Father Cedric Pisegna is a Catholic priest. His program will inspire and encourage you to Live with Passion.
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Live with Passion with Father Cedric | Cedric Pisegna - Make The Most Of Your Time | December 29, 2024
- Father cedric pisegna: make the most of your time.
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- ♪♪♪♪
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- Father cedric: welcome to "live with passion," i'm father
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- Cedric pisegna.
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- I'm so grateful that you tuned into the program.
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- I want to share with you from ecclesiastes chapter 3, you've
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- All heard this, "for everything there is a season and a time for
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- Every matter under heaven.
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- Time to be born, time to die, a time to plant, and a time to
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- Pluck up.
- 00:00:43.122 --> 00:00:45.124
- A time to kill and a time to heal, a time to break down and a
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- Time to build up.
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- A time to weep and a time to laugh."
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- What is the most precious gift that god gives us?
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- Is it money or relationships?
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- You might think about your own body as the precious gift or the
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- Job that you have.
- 00:01:07.413 --> 00:01:08.948
- Well, those are all good things, and they are a gift, i believe,
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- As you might know from that reading, the most precious gift
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- That god gives us is the gift of time.
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- Time is precious.
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- Talk to somebody on death row, and they'll tell you how
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- Precious it is.
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- Talk to somebody that has pancreatic cancer and has been
- 00:01:26.098 --> 00:01:30.169
- Given three months to live or visit elderly in a nursing home
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- And they'll clarify exactly what it means to have time and how
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- Precious it is.
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- The most precious gift is time, and it passes quickly.
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- It seems to me that the older i get, the quicker it goes by.
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- One of our priests is 85 years old, and i saw him recently, and
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- He goes, "how did i get here?"
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- And he was talkin' about 85 years old.
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- It happened so-- it's like being in a time machine, and all of
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- Sudden you're thrust into the future.
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- That's exactly what it seems like.
- 00:02:03.002 --> 00:02:04.603
- Time is tricky, it's slippery, it moves so fast.
- 00:02:04.603 --> 00:02:09.775
- Now, we're all familiar with the concept of time.
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- We wear watches to tell the time, clock's tick, bells chime.
- 00:02:12.244 --> 00:02:19.385
- We have a place in new york called time square, and on new
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- Year's day, the ball drops and thousands of people cheer.
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- We measure time, seconds, minutes, hours, days, months,
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- Years, and we have appointment calendars.
- 00:02:33.365 --> 00:02:37.536
- Even on our iphone, we can tell time on calendars and
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- Different things.
- 00:02:41.073 --> 00:02:42.474
- We have songs about time.
- 00:02:42.474 --> 00:02:44.944
- I remember al stewart came out with a song, "time passages."
- 00:02:45.010 --> 00:02:49.215
- Amy grant, one of my favorite singers, "takes a little
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- Time sometimes."
- 00:02:51.917 --> 00:02:54.119
- "time is on our side."
- 00:02:54.186 --> 00:02:56.522
- Pink floyd had a song about time where they just talk about time,
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- But they showed clock's ticking and bells chiming, that was part
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- Of the music.
- 00:03:06.365 --> 00:03:07.700
- Time, the moody blues, "time waits for no one, no, not
- 00:03:07.700 --> 00:03:11.370
- Even you."
- 00:03:11.370 --> 00:03:13.005
- And we even have a time magazine we're all familiar with.
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- Ironically, it's outdated by the time you get it.
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- That's why many newspapers are going out of business, because
- 00:03:20.279 --> 00:03:23.249
- Of the internet.
- 00:03:23.249 --> 00:03:24.783
- We also have movies, movies like "back to the future."
- 00:03:24.783 --> 00:03:29.788
- That was one of my favorites, it was a trilogy, and peggy sue
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- Got married.
- 00:03:33.325 --> 00:03:34.660
- Was a good movie like that, hg wells, "time machine."
- 00:03:34.660 --> 00:03:37.596
- Fascinated by time travel, and we have something called-- on
- 00:03:37.663 --> 00:03:42.101
- Televisions, many televisions have dvrs.
- 00:03:42.101 --> 00:03:45.571
- Dvrs, i call them time redeemers.
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- When i watch golf, i don't like to watch it live.
- 00:03:48.641 --> 00:03:51.210
- I usually give it an hour or so and then i can cut out the
- 00:03:51.210 --> 00:03:53.712
- Commercials very quickly, and if i need to go get up and get a
- 00:03:53.712 --> 00:03:57.283
- Drink or get some food, i can pause it.
- 00:03:57.283 --> 00:04:00.185
- It's like time stands still.
- 00:04:00.252 --> 00:04:02.888
- Dvrs, digital video recorder, amazing.
- 00:04:02.955 --> 00:04:07.459
- And we have sayings about time.
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- Time will tell.
- 00:04:09.261 --> 00:04:11.263
- Time heals.
- 00:04:11.330 --> 00:04:13.399
- Time is money.
