Dr. Jack Graham's mission is to glorify God by introducing Jesus Christ as Lord to all people.
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Power Point with Jack Graham | Jack Graham - Saved, Certain, and Secure | January 12, 2025
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- There is no person that god cannot save!
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- There is no promise that god will not keep!
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- There is nothing that our god cannot do!
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- As we begin a brand new year, there's no better time to focus
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- On what truly matters - your relationship with god through
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- Jesus! and this is our opportunity for renewal, for
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- Reset, for fresh commitments and growing deeper and deeper
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- In our faith.
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- That's why i want to help you cut through the noise of life
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- And stand firmly on the word of god, the foundation of truth.
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- The bible isn't just any book. it is the story of redemption,
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- A bright hope for today and strength for tomorrow. the
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- Truth is, its the key to understanding everything,
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- Including your destiny.
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- In my new book, “the jesus book - reading and understanding the
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- Bible for yourself,” i unpack practical applications and
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- Ideas for reading the bible every day and understanding the
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- Will of god for your life.
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- [announcer] when you give your best gift to powerpoint, you
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- Are partnering with us to share this life changing message with
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- People worldwide. as a thank you, we'll send you dr.
- 00:01:36.619 --> 00:01:40.623
- Graham's new book, the jesus book.
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- To give your best gift, go to jackgraham.org. call.
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- Or text the word jesus to 59789 to give your gift today.
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- Start the new year strong, rooted in scripture and ready
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- For all god has for you.
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- [jack graham] so let's go together and make this year a
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- Year of spiritual transformation that god would
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- Change our hearts,
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- Change our lives till the whole world hears.
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- It's essential that you live with confidence and certainty
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- In your christian life. the blessed assurance of knowing
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- That your sins are forgiven, that you're on your way to
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- Heaven, that you have eternal life and that you can never
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- Lose it. that we are saved and secure. and because of what
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- Christ has done for us, we live with this utter confidence,
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- This deep assurance, that we know that we know that we know
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- That we know that jesus is lord, and because christ is
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- Lord of our lives, that we are with him now and forever. so
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- “saved, certain & secure.” can you be sure?
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- Now, someone might think, “well, it's presumptuous, and
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- Maybe even prideful to be so confident.” well, our
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- Confidence is not in ourselves; our confidence is not in what
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- We have done, but in what christ has done for us.
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- How can we be sure? that's what this message is about.
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- So 1 john 5:13: puts it this way:
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- 13) these things are written that you may... to those of you
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- Who have eternal life, that you may have confidence... that you
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- May know that you have eternal life and that you may continue
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- To believe in the name of the son of god.
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- Then down in verse 19 of 1 john, chapter 5... 1 john 5,
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- Verse 19, it says:
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- 19) we know that we are of god... (the whole world is in
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- The hands of satan, but) we know that we are the children
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- Of god....
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- “these things are written” to those of you who believe on the
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- Name of the son of god, “that you may know that you have
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- Eternal life.”
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- So how do we know? here's how we know; here's what we know.
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- Take your bible and just hold it up right now. just hold it
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- Up high over your head. just as a sign that you're under the
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- Authority of the word of god. this is god's inerrant,
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- Infallible word. it's the only perfect thing on this earth...
- 00:04:37.533 --> 00:04:43.106
- Is the perfect word of god. written by imperfect men but
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- Inspired by the perfect holy spirit which gives us this
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- Perfect word of god. so "these things are written that you may
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- Know that you have eternal life."
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- Our confidence, our assurance is not in what we feel; our
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- Confidence is in the one whom we believe, the one that we
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- Trust. here's what we know; we know the word of god and the
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- Word of god tells us who jesus is and what he's done in our
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- Life. so i'm going to give you five things that... that we
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- Know and ways, therefore, that we can be sure. you can be as
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- Certain for heaven as if you were already there.
