Pathway to Victory offers a practical application of God’s Word to everyday life through the clear, biblical teaching of Pastor Jeffress.
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Dr. Robert Jeffress | Robert Jeffress - The Necessary Ingredient (Part 1) | January 16, 2025
- ♪ music ♪
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- [announcer] from the pulpit
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- Of the first baptist church of dallas, texas,
- 00:00:07.831 --> 00:00:10.133
- This is "pathway to victory" with dr. robert jeffress.
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- Hi, i'm robert jeffress,
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- And welcome again to "pathway to victory."
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- The word faith is pervasive today.
- 00:00:18.741 --> 00:00:21.444
- It's woven into lyrics, books, and speeches.
- 00:00:21.444 --> 00:00:24.948
- But even though it's familiar,
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- Most of us could use a refresher course
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- On the true meaning of faith.
- 00:00:29.119 --> 00:00:31.054
- Today we're beginning a brand new study
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- In hebrews chapter 11 called spiritual fitness.
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- And we'll start by defining this all important word, faith.
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- My message is titled the necessary ingredient,
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- On today's edition of "pathway to victory."
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- ♪ music ♪
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- [announcer] in a world filled with noise and clutter,
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- God invites us to look past the distractions
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- And connect with him on a deeply personal level.
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- Take a moment to anchor yourself
- 00:01:05.788 --> 00:01:07.524
- In the calming truth of god's word
- 00:01:07.524 --> 00:01:09.359
- With the brand new 2025 pathway to victory daily devotional.
- 00:01:09.359 --> 00:01:13.763
- And now with larger print,
- 00:01:13.763 --> 00:01:15.131
- The 260 practical insights from dr. robert jeffress
- 00:01:15.131 --> 00:01:18.568
- Are easier to read.
- 00:01:18.568 --> 00:01:20.170
- Request a brand new 2025 pathway to victory daily devotional
- 00:01:20.170 --> 00:01:24.340
- When you give a generous gift to "pathway to victory."
- 00:01:24.340 --> 00:01:28.144
- ♪ music ♪
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- ♪ music ♪
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- I remember, at the beginning of this pandemic,
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- The very outset of it, a reporter asked me,
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- "pastor, what do you think
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- The long-term consequences are going to be
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- If this quarantine, the shutdown,
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- Goes for months and months?
- 00:01:49.799 --> 00:01:53.136
- And i said, "my prediction
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- Is you're going to see divorce rates rise dramatically."
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- And sure enough, months later,
- 00:02:01.744 --> 00:02:04.214
- That is exactly what we have seen happen.
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- We're seeing divorce rates go up in texas,
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- In california, in florida.
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- In fact, i came across an interview
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- With a divorce attorney this week
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- Who explained why that was.
- 00:02:17.760 --> 00:02:19.662
- He said, "i would say the phone is ringing much more.
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- Where it used to be that a couple
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- Was able to get away from each other during the days
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- Or in the evenings with their extracurricular activities,
- 00:02:29.772 --> 00:02:33.142
- Now they don't have that opportunity.
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- So now people are more acutely aware
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- That they just can't stay together."
- 00:02:38.381 --> 00:02:42.385
- Now will you listen to what that attorney is saying?
- 00:02:42.385 --> 00:02:45.822
- He is saying that being cooped up with your mate,
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- Let me change that, spending quality time with your beloved,
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- Is not the cause of problems in the marriage,
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- But it reveals problems that were already in the marriage.
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- That's an important distinction.
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- The fact is pressure from the outside
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- Doesn't always cause problems,
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- It simply reveals problems.
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- Think about a hairline fracture in a sidewalk or in a road
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- That you can't see with the naked eye.
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- But you put pressure on that fracture,
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- Whether it's a 4,000 pound truck
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- Or an 18,000 pound semi,
- 00:03:32.201 --> 00:03:35.505
- You put pressure on that, that fracture becomes visible
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- And it even widens because of the pressure.
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- That's true in almost every aspect of life,
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- Including our relationship with god.
- 00:03:47.050 --> 00:03:52.121
- The fact is
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- Problems from the outside
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- Don't fracture our relationship with god.
- 00:03:57.860 --> 00:04:01.931
- Problems from the outside simply reveal fractures
- 00:04:01.931 --> 00:04:06.669
- In our relationship with god and widens them.
- 00:04:06.669 --> 00:04:11.974
- You know, we don't hear that often
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- In christian teaching these days.
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- Haven't you heard people say, "oh, problems are wonderful."
- 00:04:16.779 --> 00:04:20.950
- "you've lost your mate, you're going through an illness,
- 00:04:20.950 --> 00:04:24.787
- You're experiencing financial difficulty,
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- Well, you ought to rejoice in that
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- Because that strengthens your faith in god."
- 00:04:29.592 --> 00:04:33.296
- We even have verses we quote to say that,
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- Like james 1:2.
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- "count it all joy, my brethren,
- 00:04:37.066 --> 00:04:38.768
- When you encounter various trials,
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- Knowing that the testing of your faith produces endurance."
- 00:04:40.803 --> 00:04:45.308
- Well, sometimes that's true, but not all the time.
- 00:04:45.308 --> 00:04:49.045
- That verse, "testing of your faith,"
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- That word testing, dokimion,
- 00:04:53.850 --> 00:04:56.652
- Is a word that refers to the process
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- By which a potter forms a piece of pottery out of clay,
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- And then he puts it in a firing oven,
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- Turns up the temperature hundreds and hundreds of degrees,
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- And the heat of that oven
- 00:05:10.133 --> 00:05:12.435
- Sometimes strengthens that piece of pottery.
