Dr. Jack Graham's mission is to glorify God by introducing Jesus Christ as Lord to all people.
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Power Point with Jack Graham | Jack Graham - New Morning Mercies | December 29, 2024
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- There is no person that god cannot save!
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- There is no promise that god will not keep!
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- There is nothing that our god cannot do!
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- God is faithful. and the title of this message is “new morning
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- Mercies” from lamentations, chapter 3. yes, lamentations if
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- You can find it in your bible. it's next to a big book called
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- Jeremiah. it was probably, most likely written by the prophet
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- Jeremiah. and in just a moment we're going to look at one of
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- The most famed passages in all of the bible, and it is a
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- Scripture to live by every single day, every hour, every
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- Minute.
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- The prophet jeremiah, a great man, god raised him up to
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- Preach to the nation of israel in the midst of their
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- Rebellion. and they didn't listen to god's word, and so
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- God judged israel and sent them into captivity... 70 years of
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- Captivity and ... and with the babylonians. the nation itself
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- Was dying. it was devastated. all hope seemed to be gone. and
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- So jeremiah gives us a lamentation. the book of
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- Lamentation is not for the weak of heart or the faint of heart.
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- It's filled with tears and crying and grief and mourning
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- And, yes, lamentation.
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- But right in the middle of this desert of a book, really
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- Depressing in so many ways, there is an oasis, and the
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- Promises of god spring forward. verse 21 of lamentations 3:
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- 21) but this i call to mind, and therefore i have hope: 22)
- 00:02:25.791 --> 00:02:30.295
- The steadfast love of the lord never ceases; his mercies never
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- Come to an end; 23) they are new every morning; great is
- 00:02:34.566 --> 00:02:38.804
- Your faithfulness. 24) “the lord is my portion,” says my
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- Soul, “therefore i will hope in him.” 25) the lord is good to
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- Those who wait for him, to the soul who seeks him.
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- The big question in this lamentation from jeremiah; it
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- Really speaks of the grief that everyone experiences in this
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- World is "how". it's a hebrew word that shows up multiple
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- Times qavah which means how? how? we see it in chapter
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- 2, verse 1... how? so "how is this happening?" is the
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- Question. often, we... we ask a "why" question. "why is this
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- Happening?" but jeremiah says "how is this happening?" and
- 00:03:35.894 --> 00:03:41.033
- There's a difference, isn't there? how could this happen?
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- How did we get here? how am i ever going to get through this
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- Situation in my life? how will i ever make it?"
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- As a pastor now for over five decades, i've heard the how
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- Question along with the why question numerous times. "how
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- Did we get here in the icu of this hospital?" "how did my
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- Marriage fall apart?" "how am i so sick?" and at funerals, "how
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- Is it possible that my loved one is gone?" "how is it
- 00:04:24.776 --> 00:04:28.313
- Possible that my husband... my wife is gone?" how? jeremiah,
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- As a result of the how question is very depressed because it
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- Appears to be a... a hopeless situation. and he is crying. he
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- Said, "my... my eyes are flooded with tears like a
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- River." he's lamenting. that's a word that we don't use much
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- In our vocabulary today... lamenting, or even this word
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- Lamentation.
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- But have you considered the role of lamentation... of
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- Lamenting in your own walk with god? in your own prayer life?
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- We think of our walk with god... our times of prayer as
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- Being praise, yes; and petition, but a part of our
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- Prayer life is pouring out our pain before the lord. god wants
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- Us to be so honest with him and open with him that when we
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- Hurt... when we're crying, that we bring our tears to him, that
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- We bring our troubles to him. our pain, our anguish, our
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- Distress.
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- And when we come with lamentation before the lord,
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- Pouring out our pain as jeremiah, the great prophet is
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- Doing, this is... this includes our anger and... and our
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- Depression and our despondency and our grief. and when we do
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- This, we find a caring and compassionate god, a faithful
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- Father who cares deeply for us and whose strength and
- 00:06:22.294 --> 00:06:27.566
- Everlasting arms hold us up. lamenting... it's not just
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- Whining or venting; it's the sincere desire of a believer to
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- Turn to the trustworthiness of god, to lean on him.