- 00:04:13.465 --> 00:04:15.000
- Time waits for no one.
- 00:04:15.067 --> 00:04:17.236
- Time flies.
- 00:04:17.303 --> 00:04:19.204
- We have proverbs like a stitch in time saves nine.
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- There's no time like the present.
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- We're very aware of time.
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- We can measure it, we have music about it, we have movies about
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- It, we have songs about it, and then i think about religious
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- People and philosophers and scientists like albert einstein
- 00:04:38.390 --> 00:04:42.461
- And this quantum physics.
- 00:04:42.461 --> 00:04:44.763
- Try to get a grasp on exactly what is the nature of time, how
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- Do we grasp it?
- 00:04:49.968 --> 00:04:52.404
- And if you want to get into all that, you can endlessly try to
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- Get lost in the philosophy of what time is, but to me, rather
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- Than talk about the nature of what time is, like quantum
- 00:05:02.881 --> 00:05:06.819
- Physics and albert einstein and some scientists and religious
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- Philosophers, i think it's the meaning of time that's
- 00:05:12.558 --> 00:05:17.329
- Most important.
- 00:05:17.329 --> 00:05:18.664
- I said, the purpose of time.
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- We can try to figure out the nature, but it's the meaning
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- That i want to talk about.
- 00:05:26.038 --> 00:05:27.406
- Meaning is so important.
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- In business terminologies, we say time is money, but for us
- 00:05:29.141 --> 00:05:33.712
- Time is meaning.
- 00:05:33.712 --> 00:05:35.814
- Two basic ways of looking at time, number
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- One, chronologically.
- 00:05:38.150 --> 00:05:40.886
- We've heard of chronos time.
- 00:05:40.953 --> 00:05:42.955
- That's a greek word, chronos, that means the measurement
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- Of time.
- 00:05:46.792 --> 00:05:48.160
- We're very familiar with it, we have it-- it's logical, it's
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- Black and white.
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- I notice that time is sequential.
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- Like, on a clock it goes forward logically.
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- It's also simultaneous.
- 00:06:01.140 --> 00:06:04.676
- Everybody in the world, and there's almost 8 billion people
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- In the world, that's a lot of people, everybody in the world
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- At one in the same time is doing an activity.
- 00:06:11.517 --> 00:06:16.588
- People are sleeping, people are filming, people are having
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- Sports, it's amazing.
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- On saturday mornings, there's all these college football games
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- Going on at the same time.
- 00:06:24.596 --> 00:06:26.498
- You can have a field day on television just flipping around,
- 00:06:26.565 --> 00:06:29.701
- And it all happens simultaneously.
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- And then time is episodical.
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- What i mean by that is that you go from episode to episode.
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- For example, this morning i woke up, took a shower, ate
- 00:06:38.811 --> 00:06:42.748
- Breakfast, that was an episode.
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- Then i got into a car, that's another episode, driving here.
- 00:06:45.317 --> 00:06:48.353
- Then i preach and teach, that's an episode.
- 00:06:48.353 --> 00:06:51.089
- Then i'll be driving-- time is episodical.
- 00:06:51.156 --> 00:06:53.725
- We go through all these different episodes in the course
- 00:06:53.792 --> 00:06:56.562
- Of our day.
- 00:06:56.562 --> 00:06:57.996
- That's one way of looking at time, but there's something
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- Called kairos time.
- 00:07:00.666 --> 00:07:03.335
- Kairos time is opportune time, opportunistic time.
- 00:07:03.402 --> 00:07:10.876
- The conditions are right for a new opportunity, and what do i
- 00:07:10.943 --> 00:07:16.548
- Mean by that?
- 00:07:16.548 --> 00:07:18.083
- Jesus comes into galilee after his time in the desert,
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- Remember, he spent 40 days, 40 nights in the desert.
- 00:07:21.487 --> 00:07:24.790
- Comes into galilee, and what does he say?
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- He says the time is fulfilled.
- 00:07:26.925 --> 00:07:29.661
- Now he wasn't talking about so much chronos time, he was
- 00:07:29.728 --> 00:07:32.364
- Saying, now is your opportunity, now is your time, now is the
- 00:07:32.364 --> 00:07:39.805
- Moment for you to make a move.
- 00:07:39.872 --> 00:07:43.175
- That's how i tie it into new year's day.
- 00:07:43.242 --> 00:07:46.678
- New year's day is about new beginnings, it's about a new
- 00:07:46.745 --> 00:07:51.817
- Opportunity, it's about a new chance in your life.
- 00:07:51.817 --> 00:07:55.888
- People make resolutions, they say, i'm going to change, they
- 00:07:55.954 --> 00:08:00.659
- Say that it's gonna be different this year.
- 00:08:00.659 --> 00:08:02.794
- Last year wasn't so good, this is gonna be my best year, yet.
- 00:08:02.794 --> 00:08:06.265
- And there's something opportune about new year's.
- 00:08:06.331 --> 00:08:11.570
- And in the catholic church, we have different seasons.
