Hagee Ministries are committed to change America by taking all the Gospel to all the world and to all generations.
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Hagee Ministries | Matt Hagee - What Matters Most | January 5, 2025
- Music
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- Pastor matt hagee: john 4
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- Pastor matt hagee: john 4 is a place in the bible
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- Is a place in the bible where there are so many biblical
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- Where there are so many biblical themes that you could take
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- Themes that you could take and so many conversations
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- And so many conversations that you could have,
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- That you could have, that there's literally
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- That there's literally a series of sermons
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- A series of sermons just in a few verses.
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- Just in a few verses. but this morning,
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- But this morning, i want to pull out
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- I want to pull out of this chapter what really
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- Of this chapter what really matters most
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- Matters most from heaven's perspective.
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- From heaven's perspective. not that i wanna ignore
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- Not that i wanna ignore any of the other themes
- 00:00:40.000 --> 00:00:41.135
- Any of the other themes that are present.
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- That are present. for example,
- 00:00:42.770 --> 00:00:43.404
- For example, one of the things that jumps
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- One of the things that jumps out to me comes from john 4:4.
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- Out to me comes from john 4:4. there, we read that jesus
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- There, we read that jesus needed to go through samaria.
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- Needed to go through samaria. now, when you look at the place
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- Now, when you look at the place where jesus is at,
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- Where jesus is at, he's in the southern
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- He's in the southern part of israel,
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- Part of israel, and he's going back
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- And he's going back to galilee where he lives
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- To galilee where he lives in the northern part of israel.
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- In the northern part of israel. and rather than take
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- And rather than take the traditional route,
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- The traditional route, he goes by a different way,
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- He goes by a different way, and the reason he goes
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- And the reason he goes by a different way,
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- By a different way, this verse tells us
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- This verse tells us that the holy spirit literally
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- That the holy spirit literally drew him out of where
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- Drew him out of where he was planning on going
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- He was planning on going to a place where
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- To a place where he needed to be.
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- He needed to be. he needed to go through samaria.
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- He needed to go through samaria. he takes a detour to the wrong
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- He takes a detour to the wrong side of town, why?
- 00:01:25.513 --> 00:01:27.047
- Side of town, why? because he needed to be
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- Because he needed to be at a certain well, at a certain
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- At a certain well, at a certain time, to meet a certain woman
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- Time, to meet a certain woman who was in great need
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- Who was in great need of a very real savior.
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- Of a very real savior. to me, that's a wonderful
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- To me, that's a wonderful encouragement that tells each
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- Encouragement that tells each and every one of us,
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- And every one of us, no matter where you are today,
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- No matter where you are today, god will go out of his way
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- God will go out of his way to reach you.
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- To reach you. aren't you glad that jesus will
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- Aren't you glad that jesus will go out of his way to come find
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- Go out of his way to come find you in your hour of need?
- 00:01:51.305 --> 00:01:54.208
- You in your hour of need? i promise you,
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- I promise you, you may feel like nobody
- 00:01:55.342 --> 00:01:56.677
- You may feel like nobody knows where you're at,
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- Knows where you're at, but he does.
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- But he does. you may think nobody
- 00:01:58.879 --> 00:01:59.780
- You may think nobody knows what you need,
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- Knows what you need, but he has your answer.
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- But he has your answer. and whenever you can't find him,
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- And whenever you can't find him, you need to know he's going out
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- You need to know he's going out of his way to reach you.
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- Of his way to reach you. not only is the fact that
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- Not only is the fact that he wants to be with us
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- He wants to be with us in this chapter,
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- In this chapter, but here's another theme
- 00:02:15.729 --> 00:02:16.497
- But here's another theme that jumps out
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- That jumps out in this chapter: prejudice.
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- In this chapter: prejudice. don't act like prejudice
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- Don't act like prejudice isn't present in the church.
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- Isn't present in the church. here, jesus is talking
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- Here, jesus is talking to a samaritan woman,
- 00:02:27.007 --> 00:02:28.309
- To a samaritan woman, and the samaritan woman
- 00:02:28.375 --> 00:02:29.343
- And the samaritan woman in john 4:9 says,
- 00:02:29.410 --> 00:02:31.045
- In john 4:9 says, "jews have no dealings
- 00:02:31.111 --> 00:02:32.980
- "jews have no dealings with samaritans."
- 00:02:33.047 --> 00:02:34.715
- With samaritans." you know,
- 00:02:34.782 --> 00:02:35.282
- You know, one of the things that
- 00:02:35.349 --> 00:02:35.916
- One of the things that you're gonna be surprised
- 00:02:35.983 --> 00:02:36.917
- You're gonna be surprised about when you get to heaven
- 00:02:36.984 --> 00:02:38.452
- About when you get to heaven is who god let in.
- 00:02:38.519 --> 00:02:41.689
- Is who god let in. you need to know that god loves
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- You need to know that god loves people you don't even like.
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- People you don't even like. i think it's gonna
- 00:02:47.428 --> 00:02:47.995
- I think it's gonna be really surreal whenever
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- Be really surreal whenever you walk around
- 00:02:49.063 --> 00:02:49.697
- You walk around the streets of gold
- 00:02:49.763 --> 00:02:50.331
- The streets of gold and people go,
- 00:02:50.397 --> 00:02:50.898
- And people go, "you made it?"
- 00:02:50.965 --> 00:02:51.865
- [laughter]
- 00:02:52.399 --> 00:02:54.568
- But what you need
- 00:02:58.305 --> 00:02:58.939
- But what you need to understand is that the bible
- 00:02:59.006 --> 00:03:02.943
- To understand is that the bible is a book that says,
- 00:03:03.010 --> 00:03:03.844
- Is a book that says, "whosoever will, let him come."
- 00:03:03.911 --> 00:03:07.915
- [applause]
- 00:03:09.316 --> 00:03:15.556
- Another theme that we read
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- Another theme that we read in this chapter comes
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- In this chapter comes from verses 17, 18 and 19.
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- From verses 17, 18 and 19. and this has to do
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- And this has to do with the samaritan woman's
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- With the samaritan woman's scandalous past.
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- Scandalous past. she hasn't lived a sinful life,
- 00:03:26.233 --> 00:03:29.870
- She hasn't lived a sinful life, she's the best sinner in town.
- 00:03:29.937 --> 00:03:33.907
- She's the best sinner in town. she's living with a man
- 00:03:33.974 --> 00:03:34.942
- She's living with a man who's not her husband,
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- Who's not her husband, and the fact is,
- 00:03:36.210 --> 00:03:36.910
- And the fact is, she had five husbands.
- 00:03:36.977 --> 00:03:40.714
- She had five husbands. and whenever you read
- 00:03:40.781 --> 00:03:41.482
- And whenever you read about her testimony
- 00:03:41.548 --> 00:03:42.616
- About her testimony of the conversation
- 00:03:42.683 --> 00:03:43.417
- Of the conversation she had with jesus,
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- She had with jesus, in john 4:39,
- 00:03:45.719 --> 00:03:48.188
- In john 4:39, she says,
- 00:03:48.255 --> 00:03:48.922
- She says, "he told me
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- "he told me everything i ever did."
- 00:03:50.658 --> 00:03:53.727
- Everything i ever did." aren't you glad
- 00:03:53.794 --> 00:03:54.528
- Aren't you glad jesus doesn't have
- 00:03:54.595 --> 00:03:55.529
- Jesus doesn't have a social media account.
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- [laughter]
- 00:03:57.464 --> 00:03:58.999
- Where he could tell somebody
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- Where he could tell somebody everything that you ever did?
- 00:04:00.668 --> 00:04:04.838
- Everything that you ever did? when this woman has her
- 00:04:04.905 --> 00:04:05.939
- When this woman has her encounter with jesus,
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- Encounter with jesus, i think it's very interesting
- 00:04:08.442 --> 00:04:12.746
- I think it's very interesting because as religious people,
- 00:04:12.813 --> 00:04:14.081
- Because as religious people, we would look and go,
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- We would look and go, "oh yeah, she needs it.
- 00:04:14.782 --> 00:04:16.150
- "oh yeah, she needs it. get her.
- 00:04:16.216 --> 00:04:18.085
- Get her. just pull back the sheets
- 00:04:18.152 --> 00:04:19.520
- Just pull back the sheets and call her out.
- 00:04:19.586 --> 00:04:21.722
- And call her out. be delivered."
- 00:04:21.789 --> 00:04:24.692
- Be delivered." yet jesus doesn't even go there.
- 00:04:24.758 --> 00:04:27.961
- Yet jesus doesn't even go there. what does he talk to her about?
- 00:04:28.028 --> 00:04:31.098
- What does he talk to her about? and the answer: worship.
- 00:04:31.165 --> 00:04:34.768
- And the answer: worship. of all of the themes
- 00:04:34.835 --> 00:04:35.936
- Of all of the themes and messages,
- 00:04:36.003 --> 00:04:36.637
- And messages, and details,
- 00:04:36.704 --> 00:04:37.304
- And details, and ideas that you could pull
- 00:04:37.371 --> 00:04:38.605
- And ideas that you could pull out of this encounter,
- 00:04:38.672 --> 00:04:39.973
- Out of this encounter, the one thing that comes up
- 00:04:40.040 --> 00:04:41.642
- The one thing that comes up more than anything is worship.
- 00:04:41.709 --> 00:04:44.812
- More than anything is worship. between john 4:20 and verse 24,
- 00:04:44.878 --> 00:04:48.082
- Between john 4:20 and verse 24, worship is mentioned ten times.
- 00:04:48.148 --> 00:04:51.885
- Worship is mentioned ten times. what jesus is telling
- 00:04:51.952 --> 00:04:52.986
- What jesus is telling this woman,
- 00:04:53.053 --> 00:04:53.954
- This woman, and what jesus is telling
- 00:04:54.021 --> 00:04:55.122
- And what jesus is telling everyone here and everyone
- 00:04:55.189 --> 00:04:56.690
- Everyone here and everyone who's watching,
- 00:04:56.757 --> 00:04:57.658
- Who's watching, is that what matters
- 00:04:57.725 --> 00:04:58.792
- Is that what matters most is worship.
- 00:04:58.859 --> 00:05:01.528
- Most is worship. this woman's living
- 00:05:01.595 --> 00:05:02.363
- This woman's living in the wrong place,
- 00:05:02.429 --> 00:05:03.697
- In the wrong place, she's living in the wrong way.
