Father Cedric Pisegna is a Catholic priest. His program will inspire and encourage you to Live with Passion.
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Live with Passion with Father Cedric | Cedric Pisegna - Holiness Is For You And Me | January 19, 2025
- Father cedric pisegna: holiness is for you and for me.
- 00:00:00.383 --> 00:00:03.286
- ♪♪♪
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- Father pisegna: i am father cedric pisegna, the host of
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- "live with passion."
- 00:00:20.036 --> 00:00:21.404
- So glad that you tuned in.
- 00:00:21.404 --> 00:00:22.739
- I want to talk about what god is doing in your life right now,
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- And i want to talk about holiness.
- 00:00:26.643 --> 00:00:30.313
- God is trying to make us holy.
- 00:00:30.313 --> 00:00:32.916
- Let me share with you
- 00:00:32.916 --> 00:00:34.250
- 1 peter chapter 1, and it says, "as god
- 00:00:34.250 --> 00:00:37.587
- Has called you to be holy, be holy in all your conduct, since
- 00:00:37.587 --> 00:00:43.293
- It is written, 'you shall be holy, for i am holy.'"
- 00:00:43.293 --> 00:00:48.665
- I was preaching at a church one time, and somebody came up to me
- 00:00:48.665 --> 00:00:51.701
- And said, "cedric pisegna, that's a different name.
- 00:00:51.701 --> 00:00:55.305
- Is there a saint cedric?"
- 00:00:55.305 --> 00:00:57.273
- And i laughed, and i said, "not yet, but there's one in
- 00:00:57.273 --> 00:01:00.543
- The making."
- 00:01:00.543 --> 00:01:02.946
- And that's exactly what god is doing in my life and in your
- 00:01:02.946 --> 00:01:05.815
- Life, too.
- 00:01:05.815 --> 00:01:07.150
- He is making us saints.
- 00:01:07.150 --> 00:01:09.319
- That word "saint" means a holy one.
- 00:01:09.319 --> 00:01:12.856
- In fact, when paul the apostle used to write his churches,
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- Corinth, or ephesus, or thessalonica, he would say, "to
- 00:01:16.459 --> 00:01:20.930
- The saints at corinth," or, "the saints at ephesus," and that
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- Word "saints" means the holy ones.
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- I wanted to help you to see that you are a saint.
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- You're not perfect, i'm not perfect, but we're on the way.
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- We're in the making.
- 00:01:38.114 --> 00:01:40.083
- Christianity is a journey.
- 00:01:40.083 --> 00:01:41.851
- It's a pilgrimage.
- 00:01:41.851 --> 00:01:43.386
- We go from selfishness to selflessness, and that's what
- 00:01:43.386 --> 00:01:49.993
- God is doing in our life right now.
- 00:01:49.993 --> 00:01:51.361
- You might be thinking, "what is god doing in my life?
- 00:01:51.361 --> 00:01:53.163
- It doesn't feel like god's doing anything."
- 00:01:53.163 --> 00:01:54.731
- Well, trust me, god is the potter, and we are the clay, and
- 00:01:54.731 --> 00:01:59.369
- He's at work.
- 00:01:59.369 --> 00:02:01.971
- Sometimes when i'm reading, or reflecting, or praying, i take
- 00:02:01.971 --> 00:02:05.975
- Out a little--i bought this at a store, it's a little lump
- 00:02:05.975 --> 00:02:09.612
- Of play-doh.
- 00:02:09.612 --> 00:02:11.314
- I'm too left-brained sometimes, that means real logical and
- 00:02:11.314 --> 00:02:14.350
- Black and white.
- 00:02:14.350 --> 00:02:15.718
- And i want to try to be more balanced and get my right brain
- 00:02:15.718 --> 00:02:19.889
- Working, so i'll just take out some play-doh and i'll play
- 00:02:19.889 --> 00:02:22.158
- With it.
- 00:02:22.158 --> 00:02:23.526
- And i noticed something about play-doh, and by the way, i
- 00:02:23.526 --> 00:02:25.495
- Found out that they have adult play-doh now, has different
- 00:02:25.495 --> 00:02:29.332
- Scents to it, like cappuccino, some kind of barbecued meat, or
- 00:02:29.332 --> 00:02:34.103
- Some kind of flower-type scent, and i'll take that play-doh, and
- 00:02:34.103 --> 00:02:38.875
- At first when i take it out, it's very hard, but after i play
- 00:02:38.875 --> 00:02:42.779
- With it a little bit, and work with a little bit, it gets soft.
- 00:02:42.779 --> 00:02:47.083
- And that's exactly what god is doing in our life right now.
- 00:02:47.083 --> 00:02:49.552
- He's working, and moving, and at work in our life, trying to
- 00:02:49.552 --> 00:02:55.124
- Soften our hearts, and make us holy.
- 00:02:55.124 --> 00:02:58.728
- ♪♪♪
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- Father pisegna: i must let you know that god is at work in you
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- And in me to make us holy.
- 00:03:15.411 --> 00:03:17.080
- You might be thinking, "well, holiness, what is that?"
- 00:03:17.080 --> 00:03:20.149
- Might have this idea of somebody in a chapel, praying for hours
- 00:03:20.149 --> 00:03:24.153
- On end, they're a holy person.
- 00:03:24.153 --> 00:03:26.222
- Well yeah, they are.
- 00:03:26.222 --> 00:03:27.557
- That word "holiness" means to be set apart.
- 00:03:27.557 --> 00:03:31.294
- Isaiah has this vision, this grand vision of god in the
- 00:03:31.294 --> 00:03:36.132
- Temple, and he sees the lord, and glorious, lifted up, full of
- 00:03:36.132 --> 00:03:43.539
- Light and glory.
