Dr. Jack Graham's mission is to glorify God by introducing Jesus Christ as Lord to all people.
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Power Point with Jack Graham | Jack Graham - Jesus In The House | November 24, 2024
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- 00:00:00.457 --> 00:00:05.428
- There is no person that god cannot save!
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- There is no promise that god will not keep!
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- There is nothing that our god cannot do!
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- Would you now take god's word which is the story of
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- Jesus from beginning to end? the bible tells us after the
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- Resurrection that jesus took a couple of disciples along the
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- Road to emmaus and he showed them in all the scriptures
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- Those things concerning himself. this is the jesus
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- Book. so let's open his book today to the twenty-first
- 00:00:57.113 --> 00:01:01.117
- Chapter of the gospel of matthew.
- 00:01:01.117 --> 00:01:05.522
- We're going to read together verses 12 to 26. again, this is
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- At the beginning of jesus' last week in his earthly ministry,
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- Before the cross and the resurrection. it's a story that
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- Is told in all four of the gospels. very important story.
- 00:01:21.671 --> 00:01:25.508
- 12) and jesus entered the temple and drove out all who
- 00:01:25.508 --> 00:01:29.312
- Sold and bought in the temple, and he overturned the tables of
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- The money-changers and the seats of those who sold
- 00:01:33.816 --> 00:01:36.753
- Pigeons. 13) and he said to them, "it is written, 'my house
- 00:01:36.753 --> 00:01:41.391
- Shall be called a house of prayer,' but you have made it a
- 00:01:41.391 --> 00:01:44.928
- Den of thieves (or robbers)." 14) and the blind and the lame
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- Came to him in the temple, and he healed them. 15) but when
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- The chief priests and the scribes saw the wonderful
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- Things that he did...
- 00:01:55.838 --> 00:01:57.407
- Note that: “the wonderful things that he did.” what a
- 00:01:57.407 --> 00:02:01.811
- Wonder is jesus our lord! miracles, powerful acts of
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- Changed lives)
- 00:02:07.917 --> 00:02:09.052
- 15) and the children were crying out in the temple,
- 00:02:09.052 --> 00:02:10.753
- “hosanna to the son of david!”
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- Meaning jesus is the messiah! jesus is lord and christ. and
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- These religious leaders... they were indignant, infuriated:
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- 16) and they said to him, “do you hear what these are
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- Saying?” and jesus said to them, “yes; have you never
- 00:02:25.635 --> 00:02:28.838
- Heard or read, “‘out of the mouths of infants and nursing
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- Babes you have prepared praise'?”
- 00:02:32.775 --> 00:02:39.382
- The cleansing of the temple... and in this cleansing or
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- Consecrating of the temple by christ, we have really a
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- Blueprint for the believer as to how we also can experience a
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- Powerful cleansing and consecration before the lord,
- 00:02:55.031 --> 00:02:58.768
- Which is really what revival is. that we get our lives right
- 00:02:58.768 --> 00:03:02.872
- With god and revive in his presence; that we fulfill the
- 00:03:02.872 --> 00:03:06.609
- Purpose for which we have been created, which is to praise
- 00:03:06.609 --> 00:03:10.747
- God. the greatest lesson that we can learn as followers of
- 00:03:10.747 --> 00:03:15.051
- Jesus is that we are indwelt, that christ is alive in us,
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- That we are temples of the holy spirit!
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- The temple in the old testament is god's object lesson for his
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- Temple in the new testament which is his people. it's been
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- Said that in the old testament god had a temple for his
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- People, and now in the new testament era following christ,
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- God has a people for his temple. you... we are the
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- Temple of the holy spirit. but what happened at the temple so
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- Long ago with christ cleansing that temple can happen in you
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- And me and needs to happen in you and me today.
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- Now jesus, as we've learning along the way in this journey
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- Of jesus... telling the story of jesus, he is love incarnate.
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- He is filled with compassion and kindness, full of grace and
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- Mercy. what happens in the temple in this case follows
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- Jesus standing beside the mount of olives over jerusalem and
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- With copious tears he is pouring out his heart before
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- God. he is weeping that he is now being rejected. he said,
- 00:04:32.995 --> 00:04:36.866
- "oh jerusalem, jerusalem... how i would have gathered you to
- 00:04:36.866 --> 00:04:40.002
- Myself like a hen gathers its brood." jesus weep on several
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- Occasions. so the great heart of god is throbbing in the body
- 00:04:45.441 --> 00:04:50.680
- Of jesus. yes, he is the savior of love, full of grace.
