Pastor Jentezen Franklin brings practical meaning to spiritual truths found in God’s Word.
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Kingdom Connection with Jentezen Franklin | Jentezen Franklin - Praise Is Our Purpose (Part 1) | January 2, 2025
- Program is sponsored in part
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- By friends and partners
- 00:00:03.076 --> 00:00:03.976
- Of jentezen franklin
- 00:00:04.077 --> 00:00:04.944
- Media ministries.
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- ♪ ♪
- 00:00:06.279 --> 00:00:08.581
- >> if you're looking
- 00:00:11.717 --> 00:00:12.318
- For more in life,
- 00:00:12.418 --> 00:00:13.286
- To live with purpose and peace,
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- To make a difference
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- For your family
- 00:00:15.988 --> 00:00:16.789
- And those in need around
- 00:00:16.889 --> 00:00:17.824
- The world, jesus is the answer,
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- And our mission
- 00:00:20.927 --> 00:00:21.727
- Is to simply point you to him.
- 00:00:21.828 --> 00:00:23.696
- You're watching
- 00:00:23.796 --> 00:00:24.397
- Kingdom connection
- 00:00:24.497 --> 00:00:25.398
- With jentezen franklin.
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- ♪ ♪
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- >> if you have your bibles,
- 00:00:28.801 --> 00:00:29.869
- >> if you have your bibles, i'm gonna ask you
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- I'm gonna ask you to open them with me
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- To open them with me to the book of ezekiel 28:11,
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- To the book of ezekiel 28:11, "moreover, the word of the lord
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- "moreover, the word of the lord came to me saying,
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- Came to me saying, 'son of man,
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- 'son of man, take up a lamentation
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- Take up a lamentation for the king of tyre,
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- For the king of tyre, and say to him,
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- And say to him, 'thus says the lord,"
- 00:00:44.717 --> 00:00:45.485
- 'thus says the lord," now, there's a section
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- Now, there's a section in this study bible that --
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- In this study bible that -- i have a study bible
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- I have a study bible i'm reading through right now,
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- I'm reading through right now, it's adrian rogers study bible,
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- It's adrian rogers study bible, and he has a whole thing
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- And he has a whole thing on the side,
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- On the side, on the power
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- On the power behind the throne.
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- Behind the throne. it saying it's a letter
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- It saying it's a letter to the king of tyre,
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- To the king of tyre, but sometimes
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- But sometimes when you read the bible
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- When you read the bible you have to understand
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- You have to understand the setting and this is really
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- The setting and this is really talking about lucifer.
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- Talking about lucifer. these scriptures
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- These scriptures are talking about lucifer.
- 00:01:13.045 --> 00:01:16.382
- Are talking about lucifer. when he was in heaven,
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- When he was in heaven, his name means, "light bearer,"
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- His name means, "light bearer," lucifer, one of
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- Lucifer, one of the three archangels.
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- The three archangels. and this is what he says,
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- And this is what he says, "you were the seal
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- "you were the seal of perfection,
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- Of perfection, full of wisdom,
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- Full of wisdom, perfect in beauty,"
- 00:01:31.063 --> 00:01:32.865
- Perfect in beauty," lucifer, satan was perfect
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- Lucifer, satan was perfect and is still, i would imagine,
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- And is still, i would imagine, perfect in beauty.
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- Perfect in beauty. he doesn't look like
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- He doesn't look like some horrible demon,
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- Some horrible demon, terrifying -- perfect in beauty.
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- Terrifying -- perfect in beauty. "you were in the garden,
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- "you were in the garden, the garden of god,
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- The garden of god, every precious stone
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- Every precious stone was your covering,"
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- Was your covering," this is astounding.
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- This is astounding. he had all of the stones
- 00:01:57.690 --> 00:01:59.258
- He had all of the stones that is mentioned,
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- That is mentioned, the sardius, the topaz,
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- The sardius, the topaz, the diamond, the beryl,
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- The diamond, the beryl, the o --
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- The o -- the onyx, the jasper,
- 00:02:03.930 --> 00:02:05.097
- The onyx, the jasper, the sapphire, the turquoise,
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- The sapphire, the turquoise, and emerald with gold,
- 00:02:07.533 --> 00:02:09.569
- And emerald with gold, all of those stones
- 00:02:09.635 --> 00:02:10.536
- All of those stones are the exact same stones
- 00:02:10.603 --> 00:02:12.438
- Are the exact same stones that were in
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- That were in the high priest breastplate.
- 00:02:13.539 --> 00:02:16.776
- The high priest breastplate. lucifer was in heaven,
- 00:02:16.842 --> 00:02:18.578
- Lucifer was in heaven, light bearer,
- 00:02:18.644 --> 00:02:20.179
- Light bearer, he was heaven's worship leader,
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- He was heaven's worship leader, and he had those stones
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- And he had those stones in his created being
- 00:02:26.786 --> 00:02:28.821
- In his created being and body.
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- And body. the next part of
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- The next part of the verse says,
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- The verse says, "the workmanship
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- "the workmanship of your timbrels
- 00:02:32.525 --> 00:02:33.593
- Of your timbrels or tambourines,
- 00:02:33.659 --> 00:02:35.027
- Or tambourines, or percussions, and pipes,
- 00:02:35.094 --> 00:02:37.997
- Or percussions, and pipes, wind instruments,
- 00:02:38.064 --> 00:02:38.831
- Wind instruments, trumpet, saxophone,
- 00:02:38.898 --> 00:02:40.566
- Trumpet, saxophone, anything that requires wind
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- Anything that requires wind to produce the sound,
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- To produce the sound, they were created in him.
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- They were created in him. "they were prepared for you
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- "they were prepared for you on the day you were created.
- 00:02:50.810 --> 00:02:52.645
- On the day you were created. you are," or were,
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- You are," or were, "the anointed cherub,"
- 00:02:54.280 --> 00:02:56.048
- "the anointed cherub," a cherub is a singer.
- 00:02:56.115 --> 00:02:58.117
- A cherub is a singer. a cherub is
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- A cherub is an anointed angel singer.
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- An anointed angel singer. "you were the anointed cherub
- 00:03:03.389 --> 00:03:05.992
- "you were the anointed cherub who covers, i establish you,
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- Who covers, i establish you, you were on the
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- You were on the holy mountain of god,"
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- Holy mountain of god," the holy of holiest.
- 00:03:12.765 --> 00:03:14.267
- The holy of holiest. "you walked back
- 00:03:14.333 --> 00:03:15.067
- "you walked back and forth in heaven,
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- And forth in heaven, in the midst
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- In the midst of the fiery stones,
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- Of the fiery stones, you were perfect
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- You were perfect in your ways from the day
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- In your ways from the day you were created
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- You were created until iniquity
- 00:03:24.744 --> 00:03:27.513
- Until iniquity was found in you."
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- Was found in you." i think it's pretty astounding
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- I think it's pretty astounding when you understand that
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- When you understand that lucifer was created by god
- 00:03:35.488 --> 00:03:38.124
- Lucifer was created by god for a divine purpose,
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- For a divine purpose, and it was to praise and worship
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- And it was to praise and worship and bring glory to god.
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- And bring glory to god. when lucifer --
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- When lucifer -- in heaven, as isaiah 6
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- In heaven, as isaiah 6 talks about the lord
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- Talks about the lord would fill --
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- Would fill -- his glory would fill the temple,
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- His glory would fill the temple, and the angels would begin
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- And the angels would begin the saying, "holy, holy, holy,"
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- The saying, "holy, holy, holy," and it would be lucifer,
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- And it would be lucifer, who for centuries of creation
- 00:04:01.247 --> 00:04:03.849
- Who for centuries of creation would lead the worship
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- Would lead the worship in heaven.
- 00:04:05.651 --> 00:04:06.552
- In heaven. it was --
- 00:04:06.619 --> 00:04:07.720
- It was -- it was unbelievable.
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- It was unbelievable. he was beautiful.
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- He was beautiful. he had these stones
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- He had these stones in his being,
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- In his being, and when the light
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- And when the light or the light bearer
- 00:04:15.328 --> 00:04:16.595
- Or the light bearer would light up
- 00:04:16.662 --> 00:04:16.962
- Would light up as the glory filled
- 00:04:17.029 --> 00:04:18.364
- As the glory filled the temple,
- 00:04:18.431 --> 00:04:19.832
- The temple, that light would shoot
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- That light would shoot through those colored stones,
- 00:04:21.233 --> 00:04:22.968
- Through those colored stones, each one if those stones
- 00:04:23.035 --> 00:04:24.103
- Each one if those stones being a different color,
- 00:04:24.170 --> 00:04:25.604
- Being a different color, and it would be like
- 00:04:25.671 --> 00:04:26.439
- And it would be like a kaleidoscope of worship,
- 00:04:26.505 --> 00:04:29.208
- A kaleidoscope of worship, even in the pageantry
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- Even in the pageantry of worshipping the almighty god.