- 00:03:43.539 --> 00:03:45.141
- And the angels all around the throne are saying, "holy, holy,
- 00:03:45.141 --> 00:03:49.145
- Holy is the lord of hosts."
- 00:03:49.145 --> 00:03:51.748
- If you're catholic, at mass we pronounce those words during
- 00:03:51.748 --> 00:03:55.184
- The mass.
- 00:03:55.184 --> 00:03:56.519
- "holy, holy, holy is the lord of hosts."
- 00:03:56.519 --> 00:03:58.988
- That means that god is separated from evil.
- 00:03:58.988 --> 00:04:02.292
- At its root essence, that's what the word "holiness" means, to be
- 00:04:02.292 --> 00:04:06.929
- Separated from evil.
- 00:04:06.929 --> 00:04:08.598
- So, for us to become holy, we must be separated from idols,
- 00:04:08.598 --> 00:04:14.003
- From sin, from the seven deadly sins, anger, and lust, and envy,
- 00:04:14.003 --> 00:04:19.475
- And gluttony, and all those type things.
- 00:04:19.475 --> 00:04:21.444
- We remove ourselves from that, from the world, if you will, and
- 00:04:21.444 --> 00:04:26.616
- Then the positive side of holiness is virtue.
- 00:04:26.616 --> 00:04:30.720
- Now, i'm talking about what holiness is and what our
- 00:04:30.720 --> 00:04:32.855
- Call is.
- 00:04:32.855 --> 00:04:34.223
- And every one of us has a call to be holy.
- 00:04:34.223 --> 00:04:37.126
- Virtue, let's talk about that for a moment.
- 00:04:37.126 --> 00:04:39.662
- God appears to moses, and he said, "i am the lord, a god
- 00:04:39.662 --> 00:04:44.767
- Gracious and merciful, slow to anger, rich in kindness."
- 00:04:44.767 --> 00:04:50.673
- What is holiness?
- 00:04:50.673 --> 00:04:52.475
- Mercy, graciousness, slow to anger, kindness.
- 00:04:52.475 --> 00:04:59.916
- That's who god is.
- 00:04:59.916 --> 00:05:01.484
- Jesus, let's look at him.
- 00:05:01.484 --> 00:05:03.519
- Jesus comes on the scene, and he says, "learn from me all you who
- 00:05:03.519 --> 00:05:07.357
- Are burdened and heavy laden, for i am meek and humble of
- 00:05:07.357 --> 00:05:12.862
- Heart, gentle, kind, compassionate."
- 00:05:12.862 --> 00:05:17.934
- That's the sacred heart of jesus.
- 00:05:17.934 --> 00:05:20.837
- That's exactly what and who you and i are called to be.
- 00:05:20.837 --> 00:05:25.508
- "be holy because i am holy," says the lord.
- 00:05:25.508 --> 00:05:29.712
- "the will of god is your sanctification."
- 00:05:29.712 --> 00:05:33.716
- That's a theological word that means--to be sanctified means to
- 00:05:33.716 --> 00:05:37.954
- Be made holy.
- 00:05:37.954 --> 00:05:40.323
- God's will in your life and my life is to be made holy.
- 00:05:40.323 --> 00:05:45.762
- This is the way god is.
- 00:05:45.762 --> 00:05:47.497
- This is the way he wants us to be.
- 00:05:47.497 --> 00:05:50.433
- I happened to be in rome back in 2003, the beatification of
- 00:05:50.433 --> 00:05:55.738
- Mother theresa happened.
- 00:05:55.738 --> 00:05:58.274
- Beatification is the final step before canonization.
- 00:05:58.274 --> 00:06:03.045
- Canonization is the official term of somebody being made a
- 00:06:03.045 --> 00:06:07.950
- Saint in the catholic church.
- 00:06:07.950 --> 00:06:10.119
- Mother theresa was canonized later, but i was her
- 00:06:10.119 --> 00:06:13.423
- Beatification where she was pronounced a blessing.
- 00:06:13.423 --> 00:06:16.492
- I was there with my mother, who is albanian, and by the way,
- 00:06:16.492 --> 00:06:19.495
- Mother teresa was albanian.
- 00:06:19.495 --> 00:06:21.330
- I'm a quarter albanian, half italian, quarter slovak, and i
- 00:06:21.330 --> 00:06:26.269
- Was there with my mother, and a half a million other people.
- 00:06:26.269 --> 00:06:30.540
- St peter's square was packed with people, all gathered
- 00:06:30.540 --> 00:06:36.212
- Because this woman, this little albanian woman, all wrinkled and
- 00:06:36.212 --> 00:06:41.717
- Crinkled, and short, and old, this little albanian woman
- 00:06:41.717 --> 00:06:48.658
- Reached out to the poorest of the poor.
- 00:06:48.658 --> 00:06:51.661
- She loved everybody, and she was eventually declared a saint.
- 00:06:51.661 --> 00:06:57.967
- That's to me what sainthood is, the behavior toward people,
- 00:06:57.967 --> 00:07:05.107
- Kindness, mercy, love.
- 00:07:05.107 --> 00:07:08.311
- Mother teresa's sainthood, and beatification, and canonization
- 00:07:08.311 --> 00:07:12.682
- Is legendary.
- 00:07:12.682 --> 00:07:14.851
- But lest you think saints are few and far between, in our
- 00:07:14.851 --> 00:07:22.291
- Catholic documents, vatican two and pope francis promulgated an
- 00:07:22.291 --> 00:07:28.798
- Apostolic exhortation called "rejoice and be glad
- 00:07:28.798 --> 00:07:31.634
- About holiness."