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- Jesus prayed like this. in israel we were just in the
- 00:06:49.120 --> 00:06:53.291
- Garden of gethsemane where there are olive trees from the
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- Ancient days where jesus prayed the night he was arrested. and
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- He's lamenting and he's pouring out this prayer and blood...
- 00:07:00.866 --> 00:07:08.206
- Sweat drops of blood are oozing from his skin. he is lamenting.
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- Same thing happens when jesus at those same hours as he stood
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- Before jerusalem having rejected him... jerusalem
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- Having rejected him, and he begins to sob. he begins to
- 00:07:21.086 --> 00:07:26.324
- Weep. and he laments the judgment that is coming upon
- 00:07:26.324 --> 00:07:34.266
- The people that he loves.
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- If we were to include lamenting in our praying, we would find
- 00:07:38.870 --> 00:07:44.009
- Ourselves drawn closer to god. we would. peter makes this
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- Point in 1 peter 5:6 and 7. “therefore, humble yourself
- 00:07:49.881 --> 00:07:54.719
- Under the mighty hand of god that he may exalt you in due
- 00:07:54.719 --> 00:07:58.456
- Time, casting all of your anxieties upon him because he
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- Cares for you.”
- 00:08:03.995 --> 00:08:07.098
- I love to sing songs like this morning of declaration and
- 00:08:07.098 --> 00:08:11.770
- Exaltation of christ, and supplication as we offer our
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- Requests to god. but there is a time and there is a place in
- 00:08:16.608 --> 00:08:20.645
- Our lives for... for lamentations.
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- Powerpoint ministries began over three decades ago when god
- 00:08:30.322 --> 00:08:34.059
- Placed a burden on my heart. and my wife, deb's, to use
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- Media to reach more and more people across the world.
- 00:08:37.862 --> 00:08:41.967
- And over the years, we've been blessed to receive phone calls,
- 00:08:41.967 --> 00:08:45.303
- Letters, and personal stories from people sharing how god has
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- Given them a deeper understanding of scripture
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- Through our broadcast ministry. though it's my voice you hear,
- 00:08:52.777 --> 00:08:56.448
- It's god's message that i'm proclaiming. and all the
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- Credit, all the honor goes to him. when people hear the good
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- News of jesus, that's the gospel.
- 00:09:03.188 --> 00:09:04.956
- When the bible is opened and taught, and when they explore
- 00:09:04.956 --> 00:09:08.627
- Its message, it absolutely changes lives. and that's what
- 00:09:08.627 --> 00:09:14.432
- We are here to do. we take the gospel, the word of god, and
- 00:09:14.432 --> 00:09:18.069
- The testimony of jesus, and we share it across television,
- 00:09:18.069 --> 00:09:21.272
- Radio, youtube, facebook, instagram and more. all for one
- 00:09:21.272 --> 00:09:26.244
- Singular purpose to bring the message of hope to the world,
- 00:09:26.244 --> 00:09:30.115
- The message of jesus christ to as many people as possible
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- Right now.
- 00:09:34.386 --> 00:09:35.587
- Now here's where i need you. i want more and more people,
- 00:09:35.587 --> 00:09:39.357
- Especially those who are far from god, who don't know jesus
- 00:09:39.357 --> 00:09:42.160
- To hear the right message. this message of hope at the right
- 00:09:42.160 --> 00:09:46.264
- Time, which is right now. but we can't do it without your
- 00:09:46.264 --> 00:09:50.068
- Help. will you join us today by giving a financial gift to help
- 00:09:50.068 --> 00:09:54.072
- Us reach this important goal?
