Live from Asbury University

Live from Asbury University


In early February the news went out across America and the world: Revival has broken out on the campus of Asbury University in Wilmore, Kentucky. God is definitely doing something profound among the students, professors, and others at the Christian university.

It all began February 8 with around 100 students coming forward to seek God during a worship time in the campus chapel. In the weeks since then, nearly every student on campus has been touched in some way by God’s presence, and the phenomenon has quickly spread across the nation.

Alexandra Presta, editor of the student-run Asbury University online new site, wrote: “As a senior, I have never witnessed anything like this. Peers, professors, local church leaders, and seminary students surround me — all of them praying, worshipping, and praising God together. Voices are ringing out. People are bowing at the altar, arms stretched wide.”

Anneli White, a student visiting from the University of Kentucky, described on the news site Kentucky Today what she experienced at Asbury: “Chains were broken, confession happened, and God was praised as holy, holy, holy.”

Another Asbury student, Christian Alexander, told CBN News: “My prayer is that this will encourage churches, encourage pastors and encourage just believers and just stir up a hunger for the Lord because again it's not about Asbury it's about Jesus.”

On Thursday, February 23, TBN will broadcast a live event form Asbury University that will include coverage of the Collegiate Day of Prayer 2023, being hosted at Asbury. Join hosts Sheila Walsh, Ron McIntosh, and others, as they take a close look at this dramatic move of God spreading to universities across America. Find out how prayer is fueling an awakening on college campuses and a new generation of young people.



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Feb 23, 2023 Live From Asbury University