Hagee Ministries are committed to change America by taking all the Gospel to all the world and to all generations.
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Hagee Ministries | Matt Hagee - Desperate Enough To Believe | January 21, 2025
- ♪ music ♪
- 00:00:59.692 --> 00:00:14.041
- ♪ music ♪ pastor matt hagee: mark 5,
- 00:00:14.108 --> 00:00:15.309
- Pastor matt hagee: mark 5, we've got two desperate
- 00:00:15.376 --> 00:00:16.110
- We've got two desperate people.
- 00:00:16.177 --> 00:00:18.379
- People. we've got jairus,
- 00:00:18.446 --> 00:00:20.214
- We've got jairus, a leader in the synagogue.
- 00:00:20.281 --> 00:00:22.450
- A leader in the synagogue. he's an esteemed member of
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- He's an esteemed member of the community.
- 00:00:23.784 --> 00:00:24.452
- The community. he's probably an individual
- 00:00:24.518 --> 00:00:26.120
- He's probably an individual who has debated whether or not
- 00:00:26.187 --> 00:00:27.855
- Who has debated whether or not he agrees or disagrees with
- 00:00:27.922 --> 00:00:29.723
- He agrees or disagrees with this disruptive rabbi from
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- This disruptive rabbi from nazareth that they call jesus.
- 00:00:31.525 --> 00:00:34.228
- Nazareth that they call jesus. i mean, obviously,
- 00:00:34.295 --> 00:00:34.962
- I mean, obviously, there's things that are
- 00:00:35.029 --> 00:00:35.729
- There's things that are happening that are different.
- 00:00:35.796 --> 00:00:37.832
- Happening that are different. but suddenly,
- 00:00:37.898 --> 00:00:38.799
- But suddenly, jairus gets into a situation
- 00:00:38.866 --> 00:00:40.668
- Jairus gets into a situation where he doesn't really care
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- Where he doesn't really care what the neighbors think.
- 00:00:41.735 --> 00:00:43.170
- What the neighbors think. he's desperate enough to
- 00:00:43.237 --> 00:00:44.572
- He's desperate enough to believe that jesus is the one
- 00:00:44.638 --> 00:00:46.407
- Believe that jesus is the one who can heal his daughter.
- 00:00:46.474 --> 00:00:48.275
- Who can heal his daughter. [amen.]
- 00:00:48.342 --> 00:00:50.077
- [amen.] we also have this woman
- 00:00:50.144 --> 00:00:51.312
- We also have this woman with an issue of blood.
- 00:00:51.378 --> 00:00:53.514
- With an issue of blood. according to the law of moses,
- 00:00:53.581 --> 00:00:56.250
- According to the law of moses, she's unclean.
- 00:00:56.317 --> 00:00:58.252
- She's unclean. remember we went to
- 00:00:58.319 --> 00:00:59.320
- Remember we went to the other side of the lake
- 00:00:59.386 --> 00:01:00.254
- The other side of the lake to deal with an unclean man.
- 00:01:00.321 --> 00:01:02.556
- To deal with an unclean man. he had an unclean spirit.
- 00:01:02.623 --> 00:01:04.125
- He had an unclean spirit. he's in an unclean land.
- 00:01:04.191 --> 00:01:05.659
- He's in an unclean land. he's in an unclean graveyard,
- 00:01:05.726 --> 00:01:07.561
- He's in an unclean graveyard, standing around a bunch of
- 00:01:07.628 --> 00:01:08.596
- Standing around a bunch of unclean pigs.
- 00:01:08.662 --> 00:01:09.630
- Unclean pigs. you can't get any more unclean
- 00:01:09.697 --> 00:01:10.831
- You can't get any more unclean than that.
- 00:01:10.898 --> 00:01:12.466
- Than that. (laughter)
- 00:01:12.533 --> 00:01:13.234
- (laughter) but now jesus is back on other
- 00:01:13.300 --> 00:01:14.435
- But now jesus is back on other side of the lake,
- 00:01:14.502 --> 00:01:15.269
- Side of the lake, and guess what he finds here?
- 00:01:15.336 --> 00:01:17.605
- And guess what he finds here? unclean.
- 00:01:17.671 --> 00:01:20.040
- Unclean. you need to understand what
- 00:01:20.107 --> 00:01:21.108
- You need to understand what the bible says when it tells
- 00:01:21.175 --> 00:01:22.276
- The bible says when it tells us very clearly,
- 00:01:22.343 --> 00:01:23.277
- Us very clearly, "there is none righteous among
- 00:01:23.344 --> 00:01:25.713
- "there is none righteous among you, no, not one."
- 00:01:25.779 --> 00:01:29.049
- You, no, not one." because we often like to
- 00:01:29.116 --> 00:01:30.084
- Because we often like to compare our cleanliness
- 00:01:30.151 --> 00:01:31.785
- Compare our cleanliness or uncleanliness predicated on
- 00:01:31.852 --> 00:01:33.787
- Or uncleanliness predicated on who's sitting next to us,
- 00:01:33.854 --> 00:01:35.022
- Who's sitting next to us, in front of us or behind us.
- 00:01:35.089 --> 00:01:36.490
- In front of us or behind us. but the real comparison comes
- 00:01:36.557 --> 00:01:37.758
- But the real comparison comes when you put us up against
- 00:01:37.825 --> 00:01:38.859
- When you put us up against jesus.
- 00:01:38.926 --> 00:01:40.327
- Jesus. [amen.]
- 00:01:40.394 --> 00:01:41.028
- [amen.] [amen.]
- 00:01:41.095 --> 00:01:41.762
- [amen.] and when you go against him,
- 00:01:41.829 --> 00:01:42.997
- And when you go against him, you and i are unclean.
- 00:01:43.063 --> 00:01:46.767
- You and i are unclean. [that's right.]
- 00:01:46.834 --> 00:01:48.569
- [that's right.] [amen.]
- 00:01:48.636 --> 00:01:50.070
- [amen.] you know desperate people do
- 00:01:50.137 --> 00:01:51.172
- You know desperate people do desperate things.
- 00:01:51.238 --> 00:01:53.073
- Desperate things. [amen.]
- 00:01:53.140 --> 00:01:54.475
- [amen.] and it's easy to judge
- 00:01:54.542 --> 00:01:55.543
- And it's easy to judge somebody whenever you haven't
- 00:01:55.609 --> 00:01:56.777
- Somebody whenever you haven't been through what they've been
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- Been through what they've been through --
- 00:01:58.412 --> 00:01:59.380
- Through -- [that's right.]
- 00:01:59.446 --> 00:02:00.147
- [that's right.] -- when you have no context
- 00:02:00.214 --> 00:02:01.382
- -- when you have no context for their understanding
- 00:02:01.448 --> 00:02:03.117
- For their understanding or their experience.
- 00:02:03.184 --> 00:02:05.085
- Or their experience. you watch a desperate person
- 00:02:05.152 --> 00:02:06.420
- You watch a desperate person behave out of the ordinary,
- 00:02:06.487 --> 00:02:08.022
- Behave out of the ordinary, and you go,
- 00:02:08.088 --> 00:02:08.589
- And you go, "why would they do that?
- 00:02:08.656 --> 00:02:11.425
- "why would they do that? what were they thinking?"
- 00:02:11.492 --> 00:02:13.661
- What were they thinking?" the ultimate indictment for
- 00:02:13.727 --> 00:02:14.895
- The ultimate indictment for those of us who are judgmental
- 00:02:14.962 --> 00:02:16.530
- Those of us who are judgmental is,
- 00:02:16.597 --> 00:02:17.031
- Is, "i would never."
- 00:02:17.097 --> 00:02:20.801
- "i would never." let me give you
- 00:02:20.868 --> 00:02:21.502
- Let me give you a free warning.
- 00:02:21.569 --> 00:02:22.670
- A free warning. be careful with your nevers
- 00:02:22.736 --> 00:02:24.605
- Be careful with your nevers until you've been there.
- 00:02:24.672 --> 00:02:26.207
- Until you've been there. [that's right.]
- 00:02:26.273 --> 00:02:27.708
- [that's right.] because they may all be well
- 00:02:27.775 --> 00:02:28.876
- Because they may all be well and true.
- 00:02:28.943 --> 00:02:29.977
- And true. (applause)
- 00:02:30.044 --> 00:02:30.945
- (applause) but what happens when you're
- 00:02:31.011 --> 00:02:32.079
- But what happens when you're the one in desperate need?
- 00:02:32.146 --> 00:02:33.814
- The one in desperate need? what happens when you're
- 00:02:33.881 --> 00:02:34.882
- What happens when you're the one who's willing to do
- 00:02:34.949 --> 00:02:35.983
- The one who's willing to do just about anything to get
- 00:02:36.050 --> 00:02:37.918
- Just about anything to get relief from the burden
- 00:02:37.985 --> 00:02:39.019
- Relief from the burden and the affliction
- 00:02:39.086 --> 00:02:39.853
- And the affliction that you're facing?
- 00:02:39.920 --> 00:02:41.088
- That you're facing? wait until the phone rings
- 00:02:41.155 --> 00:02:42.790
- Wait until the phone rings and disrupts your life,
- 00:02:42.856 --> 00:02:44.325
- And disrupts your life, and everything that was
- 00:02:44.391 --> 00:02:45.159
- And everything that was peaceful and perfect suddenly
- 00:02:45.226 --> 00:02:46.727
- Peaceful and perfect suddenly gets turned upside down.
- 00:02:46.794 --> 00:02:48.262
- Gets turned upside down. wait until it was all
- 00:02:48.329 --> 00:02:49.563
- Wait until it was all smooth sailing.
- 00:02:49.630 --> 00:02:50.798
- Smooth sailing. but now it's just
- 00:02:50.864 --> 00:02:51.498
- But now it's just a big-stormy sea,
- 00:02:51.565 --> 00:02:53.033
- A big-stormy sea, and you desperately want
- 00:02:53.100 --> 00:02:54.168
- And you desperately want to know;
- 00:02:54.235 --> 00:02:54.568
- To know; god, what are you going to do
- 00:02:54.635 --> 00:02:55.970
- God, what are you going to do about it?
- 00:02:56.036 --> 00:02:57.004
- About it? how do you respond in life's
- 00:02:57.071 --> 00:02:58.872
- How do you respond in life's major reversals whenever
- 00:02:58.939 --> 00:03:00.441
- Major reversals whenever the unexpected
- 00:03:00.507 --> 00:03:01.675
- The unexpected and the undeserved
- 00:03:01.742 --> 00:03:02.776
- And the undeserved and the unfair seem to be all
- 00:03:02.843 --> 00:03:04.845
- And the unfair seem to be all you're going to get?
- 00:03:04.912 --> 00:03:07.381
- You're going to get? now, you're desperate.
- 00:03:07.448 --> 00:03:10.851
- Now, you're desperate. and this is exactly where
- 00:03:10.918 --> 00:03:12.620
- And this is exactly where this woman with an issue
- 00:03:12.686 --> 00:03:13.621
- This woman with an issue of blood is found
- 00:03:13.687 --> 00:03:14.955
- Of blood is found in mark 5:25.
- 00:03:15.022 --> 00:03:18.425
- In mark 5:25. she's desperate.
- 00:03:18.492 --> 00:03:20.928
- She's desperate. and she's willing to risk
- 00:03:20.995 --> 00:03:21.895
- And she's willing to risk everything that she has
- 00:03:21.962 --> 00:03:23.063
- Everything that she has and everything that she could
- 00:03:23.130 --> 00:03:24.064
- And everything that she could ever be if she could just
- 00:03:24.131 --> 00:03:25.699
- Ever be if she could just reach out in faith to see what
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- Reach out in faith to see what god can do.