- 00:05:03.764 --> 00:05:05.532
- She's living in the wrong way. there are so many things
- 00:05:05.599 --> 00:05:06.834
- There are so many things in her life that are wrong,
- 00:05:06.900 --> 00:05:08.569
- In her life that are wrong, but jesus says those
- 00:05:08.635 --> 00:05:09.737
- But jesus says those are just symptoms.
- 00:05:09.803 --> 00:05:11.171
- Are just symptoms. if we can get this
- 00:05:11.238 --> 00:05:12.172
- If we can get this worship thing right,
- 00:05:12.239 --> 00:05:13.507
- Worship thing right, then everything in your life
- 00:05:13.574 --> 00:05:15.376
- Then everything in your life that's not right will get fixed
- 00:05:15.442 --> 00:05:17.277
- That's not right will get fixed when you put god
- 00:05:17.344 --> 00:05:18.278
- When you put god where he belongs.
- 00:05:18.345 --> 00:05:19.913
- [applause]
- 00:05:20.347 --> 00:05:24.818
- You need to know that
- 00:05:25.252 --> 00:05:25.853
- You need to know that worship is for real people.
- 00:05:25.919 --> 00:05:27.988
- Worship is for real people. it's for real people
- 00:05:28.055 --> 00:05:29.456
- It's for real people with real problems.
- 00:05:29.523 --> 00:05:30.858
- With real problems. it's not just for the super
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- It's not just for the super saints and the spiritual
- 00:05:32.259 --> 00:05:33.861
- Saints and the spiritual and those who have the courage
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- And those who have the courage to raise their hands
- 00:05:35.195 --> 00:05:36.130
- To raise their hands in the sanctuary.
- 00:05:36.196 --> 00:05:37.197
- In the sanctuary. it's for people who are
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- It's for people who are in need of a provider,
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- In need of a provider, it's for people who are
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- It's for people who are in need of a healer,
- 00:05:41.034 --> 00:05:42.436
- In need of a healer, it's for people
- 00:05:42.503 --> 00:05:43.470
- It's for people who are in need of a redeemer,
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- Who are in need of a redeemer, it's for people who are
- 00:05:45.072 --> 00:05:46.240
- It's for people who are in need of a deliverer.
- 00:05:46.306 --> 00:05:47.808
- In need of a deliverer. i don't care what's going
- 00:05:47.875 --> 00:05:49.276
- I don't care what's going on in your life today.
- 00:05:49.343 --> 00:05:51.345
- On in your life today. i don't want you
- 00:05:51.412 --> 00:05:52.146
- I don't want you to look at this topic and think,
- 00:05:52.212 --> 00:05:53.480
- To look at this topic and think, "what does that
- 00:05:53.547 --> 00:05:54.081
- "what does that have to do with me?"
- 00:05:54.148 --> 00:05:55.115
- Have to do with me?" if you understand what heaven
- 00:05:55.182 --> 00:05:56.683
- If you understand what heaven sees when they find somebody
- 00:05:56.750 --> 00:05:58.619
- Sees when they find somebody who worships god in spirit
- 00:05:58.685 --> 00:06:00.320
- Who worships god in spirit and in truth,
- 00:06:00.387 --> 00:06:01.288
- And in truth, then you will,
- 00:06:01.355 --> 00:06:02.256
- Then you will, with everything you have,
- 00:06:02.322 --> 00:06:03.724
- With everything you have, give god the praise
- 00:06:03.791 --> 00:06:04.925
- Give god the praise that he's worthy of,
- 00:06:04.992 --> 00:06:06.193
- That he's worthy of, because when you give god
- 00:06:06.260 --> 00:06:07.728
- Because when you give god what he wants,
- 00:06:07.795 --> 00:06:08.629
- What he wants, god shows up with everything
- 00:06:08.695 --> 00:06:10.264
- God shows up with everything that you need and so much more.
- 00:06:10.330 --> 00:06:12.533
- [applause]
- 00:06:13.033 --> 00:06:19.206
- But in this passage,
- 00:06:20.407 --> 00:06:21.475
- But in this passage, jesus is very clear,
- 00:06:21.542 --> 00:06:22.676
- Jesus is very clear, there is a right way
- 00:06:22.743 --> 00:06:24.111
- There is a right way and there is a wrong
- 00:06:24.178 --> 00:06:25.045
- And there is a wrong way to worship.
- 00:06:25.112 --> 00:06:28.182
- Way to worship. this is why jesus says,
- 00:06:28.248 --> 00:06:29.716
- This is why jesus says, "but now is the time
- 00:06:29.783 --> 00:06:31.351
- "but now is the time when true worshipers,"
- 00:06:31.418 --> 00:06:33.587
- When true worshipers," say that with me.
- 00:06:33.654 --> 00:06:34.855
- Say that with me. "true worshipers."
- 00:06:34.922 --> 00:06:37.424
- "true worshipers." now, if there are
- 00:06:37.491 --> 00:06:38.058
- Now, if there are true worshipers,
- 00:06:38.125 --> 00:06:39.059
- True worshipers, then there must
- 00:06:39.126 --> 00:06:40.160
- Then there must be false worshipers.
- 00:06:40.227 --> 00:06:42.262
- Be false worshipers. meaning there is a right way
- 00:06:42.329 --> 00:06:43.630
- Meaning there is a right way and a wrong way to do it.
- 00:06:43.697 --> 00:06:47.000
- And a wrong way to do it. and he says,
- 00:06:47.067 --> 00:06:47.534
- And he says, "true worshipers will worship
- 00:06:47.601 --> 00:06:49.002
- "true worshipers will worship god with spirit and truth."
- 00:06:49.069 --> 00:06:53.340
- God with spirit and truth." they'll do it sincerely,
- 00:06:53.407 --> 00:06:55.075
- They'll do it sincerely, they'll do it completely,
- 00:06:55.142 --> 00:06:56.877
- They'll do it completely, and they'll do
- 00:06:56.944 --> 00:06:57.578
- And they'll do it with authenticity.
- 00:06:57.644 --> 00:07:00.347
- It with authenticity. and then one of the most
- 00:07:00.414 --> 00:07:01.048
- And then one of the most gripping statements in all
- 00:07:01.114 --> 00:07:02.282
- Gripping statements in all of the bible for me
- 00:07:02.349 --> 00:07:03.383
- Of the bible for me is this when jesus says,
- 00:07:03.450 --> 00:07:04.985
- Is this when jesus says, "for the father is seeking."
- 00:07:05.052 --> 00:07:10.224
- "for the father is seeking." think about that.
- 00:07:10.290 --> 00:07:12.226
- Think about that. god almighty,
- 00:07:12.292 --> 00:07:13.894
- God almighty, who holds the mountains
- 00:07:13.961 --> 00:07:14.862
- Who holds the mountains in a scale and the hills
- 00:07:14.928 --> 00:07:16.063
- In a scale and the hills in a balance,
- 00:07:16.129 --> 00:07:17.364
- In a balance, god almighty, who does not need
- 00:07:17.431 --> 00:07:19.299
- God almighty, who does not need anything from which to create
- 00:07:19.366 --> 00:07:21.568
- Anything from which to create because he's all
- 00:07:21.635 --> 00:07:22.669
- Because he's all sufficient within himself.
- 00:07:22.736 --> 00:07:24.037
- Sufficient within himself. if he wants something,
- 00:07:24.104 --> 00:07:25.639
- If he wants something, he just says it and it becomes.
- 00:07:25.706 --> 00:07:30.177
- He just says it and it becomes. a god with that much source,
- 00:07:30.244 --> 00:07:32.145
- A god with that much source, resource, and power,
- 00:07:32.212 --> 00:07:33.914
- Resource, and power, it says he's looking
- 00:07:33.981 --> 00:07:35.349
- It says he's looking for something.
- 00:07:35.415 --> 00:07:37.417
- For something. he wants to find it.
- 00:07:37.484 --> 00:07:40.120
- He wants to find it. and the one thing he's
- 00:07:40.187 --> 00:07:40.921
- And the one thing he's looking for is worshippers.
- 00:07:40.988 --> 00:07:44.658
- Looking for is worshippers. whenever you worship god,
- 00:07:44.725 --> 00:07:45.959
- Whenever you worship god, you need to know that
- 00:07:46.026 --> 00:07:46.927
- You need to know that you invite him
- 00:07:46.994 --> 00:07:48.095
- You invite him into your situation.
- 00:07:48.161 --> 00:07:50.264
- Into your situation. the lord is enthroned,
- 00:07:50.330 --> 00:07:51.832
- The lord is enthroned, the bible says,
- 00:07:51.899 --> 00:07:52.733
- The bible says, upon the praises of israel.
- 00:07:52.799 --> 00:07:55.302
- Upon the praises of israel. we talk often about
- 00:07:55.369 --> 00:07:56.637
- We talk often about paul and silas being
- 00:07:56.703 --> 00:07:57.871
- Paul and silas being in the jail cell.
- 00:07:57.938 --> 00:08:00.140
- In the jail cell. and people say,
- 00:08:00.207 --> 00:08:00.641
- And people say, "well, the songs and the hymns
- 00:08:00.707 --> 00:08:01.909
- "well, the songs and the hymns that they were singing
- 00:08:01.975 --> 00:08:02.876
- That they were singing is what enabled them
- 00:08:02.943 --> 00:08:04.177
- Is what enabled them to be set free."
- 00:08:04.244 --> 00:08:05.178
- To be set free." no, that was the beginning
- 00:08:05.245 --> 00:08:06.146
- No, that was the beginning of the process,
- 00:08:06.213 --> 00:08:06.713
- Of the process, but what the songs
- 00:08:06.780 --> 00:08:07.481
- But what the songs and the hymns did
- 00:08:07.548 --> 00:08:08.615
- And the hymns did is they invited jesus christ
- 00:08:08.682 --> 00:08:10.884
- Is they invited jesus christ the deliverer into the jail cell
- 00:08:10.951 --> 00:08:13.287
- The deliverer into the jail cell with them.
- 00:08:13.353 --> 00:08:15.055
- With them. they were locked up in a place
- 00:08:15.122 --> 00:08:16.657
- They were locked up in a place here on earth that no human
- 00:08:16.723 --> 00:08:18.325
- Here on earth that no human being would care to go.
- 00:08:18.392 --> 00:08:20.360
- Being would care to go. and when nobody on earth
- 00:08:20.427 --> 00:08:22.062
- And when nobody on earth was willing to reach them,
- 00:08:22.129 --> 00:08:23.463
- Was willing to reach them, they began to worship god,
- 00:08:23.530 --> 00:08:25.132
- They began to worship god, and heaven came down
- 00:08:25.198 --> 00:08:26.600
- And heaven came down into that cell.
