Pastor Allen Jackson's mission is to help people become fully devoted followers of Jesus Christ.
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Allen Jackson Ministries | Allen Jackson - When God Intervenes (Part 1) | December 26, 2024
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- Allen jackson: i want to start a new series with you under the
- 00:00:07.389 --> 00:00:10.159
- General theme of breakthroughs, those places in our lives where
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- God intervenes.
- 00:00:13.195 --> 00:00:15.330
- And this really has come out of a portion of my own journey in
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- These last few weeks and even months.
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- I've got a good friend, and we touch base from time to time, in
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- Another state and we had agreed for some breakthroughs,
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- Particularly in some initiatives that he was walking through.
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- And it's led to several conversations about what
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- Breakthroughs would look like and how that would feel and how
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- We would know.
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- And i--so as i've been thinking and praying and living with
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- That, i wanna just walk through some of that with you.
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- And the christmas season seemed like a perfect time to do that.
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- And in my head, a breakthrough are those places where there's
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- An intervention, where god intervenes in our lives, where
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- There's an outcome that could really only adequately be
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- Understood by acknowledging that god was involved in what
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- Was happening.
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- It's something beyond a very well-organized something, or
- 00:01:01.710 --> 00:01:03.946
- Something that was really well thought through, or something
- 00:01:03.946 --> 00:01:06.515
- That really expressed the creativity that god had given
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- To us.
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- A breakthrough to me represents something far beyond that where
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- People look at that and go, you know, "only god."
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- And i'm not saying we didn't plan and it didn't require
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- Creativity and it didn't require diligence, but god was involved.
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- In galatians 4 and verse 4, it says: "when the time had fully
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- Come, god sent his son, born of a woman, born under law, to
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- Redeem those under the law, that we might receive the full rights
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- Of sons."
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- "when the time was just right," one of the translations says,
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- God sent his son that we might become children of god.
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- Folks, we didn't initiate that.
- 00:01:40.649 --> 00:01:43.152
- That was not the result of a planning committee that said,
- 00:01:43.152 --> 00:01:45.621
- "you know, we're really in deep weeds and we need some help."
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- God initiated it--that whoever would choose could be a part of
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- His eternal kingdom.
- 00:01:52.728 --> 00:01:54.730
- So for those christians that are kind of on the spectrum where
- 00:01:54.730 --> 00:01:58.433
- Miracles are infrequent and maybe relegated to some point in
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- The distant past, i would remind you there is no entrance into
- 00:02:02.070 --> 00:02:05.207
- The kingdom of god without the supernatural involvement of god.
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- A new birth is more than a rational choice.
- 00:02:09.244 --> 00:02:12.314
- It's an expression of the power of god where we're delivered
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- From a kingdom of darkness and brought into the kingdom of
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- The son.
- 00:02:17.686 --> 00:02:19.821
- And that was god initiated.
- 00:02:19.821 --> 00:02:21.356
- So we've all experienced a breakthrough, if you're a
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- Christ follower.
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- When i say breakthroughs and we're gonna talk about this a
- 00:02:25.527 --> 00:02:27.663
- Good bit.
- 00:02:27.663 --> 00:02:28.997
- We're gonna look at some different individuals and
- 00:02:28.997 --> 00:02:30.365
- Breakthroughs that they've had and what components we could
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- Learn from that.
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- But when i think of a breakthrough, it represents
- 00:02:34.169 --> 00:02:36.338
- Many things.
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- It could be a point of deliverance.
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- It could be a time of great revelation, of insight,
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- Of understanding.
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- It could be a time of redirection.
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- It could be a place where god's purposes and plans are initiated
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- In a completely new way.
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- Sometimes it's a completion of something that we're not capable
- 00:02:50.118 --> 00:02:52.988
- Of completing on our own.
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- And god brings it to a finality.
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- It can be the purposes of god being advanced or revealed or
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- Welcomed or understood.
- 00:03:02.698 --> 00:03:05.167
- No, i think in most of the conversations i have with folks
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- And we're talking and praying about breakthroughs that we're
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- Searching for, the ideal breakthrough is when there's a
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- Problem or a challenge or some deficit that we will acknowledge
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- And we invite god into that.
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- And in the ideal circumstance, god responds with complete--a
- 00:03:20.716 --> 00:03:24.286
- Complete solution and the completely intact
- 00:03:24.286 --> 00:03:27.689
- Imagined future.
- 00:03:27.689 --> 00:03:29.491
- Boom!
- 00:03:29.491 --> 00:03:31.560
- That's the way we want it.
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- Oh, don't look innocent.
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- I mean, i've listened to thousands of people present
- 00:03:38.734 --> 00:03:41.003
- Prayer requests and the one we want is what we want, the way we
- 00:03:41.003 --> 00:03:43.872
- Want when we want.
- 00:03:43.872 --> 00:03:45.841
- Now will be acceptable.
- 00:03:45.841 --> 00:03:47.309
- Well, yesterday was better.
- 00:03:47.309 --> 00:03:48.644
- Tomorrow is questionable.
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- That would be our breakthrough.
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- And sometimes the lord does that.
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- But my observation is that life is seldom ideal.
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- And while god is busy with breakthroughs, they come in many
- 00:04:01.990 --> 00:04:06.928
- Different packages.
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- In fact, i find that we are frequently delivered out of
- 00:04:09.798 --> 00:04:12.367
- Something, but we're not brought into something
- 00:04:12.367 --> 00:04:15.871
- Different immediately.
- 00:04:15.871 --> 00:04:18.607
- Sometimes the lord delivers us out of a place, but what's next
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- Is not as immediately apparent and we have to continue to
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- Follow the lord which causes significant groaning.
- 00:04:24.980 --> 00:04:30.285
- Or sometimes we're delivered from something.
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- But the adversary that we perceived isn't
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- Just annihilated.
- 00:04:35.924 --> 00:04:38.593
- They're not totally removed from the arena.
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- God's delivered us from that place.