- 00:03:29.136 --> 00:03:31.805
- God can do. mark 5 introduces her as
- 00:03:31.872 --> 00:03:33.774
- Mark 5 introduces her as "a certain woman."
- 00:03:33.841 --> 00:03:35.075
- "a certain woman." she wasn't just anybody.
- 00:03:35.142 --> 00:03:37.845
- She wasn't just anybody. people knew who she was.
- 00:03:37.911 --> 00:03:40.481
- People knew who she was. she didn't just show up
- 00:03:40.547 --> 00:03:41.415
- She didn't just show up on the scene all of a sudden.
- 00:03:41.482 --> 00:03:44.285
- On the scene all of a sudden. i mean, first and foremost,
- 00:03:44.351 --> 00:03:45.719
- I mean, first and foremost, let's be clear;
- 00:03:45.786 --> 00:03:46.387
- Let's be clear; she was a woman.
- 00:03:46.453 --> 00:03:47.054
- She was a woman. i know that that might not be
- 00:03:47.121 --> 00:03:48.255
- I know that that might not be politically correct
- 00:03:48.322 --> 00:03:49.023
- Politically correct in the world we live in,
- 00:03:49.089 --> 00:03:50.024
- In the world we live in, but if the bible says you're
- 00:03:50.090 --> 00:03:50.958
- But if the bible says you're a woman,
- 00:03:51.025 --> 00:03:51.458
- A woman, chances are that's who you
- 00:03:51.525 --> 00:03:52.459
- Chances are that's who you are.
- 00:03:52.526 --> 00:03:53.727
- Are. (applause)
- 00:03:53.794 --> 00:03:56.397
- (applause) the bible says,
- 00:03:56.463 --> 00:03:57.131
- The bible says, "this certain woman had
- 00:03:57.197 --> 00:03:58.465
- "this certain woman had an issue of blood."
- 00:03:58.532 --> 00:04:02.169
- An issue of blood." she's not even called by name.
- 00:04:02.236 --> 00:04:04.938
- She's not even called by name. she's not identified by
- 00:04:05.005 --> 00:04:05.939
- She's not identified by her race,
- 00:04:06.006 --> 00:04:07.374
- Her race, her ethnicity.
- 00:04:07.441 --> 00:04:09.209
- Her ethnicity. when we meet her,
- 00:04:09.276 --> 00:04:10.077
- When we meet her, she's defined by her
- 00:04:10.144 --> 00:04:11.879
- She's defined by her condition.
- 00:04:11.945 --> 00:04:13.847
- Condition. why?
- 00:04:13.914 --> 00:04:15.582
- Why? because this certain woman
- 00:04:15.649 --> 00:04:16.717
- Because this certain woman has been in this situation
- 00:04:16.784 --> 00:04:18.018
- Has been in this situation for so long,
- 00:04:18.085 --> 00:04:18.719
- For so long, it's all she's known for
- 00:04:18.786 --> 00:04:20.020
- It's all she's known for anymore.
- 00:04:20.087 --> 00:04:22.222
- Anymore. it really doesn't matter what
- 00:04:22.289 --> 00:04:23.590
- It really doesn't matter what you suffer with.
- 00:04:23.657 --> 00:04:24.425
- You suffer with. sooner or later,
- 00:04:24.491 --> 00:04:25.159
- Sooner or later, suffering can be a part of
- 00:04:25.225 --> 00:04:26.360
- Suffering can be a part of your life for so long that it
- 00:04:26.427 --> 00:04:28.095
- Your life for so long that it replaces who you were created
- 00:04:28.162 --> 00:04:29.630
- Replaces who you were created to be and it becomes
- 00:04:29.697 --> 00:04:30.798
- To be and it becomes your identity.
- 00:04:30.864 --> 00:04:32.299
- Your identity. [come on.]
- 00:04:32.366 --> 00:04:34.601
- [come on.] not only is this woman
- 00:04:34.668 --> 00:04:35.703
- Not only is this woman in a desperate situation,
- 00:04:35.769 --> 00:04:37.237
- In a desperate situation, the bible tells us
- 00:04:37.304 --> 00:04:37.905
- The bible tells us she's destitute.
- 00:04:37.971 --> 00:04:40.941
- She's destitute. for verse 26 says that
- 00:04:41.008 --> 00:04:42.343
- For verse 26 says that she suffered many things
- 00:04:42.409 --> 00:04:44.578
- She suffered many things from many physicians.
- 00:04:44.645 --> 00:04:46.647
- From many physicians. she had spent all that she had
- 00:04:46.714 --> 00:04:50.017
- She had spent all that she had and was no better,
- 00:04:50.084 --> 00:04:51.852
- And was no better, but grew worse.
- 00:04:51.919 --> 00:04:54.455
- But grew worse. now before we talk about
- 00:04:54.521 --> 00:04:55.389
- Now before we talk about getting worse,
- 00:04:55.456 --> 00:04:56.290
- Getting worse, i want to point out
- 00:04:56.357 --> 00:04:56.890
- I want to point out some things that i like about
- 00:04:56.957 --> 00:04:57.891
- Some things that i like about this gal.
- 00:04:57.958 --> 00:04:59.693
- This gal. she's got grit.
- 00:04:59.760 --> 00:05:01.895
- She's got grit. when you've been fighting
- 00:05:01.962 --> 00:05:02.496
- When you've been fighting something for 12 years,
- 00:05:02.563 --> 00:05:04.031
- Something for 12 years, you've stayed in the fight.
- 00:05:04.098 --> 00:05:06.800
- You've stayed in the fight. she might have a condition,
- 00:05:06.867 --> 00:05:08.068
- She might have a condition, but the condition don't
- 00:05:08.135 --> 00:05:09.002
- But the condition don't have her,
- 00:05:09.069 --> 00:05:09.503
- Have her, because she's still looking
- 00:05:09.570 --> 00:05:10.270
- Because she's still looking for an answer.
- 00:05:10.337 --> 00:05:11.505
- For an answer. [amen.]
- 00:05:11.572 --> 00:05:12.439
- [amen.] (applause)
- 00:05:12.506 --> 00:05:14.775
- (applause) not only that,
- 00:05:14.842 --> 00:05:15.943
- Not only that, but if you've been paying for
- 00:05:16.009 --> 00:05:17.244
- But if you've been paying for treatment for 12 years,
- 00:05:17.311 --> 00:05:18.545
- Treatment for 12 years, you weren't broke when you
- 00:05:18.612 --> 00:05:19.646
- You weren't broke when you started.
- 00:05:19.713 --> 00:05:22.082
- Started. she's been at this for over
- 00:05:22.149 --> 00:05:23.417
- She's been at this for over a decade,
- 00:05:23.484 --> 00:05:24.184
- A decade, and now the bible says she's
- 00:05:24.251 --> 00:05:25.552
- And now the bible says she's out of all of her resources.
- 00:05:25.619 --> 00:05:28.989
- Out of all of her resources. twelve years of trying this
- 00:05:29.056 --> 00:05:31.125
- Twelve years of trying this and that.
- 00:05:31.191 --> 00:05:32.960
- And that. based on this woman's story,
- 00:05:33.026 --> 00:05:34.528
- Based on this woman's story, i would recommend that you
- 00:05:34.595 --> 00:05:35.496
- I would recommend that you respond in faith,
- 00:05:35.562 --> 00:05:38.832
- Respond in faith, in faith.
- 00:05:38.899 --> 00:05:40.501
- In faith. why?
- 00:05:40.567 --> 00:05:42.069
- Why? because the bible says that
- 00:05:42.136 --> 00:05:43.003
- Because the bible says that faith is the victory
- 00:05:43.070 --> 00:05:45.406
- Faith is the victory that overcomes the world.
- 00:05:45.472 --> 00:05:47.608
- That overcomes the world. read the first words
- 00:05:47.674 --> 00:05:49.176
- Read the first words of verse 27.
- 00:05:49.243 --> 00:05:50.411
- Of verse 27. and let me tell you with great
- 00:05:50.477 --> 00:05:51.612
- And let me tell you with great assurance that whenever
- 00:05:51.678 --> 00:05:52.780
- Assurance that whenever you hear these words,
- 00:05:52.846 --> 00:05:54.081
- You hear these words, it's the greatest news that
- 00:05:54.148 --> 00:05:55.349
- It's the greatest news that this lady has ever heard,
- 00:05:55.416 --> 00:05:56.917
- This lady has ever heard, because everything in her
- 00:05:56.984 --> 00:05:58.285
- Because everything in her life, all of the despair,
- 00:05:58.352 --> 00:06:00.854
- Life, all of the despair, all of the destitution,
- 00:06:00.921 --> 00:06:02.389
- All of the destitution, all of the disgrace,
- 00:06:02.456 --> 00:06:04.191
- All of the disgrace, it's about to change.
- 00:06:04.258 --> 00:06:05.659
- It's about to change. why?
- 00:06:05.726 --> 00:06:06.326
- Why? because verse 27 says,
- 00:06:06.393 --> 00:06:08.262
- Because verse 27 says, "she heard about jesus."
- 00:06:08.328 --> 00:06:11.999
- "she heard about jesus." [yes.]
- 00:06:12.065 --> 00:06:12.566
- [yes.] you need to know that nothing
- 00:06:12.633 --> 00:06:13.634
- You need to know that nothing in your life is ever going
- 00:06:13.700 --> 00:06:15.502
- In your life is ever going to change for the better
- 00:06:15.569 --> 00:06:17.171
- To change for the better until you hear about jesus.
- 00:06:17.237 --> 00:06:20.340
- Until you hear about jesus. twelve years,
- 00:06:20.407 --> 00:06:21.675
- Twelve years, she's only been getting worse.
- 00:06:21.742 --> 00:06:23.744
- She's only been getting worse. but suddenly,
- 00:06:23.811 --> 00:06:24.678
- But suddenly, she hears the name that is
- 00:06:24.745 --> 00:06:26.814
- She hears the name that is above every name.
- 00:06:26.880 --> 00:06:28.449
- Above every name. and when she hears that name,
- 00:06:28.515 --> 00:06:30.484
- And when she hears that name, everything is about to change.
- 00:06:30.551 --> 00:06:32.653
- Everything is about to change. the bible says,
- 00:06:32.719 --> 00:06:33.687
- The bible says, "faith cometh by hearing,
- 00:06:33.754 --> 00:06:36.123
- "faith cometh by hearing, and hearing by the word
- 00:06:36.190 --> 00:06:37.658
- And hearing by the word of god."
- 00:06:37.724 --> 00:06:38.258
- Of god." this woman heard about jesus
- 00:06:38.325 --> 00:06:40.761
- This woman heard about jesus and it stirred up faith
- 00:06:40.828 --> 00:06:42.229
- And it stirred up faith inside of her.
- 00:06:42.296 --> 00:06:43.497
- Inside of her. throughout the gospels,
- 00:06:43.564 --> 00:06:44.631
- Throughout the gospels, we read these words that
- 00:06:44.698 --> 00:06:46.266
- We read these words that "word about him spread."
- 00:06:46.333 --> 00:06:49.703
- "word about him spread." [yes.]
- 00:06:49.770 --> 00:06:50.771
- [yes.] when jesus did something,
- 00:06:50.838 --> 00:06:51.939
- When jesus did something, word about him spread.
- 00:06:52.005 --> 00:06:55.709
- Word about him spread. she heard about jesus.
- 00:06:55.776 --> 00:06:58.912
- She heard about jesus. [yes.]
- 00:06:58.979 --> 00:07:00.848
- [yes.] and when she did,
- 00:07:00.914 --> 00:07:01.982
- And when she did, it engaged the physics
- 00:07:02.049 --> 00:07:04.351
- It engaged the physics of faith.