- 00:04:31.410 --> 00:04:34.113
- Of worshipping the almighty god. and then lucifer would explode,
- 00:04:34.180 --> 00:04:36.048
- And then lucifer would explode, and he had stringed instruments
- 00:04:36.115 --> 00:04:38.050
- And he had stringed instruments in his body that would begin
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- In his body that would begin to vibrate with worship,
- 00:04:39.985 --> 00:04:41.620
- To vibrate with worship, and praise.
- 00:04:41.687 --> 00:04:43.556
- And praise. and percussion instruments
- 00:04:43.622 --> 00:04:45.157
- And percussion instruments in his body, music --
- 00:04:45.224 --> 00:04:47.326
- In his body, music -- no wonder the enemy uses
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- No wonder the enemy uses music in the arts
- 00:04:49.595 --> 00:04:50.596
- Music in the arts and entertainment,
- 00:04:50.663 --> 00:04:51.964
- And entertainment, he is the original created
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- He is the original created with those particular gifts.
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- With those particular gifts. and they would burst forth
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- And they would burst forth in its deep expression
- 00:05:01.540 --> 00:05:03.209
- In its deep expression of adoration and praise
- 00:05:03.275 --> 00:05:04.643
- Of adoration and praise unto god.
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- Unto god. and then there came a day
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- And then there came a day that i want you to hear
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- That i want you to hear what i'm gonna talk to you about
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- What i'm gonna talk to you about briefly this morning.
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- Briefly this morning. the devil has not
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- The devil has not always been a devil.
- 00:05:15.187 --> 00:05:18.057
- Always been a devil. he used to be lucifer,
- 00:05:18.124 --> 00:05:19.358
- He used to be lucifer, the anointed cherub
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- The anointed cherub but there came a day
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- But there came a day when he chose to become
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- When he chose to become the devil.
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- The devil. when i think about
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- When i think about how important praise is,
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- How important praise is, how important worship is,
- 00:05:34.340 --> 00:05:35.975
- How important worship is, how that when lucifer
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- How that when lucifer was cast out of heaven,
- 00:05:37.843 --> 00:05:40.613
- Was cast out of heaven, you and i, the high priest
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- You and i, the high priest in the old testament
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- In the old testament would wear those same stones
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- Would wear those same stones on the breastplate
- 00:05:45.651 --> 00:05:47.119
- On the breastplate when he would go into
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- When he would go into the holy of holies,
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- The holy of holies, because we are
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- Because we are satan's replacement,
- 00:05:51.857 --> 00:05:53.325
- Satan's replacement, we are lucifer,
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- We are lucifer, the light bearer's replacement.
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- The light bearer's replacement. when we sing,
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- When we sing, and when we worship,
- 00:05:57.296 --> 00:05:58.197
- And when we worship, and when we praise,
- 00:05:58.264 --> 00:05:59.532
- And when we praise, and when we speak
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- And when we speak praise to god,
- 00:06:00.332 --> 00:06:01.500
- Praise to god, and thank god,
- 00:06:01.567 --> 00:06:02.301
- And thank god, and give him honor,
- 00:06:02.368 --> 00:06:03.269
- And give him honor, and give him glory,
- 00:06:03.335 --> 00:06:04.303
- And give him glory, we are literally
- 00:06:04.370 --> 00:06:06.005
- We are literally taking his place.
- 00:06:06.071 --> 00:06:09.809
- Taking his place. and i'm so thankful today
- 00:06:09.875 --> 00:06:11.177
- And i'm so thankful today that whom the son sets free,
- 00:06:11.243 --> 00:06:13.512
- That whom the son sets free, is free indeed.
- 00:06:13.579 --> 00:06:16.215
- Is free indeed. that we are liberated,
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- That we are liberated, and we are set free
- 00:06:18.617 --> 00:06:19.785
- And we are set free but we are here for a purpose,
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- But we are here for a purpose, he did not just save us
- 00:06:22.955 --> 00:06:24.857
- He did not just save us to save us.
- 00:06:24.924 --> 00:06:26.826
- To save us. as a matter of fact,
- 00:06:26.892 --> 00:06:27.693
- As a matter of fact, the bible said
- 00:06:27.760 --> 00:06:28.461
- The bible said in 1 peter 2:9,
- 00:06:28.527 --> 00:06:31.163
- In 1 peter 2:9, "you are a chosen generation,
- 00:06:31.230 --> 00:06:34.366
- "you are a chosen generation, you are a royal priesthood,
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- You are a royal priesthood, you are a holy nation,
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- You are a holy nation, you are a peculiar,
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- You are a peculiar, a special people in the earth."
- 00:06:43.509 --> 00:06:45.711
- A special people in the earth." who's he talking to?
- 00:06:45.778 --> 00:06:47.112
- Who's he talking to? the people who have been
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- The people who have been washed and cleansed
- 00:06:48.514 --> 00:06:50.082
- Washed and cleansed and save by the blood
- 00:06:50.149 --> 00:06:51.317
- And save by the blood of jesus christ.
- 00:06:51.383 --> 00:06:53.319
- Of jesus christ. and he says, "here's why
- 00:06:53.385 --> 00:06:54.420
- And he says, "here's why you're chosen,
- 00:06:54.487 --> 00:06:55.254
- You're chosen, you're royal,
- 00:06:55.321 --> 00:06:56.255
- You're royal, you're holy,
- 00:06:56.322 --> 00:06:57.323
- You're holy, you're peculiar people,
- 00:06:57.389 --> 00:06:58.858
- You're peculiar people, he says that you would
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- He says that you would show forth the praises of him,
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- Show forth the praises of him, who's called you out of darkness
- 00:07:03.762 --> 00:07:05.564
- Who's called you out of darkness into this marvelous light."
- 00:07:05.631 --> 00:07:07.433
- Into this marvelous light." that's not just
- 00:07:07.500 --> 00:07:08.033
- That's not just some figure of speech.
- 00:07:08.100 --> 00:07:09.368
- Some figure of speech. he said, "there is one purpose
- 00:07:09.435 --> 00:07:11.604
- He said, "there is one purpose for which you have been saved,
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- For which you have been saved, now that you are saved,
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- Now that you are saved, that in whatever you do in life
- 00:07:15.474 --> 00:07:17.810
- That in whatever you do in life you give praise, and glory,
- 00:07:17.877 --> 00:07:20.279
- You give praise, and glory, and honor to god,
- 00:07:20.346 --> 00:07:22.147
- And honor to god, you replace lucifer
- 00:07:22.214 --> 00:07:23.816
- You replace lucifer with your praise.
- 00:07:23.883 --> 00:07:25.084
- With your praise. you don't take the glory,
- 00:07:25.150 --> 00:07:26.585
- You don't take the glory, you don't keep it
- 00:07:26.652 --> 00:07:27.386
- You don't keep it inside to yourself,
- 00:07:27.453 --> 00:07:28.988
- Inside to yourself, but you give god the glory,
- 00:07:29.054 --> 00:07:31.390
- But you give god the glory, and you give god the praise."
- 00:07:31.457 --> 00:07:33.893
- And you give god the praise." i just --
- 00:07:33.959 --> 00:07:34.627
- I just -- i just wanna praise him
- 00:07:34.693 --> 00:07:36.061
- I just wanna praise him this morning
- 00:07:36.128 --> 00:07:37.229
- This morning that i am saved
- 00:07:37.296 --> 00:07:39.398
- That i am saved and i'm satisfied.
- 00:07:39.465 --> 00:07:41.233
- And i'm satisfied. i am happily saved
- 00:07:41.300 --> 00:07:44.503
- I am happily saved and am satisfied.
- 00:07:44.570 --> 00:07:46.605
- And am satisfied. i'm not only saved from sin,
- 00:07:46.672 --> 00:07:49.508
- I'm not only saved from sin, but i'm satisfied
- 00:07:49.575 --> 00:07:51.343
- But i'm satisfied and i don't crave it
- 00:07:51.410 --> 00:07:52.578
- And i don't crave it anymore, hallelujah.
- 00:07:52.645 --> 00:07:54.680
- Anymore, hallelujah. i thank god i'm not burning
- 00:07:54.747 --> 00:07:56.348
- I thank god i'm not burning for drugs this morning.
- 00:07:56.415 --> 00:07:57.983
- For drugs this morning. i'm not burning
- 00:07:58.050 --> 00:07:58.817
- I'm not burning in lust this morning.
- 00:07:58.884 --> 00:08:00.586
- In lust this morning. i'm not burning
- 00:08:00.653 --> 00:08:02.187
- I'm not burning to have an affair
- 00:08:02.254 --> 00:08:03.022
- To have an affair or go out and be drunk today.
- 00:08:03.088 --> 00:08:06.025
- Or go out and be drunk today. i am thankful that
- 00:08:06.091 --> 00:08:07.927
- I am thankful that i'm saved and i'm satisfied.
- 00:08:07.993 --> 00:08:11.096
- I'm saved and i'm satisfied. i'm not saved and miserable,
- 00:08:11.163 --> 00:08:13.365
- I'm not saved and miserable, i'm not saved and crying over
- 00:08:13.432 --> 00:08:15.668
- I'm not saved and crying over what i can't do
- 00:08:15.734 --> 00:08:16.869
- What i can't do and where i can't go.
