Pathway to Victory offers a practical application of God’s Word to everyday life through the clear, biblical teaching of Pastor Jeffress.
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Dr. Robert Jeffress | Robert Jeffress - How Can I Know Christianity Is The Right Religion? | January 19, 2025
- ♪ music ♪
- 00:00:00.156 --> 00:00:05.295
- [announcer] from the pulpit of the first baptist church
- 00:00:06.429 --> 00:00:08.531
- Of dallas, texas, this is pathway to victory
- 00:00:08.531 --> 00:00:11.534
- With dr. robert jeffress.
- 00:00:11.534 --> 00:00:14.437
- Hi, i'm robert jeffress,
- 00:00:14.938 --> 00:00:16.306
- And welcome again to pathway to victory.
- 00:00:16.306 --> 00:00:18.174
- In our pluralistic society people
- 00:00:18.174 --> 00:00:21.177
- From all walks of life are invited
- 00:00:21.177 --> 00:00:23.546
- To participate in mormonism, islam, buddhism, judaism,
- 00:00:23.546 --> 00:00:27.884
- Christianity, and everything in between.
- 00:00:27.884 --> 00:00:31.020
- And while we celebrate religious freedom and tolerance,
- 00:00:31.020 --> 00:00:34.657
- Not all religions are equally valid, so why do
- 00:00:34.657 --> 00:00:38.261
- So many people insist that there are multiple paths to god?
- 00:00:38.261 --> 00:00:42.999
- And what are the implications of embracing that idea?
- 00:00:42.999 --> 00:00:46.669
- We're answering the question,
- 00:00:46.669 --> 00:00:48.238
- "how can i know christianity is the right religion?"
- 00:00:48.238 --> 00:00:52.675
- On today's edition of pathway to victory.
- 00:00:52.675 --> 00:00:55.845
- ♪ music ♪
- 00:00:55.845 --> 00:01:00.550
- ♪ when peace like a river attended my way ♪
- 00:01:01.451 --> 00:01:16.065
- ♪ when sorrows like sea billows roll ♪
- 00:01:16.933 --> 00:01:28.111
- ♪ whatever my lot, thou has taught me to say ♪
- 00:01:29.045 --> 00:01:39.656
- ♪ it is well, it is well, with my soul ♪
- 00:01:40.557 --> 00:01:53.670
- ♪ it is well, it is well ♪
- 00:01:54.270 --> 00:01:59.542
- ♪ with my soul, with my soul ♪
- 00:02:00.210 --> 00:02:05.548
- ♪ it is well, it is well with my soul ♪
- 00:02:06.416 --> 00:02:20.129
- ♪ and lord haste the day when my faith shall be sight ♪
- 00:02:20.129 --> 00:02:31.674
- ♪ the clouds be rolled back as a scroll ♪
- 00:02:31.674 --> 00:02:43.953
- ♪ the trump shall resound and the lord shall descend ♪
- 00:02:43.953 --> 00:02:55.531
- ♪ even so, it is well with my soul ♪
- 00:02:55.531 --> 00:03:10.613
- ♪ it is well, it is well ♪
- 00:03:11.214 --> 00:03:17.153
- ♪ with my soul, with my soul ♪
- 00:03:17.153 --> 00:03:25.995
- ♪ it is well, it is well with my soul ♪
- 00:03:26.863 --> 00:03:43.846
- ♪ amen ♪
- 00:03:44.113 --> 00:03:53.389
- (applause)
- 00:03:53.389 --> 00:03:58.027
- [announcer] it's okay to have questions about your faith,
- 00:03:58.027 --> 00:04:00.596
- But you need answers you can trust.
- 00:04:00.596 --> 00:04:02.732
- In his book, "how can i know?",
- 00:04:02.732 --> 00:04:04.634
- Dr. robert jeffress addresses seven
- 00:04:04.634 --> 00:04:06.736
- Of life's most important questions.
- 00:04:06.736 --> 00:04:09.072
- If you've ever wondered how you can know the bible is true
- 00:04:09.072 --> 00:04:12.408
- Or how you can know if you're going to heaven,
- 00:04:12.408 --> 00:04:14.811
- This book makes a compelling case
- 00:04:14.811 --> 00:04:16.579
- For answers you can embrace with confidence.
- 00:04:16.579 --> 00:04:19.482
- Request your copy of "how can i know?"
- 00:04:19.482 --> 00:04:21.718
- When you give a generous gift
- 00:04:21.718 --> 00:04:23.086
- To support the ministry of pathway to victory.
- 00:04:23.086 --> 00:04:26.789
- ♪ music ♪
- 00:04:27.123 --> 00:04:32.595
- We're in a series entitled,
- 00:04:32.595 --> 00:04:33.830
- "how can i know?
- 00:04:33.830 --> 00:04:35.231
- Answers to life's 7 most important questions."
- 00:04:35.231 --> 00:04:39.569
- And last time we began
- 00:04:39.569 --> 00:04:40.837
- By looking at the foundational question,
- 00:04:40.837 --> 00:04:42.805
- "how can i know there is a god?"
- 00:04:42.805 --> 00:04:46.376
- And we said, "you can't prove the existence of god.
- 00:04:46.376 --> 00:04:49.579
- The atheist can't prove the non-existence of god."
- 00:04:49.579 --> 00:04:53.316
- But the real question is,
- 00:04:53.316 --> 00:04:54.650
- "where does the best evidence lead?"
- 00:04:54.650 --> 00:04:58.388
- And when we look at the evidence,
- 00:04:58.388 --> 00:05:00.123
- We see god's fingerprints all over this universe.