- 00:07:04.418 --> 00:07:07.054
- Of faith. now i know that there's a lot
- 00:07:07.120 --> 00:07:07.821
- Now i know that there's a lot of people who don't want to
- 00:07:07.888 --> 00:07:08.689
- Of people who don't want to pay attention when the word
- 00:07:08.755 --> 00:07:09.690
- Pay attention when the word "physics" shows up.
- 00:07:09.756 --> 00:07:12.759
- "physics" shows up. (laughter)
- 00:07:12.826 --> 00:07:14.795
- (laughter) but it's important that you
- 00:07:14.862 --> 00:07:15.562
- But it's important that you understand this principle,
- 00:07:15.629 --> 00:07:17.598
- Understand this principle, because you've heard about it
- 00:07:17.664 --> 00:07:19.132
- Because you've heard about it in nature.
- 00:07:19.199 --> 00:07:19.800
- In nature. and now i want to show it
- 00:07:19.867 --> 00:07:20.601
- And now i want to show it to you in the supernatural.
- 00:07:20.667 --> 00:07:22.503
- To you in the supernatural. [come on.]
- 00:07:22.569 --> 00:07:24.071
- [come on.] you see, in physics,
- 00:07:24.137 --> 00:07:27.174
- You see, in physics, natural physics,
- 00:07:27.241 --> 00:07:28.709
- Natural physics, the science of physics,
- 00:07:28.775 --> 00:07:31.111
- The science of physics, it's the study of matter
- 00:07:31.178 --> 00:07:32.346
- It's the study of matter and motion,
- 00:07:32.412 --> 00:07:34.114
- And motion, and the behavior of what they
- 00:07:34.181 --> 00:07:35.782
- And the behavior of what they do through space and time.
- 00:07:35.849 --> 00:07:39.453
- Do through space and time. well, matter is substance.
- 00:07:39.520 --> 00:07:41.321
- Well, matter is substance. and when you read the bible,
- 00:07:41.388 --> 00:07:42.589
- And when you read the bible, it says that faith is matter.
- 00:07:42.656 --> 00:07:44.558
- It says that faith is matter. it's substance.
- 00:07:44.625 --> 00:07:46.627
- It's substance. "faith is the substance,"
- 00:07:46.693 --> 00:07:48.662
- "faith is the substance," right?
- 00:07:48.729 --> 00:07:49.429
- Right? [amen.]
- 00:07:49.496 --> 00:07:50.497
- [amen.] so if there's natural laws
- 00:07:50.564 --> 00:07:52.299
- So if there's natural laws of physics,
- 00:07:52.366 --> 00:07:52.933
- Of physics, then there must be
- 00:07:53.000 --> 00:07:53.467
- Then there must be supernatural laws of faith
- 00:07:53.534 --> 00:07:55.602
- Supernatural laws of faith just like physics that cannot
- 00:07:55.669 --> 00:07:57.104
- Just like physics that cannot be ignored.
- 00:07:57.170 --> 00:07:58.438
- Be ignored. [amen.]
- 00:07:58.505 --> 00:07:58.972
- [amen.] for example,
- 00:07:59.039 --> 00:08:00.674
- For example, sir isaac newton's third law
- 00:08:00.741 --> 00:08:02.309
- Sir isaac newton's third law of physics says,
- 00:08:02.376 --> 00:08:03.377
- Of physics says, "for every action,
- 00:08:03.443 --> 00:08:05.245
- "for every action, there is an equal
- 00:08:05.312 --> 00:08:06.113
- There is an equal and opposite."
- 00:08:06.179 --> 00:08:07.781
- And opposite." [yes.]
- 00:08:07.848 --> 00:08:08.215
- [yes.] well, this is naturally true
- 00:08:08.282 --> 00:08:09.449
- Well, this is naturally true and it's also supernaturally
- 00:08:09.516 --> 00:08:10.784
- And it's also supernaturally true.
- 00:08:10.851 --> 00:08:11.885
- True. [amen.]
- 00:08:11.952 --> 00:08:13.220
- [amen.] consider what james 4:8 says.
- 00:08:13.287 --> 00:08:16.290
- Consider what james 4:8 says. it says,
- 00:08:16.356 --> 00:08:16.823
- It says, "draw near to god."
- 00:08:16.890 --> 00:08:19.059
- "draw near to god." that's action.
- 00:08:19.126 --> 00:08:21.161
- That's action. and then it says,
- 00:08:21.228 --> 00:08:21.962
- And then it says, "and he (god) will draw near
- 00:08:22.029 --> 00:08:24.331
- "and he (god) will draw near to you."
- 00:08:24.398 --> 00:08:25.432
- To you." [amen.]
- 00:08:25.499 --> 00:08:26.066
- [amen.] that's reaction.
- 00:08:26.133 --> 00:08:27.334
- That's reaction. [yes.]
- 00:08:27.401 --> 00:08:28.068
- [yes.] so you, in faith,
- 00:08:28.135 --> 00:08:29.736
- So you, in faith, take action,
- 00:08:29.803 --> 00:08:30.904
- Take action, and then you get
- 00:08:30.971 --> 00:08:31.471
- And then you get a supernatural reaction,
- 00:08:31.538 --> 00:08:33.040
- A supernatural reaction, because just like there's
- 00:08:33.106 --> 00:08:34.007
- Because just like there's physics down here in nature,
- 00:08:34.074 --> 00:08:35.509
- Physics down here in nature, there's physics
- 00:08:35.576 --> 00:08:36.176
- There's physics in the supernatural.
- 00:08:36.243 --> 00:08:37.978
- In the supernatural. [yes.]
- 00:08:38.045 --> 00:08:38.912
- [yes.] now people want to know,
- 00:08:38.979 --> 00:08:39.746
- Now people want to know, they say,
- 00:08:39.813 --> 00:08:40.280
- They say, "how do i draw near to god?"
- 00:08:40.347 --> 00:08:41.748
- "how do i draw near to god?" well first,
- 00:08:41.815 --> 00:08:42.382
- Well first, you begin by reading
- 00:08:42.449 --> 00:08:43.116
- You begin by reading and obeying his word.
- 00:08:43.183 --> 00:08:44.751
- And obeying his word. [amen.]
- 00:08:44.818 --> 00:08:46.353
- [amen.] now something that you need
- 00:08:46.420 --> 00:08:47.054
- Now something that you need to know --
- 00:08:47.120 --> 00:08:47.588
- To know -- this might come as
- 00:08:47.654 --> 00:08:48.255
- This might come as a revelation to you.
- 00:08:48.322 --> 00:08:49.222
- A revelation to you. -- is the bible will not jump
- 00:08:49.289 --> 00:08:50.691
- -- is the bible will not jump out of the coffee table
- 00:08:50.757 --> 00:08:52.025
- Out of the coffee table and onto your lap.
- 00:08:52.092 --> 00:08:53.894
- And onto your lap. (laughter)
- 00:08:53.961 --> 00:08:55.562
- (laughter) you actually have to pick it
- 00:08:55.629 --> 00:08:56.663
- You actually have to pick it up.
- 00:08:56.730 --> 00:08:57.798
- Up. [yeah.]
- 00:08:57.864 --> 00:08:59.132
- [yeah.] it takes action.
- 00:08:59.199 --> 00:09:01.535
- It takes action. but when you engage in
- 00:09:01.602 --> 00:09:02.803
- But when you engage in that action,
- 00:09:02.869 --> 00:09:03.637
- That action, you suddenly begin to have
- 00:09:03.704 --> 00:09:04.905
- You suddenly begin to have supernatural reactions
- 00:09:04.972 --> 00:09:06.773
- Supernatural reactions that you didn't expect.
- 00:09:06.840 --> 00:09:08.742
- That you didn't expect. for example,
- 00:09:08.809 --> 00:09:09.676
- For example, the bible says,
- 00:09:09.743 --> 00:09:10.410
- The bible says, "thy word have i hidden in
- 00:09:10.477 --> 00:09:12.613
- "thy word have i hidden in my heart --"
- 00:09:12.679 --> 00:09:13.246
- My heart --" that's action.
- 00:09:13.313 --> 00:09:14.081
- That's action. "-- that i might not sin
- 00:09:14.147 --> 00:09:15.649
- "-- that i might not sin against you."
- 00:09:15.716 --> 00:09:16.316
- Against you." that's supernatural reaction,
- 00:09:16.383 --> 00:09:17.784
- That's supernatural reaction, as the voice of
- 00:09:17.851 --> 00:09:18.418
- As the voice of the holy spirit tells you,
- 00:09:18.485 --> 00:09:19.419
- The holy spirit tells you, "we're not doing that
- 00:09:19.486 --> 00:09:20.487
- "we're not doing that and we're not doing that
- 00:09:20.554 --> 00:09:21.388
- And we're not doing that and we're not doing that."
- 00:09:21.455 --> 00:09:23.056
- And we're not doing that." [amen.]
- 00:09:23.123 --> 00:09:23.890
- [amen.] why?
- 00:09:23.957 --> 00:09:24.391
- Why? because if you want to be
- 00:09:24.458 --> 00:09:25.125
- Because if you want to be blessed,
- 00:09:25.192 --> 00:09:25.726
- Blessed, be obedient.
- 00:09:25.792 --> 00:09:26.860
- Be obedient. [yes.]
- 00:09:26.927 --> 00:09:27.728
- [yes.] [hallelujah.]
- 00:09:27.794 --> 00:09:29.696
- [hallelujah.] the word is a lamp unto
- 00:09:29.763 --> 00:09:30.831
- The word is a lamp unto my feet and it's a light unto
- 00:09:30.897 --> 00:09:32.466
- My feet and it's a light unto my path.
- 00:09:32.532 --> 00:09:33.367
- My path. when you take the action of
- 00:09:33.433 --> 00:09:34.401
- When you take the action of drawing near to god
- 00:09:34.468 --> 00:09:35.669
- Drawing near to god with his word,
- 00:09:35.736 --> 00:09:36.637
- With his word, suddenly he illuminates
- 00:09:36.703 --> 00:09:37.871
- Suddenly he illuminates the direction that your life
- 00:09:37.938 --> 00:09:39.106
- The direction that your life should go.
- 00:09:39.172 --> 00:09:39.806
- Should go. and instead of taking
- 00:09:39.873 --> 00:09:40.707
- And instead of taking missteps,
- 00:09:40.774 --> 00:09:41.475
- Missteps, you walk in his divine path.
- 00:09:41.541 --> 00:09:43.610
- You walk in his divine path. [yes.]
- 00:09:43.677 --> 00:09:44.778
- [yes.] you draw near to god through
- 00:09:44.845 --> 00:09:45.946
- You draw near to god through fasting and prayer.
- 00:09:46.013 --> 00:09:47.714
- Fasting and prayer. [come on.]
- 00:09:47.781 --> 00:09:49.449
- [come on.] prayer is something that you
- 00:09:49.516 --> 00:09:50.917
- Prayer is something that you have to do.
- 00:09:50.984 --> 00:09:52.653
- Have to do. you can't think prayer.
- 00:09:52.719 --> 00:09:53.887
- You can't think prayer. you have to say prayer.
- 00:09:53.954 --> 00:09:55.889
- You have to say prayer. [amen.]
- 00:09:55.956 --> 00:09:56.723
- [amen.] here's what the bible says,
- 00:09:56.790 --> 00:09:57.691
- Here's what the bible says, "the prayer of faith."
- 00:09:57.758 --> 00:09:58.925
- "the prayer of faith." that's action.
- 00:09:58.992 --> 00:10:00.460
- That's action. "it'll save the sick and
- 00:10:00.527 --> 00:10:01.962
- "it'll save the sick and the lord will raise him up."
- 00:10:02.029 --> 00:10:03.230
- The lord will raise him up." that's reaction.
- 00:10:03.296 --> 00:10:05.132
- That's reaction. jesus said it this way:
- 00:10:05.198 --> 00:10:06.500
- Jesus said it this way: "ask," that's action.