- 00:09:54.072 --> 00:09:56.074
- You can call or you can text cye that's cye to 59789 or
- 00:09:56.074 --> 00:10:05.917
- Visit jack graham.org for your best gift. i'd like to send you
- 00:10:05.917 --> 00:10:10.855
- A copy of my brand new book, the jesus book, which is all
- 00:10:10.855 --> 00:10:15.060
- About reading and understanding the bible for yourself as well.
- 00:10:15.060 --> 00:10:19.364
- A generous friend of powerpoint is offered to match every
- 00:10:19.364 --> 00:10:22.200
- Dollar you give today, which doubles your impact and helps
- 00:10:22.200 --> 00:10:25.637
- Us reach more people with the message of jesus.
- 00:10:25.637 --> 00:10:29.340
- It's incredible what god can do when we get together, when we
- 00:10:29.340 --> 00:10:32.177
- Work together, when we pray together to share the message
- 00:10:32.177 --> 00:10:35.513
- Of jesus to the world. so please give your best gift
- 00:10:35.513 --> 00:10:39.150
- Today at jack graham.org or by texting cye to 59789 and your
- 00:10:39.150 --> 00:10:47.492
- Gift will be doubled. and we'll send you a copy of my new book,
- 00:10:47.492 --> 00:10:51.930
- The jesus book.
- 00:10:51.930 --> 00:10:53.531
- Together we'll be sharing the life changing message of christ
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- And christ alone till the whole world hears.
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- ♪♪♪
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- In the middle of all this lamentation, comes this
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- Exhortation. verse 21: there's a mindset change. he says, "but
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- This comes to mind..." have you ever just... in times of
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- Lamentation and... and depression in your life, have
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- You ever just grabbed yourself by the scruff of the neck, if
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- You will, and spoken to yourself and changed your mind
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- About the way you're thinking? that's what happened to
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- Jeremiah. in spite of the circumstances all around him,
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- The death and the despair and the depression. he says, "but
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- When i call to mind, i have hope.
- 00:11:47.585 --> 00:11:54.325
- Jeremiah said in his book, 29, verse 11, the book of jeremiah
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- 29:11, he said, "i know the plans for you, not to harm you,
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- But to give a future and a hope." and what is this hope?
- 00:12:02.834 --> 00:12:07.105
- Hope lives in the promises of god. hope is been described as
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- Oxygen for the soul. you can't live without oxygen and you
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- Can't live without hope. and hope lives... where does hope
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- Live? hope lives in the promises of god. in god
- 00:12:21.152 --> 00:12:25.890
- Himself. it is trusting god and believing god. it's believing
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- The facts, not the feeling. it's believing what god says,
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- Not what the devil says or you say... say. and when we refocus
- 00:12:34.332 --> 00:12:39.103
- And reset and repent, then we find that we can trust god and
- 00:12:39.103 --> 00:12:45.577
- Believe him for every need in our lives because he is our god
- 00:12:45.577 --> 00:12:50.548
- Of hope.
- 00:12:50.548 --> 00:12:51.883
- Romans 15, verse 13 says: “may the god of hope fill you with
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- All joy and peace and believing that you may abound in hope.”
- 00:12:56.154 --> 00:13:01.526
- Paul said in 2 corinthians 1:3 that “our god is the father of
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- Mercies.” and we see it here, don't we? that god is faithful,
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- That he is compassionate, that his mercies are new every
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- Single day. with every new morning comes new mercies. and
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- We have this promise; we have these promises.
- 00:13:24.382 --> 00:13:27.185
- There's a promise in the bible for your every need. did you
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- Know that? for every battle you fight, for every burden you
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- Bear, for every problem you face. and all of the promises
- 00:13:38.062 --> 00:13:46.638
- Of god are, yes and amen, in jesus christ. you can
- 00:13:46.638 --> 00:13:52.110
- Persevere. you can hold on because of the hope that we
- 00:13:52.110 --> 00:13:58.182
- Have in jesus christ. so here is the truth: god is faithful.