- 00:05:12.435 --> 00:05:15.938
- But sometimes that oven, the heat reveals a problem
- 00:05:15.938 --> 00:05:20.877
- In that piece of pottery and causes it to shatter.
- 00:05:20.877 --> 00:05:25.047
- If the piece of pottery survives the firing oven,
- 00:05:25.047 --> 00:05:29.452
- The potter takes it out and he writes on the bottom,
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- He would write the greek word dokimon, tested, approved.
- 00:05:31.988 --> 00:05:36.192
- It's made it through the fire
- 00:05:36.192 --> 00:05:37.560
- And it's stronger because of it.
- 00:05:37.560 --> 00:05:39.896
- But if that piece of pottery would shatter in the oven,
- 00:05:39.896 --> 00:05:44.167
- It was discarded, thrown away forever.
- 00:05:44.167 --> 00:05:47.737
- It's the same way with our faith.
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- When we go through fiery problems in our life,
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- Sometimes those problems can strengthen us,
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- But sometimes they can cause our faith to shatter.
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- What's the difference?
- 00:06:04.020 --> 00:06:06.155
- What is it that determines
- 00:06:06.155 --> 00:06:07.690
- Whether or not problems strengthen us or destroy us?
- 00:06:07.690 --> 00:06:13.463
- In a word, faith.
- 00:06:13.896 --> 00:06:16.766
- Faith is the necessary ingredient
- 00:06:16.766 --> 00:06:20.803
- That allows us to survive and even thrive in problems
- 00:06:20.803 --> 00:06:24.941
- Rather than be shattered by them.
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- Whether or not problems draw us closer to god
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- Or drive us away from god depends upon faith.
- 00:06:31.180 --> 00:06:36.519
- And faith is the subject of our chapter we've come to
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- In our study of the book of hebrews, hebrews chapter 11.
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- Today we're beginning a new series
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- Based on these final three chapters in the book of hebrews.
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- I'm calling this series spiritual fitness:
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- Strengthening our faith in troubled times.
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- Now, you probably are familiar with hebrews chapter 11.
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- It has many names.
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- People have called it the westminster abbey of christianity,
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- God's hall of honor, the roll call of faith.
- 00:07:10.753 --> 00:07:14.423
- But the problem with hebrews 11
- 00:07:14.423 --> 00:07:16.125
- Is sometimes we become so familiar with it
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- We miss the teaching of it,
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- Like psalm 23 or 1 corinthians 13.
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- We get caught up in the beauty of the language
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- Rather than the meaning of the text.
- 00:07:28.237 --> 00:07:30.907
- When the writer of hebrews sat down to write hebrews 11,
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- He wasn't trying to write the most eloquent treatise
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- On the subject of faith ever created.
- 00:07:37.613 --> 00:07:39.916
- Instead, he was addressing a very real problem
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- Among the hebrew christians.
- 00:07:43.119 --> 00:07:45.421
- These new christians who had come out of judaism
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- And embraced christianity
- 00:07:49.191 --> 00:07:51.327
- Were starting to feel the heat for their decision.
- 00:07:51.327 --> 00:07:54.764
- They were facing pressure, testing,
- 00:07:54.764 --> 00:07:58.167
- From the roman government
- 00:07:58.167 --> 00:07:59.669
- That was beginning an empire wide ban on christianity.
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- But they were also feeling the heat
- 00:08:03.272 --> 00:08:04.974
- From their own family members, jews who didn't understand
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- Why they would abandon tradition and their families
- 00:08:09.011 --> 00:08:12.014
- For this new religion called christianity.
- 00:08:12.014 --> 00:08:15.451
- How are these hebrew christians reacting to that pressure?
- 00:08:15.451 --> 00:08:18.354
- Some were allowing it to shatter their beliefs
- 00:08:18.354 --> 00:08:21.290
- And they were considering going back into judaism.
- 00:08:21.290 --> 00:08:24.594
- And so the writer of hebrew says,
- 00:08:24.594 --> 00:08:26.462
- "don't lose your confidence.
- 00:08:26.462 --> 00:08:28.564
- Don't give up your faith in jesus,
- 00:08:28.564 --> 00:08:31.667
- That superior priest who offer the superior sacrifice
- 00:08:31.667 --> 00:08:35.137
- To obtain a superior salvation.
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- Why would you let go of what you know to be true?"
- 00:08:37.239 --> 00:08:41.744
- And so he says the key to holding onto your beliefs
- 00:08:41.744 --> 00:08:45.081
- Is your faith.
- 00:08:45.081 --> 00:08:48.017
- How can you as christians today living in the 21st century
- 00:08:48.017 --> 00:08:51.988
- Make sure that you endure rather than buckle
- 00:08:51.988 --> 00:08:54.590
- Under the problems you're facing?
- 00:08:54.590 --> 00:08:57.426
- What is the key to holding onto your beliefs
- 00:08:57.426 --> 00:09:00.763
- Rather than letting go of them in difficult times?
- 00:09:00.763 --> 00:09:04.800
- What is it that will preserve your relationship with god
- 00:09:04.800 --> 00:09:08.070
- Until christ returns one day?
- 00:09:08.070 --> 00:09:10.740
- Again, in a word, it's faith.
- 00:09:10.740 --> 00:09:13.676
- And today, in these first seven verses of hebrews 11,
- 00:09:13.676 --> 00:09:16.712
- The author's going to do three things.
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- First of all, he's going to define faith.
- 00:09:19.281 --> 00:09:22.218
- Secondly, he's going to give us two examples of faith.
- 00:09:22.218 --> 00:09:25.888
- And then third, he's going to explain
- 00:09:25.888 --> 00:09:28.057
- The two requirements of faith.
- 00:09:28.057 --> 00:09:31.160
- First of all, let's talk about a definition of faith.