- 00:08:16.936 --> 00:08:18.337
- And where i can't go. i'm so happy i'm free.
- 00:08:18.404 --> 00:08:21.607
- I'm so happy i'm free. i'm so happy i'm saved
- 00:08:21.674 --> 00:08:24.777
- I'm so happy i'm saved and i'm satisfied.
- 00:08:24.843 --> 00:08:27.379
- And i'm satisfied. i don't want anything
- 00:08:27.446 --> 00:08:29.748
- I don't want anything that pulls me further away
- 00:08:29.815 --> 00:08:31.216
- That pulls me further away from jesus.
- 00:08:31.283 --> 00:08:34.687
- From jesus. and if i do have a tendency,
- 00:08:34.753 --> 00:08:37.590
- And if i do have a tendency, and i still do,
- 00:08:37.656 --> 00:08:38.390
- And i still do, doesn't mean you're sinless,
- 00:08:38.457 --> 00:08:39.725
- Doesn't mean you're sinless, but when you do have
- 00:08:39.792 --> 00:08:41.894
- But when you do have a born-again experience,
- 00:08:41.961 --> 00:08:43.562
- A born-again experience, your nature has changed
- 00:08:43.629 --> 00:08:45.497
- Your nature has changed and i have to fight
- 00:08:45.564 --> 00:08:47.199
- And i have to fight the little voice that says,
- 00:08:47.266 --> 00:08:48.500
- The little voice that says, "that's not right.
- 00:08:48.567 --> 00:08:49.101
- "that's not right. you're not --
- 00:08:49.168 --> 00:08:49.602
- You're not -- that's not who you are,
- 00:08:49.668 --> 00:08:50.803
- That's not who you are, that's not your new identity."
- 00:08:50.869 --> 00:08:52.338
- That's not your new identity." and that's a blessing.
- 00:08:52.404 --> 00:08:55.574
- And that's a blessing. praise is our purpose.
- 00:08:55.641 --> 00:08:57.409
- Praise is our purpose. we were raised to praise.
- 00:08:57.476 --> 00:09:00.079
- We were raised to praise. he brought us from death
- 00:09:00.145 --> 00:09:01.347
- He brought us from death to life to worship,
- 00:09:01.413 --> 00:09:02.881
- To life to worship, and he said,
- 00:09:02.948 --> 00:09:03.482
- And he said, "let everything
- 00:09:03.549 --> 00:09:05.084
- "let everything that has breath,"
- 00:09:05.150 --> 00:09:06.485
- That has breath," psalms 150, "praise the lord."
- 00:09:06.552 --> 00:09:10.589
- Psalms 150, "praise the lord." do you know that in
- 00:09:10.656 --> 00:09:11.190
- Do you know that in the book of genesis 2,
- 00:09:11.256 --> 00:09:13.292
- The book of genesis 2, god breathe breath
- 00:09:13.359 --> 00:09:14.560
- God breathe breath into the nostrils of man,
- 00:09:14.627 --> 00:09:16.195
- Into the nostrils of man, and he became a living being?
- 00:09:16.261 --> 00:09:18.030
- And he became a living being? and then before jesus left on
- 00:09:18.097 --> 00:09:19.965
- And then before jesus left on a cloudy elevator
- 00:09:20.032 --> 00:09:21.100
- A cloudy elevator and went to heaven,
- 00:09:21.166 --> 00:09:21.934
- And went to heaven, the bible said
- 00:09:22.001 --> 00:09:22.701
- The bible said he breathe on them and said,
- 00:09:22.768 --> 00:09:24.770
- He breathe on them and said, "receive the holy ghost."
- 00:09:24.837 --> 00:09:27.473
- "receive the holy ghost." or the holy spirit.
- 00:09:27.539 --> 00:09:29.608
- Or the holy spirit. in other words,
- 00:09:29.675 --> 00:09:30.342
- In other words, the holy spirit is nothing less
- 00:09:30.409 --> 00:09:32.544
- The holy spirit is nothing less than the breath of god.
- 00:09:32.611 --> 00:09:33.879
- Than the breath of god. and what he was saying was,
- 00:09:33.946 --> 00:09:35.447
- And what he was saying was, "let everything that has
- 00:09:35.514 --> 00:09:36.815
- "let everything that has the breath of god in it,
- 00:09:36.882 --> 00:09:38.484
- The breath of god in it, those who have been redeemed,
- 00:09:38.550 --> 00:09:39.985
- Those who have been redeemed, let them praise the lord
- 00:09:40.052 --> 00:09:42.588
- Let them praise the lord with that breath."
- 00:09:42.655 --> 00:09:44.023
- With that breath." now, if you don't have
- 00:09:44.089 --> 00:09:44.957
- Now, if you don't have the breath of god
- 00:09:45.024 --> 00:09:46.091
- The breath of god on your soul,
- 00:09:46.158 --> 00:09:47.092
- On your soul, then you sit there,
- 00:09:47.159 --> 00:09:48.527
- Then you sit there, but if you have
- 00:09:48.594 --> 00:09:49.628
- But if you have the breath of god,
- 00:09:49.695 --> 00:09:50.963
- The breath of god, that means let everything
- 00:09:51.030 --> 00:09:54.366
- That means let everything that has the breath --
- 00:09:54.433 --> 00:09:56.669
- That has the breath -- i'm alive today,
- 00:09:56.735 --> 00:09:58.904
- I'm alive today, and i'm saved,
- 00:09:58.971 --> 00:10:00.272
- And i'm saved, and i'm satisfied.
- 00:10:00.339 --> 00:10:02.875
- And i'm satisfied. woah!
- 00:10:02.941 --> 00:10:04.109
- Woah! come on and take
- 00:10:04.176 --> 00:10:04.943
- Come on and take a praise break.
- 00:10:05.010 --> 00:10:06.812
- A praise break. you forgot how lost you were,
- 00:10:06.879 --> 00:10:09.314
- You forgot how lost you were, you forgot how
- 00:10:09.381 --> 00:10:10.616
- You forgot how hell bound you were,
- 00:10:10.683 --> 00:10:11.917
- Hell bound you were, but he reached down
- 00:10:11.984 --> 00:10:13.786
- But he reached down his hand for me.
- 00:10:13.852 --> 00:10:15.821
- His hand for me. to god be the glory!
- 00:10:15.888 --> 00:10:17.189
- To god be the glory! and as long as i have breath,
- 00:10:17.256 --> 00:10:19.692
- And as long as i have breath, i'm going to praise him,
- 00:10:19.758 --> 00:10:21.727
- I'm going to praise him, how about you?
- 00:10:21.794 --> 00:10:22.561
- How about you? [applause]
- 00:10:22.628 --> 00:10:25.097
- [applause] hallelujah!
- 00:10:25.164 --> 00:10:26.865
- Hallelujah! hallelujah!
- 00:10:26.932 --> 00:10:28.133
- Hallelujah! we were justified to glorify.
- 00:10:28.200 --> 00:10:31.704
- We were justified to glorify. we were liberated to love him.
- 00:10:31.770 --> 00:10:34.573
- We were liberated to love him. he took those cigarettes
- 00:10:34.640 --> 00:10:36.175
- He took those cigarettes out of your hands
- 00:10:36.241 --> 00:10:37.443
- Out of your hands so you could clap them
- 00:10:37.509 --> 00:10:38.877
- So you could clap them and praise him.
- 00:10:38.944 --> 00:10:40.379
- And praise him. he took that weed
- 00:10:40.446 --> 00:10:41.747
- He took that weed out of your fingers
- 00:10:41.814 --> 00:10:42.915
- Out of your fingers so you could raise them
- 00:10:42.981 --> 00:10:44.683
- So you could raise them and say, "i've been delivered."
- 00:10:44.750 --> 00:10:46.285
- And say, "i've been delivered." to god be the glory!
- 00:10:46.351 --> 00:10:48.420
- To god be the glory! i'm so glad a vape
- 00:10:48.487 --> 00:10:49.755
- I'm so glad a vape doesn't get my breath,
- 00:10:49.822 --> 00:10:51.090
- Doesn't get my breath, god gets my breath!
- 00:10:51.156 --> 00:10:53.225
- God gets my breath! with every breath that i have,
- 00:10:53.292 --> 00:10:54.960
- With every breath that i have, i'm going to praise him!
- 00:10:55.027 --> 00:10:56.695
- I'm going to praise him! my body belongs to god.
- 00:10:56.762 --> 00:10:58.564
- My body belongs to god. my lips belong to god.
- 00:10:58.630 --> 00:11:01.333
- My lips belong to god. my voice belongs to god.
- 00:11:01.400 --> 00:11:03.969
- My voice belongs to god. my ears belong to god.
- 00:11:04.036 --> 00:11:06.505
- My ears belong to god. i'm gonna give him praise.
- 00:11:06.572 --> 00:11:08.874
- I'm gonna give him praise. shake those sin
- 00:11:08.941 --> 00:11:10.309
- Shake those sin shackles off your feet.
