Pathway to Victory offers a practical application of God’s Word to everyday life through the clear, biblical teaching of Pastor Jeffress.
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Dr. Robert Jeffress | Robert Jeffress - Begin Your Second Act Now (Part 1) | January 13, 2025
- ♪ music ♪
- 00:00:00.156 --> 00:00:05.795
- [announcer] from the pulpit
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- Of the first baptist church of dallas, texas,
- 00:00:07.664 --> 00:00:09.766
- This is "pathway to victory" with dr. robert jeffress.
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- Hi, i am robert jeffress,
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- And welcome again to "pathway to victory."
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- In the aftermath of a moral failure
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- Or a devastating loss,
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- It can seem like your life is completely over,
- 00:00:23.213 --> 00:00:26.382
- The curtain has dropped, the lights have gone out,
- 00:00:26.382 --> 00:00:29.519
- And everyone around you has exited stage left.
- 00:00:29.519 --> 00:00:33.690
- Well, while your mistakes may feel final,
- 00:00:33.690 --> 00:00:36.526
- Nothing could be further from the truth.
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- God wants to redeem your failures.
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- So how do you know when the second chapter
- 00:00:41.898 --> 00:00:44.467
- Is ready to begin?
- 00:00:44.467 --> 00:00:46.169
- Well, today we're going to look at five important principles
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- For when your story is about to resume.
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- My message is titled "begin your second act now!"
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- On today's edition of "pathway to victory."
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- ♪ music ♪
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- [announcer] we all make mistakes
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- Almost every hour of every day,
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- But because of god's grace,
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- Failure does not have to be fatal.
- 00:01:11.761 --> 00:01:14.164
- Dr. robert jeffress has written a book
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- Called "second chance, second act"
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- Featuring biblical insights, trustworthy wisdom,
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- And practical strategies
- 00:01:20.770 --> 00:01:21.971
- For turning your messes into successes.
- 00:01:21.971 --> 00:01:24.807
- Discover how god can transform your biggest mistake
- 00:01:24.807 --> 00:01:27.844
- Into a new beginning.
- 00:01:27.844 --> 00:01:29.179
- Request the bestselling book,
- 00:01:29.179 --> 00:01:30.547
- "second chance, second act"
- 00:01:30.547 --> 00:01:32.048
- When you give a generous gift to support the ministry
- 00:01:32.048 --> 00:01:34.584
- Of "pathway to victory."
- 00:01:34.584 --> 00:01:36.953
- ♪ music ♪
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- Tempus fugit.
- 00:01:44.060 --> 00:01:46.095
- You remember that phrase.
- 00:01:46.095 --> 00:01:48.164
- It's latin for time flies.
- 00:01:48.164 --> 00:01:52.535
- Time flies except when you're standing
- 00:01:52.535 --> 00:01:55.572
- In the wrong line at the bank,
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- Or enduring an endless graduation ceremony,
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- Or going through an intermission in your life story.
- 00:02:03.112 --> 00:02:07.283
- Last time we talked about intermissions.
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- That's the period of time
- 00:02:10.253 --> 00:02:12.288
- Between your failure and your future.
- 00:02:12.288 --> 00:02:16.726
- We're in a series called "second chance, second act:
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- Turning your messes into successes."
- 00:02:20.363 --> 00:02:23.166
- And we're looking at five biblical principles
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- For taking your worst mistakes
- 00:02:26.069 --> 00:02:28.671
- And using them as a stepping stone
- 00:02:28.671 --> 00:02:30.607
- For your second act in life.
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- So far we've talked about the first step.
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- That is you've got to fess up to your mess up.
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- Before you can move forward,
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- You have to deal with your failure
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- And allow christ to forgive you.
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- Secondly, we said don't mess up for free.
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- You know, proverbs says over and over again,
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- Instead of repeating your mistakes,
- 00:02:48.524 --> 00:02:50.827
- Why not learn from your mistakes?
- 00:02:50.827 --> 00:02:53.696
- And then last time we talked about the importance
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- Of enjoying your intermission.
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- You know when you look throughout scripture,
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- When god's people fail,
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- He usually imposes a waiting time,
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- An intermission time,
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- But waiting time doesn't have to be wasted time.
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- God uses the intermissions in our life to allow us
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- To refresh ourselves, to reflect upon the past,
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- And also to listen to god's redirection about the future.
- 00:03:19.956 --> 00:03:24.360
- That's the concept of intermission.
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- And, of course, intermission is followed by our second act,
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- And that's what we're going to talk about today.
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- How to know when to begin your second act.
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- Now, you know in the world of the theater,
- 00:03:37.507 --> 00:03:39.976
- You know when intermission is over.
- 00:03:39.976 --> 00:03:42.512
- You know what the signal is.
- 00:03:42.512 --> 00:03:43.613
- The lights start to flicker,
- 00:03:43.613 --> 00:03:45.415
- The orchestra begins to tune up,
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- The lights begin to dim finally,
- 00:03:47.183 --> 00:03:49.218
- And you know the second half
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- Of the show is about to be begin.
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- Wouldn't it be nice if we knew
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- When our waiting time was over in life,
- 00:03:54.624 --> 00:03:57.193
- When we knew that new relationship was about to begin,
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- Or that job offer would come,
- 00:04:00.296 --> 00:04:02.298
- Or our balance sheet would turn from red to black?
- 00:04:02.298 --> 00:04:06.135
- Usually, god doesn't give us a clear signal
- 00:04:06.135 --> 00:04:09.706
- All the time when intermission is over
- 00:04:09.706 --> 00:04:12.041
- And the second act is about to begin.
- 00:04:12.041 --> 00:04:14.377
- However, today what i want us to do is look at
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- What i believe are five biblical principles
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- For knowing when god may be saying
- 00:04:19.148 --> 00:04:21.484
- Intermission time is over
- 00:04:21.484 --> 00:04:23.786
- And your second act is ready to begin.
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- First and foundational,
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- If you want to know when god is about ready
- 00:04:29.025 --> 00:04:32.895
- To do something big in your future,
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- You need to learn how to let go of past regrets.
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- Letting go of past regrets.
- 00:04:39.802 --> 00:04:41.771
- Author erwin mcmanus talks about the paralyzing effect
- 00:04:41.771 --> 00:04:46.342
- Of living in the past.
