The author of “Think This, Not That” explains how our thoughts directly impact our emotional, spiritual, and physical health.
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Life Today with James Robison | Josh Axe - Good Thoughts, Good Health | January 15, 2025
- >> "you're most likely going to be permanently disabled."
- 00:00:07.030 --> 00:00:09.732
- He said, "you could die."
- 00:00:09.732 --> 00:00:11.734
- He also said, "the best-case scenario is
- 00:00:11.734 --> 00:00:13.903
- You'll be in major chronic pain."
- 00:00:13.903 --> 00:00:15.939
- I didn't walk for almost a full year.
- 00:00:15.939 --> 00:00:17.941
- Ten months, i didn't walk a single step;
- 00:00:17.941 --> 00:00:19.943
- Two months i was on a walker.
- 00:00:19.943 --> 00:00:21.945
- And still, even now i'm about 90% back.
- 00:00:21.945 --> 00:00:24.581
- I think within a few months, i should be back to 100%.
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- Through his own experience,
- 00:00:27.016 --> 00:00:29.018
- Dr. josh axe helps us understand the powerful connections
- 00:00:29.018 --> 00:00:32.222
- Between physical, mental, and spiritual healing.
- 00:00:32.222 --> 00:00:41.431
- ♪
- 00:00:41.664 --> 00:00:53.810
- Randy: welcome to life today .
- 00:00:53.910 --> 00:00:55.612
- Randy: welcome to life today . i'm randy robison.
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- Randy: welcome to life today . i'm randy robison. this is tammy trent.
- 00:00:57.080 --> 00:00:58.748
- I'm randy robison. this is tammy trent. the doctor is in.
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- This is tammy trent. the doctor is in. tammy: yay!
- 00:01:01.351 --> 00:01:02.552
- The doctor is in. tammy: yay! randy: it is
- 00:01:02.619 --> 00:01:03.586
- Tammy: yay! randy: it is wellness wednesday
- 00:01:03.686 --> 00:01:04.687
- Randy: it is wellness wednesday and we have some medicine
- 00:01:04.754 --> 00:01:05.855
- Wellness wednesday and we have some medicine for you.
- 00:01:05.922 --> 00:01:06.890
- And we have some medicine for you. we're going to call it
- 00:01:06.956 --> 00:01:07.924
- For you. we're going to call it "mind shift medicine"
- 00:01:07.991 --> 00:01:09.425
- We're going to call it "mind shift medicine" because that's what
- 00:01:09.492 --> 00:01:10.493
- "mind shift medicine" because that's what our guest today calls it.
- 00:01:10.560 --> 00:01:11.728
- Because that's what our guest today calls it. it works!
- 00:01:11.794 --> 00:01:12.795
- Our guest today calls it. it works! we're going to tell you how.
- 00:01:12.862 --> 00:01:13.963
- So we hope you enjoy this.
- 00:01:14.063 --> 00:01:16.166
- So we hope you enjoy this. our guest is dr. axe.
- 00:01:16.232 --> 00:01:17.834
- So we hope you enjoy this. our guest is dr. axe. he has a book called
- 00:01:17.901 --> 00:01:19.269
- Our guest is dr. axe. he has a book called think this, not that ,
- 00:01:19.369 --> 00:01:20.603
- He has a book called think this, not that , dr. josh axe,
- 00:01:20.670 --> 00:01:21.971
- Think this, not that , dr. josh axe, and he joins us.
- 00:01:22.038 --> 00:01:23.640
- Dr. josh axe, and he joins us. it's really good to see you.
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- And he joins us. it's really good to see you. dr. axe: yeah!
- 00:01:24.941 --> 00:01:25.942
- It's really good to see you. dr. axe: yeah! great to see you guys.
- 00:01:26.009 --> 00:01:26.943
- Randy: we've been wanting
- 00:01:28.111 --> 00:01:29.012
- Randy: we've been wanting to have you on the program
- 00:01:29.078 --> 00:01:30.079
- To have you on the program for a while
- 00:01:30.146 --> 00:01:31.080
- For a while because we know jordan rubin.
- 00:01:31.147 --> 00:01:32.148
- Because we know jordan rubin. you and jordan have done
- 00:01:32.215 --> 00:01:33.149
- You and jordan have done a lot of work together.
- 00:01:33.216 --> 00:01:34.150
- A lot of work together. so it is great to have you.
- 00:01:34.217 --> 00:01:35.218
- So it is great to have you. dr. axe: awesome!
- 00:01:35.285 --> 00:01:36.352
- Dr. axe: awesome! well, thanks so much again.
- 00:01:36.419 --> 00:01:37.487
- He knew i was coming on
- 00:01:38.721 --> 00:01:39.889
- He knew i was coming on this morning.
- 00:01:39.956 --> 00:01:41.024
- He knew i was coming on this morning. tammy: not only
- 00:01:41.090 --> 00:01:42.025
- This morning. tammy: not only are we excited but i know
- 00:01:42.091 --> 00:01:43.059
- Tammy: not only are we excited but i know they are excited too
- 00:01:43.126 --> 00:01:44.060
- Are we excited but i know they are excited too because so many people
- 00:01:44.127 --> 00:01:45.061
- They are excited too because so many people follow you dr. josh
- 00:01:45.128 --> 00:01:46.062
- Because so many people follow you dr. josh and just love your insight
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- Follow you dr. josh and just love your insight and your knowledge.
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- And just love your insight and your knowledge. i'm excited about
- 00:01:48.131 --> 00:01:49.799
- And your knowledge. i'm excited about this day too and i know
- 00:01:49.866 --> 00:01:50.867
- I'm excited about this day too and i know so many other people are.
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- This day too and i know so many other people are. randy: let's jump into
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- So many other people are. randy: let's jump into the idea of a mind shift
- 00:01:53.670 --> 00:01:57.507
- Randy: let's jump into the idea of a mind shift because we hear a lot
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- The idea of a mind shift because we hear a lot about positive thinking.
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- Because we hear a lot about positive thinking. or i think there are still
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- About positive thinking. or i think there are still some questions
- 00:02:04.347 --> 00:02:05.648
- Or i think there are still some questions in a lot of people's minds,
- 00:02:05.715 --> 00:02:06.783
- Some questions in a lot of people's minds, does that really matter?
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- In a lot of people's minds, does that really matter? you're saying
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- Dr. axe: as i wrote this book,
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- Dr. axe: as i wrote this book, one of the things
- 00:02:15.258 --> 00:02:16.459
- One of the things i was very conscious of
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- I was very conscious of was my faith.
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- Was my faith. so everything in the book
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- So everything in the book is built on the foundation
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- Romans 12:2 comes to mind
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- Romans 12:2 comes to mind in terms of "do not
- 00:02:23.433 --> 00:02:24.667
- Romans 12:2 comes to mind in terms of "do not be conformed any longer
- 00:02:24.734 --> 00:02:26.002
- In terms of "do not be conformed any longer to the patterns of this world
- 00:02:26.069 --> 00:02:27.237
- Be conformed any longer to the patterns of this world but be transformed by
- 00:02:27.303 --> 00:02:28.504
- To the patterns of this world but be transformed by the renewing of your mind."
- 00:02:28.571 --> 00:02:29.739
- But be transformed by the renewing of your mind." i think when we think
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- The renewing of your mind." i think when we think about the mind of christ
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- I think when we think about the mind of christ it is full of the virtues
- 00:02:32.308 --> 00:02:33.509
- About the mind of christ it is full of the virtues of faith, hope, and love.
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- It is full of the virtues of faith, hope, and love. and so hope is part
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- Of faith, hope, and love. and so hope is part of a positive mindset.
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- And so hope is part of a positive mindset. i don't think the mindset
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- Of a positive mindset. i don't think the mindset is thinking
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- I don't think the mindset is thinking everything is perfect
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- Is thinking everything is perfect or the world is perfect
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- Everything is perfect or the world is perfect and everything will go my way
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- Or the world is perfect and everything will go my way but believing
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- And everything will go my way but believing we've got a good god
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- But believing we've got a good god and he is for us,
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- We've got a good god and he is for us, not against us.
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- And he is for us, not against us. i think that's really
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- Not against us. i think that's really what fuels and feeds
- 00:02:50.727 --> 00:02:51.894
- I think that's really what fuels and feeds the right mindset,
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- What fuels and feeds the right mindset, a mindset of hope,
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- The right mindset, a mindset of hope, a mindset that allows us
- 00:02:54.097 --> 00:02:55.131
- A mindset of hope, a mindset that allows us to persevere
- 00:02:55.198 --> 00:02:56.232
- A mindset that allows us to persevere through hard things,
- 00:02:56.299 --> 00:02:57.367
- To persevere through hard things, a mindset that allows
- 00:02:57.433 --> 00:02:58.635
- Through hard things, a mindset that allows our body to better heal.
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- A mindset that allows our body to better heal. one of the things
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- Our body to better heal. one of the things i came across
- 00:03:01.070 --> 00:03:02.205
- One of the things i came across as i was doing research
- 00:03:02.272 --> 00:03:03.339
- I came across as i was doing research for this book was the power
- 00:03:03.406 --> 00:03:04.474
- As i was doing research for this book was the power of a healing mindset.
- 00:03:04.540 --> 00:03:05.608
- For this book was the power of a healing mindset. i've noticed this
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- Of a healing mindset. i've noticed this as i've taken care
- 00:03:06.809 --> 00:03:07.810
- I've noticed this as i've taken care of tens of thousands
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- As i've taken care of tens of thousands of patients over the years
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- Of tens of thousands of patients over the years in my functional
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- Of patients over the years in my functional medicine clinic.
- 00:03:11.180 --> 00:03:12.181
- In my functional medicine clinic. one of the things
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- Medicine clinic. one of the things i discovered was
- 00:03:13.316 --> 00:03:14.317
- One of the things i discovered was the people who got
- 00:03:14.384 --> 00:03:15.385
- I discovered was the people who got the best results
- 00:03:15.451 --> 00:03:16.452
- The people who got the best results were the people
- 00:03:16.519 --> 00:03:17.520
- The best results were the people who had a healing mindset.
- 00:03:17.587 --> 00:03:18.721
- Were the people who had a healing mindset. randy: do you think it is
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- Who had a healing mindset. randy: do you think it is the power of the mind alone?
- 00:03:20.089 --> 00:03:22.825
- Randy: do you think it is the power of the mind alone? in other words,
- 00:03:22.892 --> 00:03:23.926
- The power of the mind alone? in other words, your faith has made you well
- 00:03:23.993 --> 00:03:25.094
- In other words, your faith has made you well but is it just your faith
- 00:03:25.161 --> 00:03:26.796
- Your faith has made you well but is it just your faith or is it your faith in christ
- 00:03:26.863 --> 00:03:28.498
- But is it just your faith or is it your faith in christ that makes you well?
- 00:03:28.564 --> 00:03:30.700
- Or is it your faith in christ that makes you well? dr. axe: well, i think
- 00:03:30.767 --> 00:03:32.602
- That makes you well? dr. axe: well, i think there's a little bit
- 00:03:32.669 --> 00:03:33.670
- Dr. axe: well, i think there's a little bit of a nuance
- 00:03:33.736 --> 00:03:34.771
- There's a little bit of a nuance and i'll share with you here
- 00:03:34.837 --> 00:03:35.838
- Of a nuance and i'll share with you here that i think makes
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- And i'll share with you here that i think makes a difference.
- 00:03:36.906 --> 00:03:37.840
- That i think makes a difference. because there are
- 00:03:37.907 --> 00:03:38.841
- A difference. because there are other things tied into it.
- 00:03:38.908 --> 00:03:39.876
- Because there are other things tied into it. some people don't believe
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- Other things tied into it. some people don't believe they should be healed.
- 00:03:41.344 --> 00:03:42.445
- Some people don't believe they should be healed. maybe they have shame.
- 00:03:42.512 --> 00:03:43.613
- They should be healed. maybe they have shame. maybe they have guilt.
- 00:03:43.680 --> 00:03:44.681
- Maybe they have shame. maybe they have guilt. other things
- 00:03:44.747 --> 00:03:45.782
- Maybe they have guilt. other things go along with that.
- 00:03:45.848 --> 00:03:46.949
- Other things go along with that. when we realize
- 00:03:47.016 --> 00:03:48.051
- Go along with that. when we realize what christ did for us and
- 00:03:48.117 --> 00:03:49.185
- When we realize what christ did for us and that he took on that burden,
- 00:03:49.252 --> 00:03:50.286
- What christ did for us and that he took on that burden, i think that's something else.