- 00:11:10.375 --> 00:11:11.710
- Shackles off your feet. you used to dance in the club
- 00:11:11.777 --> 00:11:13.679
- You used to dance in the club like a wild person,
- 00:11:13.746 --> 00:11:15.380
- Like a wild person, but you sit there like
- 00:11:15.447 --> 00:11:16.548
- But you sit there like a wooden minion this morning.
- 00:11:16.615 --> 00:11:18.317
- A wooden minion this morning. my god, every once in a while,
- 00:11:18.383 --> 00:11:20.252
- My god, every once in a while, you ought to get up off
- 00:11:20.319 --> 00:11:22.454
- You ought to get up off your blessed assurance
- 00:11:22.521 --> 00:11:23.655
- Your blessed assurance and give him a praise
- 00:11:23.722 --> 00:11:25.858
- And give him a praise because he deserves
- 00:11:25.924 --> 00:11:27.593
- Because he deserves a stand innovation, hallelujah!
- 00:11:27.659 --> 00:11:30.395
- A stand innovation, hallelujah! i feel the lord in this place.
- 00:11:30.462 --> 00:11:32.431
- I feel the lord in this place. [applause]
- 00:11:32.498 --> 00:11:35.400
- [applause] he took your profanity
- 00:11:35.467 --> 00:11:37.569
- He took your profanity out of your mouth
- 00:11:37.636 --> 00:11:38.771
- Out of your mouth so you could praise.
- 00:11:38.837 --> 00:11:40.172
- So you could praise. how many of you
- 00:11:40.239 --> 00:11:41.006
- How many of you used to cuss people out?
- 00:11:41.073 --> 00:11:42.708
- Used to cuss people out? how many of you used to,
- 00:11:42.775 --> 00:11:44.009
- How many of you used to, at the slightest provocation,
- 00:11:44.076 --> 00:11:45.978
- At the slightest provocation, just throw up a half peace sign
- 00:11:46.044 --> 00:11:48.413
- Just throw up a half peace sign and start cussing,
- 00:11:48.480 --> 00:11:50.048
- And start cussing, but now, the lord --
- 00:11:50.115 --> 00:11:51.884
- But now, the lord -- all you do is
- 00:11:51.950 --> 00:11:52.851
- All you do is when they look at you,
- 00:11:52.918 --> 00:11:54.019
- When they look at you, "praise the lord,
- 00:11:54.086 --> 00:11:54.953
- "praise the lord, hallelujah."
- 00:11:55.020 --> 00:11:56.421
- Hallelujah." and if you're not there yet,
- 00:11:56.488 --> 00:11:57.689
- And if you're not there yet, go on and practice.
- 00:11:57.756 --> 00:11:58.891
- Go on and practice. praise the lord.
- 00:11:58.957 --> 00:12:02.661
- Praise the lord. we're not crazy.
- 00:12:02.728 --> 00:12:04.129
- We're not crazy. we're not crazy.
- 00:12:04.196 --> 00:12:05.364
- We're not crazy. if they can go crazy
- 00:12:05.430 --> 00:12:06.465
- If they can go crazy at a ball game,
- 00:12:06.532 --> 00:12:07.533
- At a ball game, we can go crazy for jesus.
- 00:12:07.599 --> 00:12:10.035
- We can go crazy for jesus. we can get loud for jesus.
- 00:12:10.102 --> 00:12:12.304
- We can get loud for jesus. he deserves the highest praise.
- 00:12:12.371 --> 00:12:17.309
- He deserves the highest praise. never be ashamed,
- 00:12:17.376 --> 00:12:18.510
- Never be ashamed, never apologize
- 00:12:18.577 --> 00:12:20.312
- Never apologize for giving god the glory
- 00:12:20.379 --> 00:12:22.147
- For giving god the glory and god the praise.
- 00:12:22.214 --> 00:12:23.549
- And god the praise. are there any liberated people,
- 00:12:23.615 --> 00:12:25.717
- Are there any liberated people, any free people at free chapel?
- 00:12:25.784 --> 00:12:28.453
- Any free people at free chapel? then give him a praise
- 00:12:28.520 --> 00:12:29.955
- Then give him a praise of freedom.
- 00:12:30.022 --> 00:12:32.324
- Of freedom. pardon the noise.
- 00:12:32.391 --> 00:12:33.926
- Pardon the noise. [applause]
- 00:12:33.992 --> 00:12:36.094
- [applause] it's the sound of freedom.
- 00:12:36.161 --> 00:12:38.897
- It's the sound of freedom. it's the sound of freedom.
- 00:12:38.964 --> 00:12:42.768
- It's the sound of freedom. we've been washed to worship.
- 00:12:42.835 --> 00:12:45.571
- We've been washed to worship. we've been redeemed to rejoice.
- 00:12:45.637 --> 00:12:48.774
- We've been redeemed to rejoice. and i'm here to defend
- 00:12:48.841 --> 00:12:50.442
- And i'm here to defend old-fashion worship,
- 00:12:50.509 --> 00:12:53.111
- Old-fashion worship, where we unapologetically
- 00:12:53.178 --> 00:12:56.849
- Where we unapologetically start getting a fire
- 00:12:56.915 --> 00:12:58.317
- Start getting a fire burning in people.
- 00:12:58.383 --> 00:12:59.785
- Burning in people. you know,
- 00:12:59.852 --> 00:13:00.285
- You know, in the old pentecostal church
- 00:13:00.352 --> 00:13:01.920
- In the old pentecostal church i grew up in,
- 00:13:01.987 --> 00:13:03.255
- I grew up in, the baptists used to come
- 00:13:03.322 --> 00:13:04.623
- The baptists used to come on sunday night
- 00:13:04.690 --> 00:13:05.691
- On sunday night to watch us burn, hallelujah!
- 00:13:05.757 --> 00:13:07.793
- To watch us burn, hallelujah! now, i was born in the fire
- 00:13:07.860 --> 00:13:10.429
- Now, i was born in the fire and i can't live in the smoke,
- 00:13:10.495 --> 00:13:12.331
- And i can't live in the smoke, i gotta have some
- 00:13:12.397 --> 00:13:13.298
- I gotta have some praise around me.
- 00:13:13.365 --> 00:13:14.800
- Praise around me. i want my children
- 00:13:14.867 --> 00:13:16.268
- I want my children to grow up in a church
- 00:13:16.335 --> 00:13:17.703
- To grow up in a church where people shout
- 00:13:17.769 --> 00:13:18.770
- Where people shout and praise the lord,
- 00:13:18.837 --> 00:13:20.339
- And praise the lord, and they're not ashamed.
- 00:13:20.405 --> 00:13:22.040
- And they're not ashamed. and you can make fun of it,
- 00:13:22.107 --> 00:13:23.375
- And you can make fun of it, and you can belittle it
- 00:13:23.442 --> 00:13:24.843
- And you can belittle it but i tell you one thing,
- 00:13:24.910 --> 00:13:26.712
- But i tell you one thing, when you find out
- 00:13:26.778 --> 00:13:27.913
- When you find out what we're shouting about,
- 00:13:27.980 --> 00:13:29.448
- What we're shouting about, you will shout too.
- 00:13:29.514 --> 00:13:30.916
- You will shout too. [cheering]
- 00:13:30.983 --> 00:13:34.486
- [cheering] one more time,
- 00:13:34.553 --> 00:13:35.654
- One more time, if you've got breath,
- 00:13:35.721 --> 00:13:37.055
- If you've got breath, give it back to him
- 00:13:37.122 --> 00:13:38.023
- Give it back to him with a praise.
- 00:13:38.090 --> 00:13:39.258
- With a praise. [applause]
- 00:13:39.324 --> 00:13:42.828
- [applause] look around you.
- 00:13:42.895 --> 00:13:44.529
- Look around you. look around you.
- 00:13:44.596 --> 00:13:46.164
- Look around you. look to your left
- 00:13:46.231 --> 00:13:47.332
- Look to your left and to your right,
- 00:13:47.399 --> 00:13:48.834
- And to your right, all around you
- 00:13:48.901 --> 00:13:49.835
- All around you are former alcoholics,
- 00:13:49.902 --> 00:13:51.870
- Are former alcoholics, are former jailbirds,
- 00:13:51.937 --> 00:13:53.839
- Are former jailbirds, are former drug addicts,
- 00:13:53.906 --> 00:13:56.174
- Are former drug addicts, are former depressed,
- 00:13:56.241 --> 00:13:58.777
- Are former depressed, manic -- manic depressive
- 00:13:58.844 --> 00:14:00.679
- Manic -- manic depressive suicidal people
- 00:14:00.746 --> 00:14:02.180
- Suicidal people but jesus set em' free.
- 00:14:02.247 --> 00:14:04.283
- But jesus set em' free. what do you mean tone it down?
- 00:14:04.349 --> 00:14:06.285
- What do you mean tone it down? what do you mean be quiet?
- 00:14:06.351 --> 00:14:08.120
- What do you mean be quiet? why not give him great praise?
- 00:14:08.186 --> 00:14:10.422
- Why not give him great praise? for this purpose,
- 00:14:10.489 --> 00:14:11.523
- For this purpose, we were born
- 00:14:11.590 --> 00:14:12.691
- We were born to give him praise.