- 00:07:31.634 --> 00:07:33.603
- He quoted vatican two which said, "there is a universal call
- 00:07:33.603 --> 00:07:37.840
- To holiness."
- 00:07:37.840 --> 00:07:39.175
- By the way, that's what catholic means, universal.
- 00:07:39.175 --> 00:07:42.144
- A lot of people think, and they're kind of misguided in
- 00:07:42.144 --> 00:07:45.081
- Their thoughts on this.
- 00:07:45.081 --> 00:07:46.649
- They think that holiness is just for priests, or for sisters, or
- 00:07:46.649 --> 00:07:51.454
- For those in religious life, or for a select few that have
- 00:07:51.454 --> 00:07:54.724
- Been canonized.
- 00:07:54.724 --> 00:07:56.092
- Actually, in the catholic church, thousands of people have
- 00:07:56.092 --> 00:07:59.829
- Been canonized.
- 00:07:59.829 --> 00:08:01.163
- Saint francis of assisi is my favorite, and saint paul of the
- 00:08:01.163 --> 00:08:05.134
- Cross, and saint teresa, and saint catherine of sienna.
- 00:08:05.134 --> 00:08:09.872
- There's so many saints.
- 00:08:09.872 --> 00:08:11.307
- I'm sure you have your favorite saint, but there is a universal
- 00:08:11.307 --> 00:08:15.177
- Call to holiness beyond the canonized saints.
- 00:08:15.177 --> 00:08:19.649
- Every one of us, you and me, are invited to become holy.
- 00:08:19.649 --> 00:08:24.887
- And as i said, god is at work in us.
- 00:08:24.887 --> 00:08:26.656
- God is the potter and we are the clay.
- 00:08:26.656 --> 00:08:28.991
- I know that i know that in my life right now, god is trying,
- 00:08:28.991 --> 00:08:32.929
- Sometimes with kicking and screaming on my part, trying to
- 00:08:32.929 --> 00:08:36.499
- Make me holy.
- 00:08:36.499 --> 00:08:38.067
- And again, that has to do with being separated from evil,
- 00:08:38.067 --> 00:08:42.271
- Repentance, turning away from the dark side, and growing
- 00:08:42.271 --> 00:08:48.644
- In selflessness.
- 00:08:48.644 --> 00:08:50.846
- Not selfishness, selflessness.
- 00:08:50.846 --> 00:08:53.649
- You are called to holiness within your marriage.
- 00:08:53.649 --> 00:08:56.586
- That's where you learn forgiveness, and mercy, and
- 00:08:56.586 --> 00:08:59.455
- Kindness, compassion, love for each other.
- 00:08:59.455 --> 00:09:03.326
- And there is also a call to the single life.
- 00:09:03.326 --> 00:09:05.528
- I've talked about that in other episodes.
- 00:09:05.528 --> 00:09:07.930
- You have a call to holiness, a universal call to holiness.
- 00:09:07.930 --> 00:09:14.170
- Twenty years ago, my father passed away.
- 00:09:14.170 --> 00:09:18.374
- I bear his name, i'm cedric, jr.
- 00:09:18.374 --> 00:09:22.211
- He always supported me in everything that i did, whether
- 00:09:22.211 --> 00:09:24.447
- It be playing baseball, or golf, or when i finally became a
- 00:09:24.447 --> 00:09:28.017
- Priest and started writing books.
- 00:09:28.017 --> 00:09:29.852
- He was right there to help me all the time.
- 00:09:29.852 --> 00:09:32.121
- Well, when my dad passed away, i didn't know how i was going to
- 00:09:32.121 --> 00:09:34.724
- Do it.
- 00:09:34.724 --> 00:09:36.292
- I was so used to having my dad there as my counselor and my
- 00:09:36.292 --> 00:09:39.495
- Friend, and finally he passed away, and it was my honor and my
- 00:09:39.495 --> 00:09:43.432
- Great privilege to have his funeral--preside at his funeral
- 00:09:43.432 --> 00:09:47.470
- And celebrate his life.
- 00:09:47.470 --> 00:09:49.438
- And get this, it was on all saints day.
- 00:09:49.438 --> 00:09:53.309
- In the catholic church, that's november 1st.
- 00:09:53.309 --> 00:09:55.478
- He had died a week before, and i actually had my dad's funeral on
- 00:09:55.478 --> 00:09:59.248
- All saints day.
- 00:09:59.248 --> 00:10:00.783
- That's the day in the catholic church where we try to remember,
- 00:10:00.783 --> 00:10:05.354
- Yes, the canonized saints, like mother teresa, and saint john
- 00:10:05.354 --> 00:10:10.126
- Paul the second, and saint francis of assisi, st. paul of
- 00:10:10.126 --> 00:10:14.163
- The cross, and st. romuald, and as i said, thousands of
- 00:10:14.163 --> 00:10:17.466
- Canonized saints.
- 00:10:17.466 --> 00:10:18.834
- And it's also the day that we remember probably your mother,
- 00:10:18.834 --> 00:10:24.106
- And your father, your grandparents who are praying
- 00:10:24.106 --> 00:10:26.509
- For you.
- 00:10:26.509 --> 00:10:27.843
- All these different people known to god alone, and to their
- 00:10:27.843 --> 00:10:32.548
- Friends, and to the ones that were close to them.
- 00:10:32.548 --> 00:10:36.752
- They may not be officially canonized by the church, but
- 00:10:36.752 --> 00:10:41.290
- They are saints.