- 00:04:41.563 --> 00:04:44.232
- But our adversary still stands there intact and we think,
- 00:04:44.232 --> 00:04:46.935
- "well, i thought god would melt them."
- 00:04:46.935 --> 00:04:52.341
- Or sometimes it's physical and we pray for healing and god
- 00:04:52.341 --> 00:04:56.445
- Brings healing and restoration through the medical community.
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- And we think, "well, i don't wanna have to go to the doctor."
- 00:05:01.516 --> 00:05:06.488
- Duly noted.
- 00:05:06.488 --> 00:05:08.857
- I don't want to stop at the filling station either, but it's
- 00:05:08.857 --> 00:05:13.562
- Better than pushing a car that's run out of gas.
- 00:05:13.562 --> 00:05:17.065
- Sometimes we're healed through a combination of prayer
- 00:05:17.065 --> 00:05:19.534
- And medicine.
- 00:05:19.534 --> 00:05:20.869
- Sometimes god brings healing, but there's still doctors
- 00:05:20.869 --> 00:05:22.938
- Involved or there's a diagnosis that we didn't want.
- 00:05:22.938 --> 00:05:25.707
- And then the diagnosis is walked back and somebody said, "well,
- 00:05:25.707 --> 00:05:29.044
- You know, i guess they missed it."
- 00:05:29.044 --> 00:05:30.412
- I don't think they missed anything.
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- I think somewhere in between the beginning and the end, god
- 00:05:31.747 --> 00:05:33.215
- Was involved.
- 00:05:33.215 --> 00:05:35.817
- I think any time you present yourself for help and you get an
- 00:05:35.817 --> 00:05:40.155
- Outcome that is acceptable, that brings restoration and renewal,
- 00:05:40.155 --> 00:05:43.558
- You should be wise enough to say, "god was involved in that."
- 00:05:43.558 --> 00:05:47.696
- If it's a trip to the doctor's office or a trip to the
- 00:05:47.696 --> 00:05:50.399
- Mechanic, if you get a favorable outcome, i hope you have the
- 00:05:50.399 --> 00:05:55.103
- Wisdom and experience to take a step back and say, "god,
- 00:05:55.103 --> 00:05:57.406
- Thank you."
- 00:05:57.406 --> 00:05:58.874
- Then you'll pay your bills with joy.
- 00:05:58.874 --> 00:06:03.645
- Sometimes god presents opportunities to us,
- 00:06:03.645 --> 00:06:06.014
- Breakthrough opportunities, and then you recognize that it could
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- Be such and yet it still requires of you
- 00:06:10.752 --> 00:06:13.488
- Effort and resources.
- 00:06:13.488 --> 00:06:16.658
- "well, if it was god--" if it was god, it would sometimes
- 00:06:16.658 --> 00:06:19.861
- Require of you effort and resources.
- 00:06:19.861 --> 00:06:24.232
- I'm pretty certain god called moses to go help the hebrew
- 00:06:24.232 --> 00:06:27.602
- Slaves get out of egypt.
- 00:06:27.602 --> 00:06:28.970
- But if i've read the narrative anywhere close to correctly, it
- 00:06:28.970 --> 00:06:32.474
- Required a bit of effort on old mo's part.
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- In fact, it took everything he had.
- 00:06:37.579 --> 00:06:41.416
- In fact, god buried him in the desert, but it was a
- 00:06:41.416 --> 00:06:46.021
- Breakthrough of biblical proportions.
- 00:06:46.021 --> 00:06:50.926
- So if i were looking for the basics and i will get to your
- 00:06:50.926 --> 00:06:53.094
- Notes, i promise i will.
- 00:06:53.094 --> 00:06:56.231
- Some of you were so excited it was a short outline and you
- 00:06:56.231 --> 00:06:58.433
- Thought, "yes!"
- 00:06:58.433 --> 00:07:01.002
- You're newer.
- 00:07:01.002 --> 00:07:03.738
- You know, the basics around a breakthrough, it seems to me,
- 00:07:03.738 --> 00:07:06.842
- Begin with it isn't a passive response.
- 00:07:06.842 --> 00:07:09.945
- It's not like we just sit around and say, "you know, if god wants
- 00:07:09.945 --> 00:07:12.614
- To help me."
- 00:07:12.614 --> 00:07:14.683
- You see, even our entrance into the kingdom of god doesn't
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- Emerge that way.
- 00:07:16.985 --> 00:07:18.320
- The bible says that we have to believe in our heart and confess
- 00:07:18.320 --> 00:07:20.055
- With our mouths.
- 00:07:20.055 --> 00:07:21.389
- We can't save ourselves. we don't work our way into that.
- 00:07:21.389 --> 00:07:23.058
- But you have to respond to the lord.
- 00:07:23.058 --> 00:07:25.760
- And if you just sit with your arms folded and say, "well, if
- 00:07:25.760 --> 00:07:27.629
- God wants me to go to heaven, he'll come get me.
- 00:07:27.629 --> 00:07:29.498
- If god's a god of love and grace and mercy, i don't believe god
- 00:07:29.498 --> 00:07:32.601
- Would let anybody go to hell," you can say that all the way
- 00:07:32.601 --> 00:07:34.703
- To hell.
- 00:07:34.703 --> 00:07:37.372
- It requires a response on our part.
- 00:07:37.372 --> 00:07:40.375
- Not that we earn it or deserve it.
- 00:07:40.375 --> 00:07:41.710
- Don't imagine that breakthroughs are passive.
- 00:07:41.710 --> 00:07:44.579
- Don't imagine that god's interventions are passive.
- 00:07:44.579 --> 00:07:47.582
- We read the galatians passage that god's in the--in the
- 00:07:47.582 --> 00:07:50.218
- Fullness of time, when the time was just right, god sent
- 00:07:50.218 --> 00:07:52.554
- His son.
- 00:07:52.554 --> 00:07:53.922
- But you know the christmas narrative well enough to know
- 00:07:53.922 --> 00:07:56.024
- That it took breakthroughs in the lives of multiple people for
- 00:07:56.024 --> 00:07:59.461
- That story to emerge.