- 00:10:06.566 --> 00:10:08.268
- "ask," that's action. "you shall receive," reaction.
- 00:10:08.335 --> 00:10:10.237
- "you shall receive," reaction. "seek," action.
- 00:10:10.303 --> 00:10:11.638
- "seek," action. "you shall find," reaction.
- 00:10:11.705 --> 00:10:13.440
- "you shall find," reaction. "knock," action.
- 00:10:13.507 --> 00:10:14.675
- "knock," action. "and the door will be opened
- 00:10:14.741 --> 00:10:15.809
- "and the door will be opened unto you," that's reaction.
- 00:10:15.876 --> 00:10:19.179
- Unto you," that's reaction. [come on, pastor.]
- 00:10:19.246 --> 00:10:19.980
- [come on, pastor.] [amen.]
- 00:10:20.047 --> 00:10:20.614
- [amen.] [come on.]
- 00:10:20.681 --> 00:10:21.982
- [come on.] so often,
- 00:10:22.049 --> 00:10:22.683
- So often, we want a god that's going
- 00:10:22.749 --> 00:10:24.284
- We want a god that's going to do everything for us.
- 00:10:24.351 --> 00:10:25.886
- To do everything for us. [yes.]
- 00:10:25.952 --> 00:10:27.054
- [yes.] we want a butler god.
- 00:10:27.120 --> 00:10:29.322
- We want a butler god. (laughter)
- 00:10:29.389 --> 00:10:31.491
- (laughter) we want a god that's like
- 00:10:31.558 --> 00:10:32.292
- We want a god that's like uber.
- 00:10:32.359 --> 00:10:34.327
- Uber. (laughter)
- 00:10:34.394 --> 00:10:35.062
- (laughter) pick me up here,
- 00:10:35.128 --> 00:10:35.629
- Pick me up here, drop me off there,
- 00:10:35.696 --> 00:10:36.530
- Drop me off there, and don't charge me too much.
- 00:10:36.596 --> 00:10:38.632
- And don't charge me too much. (laughter)
- 00:10:38.699 --> 00:10:41.635
- (laughter) but we'll give you a 5-star
- 00:10:41.702 --> 00:10:42.636
- But we'll give you a 5-star rating when he does what
- 00:10:42.703 --> 00:10:45.672
- Rating when he does what we want.
- 00:10:45.739 --> 00:10:47.574
- We want. you have to understand that
- 00:10:47.641 --> 00:10:48.875
- You have to understand that god is not going to take
- 00:10:48.942 --> 00:10:49.843
- God is not going to take any action on your behalf
- 00:10:49.910 --> 00:10:51.344
- Any action on your behalf until you take action in faith
- 00:10:51.411 --> 00:10:52.846
- Until you take action in faith towards him.
- 00:10:52.913 --> 00:10:53.714
- Towards him. [amen!]
- 00:10:53.780 --> 00:10:54.781
- [amen!] [yes!]
- 00:10:54.848 --> 00:10:55.549
- [yes!] (applause)
- 00:10:55.615 --> 00:10:57.617
- (applause) she heard about him.
- 00:10:57.684 --> 00:10:58.919
- She heard about him. (applause)
- 00:10:58.985 --> 00:11:00.253
- (applause) and she put her faith
- 00:11:00.320 --> 00:11:01.054
- And she put her faith in him --
- 00:11:01.121 --> 00:11:02.322
- In him -- [yes.]
- 00:11:02.389 --> 00:11:03.457
- [yes.] -- because she said to
- 00:11:03.523 --> 00:11:05.158
- -- because she said to herself.
- 00:11:05.225 --> 00:11:08.161
- Herself. read what the bible says.
- 00:11:08.228 --> 00:11:10.030
- Read what the bible says. "for she said."
- 00:11:10.097 --> 00:11:12.232
- "for she said." now, based upon her condition,
- 00:11:12.299 --> 00:11:14.067
- Now, based upon her condition, nobody can be around her.
- 00:11:14.134 --> 00:11:16.703
- Nobody can be around her. this issue of blood means
- 00:11:16.770 --> 00:11:18.105
- This issue of blood means everything she touches
- 00:11:18.171 --> 00:11:19.439
- Everything she touches is unclean.
- 00:11:19.506 --> 00:11:20.874
- Is unclean. everything she goes into
- 00:11:20.941 --> 00:11:22.743
- Everything she goes into has to be cleansed.
- 00:11:22.809 --> 00:11:23.810
- Has to be cleansed. every person that comes near
- 00:11:23.877 --> 00:11:25.045
- Every person that comes near her has to take seven days
- 00:11:25.112 --> 00:11:26.379
- Her has to take seven days off,
- 00:11:26.446 --> 00:11:28.715
- Off, because she's unclean.
- 00:11:28.782 --> 00:11:29.549
- Because she's unclean. she's contaminated.
- 00:11:29.616 --> 00:11:32.052
- She's contaminated. she said,
- 00:11:32.119 --> 00:11:32.786
- She said, "if i get there."
- 00:11:32.853 --> 00:11:33.987
- "if i get there." "if i can just touch
- 00:11:34.054 --> 00:11:35.555
- "if i can just touch his garment,
- 00:11:35.622 --> 00:11:37.824
- His garment, i'll be made well."
- 00:11:37.891 --> 00:11:41.261
- I'll be made well." you see,
- 00:11:41.328 --> 00:11:41.762
- You see, she believed for healing
- 00:11:41.828 --> 00:11:43.897
- She believed for healing and she received healing.
- 00:11:43.964 --> 00:11:46.600
- And she received healing. [yes.]
- 00:11:46.666 --> 00:11:47.434
- [yes.] [amen.]
- 00:11:47.501 --> 00:11:48.435
- [amen.] faith is not a feeling.
- 00:11:48.502 --> 00:11:51.738
- Faith is not a feeling. a lot of people,
- 00:11:51.805 --> 00:11:52.506
- A lot of people, when they talk about faith,
- 00:11:52.572 --> 00:11:53.607
- When they talk about faith, they errantly start to say
- 00:11:53.673 --> 00:11:55.542
- They errantly start to say things like,
- 00:11:55.609 --> 00:11:56.042
- Things like, "well, i don't feel."
- 00:11:56.109 --> 00:11:57.043
- "well, i don't feel." well, guess what?
- 00:11:57.110 --> 00:11:57.811
- Well, guess what? feelings the wrong thing
- 00:11:57.878 --> 00:11:58.712
- Feelings the wrong thing when it comes to faith.
- 00:11:58.779 --> 00:12:00.013
- When it comes to faith. [amen.]
- 00:12:00.080 --> 00:12:00.781
- [amen.] faith is a reality.
- 00:12:00.847 --> 00:12:01.815
- Faith is a reality. faith is a substance.
- 00:12:01.882 --> 00:12:02.849
- Faith is a substance. faith is a fact.
- 00:12:02.916 --> 00:12:05.018
- Faith is a fact. [amen.]
- 00:12:05.085 --> 00:12:06.386
- [amen.] and your feelings have nothing
- 00:12:06.453 --> 00:12:07.420
- And your feelings have nothing to do with the facts.
- 00:12:07.487 --> 00:12:09.523
- To do with the facts. [yes.]
- 00:12:09.589 --> 00:12:10.157
- [yes.] according to hebrews 11:1,
- 00:12:10.223 --> 00:12:11.992
- According to hebrews 11:1, "faith is the substance
- 00:12:12.058 --> 00:12:13.426
- "faith is the substance of things hoped for,
- 00:12:13.493 --> 00:12:16.797
- Of things hoped for, the evidence of things
- 00:12:16.863 --> 00:12:17.631
- The evidence of things not seen."
- 00:12:17.697 --> 00:12:18.498
- Not seen." this woman was hoping for
- 00:12:18.565 --> 00:12:20.233
- This woman was hoping for healing.
- 00:12:20.300 --> 00:12:21.401
- Healing. she put her faith in a healer.
- 00:12:21.468 --> 00:12:24.538
- She put her faith in a healer. and before she received
- 00:12:24.604 --> 00:12:26.139
- And before she received the healing,
- 00:12:26.206 --> 00:12:26.807
- The healing, she believed that the healer
- 00:12:26.873 --> 00:12:28.475
- She believed that the healer was going to heal.
- 00:12:28.542 --> 00:12:29.843
- Was going to heal. [amen.] more than a word.
- 00:12:29.910 --> 00:12:31.912
- It can move mountains
- 00:12:31.978 --> 00:12:32.913
- It can move mountains of guilt and shame.
- 00:12:32.979 --> 00:12:34.080
- Of guilt and shame. come the troubled
- 00:12:34.147 --> 00:12:34.981
- Come the troubled sea of your soul.
- 00:12:35.048 --> 00:12:36.149
- Sea of your soul. and bring purpose
- 00:12:36.216 --> 00:12:36.950
- And bring purpose to a life that feels lost.
- 00:12:37.017 --> 00:12:38.552
- To a life that feels lost. have you ever felt
- 00:12:38.618 --> 00:12:39.186
- Have you ever felt weighed down by past mistakes
- 00:12:39.252 --> 00:12:40.787
- Weighed down by past mistakes or overwhelmed by shame?
- 00:12:40.854 --> 00:12:42.155
- Or overwhelmed by shame? grace is your path to freedom.
- 00:12:42.222 --> 00:12:43.890
- Grace is your path to freedom. ask god for his forgiveness
- 00:12:43.957 --> 00:12:45.358
- Ask god for his forgiveness and discover the true
- 00:12:45.425 --> 00:12:46.359
- And discover the true meaning of amazing grace.
- 00:12:46.426 --> 00:12:48.295
- Meaning of amazing grace. forgiveness is powerful
- 00:12:48.361 --> 00:12:49.763
- Forgiveness is powerful not just from god,
- 00:12:49.830 --> 00:12:50.831
- Not just from god, but also forgiving yourself.
- 00:12:50.897 --> 00:12:52.465
- But also forgiving yourself. live the joy filled life
- 00:12:52.532 --> 00:12:53.700
- Live the joy filled life god created
- 00:12:53.767 --> 00:12:54.434
- God created specifically for you
- 00:12:54.501 --> 00:12:55.836
- Specifically for you as you support the ministry.
- 00:12:55.902 --> 00:12:56.937
- As you support the ministry. this month.
- 00:12:57.003 --> 00:12:57.637
- This month. receive the give
- 00:12:57.704 --> 00:12:58.471
- Receive the give grace keychain as our
- 00:12:58.538 --> 00:12:59.773
- Grace keychain as our thank you for your gift
- 00:12:59.840 --> 00:13:00.841
- Thank you for your gift of any amount.
- 00:13:00.907 --> 00:13:01.641
- Of any amount. a daily reminder
- 00:13:01.708 --> 00:13:02.576
- A daily reminder to live in god's grace
- 00:13:02.642 --> 00:13:04.010
- To live in god's grace and for your generous
- 00:13:04.077 --> 00:13:04.845
- And for your generous gift of $150 or more.
- 00:13:04.911 --> 00:13:06.580
- Gift of $150 or more. you'll also receive the weekly
- 00:13:06.646 --> 00:13:08.014
- You'll also receive the weekly wisdom 52 week
- 00:13:08.081 --> 00:13:09.149
- Wisdom 52 week devotional planner,
- 00:13:09.216 --> 00:13:10.083
- Devotional planner, the unlocking the power
- 00:13:10.150 --> 00:13:11.284
- The unlocking the power of fasting journal
- 00:13:11.351 --> 00:13:12.285
- Of fasting journal and devotional by pastor matt,
- 00:13:12.352 --> 00:13:13.954
- And devotional by pastor matt, and the heaven in this place
- 00:13:14.020 --> 00:13:15.322
- And the heaven in this place cd by the cornerstone
- 00:13:15.388 --> 00:13:16.690
- Cd by the cornerstone and sanctuary choir.