- 00:10:41.290 --> 00:10:43.893
- There's this great vision i wanted to tell you about that
- 00:10:43.893 --> 00:10:46.228
- Comes in the book of revelation.
- 00:10:46.228 --> 00:10:48.731
- It's a vision of the throne of god.
- 00:10:48.731 --> 00:10:51.701
- And as i said, isaiah saw god, and said, "holy, holy, holy."
- 00:10:51.701 --> 00:10:56.305
- At mass, we proclaim that, as i said, but in this vision around
- 00:10:56.305 --> 00:11:01.177
- The throne and before the throne, there are millions,
- 00:11:01.177 --> 00:11:05.981
- Millions of people.
- 00:11:05.981 --> 00:11:08.517
- John, the angel are talking about this as john, in the book
- 00:11:08.517 --> 00:11:12.588
- Of revelation, sees this vision.
- 00:11:12.588 --> 00:11:14.990
- And john sees all these people before the throne of god, and he
- 00:11:14.990 --> 00:11:18.127
- Says, "who are these people?"
- 00:11:18.127 --> 00:11:19.995
- And the angel said, "they're the ones that have come out of the
- 00:11:19.995 --> 00:11:22.298
- Great tribulation, and they've washed," i want you to get this,
- 00:11:22.298 --> 00:11:26.435
- "they've washed their robes in the blood of the lamb."
- 00:11:26.435 --> 00:11:29.338
- Oh, that's so good.
- 00:11:29.338 --> 00:11:31.474
- And they were innumerable, nobody could count them.
- 00:11:31.474 --> 00:11:35.010
- So, that's the point that i want to try to impress upon you, that
- 00:11:35.010 --> 00:11:39.014
- Holiness is universal.
- 00:11:39.014 --> 00:11:40.549
- It's not just for the religious people, it's for you and for me.
- 00:11:40.549 --> 00:11:45.054
- It's for married people, single people, religious people, it's a
- 00:11:45.054 --> 00:11:48.457
- Call for everybody.
- 00:11:48.457 --> 00:11:50.559
- And by the way, while i'm still on the subject of all these
- 00:11:50.559 --> 00:11:53.496
- People being before the throne of god, the reason they were
- 00:11:53.496 --> 00:11:57.867
- Able to be before the throne of god, as the angel said, they
- 00:11:57.867 --> 00:12:00.870
- Washed their robes white in the blood of the lamb.
- 00:12:00.870 --> 00:12:05.975
- When i talk about becoming holy, and being virtuous, and
- 00:12:05.975 --> 00:12:09.879
- Separated from evil, that is god's will for us, but that is
- 00:12:09.879 --> 00:12:14.283
- Not what saves us.
- 00:12:14.283 --> 00:12:16.318
- What saves us or brings us before the throne of god as
- 00:12:16.318 --> 00:12:19.722
- Right with god is jesus's death for us on the cross.
- 00:12:19.722 --> 00:12:24.293
- ♪♪♪
- 00:12:24.360 --> 00:12:37.139
- Father pisegna: we are made holy, if you will, we are made
- 00:12:34.370 --> 00:12:38.808
- Right before god by the blood of the lamb.
- 00:12:38.808 --> 00:12:42.845
- If we truly believe, we will allow god's power to work in us,
- 00:12:42.845 --> 00:12:48.818
- And that power is the holy spirit.
- 00:12:48.818 --> 00:12:51.420
- Notice who it is.
- 00:12:51.420 --> 00:12:53.022
- The holy spirit, the one separated from evil.
- 00:12:53.022 --> 00:12:56.625
- The spirit that has the spirit of god, that has the virtue,
- 00:12:56.625 --> 00:13:00.896
- Such as knowledge, and understanding, and wisdom,
- 00:13:00.896 --> 00:13:04.767
- Fortitude, piety, the fear of the lord, love, peace, and joy,
- 00:13:04.767 --> 00:13:10.239
- The fruit of the holy spirit.
- 00:13:10.239 --> 00:13:12.041
- And the spirit comes to work in us, to mold us and shape us.
- 00:13:12.041 --> 00:13:17.780
- God is the potter, and we're the clay, so that when we finally do
- 00:13:17.780 --> 00:13:22.051
- Die, we will be ready.
- 00:13:22.051 --> 00:13:25.454
- Well, this glorious vision, and we read that on all saints day.
- 00:13:25.454 --> 00:13:30.025
- I have this funeral for my dad on all saints day, and i don't
- 00:13:30.025 --> 00:13:33.729
- Think it was a coincidence that i had the funeral for my dad on
- 00:13:33.729 --> 00:13:38.300
- All saints day in the catholic church.
- 00:13:38.300 --> 00:13:41.136
- It was a week after he had passed, and it was the right
- 00:13:41.136 --> 00:13:43.272
- Time to have it, but it wasn't a coincidence, because dad may not
- 00:13:43.272 --> 00:13:46.909
- Have been canonized by the church, and there probably
- 00:13:46.909 --> 00:13:50.279
- Wasn't a whole lot of people that thought he was a saint,
- 00:13:50.279 --> 00:13:53.048
- Simply because they didn't know him, but i knew my dad.
- 00:13:53.048 --> 00:13:57.419
- He was married for 54 years to my mom, always faithful, and he
- 00:13:57.419 --> 00:14:05.160
- Lived a simple life as a carpenter, raised three of us
- 00:14:05.160 --> 00:14:10.432
- Children, i have two older sisters.
- 00:14:10.432 --> 00:14:13.702
- I said he was a carpenter, he built the house, the very house
- 00:14:13.702 --> 00:14:17.106
- That we lived in.