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- But the god who is full of love is also full of life. he is
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- Full of grace and truth. and jesus is righteous and holy! he
- 00:05:02.925 --> 00:05:11.667
- Is not only “the lamb of god who takes away the sin of the
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- World,” but at times he displays the fact that he is
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- The lion of the tribe of judea. and here we see jesus the lamb
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- Who becomes jesus the lion, boldly staking his claim on
- 00:05:23.679 --> 00:05:28.351
- What is rightfully his in the temple.
- 00:05:28.351 --> 00:05:31.053
- It might surprise you to know that the common view that many
- 00:05:31.053 --> 00:05:35.925
- Have of jesus as being a sanctimonious, pale recluse is
- 00:05:35.925 --> 00:05:40.596
- Not the picture of jesus we have in the gospels. jesus was
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- A man's man. he was god's man, but masculine through and
- 00:05:45.968 --> 00:05:50.807
- Through. and he was at times, when needed... when necessary,
- 00:05:50.807 --> 00:05:57.013
- Confrontational and combative. and he was controversial. this
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- Is what ultimately lead him to the cross, rejected in order
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- That he might redeem us.
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- But jesus confronts error; he combats false religion. and in
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- This case what we are reading in the gospels is jesus attacks
- 00:06:25.708 --> 00:06:31.147
- Corruption of religion... the corruption of the religion that
- 00:06:31.147 --> 00:06:36.385
- Is expressed going on right in the temple. jesus is in the
- 00:06:36.385 --> 00:06:40.089
- House! so jesus walks up and he cleansed the temple. and i have
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- Three simple points today in this passage. we're going to
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- Talk about his right... the right of jesus to cleanse the
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- Temple. we're going to talk about the reason that jesus
- 00:06:51.701 --> 00:06:55.505
- Cleanses the temple and then we're going to see the results
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- Of what happened when jesus cleansed the temple.
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- What is his right? he has a right because jesus said "my
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- House shall be called a house of prayer." what did he say?
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- "my house...". the temple is the house of the lord in the
- 00:07:14.724 --> 00:07:23.299
- Sense that the church, according to ephesians chapter
- 00:07:23.299 --> 00:07:26.302
- 2, is also like the temple, a house of the lord. now this
- 00:07:26.302 --> 00:07:30.506
- Building is not the house of the lord in the sense that,
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- Though it is dedicate to god and set aside as a sanctuary of
- 00:07:34.010 --> 00:07:37.914
- Worship and place of god, this place is not a temple. nor is
- 00:07:37.914 --> 00:07:41.951
- Any other human building on earth. the temple is now gone
- 00:07:41.951 --> 00:07:46.455
- In jerusalem; awaits a rebuilding of the temple in the
- 00:07:46.455 --> 00:07:49.725
- Coming years. but today the temple is this: you are the
- 00:07:49.725 --> 00:07:54.463
- Holy spirit's dwelling place. christ lives in you! you are
- 00:07:54.463 --> 00:07:59.335
- The temple of god.
- 00:07:59.335 --> 00:08:01.370
- First corinthians chapter 6, verses 19 and 20, the scripture
- 00:08:01.370 --> 00:08:05.608
- Says: "do you not know that your body is the temple of the
- 00:08:05.608 --> 00:08:09.845
- Holy spirit who is in you, whom you have from god? you are not
- 00:08:09.845 --> 00:08:14.750
- Your own, (what did jesus say? "my house is a house of
- 00:08:14.750 --> 00:08:20.756
- Prayer." say, "my house". [my house] and he said) for you
- 00:08:20.756 --> 00:08:26.696
- Were bought with a price. therefore, glorify god..." to
- 00:08:26.696 --> 00:08:31.901
- Glorify god is to magnify him; it is to honor him in all
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- Things, in your body and in your spirit which are who's?
- 00:08:36.872 --> 00:08:43.579
- God's! so jesus is in the house today. i believe he is in this
- 00:08:43.579 --> 00:08:51.587
- Place because we have prayed and asked for his presence to
- 00:08:51.587 --> 00:08:54.790
- Be here. yes, he is in this place when his people gather,
- 00:08:54.790 --> 00:08:58.794
- Whether it's just a few or many, but he is in your life.