- 00:08:11.637 --> 00:08:14.540
- For example, the season of lent is an opportune time, and that's
- 00:08:14.540 --> 00:08:18.977
- When we read that reading from mark chapter 1, verse 15, where
- 00:08:18.977 --> 00:08:23.682
- Jesus comes into galilee and he says, "the time is fulfilled,
- 00:08:23.682 --> 00:08:26.818
- The kingdom of god is at hand; repent and believe in the
- 00:08:26.818 --> 00:08:29.821
- Good news."
- 00:08:29.821 --> 00:08:31.156
- He was calling people to change, and he's saying that this is a
- 00:08:31.156 --> 00:08:33.325
- Moment of grace for you, this is a moment of change, this is a
- 00:08:33.325 --> 00:08:38.063
- Moment of god's help where things can be different.
- 00:08:38.063 --> 00:08:42.501
- No matter what you're going through in your life right now,
- 00:08:42.568 --> 00:08:45.037
- You may feel stuck, you may have some bad habits, you may be
- 00:08:45.037 --> 00:08:49.274
- Addicted, things aren't happening for you, this, right
- 00:08:49.274 --> 00:08:53.946
- Now, as you're watching this program is kairos time.
- 00:08:53.946 --> 00:09:00.586
- Yes, we can measure time.
- 00:09:00.652 --> 00:09:02.321
- It's sequential, it's simultaneous, it's episodical,
- 00:09:02.321 --> 00:09:05.591
- We know all that.
- 00:09:05.591 --> 00:09:06.959
- We have time magazine, but what about the mystical nature
- 00:09:06.959 --> 00:09:09.795
- Of time?
- 00:09:09.795 --> 00:09:11.296
- What about the reason, the purpose, the meaning of time?
- 00:09:11.363 --> 00:09:15.167
- That's what i want to get in touch with, and that's what i
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- Want you to know all about.
- 00:09:17.903 --> 00:09:19.571
- Whatever you are going through at this moment right now, it's
- 00:09:19.638 --> 00:09:23.208
- An opportune moment.
- 00:09:23.208 --> 00:09:24.977
- "the time is fulfilled," jesus said when he went into the
- 00:09:24.977 --> 00:09:28.113
- Synagogue, the synagogue at nazareth.
- 00:09:28.113 --> 00:09:31.183
- He said, "the time is fulfilled, the spirit of the lord is upon
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- Me," and he said, "this is fulfilled in your hearing."
- 00:09:34.252 --> 00:09:38.256
- Time has a fulfillment and opportunistic moment, and that
- 00:09:38.323 --> 00:09:43.829
- Moment is for you right now as you're watching this program.
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- ♪♪♪
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- Father cedric: jesus was inaugurating in his ministry
- 00:09:55.841 --> 00:10:10.222
- Something fresh, something new, something revolutionary.
- 00:10:10.222 --> 00:10:17.195
- All the prophets had predicted it that it was going to happen
- 00:10:17.262 --> 00:10:20.132
- In the future.
- 00:10:20.132 --> 00:10:21.800
- The people were waiting for the messiah, and when jesus
- 00:10:21.867 --> 00:10:26.304
- Inaugurated it, some accepted it, and others didn't.
- 00:10:26.304 --> 00:10:31.977
- Paul the apostle put it this way when he writes the corinthians,
- 00:10:32.044 --> 00:10:35.647
- He said, "now is the acceptable time.
- 00:10:35.714 --> 00:10:39.518
- Today is the day of salvation."
- 00:10:39.584 --> 00:10:42.020
- In the catholic church, we have that read on ash wednesday.
- 00:10:42.020 --> 00:10:45.023
- As i said, the beginning of lent is this inauguration of this
- 00:10:45.023 --> 00:10:49.127
- Mystical, new moment of grace.
- 00:10:49.194 --> 00:10:55.834
- Lent is a season of grace.
- 00:10:55.901 --> 00:10:57.502
- Advent is similar when we talk about time, we talk about the
- 00:10:57.502 --> 00:11:01.006
- Second coming of jesus and getting ready for it, and that's
- 00:11:01.006 --> 00:11:04.509
- The purpose of time, isn't it?
- 00:11:04.509 --> 00:11:06.478
- It's to grasp the moment, to make the most of our time
- 00:11:06.545 --> 00:11:11.683
- Because we don't know how much we have and to really
- 00:11:11.750 --> 00:11:15.353
- Bear fruit.
- 00:11:15.353 --> 00:11:16.688
- This series is called, "be fruitful."
- 00:11:16.688 --> 00:11:19.458
- Bear fruit, and i'll talk about that more as i go on here.
- 00:11:19.524 --> 00:11:23.695
- It's time that i'm interested in.
- 00:11:23.695 --> 00:11:26.565
- Paul, jesus, the prophets, they all talk about time.
- 00:11:26.631 --> 00:11:30.802
- Now, god is somehow beyond time.