- 00:04:46.342 --> 00:04:48.044
- He talks about, "that one moment in the past
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- That continues to haunt every moment of your life,
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- A moment in your history that steals from you
- 00:04:55.318 --> 00:04:57.887
- All the moments in the future.
- 00:04:57.887 --> 00:05:00.089
- Is there a moment you keep reliving again and again?
- 00:05:00.089 --> 00:05:03.960
- To relive the past is to relinquish the future.
- 00:05:03.960 --> 00:05:08.664
- If you are willing to let go of the past,
- 00:05:08.664 --> 00:05:10.967
- Then you are ready to step into the future.
- 00:05:10.967 --> 00:05:14.170
- When you choose to remain stuck in a moment,
- 00:05:14.170 --> 00:05:17.573
- You become incapable of seizing your divine moments."
- 00:05:17.573 --> 00:05:22.845
- The writer of hebrews said it this way
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- In hebrews 12:1.
- 00:05:25.047 --> 00:05:26.749
- "let us also lay aside every encumbrance,
- 00:05:26.749 --> 00:05:30.086
- And the sin what so easily entangles us,
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- And let us run with endurance the race
- 00:05:32.922 --> 00:05:36.559
- That is set before us..."
- 00:05:36.559 --> 00:05:38.494
- The writer is saying life is like a foot race,
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- But you know any runner who wants to win the race
- 00:05:41.330 --> 00:05:44.567
- He's got to first of all,
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- Take off any unnecessary weights
- 00:05:45.668 --> 00:05:48.571
- That are slowing him down.
- 00:05:48.571 --> 00:05:50.273
- Nothing will weigh you down in life
- 00:05:50.273 --> 00:05:51.974
- Anymore than past regrets.
- 00:05:51.974 --> 00:05:54.410
- And not only that, the runner always has
- 00:05:54.410 --> 00:05:56.345
- To keep looking forward.
- 00:05:56.345 --> 00:05:57.880
- He can't afford to look back over ground already covered.
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- We've got to learn how to let go of regrets.
- 00:06:00.983 --> 00:06:04.086
- How do you do that, pastor?
- 00:06:04.086 --> 00:06:05.354
- That's a lot easier said than done.
- 00:06:05.354 --> 00:06:07.523
- What if there is a giant failure in your past
- 00:06:07.523 --> 00:06:10.092
- That you just can't get past?
- 00:06:10.092 --> 00:06:13.262
- Let me suggest three important realities
- 00:06:13.262 --> 00:06:16.032
- That will help you let go of your regrets.
- 00:06:16.032 --> 00:06:18.935
- First of all, the impossibility of undoing your mistake.
- 00:06:18.935 --> 00:06:23.506
- You know, in movies, you always have these stories
- 00:06:24.540 --> 00:06:26.375
- About people who go back in time and change past history.
- 00:06:26.375 --> 00:06:31.180
- That's only possible in movies.
- 00:06:31.180 --> 00:06:33.349
- And yet many people engage
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- In what i call mental time travel.
- 00:06:35.051 --> 00:06:37.119
- They go back to their past, but they can't change it.
- 00:06:37.119 --> 00:06:40.356
- They just keep reliving that pain over and over again.
- 00:06:40.356 --> 00:06:43.826
- Ladies and gentlemen,
- 00:06:43.826 --> 00:06:45.094
- That's a trip you can't afford to take,
- 00:06:45.094 --> 00:06:47.196
- Going back to the past to relive those mistakes.
- 00:06:47.196 --> 00:06:50.633
- But there's a second reality,
- 00:06:50.633 --> 00:06:52.101
- The reality of god's forgiveness.
- 00:06:52.101 --> 00:06:55.571
- When i talk about releasing your regrets,
- 00:06:55.571 --> 00:06:57.807
- You'll never do it unless you deal with those regrets
- 00:06:57.807 --> 00:07:00.376
- And experience christ forgiveness.
- 00:07:00.376 --> 00:07:03.112
- And i don't care whether you're a politician,
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- A pastor, or the pope.
- 00:07:06.148 --> 00:07:07.917
- We all need god's forgiveness, don't we?
- 00:07:07.917 --> 00:07:10.653
- We have to have that time in our life
- 00:07:10.653 --> 00:07:12.822
- When we admit our sin and receive christ's forgiveness.
- 00:07:12.822 --> 00:07:16.559
- But you know, colossians two says,
- 00:07:16.559 --> 00:07:18.160
- When we ask for christ's forgiveness,
- 00:07:18.160 --> 00:07:20.062
- He takes our mistakes.
- 00:07:20.062 --> 00:07:21.531
- And what does he do with them?
- 00:07:21.531 --> 00:07:22.832
- He nails them to the cross of jesus christ
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- Where god stamps it paid in full.
- 00:07:25.768 --> 00:07:29.939
- That's the reality of god's forgiveness.
- 00:07:29.939 --> 00:07:32.742
- The bible says, "he cast our sins
- 00:07:32.742 --> 00:07:34.176
- Into the depths of the sea,
- 00:07:34.176 --> 00:07:36.445
- And he remembers our iniquities no more."
- 00:07:36.445 --> 00:07:40.049
- And then thirdly, to release the regrets of the past,
- 00:07:40.049 --> 00:07:43.252
- You have to be convinced of the possibility
- 00:07:43.252 --> 00:07:45.621
- Of future change.
- 00:07:45.621 --> 00:07:47.156
- No, we can't undo our past mistakes.
- 00:07:47.156 --> 00:07:50.226
- Life has no rewind button on it,
- 00:07:50.226 --> 00:07:52.862
- But we can make decisions that change our future.
- 00:07:52.862 --> 00:07:56.465
- Many of you are aware of the nobel peace prizes
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- That are offered for outstanding works
- 00:08:00.903 --> 00:08:02.939
- That benefit humanity.
- 00:08:02.939 --> 00:08:04.840
- What you may not know though,
- 00:08:04.840 --> 00:08:06.175
- Is how those peace prizes were started.
- 00:08:06.175 --> 00:08:08.945
- They're named after alfred nobel.