- 00:08:26.667 --> 00:08:27.935
- Into that cell. what does that mean
- 00:08:28.001 --> 00:08:29.069
- What does that mean for every one of you here
- 00:08:29.136 --> 00:08:30.237
- For every one of you here in this room today?
- 00:08:30.304 --> 00:08:31.138
- In this room today? it doesn't matter where you
- 00:08:31.204 --> 00:08:32.406
- It doesn't matter where you find yourself and what needs
- 00:08:32.472 --> 00:08:34.107
- Find yourself and what needs you have,
- 00:08:34.174 --> 00:08:34.675
- You have, if others on the face
- 00:08:34.741 --> 00:08:36.209
- If others on the face of the earth don't
- 00:08:36.276 --> 00:08:37.044
- Of the earth don't want anything to do with you,
- 00:08:37.110 --> 00:08:38.412
- Want anything to do with you, you can worship god
- 00:08:38.478 --> 00:08:39.813
- You can worship god and he'll bring heaven down
- 00:08:39.880 --> 00:08:41.515
- And he'll bring heaven down into that situation
- 00:08:41.582 --> 00:08:42.849
- Into that situation and that circumstance.
- 00:08:42.916 --> 00:08:44.051
- And that circumstance. you may be watching this program
- 00:08:44.117 --> 00:08:45.986
- You may be watching this program today and joining us here,
- 00:08:46.053 --> 00:08:47.921
- Today and joining us here, but you're laying
- 00:08:47.988 --> 00:08:48.655
- But you're laying in a hospital bed.
- 00:08:48.722 --> 00:08:49.790
- In a hospital bed. you can worship
- 00:08:49.856 --> 00:08:50.991
- You can worship the great physician right
- 00:08:51.058 --> 00:08:52.292
- The great physician right there in that hospital room,
- 00:08:52.359 --> 00:08:53.894
- There in that hospital room, and he'll come and tend
- 00:08:53.961 --> 00:08:55.095
- And he'll come and tend to your needs before
- 00:08:55.162 --> 00:08:56.396
- To your needs before the doctors can ever reach you.
- 00:08:56.463 --> 00:08:57.998
- The doctors can ever reach you. you may be watching
- 00:08:58.065 --> 00:08:59.366
- You may be watching and you're in great
- 00:08:59.433 --> 00:09:00.300
- And you're in great need of provision.
- 00:09:00.367 --> 00:09:01.635
- Need of provision. you don't have to count
- 00:09:01.702 --> 00:09:02.803
- You don't have to count the things that you're lacking.
- 00:09:02.869 --> 00:09:04.371
- The things that you're lacking. all you have to do is give god,
- 00:09:04.438 --> 00:09:06.306
- All you have to do is give god, who is a provider,
- 00:09:06.373 --> 00:09:07.407
- Who is a provider, the opportunity to show up
- 00:09:07.474 --> 00:09:09.009
- The opportunity to show up in that situation and he'll open
- 00:09:09.076 --> 00:09:10.811
- In that situation and he'll open up the windows of heaven
- 00:09:10.877 --> 00:09:12.179
- Up the windows of heaven and pour out blessings
- 00:09:12.245 --> 00:09:13.380
- And pour out blessings that you cannot contain.
- 00:09:13.447 --> 00:09:14.848
- That you cannot contain. you may be watching in a place
- 00:09:14.915 --> 00:09:16.817
- You may be watching in a place where gospel messages are
- 00:09:16.883 --> 00:09:18.385
- Where gospel messages are not thought of to be good,
- 00:09:18.452 --> 00:09:20.220
- Not thought of to be good, and you're gonna be incarcerated
- 00:09:20.287 --> 00:09:21.688
- And you're gonna be incarcerated if they catch
- 00:09:21.755 --> 00:09:22.623
- If they catch you watching church.
- 00:09:22.689 --> 00:09:23.590
- You watching church. you may be in a nation that has
- 00:09:23.657 --> 00:09:25.125
- You may be in a nation that has outlawed christianity.
- 00:09:25.192 --> 00:09:26.627
- Outlawed christianity. it doesn't matter what their
- 00:09:26.693 --> 00:09:27.894
- It doesn't matter what their rules and regulations say.
- 00:09:27.961 --> 00:09:29.763
- Rules and regulations say. if you'll raise your hands
- 00:09:29.830 --> 00:09:31.198
- If you'll raise your hands and give the king of heaven
- 00:09:31.264 --> 00:09:32.232
- And give the king of heaven the opportunity to come
- 00:09:32.299 --> 00:09:34.201
- The opportunity to come and be a wall of protection
- 00:09:34.267 --> 00:09:35.702
- And be a wall of protection around you,
- 00:09:35.769 --> 00:09:36.570
- Around you, he'll give his
- 00:09:36.637 --> 00:09:37.137
- He'll give his angels charge over you.
- 00:09:37.204 --> 00:09:38.805
- Angels charge over you. no weapon formed against
- 00:09:38.872 --> 00:09:40.140
- No weapon formed against you will prosper,
- 00:09:40.207 --> 00:09:41.375
- You will prosper, and god will show himself
- 00:09:41.441 --> 00:09:43.076
- And god will show himself faithful because he who began
- 00:09:43.143 --> 00:09:45.145
- Faithful because he who began a good work in you is
- 00:09:45.212 --> 00:09:46.346
- A good work in you is faithful to complete it,
- 00:09:46.413 --> 00:09:47.714
- Faithful to complete it, even unto the day
- 00:09:47.781 --> 00:09:48.515
- Even unto the day of christ jesus.
- 00:09:48.582 --> 00:09:50.017
- Of christ jesus. give the lord
- 00:09:50.083 --> 00:09:51.051
- Give the lord a handclap of praise.
- 00:09:51.118 --> 00:09:51.918
- [applause]
- 00:09:52.419 --> 00:09:54.187
- [applause] grace.
- 00:09:54.254 --> 00:09:54.788
- Grace. it's more than a word.
- 00:09:54.855 --> 00:09:55.889
- It's more than a word. it can move mountains
- 00:09:55.956 --> 00:09:56.890
- It can move mountains of guilt and shame.
- 00:09:56.957 --> 00:09:58.058
- Of guilt and shame. come the troubled
- 00:09:58.125 --> 00:09:58.959
- Come the troubled sea of your soul.
- 00:09:59.026 --> 00:10:00.093
- Sea of your soul. and bring purpose
- 00:10:00.160 --> 00:10:00.927
- And bring purpose to a life that feels lost.
- 00:10:00.994 --> 00:10:02.529
- To a life that feels lost. have you ever felt
- 00:10:02.596 --> 00:10:03.163
- Have you ever felt weighed down by past mistakes
- 00:10:03.230 --> 00:10:04.731
- Weighed down by past mistakes or overwhelmed by shame?
- 00:10:04.798 --> 00:10:06.133
- Or overwhelmed by shame? grace is your path to freedom.
- 00:10:06.199 --> 00:10:07.868
- Grace is your path to freedom. ask god for his forgiveness
- 00:10:07.934 --> 00:10:09.302
- Ask god for his forgiveness and discover the true
- 00:10:09.369 --> 00:10:10.337
- And discover the true meaning of amazing grace.
- 00:10:10.404 --> 00:10:12.272
- Meaning of amazing grace. forgiveness is powerful
- 00:10:12.339 --> 00:10:13.740
- Forgiveness is powerful not just from god,
- 00:10:13.807 --> 00:10:14.775
- Not just from god, but also forgiving yourself.
- 00:10:14.841 --> 00:10:16.443
- But also forgiving yourself. live the joy filled life
- 00:10:16.510 --> 00:10:17.678
- Live the joy filled life god created
- 00:10:17.744 --> 00:10:18.378
- God created specifically for you
- 00:10:18.445 --> 00:10:19.813
- Specifically for you as you support the ministry.
- 00:10:19.880 --> 00:10:20.914
- As you support the ministry. this month.
- 00:10:20.981 --> 00:10:21.615
- This month. receive the give
- 00:10:21.682 --> 00:10:22.449
- Receive the give grace keychain as our
- 00:10:22.516 --> 00:10:23.750
- Grace keychain as our thank you for your gift
- 00:10:23.817 --> 00:10:24.818
- Thank you for your gift of any amount.
- 00:10:24.885 --> 00:10:25.619
- Of any amount. a daily reminder
- 00:10:25.686 --> 00:10:26.553
- A daily reminder to live in god's grace
- 00:10:26.620 --> 00:10:27.988
- To live in god's grace and for your generous
- 00:10:28.055 --> 00:10:28.822
- And for your generous gift of $150 or more.
- 00:10:28.889 --> 00:10:30.557
- Gift of $150 or more. you'll also receive the weekly
- 00:10:30.624 --> 00:10:31.992
- You'll also receive the weekly wisdom 52 week
- 00:10:32.059 --> 00:10:33.093
- Wisdom 52 week devotional planner,
- 00:10:33.160 --> 00:10:34.027
- Devotional planner, the unlocking the power
- 00:10:34.094 --> 00:10:35.262
- The unlocking the power of fasting journal
- 00:10:35.328 --> 00:10:36.263
- Of fasting journal and devotional by pastor matt,
- 00:10:36.329 --> 00:10:37.931
- And devotional by pastor matt, and the heaven in this place
- 00:10:37.998 --> 00:10:39.299
- And the heaven in this place cd by the cornerstone
- 00:10:39.366 --> 00:10:40.667
- Cd by the cornerstone and sanctuary choir.
- 00:10:40.734 --> 00:10:41.935
- And sanctuary choir. send your gift today,
- 00:10:42.002 --> 00:10:43.103
- Send your gift today, call or visit
- 00:10:43.170 --> 00:10:43.870
- Call or visit jhm.org/grace
- 00:10:43.937 --> 00:10:46.373
- Jhm.org/grace and experience the freedom
- 00:10:46.440 --> 00:10:47.908
- And experience the freedom of living in god's grace.
- 00:10:47.974 --> 00:10:49.910
- Worship is how you tell
- 00:10:52.679 --> 00:10:53.947
- Worship is how you tell the lord how much you appreciate
- 00:10:54.014 --> 00:10:55.949
- The lord how much you appreciate what he has done
- 00:10:56.016 --> 00:10:57.551
- What he has done and how much you're expecting
- 00:10:57.617 --> 00:10:59.186
- And how much you're expecting from him in the future.
- 00:10:59.252 --> 00:11:01.388
- From him in the future. worship is where
- 00:11:01.455 --> 00:11:02.255
- Worship is where hope comes from.
