Hagee Ministries are committed to change America by taking all the Gospel to all the world and to all generations.
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Hagee Ministries | John Hagee - The Power of the Blood | January 12, 2025
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- 00:00:59.692 --> 00:00:13.940
- Pastor john hagee: satan's
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- Pastor john hagee: satan's greatest fear
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- Greatest fear is the blood of jesus christ.
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- Is the blood of jesus christ. john the revelator
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- John the revelator writes in chapter 12,
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- Writes in chapter 12, "and they,"
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- "and they," the church of jesus christ,
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- The church of jesus christ, "overcame him," meaning satan,
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- "overcame him," meaning satan, "by the blood of the lamb
- 00:00:26.486 --> 00:00:27.654
- "by the blood of the lamb and the word
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- And the word of their testimony."
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- Of their testimony." there are two things
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- There are two things in that verse of scripture.
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- In that verse of scripture. one is the blood,
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- One is the blood, the second is your testimony.
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- The second is your testimony. you have to declare what
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- You have to declare what god has done for you
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- God has done for you to make this work.
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- To make this work. if satan had his way,
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- If satan had his way, no pastor would ever preach
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- No pastor would ever preach on the blood of jesus christ.
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- On the blood of jesus christ. many churches today are
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- Many churches today are avoiding the message
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- Avoiding the message of the crucified christ.
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- Of the crucified christ. why?
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- Why? because america has
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- Because america has become addicted
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- Become addicted to what i'm calling,
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- To what i'm calling, "hot tub christianity,"
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- "hot tub christianity," that ignores sound doctrine
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- That ignores sound doctrine and teach people how to feel
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- And teach people how to feel good without being good.
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- Good without being good. this is not a country club,
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- This is not a country club, this church is
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- This church is the body of christ,
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- The body of christ, serving jesus christ
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- Serving jesus christ in the beauty of holiness
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- In the beauty of holiness through the cross.
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- [applause]
- 00:01:19.305 --> 00:01:22.675
- Hear this, when you were born,
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- Hear this, when you were born, you were born under
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- You were born under the curse of sin.
- 00:01:27.714 --> 00:01:29.382
- The curse of sin. the bible says,
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- The bible says, "for by one man,"
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- "for by one man," that man would be adam
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- That man would be adam in the garden of eden,
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- In the garden of eden, "by one man did," adam,
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- "by one man did," adam, "sin enter into all
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- "sin enter into all the world."
- 00:01:38.291 --> 00:01:39.359
- The world." jesus christ,
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- Jesus christ, the second adam,
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- The second adam, came to the cross to shed
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- Came to the cross to shed his blood to break the curse
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- His blood to break the curse over your life and my life.
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- Over your life and my life. galatians 3:13,
- 00:01:49.736 --> 00:01:52.038
- Galatians 3:13, "christ has redeemed us
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- "christ has redeemed us from the curse of the law
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- From the curse of the law and has been made
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- And has been made a curse for us,
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- A curse for us, for cursed is everyone
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- For cursed is everyone who hangs on a tree."
- 00:01:59.512 --> 00:02:01.481
- Who hangs on a tree." the blood of jesus christ
- 00:02:01.548 --> 00:02:02.515
- The blood of jesus christ was precious blood.
- 00:02:02.582 --> 00:02:04.484
- Was precious blood. 1 peter 1:19 says,
- 00:02:04.551 --> 00:02:06.986
- 1 peter 1:19 says, "the precious blood of jesus
- 00:02:07.053 --> 00:02:08.488
- "the precious blood of jesus as the lamb without
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- As the lamb without spot or blemish."
- 00:02:09.956 --> 00:02:11.925
- Spot or blemish." it was precious
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- It was precious because a river of blood
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- Because a river of blood out of the veins of bulls
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- Out of the veins of bulls and goats would never save you.
- 00:02:17.797 --> 00:02:20.033
- And goats would never save you. only the precious blood
- 00:02:20.099 --> 00:02:22.168
- Only the precious blood of the spotless
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- Of the spotless lamb of god will save you.
- 00:02:23.403 --> 00:02:26.039
- Lamb of god will save you. the blood of turtledoves
- 00:02:26.105 --> 00:02:27.273
- The blood of turtledoves would not bring terror
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- Would not bring terror to the heart of a demon.
- 00:02:29.409 --> 00:02:31.010
- To the heart of a demon. only the precious blood
- 00:02:31.077 --> 00:02:32.278
- Only the precious blood of the son of god can do that.
- 00:02:32.345 --> 00:02:34.747
- Of the son of god can do that. the bible says,
- 00:02:34.814 --> 00:02:35.448
- The bible says, "for christ has redeemed us
- 00:02:35.515 --> 00:02:36.983
- "for christ has redeemed us from the curse of the law,
- 00:02:37.050 --> 00:02:38.451
- From the curse of the law, being made a curse for us."
- 00:02:38.518 --> 00:02:40.353
- Being made a curse for us." the curse is broken
- 00:02:40.420 --> 00:02:42.255
- The curse is broken by the precious blood.
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- By the precious blood. it is precious because
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- It is precious because christianity without
- 00:02:45.425 --> 00:02:46.726
- Christianity without the doctrine of atonement
- 00:02:46.793 --> 00:02:48.895
- The doctrine of atonement is just another false hope.
- 00:02:48.962 --> 00:02:52.732
- Is just another false hope. it's another gospel.
- 00:02:52.799 --> 00:02:55.034
- It's another gospel. a bloodless church
- 00:02:55.101 --> 00:02:57.270
- A bloodless church is a dead church.
- 00:02:57.337 --> 00:02:59.339
- Is a dead church. a bloodless testimony
- 00:02:59.405 --> 00:03:01.307
- A bloodless testimony is a dead testimony.
- 00:03:01.374 --> 00:03:03.109
- Is a dead testimony. the bible says,
- 00:03:03.176 --> 00:03:03.943
- The bible says, "you are as sounding brass
- 00:03:04.010 --> 00:03:06.613
- "you are as sounding brass and tinkling cymbal."
- 00:03:06.679 --> 00:03:08.381
- And tinkling cymbal." that's the bible's
- 00:03:08.448 --> 00:03:09.148
- That's the bible's way of saying,
- 00:03:09.215 --> 00:03:09.882
- Way of saying, "you're just making
- 00:03:09.949 --> 00:03:10.650
- "you're just making a lot of noise."
- 00:03:10.717 --> 00:03:12.285
- A lot of noise." a bloodless prayer
- 00:03:12.352 --> 00:03:14.120
- A bloodless prayer is a dead prayer.
- 00:03:14.187 --> 00:03:15.521
- Is a dead prayer. when you start praying in
- 00:03:15.588 --> 00:03:16.990
- When you start praying in the name and the authority
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- The name and the authority and the blood of jesus christ,
- 00:03:19.058 --> 00:03:20.960
- And the blood of jesus christ, demons tremble at what
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- Demons tremble at what you're saying.
- 00:03:23.196 --> 00:03:24.230
- You're saying. they overcame him,
- 00:03:24.297 --> 00:03:26.065
- They overcame him, the satan, by the power
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- The satan, by the power of the blood and the word
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- Of the blood and the word of their testimony.
- 00:03:29.502 --> 00:03:30.670
- Of their testimony. we have unlimited power
- 00:03:30.737 --> 00:03:32.272
- We have unlimited power through the shed blood
- 00:03:32.338 --> 00:03:33.239
- Through the shed blood of jesus christ.
- 00:03:33.306 --> 00:03:34.374
- Of jesus christ. we sing that song,
- 00:03:34.440 --> 00:03:35.642
- We sing that song, "there is power, power,
- 00:03:35.708 --> 00:03:37.944
- "there is power, power, wonder working power through
- 00:03:38.011 --> 00:03:39.679
- Wonder working power through the blood of the lamb."
- 00:03:39.746 --> 00:03:41.047
- The blood of the lamb." give the lord praise
- 00:03:41.114 --> 00:03:42.015
- Give the lord praise in his house.
- 00:03:42.081 --> 00:03:42.982
- [applause]
- 00:03:43.650 --> 00:03:46.653
- Jesus said,
- 00:03:49.722 --> 00:03:50.623
- Jesus said, "this is my blood
- 00:03:50.690 --> 00:03:52.225
- "this is my blood of the new testament
- 00:03:52.292 --> 00:03:53.459
- Of the new testament shed for you.
- 00:03:53.526 --> 00:03:54.694
- Shed for you. drink ye all of it."
- 00:03:54.761 --> 00:03:56.562
- Drink ye all of it." why?
- 00:03:56.629 --> 00:03:57.764
- Why? adam's blood was
- 00:03:57.830 --> 00:03:58.831
- Adam's blood was poisoned with sin.
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- Poisoned with sin. adam's blood is poison.
- 00:04:01.034 --> 00:04:04.871
- Adam's blood is poison. adam died with blood poisoning
- 00:04:04.937 --> 00:04:06.639
- Adam died with blood poisoning so strong that 6,000 years
- 00:04:06.706 --> 00:04:09.008
- So strong that 6,000 years later, the virus of sin
- 00:04:09.075 --> 00:04:10.610
- Later, the virus of sin thrives in the blood
- 00:04:10.677 --> 00:04:12.111
- Thrives in the blood of every carnal man
- 00:04:12.178 --> 00:04:13.546
- Of every carnal man on earth who has not
- 00:04:13.613 --> 00:04:15.081
- On earth who has not received jesus christ.
- 00:04:15.148 --> 00:04:16.849
- Received jesus christ. if that virus is in your blood,
- 00:04:16.916 --> 00:04:18.718
- If that virus is in your blood, the only solution is to have
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- The only solution is to have a blood transfusion.
- 00:04:20.920 --> 00:04:23.456
- A blood transfusion. when we lift the communion
- 00:04:23.523 --> 00:04:24.891
- When we lift the communion cup to our lips,
- 00:04:24.957 --> 00:04:26.592
- Cup to our lips, we are symbolically
- 00:04:26.659 --> 00:04:27.593
- We are symbolically taking in the supernatural
- 00:04:27.660 --> 00:04:29.362
- Taking in the supernatural life-changing blood of christ
- 00:04:29.429 --> 00:04:32.098
- Life-changing blood of christ that drives out
- 00:04:32.165 --> 00:04:33.466
- That drives out the virus of sin.