- 00:13:58.182 --> 00:14:06.824
- Deuteronomy chapter 7 and verse 9 puts it this way: "know
- 00:14:06.824 --> 00:14:15.767
- Therefore that the lord..." you see, we don't live by what we
- 00:14:15.767 --> 00:14:18.202
- Feel; we live by what we know! "know, therefore, that the lord
- 00:14:18.202 --> 00:14:22.507
- Your god is god. the faithful god who keeps covenant and
- 00:14:22.507 --> 00:14:27.045
- Steadfast love with those who love him and keep his
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- Commandments to a thousand generations." and after all of
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- These generations... after all these mornings... after all of
- 00:14:37.422 --> 00:14:42.393
- These years, god is still faithful! he's faithful to me.
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- And every promise that he gives us in his word is unshakeable
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- And guaranteed it is unbreakable, it is infallible
- 00:14:56.541 --> 00:15:01.279
- Because he has made a covenant with us; he has given us a
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- Promise. and the character of god is at stake on his
- 00:15:05.516 --> 00:15:10.054
- Promises. god cannot lie! and when god makes a promise to us,
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- We can count on the fact that he will always come through
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- With every promise.
- 00:15:20.598 --> 00:15:21.733
- When we say god is faithful, we're talking about his
- 00:15:21.733 --> 00:15:25.003
- Integrity; we're talking about his character. we're speaking
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- Of his infallibility, his dependability. and his promises
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- Are because of this unceasing love and because of his great,
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- Mighty power to do what he says he will do.
- 00:15:41.419 --> 00:15:45.256
- God's love for you is greater than you can ever know.
- 00:15:45.256 --> 00:15:51.229
- Jeremiah once again, the prophet... he wept a lot but he
- 00:15:51.229 --> 00:15:54.565
- Also worshiped a lot. and he said, "god loves you with an
- 00:15:54.565 --> 00:15:57.835
- Everlasting love." jeremiah 31:3. so when it says his
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- Mercies are new every morning, that his compassions do not
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- Fail, that god is faithful, it means that his loving care is
- 00:16:06.744 --> 00:16:12.250
- Always for us and with us. don't rush past these words!
- 00:16:12.250 --> 00:16:15.686
- God loves you! you are his child! let that sink down deep
- 00:16:15.686 --> 00:16:23.094
- Within you! god's love, his grace is dependable; it is
- 00:16:23.094 --> 00:16:27.465
- Faithful; it is eternal and he will not allow anything in your
- 00:16:27.465 --> 00:16:31.502
- Life as his child that is not motivated by his love for you!
- 00:16:31.502 --> 00:16:37.341
- Did you hear that? god will not allow anything in your life
- 00:16:37.341 --> 00:16:43.381
- That is not motivated by his love for you!
- 00:16:43.381 --> 00:16:49.020
- And when you weep like jeremiah, and lament and cry,
- 00:16:49.020 --> 00:16:53.424
- And wonder how on earth... how am i going to get through?
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- Qavah in the hebrew. qavah.
- 00:17:01.833 --> 00:17:08.239
- How?! remember hope! remember your hope in jesus christ
- 00:17:08.239 --> 00:17:12.477
- Because god faithful. and that means that we can have
- 00:17:12.477 --> 00:17:16.047
- Confidence in christ when we pray. it means that we can be
- 00:17:16.047 --> 00:17:21.619
- Confident when we are tempted, that we can overcome
- 00:17:21.619 --> 00:17:25.356
- Temptation. for what does 1 corinthians 10:13 say? when we
- 00:17:25.356 --> 00:17:30.027
- Are tempted, "god is faithful and will not allow us to be
- 00:17:30.027 --> 00:17:33.698
- Tempted more than we can bear. and with the temptation will
- 00:17:33.698 --> 00:17:37.768
- Make a way of escape." why? because god is faithful. and
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- When you are realizing the faithfulness of god and
- 00:17:43.374 --> 00:17:49.046
- Remembering the faithfulness of god, you are courageous to face
- 00:17:49.046 --> 00:17:53.885
- Anything in front of you. your faith because of the
- 00:17:53.885 --> 00:17:57.321
- Faithfulness of god overcomes every fear.
