Pathway to Victory offers a practical application of God’s Word to everyday life through the clear, biblical teaching of Pastor Jeffress.
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Dr. Robert Jeffress | Robert Jeffress - How To Treat Your Next Pastor (Part 1) | February 4, 2025
- ♪ music ♪
- 00:00:00.156 --> 00:00:06.129
- [announcer] from the pulpit
- 00:00:06.729 --> 00:00:07.730
- Of the first baptist church of dallas, texas,
- 00:00:07.730 --> 00:00:10.166
- This is pathway to victory with dr. robert jeffress.
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- Hi, i'm robert jeffress,
- 00:00:14.537 --> 00:00:15.805
- And welcome again to pathway to victory.
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- From teaching style to operational management,
- 00:00:18.475 --> 00:00:21.611
- Every pastor has his own preferred way
- 00:00:21.611 --> 00:00:23.880
- Of handling responsibilities in the church,
- 00:00:23.880 --> 00:00:27.217
- And while some of those issues
- 00:00:27.217 --> 00:00:28.685
- Can be left up to personal preference,
- 00:00:28.685 --> 00:00:31.121
- The bible has some non-negotiable instruction
- 00:00:31.121 --> 00:00:34.357
- Regarding a pastor's role as leader of a congregation.
- 00:00:34.357 --> 00:00:38.761
- Today we're going to talk about the god-given responsibility
- 00:00:38.761 --> 00:00:42.532
- Of spiritual leaders in the church.
- 00:00:42.532 --> 00:00:44.934
- My message is titled, "how to treat your next pastor"
- 00:00:44.934 --> 00:00:49.139
- On today's edition of pathway to victory.
- 00:00:49.139 --> 00:00:52.509
- ♪ music ♪
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- [announcer] in a world filled with noise and
- 00:01:00.984 --> 00:01:02.952
- Clutter, god invites us to look past the distractions
- 00:01:02.952 --> 00:01:06.689
- And connect with him on a deeply personal level.
- 00:01:06.689 --> 00:01:09.692
- Take a moment to anchor yourself in the calming
- 00:01:09.692 --> 00:01:12.195
- Truth of god's word with the brand new 2025 pathway to
- 00:01:12.195 --> 00:01:15.698
- Victory daily devotional.
- 00:01:15.698 --> 00:01:17.534
- And now with larger print, the 260 practical insights
- 00:01:17.534 --> 00:01:21.137
- From dr. robert jeffress are easier to read.
- 00:01:21.137 --> 00:01:23.973
- Request a brand new 2025 pathway to victory daily
- 00:01:23.973 --> 00:01:27.477
- Devotional when you give a generous gift to pathway to victory.
- 00:01:27.477 --> 00:01:31.347
- ♪ music ♪
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- I love the story about the pastor
- 00:01:38.988 --> 00:01:41.291
- Who was going to his first church,
- 00:01:41.291 --> 00:01:43.426
- And he was so excited about his future ministry.
- 00:01:43.426 --> 00:01:47.664
- His first day in the office,
- 00:01:47.664 --> 00:01:49.599
- His predecessor dropped by to see him.
- 00:01:49.599 --> 00:01:52.435
- The former pastor had left the church
- 00:01:52.435 --> 00:01:55.605
- Under a cloud of controversy
- 00:01:55.605 --> 00:01:58.308
- And he came by to encourage his successor.
- 00:01:58.308 --> 00:02:01.678
- He said, "i want you to know i'm praying for you,
- 00:02:01.678 --> 00:02:04.948
- But if you run into difficulty, and this is a tough church,
- 00:02:04.948 --> 00:02:08.585
- If you run into difficulty,
- 00:02:08.585 --> 00:02:10.753
- I've left three envelopes in the top desk drawer
- 00:02:10.753 --> 00:02:14.958
- For you to use only if you need some encouragement."
- 00:02:14.958 --> 00:02:18.728
- The new pastor thanked his predecessor,
- 00:02:18.728 --> 00:02:21.598
- But assured himself
- 00:02:21.598 --> 00:02:23.166
- That he would never need those envelopes.
- 00:02:23.166 --> 00:02:26.402
- Well, he hadn't been there a week
- 00:02:26.402 --> 00:02:28.271
- When he got accosted in the hallway
- 00:02:28.271 --> 00:02:30.173
- By an irate sunday school member
- 00:02:30.173 --> 00:02:32.442
- Who was furious over his sunday school class being too warm,
- 00:02:32.442 --> 00:02:37.146
- And the new pastor was so discouraged,
- 00:02:37.146 --> 00:02:39.082
- He didn't know he was going to have to deal with
- 00:02:39.082 --> 00:02:40.617
- Things like that,
- 00:02:40.617 --> 00:02:41.884
- And so he slithered back to his office
- 00:02:41.884 --> 00:02:45.221
- And he pulled out that first envelope, envelope number one,
- 00:02:45.221 --> 00:02:49.459
- And it said, "be not fearful or dismayed.
- 00:02:49.459 --> 00:02:54.197
- I am with you, saith the lord."
- 00:02:54.197 --> 00:02:57.233
- That made him feel better.
- 00:02:57.233 --> 00:02:58.901
- A few weeks later, he got a notice
- 00:02:58.901 --> 00:03:00.970
- That the deacons were calling a special meeting
- 00:03:00.970 --> 00:03:03.940
- To discuss the declining attendance in the church,
- 00:03:03.940 --> 00:03:07.510
- And they wanted him to answer for it.
- 00:03:07.510 --> 00:03:09.912
- Well, this discouraged him again,
- 00:03:09.912 --> 00:03:12.915
- And so he remembered there was another envelope.
- 00:03:12.915 --> 00:03:15.218
- He picked up envelope number two, opened it up,
- 00:03:15.218 --> 00:03:17.754
- And it said, "behold, i am with thee wherever thou goest,"
- 00:03:17.754 --> 00:03:24.227
- And that promise from the lord encouraged his heart.
- 00:03:24.227 --> 00:03:26.829
- About three months later,
- 00:03:26.829 --> 00:03:28.431
- The church called a special business meeting
- 00:03:28.431 --> 00:03:31.134
- To fire the pastor over declining finances,
- 00:03:31.134 --> 00:03:34.904
- And he was at the bottom,
- 00:03:34.904 --> 00:03:36.606
- But thankfully he remembered there was a final envelope.