- 00:11:30.802 --> 00:11:34.039
- We'll get a little philosophical here for a moment.
- 00:11:34.106 --> 00:11:36.908
- It says in 2 peter, "one day is as a thousand years to god, and
- 00:11:36.975 --> 00:11:42.147
- A thousand years like a day," wow.
- 00:11:42.147 --> 00:11:45.250
- And then right after that, and this is what i want you to get,
- 00:11:45.317 --> 00:11:47.686
- 2 peter 3:9, "the lord is not slow regarding his promise, but
- 00:11:47.686 --> 00:11:55.026
- Is forbearing towards you, not wishing that you should perish,
- 00:11:55.093 --> 00:12:00.265
- But come to repentance."
- 00:12:00.332 --> 00:12:02.000
- I hope you got that.
- 00:12:02.067 --> 00:12:03.702
- It's simply saying this, that some people think that there's
- 00:12:03.769 --> 00:12:06.705
- No god because when they do bad things, nothing happens, where
- 00:12:06.705 --> 00:12:10.842
- This says that god isn't slow, god is giving you time
- 00:12:10.842 --> 00:12:17.883
- To change.
- 00:12:17.949 --> 00:12:19.551
- People interpret that as, there is no god, but it's totally the
- 00:12:19.618 --> 00:12:22.788
- Opposite of that.
- 00:12:22.788 --> 00:12:24.122
- God is being merciful.
- 00:12:24.122 --> 00:12:26.491
- Please understand, god is patient.
- 00:12:26.558 --> 00:12:30.662
- Go to the national parks sometimes, look at the
- 00:12:30.729 --> 00:12:32.931
- Grand canyon.
- 00:12:32.931 --> 00:12:34.332
- I remember goin' to arches national park, it takes millions
- 00:12:34.332 --> 00:12:38.203
- Of years for those arches to form.
- 00:12:38.203 --> 00:12:40.305
- God is very patient.
- 00:12:40.372 --> 00:12:41.740
- Before the world began he had you in mind.
- 00:12:41.740 --> 00:12:44.576
- Fourteen billion years, that is a long time.
- 00:12:44.643 --> 00:12:50.582
- God is patient, he wants us to come to repentance, to change,
- 00:12:50.649 --> 00:12:54.619
- To develop our potential, to bear fruit.
- 00:12:54.619 --> 00:12:57.255
- Jesus put it this way, told a parable, jesus speaks in
- 00:12:57.322 --> 00:13:02.227
- Parables, tells stories, it's a great way to get people to
- 00:13:02.227 --> 00:13:05.096
- Listen, he said, there was a landowner one time who planted a
- 00:13:05.096 --> 00:13:10.035
- Fig tree and it didn't bear fruit.
- 00:13:10.035 --> 00:13:14.005
- And he waited, he waited, he was patient for three years, and
- 00:13:14.072 --> 00:13:22.414
- That fig tree still didn't bear any fruit.
- 00:13:22.480 --> 00:13:24.716
- Finally, he told the gardener, he said, look, i have waited for
- 00:13:24.716 --> 00:13:27.853
- Three years for this fig tree to bear fruit, nothing
- 00:13:27.853 --> 00:13:30.522
- Has happened.
- 00:13:30.522 --> 00:13:31.857
- He said, cut it down.
- 00:13:31.857 --> 00:13:34.359
- The gardener begged for mercy.
- 00:13:34.426 --> 00:13:38.063
- He said, wait, let's give it a chance.
- 00:13:38.063 --> 00:13:41.166
- That's exactly what jesus, our great high priest who intercedes
- 00:13:41.233 --> 00:13:44.502
- For us, does.
- 00:13:44.502 --> 00:13:45.937
- He intercede-- he prays for us, he begs god on our behalf.
- 00:13:45.937 --> 00:13:49.774
- Abraham did the same thing for sodom and gomorrah.
- 00:13:49.841 --> 00:13:52.944
- He interceded for them.
- 00:13:53.011 --> 00:13:55.046
- He said, "what if there's only 50 righteous people, will you
- 00:13:55.113 --> 00:13:57.682
- Still save them?
- 00:13:57.682 --> 00:13:59.017
- Will you destroy it?"
- 00:13:59.017 --> 00:14:00.385
- "no, for 50 i'll let it go."
- 00:14:00.385 --> 00:14:02.020
- "what if there's only 10 people?
- 00:14:02.087 --> 00:14:03.455
- You still destroy it?"
- 00:14:03.455 --> 00:14:04.823
- "no, i won't destroy it."
- 00:14:04.823 --> 00:14:06.157
- And that's what a priest does, he intercedes to god for people.
- 00:14:06.157 --> 00:14:09.160
- That's what i do for you, that's what jesus does for us.
- 00:14:09.160 --> 00:14:13.265
- He is our great high priest, he intercedes for god to give us
- 00:14:13.265 --> 00:14:17.135
- Time to change, and sooner or later, it's gonna be too late.
- 00:14:17.135 --> 00:14:22.540
- So, there's a warning in this.