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- When we're talking about faith, what are we talking about?
- 00:09:35.631 --> 00:09:39.001
- I think the best way to explain faith
- 00:09:39.001 --> 00:09:40.936
- Is to begin by explaining what it's not.
- 00:09:40.936 --> 00:09:44.306
- Today, there is a lot of fuzzy thinking
- 00:09:44.306 --> 00:09:47.209
- About what faith is.
- 00:09:47.209 --> 00:09:51.247
- You know, i remember reading a book
- 00:09:51.247 --> 00:09:53.482
- By the late robert schuller.
- 00:09:53.482 --> 00:09:55.384
- And robert schuller had some good things to say
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- But also some not so good things to say.
- 00:09:58.587 --> 00:10:01.557
- He was america's premier possibility thinker.
- 00:10:01.557 --> 00:10:04.894
- And i remember reading a paragraph in one of his books,
- 00:10:04.894 --> 00:10:07.697
- And he said, "the greatest threat to the world today
- 00:10:07.697 --> 00:10:12.468
- Is not thermonuclear war, it's not environmental disaster,"
- 00:10:12.468 --> 00:10:17.807
- No, this is what he said the greatest problem was, quote,
- 00:10:18.941 --> 00:10:21.410
- "the greatest problem
- 00:10:21.410 --> 00:10:22.945
- Is that the human being will lose faith
- 00:10:22.945 --> 00:10:26.949
- That he can manage to overcome those problems.
- 00:10:26.949 --> 00:10:30.352
- What is the solution to the biggest problem?
- 00:10:30.352 --> 00:10:33.255
- I am and i can.
- 00:10:33.255 --> 00:10:36.258
- Powerful, positive self-esteem is what we all need."
- 00:10:36.258 --> 00:10:41.597
- By the way, when you hear people say,
- 00:10:42.364 --> 00:10:44.934
- "oh, i'm a person of faith,"
- 00:10:44.934 --> 00:10:47.269
- Or he or she's a person of faith,
- 00:10:47.269 --> 00:10:49.105
- We're going to hear that a lot in the next few months.
- 00:10:49.105 --> 00:10:51.907
- "oh, they're a person of faith."
- 00:10:51.907 --> 00:10:53.576
- You always need to ask the question, faith in what?
- 00:10:53.576 --> 00:10:57.179
- Faith in what?
- 00:10:57.546 --> 00:10:59.348
- Faith in yourself, like schuller says?
- 00:10:59.348 --> 00:11:01.484
- I am and i can?
- 00:11:01.484 --> 00:11:03.486
- Faith in other people,
- 00:11:03.486 --> 00:11:04.887
- Faith that somehow everything's going to turn out okay?
- 00:11:04.887 --> 00:11:07.389
- Faith always demands an object.
- 00:11:07.389 --> 00:11:09.959
- And the only worthy object of our faith is god himself.
- 00:11:09.959 --> 00:11:14.196
- That's what faith is about.
- 00:11:14.196 --> 00:11:16.365
- It's not faith in me or faith in circumstances,
- 00:11:16.365 --> 00:11:19.235
- It is faith in god.
- 00:11:19.235 --> 00:11:21.704
- No, faith is not positive thinking.
- 00:11:21.704 --> 00:11:24.740
- It's not conjuring up this emotion
- 00:11:24.740 --> 00:11:27.076
- That, oh, i believe, i believe, i believe,
- 00:11:27.076 --> 00:11:29.845
- That if you believe something hard enough,
- 00:11:29.845 --> 00:11:31.380
- You can will it into existence.
- 00:11:31.380 --> 00:11:33.315
- That's not faith, that's presumption.
- 00:11:33.315 --> 00:11:35.484
- No, he tells us exactly what real biblical faith is.
- 00:11:35.484 --> 00:11:39.155
- First of all, by words, look at verse one.
- 00:11:39.155 --> 00:11:41.757
- "now faith is the assurance of things hoped for.
- 00:11:41.757 --> 00:11:46.262
- It is the conviction of things not seen,"
- 00:11:46.262 --> 00:11:49.865
- Underlying those words, assurance and conviction.
- 00:11:49.865 --> 00:11:54.537
- Look at that word assurance.
- 00:11:54.537 --> 00:11:56.438
- It's the greek word hupostasis.
- 00:11:56.438 --> 00:11:58.941
- It comes from two greek words actually,
- 00:11:58.941 --> 00:12:01.043
- Stasis, which means a concrete pillar
- 00:12:01.043 --> 00:12:03.813
- That holds something up,
- 00:12:03.813 --> 00:12:05.781
- Hupo means underneath, below.
- 00:12:05.781 --> 00:12:08.317
- It refers to the foundation
- 00:12:08.317 --> 00:12:09.952
- That holds those pillars and the faith.
- 00:12:09.952 --> 00:12:12.488
- In other words, hupostasis, assurance,
- 00:12:12.488 --> 00:12:15.090
- Isn't some mystical hope that something might happen.
- 00:12:15.090 --> 00:12:19.128
- It is the concrete assurance that something is going to happen.
- 00:12:19.128 --> 00:12:24.533
- And what is our concrete assurance in?
- 00:12:25.334 --> 00:12:27.303
- Again, it's not that what we want to happen will happen.
- 00:12:27.303 --> 00:12:30.472
- Faith is the assurance, listen to this,
- 00:12:30.472 --> 00:12:32.741
- That god will do what he has promised to do.
- 00:12:32.741 --> 00:12:38.747
- It's not that god will do what i want him to do.
- 00:12:39.715 --> 00:12:43.853
- It's that god will do what he has promised to do.
- 00:12:43.853 --> 00:12:46.822
- So many christians get mixed up on this.