- 00:17:57.321 --> 00:18:00.725
- The prophet's point in all of this is when you don't
- 00:18:00.725 --> 00:18:04.762
- Understand what's going on... when you say, "how?", that the
- 00:18:04.762 --> 00:18:12.036
- Question really isn't "how?"; it is him. you can live with
- 00:18:12.036 --> 00:18:18.943
- Hope in him because the future is in his hands. his compassion
- 00:18:18.943 --> 00:18:27.285
- For you, his love for you is limitless. and when you lift
- 00:18:27.285 --> 00:18:33.224
- Your thoughts from the ashes and in your mind, you throw
- 00:18:33.224 --> 00:18:38.796
- Open the windows of hope, you are strengthened with "strength
- 00:18:38.796 --> 00:18:45.937
- For today and bright hope for tomorrow."
- 00:18:45.937 --> 00:18:53.311
- Those are lines in a poem written by a man named thomas
- 00:18:53.311 --> 00:18:56.614
- Chisholm. he was a... a newspaper man, saved in his
- 00:18:56.614 --> 00:19:03.955
- Mid-twenties and ordained as a minister a few years later. but
- 00:19:03.955 --> 00:19:10.394
- He was known locally for his poems, and he wrote many poems.
- 00:19:10.394 --> 00:19:16.667
- He continues to write poems in spite of the fact that his
- 00:19:16.667 --> 00:19:20.805
- Health issues... he had major health issues and he couldn't
- 00:19:20.805 --> 00:19:25.142
- Really fulfill his calling as he desired. he couldn't really
- 00:19:25.142 --> 00:19:29.447
- Be the pastor, the preacher that he wanted to be, but he
- 00:19:29.447 --> 00:19:32.650
- Kept writing the words to these poems.
- 00:19:32.650 --> 00:19:39.423
- And he wrote a poem from lamentations chapter 3, among
- 00:19:39.423 --> 00:19:45.229
- Many. he sent it to a man by the name of thomas runyon who
- 00:19:45.229 --> 00:19:49.433
- Worked at the moody bible institute in chicago. and as
- 00:19:49.433 --> 00:19:53.104
- Runyon was looking through all these poems, he was taken by
- 00:19:53.104 --> 00:19:57.975
- This one from the words of lamentations chapter 3. and he
- 00:19:57.975 --> 00:20:05.283
- Prayed and god gave him a melody. god gave him the music
- 00:20:05.283 --> 00:20:10.721
- To this poem which you now know is the song great is thy
- 00:20:10.721 --> 00:20:17.561
- Faithfulness.
- 00:20:17.561 --> 00:20:20.631
- You think of this song, a hymn as being really old. well, it's
- 00:20:20.631 --> 00:20:25.002
- Not that old. it really came into prominence in the 1930's
- 00:20:25.002 --> 00:20:29.073
- And the 1940's. and in reality it wasn't going anywhere much
- 00:20:29.073 --> 00:20:34.845
- As a song until a young bass... baritone singer by the name of
- 00:20:34.845 --> 00:20:40.251
- George beverly shea sang it on the radio in chicago.
- 00:20:40.251 --> 00:20:47.458
- “great is thy faithfulness, o god my father, /there is no
- 00:20:47.458 --> 00:20:52.763
- Shadow of turning with thee;/ thou changest not, thy
- 00:20:52.763 --> 00:20:56.967
- Compassions they fail not;/ as thou has been thou forever wilt
- 00:20:56.967 --> 00:21:02.106
- Be.”