- 00:03:36.606 --> 00:03:39.942
- He went to his desk drawer, opened it up,
- 00:03:39.942 --> 00:03:42.578
- Opened up envelope number three, and it said,
- 00:03:42.578 --> 00:03:45.882
- "prepare three new envelopes."
- 00:03:45.882 --> 00:03:48.451
- (congregation laughing)
- 00:03:48.451 --> 00:03:51.821
- You know, i thought of that story
- 00:03:51.821 --> 00:03:54.257
- When i prepared this week's message.
- 00:03:54.257 --> 00:03:57.327
- The title of it is how to treat your next pastor.
- 00:03:57.327 --> 00:04:03.333
- Now, this is not a farewell sermon.
- 00:04:03.333 --> 00:04:04.901
- Some of you are getting your hopes up.
- 00:04:04.901 --> 00:04:06.502
- This is not a farewell sermon.
- 00:04:06.502 --> 00:04:08.705
- I'm not going anywhere,
- 00:04:08.705 --> 00:04:10.173
- But there's a reason that i titled this message
- 00:04:10.173 --> 00:04:13.409
- The way i did,
- 00:04:13.409 --> 00:04:14.644
- And you'll see that in just a moment.
- 00:04:14.644 --> 00:04:16.245
- Now, i have to admit to you,
- 00:04:16.245 --> 00:04:18.047
- I've not been looking forward to this final message
- 00:04:18.047 --> 00:04:20.917
- In our series in hebrews.
- 00:04:20.917 --> 00:04:22.919
- I feel about it like i do about having a root canal.
- 00:04:22.919 --> 00:04:26.689
- There's something else i'd rather be doing
- 00:04:26.689 --> 00:04:29.158
- Than preaching this passage,
- 00:04:29.158 --> 00:04:30.560
- Because it is a difficult passage,
- 00:04:30.560 --> 00:04:33.629
- Especially for me to preach.
- 00:04:33.629 --> 00:04:36.065
- One reason it's difficult is because,
- 00:04:36.065 --> 00:04:38.868
- Well, it's a sermon about me.
- 00:04:38.868 --> 00:04:41.938
- It's about my responsibility to you here in the church,
- 00:04:41.938 --> 00:04:46.342
- And it's also about your responsibility toward me
- 00:04:46.342 --> 00:04:50.012
- And the spiritual leadership of the church,
- 00:04:50.012 --> 00:04:52.048
- And that's always a touchy topic,
- 00:04:52.048 --> 00:04:54.817
- And so that's why i titled this sermon
- 00:04:54.817 --> 00:04:57.787
- How to treat your next pastor.
- 00:04:57.787 --> 00:05:00.256
- I want you to fast forward 20 years from now,
- 00:05:00.256 --> 00:05:03.559
- And imagine that i've gone
- 00:05:03.559 --> 00:05:05.128
- And i'm up in heaven watching you,
- 00:05:05.128 --> 00:05:07.830
- And you've called a new,
- 00:05:07.830 --> 00:05:10.133
- Nameless, faceless pastor to you right now.
- 00:05:10.133 --> 00:05:14.003
- Let's think about how to treat him
- 00:05:14.003 --> 00:05:15.872
- Rather than how to treat me,
- 00:05:15.872 --> 00:05:17.306
- Because i mean, the fact is,
- 00:05:17.306 --> 00:05:18.808
- It's hard to separate principles from personalities.
- 00:05:18.808 --> 00:05:22.612
- You know, the military has a saying.
- 00:05:22.612 --> 00:05:24.647
- We salute the uniform, not the person in the uniform.
- 00:05:24.647 --> 00:05:29.419
- Well, it's the same way in the role of pastor.
- 00:05:29.419 --> 00:05:31.821
- I'm not asking you to salute,
- 00:05:31.821 --> 00:05:33.256
- But we're talking about the role
- 00:05:33.256 --> 00:05:35.291
- And the responsibility of the pastor.
- 00:05:35.291 --> 00:05:38.194
- The second reason
- 00:05:38.194 --> 00:05:39.429
- This is a particularly hard subject to address
- 00:05:39.429 --> 00:05:42.265
- Is the potential abuse
- 00:05:42.265 --> 00:05:44.167
- Of the truth we're going to look at today.
- 00:05:44.167 --> 00:05:46.702
- We all know pastors who have gone to the extreme
- 00:05:46.702 --> 00:05:50.072
- Of becoming dictators in the church.
- 00:05:50.072 --> 00:05:53.176
- A lack of accountability has led them into immorality
- 00:05:53.176 --> 00:05:59.482
- Or they've over-exercised their authority
- 00:05:59.482 --> 00:06:01.651
- And led the church into financial ruin,
- 00:06:01.651 --> 00:06:04.086
- And none of us wants that extreme,
- 00:06:04.086 --> 00:06:07.123
- But some churches go to the opposite extreme.
- 00:06:07.123 --> 00:06:09.559
- They treat their pastors as nothing more than hired hands
- 00:06:09.559 --> 00:06:12.695
- To do their bidding,
- 00:06:12.695 --> 00:06:14.197
- To keep the temperature right in the sunday school class,
- 00:06:14.197 --> 00:06:16.532
- And all of those sorts of things.
- 00:06:16.532 --> 00:06:19.402
- Neither extreme is biblical.
- 00:06:19.402 --> 00:06:21.671
- Today we're going to talk about
- 00:06:21.671 --> 00:06:23.506
- What the role and the responsibility
- 00:06:23.506 --> 00:06:25.641
- Of spiritual leaders in the church is,
- 00:06:25.641 --> 00:06:28.244
- And the context of this passage is all-important.
- 00:06:28.244 --> 00:06:31.814
- Turn over, if you would, to hebrews chapter 13.
- 00:06:31.814 --> 00:06:35.818
- Remember the writer made that pivot in chapter 12.
- 00:06:35.818 --> 00:06:40.556
- He said, "let us run with endurance
- 00:06:40.556 --> 00:06:44.427
- The race that is set before us,
- 00:06:44.427 --> 00:06:46.562
- Fixing our eyes on jesus,
- 00:06:46.562 --> 00:06:48.564
- The author and finisher of our faith."