- 00:04:33.533 --> 00:04:35.001
- The virus of sin. 1 corinthians 10:16,
- 00:04:35.068 --> 00:04:37.003
- 1 corinthians 10:16, "the cup of blessing
- 00:04:37.070 --> 00:04:37.870
- "the cup of blessing which we bless,
- 00:04:37.937 --> 00:04:38.938
- Which we bless, is it not the communion
- 00:04:39.005 --> 00:04:40.139
- Is it not the communion of the blood of christ?"
- 00:04:40.206 --> 00:04:41.774
- Of the blood of christ?" the point is, when you take
- 00:04:41.841 --> 00:04:42.975
- The point is, when you take the holy communion, satan sobs.
- 00:04:43.042 --> 00:04:47.213
- The holy communion, satan sobs. he cries.
- 00:04:47.280 --> 00:04:48.748
- He cries. "i've lost him.
- 00:04:48.815 --> 00:04:50.216
- "i've lost him. i've lost her.
- 00:04:50.283 --> 00:04:50.883
- I've lost her. look, they're covered with
- 00:04:50.950 --> 00:04:52.485
- Look, they're covered with the blood of christ.
- 00:04:52.552 --> 00:04:53.353
- The blood of christ. they're safe.
- 00:04:53.419 --> 00:04:54.787
- They're safe. they're untouchable.
- 00:04:54.854 --> 00:04:56.155
- They're untouchable. they're covered
- 00:04:56.222 --> 00:04:56.756
- They're covered with supernatural power."
- 00:04:56.823 --> 00:04:58.524
- [applause]
- 00:04:58.925 --> 00:05:04.997
- The blood demands our unity.
- 00:05:05.531 --> 00:05:08.835
- The blood demands our unity. the blood demands our unity.
- 00:05:08.901 --> 00:05:12.205
- The blood demands our unity. it circulates every 23 seconds.
- 00:05:12.271 --> 00:05:15.041
- It circulates every 23 seconds. every 23 seconds, the blood
- 00:05:15.108 --> 00:05:16.843
- Every 23 seconds, the blood makes a complete loop connecting
- 00:05:16.909 --> 00:05:19.345
- Makes a complete loop connecting every part of our body.
- 00:05:19.412 --> 00:05:21.748
- Every part of our body. the church of jesus christ
- 00:05:21.814 --> 00:05:23.216
- The church of jesus christ is one body.
- 00:05:23.282 --> 00:05:26.185
- Is one body. we are one body.
- 00:05:26.252 --> 00:05:27.286
- I'm gonna say this carefully,
- 00:05:29.288 --> 00:05:30.857
- I'm gonna say this carefully, denominations have divided us.
- 00:05:30.923 --> 00:05:33.760
- Denominations have divided us. can you imagine what
- 00:05:33.826 --> 00:05:34.761
- Can you imagine what would happen in america
- 00:05:34.827 --> 00:05:35.928
- Would happen in america if every church in america
- 00:05:35.995 --> 00:05:38.765
- If every church in america who preached this book,
- 00:05:38.831 --> 00:05:40.767
- Who preached this book, could unify as one force
- 00:05:40.833 --> 00:05:43.503
- Could unify as one force and demand righteousness
- 00:05:43.569 --> 00:05:45.138
- And demand righteousness in our government?
- 00:05:45.204 --> 00:05:46.439
- In our government? we could take this
- 00:05:46.506 --> 00:05:47.373
- We could take this country back that fast.
- 00:05:47.440 --> 00:05:48.708
- [applause]
- 00:05:49.075 --> 00:05:55.181
- Why don't we?
- 00:05:55.648 --> 00:05:57.750
- Why don't we? i'm gonna
- 00:05:57.817 --> 00:05:58.084
- I'm gonna say this cautiously.
- 00:05:58.151 --> 00:06:00.186
- Say this cautiously. when you get more proud
- 00:06:00.253 --> 00:06:01.287
- When you get more proud of your denomination
- 00:06:01.354 --> 00:06:02.822
- Of your denomination than you are jesus christ,
- 00:06:02.889 --> 00:06:04.123
- Than you are jesus christ, you're on the wrong road.
- 00:06:04.190 --> 00:06:06.025
- [applause]
- 00:06:07.026 --> 00:06:12.498
- Doctrines divide us.
- 00:06:13.065 --> 00:06:15.868
- Doctrines divide us. i've seen people argue
- 00:06:15.935 --> 00:06:17.136
- I've seen people argue over how many times a person
- 00:06:17.203 --> 00:06:18.771
- Over how many times a person should be dunked in
- 00:06:18.838 --> 00:06:20.139
- Should be dunked in the baptistery before
- 00:06:20.206 --> 00:06:21.808
- The baptistery before conversion is a reality.
- 00:06:21.874 --> 00:06:24.076
- Conversion is a reality. i don't care if you dunk
- 00:06:24.143 --> 00:06:27.213
- I don't care if you dunk until their hair comes out,
- 00:06:27.280 --> 00:06:30.283
- Until their hair comes out, if they have not
- 00:06:30.349 --> 00:06:31.284
- If they have not received jesus christ,
- 00:06:31.350 --> 00:06:34.320
- Received jesus christ, all the water in the world
- 00:06:34.387 --> 00:06:35.588
- All the water in the world is not going to help them.
- 00:06:35.655 --> 00:06:38.157
- Is not going to help them. racial issues have
- 00:06:38.224 --> 00:06:39.392
- Racial issues have divided the church.
- 00:06:39.459 --> 00:06:41.661
- Divided the church. the blood unifies us.
- 00:06:41.727 --> 00:06:43.930
- The blood unifies us. there is no white church,
- 00:06:43.996 --> 00:06:45.264
- There is no white church, black church, or brown church.
- 00:06:45.331 --> 00:06:47.366
- Black church, or brown church. there is only the blood bought
- 00:06:47.433 --> 00:06:49.368
- There is only the blood bought church of jesus christ.
- 00:06:49.435 --> 00:06:50.837
- [applause]
- 00:06:51.237 --> 00:06:57.376
- The blood testifies
- 00:06:57.844 --> 00:06:59.011
- The blood testifies of our relationship.
- 00:06:59.078 --> 00:07:00.780
- Of our relationship. we are brothers
- 00:07:00.847 --> 00:07:01.481
- We are brothers and sisters in christ.
- 00:07:01.547 --> 00:07:03.115
- And sisters in christ. we are family.
- 00:07:03.182 --> 00:07:04.851
- We are family. jesus commanded us,
- 00:07:04.917 --> 00:07:06.419
- Jesus commanded us, "love one another
- 00:07:06.486 --> 00:07:07.753
- "love one another as i have loved you."
- 00:07:07.820 --> 00:07:09.455
- As i have loved you." jesus loved us enough
- 00:07:09.522 --> 00:07:11.190
- Jesus loved us enough to die for each other.
- 00:07:11.257 --> 00:07:13.793
- To die for each other. why is it that christians can't
- 00:07:13.860 --> 00:07:15.628
- Why is it that christians can't stand together like that?
- 00:07:15.695 --> 00:07:17.864
- Stand together like that? if christians could
- 00:07:17.930 --> 00:07:18.998
- If christians could come together in
- 00:07:19.065 --> 00:07:20.066
- Come together in the unity of the faith.
- 00:07:20.132 --> 00:07:21.968
- The unity of the faith. you don't have to believe
- 00:07:22.034 --> 00:07:23.970
- You don't have to believe all the things that these
- 00:07:24.036 --> 00:07:25.805
- All the things that these committees have put together,
- 00:07:25.872 --> 00:07:27.306
- Committees have put together, just believe what
- 00:07:27.373 --> 00:07:28.441
- Just believe what this book says.
- 00:07:28.508 --> 00:07:30.243
- This book says. and with this book
- 00:07:30.309 --> 00:07:31.244
- And with this book and this unity,
- 00:07:31.310 --> 00:07:32.311
- And this unity, and this power,
- 00:07:32.378 --> 00:07:33.179
- And this power, and this anointing,
- 00:07:33.246 --> 00:07:34.847
- And this anointing, and this word,
- 00:07:34.914 --> 00:07:36.382
- And this word, we can take this
- 00:07:36.449 --> 00:07:36.949
- We can take this country back for
- 00:07:37.016 --> 00:07:38.251
- Country back for the lord, jesus christ.
- 00:07:38.317 --> 00:07:39.352
- [applause]
- 00:07:39.685 --> 00:07:41.921
- Saint paul writes in romans 14,
- 00:07:44.156 --> 00:07:46.459
- Saint paul writes in romans 14, "who are you to judge
- 00:07:46.526 --> 00:07:47.293
- "who are you to judge another man's servant?
- 00:07:47.360 --> 00:07:48.928
- Another man's servant? for to his own master
- 00:07:48.995 --> 00:07:50.196
- For to his own master does he stand or fall."
- 00:07:50.263 --> 00:07:53.533
- Does he stand or fall." don't let other people
- 00:07:53.599 --> 00:07:54.934
- Don't let other people determine your happiness.
- 00:07:55.001 --> 00:07:57.203
- Determine your happiness. you and jesus determine
- 00:07:57.270 --> 00:07:58.437
- You and jesus determine your happiness.
- 00:07:58.504 --> 00:08:00.306
- Your happiness. jesus is our master.
- 00:08:00.373 --> 00:08:01.774
- Jesus is our master. jesus is our judge.
- 00:08:01.841 --> 00:08:03.509
- Jesus is our judge. we stand or fall
- 00:08:03.576 --> 00:08:04.577
- We stand or fall based on his judgment.
- 00:08:04.644 --> 00:08:06.312
- Based on his judgment. not mine, not yours.
