
- That you're patient and long-suffering.
- 00:25:26.240 --> 00:25:29.510
- I thank you that you have begun to awaken us, to give us eyes to
- 00:25:29.510 --> 00:25:33.647
- See and ears to hear.
- 00:25:33.647 --> 00:25:36.150
- I thank you for every person that has stood and said, "we
- 00:25:36.150 --> 00:25:39.887
- Won't redefine marriage, we won't sacrifice our children
- 00:25:39.887 --> 00:25:42.656
- To convenience.
- 00:25:42.656 --> 00:25:45.092
- We won't teach our children immoral things."
- 00:25:45.092 --> 00:25:49.096
- I thank you for every person and i pray now that you'll give us
- 00:25:49.096 --> 00:25:52.666
- The wisdom to continue to say, "yes," to you.
- 00:25:52.666 --> 00:25:57.004
- To yield to you as we've never yielded to you before.
- 00:25:57.004 --> 00:26:00.841
- They will have the courage to resist the devil, to say, "no,"
- 00:26:00.841 --> 00:26:03.844
- To ungodliness.
- 00:26:03.844 --> 00:26:05.813
- That we will stop overlooking it and we will begin overcoming it.
- 00:26:05.813 --> 00:26:11.085
- I thank you for it.
- 00:26:11.085 --> 00:26:12.720
- Holy spirit, show us each place where we need to
- 00:26:12.720 --> 00:26:16.490
- Cleanse ourselves.
- 00:26:16.490 --> 00:26:19.093
- Whether it's forgiveness, or a change of behavior, or a change
- 00:26:19.093 --> 00:26:23.731
- Of attention, lord, whatever it is, we present ourselves to you.
- 00:26:23.731 --> 00:26:28.135
- We choose to humble ourselves.
- 00:26:28.135 --> 00:26:30.537
- To acknowledge you as our lord and our redeemer, our savior.
- 00:26:30.537 --> 00:26:36.176
- I thank you that we stand in your strength.
- 00:26:36.176 --> 00:26:40.347
- Lord, i pray that you will begin to lift us up.
- 00:26:40.347 --> 00:26:44.952
- Lift us up above the attacks of the enemy.
- 00:26:44.952 --> 00:26:47.921
- Lift us up above the hatred of your adversaries.
- 00:26:47.921 --> 00:26:52.026
- Just lift us up above the demonic torment.
- 00:26:52.026 --> 00:26:56.597
- That we might see with clarity what you've called us to in
- 00:26:56.597 --> 00:27:00.801
- This generation.
- 00:27:00.801 --> 00:27:02.736
- So that our children and grandchildren might know freedom
- 00:27:02.736 --> 00:27:05.139
- And liberty.
- 00:27:05.139 --> 00:27:06.840
- And have the opportunities that we have known.
- 00:27:06.840 --> 00:27:09.977
- We thank you for it in jesus's name, amen.
- 00:27:09.977 --> 00:27:14.381
- Hallelujah, god bless you.
- 00:27:14.381 --> 00:27:27.261