- 00:08:58.794 --> 00:09:05.067
- This is the most important lesson you can learn in your
- 00:09:05.067 --> 00:09:08.404
- Christian life: that christ is alive in you. you are the
- 00:09:08.404 --> 00:09:12.541
- Temple of the holy spirit and he has the right, therefore,
- 00:09:12.541 --> 00:09:17.346
- ... he is lord of the temple... he has the right just as he did
- 00:09:17.346 --> 00:09:23.452
- In the new testament to cleansed the temple and
- 00:09:23.452 --> 00:09:26.389
- Consecrate it for the purpose that it is made.
- 00:09:26.389 --> 00:09:30.359
- He has the right to demand... not just to desire but demand
- 00:09:30.359 --> 00:09:35.398
- That we be sanctified as the sanctuary of god. after all,
- 00:09:35.398 --> 00:09:41.604
- The spirit who is in is who? the holy spirit... the holy
- 00:09:41.604 --> 00:09:47.109
- Spirit... the holy spirit of god. and therefore, let this
- 00:09:47.109 --> 00:09:53.482
- House be cleansed and consecrated to god.
- 00:09:53.482 --> 00:09:58.020
- ♪♪♪
- 00:09:58.020 --> 00:10:03.993
- The bible is the bestselling, most translated, and most
- 00:10:05.127 --> 00:10:08.197
- Quoted book of all time, and yet so many have neglected
- 00:10:08.197 --> 00:10:12.868
- Reading or completely missed what the bible is really about.
- 00:10:12.868 --> 00:10:16.238
- It's a world of confusion out there, chaos and uncertainty.
- 00:10:16.238 --> 00:10:19.408
- And the only constant, the only certainty is jesus himself and
- 00:10:19.408 --> 00:10:24.013
- His word. and i want to help you see god's word with clear
- 00:10:24.013 --> 00:10:27.683
- Eyes by sending you my brand new book, the jesus book
- 00:10:27.683 --> 00:10:31.754
- Reading and understanding the bible for yourself.
- 00:10:31.754 --> 00:10:34.690
- The jesus book is my thanks for your best gift to help
- 00:10:34.690 --> 00:10:37.927
- Powerpoint share the unchanging truth of god's word and the
- 00:10:37.927 --> 00:10:41.230
- Testimony of jesus around the world.
- 00:10:41.230 --> 00:10:43.399
- So request your copy today. you can go to jackgraham.org
- 00:10:43.399 --> 00:10:48.604
- Give by phone
- 00:10:48.604 --> 00:10:50.673
- Or text the word jesus to 59789.
- 00:10:50.673 --> 00:10:54.977
- We know that god's word is powerful.
- 00:10:54.977 --> 00:10:57.546
- It's the story of salvation with the scarlet
- 00:10:57.546 --> 00:11:00.349
- Thread of redemption running through the pages from
- 00:11:00.349 --> 00:11:02.952
- Beginning to end.
- 00:11:02.952 --> 00:11:04.353
- That's why i call it the jesus book. i hope you'll take the
- 00:11:04.353 --> 00:11:07.757
- Step to request my new book, the jesus book, so you can see
- 00:11:07.757 --> 00:11:11.560
- The word of god alive in you and abiding in you forever.
- 00:11:11.560 --> 00:11:16.165
- Thank you so much for being a powerful part of god's word
- 00:11:16.165 --> 00:11:19.335
- Through powerpoint. changing hearts, changing lives
- 00:11:19.335 --> 00:11:22.404
- 'til the whole world hears.
- 00:11:22.404 --> 00:11:26.509
- ♪♪♪
- 00:11:26.809 --> 00:11:31.347
- When jesus walked in to the temple that day, you wonder
- 00:11:31.347 --> 00:11:33.549
- What he would have seen? i brought a couple of artist's
- 00:11:33.549 --> 00:11:39.955
- Renderings of the temple... the second temple if we could throw
- 00:11:39.955 --> 00:11:43.259
- It up. and ... and that's actually a very good one.
- 00:11:43.259 --> 00:11:46.762
- That's what it looked like in the day of christ. and
- 00:11:46.762 --> 00:11:49.465
- Surrounding the temple were these magnificent columns...