- 00:08:06.379 --> 00:08:08.314
- Not mine, not yours. christ and christ alone
- 00:08:08.381 --> 00:08:10.716
- Christ and christ alone is your judge.
- 00:08:10.783 --> 00:08:11.617
- [applause]
- 00:08:11.984 --> 00:08:16.289
- There's a scarlet stream
- 00:08:16.722 --> 00:08:18.057
- There's a scarlet stream of blood that flows through
- 00:08:18.124 --> 00:08:19.959
- Of blood that flows through the sacred scripture.
- 00:08:20.026 --> 00:08:21.594
- The sacred scripture. the scarlet stream begins
- 00:08:21.661 --> 00:08:22.995
- The scarlet stream begins at the gates of eden
- 00:08:23.062 --> 00:08:24.664
- At the gates of eden in the first
- 00:08:24.730 --> 00:08:25.364
- In the first act of forgiveness.
- 00:08:25.431 --> 00:08:26.732
- Act of forgiveness. in genesis 3:21,
- 00:08:26.799 --> 00:08:28.568
- In genesis 3:21, adam and eve sinned.
- 00:08:28.634 --> 00:08:30.603
- Adam and eve sinned. and the bible says,
- 00:08:30.670 --> 00:08:31.370
- And the bible says, "and god made coats of skins
- 00:08:31.437 --> 00:08:34.607
- "and god made coats of skins and clothed them."
- 00:08:34.674 --> 00:08:36.175
- And clothed them." god killed the animals
- 00:08:36.242 --> 00:08:37.276
- God killed the animals to get their skin,
- 00:08:37.343 --> 00:08:38.778
- To get their skin, which was a blood experience.
- 00:08:38.844 --> 00:08:41.013
- Which was a blood experience. the stream of blood continues
- 00:08:41.080 --> 00:08:42.682
- The stream of blood continues with cain and abel.
- 00:08:42.748 --> 00:08:43.916
- With cain and abel. by faith, abel offered
- 00:08:43.983 --> 00:08:46.485
- By faith, abel offered an acceptable sacrifice,
- 00:08:46.552 --> 00:08:48.454
- An acceptable sacrifice, which was a lamb,
- 00:08:48.521 --> 00:08:50.990
- Which was a lamb, which met with god's approval.
- 00:08:51.057 --> 00:08:53.426
- Which met with god's approval. his brother cain
- 00:08:53.492 --> 00:08:54.627
- His brother cain produced produce,
- 00:08:54.694 --> 00:08:56.529
- Produced produce, which was the works
- 00:08:56.596 --> 00:08:57.430
- Which was the works of his hands.
- 00:08:57.496 --> 00:08:59.265
- Of his hands. it means this,
- 00:08:59.332 --> 00:09:00.499
- It means this, salvation does not
- 00:09:00.566 --> 00:09:01.901
- Salvation does not come through your works.
- 00:09:01.968 --> 00:09:03.836
- Come through your works. if you could work
- 00:09:03.903 --> 00:09:04.870
- If you could work and get to heaven,
- 00:09:04.937 --> 00:09:06.305
- And get to heaven, christ died in vain.
- 00:09:06.372 --> 00:09:08.240
- Christ died in vain. the only way you
- 00:09:08.307 --> 00:09:09.709
- The only way you can get to heaven
- 00:09:09.775 --> 00:09:10.776
- Can get to heaven is through jesus christ,
- 00:09:10.843 --> 00:09:12.411
- Is through jesus christ, who is the way,
- 00:09:12.478 --> 00:09:14.246
- Who is the way, the truth and the life.
- 00:09:14.313 --> 00:09:16.616
- The truth and the life. give him praise in the house.
- 00:09:16.682 --> 00:09:17.984
- [applause]
- 00:09:18.451 --> 00:09:22.121
- Grace.
- 00:09:22.188 --> 00:09:22.722
- Grace. it's more than a word.
- 00:09:22.788 --> 00:09:23.823
- It's more than a word. it can move mountains
- 00:09:23.889 --> 00:09:24.824
- It can move mountains of guilt and shame.
- 00:09:24.890 --> 00:09:25.992
- Of guilt and shame. come the troubled
- 00:09:26.058 --> 00:09:26.892
- Come the troubled sea of your soul.
- 00:09:26.959 --> 00:09:28.027
- Sea of your soul. and bring purpose
- 00:09:28.094 --> 00:09:28.828
- And bring purpose to a life that feels lost.
- 00:09:28.894 --> 00:09:30.463
- To a life that feels lost. have you ever felt
- 00:09:30.529 --> 00:09:31.097
- Have you ever felt weighed down by past mistakes
- 00:09:31.163 --> 00:09:32.665
- Weighed down by past mistakes or overwhelmed by shame?
- 00:09:32.732 --> 00:09:34.066
- Or overwhelmed by shame? grace is your path to freedom.
- 00:09:34.133 --> 00:09:35.801
- Grace is your path to freedom. ask god for his forgiveness
- 00:09:35.868 --> 00:09:37.236
- Ask god for his forgiveness and discover the true
- 00:09:37.303 --> 00:09:38.270
- And discover the true meaning of amazing grace.
- 00:09:38.337 --> 00:09:40.206
- Meaning of amazing grace. forgiveness is powerful
- 00:09:40.272 --> 00:09:41.641
- Forgiveness is powerful not just from god,
- 00:09:41.707 --> 00:09:42.708
- Not just from god, but also forgiving yourself.
- 00:09:42.775 --> 00:09:44.377
- But also forgiving yourself. live the joy filled life
- 00:09:44.443 --> 00:09:45.611
- Live the joy filled life god created
- 00:09:45.678 --> 00:09:46.312
- God created specifically for you
- 00:09:46.379 --> 00:09:47.747
- Specifically for you as you support the ministry.
- 00:09:47.813 --> 00:09:48.848
- As you support the ministry. this month.
- 00:09:48.914 --> 00:09:49.548
- This month. receive the give
- 00:09:49.615 --> 00:09:50.383
- Receive the give grace keychain as our
- 00:09:50.449 --> 00:09:51.684
- Grace keychain as our thank you for your gift
- 00:09:51.751 --> 00:09:52.718
- Thank you for your gift of any amount.
- 00:09:52.785 --> 00:09:53.552
- Of any amount. a daily reminder
- 00:09:53.619 --> 00:09:54.487
- A daily reminder to live in god's grace
- 00:09:54.553 --> 00:09:55.921
- To live in god's grace and for your generous
- 00:09:55.988 --> 00:09:56.756
- And for your generous gift of $150 or more.
- 00:09:56.822 --> 00:09:58.491
- Gift of $150 or more. you'll also receive the weekly
- 00:09:58.557 --> 00:09:59.925
- You'll also receive the weekly wisdom 52 week
- 00:09:59.992 --> 00:10:01.027
- Wisdom 52 week devotional planner,
- 00:10:01.093 --> 00:10:01.961
- Devotional planner, the unlocking the power
- 00:10:02.028 --> 00:10:03.195
- The unlocking the power of fasting journal
- 00:10:03.262 --> 00:10:04.196
- Of fasting journal and devotional by pastor matt,
- 00:10:04.263 --> 00:10:05.865
- And devotional by pastor matt, and the heaven in this place
- 00:10:05.931 --> 00:10:07.233
- And the heaven in this place cd by the cornerstone
- 00:10:07.299 --> 00:10:08.601
- Cd by the cornerstone and sanctuary choir.
- 00:10:08.668 --> 00:10:09.869
- And sanctuary choir. send your gift today,
- 00:10:09.935 --> 00:10:11.037
- Send your gift today, call or visit
- 00:10:11.103 --> 00:10:11.804
- Call or visit jhm.org/grace
- 00:10:11.871 --> 00:10:14.306
- Jhm.org/grace and experience the freedom
- 00:10:14.373 --> 00:10:15.841
- And experience the freedom of living in god's grace.
- 00:10:15.908 --> 00:10:17.843
- The scarlet stream
- 00:10:22.014 --> 00:10:23.182
- The scarlet stream of blood flows
- 00:10:23.249 --> 00:10:24.483
- Of blood flows from the gates of eden.
- 00:10:24.550 --> 00:10:25.751
- From the gates of eden. sixteen centuries pass with
- 00:10:25.818 --> 00:10:28.654
- Sixteen centuries pass with little scriptural notice,
- 00:10:28.721 --> 00:10:30.089
- Little scriptural notice, and then came the flood.
- 00:10:30.156 --> 00:10:31.924
- And then came the flood. noah's first act following
- 00:10:31.991 --> 00:10:33.325
- Noah's first act following the flood was to worship god
- 00:10:33.392 --> 00:10:35.728
- The flood was to worship god through the shedding of blood.
- 00:10:35.795 --> 00:10:37.196
- Through the shedding of blood. think about this.
- 00:10:37.263 --> 00:10:38.230
- Think about this. god killed every person
- 00:10:38.297 --> 00:10:40.900
- God killed every person on earth because of their
- 00:10:40.966 --> 00:10:43.002
- On earth because of their moral corruption.
- 00:10:43.069 --> 00:10:44.603
- Moral corruption. guess what?
- 00:10:44.670 --> 00:10:46.939
- Guess what? are you listening, tv?
- 00:10:47.006 --> 00:10:49.208
- Are you listening, tv? guess what?
- 00:10:49.275 --> 00:10:50.543
- Guess what? that's about
- 00:10:50.609 --> 00:10:51.010
- That's about to happen again.
- 00:10:51.077 --> 00:10:53.245
- To happen again. why?
- 00:10:53.312 --> 00:10:54.313
- Why? because the rapture
- 00:10:54.380 --> 00:10:55.147
- Because the rapture of the church is soon
- 00:10:55.214 --> 00:10:56.415
- Of the church is soon to become a reality.
- 00:10:56.482 --> 00:10:58.017
- To become a reality. the bride of christ
- 00:10:58.084 --> 00:10:59.018
- The bride of christ is getting ready to leave.
- 00:10:59.085 --> 00:11:00.820
- Is getting ready to leave. there's gonna be a seven year
- 00:11:00.886 --> 00:11:02.354
- There's gonna be a seven year period of god's destruction.