- 00:03:50.353 --> 00:03:51.454
- That he took on that burden, i think that's something else. again, just to be clear,
- 00:03:51.521 --> 00:03:52.622
- I think that's something else. again, just to be clear, all the medical
- 00:03:52.689 --> 00:03:53.823
- Again, just to be clear, all the medical literature shows
- 00:03:53.890 --> 00:03:55.024
- All the medical literature shows if you believe positively
- 00:03:55.091 --> 00:03:56.292
- Literature shows if you believe positively and you believe you can heal,
- 00:03:56.359 --> 00:03:57.527
- If you believe positively and you believe you can heal, you have a better chance.
- 00:03:57.593 --> 00:03:58.695
- And you believe you can heal, you have a better chance. if i do believe
- 00:03:58.761 --> 00:03:59.962
- You have a better chance. if i do believe the biblical view
- 00:04:00.029 --> 00:04:01.130
- If i do believe the biblical view that christ died for us,
- 00:04:01.197 --> 00:04:02.365
- The biblical view that christ died for us, he is our healer,
- 00:04:02.432 --> 00:04:03.533
- That christ died for us, he is our healer, by his stripes we are healed,
- 00:04:03.599 --> 00:04:04.867
- He is our healer, by his stripes we are healed, i think that is something that
- 00:04:04.934 --> 00:04:06.069
- Randy: to me,
- 00:04:07.737 --> 00:04:08.771
- Randy: to me, it sounds like there
- 00:04:08.838 --> 00:04:09.806
- It sounds like there is something foundational
- 00:04:09.872 --> 00:04:10.807
- Is something foundational in the way god created us.
- 00:04:10.873 --> 00:04:11.808
- In the way god created us. so it's going to work
- 00:04:11.874 --> 00:04:12.875
- Regardless of who employs it.
- 00:04:15.578 --> 00:04:16.813
- Regardless of who employs it. but when your faith runs out,
- 00:04:16.879 --> 00:04:19.082
- Regardless of who employs it. but when your faith runs out, as mine sometimes does,
- 00:04:19.148 --> 00:04:20.383
- But when your faith runs out, as mine sometimes does, i like to be able to go okay,
- 00:04:20.450 --> 00:04:21.551
- As mine sometimes does, i like to be able to go okay, there is someone else
- 00:04:21.617 --> 00:04:22.852
- I like to be able to go okay, there is someone else involved in this transaction,
- 00:04:22.919 --> 00:04:24.587
- There is someone else involved in this transaction, it is not just up to me.
- 00:04:24.654 --> 00:04:27.223
- Runs out quickly
- 00:04:28.524 --> 00:04:29.525
- Runs out quickly when you're dealing with pain.
- 00:04:29.592 --> 00:04:30.693
- When you're dealing with pain. don't you?
- 00:04:30.760 --> 00:04:31.694
- Don't you? like i think
- 00:04:31.761 --> 00:04:32.795
- Like i think it's hard to believe
- 00:04:32.862 --> 00:04:33.963
- It's hard to believe i broke my arm just recently,
- 00:04:34.030 --> 00:04:36.232
- I've been having a hard time
- 00:04:37.900 --> 00:04:39.736
- I've been having a hard time stretching out.
- 00:04:39.802 --> 00:04:40.737
- I've been having a hard time stretching out. but honestly, doctor,
- 00:04:40.803 --> 00:04:41.738
- Stretching out. but honestly, doctor, it is like,
- 00:04:41.804 --> 00:04:42.839
- But honestly, doctor, it is like, my mindset is like,
- 00:04:42.905 --> 00:04:45.274
- It is like, my mindset is like, it could have been worse.
- 00:04:45.341 --> 00:04:46.743
- My mindset is like, it could have been worse. thank god!
- 00:04:46.809 --> 00:04:48.010
- It could have been worse. thank god! i am going to heal.
- 00:04:48.077 --> 00:04:49.278
- Thank god! i am going to heal. what can i do though?
- 00:04:49.345 --> 00:04:50.947
- I am going to heal. what can i do though? how can i also
- 00:04:51.013 --> 00:04:52.048
- What can i do though? how can i also align my thoughts
- 00:04:52.115 --> 00:04:53.049
- How can i also align my thoughts with the thoughts of christ
- 00:04:53.116 --> 00:04:54.150
- Align my thoughts with the thoughts of christ in all of this?
- 00:04:54.217 --> 00:04:55.318
- With the thoughts of christ in all of this? like i am strong.
- 00:04:55.385 --> 00:04:56.519
- In all of this? like i am strong. i'm getting a little older
- 00:04:56.586 --> 00:04:58.187
- Like i am strong. i'm getting a little older so the falls
- 00:04:58.254 --> 00:04:59.288
- I'm getting a little older so the falls are hurting a little more.
- 00:04:59.355 --> 00:05:00.490
- So the falls are hurting a little more. but i think you're right,
- 00:05:00.556 --> 00:05:02.625
- Are hurting a little more. but i think you're right, about that mindset.
- 00:05:02.692 --> 00:05:03.926
- But i think you're right, about that mindset. i feel like it for myself too,
- 00:05:03.993 --> 00:05:05.361
- About that mindset. i feel like it for myself too, even when i saw my doctor
- 00:05:05.428 --> 00:05:06.629
- I feel like it for myself too, even when i saw my doctor it was like i'm going to heal,
- 00:05:06.696 --> 00:05:07.730
- Even when i saw my doctor it was like i'm going to heal, i'll get better.
- 00:05:07.797 --> 00:05:08.731
- It was like i'm going to heal, i'll get better. she was like,
- 00:05:08.798 --> 00:05:09.732
- I'll get better. she was like, oh i'd be careful stretching.
- 00:05:09.799 --> 00:05:10.733
- She was like, oh i'd be careful stretching. i'm like no,
- 00:05:10.800 --> 00:05:11.768
- Oh i'd be careful stretching. i'm like no, i can do this a little bit,
- 00:05:11.834 --> 00:05:12.835
- I'm like no, i can do this a little bit, it's probably good.
- 00:05:12.902 --> 00:05:14.036
- I can do this a little bit, it's probably good. but i pushed a little.
- 00:05:14.103 --> 00:05:15.138
- It's probably good. but i pushed a little. but i think people do lose
- 00:05:15.204 --> 00:05:16.339
- But i pushed a little. but i think people do lose their faith to believe.
- 00:05:16.406 --> 00:05:18.508
- But i think people do lose their faith to believe. it is how do we reframe that
- 00:05:18.574 --> 00:05:20.209
- Their faith to believe. it is how do we reframe that to align our thoughts
- 00:05:20.276 --> 00:05:21.911
- It is how do we reframe that to align our thoughts with the thoughts of christ
- 00:05:21.978 --> 00:05:23.346
- To align our thoughts with the thoughts of christ and to change our mindsets
- 00:05:23.413 --> 00:05:24.981
- With the thoughts of christ and to change our mindsets if we struggle with it
- 00:05:25.047 --> 00:05:26.149
- And to change our mindsets if we struggle with it in the first place?
- 00:05:26.215 --> 00:05:27.316
- If we struggle with it in the first place? dr. axe: well, i think
- 00:05:27.383 --> 00:05:28.551
- I think everything comes down
- 00:05:30.586 --> 00:05:31.554
- I think everything comes down to knowing
- 00:05:31.621 --> 00:05:32.622
- To knowing that god is a good god.
- 00:05:32.688 --> 00:05:33.656
- That god is a good god. he is a perfect father.
- 00:05:33.723 --> 00:05:34.724
- He is a perfect father. so i think that's so important
- 00:05:34.791 --> 00:05:35.825
- So i think that's so important to be walking with that,
- 00:05:35.892 --> 00:05:38.094
- And awareness of that.
- 00:05:39.862 --> 00:05:40.930
- And awareness of that. and then also with that,
- 00:05:40.997 --> 00:05:42.098
- And awareness of that. and then also with that, thinking about the bible,
- 00:05:42.165 --> 00:05:44.000
- And then also with that, thinking about the bible, sometimes god waits
- 00:05:44.066 --> 00:05:46.269
- Thinking about the bible, sometimes god waits a long time
- 00:05:46.335 --> 00:05:47.403
- Sometimes god waits a long time for people to heal.
- 00:05:47.470 --> 00:05:48.471
- A long time for people to heal. i've had my own health crisis.
- 00:05:48.538 --> 00:05:49.672
- For people to heal. i've had my own health crisis. i've had my mom
- 00:05:49.739 --> 00:05:51.240
- I've had my own health crisis. i've had my mom who went through cancer.
- 00:05:51.307 --> 00:05:52.475
- I've had my mom who went through cancer. and i think there are times
- 00:05:52.542 --> 00:05:53.776
- Who went through cancer. and i think there are times within my health,
- 00:05:53.843 --> 00:05:55.178
- And i think there are times within my health, family's health,
- 00:05:55.244 --> 00:05:56.245
- Within my health, family's health, patient's health
- 00:05:56.312 --> 00:05:57.346
- Family's health, patient's health that i've sort of wondered
- 00:05:57.413 --> 00:05:58.414
- Patient's health that i've sort of wondered and asked god, why?
- 00:05:58.481 --> 00:05:59.582
- That i've sort of wondered and asked god, why? why is it taking so long?
- 00:05:59.649 --> 00:06:00.817
- And asked god, why? why is it taking so long? or why do we have to suffer
- 00:06:00.883 --> 00:06:03.085
- Why is it taking so long? or why do we have to suffer through this?
- 00:06:03.152 --> 00:06:05.621
- Or why do we have to suffer through this? you know what?
- 00:06:05.688 --> 00:06:06.923
- Through this? you know what? sometimes, on the back end,
- 00:06:06.989 --> 00:06:07.990
- You know what? sometimes, on the back end, i do get the answer.
- 00:06:08.057 --> 00:06:08.991
- Sometimes, on the back end, i do get the answer. it is almost never
- 00:06:09.058 --> 00:06:09.992
- I do get the answer. it is almost never in the moment.
- 00:06:10.059 --> 00:06:10.993
- It is almost never in the moment. but later on, i'll look --
- 00:06:11.060 --> 00:06:12.028
- In the moment. but later on, i'll look -- i'll give you an example.
- 00:06:12.094 --> 00:06:13.062
- But later on, i'll look -- i'll give you an example. when my mom
- 00:06:13.129 --> 00:06:14.096
- I'll give you an example. when my mom went through cancer,
- 00:06:14.163 --> 00:06:15.131
- When my mom went through cancer, it was the hardest thing
- 00:06:15.198 --> 00:06:16.165
- Went through cancer, it was the hardest thing i'd ever gone through
- 00:06:16.232 --> 00:06:17.200
- It was the hardest thing i'd ever gone through when i was a child, by far.
- 00:06:17.266 --> 00:06:18.367
- I'd ever gone through when i was a child, by far. seeing your mom
- 00:06:18.434 --> 00:06:19.669
- When i was a child, by far. seeing your mom go through chemotherapy.
- 00:06:19.735 --> 00:06:21.003
- Seeing your mom go through chemotherapy. i remember my mom taking
- 00:06:21.070 --> 00:06:22.171
- Go through chemotherapy. i remember my mom taking a pick through her hair,
- 00:06:22.238 --> 00:06:23.172
- I remember my mom taking a pick through her hair, a comb,
- 00:06:23.239 --> 00:06:24.207
- A pick through her hair, a comb, and all the hair coming out.
- 00:06:24.273 --> 00:06:25.308
- A comb, and all the hair coming out. her just weeping.
- 00:06:25.374 --> 00:06:26.309
- And all the hair coming out. her just weeping. that was so hard as a kid
- 00:06:26.375 --> 00:06:27.310
- Her just weeping. that was so hard as a kid in seventh grade seeing that.
- 00:06:27.376 --> 00:06:28.311
- That was so hard as a kid in seventh grade seeing that. there was never --
- 00:06:28.377 --> 00:06:29.378
- In seventh grade seeing that. there was never -- during that time,
- 00:06:29.445 --> 00:06:30.379
- There was never -- during that time, there was never a moment
- 00:06:30.446 --> 00:06:31.380
- During that time, there was never a moment that i would have thought
- 00:06:31.447 --> 00:06:32.381
- There was never a moment that i would have thought at that time
- 00:06:32.448 --> 00:06:33.382
- That i would have thought at that time to say i'm grateful
- 00:06:33.449 --> 00:06:34.383
- At that time to say i'm grateful i went through that.
- 00:06:34.450 --> 00:06:35.384
- To say i'm grateful i went through that. well, what is crazy is if
- 00:06:35.451 --> 00:06:36.385
- I went through that. well, what is crazy is if you would ask my mom that now
- 00:06:36.452 --> 00:06:37.620
- Well, what is crazy is if you would ask my mom that now who is in her mid-70s,
- 00:06:37.687 --> 00:06:38.621
- You would ask my mom that now who is in her mid-70s, she would tell you,
- 00:06:38.688 --> 00:06:39.856
- Who is in her mid-70s, she would tell you, "i'm grateful
- 00:06:39.922 --> 00:06:41.624
- She would tell you, "i'm grateful that i had breast cancer."