- 00:07:59.461 --> 00:08:02.230
- It wasn't absent human beings saying yes to the lord.
- 00:08:02.230 --> 00:08:05.133
- It was very much engaged with people.
- 00:08:05.133 --> 00:08:08.470
- So don't think that breakthroughs are passive.
- 00:08:08.470 --> 00:08:10.372
- Secondly, i would submit to you, they're fueled by obedience.
- 00:08:10.372 --> 00:08:14.910
- If you're not walking in obedience to the truth that you
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- Know, why do you imagine god would bring a breakthrough into
- 00:08:17.546 --> 00:08:21.349
- Your life?
- 00:08:21.349 --> 00:08:23.051
- Again, i'm not saying you earn it, folks, but i'm saying there
- 00:08:23.051 --> 00:08:25.453
- Is a power in the truth, and there's a power and an authority
- 00:08:25.453 --> 00:08:28.490
- In obedience.
- 00:08:28.490 --> 00:08:30.892
- And we've gotten really sloppy in the contemporary version of
- 00:08:30.892 --> 00:08:33.562
- The church.
- 00:08:33.562 --> 00:08:35.497
- I mean, we really have, folks.
- 00:08:35.497 --> 00:08:38.133
- We're changing.
- 00:08:38.133 --> 00:08:39.501
- I'm excited about it.
- 00:08:39.501 --> 00:08:41.136
- There's an awakening that's begun and we're a few years
- 00:08:41.136 --> 00:08:43.171
- Into it.
- 00:08:43.171 --> 00:08:44.706
- We're still kind of rubbing the sleep from our eyes.
- 00:08:44.706 --> 00:08:47.809
- And the third thing i would submit is that when there's a
- 00:08:47.809 --> 00:08:50.078
- Breakthrough, it typically results in being set apart.
- 00:08:50.078 --> 00:08:55.050
- And by that, i--when there's a breakthrough in your life, god's
- 00:08:55.050 --> 00:08:58.119
- Purpose has become more apparent to you.
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- You didn't want that.
- 00:09:00.989 --> 00:09:02.357
- That's not usually the nature of the request.
- 00:09:02.357 --> 00:09:04.392
- We simply have a point of pain or disruption or need.
- 00:09:04.392 --> 00:09:07.562
- And we say, you know, "god, would you help me with this?"
- 00:09:07.562 --> 00:09:09.965
- And when god brings those breakthroughs, when there's that
- 00:09:09.965 --> 00:09:12.033
- Intervention on his part, if you'll co-operate with it, what
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- You find on the other side of that is you have an awareness of
- 00:09:16.304 --> 00:09:19.240
- Him that you didn't have before.
- 00:09:19.240 --> 00:09:22.177
- I think it would be safe to say that god intended for the hebrew
- 00:09:22.177 --> 00:09:24.879
- Slaves after they were delivered from egyptian slavery to have a
- 00:09:24.879 --> 00:09:29.417
- Completely different understanding of who god was and
- 00:09:29.417 --> 00:09:31.720
- Their relationship with him.
- 00:09:31.720 --> 00:09:33.521
- Is that fair?
- 00:09:33.521 --> 00:09:35.023
- "here's a temple, here's a priesthood, here's a whole set
- 00:09:35.023 --> 00:09:38.093
- Of rules.
- 00:09:38.093 --> 00:09:39.427
- Here's a whole set of ways to engage with me.
- 00:09:39.427 --> 00:09:40.795
- This is what it would mean to worship me."
- 00:09:40.795 --> 00:09:43.565
- I tell you that because if you're--if you're really
- 00:09:43.565 --> 00:09:45.433
- Serious about saying, "i would like god's help.
- 00:09:45.433 --> 00:09:47.569
- I'd like to engage with god.
- 00:09:47.569 --> 00:09:49.104
- I would like to welcome the power of god into my life," i'm
- 00:09:49.104 --> 00:09:52.574
- Gonna ask you to begin to consider what that could mean.
- 00:09:52.574 --> 00:09:57.145
- And it'll mean more than just freedom from pain.
- 00:09:57.145 --> 00:10:02.283
- Allen: 2024 has almost slipped past us.
- 00:10:06.154 --> 00:10:09.424
- Thank you for your partnership this year.
- 00:10:09.424 --> 00:10:11.526
- It's been the most remarkable season we've ever known
- 00:10:11.526 --> 00:10:13.928
- Together, and i thank you for your faithful investment of
- 00:10:13.928 --> 00:10:17.298
- Time, energy, and prayers in our ministry.
- 00:10:17.298 --> 00:10:19.768
- Change is taking place in the earth.
- 00:10:19.768 --> 00:10:22.103
- We're seeing in our own nation god responded to us with
- 00:10:22.103 --> 00:10:24.973
- Tremendous mercy and grace.
- 00:10:24.973 --> 00:10:27.542
- We have leaders that are headed to washington, d.c., to enact
- 00:10:27.542 --> 00:10:30.578
- Changes to restore a set of values that have brought
- 00:10:30.578 --> 00:10:33.048
- Strength to our nation.
- 00:10:33.048 --> 00:10:34.516
- It's a time of great optimism and hope and anticipation, and i
- 00:10:34.516 --> 00:10:38.486
- Believe that's true in the church as well.
- 00:10:38.486 --> 00:10:40.555
- Folks, we can't stand on the sidelines and expect somebody
- 00:10:40.555 --> 00:10:43.324
- Else to be the change.
- 00:10:43.324 --> 00:10:45.060
- We need the presence of god to emerge in our schools, on our
- 00:10:45.060 --> 00:10:48.163
- College campuses, back in our churches.
- 00:10:48.163 --> 00:10:51.332
- And so i think it's a critical time that we bring the message
- 00:10:51.332 --> 00:10:54.135
- Of the truth of jesus christ.