- 00:11:02.421 --> 00:11:04.590
- Period of god's destruction. i assure you that every nation
- 00:11:04.657 --> 00:11:06.692
- I assure you that every nation that comes against israel,
- 00:11:06.759 --> 00:11:08.327
- That comes against israel, god is going to wipe off
- 00:11:08.394 --> 00:11:10.062
- God is going to wipe off the face of the earth.
- 00:11:10.129 --> 00:11:11.330
- [applause]
- 00:11:11.697 --> 00:11:17.870
- To those of you
- 00:11:18.304 --> 00:11:18.838
- To those of you who are in washington,
- 00:11:18.904 --> 00:11:19.839
- Who are in washington, remember that the day
- 00:11:19.905 --> 00:11:20.806
- Remember that the day america stops blessing israel,
- 00:11:20.873 --> 00:11:22.808
- America stops blessing israel, will be the day god stops
- 00:11:22.875 --> 00:11:24.777
- Will be the day god stops blessing america.
- 00:11:24.844 --> 00:11:25.978
- From cain and abel,
- 00:11:28.748 --> 00:11:30.916
- From cain and abel, come the picture
- 00:11:30.983 --> 00:11:33.586
- Come the picture of abraham and isaac
- 00:11:33.652 --> 00:11:37.156
- Of abraham and isaac climbing the mountain.
- 00:11:37.223 --> 00:11:39.959
- Climbing the mountain. and isaac asked
- 00:11:40.025 --> 00:11:40.659
- And isaac asked his father the question,
- 00:11:40.726 --> 00:11:41.694
- His father the question, "where is the lamb?"
- 00:11:41.761 --> 00:11:44.764
- "where is the lamb?" and abraham gave the first
- 00:11:44.830 --> 00:11:45.898
- And abraham gave the first prophetic message about calvary,
- 00:11:45.965 --> 00:11:48.300
- Prophetic message about calvary, "god will provide a lamb."
- 00:11:48.367 --> 00:11:50.803
- "god will provide a lamb." forty two generations later,
- 00:11:50.870 --> 00:11:53.205
- Forty two generations later, jesus christ, the lamb of god,
- 00:11:53.272 --> 00:11:55.775
- Jesus christ, the lamb of god, climbed the slopes of calvary
- 00:11:55.841 --> 00:11:57.910
- Climbed the slopes of calvary to die for you, for you,
- 00:11:57.977 --> 00:12:00.379
- To die for you, for you, for you, and for you.
- 00:12:00.446 --> 00:12:02.515
- For you, and for you. and when he washed
- 00:12:02.581 --> 00:12:03.415
- And when he washed your sins away,
- 00:12:03.482 --> 00:12:04.617
- Your sins away, you were whiter than snow.
- 00:12:04.683 --> 00:12:07.019
- You were whiter than snow. the angels of god
- 00:12:07.086 --> 00:12:08.220
- The angels of god wrote your name in
- 00:12:08.287 --> 00:12:09.455
- Wrote your name in the lamb's book of life,
- 00:12:09.522 --> 00:12:10.990
- The lamb's book of life, and today, you are celebrated
- 00:12:11.056 --> 00:12:13.292
- And today, you are celebrated as kings and priests unto god.
- 00:12:13.359 --> 00:12:16.128
- As kings and priests unto god. you are royalty!
- 00:12:16.195 --> 00:12:18.330
- [applause]
- 00:12:18.764 --> 00:12:25.070
- In egypt, when it was time
- 00:12:25.604 --> 00:12:28.340
- In egypt, when it was time to liberate the jewish people
- 00:12:28.407 --> 00:12:29.909
- To liberate the jewish people from 400 years of slavery,
- 00:12:29.975 --> 00:12:33.012
- From 400 years of slavery, how were they set free?
- 00:12:33.078 --> 00:12:35.080
- How were they set free? by the shedding of blood.
- 00:12:35.147 --> 00:12:36.715
- By the shedding of blood. the blood of a spotless lamb
- 00:12:36.782 --> 00:12:38.284
- The blood of a spotless lamb sprinkled over the door,
- 00:12:38.350 --> 00:12:39.585
- Sprinkled over the door, on the sides of the door,
- 00:12:39.652 --> 00:12:41.287
- On the sides of the door, and sealed at the trough
- 00:12:41.353 --> 00:12:42.988
- And sealed at the trough in the door.
- 00:12:43.055 --> 00:12:43.856
- In the door. the house was
- 00:12:43.923 --> 00:12:44.523
- The house was sealed with blood.
- 00:12:44.590 --> 00:12:45.958
- Sealed with blood. jesus said,
- 00:12:46.025 --> 00:12:46.959
- Jesus said, "when i see the blood,
- 00:12:47.026 --> 00:12:48.060
- "when i see the blood, i will pass over you."
- 00:12:48.127 --> 00:12:50.262
- I will pass over you." the blood is our protection.
- 00:12:50.329 --> 00:12:51.664
- The blood is our protection. the blood is our power.
- 00:12:51.730 --> 00:12:53.432
- The blood is our power. the blood is our passover.
- 00:12:53.499 --> 00:12:54.733
- The blood is our passover. the blood will never
- 00:12:54.800 --> 00:12:55.868
- The blood will never lose its power.
- 00:12:55.935 --> 00:12:56.836
- Lose its power. the blood will never
- 00:12:56.902 --> 00:12:58.037
- The blood will never lose its power.
- 00:12:58.103 --> 00:12:59.104
- Lose its power. the blood will never,
- 00:12:59.171 --> 00:13:00.806
- The blood will never, never, never lose its power.
- 00:13:00.873 --> 00:13:03.275
- [applause]
- 00:13:03.642 --> 00:13:07.246
- "behold the lamb of god
- 00:13:08.314 --> 00:13:09.315
- "behold the lamb of god that taketh away
- 00:13:09.381 --> 00:13:10.249
- That taketh away the sins of the world."
- 00:13:10.316 --> 00:13:11.550
- The sins of the world." behold the lamb of god.
- 00:13:11.617 --> 00:13:14.854
- Behold the lamb of god. the only thing you can do with
- 00:13:14.920 --> 00:13:15.788
- The only thing you can do with a lamb is to slaughter it
- 00:13:15.855 --> 00:13:18.290
- A lamb is to slaughter it for redemption.
- 00:13:18.357 --> 00:13:20.092
- For redemption. he was the spotless lamb.
- 00:13:20.159 --> 00:13:21.460
- He was the spotless lamb. he was --
- 00:13:21.527 --> 00:13:22.127
- He was -- he was without blemish.
- 00:13:22.194 --> 00:13:23.696
- He was without blemish. he was pure.
- 00:13:23.762 --> 00:13:24.730
- He was pure. he was holy.
- 00:13:24.797 --> 00:13:26.098
- He was holy. listen, and he was
- 00:13:26.165 --> 00:13:27.099
- Listen, and he was destined to die from
- 00:13:27.166 --> 00:13:28.300
- Destined to die from the foundations of the earth.
- 00:13:28.367 --> 00:13:31.237
- The foundations of the earth. at calvary, the lamb was
- 00:13:31.303 --> 00:13:32.638
- At calvary, the lamb was led to the slaughter
- 00:13:32.705 --> 00:13:33.739
- Led to the slaughter and the scarlet stream
- 00:13:33.806 --> 00:13:35.007
- And the scarlet stream of blood trickled
- 00:13:35.074 --> 00:13:36.075
- Of blood trickled from that cross through
- 00:13:36.141 --> 00:13:37.376
- From that cross through every book in the bible,
- 00:13:37.443 --> 00:13:39.144
- Every book in the bible, through the gospels,
- 00:13:39.211 --> 00:13:40.412
- Through the gospels, all the way to
- 00:13:40.479 --> 00:13:41.046
- All the way to the book of revelation.
- 00:13:41.113 --> 00:13:42.281
- The book of revelation. the scarlet stream of blood says
- 00:13:42.348 --> 00:13:44.250
- The scarlet stream of blood says in the book of revelation,
- 00:13:44.316 --> 00:13:46.051
- In the book of revelation, "unto him that loved us
- 00:13:46.118 --> 00:13:48.020
- "unto him that loved us and washed us from
- 00:13:48.087 --> 00:13:49.088
- And washed us from our sins in his own blood."
- 00:13:49.154 --> 00:13:52.157
- Our sins in his own blood." i wanna read that again,
- 00:13:52.224 --> 00:13:53.425
- I wanna read that again, "unto him that loved us
- 00:13:53.492 --> 00:13:54.894
- "unto him that loved us and washed us from
- 00:13:54.960 --> 00:13:55.961
- And washed us from our sins in his own blood,
- 00:13:56.028 --> 00:13:58.998
- Our sins in his own blood, he hath made us kings
- 00:13:59.064 --> 00:14:00.366
- He hath made us kings and priests unto god;
- 00:14:00.432 --> 00:14:02.034
- And priests unto god; to him be glory
- 00:14:02.101 --> 00:14:03.869
- To him be glory and power and dominion
- 00:14:03.936 --> 00:14:05.471
- And power and dominion forever and forever."
- 00:14:05.537 --> 00:14:07.006
- Forever and forever." i'll just pause
- 00:14:07.072 --> 00:14:07.640
- I'll just pause on this again because
- 00:14:07.706 --> 00:14:08.540
- On this again because i touched it while ago.
- 00:14:08.607 --> 00:14:09.942
- I touched it while ago. what am i looking at here
- 00:14:10.009 --> 00:14:11.710
- What am i looking at here today in this church?
- 00:14:11.777 --> 00:14:14.079
- Today in this church? thousands of people.
- 00:14:14.146 --> 00:14:15.848
- Thousands of people. but do you recognize that
- 00:14:15.915 --> 00:14:17.616
- But do you recognize that god calls you royalty?
- 00:14:17.683 --> 00:14:20.319
- God calls you royalty? you are kings, princes,
- 00:14:20.386 --> 00:14:22.788
- You are kings, princes, queens unto god.