- 00:11:49.465 --> 00:11:52.334
- Colonnades around the temple. the court of the gentiles where
- 00:11:52.334 --> 00:11:56.572
- People of all nations could come. you did not have to be
- 00:11:56.572 --> 00:12:00.409
- Jewish to enter into the court of the gentiles. it was several
- 00:12:00.409 --> 00:12:04.647
- Football fields long.
- 00:12:04.647 --> 00:12:06.682
- And, josephus tells us at passover (and this was the
- 00:12:06.682 --> 00:12:10.319
- Passover season for the jewish people) that they would
- 00:12:10.319 --> 00:12:14.456
- Slaughter several million lambs for the sacrifices of the
- 00:12:14.456 --> 00:12:18.861
- Passover, and upwards of two to three million people would have
- 00:12:18.861 --> 00:12:23.632
- Been living in tents outside of jerusalem. pilgrims that would
- 00:12:23.632 --> 00:12:28.204
- Come from all over israel and other parts of the world to
- 00:12:28.204 --> 00:12:33.375
- Celebrate the passover, the one time of year in which the
- 00:12:33.375 --> 00:12:37.513
- Sacrifice was made and redemption was offered.
- 00:12:37.513 --> 00:12:40.683
- Remission for sin for the people of israel.
- 00:12:40.683 --> 00:12:43.485
- And, of course, we know that jesus is our passover lamb. and
- 00:12:43.485 --> 00:12:47.690
- It's all predicted and preparatory for him. but around
- 00:12:47.690 --> 00:12:51.894
- And within these huge marble walls and golden pillars and
- 00:12:51.894 --> 00:12:56.398
- These buildings glistening in the sun, jesus walks in. and
- 00:12:56.398 --> 00:13:02.605
- When jesus walked in that day, the noise would have been
- 00:13:02.605 --> 00:13:05.774
- Terrific merchants were selling animals... birds and sheep and
- 00:13:05.774 --> 00:13:11.947
- Cattle. it might have sounded something like the ft. worth
- 00:13:11.947 --> 00:13:15.684
- Stockyards at full throttle... because... and it might have
- 00:13:15.684 --> 00:13:19.288
- Smelled like it as well. because you had all this
- 00:13:19.288 --> 00:13:22.157
- Merchandising going on with the money-changers in the temple.
- 00:13:22.157 --> 00:13:27.930
- You say what was a money-changer? a
- 00:13:27.930 --> 00:13:29.965
- Money-changer... it was a cottage industry, if you will,
- 00:13:29.965 --> 00:13:33.302
- Because if you came from somewhere else and you had
- 00:13:33.302 --> 00:13:37.106
- Coins, especially if you had roman coins or roman money was
- 00:13:37.106 --> 00:13:41.176
- Not usable in the temple so you had to exchange your money for
- 00:13:41.176 --> 00:13:46.015
- Temple-approved money. and guess what the money-changers
- 00:13:46.015 --> 00:13:50.085
- Were doing? they were greedy and therefore they were
- 00:13:50.085 --> 00:13:54.490
- Up-charging the people.
- 00:13:54.490 --> 00:13:56.458
- These guys were con men. they were scammers, they were
- 00:13:56.458 --> 00:14:00.696
- Shysters, they were hypocrites. and all of this and it's the
- 00:14:00.696 --> 00:14:07.236
- High priest at that time welcomed this exchange.
- 00:14:07.236 --> 00:14:12.207
- Jesus walks up in the midst of all of this noise and all the
- 00:14:12.207 --> 00:14:17.313
- Rattling of the money and in the midst of all the hypocrisy
- 00:14:17.313 --> 00:14:22.051
- That was going on, and he attacks religious corruption.
- 00:14:22.051 --> 00:14:29.291
- He confronts it head-to-head. and he began to flip over the
- 00:14:29.291 --> 00:14:33.529
- Tables and kick down the chairs. why didn't they stop him?
- 00:14:33.529 --> 00:14:38.567
- One reason. wasn't time. and his authority... his moral and
- 00:14:38.567 --> 00:14:43.939
- Physical authority... his spiritual authority was greater
- 00:14:43.939 --> 00:14:47.109
- Than all this religion and all the romans and all the rest. he
- 00:14:47.109 --> 00:14:51.013
- Had power and authority and anointing as the king and the
- 00:14:51.013 --> 00:14:54.917
- Lord of the temple. and so he turns it all upside down.