- 00:06:48.564 --> 00:06:50.466
- He said in difficult times, hebrew christians,
- 00:06:50.466 --> 00:06:54.270
- Don't give up your faith.
- 00:06:54.270 --> 00:06:55.404
- Don't go back into judaism.
- 00:06:55.404 --> 00:06:57.507
- Keep running that race.
- 00:06:57.507 --> 00:07:00.142
- And remember last time,
- 00:07:00.142 --> 00:07:01.544
- We looked at two detours that will get you off track
- 00:07:01.544 --> 00:07:04.814
- In your relationship with god.
- 00:07:04.814 --> 00:07:07.083
- We talked about the detour of immorality,
- 00:07:07.083 --> 00:07:09.285
- We talked about the detour of materialism,
- 00:07:09.285 --> 00:07:12.655
- But now the writer's going to give us some encouragement.
- 00:07:12.655 --> 00:07:15.358
- He's going to say,
- 00:07:15.358 --> 00:07:16.759
- God has given you somebody to encourage you
- 00:07:16.759 --> 00:07:18.728
- To stay on track in your relationship with god,
- 00:07:18.728 --> 00:07:21.531
- And that's the spiritual leader in the church.
- 00:07:21.531 --> 00:07:24.467
- His job is to encourage you to stay on track,
- 00:07:24.467 --> 00:07:29.405
- And that's the theme of this passage we're going to look at.
- 00:07:29.405 --> 00:07:33.309
- Now, when we come to hebrews 13,
- 00:07:33.309 --> 00:07:35.378
- The bible is going to talk about
- 00:07:35.378 --> 00:07:37.146
- Two kinds of spiritual leaders we need to follow.
- 00:07:37.146 --> 00:07:41.984
- First of all, he talks about leaders from the past,
- 00:07:41.984 --> 00:07:46.455
- Leaders from the past.
- 00:07:46.455 --> 00:07:48.824
- Look at verse seven, our respect for past leaders.
- 00:07:48.824 --> 00:07:52.395
- "remember those who led you,
- 00:07:52.395 --> 00:07:54.864
- Who spoke the word of god to you,
- 00:07:54.864 --> 00:07:57.633
- And considering the result of their conduct,
- 00:07:57.633 --> 00:08:00.836
- Imitate their faith."
- 00:08:00.836 --> 00:08:03.139
- That word remember literally means bring to mind,
- 00:08:03.139 --> 00:08:07.310
- Call to mind those who have led you in the past,
- 00:08:07.310 --> 00:08:10.846
- Those leaders who have gone on to heaven.
- 00:08:10.846 --> 00:08:13.883
- He's not saying take a stroll down memory lane
- 00:08:13.883 --> 00:08:17.219
- Just for the sake of old times' sake.
- 00:08:17.219 --> 00:08:19.689
- He's talking about remember them, recall them,
- 00:08:19.689 --> 00:08:23.859
- And imitate their faith.
- 00:08:23.859 --> 00:08:26.596
- Do you remember when we used to wear those bracelets
- 00:08:26.596 --> 00:08:28.831
- From 20 years ago?
- 00:08:28.831 --> 00:08:30.032
- Everybody had 'em. wwjd, what would jesus do?
- 00:08:30.032 --> 00:08:36.405
- And the idea is if you were in a difficult situation,
- 00:08:36.405 --> 00:08:38.040
- You would ask yourself the question,
- 00:08:38.040 --> 00:08:39.542
- What would the lord do in this situation?
- 00:08:39.542 --> 00:08:42.612
- Well, the writer of hebrews is saying,
- 00:08:42.612 --> 00:08:44.447
- When you get in a difficult spot,
- 00:08:44.447 --> 00:08:46.716
- Ask yourself what would,
- 00:08:46.716 --> 00:08:48.184
- And insert the name of somebody who's led you in the past
- 00:08:48.184 --> 00:08:51.921
- That you had respect for,
- 00:08:51.921 --> 00:08:53.389
- A spiritual leader, a pastor, staff member, evangelist,
- 00:08:53.389 --> 00:08:56.525
- Somebody who impacted your life, and imitate their faith.
- 00:08:56.525 --> 00:09:01.364
- Now, some people would say,
- 00:09:01.364 --> 00:09:02.798
- Well, i thought we're just supposed
- 00:09:02.798 --> 00:09:03.733
- To fix our eyes on jesus.
- 00:09:03.733 --> 00:09:05.267
- We're not supposed to look at other people,
- 00:09:05.267 --> 00:09:07.703
- Just imitate jesus.
- 00:09:07.703 --> 00:09:10.006
- Did you know that's exactly
- 00:09:10.006 --> 00:09:11.307
- What the carnal corinthian christians,
- 00:09:11.307 --> 00:09:14.076
- Some of them were saying to paul.
- 00:09:14.076 --> 00:09:16.145
- Paul said, "there are divisions in your church.
- 00:09:16.145 --> 00:09:19.649
- Some are saying, "we follow peter,"
- 00:09:19.649 --> 00:09:22.551
- Others say, "we follow apollos,"
- 00:09:22.551 --> 00:09:25.354
- And some of you are saying, "we only follow jesus."
- 00:09:25.354 --> 00:09:29.725
- That wasn't a commendation, that was a condemnation.
- 00:09:29.725 --> 00:09:33.195
- He said, "you're refusing to follow
- 00:09:33.195 --> 00:09:35.064
- The leaders god has placed upon you.
- 00:09:35.064 --> 00:09:37.299
- Instead, you're just saying you follow jesus."
- 00:09:37.299 --> 00:09:39.535
- Now, god says, yes, we're to keep our eyes on jesus,
- 00:09:39.535 --> 00:09:43.239
- But we also need flesh and blood examples
- 00:09:43.239 --> 00:09:46.342
- That we can look at to imitate their faith,
- 00:09:46.342 --> 00:09:49.478
- And that's why paul said in 1 corinthians 11:1,
- 00:09:49.478 --> 00:09:52.114
- "be imitators," literally be mimics of me,
- 00:09:52.114 --> 00:09:56.852
- Even as i'm a mimic, an imitator of jesus christ."
- 00:09:56.852 --> 00:10:00.956
- We need leaders certainly in our past that we can look up to
- 00:10:00.956 --> 00:10:05.327
- And ask ourself the question when we get in a tight place,
- 00:10:05.327 --> 00:10:09.231
- What would this leader have said to me?