- 00:08:08.945 --> 00:08:12.348
- Alfred nobel was the swedish chemist
- 00:08:12.348 --> 00:08:15.518
- Who invented dynamite,
- 00:08:16.018 --> 00:08:18.254
- And from that invention he made millions
- 00:08:18.254 --> 00:08:20.623
- And millions of dollars selling dynamite
- 00:08:20.623 --> 00:08:23.326
- To countries around the world
- 00:08:23.960 --> 00:08:25.761
- That would use it to destroy armies and people
- 00:08:25.761 --> 00:08:28.531
- By the millions.
- 00:08:28.531 --> 00:08:29.932
- One day, alfred nobel's brother died,
- 00:08:29.932 --> 00:08:33.169
- But the newspaper made a mistake.
- 00:08:33.169 --> 00:08:35.137
- Instead of printing his brother's obituary,
- 00:08:35.137 --> 00:08:38.641
- The paper made a mistake
- 00:08:38.641 --> 00:08:40.176
- And printed alfred nobel's obituary.
- 00:08:40.176 --> 00:08:43.746
- So he had the strange opportunity to open up the newspaper
- 00:08:43.746 --> 00:08:48.284
- And read his own obituary,
- 00:08:48.284 --> 00:08:50.786
- And when he read it, he realized the lead paragraph,
- 00:08:51.821 --> 00:08:56.125
- What he would be most remembered for
- 00:08:56.125 --> 00:08:59.028
- Is developing the instrument
- 00:08:59.028 --> 00:09:00.596
- That would be used to kill tens of millions of people.
- 00:09:00.596 --> 00:09:04.100
- And alfred nobel said right then and there,
- 00:09:04.100 --> 00:09:06.235
- He did not want that to be
- 00:09:06.235 --> 00:09:07.603
- What he has remembered for.
- 00:09:07.603 --> 00:09:08.838
- So he took a large chunk of his assets,
- 00:09:08.838 --> 00:09:11.707
- And with those assets he started the nobel peace prizes
- 00:09:11.707 --> 00:09:15.511
- In order to award those who benefit humanity
- 00:09:15.511 --> 00:09:19.115
- Through science, and literature, and the arts.
- 00:09:19.115 --> 00:09:22.952
- You know, you can't undo your past,
- 00:09:22.952 --> 00:09:26.122
- But right now you have the opportunity to make changes
- 00:09:26.122 --> 00:09:30.826
- That will affect your today, your tomorrow,
- 00:09:30.826 --> 00:09:33.829
- And your eternity.
- 00:09:33.829 --> 00:09:35.464
- You have to release your regrets.
- 00:09:36.232 --> 00:09:39.068
- Secondly, pay attention
- 00:09:39.068 --> 00:09:40.936
- To seasonal changes in your life.
- 00:09:40.936 --> 00:09:44.807
- You know, one practical result of letting go of your past
- 00:09:44.807 --> 00:09:49.378
- Is you can be attuned to what's happening in the present
- 00:09:49.378 --> 00:09:52.782
- And specifically to changes
- 00:09:52.782 --> 00:09:54.684
- God may be bringing into your life
- 00:09:54.684 --> 00:09:56.752
- That signal your second act's about to begin.
- 00:09:56.752 --> 00:10:00.856
- Now, speaking of movies, has everybody seen "mary poppins"?
- 00:10:00.856 --> 00:10:05.027
- You have children, you've seen "mary poppins."
- 00:10:05.027 --> 00:10:06.829
- We watched it endlessly with our kids.
- 00:10:06.829 --> 00:10:09.165
- Remember how the movie opens?
- 00:10:09.165 --> 00:10:10.633
- There's a weather vein that suddenly does a 180,
- 00:10:10.633 --> 00:10:14.370
- And it signals a new wind is blowing in.
- 00:10:14.370 --> 00:10:16.806
- And bert the chimney sweep
- 00:10:16.806 --> 00:10:18.507
- Notices the weather vein is moving.
- 00:10:18.507 --> 00:10:21.077
- He says, "something big is going to happen,"
- 00:10:21.077 --> 00:10:22.878
- And that something big, of course,
- 00:10:22.878 --> 00:10:24.847
- Is the coming of mary poppins.
- 00:10:24.847 --> 00:10:27.016
- At the end of the movie, the weather vein turns again,
- 00:10:27.016 --> 00:10:30.252
- And mary poppins leaves never to be seen again
- 00:10:30.252 --> 00:10:33.622
- Until disney brings her back in another dvd version.
- 00:10:33.622 --> 00:10:36.492
- But she's gone.
- 00:10:36.492 --> 00:10:37.793
- You know, that's what weather veins do.
- 00:10:37.793 --> 00:10:39.528
- They signal a change that is about to take place.
- 00:10:39.528 --> 00:10:43.432
- Wouldn't it be nice if we had weather veins
- 00:10:43.432 --> 00:10:45.668
- That we could look to to tell us
- 00:10:45.668 --> 00:10:47.169
- That something big's about to happen in our life?
- 00:10:47.169 --> 00:10:49.972
- We could know when real
- 00:10:49.972 --> 00:10:51.307
- And significant change was going to happen.
- 00:10:51.307 --> 00:10:54.276
- Well, there are no such weather veins,
- 00:10:54.276 --> 00:10:56.479
- And yet the bible says we ought
- 00:10:56.479 --> 00:10:58.347
- To be attuned to circumstances around us
- 00:10:58.347 --> 00:11:01.951
- And within us that may signal something big
- 00:11:01.951 --> 00:11:04.920
- Is about to happen.
- 00:11:04.920 --> 00:11:06.355
- Do you remember a group of men in the old testament
- 00:11:06.355 --> 00:11:09.658
- Known as the sons of issachar?
- 00:11:09.658 --> 00:11:12.762
- In one chronicles 12:32 it says,
- 00:11:12.762 --> 00:11:15.464
- "and of the sons of issachar,
- 00:11:15.464 --> 00:11:18.367
- Men who understood the times,
- 00:11:18.367 --> 00:11:21.070
- With knowledge of what israel should do,
- 00:11:21.070 --> 00:11:23.606
- Their chiefs were 200,
- 00:11:23.606 --> 00:11:25.274
- And all their kinsmen were at their command."