- 00:14:12.758 --> 00:14:16.161
- To give him praise. [cheering]
- 00:14:16.228 --> 00:14:20.198
- [cheering] how many of you have a house
- 00:14:20.265 --> 00:14:21.433
- How many of you have a house you didn't think you'd have?
- 00:14:21.500 --> 00:14:22.801
- You didn't think you'd have? how many of you have got a car?
- 00:14:22.868 --> 00:14:24.503
- How many of you have got a car? you ought not no
- 00:14:24.569 --> 00:14:25.070
- You ought not no to praise him less,
- 00:14:25.137 --> 00:14:26.204
- To praise him less, you ought not to become uppity
- 00:14:26.271 --> 00:14:27.606
- You ought not to become uppity the more god blesses you,
- 00:14:27.673 --> 00:14:29.474
- The more god blesses you, it ought to humble you,
- 00:14:29.541 --> 00:14:31.009
- It ought to humble you, you ought to fall on your knees
- 00:14:31.076 --> 00:14:32.611
- You ought to fall on your knees every once in a while
- 00:14:32.678 --> 00:14:33.979
- Every once in a while in that new house and weep,
- 00:14:34.046 --> 00:14:35.881
- In that new house and weep, and say, "god, you did it,
- 00:14:35.948 --> 00:14:37.716
- And say, "god, you did it, you did it.
- 00:14:37.783 --> 00:14:38.617
- You did it. you gave me everything i have,
- 00:14:38.684 --> 00:14:41.386
- You gave me everything i have, i'll give you back the praise."
- 00:14:41.453 --> 00:14:44.089
- I'll give you back the praise." [applause]
- 00:14:44.156 --> 00:14:50.329
- [applause] bless god.
- 00:14:50.395 --> 00:14:52.397
- Bless god. as long as i live,
- 00:14:52.464 --> 00:14:52.998
- As long as i live, there's gonna be
- 00:14:53.065 --> 00:14:53.699
- There's gonna be some shouting around here,
- 00:14:53.765 --> 00:14:56.101
- Some shouting around here, y'all be what
- 00:14:56.168 --> 00:14:56.702
- Y'all be what y'all want when i'm gone.
- 00:14:56.768 --> 00:14:58.937
- Y'all want when i'm gone. there's gon' be
- 00:14:59.004 --> 00:14:59.838
- There's gon' be some tongue talking,
- 00:14:59.905 --> 00:15:02.274
- Some tongue talking, there's gon' be some
- 00:15:02.341 --> 00:15:02.975
- There's gon' be some laying on hand
- 00:15:03.041 --> 00:15:03.775
- Laying on hand and slapping oil.
- 00:15:03.842 --> 00:15:06.111
- And slapping oil. i know where i came from.
- 00:15:06.178 --> 00:15:08.447
- I know where i came from. i'm like david,
- 00:15:08.513 --> 00:15:09.514
- I'm like david, if you think i'm bad now,
- 00:15:09.581 --> 00:15:10.682
- If you think i'm bad now, the older i get,
- 00:15:10.749 --> 00:15:11.883
- The older i get, i have more to praise him for
- 00:15:11.950 --> 00:15:13.251
- I have more to praise him for at 60 than i did at 30, woah!
- 00:15:13.318 --> 00:15:16.288
- At 60 than i did at 30, woah! i know what he can do now,
- 00:15:16.355 --> 00:15:18.390
- I know what he can do now, i thought i knew then
- 00:15:18.457 --> 00:15:19.925
- I thought i knew then but i know who he is.
- 00:15:19.992 --> 00:15:22.060
- But i know who he is. i know how he can raise you,
- 00:15:22.127 --> 00:15:23.962
- I know how he can raise you, i know how he can take
- 00:15:24.029 --> 00:15:25.230
- I know how he can take what the enemy
- 00:15:25.297 --> 00:15:26.531
- What the enemy meant for your evil
- 00:15:26.598 --> 00:15:28.133
- Meant for your evil and he can turn it
- 00:15:28.200 --> 00:15:29.001
- And he can turn it around for good.
- 00:15:29.067 --> 00:15:30.602
- Around for good. we will give him the glory.
- 00:15:30.669 --> 00:15:32.938
- We will give him the glory. he will come out
- 00:15:33.005 --> 00:15:34.873
- He will come out with the victory.
- 00:15:34.940 --> 00:15:36.508
- With the victory. if you'll praise him,
- 00:15:36.575 --> 00:15:37.809
- If you'll praise him, he'll fight your battles.
- 00:15:37.876 --> 00:15:39.745
- He'll fight your battles. give him another praise
- 00:15:39.811 --> 00:15:40.712
- Give him another praise and i'll try to calm down.
- 00:15:40.779 --> 00:15:44.316
- And i'll try to calm down. oh, i love this anointing.
- 00:15:44.383 --> 00:15:45.984
- Oh, i love this anointing. i know y'all saying,
- 00:15:46.051 --> 00:15:47.219
- I know y'all saying, "i wish he'd calm down."
- 00:15:47.285 --> 00:15:48.387
- "i wish he'd calm down." but he takes too long
- 00:15:48.453 --> 00:15:50.222
- But he takes too long to find this vein
- 00:15:50.288 --> 00:15:51.256
- To find this vein and i'm in it.
- 00:15:51.323 --> 00:15:52.190
- And i'm in it. and i feel like you're
- 00:15:52.257 --> 00:15:53.025
- And i feel like you're one praise away
- 00:15:53.091 --> 00:15:54.459
- One praise away from a breakthrough.
- 00:15:54.526 --> 00:15:55.727
- From a breakthrough. i feel like you're
- 00:15:55.794 --> 00:15:56.461
- I feel like you're one hallelujah away
- 00:15:56.528 --> 00:15:58.430
- One hallelujah away from the battle turning.
- 00:15:58.497 --> 00:16:00.032
- From the battle turning. i feel like somebody's about
- 00:16:00.098 --> 00:16:01.767
- I feel like somebody's about to see a demon run up
- 00:16:01.833 --> 00:16:03.568
- To see a demon run up out your house
- 00:16:03.635 --> 00:16:04.936
- Out your house with one more hallelujah
- 00:16:05.003 --> 00:16:07.606
- With one more hallelujah to the lamb.
- 00:16:07.672 --> 00:16:08.974
- To the lamb. [applause]
- 00:16:09.041 --> 00:16:11.043
- [applause] you can get your body healed,
- 00:16:11.109 --> 00:16:12.744
- You can get your body healed, right here, right now,
- 00:16:12.811 --> 00:16:14.413
- Right here, right now, with one, "praise the lord."
- 00:16:14.479 --> 00:16:16.715
- With one, "praise the lord." [applause]
- 00:16:16.782 --> 00:16:21.053
- [applause] healing is in the house.
- 00:16:21.119 --> 00:16:22.521
- Healing is in the house. throw your hands up.
- 00:16:22.587 --> 00:16:23.755
- Throw your hands up. healing's in the house.
- 00:16:23.822 --> 00:16:25.090
- Healing's in the house. everybody praise him
- 00:16:25.157 --> 00:16:26.458
- Everybody praise him for healing.
- 00:16:26.525 --> 00:16:28.026
- Wow.
- 00:16:31.897 --> 00:16:37.002
- Wow. "anything is possible,"
- 00:16:37.069 --> 00:16:38.437
- "anything is possible," says the lord.
- 00:16:38.503 --> 00:16:39.471
- Says the lord. "anything -- i inhabit
- 00:16:39.538 --> 00:16:42.174
- "anything -- i inhabit the praises of my people."
- 00:16:42.240 --> 00:16:47.145
- And if you like it,
- 00:16:48.747 --> 00:16:49.648
- And if you like it, you may be seated.
- 00:16:49.714 --> 00:16:50.549
- You may be seated. if you like a --
- 00:16:50.615 --> 00:16:51.950
- If you like a -- an alive church,
- 00:16:52.017 --> 00:16:55.153
- An alive church, if you like praise,
- 00:16:55.220 --> 00:16:58.090
- If you like praise, if you like freedom,
- 00:16:58.156 --> 00:17:00.692
- If you like freedom, if you like the moving
- 00:17:00.759 --> 00:17:01.960
- If you like the moving of the holy spirit,
- 00:17:02.027 --> 00:17:04.996
- Of the holy spirit, if you like worship,
- 00:17:05.063 --> 00:17:07.766
- If you like worship, if you like it you better do it.
- 00:17:07.833 --> 00:17:11.269
- If you like it you better do it. i don't want this church
- 00:17:11.336 --> 00:17:12.170
- I don't want this church to become lukewarm.
- 00:17:12.237 --> 00:17:17.275
- To become lukewarm. i want em' to say,
- 00:17:17.342 --> 00:17:18.043
- I want em' to say, "they used to shout,
- 00:17:18.110 --> 00:17:20.912
- "they used to shout, they used to dance,
- 00:17:20.979 --> 00:17:23.782
- They used to dance, they used to prophecy.
- 00:17:23.849 --> 00:17:27.686
- They used to prophecy. they used to have
- 00:17:27.752 --> 00:17:28.253
- They used to have might moves of god."