- 00:21:02.106 --> 00:21:03.874
- And there was a young evangelist by the name of billy
- 00:21:03.874 --> 00:21:08.713
- Graham who heard bev shea sing those words on the radio. he
- 00:21:08.713 --> 00:21:14.118
- Reached out and contacted mr. shea, asked him to join him as
- 00:21:14.118 --> 00:21:19.190
- A young evangelist in his evangelistic ministry. and the
- 00:21:19.190 --> 00:21:24.061
- Two coupled up later with others... cliff barrows,
- 00:21:24.061 --> 00:21:29.300
- Primarily. and in every crusade, they began to sing
- 00:21:29.300 --> 00:21:34.505
- Great is thy faithfulness. bev sang it; the congregation began
- 00:21:34.505 --> 00:21:37.975
- To sing it. it was sung in 1954 when billy was preaching in
- 00:21:37.975 --> 00:21:42.780
- London, and it captured the hearts of the people of britain.
- 00:21:42.780 --> 00:21:47.818
- “great is thy faithfulness! great is thy faithfulness!
- 00:21:47.818 --> 00:21:50.988
- Morning by morning new mercies i see;/ all i have needed thy
- 00:21:50.988 --> 00:21:56.594
- Hand hath provided. great is thy faithfulness, lord, unto
- 00:21:56.594 --> 00:22:01.532
- Me!”
- 00:22:01.532 --> 00:22:02.800
- “summer and winter, springtime and harvest, sun, moon and
- 00:22:02.800 --> 00:22:05.403
- Stars in their courses above/ join with all nature in
- 00:22:05.403 --> 00:22:10.040
- Manifold witness to thy great faithfulness, mercy and love. /
- 00:22:10.040 --> 00:22:15.045
- Great is thy faithfulness! great is thy faithfulness!
- 00:22:15.045 --> 00:22:19.316
- Morning by morning new mercies i see; / all i have needed thy
- 00:22:19.316 --> 00:22:23.254
- Hand hath provided. great is thy faithfulness, lord, unto
- 00:22:23.254 --> 00:22:26.624
- Me!”
- 00:22:26.624 --> 00:22:27.858
- “pardon for sin and a peace that endureth, thy own dear
- 00:22:27.858 --> 00:22:32.062
- Presence to cheer and to guide;/ (and here's the line i
- 00:22:32.062 --> 00:22:36.066
- Love so much) strength for today and bright hope for
- 00:22:36.066 --> 00:22:43.407
- Tomorrow, blessings all mine, ten thousand besides!”
- 00:22:43.407 --> 00:22:51.182
- “great is thy faithfulness (sing it)! great is thy
- 00:22:51.182 --> 00:23:00.825
- Faithfulness! morning by morning new mercies i see; all
- 00:23:00.825 --> 00:23:11.101
- I have needed thy hand hath provided. great is thy
- 00:23:11.101 --> 00:23:21.345
- Faithfulness, lord, unto me!”
- 00:23:21.345 --> 00:23:25.916
- True! he is forever faithful. the psalmist said in psalm 37.
- 00:23:25.916 --> 00:23:38.496
- “feed on his faithfulness.” feed on the faithfulness of
- 00:23:38.496 --> 00:23:44.768
- God. when you feed on something, you desire it, and
- 00:23:44.768 --> 00:23:51.275
- Then you devour it! and then you digest it. you feed on the
- 00:23:51.275 --> 00:23:59.950
- Faithfulness of god. god's faithful love.
- 00:23:59.950 --> 00:24:06.724
- You know what we need? more of that... more of this prayer. we
- 00:24:06.724 --> 00:24:18.802
- Need more. you know, the problem with prayer? ... you
- 00:24:18.802 --> 00:24:22.339
- Know the problem with prayer? we don't do it enough! james
- 00:24:22.339 --> 00:24:26.343
- Said, "you have not because you ask not." jesus said, "ask, and
- 00:24:26.343 --> 00:24:30.514
- You will receive; seek, and you will find; knock, and it will
- 00:24:30.514 --> 00:24:34.685
- Be opened unto you." and when you trust in god who is
- 00:24:34.685 --> 00:24:44.628
- Faithful and true, he will never break a promise. when you
- 00:24:44.628 --> 00:24:47.865
- Go to him in prayer, you can count on the fact that in his
- 00:24:47.865 --> 00:24:51.302
- Time, in his way he will answer.