- 00:14:54.917 --> 00:15:00.522
- He's eaten up with righteous anger. he would quote the old
- 00:15:00.522 --> 00:15:06.862
- Testament earlier by saying “the zeal of your house is
- 00:15:06.862 --> 00:15:09.565
- Eaten me up!” he was burning with the heartburn of holiness.
- 00:15:09.565 --> 00:15:18.374
- So he's flipping tables and he's turning over chairs and
- 00:15:18.374 --> 00:15:24.179
- He's scattering the money-changers. what did he do?
- 00:15:24.179 --> 00:15:27.983
- He threw them all out! he threw the bums out! that's what he
- 00:15:27.983 --> 00:15:31.687
- Did.
- 00:15:31.687 --> 00:15:32.988
- Our mighty, miraculous savior! he's doing wonderful things.
- 00:15:32.988 --> 00:15:35.724
- He's changing lives, but he's also battling for the souls of
- 00:15:35.724 --> 00:15:39.661
- Men. yes, it was a battle that he fought for you and for me!
- 00:15:39.661 --> 00:15:46.001
- So when we think of christ, it's not jesus always meek and
- 00:15:46.001 --> 00:15:49.638
- Mild, soft and sentimental. no! he is a strong and powerful
- 00:15:49.638 --> 00:15:54.810
- Savior who deals with error, who deals with sin, who deals
- 00:15:54.810 --> 00:15:59.348
- With corruption, who deals with injustice! he makes things
- 00:15:59.348 --> 00:16:03.585
- Right! and therefore, he has the right to cleanse the temple!
- 00:16:03.585 --> 00:16:11.293
- And the same jesus who cleansed the temple that day has the
- 00:16:11.293 --> 00:16:14.096
- Right to cleanse my temple and yours. maybe to turn some
- 00:16:14.096 --> 00:16:23.338
- Things upside down in our lives in order to get our attention.
- 00:16:23.338 --> 00:16:30.412
- To flip some tables, if you will; to confront our sin,
- 00:16:30.412 --> 00:16:38.387
- Because what these people had done is to turn the house of
- 00:16:38.387 --> 00:16:41.223
- Prayer... the house of god... the temple of the lord into a
- 00:16:41.223 --> 00:16:44.159
- Den of thieves, a cave of robbers. the robbers were wide
- 00:16:44.159 --> 00:16:47.796
- Out in the open. no longer living in caves out in the
- 00:16:47.796 --> 00:16:50.732
- Hills around jerusalem, but they turned the temple into a
- 00:16:50.732 --> 00:16:54.837
- Cave where robbers would hide in plain sight! and jesus said,
- 00:16:54.837 --> 00:17:00.342
- No!
- 00:17:00.342 --> 00:17:01.610
- The fact is that jesus started his ministry... it's recorded
- 00:17:01.610 --> 00:17:06.148
- In john chapter 2 with the cleansing of the temple. and
- 00:17:06.148 --> 00:17:09.351
- Now he's back to do the same thing because they were back to
- 00:17:09.351 --> 00:17:13.889
- Their old ways, doing the same thing. jesus was passionate
- 00:17:13.889 --> 00:17:18.393
- About the people and about the place of prayer.
- 00:17:18.393 --> 00:17:24.066
- There's a great sermon delivered a number of years ago
- 00:17:24.066 --> 00:17:28.837
- By a man by the name of robert boyd munger and the title of
- 00:17:28.837 --> 00:17:35.377
- His sermon is "my heart, christ's home... and he
- 00:17:35.377 --> 00:17:39.281
- Pictures his own life and his fellowship with god.