- 00:14:17.106 --> 00:14:19.475
- To me, being faithful, providing for your family, working hard,
- 00:14:19.475 --> 00:14:26.882
- Being determined, trying to help others, i know he was a very
- 00:14:26.882 --> 00:14:30.586
- Generous person to me and to others, that's the stuff
- 00:14:30.586 --> 00:14:35.224
- Of holiness.
- 00:14:35.224 --> 00:14:37.326
- Holiness is not out there somewhere that you can't grasp
- 00:14:37.326 --> 00:14:40.429
- It, it's living your vocation well.
- 00:14:40.429 --> 00:14:45.234
- This series is called "be your best."
- 00:14:45.234 --> 00:14:49.705
- You cannot be who god created you to be without becoming holy.
- 00:14:49.705 --> 00:14:56.312
- I want you to be your best.
- 00:14:56.312 --> 00:14:58.714
- I want you to strive for holiness.
- 00:14:58.714 --> 00:15:01.517
- I want you to become all that you can be, and it means
- 00:15:01.517 --> 00:15:05.120
- Realizing your potential on a professional level, but it also
- 00:15:05.120 --> 00:15:09.425
- Means becoming all that you can be when it comes to being
- 00:15:09.425 --> 00:15:14.296
- Like christ.
- 00:15:14.296 --> 00:15:16.966
- "be holy, for i am holy," god says.
- 00:15:16.966 --> 00:15:20.903
- We'll talk more about holiness here.
- 00:15:20.903 --> 00:15:23.205
- As i said, in the book of revelation, we're told that the
- 00:15:23.205 --> 00:15:26.675
- Saved are standing before the throne of god, the holy ones,
- 00:15:26.675 --> 00:15:31.780
- Because they're washed in the blood of the lamb.
- 00:15:31.780 --> 00:15:35.050
- Now, at vatican two, we were told that there's a universal
- 00:15:35.050 --> 00:15:39.288
- Call to holiness.
- 00:15:39.288 --> 00:15:40.889
- Holiness is for you and me, it's for everybody, and i want you to
- 00:15:40.889 --> 00:15:44.793
- Understand that whatever state you're in, whatever your
- 00:15:44.793 --> 00:15:48.063
- Vocation is, you are invited to be holy.
- 00:15:48.063 --> 00:15:52.735
- Most of you are married, some of you are single, and some of you
- 00:15:52.735 --> 00:15:55.204
- Are religious.
- 00:15:55.204 --> 00:15:56.739
- What is holiness?
- 00:15:56.739 --> 00:15:59.341
- At its root definition, as i said, it means to be separated
- 00:15:59.341 --> 00:16:03.278
- From evil.
- 00:16:03.278 --> 00:16:04.646
- Is there anything in your life that you're clinging to that you
- 00:16:04.646 --> 00:16:06.749
- Know you need to get separated from?
- 00:16:06.749 --> 00:16:09.918
- That's why when isaiah saw god, has said, "holy, holy, holy."
- 00:16:09.918 --> 00:16:13.956
- God is separated from anything dark or evil, but also, he was
- 00:16:13.956 --> 00:16:18.861
- Marveling at god's virtue and god's character.
- 00:16:18.861 --> 00:16:23.632
- That's what holiness is, as i've tried to demonstrate.
- 00:16:23.632 --> 00:16:27.102
- And holiness is a movement in our life.
- 00:16:27.102 --> 00:16:31.040
- I want you to understand that change is incremental.
- 00:16:31.040 --> 00:16:35.044
- I tell people all the time, it's not perfection,
- 00:16:35.044 --> 00:16:37.413
- It's progression.
- 00:16:37.413 --> 00:16:40.082
- It's not all at once, it's not immediate, it's incremental, its
- 00:16:40.082 --> 00:16:43.919
- Eventual, if you keep at it.
- 00:16:43.919 --> 00:16:47.289
- You can't just say, "god, make me holy," and god's zaps it into
- 00:16:47.289 --> 00:16:51.593
- You, and all of sudden, you're holy.
- 00:16:51.593 --> 00:16:53.495
- It takes time.
- 00:16:53.495 --> 00:16:55.497
- It's kind of like a fine wine, you become.
- 00:16:55.497 --> 00:16:58.500
- I have this saying in my ministry that i really love.
- 00:16:58.500 --> 00:17:01.136
- Who you are is god's gift to you, but who you become is your
- 00:17:01.136 --> 00:17:06.241
- Gift to god.
- 00:17:06.241 --> 00:17:07.843
- And i talk about becoming in many different levels.
- 00:17:07.843 --> 00:17:10.746
- You become in your relationship to god.
- 00:17:10.746 --> 00:17:13.749
- You become in your professional life, striving for
- 00:17:13.749 --> 00:17:17.553
- Your potential.
- 00:17:17.553 --> 00:17:19.388
- But you also become when it comes to holiness and departing
- 00:17:19.388 --> 00:17:24.693
- From evil, becoming as virtuous as you can be.
- 00:17:24.693 --> 00:17:29.098
- We had an election recently in the united states, and there was
- 00:17:29.098 --> 00:17:32.201
- A lot of anger, we had a pandemic, and there was a lot of
- 00:17:32.201 --> 00:17:35.671
- Frustration, a lot of fear, people are frazzled, and upset,
- 00:17:35.671 --> 00:17:41.009
- And going through hard times.
- 00:17:41.009 --> 00:17:43.512
- And i heard this saying that i really like.