- 00:14:22.855 --> 00:14:24.657
- Queens unto god. the royal blood of heaven
- 00:14:24.723 --> 00:14:25.991
- The royal blood of heaven is flowing through your veins.
- 00:14:26.058 --> 00:14:28.060
- Is flowing through your veins. you are somebody.
- 00:14:28.127 --> 00:14:29.595
- You are somebody. don't let satan browbeat
- 00:14:29.662 --> 00:14:31.530
- Don't let satan browbeat you about who you are
- 00:14:31.597 --> 00:14:33.332
- You about who you are and what you can't do.
- 00:14:33.399 --> 00:14:35.067
- And what you can't do. you have no limitation
- 00:14:35.134 --> 00:14:36.902
- You have no limitation through the power
- 00:14:36.969 --> 00:14:38.170
- Through the power of the blood of jesus christ.
- 00:14:38.237 --> 00:14:40.172
- Of the blood of jesus christ. dream the biggest dream
- 00:14:40.239 --> 00:14:41.473
- Dream the biggest dream you can dream, and you can do
- 00:14:41.540 --> 00:14:43.375
- You can dream, and you can do that dream because nothing
- 00:14:43.442 --> 00:14:45.244
- That dream because nothing is impossible to those that
- 00:14:45.311 --> 00:14:47.079
- Is impossible to those that believe and are called according
- 00:14:47.146 --> 00:14:49.048
- Believe and are called according to the purposes of god.
- 00:14:49.114 --> 00:14:51.016
- To the purposes of god. give the lord a shout
- 00:14:51.083 --> 00:14:52.051
- Give the lord a shout of praise in the house.
- 00:14:52.117 --> 00:14:53.152
- [cheering and applause]
- 00:14:53.552 --> 00:14:59.325
- The blood of the cross
- 00:15:00.326 --> 00:15:01.026
- The blood of the cross is a special blood.
- 00:15:01.093 --> 00:15:03.529
- Is a special blood. mary's blood
- 00:15:03.595 --> 00:15:04.496
- Mary's blood was not in his veins.
- 00:15:04.563 --> 00:15:06.532
- Was not in his veins. it was the blood that god sent.
- 00:15:06.598 --> 00:15:08.767
- It was the blood that god sent. his precious blood is not to be
- 00:15:08.834 --> 00:15:10.336
- His precious blood is not to be confused with the blood
- 00:15:10.402 --> 00:15:11.737
- Confused with the blood of the first plague in egypt,
- 00:15:11.804 --> 00:15:13.639
- Of the first plague in egypt, when every fountain
- 00:15:13.706 --> 00:15:14.373
- When every fountain gushed blood,
- 00:15:14.440 --> 00:15:16.041
- Gushed blood, when every little
- 00:15:16.108 --> 00:15:16.842
- When every little stream ran blood,
- 00:15:16.909 --> 00:15:18.577
- Stream ran blood, when the water in
- 00:15:18.644 --> 00:15:19.445
- When the water in the vessels of wood and stone
- 00:15:19.511 --> 00:15:21.213
- The vessels of wood and stone in every house in egypt
- 00:15:21.280 --> 00:15:23.082
- In every house in egypt was filled with blood.
- 00:15:23.148 --> 00:15:26.185
- Was filled with blood. get this picture,
- 00:15:26.251 --> 00:15:28.754
- Get this picture, when god said he turned
- 00:15:28.821 --> 00:15:29.688
- When god said he turned the water to blood,
- 00:15:29.755 --> 00:15:31.256
- The water to blood, he didn't limit it
- 00:15:31.323 --> 00:15:32.324
- He didn't limit it to the nile river.
- 00:15:32.391 --> 00:15:34.293
- To the nile river. when the ivory bathtubs
- 00:15:34.360 --> 00:15:35.561
- When the ivory bathtubs of pharaoh were crimson
- 00:15:35.627 --> 00:15:37.496
- Of pharaoh were crimson like the drainpipes
- 00:15:37.563 --> 00:15:38.731
- Like the drainpipes in a slaughter pen.
- 00:15:38.797 --> 00:15:40.265
- In a slaughter pen. not that blood.
- 00:15:40.332 --> 00:15:41.333
- Not that blood. when solomon
- 00:15:41.400 --> 00:15:42.101
- When solomon dedicated the temple
- 00:15:42.167 --> 00:15:43.469
- Dedicated the temple and slaughtered 22,000 oxen.
- 00:15:43.535 --> 00:15:45.971
- And slaughtered 22,000 oxen. get that, how many that is.
- 00:15:46.038 --> 00:15:47.439
- Get that, how many that is. twenty two thousand oxen
- 00:15:47.506 --> 00:15:50.309
- Twenty two thousand oxen and 120,000 sheep,
- 00:15:50.376 --> 00:15:52.177
- And 120,000 sheep, and the blood ran out
- 00:15:52.244 --> 00:15:53.779
- And the blood ran out of the temple in a stream.
- 00:15:53.846 --> 00:15:56.448
- Of the temple in a stream. not that blood.
- 00:15:56.515 --> 00:15:57.616
- Not that blood. all of that blood
- 00:15:57.683 --> 00:15:58.951
- All of that blood would not save one person.
- 00:15:59.018 --> 00:16:02.254
- Would not save one person. not the blood shed when
- 00:16:02.321 --> 00:16:03.188
- Not the blood shed when joseph's brothers took
- 00:16:03.255 --> 00:16:04.356
- Joseph's brothers took his coat of many colors,
- 00:16:04.423 --> 00:16:05.624
- His coat of many colors, baptized it in goat's blood
- 00:16:05.691 --> 00:16:07.459
- Baptized it in goat's blood to prove to their father
- 00:16:07.526 --> 00:16:08.694
- To prove to their father that joseph was dead.
- 00:16:08.761 --> 00:16:10.129
- That joseph was dead. not the blood shed
- 00:16:10.195 --> 00:16:11.330
- Not the blood shed in the destruction
- 00:16:11.397 --> 00:16:12.097
- In the destruction of jerusalem in 70 a.d.
- 00:16:12.164 --> 00:16:14.299
- Of jerusalem in 70 a.d. when the roman army destroyed
- 00:16:14.366 --> 00:16:15.768
- When the roman army destroyed the city of jerusalem,
- 00:16:15.834 --> 00:16:16.935
- The city of jerusalem, and one million peo --
- 00:16:17.002 --> 00:16:18.203
- And one million peo -- one million
- 00:16:18.270 --> 00:16:18.904
- One million jewish people died,
- 00:16:18.971 --> 00:16:20.773
- Jewish people died, slaughtered trying
- 00:16:20.839 --> 00:16:21.607
- Slaughtered trying to defend the temple.
- 00:16:21.673 --> 00:16:22.741
- To defend the temple. not that blood.
- 00:16:22.808 --> 00:16:24.243
- Not that blood. not the blood
- 00:16:24.309 --> 00:16:24.977
- Not the blood that has been shed on
- 00:16:25.044 --> 00:16:25.878
- That has been shed on a thousand battlefields
- 00:16:25.944 --> 00:16:27.679
- A thousand battlefields by hundreds of thousands
- 00:16:27.746 --> 00:16:29.214
- By hundreds of thousands of soldiers for something
- 00:16:29.281 --> 00:16:30.949
- Of soldiers for something called freedom.
- 00:16:31.016 --> 00:16:31.817
- Called freedom. not that blood.
- 00:16:31.884 --> 00:16:33.185
- Not that blood. not the blood of the early
- 00:16:33.252 --> 00:16:34.219
- Not the blood of the early christians who died
- 00:16:34.286 --> 00:16:35.521
- Christians who died in the roman colosseum,
- 00:16:35.587 --> 00:16:36.989
- In the roman colosseum, being ripped apart
- 00:16:37.056 --> 00:16:38.323
- Being ripped apart in the mouths of lions.
- 00:16:38.390 --> 00:16:40.125
- In the mouths of lions. not that blood.
- 00:16:40.192 --> 00:16:41.260
- Not that blood. what blood?
- 00:16:41.326 --> 00:16:42.561
- What blood? what blood?
- 00:16:42.628 --> 00:16:43.896
- What blood? the only blood that can
- 00:16:43.962 --> 00:16:46.432
- The only blood that can remove the crimson stain
- 00:16:46.498 --> 00:16:48.033
- Remove the crimson stain from your soul
- 00:16:48.100 --> 00:16:49.268
- From your soul is the precious blood
- 00:16:49.334 --> 00:16:50.736
- Is the precious blood of the lamb of god.
- 00:16:50.803 --> 00:16:52.304
- Of the lamb of god. the blood that flowed
- 00:16:52.371 --> 00:16:53.639
- The blood that flowed from emmanuel's veins.
- 00:16:53.705 --> 00:16:55.541
- From emmanuel's veins. that blood.
- 00:16:55.607 --> 00:16:56.675
- That blood. the blood that
- 00:16:56.742 --> 00:16:57.576
- The blood that cleanses from all sin.
- 00:16:57.643 --> 00:16:59.545
- Cleanses from all sin. that blood.
- 00:16:59.611 --> 00:17:00.379
- That blood. the blood that terrifies
- 00:17:00.446 --> 00:17:01.880
- The blood that terrifies satan and his imps
- 00:17:01.947 --> 00:17:03.982
- Satan and his imps that follow him.
- 00:17:04.049 --> 00:17:05.217
- That follow him. that blood.
- 00:17:05.284 --> 00:17:06.151
- That blood. the blood that conquers
- 00:17:06.218 --> 00:17:07.453
- The blood that conquers cancer and heart disease.
- 00:17:07.519 --> 00:17:09.421
- Cancer and heart disease. that blood.
- 00:17:09.488 --> 00:17:10.422
- That blood. the blood that sets me free
- 00:17:10.489 --> 00:17:12.224
- The blood that sets me free from the fear of tomorrow,
- 00:17:12.291 --> 00:17:13.692
- From the fear of tomorrow, the guilt of the past.
- 00:17:13.759 --> 00:17:15.227
- The guilt of the past. that blood.