- 00:12:46.822 --> 00:12:49.391
- They think to pray in faith
- 00:12:49.391 --> 00:12:50.893
- Means to just get this positive attitude
- 00:12:50.893 --> 00:12:53.529
- That says god's going to do what i want him to do.
- 00:12:53.529 --> 00:12:56.065
- And if i believe it long enough, hard enough,
- 00:12:56.065 --> 00:12:58.000
- And say it often enough,
- 00:12:58.000 --> 00:12:59.335
- God will be forced to do what i want him to do.
- 00:12:59.335 --> 00:13:02.538
- I say it's like that little engine that could.
- 00:13:02.538 --> 00:13:05.641
- Remember going up the hill?
- 00:13:05.641 --> 00:13:06.976
- I think i can, i think i can, i think i can.
- 00:13:06.976 --> 00:13:09.678
- A lot of people think that's what faith is.
- 00:13:09.678 --> 00:13:11.480
- I think god will, i think god will, i think god will.
- 00:13:11.480 --> 00:13:14.550
- And somehow, if you say that long enough,
- 00:13:14.550 --> 00:13:16.752
- God will be forced to do it.
- 00:13:16.752 --> 00:13:18.053
- That's not faith, that's presumption.
- 00:13:18.053 --> 00:13:21.790
- Faith is believing that god will do
- 00:13:21.790 --> 00:13:23.559
- What he's promised to do.
- 00:13:23.559 --> 00:13:25.027
- Well, what has he promised to do?
- 00:13:25.027 --> 00:13:27.029
- Listen, god never promised to spare you from illness.
- 00:13:28.097 --> 00:13:31.500
- He never promised to spare you from heartache.
- 00:13:31.500 --> 00:13:35.471
- He never promised to spare you from death.
- 00:13:35.471 --> 00:13:38.641
- But what he has promised to do is to redeem you when you die
- 00:13:38.641 --> 00:13:42.645
- And take you with him forever.
- 00:13:42.645 --> 00:13:44.413
- That is what you can know for sure
- 00:13:44.413 --> 00:13:46.882
- That god has promised to do.
- 00:13:46.882 --> 00:13:49.618
- I remember talking to a couple a while back.
- 00:13:49.618 --> 00:13:53.455
- They were suffering the pain and heartbreak of infertility.
- 00:13:53.455 --> 00:13:57.626
- They had prayed and prayed and prayed
- 00:13:57.626 --> 00:13:59.628
- That god would give them a child.
- 00:13:59.628 --> 00:14:01.964
- They'd gone through expensive treatments.
- 00:14:01.964 --> 00:14:03.966
- Nothing worked.
- 00:14:03.966 --> 00:14:05.734
- Now i remember what they said to me.
- 00:14:05.734 --> 00:14:07.002
- They said, "you know, pastor, we believe
- 00:14:07.002 --> 00:14:10.606
- That whether or not god gives us a child,
- 00:14:10.606 --> 00:14:13.575
- God is going to use our experience to help and encourage others
- 00:14:13.575 --> 00:14:17.146
- Who are going through this problem."
- 00:14:17.146 --> 00:14:18.681
- And they ended up leading a support group in our church
- 00:14:18.681 --> 00:14:21.350
- For those who go through infertility.
- 00:14:21.350 --> 00:14:24.753
- You see, they exercised faith,
- 00:14:24.753 --> 00:14:27.856
- Not the faith that god was going to give them a child.
- 00:14:27.856 --> 00:14:30.292
- In fact, he never gave them a child.
- 00:14:30.292 --> 00:14:32.494
- But faith that god could use their pain for good,
- 00:14:32.494 --> 00:14:36.465
- Faith that like 1 corinthians 1 says,
- 00:14:36.465 --> 00:14:38.534
- "god comforts us in our affliction,
- 00:14:38.534 --> 00:14:41.437
- That we can comfort others with the same affliction
- 00:14:41.437 --> 00:14:45.607
- Or the same comfort with which we are comforted
- 00:14:45.607 --> 00:14:48.677
- In all of our affliction."
- 00:14:48.677 --> 00:14:50.779
- That's what god has promised to do.
- 00:14:50.779 --> 00:14:52.681
- He hasn't promised
- 00:14:52.681 --> 00:14:53.949
- To take you out of your problems right now,
- 00:14:53.949 --> 00:14:55.818
- But he's promised, if you're willing,
- 00:14:55.818 --> 00:14:57.486
- To use you as an encouragement to others as well.
- 00:14:57.486 --> 00:15:01.523
- That's what biblical faith is.
- 00:15:01.523 --> 00:15:03.592
- It's an assurance that god will do what he's promised to do.
- 00:15:03.592 --> 00:15:06.929
- But notice the second word.
- 00:15:06.929 --> 00:15:08.330
- It's not just an assurance, it is a conviction.
- 00:15:08.330 --> 00:15:11.934
- "it's a conviction of the things not seen."
- 00:15:11.934 --> 00:15:16.171
- Verse two, "for by it," that is faith,
- 00:15:16.171 --> 00:15:18.674
- "the men of old gained approval."
- 00:15:18.674 --> 00:15:20.809
- Conviction has the idea of doing something
- 00:15:20.809 --> 00:15:24.813
- As a result of your faith.
- 00:15:24.813 --> 00:15:26.982
- It refers to obeying god.
- 00:15:26.982 --> 00:15:29.818
- As we look at hebrews 11 in the next few weeks,
- 00:15:30.753 --> 00:15:33.455
- We'll discover one thing all of these men and women
- 00:15:33.455 --> 00:15:35.758
- Had in common is they believed god
- 00:15:35.758 --> 00:15:39.261
- And they acted according to their belief in god.