- 00:17:43.512 --> 00:17:47.449
- Someone once said be kind to everyone you meet, because
- 00:17:47.449 --> 00:17:52.054
- Everyone you meet is going through a hard battle.
- 00:17:52.054 --> 00:17:57.826
- It's so true.
- 00:17:57.826 --> 00:17:59.595
- Kindness, gentleness, compassion, generosity, your
- 00:17:59.595 --> 00:18:07.069
- Behavior toward others, your behaviors towards yourself,
- 00:18:07.069 --> 00:18:11.707
- That's what god is after in our life.
- 00:18:11.707 --> 00:18:14.109
- That's what holiness is all about.
- 00:18:14.109 --> 00:18:16.912
- And why should we become holy?
- 00:18:16.912 --> 00:18:19.014
- First of all, because that's the way god is.
- 00:18:19.014 --> 00:18:21.850
- That's the way jesus is.
- 00:18:21.850 --> 00:18:23.685
- And if we are to be his children, we must be like god.
- 00:18:23.685 --> 00:18:26.822
- We must become like god, like jesus.
- 00:18:26.822 --> 00:18:29.158
- That is our lifelong call.
- 00:18:29.158 --> 00:18:32.861
- I've already demonstrated to you that right from the scriptures,
- 00:18:32.861 --> 00:18:35.864
- Holiness is the will of god for us.
- 00:18:35.864 --> 00:18:38.901
- The will of god is our sanctification, that's 1
- 00:18:38.901 --> 00:18:42.471
- Thessalonians 4:3.
- 00:18:42.471 --> 00:18:44.873
- And then we must be holy, because holiness leads to life
- 00:18:44.873 --> 00:18:51.647
- In heaven.
- 00:18:51.647 --> 00:18:53.115
- That's why we become holy, so that we can live forever
- 00:18:53.115 --> 00:18:56.718
- In heaven.
- 00:18:56.718 --> 00:18:58.053
- And i told you it's because of the blood of christ.
- 00:18:58.053 --> 00:19:03.158
- It's because he died for us on the cross, and our faith in him,
- 00:19:03.158 --> 00:19:06.728
- That we are able to stand before god at the end of time.
- 00:19:06.728 --> 00:19:10.299
- But if we truly believe, we will allow the power of the holy
- 00:19:10.299 --> 00:19:14.803
- Spirit to work in us, to mold us, and shape us, and get us
- 00:19:14.803 --> 00:19:18.707
- Ready for that great beatific vision.
- 00:19:18.707 --> 00:19:22.110
- If you remember jesus's teaching, he taught a lot about
- 00:19:22.110 --> 00:19:25.314
- Holiness, and i remember the sermon on the mount, he taught
- 00:19:25.314 --> 00:19:29.318
- About the beatitudes, it is the gospel that we proclaim on all
- 00:19:29.318 --> 00:19:33.655
- Saints day.
- 00:19:33.655 --> 00:19:35.691
- And you'll hear jesus say things like this.
- 00:19:35.691 --> 00:19:38.660
- "blessed are the meek, for they will inherit the earth."
- 00:19:38.660 --> 00:19:42.631
- Notice, he talks about humility and meekness.
- 00:19:42.631 --> 00:19:47.436
- And these are the people who will inherit the earth, the new
- 00:19:47.436 --> 00:19:50.339
- Earth, heaven itself.
- 00:19:50.339 --> 00:19:52.641
- Jesus said, "blessed are you who hunger for god, for you will
- 00:19:52.641 --> 00:19:57.346
- Be satisfied.
- 00:19:57.346 --> 00:19:59.648
- Blessed are the merciful, for you will obtain mercy.
- 00:19:59.648 --> 00:20:03.986
- Blessed are the pure in heart, for you will see god.
- 00:20:03.986 --> 00:20:08.290
- And blessed are the peacemakers, for you will be called the sons
- 00:20:08.290 --> 00:20:11.927
- And daughters of god."
- 00:20:11.927 --> 00:20:13.996
- And what i love about the beatitudes is jesus said,
- 00:20:13.996 --> 00:20:17.532
- "rejoice and be glad.
- 00:20:17.532 --> 00:20:20.002
- Your reward will be great in heaven."
- 00:20:20.002 --> 00:20:22.838
- So, he's inviting us to be peacemakers.
- 00:20:22.838 --> 00:20:26.308
- He's inviting us to be merciful.
- 00:20:26.308 --> 00:20:29.711
- He's inviting us to be meek and to hunger for god, because the
- 00:20:29.711 --> 00:20:34.616
- Result of that will be this amazing beatific vision, and
- 00:20:34.616 --> 00:20:39.321
- Heaven itself.
- 00:20:39.321 --> 00:20:41.323
- In the scriptures, it talks about what heaven will be like,
- 00:20:41.323 --> 00:20:43.659
- And it calls heaven the wedding feast of the lamb.
- 00:20:43.659 --> 00:20:47.496
- Now, as a catholic priest, i have presided at some weddings.
- 00:20:47.496 --> 00:20:52.301
- Most recently, i had a wedding for my cousin, a
- 00:20:52.301 --> 00:20:55.737
- Joyous occasion.
- 00:20:55.737 --> 00:20:57.572
- We were in boston for that, right on the harbor,
- 00:20:57.572 --> 00:21:00.042
- Boston harbor.
- 00:21:00.042 --> 00:21:01.510
- Had the wedding at boston college, and the reception was
- 00:21:01.510 --> 00:21:04.179
- At the harbor there, at a big hotel.
- 00:21:04.179 --> 00:21:06.548
- And i mean, there were all these people there, and there was all
- 00:21:06.548 --> 00:21:09.384
- This feasting, and the best music, and joy, and happiness.