- 00:17:39.281 --> 00:17:45.888
- So he begins this sermon with a beautiful description of what
- 00:17:45.888 --> 00:17:49.491
- It means to know christ. he said:
- 00:17:49.491 --> 00:17:51.793
- "one evening, i invited jesus christ into my heart. what an
- 00:17:51.793 --> 00:17:55.130
- Entrance he made! it was not a spectacular, emotional thing,
- 00:17:55.130 --> 00:17:59.401
- But very real. something happened at the very center of
- 00:17:59.401 --> 00:18:03.238
- My life... (has this happened to you?) ... something
- 00:18:03.238 --> 00:18:06.008
- Happened," he said, "at the very center of my life. he came
- 00:18:06.008 --> 00:18:09.478
- Into the darkness of my heart and turned on the light. (has
- 00:18:09.478 --> 00:18:12.414
- That happened to you?) he built a fire on the hearth and
- 00:18:12.414 --> 00:18:17.219
- Banished the chill. (amen?) he started music where there had
- 00:18:17.219 --> 00:18:22.257
- Been silence. he filled the emptiness with his own loving,
- 00:18:22.257 --> 00:18:25.928
- Wonderful fellowship. (and then he says) i've never regretted
- 00:18:25.928 --> 00:18:31.200
- Opening the door to christ and i never will. (that's true!)
- 00:18:31.200 --> 00:18:36.104
- He said, in the joy of this new relationship, i said to jesus,
- 00:18:36.104 --> 00:18:41.310
- “lord, i want this heart of mine to be yours. i want you to
- 00:18:41.310 --> 00:18:45.581
- Settle down in here and be perfectly at home in my heart.
- 00:18:45.581 --> 00:18:48.617
- And everything that i have belongs to you. let me show you
- 00:18:48.617 --> 00:18:51.887
- Around.”
- 00:18:51.887 --> 00:18:53.121
- And then the preacher begins to show jesus around his house.
- 00:18:53.121 --> 00:18:57.359
- And one day jesus says to him, "there's something smelling in
- 00:18:57.359 --> 00:19:01.063
- This house." he said, "i knew exactly what he was talking
- 00:19:01.063 --> 00:19:05.434
- About because upstairs there was a hidden closet and i had
- 00:19:05.434 --> 00:19:09.705
- Stuffed a lot of things... secret things in that closet
- 00:19:09.705 --> 00:19:12.608
- And put it under lock and key. and i didn't want to tell jesus
- 00:19:12.608 --> 00:19:19.982
- What was in there. i didn't want jesus to know what was in
- 00:19:19.982 --> 00:19:23.151
- There."
- 00:19:23.151 --> 00:19:24.353
- And jesus said, “give me the key to that lock.” and
- 00:19:24.353 --> 00:19:31.226
- Reluctantly, though repentantly he gave him the key and he
- 00:19:31.226 --> 00:19:37.232
- Unlocks that dirty, filthy, smelly closet. the man said, he
- 00:19:37.232 --> 00:19:42.070
- Cleans it all up, gets all that junk out, gets all the filth
- 00:19:42.070 --> 00:19:46.975
- Out. he cleansed the temple, if you will. and then he repainted
- 00:19:46.975 --> 00:19:52.414
- It. and now christ has every nook and cranny of the man's
- 00:19:52.414 --> 00:19:58.987
- Life. when jesus comes to cleanse the temple, this is
- 00:19:58.987 --> 00:20:04.426
- What he does.
- 00:20:04.426 --> 00:20:06.328
- Is christ at home in your heart? is he the lord of your
- 00:20:06.328 --> 00:20:11.300
- Temple? he has the right to do it! and the reason to do it is
- 00:20:11.300 --> 00:20:15.070
- Because, “my house shall be called a house of prayer to
- 00:20:15.070 --> 00:20:20.809
- Honor and glorify.” what is prayer? prayer is worship;
- 00:20:20.809 --> 00:20:24.413
- Prayer is repentance; prayer is the exaltation of christ;
- 00:20:24.413 --> 00:20:28.016
- Prayer is singing; prayer is serving; prayer is what we do
- 00:20:28.016 --> 00:20:32.754
- Because it's who we are. we are the house of prayer. we are
- 00:20:32.754 --> 00:20:36.558
- God's prayer center and god has called us to pray for the
- 00:20:36.558 --> 00:20:39.461
- Nations and pray for our neighbors and to live in a
- 00:20:39.461 --> 00:20:42.030
- Constant state of steady prayers in our lives. jesus
- 00:20:42.030 --> 00:20:46.134
- Said, “you ought always to pray and never to give up.”