- 00:06:41.691 --> 00:06:43.025
- "i'm grateful that i had breast cancer." and the reason is that
- 00:06:43.092 --> 00:06:44.126
- That i had breast cancer." and the reason is that she said, "you know what?
- 00:06:44.193 --> 00:06:45.261
- And the reason is that she said, "you know what? i'm now more grateful
- 00:06:45.328 --> 00:06:46.329
- She said, "you know what? i'm now more grateful for my life.
- 00:06:46.395 --> 00:06:47.430
- I'm now more grateful for my life. having god work a miracle
- 00:06:47.497 --> 00:06:48.865
- For my life. having god work a miracle in my health was amazing.
- 00:06:48.931 --> 00:06:50.099
- Having god work a miracle in my health was amazing. your father
- 00:06:50.166 --> 00:06:51.400
- In my health was amazing. your father and i built a stronger bond
- 00:06:51.467 --> 00:06:53.336
- Your father and i built a stronger bond than we ever
- 00:06:53.402 --> 00:06:54.537
- And i built a stronger bond than we ever thought possible."
- 00:06:54.604 --> 00:06:55.705
- Than we ever thought possible." my mom now uses a mission
- 00:06:55.771 --> 00:06:56.772
- Thought possible." my mom now uses a mission to help other women
- 00:06:56.839 --> 00:06:57.940
- My mom now uses a mission to help other women with breast cancer,
- 00:06:58.007 --> 00:06:59.008
- To help other women with breast cancer, teaching them how to make
- 00:06:59.075 --> 00:07:00.209
- With breast cancer, teaching them how to make green smoothies
- 00:07:00.276 --> 00:07:01.511
- Teaching them how to make green smoothies and use essential oils,
- 00:07:01.577 --> 00:07:02.812
- Green smoothies and use essential oils, and eat healthy
- 00:07:02.879 --> 00:07:04.046
- And use essential oils, and eat healthy and all those things.
- 00:07:04.113 --> 00:07:05.214
- And eat healthy and all those things. i think when people
- 00:07:05.281 --> 00:07:06.382
- And all those things. i think when people are going through it,
- 00:07:06.449 --> 00:07:07.583
- I think when people are going through it, i think it is important
- 00:07:07.650 --> 00:07:08.784
- Are going through it, i think it is important for them to,
- 00:07:08.851 --> 00:07:09.952
- I think it is important for them to, one, keep the perspective
- 00:07:10.019 --> 00:07:11.254
- For them to, one, keep the perspective of being grateful for
- 00:07:11.320 --> 00:07:12.455
- One, keep the perspective of being grateful for as you just said what you do,
- 00:07:12.522 --> 00:07:13.623
- Of being grateful for as you just said what you do, being grateful for the health
- 00:07:13.689 --> 00:07:14.891
- As you just said what you do, being grateful for the health that you do have,
- 00:07:14.957 --> 00:07:16.259
- And also just continuing
- 00:07:16.359 --> 00:07:17.360
- And also just continuing to trust the process.
- 00:07:17.426 --> 00:07:18.461
- And also just continuing to trust the process. and also, saying, god,
- 00:07:18.528 --> 00:07:19.562
- To trust the process. and also, saying, god, what can i learn from this?
- 00:07:19.629 --> 00:07:20.663
- In the future?
- 00:07:21.831 --> 00:07:22.865
- In the future? maybe being more compassionate
- 00:07:22.932 --> 00:07:23.966
- Other people who are in pain.
- 00:07:25.134 --> 00:07:26.135
- Other people who are in pain. maybe there is a way
- 00:07:26.202 --> 00:07:27.203
- Other people who are in pain. maybe there is a way i can minister to them.
- 00:07:27.270 --> 00:07:28.271
- Maybe there is a way i can minister to them. tammy: totally.
- 00:07:28.337 --> 00:07:29.605
- I can minister to them. tammy: totally. in chapter 12,
- 00:07:29.672 --> 00:07:31.007
- Tammy: totally. in chapter 12, here is something.
- 00:07:31.073 --> 00:07:32.241
- In chapter 12, here is something. "power up your potential
- 00:07:32.308 --> 00:07:33.376
- Here is something. "power up your potential with positive perseverance.
- 00:07:33.442 --> 00:07:34.544
- "power up your potential with positive perseverance. so this one is personal.
- 00:07:34.610 --> 00:07:35.778
- With positive perseverance. so this one is personal. "you may
- 00:07:35.845 --> 00:07:37.280
- So this one is personal. "you may or may not experience
- 00:07:37.346 --> 00:07:38.481
- "you may or may not experience a full recovery,"
- 00:07:38.548 --> 00:07:39.715
- Or may not experience a full recovery," the doctor told you.
- 00:07:39.782 --> 00:07:41.183
- A full recovery," the doctor told you. "and you will likely
- 00:07:41.250 --> 00:07:42.485
- The doctor told you. "and you will likely experience pain
- 00:07:42.552 --> 00:07:43.686
- "and you will likely experience pain for the rest of your life."
- 00:07:43.753 --> 00:07:46.289
- Told you that you could be
- 00:07:47.723 --> 00:07:49.025
- Told you that you could be permanently disabled
- 00:07:49.091 --> 00:07:50.359
- Permanently disabled or even die.
- 00:07:50.426 --> 00:07:51.694
- Or even die. how did those words
- 00:07:51.761 --> 00:07:53.095
- Dr. axe: yeah.
- 00:07:55.464 --> 00:07:56.465
- Dr. axe: yeah. i was sitting with a doctor,
- 00:07:56.532 --> 00:07:57.600
- Dr. axe: yeah. i was sitting with a doctor, this is about
- 00:07:57.667 --> 00:07:58.701
- I was sitting with a doctor, this is about a little over two years ago,
- 00:07:58.768 --> 00:07:59.835
- This is about a little over two years ago, so not that long ago,
- 00:07:59.902 --> 00:08:00.937
- A little over two years ago, so not that long ago, probably two and a half.
- 00:08:01.003 --> 00:08:02.038
- So not that long ago, probably two and a half. i got a spinal infection
- 00:08:02.104 --> 00:08:03.139
- Probably two and a half. i got a spinal infection which was very random.
- 00:08:03.205 --> 00:08:04.874
- I got a spinal infection which was very random. i went in for a simple
- 00:08:04.941 --> 00:08:06.142
- Which was very random. i went in for a simple medical procedure.
- 00:08:06.208 --> 00:08:07.243
- I went in for a simple medical procedure. was supposed to be using,
- 00:08:07.310 --> 00:08:08.244
- Medical procedure. was supposed to be using, just my own cells,
- 00:08:08.311 --> 00:08:09.412
- Was supposed to be using, just my own cells, actually for healing.
- 00:08:09.478 --> 00:08:10.580
- Just my own cells, actually for healing. i'd had it done before.
- 00:08:10.646 --> 00:08:11.781
- Actually for healing. i'd had it done before. and my disk got infected,
- 00:08:11.847 --> 00:08:13.549
- I'd had it done before. and my disk got infected, and my bone got infected.
- 00:08:13.616 --> 00:08:14.784
- And my disk got infected, and my bone got infected. i had an abscess
- 00:08:14.850 --> 00:08:15.952
- And my bone got infected. i had an abscess by the spinal cord.
- 00:08:16.018 --> 00:08:17.053
- I had an abscess by the spinal cord. i had to be taken
- 00:08:17.119 --> 00:08:18.087
- By the spinal cord. i had to be taken on a medical flight,
- 00:08:18.154 --> 00:08:19.155
- I had to be taken on a medical flight, i was in puerto rico,
- 00:08:19.221 --> 00:08:20.222
- On a medical flight, i was in puerto rico, to florida.
- 00:08:20.289 --> 00:08:21.390
- I was in puerto rico, to florida. the other doctor
- 00:08:21.457 --> 00:08:22.425
- To florida. the other doctor sat down with me and said,
- 00:08:22.491 --> 00:08:23.492
- The other doctor sat down with me and said, "josh, listen.
- 00:08:23.559 --> 00:08:24.527
- Sat down with me and said, "josh, listen. you're most likely
- 00:08:24.594 --> 00:08:25.561
- "josh, listen. you're most likely going to be
- 00:08:25.628 --> 00:08:26.596
- You're most likely going to be permanently disabled."
- 00:08:26.662 --> 00:08:27.630
- Going to be permanently disabled." he said, "you could die."
- 00:08:27.697 --> 00:08:28.664
- Permanently disabled." he said, "you could die." and he also said,
- 00:08:28.731 --> 00:08:29.699
- He said, "you could die." and he also said, "the best-case scenario is
- 00:08:29.765 --> 00:08:30.700
- And he also said, "the best-case scenario is you'll have major
- 00:08:30.766 --> 00:08:31.701
- "the best-case scenario is you'll have major chronic pain."
- 00:08:31.767 --> 00:08:32.868
- You'll have major chronic pain." i had about 24 hours
- 00:08:32.935 --> 00:08:33.970
- Chronic pain." i had about 24 hours of spiritual warfare,
- 00:08:34.036 --> 00:08:35.204
- I had about 24 hours of spiritual warfare, of just feeling almost
- 00:08:35.271 --> 00:08:36.739
- Of spiritual warfare, of just feeling almost like my life was over.
- 00:08:36.806 --> 00:08:38.474
- Of just feeling almost like my life was over. then i was in prayer
- 00:08:38.541 --> 00:08:39.742
- Like my life was over. then i was in prayer and i felt
- 00:08:39.809 --> 00:08:40.977
- Then i was in prayer and i felt god was like i'm bigger
- 00:08:41.043 --> 00:08:42.411
- And i felt god was like i'm bigger than your condition.
- 00:08:42.478 --> 00:08:43.579
- Than your diagnosis.
- 00:08:44.880 --> 00:08:45.881
- Than your diagnosis. so, i just leaned into god
- 00:08:45.948 --> 00:08:46.882
- So, i just leaned into god and believed
- 00:08:46.949 --> 00:08:48.017
- And believed that god would heal me.
- 00:08:48.084 --> 00:08:49.185
- That god would heal me. so, i started doing
- 00:08:49.251 --> 00:08:50.353
- So, i started doing a lot of natural procedures.
- 00:08:50.419 --> 00:08:51.621
- A lot of natural procedures. i started everything
- 00:08:51.687 --> 00:08:53.990
- To vitamin iv's.
- 00:08:55.358 --> 00:08:56.359
- To vitamin iv's. i did have to get antibiotics
- 00:08:56.425 --> 00:08:57.393
- To vitamin iv's. i did have to get antibiotics for a short time,
- 00:08:57.460 --> 00:08:58.594
- I did have to get antibiotics for a short time, only a third of the time
- 00:08:58.661 --> 00:08:59.762
- For a short time, only a third of the time that i was recommended
- 00:08:59.829 --> 00:09:01.263
- Only a third of the time that i was recommended early on.
- 00:09:01.330 --> 00:09:03.032
- That i was recommended early on. through the process,
- 00:09:03.099 --> 00:09:04.433
- Early on. through the process, i started healing.
- 00:09:04.500 --> 00:09:05.468
- Through the process, i started healing. a lot of people
- 00:09:05.534 --> 00:09:06.569
- I started healing. a lot of people don't know this
- 00:09:06.636 --> 00:09:07.703
- A lot of people don't know this but i didn't walk
- 00:09:07.770 --> 00:09:08.771
- Don't know this but i didn't walk for almost a full year.
- 00:09:08.838 --> 00:09:09.805
- But i didn't walk for almost a full year. ten months i didn't walk
- 00:09:09.872 --> 00:09:10.906
- For almost a full year. ten months i didn't walk a single step,
- 00:09:10.973 --> 00:09:11.974
- Ten months i didn't walk a single step, two months i was on a walker.
- 00:09:12.041 --> 00:09:13.175
- A single step, two months i was on a walker. and still, even now,
- 00:09:13.242 --> 00:09:14.443
- Two months i was on a walker. and still, even now, i'm 90% back.
- 00:09:14.510 --> 00:09:15.578
- And still, even now, i'm 90% back. i think within a few months
- 00:09:15.645 --> 00:09:16.746
- I'm 90% back. i think within a few months i should be back 100%.
- 00:09:16.812 --> 00:09:18.014
- I think within a few months i should be back 100%. but it was crazy.
- 00:09:18.080 --> 00:09:21.283
- I should be back 100%. but it was crazy. so i went from throwing
- 00:09:21.350 --> 00:09:22.551
- But it was crazy. so i went from throwing my two-year-old daughter
- 00:09:22.618 --> 00:09:23.552
- So i went from throwing my two-year-old daughter in the air
- 00:09:23.619 --> 00:09:24.587
- My two-year-old daughter in the air to not being able
- 00:09:24.654 --> 00:09:25.655
- In the air to not being able to get out of bed for months.