- 00:05:00.123 --> 00:05:03.760
- The existence of matter, the design in the universe,
- 00:05:03.760 --> 00:05:07.697
- The existence of man, and the experiential argument,
- 00:05:07.697 --> 00:05:11.834
- If god doesn't exist, why do so many people find him anyway?
- 00:05:11.834 --> 00:05:17.106
- But even if you can see there is a god somewhere
- 00:05:18.040 --> 00:05:21.144
- Who is responsible for everything we see,
- 00:05:21.144 --> 00:05:24.347
- The question is, "which god do we worship?"
- 00:05:24.347 --> 00:05:27.517
- There are thousands of different gods, who is the right god?
- 00:05:27.517 --> 00:05:31.320
- And if you settle on who the right god is,
- 00:05:31.320 --> 00:05:34.357
- What is the right way to worship him?
- 00:05:34.357 --> 00:05:36.159
- That's what religion is all about.
- 00:05:36.159 --> 00:05:38.361
- It answers the question,
- 00:05:38.361 --> 00:05:39.629
- "how can i have a right relationship with god?"
- 00:05:39.629 --> 00:05:42.865
- There are a lot of different ideas.
- 00:05:42.865 --> 00:05:45.468
- So, out of thousands of gods
- 00:05:45.468 --> 00:05:47.270
- And thousands of world religions,
- 00:05:47.270 --> 00:05:49.505
- How can i know christianity is the right religion?
- 00:05:49.505 --> 00:05:54.811
- That's what we're going to talk about today.
- 00:05:55.711 --> 00:05:57.647
- Now, some people even bristle
- 00:05:57.647 --> 00:05:59.882
- At the idea of a right religion.
- 00:05:59.882 --> 00:06:03.719
- They say that leads to intolerance.
- 00:06:03.719 --> 00:06:06.656
- They think religion is a matter of opinion,
- 00:06:06.656 --> 00:06:09.358
- Like the best temperature.
- 00:06:09.358 --> 00:06:10.760
- If you ask people what is the right temperature,
- 00:06:10.760 --> 00:06:13.029
- Some will say 72, some will say 68, some will say 76.
- 00:06:13.029 --> 00:06:18.267
- Everybody has a different idea.
- 00:06:18.901 --> 00:06:21.204
- But there's a difference between asking,
- 00:06:21.204 --> 00:06:23.306
- What temperature do you like best
- 00:06:23.306 --> 00:06:26.342
- To what is the temperature?
- 00:06:26.342 --> 00:06:28.311
- There's one answer to that.
- 00:06:28.311 --> 00:06:29.512
- It's whatever the thermometer says.
- 00:06:29.512 --> 00:06:32.348
- When it comes to religion,
- 00:06:32.348 --> 00:06:33.616
- People want to say it's a matter of opinion,
- 00:06:33.616 --> 00:06:37.253
- But no, it's more in the realm of mathematics.
- 00:06:37.253 --> 00:06:40.022
- Two and two, two plus two isn't whatever you wish it were.
- 00:06:40.022 --> 00:06:44.327
- Water doesn't freeze at whatever temperature you say,
- 00:06:44.327 --> 00:06:47.430
- There is a precise answer.
- 00:06:47.430 --> 00:06:49.632
- And that is true in the world of spiritual things as well.
- 00:06:49.632 --> 00:06:54.337
- What is the right way to worship god?
- 00:06:54.337 --> 00:06:57.540
- It's not whatever you think is the right way.
- 00:06:57.540 --> 00:07:00.877
- There's an objective answer to that question.
- 00:07:00.877 --> 00:07:03.179
- Some people say to preach exclusivity
- 00:07:03.179 --> 00:07:06.516
- That any religion is the right religion is first
- 00:07:06.516 --> 00:07:09.752
- Of all leading to intolerance.
- 00:07:09.752 --> 00:07:11.954
- Other people say
- 00:07:11.954 --> 00:07:13.489
- That exclusivity saying there's one religion is unnecessary,
- 00:07:13.489 --> 00:07:18.361
- Because after all, they say all the world religions teach
- 00:07:19.529 --> 00:07:21.497
- Basically the same thing.
- 00:07:21.497 --> 00:07:23.599
- Anybody who says that has never studied the world religions,
- 00:07:23.599 --> 00:07:27.403
- Because in fact they don't say the same thing.
- 00:07:27.403 --> 00:07:30.106
- That's why there are thousands of different religions
- 00:07:30.106 --> 00:07:33.109
- Because of different beliefs,
- 00:07:33.109 --> 00:07:35.011
- Not because of unanimity of belief.
- 00:07:35.011 --> 00:07:37.313
- And then thirdly, some people find the idea
- 00:07:37.313 --> 00:07:40.082
- Of christianity being the right religion as troubling.
- 00:07:40.082 --> 00:07:44.453
- They say, "don't you realize, pastor jeffress,
- 00:07:44.453 --> 00:07:46.689
- There are eight billion people who live on planet earth.
- 00:07:46.689 --> 00:07:50.426
- Only 2.2 billion can even be categorized as christian,
- 00:07:50.426 --> 00:07:55.064
- And that's more because of nationality
- 00:07:55.064 --> 00:07:57.233
- Where they're born than any personal decision."
- 00:07:57.233 --> 00:08:00.036
- But let's be generous.
- 00:08:00.036 --> 00:08:01.537
- Let's say there are 2.2 billion people who are christians.
- 00:08:01.537 --> 00:08:05.107
- That means there are 5.8 billion people who are wrong.
- 00:08:05.107 --> 00:08:10.346
- How can so many people be wrong?
- 00:08:10.980 --> 00:08:14.183
- We'll talk about that in a moment.
- 00:08:14.183 --> 00:08:16.619
- And yet, the bible is clear.
- 00:08:16.619 --> 00:08:19.388
- Christianity offers the one true way to god.