- 00:21:09.384 --> 00:21:13.522
- That's why the apostolic exhortation that pope francis
- 00:21:13.522 --> 00:21:16.892
- Had was called "rejoice and be glad."
- 00:21:16.892 --> 00:21:19.127
- And that's exactly what jesus said here in the beatitudes.
- 00:21:19.127 --> 00:21:22.097
- Rejoice and be glad, because heaven will be this great
- 00:21:22.097 --> 00:21:26.301
- Wedding feast of the lamb, and what does that mean?
- 00:21:26.301 --> 00:21:29.538
- There will be, first of all, the reunion with the ones that
- 00:21:29.538 --> 00:21:31.907
- We love.
- 00:21:31.907 --> 00:21:33.508
- There will be celebrating, feasting, the finest
- 00:21:33.508 --> 00:21:37.479
- Choice wines.
- 00:21:37.479 --> 00:21:38.847
- Every tear will be wiped away, and death will be no more.
- 00:21:38.847 --> 00:21:44.519
- "be holy, for i am holy."
- 00:21:44.519 --> 00:21:47.089
- Now, we've all met holy people in our life, and they have
- 00:21:47.089 --> 00:21:51.026
- Helped us to be motivated, to strive for holiness even more.
- 00:21:51.026 --> 00:21:56.064
- And i know that i know that religious life is sanctifying
- 00:21:56.064 --> 00:22:01.303
- Me, or making me holy.
- 00:22:01.303 --> 00:22:04.039
- Your vocation, whatever it is, god is working in you.
- 00:22:04.039 --> 00:22:07.743
- I talked a little bit about the holy spirit, and i want to go to
- 00:22:07.743 --> 00:22:10.946
- That very quickly.
- 00:22:10.946 --> 00:22:12.547
- Notice, when we talk about god's spirit, we say the holy spirit,
- 00:22:12.547 --> 00:22:16.551
- Separated from evil.
- 00:22:16.551 --> 00:22:18.053
- And the great ministry of the holy spirit, the great work of
- 00:22:18.053 --> 00:22:21.223
- The holy spirit in you and me is to make us holy.
- 00:22:21.223 --> 00:22:26.862
- Sometimes i'll be driving too fast, and i'll hear, "cedric,
- 00:22:26.862 --> 00:22:29.831
- Slow down."
- 00:22:29.831 --> 00:22:31.199
- Yeah, it's my conscience, but is it just my conscience?
- 00:22:31.199 --> 00:22:34.069
- Or i'll be eating too much, and i'll hear, "cedric, stop."
- 00:22:34.069 --> 00:22:37.873
- Is that just me, or is that the holy spirit in me?
- 00:22:37.873 --> 00:22:40.809
- Somebody will have hurt me and i don't want to forgive them, and
- 00:22:40.809 --> 00:22:43.078
- I'll hear, "cedric, you can forgive them."
- 00:22:43.078 --> 00:22:46.148
- The holy spirit comes to work in us, and i pray that as you're
- 00:22:46.148 --> 00:22:51.353
- Watching this program right now, you will sense the voice of the
- 00:22:51.353 --> 00:22:53.889
- Spirit identifying in your life what areas you need to get away
- 00:22:53.889 --> 00:22:59.361
- From, and what you need to do to become holy.
- 00:22:59.361 --> 00:23:04.499
- And one of the great areas of holiness i've found out from the
- 00:23:04.499 --> 00:23:07.569
- Holy spirit is developing our relationship with god in prayer.
- 00:23:07.569 --> 00:23:11.773
- That's that whole pious scene.
- 00:23:11.773 --> 00:23:14.176
- Piety is one of the gifts of the holy spirit.
- 00:23:14.176 --> 00:23:17.879
- It simply means having a right relationship with god, that's
- 00:23:17.879 --> 00:23:21.883
- What holiness is.
- 00:23:21.883 --> 00:23:23.251
- You become one with god.
- 00:23:23.251 --> 00:23:26.588
- You allow god to take over your will, your mind, your body,
- 00:23:26.588 --> 00:23:32.060
- Your emotions.
- 00:23:32.060 --> 00:23:33.428
- You give yourself to god.
- 00:23:33.428 --> 00:23:35.430
- God is the potter and we are the clay.
- 00:23:35.430 --> 00:23:38.533
- ♪♪♪
- 00:23:38.533 --> 00:23:48.543
- Father pisegna: holiness is the great work of god in you and
- 00:23:48.543 --> 00:23:53.048
- In me.
- 00:23:53.048 --> 00:23:54.416
- There is a universal call to holiness.
- 00:23:54.416 --> 00:23:57.118
- It's not just for sisters, or priests, or nuns, or for the
- 00:23:57.118 --> 00:23:59.921
- Pope, it's for people in prison, it's for you and me.
- 00:23:59.921 --> 00:24:06.094
- And i'm praying for all of you who have watched this program
- 00:24:06.094 --> 00:24:09.197
- That you will become saints.
- 00:24:09.197 --> 00:24:11.700
- You allow the holy spirit to work in the play-doh of your
- 00:24:11.700 --> 00:24:16.104
- Heart, to mold you, to shape you, to make you soft, and to
- 00:24:16.104 --> 00:24:21.076
- Make you like christ.
- 00:24:21.076 --> 00:24:23.945
- May almighty god bless you, the father, the son, and the holy
- 00:24:23.945 --> 00:24:27.282
- Spirit, amen.