- 00:09:25.721 --> 00:09:27.089
- To not being able to get out of bed for months. when i was going through that,
- 00:09:27.156 --> 00:09:28.557
- To get out of bed for months. when i was going through that, i had to continue
- 00:09:28.624 --> 00:09:29.859
- When i was going through that, i had to continue to fix my eyes on jesus
- 00:09:29.925 --> 00:09:31.193
- I had to continue to fix my eyes on jesus and know
- 00:09:31.260 --> 00:09:32.561
- To fix my eyes on jesus and know that he was my healer.
- 00:09:32.628 --> 00:09:37.099
- And know that he was my healer. it did give me more compassion
- 00:09:37.166 --> 00:09:39.502
- That he was my healer. it did give me more compassion and empathy for other people.
- 00:09:39.568 --> 00:09:40.803
- It did give me more compassion and empathy for other people. one other thing that i tried
- 00:09:40.870 --> 00:09:42.038
- And empathy for other people. one other thing that i tried to do when i was going
- 00:09:42.104 --> 00:09:43.172
- One other thing that i tried to do when i was going through that process,
- 00:09:43.239 --> 00:09:44.240
- To do when i was going through that process, i asked the lord,
- 00:09:44.306 --> 00:09:45.307
- Through that process, i asked the lord, lord, would you not only
- 00:09:45.374 --> 00:09:46.442
- I asked the lord, lord, would you not only help me to get back
- 00:09:46.509 --> 00:09:47.576
- Lord, would you not only help me to get back to where i was and beyond,
- 00:09:47.643 --> 00:09:48.711
- Help me to get back to where i was and beyond, but would you also help me
- 00:09:48.778 --> 00:09:49.812
- To where i was and beyond, but would you also help me grow spiritually and mentally?
- 00:09:49.879 --> 00:09:51.080
- But would you also help me grow spiritually and mentally? i feel like now
- 00:09:51.147 --> 00:09:52.348
- Grow spiritually and mentally? i feel like now i'm more mentally strong,
- 00:09:52.415 --> 00:09:54.083
- I feel like now i'm more mentally strong, more spiritually strong
- 00:09:54.150 --> 00:09:55.718
- I'm more mentally strong, more spiritually strong as i've gone through that.
- 00:09:55.785 --> 00:09:57.019
- More spiritually strong as i've gone through that. but it is hard.
- 00:09:57.086 --> 00:09:58.354
- As i've gone through that. but it is hard. i had months at times
- 00:09:58.421 --> 00:10:00.756
- But it is hard. i had months at times when i was no better.
- 00:10:00.823 --> 00:10:02.692
- I had months at times when i was no better. will i walk again?
- 00:10:02.758 --> 00:10:04.160
- When i was no better. will i walk again? it's hard.
- 00:10:04.226 --> 00:10:05.661
- Will i walk again? it's hard. but the only thing,
- 00:10:05.728 --> 00:10:06.796
- It's hard. but the only thing, and i'm serious,
- 00:10:06.862 --> 00:10:08.064
- But the only thing, and i'm serious, the only thing that
- 00:10:08.130 --> 00:10:09.198
- And i'm serious, the only thing that made it better
- 00:10:09.265 --> 00:10:10.266
- The only thing that made it better was to fix my eyes on jesus.
- 00:10:10.332 --> 00:10:11.467
- Made it better was to fix my eyes on jesus. it was the only thing
- 00:10:11.534 --> 00:10:12.535
- Was to fix my eyes on jesus. it was the only thing that made it better.
- 00:10:12.601 --> 00:10:13.536
- It was the only thing that made it better. because after
- 00:10:13.602 --> 00:10:14.570
- That made it better. because after i got the diagnosis
- 00:10:14.637 --> 00:10:15.671
- Because after i got the diagnosis i went home and did
- 00:10:15.738 --> 00:10:16.772
- I got the diagnosis i went home and did a lot of google research.
- 00:10:16.839 --> 00:10:17.907
- I went home and did a lot of google research. in terms of how well
- 00:10:17.973 --> 00:10:19.041
- A lot of google research. in terms of how well do people tend to recover
- 00:10:19.108 --> 00:10:20.176
- In terms of how well do people tend to recover from these infections
- 00:10:20.242 --> 00:10:21.911
- Do people tend to recover from these infections they get by the spinal cord
- 00:10:21.977 --> 00:10:23.112
- From these infections they get by the spinal cord and in the bone?
- 00:10:23.179 --> 00:10:24.847
- They get by the spinal cord and in the bone? and it wasn't good.
- 00:10:24.914 --> 00:10:26.982
- And in the bone? and it wasn't good. it was actually
- 00:10:27.049 --> 00:10:28.184
- And it wasn't good. it was actually very depressing.
- 00:10:28.250 --> 00:10:29.218
- It was actually very depressing. so even the medical studies
- 00:10:29.285 --> 00:10:31.353
- Very depressing. so even the medical studies in the testimony,
- 00:10:31.420 --> 00:10:32.421
- So even the medical studies in the testimony, none of that helped.
- 00:10:32.488 --> 00:10:33.489
- In the testimony, none of that helped. it was just focusing on god
- 00:10:33.556 --> 00:10:35.958
- Randy: it is interesting
- 00:10:37.493 --> 00:10:38.661
- Randy: it is interesting that you took the path that
- 00:10:38.728 --> 00:10:39.995
- That you took the path that you did for your recovery.
- 00:10:40.062 --> 00:10:43.065
- You did for your recovery. and your mother
- 00:10:43.132 --> 00:10:44.366
- And your mother when she faced cancer
- 00:10:44.433 --> 00:10:45.634
- Did not do chemo.
- 00:10:47.036 --> 00:10:48.370
- Did not do chemo. dr. axe: that's right.
- 00:10:48.437 --> 00:10:49.538
- Did not do chemo. dr. axe: that's right. all natural.
- 00:10:49.605 --> 00:10:50.740
- Dr. axe: that's right. all natural. randy: okay.
- 00:10:50.806 --> 00:10:51.874
- All natural. randy: okay. she is doing great.
- 00:10:51.941 --> 00:10:52.942
- Randy: okay. she is doing great. dr. axe: yeah!
- 00:10:53.008 --> 00:10:54.009
- She is doing great. dr. axe: yeah! in florida, water skis.
- 00:10:54.076 --> 00:10:55.144
- Dr. axe: yeah! in florida, water skis. bringing her grandkids
- 00:10:55.211 --> 00:10:56.312
- In florida, water skis. bringing her grandkids to disney world.
- 00:10:56.378 --> 00:10:57.480
- Randy: it's hard.
- 00:11:01.183 --> 00:11:02.184
- Randy: it's hard. we're not here
- 00:11:02.251 --> 00:11:03.252
- We're not here to give medical advice
- 00:11:03.319 --> 00:11:04.353
- To give medical advice on this program even though
- 00:11:04.420 --> 00:11:05.454
- On this program even though you are a qualified doctor,
- 00:11:05.521 --> 00:11:06.756
- You are a qualified doctor, how do you tell people
- 00:11:06.822 --> 00:11:09.658
- A tough diagnosis,
- 00:11:11.093 --> 00:11:12.094
- A tough diagnosis, whether it is your mother,
- 00:11:12.161 --> 00:11:13.195
- A tough diagnosis, whether it is your mother, or yourself, right?
- 00:11:13.262 --> 00:11:16.298
- Whether it is your mother, or yourself, right? how do know what to do?
- 00:11:16.365 --> 00:11:17.933
- Or yourself, right? how do know what to do? in other words,
- 00:11:18.000 --> 00:11:19.335
- How do know what to do? in other words, it may be different
- 00:11:19.401 --> 00:11:20.669
- In other words, it may be different from a medical standpoint
- 00:11:20.736 --> 00:11:22.171
- It may be different from a medical standpoint but from
- 00:11:22.238 --> 00:11:23.539
- From a medical standpoint but from a spiritual standpoint
- 00:11:23.606 --> 00:11:24.940
- But from a spiritual standpoint it is somewhat the same,
- 00:11:25.007 --> 00:11:26.375
- A spiritual standpoint it is somewhat the same, isn't it?
- 00:11:26.442 --> 00:11:27.476
- It is somewhat the same, isn't it? dr. axe: yeah.
- 00:11:27.543 --> 00:11:28.778
- Isn't it? dr. axe: yeah. i think spiritually
- 00:11:28.844 --> 00:11:29.945
- Dr. axe: yeah. i think spiritually it is the same.
- 00:11:30.012 --> 00:11:31.046
- I think spiritually it is the same. mentally it is the same.
- 00:11:31.113 --> 00:11:32.114
- It is the same. mentally it is the same. i will say this too,
- 00:11:32.181 --> 00:11:33.249
- Mentally it is the same. i will say this too, because i do get this question
- 00:11:33.315 --> 00:11:34.316
- I will say this too, because i do get this question pretty often.
- 00:11:34.383 --> 00:11:35.351
- Because i do get this question pretty often. how do i know
- 00:11:35.417 --> 00:11:36.385
- Pretty often. how do i know what diet to do
- 00:11:36.452 --> 00:11:37.419
- How do i know what diet to do or what to follow
- 00:11:37.486 --> 00:11:38.454
- What diet to do or what to follow if i get a medical diagnosis?
- 00:11:38.521 --> 00:11:39.555
- Or what to follow if i get a medical diagnosis? do i do hormone
- 00:11:39.622 --> 00:11:40.589
- If i get a medical diagnosis? do i do hormone replacement therapy?
- 00:11:40.656 --> 00:11:41.624
- Do i do hormone replacement therapy? do i take
- 00:11:41.690 --> 00:11:42.691
- Replacement therapy? do i take the thyroid medication?
- 00:11:42.758 --> 00:11:43.826
- Do i take the thyroid medication? do i do the keto diet
- 00:11:43.893 --> 00:11:44.960
- The thyroid medication? do i do the keto diet or whatever diet?
- 00:11:45.027 --> 00:11:46.028
- Do i do the keto diet or whatever diet? here's the first thing
- 00:11:46.095 --> 00:11:47.062
- Or whatever diet? here's the first thing to recognize,
- 00:11:47.129 --> 00:11:48.164
- Here's the first thing to recognize, everybody is very unique.
- 00:11:48.230 --> 00:11:49.231
- To recognize, everybody is very unique. in fact, if i have
- 00:11:49.298 --> 00:11:50.366
- Everybody is very unique. in fact, if i have a patient with cancer versus
- 00:11:50.432 --> 00:11:51.467
- In fact, if i have a patient with cancer versus inflammatory bowel disease,
- 00:11:51.534 --> 00:11:52.635
- A patient with cancer versus inflammatory bowel disease, those are very
- 00:11:52.701 --> 00:11:53.736
- Men and women hormonally,
- 00:11:54.904 --> 00:11:55.871
- Men and women hormonally, have very different diets,
- 00:11:55.938 --> 00:11:57.006
- Have very different diets, oftentimes.
- 00:11:57.072 --> 00:11:58.207
- Oftentimes. so there is a verse
- 00:11:58.274 --> 00:11:59.275
- So there is a verse that i believe permeates
- 00:11:59.341 --> 00:12:01.977
- That i believe permeates all of life.
- 00:12:02.044 --> 00:12:03.345
- You will recognize them."
- 00:12:04.613 --> 00:12:05.748
- You will recognize them." there are people today
- 00:12:05.815 --> 00:12:06.782
- You will recognize them." there are people today who are giving
- 00:12:06.849 --> 00:12:07.883
- There are people today who are giving health medical advice
- 00:12:07.950 --> 00:12:09.018
- Who are giving health medical advice that are incredibly unhealthy
- 00:12:09.084 --> 00:12:10.219
- Health medical advice that are incredibly unhealthy or of very little training,
- 00:12:10.286 --> 00:12:11.420
- That are incredibly unhealthy or of very little training, and that's really not
- 00:12:11.487 --> 00:12:12.755
- Or of very little training, and that's really not who you want to follow.
- 00:12:12.822 --> 00:12:13.889
- And that's really not who you want to follow. you want to follow somebody
- 00:12:13.956 --> 00:12:15.157
- Who you want to follow. you want to follow somebody who is healthy
- 00:12:15.224 --> 00:12:16.358
- You want to follow somebody who is healthy and somebody
- 00:12:16.425 --> 00:12:17.593
- Who is healthy and somebody who is helping other people
- 00:12:17.660 --> 00:12:18.828
- And somebody who is helping other people get great results;
- 00:12:18.894 --> 00:12:20.095
- Who is helping other people get great results; they have good fruit
- 00:12:20.162 --> 00:12:21.230
- Get great results; they have good fruit in their life.