- 00:10:54.135 --> 00:10:55.870
- It's a hopeful message.
- 00:10:55.870 --> 00:10:57.205
- It's a message of wholeness and healing and deliverance and
- 00:10:57.205 --> 00:11:00.108
- Freedom that we desperately need in our cities, in our
- 00:11:00.108 --> 00:11:03.611
- Communities, wherever god's people gather.
- 00:11:03.611 --> 00:11:06.114
- Join us.
- 00:11:06.114 --> 00:11:07.482
- Let's be a part of what god is doing in the earth, and we will
- 00:11:07.482 --> 00:11:10.185
- Celebrate his faithfulness to the people of our generation.
- 00:11:10.185 --> 00:11:13.855
- Thank you for being a part.
- 00:11:13.855 --> 00:11:17.058
- Female announcer: god has uniquely blessed us.
- 00:11:17.125 --> 00:11:19.594
- The best is yet to come.
- 00:11:19.594 --> 00:11:22.397
- God has heard our prayers.
- 00:11:22.397 --> 00:11:24.966
- God has delivered us from oppression.
- 00:11:24.966 --> 00:11:28.837
- We live in a season of shaking, but together we stand, united in
- 00:11:28.837 --> 00:11:35.210
- Heart and purpose, to accomplish the will of god in
- 00:11:35.210 --> 00:11:38.513
- Our generation.
- 00:11:38.513 --> 00:11:41.015
- We will not stop.
- 00:11:41.015 --> 00:11:45.086
- Allen: i wanna ask you to make a sacrificial investment in
- 00:11:45.086 --> 00:11:47.856
- Our ministry.
- 00:11:47.856 --> 00:11:49.224
- We have a generous partner who'll match every gift between
- 00:11:49.224 --> 00:11:51.292
- Now and the end of the year.
- 00:11:51.292 --> 00:11:52.660
- We're making plans for the year ahead with a boldness and a
- 00:11:52.660 --> 00:11:55.630
- Courage unlike anything we've done in the past.
- 00:11:55.630 --> 00:11:58.633
- We wanna make as clear a statement for the gospel of
- 00:11:58.633 --> 00:12:01.236
- Jesus christ.
- 00:12:01.236 --> 00:12:02.604
- We wanna strengthen the church.
- 00:12:02.604 --> 00:12:04.205
- We want to tell the truth in a way that people can rally
- 00:12:04.205 --> 00:12:07.242
- Around it.
- 00:12:07.242 --> 00:12:08.576
- God is moving in the earth and we intend to participate
- 00:12:08.576 --> 00:12:11.212
- With him.
- 00:12:11.212 --> 00:12:12.580
- I hope you'll join us as we look forward to the new year.
- 00:12:12.580 --> 00:12:15.550
- Thank you in advance for your generous investments in what god
- 00:12:15.550 --> 00:12:18.787
- Is doing.
- 00:12:18.787 --> 00:12:20.121
- God bless you.
- 00:12:20.121 --> 00:12:21.489
- Announcer: as we step into this new season, let's be faithful to
- 00:12:21.489 --> 00:12:24.392
- Seek god.
- 00:12:24.392 --> 00:12:25.994
- Let's make room for him to refine our hearts so we can join
- 00:12:25.994 --> 00:12:29.397
- Him in what he's doing.
- 00:12:29.397 --> 00:12:31.399
- Pastor allen's new 90-day devotional journal called, "set
- 00:12:31.399 --> 00:12:35.403
- Apart for his purposes," can help.
- 00:12:35.403 --> 00:12:38.173
- Each day brings a new scripture, teaching, prayer, and a
- 00:12:38.173 --> 00:12:41.943
- Journaling prompt.
- 00:12:41.943 --> 00:12:43.278
- We'll also send custom page markers so you can flag anything
- 00:12:43.278 --> 00:12:46.714
- You want to revisit.
- 00:12:46.714 --> 00:12:48.249
- Request your copy of "set apart for his purposes" when you
- 00:12:48.249 --> 00:12:50.952
- Donate $50 or more today at
- 00:12:50.952 --> 00:12:55.256
- Or call...
- 00:12:55.256 --> 00:13:03.398
- Allen: breakthroughs.
- 00:13:06.935 --> 00:13:09.470
- God's interventions in our lives.
- 00:13:09.470 --> 00:13:12.540
- I wanna--i wanna look at two.
- 00:13:12.540 --> 00:13:14.342
- They're a part of the jesus story, the birth narrative in
- 00:13:14.342 --> 00:13:19.247
- The luke's gospel.
- 00:13:19.247 --> 00:13:21.082
- Not so much the stable in bethlehem, but they have a very
- 00:13:21.082 --> 00:13:24.219
- Significant message to be delivered for both the reader
- 00:13:24.219 --> 00:13:27.388
- And the audience in the first century.
- 00:13:27.388 --> 00:13:30.525
- Simeon and anna, you know them, many of you know them rather
- 00:13:30.525 --> 00:13:34.195
- Well, i suspect.
- 00:13:34.195 --> 00:13:36.264
- The challenge they face wouldn't be the typical challenge.
- 00:13:36.264 --> 00:13:38.933
- It wasn't the challenge of elizabeth and zechariah, who
- 00:13:38.933 --> 00:13:41.736
- Were childless, and the biological clock
- 00:13:41.736 --> 00:13:44.873
- Was not encouraging.
- 00:13:44.873 --> 00:13:47.075
- Simeon and anna had a different kind of a challenge.
- 00:13:47.075 --> 00:13:51.279
- God has made a promise to them and they're aware of that.
- 00:13:51.279 --> 00:13:55.450
- They're conscious of that.
- 00:13:55.450 --> 00:13:56.818
- It's expressed to us in the text, but their clock
- 00:13:56.818 --> 00:14:01.656
- Is ticking.
- 00:14:01.656 --> 00:14:02.991
- In fact, luke says of anna, "she was very old."