- 00:08:19.388 --> 00:08:23.759
- What is the evidence for that?
- 00:08:23.759 --> 00:08:25.595
- Today i'd like you to consider four pieces of evidence
- 00:08:25.595 --> 00:08:28.664
- That lead to the conclusion,
- 00:08:28.664 --> 00:08:30.967
- Christianity is the right religion.
- 00:08:30.967 --> 00:08:33.836
- First of all, the uniqueness of jesus christ.
- 00:08:33.836 --> 00:08:38.174
- The uniqueness of jesus christ,
- 00:08:38.174 --> 00:08:39.942
- It's interesting, few historians doubt that jesus existed.
- 00:08:39.942 --> 00:08:44.380
- Jesus claimed to be god.
- 00:08:44.380 --> 00:08:49.585
- No religious leader, no founder of a religion ever claimed
- 00:08:47.483 --> 00:08:53.923
- To be god himself.
- 00:08:53.923 --> 00:08:55.625
- They simply claimed to point people
- 00:08:55.625 --> 00:08:58.027
- To whatever god they believed was the real god.
- 00:08:58.027 --> 00:09:00.896
- He didn't go to the cross.
- 00:09:00.896 --> 00:09:02.698
- He wasn't crucified for saying, "turn the other cheek."
- 00:09:02.698 --> 00:09:06.068
- Nobody was offended by that.
- 00:09:06.068 --> 00:09:08.204
- He was crucified for claiming to be god.
- 00:09:08.204 --> 00:09:11.774
- Secondly, jesus claimed to forgive sins.
- 00:09:11.774 --> 00:09:15.344
- No other religious leader ever claimed the ability
- 00:09:15.344 --> 00:09:18.547
- To forgive a person of their sins.
- 00:09:18.547 --> 00:09:21.250
- For example, buddha said,
- 00:09:21.250 --> 00:09:23.619
- "in reality, there are no living beings
- 00:09:23.619 --> 00:09:26.589
- To whom the lord buddha can bring salvation."
- 00:09:26.589 --> 00:09:30.226
- But jesus claimed that he had that authority.
- 00:09:30.226 --> 00:09:33.796
- Jesus claimed to be god, he claimed to forgive sins.
- 00:09:33.796 --> 00:09:37.733
- Thirdly, he claimed to conquer death.
- 00:09:37.733 --> 00:09:41.771
- No other religious leader claimed the power
- 00:09:41.771 --> 00:09:45.141
- To conquer death, but jesus did.
- 00:09:45.141 --> 00:09:47.643
- In fact, it was central to his teaching.
- 00:09:47.643 --> 00:09:50.246
- In matthew 16:21 matthew writes,
- 00:09:50.246 --> 00:09:53.749
- "from that time jesus began to show his disciples
- 00:09:53.749 --> 00:09:57.853
- That he must go to jerusalem and suffer many things
- 00:09:57.853 --> 00:10:01.457
- From the elders and chief priest and scribes
- 00:10:01.457 --> 00:10:04.326
- And be killed and raised up on the third day."
- 00:10:04.326 --> 00:10:08.097
- Now, whether you believe jesus really rose
- 00:10:08.097 --> 00:10:11.467
- From the dead or not is a matter for another sermon.
- 00:10:11.467 --> 00:10:14.770
- There is ample evidence, lots of evidence
- 00:10:14.770 --> 00:10:17.973
- That jesus did rise from the dead on the third day.
- 00:10:17.973 --> 00:10:21.477
- You know what the greatest piece of evidence is?
- 00:10:21.477 --> 00:10:25.014
- Nobody's found the body of jesus yet in 2,000 years.
- 00:10:26.082 --> 00:10:29.985
- I mean, he didn't die secretly, he died publicly.
- 00:10:29.985 --> 00:10:33.856
- He wasn't buried in an undisclosed location,
- 00:10:33.856 --> 00:10:36.392
- Everybody knew where he was.
- 00:10:36.392 --> 00:10:38.928
- And yet, jesus rose from the dead.
- 00:10:38.928 --> 00:10:42.164
- That tomb was empty on easter sunday morning.
- 00:10:42.164 --> 00:10:45.568
- The fact is, if the romans had known where that body was,
- 00:10:45.568 --> 00:10:50.873
- If the jewish leaders had known where it was,
- 00:10:51.807 --> 00:10:53.342
- They would have gone to get it as soon as they could.
- 00:10:53.342 --> 00:10:55.377
- They would have rolled it through the streets of jerusalem
- 00:10:55.377 --> 00:10:58.347
- And christianity would be dead at its outset.
- 00:10:58.347 --> 00:11:01.951
- But you know why they haven't found the body?
- 00:11:01.951 --> 00:11:04.253
- It's not there.
- 00:11:04.253 --> 00:11:05.788
- He has risen from the dead just as he promised he would.
- 00:11:05.788 --> 00:11:09.492
- (audience applauds)
- 00:11:09.492 --> 00:11:12.094
- But even if you don't believe that,
- 00:11:12.094 --> 00:11:15.331
- The point is, jesus is still the only leader,
- 00:11:15.331 --> 00:11:19.068
- The only founder of a religion
- 00:11:19.068 --> 00:11:20.936
- Who claimed the ability to conquer death.
- 00:11:20.936 --> 00:11:24.273
- That's what makes christianity unique.
- 00:11:24.273 --> 00:11:26.842
- And fourthly, jesus claimed that he would return
- 00:11:26.842 --> 00:11:29.278
- To judge the world.
- 00:11:29.278 --> 00:11:31.147
- No other religious leader made that grandiose claim
- 00:11:31.147 --> 00:11:34.850
- That he would come after death back
- 00:11:34.850 --> 00:11:37.386
- To the earth to judge the world.