- 00:13:16.756 --> 00:13:17.958
- And sanctuary choir. send your gift today,
- 00:13:18.024 --> 00:13:19.125
- Send your gift today, call or visit
- 00:13:19.192 --> 00:13:19.893
- Call or visit jhm.org/grace
- 00:13:19.960 --> 00:13:22.395
- Jhm.org/grace and experience the freedom
- 00:13:22.462 --> 00:13:23.964
- And experience the freedom of living in god's grace.
- 00:13:24.030 --> 00:13:25.932
- Now here's how we do it.
- 00:13:29.502 --> 00:13:31.771
- Now here's how we do it. we hope for healing.
- 00:13:31.838 --> 00:13:34.374
- We hope for healing. we hear about a healer,
- 00:13:34.441 --> 00:13:36.376
- We hear about a healer, and we believe for anything.
- 00:13:36.443 --> 00:13:38.845
- And we believe for anything. (laughter)
- 00:13:38.912 --> 00:13:41.481
- (laughter) oh, jesus,
- 00:13:41.548 --> 00:13:42.082
- Oh, jesus, if thou wouldest and couldest
- 00:13:42.148 --> 00:13:43.216
- If thou wouldest and couldest and shouldest and mightest
- 00:13:43.283 --> 00:13:44.417
- And shouldest and mightest and flightest and kitest.
- 00:13:44.484 --> 00:13:47.120
- And flightest and kitest. (laughter)
- 00:13:47.187 --> 00:13:49.556
- (laughter) and we fly around like
- 00:13:49.623 --> 00:13:50.757
- And we fly around like a butterfly in a spiritual
- 00:13:50.824 --> 00:13:51.858
- A butterfly in a spiritual flower garden just hoping that
- 00:13:51.925 --> 00:13:53.360
- Flower garden just hoping that the holy spirit lands on
- 00:13:53.426 --> 00:13:54.628
- The holy spirit lands on something and jumps over
- 00:13:54.694 --> 00:13:55.962
- Something and jumps over to this,
- 00:13:56.029 --> 00:13:56.563
- To this, instead of saying
- 00:13:56.630 --> 00:13:57.197
- Instead of saying specifically,
- 00:13:57.264 --> 00:13:57.898
- Specifically, "this is what i need.
- 00:13:57.964 --> 00:13:59.032
- "this is what i need. this is what you can do.
- 00:13:59.099 --> 00:14:00.367
- This is what you can do. this is what the promise of
- 00:14:00.433 --> 00:14:01.301
- This is what the promise of your word says,
- 00:14:01.368 --> 00:14:02.135
- Your word says, so therefore i believe that
- 00:14:02.202 --> 00:14:03.737
- So therefore i believe that before i even get there,
- 00:14:03.803 --> 00:14:04.938
- Before i even get there, this is what's coming."
- 00:14:05.005 --> 00:14:06.339
- This is what's coming." [amen.]
- 00:14:06.406 --> 00:14:07.374
- [amen.] (applause)
- 00:14:07.440 --> 00:14:12.712
- (applause) because faith is the substance
- 00:14:12.779 --> 00:14:15.282
- Because faith is the substance of things hope for,
- 00:14:15.348 --> 00:14:17.217
- Of things hope for, the evidence of things
- 00:14:17.284 --> 00:14:18.685
- The evidence of things not yet seen.
- 00:14:18.752 --> 00:14:19.853
- Not yet seen. i don't have to have it yet
- 00:14:19.920 --> 00:14:21.888
- I don't have to have it yet in order for me to believe
- 00:14:21.955 --> 00:14:22.923
- In order for me to believe it's already there.
- 00:14:22.989 --> 00:14:24.491
- It's already there. [amen!]
- 00:14:24.557 --> 00:14:26.393
- [amen!] and feelings have nothing
- 00:14:26.459 --> 00:14:27.360
- And feelings have nothing to do with it.
- 00:14:27.427 --> 00:14:28.728
- To do with it. [that's right.]
- 00:14:28.795 --> 00:14:29.362
- [that's right.] jesus said it this way;
- 00:14:29.429 --> 00:14:30.563
- Jesus said it this way; he said,
- 00:14:30.630 --> 00:14:31.031
- He said, "whatever things you ask for
- 00:14:31.097 --> 00:14:32.265
- "whatever things you ask for in prayer, believe --"
- 00:14:32.332 --> 00:14:34.234
- In prayer, believe --" say that with me.
- 00:14:34.301 --> 00:14:35.268
- Say that with me. "believe."
- 00:14:35.335 --> 00:14:36.436
- "believe." "-- and you will receive
- 00:14:36.503 --> 00:14:37.304
- "-- and you will receive them."
- 00:14:37.370 --> 00:14:38.171
- Them." [yes.]
- 00:14:38.238 --> 00:14:38.838
- [yes.] he didn't say,
- 00:14:38.905 --> 00:14:39.306
- He didn't say, "whatever you ask for in
- 00:14:39.372 --> 00:14:40.373
- "whatever you ask for in prayer, hope."
- 00:14:40.440 --> 00:14:41.508
- Prayer, hope." he said, "whatever you ask for
- 00:14:41.574 --> 00:14:42.609
- He said, "whatever you ask for in prayer, believe."
- 00:14:42.676 --> 00:14:44.244
- In prayer, believe." if you pray for healing,
- 00:14:44.311 --> 00:14:46.012
- If you pray for healing, believe for healing.
- 00:14:46.079 --> 00:14:47.447
- Believe for healing. don't pray for healing
- 00:14:47.514 --> 00:14:48.648
- Don't pray for healing and hope for anything.
- 00:14:48.715 --> 00:14:50.650
- And hope for anything. [that's right.]
- 00:14:50.717 --> 00:14:51.384
- [that's right.] people pray for finances
- 00:14:51.451 --> 00:14:52.919
- People pray for finances and they hope that it rains
- 00:14:52.986 --> 00:14:54.020
- And they hope that it rains so we get out of water
- 00:14:54.087 --> 00:14:54.888
- So we get out of water restrictions.
- 00:14:54.955 --> 00:14:56.389
- Restrictions. (laughter)
- 00:14:56.456 --> 00:14:57.290
- (laughter) well, i didn't get that
- 00:14:57.357 --> 00:14:57.924
- Well, i didn't get that promotion,
- 00:14:57.991 --> 00:14:58.525
- Promotion, but wow, a rain cloud.
- 00:14:58.591 --> 00:15:01.594
- But wow, a rain cloud. (laughter)
- 00:15:01.661 --> 00:15:02.529
- (laughter) you still can't pay
- 00:15:02.595 --> 00:15:03.229
- You still can't pay your bills, dude.
- 00:15:03.296 --> 00:15:05.065
- Your bills, dude. (laughter)
- 00:15:05.131 --> 00:15:06.166
- (laughter) you pray for finances;
- 00:15:06.232 --> 00:15:07.600
- You pray for finances; you believe that god is going
- 00:15:07.667 --> 00:15:09.636
- You believe that god is going to open the windows of heaven
- 00:15:09.703 --> 00:15:11.204
- To open the windows of heaven and that's he's going to pour
- 00:15:11.271 --> 00:15:12.238
- And that's he's going to pour out blessings that you cannot
- 00:15:12.305 --> 00:15:13.907
- Out blessings that you cannot contain.
- 00:15:13.974 --> 00:15:14.507
- Contain. you pray for blessings,
- 00:15:14.574 --> 00:15:16.109
- You pray for blessings, don't ask for just general
- 00:15:16.176 --> 00:15:17.677
- Don't ask for just general blessings.
- 00:15:17.744 --> 00:15:18.345
- Blessings. get down on your knees
- 00:15:18.411 --> 00:15:19.579
- Get down on your knees and say,
- 00:15:19.646 --> 00:15:20.080
- And say, "god, based on your word,
- 00:15:20.146 --> 00:15:22.148
- "god, based on your word, i am putting my faith
- 00:15:22.215 --> 00:15:23.550
- I am putting my faith in your promises.
- 00:15:23.616 --> 00:15:24.784
- In your promises. and it says,
- 00:15:24.851 --> 00:15:25.318
- And it says, i'm going to be blessed,
- 00:15:25.385 --> 00:15:26.686
- I'm going to be blessed, and my children are going
- 00:15:26.753 --> 00:15:27.721
- And my children are going to be blessed,
- 00:15:27.787 --> 00:15:28.555
- To be blessed, and my grandchildren are going
- 00:15:28.621 --> 00:15:29.823
- And my grandchildren are going to be blessed.
- 00:15:29.889 --> 00:15:30.724
- To be blessed. i'm going to be blessed
- 00:15:30.790 --> 00:15:31.658
- I'm going to be blessed in the my going in
- 00:15:31.725 --> 00:15:32.692
- In the my going in and my coming out.
- 00:15:32.759 --> 00:15:33.693
- And my coming out. i'm going to be blessed
- 00:15:33.760 --> 00:15:34.594
- I'm going to be blessed in the city.
- 00:15:34.661 --> 00:15:35.462
- In the city. i'm going to be blessed
- 00:15:35.528 --> 00:15:36.363
- I'm going to be blessed in the field.
- 00:15:36.429 --> 00:15:37.330
- In the field. i'm going to be blessed
- 00:15:37.397 --> 00:15:38.164
- I'm going to be blessed in my basket.
- 00:15:38.231 --> 00:15:39.299
- In my basket. i'm going to be blessed
- 00:15:39.366 --> 00:15:40.233
- I'm going to be blessed in my bowl.
- 00:15:40.300 --> 00:15:41.434
- In my bowl. it says,
- 00:15:41.501 --> 00:15:41.935
- It says, if they come at me one
- 00:15:42.002 --> 00:15:42.969
- If they come at me one direction,
- 00:15:43.036 --> 00:15:43.570
- Direction, you'll defend me,
- 00:15:43.636 --> 00:15:44.504
- You'll defend me, and they'll flee seven
- 00:15:44.571 --> 00:15:45.438
- And they'll flee seven directions.
- 00:15:45.505 --> 00:15:46.272
- Directions. it says,
- 00:15:46.339 --> 00:15:46.740
- It says, i'm blessed to be the head
- 00:15:46.806 --> 00:15:48.074
- I'm blessed to be the head and not the tail.
- 00:15:48.141 --> 00:15:49.175
- And not the tail. i'm blessed to be above only
- 00:15:49.242 --> 00:15:50.677
- I'm blessed to be above only and not beneath.
- 00:15:50.744 --> 00:15:51.711
- And not beneath. i'm blessed to be the lender
- 00:15:51.778 --> 00:15:53.046
- I'm blessed to be the lender and not the borrower.
- 00:15:53.113 --> 00:15:54.247
- And not the borrower. i'm blessed to live
- 00:15:54.314 --> 00:15:55.081
- I'm blessed to live a victorious life,
- 00:15:55.148 --> 00:15:56.316
- A victorious life, because that's what i have
- 00:15:56.383 --> 00:15:57.450
- Because that's what i have through jesus christ!
- 00:15:57.517 --> 00:16:00.387
- Through jesus christ! (applause)
- 00:16:00.453 --> 00:16:02.222
- (applause) how did she get a miracle?
- 00:16:02.288 --> 00:16:06.693
- How did she get a miracle? yes, she put faith into
- 00:16:06.760 --> 00:16:08.328
- Yes, she put faith into action.
- 00:16:08.395 --> 00:16:10.463
- Action. but there's something you're
- 00:16:10.530 --> 00:16:11.164
- But there's something you're going miss if you don't
- 00:16:11.231 --> 00:16:12.032
- Going miss if you don't understand what's happening
- 00:16:12.098 --> 00:16:13.466
- Understand what's happening in this jewish town
- 00:16:13.533 --> 00:16:15.001
- In this jewish town with this jewish woman
- 00:16:15.068 --> 00:16:16.503
- With this jewish woman and this royal king
- 00:16:16.569 --> 00:16:18.538
- And this royal king from heaven.