- 00:10:09.231 --> 00:10:11.867
- What was his counsel to me when he was alive in teaching?
- 00:10:11.867 --> 00:10:16.205
- What would he do in this situation?
- 00:10:16.205 --> 00:10:18.674
- I hope in your gallery of memories
- 00:10:18.674 --> 00:10:21.677
- There are past leaders
- 00:10:21.677 --> 00:10:23.579
- Who have made an impact upon you and your family,
- 00:10:23.579 --> 00:10:26.582
- That you can mimic, that you can imitate.
- 00:10:26.582 --> 00:10:30.853
- Years ago, i remember going in to say goodnight
- 00:10:30.853 --> 00:10:33.422
- To our oldest daughter, julia.
- 00:10:33.422 --> 00:10:34.857
- She was about 10 at the time,
- 00:10:34.857 --> 00:10:37.293
- And she was sitting up in bed,
- 00:10:37.293 --> 00:10:39.962
- Reading a biography of billy graham.
- 00:10:39.962 --> 00:10:44.133
- Even when she was a little girl,
- 00:10:44.133 --> 00:10:45.768
- She was so interested in evangelism and sharing her faith,
- 00:10:45.768 --> 00:10:49.238
- And she was reading this biography of billy graham,
- 00:10:49.238 --> 00:10:51.407
- And so i got to tell her about billy graham
- 00:10:51.407 --> 00:10:55.344
- And about the impact he had had on our family's life,
- 00:10:55.344 --> 00:10:58.981
- And i told her the story about when my mother,
- 00:10:58.981 --> 00:11:02.184
- For whom julia is named,
- 00:11:02.184 --> 00:11:04.086
- In 1954 when she was pregnant with me,
- 00:11:04.086 --> 00:11:07.356
- That she went to the cotton bowl crusade here in dallas.
- 00:11:07.356 --> 00:11:11.393
- She wasn't a christian,
- 00:11:11.393 --> 00:11:12.995
- And under the preaching of billy graham,
- 00:11:12.995 --> 00:11:14.930
- She became a christian
- 00:11:14.930 --> 00:11:16.732
- And she ended up joining first baptist church dallas
- 00:11:16.732 --> 00:11:20.035
- The same day that billy graham joined the church,
- 00:11:20.035 --> 00:11:23.372
- Where he was a member here for 54 years.
- 00:11:23.372 --> 00:11:25.641
- And i told her the story about how my mom and my dad
- 00:11:25.641 --> 00:11:29.478
- Passed that faith on to me,
- 00:11:29.478 --> 00:11:31.914
- And how amy and i have passed it on to her,
- 00:11:31.914 --> 00:11:35.284
- And then now to watches an adult
- 00:11:35.284 --> 00:11:37.953
- How she and ryan
- 00:11:37.953 --> 00:11:39.221
- Are passing that faith on to their children.
- 00:11:39.221 --> 00:11:41.824
- On and on it goes, all because of 70 years ago,
- 00:11:41.824 --> 00:11:45.394
- A man who made a great investment
- 00:11:45.394 --> 00:11:48.364
- And passed on his faith to us and to so many others.
- 00:11:48.364 --> 00:11:52.802
- I was thinking about that just this week
- 00:11:52.802 --> 00:11:56.272
- As i prepared this message about remembering those
- 00:11:56.272 --> 00:11:59.241
- Who have impacted your life in the past.
- 00:11:59.241 --> 00:12:02.011
- And as i was writing these thoughts down, out of the blue,
- 00:12:02.011 --> 00:12:05.915
- I got a letter from a man named david bruce.
- 00:12:05.915 --> 00:12:09.852
- David bruce for years
- 00:12:09.852 --> 00:12:12.288
- Was the personal assistant to billy graham.
- 00:12:12.288 --> 00:12:14.824
- He spent every day with billy
- 00:12:14.824 --> 00:12:17.526
- Up until the day dr. graham went home to be with the lord,
- 00:12:17.526 --> 00:12:21.330
- And david bruce wrote me these words.
- 00:12:21.330 --> 00:12:23.432
- He said, "i simply write to thank you
- 00:12:23.432 --> 00:12:26.535
- For your faithful preaching and far-reaching ministry
- 00:12:26.535 --> 00:12:30.172
- Through the pulpit of first baptist dallas.
- 00:12:30.172 --> 00:12:33.275
- For mr. graham, there were welcome and sweet memories
- 00:12:33.275 --> 00:12:36.745
- Of your predecessor, dr. chriswell, and of you,
- 00:12:36.745 --> 00:12:40.449
- And the impact the church had
- 00:12:40.449 --> 00:12:42.484
- On mr. graham's life and times.
- 00:12:42.484 --> 00:12:45.354
- He fondly would say that he was half-texan
- 00:12:45.354 --> 00:12:48.490
- And loved every minute of it.
- 00:12:48.490 --> 00:12:50.826
- Recently my travels took me to dallas,
- 00:12:50.826 --> 00:12:53.729
- And i had a brief moment to pass by your church
- 00:12:53.729 --> 00:12:56.966
- And to pray for you
- 00:12:56.966 --> 00:12:58.267
- And the good folks of first baptist dallas.
- 00:12:58.267 --> 00:13:01.237
- During the covid sequestering in north carolina,
- 00:13:01.237 --> 00:13:04.640
- I was privileged to hear you preach sunday after sunday,
- 00:13:04.640 --> 00:13:08.844
- And am so grateful for your biblical convictions
- 00:13:08.844 --> 00:13:12.248
- Of the strength of your holy spirit empowered proclamation.
- 00:13:12.248 --> 00:13:16.252
- Praise god for your church's extensive ministry.
- 00:13:16.252 --> 00:13:21.156
- Remember that there are those who love and appreciate
- 00:13:21.156 --> 00:13:24.260
- The historic church in dallas,
- 00:13:24.260 --> 00:13:26.462
- As well as your current ministry."
- 00:13:26.462 --> 00:13:29.865
- That was such an encouragement to me.
- 00:13:29.865 --> 00:13:31.066
- It was kind of a circle of spiritual life.