- 00:11:37.386 --> 00:11:39.488
- But that's what jesus taught in matthew 25,
- 00:11:39.488 --> 00:11:42.124
- Beginning with verse 31,
- 00:11:42.124 --> 00:11:43.959
- "when the son of man comes in glory
- 00:11:43.959 --> 00:11:46.395
- And all the angels with him,
- 00:11:46.395 --> 00:11:47.897
- He will sit on his glorious throne.
- 00:11:47.897 --> 00:11:50.099
- All the nations will be gathered before him,
- 00:11:50.099 --> 00:11:52.401
- And he will separate them one for another
- 00:11:52.401 --> 00:11:55.204
- As a shepherd separates the sheep from the goats."
- 00:11:55.204 --> 00:11:59.675
- Now, this is what makes jesus unique,
- 00:11:59.675 --> 00:12:03.379
- His unique claims.
- 00:12:03.379 --> 00:12:05.514
- You can't say he was just a good man,
- 00:12:05.514 --> 00:12:08.484
- Because he claimed a lot more than that, a whole lot more.
- 00:12:08.484 --> 00:12:12.021
- And that leads to what is known
- 00:12:12.021 --> 00:12:13.923
- As c. s. lewis' famous trilemma.
- 00:12:13.923 --> 00:12:17.226
- C.s. lewis rightly pointed out,
- 00:12:17.226 --> 00:12:19.395
- "that being a good moral teacher is not an option
- 00:12:19.395 --> 00:12:22.731
- Because jesus claimed to be god, to forgive sins,
- 00:12:22.731 --> 00:12:26.235
- To conquer death, and to come back and judge the world."
- 00:12:26.235 --> 00:12:30.439
- So, given what jesus claimed,
- 00:12:30.439 --> 00:12:32.975
- You can only come to one of three conclusions.
- 00:12:32.975 --> 00:12:36.011
- One conclusion you can make about jesus is
- 00:12:36.011 --> 00:12:38.314
- That he is a liar.
- 00:12:38.314 --> 00:12:40.983
- That is he made all of these claims,
- 00:12:40.983 --> 00:12:43.319
- But he knew there were false.
- 00:12:43.319 --> 00:12:45.521
- So, jesus is a liar.
- 00:12:45.521 --> 00:12:47.957
- How many of you today would be willing
- 00:12:48.791 --> 00:12:50.726
- To stand up and say, "jesus christ is a liar?"
- 00:12:50.726 --> 00:12:56.065
- How many of you are certain enough about heaven
- 00:12:57.066 --> 00:13:00.035
- And your eternal destiny that you'd be willing
- 00:13:00.035 --> 00:13:02.671
- To stand up and call him a liar?
- 00:13:02.671 --> 00:13:06.075
- Do you think jesus is a liar?
- 00:13:06.709 --> 00:13:08.878
- Well, if he's not a liar,
- 00:13:09.445 --> 00:13:11.113
- Then lewis said another alternative is he's a lunatic.
- 00:13:11.113 --> 00:13:14.750
- "he would have the mental ability of a poached egg,"
- 00:13:15.818 --> 00:13:17.820
- Lewis said.
- 00:13:17.820 --> 00:13:19.655
- He made all these claims
- 00:13:19.655 --> 00:13:21.390
- Because he really thought they were true.
- 00:13:21.390 --> 00:13:23.525
- He was deluded, he thought he was the son of god.
- 00:13:23.525 --> 00:13:26.295
- He thought he would conquer death.
- 00:13:26.295 --> 00:13:28.130
- Now again, from what you know about jesus,
- 00:13:28.130 --> 00:13:31.233
- Do you believe jesus was a madman, a lunatic?
- 00:13:31.233 --> 00:13:35.571
- Well, if he's not a liar, he's not a lunatic,
- 00:13:36.538 --> 00:13:40.276
- Everybody knows he lived and made these claims,
- 00:13:40.276 --> 00:13:42.578
- The only other alternative is,
- 00:13:42.578 --> 00:13:46.081
- He is who he said he was, he is lord.
- 00:13:46.081 --> 00:13:49.418
- He said these things because they're true.
- 00:13:49.418 --> 00:13:52.788
- That's what makes christianity unique.
- 00:13:52.788 --> 00:13:56.859
- Now, that leads
- 00:13:56.859 --> 00:13:58.961
- To the second distinguishing thing about christianity,
- 00:13:58.961 --> 00:14:01.997
- The teaching of jesus.
- 00:14:01.997 --> 00:14:04.366
- Now, if jesus, will you follow me on this?
- 00:14:04.366 --> 00:14:06.902
- If jesus is right about who he is,
- 00:14:06.902 --> 00:14:10.372
- Then it means we better pay attention
- 00:14:10.372 --> 00:14:12.408
- To what he says about everything.
- 00:14:12.408 --> 00:14:14.677
- Because if he's telling the truth about his own identity,
- 00:14:14.677 --> 00:14:17.613
- Everything else he speaks about is true as well.
- 00:14:17.613 --> 00:14:20.516
- So, what did jesus have to say
- 00:14:20.516 --> 00:14:22.551
- About this idea of exclusivity?
- 00:14:22.551 --> 00:14:24.753
- Did jesus believe that there are many ways to heaven?
- 00:14:24.753 --> 00:14:28.891
- Did jesus believe all different world religions are kind
- 00:14:28.891 --> 00:14:32.027
- Of like different pathways up the same mountain
- 00:14:32.027 --> 00:14:34.730
- That lead to the same truth?
- 00:14:34.730 --> 00:14:36.632
- Or like others say,
- 00:14:36.632 --> 00:14:38.000
- "different religions are like different tributaries
- 00:14:38.000 --> 00:14:40.269
- That flow into the same river and lead to truth."