- 00:11:02.322 --> 00:11:05.525
- Hope comes from. that's why the bible says
- 00:11:05.592 --> 00:11:06.359
- That's why the bible says in the book of isaiah,
- 00:11:06.426 --> 00:11:07.260
- In the book of isaiah, "put on the garment of praise
- 00:11:07.327 --> 00:11:09.229
- "put on the garment of praise for the spirit of heaviness."
- 00:11:09.296 --> 00:11:11.965
- For the spirit of heaviness." the world that we live in
- 00:11:12.032 --> 00:11:13.033
- The world that we live in can be a pretty heavy place.
- 00:11:13.100 --> 00:11:16.303
- Can be a pretty heavy place. all you have to do is saturate
- 00:11:16.369 --> 00:11:17.938
- All you have to do is saturate your life with network
- 00:11:18.004 --> 00:11:19.239
- Your life with network television and you find
- 00:11:19.306 --> 00:11:20.340
- Television and you find out just how heavy it can be.
- 00:11:20.407 --> 00:11:23.977
- Out just how heavy it can be. heavy topics,
- 00:11:24.044 --> 00:11:24.978
- Heavy topics, heavy problems,
- 00:11:25.045 --> 00:11:25.812
- Heavy problems, all of them bad.
- 00:11:25.879 --> 00:11:29.282
- All of them bad. when's the last time you
- 00:11:29.349 --> 00:11:30.183
- When's the last time you got the news,
- 00:11:30.250 --> 00:11:31.218
- Got the news, and it was good?
- 00:11:31.284 --> 00:11:35.489
- And it was good? the bible says if you put
- 00:11:35.555 --> 00:11:36.456
- The bible says if you put on the garment of praise,
- 00:11:36.523 --> 00:11:39.760
- On the garment of praise, if you choose to wear
- 00:11:39.826 --> 00:11:41.962
- If you choose to wear the attitude of gratitude
- 00:11:42.028 --> 00:11:43.797
- The attitude of gratitude towards god,
- 00:11:43.864 --> 00:11:45.265
- Towards god, whatever this world tries
- 00:11:45.332 --> 00:11:46.533
- Whatever this world tries to put on you
- 00:11:46.600 --> 00:11:47.400
- To put on you in form of a heavy burden,
- 00:11:47.467 --> 00:11:49.069
- In form of a heavy burden, it can't stick because
- 00:11:49.136 --> 00:11:52.773
- It can't stick because you have made it clear
- 00:11:52.839 --> 00:11:54.474
- You have made it clear that your faith,
- 00:11:54.541 --> 00:11:55.242
- That your faith, your hope,
- 00:11:55.308 --> 00:11:55.742
- Your hope, and your trust
- 00:11:55.809 --> 00:11:56.710
- And your trust is in the lord.
- 00:11:56.777 --> 00:11:58.645
- Is in the lord. worship announces to every enemy
- 00:11:58.712 --> 00:12:00.514
- Worship announces to every enemy that you have that
- 00:12:00.580 --> 00:12:01.314
- That you have that you can't be defeated.
- 00:12:01.381 --> 00:12:04.050
- You can't be defeated. try as they might,
- 00:12:04.117 --> 00:12:05.118
- Try as they might, worship is the way that you say,
- 00:12:05.185 --> 00:12:06.520
- Worship is the way that you say, "greater is he who is in me
- 00:12:06.586 --> 00:12:08.288
- "greater is he who is in me than he who is in the world."
- 00:12:08.355 --> 00:12:11.658
- Than he who is in the world." worship is your public
- 00:12:11.725 --> 00:12:15.462
- Worship is your public display of affection
- 00:12:15.529 --> 00:12:17.931
- Display of affection towards the lord.
- 00:12:17.998 --> 00:12:20.400
- Towards the lord. how many of you are familiar
- 00:12:20.467 --> 00:12:22.235
- How many of you are familiar with public displays
- 00:12:22.302 --> 00:12:23.670
- With public displays of affection?
- 00:12:23.737 --> 00:12:24.604
- Of affection? married couples,
- 00:12:24.671 --> 00:12:25.338
- Married couples, good time to raise
- 00:12:25.405 --> 00:12:26.139
- Good time to raise your hand unless you forgot,
- 00:12:26.206 --> 00:12:27.774
- Your hand unless you forgot, and you need a reminder.
- 00:12:27.841 --> 00:12:31.411
- And you need a reminder. we often chastise teenagers
- 00:12:31.478 --> 00:12:33.647
- We often chastise teenagers because they're giving public
- 00:12:33.713 --> 00:12:35.715
- Because they're giving public displays of affection.
- 00:12:35.782 --> 00:12:38.518
- Displays of affection. when a husband holds
- 00:12:38.585 --> 00:12:39.686
- When a husband holds hands with his...
- 00:12:39.753 --> 00:12:41.888
- Hands with his... wife --
- 00:12:41.955 --> 00:12:42.489
- Wife -- thank god you answered
- 00:12:42.556 --> 00:12:43.323
- Thank god you answered that question correctly.
- 00:12:43.390 --> 00:12:47.294
- That question correctly. it's a public display
- 00:12:47.360 --> 00:12:48.528
- It's a public display of affection.
- 00:12:48.595 --> 00:12:50.463
- Of affection. when you sit in a sanctuary
- 00:12:50.530 --> 00:12:52.732
- When you sit in a sanctuary and you put your arm
- 00:12:52.799 --> 00:12:53.900
- And you put your arm around your.
- 00:12:53.967 --> 00:12:55.802
- Around your. congregation: wife.
- 00:12:55.869 --> 00:12:56.436
- Congregation: wife. pastor matt: okay good,
- 00:12:56.503 --> 00:12:57.204
- Pastor matt: okay good, same answer.
- 00:12:57.270 --> 00:13:00.006
- Same answer. it's a public display
- 00:13:00.073 --> 00:13:01.641
- It's a public display of affection.
- 00:13:01.708 --> 00:13:03.710
- Of affection. it is your way of telling
- 00:13:03.777 --> 00:13:04.978
- It is your way of telling others who are in the room,
- 00:13:05.045 --> 00:13:06.513
- Others who are in the room, "i'm with her,
- 00:13:06.580 --> 00:13:07.447
- "i'm with her, she's with me.
- 00:13:07.514 --> 00:13:08.548
- She's with me. we're together."
- 00:13:08.615 --> 00:13:11.852
- We're together." this is what worship is.
- 00:13:11.918 --> 00:13:14.387
- This is what worship is. when you worship the lord
- 00:13:14.454 --> 00:13:15.522
- When you worship the lord in spirit and in truth,
- 00:13:15.589 --> 00:13:16.656
- In spirit and in truth, you're giving the rest
- 00:13:16.723 --> 00:13:17.791
- You're giving the rest of the world an opportunity
- 00:13:17.858 --> 00:13:19.359
- Of the world an opportunity to recognize,
- 00:13:19.426 --> 00:13:20.160
- To recognize, "i'm with him,
- 00:13:20.227 --> 00:13:21.094
- "i'm with him, he's with me,
- 00:13:21.161 --> 00:13:22.062
- He's with me, we're together."
- 00:13:22.128 --> 00:13:22.729
- [applause]
- 00:13:23.430 --> 00:13:30.403
- Now, here's what it means
- 00:13:30.837 --> 00:13:31.404
- Now, here's what it means to worship him in spirit
- 00:13:31.471 --> 00:13:32.472
- To worship him in spirit and in truth.
- 00:13:32.539 --> 00:13:33.240
- And in truth. what happens when your public
- 00:13:33.306 --> 00:13:37.210
- What happens when your public display of affection does
- 00:13:37.277 --> 00:13:38.612
- Display of affection does not line up with the personal
- 00:13:38.678 --> 00:13:41.147
- Not line up with the personal situation in your relationship?
- 00:13:41.214 --> 00:13:44.384
- Situation in your relationship? i mean,
- 00:13:44.451 --> 00:13:44.751
- I mean, what happens when you
- 00:13:44.818 --> 00:13:45.485
- What happens when you and your wife are driving
- 00:13:45.552 --> 00:13:46.386
- And your wife are driving to church having one
- 00:13:46.453 --> 00:13:47.320
- To church having one of those "sunday stressors."
- 00:13:47.387 --> 00:13:51.524
- Of those "sunday stressors." you know what i'm talking about.
- 00:13:51.591 --> 00:13:53.693
- You know what i'm talking about. "i can't believe that
- 00:13:53.760 --> 00:13:54.761
- "i can't believe that you drove like that to church."
- 00:13:54.828 --> 00:13:56.229
- You drove like that to church." "i had to get here.
- 00:13:56.296 --> 00:13:58.832
- "i had to get here. last week,
- 00:13:58.899 --> 00:13:59.366
- Last week, i had to park in the west lot,
- 00:13:59.432 --> 00:14:00.600
- I had to park in the west lot, and that lot always
- 00:14:00.667 --> 00:14:01.334
- And that lot always takes forever to get out."
- 00:14:01.401 --> 00:14:04.404
- Takes forever to get out." it doesn't matter what it is.
- 00:14:04.471 --> 00:14:05.405
- It doesn't matter what it is. "are we going to your parents
- 00:14:05.472 --> 00:14:06.339
- "are we going to your parents for thanksgiving?"
- 00:14:06.406 --> 00:14:07.140
- For thanksgiving?" "no, we're not going
- 00:14:07.207 --> 00:14:07.908
- "no, we're not going to my parents,
- 00:14:07.974 --> 00:14:08.508
- To my parents, it's your year."
- 00:14:08.575 --> 00:14:11.044
- It's your year." silly stuff that you just
- 00:14:11.111 --> 00:14:12.212
- Silly stuff that you just get to fussing at each
- 00:14:12.279 --> 00:14:13.580
- Get to fussing at each other over.
- 00:14:13.647 --> 00:14:14.314
- Other over. and all of a sudden,
- 00:14:14.381 --> 00:14:15.081
- And all of a sudden, you pull into the church
- 00:14:15.148 --> 00:14:15.982
- You pull into the church parking lot and the cloud
- 00:14:16.049 --> 00:14:17.417
- Parking lot and the cloud of confusion disappears,
- 00:14:17.484 --> 00:14:18.919
- Of confusion disappears, and you wave, "oh, hi.
- 00:14:18.985 --> 00:14:20.320
- And you wave, "oh, hi. praise the lord.
- 00:14:20.387 --> 00:14:21.288
- [laughter]
- 00:14:21.688 --> 00:14:25.558
- Blessed and highly favored...
- 00:14:25.959 --> 00:14:27.327
- [laughter]
- 00:14:27.761 --> 00:14:29.396
- And mildly irritated."