- 00:13:31.066 --> 00:13:33.869
- Here is a man 70-plus years ago,
- 00:13:33.869 --> 00:13:36.372
- Who impacted my family and me and so many of you,
- 00:13:36.372 --> 00:13:42.811
- And then to know that we had an impact on his life,
- 00:13:42.811 --> 00:13:45.915
- And we're sharing that faith with people all over the world.
- 00:13:45.915 --> 00:13:50.119
- Hopefully you've got people in your life like that,
- 00:13:50.119 --> 00:13:52.655
- That you can look back to and thank god for.
- 00:13:52.655 --> 00:13:56.659
- We're to respect our past leaders.
- 00:13:56.659 --> 00:14:00.062
- Frankly, that's easier to do
- 00:14:00.062 --> 00:14:03.766
- Than when it comes to our current leaders.
- 00:14:03.766 --> 00:14:06.001
- You know, somebody said,
- 00:14:06.001 --> 00:14:07.569
- We tend to immortalize leaders of the past
- 00:14:07.569 --> 00:14:10.239
- While treating our current leaders
- 00:14:10.239 --> 00:14:12.274
- Like faces on a dart board.
- 00:14:12.274 --> 00:14:14.677
- Unfortunately that's true in too many churches,
- 00:14:14.677 --> 00:14:18.180
- And that's why the writer of hebrews
- 00:14:18.180 --> 00:14:20.049
- Talks about our responsibility to leaders in the present,
- 00:14:20.049 --> 00:14:23.285
- Beginning with verse 17.
- 00:14:23.285 --> 00:14:25.254
- He says, "obey your leaders, and submit to them,
- 00:14:25.254 --> 00:14:29.591
- For they keep watch over your souls,
- 00:14:29.591 --> 00:14:32.027
- As those who will give an account.
- 00:14:32.027 --> 00:14:35.297
- Let them do this with joy and not with grief,
- 00:14:35.297 --> 00:14:38.567
- For this would be unprofitable for you."
- 00:14:38.567 --> 00:14:43.305
- Now i can sense some people already tensing up.
- 00:14:43.305 --> 00:14:47.509
- Obey your leaders?
- 00:14:47.509 --> 00:14:50.913
- I mean, why in the world would i do that?
- 00:14:49.712 --> 00:14:53.315
- Let's admit,
- 00:14:53.315 --> 00:14:54.917
- There's a difficulty in this command for all of us.
- 00:14:54.917 --> 00:14:59.021
- One reason this is a difficult command to obey
- 00:14:59.021 --> 00:15:02.124
- Is we all have a natural resistance
- 00:15:02.124 --> 00:15:05.594
- To obeying any kind of authority.
- 00:15:05.594 --> 00:15:07.629
- That's inbred.
- 00:15:07.629 --> 00:15:08.831
- 1 samuel 15:23 talks about rebellion
- 00:15:08.831 --> 00:15:12.701
- Being like the sin of witchcraft.
- 00:15:12.701 --> 00:15:15.371
- We all resist obeying other people, don't we?
- 00:15:15.371 --> 00:15:17.906
- Children resist obeying their parents.
- 00:15:17.906 --> 00:15:20.509
- Wives find it difficult to submit to their husbands.
- 00:15:20.509 --> 00:15:23.679
- Men find it difficult
- 00:15:23.679 --> 00:15:24.913
- To obey their employers or the government.
- 00:15:24.913 --> 00:15:27.549
- We all find it difficult to obey other people,
- 00:15:27.549 --> 00:15:33.422
- And yet in 1 corinthians 11:3,
- 00:15:33.422 --> 00:15:36.325
- Paul says all of us are under somebody's authority.
- 00:15:36.325 --> 00:15:39.495
- Remember what paul said?
- 00:15:39.495 --> 00:15:40.729
- He said that the man is the head of the woman,
- 00:15:40.729 --> 00:15:44.900
- That christ is the head of every man,
- 00:15:44.900 --> 00:15:47.336
- And god is the head of christ.
- 00:15:47.336 --> 00:15:49.938
- Even even jesus himself was under somebody's authority.
- 00:15:49.938 --> 00:15:54.109
- God puts us all, every one of us under somebody's authority.
- 00:15:54.109 --> 00:15:59.982
- First of all,
- 00:15:59.982 --> 00:16:01.350
- It's the only way you maintain order in your home,
- 00:16:01.350 --> 00:16:03.786
- In your business, in your church, in your country,
- 00:16:03.786 --> 00:16:07.556
- Is if there's a clear line of authority.
- 00:16:07.556 --> 00:16:10.092
- The late, great adrian rogers used to say,
- 00:16:10.092 --> 00:16:12.961
- "anything in nature with two heads is a freak,
- 00:16:12.961 --> 00:16:16.899
- And anything with no head is dead."
- 00:16:16.899 --> 00:16:19.535
- There has to be a head of any organization to keep order,
- 00:16:19.535 --> 00:16:24.239
- And i think god puts us not only under authority
- 00:16:24.239 --> 00:16:28.544
- To maintain order,
- 00:16:28.544 --> 00:16:29.978
- But to also help us learn how to obey christ.
- 00:16:29.978 --> 00:16:32.815
- I mean, if we can't obey the human authority
- 00:16:32.815 --> 00:16:35.184
- That we see every day,
- 00:16:35.184 --> 00:16:36.652
- How in the world will we learn to be obedient
- 00:16:36.652 --> 00:16:38.854
- To a god we have not seen?
- 00:16:38.854 --> 00:16:41.390
- So let's all admit
- 00:16:41.390 --> 00:16:42.558
- There's a natural resistance to authority.
- 00:16:42.558 --> 00:16:45.027
- But a second reason this is difficult
- 00:16:45.027 --> 00:16:47.596
- Is the possible abuse of authority.
- 00:16:47.596 --> 00:16:51.800
- I think every one of us here
- 00:16:51.800 --> 00:16:53.535
- Could give an example of some leader
- 00:16:53.535 --> 00:16:55.571
- We either have known personally or known of
- 00:16:55.571 --> 00:16:59.141
- Who has abused his place of authority,
- 00:16:59.141 --> 00:17:01.543
- Especially in the church.