- 00:12:21.297 --> 00:12:22.398
- They have good fruit in their life. that's one thing i'll mention
- 00:12:22.464 --> 00:12:23.532
- In their life. that's one thing i'll mention is that there is
- 00:12:23.599 --> 00:12:24.867
- That's one thing i'll mention is that there is so much propaganda,
- 00:12:24.934 --> 00:12:26.001
- Is that there is so much propaganda, there is so much information
- 00:12:26.068 --> 00:12:27.036
- So much propaganda, there is so much information in the media that you want
- 00:12:27.102 --> 00:12:28.204
- There is so much information in the media that you want to be able to say
- 00:12:28.270 --> 00:12:29.205
- In the media that you want to be able to say who is somebody
- 00:12:29.271 --> 00:12:30.339
- To be able to say who is somebody that is living out that thing
- 00:12:30.406 --> 00:12:31.540
- Who is somebody that is living out that thing in their life.
- 00:12:31.607 --> 00:12:32.708
- That is living out that thing in their life. what are they doing?
- 00:12:32.775 --> 00:12:33.809
- In their life. what are they doing? and learn more from them.
- 00:12:33.876 --> 00:12:34.944
- What are they doing? and learn more from them. so that's one piece of advice.
- 00:12:35.010 --> 00:12:36.078
- And learn more from them. so that's one piece of advice. but i think for everyone
- 00:12:36.145 --> 00:12:37.179
- So that's one piece of advice. but i think for everyone across the board
- 00:12:37.246 --> 00:12:38.447
- But i think for everyone across the board who has a health issue,
- 00:12:38.514 --> 00:12:39.548
- Across the board who has a health issue, i think --
- 00:12:39.615 --> 00:12:40.783
- Who has a health issue, i think -- one thing my mom did
- 00:12:40.850 --> 00:12:42.051
- I think -- one thing my mom did when she had cancer is
- 00:12:42.117 --> 00:12:44.019
- One thing my mom did when she had cancer is we printed out for her
- 00:12:44.086 --> 00:12:45.921
- When she had cancer is we printed out for her about 20 different
- 00:12:45.988 --> 00:12:47.323
- We printed out for her about 20 different bible verses about healing.
- 00:12:47.389 --> 00:12:49.024
- About 20 different bible verses about healing. "by his stripes
- 00:12:49.091 --> 00:12:50.125
- Bible verses about healing. "by his stripes you are healed."
- 00:12:50.192 --> 00:12:51.360
- "by his stripes you are healed." "heal me, o lord,
- 00:12:51.427 --> 00:12:52.628
- You are healed." "heal me, o lord, and i'll be healed.
- 00:12:52.695 --> 00:12:53.662
- "heal me, o lord, and i'll be healed. save me and i'll be saved
- 00:12:53.729 --> 00:12:54.797
- And i'll be healed. save me and i'll be saved for you are the one
- 00:12:54.864 --> 00:12:55.865
- Save me and i'll be saved for you are the one that i praise."
- 00:12:55.931 --> 00:12:57.032
- For you are the one that i praise." those sorts of verses,
- 00:12:57.099 --> 00:12:58.033
- That i praise." those sorts of verses, constantly meditating on those
- 00:12:58.100 --> 00:12:59.134
- Those sorts of verses, constantly meditating on those day and night,
- 00:12:59.201 --> 00:13:00.269
- Constantly meditating on those day and night, i think is so profound
- 00:13:00.336 --> 00:13:01.437
- Day and night, i think is so profound and helpful.
- 00:13:01.503 --> 00:13:02.571
- I think is so profound and helpful. i also think about
- 00:13:02.638 --> 00:13:03.739
- And helpful. i also think about the one thing i found is
- 00:13:03.806 --> 00:13:04.974
- I also think about the one thing i found is the people we hang out with
- 00:13:05.040 --> 00:13:06.208
- The one thing i found is the people we hang out with really make a big difference.
- 00:13:06.275 --> 00:13:08.244
- The people we hang out with really make a big difference. being around a community
- 00:13:08.310 --> 00:13:09.678
- Really make a big difference. being around a community that is worshipping god
- 00:13:09.745 --> 00:13:11.113
- Being around a community that is worshipping god and people
- 00:13:11.180 --> 00:13:12.214
- That is worshipping god and people that are encouragers,
- 00:13:12.281 --> 00:13:13.582
- And people that are encouragers, is one of the single
- 00:13:13.649 --> 00:13:14.884
- That are encouragers, is one of the single biggest factors
- 00:13:14.950 --> 00:13:16.018
- Is one of the single biggest factors to help someone heal.
- 00:13:16.085 --> 00:13:17.286
- Biggest factors to help someone heal. because if you have people
- 00:13:17.353 --> 00:13:18.520
- To help someone heal. because if you have people around you who are basically
- 00:13:18.587 --> 00:13:19.722
- Because if you have people around you who are basically allowing you
- 00:13:19.788 --> 00:13:20.990
- Around you who are basically allowing you to live in self-pity
- 00:13:21.056 --> 00:13:22.291
- Allowing you to live in self-pity and a victim mentality,
- 00:13:22.358 --> 00:13:23.425
- To live in self-pity and a victim mentality, it is not going
- 00:13:23.492 --> 00:13:24.593
- And a victim mentality, it is not going to help you heal.
- 00:13:24.660 --> 00:13:25.694
- It is not going to help you heal. you want somebody
- 00:13:25.761 --> 00:13:26.795
- To help you heal. you want somebody who is a combination
- 00:13:26.862 --> 00:13:27.897
- You want somebody who is a combination of nurturing you
- 00:13:27.963 --> 00:13:29.064
- Who is a combination of nurturing you and loving you
- 00:13:29.131 --> 00:13:30.132
- Of nurturing you and loving you but also challenging you
- 00:13:30.199 --> 00:13:31.200
- And loving you but also challenging you and telling you you're more,
- 00:13:31.267 --> 00:13:32.334
- But also challenging you and telling you you're more, you can do better,
- 00:13:32.401 --> 00:13:33.402
- And telling you you're more, you can do better, god is your healer.
- 00:13:33.469 --> 00:13:34.403
- You can do better, god is your healer. and so i think
- 00:13:34.470 --> 00:13:35.604
- God is your healer. and so i think the people you hang out with,
- 00:13:35.671 --> 00:13:36.705
- And so i think the people you hang out with, focusing on
- 00:13:36.772 --> 00:13:37.940
- The people you hang out with, focusing on those bible verses,
- 00:13:38.007 --> 00:13:39.108
- Focusing on those bible verses, spending time in prayer.
- 00:13:39.174 --> 00:13:40.309
- Fear is the first thing
- 00:13:41.543 --> 00:13:42.645
- Fear is the first thing that happens when you get
- 00:13:42.711 --> 00:13:43.779
- That happens when you get a certain diagnosis.
- 00:13:43.846 --> 00:13:45.147
- Even to our physical health?
- 00:13:50.352 --> 00:13:51.387
- Even to our physical health? dr. axe: fear is maybe
- 00:13:51.453 --> 00:13:52.488
- Even to our physical health? dr. axe: fear is maybe the most destructive
- 00:13:52.554 --> 00:13:53.555
- Dr. axe: fear is maybe the most destructive of all health conditions
- 00:13:53.622 --> 00:13:54.623
- The most destructive of all health conditions in terms of the emotions
- 00:13:54.690 --> 00:13:56.125
- Of all health conditions in terms of the emotions that impact our health.
- 00:13:56.191 --> 00:13:57.326
- In terms of the emotions that impact our health. because what fear does
- 00:13:57.393 --> 00:13:58.560
- That impact our health. because what fear does and i'm just going to get
- 00:13:58.627 --> 00:13:59.695
- Because what fear does and i'm just going to get into the biology here.
- 00:13:59.762 --> 00:14:01.897
- And i'm just going to get into the biology here. when you're fearful,
- 00:14:01.964 --> 00:14:03.766
- Into the biology here. when you're fearful, it increases the hormone
- 00:14:03.832 --> 00:14:05.167
- When you're fearful, it increases the hormone called cortisol
- 00:14:05.234 --> 00:14:06.268
- It increases the hormone called cortisol which is a stress hormone.
- 00:14:06.335 --> 00:14:07.403
- Called cortisol which is a stress hormone. well, cortisol is typically
- 00:14:07.469 --> 00:14:08.437
- Which is a stress hormone. well, cortisol is typically that first hormone
- 00:14:08.504 --> 00:14:09.538
- Well, cortisol is typically that first hormone that is like a domino effect.
- 00:14:09.605 --> 00:14:10.606
- That first hormone that is like a domino effect. you affect cortisol,
- 00:14:10.673 --> 00:14:11.774
- That is like a domino effect. you affect cortisol, well, now insulin is off.
- 00:14:11.840 --> 00:14:12.975
- You affect cortisol, well, now insulin is off. well, now progesterone.
- 00:14:13.042 --> 00:14:15.177
- Well, now insulin is off. well, now progesterone. well, now estrogen.
- 00:14:15.244 --> 00:14:16.312
- Well, now progesterone. well, now estrogen. well, now testosterone.
- 00:14:16.378 --> 00:14:17.546
- Well, now estrogen. well, now testosterone. well, now all
- 00:14:17.613 --> 00:14:18.814
- Well, now testosterone. well, now all of your thyroid hormones.
- 00:14:18.881 --> 00:14:19.848
- Well, now all of your thyroid hormones. serotonin for your mood.
- 00:14:19.915 --> 00:14:21.717
- Of your thyroid hormones. serotonin for your mood. so all of these hormones
- 00:14:21.784 --> 00:14:23.218
- Serotonin for your mood. so all of these hormones get disrupted
- 00:14:23.285 --> 00:14:24.486
- So all of these hormones get disrupted when cortisol gets off.
- 00:14:24.553 --> 00:14:25.554
- That's really what --
- 00:14:25.654 --> 00:14:26.689
- That's really what -- fear is that first hormone
- 00:14:26.755 --> 00:14:27.756
- In every medical condition,
- 00:14:34.730 --> 00:14:35.864
- In every medical condition, people don't realize this,
- 00:14:35.931 --> 00:14:37.066
- In every medical condition, people don't realize this, actually affects
- 00:14:37.132 --> 00:14:38.267
- People don't realize this, actually affects a different organ system.
- 00:14:38.334 --> 00:14:39.468
- Actually affects a different organ system. fear affects your adrenals
- 00:14:39.535 --> 00:14:40.636
- A different organ system. fear affects your adrenals and reproductive organs.
- 00:14:40.703 --> 00:14:41.770
- Fear affects your adrenals and reproductive organs. so your male
- 00:14:41.837 --> 00:14:42.938
- And reproductive organs. so your male and female organs.
- 00:14:43.005 --> 00:14:44.006
- So your male and female organs. worry affects
- 00:14:44.073 --> 00:14:45.240
- And female organs. worry affects your digestive system.
- 00:14:45.307 --> 00:14:46.408
- Worry affects your digestive system. grief, so not letting go
- 00:14:46.475 --> 00:14:47.676
- Your digestive system. grief, so not letting go of things from your past
- 00:14:47.743 --> 00:14:48.777
- Grief, so not letting go of things from your past and unforgiveness,
- 00:14:48.844 --> 00:14:49.945
- Of things from your past and unforgiveness, affects your immune system.
- 00:14:50.012 --> 00:14:51.213
- And unforgiveness, affects your immune system. anger and resentment
- 00:14:51.280 --> 00:14:53.148
- Affects your immune system. anger and resentment toward others affect
- 00:14:53.215 --> 00:14:54.383
- Anger and resentment toward others affect your detoxification system.
- 00:14:54.450 --> 00:14:55.617
- Toward others affect your detoxification system. anxiety affects your heart,
- 00:14:55.684 --> 00:14:57.753
- Your detoxification system. anxiety affects your heart, where your blood pressure
- 00:14:57.820 --> 00:14:58.988
- Anxiety affects your heart, where your blood pressure starts to rise.
- 00:14:59.054 --> 00:15:00.189
- Where your blood pressure starts to rise. so really,
- 00:15:00.255 --> 00:15:02.191
- Starts to rise. so really, there are bible verses
- 00:15:02.257 --> 00:15:03.359
- So really, there are bible verses about all of those.
- 00:15:03.425 --> 00:15:04.493
- There are bible verses about all of those. cast your cares on him!
- 00:15:04.560 --> 00:15:05.761
- About all of those. cast your cares on him! with every one of those
- 00:15:05.828 --> 00:15:06.929
- Cast your cares on him! with every one of those different emotions,
- 00:15:06.996 --> 00:15:07.963
- With every one of those different emotions, jesus is the answer.
- 00:15:08.030 --> 00:15:09.198
- Probably going to my next
- 00:15:10.499 --> 00:15:11.433
- Probably going to my next doctor's appointment
- 00:15:11.500 --> 00:15:12.501
- Doctor's appointment i'm going to bring
- 00:15:12.568 --> 00:15:13.669
- I'm going to bring all my scriptures.