- 00:24:27.282 --> 00:24:28.617
- ♪♪♪
- 00:24:28.617 --> 00:24:35.223
- Father pisegna: i got a letter from a woman, and she said, "get
- 00:24:35.223 --> 00:24:37.759
- This, every sunday morning, i set my alarm, because i don't
- 00:24:37.759 --> 00:24:41.830
- Want to miss your program.
- 00:24:41.830 --> 00:24:43.331
- I'm so uplifted and surrounded in god's love when i'm listening
- 00:24:43.331 --> 00:24:46.101
- To you, it thoroughly touches me."
- 00:24:46.101 --> 00:24:47.969
- She sets her alarm for the program.
- 00:24:47.969 --> 00:24:50.739
- I wanted to tell you about a book that i wrote, my first
- 00:24:50.739 --> 00:24:53.008
- Book ever.
- 00:24:53.008 --> 00:24:54.376
- It's got a butterfly on the front, and i love that, because
- 00:24:54.376 --> 00:24:56.578
- You know, we go from a--this is what holiness is.
- 00:24:56.578 --> 00:24:58.647
- You go from a caterpillar, from evil, to a butterfly,
- 00:24:58.647 --> 00:25:02.984
- To holiness.
- 00:25:02.984 --> 00:25:04.319
- That's the journey of our life.
- 00:25:04.319 --> 00:25:05.654
- It's called "live passionately," and in this book, i talk all
- 00:25:05.654 --> 00:25:10.392
- About holiness and how to grow, and what god is doing in us, and
- 00:25:10.392 --> 00:25:13.995
- How to become the best that you can be.
- 00:25:13.995 --> 00:25:16.998
- Many people are finding out about my programs by my
- 00:25:16.998 --> 00:25:20.602
- Resources, sharing them with all kinds of other people.
- 00:25:20.602 --> 00:25:24.105
- Perhaps you've never come and bought anything, or made a
- 00:25:24.105 --> 00:25:27.742
- Donation, please do.
- 00:25:27.742 --> 00:25:29.778
- I guarantee you these books are going to touch you, you will
- 00:25:29.778 --> 00:25:32.380
- Sense god's anointing, sense god's love.
- 00:25:32.380 --> 00:25:35.517
- All you gotta do is call that 844-fatherc, or go to my
- 00:25:35.517 --> 00:25:39.554
- Website, fathercedric.org, or write me in houston, and we'll
- 00:25:39.554 --> 00:25:43.792
- Send those resources to you.
- 00:25:43.792 --> 00:25:45.193
- They're not that expensive, please consider making
- 00:25:45.193 --> 00:25:48.496
- A donation.
- 00:25:48.496 --> 00:25:49.831
- Tv and radio is very expensive.
- 00:25:49.831 --> 00:25:51.600
- I want to reach out with a message of the
- 00:25:51.600 --> 00:25:53.501
- Gospel everywhere.
- 00:25:53.501 --> 00:25:55.236
- Thank you, thank you, thank you in advance for your generosity,
- 00:25:55.236 --> 00:25:58.707
- For purchasing my resources.
- 00:25:58.707 --> 00:26:00.308
- Don't forget, this dvd, this cd is called "be your best."
- 00:26:00.308 --> 00:26:05.246
- I want you to be your best and don't just live, live
- 00:26:05.246 --> 00:26:08.316
- With passion.
- 00:26:08.316 --> 00:26:10.752
- Female announcer: unlimited power, realized potential, it is
- 00:26:10.752 --> 00:26:15.357
- God's will for you to be your best.
- 00:26:15.357 --> 00:26:17.859
- In this powerful series, father cedric proclaims god calls you
- 00:26:17.859 --> 00:26:21.596
- To realize your potential and become all that you can be.
- 00:26:21.596 --> 00:26:25.266
- Right now, simply call or go online and order series 800 dvd
- 00:26:25.266 --> 00:26:29.404
- Or cd, as well as the book father talked about.
- 00:26:29.404 --> 00:26:32.340
- Because of these programs, people everywhere are being
- 00:26:32.340 --> 00:26:34.909
- Motivated to be significant.
- 00:26:34.909 --> 00:26:36.978
- Every purchase supports father cedric in his god-given mission
- 00:26:36.978 --> 00:26:40.115
- To touch lives and save souls.
- 00:26:40.115 --> 00:26:42.817
- Father cedric is a catholic priest with a professed vow
- 00:26:42.817 --> 00:26:45.353
- Of poverty.
- 00:26:45.353 --> 00:26:46.721
- Be assured that the money from your purchases will be used to
- 00:26:46.721 --> 00:26:49.190
- Produce and air "live with passion."
- 00:26:49.190 --> 00:26:51.559
- To purchase these life-changing resources, simply
- 00:26:51.559 --> 00:26:54.095
- Call 844-fatherc.
- 00:26:54.095 --> 00:26:56.297
- That's 844-328-4372.
- 00:26:56.297 --> 00:27:00.368
- A kind operator will help you.
- 00:27:00.368 --> 00:27:02.303
- Or, write father cedric at 430 bunker hill road, houston,
- 00:27:02.303 --> 00:27:06.107
- Texas, 77024, or log on to fathercedric.org and
- 00:27:06.107 --> 00:27:11.279
- Order online.
- 00:27:11.279 --> 00:27:12.647
- Simple, easy, and secure,
- 00:27:12.647 --> 00:27:14.315
- An operator is waiting for your call right now.
- 00:27:14.315 --> 00:27:17.252
- Male announcer: made possible by the friends and partners
- 00:27:21.289 --> 00:27:23.625
- Of tbn and live with passion.
- 00:27:23.625 --> 00:27:29.000