- 00:14:02.991 --> 00:14:07.495
- You know, i've introduced lots of people in my life but i don't
- 00:14:07.495 --> 00:14:10.064
- Know that i've ever introduced somebody, saying, "they are
- 00:14:10.064 --> 00:14:13.034
- Very old."
- 00:14:13.034 --> 00:14:17.705
- How'd you like to make the book, as being "very old"?
- 00:14:17.705 --> 00:14:24.512
- I mean, that's kind of like hopelessly decrepit, beyond
- 00:14:24.512 --> 00:14:28.383
- The pale.
- 00:14:28.383 --> 00:14:32.487
- But they've approached a time in their life and the promise of
- 00:14:32.487 --> 00:14:35.256
- God has not been fulfilled.
- 00:14:35.256 --> 00:14:36.658
- How many think that could be a battle?
- 00:14:36.658 --> 00:14:39.227
- Ooh, i promise.
- 00:14:39.227 --> 00:14:41.396
- Lord, we've honored you and you've told us you would do
- 00:14:41.396 --> 00:14:44.899
- Something, and our peer group is just about gone.
- 00:14:44.899 --> 00:14:50.939
- I promise you, i assure you, there was a battle in
- 00:14:50.939 --> 00:14:54.876
- Their minds.
- 00:14:54.876 --> 00:14:57.045
- They needed a breakthrough.
- 00:14:57.045 --> 00:15:00.048
- We'll start in luke chapter 2.
- 00:15:00.048 --> 00:15:02.383
- Says: "there was a man in jerusalem called simeon.
- 00:15:02.383 --> 00:15:05.920
- He was righteous and devout."
- 00:15:05.920 --> 00:15:08.456
- That would be a good way to make the book.
- 00:15:08.456 --> 00:15:11.292
- How'd you like to be recorded in heaven, that next to your
- 00:15:11.292 --> 00:15:13.695
- Name--"righteous and devout," wow.
- 00:15:13.695 --> 00:15:19.901
- Are you striving for that?
- 00:15:19.901 --> 00:15:21.336
- It's highly improbable it would ever be addressed towards you if
- 00:15:21.336 --> 00:15:25.473
- You don't intend it.
- 00:15:25.473 --> 00:15:28.276
- There's a righteousness, it's a gift.
- 00:15:28.276 --> 00:15:29.744
- You receive that as a free gift, but then you choose to lead a
- 00:15:29.744 --> 00:15:33.214
- Righteous life.
- 00:15:33.214 --> 00:15:35.984
- That choice really isn't about the gift you've received.
- 00:15:35.984 --> 00:15:38.753
- We've had a lot of conversations in contemporary american
- 00:15:38.753 --> 00:15:41.089
- Christendom about the gift of righteousness.
- 00:15:41.089 --> 00:15:42.724
- I believe in that.
- 00:15:42.724 --> 00:15:44.058
- I'm the beneficiary of that.
- 00:15:44.058 --> 00:15:46.961
- But then it is incumbent upon us to choose to lead a
- 00:15:46.961 --> 00:15:50.331
- Righteous life.
- 00:15:50.331 --> 00:15:53.568
- And it's said of simeon, he was both righteous and devout.
- 00:15:53.568 --> 00:15:58.072
- Focused, disciplined, purposeful.
- 00:15:58.072 --> 00:16:04.212
- "he was waiting for the consolation of israel, and the
- 00:16:04.212 --> 00:16:08.916
- Holy spirit was upon him.
- 00:16:08.916 --> 00:16:11.652
- It had been revealed to him by the holy spirit that he wouldn't
- 00:16:11.652 --> 00:16:13.988
- Die before he'd seen the lord's messiah.
- 00:16:13.988 --> 00:16:17.692
- Moved by the spirit, he went into the temple courts.
- 00:16:17.692 --> 00:16:20.595
- When the parents brought in the child jesus to do for him what
- 00:16:20.595 --> 00:16:23.231
- Was the custom of the law required, simeon took him in his
- 00:16:23.231 --> 00:16:26.634
- Arms and praised god."
- 00:16:26.634 --> 00:16:29.504
- Male children were required to be presented to the priest
- 00:16:29.504 --> 00:16:32.073
- For circumcision.
- 00:16:32.073 --> 00:16:34.275
- So it's highly probable jesus was not the only child being
- 00:16:34.275 --> 00:16:37.712
- Presented that day.
- 00:16:37.712 --> 00:16:39.680
- This is jerusalem.
- 00:16:39.680 --> 00:16:41.015
- This is the temple in jerusalem.
- 00:16:41.015 --> 00:16:43.918
- This would be if you visit jerusalem today, the bar
- 00:16:43.918 --> 00:16:46.454
- Mitzvahs, the celebrations they have for young men.
- 00:16:46.454 --> 00:16:49.690
- When they're moving into adulthood, there are people from
- 00:16:49.690 --> 00:16:52.160
- The jewish community all over the world will take their
- 00:16:52.160 --> 00:16:54.629
- Families to jerusalem so they can have their bar mitzvah
- 00:16:54.629 --> 00:16:56.898
- In jerusalem.
- 00:16:56.898 --> 00:16:58.933
- Doesn't take any imagination for me to imagine that there were
- 00:16:58.933 --> 00:17:02.270
- Children from around the country being brought to jerusalem
- 00:17:02.270 --> 00:17:05.006
- For this.
- 00:17:05.006 --> 00:17:06.841
- But in the midst of all those children, simeon, we're told
- 00:17:06.841 --> 00:17:11.446
- That the holy spirit was upon him and it was revealed to him
- 00:17:11.446 --> 00:17:14.549
- That he wouldn't die before he'd seen the messiah.
- 00:17:14.549 --> 00:17:16.584
- And on this day, out of all the children, he goes and takes
- 00:17:16.584 --> 00:17:20.288
- Jesus in his arms.
- 00:17:20.288 --> 00:17:24.058
- Verse 29: "'sovereign lord, as you promised, you now dismiss
- 00:17:24.058 --> 00:17:27.261
- Your servant in peace.