- 00:14:22.607 --> 00:14:24.042
- But anyway, back to the fig tree, the gardener said, let me
- 00:14:24.042 --> 00:14:28.747
- Put some manure on it and cut around it dig around it.
- 00:14:28.747 --> 00:14:32.951
- Give it another year, give it another year.
- 00:14:33.018 --> 00:14:38.490
- Jesus pleads for you to have more time, to change, to
- 00:14:38.556 --> 00:14:43.094
- Develop, to grow.
- 00:14:43.094 --> 00:14:44.462
- ♪♪♪
- 00:14:44.462 --> 00:15:04.516
- Father cedric: and then he said, if it doesn't bear fruit, then
- 00:15:04.582 --> 00:15:07.786
- Cut it down.
- 00:15:07.786 --> 00:15:09.154
- My series, this series is all about bearing fruit.
- 00:15:09.154 --> 00:15:12.457
- And i talk about bearing fruit in terms of your relationship
- 00:15:12.524 --> 00:15:16.361
- With god, that's the first place where you bear fruit, coming to
- 00:15:16.361 --> 00:15:19.331
- Eternal life, you bear fruit that way, developing in virtue,
- 00:15:19.331 --> 00:15:23.368
- That's being fruit bearing, and then realizing your potential.
- 00:15:23.368 --> 00:15:27.605
- Now, we don't bear strawberries and bananas and apples and
- 00:15:27.672 --> 00:15:33.244
- Things like that, we bear the fruit of the spirit, which is
- 00:15:33.244 --> 00:15:36.314
- Patience, and kindness, and gentleness, and love, and peace,
- 00:15:36.314 --> 00:15:42.320
- And joy.
- 00:15:42.320 --> 00:15:43.655
- That's the fruit that god wants from us, all those things.
- 00:15:43.655 --> 00:15:46.424
- And he's giving us time to develop.
- 00:15:46.491 --> 00:15:49.594
- Fruit ripens, it takes time for fruit to ripen, and god
- 00:15:49.661 --> 00:15:55.033
- Understands that.
- 00:15:55.033 --> 00:15:56.401
- However, if you're not willing to grow and to become,
- 00:15:56.401 --> 00:16:00.705
- Then sooner or later you are going to be cut down.
- 00:16:00.705 --> 00:16:04.676
- There's no other way to put it, this is a warning.
- 00:16:04.676 --> 00:16:08.680
- All throughout the bible there's warnings.
- 00:16:08.747 --> 00:16:11.182
- Advent, the season of advent is a warning.
- 00:16:11.182 --> 00:16:14.719
- Lent is a time where we have time, new year's is a new
- 00:16:14.786 --> 00:16:18.089
- Beginning, but there will come a time if you do not turn, if you
- 00:16:18.089 --> 00:16:26.131
- Do not give your life to god, if you do not seek to bear fruit,
- 00:16:26.197 --> 00:16:30.902
- There will be a time where you will be cut down.
- 00:16:30.902 --> 00:16:32.871
- All you have to do is look in the scriptures at what has
- 00:16:32.871 --> 00:16:36.374
- Happened to people that have not repented.
- 00:16:36.374 --> 00:16:42.680
- Look at sodom and gomorrah.
- 00:16:42.747 --> 00:16:44.382
- Abraham pleaded for them, but they still didn't listen, and
- 00:16:44.449 --> 00:16:48.319
- They were cut down.
- 00:16:48.319 --> 00:16:50.221
- Time, here's my definition, time is the fabric god gives us to
- 00:16:50.288 --> 00:16:58.163
- Become, to bear fruit.
- 00:16:58.163 --> 00:17:02.200
- A butterfly needs time to be transformed.
- 00:17:02.200 --> 00:17:07.539
- A photo needs time to be developed.
- 00:17:07.539 --> 00:17:11.776
- Wine needs time to mature.
- 00:17:11.776 --> 00:17:14.813
- Fruit needs time to ripen.
- 00:17:14.813 --> 00:17:17.882
- A seed needs time to grow and break open and become.
- 00:17:17.882 --> 00:17:24.255
- In the same way, we need time.
- 00:17:24.255 --> 00:17:27.859
- In the church year, we are given seasons, as i talked about.
- 00:17:27.859 --> 00:17:33.798
- Advent, lent, easter, christmas, ordinary time, if you're a
- 00:17:33.798 --> 00:17:41.272
- Catholic, and in these seasons, especially advent, there's some
- 00:17:41.272 --> 00:17:46.845
- Key words such as, wake up, be alert, be sober, be on guard,
- 00:17:46.845 --> 00:17:54.619
- And don't let the day catch you unaware.
- 00:17:54.619 --> 00:17:57.889
- See, "our salvation is closer now than when we first accepted
- 00:17:57.889 --> 00:18:01.659
- The faith," that's one of my favorite scriptures.
- 00:18:01.659 --> 00:18:03.928
- When you're in the program and loving god and journeying
- 00:18:03.928 --> 00:18:07.599
- Forward, time is on your side.