- 00:15:13.736 --> 00:15:14.803
- All my scriptures. yes! i think
- 00:15:14.870 --> 00:15:15.871
- Yes! i think as simple as it sounds,
- 00:15:15.938 --> 00:15:17.006
- As simple as it sounds, it might be
- 00:15:17.072 --> 00:15:18.240
- In their life.
- 00:15:19.541 --> 00:15:20.642
- In their life. if you are fear-based,
- 00:15:20.709 --> 00:15:21.777
- In their life. if you are fear-based, if you already know
- 00:15:21.844 --> 00:15:22.945
- If you are fear-based, if you already know you struggle with anxiety
- 00:15:23.012 --> 00:15:24.113
- If you already know you struggle with anxiety in some of these things
- 00:15:24.179 --> 00:15:25.247
- You struggle with anxiety in some of these things and stressors, then i think
- 00:15:25.314 --> 00:15:26.415
- In some of these things and stressors, then i think what i hear you saying too
- 00:15:26.482 --> 00:15:27.583
- And stressors, then i think what i hear you saying too is some very practical
- 00:15:27.649 --> 00:15:28.817
- What i hear you saying too is some very practical simple things to do
- 00:15:28.884 --> 00:15:30.052
- Is some very practical simple things to do as followers of christ,
- 00:15:30.119 --> 00:15:31.353
- Simple things to do as followers of christ, as believers of god's word
- 00:15:31.420 --> 00:15:33.088
- As followers of christ, as believers of god's word to know it, to write it down.
- 00:15:33.155 --> 00:15:34.590
- As believers of god's word to know it, to write it down. if it is hard to memorize it,
- 00:15:34.656 --> 00:15:35.791
- To know it, to write it down. if it is hard to memorize it, then write it down.
- 00:15:35.858 --> 00:15:36.792
- If it is hard to memorize it, then write it down. take it to the doctor's office
- 00:15:36.859 --> 00:15:37.960
- Then write it down. take it to the doctor's office with you and when
- 00:15:38.027 --> 00:15:39.228
- Take it to the doctor's office with you and when he walks out of the room,
- 00:15:39.294 --> 00:15:40.462
- With you and when he walks out of the room, "i do not carry
- 00:15:40.529 --> 00:15:41.697
- He walks out of the room, "i do not carry a spirit of fear,
- 00:15:41.764 --> 00:15:42.698
- "i do not carry a spirit of fear, in the name of jesus
- 00:15:42.765 --> 00:15:43.966
- A spirit of fear, in the name of jesus i can conquer all things."
- 00:15:44.033 --> 00:15:45.000
- In the name of jesus i can conquer all things." whatever it is!
- 00:15:45.067 --> 00:15:46.201
- I can conquer all things." whatever it is! but it's speaking.
- 00:15:46.268 --> 00:15:47.336
- Whatever it is! but it's speaking. speaking these things,
- 00:15:47.403 --> 00:15:48.537
- But it's speaking. speaking these things, changing your mindset,
- 00:15:48.604 --> 00:15:49.705
- Speaking these things, changing your mindset, aligning your mind
- 00:15:49.772 --> 00:15:50.939
- Changing your mindset, aligning your mind and your mouth
- 00:15:51.006 --> 00:15:52.241
- Aligning your mind and your mouth with the things of god.
- 00:15:52.307 --> 00:15:53.509
- And your mouth with the things of god. the way he would think,
- 00:15:53.575 --> 00:15:54.643
- With the things of god. the way he would think, the way he would speak.
- 00:15:54.710 --> 00:15:55.944
- The way he would think, the way he would speak. dr. axe: one of the other
- 00:15:56.011 --> 00:15:57.179
- The way he would speak. dr. axe: one of the other biggest things i want to say,
- 00:15:57.246 --> 00:15:58.347
- Dr. axe: one of the other biggest things i want to say, tammy,is that there is a --
- 00:15:58.414 --> 00:16:01.150
- Biggest things i want to say, tammy,is that there is a -- you need to fix your eyes
- 00:16:01.216 --> 00:16:02.584
- Tammy,is that there is a -- you need to fix your eyes on the best outcome.
- 00:16:02.651 --> 00:16:03.819
- You need to fix your eyes on the best outcome. i had this sort of visual
- 00:16:03.886 --> 00:16:05.421
- On the best outcome. i had this sort of visual in my head
- 00:16:05.487 --> 00:16:06.588
- I had this sort of visual in my head when i got this diagnosis.
- 00:16:06.655 --> 00:16:07.656
- In my head when i got this diagnosis. one was
- 00:16:07.723 --> 00:16:09.358
- I can never do the activities
- 00:16:10.893 --> 00:16:12.161
- I can never do the activities and the things i want to do
- 00:16:12.227 --> 00:16:13.495
- And the things i want to do again.
- 00:16:13.562 --> 00:16:14.696
- Again. and i had
- 00:16:14.763 --> 00:16:15.731
- And i had a mental picture of it.
- 00:16:15.798 --> 00:16:16.799
- A mental picture of it. and then i had another picture
- 00:16:16.865 --> 00:16:17.933
- And then i had another picture of me throwing
- 00:16:18.000 --> 00:16:19.168
- In the air, mountain biking,
- 00:16:20.436 --> 00:16:21.503
- In the air, mountain biking, working,
- 00:16:21.570 --> 00:16:22.638
- In the air, mountain biking, working, doing all those things
- 00:16:22.704 --> 00:16:23.672
- Working, doing all those things with my family.
- 00:16:23.739 --> 00:16:24.706
- Doing all those things with my family. i had to do this.
- 00:16:24.773 --> 00:16:25.774
- With my family. i had to do this. i had to fix my eyes
- 00:16:25.841 --> 00:16:26.809
- I had to do this. i had to fix my eyes on this thing --
- 00:16:26.875 --> 00:16:27.876
- I had to fix my eyes on this thing -- the best possible outcome.
- 00:16:27.943 --> 00:16:28.944
- On this thing -- the best possible outcome. so really, people need
- 00:16:29.011 --> 00:16:30.079
- The best possible outcome. so really, people need to think about that
- 00:16:30.145 --> 00:16:31.180
- So really, people need to think about that very carefully.
- 00:16:31.246 --> 00:16:32.281
- To think about that very carefully. what is
- 00:16:32.347 --> 00:16:33.382
- Very carefully. what is my best possible outcome
- 00:16:33.449 --> 00:16:34.650
- What is my best possible outcome and fix your eyes on that.
- 00:16:34.716 --> 00:16:37.186
- My best possible outcome and fix your eyes on that. randy: i broke my face
- 00:16:37.252 --> 00:16:38.287
- And fix your eyes on that. randy: i broke my face a few years ago.
- 00:16:38.353 --> 00:16:39.354
- Randy: i broke my face a few years ago. tammy: i don't know
- 00:16:39.421 --> 00:16:40.656
- A few years ago. tammy: i don't know why i'm laughing.
- 00:16:40.722 --> 00:16:41.957
- Tammy: i don't know why i'm laughing. it is just funny to say,
- 00:16:42.024 --> 00:16:43.225
- Why i'm laughing. it is just funny to say, "i broke my face."
- 00:16:43.292 --> 00:16:44.359
- It is just funny to say, "i broke my face." i'm sorry.
- 00:16:44.426 --> 00:16:45.427
- "i broke my face." i'm sorry. randy: i did.
- 00:16:45.494 --> 00:16:46.495
- I'm sorry. randy: i did. nose, cheeks,
- 00:16:46.562 --> 00:16:47.563
- Randy: i did. nose, cheeks, upper jaw, right?
- 00:16:47.629 --> 00:16:48.630
- Nose, cheeks, upper jaw, right? you've probably
- 00:16:48.697 --> 00:16:49.698
- It's a nasty break.
- 00:16:50.899 --> 00:16:51.867
- It's a nasty break. and i'm in the hospital
- 00:16:51.934 --> 00:16:53.035
- And i'm in the hospital and my face is swollen
- 00:16:53.102 --> 00:16:54.169
- And my face is swollen like you don't want to see
- 00:16:54.236 --> 00:16:55.604
- Like you don't want to see the pictures.
- 00:16:55.671 --> 00:16:56.839
- The pictures. my dad walks in
- 00:16:56.905 --> 00:16:58.006
- My dad walks in for the first time
- 00:16:58.073 --> 00:16:59.141
- And he's like, "oh!"
- 00:17:00.476 --> 00:17:01.477
- And he's like, "oh!" and i turn and i say,
- 00:17:01.543 --> 00:17:02.878
- And he's like, "oh!" and i turn and i say, [mumbling]
- 00:17:02.945 --> 00:17:04.313
- And i turn and i say, [mumbling] he goes, "what?"
- 00:17:04.379 --> 00:17:06.381
- [mumbling] he goes, "what?" i said, "i'm going skiing."
- 00:17:06.448 --> 00:17:08.817
- He goes, "what?" i said, "i'm going skiing." because i love snow skiing.
- 00:17:08.884 --> 00:17:10.219
- I said, "i'm going skiing." because i love snow skiing. this was a week
- 00:17:10.285 --> 00:17:11.453
- Because i love snow skiing. this was a week before thanksgiving
- 00:17:11.520 --> 00:17:12.721
- This was a week before thanksgiving and the snow
- 00:17:12.788 --> 00:17:14.056
- Before thanksgiving and the snow was starting to fall.
- 00:17:14.123 --> 00:17:15.324
- And the snow was starting to fall. i was determined.
- 00:17:15.390 --> 00:17:16.325
- Was starting to fall. i was determined. i'm getting
- 00:17:16.391 --> 00:17:17.459
- I was determined. i'm getting out of the hospital
- 00:17:17.526 --> 00:17:18.527
- I'm getting out of the hospital and i'm going skiing.
- 00:17:18.594 --> 00:17:19.661
- Out of the hospital and i'm going skiing. by january,
- 00:17:19.728 --> 00:17:20.796
- And i'm going skiing. by january, i had a full helmet
- 00:17:20.863 --> 00:17:21.930
- By january, i had a full helmet wrap-around thing
- 00:17:21.997 --> 00:17:23.065
- I had a full helmet wrap-around thing and i'm snow skiing.
- 00:17:23.132 --> 00:17:24.199
- Wrap-around thing and i'm snow skiing. i think, what you're saying,
- 00:17:24.266 --> 00:17:25.367
- And i'm snow skiing. i think, what you're saying, how we approach things
- 00:17:25.434 --> 00:17:26.502
- I think, what you're saying, how we approach things even the difficult things
- 00:17:26.568 --> 00:17:28.670
- How we approach things even the difficult things the hard things,
- 00:17:28.737 --> 00:17:29.938
- Even the difficult things the hard things, the things that may not --
- 00:17:30.005 --> 00:17:31.473
- The hard things, the things that may not -- they may not always
- 00:17:31.540 --> 00:17:32.708
- The things that may not -- they may not always have the best outcome,
- 00:17:32.774 --> 00:17:33.942
- They may not always have the best outcome, our mind shift
- 00:17:34.009 --> 00:17:35.677
- Have the best outcome, our mind shift is the best medicine.
- 00:17:35.744 --> 00:17:37.246
- Our mind shift is the best medicine. dr. axe: yeah.
- 00:17:37.312 --> 00:17:38.514
- Is the best medicine. dr. axe: yeah. i absolutely agree.
- 00:17:38.580 --> 00:17:39.581
- Dr. axe: yeah. i absolutely agree. one of the things i get to
- 00:17:39.648 --> 00:17:40.649
- I absolutely agree. one of the things i get to in the book is
- 00:17:40.716 --> 00:17:41.683
- One of the things i get to in the book is i talk about this attitude
- 00:17:41.750 --> 00:17:42.718
- In the book is i talk about this attitude and mindset of gratitude.
- 00:17:42.784 --> 00:17:43.752
- I talk about this attitude and mindset of gratitude. one of the first things
- 00:17:43.819 --> 00:17:44.786
- And mindset of gratitude. one of the first things i do every morning,
- 00:17:44.853 --> 00:17:45.821
- One of the first things i do every morning, i do what is called
- 00:17:45.888 --> 00:17:46.855
- I do every morning, i do what is called "my spiritual triathlon."
- 00:17:46.922 --> 00:17:47.856
- I do what is called "my spiritual triathlon." i start that off
- 00:17:47.923 --> 00:17:48.857
- "my spiritual triathlon." i start that off with a gratitude walk,
- 00:17:48.924 --> 00:17:49.925
- I start that off with a gratitude walk, and just saying everything
- 00:17:49.992 --> 00:17:50.926
- With a gratitude walk, and just saying everything i'm grateful for.
- 00:17:50.993 --> 00:17:51.960
- And just saying everything i'm grateful for. god, you are good!