- 00:17:01.543 --> 00:17:03.545
- There's some of you watching right now,
- 00:17:03.545 --> 00:17:06.482
- You may have been in an abusive situation
- 00:17:06.482 --> 00:17:10.652
- Where you were abused by a spiritual authority in the church
- 00:17:10.652 --> 00:17:14.056
- And you said,
- 00:17:14.056 --> 00:17:15.591
- "i'm never getting in that kind of situation again."
- 00:17:15.591 --> 00:17:18.260
- Well, let's admit there are some bad leaders out there,
- 00:17:18.260 --> 00:17:25.234
- And how do we handle leaders
- 00:17:25.234 --> 00:17:27.102
- Who abuse their place of spiritual leadership?
- 00:17:27.102 --> 00:17:31.206
- Let's talk about that for just a moment.
- 00:17:31.206 --> 00:17:33.809
- In jesus' day,
- 00:17:33.809 --> 00:17:35.344
- The abusive spiritual leaders were called the pharisees,
- 00:17:35.344 --> 00:17:40.149
- And they were a group of jewish leaders
- 00:17:40.149 --> 00:17:42.184
- Who placed their tradition above god's word.
- 00:17:42.184 --> 00:17:46.989
- In fact, jesus said they were hypocrites
- 00:17:46.989 --> 00:17:49.224
- Because they came up with regulations for other people
- 00:17:49.224 --> 00:17:52.127
- That they themselves were unwilling to follow,
- 00:17:52.127 --> 00:17:55.130
- And listen to what jesus said about them in matthew 15.
- 00:17:55.130 --> 00:17:58.066
- Hold your place here and go over to matthew chapter 15.
- 00:17:58.066 --> 00:18:01.036
- Jesus' harshest criticisms
- 00:18:01.036 --> 00:18:03.705
- Were not leveled against adulterers, murderers, thieves.
- 00:18:03.705 --> 00:18:06.942
- It was against hypocritical religious leaders.
- 00:18:06.942 --> 00:18:10.078
- Look at chapter 15, verses one to 14.
- 00:18:10.078 --> 00:18:13.215
- "then some pharisees and scribes
- 00:18:13.215 --> 00:18:15.584
- Came to jesus from jerusalem, and they said,
- 00:18:15.584 --> 00:18:18.887
- "why do your disciples break the tradition of the elders?
- 00:18:18.887 --> 00:18:23.025
- For they do not wash their hands when they eat bread."
- 00:18:23.025 --> 00:18:26.128
- This was pre-covid.
- 00:18:26.128 --> 00:18:27.663
- They weren't washing their hands when they eat bread.
- 00:18:27.663 --> 00:18:30.832
- Now, that was a tradition.
- 00:18:30.832 --> 00:18:34.136
- They were concerned that the disciples
- 00:18:34.136 --> 00:18:36.471
- Weren't following their traditions
- 00:18:36.471 --> 00:18:38.106
- Instead of the word of god,
- 00:18:38.106 --> 00:18:40.042
- And so jesus called them out on it.
- 00:18:40.042 --> 00:18:41.843
- He said to them "why do you yourselves
- 00:18:41.843 --> 00:18:44.646
- Transgress the commandment of god
- 00:18:44.646 --> 00:18:47.583
- For the sake of your tradition?"
- 00:18:47.583 --> 00:18:50.352
- And then he goes on and gives example after example
- 00:18:50.352 --> 00:18:53.055
- Of where the pharisees
- 00:18:53.055 --> 00:18:54.456
- Were placing their tradition above god's word.
- 00:18:54.456 --> 00:18:57.259
- Now, skip down to verse 12.
- 00:18:57.259 --> 00:18:58.860
- "then the disciples came and said to jesus,
- 00:18:58.860 --> 00:19:01.597
- "do you know that the pharisees were offended
- 00:19:01.597 --> 00:19:04.866
- When they heard this statement?"
- 00:19:04.866 --> 00:19:07.936
- Ooh, the pharisees are upset.
- 00:19:07.936 --> 00:19:11.773
- Jesus couldn't have cared less.
- 00:19:11.773 --> 00:19:14.543
- Notice what he said in verse 13.
- 00:19:14.543 --> 00:19:16.712
- "but jesus answered and he said,
- 00:19:16.712 --> 00:19:18.981
- "every plant which my heavenly father did not plant
- 00:19:18.981 --> 00:19:24.720
- Shall be uprooted,
- 00:19:24.720 --> 00:19:26.388
- But you let them alone.
- 00:19:26.388 --> 00:19:30.859
- Let them alone; for they are blind guides of the blind.
- 00:19:30.859 --> 00:19:34.663
- And if a blind man guides a blind man,
- 00:19:34.663 --> 00:19:36.999
- Both will fall into the pit."
- 00:19:36.999 --> 00:19:39.635
- Isn't that interesting?
- 00:19:39.635 --> 00:19:40.869
- He didn't say, "get rid of the pharisees.
- 00:19:40.869 --> 00:19:42.371
- Vote 'em out of office."
- 00:19:42.371 --> 00:19:43.372
- He said, "leave them alone.
- 00:19:43.372 --> 00:19:45.474
- They will self-implode
- 00:19:45.474 --> 00:19:47.309
- And they'll take everybody who's following them
- 00:19:47.309 --> 00:19:49.177
- Down with them.
- 00:19:49.177 --> 00:19:50.946
- Leave them alone."
- 00:19:50.946 --> 00:19:52.381
- How do you handle a spiritual abusive leader?
- 00:19:52.381 --> 00:19:55.417
- Now, listen to me.
- 00:19:55.417 --> 00:19:56.985
- The bible says there are two reasons
- 00:19:56.985 --> 00:19:59.187
- To get rid of a leader, a pastor, two reasons.
- 00:19:59.187 --> 00:20:03.258
- Reason number one, if he preaches heresy.
- 00:20:03.258 --> 00:20:07.229
- If i ever stand in this pulpit
- 00:20:07.229 --> 00:20:10.098
- And deny the deity of jesus christ,
- 00:20:10.098 --> 00:20:13.402
- The inspiration of the scripture,
- 00:20:13.402 --> 00:20:14.870
- The blood atonement of christ for our sins,
- 00:20:14.870 --> 00:20:16.872
- The literal return of jesus christ one day,
- 00:20:16.872 --> 00:20:20.309
- If i ever deny those basics,
- 00:20:20.309 --> 00:20:22.144
- I'm not talking about, does the tribulation and the rapture
- 00:20:22.144 --> 00:20:26.048
- Come before or after the millennium?