- 00:14:29.896 --> 00:14:31.197
- [laughter]
- 00:14:31.698 --> 00:14:34.501
- You come into church,
- 00:14:35.168 --> 00:14:35.802
- You come into church, and you reach over,
- 00:14:35.869 --> 00:14:36.569
- And you reach over, and you grab your wife's hand
- 00:14:36.636 --> 00:14:38.071
- And you grab your wife's hand because that's the public
- 00:14:38.138 --> 00:14:38.939
- Because that's the public display of affection,
- 00:14:39.005 --> 00:14:40.140
- Display of affection, but the public display
- 00:14:40.206 --> 00:14:41.207
- But the public display of affection doesn't line up
- 00:14:41.274 --> 00:14:42.075
- Of affection doesn't line up with the personal conflict
- 00:14:42.142 --> 00:14:43.276
- With the personal conflict you were just having
- 00:14:43.343 --> 00:14:43.944
- You were just having a few minutes ago.
- 00:14:44.010 --> 00:14:46.146
- A few minutes ago. oh, she'll hold your hand
- 00:14:46.212 --> 00:14:47.380
- Oh, she'll hold your hand but she gonna hold it different.
- 00:14:47.447 --> 00:14:48.615
- [laughter]
- 00:14:49.115 --> 00:14:50.383
- She might dig a nail
- 00:14:50.784 --> 00:14:51.584
- She might dig a nail in the back end of it
- 00:14:51.651 --> 00:14:52.352
- In the back end of it and be like.
- 00:14:52.419 --> 00:14:52.819
- [laughter]
- 00:14:53.219 --> 00:14:56.423
- "we'll talk about some things
- 00:14:56.823 --> 00:14:57.457
- "we'll talk about some things on the way home."
- 00:14:57.524 --> 00:14:59.993
- On the way home." you put your arm around
- 00:15:00.060 --> 00:15:00.927
- You put your arm around her in the service
- 00:15:00.994 --> 00:15:01.795
- Her in the service but if the preacher gets
- 00:15:01.861 --> 00:15:02.629
- But if the preacher gets to preaching good,
- 00:15:02.696 --> 00:15:03.330
- To preaching good, she'll take that elbow
- 00:15:03.396 --> 00:15:03.897
- She'll take that elbow and just.
- 00:15:03.964 --> 00:15:04.197
- [grunts]
- 00:15:04.597 --> 00:15:04.831
- "did you hear him?
- 00:15:05.098 --> 00:15:05.565
- "did you hear him? did you hear him?
- 00:15:05.632 --> 00:15:07.233
- Did you hear him? that was for you, boy."
- 00:15:07.300 --> 00:15:08.068
- [laughter]
- 00:15:08.601 --> 00:15:10.603
- It'll look like love,
- 00:15:11.037 --> 00:15:12.172
- It'll look like love, but it's the spirit of shove.
- 00:15:12.238 --> 00:15:18.144
- But it's the spirit of shove. because what you're doing
- 00:15:18.211 --> 00:15:18.778
- Because what you're doing on the outside doesn't
- 00:15:18.845 --> 00:15:19.679
- On the outside doesn't line up with what
- 00:15:19.746 --> 00:15:20.447
- Line up with what you're doing on the inside.
- 00:15:20.513 --> 00:15:23.817
- You're doing on the inside. and in just the same way,
- 00:15:23.883 --> 00:15:24.918
- And in just the same way, when god says,
- 00:15:24.985 --> 00:15:25.618
- When god says, "those who worship me must
- 00:15:25.685 --> 00:15:26.720
- "those who worship me must worship in spirit and in truth."
- 00:15:26.786 --> 00:15:28.321
- Worship in spirit and in truth." he's saying,
- 00:15:28.388 --> 00:15:28.888
- He's saying, "don't come to church
- 00:15:28.955 --> 00:15:30.023
- "don't come to church and give me
- 00:15:30.090 --> 00:15:30.557
- And give me a public display of affection
- 00:15:30.623 --> 00:15:32.525
- A public display of affection that is not present in your life
- 00:15:32.592 --> 00:15:34.361
- That is not present in your life the rest of the week.
- 00:15:34.427 --> 00:15:36.830
- The rest of the week. don't you show up on sunday
- 00:15:36.896 --> 00:15:38.298
- Don't you show up on sunday and act one way,
- 00:15:38.365 --> 00:15:39.466
- And act one way, and then you go home
- 00:15:39.532 --> 00:15:40.667
- And then you go home and the conduct that you
- 00:15:40.734 --> 00:15:41.768
- And the conduct that you exhibit the rest of the week
- 00:15:41.835 --> 00:15:43.003
- Exhibit the rest of the week doesn't even act
- 00:15:43.069 --> 00:15:43.636
- Doesn't even act like you know me."
- 00:15:43.703 --> 00:15:47.474
- Like you know me." make sure that what you're
- 00:15:47.540 --> 00:15:48.408
- Make sure that what you're doing in church complements
- 00:15:48.475 --> 00:15:51.011
- Doing in church complements what you're doing
- 00:15:51.077 --> 00:15:51.978
- What you're doing in your personal life.
- 00:15:52.045 --> 00:15:54.114
- [applause]
- 00:15:54.547 --> 00:16:00.553
- Because whether
- 00:16:01.021 --> 00:16:01.454
- Because whether you know it or not,
- 00:16:01.521 --> 00:16:02.088
- You know it or not, everything that you do can
- 00:16:02.155 --> 00:16:04.257
- Everything that you do can be an act of worship.
- 00:16:04.324 --> 00:16:06.559
- Be an act of worship. physically, the bible says,
- 00:16:06.626 --> 00:16:08.428
- Physically, the bible says, 1 corinthians 6:19,
- 00:16:08.495 --> 00:16:09.996
- 1 corinthians 6:19, "do you not know that
- 00:16:10.063 --> 00:16:10.830
- "do you not know that your body is the temple
- 00:16:10.897 --> 00:16:11.931
- Your body is the temple of the holy spirit?"
- 00:16:11.998 --> 00:16:13.700
- Of the holy spirit?" what that says is the church
- 00:16:13.767 --> 00:16:15.301
- What that says is the church is not a place,
- 00:16:15.368 --> 00:16:16.770
- Is not a place, the church is a person,
- 00:16:16.836 --> 00:16:17.971
- The church is a person, and whenever you have christ
- 00:16:18.038 --> 00:16:19.372
- And whenever you have christ in your heart,
- 00:16:19.439 --> 00:16:20.240
- In your heart, the church is you.
- 00:16:20.306 --> 00:16:23.410
- The church is you. so, how you keep your physical
- 00:16:23.476 --> 00:16:24.844
- So, how you keep your physical body is a sacrifice
- 00:16:24.911 --> 00:16:26.346
- Body is a sacrifice of praise to the lord.
- 00:16:26.413 --> 00:16:27.280
- Of praise to the lord. you say,
- 00:16:27.347 --> 00:16:27.714
- You say, "what do you mean?"
- 00:16:27.781 --> 00:16:28.281
- "what do you mean?" i mean the choices that you make
- 00:16:28.348 --> 00:16:29.816
- I mean the choices that you make about your personal health.
- 00:16:29.883 --> 00:16:33.186
- About your personal health. but as simple as it sounds,
- 00:16:33.253 --> 00:16:34.721
- But as simple as it sounds, when you make a decision
- 00:16:34.788 --> 00:16:35.889
- When you make a decision for your health,
- 00:16:35.955 --> 00:16:37.123
- For your health, and you would have
- 00:16:37.190 --> 00:16:38.024
- And you would have preferred blue bell,
- 00:16:38.091 --> 00:16:44.431
- Preferred blue bell, god looks down and he says,
- 00:16:44.497 --> 00:16:45.698
- God looks down and he says, "he's making the right
- 00:16:45.765 --> 00:16:46.332
- "he's making the right decision because he realizes
- 00:16:46.399 --> 00:16:47.901
- Decision because he realizes i'm the one that gave
- 00:16:47.967 --> 00:16:48.701
- I'm the one that gave him that body,"
- 00:16:48.768 --> 00:16:49.636
- Him that body," and i'll take that
- 00:16:49.702 --> 00:16:50.537
- And i'll take that as an act of worship.
- 00:16:50.603 --> 00:16:53.973
- As an act of worship. the financial
- 00:16:54.040 --> 00:16:54.607
- The financial decisions you make,
- 00:16:54.674 --> 00:16:55.675
- Decisions you make, they're acts of worship.
- 00:16:55.742 --> 00:16:57.744
- They're acts of worship. proverbs 3 says,
- 00:16:57.811 --> 00:16:59.879
- Proverbs 3 says, "honor the lord with your
- 00:16:59.946 --> 00:17:00.914
- "honor the lord with your possessions and the firstfruits
- 00:17:00.980 --> 00:17:03.149
- Possessions and the firstfruits of all of your increase."
- 00:17:03.216 --> 00:17:05.718
- Of all of your increase." meaning that the things
- 00:17:05.785 --> 00:17:06.352
- Meaning that the things that you choose
- 00:17:06.419 --> 00:17:07.053
- That you choose to do with your money,
- 00:17:07.120 --> 00:17:08.088
- To do with your money, if you do them to honor god,
- 00:17:08.154 --> 00:17:09.956
- If you do them to honor god, they're acts of worship.
- 00:17:10.023 --> 00:17:11.958
- They're acts of worship. if you do not frivolously waste
- 00:17:12.025 --> 00:17:13.493
- If you do not frivolously waste and spoil what god
- 00:17:13.560 --> 00:17:14.794
- And spoil what god has blessed you with.
- 00:17:14.861 --> 00:17:15.795
- Has blessed you with. he looks down and he says,
- 00:17:15.862 --> 00:17:16.930
- He looks down and he says, "the discipline
- 00:17:16.996 --> 00:17:17.697
- "the discipline and the decisions
- 00:17:17.764 --> 00:17:18.331
- And the decisions that they're making,
- 00:17:18.398 --> 00:17:19.132
- That they're making, i'm gonna take as
- 00:17:19.199 --> 00:17:20.066
- I'm gonna take as a sacrifice of praise.
- 00:17:20.133 --> 00:17:21.601
- A sacrifice of praise. yes, they wanted
- 00:17:21.668 --> 00:17:22.669
- Yes, they wanted to do something different,
- 00:17:22.735 --> 00:17:23.837
- To do something different, but what they did,
- 00:17:23.903 --> 00:17:24.571
- But what they did, they did to honor me."
- 00:17:24.637 --> 00:17:27.440
- They did to honor me." so, the question is not
- 00:17:27.507 --> 00:17:28.341
- So, the question is not what kind of church
- 00:17:28.408 --> 00:17:29.075
- What kind of church are we having on sunday?