- 00:11:25.274 --> 00:11:28.244
- You know, just as a politician
- 00:11:28.244 --> 00:11:31.947
- Knows when the time is right
- 00:11:31.947 --> 00:11:34.350
- To challenge an incumbent in office,
- 00:11:34.350 --> 00:11:37.953
- These sons of issachar we're very attuned
- 00:11:37.953 --> 00:11:41.791
- To the political winds
- 00:11:41.791 --> 00:11:43.559
- Of what was happening in the nation of israel.
- 00:11:43.559 --> 00:11:46.362
- They sensed there was an unrest among the people.
- 00:11:46.362 --> 00:11:49.398
- They sensed, since they were followers of king david,
- 00:11:49.398 --> 00:11:52.968
- That this might be the time for david to expand his rule
- 00:11:52.968 --> 00:11:57.039
- To include the entire nation of israel and topple king saul.
- 00:11:57.039 --> 00:12:02.178
- They were aware of what was happening around them.
- 00:12:03.179 --> 00:12:05.581
- By the way, let me just add this.
- 00:12:06.315 --> 00:12:08.083
- This is extra.
- 00:12:08.083 --> 00:12:08.918
- Doesn't anything extra.
- 00:12:08.918 --> 00:12:11.053
- But you know christians who say,
- 00:12:11.053 --> 00:12:13.022
- "oh, i don't pay attention to politics.
- 00:12:13.022 --> 00:12:15.357
- I don't pay attention to current events.
- 00:12:15.357 --> 00:12:17.393
- I just read my bible and pray."
- 00:12:17.393 --> 00:12:20.029
- Ladies and gentlemen, that is no virtue.
- 00:12:20.029 --> 00:12:22.164
- It's a vice.
- 00:12:22.164 --> 00:12:23.766
- God doesn't place any premium on being ignorant
- 00:12:23.766 --> 00:12:26.435
- Of what's happening around you.
- 00:12:26.435 --> 00:12:28.704
- The bible says, as god's people,
- 00:12:28.704 --> 00:12:30.506
- We need to be aware of what's happening around us.
- 00:12:30.506 --> 00:12:33.175
- We need to be attuned to what is happening,
- 00:12:33.175 --> 00:12:35.744
- Not so we can worry about it and argue about it.
- 00:12:35.744 --> 00:12:38.180
- So that as god's people,
- 00:12:38.180 --> 00:12:39.682
- We can know what we should be doing.
- 00:12:39.682 --> 00:12:42.251
- That was the sons of issachar.
- 00:12:42.251 --> 00:12:44.053
- They were able to discern the times.
- 00:12:44.053 --> 00:12:47.189
- In the same way,
- 00:12:47.189 --> 00:12:48.157
- We as christians need to be able
- 00:12:48.157 --> 00:12:50.059
- To discern the circumstances around us
- 00:12:50.059 --> 00:12:52.995
- And within us that may be signaling
- 00:12:52.995 --> 00:12:55.598
- That a future change is coming,
- 00:12:55.598 --> 00:12:57.266
- Our second act is about to begin.
- 00:12:57.266 --> 00:12:59.168
- Let me mention three changes that may signal
- 00:12:59.168 --> 00:13:02.972
- You are ready to begin your second act.
- 00:13:02.972 --> 00:13:04.974
- First of all, a change in your attitude.
- 00:13:04.974 --> 00:13:08.177
- Have you quit blaming other people
- 00:13:08.177 --> 00:13:09.945
- For your first act failure?
- 00:13:09.945 --> 00:13:11.580
- Have you fessed up to your mess up?
- 00:13:11.580 --> 00:13:14.283
- Have you received god's forgiveness?
- 00:13:14.283 --> 00:13:16.218
- Has your attitude changed?
- 00:13:16.218 --> 00:13:17.786
- Secondly, look for a change in your emotions.
- 00:13:17.786 --> 00:13:21.490
- Do you still feel emotionally
- 00:13:21.490 --> 00:13:23.359
- And physically drained from your failure?
- 00:13:23.359 --> 00:13:26.295
- Or are you starting to feel refreshed
- 00:13:26.295 --> 00:13:28.697
- And looking forward to the future?
- 00:13:28.697 --> 00:13:30.766
- And finally look for changes in your circumstances
- 00:13:30.766 --> 00:13:34.837
- That may signal god's about to bring a change in your life.
- 00:13:34.837 --> 00:13:38.407
- Maybe you get a job offer out of nowhere
- 00:13:38.407 --> 00:13:40.442
- You want to achieve.
- 00:13:40.442 --> 00:13:41.343
- Where did that come from?
- 00:13:41.343 --> 00:13:43.178
- Or an invitation to dinner with somebody
- 00:13:43.178 --> 00:13:45.014
- That you're interested in.
- 00:13:45.014 --> 00:13:47.249
- Or maybe you see that your children are leaving home,
- 00:13:47.249 --> 00:13:50.719
- And you're getting ready
- 00:13:50.719 --> 00:13:51.954
- To enter into a new era of your life.
- 00:13:51.954 --> 00:13:54.723
- Did you know god can even signal
- 00:13:54.723 --> 00:13:56.992
- Your change is about to happen
- 00:13:56.992 --> 00:13:58.861
- Through a negative circumstance in your life?
- 00:13:58.861 --> 00:14:02.898
- I think about the old testament character jacob.
- 00:14:02.898 --> 00:14:06.101
- Remember jacob worked for his uncle, laban for 20 years.
- 00:14:06.101 --> 00:14:11.373
- And although they had a volatile relationship at first,
- 00:14:12.441 --> 00:14:13.909
- Eventually they grew comfortable with one another
- 00:14:13.909 --> 00:14:16.946
- And jacob assumed that he would spend the rest
- 00:14:16.946 --> 00:14:19.515
- Of his life working for uncle laban,
- 00:14:19.515 --> 00:14:22.251
- Far removed from the land of israel, the promised land.
- 00:14:22.251 --> 00:14:26.889
- But that wasn't god's plan.