- 00:16:18.605 --> 00:16:20.874
- From heaven. notice i didn't say,
- 00:16:20.940 --> 00:16:21.674
- Notice i didn't say, "this jewish town
- 00:16:21.741 --> 00:16:22.609
- "this jewish town with this jewish woman
- 00:16:22.675 --> 00:16:23.643
- With this jewish woman and this jewish rabbi,"
- 00:16:23.710 --> 00:16:26.579
- And this jewish rabbi," because this was fully god
- 00:16:26.646 --> 00:16:27.781
- Because this was fully god and this was fully man.
- 00:16:27.847 --> 00:16:28.982
- And this was fully man. so in this case,
- 00:16:29.049 --> 00:16:30.150
- So in this case, you need to understand that
- 00:16:30.216 --> 00:16:31.317
- You need to understand that this woman was not petitioning
- 00:16:31.384 --> 00:16:32.886
- This woman was not petitioning a rabbi.
- 00:16:32.952 --> 00:16:33.686
- A rabbi. she was reaching out to
- 00:16:33.753 --> 00:16:34.754
- She was reaching out to royalty.
- 00:16:34.821 --> 00:16:36.022
- Royalty. [amen.]
- 00:16:36.089 --> 00:16:38.291
- [amen.] because rabbis were in charge
- 00:16:38.358 --> 00:16:40.727
- Because rabbis were in charge of defending the law.
- 00:16:40.794 --> 00:16:42.695
- Of defending the law. [yes.]
- 00:16:42.762 --> 00:16:43.329
- [yes.] they didn't write the law.
- 00:16:43.396 --> 00:16:46.032
- They didn't write the law. she wasn't asking the rabbi
- 00:16:46.099 --> 00:16:47.700
- She wasn't asking the rabbi for his opinion about
- 00:16:47.767 --> 00:16:49.035
- For his opinion about her condition.
- 00:16:49.102 --> 00:16:49.969
- Her condition. she was asking royalty
- 00:16:50.036 --> 00:16:51.638
- She was asking royalty to overturn the rules so that
- 00:16:51.704 --> 00:16:53.606
- To overturn the rules so that she could be restored.
- 00:16:53.673 --> 00:16:55.208
- She could be restored. [amen.]
- 00:16:55.275 --> 00:16:56.910
- [amen.] you say,
- 00:16:56.976 --> 00:16:57.343
- You say, "how do you know this?"
- 00:16:57.410 --> 00:16:59.279
- "how do you know this?" keep reading the story.
- 00:16:59.345 --> 00:17:00.213
- Keep reading the story. it says,
- 00:17:00.280 --> 00:17:00.747
- It says, "she came from behind him
- 00:17:00.814 --> 00:17:02.882
- "she came from behind him in the crowd and she touched
- 00:17:02.949 --> 00:17:05.418
- In the crowd and she touched his garment."
- 00:17:05.485 --> 00:17:07.787
- His garment." when jesus starts for
- 00:17:07.854 --> 00:17:08.721
- When jesus starts for jairus' house,
- 00:17:08.788 --> 00:17:09.823
- Jairus' house, a crowd forms,
- 00:17:09.889 --> 00:17:10.924
- A crowd forms, and there's people who are
- 00:17:10.990 --> 00:17:11.825
- And there's people who are seeing him coming,
- 00:17:11.891 --> 00:17:12.625
- Seeing him coming, and they're going,
- 00:17:12.692 --> 00:17:13.093
- And they're going, "alright; let's go heal
- 00:17:13.159 --> 00:17:14.260
- "alright; let's go heal somebody.
- 00:17:14.327 --> 00:17:14.794
- Somebody. come on, man.
- 00:17:14.861 --> 00:17:15.695
- Come on, man. you're doing awesome."
- 00:17:15.762 --> 00:17:18.898
- You're doing awesome." trust me.
- 00:17:18.965 --> 00:17:19.332
- Trust me. encouragement is always nice,
- 00:17:19.399 --> 00:17:21.034
- Encouragement is always nice, but when it's over,
- 00:17:21.101 --> 00:17:23.503
- But when it's over, what good did it do?
- 00:17:23.570 --> 00:17:25.939
- What good did it do? there were people that were
- 00:17:26.005 --> 00:17:26.673
- There were people that were proud to be a part of that
- 00:17:26.739 --> 00:17:27.874
- Proud to be a part of that miracle parade.
- 00:17:27.941 --> 00:17:28.908
- Miracle parade. but where were they on
- 00:17:28.975 --> 00:17:29.609
- But where were they on the day that christ
- 00:17:29.676 --> 00:17:30.376
- The day that christ was crucified?
- 00:17:30.443 --> 00:17:33.313
- Was crucified? this woman is not a part of
- 00:17:33.379 --> 00:17:34.848
- This woman is not a part of that crowd.
- 00:17:34.914 --> 00:17:35.582
- That crowd. this woman is coming to him,
- 00:17:35.648 --> 00:17:37.584
- This woman is coming to him, because she believes that
- 00:17:37.650 --> 00:17:38.818
- Because she believes that there's something he can do
- 00:17:38.885 --> 00:17:40.053
- There's something he can do to change everything.
- 00:17:40.120 --> 00:17:41.488
- To change everything. luke 8, it says,
- 00:17:41.554 --> 00:17:43.890
- Luke 8, it says, "she came from behind him
- 00:17:43.957 --> 00:17:45.258
- "she came from behind him and she touched the border
- 00:17:45.325 --> 00:17:47.393
- And she touched the border of his garment."
- 00:17:47.460 --> 00:17:50.163
- Of his garment." now the word "garment"
- 00:17:50.230 --> 00:17:51.498
- Now the word "garment" is tzitzit in hebrew,
- 00:17:51.564 --> 00:17:55.468
- Is tzitzit in hebrew, which means that it's
- 00:17:55.535 --> 00:17:56.402
- Which means that it's a special and particular type
- 00:17:56.469 --> 00:17:58.404
- A special and particular type of garment.
- 00:17:58.471 --> 00:17:59.005
- Of garment. trail, bring me
- 00:17:59.072 --> 00:18:03.343
- Trail, bring me my prayer shawl,
- 00:18:03.409 --> 00:18:04.110
- My prayer shawl, if you don't mind.
- 00:18:04.177 --> 00:18:12.018
- If you don't mind. if you've been in this church
- 00:18:12.085 --> 00:18:12.886
- If you've been in this church any length of time,
- 00:18:12.952 --> 00:18:13.887
- Any length of time, you've heard pastor teach on
- 00:18:13.953 --> 00:18:15.889
- You've heard pastor teach on the prayer shawl.
- 00:18:15.955 --> 00:18:18.258
- The prayer shawl. but this is not your shawl
- 00:18:18.324 --> 00:18:23.263
- But this is not your shawl that you use on cold sundays.
- 00:18:23.329 --> 00:18:26.266
- That you use on cold sundays. (laughter)
- 00:18:26.332 --> 00:18:27.333
- (laughter) this is a prayer shawl.
- 00:18:27.400 --> 00:18:29.002
- This is a prayer shawl. [that's right.]
- 00:18:29.068 --> 00:18:29.602
- [that's right.] and it has a purpose.
- 00:18:29.669 --> 00:18:31.004
- And it has a purpose. when the bible talks about
- 00:18:31.070 --> 00:18:31.738
- When the bible talks about the prayer closet,
- 00:18:31.804 --> 00:18:32.672
- The prayer closet, this was your prayer closet.
- 00:18:32.739 --> 00:18:35.542
- This was your prayer closet. when the bible,
- 00:18:35.608 --> 00:18:36.075
- When the bible, in the old testament,
- 00:18:36.142 --> 00:18:36.543
- In the old testament, says, "how beautiful are
- 00:18:36.609 --> 00:18:37.610
- Says, "how beautiful are your tents,"
- 00:18:37.677 --> 00:18:38.444
- Your tents," these were the tents.
- 00:18:38.511 --> 00:18:41.347
- These were the tents. come here, trail.
- 00:18:41.414 --> 00:18:41.848
- Come here, trail. you're going to be jesus
- 00:18:41.915 --> 00:18:42.615
- You're going to be jesus today.
- 00:18:42.682 --> 00:18:43.983
- Today. (laughter)
- 00:18:44.050 --> 00:18:45.852
- (laughter) jesus, as a jewish man,
- 00:18:45.919 --> 00:18:48.955
- Jesus, as a jewish man, would have worn
- 00:18:49.022 --> 00:18:49.556
- Would have worn a prayer shawl.
- 00:18:49.622 --> 00:18:53.593
- A prayer shawl. the border of this prayer
- 00:18:53.660 --> 00:18:54.694
- The border of this prayer shawl symbolizes the shema,
- 00:18:54.761 --> 00:18:57.864
- Shawl symbolizes the shema, "behold, o israel,
- 00:18:57.931 --> 00:18:58.565
- "behold, o israel, the lord our god is one."
- 00:18:58.631 --> 00:19:01.901
- The lord our god is one." the knots in this prayer
- 00:19:01.968 --> 00:19:04.404
- The knots in this prayer shawl, 613 of them.
- 00:19:04.470 --> 00:19:08.975
- Shawl, 613 of them. why such a specific number?
- 00:19:09.042 --> 00:19:11.244
- Why such a specific number? because there are 613 laws
- 00:19:11.311 --> 00:19:13.780
- Because there are 613 laws that god gave to his children.
- 00:19:13.846 --> 00:19:16.516
- That god gave to his children. we fuss about the top ten
- 00:19:16.583 --> 00:19:18.451
- We fuss about the top ten called the commandments.
- 00:19:18.518 --> 00:19:20.553
- Called the commandments. (laughter)
- 00:19:20.620 --> 00:19:21.421
- (laughter) but there's laws in these
- 00:19:21.487 --> 00:19:23.156
- But there's laws in these knots about what to wear
- 00:19:23.223 --> 00:19:24.791
- Knots about what to wear and what not to wear,
- 00:19:24.857 --> 00:19:25.692
- And what not to wear, and where to go and where not
- 00:19:25.758 --> 00:19:26.793
- And where to go and where not to go,
- 00:19:26.859 --> 00:19:27.260
- To go, and who to be and who not
- 00:19:27.327 --> 00:19:28.328
- And who to be and who not to be,
- 00:19:28.394 --> 00:19:28.695
- To be, and what to eat and what not
- 00:19:28.761 --> 00:19:29.662
- And what to eat and what not to eat.
- 00:19:29.729 --> 00:19:31.264
- To eat. and everywhere that jesus
- 00:19:31.331 --> 00:19:32.465
- And everywhere that jesus went,
- 00:19:32.532 --> 00:19:32.865
- Went, do you know what the scribes
- 00:19:32.932 --> 00:19:33.833
- Do you know what the scribes and the pharisees did?
- 00:19:33.900 --> 00:19:35.001
- And the pharisees did? they approached him
- 00:19:35.068 --> 00:19:35.868
- They approached him as a rabbi,
- 00:19:35.935 --> 00:19:37.003
- As a rabbi, and they came up to
- 00:19:37.070 --> 00:19:37.737
- And they came up to these knots,
- 00:19:37.804 --> 00:19:38.471
- These knots, and they said,
- 00:19:38.538 --> 00:19:39.138
- And they said, "oh rabbi,
- 00:19:39.205 --> 00:19:40.106
- "oh rabbi, what does the law say about
- 00:19:40.173 --> 00:19:42.275
- What does the law say about what is the most important
- 00:19:42.342 --> 00:19:43.710
- What is the most important of the commandments?