- 00:17:28.320 --> 00:17:32.757
- Might moves of god." well, now that god's
- 00:17:32.824 --> 00:17:34.626
- Well, now that god's given us a platform,
- 00:17:34.693 --> 00:17:36.461
- Given us a platform, we might as well
- 00:17:36.528 --> 00:17:36.962
- We might as well show the world.
- 00:17:37.028 --> 00:17:38.830
- Show the world. what we knew in secret,
- 00:17:38.897 --> 00:17:40.732
- What we knew in secret, it's time to shout it
- 00:17:40.799 --> 00:17:41.666
- It's time to shout it from the rooftops.
- 00:17:41.733 --> 00:17:43.301
- From the rooftops. [shouting]
- 00:17:43.368 --> 00:17:46.004
- [shouting] come on, let's praise
- 00:17:46.071 --> 00:17:47.506
- Come on, let's praise the lord together!
- 00:17:47.572 --> 00:17:49.741
- The lord together! if your praise
- 00:17:49.808 --> 00:17:50.742
- If your praise and my praise
- 00:17:50.809 --> 00:17:51.643
- And my praise ever get together.
- 00:17:51.710 --> 00:17:54.312
- Ever get together. [applause]
- 00:17:54.379 --> 00:17:58.817
- [applause] you know what keeps you
- 00:17:58.884 --> 00:18:01.386
- You know what keeps you in a heavenly atmosphere?
- 00:18:01.453 --> 00:18:05.357
- In a heavenly atmosphere? the only thing is worship.
- 00:18:05.423 --> 00:18:09.728
- The only thing is worship. you think it's something small,
- 00:18:09.794 --> 00:18:12.464
- You think it's something small, you think it's something
- 00:18:12.531 --> 00:18:13.231
- You think it's something you do at church
- 00:18:13.298 --> 00:18:16.635
- You do at church but if you ever learn the secret
- 00:18:16.701 --> 00:18:18.537
- But if you ever learn the secret of praising the lord
- 00:18:18.603 --> 00:18:20.372
- Of praising the lord in the good times
- 00:18:20.438 --> 00:18:21.540
- In the good times and the bad times,
- 00:18:21.606 --> 00:18:23.475
- And the bad times, worshipping him,
- 00:18:23.542 --> 00:18:24.609
- Worshipping him, putting on music,
- 00:18:24.676 --> 00:18:26.044
- Putting on music, listening, playing,
- 00:18:26.111 --> 00:18:28.013
- Listening, playing, singing songs,
- 00:18:28.079 --> 00:18:29.447
- Singing songs, ephesians 5, singing songs,
- 00:18:29.514 --> 00:18:30.882
- Ephesians 5, singing songs, spiritual songs, singing,
- 00:18:30.949 --> 00:18:32.117
- Spiritual songs, singing, making melody in your heart
- 00:18:32.184 --> 00:18:33.251
- Making melody in your heart unto the lord.
- 00:18:33.318 --> 00:18:36.154
- Unto the lord. singing praise to him,
- 00:18:36.221 --> 00:18:38.156
- Singing praise to him, not for the audience
- 00:18:38.223 --> 00:18:39.090
- Not for the audience when people are watching.
- 00:18:39.157 --> 00:18:41.826
- When people are watching. my greatest times of worship
- 00:18:41.893 --> 00:18:43.295
- My greatest times of worship are in my office
- 00:18:43.361 --> 00:18:44.462
- Are in my office or walking through the woods,
- 00:18:44.529 --> 00:18:46.598
- Or walking through the woods, or sitting at my piano
- 00:18:46.665 --> 00:18:47.866
- Or sitting at my piano when nobody's there,
- 00:18:47.933 --> 00:18:50.535
- When nobody's there, and just singing to the lord,
- 00:18:50.602 --> 00:18:52.137
- And just singing to the lord, playing to the lord,
- 00:18:52.204 --> 00:18:53.471
- Playing to the lord, picking up my horn,
- 00:18:53.538 --> 00:18:55.373
- Picking up my horn, and playing my sax,
- 00:18:55.440 --> 00:18:56.975
- And playing my sax, and just praising
- 00:18:57.042 --> 00:18:57.676
- And just praising the lord to myself.
- 00:18:57.742 --> 00:19:00.445
- The lord to myself. singing a song from me to him.
- 00:19:00.512 --> 00:19:05.717
- Singing a song from me to him. it's gotten me through
- 00:19:05.784 --> 00:19:06.718
- It's gotten me through everything i've ever
- 00:19:06.785 --> 00:19:07.752
- Everything i've ever faced and fought.
- 00:19:07.819 --> 00:19:10.121
- Faced and fought. every demon, and every devil
- 00:19:10.188 --> 00:19:11.456
- Every demon, and every devil that tried to kill, steal,
- 00:19:11.523 --> 00:19:12.991
- That tried to kill, steal, and destroy our family,
- 00:19:13.058 --> 00:19:14.526
- And destroy our family, destroy this ministry,
- 00:19:14.593 --> 00:19:16.962
- Destroy this ministry, i learned how to put
- 00:19:17.028 --> 00:19:17.896
- I learned how to put on the garment of praise
- 00:19:17.963 --> 00:19:19.197
- On the garment of praise for the spirit of heaviness.
- 00:19:19.264 --> 00:19:22.033
- For the spirit of heaviness. life will beat you down,
- 00:19:22.100 --> 00:19:23.702
- Life will beat you down, life will kick you
- 00:19:23.768 --> 00:19:24.469
- Life will kick you in the teeth,
- 00:19:24.536 --> 00:19:25.303
- In the teeth, life will bloody you up,
- 00:19:25.370 --> 00:19:27.138
- Life will bloody you up, but i'll tell you
- 00:19:27.205 --> 00:19:28.073
- But i'll tell you what paul and silas teach us,
- 00:19:28.139 --> 00:19:29.741
- What paul and silas teach us, they teach us, "as long as
- 00:19:29.808 --> 00:19:31.276
- They teach us, "as long as i've got a praise there is," --
- 00:19:31.343 --> 00:19:33.278
- I've got a praise there is," -- they took a beaten
- 00:19:33.345 --> 00:19:34.512
- They took a beaten but they said,
- 00:19:34.579 --> 00:19:35.013
- But they said, "as long as i've got a praise,
- 00:19:35.080 --> 00:19:36.481
- "as long as i've got a praise, i'll get out of this,
- 00:19:36.548 --> 00:19:38.250
- I'll get out of this, i'll break loose of this prison,
- 00:19:38.316 --> 00:19:40.318
- I'll break loose of this prison, i'll see god's goodness
- 00:19:40.385 --> 00:19:42.053
- I'll see god's goodness in the land of the living."
- 00:19:42.120 --> 00:19:43.788
- In the land of the living." have you still got a praise?
- 00:19:43.855 --> 00:19:45.490
- Have you still got a praise? i don't care
- 00:19:45.557 --> 00:19:46.224
- I don't care how you're bleeding,
- 00:19:46.291 --> 00:19:47.125
- How you're bleeding, i don't care how you're broken,
- 00:19:47.192 --> 00:19:48.860
- I don't care how you're broken, if you still got a praise,
- 00:19:48.927 --> 00:19:50.929
- If you still got a praise, you will come out
- 00:19:50.996 --> 00:19:52.664
- You will come out and see the goodness
- 00:19:52.731 --> 00:19:54.266
- And see the goodness of the lord
- 00:19:54.332 --> 00:19:55.433
- Of the lord in the land of the living.
- 00:19:55.500 --> 00:19:56.801
- In the land of the living. somebody offer him
- 00:19:56.868 --> 00:19:57.969
- Somebody offer him a sacrifice of praise,
- 00:19:58.036 --> 00:20:01.139
- A sacrifice of praise, out of a bloody battle.
- 00:20:01.206 --> 00:20:03.275
- There's something powerful,
- 00:20:12.350 --> 00:20:13.551
- There's something powerful, lucifer, he was
- 00:20:13.618 --> 00:20:15.186
- Lucifer, he was heaven's choir director,
- 00:20:15.253 --> 00:20:16.388
- Heaven's choir director, he was the worship leader
- 00:20:16.454 --> 00:20:18.323
- He was the worship leader in heaven, he --
- 00:20:18.390 --> 00:20:20.091
- In heaven, he -- until iniquity was found in him
- 00:20:20.158 --> 00:20:23.762
- Until iniquity was found in him and he was dismissed,
- 00:20:23.828 --> 00:20:25.163
- And he was dismissed, and he was demoted,
- 00:20:25.230 --> 00:20:28.033
- And he was demoted, and he was distanced
- 00:20:28.099 --> 00:20:30.335
- And he was distanced from the throne of god.