- 00:17:15.294 --> 00:17:16.328
- That blood. the blood that stained
- 00:17:16.395 --> 00:17:17.262
- The blood that stained the old rugged cross at
- 00:17:17.329 --> 00:17:18.864
- The old rugged cross at the place called calvary.
- 00:17:18.931 --> 00:17:20.666
- The place called calvary. that blood.
- 00:17:20.732 --> 00:17:21.700
- That blood. god cannot remember sin
- 00:17:21.767 --> 00:17:23.902
- God cannot remember sin that has been washed in
- 00:17:23.969 --> 00:17:25.471
- That has been washed in the blood of jesus christ.
- 00:17:25.537 --> 00:17:27.172
- The blood of jesus christ. thank you, father,
- 00:17:27.239 --> 00:17:28.407
- Thank you, father, for the blood atonement
- 00:17:28.474 --> 00:17:30.075
- For the blood atonement that washes whiter than snow.
- 00:17:30.142 --> 00:17:31.977
- That washes whiter than snow. give the lord a shout
- 00:17:32.044 --> 00:17:33.278
- Give the lord a shout of praise in the house.
- 00:17:33.345 --> 00:17:34.313
- [cheering and applause]
- 00:17:34.713 --> 00:17:40.686
- The blood of jesus christ
- 00:17:41.286 --> 00:17:42.321
- The blood of jesus christ is the only way
- 00:17:42.387 --> 00:17:43.322
- Is the only way to salvation.
- 00:17:43.388 --> 00:17:46.191
- To salvation. emphasize only.
- 00:17:46.258 --> 00:17:49.995
- Emphasize only. secular humanists
- 00:17:50.062 --> 00:17:50.863
- Secular humanists like to say, "well," --
- 00:17:50.929 --> 00:17:52.164
- Like to say, "well," -- i heard this at the university.
- 00:17:52.231 --> 00:17:54.600
- I heard this at the university. "we're all on different roads
- 00:17:54.666 --> 00:17:55.901
- "we're all on different roads going to the same place."
- 00:17:55.968 --> 00:17:57.936
- Going to the same place." wrong, wrong, wrong, stupid.
- 00:17:58.003 --> 00:18:03.242
- [laughter]
- 00:18:03.575 --> 00:18:07.479
- The highway to heaven
- 00:18:08.013 --> 00:18:08.780
- The highway to heaven is marked by
- 00:18:08.847 --> 00:18:09.481
- Is marked by the blood of jesus christ.
- 00:18:09.548 --> 00:18:12.818
- The blood of jesus christ. the highway to hell is marked
- 00:18:12.885 --> 00:18:14.153
- The highway to hell is marked by those who have rejected
- 00:18:14.219 --> 00:18:15.621
- By those who have rejected jesus christ as lord and savior.
- 00:18:15.687 --> 00:18:19.158
- Jesus christ as lord and savior. the text holds without
- 00:18:19.224 --> 00:18:20.125
- The text holds without the shedding of blood,
- 00:18:20.192 --> 00:18:21.093
- The shedding of blood, there is no remission of sin.
- 00:18:21.160 --> 00:18:22.928
- There is no remission of sin. this is god's law.
- 00:18:22.995 --> 00:18:23.929
- This is god's law. it's not my law.
- 00:18:23.996 --> 00:18:25.998
- It's not my law. this is god's law.
- 00:18:26.064 --> 00:18:27.900
- This is god's law. there is no other way
- 00:18:27.966 --> 00:18:29.501
- There is no other way to forgiveness.
- 00:18:29.568 --> 00:18:31.436
- To forgiveness. you were saved by the shed
- 00:18:31.503 --> 00:18:33.305
- You were saved by the shed blood of jesus christ.
- 00:18:33.372 --> 00:18:36.341
- Blood of jesus christ. when you walk down
- 00:18:36.408 --> 00:18:37.142
- When you walk down the streets of san antonio
- 00:18:37.209 --> 00:18:39.244
- The streets of san antonio and the demons of hell
- 00:18:39.311 --> 00:18:40.445
- And the demons of hell see you coming,
- 00:18:40.512 --> 00:18:41.947
- See you coming, they scatter in terror saying,
- 00:18:42.014 --> 00:18:44.583
- They scatter in terror saying, "that person is covered
- 00:18:44.650 --> 00:18:46.351
- "that person is covered by the blood of jesus christ.
- 00:18:46.418 --> 00:18:48.620
- By the blood of jesus christ. that person is untouchable.
- 00:18:48.687 --> 00:18:50.989
- That person is untouchable. don't touch that person.
- 00:18:51.056 --> 00:18:52.991
- Don't touch that person. don't touch that person.
- 00:18:53.058 --> 00:18:54.593
- Don't touch that person. don't touch that family.
- 00:18:54.660 --> 00:18:56.528
- Don't touch that family. they're covered by the blood
- 00:18:56.595 --> 00:18:57.996
- They're covered by the blood of jesus christ."
- 00:18:58.063 --> 00:18:58.964
- [applause]
- 00:18:59.431 --> 00:19:01.934
- What does that mean?
- 00:19:02.467 --> 00:19:04.469
- What does that mean? it means that when i die,
- 00:19:04.536 --> 00:19:08.140
- It means that when i die, my soul is going to go right
- 00:19:08.207 --> 00:19:10.576
- My soul is going to go right through the devil's bedroom.
- 00:19:10.642 --> 00:19:13.011
- Through the devil's bedroom. you know, there are
- 00:19:13.078 --> 00:19:13.612
- You know, there are three heavens.
- 00:19:13.679 --> 00:19:14.980
- Three heavens. the one we see with our eyes,
- 00:19:15.047 --> 00:19:17.049
- The one we see with our eyes, the second heaven where satan
- 00:19:17.115 --> 00:19:18.584
- The second heaven where satan has his throne and he runs
- 00:19:18.650 --> 00:19:20.719
- Has his throne and he runs all of his demonic goons,
- 00:19:20.786 --> 00:19:22.921
- All of his demonic goons, and the third heaven,
- 00:19:22.988 --> 00:19:24.156
- And the third heaven, which is the highest heaven.
- 00:19:24.223 --> 00:19:25.791
- Which is the highest heaven. that's why we sing,
- 00:19:25.857 --> 00:19:26.692
- That's why we sing, "glory to god
- 00:19:26.758 --> 00:19:27.593
- "glory to god in the highest."
- 00:19:27.659 --> 00:19:28.293
- In the highest." highest what?
- 00:19:28.360 --> 00:19:29.061
- Highest what? third heaven.
- 00:19:29.127 --> 00:19:30.362
- Third heaven. but when you die and i die,
- 00:19:30.429 --> 00:19:32.464
- But when you die and i die, we are going to go right
- 00:19:32.531 --> 00:19:34.333
- We are going to go right through the devil's bedroom.
- 00:19:34.399 --> 00:19:36.802
- Through the devil's bedroom. when i die and you die,
- 00:19:36.868 --> 00:19:39.071
- When i die and you die, my soul leaves this clay tent.
- 00:19:39.137 --> 00:19:41.607
- My soul leaves this clay tent. angels are going to escort me
- 00:19:41.673 --> 00:19:43.942
- Angels are going to escort me through the second heaven,
- 00:19:44.009 --> 00:19:46.578
- Through the second heaven, which is the devil's bedroom.
- 00:19:46.645 --> 00:19:47.980
- [applause]
- 00:19:48.347 --> 00:19:49.915
- Satan is going
- 00:19:50.382 --> 00:19:51.483
- Satan is going to see you coming.
- 00:19:51.550 --> 00:19:53.185
- To see you coming. he's going to see me coming
- 00:19:53.252 --> 00:19:54.987
- He's going to see me coming and he's going to shout,
- 00:19:55.053 --> 00:19:57.856
- And he's going to shout, "let them pass.
- 00:19:57.923 --> 00:19:59.358
- "let them pass. let her pass.
- 00:19:59.424 --> 00:20:00.792
- Let her pass. let him pass.
- 00:20:00.859 --> 00:20:02.094
- Let him pass. the blood of jesus christ
- 00:20:02.160 --> 00:20:03.795
- The blood of jesus christ has covered their brow.
- 00:20:03.862 --> 00:20:05.564
- Has covered their brow. they cannot --
- 00:20:05.631 --> 00:20:06.265
- They cannot -- we cannot touch them.
- 00:20:06.331 --> 00:20:07.499
- We cannot touch them. they are the untouchables
- 00:20:07.566 --> 00:20:09.234
- They are the untouchables by the power
- 00:20:09.301 --> 00:20:10.702
- By the power of jesus christ's blood."
- 00:20:10.769 --> 00:20:12.404
- Of jesus christ's blood." hallelujah to the lamb of god.
- 00:20:12.471 --> 00:20:14.539
- ♪ ♪
- 00:20:14.940 --> 00:20:21.013
- Why was calvary necessary?
- 00:20:21.947 --> 00:20:24.983
- Why was calvary necessary? because there was something
- 00:20:25.050 --> 00:20:25.817
- Because there was something horrible from which men
- 00:20:25.884 --> 00:20:26.985
- Horrible from which men needed to be saved.
- 00:20:27.052 --> 00:20:28.620
- Needed to be saved. and what was that?
- 00:20:28.687 --> 00:20:30.756
- And what was that? eternity without god.
- 00:20:30.822 --> 00:20:33.025
- Eternity without god. the bible calls that place hell.
- 00:20:33.091 --> 00:20:36.762
- The bible calls that place hell. calvary is meaningless
- 00:20:36.828 --> 00:20:38.163
- Calvary is meaningless until we see its necessity.
- 00:20:38.230 --> 00:20:41.033
- Until we see its necessity. god puts the blood stained
- 00:20:41.099 --> 00:20:42.467
- God puts the blood stained cross of calvary
- 00:20:42.534 --> 00:20:44.870
- Cross of calvary and its blood drenched slopes
- 00:20:44.936 --> 00:20:46.938
- And its blood drenched slopes across the path of every person.