- 00:19:43.776 --> 00:19:44.577
- Of the commandments? what does leviticus say about
- 00:19:44.644 --> 00:19:47.013
- What does leviticus say about one of the most --
- 00:19:47.080 --> 00:19:48.047
- One of the most -- things that you should do?
- 00:19:48.114 --> 00:19:48.915
- Things that you should do? what does deuteronomy say?"
- 00:19:48.982 --> 00:19:50.750
- What does deuteronomy say?" and everywhere he went,
- 00:19:50.817 --> 00:19:51.884
- And everywhere he went, all he wound up doing
- 00:19:51.951 --> 00:19:53.353
- All he wound up doing was debating about the knots
- 00:19:53.419 --> 00:19:55.688
- Was debating about the knots of the law.
- 00:19:55.755 --> 00:19:56.823
- Of the law. but the bible doesn't say that
- 00:19:56.889 --> 00:19:57.724
- But the bible doesn't say that she reached out and touched
- 00:19:57.790 --> 00:19:58.858
- She reached out and touched the knots.
- 00:19:58.925 --> 00:20:00.827
- The knots. it says she touched
- 00:20:00.893 --> 00:20:01.594
- It says she touched the border.
- 00:20:01.661 --> 00:20:03.596
- The border. these knots are different than
- 00:20:03.663 --> 00:20:05.231
- These knots are different than all of these other knots,
- 00:20:05.298 --> 00:20:06.199
- All of these other knots, because this knot says,
- 00:20:06.266 --> 00:20:07.433
- Because this knot says, "thou shall have no other gods
- 00:20:07.500 --> 00:20:08.568
- "thou shall have no other gods before me.
- 00:20:08.635 --> 00:20:09.369
- Before me. thou shall not take my name
- 00:20:09.435 --> 00:20:10.436
- Thou shall not take my name in vain."
- 00:20:10.503 --> 00:20:11.070
- In vain." you've got to make it
- 00:20:11.137 --> 00:20:11.704
- You've got to make it to church.
- 00:20:11.771 --> 00:20:12.238
- To church. i'll give you a break
- 00:20:12.305 --> 00:20:12.772
- I'll give you a break on sunday night,
- 00:20:12.839 --> 00:20:13.339
- On sunday night, but you need to at least make
- 00:20:13.406 --> 00:20:14.173
- But you need to at least make one out of three.
- 00:20:14.240 --> 00:20:15.074
- One out of three. that's my translation.
- 00:20:15.141 --> 00:20:17.243
- That's my translation. (laughter)
- 00:20:17.310 --> 00:20:20.146
- (laughter) when you get to the corners,
- 00:20:20.213 --> 00:20:22.882
- When you get to the corners, these knots spell out the name
- 00:20:22.949 --> 00:20:25.685
- These knots spell out the name jehovah.
- 00:20:25.752 --> 00:20:27.954
- Jehovah. these knots spell out
- 00:20:28.021 --> 00:20:30.590
- These knots spell out king jesus.
- 00:20:30.657 --> 00:20:33.059
- King jesus. [yes.]
- 00:20:33.126 --> 00:20:34.127
- [yes.] these knots overrule
- 00:20:34.193 --> 00:20:38.064
- These knots overrule all of these knots.
- 00:20:38.131 --> 00:20:39.632
- All of these knots. [hallelujah.]
- 00:20:39.699 --> 00:20:40.500
- [hallelujah.] the bible says that as he was
- 00:20:40.566 --> 00:20:41.501
- The bible says that as he was walking through the town,
- 00:20:41.567 --> 00:20:44.637
- Walking through the town, she came from behind him.
- 00:20:44.704 --> 00:20:45.938
- She came from behind him. she humbled herself.
- 00:20:46.005 --> 00:20:48.207
- She humbled herself. she bowed down.
- 00:20:48.274 --> 00:20:50.376
- She bowed down. and she said,
- 00:20:50.443 --> 00:20:50.743
- And she said, if i can just --
- 00:20:50.810 --> 00:20:52.312
- If i can just -- if i can just reach out
- 00:20:52.378 --> 00:20:54.280
- If i can just reach out and get a hold of the name,
- 00:20:54.347 --> 00:20:57.116
- And get a hold of the name, the name that is above
- 00:20:57.183 --> 00:20:58.117
- The name that is above every name.
- 00:20:58.184 --> 00:20:59.452
- Every name. if i could just --
- 00:20:59.519 --> 00:21:00.286
- If i could just -- [hallelujah.]
- 00:21:00.353 --> 00:21:01.354
- [hallelujah.] if i could just talk to king
- 00:21:01.421 --> 00:21:03.356
- If i could just talk to king jesus.
- 00:21:03.423 --> 00:21:06.092
- Jesus. jesus, i know who i am.
- 00:21:06.159 --> 00:21:10.129
- Jesus, i know who i am. and i know what i've been
- 00:21:10.196 --> 00:21:11.197
- And i know what i've been through.
- 00:21:11.264 --> 00:21:13.433
- Through. and i'm not asking you to tell
- 00:21:13.499 --> 00:21:15.301
- And i'm not asking you to tell me what the law says.
- 00:21:15.368 --> 00:21:17.970
- Me what the law says. i'm asking you to pardon me
- 00:21:18.037 --> 00:21:21.307
- I'm asking you to pardon me from the prison that the law
- 00:21:21.374 --> 00:21:22.542
- From the prison that the law put me in.
- 00:21:22.608 --> 00:21:24.510
- Put me in. i didn't want to be unclean,
- 00:21:24.577 --> 00:21:25.745
- I didn't want to be unclean, but i'm unclean.
- 00:21:25.812 --> 00:21:26.546
- But i'm unclean. i didn't want to be defiled,
- 00:21:26.612 --> 00:21:27.780
- I didn't want to be defiled, but i'm defiled.
- 00:21:27.847 --> 00:21:28.681
- But i'm defiled. i didn't want to be destitute,
- 00:21:28.748 --> 00:21:29.949
- I didn't want to be destitute, but i'm destitute.
- 00:21:30.016 --> 00:21:30.850
- But i'm destitute. i didn't want to be desperate,
- 00:21:30.917 --> 00:21:32.318
- I didn't want to be desperate, but i'm desperate!
- 00:21:32.385 --> 00:21:34.487
- But i'm desperate! ♪ music ♪
- 00:21:34.554 --> 00:21:36.622
- ♪ music ♪ and i know that you are
- 00:21:36.689 --> 00:21:37.290
- And i know that you are the king above kings.
- 00:21:37.357 --> 00:21:40.827
- The king above kings. so if you could rule
- 00:21:40.893 --> 00:21:42.128
- So if you could rule on my behalf,
- 00:21:42.195 --> 00:21:44.731
- On my behalf, as i reach out and i touch
- 00:21:44.797 --> 00:21:46.132
- As i reach out and i touch your word,
- 00:21:46.199 --> 00:21:46.866
- Your word, as i touch your name,
- 00:21:46.933 --> 00:21:50.670
- As i touch your name, i'll stand on the promise
- 00:21:50.737 --> 00:21:51.838
- I'll stand on the promise that says,
- 00:21:51.904 --> 00:21:52.372
- That says, "you sent your word
- 00:21:52.438 --> 00:21:53.606
- "you sent your word and you healed them."
- 00:21:53.673 --> 00:21:55.975
- And you healed them." i'll stand on the promise
- 00:21:56.042 --> 00:21:56.976
- I'll stand on the promise that says,
- 00:21:57.043 --> 00:21:57.510
- That says, "he was wounded for our
- 00:21:57.577 --> 00:21:58.478
- "he was wounded for our transgressions and he was
- 00:21:58.544 --> 00:21:59.846
- Transgressions and he was bruised for our iniquities.
- 00:21:59.912 --> 00:22:02.348
- Bruised for our iniquities. and the chastisement of
- 00:22:02.415 --> 00:22:03.349
- And the chastisement of his peace was upon us.
- 00:22:03.416 --> 00:22:04.517
- His peace was upon us. and by his stripes,
- 00:22:04.584 --> 00:22:06.886
- And by his stripes, we are healed."
- 00:22:06.953 --> 00:22:11.424
- We are healed." [amen.]
- 00:22:11.491 --> 00:22:12.558
- [amen.] [yes!]
- 00:22:12.625 --> 00:22:13.259
- [yes!] (applause)
- 00:22:13.326 --> 00:22:21.968
- (applause) it wasn't just some pant leg
- 00:22:22.034 --> 00:22:24.504
- It wasn't just some pant leg that she reached out
- 00:22:24.570 --> 00:22:25.438
- That she reached out and grabbed.
- 00:22:25.505 --> 00:22:27.473
- And grabbed. it wasn't some towel that
- 00:22:27.540 --> 00:22:28.674
- It wasn't some towel that he wiped his forehead with
- 00:22:28.741 --> 00:22:29.976
- He wiped his forehead with during the sermon.
- 00:22:30.042 --> 00:22:32.979
- During the sermon. she reached for a name
- 00:22:33.045 --> 00:22:36.482
- She reached for a name that is above every name.
- 00:22:36.549 --> 00:22:38.351
- That is above every name. [amen.]
- 00:22:38.418 --> 00:22:39.952
- [amen.] and in faith believing,
- 00:22:40.019 --> 00:22:42.355
- And in faith believing, the bible says
- 00:22:42.422 --> 00:22:42.922
- The bible says as soon as she made contact,
- 00:22:42.989 --> 00:22:45.792
- As soon as she made contact, she was healed.
- 00:22:45.858 --> 00:22:47.860
- She was healed. as soon as she touched him,
- 00:22:47.927 --> 00:22:49.695
- As soon as she touched him, she was set free.
- 00:22:49.762 --> 00:22:51.731
- She was set free. (applause)
- 00:22:51.798 --> 00:22:55.401
- (applause) and as soon as she did --
- 00:22:55.468 --> 00:22:57.603
- And as soon as she did -- give me back my robe, man.
- 00:22:57.670 --> 00:22:59.071
- Give me back my robe, man. (laughter)
- 00:22:59.138 --> 00:23:00.006
- (laughter) y'all give trail a hand.
- 00:23:00.072 --> 00:23:01.541
- Y'all give trail a hand. (applause)
- 00:23:01.607 --> 00:23:09.182
- (applause) as soon as she did,
- 00:23:09.248 --> 00:23:11.918
- As soon as she did, jesus stopped.
- 00:23:11.984 --> 00:23:14.554
- Jesus stopped. this crowd that's been pushing
- 00:23:14.620 --> 00:23:15.855
- This crowd that's been pushing and shoving him all the way
- 00:23:15.922 --> 00:23:17.156
- And shoving him all the way to jairus' house,
- 00:23:17.223 --> 00:23:18.057
- To jairus' house, as soon as she reached out
- 00:23:18.124 --> 00:23:19.292
- As soon as she reached out and she grabbed the hem of
- 00:23:19.358 --> 00:23:20.693
- And she grabbed the hem of his garment, he said,
- 00:23:20.760 --> 00:23:21.661
- His garment, he said, "who touched my clothes?"
- 00:23:21.727 --> 00:23:25.698
- "who touched my clothes?" jesus didn't say,
- 00:23:25.765 --> 00:23:26.466
- Jesus didn't say, "who touched me?"
- 00:23:26.532 --> 00:23:27.200
- "who touched me?" he said,
- 00:23:27.266 --> 00:23:27.700
- He said, "who touched my clothes?"
- 00:23:27.767 --> 00:23:31.003
- "who touched my clothes?" he said,
- 00:23:31.070 --> 00:23:31.404
- He said, you've got all these people
- 00:23:31.471 --> 00:23:32.004
- You've got all these people pushing and shoving you,
- 00:23:32.071 --> 00:23:33.372
- Pushing and shoving you, and you want us to identify
- 00:23:33.439 --> 00:23:35.041
- And you want us to identify one individual that touched
- 00:23:35.107 --> 00:23:36.242
- One individual that touched your clothes?