- 00:14:40.269 --> 00:14:43.672
- What did jesus say about exclusivity,
- 00:14:43.672 --> 00:14:47.376
- There being one way to heaven?
- 00:14:47.376 --> 00:14:49.244
- Well, first of all, jesus taught,
- 00:14:49.244 --> 00:14:51.213
- "there are two possible eternal destinations for people."
- 00:14:51.213 --> 00:14:55.317
- There are two possible destinations, not one.
- 00:14:55.317 --> 00:14:58.454
- Everybody's not going to the same place when they die.
- 00:14:58.454 --> 00:15:01.490
- Everybody's not going to heaven.
- 00:15:01.490 --> 00:15:03.425
- Jesus said in matthew 25:46,
- 00:15:03.425 --> 00:15:06.495
- "the unrighteous will go away into eternal punishment,
- 00:15:06.495 --> 00:15:10.766
- But the righteous into eternal life."
- 00:15:10.766 --> 00:15:14.069
- Jesus taught there is both a heaven and a hell.
- 00:15:14.069 --> 00:15:18.340
- Secondly, jesus said, this will blow your mind.
- 00:15:18.340 --> 00:15:21.710
- "the majority of mankind will spend eternity in hell."
- 00:15:21.710 --> 00:15:26.515
- Jesus said, "there are only two roads.
- 00:15:26.515 --> 00:15:28.384
- One leads to heaven, one leads to hell,
- 00:15:28.384 --> 00:15:31.687
- And more people are on the road
- 00:15:31.687 --> 00:15:33.322
- To hell than are on the road to heaven."
- 00:15:33.322 --> 00:15:35.457
- Where does he say that?
- 00:15:35.457 --> 00:15:36.592
- One place is matthew 7:13 and 14,
- 00:15:36.592 --> 00:15:40.329
- "enter through the narrow gate,
- 00:15:40.329 --> 00:15:43.165
- For the gate is wide,
- 00:15:43.165 --> 00:15:44.600
- And the way is broad that leads to destruction.
- 00:15:44.600 --> 00:15:47.503
- And there are many who enter through it,
- 00:15:47.503 --> 00:15:49.838
- But the gate is small
- 00:15:49.838 --> 00:15:51.306
- And the way is narrow that leads to life.
- 00:15:51.306 --> 00:15:53.776
- And there are what?
- 00:15:53.776 --> 00:15:55.644
- Few who find it."
- 00:15:55.644 --> 00:15:59.181
- Jesus said there are two possible destinations.
- 00:15:59.181 --> 00:16:02.384
- There are more people headed toward the wrong destination
- 00:16:02.384 --> 00:16:05.654
- Than the right one.
- 00:16:05.654 --> 00:16:07.022
- Thirdly, jesus offers the exclusive way to heaven.
- 00:16:07.022 --> 00:16:11.627
- Jesus didn't come to point us to the way,
- 00:16:11.627 --> 00:16:14.763
- The way to heaven is not
- 00:16:14.763 --> 00:16:16.098
- Through believing the right things or creed.
- 00:16:16.098 --> 00:16:18.634
- It's not through religious rituals like baptism.
- 00:16:18.634 --> 00:16:21.403
- It's not trying to be a nice person.
- 00:16:21.403 --> 00:16:23.539
- Jesus didn't come to point us to the way,
- 00:16:23.539 --> 00:16:26.141
- In john 14:6 he said, "i am the way,
- 00:16:26.141 --> 00:16:30.546
- The truth, and the life.
- 00:16:30.546 --> 00:16:32.448
- No man comes to the father, but by me."
- 00:16:32.448 --> 00:16:35.951
- But you know, jesus is not the only one
- 00:16:35.951 --> 00:16:38.487
- Who taught that there's only one way to heaven.
- 00:16:38.487 --> 00:16:41.090
- Consider the teaching of the entire new testament.
- 00:16:41.090 --> 00:16:45.427
- Throughout the new testament the writers affirmed
- 00:16:45.427 --> 00:16:48.363
- That their salvation only through jesus christ.
- 00:16:48.363 --> 00:16:52.301
- Think about the example of the apostle paul.
- 00:16:52.301 --> 00:16:55.404
- Paul was a hebrew of the hebrews.
- 00:16:55.404 --> 00:16:58.740
- He kept the law as well as he could.
- 00:16:58.740 --> 00:17:01.210
- He was a sincere follower of judaism.
- 00:17:01.210 --> 00:17:04.113
- In fact, he was so zealous in his faith,
- 00:17:04.113 --> 00:17:06.715
- Remember what happened?
- 00:17:06.715 --> 00:17:07.983
- He went on to damascus
- 00:17:07.983 --> 00:17:09.818
- To stamp out the heresy known as christianity.
- 00:17:09.818 --> 00:17:12.754
- But on his way there he met jesus on that road to damascus
- 00:17:12.754 --> 00:17:17.426
- And jesus transformed his life.
- 00:17:17.426 --> 00:17:19.495
- And the greatest accuser
- 00:17:19.495 --> 00:17:21.029
- Of christianity became the greatest defender
- 00:17:21.029 --> 00:17:24.266
- Of the christian faith.
- 00:17:24.266 --> 00:17:25.534
- And in romans 10, he said,
- 00:17:25.534 --> 00:17:26.902
- "this is my prayer that all of israel be saved."
- 00:17:26.902 --> 00:17:30.639
- Or think about peter.
- 00:17:30.639 --> 00:17:32.107
- Again, peter wasn't a baptist, he wasn't a catholic.
- 00:17:32.107 --> 00:17:35.410
- He was a jew.
- 00:17:35.410 --> 00:17:36.945
- And yet in acts chapter four, he stood before the crowd
- 00:17:36.945 --> 00:17:39.882
- And said, "there is salvation in no one else.