- 00:15:39.261 --> 00:15:42.297
- They did something as a demonstration of their faith.
- 00:15:42.297 --> 00:15:47.202
- That's what conviction is.
- 00:15:47.202 --> 00:15:49.438
- And that leads me to the definition of faith
- 00:15:49.438 --> 00:15:51.740
- That i want us to use throughout the study.
- 00:15:51.740 --> 00:15:54.109
- Faith is believing.
- 00:15:54.109 --> 00:15:56.412
- Faith is the assurance that god will do
- 00:15:56.412 --> 00:15:59.948
- What he's promised to do and acting accordingly.
- 00:15:59.948 --> 00:16:04.920
- Faith without works is a dead faith.
- 00:16:04.920 --> 00:16:07.222
- Faith is the assurance that god will do
- 00:16:07.222 --> 00:16:09.925
- What he's promised to do and acting accordingly.
- 00:16:09.925 --> 00:16:13.228
- Notice the illustration he gives
- 00:16:13.228 --> 00:16:15.064
- Of what it means to believe,
- 00:16:15.064 --> 00:16:17.766
- To be convicted of things not seen.
- 00:16:17.766 --> 00:16:20.436
- Look at verse three.
- 00:16:20.436 --> 00:16:21.837
- "by faith we understand that the worlds were prepared
- 00:16:21.837 --> 00:16:26.108
- By the word of god, so that what is seen
- 00:16:26.975 --> 00:16:29.545
- Was not made out of things which are visible."
- 00:16:29.545 --> 00:16:32.848
- In other words, (chuckles)
- 00:16:33.415 --> 00:16:34.917
- The first thing you have to believe,
- 00:16:34.917 --> 00:16:36.585
- The first example of faith is the first verse of the bible.
- 00:16:36.585 --> 00:16:39.588
- "in the beginning god created the heavens and the earth."
- 00:16:39.588 --> 00:16:43.425
- We didn't see that happen.
- 00:16:43.425 --> 00:16:44.993
- We didn't see how god did it,
- 00:16:44.993 --> 00:16:46.528
- But we believe that by faith.
- 00:16:46.528 --> 00:16:50.632
- In fact, if you can believe genesis 1:1,
- 00:16:51.500 --> 00:16:53.602
- You don't have any trouble believing
- 00:16:53.602 --> 00:16:54.903
- In the resurrection, or the incarnation,
- 00:16:54.903 --> 00:16:56.872
- Or any of the other miracles in the bible.
- 00:16:56.872 --> 00:16:59.041
- That's the most basic miracle.
- 00:16:59.041 --> 00:17:01.076
- By faith, we understand that these things happened.
- 00:17:01.076 --> 00:17:04.113
- Now, it's true that there's a lot of evidence
- 00:17:04.113 --> 00:17:07.483
- That god created this world, that it didn't just happen.
- 00:17:07.483 --> 00:17:10.986
- I think about the 18th century minister william paley.
- 00:17:10.986 --> 00:17:13.989
- He used this analogy.
- 00:17:13.989 --> 00:17:15.524
- He said if you're walking through a field
- 00:17:15.524 --> 00:17:18.193
- And you stumble upon a rock, a large rock,
- 00:17:18.193 --> 00:17:22.264
- You can assume that that rock is there by chance.
- 00:17:22.264 --> 00:17:27.603
- It's just a sliver of a larger mineral deposit
- 00:17:28.504 --> 00:17:30.706
- That just ended up there.
- 00:17:30.706 --> 00:17:32.674
- But if you walk a little further
- 00:17:32.674 --> 00:17:34.943
- And you see a gold, ornate pocket watch there,
- 00:17:34.943 --> 00:17:38.247
- And you open it up, and you opened it
- 00:17:38.247 --> 00:17:39.948
- And inside see that intricate mechanism,
- 00:17:39.948 --> 00:17:43.185
- You know that watch isn't there by chance.
- 00:17:43.185 --> 00:17:46.855
- There is a designer, an intelligent designer,
- 00:17:46.855 --> 00:17:50.592
- Who made order out of chaos, who put that watch together.
- 00:17:50.592 --> 00:17:55.230
- It's the same.
- 00:17:55.230 --> 00:17:56.431
- In looking at the creation,
- 00:17:56.431 --> 00:17:57.866
- You can look around this creation
- 00:17:57.866 --> 00:17:59.468
- And know it didn't happen by chance.
- 00:17:59.468 --> 00:18:01.670
- That's why the bible says,
- 00:18:01.670 --> 00:18:03.038
- "the fool has said in his heart, there is no god."
- 00:18:03.038 --> 00:18:06.074
- Only a fool would believe
- 00:18:06.074 --> 00:18:07.576
- That all of this happened by chance.
- 00:18:07.576 --> 00:18:11.079
- We believe that god created this world.
- 00:18:11.079 --> 00:18:14.149
- Do you remember the name carl sagan,
- 00:18:14.149 --> 00:18:16.451
- The astronomer who spent his life studying the cosmos?
- 00:18:16.451 --> 00:18:21.857
- Carl sagan died when he was 62,
- 00:18:22.491 --> 00:18:24.826
- But before he died, he's said to a religious friend of his,
- 00:18:24.826 --> 00:18:29.164
- He said, "you're so smart.
- 00:18:29.164 --> 00:18:31.533
- How can you believe in god?"
- 00:18:31.533 --> 00:18:33.969
- And she replied, "carl, you're so smart,
- 00:18:33.969 --> 00:18:36.738
- How can you not believe in god?"
- 00:18:36.738 --> 00:18:39.441
- She then asked him, "carl, do you believe in love?