- 00:17:27.261 --> 00:17:29.430
- For my eyes have seen your salvation, which you've prepared
- 00:17:29.430 --> 00:17:32.066
- In the sight of all people, a light for revelation to the
- 00:17:32.066 --> 00:17:34.535
- Gentiles and for glory to your people israel.'
- 00:17:34.535 --> 00:17:39.307
- The child's father and mother marveled at what was said
- 00:17:39.307 --> 00:17:41.676
- About him.
- 00:17:41.676 --> 00:17:43.044
- And simeon blessed them and said to mary, his mother: 'this child
- 00:17:43.044 --> 00:17:45.780
- Is destined to cause the falling and rising of many in israel,
- 00:17:45.780 --> 00:17:49.417
- And to be a sign that will be spoken against, so that the
- 00:17:49.417 --> 00:17:51.853
- Thoughts of many hearts will be revealed.
- 00:17:51.853 --> 00:17:54.555
- And a sword will pierce your own soul too.'"
- 00:17:54.555 --> 00:17:58.292
- Simeon stepped onto the stage of scripture there for a few lines,
- 00:17:58.292 --> 00:18:03.030
- An old man, full of the holy spirit.
- 00:18:03.030 --> 00:18:06.901
- The holy spirit was upon him, we're told.
- 00:18:06.901 --> 00:18:10.471
- If you'll allow me just a few observations, these have
- 00:18:10.471 --> 00:18:12.740
- Something to do with opinion and something to do with just a
- 00:18:12.740 --> 00:18:14.775
- Reading of the text.
- 00:18:14.775 --> 00:18:16.144
- I'd say it's highly probable that simeon and anna knew
- 00:18:16.144 --> 00:18:19.113
- One another.
- 00:18:19.113 --> 00:18:20.781
- We're gonna be introduced to both of them in consecutive
- 00:18:20.781 --> 00:18:23.651
- Verses here, consecutive passages, as luke presents the
- 00:18:23.651 --> 00:18:27.488
- Narrative to us.
- 00:18:27.488 --> 00:18:29.323
- Two people in the temple waiting for the revelation to identify
- 00:18:29.323 --> 00:18:33.394
- The messiah.
- 00:18:33.394 --> 00:18:36.164
- In fact, it's that first statement that i would call your
- 00:18:36.164 --> 00:18:38.299
- Attentions to.
- 00:18:38.299 --> 00:18:39.667
- It says that simeon was waiting for the consolation of israel.
- 00:18:39.667 --> 00:18:43.204
- Now, i don't know about you, but i'm not a great waiter.
- 00:18:43.204 --> 00:18:50.278
- If someone needs patience, i pray the lord gives it to you.
- 00:18:50.278 --> 00:18:56.984
- I mean, to be just completely honest, i think microwaves are
- 00:18:56.984 --> 00:19:00.588
- Terribly slow.
- 00:19:00.588 --> 00:19:04.592
- I mean, i'm old enough to remember when they were
- 00:19:04.592 --> 00:19:06.360
- Introduced, at least into the general public and you could
- 00:19:06.360 --> 00:19:09.096
- Have one in your home and, you know, whatever that was 100, 120
- 00:19:09.096 --> 00:19:13.367
- Years ago, it was a pretty good breakthrough.
- 00:19:13.367 --> 00:19:17.104
- But couldn't--isn't there something we could do to improve
- 00:19:17.104 --> 00:19:19.273
- On that?
- 00:19:19.273 --> 00:19:20.641
- Does it really take, what, 5 minutes to bake a potato still?
- 00:19:20.641 --> 00:19:24.178
- Can't we get that down to, like, 90 seconds?
- 00:19:24.178 --> 00:19:28.783
- I mean, for real.
- 00:19:28.783 --> 00:19:31.118
- Yield signs on the highway.
- 00:19:31.118 --> 00:19:35.256
- You know the true meaning of them, right?
- 00:19:35.256 --> 00:19:37.959
- It means hurry because if you can get to the intersection
- 00:19:37.959 --> 00:19:40.027
- Ahead of those other people, you go first.
- 00:19:40.027 --> 00:19:46.167
- Don't practice everything i preach.
- 00:19:46.167 --> 00:19:51.105
- And simeon made the book and almost the first thing we're
- 00:19:51.105 --> 00:19:53.441
- Told about him is he was waiting to see israel consoled.
- 00:19:53.441 --> 00:19:59.146
- Israel is living under great stress.
- 00:19:59.146 --> 00:20:00.815
- They're an occupied country.
- 00:20:00.815 --> 00:20:02.183
- There's occupying armies, they're paying taxes to a
- 00:20:02.183 --> 00:20:05.419
- Pagan king.
- 00:20:05.419 --> 00:20:07.255
- It's a daily point of humiliation--not just
- 00:20:07.255 --> 00:20:10.791
- Spiritually, there was physical humiliation for their wives and
- 00:20:10.791 --> 00:20:14.996
- Their children.
- 00:20:14.996 --> 00:20:16.964
- And he's waiting to see israel consoled.
- 00:20:16.964 --> 00:20:20.735
- Look at isaiah 40 and verse 31: "those who wait for the lord
- 00:20:20.735 --> 00:20:24.038
- Will gain new strength; they'll mount up with wings like eagles
- 00:20:24.038 --> 00:20:27.842
- And they'll run and not get tired, and they'll walk and not
- 00:20:27.842 --> 00:20:30.111
- Become weary."
- 00:20:30.111 --> 00:20:31.445
- Some of you have been asked to wait for your breakthrough.
- 00:20:31.445 --> 00:20:36.150
- We're not told how long simeon's been waiting.
- 00:20:36.150 --> 00:20:38.319
- We're just told he's no longer young and he's waiting.
- 00:20:38.319 --> 00:20:43.924
- He's not very old.
- 00:20:43.924 --> 00:20:45.259
- Anna is very old, but the promise of scripture is that if
- 00:20:45.259 --> 00:20:51.265
- You will wait for the lord, you'll gain new strength.