- 00:14:26.889 --> 00:14:29.124
- God had a second act for jacob
- 00:14:29.124 --> 00:14:32.461
- That included uprooting him
- 00:14:32.461 --> 00:14:34.663
- From where he was,
- 00:14:34.663 --> 00:14:35.931
- Sending him back to the promised land
- 00:14:35.931 --> 00:14:38.667
- Where he could reconcile with his brother esau,
- 00:14:38.667 --> 00:14:41.337
- And he could renew his commitment to god.
- 00:14:41.337 --> 00:14:44.406
- The only question is how do you move jacob,
- 00:14:44.406 --> 00:14:47.076
- Getting him to move
- 00:14:47.076 --> 00:14:48.210
- When he's so comfortable where he is?
- 00:14:48.210 --> 00:14:50.779
- God often uses negative circumstances in our life
- 00:14:50.779 --> 00:14:55.284
- To move us to where he wants us to go,
- 00:14:55.284 --> 00:14:57.119
- And that's what he did with jacob.
- 00:14:57.119 --> 00:14:58.754
- In genesis 31:2, it says,
- 00:14:58.754 --> 00:15:00.422
- "and jacob saw the attitude of laban,
- 00:15:00.422 --> 00:15:04.293
- And behold, it was not friendly toward him as formerly."
- 00:15:04.293 --> 00:15:11.367
- His uncle's attitude, for no explanation,
- 00:15:12.267 --> 00:15:14.803
- Changed toward him.
- 00:15:14.803 --> 00:15:16.071
- He used to be friendly, but now he was hostile.
- 00:15:16.071 --> 00:15:19.808
- Maybe you have a boss whose attitude
- 00:15:19.808 --> 00:15:21.844
- Has suddenly become hostile toward you.
- 00:15:21.844 --> 00:15:24.413
- Maybe somebody in a relationship that matters to you,
- 00:15:24.413 --> 00:15:27.850
- Suddenly they're changing their attitude toward you.
- 00:15:27.850 --> 00:15:29.885
- They've become cold.
- 00:15:29.885 --> 00:15:31.220
- Instead of being focused on what that person
- 00:15:31.220 --> 00:15:34.490
- Is doing to you or not doing for you,
- 00:15:34.490 --> 00:15:37.593
- Realize that god is bigger than that person in your life,
- 00:15:37.593 --> 00:15:41.463
- And he could actually be using their negative attitude
- 00:15:41.463 --> 00:15:44.600
- And actions toward you to move you where he wants you to be
- 00:15:44.600 --> 00:15:48.437
- So you can enjoy a great second act.
- 00:15:48.437 --> 00:15:51.540
- Pay attention to negative circumstances.
- 00:15:51.540 --> 00:15:55.344
- Now, that leads to the third step
- 00:15:55.344 --> 00:15:58.414
- For knowing when intermission is over,
- 00:15:58.414 --> 00:16:00.149
- And that is develop your second act script.
- 00:16:00.149 --> 00:16:04.887
- You know, careful planning was the secret
- 00:16:04.887 --> 00:16:07.556
- To benjamin franklin's greatness.
- 00:16:07.556 --> 00:16:09.558
- Franklin once observed,
- 00:16:09.558 --> 00:16:10.993
- "i have always thought that one man
- 00:16:10.993 --> 00:16:13.662
- Of tolerable abilities may work great changes
- 00:16:13.662 --> 00:16:17.199
- And accomplish great affairs among mankind
- 00:16:17.199 --> 00:16:20.536
- If he first forms a good plan
- 00:16:20.536 --> 00:16:24.673
- And cutting off all amusements
- 00:16:24.673 --> 00:16:26.742
- Or other employments that would divert his attention,
- 00:16:26.742 --> 00:16:29.678
- Make the execution of that plan
- 00:16:29.678 --> 00:16:32.681
- His soul study and business."
- 00:16:32.681 --> 00:16:36.985
- No wonder benjamin franklin had a great second act in life.
- 00:16:36.985 --> 00:16:40.689
- Think of all of his accomplishments
- 00:16:40.689 --> 00:16:42.891
- In the second half of his life.
- 00:16:42.891 --> 00:16:45.294
- I mean the invention of bifocal glasses.
- 00:16:45.294 --> 00:16:48.130
- He did that at age 78.
- 00:16:48.130 --> 00:16:50.165
- Or negotiating peace with britain
- 00:16:50.165 --> 00:16:52.367
- After the revolutionary war.
- 00:16:52.367 --> 00:16:53.969
- He did that at age 77.
- 00:16:53.969 --> 00:16:55.704
- Or formulating our constitution.
- 00:16:55.704 --> 00:16:57.673
- He did that at age 81.
- 00:16:57.673 --> 00:16:59.875
- He understood the importance of formulating a plan
- 00:16:59.875 --> 00:17:03.812
- And then executing that plan.
- 00:17:03.812 --> 00:17:06.281
- Now, you know, only a foolish person
- 00:17:06.281 --> 00:17:08.517
- Refuses to make plans.
- 00:17:08.517 --> 00:17:10.219
- Over and over again, the bible extols the value
- 00:17:10.219 --> 00:17:13.589
- Of careful planning in every area of your life.
- 00:17:13.589 --> 00:17:17.226
- Listen to proverbs 16:3 or jot it down.
- 00:17:17.226 --> 00:17:20.062
- "commit your works to the lord,
- 00:17:20.062 --> 00:17:22.231
- And your plans will be established."
- 00:17:22.231 --> 00:17:25.367
- Proverbs 20:18.
- 00:17:25.367 --> 00:17:27.169
- "prepare plans by consultation,
- 00:17:27.169 --> 00:17:30.906
- And make war by wise guidance."
- 00:17:30.906 --> 00:17:33.408
- Or proverbs 21:5.
- 00:17:33.408 --> 00:17:35.544
- "the plans of the diligent lead surely to advantage,
- 00:17:35.544 --> 00:17:39.948
- But everyone who is hasty comes surely to poverty."
- 00:17:39.948 --> 00:17:44.586
- Now, obviously any plans we make in our lives
- 00:17:44.586 --> 00:17:48.323
- Are to the sovereignty of god.
- 00:17:48.323 --> 00:17:51.827
- God has the final word about any plans we make,
- 00:17:51.827 --> 00:17:55.230
- But that doesn't mean we should avoid making plans.