- 00:18:39.441 --> 00:18:42.177
- You've never seen it, but do you believe it?"
- 00:18:42.177 --> 00:18:44.746
- He said, "well, yes.
- 00:18:44.746 --> 00:18:46.048
- I love my wife with all my heart."
- 00:18:46.048 --> 00:18:49.551
- She said, "can you prove love exists?"
- 00:18:49.551 --> 00:18:52.387
- He said, "yes, i can prove it."
- 00:18:52.387 --> 00:18:55.290
- But then he agreed he really couldn't prove love exists.
- 00:18:55.290 --> 00:18:59.695
- The fact is we believe in things all the time
- 00:18:59.695 --> 00:19:02.264
- That aren't visible to us, but we believe in them.
- 00:19:02.264 --> 00:19:06.134
- I think about vance havner, who said one time,
- 00:19:06.134 --> 00:19:08.837
- "i have never seen electricity, i don't understand it,
- 00:19:08.837 --> 00:19:11.773
- But i don't plan to stumble around in the darkness
- 00:19:11.773 --> 00:19:14.276
- Because of that."
- 00:19:14.276 --> 00:19:15.644
- I mean, you believe in the things you haven't seen.
- 00:19:16.645 --> 00:19:18.413
- It's the same way in our relationship with god.
- 00:19:18.413 --> 00:19:21.383
- But ultimately, it's a matter of faith.
- 00:19:21.383 --> 00:19:24.686
- Now, to give us an example of what it means
- 00:19:24.686 --> 00:19:27.122
- To be assured of what god has said and acting accordingly,
- 00:19:27.122 --> 00:19:31.026
- Notice the two examples of faith
- 00:19:31.026 --> 00:19:33.161
- Beginning in verses four and five.
- 00:19:33.161 --> 00:19:35.497
- First of all, he takes us back to the story of abel,
- 00:19:35.497 --> 00:19:39.701
- Abel, who demonstrates a faith that saves.
- 00:19:39.701 --> 00:19:44.072
- Faith is integral.
- 00:19:44.072 --> 00:19:45.507
- It is basic to salvation.
- 00:19:45.507 --> 00:19:47.809
- Look at verse four.
- 00:19:47.809 --> 00:19:49.411
- "by faith abel offered to god a better sacrifice than cain,
- 00:19:49.411 --> 00:19:54.483
- Through which he obtained the testimony
- 00:19:55.284 --> 00:19:56.818
- That he was righteous,
- 00:19:56.818 --> 00:19:58.253
- God testifying about his gifts, and through faith,
- 00:19:58.253 --> 00:20:01.323
- Though he is dead, he still speaks."
- 00:20:01.323 --> 00:20:03.992
- Remember cain and abel
- 00:20:03.992 --> 00:20:05.327
- Were the first two children of adam and eve?
- 00:20:05.327 --> 00:20:07.629
- By the way, adam and eve had other children,
- 00:20:07.629 --> 00:20:10.232
- Sons and daughters, the bible says,
- 00:20:10.232 --> 00:20:12.567
- Which answers the old question, where did cain get his wife?
- 00:20:12.567 --> 00:20:15.437
- Have you ever heard that before?
- 00:20:15.437 --> 00:20:17.005
- It was from the other children.
- 00:20:17.005 --> 00:20:19.508
- I know you're thinking, ew, that is so gross and disgusting,
- 00:20:19.508 --> 00:20:22.811
- If you think about marrying your sister.
- 00:20:22.811 --> 00:20:24.980
- But the fact is that's how they procreated
- 00:20:24.980 --> 00:20:28.517
- In those early days.
- 00:20:28.517 --> 00:20:29.885
- But cain and abel were the first two children
- 00:20:29.885 --> 00:20:32.020
- Of adam and eve.
- 00:20:32.020 --> 00:20:33.255
- And remember, god said to them,
- 00:20:33.255 --> 00:20:34.990
- "i want you to bring a sacrifice to me."
- 00:20:34.990 --> 00:20:37.659
- And he prescribed the kind of sacrifice he wanted.
- 00:20:37.659 --> 00:20:41.463
- And abel brought a sacrifice.
- 00:20:41.463 --> 00:20:45.233
- He was a shepherd, and so he brought one of his animals
- 00:20:45.233 --> 00:20:49.304
- And offered a blood sacrifice to god.
- 00:20:49.304 --> 00:20:52.841
- Cain decided that he would try
- 00:20:52.841 --> 00:20:54.776
- To offer his own sacrifice to god,
- 00:20:54.776 --> 00:20:56.812
- And he brought some of the produce that he had raised.
- 00:20:56.812 --> 00:21:00.949
- And the bible says that god accepted abel's offering,
- 00:21:00.949 --> 00:21:04.119
- But he rejected cain's offering.
- 00:21:04.119 --> 00:21:06.688
- And cain was so despondent
- 00:21:06.688 --> 00:21:08.357
- Over the fact that god rejected him
- 00:21:08.357 --> 00:21:10.859
- That he became enraged at his brother abel and killed him,
- 00:21:10.859 --> 00:21:14.730
- The first murder in the bible.
- 00:21:14.730 --> 00:21:17.366
- Why is it that god accepted abel's sacrifice
- 00:21:17.366 --> 00:21:21.670
- But rejected cain's offering?
- 00:21:21.670 --> 00:21:25.207
- (chuckles) i've heard pastors speculate about that.
- 00:21:25.207 --> 00:21:27.376
- I've read bible commentators who said,
- 00:21:27.376 --> 00:21:29.311
- "well, it was in their attitude."
- 00:21:29.311 --> 00:21:31.680
- Abel brought his sacrifice as an act of love,
- 00:21:31.680 --> 00:21:36.418
- But cain brought his to satisfy a religious ritual.