- 00:17:29.142 --> 00:17:30.243
- Are we having on sunday? the question is what kind
- 00:17:30.310 --> 00:17:31.377
- The question is what kind of church are you having
- 00:17:31.444 --> 00:17:32.745
- Of church are you having when you're not here?
- 00:17:32.812 --> 00:17:36.216
- When you're not here? because you need to know,
- 00:17:36.282 --> 00:17:37.183
- Because you need to know, just like the samaritans
- 00:17:37.250 --> 00:17:38.418
- Just like the samaritans worshiped many other gods,
- 00:17:38.485 --> 00:17:39.886
- Worshiped many other gods, you don't have to have
- 00:17:39.953 --> 00:17:40.520
- You don't have to have a pagan altar in your house
- 00:17:40.587 --> 00:17:42.388
- A pagan altar in your house to pull god off the throne
- 00:17:42.455 --> 00:17:43.623
- To pull god off the throne and put something else on it.
- 00:17:43.690 --> 00:17:46.459
- And put something else on it. you will worship what you want,
- 00:17:46.526 --> 00:17:48.795
- You will worship what you want, and what you want,
- 00:17:48.862 --> 00:17:49.729
- And what you want, you will worship.
- 00:17:49.796 --> 00:17:52.332
- You will worship. some people worship money,
- 00:17:52.398 --> 00:17:53.867
- Some people worship money, which is why when
- 00:17:53.933 --> 00:17:54.434
- Which is why when they're not at church,
- 00:17:54.501 --> 00:17:55.101
- They're not at church, all they chasing
- 00:17:55.168 --> 00:17:56.002
- All they chasing is the next dollar.
- 00:17:56.069 --> 00:17:58.138
- Is the next dollar. some people worship status,
- 00:17:58.204 --> 00:17:59.539
- Some people worship status, which is why when they're not
- 00:17:59.606 --> 00:18:00.673
- Which is why when they're not in god's house,
- 00:18:00.740 --> 00:18:01.474
- In god's house, they're doing everything
- 00:18:01.541 --> 00:18:02.408
- They're doing everything they can to become known
- 00:18:02.475 --> 00:18:04.010
- They can to become known and become someone of status
- 00:18:04.077 --> 00:18:06.479
- And become someone of status here in the society.
- 00:18:06.546 --> 00:18:08.848
- Here in the society. whatever it is that you choose
- 00:18:08.915 --> 00:18:10.049
- Whatever it is that you choose to worship other than
- 00:18:10.116 --> 00:18:11.117
- To worship other than the one true god,
- 00:18:11.184 --> 00:18:12.085
- The one true god, it's what you're
- 00:18:12.152 --> 00:18:12.886
- It's what you're bending your knee to.
- 00:18:12.952 --> 00:18:13.920
- Bending your knee to. and the bible's very clear,
- 00:18:13.987 --> 00:18:15.054
- And the bible's very clear, "every knee shall bow,
- 00:18:15.121 --> 00:18:16.322
- "every knee shall bow, and every tongue shall confess
- 00:18:16.389 --> 00:18:17.957
- And every tongue shall confess that christ is lord
- 00:18:18.024 --> 00:18:19.526
- That christ is lord to the glory of god,
- 00:18:19.592 --> 00:18:20.894
- To the glory of god, the father."
- 00:18:20.960 --> 00:18:21.594
- [applause]
- 00:18:22.629 --> 00:18:27.667
- Is your personal church
- 00:18:28.334 --> 00:18:30.537
- Is your personal church complementing your public
- 00:18:30.603 --> 00:18:31.905
- Complementing your public church or competing with it?
- 00:18:31.971 --> 00:18:35.408
- Church or competing with it? do the things that
- 00:18:35.475 --> 00:18:36.042
- Do the things that you say in god's house,
- 00:18:36.109 --> 00:18:37.744
- You say in god's house, on god's day sound like
- 00:18:37.810 --> 00:18:38.578
- On god's day sound like the things that you say
- 00:18:38.645 --> 00:18:39.913
- The things that you say every other day,
- 00:18:39.979 --> 00:18:41.414
- Every other day, or do you have two
- 00:18:41.481 --> 00:18:42.148
- Or do you have two different vocabularies
- 00:18:42.215 --> 00:18:43.283
- Different vocabularies and two different attitudes?
- 00:18:43.349 --> 00:18:46.920
- And two different attitudes? when god sees you worship,
- 00:18:46.986 --> 00:18:48.454
- When god sees you worship, does he say,
- 00:18:48.521 --> 00:18:49.022
- Does he say, "yes, i know you love me."?
- 00:18:49.088 --> 00:18:52.892
- "yes, i know you love me."? or does he look down
- 00:18:52.959 --> 00:18:53.626
- Or does he look down and go, "really?"
- 00:18:53.693 --> 00:18:57.897
- And go, "really?" because the bible says
- 00:18:57.964 --> 00:18:59.165
- Because the bible says "true worshipers worship him
- 00:18:59.232 --> 00:19:01.568
- "true worshipers worship him in spirit and in truth."
- 00:19:01.634 --> 00:19:05.405
- In spirit and in truth." colossians tells us
- 00:19:05.471 --> 00:19:06.506
- Colossians tells us in colossians 3:23,
- 00:19:06.573 --> 00:19:08.208
- In colossians 3:23, "whatever you do,
- 00:19:08.274 --> 00:19:09.075
- "whatever you do, do it heartily,"
- 00:19:09.142 --> 00:19:11.678
- Do it heartily," that means with enthusiasm,
- 00:19:11.744 --> 00:19:14.681
- That means with enthusiasm, "as unto the lord
- 00:19:14.747 --> 00:19:16.049
- "as unto the lord and not to men."
- 00:19:16.115 --> 00:19:19.319
- And not to men." which gives you the opportunity
- 00:19:19.385 --> 00:19:20.687
- Which gives you the opportunity to take every act
- 00:19:20.753 --> 00:19:22.188
- To take every act that you do in your life
- 00:19:22.255 --> 00:19:23.456
- That you do in your life and make it an act of praise.
- 00:19:23.523 --> 00:19:27.393
- And make it an act of praise. in your spirit,
- 00:19:27.460 --> 00:19:28.328
- In your spirit, whenever you get up
- 00:19:28.394 --> 00:19:29.229
- Whenever you get up and go to work,
- 00:19:29.295 --> 00:19:29.762
- And go to work, say, "god, i'm going
- 00:19:29.829 --> 00:19:30.396
- Say, "god, i'm going to work for you.
- 00:19:30.463 --> 00:19:31.731
- To work for you. i know i work for the company,
- 00:19:31.798 --> 00:19:33.233
- I know i work for the company, i know i work for the boss,
- 00:19:33.299 --> 00:19:34.667
- I know i work for the boss, i know i work at this job,
- 00:19:34.734 --> 00:19:36.236
- I know i work at this job, but the work that i do,
- 00:19:36.302 --> 00:19:37.570
- But the work that i do, it's you who gave me
- 00:19:37.637 --> 00:19:38.705
- It's you who gave me the strength to do it.
- 00:19:38.771 --> 00:19:39.706
- The strength to do it. it's you in whom i live
- 00:19:39.772 --> 00:19:40.940
- It's you in whom i live and move and have my being.
- 00:19:41.007 --> 00:19:42.442
- And move and have my being. so, i'm gonna go to work today
- 00:19:42.508 --> 00:19:43.977
- So, i'm gonna go to work today and i'm gonna make my work
- 00:19:44.043 --> 00:19:45.178
- And i'm gonna make my work a demonstration of excellence
- 00:19:45.245 --> 00:19:46.946
- A demonstration of excellence so that others will see evidence
- 00:19:47.013 --> 00:19:48.448
- So that others will see evidence of the fact that you're
- 00:19:48.514 --> 00:19:49.415
- Of the fact that you're real in my life.
- 00:19:49.482 --> 00:19:51.017
- Real in my life. and whenever they see me,
- 00:19:51.084 --> 00:19:52.485
- And whenever they see me, they'll glorify you because
- 00:19:52.552 --> 00:19:53.920
- They'll glorify you because your word says that if you'll
- 00:19:53.987 --> 00:19:55.655
- Your word says that if you'll do it the right way,
- 00:19:55.722 --> 00:19:56.956
- Do it the right way, if you'll let your
- 00:19:57.023 --> 00:19:57.757
- If you'll let your light shine before men,
- 00:19:57.824 --> 00:19:59.492
- Light shine before men, they'll glorify
- 00:19:59.559 --> 00:20:00.493
- They'll glorify your father in heaven.
- 00:20:00.560 --> 00:20:02.061
- Your father in heaven. so, god today, monday morning,
- 00:20:02.128 --> 00:20:04.130
- So, god today, monday morning, it's gonna be a sacrifice
- 00:20:04.197 --> 00:20:05.465
- It's gonna be a sacrifice of praise unto you."
- 00:20:05.531 --> 00:20:09.168
- Of praise unto you." don't wake up and go,
- 00:20:09.235 --> 00:20:09.802
- Don't wake up and go, "oh god, it's monday."
- 00:20:09.869 --> 00:20:13.873
- "oh god, it's monday." i'll tell you what,
- 00:20:13.940 --> 00:20:14.474
- I'll tell you what, if you wake up breathing,
- 00:20:14.540 --> 00:20:15.475
- If you wake up breathing, you should be thankful.
- 00:20:15.541 --> 00:20:16.442
- [applause]
- 00:20:17.443 --> 00:20:24.517
- God deserves your
- 00:20:25.518 --> 00:20:26.853
- God deserves your worship privately,
- 00:20:26.919 --> 00:20:29.989
- Worship privately, and he deserves
- 00:20:30.056 --> 00:20:30.556
- And he deserves your worship publicly.
- 00:20:30.623 --> 00:20:33.693
- Your worship publicly. whenever we get together
- 00:20:33.760 --> 00:20:34.827
- Whenever we get together and we worship
- 00:20:34.894 --> 00:20:35.428
- And we worship god in a service,
- 00:20:35.495 --> 00:20:38.931
- God in a service, our public worship is a way
- 00:20:38.998 --> 00:20:41.367
- Our public worship is a way to encourage one another.
- 00:20:41.434 --> 00:20:44.937
- To encourage one another. this is where we're reminded
- 00:20:45.004 --> 00:20:46.572
- This is where we're reminded that he's our father,
- 00:20:46.639 --> 00:20:48.274
- That he's our father, not my father.