- 00:18:07.599 --> 00:18:10.835
- You're making the most of your time, you're bearing fruit,
- 00:18:10.835 --> 00:18:13.438
- You're getting ready, and salvation is closer than when we
- 00:18:13.438 --> 00:18:16.508
- First accepted the faith.
- 00:18:16.508 --> 00:18:19.544
- But for others, time is their enemy, it's working
- 00:18:19.544 --> 00:18:24.182
- Against them.
- 00:18:24.182 --> 00:18:25.517
- They don't know where they're going.
- 00:18:25.517 --> 00:18:28.453
- I remember there was a song by chicago years ago, "does anybody
- 00:18:28.453 --> 00:18:31.389
- Know what time it is?"
- 00:18:31.389 --> 00:18:33.658
- Jesus knows what time it is, and the time is now.
- 00:18:33.658 --> 00:18:38.496
- It's your kairos time, it's your time to make a move.
- 00:18:38.496 --> 00:18:43.101
- New year's is about new beginnings, and so is
- 00:18:43.101 --> 00:18:46.137
- The gospel.
- 00:18:46.137 --> 00:18:47.672
- It's about, no matter what your past has been, about something
- 00:18:47.672 --> 00:18:51.776
- Fresh, about something new.
- 00:18:51.776 --> 00:18:53.478
- No matter how stuck you seem, no matter how in the mock you are,
- 00:18:53.478 --> 00:18:58.082
- You can move and go forward.
- 00:18:58.082 --> 00:19:00.552
- ♪♪♪
- 00:19:00.552 --> 00:19:20.338
- Father cedric: that's the purpose of these programs, to
- 00:19:10.562 --> 00:19:23.241
- Help you to keep moving, to change, to progress.
- 00:19:23.241 --> 00:19:28.680
- Long ago, god told me, "cedric, i'm not after perfection, i'm
- 00:19:28.680 --> 00:19:31.749
- After progression."
- 00:19:31.749 --> 00:19:33.885
- The christian discipleship journey is called
- 00:19:33.885 --> 00:19:37.522
- The pilgrimage.
- 00:19:37.522 --> 00:19:39.324
- It's a journey of faith, it's a movement, and god gives us time
- 00:19:39.324 --> 00:19:44.195
- To do all these things.
- 00:19:44.195 --> 00:19:46.598
- Let's talk more about time, the purpose of time which is so,
- 00:19:46.598 --> 00:19:49.634
- So important.
- 00:19:49.634 --> 00:19:51.102
- Time will be on our side if we live with purpose.
- 00:19:51.102 --> 00:19:58.610
- The bible gives us these tips, live purposely, have meaning in
- 00:19:58.610 --> 00:20:05.116
- Your life.
- 00:20:05.116 --> 00:20:06.651
- For example, have a dream and a vision, work toward it.
- 00:20:06.651 --> 00:20:14.158
- I love what it says in philippians, "work out your
- 00:20:14.158 --> 00:20:16.628
- Salvation with fear and trembling."
- 00:20:16.628 --> 00:20:18.596
- Yeah, we're saved by grace, but we still got to do good deeds
- 00:20:18.596 --> 00:20:24.669
- And accomplish great works.
- 00:20:24.669 --> 00:20:26.804
- People say to me, father cedric, you've written 25 books,
- 00:20:26.804 --> 00:20:29.641
- That's something.
- 00:20:29.641 --> 00:20:31.409
- Where do you find the time to do that?
- 00:20:31.409 --> 00:20:34.045
- And i always tell them, "i gotta tell ya, i don't find the time,
- 00:20:34.045 --> 00:20:37.482
- It doesn't just magically happen.
- 00:20:37.482 --> 00:20:40.084
- I have good habits and i make the time, especially in
- 00:20:40.084 --> 00:20:46.057
- The morning."
- 00:20:46.057 --> 00:20:48.226
- I have a habit where from about 8:30 after we celebrate mass
- 00:20:48.226 --> 00:20:52.664
- Together, 8:30 to about 11, 11:30, for about three hours,
- 00:20:52.664 --> 00:20:58.403
- Where i disciplined myself.
- 00:20:58.403 --> 00:21:00.705
- That's called time management.
- 00:21:00.705 --> 00:21:03.007
- You create habits and i write books.
- 00:21:03.007 --> 00:21:07.145
- And i'm so glad that i did, because-- and that i continue to
- 00:21:07.145 --> 00:21:10.114
- Do so, and same thing with creating scripts for television.
- 00:21:10.114 --> 00:21:14.085
- I'm so glad that i do that because that's my way to reach
- 00:21:14.085 --> 00:21:17.121
- Out to people, but in order to do it, i have to sacrifice,
- 00:21:17.121 --> 00:21:20.158
- Create good habits, and have time management.
- 00:21:20.158 --> 00:21:23.628
- For some people time is like they're in a boat on a river and
- 00:21:23.628 --> 00:21:28.533
- The river is just taking them down.