- 00:20:51.265 --> 00:20:55.436
- He won't just renew your strength.
- 00:20:55.436 --> 00:20:57.605
- He'll give you new strength.
- 00:20:57.605 --> 00:20:59.507
- You pack on new muscle, you'll gain new capacity, that there's
- 00:20:59.507 --> 00:21:06.080
- A benefit, spiritually, sometimes in waiting and, again,
- 00:21:06.080 --> 00:21:09.116
- This one's not easy for me.
- 00:21:09.116 --> 00:21:13.254
- But that's not all we know about simeon.
- 00:21:13.254 --> 00:21:14.789
- It says the holy spirit was upon him.
- 00:21:14.789 --> 00:21:17.825
- And then luke gives us some additional insights.
- 00:21:17.825 --> 00:21:19.627
- He said some things have been revealed to him by the
- 00:21:19.627 --> 00:21:21.562
- Holy spirit--that he wouldn't die until he'd seen the messiah.
- 00:21:21.562 --> 00:21:25.599
- That's a pretty significant revelation.
- 00:21:25.599 --> 00:21:28.836
- Simeon is familiar enough with the person, the voice, the
- 00:21:28.836 --> 00:21:32.306
- Direction, the interaction of the spirit of god.
- 00:21:32.306 --> 00:21:35.943
- He understands it has implications for the timeline of
- 00:21:35.943 --> 00:21:39.046
- His life journey, that he trusts the holy spirit enough that he
- 00:21:39.046 --> 00:21:43.417
- Looks at a--we do baby dedications around here and
- 00:21:43.417 --> 00:21:45.920
- We'll put 30 babies and their siblings up here at the front of
- 00:21:45.920 --> 00:21:48.622
- The church and simeon is comfortable enough, he could
- 00:21:48.622 --> 00:21:50.825
- Look at that group of kids and go, "that's the one," because he
- 00:21:50.825 --> 00:21:55.596
- Took that little baby in his arms and began to speak about
- 00:21:55.596 --> 00:21:57.932
- Him, wow.
- 00:21:57.932 --> 00:22:02.036
- So i'm gonna submit to you and we're gonna look at it from a
- 00:22:02.036 --> 00:22:04.004
- Variety of perspectives that an engagement and understanding and
- 00:22:04.004 --> 00:22:07.608
- Awareness of the person of the holy spirit and what it would
- 00:22:07.608 --> 00:22:10.444
- Mean to recognize his voice is an essential component
- 00:22:10.444 --> 00:22:14.215
- Of breakthroughs.
- 00:22:14.215 --> 00:22:16.050
- Not somebody else telling you what the holy spirit said, not
- 00:22:16.050 --> 00:22:19.620
- What someone else spoke over your life.
- 00:22:19.620 --> 00:22:22.156
- I'm not saying those things couldn't be real or legitimate.
- 00:22:22.156 --> 00:22:24.425
- But i'm telling you, if we're gonna walk through seasons of
- 00:22:24.425 --> 00:22:26.961
- Deception, you and i will have to recognize the voice of the
- 00:22:26.961 --> 00:22:29.697
- Spirit of god.
- 00:22:29.697 --> 00:22:34.935
- Simeon also has to make peace that it's most probable he won't
- 00:22:34.935 --> 00:22:38.239
- See the messiah minister.
- 00:22:38.239 --> 00:22:41.175
- He won't see jesus do miracles.
- 00:22:41.175 --> 00:22:46.247
- Don't you know he would have liked to have done that?
- 00:22:46.247 --> 00:22:49.583
- He's waiting for the consolation of israel, and the revelation
- 00:22:49.583 --> 00:22:52.553
- He's given is that you'll get to recognize--you'll see the baby.
- 00:22:52.553 --> 00:22:57.825
- There was no promise that he would get to see jesus
- 00:22:57.825 --> 00:23:00.795
- Do miracles.
- 00:23:00.795 --> 00:23:03.063
- Folks, we serve at the pleasure of the king.
- 00:23:03.063 --> 00:23:06.700
- Remember the topic, it's breakthroughs,
- 00:23:06.700 --> 00:23:08.269
- God's interventions.
- 00:23:08.269 --> 00:23:09.804
- We have roles to play in that.
- 00:23:09.804 --> 00:23:12.406
- We can actually facilitate.
- 00:23:12.406 --> 00:23:15.843
- And one of the things we've got to resolve is that we serve at
- 00:23:15.843 --> 00:23:18.546
- The pleasure of the king.
- 00:23:18.546 --> 00:23:21.315
- We serve at the pleasure of the king.
- 00:23:21.315 --> 00:23:25.453
- And then i think there's a bit of a hint of
- 00:23:25.453 --> 00:23:27.421
- Simeon's personality.
- 00:23:27.421 --> 00:23:28.756
- He's pretty assertive.
- 00:23:28.756 --> 00:23:30.124
- He takes the baby in his arms.
- 00:23:30.124 --> 00:23:32.226
- "hi, mary.
- 00:23:32.226 --> 00:23:35.496
- Give me the kid."
- 00:23:35.496 --> 00:23:38.666
- I'm sure it was a bit more friendly than that.
- 00:23:38.666 --> 00:23:41.669
- And a boldness: he says aloud that god has kept his promises
- 00:23:41.669 --> 00:23:45.039
- And acknowledges jesus as messiah.
- 00:23:45.039 --> 00:23:48.542
- That's not an easy thing to do.
- 00:23:48.542 --> 00:23:49.910
- Again, we tend to pray polite prayers.
- 00:23:49.910 --> 00:23:52.613
- Simeon is aware enough, informed enough, has enough of a
- 00:23:52.613 --> 00:23:55.549
- Revelation, to speak with authority over the life of a
- 00:23:55.549 --> 00:23:58.619
- Newborn child.
- 00:23:58.619 --> 00:24:01.789
- It's a remarkable scene, honestly.