- 00:20:48.341 --> 00:20:50.910
- Not my father. that he's the maker of us all.
- 00:20:50.977 --> 00:20:54.047
- That he's the maker of us all. this is the place where
- 00:20:54.113 --> 00:20:55.281
- This is the place where breakthrough comes from because
- 00:20:55.348 --> 00:20:57.717
- Breakthrough comes from because the bible says, "one of us
- 00:20:57.784 --> 00:20:58.851
- The bible says, "one of us can put a thousand to flight
- 00:20:58.918 --> 00:21:00.153
- Can put a thousand to flight and two of us can put
- 00:21:00.219 --> 00:21:00.987
- And two of us can put ten thousand to flight."
- 00:21:01.054 --> 00:21:03.956
- Ten thousand to flight." i say this in closing.
- 00:21:04.023 --> 00:21:06.693
- I say this in closing. if god is looking for it,
- 00:21:06.759 --> 00:21:10.330
- If god is looking for it, it must be pretty hard to find.
- 00:21:10.396 --> 00:21:14.634
- It must be pretty hard to find. jesus said,
- 00:21:14.701 --> 00:21:15.335
- Jesus said, "for the father is seeking."
- 00:21:15.401 --> 00:21:18.171
- "for the father is seeking." say that with me,
- 00:21:18.237 --> 00:21:19.105
- Say that with me, "for the father is seeking
- 00:21:19.172 --> 00:21:22.442
- "for the father is seeking those who would worship him."
- 00:21:22.508 --> 00:21:26.279
- Those who would worship him." if god's looking for it,
- 00:21:26.346 --> 00:21:29.349
- If god's looking for it, it must not be as available
- 00:21:29.415 --> 00:21:30.616
- It must not be as available as you think it is.
- 00:21:30.683 --> 00:21:34.887
- As you think it is. go look at psalms 148.
- 00:21:34.954 --> 00:21:38.791
- Go look at psalms 148. and what you find in that
- 00:21:38.858 --> 00:21:39.926
- And what you find in that passage of scripture
- 00:21:39.992 --> 00:21:42.128
- Passage of scripture is a declaration of praise.
- 00:21:42.195 --> 00:21:45.064
- Is a declaration of praise. the psalm begins,
- 00:21:45.131 --> 00:21:46.699
- The psalm begins, "praise the lord."
- 00:21:46.766 --> 00:21:49.168
- "praise the lord." and then it begins to list
- 00:21:49.235 --> 00:21:50.370
- And then it begins to list in the following verses all
- 00:21:50.436 --> 00:21:51.904
- In the following verses all of the things that do
- 00:21:51.971 --> 00:21:53.272
- Of the things that do not have a choice.
- 00:21:53.339 --> 00:21:55.742
- Not have a choice. it says,
- 00:21:55.808 --> 00:21:56.542
- It says, "praise the lord you heavens,
- 00:21:56.609 --> 00:21:59.312
- "praise the lord you heavens, and you heights,
- 00:21:59.379 --> 00:22:00.380
- And you heights, and you angels, and you hosts.
- 00:22:00.446 --> 00:22:02.548
- And you angels, and you hosts. praise the lord you sun,
- 00:22:02.615 --> 00:22:04.117
- Praise the lord you sun, and moon, and stars,
- 00:22:04.183 --> 00:22:05.251
- And moon, and stars, and water,
- 00:22:05.318 --> 00:22:05.885
- And water, and land."
- 00:22:05.952 --> 00:22:07.887
- And land." it says,
- 00:22:07.954 --> 00:22:08.388
- It says, "the mountains have no choice
- 00:22:08.454 --> 00:22:09.756
- "the mountains have no choice but to praise the lord
- 00:22:09.822 --> 00:22:10.923
- But to praise the lord because god created them
- 00:22:10.990 --> 00:22:12.558
- Because god created them and put them on the earth."
- 00:22:12.625 --> 00:22:14.060
- And put them on the earth." and then it says the creatures
- 00:22:14.127 --> 00:22:15.228
- And then it says the creatures who walk across the land
- 00:22:15.294 --> 00:22:16.596
- Who walk across the land have to praise the lord
- 00:22:16.662 --> 00:22:17.930
- Have to praise the lord and all of the creatures
- 00:22:17.997 --> 00:22:18.865
- And all of the creatures that are in the deep
- 00:22:18.931 --> 00:22:19.732
- That are in the deep praise the lord.
- 00:22:19.799 --> 00:22:20.700
- Praise the lord. and then it talks about
- 00:22:20.767 --> 00:22:21.401
- And then it talks about storm clouds that form,
- 00:22:21.467 --> 00:22:23.236
- Storm clouds that form, how they have
- 00:22:23.302 --> 00:22:24.003
- How they have to praise the lord.
- 00:22:24.070 --> 00:22:25.071
- To praise the lord. and winds that blow,
- 00:22:25.138 --> 00:22:26.272
- And winds that blow, and snow, and rain,
- 00:22:26.339 --> 00:22:27.440
- And snow, and rain, and hail.
- 00:22:27.507 --> 00:22:28.441
- And hail. all of these things
- 00:22:28.508 --> 00:22:29.742
- All of these things have no choice.
- 00:22:29.809 --> 00:22:30.977
- Have no choice. they have to worship
- 00:22:31.043 --> 00:22:32.145
- They have to worship the god who created them.
- 00:22:32.211 --> 00:22:35.782
- The god who created them. and then it gets down to mankind
- 00:22:35.848 --> 00:22:39.685
- And then it gets down to mankind and it says about mankind,
- 00:22:39.752 --> 00:22:42.789
- And it says about mankind, "you kings of the earth,
- 00:22:42.855 --> 00:22:47.260
- "you kings of the earth, let you praise the lord."
- 00:22:47.326 --> 00:22:50.363
- Let you praise the lord." you see, we get a choice.
- 00:22:50.430 --> 00:22:52.865
- You see, we get a choice. are we gonna give god
- 00:22:52.932 --> 00:22:53.866
- Are we gonna give god what he's worthy of,
- 00:22:53.933 --> 00:22:56.402
- What he's worthy of, or are we gonna keep
- 00:22:56.469 --> 00:22:57.003
- Or are we gonna keep it for ourselves?
- 00:22:57.069 --> 00:23:00.907
- It for ourselves? god is looking for people
- 00:23:00.973 --> 00:23:04.010
- God is looking for people who want to worship him,
- 00:23:04.076 --> 00:23:07.447
- Who want to worship him, who want to thank him,
- 00:23:07.513 --> 00:23:10.616
- Who want to thank him, who want to honor him
- 00:23:10.683 --> 00:23:13.786
- Who want to honor him and give him glory.
- 00:23:13.853 --> 00:23:16.222
- And give him glory. he's looking for people
- 00:23:16.289 --> 00:23:17.924
- He's looking for people who don't just wanna
- 00:23:17.990 --> 00:23:18.891
- Who don't just wanna show up at church,
- 00:23:18.958 --> 00:23:20.159
- Show up at church, but who want to be the church,
- 00:23:20.226 --> 00:23:22.829
- But who want to be the church, where he can dwell each
- 00:23:22.895 --> 00:23:25.531
- Where he can dwell each and every day.
- 00:23:25.598 --> 00:23:29.068
- And every day. so, here's how i wanna
- 00:23:29.135 --> 00:23:29.769
- So, here's how i wanna end this service.
- 00:23:29.836 --> 00:23:31.737
- End this service. i want you to stand
- 00:23:31.804 --> 00:23:32.305
- I want you to stand right where you are.
- 00:23:32.371 --> 00:23:36.008
- Right where you are. and for just a few moments,
- 00:23:36.075 --> 00:23:37.710
- And for just a few moments, we're going to give god
- 00:23:37.777 --> 00:23:38.611
- We're going to give god what god's looking for.
- 00:23:38.678 --> 00:23:41.948
- What god's looking for. we're gonna give god the thanks
- 00:23:42.014 --> 00:23:43.216
- We're gonna give god the thanks and the praise that he
- 00:23:43.282 --> 00:23:44.717
- And the praise that he and he alone is worthy of.
- 00:23:44.784 --> 00:23:46.486
- And he alone is worthy of. just like there were
- 00:23:46.552 --> 00:23:47.587
- Just like there were a multitude of issues
- 00:23:47.653 --> 00:23:48.788
- A multitude of issues in the life of the woman
- 00:23:48.855 --> 00:23:50.022
- In the life of the woman in john 4,
- 00:23:50.089 --> 00:23:51.057
- In john 4, i'm sure that there's
- 00:23:51.123 --> 00:23:52.158
- I'm sure that there's a multitude of issues here
- 00:23:52.225 --> 00:23:53.826
- A multitude of issues here in this sanctuary today.
- 00:23:53.893 --> 00:23:55.094
- In this sanctuary today. i'm certain that there's
- 00:23:55.161 --> 00:23:56.362
- I'm certain that there's a multitude of issues
- 00:23:56.429 --> 00:23:57.463
- A multitude of issues from those of you
- 00:23:57.530 --> 00:23:58.264
- From those of you who are joining us today.
- 00:23:58.331 --> 00:23:59.465
- Who are joining us today. but we're not gonna go into
- 00:23:59.532 --> 00:24:00.399
- But we're not gonna go into heavenly places
- 00:24:00.466 --> 00:24:01.367
- Heavenly places and talk about our needs,
- 00:24:01.434 --> 00:24:02.768
- And talk about our needs, we're gonna go into heavenly
- 00:24:02.835 --> 00:24:03.870
- We're gonna go into heavenly places and worship the god
- 00:24:03.936 --> 00:24:05.338
- Places and worship the god who meets every need.
- 00:24:05.404 --> 00:24:07.773
- Who meets every need. so, right where you are,
- 00:24:07.840 --> 00:24:08.674
- So, right where you are, i just want you to lift
- 00:24:08.741 --> 00:24:09.442
- I just want you to lift your hands and raise your voice,
- 00:24:09.509 --> 00:24:10.843
- Your hands and raise your voice, and begin to give god thanks.
- 00:24:10.910 --> 00:24:13.312
- And begin to give god thanks. thank you, god,
- 00:24:13.379 --> 00:24:14.213
- Thank you, god, for every breath
- 00:24:14.280 --> 00:24:14.947
- For every breath that i breathe.
- 00:24:15.014 --> 00:24:16.582
- That i breathe. thank you, god,
- 00:24:16.649 --> 00:24:17.316
- Thank you, god, for the health and the strength
- 00:24:17.383 --> 00:24:18.651
- For the health and the strength to be in your house.