- 00:17:39.882 --> 00:17:43.552
- There is no other name given among men
- 00:17:43.552 --> 00:17:45.854
- By which we must be saved, other than the name of jesus."
- 00:17:45.854 --> 00:17:50.092
- And in acts 10:42-43 we find peter's final words
- 00:17:50.092 --> 00:17:54.963
- To cornelius.
- 00:17:54.963 --> 00:17:56.265
- "and jesus ordered us to preach to the people,
- 00:17:56.265 --> 00:17:59.301
- And solemnly to testify that he is the one
- 00:17:59.301 --> 00:18:02.738
- Who has been appointed by god as judge
- 00:18:02.738 --> 00:18:05.107
- Of the living and the dead.
- 00:18:05.107 --> 00:18:06.675
- Of him all of the prophets bear witness
- 00:18:06.675 --> 00:18:09.044
- That through his name everyone
- 00:18:09.044 --> 00:18:11.180
- Who believes in him receives the forgiveness of sins."
- 00:18:11.180 --> 00:18:15.317
- Cornelius and his household believed
- 00:18:15.317 --> 00:18:17.586
- That gospel message and they were saved.
- 00:18:17.586 --> 00:18:21.590
- What is it that makes christianity different?
- 00:18:21.590 --> 00:18:24.226
- Consider the uniqueness of jesus christ.
- 00:18:24.226 --> 00:18:26.995
- Secondly, the teaching of jesus christ.
- 00:18:26.995 --> 00:18:29.531
- Thirdly, the teaching of the new testament.
- 00:18:29.531 --> 00:18:31.533
- And finally, christianity offers the unique solution
- 00:18:31.533 --> 00:18:36.271
- To man's dilemma.
- 00:18:36.271 --> 00:18:38.073
- It offers the unique solution to man's dilemma.
- 00:18:38.073 --> 00:18:41.710
- You know, not all religions are all wrong about everything.
- 00:18:41.710 --> 00:18:45.948
- There's some common denominators in religions.
- 00:18:45.948 --> 00:18:49.151
- For example, most religions say, "that man is flawed.
- 00:18:49.151 --> 00:18:52.254
- He's got some problems."
- 00:18:52.254 --> 00:18:53.855
- Do you remember back in high school
- 00:18:53.855 --> 00:18:55.724
- Or maybe college where you would take some classes
- 00:18:55.724 --> 00:18:58.460
- That were pass/fail?
- 00:18:58.460 --> 00:19:00.028
- Remember the pass/fail classes?
- 00:19:00.028 --> 00:19:01.630
- I used to love a class that was pass/fail,
- 00:19:01.630 --> 00:19:04.233
- Because as long as you met a minimum standard, you passed.
- 00:19:04.233 --> 00:19:07.869
- You didn't have to worry about studying harder,
- 00:19:07.869 --> 00:19:10.072
- Make a better grade, didn't matter,
- 00:19:10.072 --> 00:19:12.074
- Just meet the minimum requirement, and you pass.
- 00:19:12.074 --> 00:19:16.511
- Now, i've got some good news and bad news for you today.
- 00:19:16.511 --> 00:19:19.881
- God judges us on the pass/fail system,
- 00:19:19.881 --> 00:19:24.653
- That's the good news.
- 00:19:24.653 --> 00:19:26.154
- Here's the terrible news.
- 00:19:26.154 --> 00:19:28.390
- The minimum amount necessary
- 00:19:28.390 --> 00:19:30.826
- To be accepted by god is 100%.
- 00:19:30.826 --> 00:19:36.298
- You have to keep all the laws.
- 00:19:36.932 --> 00:19:39.801
- In fact, james 2:10 says, "whoever keeps the whole law
- 00:19:39.801 --> 00:19:43.705
- And yet stumbles in one point has become guilty of all.
- 00:19:43.705 --> 00:19:48.443
- That means you can be doing everything right,
- 00:19:48.443 --> 00:19:51.413
- The bible says, one slip up and you're a goner.
- 00:19:51.413 --> 00:19:56.652
- "god took jesus who knew no sin and made him sin for us,
- 00:19:57.786 --> 00:20:01.556
- That we might become the righteousness of god in him."
- 00:20:01.556 --> 00:20:05.727
- It's all has to do with grace.
- 00:20:05.727 --> 00:20:07.929
- Every other religion is about works, only christianity says,
- 00:20:07.929 --> 00:20:12.567
- "the solution to our dilemma is grace.
- 00:20:12.567 --> 00:20:15.937
- For by grace," paul said, "for by grace you have been saved
- 00:20:15.937 --> 00:20:19.841
- Through faith and that not of yourselves,
- 00:20:19.841 --> 00:20:22.144
- It is a gift of god,
- 00:20:22.144 --> 00:20:23.512
- Not of works lest any man should boast."
- 00:20:23.512 --> 00:20:27.683
- Years ago there was a conference
- 00:20:28.317 --> 00:20:29.751
- On world religions in great britain.
- 00:20:29.751 --> 00:20:32.888
- And scholars were debating what was unique
- 00:20:32.888 --> 00:20:35.357
- About christianity as opposed to other religions.
- 00:20:35.357 --> 00:20:39.394
- And in the middle of a heated debate,
- 00:20:39.394 --> 00:20:41.163
- C.s. lewis walked into the room.
- 00:20:41.163 --> 00:20:43.999
- He said, "what's the ruckus about?"
- 00:20:43.999 --> 00:20:45.934
- And they said, "well, we're trying to decide what is it
- 00:20:45.934 --> 00:20:48.904
- That makes christianity unique."
- 00:20:48.904 --> 00:20:51.273
- Lewis smiled and said, "that's easy, it's grace, grace."