- 00:21:28.533 --> 00:21:30.835
- "time flows like a river," that was a song i heard one time.
- 00:21:30.835 --> 00:21:34.639
- But for other people, with time management you have a rudder.
- 00:21:34.639 --> 00:21:39.744
- Yeah, you're flowing downstream, but you're steering the ship,
- 00:21:39.744 --> 00:21:44.982
- And that's what discipline does, that's what time
- 00:21:44.982 --> 00:21:47.285
- Management does.
- 00:21:47.285 --> 00:21:48.619
- It helps you to steer the ship, it's very important.
- 00:21:48.619 --> 00:21:51.589
- You have to manage your time.
- 00:21:51.589 --> 00:21:53.191
- God gives the same amount of time to everybody, but not
- 00:21:53.191 --> 00:21:56.127
- Everybody has the discipline and the time management to steer
- 00:21:56.127 --> 00:21:59.364
- The ship.
- 00:21:59.364 --> 00:22:00.698
- Some people just go along with the flow, and they really don't
- 00:22:00.698 --> 00:22:03.935
- Have much to show for it, where other people control the flow,
- 00:22:03.935 --> 00:22:08.139
- If you will.
- 00:22:08.139 --> 00:22:09.640
- And time management is important, if you're in
- 00:22:09.640 --> 00:22:11.809
- Business, you know that.
- 00:22:11.809 --> 00:22:13.277
- Then i wanted to tell you, enjoy your life.
- 00:22:13.277 --> 00:22:17.982
- Time isn't just about being hard and determined and facing your
- 00:22:17.982 --> 00:22:24.655
- Challenges, although we have to do all that.
- 00:22:24.655 --> 00:22:27.792
- I really believe that god wants us to enjoy our life.
- 00:22:27.792 --> 00:22:30.328
- John 10:10, "i have come that you may have life and
- 00:22:30.328 --> 00:22:33.264
- Life abundant."
- 00:22:33.264 --> 00:22:35.133
- "my joy may be in you," jesus said.
- 00:22:35.133 --> 00:22:38.169
- It's hard to imagine how tragic a place the world is when you're
- 00:22:38.169 --> 00:22:42.206
- On a golf course, and it's the same with bowling and some of
- 00:22:42.206 --> 00:22:45.777
- You like to dance and some of you like to do artistry and
- 00:22:45.777 --> 00:22:50.882
- Painting, and whatever your pleasure is, take time to enjoy
- 00:22:50.882 --> 00:22:55.420
- Your life.
- 00:22:55.420 --> 00:22:56.754
- Then, very quickly, be fruitful.
- 00:22:56.754 --> 00:22:59.090
- I'm talking about the meaning of time.
- 00:22:59.090 --> 00:23:01.526
- Fruit develops given time, it ripens.
- 00:23:01.526 --> 00:23:05.930
- I heard about a priest one time who was changing his tire and a
- 00:23:05.930 --> 00:23:09.567
- Car came too close to him and hit him.
- 00:23:09.567 --> 00:23:12.303
- He was flying through the air, and he had this thought, how
- 00:23:12.303 --> 00:23:15.940
- Have you loved?
- 00:23:15.940 --> 00:23:18.342
- Wow, that's fruitfulness.
- 00:23:18.342 --> 00:23:21.846
- Loving people, forgiving people, realizing your potential, that's
- 00:23:21.846 --> 00:23:27.852
- The purpose of time, and that's why god is giving us time.
- 00:23:27.852 --> 00:23:33.958
- Heard about a tombstone, and on the tombstone there's always a
- 00:23:33.958 --> 00:23:41.032
- Date, person was born, there's the date that you die, the year,
- 00:23:41.032 --> 00:23:46.037
- And right in between us that little dash.
- 00:23:46.037 --> 00:23:48.439
- The dash represents what you did with that time in between your
- 00:23:48.439 --> 00:23:53.010
- Birth date and your death date, and how are you living
- 00:23:53.010 --> 00:23:57.215
- Your dash?
- 00:23:57.215 --> 00:23:58.783
- Are you living with purpose?
- 00:23:58.783 --> 00:24:00.885
- Enjoying your life meaning?
- 00:24:00.885 --> 00:24:03.488
- Are you having a new start?
- 00:24:03.488 --> 00:24:06.390
- Changing?
- 00:24:06.390 --> 00:24:07.758
- Growing?
- 00:24:07.758 --> 00:24:09.093
- Giving yourself to god?
- 00:24:09.093 --> 00:24:10.628
- Time isn't something that we philosophically try to
- 00:24:10.628 --> 00:24:14.999
- Understand the nature of it.
- 00:24:14.999 --> 00:24:17.301
- It's the meaning of time, the purpose of time.
- 00:24:17.301 --> 00:24:22.039
- Time flies, therefore, make the most of it, and don't just live,
- 00:24:22.039 --> 00:24:28.679
- Live with passion.