- 00:20:30.402 --> 00:20:33.972
- From the throne of god. and you and i sinned,
- 00:20:34.039 --> 00:20:37.976
- And you and i sinned, and jesus, god put on skin
- 00:20:38.043 --> 00:20:40.979
- And jesus, god put on skin and came down,
- 00:20:41.046 --> 00:20:41.479
- And came down, and bled and died,
- 00:20:41.546 --> 00:20:42.981
- And bled and died, and carried a rugged cross
- 00:20:43.048 --> 00:20:46.217
- And carried a rugged cross to pay the way for us
- 00:20:46.284 --> 00:20:48.520
- To pay the way for us to some back to him,
- 00:20:48.586 --> 00:20:49.954
- To some back to him, but when lucifer sinned,
- 00:20:50.021 --> 00:20:52.390
- But when lucifer sinned, god said, "you are banned
- 00:20:52.457 --> 00:20:55.427
- God said, "you are banned from the throne room,
- 00:20:55.493 --> 00:20:57.228
- From the throne room, i will never allow you back,
- 00:20:57.295 --> 00:20:59.464
- I will never allow you back, there is no way back."
- 00:20:59.531 --> 00:21:01.433
- There is no way back." why?
- 00:21:01.499 --> 00:21:01.966
- Why? what did he do
- 00:21:02.033 --> 00:21:03.535
- What did he do that was so horrible?
- 00:21:03.601 --> 00:21:05.770
- That was so horrible? did he murder masses of people?
- 00:21:05.837 --> 00:21:10.975
- Did he murder masses of people? no, his sin was pride,
- 00:21:11.042 --> 00:21:14.412
- No, his sin was pride, self-exaltation and rebellion,
- 00:21:14.479 --> 00:21:17.148
- Self-exaltation and rebellion, that's the inwards sin.
- 00:21:17.215 --> 00:21:18.216
- That's the inwards sin. but notice this,
- 00:21:18.283 --> 00:21:19.117
- But notice this, the outward manifestation
- 00:21:19.184 --> 00:21:21.252
- The outward manifestation of inward pride
- 00:21:21.319 --> 00:21:22.554
- Of inward pride and self-exaltation
- 00:21:22.620 --> 00:21:23.955
- And self-exaltation was the refusal to worship.
- 00:21:24.022 --> 00:21:27.992
- Was the refusal to worship. see, worship is not
- 00:21:28.059 --> 00:21:29.361
- See, worship is not this out here
- 00:21:29.427 --> 00:21:30.295
- This out here that you do on the outside,
- 00:21:30.362 --> 00:21:31.896
- That you do on the outside, worship is what's on the inside.
- 00:21:31.963 --> 00:21:34.799
- Worship is what's on the inside. if you don't have any worship,
- 00:21:34.866 --> 00:21:39.070
- If you don't have any worship, do you have anything
- 00:21:39.137 --> 00:21:40.572
- Do you have anything on the inside?
- 00:21:40.638 --> 00:21:41.539
- On the inside? the more you have going on
- 00:21:41.606 --> 00:21:43.375
- The more you have going on on the inside,
- 00:21:43.441 --> 00:21:44.876
- On the inside, the more your outside
- 00:21:44.943 --> 00:21:46.778
- The more your outside wants to express what you feel.
- 00:21:46.845 --> 00:21:50.615
- Wants to express what you feel. john 4, "they that worship,
- 00:21:50.682 --> 00:21:54.452
- John 4, "they that worship, must worship in spirit
- 00:21:54.519 --> 00:21:55.653
- Must worship in spirit and in truth."
- 00:21:55.720 --> 00:21:57.589
- And in truth." and the hour has come --
- 00:21:57.655 --> 00:22:00.592
- And the hour has come -- this is so good.
- 00:22:00.658 --> 00:22:01.459
- This is so good. the hour has come
- 00:22:01.526 --> 00:22:04.329
- The hour has come that the spirit
- 00:22:04.396 --> 00:22:06.531
- That the spirit is searching and seeking --
- 00:22:06.598 --> 00:22:10.869
- Is searching and seeking -- i mean, i've sought god
- 00:22:10.935 --> 00:22:13.071
- I mean, i've sought god but there is a way
- 00:22:13.138 --> 00:22:14.639
- But there is a way you can reverse it
- 00:22:14.706 --> 00:22:15.807
- You can reverse it to where god says,
- 00:22:15.874 --> 00:22:17.075
- To where god says, "i'll search the earth for you
- 00:22:17.142 --> 00:22:20.578
- "i'll search the earth for you if you're a worshipper."
- 00:22:20.645 --> 00:22:21.780
- ♪ ♪
- 00:22:25.683 --> 00:22:26.284
- >> i believe the lord put me in
- 00:22:26.851 --> 00:22:27.886
- >> i believe the lord put me in your life today to tell you that
- 00:22:27.952 --> 00:22:29.788
- Your life today to tell you that 2025 can be the greatest year
- 00:22:29.854 --> 00:22:32.690
- 2025 can be the greatest year you have ever experienced
- 00:22:32.757 --> 00:22:34.292
- You have ever experienced god's favor and blessing,
- 00:22:34.359 --> 00:22:36.161
- God's favor and blessing, but it is dependent
- 00:22:36.227 --> 00:22:38.563
- But it is dependent upon you seeking god.
- 00:22:38.630 --> 00:22:41.132
- Upon you seeking god. why don't you just grab the hand
- 00:22:41.199 --> 00:22:42.200
- Why don't you just grab the hand of one another and just pray
- 00:22:42.267 --> 00:22:43.735
- Of one another and just pray this prayer together and say,
- 00:22:43.802 --> 00:22:45.170
- This prayer together and say, “lord jesus, i surrender to you.
- 00:22:45.236 --> 00:22:48.573
- “lord jesus, i surrender to you. i give you our family.
- 00:22:48.640 --> 00:22:50.375
- I give you our family. i give you our future.
- 00:22:50.442 --> 00:22:51.910
- I give you our future. wash us and cleanse us anew
- 00:22:51.976 --> 00:22:53.912
- Wash us and cleanse us anew this new year.
- 00:22:53.978 --> 00:22:55.413
- This new year. and lord, make us vessels
- 00:22:55.480 --> 00:22:57.015
- And lord, make us vessels that you can use in 2025
- 00:22:57.081 --> 00:23:00.652
- That you can use in 2025 in jesus' mighty name, amen.”
- 00:23:00.718 --> 00:23:04.689
- In jesus' mighty name, amen.” and by his stripes
- 00:23:04.756 --> 00:23:06.191
- You are healed, so praise him.
- 00:23:06.291 --> 00:23:09.394
- And we love to hear from you.
- 00:23:09.461 --> 00:23:10.595
- We love to hear praise reports
- 00:23:10.662 --> 00:23:12.797
- And miracle stories,
- 00:23:12.864 --> 00:23:14.232
- And we got a lot of them
- 00:23:14.299 --> 00:23:15.300
- That come as a result
- 00:23:15.366 --> 00:23:16.935
- Of these broadcasts
- 00:23:17.001 --> 00:23:18.236
- And these services
- 00:23:18.303 --> 00:23:19.771
- That we bring to you.
- 00:23:19.838 --> 00:23:21.406
- As we enter into a new year,
- 00:23:21.506 --> 00:23:23.274
- As we enter into a new year, let's community ourselves
- 00:23:23.341 --> 00:23:24.342
- Let's community ourselves to honoring god in our lives
- 00:23:24.409 --> 00:23:26.044
- To honoring god in our lives like never before.
- 00:23:26.110 --> 00:23:27.445
- Like never before. and this is a time when we as
- 00:23:27.512 --> 00:23:29.047
- A church do a 21-day fast,
- 00:23:29.147 --> 00:23:31.516
- Which will be
- 00:23:31.583 --> 00:23:32.250
- Starting next week.
- 00:23:32.317 --> 00:23:33.585
- You say,
- 00:23:33.651 --> 00:23:33.952
- “oh, that scares me to death.
- 00:23:34.018 --> 00:23:35.386
- I could never do 21 day fast.”
- 00:23:35.453 --> 00:23:37.322
- If you've never fasted before,
- 00:23:37.388 --> 00:23:39.123
- We've created an easy-to-use
- 00:23:39.224 --> 00:23:41.593
- We've created an easy-to-use fasting resource available
- 00:23:41.659 --> 00:23:43.228
- Fasting resource available for free on our website.
- 00:23:43.294 --> 00:23:45.997
- If you've watched us
- 00:23:46.097 --> 00:23:46.931
- For any length of time,
- 00:23:46.998 --> 00:23:48.199
- You know that we are
- 00:23:48.266 --> 00:23:49.300
- A ministry that absolutely
- 00:23:49.367 --> 00:23:51.169
- Stands with israel,
- 00:23:51.236 --> 00:23:52.437
- So much so that recently
- 00:23:52.504 --> 00:23:54.772
- The jewish national fund
- 00:23:54.839 --> 00:23:57.242
- Awarded this ministry
- 00:23:57.308 --> 00:23:58.476
- The tree of life
- 00:23:58.543 --> 00:23:59.911
- Shalom peace award.
- 00:23:59.978 --> 00:24:01.880
- And i wanna ask you to consider
- 00:24:01.946 --> 00:24:03.848
- A special gift as we keep
- 00:24:03.915 --> 00:24:06.150
- Our jewish brothers and sisters
- 00:24:06.217 --> 00:24:08.086
- Safe during the time of war.