- 00:20:26.048 --> 00:20:27.516
- I'm not talking about that.
- 00:20:27.516 --> 00:20:28.750
- I'm talking about basic, basic bible doctrine,
- 00:20:28.750 --> 00:20:32.120
- The basics of the faith.
- 00:20:32.120 --> 00:20:33.388
- If i ever deny those truths,
- 00:20:33.388 --> 00:20:36.758
- You need to call a business meeting
- 00:20:36.758 --> 00:20:38.327
- And fire me as your pastor.
- 00:20:38.327 --> 00:20:40.595
- There's no place for that.
- 00:20:40.595 --> 00:20:42.764
- The second reason to get rid of a leader is immorality.
- 00:20:42.764 --> 00:20:48.503
- 1 timothy 5:19 talks about
- 00:20:48.503 --> 00:20:51.740
- Not just an accusation against a pastor,
- 00:20:51.740 --> 00:20:54.710
- But if you have proof
- 00:20:54.710 --> 00:20:56.812
- On the basis of two or three eyewitnesses,
- 00:20:56.812 --> 00:20:59.514
- You're to get rid of him, you're to get rid of him.
- 00:20:59.514 --> 00:21:03.385
- But any other offense outside of that, what does jesus say?
- 00:21:03.385 --> 00:21:09.124
- Leave them alone, leave them alone.
- 00:21:09.124 --> 00:21:11.026
- Let god deal with it.
- 00:21:11.026 --> 00:21:12.861
- I had a deacon who called me from another church,
- 00:21:12.861 --> 00:21:16.298
- And he told me this story.
- 00:21:16.298 --> 00:21:17.866
- He said he was not pleased with the pastor,
- 00:21:17.866 --> 00:21:20.535
- The current pastor that they had,
- 00:21:20.535 --> 00:21:22.938
- And some other deacons came to him and said,
- 00:21:22.938 --> 00:21:25.440
- "we sense you're as upset with those pastors as we are.
- 00:21:25.440 --> 00:21:29.745
- We want you to join us in removing the pastor from office."
- 00:21:29.745 --> 00:21:34.216
- And this deacon said, "i told them no."
- 00:21:34.216 --> 00:21:37.552
- They were astonished.
- 00:21:37.552 --> 00:21:38.520
- They said, "well, why not?"
- 00:21:38.520 --> 00:21:40.655
- He said, "if we uproot this pastor,
- 00:21:40.655 --> 00:21:45.394
- We will also uproot the other members in the church
- 00:21:45.394 --> 00:21:49.264
- Who revere him and respect him.
- 00:21:49.264 --> 00:21:51.666
- We can't do that.
- 00:21:51.666 --> 00:21:53.668
- Leave him alone and let god deal with it."
- 00:21:53.668 --> 00:21:56.471
- That's what jesus was saying here.
- 00:21:56.471 --> 00:21:58.540
- If you try to uproot somebody that the father did not plant,
- 00:21:58.540 --> 00:22:04.813
- It will hurt other people in the process as well.
- 00:22:04.813 --> 00:22:07.716
- Now, i'm talking to some of you right now
- 00:22:07.716 --> 00:22:10.018
- Watching this message.
- 00:22:10.018 --> 00:22:11.520
- You're in a church and you don't care for your pastor.
- 00:22:11.520 --> 00:22:13.722
- You disagree with him.
- 00:22:13.722 --> 00:22:15.891
- Pray for him.
- 00:22:15.891 --> 00:22:17.659
- If you need to, go talk to him,
- 00:22:17.659 --> 00:22:19.294
- And share your concern in a spirit of love,
- 00:22:19.294 --> 00:22:23.165
- And if you still can't resolve it,
- 00:22:23.165 --> 00:22:25.834
- Don't try to get rid of him.
- 00:22:25.834 --> 00:22:27.135
- Don't lead a rebellion.
- 00:22:27.135 --> 00:22:28.437
- Don't be guilty of disenchanting
- 00:22:28.437 --> 00:22:31.640
- And disillusioning other christians.
- 00:22:31.640 --> 00:22:34.443
- Go find a church, go find a pastor that you respect
- 00:22:34.443 --> 00:22:39.080
- And whose authority you can follow.
- 00:22:39.080 --> 00:22:41.183
- That's the way you deal with leaders
- 00:22:41.183 --> 00:22:43.819
- That you don't agree with.
- 00:22:43.819 --> 00:22:46.621
- But the vast majority of pastors out there today
- 00:22:46.621 --> 00:22:50.158
- Are not bad pastors.
- 00:22:50.158 --> 00:22:51.827
- They're doing the best they can to take care of you,
- 00:22:51.827 --> 00:22:55.330
- To watch over your soul,
- 00:22:55.330 --> 00:22:57.466
- So let's talk about how we do respond
- 00:22:57.466 --> 00:23:00.168
- To pastors and spiritual leaders in the church.
- 00:23:00.168 --> 00:23:03.772
- ♪ music ♪
- 00:23:03.772 --> 00:23:08.910
- There's more i want to show you
- 00:23:08.910 --> 00:23:10.445
- In this 13th chapter of hebrews,
- 00:23:10.445 --> 00:23:12.280
- So make plans to join us again next time
- 00:23:12.280 --> 00:23:15.283
- For the final message in our series, spiritual fitness.
- 00:23:15.283 --> 00:23:19.688
- Now in closing today, i'd like to affirm those of you
- 00:23:19.688 --> 00:23:21.990
- Who have given generously to pathway to victory.
- 00:23:21.990 --> 00:23:25.827
- Our country has gone through difficult trials
- 00:23:25.827 --> 00:23:28.296
- In the last 12 months,
- 00:23:28.296 --> 00:23:30.065
- And it's been unsettling, to say the least,
- 00:23:30.065 --> 00:23:33.168
- And yet god's people have pulled together
- 00:23:33.168 --> 00:23:36.171
- To ensure that pathway to victory has a voice,
- 00:23:36.171 --> 00:23:39.608
- And for millions of people around the world,
- 00:23:39.608 --> 00:23:41.910
- Your gift has become a spiritual lifeline
- 00:23:41.910 --> 00:23:45.413
- Because our television and radio ministries
- 00:23:45.413 --> 00:23:48.049
- Have become a place of solace and truth for so many people.