- 00:17:52.027 --> 00:17:52.961
- I'm grateful for. god, you are good! i think praising him
- 00:17:53.028 --> 00:17:54.029
- God, you are good! i think praising him even before you're healed
- 00:17:54.096 --> 00:17:55.097
- I think praising him even before you're healed for the healing
- 00:17:55.164 --> 00:17:56.165
- Even before you're healed for the healing that he is doing within us
- 00:17:56.231 --> 00:17:57.266
- For the healing that he is doing within us at that time is one of
- 00:17:57.332 --> 00:17:58.467
- That he is doing within us at that time is one of the best things to do as well.
- 00:17:58.534 --> 00:17:59.701
- At that time is one of the best things to do as well. even if you don't
- 00:17:59.768 --> 00:18:00.769
- The best things to do as well. even if you don't feel like it.
- 00:18:00.836 --> 00:18:01.803
- Even if you don't feel like it. that's the hard thing.
- 00:18:01.870 --> 00:18:02.838
- Feel like it. that's the hard thing. most days i was like,
- 00:18:02.905 --> 00:18:03.872
- That's the hard thing. most days i was like, i don't feel like praising you
- 00:18:03.939 --> 00:18:04.973
- Most days i was like, i don't feel like praising you right now.
- 00:18:05.040 --> 00:18:06.008
- I don't feel like praising you right now. but i'm going to praise you
- 00:18:06.074 --> 00:18:07.009
- Right now. but i'm going to praise you anyway.
- 00:18:07.075 --> 00:18:08.143
- But i'm going to praise you anyway. tammy: but i think it changes,
- 00:18:08.210 --> 00:18:09.244
- Anyway. tammy: but i think it changes, don't you, josh?
- 00:18:09.311 --> 00:18:10.412
- Tammy: but i think it changes, don't you, josh? dr. axe: by the end, yes.
- 00:18:10.479 --> 00:18:11.580
- Don't you, josh? dr. axe: by the end, yes. tammy: i think something
- 00:18:11.647 --> 00:18:12.648
- Dr. axe: by the end, yes. tammy: i think something all of the sudden,
- 00:18:12.714 --> 00:18:13.682
- Tammy: i think something all of the sudden, you're like okay, father,
- 00:18:13.749 --> 00:18:14.683
- All of the sudden, you're like okay, father, my hands are raised
- 00:18:14.750 --> 00:18:15.684
- You're like okay, father, my hands are raised and here i am.
- 00:18:15.751 --> 00:18:16.685
- My hands are raised and here i am. but within five minutes
- 00:18:16.752 --> 00:18:17.686
- And here i am. but within five minutes i'm like, "hallelujah!
- 00:18:17.753 --> 00:18:18.687
- But within five minutes i'm like, "hallelujah! i'm fighting
- 00:18:18.754 --> 00:18:19.688
- I'm like, "hallelujah! i'm fighting even if i'm wounded.
- 00:18:19.755 --> 00:18:20.722
- I'm fighting even if i'm wounded. i'm going to fight
- 00:18:20.789 --> 00:18:21.723
- Even if i'm wounded. i'm going to fight through this.
- 00:18:21.790 --> 00:18:22.724
- I'm going to fight through this. i'm going to believe
- 00:18:22.791 --> 00:18:23.759
- Through this. i'm going to believe even if i don't believe;
- 00:18:23.825 --> 00:18:24.760
- I'm going to believe even if i don't believe; i'm going to say i do."
- 00:18:24.826 --> 00:18:25.761
- Even if i don't believe; i'm going to say i do." because i think
- 00:18:25.827 --> 00:18:26.762
- I'm going to say i do." because i think it is the way we speak
- 00:18:26.828 --> 00:18:27.796
- Because i think it is the way we speak and the more we talk,
- 00:18:27.863 --> 00:18:28.797
- It is the way we speak and the more we talk, it is like a confession
- 00:18:28.864 --> 00:18:29.798
- And the more we talk, it is like a confession of the heart.
- 00:18:29.865 --> 00:18:30.799
- It is like a confession of the heart. we're like i'm going
- 00:18:30.866 --> 00:18:31.800
- Of the heart. we're like i'm going to be a pessimist
- 00:18:31.867 --> 00:18:32.801
- We're like i'm going to be a pessimist and it is never going
- 00:18:32.868 --> 00:18:33.802
- To be a pessimist and it is never going to get better than this.
- 00:18:33.869 --> 00:18:34.803
- And it is never going to get better than this. some people will tell you
- 00:18:34.870 --> 00:18:35.804
- To get better than this. some people will tell you that it is all
- 00:18:35.871 --> 00:18:36.838
- Some people will tell you that it is all it will ever be.
- 00:18:36.905 --> 00:18:37.839
- That it is all it will ever be. but god has a different word
- 00:18:37.906 --> 00:18:38.840
- It will ever be. but god has a different word for you today.
- 00:18:38.907 --> 00:18:39.841
- But god has a different word for you today. and life can change
- 00:18:39.908 --> 00:18:40.909
- For you today. and life can change for you today as you begin
- 00:18:40.976 --> 00:18:41.977
- And life can change for you today as you begin to change your mindset.
- 00:18:42.044 --> 00:18:43.612
- For you today as you begin to change your mindset. and i'm telling you, today,
- 00:18:43.679 --> 00:18:44.713
- In this world
- 00:18:45.914 --> 00:18:48.050
- In this world that are believing.
- 00:18:48.116 --> 00:18:49.751
- That are believing. their mindset
- 00:18:49.818 --> 00:18:50.886
- Their mindset is set on greater things.
- 00:18:50.953 --> 00:18:52.087
- Is set on greater things. they just need
- 00:18:52.154 --> 00:18:53.222
- They just need a little extra help right now
- 00:18:53.288 --> 00:18:54.223
- A little extra help right now but they are believing
- 00:18:54.289 --> 00:18:55.257
- But they are believing for god to come through.
- 00:18:55.324 --> 00:18:56.825
- For god to come through. randy: so many mothers
- 00:18:56.892 --> 00:18:59.194
- Randy: so many mothers are crying so many tears
- 00:18:59.261 --> 00:19:01.263
- Are crying so many tears for their lost children
- 00:19:01.330 --> 00:19:03.031
- For their lost children all around the world
- 00:19:03.098 --> 00:19:04.733
- All around the world and we can put an end to it.
- 00:19:04.800 --> 00:19:06.668
- And we can put an end to it. tammy: these people
- 00:19:06.735 --> 00:19:08.070
- Tammy: these people are suffering.
- 00:19:08.136 --> 00:19:09.671
- Are suffering. their hardship is real.
- 00:19:09.738 --> 00:19:12.207
- Their hardship is real. the burden is heavy.
- 00:19:12.274 --> 00:19:14.309
- The burden is heavy. i honestly can't even relate
- 00:19:14.376 --> 00:19:16.278
- I honestly can't even relate to a lot of what they feel
- 00:19:16.345 --> 00:19:18.080
- To a lot of what they feel every single day.
- 00:19:18.146 --> 00:19:20.449
- Every single day. i just never had to live
- 00:19:20.515 --> 00:19:22.484
- I just never had to live a life like that.
- 00:19:22.551 --> 00:19:23.752
- A life like that. so when i had a chance
- 00:19:23.819 --> 00:19:24.953
- So when i had a chance to go there
- 00:19:25.020 --> 00:19:26.221
- To go there and spend the day with them
- 00:19:26.288 --> 00:19:27.556
- And spend the day with them and carry a bucket for them,
- 00:19:27.623 --> 00:19:29.124
- And carry a bucket for them, up a hill,
- 00:19:29.191 --> 00:19:31.193
- Up a hill, or trek down a trail
- 00:19:31.260 --> 00:19:34.663
- Or trek down a trail where we could possibly fall
- 00:19:34.730 --> 00:19:37.332
- Where we could possibly fall and break an arm,
- 00:19:37.399 --> 00:19:38.500
- And break an arm, whatever the case is,
- 00:19:38.567 --> 00:19:39.868
- Whatever the case is, i want to do it with them
- 00:19:39.935 --> 00:19:41.036
- I want to do it with them because i want to know
- 00:19:41.103 --> 00:19:42.304
- Because i want to know what it feels like.
- 00:19:42.371 --> 00:19:43.405
- What it feels like. but i also want to be able
- 00:19:43.472 --> 00:19:44.806
- But i also want to be able to sit with them
- 00:19:44.873 --> 00:19:46.008
- To sit with them and share hope with them
- 00:19:46.074 --> 00:19:47.109
- And share hope with them to say look,
- 00:19:47.175 --> 00:19:48.343
- To say look, i'm going to take this story,
- 00:19:48.410 --> 00:19:49.444
- I'm going to take this story, i'm going to take it back
- 00:19:49.511 --> 00:19:50.646
- I'm going to take it back to my friends.
- 00:19:50.712 --> 00:19:51.847
- To my friends. we're going to talk about it
- 00:19:51.913 --> 00:19:53.048
- We're going to talk about it on tv.
- 00:19:53.115 --> 00:19:54.116
- On tv. we're going to share
- 00:19:54.182 --> 00:19:55.217
- We're going to share your story.
- 00:19:55.284 --> 00:19:56.318
- Your story. randy: consider this,
- 00:19:56.385 --> 00:19:57.419
- Randy: consider this, your gift today of $48
- 00:19:57.486 --> 00:19:58.553
- Your gift today of $48 will help provide
- 00:19:58.620 --> 00:19:59.821
- Will help provide clean drinking water
- 00:19:59.888 --> 00:20:00.889
- Clean drinking water for a lifetime
- 00:20:00.956 --> 00:20:01.957
- For a lifetime not for one person
- 00:20:02.024 --> 00:20:03.191
- Not for one person but for ten people.
- 00:20:03.258 --> 00:20:05.927
- But for ten people. that's because we look
- 00:20:05.994 --> 00:20:07.129
- That's because we look at the water for life program,
- 00:20:07.195 --> 00:20:08.363
- At the water for life program, 20 nations,
- 00:20:08.430 --> 00:20:09.531
- 20 nations, our goal of 350 wells.
- 00:20:09.598 --> 00:20:11.366
- Our goal of 350 wells. frankly, i would like to go
- 00:20:11.433 --> 00:20:12.701
- Frankly, i would like to go right by that this year.
- 00:20:12.768 --> 00:20:13.969
- Right by that this year. right?
- 00:20:14.036 --> 00:20:15.937
- You will change someone's
- 00:20:16.872 --> 00:20:18.106
- Life with a simple gift.
- 00:20:18.173 --> 00:20:19.474
- A gift of $144 will provide
- 00:20:19.541 --> 00:20:21.643
- Clean drinking water
- 00:20:21.710 --> 00:20:22.878
- For 30 people for a lifetime.
- 00:20:22.944 --> 00:20:25.314
- That's because
- 00:20:25.380 --> 00:20:26.548
- These wells are quality.
- 00:20:26.615 --> 00:20:27.549
- They last an average
- 00:20:27.616 --> 00:20:28.684
- Of 70 years.
- 00:20:28.750 --> 00:20:29.918
- Some of you
- 00:20:29.985 --> 00:20:31.253
- Can give $4800
- 00:20:31.320 --> 00:20:34.156
- Which will provide that well.
- 00:20:34.222 --> 00:20:36.325
- A thousand people, a lifetime
- 00:20:36.391 --> 00:20:38.093
- Of clean drinking water.
- 00:20:38.160 --> 00:20:40.128
- Smiles, no more tears.
- 00:20:40.195 --> 00:20:42.397
- But thank you as you reach out
- 00:20:42.464 --> 00:20:43.799
- And bless someone else,
- 00:20:43.865 --> 00:20:45.867
- So many others today.
- 00:20:45.934 --> 00:20:48.103
- Make the best gift you can.
- 00:20:48.170 --> 00:20:50.305
- Every day, thousands of lives are lost
- 00:20:51.306 --> 00:20:53.642
- To waterborne disease,
- 00:20:53.642 --> 00:20:55.644
- And nearly half of those are children
- 00:20:55.644 --> 00:20:57.646
- Under the age of five.
- 00:20:57.646 --> 00:20:59.648
- Through mission: water for life
- 00:20:59.648 --> 00:21:01.650
- You can give mothers hope and children a future
- 00:21:01.650 --> 00:21:04.353
- As we provide clean, life-giving water
- 00:21:04.353 --> 00:21:06.588
- For thousands of children and their families
- 00:21:06.588 --> 00:21:08.890
- Before it's too late.
- 00:21:08.890 --> 00:21:11.660
- With your gift today, you can help drill
- 00:21:11.660 --> 00:21:14.262
- And establish 350 water wells this year.
- 00:21:14.262 --> 00:21:16.898
- Your gift of $24
- 00:21:16.898 --> 00:21:18.900
- Will help provide clean water for five children.