- 00:23:36.309 --> 00:23:37.243
- Your clothes? he said,
- 00:23:37.310 --> 00:23:37.810
- He said, "i felt power go out of me."
- 00:23:37.877 --> 00:23:40.680
- "i felt power go out of me." [amen.]
- 00:23:40.746 --> 00:23:41.414
- [amen.] [woo.]
- 00:23:41.481 --> 00:23:42.248
- [woo.] (applause)
- 00:23:42.315 --> 00:23:46.819
- (applause) he didn't give her power;
- 00:23:46.886 --> 00:23:48.654
- He didn't give her power; she took it.
- 00:23:48.721 --> 00:23:51.557
- She took it. think about that.
- 00:23:51.624 --> 00:23:53.693
- Think about that. everywhere else,
- 00:23:53.759 --> 00:23:54.627
- Everywhere else, jesus said, "be healed,"
- 00:23:54.694 --> 00:23:56.028
- Jesus said, "be healed," "be whole,"
- 00:23:56.095 --> 00:23:57.129
- "be whole," "rise up and walk."
- 00:23:57.196 --> 00:23:58.164
- "rise up and walk." not with this girl.
- 00:23:58.231 --> 00:24:01.033
- Not with this girl. she came humbly behind him,
- 00:24:01.100 --> 00:24:02.902
- She came humbly behind him, as the king above kings.
- 00:24:02.969 --> 00:24:04.604
- As the king above kings. and when in faith she touched
- 00:24:04.670 --> 00:24:06.005
- And when in faith she touched him,
- 00:24:06.072 --> 00:24:06.572
- Him, she took from him what she
- 00:24:06.639 --> 00:24:08.407
- She took from him what she needed.
- 00:24:08.474 --> 00:24:08.841
- Needed. and when he felt it go,
- 00:24:08.908 --> 00:24:10.042
- And when he felt it go, he wanted to know
- 00:24:10.109 --> 00:24:10.610
- He wanted to know who did that.
- 00:24:10.676 --> 00:24:13.746
- Who did that. you see,
- 00:24:13.813 --> 00:24:14.113
- You see, how you touch him determines
- 00:24:14.180 --> 00:24:15.681
- How you touch him determines what you get from him.
- 00:24:15.748 --> 00:24:17.016
- What you get from him. [amen.]
- 00:24:17.083 --> 00:24:17.550
- [amen.] [that's right.]
- 00:24:17.617 --> 00:24:19.519
- [that's right.] you can touch him in hype
- 00:24:19.585 --> 00:24:20.786
- You can touch him in hype and you'll receive nothing.
- 00:24:20.853 --> 00:24:21.888
- And you'll receive nothing. you touch him in holiness
- 00:24:21.954 --> 00:24:23.256
- You touch him in holiness and you'll receive everything.
- 00:24:23.322 --> 00:24:26.092
- And you'll receive everything. ♪ music ♪
- 00:24:26.158 --> 00:24:28.694
- ♪ music ♪ and jesus does something
- 00:24:28.761 --> 00:24:29.762
- And jesus does something for this woman that she never
- 00:24:29.829 --> 00:24:30.863
- For this woman that she never imagined would ever happen.
- 00:24:30.930 --> 00:24:34.567
- Imagined would ever happen. the bible says,
- 00:24:34.634 --> 00:24:35.034
- The bible says, whenever he turned
- 00:24:35.101 --> 00:24:35.701
- Whenever he turned and he saw her
- 00:24:35.768 --> 00:24:36.469
- And he saw her and he heard what she had been
- 00:24:36.536 --> 00:24:37.637
- And he heard what she had been through,
- 00:24:37.703 --> 00:24:40.139
- Through, suddenly he says to her,
- 00:24:40.206 --> 00:24:43.009
- Suddenly he says to her, "daughter, your faith
- 00:24:43.075 --> 00:24:47.480
- "daughter, your faith has made you whole.
- 00:24:47.547 --> 00:24:51.784
- Has made you whole. go and be free
- 00:24:51.851 --> 00:24:55.922
- Go and be free from your affliction."
- 00:24:55.988 --> 00:24:58.591
- From your affliction." just a few verses ago,
- 00:24:58.658 --> 00:24:59.725
- Just a few verses ago, she was nobody.
- 00:24:59.792 --> 00:25:02.328
- She was nobody. she had an issue of blood.
- 00:25:02.395 --> 00:25:05.164
- She had an issue of blood. and now,
- 00:25:05.231 --> 00:25:06.032
- And now, just a few moments later,
- 00:25:06.098 --> 00:25:07.133
- Just a few moments later, with one touch from the hem
- 00:25:07.199 --> 00:25:08.401
- With one touch from the hem of his garment,
- 00:25:08.467 --> 00:25:10.336
- Of his garment, this is the only woman
- 00:25:10.403 --> 00:25:11.537
- This is the only woman that christ ever calls,
- 00:25:11.604 --> 00:25:13.439
- That christ ever calls, "daughter."
- 00:25:13.506 --> 00:25:15.608
- "daughter." he says, you're not nobody;
- 00:25:15.675 --> 00:25:16.642
- He says, you're not nobody; you're somebody.
- 00:25:16.709 --> 00:25:17.310
- You're somebody. you belong to me.
- 00:25:17.376 --> 00:25:18.678
- You belong to me. [amen.]
- 00:25:18.744 --> 00:25:20.179
- [amen.] if you believe in me,
- 00:25:20.246 --> 00:25:22.582
- If you believe in me, you belong to me.
- 00:25:22.648 --> 00:25:23.816
- You belong to me. [amen.]
- 00:25:23.883 --> 00:25:25.451
- [amen.] and from this point forward,
- 00:25:25.518 --> 00:25:26.519
- And from this point forward, you're free.
- 00:25:26.586 --> 00:25:28.955
- You're free. you're no longer under
- 00:25:29.021 --> 00:25:29.822
- You're no longer under the burden of that curse.
- 00:25:29.889 --> 00:25:31.324
- The burden of that curse. you're no longer carrying
- 00:25:31.390 --> 00:25:32.458
- You're no longer carrying that condition.
- 00:25:32.525 --> 00:25:33.492
- That condition. you're healed
- 00:25:33.559 --> 00:25:35.127
- You're healed and you're whole.
- 00:25:35.194 --> 00:25:36.596
- And you're whole. [amen.]
- 00:25:36.662 --> 00:25:38.230
- [amen.] what a mighty god we serve.
- 00:25:38.297 --> 00:25:41.067
- What a mighty god we serve. pastor matt hagee: have you
- 00:25:41.133 --> 00:25:41.801
- Pastor matt hagee: have you made it a habit to read
- 00:25:41.867 --> 00:25:42.602
- Made it a habit to read your bible and pray daily?
- 00:25:42.668 --> 00:25:44.570
- Your bible and pray daily? today is a good day to start.
- 00:25:44.637 --> 00:25:46.939
- Today is a good day to start. power comes when we meditate
- 00:25:47.006 --> 00:25:48.641
- Power comes when we meditate on god's word
- 00:25:48.708 --> 00:25:49.675
- On god's word and pray in the holy spirit.
- 00:25:49.742 --> 00:25:51.777
- And pray in the holy spirit. pastor john hagee: the
- 00:25:51.844 --> 00:25:52.278
- Pastor john hagee: the holy spirit helps us
- 00:25:52.345 --> 00:25:53.212
- Holy spirit helps us in weakness,
- 00:25:53.279 --> 00:25:54.447
- In weakness, for when we do not know how
- 00:25:54.513 --> 00:25:55.982
- For when we do not know how to pray,
- 00:25:56.048 --> 00:25:57.083
- To pray, the spirit himself intercedes
- 00:25:57.149 --> 00:25:58.985
- The spirit himself intercedes for us.
- 00:25:59.051 --> 00:26:00.086
- For us. the holy spirit shows us
- 00:26:00.152 --> 00:26:02.154
- The holy spirit shows us his direction.
- 00:26:02.221 --> 00:26:03.456
- His direction. pastor matt hagee: thank you
- 00:26:03.522 --> 00:26:04.290
- Pastor matt hagee: thank you for your support
- 00:26:04.357 --> 00:26:05.091
- For your support and your faithfulness
- 00:26:05.157 --> 00:26:05.925
- And your faithfulness that makes
- 00:26:05.992 --> 00:26:06.492
- That makes the eternal difference
- 00:26:06.559 --> 00:26:07.526
- The eternal difference in the lives of millions
- 00:26:07.593 --> 00:26:09.228
- In the lives of millions of people all over the world.
- 00:26:09.295 --> 00:26:11.330
- Of people all over the world. god bless you.re connectivity
- 00:26:11.397 --> 00:26:13.966
- Is the heartbeat of change,
- 00:26:14.033 --> 00:26:15.668
- Is the heartbeat of change, there's a powerful force
- 00:26:15.735 --> 00:26:16.636
- There's a powerful force that unites us all,
- 00:26:16.702 --> 00:26:18.037
- That unites us all, partnership.
- 00:26:18.104 --> 00:26:19.171
- Partnership. it's more than just
- 00:26:19.238 --> 00:26:19.839
- It's more than just a collaboration.
- 00:26:19.905 --> 00:26:21.374
- A collaboration. it's the conduit through which
- 00:26:21.440 --> 00:26:22.541
- It's the conduit through which we reach the masses.
- 00:26:22.608 --> 00:26:24.010
- We reach the masses. through new technology
- 00:26:24.076 --> 00:26:24.944
- Through new technology and online media platforms,
- 00:26:25.011 --> 00:26:26.679
- And online media platforms, hagee ministries has
- 00:26:26.746 --> 00:26:27.513
- Hagee ministries has the ability to go beyond
- 00:26:27.580 --> 00:26:28.648
- The ability to go beyond borders,
- 00:26:28.714 --> 00:26:29.382
- Borders, sharing stories that resonate
- 00:26:29.448 --> 00:26:30.483
- Sharing stories that resonate with people across the globe.
- 00:26:30.549 --> 00:26:32.485
- With people across the globe. every click,
- 00:26:32.551 --> 00:26:33.319
- Every click, every share,
- 00:26:33.386 --> 00:26:34.253
- Every share, every connection,
- 00:26:34.320 --> 00:26:35.388
- Every connection, they all ripple across
- 00:26:35.454 --> 00:26:36.288
- They all ripple across the vast expanse of
- 00:26:36.355 --> 00:26:37.289
- The vast expanse of the digital landscape,
- 00:26:37.356 --> 00:26:38.658
- The digital landscape, carrying with them
- 00:26:38.724 --> 00:26:39.592
- Carrying with them the teachings that can
- 00:26:39.659 --> 00:26:40.493
- The teachings that can transform lives.
- 00:26:40.559 --> 00:26:42.028
- Transform lives. by becoming a legacy partner,
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- By becoming a legacy partner, you're not just joining
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- A cause. you're becoming part of
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- You're becoming part of a living word.
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- A living word. it's a commitment to a shared
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- It's a commitment to a shared journey of faith
- 00:26:48.434 --> 00:26:49.301
- Journey of faith and understanding
- 00:26:49.368 --> 00:26:50.369
- And understanding fueled by the belief
- 00:26:50.436 --> 00:26:51.470
- Fueled by the belief that together,
- 00:26:51.537 --> 00:26:52.438
- That together, we can make a lasting impact.
- 00:26:52.505 --> 00:26:54.306
- We can make a lasting impact. your partnership is a beacon
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- Your partnership is a beacon of hope,
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- Of hope, a source of inspiration
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- A source of inspiration for those seeking light
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- For those seeking light in a sometimes dark world.
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- In a sometimes dark world. call the number on the screen
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