- 00:23:48.049 --> 00:23:52.554
- So do all of our pathway partners
- 00:23:52.554 --> 00:23:54.656
- And anyone who gives a gift,
- 00:23:54.656 --> 00:23:57.158
- Please keep up the good work.
- 00:23:57.158 --> 00:23:59.794
- God is using your generosity
- 00:23:59.794 --> 00:24:01.963
- To pierce the darkness with a light of his word.
- 00:24:01.963 --> 00:24:05.534
- Now stay right there.
- 00:24:05.534 --> 00:24:07.035
- I'll be back with more pathway to victory in just a moment.
- 00:24:07.035 --> 00:24:11.339
- [announcer] when was the last time you heard god
- 00:24:11.339 --> 00:24:13.241
- Speak to you from his word?
- 00:24:13.241 --> 00:24:14.943
- Dr. robert jeffress believes that growing closer to god
- 00:24:14.943 --> 00:24:18.046
- Begins with reading your bible and spending time in prayer.
- 00:24:18.046 --> 00:24:21.449
- Make god your priority by spending quality time in his
- 00:24:21.449 --> 00:24:25.020
- Word with the brand new 2025 pathway to victory daily devotional.
- 00:24:25.020 --> 00:24:29.791
- Of all the ways god could have revealed himself to us,
- 00:24:29.791 --> 00:24:33.194
- He chose to do it through the written word.
- 00:24:33.194 --> 00:24:36.364
- And that's why it's so important for you and for me
- 00:24:36.364 --> 00:24:38.667
- To set aside regular time to read the word of god.
- 00:24:38.667 --> 00:24:42.971
- [announcer] whether you've been a christian for a lot
- 00:24:42.971 --> 00:24:44.739
- Of years or just a short while, the principles found
- 00:24:44.739 --> 00:24:47.576
- In this year's devotional will help breathe new life
- 00:24:47.576 --> 00:24:50.345
- Into your walk with god.
- 00:24:50.345 --> 00:24:52.447
- Ready to get back to the basics of your christian faith?
- 00:24:52.447 --> 00:24:55.283
- Request your copy of the 2025 pathway to victory
- 00:24:55.283 --> 00:24:59.054
- Daily devotional when you give a generous gift to
- 00:24:59.054 --> 00:25:01.756
- Support the ministry of pathway to victory.
- 00:25:01.756 --> 00:25:04.326
- And when you give $75 or more, we'll also send you
- 00:25:04.326 --> 00:25:08.096
- The complete spiritual fitness teaching series on
- 00:25:08.096 --> 00:25:11.032
- Dvd and audio disc.
- 00:25:11.032 --> 00:25:12.867
- We'll discover one thing all of these men and women had
- 00:25:12.867 --> 00:25:15.503
- In common is they believed god and they acted according
- 00:25:15.503 --> 00:25:20.175
- To their belief in god.
- 00:25:20.175 --> 00:25:21.710
- They did something as a demonstration of their faith.
- 00:25:21.710 --> 00:25:26.047
- [announcer] thank you for giving generously to support
- 00:25:26.047 --> 00:25:28.717
- The ministry of pathway to victory.
- 00:25:28.717 --> 00:25:30.885
- Your giving empowers this broadcast ministry to
- 00:25:30.885 --> 00:25:33.688
- Proclaim the practical, applicable, life-changing
- 00:25:33.688 --> 00:25:36.424
- Truth of the gospel to a world in need.
- 00:25:36.424 --> 00:25:39.494
- ♪ music ♪
- 00:25:39.494 --> 00:25:41.663
- The writer's command to obey and submit to your leaders
- 00:25:41.663 --> 00:25:45.100
- Is a difficult one for multiple reasons,
- 00:25:45.100 --> 00:25:48.203
- But apart from an abusive pastor
- 00:25:48.203 --> 00:25:50.572
- Who needs to be removed from his position,
- 00:25:50.572 --> 00:25:53.208
- The bible firmly instructs us
- 00:25:53.208 --> 00:25:55.310
- To respect our pastor's authority.
- 00:25:55.310 --> 00:25:58.213
- And next time,
- 00:25:58.213 --> 00:25:59.714
- We're going to talk about the meaning of this command.
- 00:25:59.714 --> 00:26:02.417
- Whom are we to follow?
- 00:26:02.417 --> 00:26:04.219
- What are we supposed to do?
- 00:26:04.219 --> 00:26:06.054
- And why should we respond this way?
- 00:26:06.054 --> 00:26:08.723
- Stay tuned for a preview
- 00:26:08.723 --> 00:26:09.958
- Of what's coming up next on pathway to victory.
- 00:26:09.958 --> 00:26:14.896
- If you don't have somebody watching out for your soul,
- 00:26:14.896 --> 00:26:20.969
- Get under the authority of a local church.
- 00:26:20.969 --> 00:26:24.105
- You know, in our american individualistic society,
- 00:26:24.105 --> 00:26:27.175
- We think all we need
- 00:26:27.175 --> 00:26:28.376
- Is just me and my relationship with god.
- 00:26:28.376 --> 00:26:31.079
- That's enough.
- 00:26:31.079 --> 00:26:32.013
- I don't need other people.
- 00:26:32.013 --> 00:26:33.515
- No, we need one another.
- 00:26:33.515 --> 00:26:35.950
- That's why god created the church.
- 00:26:35.950 --> 00:26:39.020
- [announcer] set your dv-r and join us next time
- 00:26:39.020 --> 00:26:41.389
- For part two of the message how to treat your next pastor
- 00:26:41.389 --> 00:26:45.527
- Here on pathway to victory.
- 00:26:45.527 --> 00:26:47.462
- ♪ music ♪
- 00:26:47.462 --> 00:26:50.131
- Join dr. robert jeffress on "pathway to victory's"
- 00:26:50.131 --> 00:26:53.001
- Journeys of paul- mediterranean cruise.
- 00:26:53.001 --> 00:26:55.403
- I want to take you to the very places
- 00:26:55.403 --> 00:26:57.872
- Where god's word was written
- 00:26:57.872 --> 00:26:59.574
- And seek the one who sought us first, in his creation
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- [announcer] experience world-class accommodations
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