- 00:17:55.230 --> 00:17:59.034
- Perhaps i'm speaking to some of you here,
- 00:17:59.034 --> 00:18:00.736
- Some of you watching on pathway to victory.
- 00:18:00.736 --> 00:18:02.938
- You're in that intermission and life.
- 00:18:02.938 --> 00:18:05.641
- Maybe after a divorce or after a termination
- 00:18:05.641 --> 00:18:08.977
- From a job or some other failure,
- 00:18:08.977 --> 00:18:12.514
- And you're wondering, okay,
- 00:18:12.514 --> 00:18:13.782
- What should i be doing during this time?
- 00:18:13.782 --> 00:18:15.484
- One thing you ought to be doing
- 00:18:15.484 --> 00:18:17.052
- Is developing your second act script
- 00:18:17.052 --> 00:18:20.756
- So that when god does raise the curtain
- 00:18:20.756 --> 00:18:23.358
- And says, the intermission is over,
- 00:18:23.358 --> 00:18:25.360
- You know what you're supposed to do.
- 00:18:25.360 --> 00:18:26.795
- When that happens,
- 00:18:26.795 --> 00:18:28.197
- We all need a second act script,
- 00:18:28.197 --> 00:18:30.899
- A plan for our future.
- 00:18:30.899 --> 00:18:34.403
- I would suggest,
- 00:18:34.403 --> 00:18:35.904
- If you're interested in developing that kind of plan
- 00:18:35.904 --> 00:18:38.373
- That the bible says we all ought to have,
- 00:18:38.373 --> 00:18:40.776
- I want to suggest that you take a couple of hours
- 00:18:40.776 --> 00:18:43.879
- And write out your plan.
- 00:18:43.879 --> 00:18:45.681
- I've done this on several key occasions in my life
- 00:18:45.681 --> 00:18:50.419
- When i was at a significant crossroads.
- 00:18:50.419 --> 00:18:53.255
- Take out a legal pad,
- 00:18:53.255 --> 00:18:54.990
- And here are four important components
- 00:18:54.990 --> 00:18:57.025
- Of developing your plan or what i call a second act script.
- 00:18:57.025 --> 00:19:01.330
- Number one, clarification of the problem.
- 00:19:01.330 --> 00:19:05.367
- Clarification of the problem.
- 00:19:05.367 --> 00:19:06.802
- Summarize in a word or a phrase,
- 00:19:06.802 --> 00:19:09.404
- The problem you are trying
- 00:19:09.404 --> 00:19:10.806
- To remedy in your life.
- 00:19:10.806 --> 00:19:11.840
- It might be divorce,
- 00:19:11.840 --> 00:19:14.076
- Or financial insolvency,
- 00:19:14.076 --> 00:19:16.345
- Wrong career choice,
- 00:19:16.345 --> 00:19:18.180
- Termination from a job,
- 00:19:18.180 --> 00:19:19.881
- But write down in a word or a phrase
- 00:19:19.881 --> 00:19:22.217
- What the problem is.
- 00:19:22.217 --> 00:19:23.952
- Secondly, visualization of the goal.
- 00:19:23.952 --> 00:19:28.423
- In a sentence, write out
- 00:19:28.423 --> 00:19:30.592
- What your desired optimal situation would be
- 00:19:30.592 --> 00:19:34.429
- For this particular problem you're facing
- 00:19:34.429 --> 00:19:36.999
- Or dilemma that you're in.
- 00:19:36.999 --> 00:19:39.101
- Now, for the purpose of this exercise,
- 00:19:39.101 --> 00:19:40.869
- Let's say it's financial stress.
- 00:19:40.869 --> 00:19:44.039
- So maybe you would say,
- 00:19:44.039 --> 00:19:45.641
- I would like to have enough money
- 00:19:45.641 --> 00:19:48.877
- So i don't have to worry about finances in the future.
- 00:19:48.877 --> 00:19:52.781
- So let's say that is your goal to have just enough.
- 00:19:52.781 --> 00:19:55.651
- That leads to the third part of your second act script,
- 00:19:55.651 --> 00:19:58.620
- Identification of the obstacles.
- 00:19:58.620 --> 00:20:01.556
- What is it that is keeping you from your optimal situation,
- 00:20:01.556 --> 00:20:05.360
- Whatever it is that you've written down.
- 00:20:05.360 --> 00:20:07.596
- Again, let's talk about financial stress.
- 00:20:07.596 --> 00:20:10.932
- What's keeping you from
- 00:20:10.932 --> 00:20:12.200
- That financial security you'd like to have?
- 00:20:12.200 --> 00:20:14.836
- That leads to the fourth step of your second act script,
- 00:20:14.836 --> 00:20:17.739
- The specification of steps of action.
- 00:20:17.739 --> 00:20:21.043
- Now, you know what the barriers are
- 00:20:21.043 --> 00:20:22.911
- That are keeping you from your present to your future.
- 00:20:22.911 --> 00:20:26.581
- Write down specific steps of action that become your plan,
- 00:20:26.581 --> 00:20:30.452
- Your next step of what you do to move you toward your goal.
- 00:20:30.452 --> 00:20:34.790
- We all need a plan.
- 00:20:34.790 --> 00:20:36.992
- We all need a second act script.
- 00:20:36.992 --> 00:20:40.696
- And that leads to step number four,
- 00:20:40.696 --> 00:20:43.765
- And that is we have to learn how to travel in a fog.
- 00:20:43.765 --> 00:20:48.403
- We need to learn how to travel in a fog.
- 00:20:48.403 --> 00:20:50.605
- Wouldn't it be great if we had 100% visibility in our lives?
- 00:20:50.605 --> 00:20:54.676
- We could see clearly everything
- 00:20:54.676 --> 00:20:56.211
- Between now and heaven that was awaiting us.
- 00:20:56.211 --> 00:20:59.348
- God doesn't allow us to have that kind of vision.
- 00:20:59.348 --> 00:21:01.416
- Usually, we have to travel with some uncertainty,
- 00:21:01.416 --> 00:21:04.686
- Not knowing what is in front of us.