- 00:20:51.273 --> 00:20:56.445
- And when you think about it,
- 00:20:57.045 --> 00:20:58.180
- That is the distinguishing feature.
- 00:20:58.180 --> 00:21:00.649
- There are thousands of religions in the world,
- 00:21:00.649 --> 00:21:03.418
- And they're all spelled the same way.
- 00:21:03.418 --> 00:21:06.421
- Do, d-o, do this, do this, do this.
- 00:21:06.421 --> 00:21:11.393
- Don't do this, do this, do this
- 00:21:11.393 --> 00:21:14.363
- And you might earn god's forgiveness.
- 00:21:14.363 --> 00:21:16.898
- Only christianity is spelled d-o-n-e, done.
- 00:21:16.898 --> 00:21:23.538
- Everything we need has been done by jesus christ.
- 00:21:24.539 --> 00:21:29.845
- That's why he said tetelestai on the cross,
- 00:21:30.712 --> 00:21:32.147
- "it is finished, paid in full."
- 00:21:32.147 --> 00:21:36.918
- And perhaps that's worth applauding for.
- 00:21:36.918 --> 00:21:39.521
- (congregation applauds)
- 00:21:39.521 --> 00:21:45.260
- And that's what makes christianity different.
- 00:21:46.194 --> 00:21:49.097
- Christianity offers the unique solution to man's dilemma.
- 00:21:49.097 --> 00:21:54.403
- It's the dilemma job first talked about in job 9:2
- 00:21:55.404 --> 00:21:57.439
- When he said, "how can a person be right with god?"
- 00:21:57.439 --> 00:22:02.811
- Ain't that the bottom line question?
- 00:22:03.578 --> 00:22:04.646
- We're all going to die.
- 00:22:04.646 --> 00:22:06.615
- How can we make sure we're in a right relationship
- 00:22:06.615 --> 00:22:09.584
- With our creator?
- 00:22:09.584 --> 00:22:11.386
- How can a person be right before god?
- 00:22:11.386 --> 00:22:14.990
- Every other religion in the world says,
- 00:22:14.990 --> 00:22:17.793
- "it's through work."
- 00:22:17.793 --> 00:22:19.561
- Only christianity says, "it's by grace.
- 00:22:19.561 --> 00:22:23.999
- For by grace, you have been saved through faith."
- 00:22:23.999 --> 00:22:28.703
- ♪ music ♪
- 00:22:28.703 --> 00:22:33.041
- Almost every religion recognizes
- 00:22:33.675 --> 00:22:35.877
- That mankind has a serious internal problem,
- 00:22:35.877 --> 00:22:39.648
- But christianity alone offers the solution to man's dilemma,
- 00:22:39.648 --> 00:22:44.085
- Trusting in jesus christ for your salvation.
- 00:22:44.085 --> 00:22:47.756
- Well, it's january, and many of us are making resolutions
- 00:22:47.756 --> 00:22:51.393
- And getting a fresh start.
- 00:22:51.393 --> 00:22:53.228
- Along those lines, i'm inviting you to become one
- 00:22:53.228 --> 00:22:55.797
- Of our loyal monthly givers.
- 00:22:55.797 --> 00:22:57.599
- We call them pathway partners.
- 00:22:57.599 --> 00:23:00.469
- By signing up and by giving a much needed gift every month,
- 00:23:00.469 --> 00:23:04.372
- You become the vehicle god uses
- 00:23:04.372 --> 00:23:06.708
- To send pathway to victory out here in your town
- 00:23:06.708 --> 00:23:09.945
- And even around the world.
- 00:23:09.945 --> 00:23:12.013
- We live in confusing times
- 00:23:12.013 --> 00:23:13.982
- And people are desperately searching to align their lives
- 00:23:13.982 --> 00:23:17.352
- With the one who forgives their sin and heals their wounds.
- 00:23:17.352 --> 00:23:21.890
- Thanks to everyone who's already joined our faithful team
- 00:23:21.890 --> 00:23:24.926
- Of pathway partners.
- 00:23:24.926 --> 00:23:26.828
- And if you haven't already,
- 00:23:26.828 --> 00:23:28.864
- Then i look forward to hearing from you today.
- 00:23:28.864 --> 00:23:31.566
- You stay right there,
- 00:23:31.566 --> 00:23:33.134
- I'll be back with more pathway to victory in just a moment.
- 00:23:33.134 --> 00:23:37.038
- [announcer] if a friend or one
- 00:23:37.672 --> 00:23:38.974
- Of your children came up to you and asked,
- 00:23:38.974 --> 00:23:40.809
- "how do you know christianity is the right religion?"
- 00:23:40.809 --> 00:23:43.912
- Could you give a clear and credible answer?
- 00:23:43.912 --> 00:23:46.648
- We'd like to send you a book
- 00:23:46.648 --> 00:23:48.049
- From dr. robert jeffress containing,
- 00:23:48.049 --> 00:23:49.951
- "answers to life's 7 most important questions."
- 00:23:49.951 --> 00:23:53.388
- It's titled, "how can i know?"
- 00:23:53.388 --> 00:23:55.590
- If we're honest,
- 00:23:55.590 --> 00:23:56.958
- Every one of us has questions about our faith,
- 00:23:56.958 --> 00:23:59.094
- Questions like, "how can i know the bible is true?
- 00:23:59.094 --> 00:24:02.430
- Or how can i know god exists?"
- 00:24:02.430 --> 00:24:05.166
- In my book, "how can i know?"
- 00:24:05.166 --> 00:24:07.202
- I tackle seven important questions
- 00:24:07.202 --> 00:24:09.704
- And provide biblically-based answers you
- 00:24:09.704 --> 00:24:12.541
- Can embrace with confidence.