- 00:24:01.789 --> 00:24:06.961
- And luke simply tells us in verse 33 that the--mary and
- 00:24:06.961 --> 00:24:09.830
- Joseph marveled at what was said about this new baby.
- 00:24:09.830 --> 00:24:13.400
- It's taken all their faith just to get to this point.
- 00:24:13.400 --> 00:24:15.569
- I mean, it has stretched them physically and spiritually to
- 00:24:15.569 --> 00:24:18.672
- The very limits.
- 00:24:18.672 --> 00:24:20.274
- They have stretch marks.
- 00:24:20.274 --> 00:24:22.776
- I mean, they're at the very edge of what they can comprehend.
- 00:24:22.776 --> 00:24:25.312
- There's been some crazy shepherds babbling on and now
- 00:24:25.312 --> 00:24:31.051
- They've gone to the temple, they're just trying to check the
- 00:24:31.051 --> 00:24:33.220
- Boxes and do what they're supposed to do.
- 00:24:33.220 --> 00:24:34.889
- And here's simeon with the baby and all this and then they're
- 00:24:34.889 --> 00:24:38.726
- Just marveling at what's going on.
- 00:24:38.726 --> 00:24:40.094
- And then simeon turns to mary.
- 00:24:40.094 --> 00:24:43.464
- Luke goes out of his way to make this clear.
- 00:24:43.464 --> 00:24:45.733
- It's verse 34: "simeon blessed them and said to mary, his
- 00:24:45.733 --> 00:24:48.903
- Mother," at which joseph said, "what am i?
- 00:24:48.903 --> 00:24:53.941
- Chopped liver?"
- 00:24:53.941 --> 00:24:57.745
- "'the child is destined to cause the falling and rising of many
- 00:24:57.745 --> 00:25:01.081
- In israel and to be a sign that will be spoken against, so that
- 00:25:01.081 --> 00:25:05.719
- The thoughts of many hearts will be revealed and a sword will
- 00:25:05.719 --> 00:25:09.823
- Pierce your own soul too.'"
- 00:25:09.823 --> 00:25:13.961
- Simeon had a message for mary.
- 00:25:13.961 --> 00:25:16.597
- It's really the first hint we have in the narrative that
- 00:25:16.597 --> 00:25:19.433
- Joseph perhaps isn't going to complete the same course.
- 00:25:19.433 --> 00:25:26.473
- Because before we get to jesus's ministry at the age of 30,
- 00:25:26.473 --> 00:25:31.245
- Joseph seems to have stepped out of time.
- 00:25:31.245 --> 00:25:35.182
- He's not included, and very early and when jesus is still
- 00:25:35.182 --> 00:25:41.221
- Just an infant, we have a hint of that.
- 00:25:41.221 --> 00:25:43.958
- Simeon says, "i have a message for you, mary.
- 00:25:43.958 --> 00:25:47.561
- There'll be a sword pierce your heart."
- 00:25:47.561 --> 00:25:50.864
- That's not an easy message to deliver.
- 00:25:50.864 --> 00:25:54.068
- That's not a message of ease and opportunity.
- 00:25:54.068 --> 00:25:56.870
- The first part would be kind of fun.
- 00:25:56.870 --> 00:25:59.373
- "i've been waiting to see this child for a long, long time."
- 00:25:59.373 --> 00:26:03.444
- The rest of the message is not so fun.
- 00:26:03.444 --> 00:26:05.512
- Allen: i wanna pray with you before we go.
- 00:26:06.480 --> 00:26:08.115
- But i have a specific objective in my heart.
- 00:26:08.115 --> 00:26:11.452
- You know, god is changing our world and, i believe, purifying
- 00:26:11.452 --> 00:26:14.655
- His church for a harvest that is in front of us.
- 00:26:14.655 --> 00:26:17.791
- It started with the pandemic and it broke us out of a routine.
- 00:26:17.791 --> 00:26:21.662
- We were familiar with the theater of worship.
- 00:26:21.662 --> 00:26:24.565
- We knew what to wear.
- 00:26:24.565 --> 00:26:25.899
- We knew when to sit and when to stand.
- 00:26:25.899 --> 00:26:27.401
- We knew how to attend a public worship service and not
- 00:26:27.401 --> 00:26:30.204
- Embarrass ourselves, if we stayed in our lane.
- 00:26:30.204 --> 00:26:32.773
- We were a little suspicious of people that worshiped in a way
- 00:26:32.773 --> 00:26:34.908
- That we weren't familiar with.
- 00:26:34.908 --> 00:26:36.577
- But we really didn't have to bring our heart to the lord.
- 00:26:36.577 --> 00:26:38.846
- Well, a season for a passive faith is gone.
- 00:26:38.846 --> 00:26:41.682
- We need a courageous faith and a boldness to say, "lord, i'm
- 00:26:41.682 --> 00:26:45.185
- Willing to be different so that your purposes can emerge in
- 00:26:45.185 --> 00:26:47.888
- My life."
- 00:26:47.888 --> 00:26:49.223
- The technical word for that is repentance.
- 00:26:49.223 --> 00:26:50.691
- It's not about gross sin in your life.
- 00:26:50.691 --> 00:26:52.793
- It's a willingness to change.
- 00:26:52.793 --> 00:26:54.395
- Let's pray.
- 00:26:54.395 --> 00:26:55.729
- Father, i ask you to help us if there's anything in our
- 00:26:55.729 --> 00:26:57.931
- Thoughts, our imagination, our habits, our patterns, that would
- 00:26:57.931 --> 00:27:01.335
- Limit what you would do with our lives, help us to change.
- 00:27:01.335 --> 00:27:04.571
- We submit ourselves to you and your authority, in jesus's
- 00:27:04.571 --> 00:27:07.675
- Name, amen.
- 00:27:07.675 --> 00:27:09.043
- God bless you.
- 00:27:09.043 --> 00:27:10.778
- ♪♪♪
- 00:27:10.778 --> 00:27:27.361