- 00:21:04.686 --> 00:21:07.689
- We have to learn how to travel,
- 00:21:07.689 --> 00:21:09.658
- Move in our life with uncertainty ahead of us
- 00:21:09.658 --> 00:21:13.929
- Now to learn to travel in the fog,
- 00:21:13.929 --> 00:21:16.965
- In order to take that next step
- 00:21:16.965 --> 00:21:18.800
- Toward your second act in life,
- 00:21:18.800 --> 00:21:20.569
- There are three requirements for traveling in life
- 00:21:20.569 --> 00:21:23.772
- With limited visibility.
- 00:21:23.772 --> 00:21:25.607
- First of all, you have to have a need.
- 00:21:25.607 --> 00:21:28.577
- You know, to move forward in life
- 00:21:28.577 --> 00:21:30.412
- With limited visibility,
- 00:21:30.412 --> 00:21:32.080
- We have to develop a case of what i call holy discontent.
- 00:21:32.080 --> 00:21:37.352
- We have to be so discontent
- 00:21:37.953 --> 00:21:40.222
- With our present situation that we say, you know what?
- 00:21:41.323 --> 00:21:43.692
- It's time for me to start moving.
- 00:21:43.692 --> 00:21:46.528
- I can't stand being in this dead end job any longer.
- 00:21:47.596 --> 00:21:52.401
- I can't stand living alone any longer.
- 00:21:52.401 --> 00:21:56.304
- I can't stand having a mediocre relationship with god.
- 00:21:56.304 --> 00:22:00.542
- That's all i can stands,
- 00:22:00.542 --> 00:22:02.377
- And i can't stand no more.
- 00:22:02.377 --> 00:22:04.246
- It's that need that propels us forward,
- 00:22:04.246 --> 00:22:06.915
- And that leads to the second step for traveling in the fog,
- 00:22:06.915 --> 00:22:10.185
- And that means movement.
- 00:22:10.185 --> 00:22:12.020
- We need to start moving.
- 00:22:12.020 --> 00:22:13.422
- We just don't sit and stew over our discontent.
- 00:22:13.422 --> 00:22:15.957
- We need to start moving,
- 00:22:15.957 --> 00:22:17.959
- And if we can't see clearly ahead of us,
- 00:22:17.959 --> 00:22:19.895
- It means just taking that first step,
- 00:22:19.895 --> 00:22:21.963
- Moving slowly but moving.
- 00:22:21.963 --> 00:22:25.434
- You know, one writer observes
- 00:22:25.434 --> 00:22:26.935
- That when you look at the early church,
- 00:22:26.935 --> 00:22:28.503
- You look at the apostles,
- 00:22:28.503 --> 00:22:30.138
- Often they didn't do everything correctly.
- 00:22:30.138 --> 00:22:32.808
- They didn't have 100% visibility,
- 00:22:32.808 --> 00:22:35.510
- But they were move to action anyway.
- 00:22:35.510 --> 00:22:38.213
- Jesus had said, go, go into all the world
- 00:22:38.213 --> 00:22:42.217
- And make disciples.
- 00:22:42.217 --> 00:22:43.819
- One writer says it this way.
- 00:22:43.819 --> 00:22:45.754
- "the early church didn't get everything right.
- 00:22:45.754 --> 00:22:48.757
- The early communities were far from perfect.
- 00:22:48.757 --> 00:22:51.726
- No one, not even the apostles had a perfect understanding.
- 00:22:51.726 --> 00:22:55.831
- Many of us want a map,
- 00:22:55.831 --> 00:22:57.566
- But instead god gives us a compass.
- 00:22:57.566 --> 00:23:01.403
- We are not given a detailed outline
- 00:23:01.403 --> 00:23:03.405
- Of how we should live each day.
- 00:23:03.405 --> 00:23:05.941
- We are given a due north,
- 00:23:05.941 --> 00:23:07.776
- A direction we should be moving toward.
- 00:23:07.776 --> 00:23:10.212
- ♪ music ♪
- 00:23:10.212 --> 00:23:13.815
- ♪ music ♪
- 00:23:14.149 --> 00:23:15.517
- God appointed this moment.
- 00:23:15.517 --> 00:23:17.586
- Do you believe that?
- 00:23:17.586 --> 00:23:19.054
- You are watching this program right now for a reason.
- 00:23:19.054 --> 00:23:22.791
- As a minister of god's word,
- 00:23:22.791 --> 00:23:24.359
- Let me urge you to respond to his call right now,
- 00:23:24.359 --> 00:23:27.762
- Whatever that might be.
- 00:23:27.762 --> 00:23:30.365
- Let me conclude today by giving a profound word of thanks
- 00:23:30.365 --> 00:23:34.169
- To those of you who give generously
- 00:23:34.169 --> 00:23:36.004
- To support the ministry of "pathway to victory."
- 00:23:36.004 --> 00:23:39.407
- Your gifts are truly making a difference.
- 00:23:39.407 --> 00:23:42.310
- We receive daily evidence through phone calls and emails
- 00:23:42.310 --> 00:23:46.081
- And letters that lives are being transformed
- 00:23:46.081 --> 00:23:48.884
- Through "pathway to victory."
- 00:23:48.884 --> 00:23:50.619
- So please keep up the good work.
- 00:23:50.619 --> 00:23:53.255
- God is using you
- 00:23:53.255 --> 00:23:54.656
- And your generous gifts to pierce the darkness
- 00:23:54.656 --> 00:23:57.792
- With the light of his word.
- 00:23:57.792 --> 00:23:59.928
- Now, stay right there.
- 00:23:59.928 --> 00:24:01.229
- I'll be back with more "pathway to victory"
- 00:24:01.229 --> 00:24:03.632
- In just a moment.
- 00:24:03.632 --> 00:24:05.333
- ♪ music ♪
- 00:24:05.667 --> 00:24:07.502
- [announcer] all of us carry some measure of regret
- 00:24:07.502 --> 00:24:09.571
- About the past.
- 00:24:09.571 --> 00:24:11.072
- Thankfully, no mistake is too big for god to forgive.
- 00:24:11.072 --> 00:24:14.442
- In his bestselling book, "second chance, second act,"
- 00:24:14.442 --> 00:24:17.379
- Dr. robert jeffress shares
- 00:24:17.379 --> 00:24:18.847
- How god can turn your biggest mess
- 00:24:18.847 --> 00:24:21.216
- Into your greatest success.