- 00:20:47.005 --> 00:20:49.841
- Across the path of every person. calvary is meaningless
- 00:20:49.908 --> 00:20:51.476
- Calvary is meaningless unless you understand
- 00:20:51.543 --> 00:20:52.811
- Unless you understand why it was necessary.
- 00:20:52.878 --> 00:20:55.380
- Why it was necessary. let me ask you the question.
- 00:20:55.447 --> 00:20:57.616
- Let me ask you the question. have you seen the dark
- 00:20:57.683 --> 00:20:59.284
- Have you seen the dark and disturbing
- 00:20:59.351 --> 00:20:59.985
- And disturbing phrase in john 3:16?
- 00:21:00.052 --> 00:21:04.389
- Phrase in john 3:16? we love to read it.
- 00:21:04.456 --> 00:21:06.091
- We love to read it. john 3:16, "god so loved
- 00:21:06.158 --> 00:21:09.361
- John 3:16, "god so loved the world,"
- 00:21:09.428 --> 00:21:09.861
- [clapping]
- 00:21:10.495 --> 00:21:10.896
- Wonderful, we like that.
- 00:21:11.563 --> 00:21:12.531
- "that he gave,"
- 00:21:13.799 --> 00:21:15.033
- "that he gave," terrific, we like that.
- 00:21:15.100 --> 00:21:17.703
- "his only begotten son,"
- 00:21:18.804 --> 00:21:20.205
- [clapping]
- 00:21:20.739 --> 00:21:21.606
- Oh, how precious that is.
- 00:21:22.074 --> 00:21:23.175
- "that whosoever believeth in him
- 00:21:24.543 --> 00:21:26.244
- [clapping]
- 00:21:26.812 --> 00:21:27.679
- Should not perish,"
- 00:21:28.180 --> 00:21:28.947
- Should not perish," what?
- 00:21:29.014 --> 00:21:30.782
- What? "should not perish."
- 00:21:30.849 --> 00:21:31.783
- "should not perish." what?
- 00:21:31.850 --> 00:21:33.719
- What? "should not perish."
- 00:21:33.785 --> 00:21:34.853
- "should not perish." oh, skip that.
- 00:21:34.920 --> 00:21:37.289
- Oh, skip that. that one phrase
- 00:21:37.356 --> 00:21:39.391
- That one phrase tells you why
- 00:21:39.458 --> 00:21:40.258
- Tells you why calvary was necessary.
- 00:21:40.325 --> 00:21:42.160
- Calvary was necessary. without the shed blood applied
- 00:21:42.227 --> 00:21:44.296
- Without the shed blood applied to the door of your soul,
- 00:21:44.363 --> 00:21:46.965
- To the door of your soul, i will perish,
- 00:21:47.032 --> 00:21:48.467
- I will perish, you will perish,
- 00:21:48.533 --> 00:21:49.935
- You will perish, every person who rejects
- 00:21:50.001 --> 00:21:52.671
- Every person who rejects the life of christ
- 00:21:52.738 --> 00:21:53.538
- The life of christ and especially
- 00:21:53.605 --> 00:21:54.206
- And especially the crucifixion,
- 00:21:54.272 --> 00:21:56.408
- The crucifixion, will certainly never see
- 00:21:56.475 --> 00:21:57.409
- Will certainly never see the gates of heaven.
- 00:21:57.476 --> 00:22:00.545
- The gates of heaven. if i fail to warn you
- 00:22:00.612 --> 00:22:02.981
- If i fail to warn you about things to come,
- 00:22:03.048 --> 00:22:04.483
- About things to come, your blood is on my hands.
- 00:22:04.549 --> 00:22:05.984
- Your blood is on my hands. the bible says that.
- 00:22:06.051 --> 00:22:08.120
- The bible says that. those of you who are
- 00:22:08.186 --> 00:22:08.987
- Those of you who are on your living room
- 00:22:09.054 --> 00:22:10.155
- On your living room and about to turn the knob,
- 00:22:10.222 --> 00:22:11.456
- And about to turn the knob, just leave it, leave it
- 00:22:11.523 --> 00:22:12.557
- Just leave it, leave it alone just a second.
- 00:22:12.624 --> 00:22:15.060
- Alone just a second. if i warn you and you
- 00:22:15.127 --> 00:22:16.294
- If i warn you and you reject this warning,
- 00:22:16.361 --> 00:22:17.462
- Reject this warning, your blood is on your hands.
- 00:22:17.529 --> 00:22:20.265
- Your blood is on your hands. and when i stand before god,
- 00:22:20.332 --> 00:22:21.400
- And when i stand before god, i'm not gonna have
- 00:22:21.466 --> 00:22:22.134
- I'm not gonna have to answer for you.
- 00:22:22.200 --> 00:22:24.035
- To answer for you. it's gonna be a full-time job
- 00:22:24.102 --> 00:22:25.137
- It's gonna be a full-time job answering for me.
- 00:22:25.203 --> 00:22:27.072
- Answering for me. receive christ
- 00:22:27.139 --> 00:22:28.140
- Receive christ and accept him as your
- 00:22:28.206 --> 00:22:28.874
- And accept him as your substitute at the cross.
- 00:22:28.940 --> 00:22:31.143
- Substitute at the cross. accept his precious blood as
- 00:22:31.209 --> 00:22:32.544
- Accept his precious blood as the atonement for your sins.
- 00:22:32.611 --> 00:22:34.946
- The atonement for your sins. you can inherit eternal life.
- 00:22:35.013 --> 00:22:37.883
- You can inherit eternal life. if you refuse, the wrath of god
- 00:22:37.949 --> 00:22:39.985
- If you refuse, the wrath of god abides on you.
- 00:22:40.051 --> 00:22:42.053
- Abides on you. today is the day
- 00:22:42.120 --> 00:22:43.021
- Today is the day of salvation.
- 00:22:43.088 --> 00:22:45.490
- Of salvation. which choice
- 00:22:45.557 --> 00:22:46.024
- Which choice are you going to make?
- 00:22:46.091 --> 00:22:49.161
- Are you going to make? "for god so loved the world
- 00:22:49.227 --> 00:22:52.030
- "for god so loved the world that he gave his only
- 00:22:52.097 --> 00:22:52.898
- That he gave his only begotten son that
- 00:22:52.964 --> 00:22:54.933
- Begotten son that whosoever believeth in him,"
- 00:22:55.000 --> 00:22:56.568
- Whosoever believeth in him," say it with me,
- 00:22:56.635 --> 00:22:57.569
- Say it with me, "should not perish,
- 00:22:57.636 --> 00:23:00.572
- "should not perish, but have everlasting life."
- 00:23:00.639 --> 00:23:02.774
- But have everlasting life." can we stand to our feet?
- 00:23:02.841 --> 00:23:04.342
- I'm gonna ask you to pray
- 00:23:08.113 --> 00:23:08.947
- I'm gonna ask you to pray this prayer with me.
- 00:23:09.014 --> 00:23:11.049
- This prayer with me. just before you raise your hands
- 00:23:11.116 --> 00:23:15.554
- Just before you raise your hands and adjust your halo,
- 00:23:15.620 --> 00:23:21.293
- And adjust your halo, listen to this tacky
- 00:23:21.359 --> 00:23:22.627
- Listen to this tacky little verse that
- 00:23:22.694 --> 00:23:24.729
- Little verse that someone wrote in the bible.
- 00:23:24.796 --> 00:23:27.098
- Someone wrote in the bible. "for all have sinned and come
- 00:23:27.165 --> 00:23:29.568
- "for all have sinned and come short of the glory of god."
- 00:23:29.634 --> 00:23:32.471
- Short of the glory of god." just before you feel
- 00:23:32.537 --> 00:23:33.972
- Just before you feel self-righteous,
- 00:23:34.039 --> 00:23:35.240
- Self-righteous, and anointed
- 00:23:35.307 --> 00:23:36.041
- And anointed to judge the universe,
- 00:23:36.107 --> 00:23:38.076
- To judge the universe, the bible says that
- 00:23:38.143 --> 00:23:40.145
- The bible says that you're the judge of no one.
- 00:23:40.212 --> 00:23:42.914
- You're the judge of no one. you should just take care
- 00:23:42.981 --> 00:23:44.216
- You should just take care of your own self.
- 00:23:44.282 --> 00:23:46.084
- [applause]
- 00:23:46.485 --> 00:23:53.959
- Remember, that we are family.
- 00:23:54.659 --> 00:23:57.429
- Remember, that we are family. if it hurts you, it hurts me.
- 00:23:57.496 --> 00:24:00.632
- If it hurts you, it hurts me. we should defend each other
- 00:24:00.699 --> 00:24:03.034
- We should defend each other and stand together, unified.
- 00:24:03.101 --> 00:24:05.704
- And stand together, unified. what a wonderful world
- 00:24:05.770 --> 00:24:06.571
- What a wonderful world this would be.
- 00:24:06.638 --> 00:24:08.974
- This would be. i want you to pray
- 00:24:09.040 --> 00:24:09.674
- I want you to pray this prayer with me.
- 00:24:09.741 --> 00:24:11.076
- This prayer with me. those of you watching
- 00:24:11.142 --> 00:24:11.710
- Those of you watching by television,
- 00:24:11.776 --> 00:24:13.144
- By television, join us in this prayer.
- 00:24:13.211 --> 00:24:14.980
- Join us in this prayer. "heavenly father,
- 00:24:15.046 --> 00:24:16.915
- "heavenly father, i approach
- 00:24:16.982 --> 00:24:17.582
- I approach your throne
- 00:24:17.649 --> 00:24:19.818
- Your throne in the precious name
- 00:24:19.885 --> 00:24:22.020
- In the precious name of jesus christ,
- 00:24:22.087 --> 00:24:24.189
- Of jesus christ, your son
- 00:24:24.256 --> 00:24:25.891
- Your son and my savior.
- 00:24:25.957 --> 00:24:27.559
- And my savior. i ask you to forgive me
- 00:24:27.626 --> 00:24:30.161
- I ask you to forgive me of all of my sins.