- 00:24:51.302 --> 00:24:54.471
- Life is fragile. life is described in the bible as a
- 00:24:54.471 --> 00:24:58.442
- Vapor... it's a mist on morning... on the morning dew.
- 00:24:58.442 --> 00:25:03.480
- Our heart is just one heartbeat away from eternity. we're one
- 00:25:03.480 --> 00:25:12.022
- Heartbeat away from standing before god! we think we've got
- 00:25:12.022 --> 00:25:18.462
- 70 or 80 years more, maybe more to pursue our goals, to raise
- 00:25:18.462 --> 00:25:22.733
- Our families. maybe, but maybe not. we're all just one
- 00:25:22.733 --> 00:25:33.510
- Heartbeat away. and the fact is, life is brief no matter how
- 00:25:33.510 --> 00:25:37.815
- Long you live it on this earth. and eternity is long and you
- 00:25:37.815 --> 00:25:44.188
- Need hope... a hope that sustains life. "strength for
- 00:25:44.188 --> 00:25:49.893
- Today and bright hope for tomorrow." and a hope that
- 00:25:49.893 --> 00:25:52.863
- Endures beyond the grave so that you win in life.
- 00:25:52.863 --> 00:25:59.770
- This happens... the mercies of god, the love of god... because
- 00:25:59.770 --> 00:26:04.408
- Of what christ has done for us. it hadn't happened in the book
- 00:26:04.408 --> 00:26:08.912
- Of lamentations, but those mercies that are new every
- 00:26:08.912 --> 00:26:12.249
- Morning to us... they came at the cross. hope came out of the
- 00:26:12.249 --> 00:26:17.121
- Grave when jesus burst forth out of the tomb. and he is
- 00:26:17.121 --> 00:26:21.191
- Alive, and therefore, hope is alive because jesus is alive.
- 00:26:21.191 --> 00:26:27.331
- ♪♪♪
- 00:26:27.331 --> 00:26:31.769
- [announcer] discover the journey of a lifetime. as you
- 00:26:32.870 --> 00:26:35.706
- Walk in the footsteps of the apostle paul.
- 00:26:35.706 --> 00:26:39.009
- [jack graham] join me for an amazing cruise throughout the
- 00:26:39.009 --> 00:26:41.745
- Mediterranean as we trace the second and third missionary
- 00:26:41.745 --> 00:26:44.782
- Journeys of the apostle paul. you will experience the rich
- 00:26:44.782 --> 00:26:48.152
- History and amazing, breathtaking beauty of places
- 00:26:48.152 --> 00:26:51.488
- Where paul preached the gospel and where the church of the
- 00:26:51.488 --> 00:26:54.558
- Lord jesus christ expanded.
- 00:26:54.558 --> 00:26:57.394
- Engage with expert guides along with me, teaching god's word.
- 00:26:57.394 --> 00:27:01.265
- You will share faith with like minded believers and make
- 00:27:01.265 --> 00:27:04.501
- Memories that will last a lifetime.
- 00:27:04.501 --> 00:27:07.037
- [announcer] don't miss this unique opportunity for a
- 00:27:07.037 --> 00:27:11.275
- Journey of a lifetime. availability is limited. visit
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- Jackgraham.org/adventure or text the word paul to 59789
- 00:27:13.043 --> 00:27:19.483
- To reserve your spot today.
- 00:27:19.483 --> 00:27:21.585
- [jack graham] let's set sail on a journey of faith and
- 00:27:21.585 --> 00:27:24.121
- Discovery. we can't wait to see you there.
- 00:27:24.121 --> 00:27:26.924
- ♪♪♪
- 00:27:26.924 --> 00:27:26.924