- 00:21:18.900 --> 00:21:20.969
- A gift of $48 will help provide for ten.
- 00:21:20.969 --> 00:21:23.572
- And $144 will help provide
- 00:21:23.572 --> 00:21:25.974
- Life-giving water for 30 people
- 00:21:25.974 --> 00:21:28.110
- For a lifetime.
- 00:21:28.110 --> 00:21:30.245
- With a gift of any amount,
- 00:21:30.245 --> 00:21:32.247
- We'll send you dr. don colbert's new book
- 00:21:32.247 --> 00:21:34.249
- Spiritual health zone.
- 00:21:34.249 --> 00:21:36.251
- Discover the key to living in divine health
- 00:21:36.251 --> 00:21:38.253
- As you find a roadmap
- 00:21:38.253 --> 00:21:40.255
- To adding joy, peace, and years to your life.
- 00:21:40.255 --> 00:21:43.558
- With your gift of $100 or more,
- 00:21:43.558 --> 00:21:46.128
- You may request the
- 00:21:46.128 --> 00:21:48.130
- "he restores my soul" candle set.
- 00:21:48.130 --> 00:21:50.265
- This decorative candle and match set
- 00:21:50.265 --> 00:21:52.267
- Will inspire you to remember
- 00:21:52.267 --> 00:21:54.269
- The restoring presence of jesus,
- 00:21:54.269 --> 00:21:56.571
- The true light of the world.
- 00:21:56.571 --> 00:21:59.374
- Finally, please consider a gift of $1200
- 00:21:59.374 --> 00:22:02.177
- To help provide water for 250 people
- 00:22:02.177 --> 00:22:05.013
- Or a gift of $4800
- 00:22:05.013 --> 00:22:07.149
- To help sponsor a complete well,
- 00:22:07.149 --> 00:22:09.184
- And request our new bronze sculpture,
- 00:22:09.184 --> 00:22:11.186
- "lion of judah"
- 00:22:11.186 --> 00:22:13.188
- Inspired by revelation 5:5.
- 00:22:13.188 --> 00:22:15.757
- Please call, write, or make your gift online today!
- 00:22:15.757 --> 00:22:21.496
- Randy: you really can
- 00:22:21.596 --> 00:22:22.664
- Randy: you really can make a difference.
- 00:22:22.731 --> 00:22:23.832
- Randy: you really can make a difference. you can be the difference
- 00:22:23.899 --> 00:22:25.000
- Make a difference. you can be the difference in someone's life
- 00:22:25.066 --> 00:22:26.168
- You can be the difference in someone's life that desperately
- 00:22:26.234 --> 00:22:27.335
- In someone's life that desperately needs your help.
- 00:22:27.402 --> 00:22:28.503
- That desperately needs your help. so, i hope you'll go online
- 00:22:28.570 --> 00:22:29.971
- Needs your help. so, i hope you'll go online or go to the phone.
- 00:22:30.038 --> 00:22:31.173
- So, i hope you'll go online or go to the phone. make the best gift you can.
- 00:22:31.239 --> 00:22:32.641
- Or go to the phone. make the best gift you can. when you do, request
- 00:22:32.707 --> 00:22:33.809
- Make the best gift you can. when you do, request think this, not that
- 00:22:33.909 --> 00:22:34.976
- When you do, request think this, not that by dr. axe.
- 00:22:35.043 --> 00:22:36.144
- We would love
- 00:22:36.244 --> 00:22:37.312
- We would love to send it to you.
- 00:22:37.379 --> 00:22:38.513
- We would love to send it to you. i've enjoyed this, tammy.
- 00:22:38.580 --> 00:22:39.748
- To send it to you. i've enjoyed this, tammy. tammy: i've loved it!
- 00:22:39.815 --> 00:22:41.116
- I've enjoyed this, tammy. tammy: i've loved it! i've been so looking forward
- 00:22:41.183 --> 00:22:42.150
- Tammy: i've loved it! i've been so looking forward to meeting him.
- 00:22:42.217 --> 00:22:43.318
- I've been so looking forward to meeting him. randy: can you do more?
- 00:22:43.385 --> 00:22:44.753
- Dr. axe: yeah! let's do it.
- 00:22:44.853 --> 00:22:46.321
- Dr. axe: yeah! let's do it. randy: come back
- 00:22:46.388 --> 00:22:47.355
- Dr. axe: yeah! let's do it. randy: come back for more wellness wednesday ?
- 00:22:47.422 --> 00:22:48.390
- Randy: come back for more wellness wednesday ? dr. axe: i'd love to.
- 00:22:48.457 --> 00:22:49.524
- For more wellness wednesday ? dr. axe: i'd love to. randy: we hope that you
- 00:22:49.591 --> 00:22:50.725
- Will come back as well.
- 00:22:50.826 --> 00:22:51.793
- Will come back as well. if you miss any programs,
- 00:22:51.860 --> 00:22:52.794
- Will come back as well. if you miss any programs, go to
- 00:22:52.861 --> 00:22:53.962
- If you miss any programs, go to we'll see you next time!
- 00:22:54.029 --> 00:22:56.331
- ♪
- 00:22:59.434 --> 00:23:06.408
- ♪
- 00:23:06.641 --> 00:23:16.818
- ♪ look what you've done ♪
- 00:23:17.519 --> 00:23:21.556
- ♪ how could you fall so far? ♪
- 00:23:21.556 --> 00:23:24.426
- ♪ you should be ashamed of yourself ♪
- 00:23:24.426 --> 00:23:27.596
- ♪ so i was ashamed of myself ♪
- 00:23:27.596 --> 00:23:30.632
- ♪ the lies i believed ♪
- 00:23:30.632 --> 00:23:33.969
- ♪ they got some roots that run deep ♪
- 00:23:33.969 --> 00:23:37.005
- ♪ i let them take ahold of my life ♪
- 00:23:37.005 --> 00:23:40.075
- ♪ i let them take control of my life ♪
- 00:23:40.075 --> 00:23:43.712
- ♪ standing in your presence, lord ♪
- 00:23:43.712 --> 00:23:45.780
- ♪ i can feel you digging all the roots up ♪
- 00:23:45.780 --> 00:23:49.084
- ♪ i feel you healing all my wounds up ♪
- 00:23:49.084 --> 00:23:52.287
- ♪ all i can say is hallelujah ♪
- 00:23:52.287 --> 00:23:55.090
- ♪ look what you've done ♪
- 00:23:55.090 --> 00:23:58.360
- ♪ look what you've done in me ♪
- 00:23:58.360 --> 00:24:01.396
- ♪ you spoke your truth into the lies ♪
- 00:24:01.396 --> 00:24:05.033
- ♪ i let my heart believe ♪
- 00:24:05.033 --> 00:24:07.736
- ♪ look at me now ♪
- 00:24:07.736 --> 00:24:10.872
- ♪ look how you made me new ♪
- 00:24:10.872 --> 00:24:14.910
- ♪ oh, the enemy did everything that he could do ♪
- 00:24:14.910 --> 00:24:20.048
- ♪ oh, but look what you've done ♪
- 00:24:20.048 --> 00:24:24.052
- ♪ suddenly, all the shame is gone ♪
- 00:24:24.052 --> 00:24:27.122
- ♪ i thought i was too broken ♪
- 00:24:27.122 --> 00:24:29.190
- ♪ now i see you were breaking new ground inside of me ♪
- 00:24:29.190 --> 00:24:33.862
- ♪ standing in your presence, lord ♪
- 00:24:33.862 --> 00:24:35.931
- ♪ i can feel you digging all the roots up ♪
- 00:24:35.931 --> 00:24:39.367
- ♪ i feel you healing all my wounds up ♪
- 00:24:39.367 --> 00:24:42.571
- ♪ all i can say is hallelujah ♪
- 00:24:42.571 --> 00:24:45.206
- ♪ look what you've done ♪
- 00:24:45.206 --> 00:24:48.510
- ♪ look what you've done in me ♪
- 00:24:48.510 --> 00:24:51.580
- ♪ you spoke your truth into the lies ♪
- 00:24:51.580 --> 00:24:55.150
- ♪ i let my heart believe ♪
- 00:24:55.150 --> 00:24:57.953
- ♪ look at me now ♪
- 00:24:57.953 --> 00:25:01.156
- ♪ look how you've made me new ♪
- 00:25:01.156 --> 00:25:05.093
- ♪ oh, the enemy did everything that he could do ♪
- 00:25:05.093 --> 00:25:10.031
- ♪ oh, but look what you've done ♪
- 00:25:10.031 --> 00:25:12.834
- ♪ on the cross, in a grave ♪
- 00:25:12.834 --> 00:25:16.104
- ♪ with a stone rolled away ♪
- 00:25:16.104 --> 00:25:18.940
- ♪ all my debt, it was paid ♪
- 00:25:18.940 --> 00:25:22.844
- ♪ look what you've done ♪
- 00:25:22.844 --> 00:25:25.547
- ♪ in my heart, in my mind ♪
- 00:25:25.547 --> 00:25:28.850
- ♪ in my soul, in my life ♪
- 00:25:28.850 --> 00:25:31.886
- ♪ with my hands lifted high ♪
- 00:25:31.886 --> 00:25:34.656
- ♪ i'm singing, look what you've done ♪
- 00:25:34.656 --> 00:25:38.793
- ♪ look what you've done in me ♪
- 00:25:38.793 --> 00:25:41.830
- ♪ you spoke your truth into the lies ♪
- 00:25:41.830 --> 00:25:45.367
- ♪ i let my heart believe ♪
- 00:25:45.367 --> 00:25:48.036
- ♪ look at me now ♪
- 00:25:48.036 --> 00:25:51.206
- ♪ look how you've made me new ♪
- 00:25:51.206 --> 00:25:54.909
- ♪ oh, the enemy did everything that he could do ♪
- 00:25:54.909 --> 00:26:00.315
- ♪ oh, but look what you've done ♪
- 00:26:00.315 --> 00:26:03.151
- ♪ on the cross, in a grave ♪
- 00:26:03.151 --> 00:26:06.254
- ♪ with the stone rolled away ♪
- 00:26:06.254 --> 00:26:09.557
- ♪ all my debt, it was paid ♪
- 00:26:09.557 --> 00:26:13.061
- ♪ but look what you've done ♪
- 00:26:13.061 --> 00:26:15.897
- ♪ in my heart, in my mind ♪
- 00:26:15.897 --> 00:26:19.067
- ♪ in my soul, in my life ♪
- 00:26:19.067 --> 00:26:22.103
- ♪ with my hands lifted high ♪
- 00:26:22.103 --> 00:26:24.739
- ♪ i'm singing, look what you've done ♪
- 00:26:24.739 --> 00:26:31.212
- Introducing the all-new
- 00:26:32.180 --> 00:26:35.183
- Dive into your favorite life today programs.
- 00:26:35.183 --> 00:26:37.819
- Explore impactful ministry outreaches
- 00:26:37.819 --> 00:26:40.255
- And discover life-changing spiritual resources,
- 00:26:40.255 --> 00:26:43.024
- All in one place!
- 00:26:43.024 --> 00:26:45.026
- Plus, it's easier than ever to support our mission
- 00:26:45.026 --> 00:26:47.362
- With seamless donation options.
- 00:26:47.362 --> 00:26:49.364
- Never miss a moment to get connected,
- 00:26:49.364 --> 00:26:51.466
- Get inspired, and get involved.
- 00:26:51.466 --> 00:26:53.768
- Anytime, anywhere, life today is always on!
- 00:26:53.768 --> 00:26:57.439
- Visit the new
- 00:26:57.439 --> 00:26:59.441
- And experience the best of life!
- 00:26:59.441 --> 00:27:01.576
- >> there is something a little disappointing
- 00:27:02.577 --> 00:27:04.579
- About everything.
- 00:27:04.579 --> 00:27:06.581
- But all our disappointment will be gone in heaven.
- 00:27:06.581 --> 00:27:08.950
- Absolutely gone!
- 00:27:08.950 --> 00:27:10.952
- Tomorrow!
- 00:27:10.952 --> 00:27:12.954
- Life today is made possible by the supporters of life outreach international.
- 00:27:12.954 --> 00:27:16.157
- Your gift will be used exclusively for the exempt purposes of life.
- 00:27:16.157 --> 00:27:19.260
- The ministry features specific outreaches
- 00:27:19.260 --> 00:27:21.329
- As examples of the programs it supports and conducts.
- 00:27:21.329 --> 00:27:23.398
- Gifts are considered to be without restriction
- 00:27:23.398 --> 00:27:25.467
- As to use unless explicitly stipulated by the donor.
- 00:27:25.467 --> 00:27:27.602
- The ministry is a member of the ecfa.
- 00:27:27.602 --> 00:27:27.602