- 00:21:36.418 --> 00:21:41.757
- And it was their attitude that made the difference.
- 00:21:42.824 --> 00:21:44.426
- That sounds so good, but it's so wrong.
- 00:21:44.426 --> 00:21:46.862
- I mean, the fact is the bible tells us
- 00:21:46.862 --> 00:21:48.730
- Exactly why god accepted abel's sacrifice and rejected cain.
- 00:21:48.730 --> 00:21:53.268
- Look at verse four.
- 00:21:53.268 --> 00:21:54.436
- "by faith abel offered to god
- 00:21:54.436 --> 00:21:57.539
- A better sacrifice than cain."
- 00:21:57.539 --> 00:22:01.676
- Apparently, in words we don't have recorded,
- 00:22:01.676 --> 00:22:04.112
- God told both men exactly what he wanted.
- 00:22:04.112 --> 00:22:07.916
- He prescribed a blood sacrifice,
- 00:22:07.916 --> 00:22:10.552
- A blood offering of an innocent animal
- 00:22:10.552 --> 00:22:13.155
- That would foretell the coming, many years later,
- 00:22:13.155 --> 00:22:16.558
- Of the lamb of god, jesus christ,
- 00:22:16.558 --> 00:22:18.527
- Who would take away the sins of the world.
- 00:22:18.527 --> 00:22:20.896
- And abel, although he didn't understand
- 00:22:20.896 --> 00:22:23.331
- Why god said that,
- 00:22:23.331 --> 00:22:24.833
- He couldn't see down the corridor of history
- 00:22:24.833 --> 00:22:26.935
- To jesus christ, it made no sense to him
- 00:22:26.935 --> 00:22:29.471
- To kill an innocent and good animal,
- 00:22:29.471 --> 00:22:32.107
- He obeyed god.
- 00:22:32.107 --> 00:22:34.042
- He believed what god said and acted accordingly.
- 00:22:34.042 --> 00:22:37.813
- But not cain.
- 00:22:37.813 --> 00:22:39.347
- He thought he could come to god any way he wanted to.
- 00:22:39.347 --> 00:22:42.884
- In fact, did you know in the new testament, jude verse 11,
- 00:22:42.884 --> 00:22:46.788
- The writer says, "avoid the way of cain."
- 00:22:46.788 --> 00:22:52.093
- You know what the way of cain is?
- 00:22:52.828 --> 00:22:54.229
- It's trying to come to god on your own terms.
- 00:22:54.229 --> 00:22:56.965
- And the world today is filled with people
- 00:22:56.965 --> 00:22:58.834
- Who say they can come to god any way they want to.
- 00:22:58.834 --> 00:23:01.603
- It doesn't matter what you believe.
- 00:23:01.603 --> 00:23:03.738
- It's like you can approach god
- 00:23:03.738 --> 00:23:05.407
- Any way you want to from any direction
- 00:23:05.407 --> 00:23:07.609
- And still go up the same mountain of truth
- 00:23:07.609 --> 00:23:10.145
- And approach the same god.
- 00:23:10.145 --> 00:23:11.880
- God says, "no, you cannot come to me any way you choose.
- 00:23:11.880 --> 00:23:16.251
- You must come in my way."
- 00:23:16.251 --> 00:23:18.253
- And for us today, it means believing in jesus christ
- 00:23:18.253 --> 00:23:21.456
- To be our savior.
- 00:23:21.456 --> 00:23:23.024
- ♪ music ♪
- 00:23:23.024 --> 00:23:27.229
- We're often running in this new teaching series
- 00:23:28.163 --> 00:23:31.299
- About spiritual fitness.
- 00:23:31.299 --> 00:23:33.268
- And i'm hoping you'll make an appointment
- 00:23:33.268 --> 00:23:34.836
- Every day at this time
- 00:23:34.836 --> 00:23:36.304
- As we move our way through several chapters
- 00:23:36.304 --> 00:23:38.740
- In the book of hebrews.
- 00:23:38.740 --> 00:23:40.442
- Together we'll discover what it means
- 00:23:40.442 --> 00:23:42.143
- To strengthen our walk with god through faith.
- 00:23:42.143 --> 00:23:45.714
- And i want to take this opportunity to remind you
- 00:23:45.714 --> 00:23:48.750
- That you're watching this bible teaching program right now
- 00:23:48.750 --> 00:23:52.254
- Because someone gave a generous gift
- 00:23:52.254 --> 00:23:54.589
- To "pathway to victory."
- 00:23:54.589 --> 00:23:56.324
- In doing so, they enabled us to deliver today's teaching
- 00:23:56.324 --> 00:23:59.728
- On television, radio, and the internet.
- 00:23:59.728 --> 00:24:02.797
- And we invite you to step forward
- 00:24:02.797 --> 00:24:04.733
- And give a generous gift as well.
- 00:24:04.733 --> 00:24:06.935
- God will use your investment to bring courage
- 00:24:06.935 --> 00:24:09.871
- To someone who needs to walk in faith today.
- 00:24:09.871 --> 00:24:13.542
- Thank you in advance for your generosity.
- 00:24:13.542 --> 00:24:16.511
- Now, please stay right there.
- 00:24:16.511 --> 00:24:17.679
- I'll be back in just a moment
- 00:24:17.679 --> 00:24:19.247
- With a preview of what's ahead on "pathway to victory."
- 00:24:19.247 --> 00:24:23.919
- [announcer] when was the last time
- 00:24:24.686 --> 00:24:25.987
- You heard god speak to you from his word?
- 00:24:25.987 --> 00:24:28.423
- Dr. robert jeffress believes that growing closer to god
- 00:24:28.423 --> 00:24:31.293
- Begins with reading your bible and spending time in prayer.