- 00:24:21.216 --> 00:24:23.218
- In my book, "second chance, second act,"
- 00:24:23.218 --> 00:24:25.820
- You'll discover five biblical strategies
- 00:24:25.820 --> 00:24:28.890
- For turning your messes into successes.
- 00:24:28.890 --> 00:24:32.160
- You'll learn to overcome the guilt, suffering,
- 00:24:32.160 --> 00:24:34.663
- And regret of your past mistakes,
- 00:24:34.663 --> 00:24:37.032
- And you'll read stories from scripture
- 00:24:37.032 --> 00:24:39.067
- That prove beyond a shadow of a doubt
- 00:24:39.067 --> 00:24:41.603
- That god is in the business of second chances.
- 00:24:41.603 --> 00:24:45.373
- [announcer] a copy of the book,
- 00:24:45.373 --> 00:24:46.675
- "second chance, second act" is yours today
- 00:24:46.675 --> 00:24:48.443
- When you give a generous gift to "pathway to victory,"
- 00:24:48.443 --> 00:24:51.580
- And when your gift is $75 or more,
- 00:24:51.580 --> 00:24:54.482
- You'll also receive all eight
- 00:24:54.482 --> 00:24:56.117
- Of the original unabridged messages
- 00:24:56.117 --> 00:24:58.219
- From the "second chance, second act" teaching series on dvd
- 00:24:58.219 --> 00:25:01.990
- And mp3 format audio disc.
- 00:25:01.990 --> 00:25:03.925
- Ladies and gentlemen,
- 00:25:03.925 --> 00:25:05.327
- I don't care what failure you have experienced.
- 00:25:05.327 --> 00:25:09.030
- Your failure, your sin doesn't have
- 00:25:09.030 --> 00:25:11.266
- To be the final word about your life story.
- 00:25:11.266 --> 00:25:14.302
- That's what redemption is all about.
- 00:25:14.302 --> 00:25:17.439
- [announcer] together through the ministry
- 00:25:17.439 --> 00:25:18.807
- Of "pathway to victory,"
- 00:25:18.807 --> 00:25:20.442
- We are sharing the timeless wisdom
- 00:25:20.442 --> 00:25:22.177
- And truth of god's word with the world in need,
- 00:25:22.177 --> 00:25:25.280
- And your support makes it possible.
- 00:25:25.280 --> 00:25:27.449
- Thank you for partnering with us to share the gospel
- 00:25:27.449 --> 00:25:30.251
- And change lives through the bold proclamation of scripture.
- 00:25:30.251 --> 00:25:34.356
- ♪ music ♪
- 00:25:34.356 --> 00:25:37.125
- If you take away one truth from today's program,
- 00:25:35.724 --> 00:25:40.261
- I hope it's this one.
- 00:25:40.261 --> 00:25:41.997
- While your regrettable mistakes feel final,
- 00:25:41.997 --> 00:25:45.200
- Nothing could be further from the truth.
- 00:25:45.200 --> 00:25:47.335
- God has not dropped the curtain on your life.
- 00:25:47.335 --> 00:25:50.872
- As you follow god's lead, the curtain is lifted
- 00:25:50.872 --> 00:25:54.476
- And your second act is just beginning.
- 00:25:54.476 --> 00:25:57.545
- Well, today we spent most of our time
- 00:25:58.313 --> 00:25:59.981
- Learning how to identify when the intermission is over
- 00:25:59.981 --> 00:26:03.084
- And the second act is about to begin.
- 00:26:03.084 --> 00:26:05.720
- And next time, i'm going to help you develop
- 00:26:05.720 --> 00:26:08.189
- The four essential components of your life script.
- 00:26:08.189 --> 00:26:12.193
- Stay tuned for a preview
- 00:26:12.193 --> 00:26:13.528
- Of what's coming up next on "pathway to victory."
- 00:26:13.528 --> 00:26:16.598
- ♪ music ♪
- 00:26:16.598 --> 00:26:17.966
- God has not given us any guarantee of tomorrow,
- 00:26:17.966 --> 00:26:21.369
- Not in this life anyway.
- 00:26:21.369 --> 00:26:23.104
- The only thing he has promised is today.
- 00:26:23.104 --> 00:26:26.408
- ♪ music ♪
- 00:26:26.408 --> 00:26:27.676
- I saw a sign one time on a businessman's office.
- 00:26:27.676 --> 00:26:31.012
- I've remembered it for years.
- 00:26:31.012 --> 00:26:32.313
- It said 20 years from now
- 00:26:32.313 --> 00:26:36.518
- What will you regret that you didn't do today?
- 00:26:36.518 --> 00:26:40.488
- ♪ music ♪
- 00:26:40.488 --> 00:26:41.623
- [announcer] set your dvr
- 00:26:41.623 --> 00:26:42.991
- And join us next time for part two of the message,
- 00:26:42.991 --> 00:26:45.560
- "begin your second act now!"
- 00:26:45.560 --> 00:26:48.196
- Here on "pathway to victory."
- 00:26:48.196 --> 00:26:50.498
- ♪ music ♪
- 00:26:50.832 --> 00:26:52.267
- [announcer] join dr. robert jeffress
- 00:26:52.267 --> 00:26:53.868
- On pathway to victory's
- 00:26:53.868 --> 00:26:55.170
- Journeys of paul mediterranean cruise.
- 00:26:55.170 --> 00:26:57.539
- I want to take you to the very places
- 00:26:57.539 --> 00:26:59.541
- Where god's word was written
- 00:26:59.541 --> 00:27:01.676
- And seek the one who sought us first in his creation.
- 00:27:01.676 --> 00:27:05.714
- [announcer] experience, world-class accommodations
- 00:27:05.714 --> 00:27:07.749
- Aboard the luxurious celebrity ascent
- 00:27:07.749 --> 00:27:10.218
- In beautiful island destinations
- 00:27:10.218 --> 00:27:12.053
- Like santorini, mykonos, and crete.
- 00:27:12.053 --> 00:27:14.556
- To book your reservation now, call 888-280-6747
- 00:27:14.556 --> 00:27:19.360
- Or visit
- 00:27:19.360 --> 00:27:21.529
- ♪ music ♪
- 00:27:21.529 --> 00:27:21.529