- 00:24:08.152 --> 00:24:10.622
- Please ask god what
- 00:24:10.688 --> 00:24:11.956
- He would have you do,
- 00:24:12.023 --> 00:24:13.358
- And i know it will be enough.
- 00:24:13.424 --> 00:24:14.826
- Watch this and see
- 00:24:14.893 --> 00:24:16.528
- How you can be involved.
- 00:24:16.594 --> 00:24:17.695
- >> on october 7,
- 00:24:21.199 --> 00:24:22.200
- Israel was attacked by
- 00:24:22.300 --> 00:24:23.134
- The dark forces of hamas.
- 00:24:23.234 --> 00:24:25.003
- It was the worst massacre
- 00:24:25.103 --> 00:24:26.104
- The jewish people experienced
- 00:24:26.204 --> 00:24:27.605
- Since the holocaust.
- 00:24:27.705 --> 00:24:29.107
- The eshkol region
- 00:24:29.207 --> 00:24:29.908
- In southern israel
- 00:24:30.008 --> 00:24:31.843
- Was attacked directly.
- 00:24:31.943 --> 00:24:33.578
- Women faced
- 00:24:33.678 --> 00:24:34.178
- Unspeakable atrocities,
- 00:24:34.279 --> 00:24:36.481
- Infants were assassinated,
- 00:24:36.581 --> 00:24:38.316
- Numerous families
- 00:24:38.416 --> 00:24:39.584
- Were burnt alive,
- 00:24:39.684 --> 00:24:41.185
- And both mothers
- 00:24:41.286 --> 00:24:41.786
- And their babies
- 00:24:41.886 --> 00:24:42.453
- And holocaust survivors
- 00:24:42.554 --> 00:24:43.855
- Were abducted
- 00:24:43.955 --> 00:24:44.622
- To the hamas tunnels in gaza.
- 00:24:44.722 --> 00:24:46.691
- And now we stand
- 00:24:46.791 --> 00:24:47.792
- At a pivotal moment,
- 00:24:47.892 --> 00:24:49.260
- Poised to provide a lifeline
- 00:24:49.360 --> 00:24:50.862
- For the people of eshkol,
- 00:24:50.962 --> 00:24:52.430
- Who continue to be attacked
- 00:24:52.530 --> 00:24:53.765
- By terrorists every day.
- 00:24:53.865 --> 00:24:56.167
- Jentezen franklin
- 00:24:56.267 --> 00:24:57.135
- Media ministries
- 00:24:57.235 --> 00:24:58.536
- Recently committed
- 00:24:58.636 --> 00:24:59.137
- The largest amount of funding
- 00:24:59.237 --> 00:25:00.204
- Ever towards the initiative,
- 00:25:00.305 --> 00:25:01.906
- Phase number one,
- 00:25:03.641 --> 00:25:04.409
- Provides physical safety.
- 00:25:04.509 --> 00:25:06.277
- That is why we are building
- 00:25:06.377 --> 00:25:07.445
- Civil defense centers,
- 00:25:07.545 --> 00:25:09.013
- And over 800 safe houses,
- 00:25:09.113 --> 00:25:11.382
- Making sure every family
- 00:25:11.482 --> 00:25:13.051
- In the region has a safe room,
- 00:25:13.151 --> 00:25:14.586
- In case of terrorist attacks.
- 00:25:14.686 --> 00:25:16.120
- >> this is home.
- 00:25:16.554 --> 00:25:17.455
- Israel is our place.
- 00:25:17.522 --> 00:25:18.556
- This is the safest place
- 00:25:18.623 --> 00:25:19.290
- We can be,
- 00:25:19.357 --> 00:25:20.758
- And this safe room became
- 00:25:20.825 --> 00:25:22.493
- Our little safe haven.
- 00:25:22.560 --> 00:25:23.628
- It's something that
- 00:25:23.695 --> 00:25:24.996
- Every single person
- 00:25:25.063 --> 00:25:26.030
- In our area needs.
- 00:25:26.097 --> 00:25:27.231
- I can't stress it enough
- 00:25:27.298 --> 00:25:28.933
- That it saved our lives,
- 00:25:29.000 --> 00:25:30.068
- It saved my husband's family
- 00:25:30.134 --> 00:25:31.603
- Life on the 7th of october,
- 00:25:31.669 --> 00:25:33.838
- And it will continue
- 00:25:33.905 --> 00:25:34.672
- To save lives.
- 00:25:34.739 --> 00:25:35.239
- >> when you give to
- 00:25:35.907 --> 00:25:36.407
- A project like this,
- 00:25:36.507 --> 00:25:37.842
- There is a promise for you
- 00:25:37.942 --> 00:25:38.910
- Found in genesis 12:3,
- 00:25:39.010 --> 00:25:41.112
- “i will bless those
- 00:25:41.212 --> 00:25:42.046
- Who bless you israel.”
- 00:25:42.146 --> 00:25:43.581
- Together we can demonstrate
- 00:25:43.681 --> 00:25:44.582
- That faith combined with
- 00:25:44.682 --> 00:25:46.117
- Collective action can
- 00:25:46.217 --> 00:25:47.752
- Illuminate the darkest moments
- 00:25:47.852 --> 00:25:49.621
- And forge a brighter,
- 00:25:49.721 --> 00:25:51.055
- More hopeful future
- 00:25:51.155 --> 00:25:52.023
- For the holy land.
- 00:25:52.123 --> 00:25:53.124
- ♪ ♪
- 00:25:56.027 --> 00:25:57.929
- >> but the lord is saying today
- 00:25:58.429 --> 00:26:00.365
- That through prayer
- 00:26:00.431 --> 00:26:01.366
- And through fasting,
- 00:26:01.432 --> 00:26:02.800
- Whatever walls the enemy
- 00:26:02.867 --> 00:26:05.036
- Has put up in your life,
- 00:26:05.103 --> 00:26:07.705
- Those walls are going to fall
- 00:26:07.772 --> 00:26:10.274
- In the name of jesus.
- 00:26:10.341 --> 00:26:12.677
- Jesus wouldn't have told us
- 00:26:12.744 --> 00:26:13.878
- To pray if it didn't work.
- 00:26:13.945 --> 00:26:15.647
- ♪ ♪
- 00:26:15.947 --> 00:26:20.318
- >> welcome to free chapel
- 00:26:23.187 --> 00:26:24.355
- Where everything we do
- 00:26:24.455 --> 00:26:25.423
- Is about inspiring people
- 00:26:25.523 --> 00:26:26.924
- To live for jesus.
- 00:26:27.025 --> 00:26:28.393
- It all points to him.
- 00:26:28.493 --> 00:26:30.228
- No matter where you call home,
- 00:26:30.328 --> 00:26:32.430
- One of our campuses is close by.
- 00:26:32.530 --> 00:26:34.432
- Located in gainesville,
- 00:26:34.532 --> 00:26:36.000
- Braselton, gwinnett,
- 00:26:36.100 --> 00:26:37.702
- Alpharetta, midtown atlanta,
- 00:26:37.802 --> 00:26:39.871
- Spartanburg, south carolina,
- 00:26:39.971 --> 00:26:41.773
- And orange country, california.
- 00:26:41.873 --> 00:26:43.675
- We strive to offer the same
- 00:26:43.775 --> 00:26:45.076
- Great experience at each
- 00:26:45.176 --> 00:26:46.144
- Of these locations.
- 00:26:46.244 --> 00:26:47.445
- Kids enjoy vibrant services
- 00:26:47.545 --> 00:26:49.280
- That keep them engaged
- 00:26:49.380 --> 00:26:50.515
- While learning the bible.
- 00:26:50.615 --> 00:26:51.883
- Our youth is always having
- 00:26:51.983 --> 00:26:53.084
- Exciting events
- 00:26:53.184 --> 00:26:54.085
- With relevant teaching.
- 00:26:54.185 --> 00:26:55.620
- We have special services
- 00:26:55.720 --> 00:26:56.688
- For young adults
- 00:26:56.788 --> 00:26:57.655
- And wisdom club for our
- 00:26:57.755 --> 00:26:58.690
- Senior members.
- 00:26:58.790 --> 00:26:59.891
- There truly is something
- 00:26:59.991 --> 00:27:01.092
- For everyone.
- 00:27:01.192 --> 00:27:02.360
- All of this is part
- 00:27:02.460 --> 00:27:03.294
- Of our mission to inspire
- 00:27:03.394 --> 00:27:04.696
- People to live for jesus.
- 00:27:04.796 --> 00:27:07.632
- Head over to our app
- 00:27:07.732 --> 00:27:08.299
- Or website to find out more.
- 00:27:08.399 --> 00:27:09.534
- ♪ ♪
- 00:27:09.901 --> 00:27:13.037
- >> we hope you've enjoyed this
- 00:27:18.943 --> 00:27:19.811
- Teaching by jentezen franklin,
- 00:27:19.911 --> 00:27:21.646
- And thank you for
- 00:27:21.746 --> 00:27:22.413
- Your continued support
- 00:27:22.513 --> 00:27:23.614
- Of this ministry.
- 00:27:23.715 --> 00:27:24.515
- ♪ ♪
- 00:27:25.049 --> 00:27:28.999