- 00:24:30.228 --> 00:24:32.564
- Of all of my sins. i'm sorry,
- 00:24:32.631 --> 00:24:34.299
- I'm sorry, and i'm beginning anew,
- 00:24:34.366 --> 00:24:36.935
- And i'm beginning anew, and i'm asking you
- 00:24:37.002 --> 00:24:38.803
- And i'm asking you to give to me
- 00:24:38.870 --> 00:24:40.572
- To give to me the covering of blood
- 00:24:40.639 --> 00:24:42.941
- The covering of blood for my entire life.
- 00:24:43.008 --> 00:24:45.143
- For my entire life. from this day forward
- 00:24:45.210 --> 00:24:47.112
- From this day forward i want to serve
- 00:24:47.178 --> 00:24:48.980
- I want to serve the lord jesus christ
- 00:24:49.047 --> 00:24:51.249
- The lord jesus christ in the beauty of holiness.
- 00:24:51.316 --> 00:24:54.686
- In the beauty of holiness. in jesus' name."
- 00:24:54.753 --> 00:24:56.955
- In jesus' name." receive this prayer.
- 00:24:57.022 --> 00:24:59.424
- Receive this prayer. amen.
- 00:24:59.491 --> 00:25:00.025
- Pastor john hagee: when you
- 00:25:01.493 --> 00:25:02.193
- Pastor john hagee: when you speak the word of god,
- 00:25:02.260 --> 00:25:03.328
- Speak the word of god, you are releasing the blessing
- 00:25:03.395 --> 00:25:05.130
- You are releasing the blessing of the lord into every part
- 00:25:05.196 --> 00:25:07.566
- Of the lord into every part of your life.
- 00:25:07.632 --> 00:25:08.600
- Of your life. pastor matt hagee: you are
- 00:25:08.667 --> 00:25:09.334
- Pastor matt hagee: you are putting god in charge
- 00:25:09.401 --> 00:25:10.135
- Putting god in charge of the situation
- 00:25:10.201 --> 00:25:11.136
- Of the situation and putting the devil
- 00:25:11.202 --> 00:25:12.003
- And putting the devil on notice that you are
- 00:25:12.070 --> 00:25:13.605
- On notice that you are a child of the king.
- 00:25:13.672 --> 00:25:15.373
- A child of the king. stay tuned,
- 00:25:15.440 --> 00:25:16.207
- Stay tuned, because at the end
- 00:25:16.274 --> 00:25:16.875
- Because at the end of this program,
- 00:25:16.942 --> 00:25:17.776
- Of this program, pastor hagee will speak
- 00:25:17.842 --> 00:25:18.777
- Pastor hagee will speak a blessing over you
- 00:25:18.843 --> 00:25:19.978
- A blessing over you and your family.
- 00:25:20.045 --> 00:25:21.880
- And your family. hagee ministries continues
- 00:25:21.947 --> 00:25:23.248
- Hagee ministries continues to proclaim the truth
- 00:25:23.315 --> 00:25:24.349
- To proclaim the truth of god's word around
- 00:25:24.416 --> 00:25:25.684
- Of god's word around the globe.
- 00:25:25.750 --> 00:25:26.318
- The globe. together, we are providing
- 00:25:26.384 --> 00:25:27.285
- Together, we are providing humanitarian aid across
- 00:25:27.352 --> 00:25:28.620
- Humanitarian aid across israel,
- 00:25:28.687 --> 00:25:29.387
- Israel, community service initiatives
- 00:25:29.454 --> 00:25:30.622
- Community service initiatives at home and abroad,
- 00:25:30.689 --> 00:25:31.923
- At home and abroad, and transforming the lives
- 00:25:31.990 --> 00:25:33.124
- And transforming the lives of young mothers
- 00:25:33.191 --> 00:25:33.892
- Of young mothers at the sanctuary of hope.
- 00:25:33.959 --> 00:25:35.560
- At the sanctuary of hope. your partnership today
- 00:25:35.627 --> 00:25:36.795
- Your partnership today ensures we reach
- 00:25:36.861 --> 00:25:37.596
- Ensures we reach the generations of tomorrow
- 00:25:37.662 --> 00:25:39.197
- The generations of tomorrow through many of today's
- 00:25:39.264 --> 00:25:39.965
- Through many of today's social media platforms
- 00:25:40.031 --> 00:25:41.399
- Social media platforms and live web streaming.
- 00:25:41.466 --> 00:25:42.834
- And live web streaming. become a legacy partner today.
- 00:25:42.934 --> 00:25:44.869
- Become a legacy partner today. call the number on your screen
- 00:25:44.970 --> 00:25:46.071
- Call the number on your screen or go to jhm.org/partner
- 00:25:46.137 --> 00:25:49.341
- Or go to jhm.org/partner ♪ music
- 00:25:49.407 --> 00:25:51.309
- Faith and freedom
- 00:25:51.376 --> 00:25:52.277
- Faith and freedom are under fire
- 00:25:52.344 --> 00:25:53.378
- Are under fire pastor john hagee delivers
- 00:25:53.445 --> 00:25:55.180
- Pastor john hagee delivers a powerful call
- 00:25:55.246 --> 00:25:56.548
- A powerful call to return
- 00:25:56.615 --> 00:25:57.148
- To return to the timeless truths
- 00:25:57.215 --> 00:25:58.583
- To the timeless truths that shaped america
- 00:25:58.650 --> 00:26:00.518
- That shaped america discover how these
- 00:26:00.585 --> 00:26:01.353
- Discover how these divine principles
- 00:26:01.419 --> 00:26:02.520
- Divine principles offer the key
- 00:26:02.587 --> 00:26:03.288
- Offer the key to happiness, peace
- 00:26:03.355 --> 00:26:04.623
- To happiness, peace and prosperity
- 00:26:04.689 --> 00:26:06.691
- And prosperity to save america
- 00:26:06.758 --> 00:26:08.460
- To save america a guide to living aligned
- 00:26:08.526 --> 00:26:09.928
- A guide to living aligned with god's truth
- 00:26:09.995 --> 00:26:11.229
- With god's truth get your copy today
- 00:26:11.296 --> 00:26:12.397
- Get your copy today at j.h.m.org
- 00:26:12.464 --> 00:26:13.565
- At j.h.m.org or wherever books are sold
- 00:26:13.632 --> 00:26:15.133
- You've been watching
- 00:26:19.638 --> 00:26:20.739
- You've been watching hagee ministries.
- 00:26:20.805 --> 00:26:22.874
- Hagee ministries. if you need prayer,
- 00:26:22.941 --> 00:26:24.175
- If you need prayer, call our prayer line
- 00:26:24.242 --> 00:26:26.011
- Call our prayer line or visit our website.
- 00:26:26.077 --> 00:26:28.380
- Or visit our website. and now,
- 00:26:28.446 --> 00:26:29.414
- And now, your blessing
- 00:26:29.481 --> 00:26:30.248
- Your blessing with pastor john hagee.
- 00:26:30.315 --> 00:26:32.317
- With pastor john hagee.
- 00:26:30.315 --> 00:26:33.551
- Pastor john hagee: and now,
- 00:26:33.618 --> 00:26:34.152
- Pastor john hagee: and now, may the lord bless you
- 00:26:34.219 --> 00:26:35.086
- May the lord bless you and may the lord keep you.
- 00:26:35.153 --> 00:26:37.355
- And may the lord keep you. and may the lord make
- 00:26:37.422 --> 00:26:38.256
- And may the lord make his face to shine upon you,
- 00:26:38.323 --> 00:26:40.825
- His face to shine upon you, and may the lord be gracious
- 00:26:40.892 --> 00:26:42.193
- And may the lord be gracious unto you and give you his peace.
- 00:26:42.260 --> 00:26:45.830
- Unto you and give you his peace. may you walk from this
- 00:26:45.897 --> 00:26:46.865
- May you walk from this place knowing that
- 00:26:46.931 --> 00:26:47.832
- Place knowing that the blood of jesus christ
- 00:26:47.899 --> 00:26:49.968
- The blood of jesus christ now covers you,
- 00:26:50.035 --> 00:26:51.603
- Now covers you, and you have been cleansed
- 00:26:51.670 --> 00:26:54.039
- And you have been cleansed from every claim that satan
- 00:26:54.105 --> 00:26:55.607
- From every claim that satan may have against you.
- 00:26:55.674 --> 00:26:57.942
- May have against you. you have been redeemed
- 00:26:58.009 --> 00:26:59.544
- You have been redeemed by the precious blood,
- 00:26:59.611 --> 00:27:01.446
- By the precious blood, the holy blood,
- 00:27:01.513 --> 00:27:02.914
- The holy blood, the powerful blood,
- 00:27:02.981 --> 00:27:04.683
- The powerful blood, the ever-cleansing blood
- 00:27:04.749 --> 00:27:06.618
- The ever-cleansing blood of the son of god.
- 00:27:06.685 --> 00:27:08.653
- Of the son of god. you are as pure as
- 00:27:08.720 --> 00:27:10.755
- You are as pure as the blood of jesus christ
- 00:27:10.822 --> 00:27:12.223
- The blood of jesus christ can make you.
- 00:27:12.290 --> 00:27:14.025
- Can make you. rejoice and be
- 00:27:14.092 --> 00:27:15.026
- Rejoice and be exceedingly glad,
- 00:27:15.093 --> 00:27:17.062
- Exceedingly glad, for god, your father
- 00:27:17.128 --> 00:27:18.329
- For god, your father and the holy angels
- 00:27:18.396 --> 00:27:19.798
- And the holy angels rejoice with this day.
- 00:27:19.864 --> 00:27:21.866
- Rejoice with this day. and all of god's children said,
- 00:27:21.933 --> 00:27:23.168
- And all of god's children said, "praise the lord."
- 00:27:23.234 --> 00:27:24.769
- "praise the lord." give the lord a shout
- 00:27:24.836 --> 00:27:25.704
- Give the lord a shout of praise in the house,
- 00:27:25.770 --> 00:27:27.238
- Of praise in the house, amen.
- 00:27:27.305 --> 00:27:27.739