- 00:24:18.718 --> 00:24:20.486
- To be in your house. thank you god,
- 00:24:20.553 --> 00:24:21.387
- Thank you god, that you have once again
- 00:24:21.454 --> 00:24:22.555
- That you have once again been faithful to keep your word
- 00:24:22.622 --> 00:24:24.924
- Been faithful to keep your word that where two or three
- 00:24:24.991 --> 00:24:25.691
- That where two or three of us are gathered,
- 00:24:25.758 --> 00:24:26.492
- Of us are gathered, you're in our midst.
- 00:24:26.559 --> 00:24:27.460
- You're in our midst. we don't deserve it, god,
- 00:24:27.527 --> 00:24:28.594
- We don't deserve it, god, but you're here anyway.
- 00:24:28.661 --> 00:24:30.696
- But you're here anyway. thank you for your mercy
- 00:24:30.763 --> 00:24:31.898
- Thank you for your mercy that's renewed every morning.
- 00:24:31.964 --> 00:24:33.032
- That's renewed every morning. thank you for your grace
- 00:24:33.099 --> 00:24:34.934
- Thank you for your grace that is sufficient.
- 00:24:35.001 --> 00:24:37.103
- That is sufficient. thank you for the sweet
- 00:24:37.169 --> 00:24:39.739
- Thank you for the sweet gift of redemption.
- 00:24:39.805 --> 00:24:42.608
- Gift of redemption. for washing away our sins
- 00:24:42.675 --> 00:24:44.477
- For washing away our sins and making us whiter than snow.
- 00:24:44.544 --> 00:24:46.779
- And making us whiter than snow. thank you for being a god who
- 00:24:46.846 --> 00:24:49.982
- Thank you for being a god who understands and gives strength
- 00:24:50.049 --> 00:24:54.820
- Understands and gives strength and gives peace that surpasses
- 00:24:54.887 --> 00:24:56.122
- And gives peace that surpasses all understanding.
- 00:24:56.188 --> 00:24:58.124
- All understanding. thank you for being
- 00:24:58.190 --> 00:24:59.292
- Thank you for being a protector and a defender.
- 00:24:59.358 --> 00:25:01.027
- A protector and a defender. for keeping us from harm that
- 00:25:01.093 --> 00:25:02.995
- For keeping us from harm that we didn't even know existed.
- 00:25:03.062 --> 00:25:05.865
- We didn't even know existed. but because your
- 00:25:05.932 --> 00:25:06.632
- But because your angels were watching,
- 00:25:06.699 --> 00:25:07.667
- Angels were watching, and your hand was upon us,
- 00:25:07.733 --> 00:25:10.870
- And your hand was upon us, we've been sustained.
- 00:25:10.937 --> 00:25:13.105
- We've been sustained. thank you for being
- 00:25:13.172 --> 00:25:13.973
- Thank you for being a healer when we were sick.
- 00:25:14.040 --> 00:25:16.943
- A healer when we were sick. thank you for being
- 00:25:17.009 --> 00:25:18.177
- Thank you for being all that we need.
- 00:25:18.244 --> 00:25:21.414
- All that we need. now god, we come into heavenly
- 00:25:21.480 --> 00:25:22.615
- Now god, we come into heavenly places offering you
- 00:25:22.682 --> 00:25:23.883
- Places offering you a sacrifice of praise.
- 00:25:23.950 --> 00:25:26.118
- A sacrifice of praise. saying that you
- 00:25:26.185 --> 00:25:27.053
- Saying that you and you alone are worthy.
- 00:25:27.119 --> 00:25:29.322
- And you alone are worthy. anything that we've ever
- 00:25:29.388 --> 00:25:30.356
- Anything that we've ever placed above you,
- 00:25:30.423 --> 00:25:31.257
- Placed above you, forgive us and let us always
- 00:25:31.324 --> 00:25:33.426
- Forgive us and let us always look to you through the eyes
- 00:25:33.492 --> 00:25:35.595
- Look to you through the eyes of worship, giving you praise
- 00:25:35.661 --> 00:25:38.164
- Of worship, giving you praise and glory in jesus' mighty name.
- 00:25:38.230 --> 00:25:41.167
- So often, we have these
- 00:25:42.468 --> 00:25:44.170
- So often, we have these and priorities that we believe
- 00:25:44.236 --> 00:25:46.472
- And priorities that we believe matter the most.
- 00:25:46.539 --> 00:25:47.873
- Matter the most. in heavenly places,
- 00:25:47.940 --> 00:25:49.075
- In heavenly places, what matters most is worship.
- 00:25:49.141 --> 00:25:51.811
- What matters most is worship. it's what the angels
- 00:25:51.877 --> 00:25:52.812
- It's what the angels are doing around the throne
- 00:25:52.878 --> 00:25:54.080
- Are doing around the throne right now.
- 00:25:54.146 --> 00:25:55.047
- Right now. it's what
- 00:25:55.114 --> 00:25:55.448
- It's what all of the saints
- 00:25:55.514 --> 00:25:56.382
- All of the saints who are gathered
- 00:25:56.449 --> 00:25:57.083
- Who are gathered there are going
- 00:25:57.149 --> 00:25:58.217
- There are going to do for eternity.
- 00:25:58.284 --> 00:25:59.518
- To do for eternity. and it is what you and
- 00:25:59.585 --> 00:26:00.586
- And it is what you and i should focus on
- 00:26:00.653 --> 00:26:01.654
- I should focus on doing on a daily basis.
- 00:26:01.721 --> 00:26:03.489
- Doing on a daily basis. because from the
- 00:26:03.556 --> 00:26:04.056
- Because from the rising of the sun
- 00:26:04.123 --> 00:26:05.024
- Rising of the sun to the going down of the same,
- 00:26:05.091 --> 00:26:06.626
- To the going down of the same, the name of the lord is great
- 00:26:06.692 --> 00:26:08.127
- The name of the lord is great and greatly to be praised.
- 00:26:08.194 --> 00:26:09.695
- And greatly to be praised. god bless you and thank you
- 00:26:09.762 --> 00:26:10.930
- God bless you and thank you for being a part
- 00:26:10.997 --> 00:26:11.597
- For being a part of this program.
- 00:26:11.664 --> 00:26:13.165
- Of this program. good.it's more than a word.
- 00:26:13.232 --> 00:26:16.235
- Good.it's more than a word. it can move mountains, calm
- 00:26:16.302 --> 00:26:17.503
- It can move mountains, calm the troubled sea of your soul
- 00:26:17.570 --> 00:26:18.838
- The troubled sea of your soul and bring purpose to a life
- 00:26:18.904 --> 00:26:20.139
- And bring purpose to a life that feels lost.
- 00:26:20.206 --> 00:26:21.173
- That feels lost. live the joy filled life
- 00:26:21.240 --> 00:26:22.341
- Live the joy filled life god created
- 00:26:22.408 --> 00:26:23.042
- God created specifically for you.
- 00:26:23.109 --> 00:26:24.176
- Specifically for you. received the gift
- 00:26:24.243 --> 00:26:25.111
- Received the gift grace keychain
- 00:26:25.177 --> 00:26:26.012
- Grace keychain for your gift of any amount,
- 00:26:26.078 --> 00:26:27.413
- For your gift of any amount, and for your generous
- 00:26:27.480 --> 00:26:28.314
- And for your generous gift of $150 or more.
- 00:26:28.381 --> 00:26:30.082
- Gift of $150 or more. you'll also receive
- 00:26:30.149 --> 00:26:30.850
- You'll also receive the weekly wisdom
- 00:26:30.916 --> 00:26:31.751
- The weekly wisdom devotional planner,
- 00:26:31.817 --> 00:26:32.785
- Devotional planner, the unlocking the power
- 00:26:32.852 --> 00:26:33.886
- The unlocking the power of fasting journal
- 00:26:33.953 --> 00:26:34.720
- Of fasting journal and devotional by pastor
- 00:26:34.787 --> 00:26:35.855
- And devotional by pastor matt, and the heaven
- 00:26:35.921 --> 00:26:36.889
- Matt, and the heaven in this place
- 00:26:36.956 --> 00:26:37.423
- In this place cd by the cornerstone
- 00:26:37.490 --> 00:26:38.791
- Cd by the cornerstone sanctuary choir.
- 00:26:38.858 --> 00:26:39.759
- Sanctuary choir. call or visit
- 00:26:39.825 --> 00:26:40.660
- Call or visit jhm.org/grace
- 00:26:40.726 --> 00:26:42.728
- Ld where connectivity
- 00:26:43.996 --> 00:26:44.897
- Ld where connectivity is the heartbeat of change,
- 00:26:44.964 --> 00:26:46.332
- Is the heartbeat of change, there's a powerful force
- 00:26:46.399 --> 00:26:47.333
- There's a powerful force that unites us all,
- 00:26:47.400 --> 00:26:48.401
- That unites us all, partnership.
- 00:26:48.467 --> 00:26:49.068
- Partnership. it's the conduit through which
- 00:26:49.135 --> 00:26:50.302
- It's the conduit through which we reach the masses.
- 00:26:50.369 --> 00:26:51.504
- We reach the masses. hagee ministries has
- 00:26:51.570 --> 00:26:52.438
- Hagee ministries has the ability to go beyond
- 00:26:52.505 --> 00:26:53.539
- The ability to go beyond borders,
- 00:26:53.606 --> 00:26:54.106
- Borders, sharing stories that resonate
- 00:26:54.173 --> 00:26:55.307
- Sharing stories that resonate with people across the globe.
- 00:26:55.374 --> 00:26:56.842
- With people across the globe. every click,
- 00:26:56.909 --> 00:26:57.476
- Every click, every share,
- 00:26:57.543 --> 00:26:58.177
- Every share, every connection,
- 00:26:58.244 --> 00:26:59.311
- Every connection, carrying with them
- 00:26:59.378 --> 00:27:00.012
- Carrying with them the teachings that can
- 00:27:00.079 --> 00:27:00.913
- The teachings that can transform lives.
- 00:27:00.980 --> 00:27:02.314
- Transform lives. your partnership is a beacon
- 00:27:02.381 --> 00:27:03.482
- Your partnership is a beacon of hope,
- 00:27:03.549 --> 00:27:04.050
- Of hope, a source of inspiration
- 00:27:04.116 --> 00:27:04.950
- A source of inspiration for those seeking light
- 00:27:05.017 --> 00:27:05.951
- For those seeking light in a sometimes dark world.
- 00:27:06.018 --> 00:27:07.319
- In a sometimes dark world. call the number on the screen
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- Call the number on the screen or go to jhm.org/partner
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- 00:27:25.237 --> 00:27:26.806