- 00:20:46.134 --> 00:20:50.305
- Why did god make you? not for you; he made you to be a house
- 00:20:50.305 --> 00:20:53.909
- Of prayer and a house of praise to god. and in order for
- 00:20:53.909 --> 00:20:58.480
- Revival to come in this church and we are praying for a
- 00:20:58.480 --> 00:21:01.883
- Massive movement of the spirit of god in churches today. isn't
- 00:21:01.883 --> 00:21:06.621
- It interesting... more than interesting... it's a fact that
- 00:21:06.621 --> 00:21:10.592
- Is so true, that when jesus came to jerusalem, he didn't
- 00:21:10.592 --> 00:21:15.831
- Head to the antonio fortress and take on the romans. pilate
- 00:21:15.831 --> 00:21:21.403
- Was there. roman officials were there, but jesus didn't go to
- 00:21:21.403 --> 00:21:26.308
- The romans. he went to the church, as it were. he went to
- 00:21:26.308 --> 00:21:34.216
- The spiritual core of the nation.
- 00:21:34.216 --> 00:21:37.252
- The fact is, we can influence politicians and we can pray for
- 00:21:37.252 --> 00:21:41.390
- Politicians and government and in the political and all things
- 00:21:41.390 --> 00:21:46.561
- Social and economic in our country, we can be concerned
- 00:21:46.561 --> 00:21:49.865
- About those things and care about those things. but
- 00:21:49.865 --> 00:21:52.267
- Ultimately what must happen is that judgment must begin at the
- 00:21:52.267 --> 00:21:56.405
- House of god! that's what peter said, that's what jesus did.
- 00:21:56.405 --> 00:22:03.078
- The judgment began in the house of god. and if i'm going to
- 00:22:03.078 --> 00:22:07.716
- Have revival in my life... if we're going to have revival in
- 00:22:07.716 --> 00:22:10.719
- The church... if we're going to have revival in the nation,
- 00:22:10.719 --> 00:22:14.156
- It's not going to take place with the republicans or the
- 00:22:14.156 --> 00:22:16.458
- Democrats or the white house or the congress; it's going to
- 00:22:16.458 --> 00:22:19.594
- Take place in the church! [applause] judgment by jesus in
- 00:22:19.594 --> 00:22:26.501
- The church, cleansing and consecrating his people to him!
- 00:22:26.501 --> 00:22:31.873
- When solomon dedicated the temple to the lord in 2
- 00:22:31.873 --> 00:22:38.246
- Chronicles, he said this: “if my people which are called by
- 00:22:38.246 --> 00:22:46.321
- My name will humble themselves and pray, and seek my face, and
- 00:22:46.321 --> 00:22:51.793
- Turn from their wicked ways, then will i hear from heaven
- 00:22:51.793 --> 00:22:56.898
- And forgive their sin and heal their land.” that is the reason
- 00:22:56.898 --> 00:23:03.071
- That jesus cleansed the temple, to restore it to its former
- 00:23:03.071 --> 00:23:07.209
- Glory. not it's physical glory but the glory of god! he turned
- 00:23:07.209 --> 00:23:12.447
- Things upside down, he ran these people out of the temple
- 00:23:12.447 --> 00:23:17.018
- Area because he removed them from the temple compound. just
- 00:23:17.018 --> 00:23:24.559
- Threw them all out because he was bringing redemption to his
- 00:23:24.559 --> 00:23:29.431
- People. the salvation, that the glory of god that it would be
- 00:23:29.431 --> 00:23:33.134
- Once again of praise and a house of prayer. and that's
- 00:23:33.134 --> 00:23:36.371
- Exactly what happened.
- 00:23:36.371 --> 00:23:39.975
- These men were religious leaders were... they were
- 00:23:39.975 --> 00:23:44.713
- Indignant and sensed that jesus was doing all of this... this
- 00:23:44.713 --> 00:23:48.416
- Is what ultimately put jesus on the cross. religion... corrupt
- 00:23:48.416 --> 00:23:53.688
- Religion put jesus on the cross. the romans had their
- 00:23:53.688 --> 00:23:57.225
- Part, the secular world had their part but ultimately the
- 00:23:57.225 --> 00:24:02.163
- People who rejected jesus... "he can unto his own; his own
- 00:24:02.163 --> 00:24:04.933
- Received him not, but as many as received him to them gave he
- 00:24:04.933 --> 00:24:08.470
- The right to be called the children of god."
- 00:24:08.470 --> 00:24:10.138
- So what did jesus do when the temple was cleansed? do you
- 00:24:10.138 --> 00:24:12.807
- Know what happens when the temple is cleansed? lives are
- 00:24:12.807 --> 00:24:15.410
- Changed. he's healing the lame, recovering sight to the blind.