- 00:24:28.679 --> 00:24:30.047
- ♪♪♪
- 00:24:30.047 --> 00:24:35.820
- Father cedric: if you've ever read the book of esther, it
- 00:24:35.820 --> 00:24:37.922
- Talks about "for such a time as this, god raised up esther to
- 00:24:37.922 --> 00:24:42.393
- Help the jewish nation."
- 00:24:42.393 --> 00:24:44.362
- And i believe my ministry is for such a time as this.
- 00:24:44.362 --> 00:24:48.399
- People are lost, they're doubting, they're hurting,
- 00:24:48.399 --> 00:24:52.803
- They're addicted, and my ministry is addressing all of
- 00:24:52.803 --> 00:24:56.541
- Those problems.
- 00:24:56.541 --> 00:24:57.909
- My heart is to reach out to the lost.
- 00:24:57.909 --> 00:25:00.678
- I'm inspiring believers, but especially those who have fallen
- 00:25:00.678 --> 00:25:04.482
- Away, or they're lost, or they don't know jesus.
- 00:25:04.482 --> 00:25:07.652
- My programs are going into prisons, they're reaching out to
- 00:25:07.652 --> 00:25:11.122
- Young people, and then i got a letter from a woman from the
- 00:25:11.122 --> 00:25:14.125
- Ukraine who heard me on the radio, and she said with
- 00:25:14.125 --> 00:25:17.295
- Sincerity, "i want to say that you're one of the best."
- 00:25:17.295 --> 00:25:20.431
- Now, that made me feel really good.
- 00:25:20.431 --> 00:25:22.300
- My programs are goin' out throughout the world.
- 00:25:22.300 --> 00:25:24.936
- They're on the three major christian networks, many
- 00:25:24.936 --> 00:25:27.371
- Stations, radio, and i can do this because i have partners,
- 00:25:27.371 --> 00:25:31.576
- Those who are helping me, supporting me financially.
- 00:25:31.576 --> 00:25:35.046
- Some of you have been watching me for years, and you have
- 00:25:35.046 --> 00:25:37.915
- Not donated.
- 00:25:37.915 --> 00:25:39.250
- Please support me.
- 00:25:39.250 --> 00:25:41.252
- Many of my partners are not catholic.
- 00:25:41.252 --> 00:25:43.354
- In fact, about 40% of them are protestant, and i welcome your
- 00:25:43.354 --> 00:25:47.758
- Donations and thank you for that.
- 00:25:47.758 --> 00:25:49.694
- My ministry is ecumenical, reaching out to all people
- 00:25:49.694 --> 00:25:53.431
- Everywhere, touching lives, saving souls.
- 00:25:53.431 --> 00:25:57.568
- Please call 844-fatherc, you can contact me through my website,
- 00:25:57.568 --> 00:26:02.306
- Fathercedric.org, or simply write me in houston, texas.
- 00:26:02.306 --> 00:26:07.178
- I see every donation that comes in, and i give praise to god for
- 00:26:07.178 --> 00:26:11.115
- Your generosity.
- 00:26:11.115 --> 00:26:12.516
- Thank you, thank you, thank you in advance.
- 00:26:12.516 --> 00:26:14.518
- Don't just live, live with passion.
- 00:26:14.518 --> 00:26:22.426
- Female announcer: father cedric's dream is to proclaim
- 00:26:22.426 --> 00:26:24.462
- The gospel to every person.
- 00:26:24.462 --> 00:26:26.631
- Thank you for supporting this god given dream.
- 00:26:26.631 --> 00:26:29.233
- Father cedric is a priest with a professed vow of poverty.
- 00:26:29.233 --> 00:26:33.037
- That means all of your generous giving will go directly to the
- 00:26:33.037 --> 00:26:35.706
- Proclamation of the gospel of jesus christ.
- 00:26:35.706 --> 00:26:38.776
- He sees every donation and prays for you.
- 00:26:38.776 --> 00:26:41.846
- To donate to father cedric, simply call 844-fatherc.
- 00:26:41.846 --> 00:26:46.350
- That's 844-328-4372.
- 00:26:46.350 --> 00:26:50.488
- Write us at 430 bunker hill road, houston, texas, 77024 or
- 00:26:50.488 --> 00:26:56.527
- Log on to frcedric.org and donate online.
- 00:26:56.527 --> 00:27:00.398
- Donate one time or become a partner.
- 00:27:00.398 --> 00:27:02.533
- Simple, easy, and secure.
- 00:27:02.533 --> 00:27:04.769
- Thank you in advance for your generosity.
- 00:27:04.769 --> 00:27:07.238
- Together, we are touching lives and saving souls.
- 00:27:07.238 --> 00:27:10.307
- ♪♪♪
- 00:27:10.307 --> 00:27:18.482
- Father cedric: made possible by the friends and partners of tbn
- 00:27:22.687 --> 00:27:26.490
- And live with passion.
- 00:27:26.490 --> 00:27:30.000