- 00:24:31.293 --> 00:24:35.297
- Make god your priority by spending quality time in his word
- 00:24:35.297 --> 00:24:38.833
- With the brand new 2025 pathway to victory daily devotional.
- 00:24:38.833 --> 00:24:43.138
- Of all the ways god could have revealed himself to us,
- 00:24:43.138 --> 00:24:46.575
- He chose to do it through the written word.
- 00:24:46.575 --> 00:24:49.578
- And that's why it's so important for you and for me
- 00:24:49.578 --> 00:24:51.913
- To set aside regular time to read the word of god.
- 00:24:51.913 --> 00:24:56.217
- [announcer] whether you've been a christian
- 00:24:56.217 --> 00:24:57.519
- For a lot of years or just a short while,
- 00:24:57.519 --> 00:24:59.821
- The principles found in this year's devotional
- 00:24:59.821 --> 00:25:02.157
- Will help breathe new life into your walk with god.
- 00:25:02.157 --> 00:25:05.660
- Ready to get back to the basics of your christian faith?
- 00:25:05.660 --> 00:25:08.597
- Request your copy
- 00:25:08.597 --> 00:25:09.898
- Of the 2025 pathway to victory daily devotional
- 00:25:09.898 --> 00:25:13.234
- When you give a generous gift
- 00:25:13.234 --> 00:25:14.836
- To support the ministry of "pathway to victory."
- 00:25:14.836 --> 00:25:17.639
- And when you give $75 or more,
- 00:25:17.639 --> 00:25:20.308
- We'll also send you
- 00:25:20.308 --> 00:25:21.610
- The complete spiritual fitness teaching series
- 00:25:21.610 --> 00:25:23.945
- On dvd and audio disc.
- 00:25:23.945 --> 00:25:26.147
- We'll discover one thing
- 00:25:26.147 --> 00:25:27.415
- All of these men and women had in common
- 00:25:27.415 --> 00:25:29.284
- Is they believed god
- 00:25:29.284 --> 00:25:31.820
- And they acted according to their belief in god.
- 00:25:31.820 --> 00:25:34.889
- They did something as a demonstration of their faith.
- 00:25:34.889 --> 00:25:39.628
- [announcer] thank you for giving generously
- 00:25:39.628 --> 00:25:41.396
- To support the ministry of "pathway to victory."
- 00:25:41.396 --> 00:25:44.132
- Your giving empowers this broadcast ministry
- 00:25:44.132 --> 00:25:46.735
- To proclaim the practical, applicable,
- 00:25:46.735 --> 00:25:48.837
- Life-changing truth of the gospel to a world in need.
- 00:25:48.837 --> 00:25:54.309
- ♪ music ♪
- 00:25:54.643 --> 00:25:55.877
- Just as christians in the early church
- 00:25:55.877 --> 00:25:57.812
- Faced enormous pressure,
- 00:25:57.812 --> 00:25:59.881
- You and i are facing daily pressures as well.
- 00:25:59.881 --> 00:26:02.917
- And our response to those problems
- 00:26:02.917 --> 00:26:04.853
- Can either strengthen our faith or destroy it.
- 00:26:04.853 --> 00:26:08.256
- The choice is up to you.
- 00:26:08.256 --> 00:26:10.525
- Well, today we started our spiritual fitness series
- 00:26:11.526 --> 00:26:13.928
- By defining the word faith.
- 00:26:13.928 --> 00:26:16.197
- And next time i'm going to show you a real life example.
- 00:26:16.197 --> 00:26:19.768
- His name was enoch.
- 00:26:19.768 --> 00:26:21.569
- Stay tuned for a preview of what's coming up next
- 00:26:21.569 --> 00:26:24.039
- In our series spiritual fitness.
- 00:26:24.039 --> 00:26:27.308
- All of the men and women we're going to look at
- 00:26:28.243 --> 00:26:30.045
- In the days ahead had one thing in common.
- 00:26:30.045 --> 00:26:32.914
- They obeyed god and they died
- 00:26:32.914 --> 00:26:36.051
- Without fully seeing and realizing the promises of god.
- 00:26:36.051 --> 00:26:41.022
- Nevertheless, they kept on obeying god.
- 00:26:41.022 --> 00:26:43.892
- [announcer] set your dvr and join us next time
- 00:26:44.826 --> 00:26:46.828
- For part two of the message the necessary ingredient,
- 00:26:46.828 --> 00:26:50.198
- Here on "pathway to victory."
- 00:26:50.198 --> 00:26:52.167
- ♪ music ♪
- 00:26:52.167 --> 00:26:57.405
- Join dr. robert jeffress
- 00:26:57.906 --> 00:26:59.507
- On pathway to victory's journeys of paul
- 00:26:59.507 --> 00:27:01.643
- Mediterranean cruise.
- 00:27:01.643 --> 00:27:03.211
- I want to take you to the very places
- 00:27:03.211 --> 00:27:05.714
- Where god's word was written
- 00:27:05.714 --> 00:27:07.382
- And seek the one who sought us first in his creation.
- 00:27:07.382 --> 00:27:11.419
- [announcer] experience world-class accommodations
- 00:27:11.419 --> 00:27:13.488
- Aboard the luxurious celebrity ascent
- 00:27:13.488 --> 00:27:15.924
- In beautiful island destinations like santorini,
- 00:27:15.924 --> 00:27:18.760
- Mykonos, and crete.
- 00:27:18.760 --> 00:27:20.295
- To book your reservation now, call 888-280-6747,
- 00:27:20.295 --> 00:27:25.100
- Or visit
- 00:27:25.100 --> 00:27:25.100