- 00:24:15.410 --> 00:24:22.684
- The bible tells us that the god of this age has blinded the
- 00:24:22.684 --> 00:24:26.621
- Eyes of those who do not know god. and when the church is
- 00:24:26.621 --> 00:24:31.059
- Revived... when the temple is cleansed there will be the
- 00:24:31.059 --> 00:24:35.297
- Opening of blind eyes; salvation and spiritual
- 00:24:35.297 --> 00:24:40.802
- Rebirth. those whose lives are lame and broken by sin will
- 00:24:40.802 --> 00:24:46.174
- Recover and get up and begin walking in purpose again. why?
- 00:24:46.174 --> 00:24:50.312
- Because then the church is revived.
- 00:24:50.312 --> 00:24:52.847
- Evangelism can happen apart from revival but revival can
- 00:24:52.847 --> 00:24:56.818
- Never happen apart from evangelism. and what happened
- 00:24:56.818 --> 00:24:59.854
- In the jesus movement... when those young people were being
- 00:24:59.854 --> 00:25:03.525
- Revived in their spirits before god, they went out everywhere,
- 00:25:03.525 --> 00:25:06.695
- Telling people about jesus. up and down the coast and all
- 00:25:06.695 --> 00:25:09.764
- Across america, and of course, that's what i believe is going
- 00:25:09.764 --> 00:25:13.468
- To happen with these college students. i'm praying god will
- 00:25:13.468 --> 00:25:16.071
- Raise up a new generation of preachers and missionaries and
- 00:25:16.071 --> 00:25:20.208
- Witness and church people who are going to change the world
- 00:25:20.208 --> 00:25:24.179
- By bringing the lost to jesus.
- 00:25:24.179 --> 00:25:26.147
- This is what the cleansed temple does when jesus is in
- 00:25:26.147 --> 00:25:29.818
- The house, everyone is welcome... the broken, the
- 00:25:29.818 --> 00:25:33.555
- Lame, the blind... all can come to jesus. and the little
- 00:25:33.555 --> 00:25:38.760
- Children were praising him. your house will become a house
- 00:25:38.760 --> 00:25:41.997
- Of... the house where jesus lives will be a house of
- 00:25:41.997 --> 00:25:45.033
- Prayer; it will be a house of power and it will be a house of
- 00:25:45.033 --> 00:25:49.571
- Praise, as your life then praises god in the purity and
- 00:25:49.571 --> 00:25:53.842
- The sanctity of a life lived out in the presence of jesus.
- 00:25:53.842 --> 00:26:01.149
- God's cleaning house.
- 00:26:01.149 --> 00:26:04.386
- Could it be that jesus wants to clean house in you today? to
- 00:26:04.386 --> 00:26:09.324
- Declutter your life, to discard some things in us that will
- 00:26:09.324 --> 00:26:17.565
- Cleanse us and consecrate us to himself. let's begin a
- 00:26:17.565 --> 00:26:22.504
- Spiritual journey today to the cross, and let's open our lives
- 00:26:22.504 --> 00:26:27.409
- Up. you know, jesus may choose to take the whip. in john
- 00:26:27.409 --> 00:26:33.515
- Chapter 2 it tells us that he took a whip of cords and he
- 00:26:33.515 --> 00:26:37.185
- Drove them out. how did he throw all these guys out this
- 00:26:37.185 --> 00:26:42.657
- Second time? i don't know maybe he made another whip. but jesus
- 00:26:42.657 --> 00:26:48.430
- May take the whip of discipline at times in us in order to
- 00:26:48.430 --> 00:26:52.000
- Cleanse the temple. “whom the lord loves, he chasten and
- 00:26:52.000 --> 00:26:58.840
- Scourges every son.” - hebrews.
- 00:26:58.840 --> 00:27:03.244
- So god, let god discipline me and discard those things in our
- 00:27:03.244 --> 00:27:08.249
- Lives that are unholy and unclean and ungodly. and may we
- 00:27:08.249 --> 00:27:15.490
- Be once again a temple where the lord is the lord of all.
- 00:27:15.490 --> 00:27:20.695
- Amen?
- 00:27:20.695 --> 00:27:22.864
- ♪♪♪
- 00:27:22.864 --> 00:27:22.864