- 00:24:12.541 --> 00:24:14.309
- [announcer] seven straightforward answers
- 00:24:14.309 --> 00:24:16.044
- To seven pressing questions.
- 00:24:16.044 --> 00:24:18.046
- The book, "how can i know?" is yours today
- 00:24:18.046 --> 00:24:20.448
- When you give a generous gift
- 00:24:20.448 --> 00:24:22.217
- To support the ministry of pathway to victory,
- 00:24:22.217 --> 00:24:25.020
- Or when you sign up to become a pathway partner,
- 00:24:25.020 --> 00:24:27.956
- And when your gift is $75 or more,
- 00:24:27.956 --> 00:24:31.526
- You'll also receive the complete series on dvd
- 00:24:31.526 --> 00:24:34.696
- And audio disc with newly updated content for 2025.
- 00:24:34.696 --> 00:24:38.934
- It's not a sin to have doubts.
- 00:24:38.934 --> 00:24:41.937
- Sometimes doubt is a prerequisite to genuine faith.
- 00:24:41.937 --> 00:24:46.474
- [announcer] thank you
- 00:24:46.474 --> 00:24:47.876
- For investing financially in pathway to victory.
- 00:24:47.876 --> 00:24:50.245
- Your partnership will help our ministry broadcast
- 00:24:50.245 --> 00:24:52.847
- God's truth on television, on radio, and online,
- 00:24:52.847 --> 00:24:56.818
- Addressing doubts, clearing confusion,
- 00:24:56.818 --> 00:24:59.421
- And transforming lives through the bold,
- 00:24:59.421 --> 00:25:01.890
- Biblical teaching of god's word."
- 00:25:01.890 --> 00:25:07.028
- Jesus' claims leave no room
- 00:25:07.629 --> 00:25:09.631
- For ambiguity regarding his identity.
- 00:25:09.631 --> 00:25:12.734
- The only one who can forgive sins, conquer death,
- 00:25:12.734 --> 00:25:15.971
- And return to judge the world is god himself.
- 00:25:15.971 --> 00:25:20.141
- And jesus wasn't shy about proclaiming the fact
- 00:25:20.141 --> 00:25:22.844
- That he is god and the only road
- 00:25:22.844 --> 00:25:25.947
- To eternal life is through him.
- 00:25:25.947 --> 00:25:28.650
- Well, these claims from jesus are found in the bible.
- 00:25:28.650 --> 00:25:31.920
- So, how can we know that the bible is really true?
- 00:25:31.920 --> 00:25:35.523
- What separates the bible
- 00:25:35.523 --> 00:25:37.058
- From other religious books that claim to possess the truth?
- 00:25:37.058 --> 00:25:40.662
- Stay tuned for a preview
- 00:25:40.662 --> 00:25:42.163
- Of what's coming up next in our series,
- 00:25:42.163 --> 00:25:44.766
- How can i know?
- 00:25:44.766 --> 00:25:46.601
- There's a consistency in imagery.
- 00:25:47.369 --> 00:25:49.671
- The images you have in genesis are the same
- 00:25:49.671 --> 00:25:52.641
- As the images you have in the revelation.
- 00:25:52.641 --> 00:25:55.944
- How amazing is that that 40 authors
- 00:25:55.944 --> 00:25:58.346
- Over 1,500 years in countries 2,000 miles apart,
- 00:25:58.346 --> 00:26:03.118
- Never talking to one another,
- 00:26:03.118 --> 00:26:05.120
- Could come up with a bible that is unified?
- 00:26:05.120 --> 00:26:08.056
- [announcer] set your dvr and join us next time
- 00:26:08.056 --> 00:26:10.225
- For the message,
- 00:26:10.225 --> 00:26:11.760
- "how can i know the bible is true?" here on pathway to victory.
- 00:26:11.760 --> 00:26:18.667
- If you could go back in time
- 00:26:19.267 --> 00:26:20.735
- And walk with the apostle paul on one
- 00:26:20.735 --> 00:26:22.804
- Of his journeys, would you do it?
- 00:26:22.804 --> 00:26:25.106
- This may, let's go together on the life-changing
- 00:26:25.106 --> 00:26:27.842
- Pathway to victory journeys of paul, mediterranean cruise.
- 00:26:27.842 --> 00:26:32.547
- [announcer] embark on a voyage of elegance
- 00:26:32.547 --> 00:26:34.516
- And refinement aboard the luxurious celebrity ascent.
- 00:26:34.516 --> 00:26:38.153
- Enjoy lavish state rooms, spacious balconies,
- 00:26:38.153 --> 00:26:41.122
- And world-class dining.
- 00:26:41.122 --> 00:26:42.824
- You'll experience breathtaking views, famous beaches,
- 00:26:42.824 --> 00:26:46.261
- And crystal clear water in beautiful island destinations
- 00:26:46.261 --> 00:26:49.798
- Like santorini, mykonos, and crete.
- 00:26:49.798 --> 00:26:52.867
- Walk with me and other believers in the very places
- 00:26:52.867 --> 00:26:55.737
- Where god's word was written.
- 00:26:55.737 --> 00:26:58.006
- Join us as we study his word together.
- 00:26:58.006 --> 00:27:00.775
- Surrounded by natural beauty
- 00:27:00.775 --> 00:27:02.711
- We will seek our creator in his creation.
- 00:27:02.711 --> 00:27:06.915
- [announcer] reserve your spot
- 00:27:06.915 --> 00:27:08.083
- On the pathway to victory journeys
- 00:27:08.083 --> 00:27:09.951
- Of paul mediterranean cruises.
- 00:27:09.951 --> 00:27:12.053
- Call 888-280-6747, or visit
- 00:27:12.053 --> 00:27:12.053