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- Number one, god wants us to know that jesus is our lord and
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- Savior. to know it! paul expressed this in 2 timothy
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- Chapter 1, verse 12. he said, “i know whom i believe and am
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- Persuaded that he is able to keep what i've committed unto
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- Him against that day.” against what day? the day that christ
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- Comes again. he said, “i know whom i have believed.” he said,
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- “i know jesus!” he's not someone i know about; he is
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- Real to me!
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- And my testimony to you today, and the testimony of thousands
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- Like me is to say that jesus is lord and that because christ is
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- Savior and lord, he is master and friend; that jesus is alive
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- In me. he's not someone i just know about; he's someone i know
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- And love!
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- Jesus said, "i stand at the door and knock. (revelation
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- 3:20) if anyone hears my voice and opens the door, i will come
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- In." has there been a decisive moment in your life when you
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- Have invited... welcomed christ into your life? do you know
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- That jesus is living in you? do you know him as your lord and
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- Personal savior of your life? our confidence is in this: that
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- Jesus is our personal savior and lord.
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- Number two, god wants us to know that all of our sins are
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- Forgiven. god wants you to know this! look at 1 john... chapter
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- 2 and look with me at verses 1 and 2... of 1 john, 1 and 2.
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- "my little children, these things i write to you so that
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- You may not sin. and if anyone sins (and do we sin? yes,
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- Indeed, we do! but) we have an advocate with the father, jesus
- 00:07:32.008 --> 00:07:36.512
- Christ, the righteous, and he himself is the propitiation
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- (that is, the redemptor for our sins) for our sins, and not
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- Only for our only, but also for the whole world." god wants you
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- To know that all your sins are forgiven. we have a sin
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- Problem. and as a result of our sin problem... all of us... we
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- Live in guilt. and because of sin there is shame and the
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- Regrets of our lives. and we live under this condemnation.
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- And so many people live with the uncertainty of knowing if
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- God has forgiven them. even people who have been in the
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- Church or around the church or maybe even you're a baptized
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- Believer but you don't have assurance in your life because
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- You're wondering, “how could god forgive me?
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- God could never overlook my sin." well, the fact is that
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- God doesn't overlook our sin. he sees our sin but he sent
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- Jesus to die on the cross and to pay the sin debt so that we
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- Can be forgiven. and his blood... the blood of jesus
- 00:08:50.486 --> 00:08:54.256
- Christ cleanses us from every sin! and therefore, because we
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- Have been fully and forever forgiven, we can live life
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- Without regrets and we can live life with confidence, looking
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- At our future, knowing that jesus has said, as he said to
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- The lame man in mark's gospel, "your sins are forgiven. rise
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- Up and walk!" he said to the woman taken in adultery,
- 00:09:17.413 --> 00:09:21.517
- "neither do i condemn you. go and sin no more."
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- You are forgiven in christ! this means your past is blotted
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- Out; it is deleted. it means that your present... the sins
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- Of your present can be covered... is covered by and
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- Cleansed by the blood of jesus christ.
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- So, many people think, “well, what happens when i sin? what
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- Happens when i commit sins as a christian? do i have to go back
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- To “go” like one of those board games and you have to go back
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- To start, and get saved all over again? no. because every
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- Sin that you committed was in the future when christ died for
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- You. right? all your sins were in the future. so whether your
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- Sins were past or present or future, the blood of jesus
- 00:10:11.734 --> 00:10:15.337
- Christ, god's son, cleanses us from every sin. and all of our
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- Sins are, therefore, cleansed.
- 00:10:20.609 --> 00:10:23.846
- Look at isaiah chapter 53, verses 5 and 6... key verse...
- 00:10:23.846 --> 00:10:28.984
- Verses in the bible. "for he was wounded for our
- 00:10:28.984 --> 00:10:31.887
- Transgressions, he was bruised for our iniquities; the
- 00:10:31.887 --> 00:10:34.924
- Chastisement for our peace was upon him, and by his stripes we
- 00:10:34.924 --> 00:10:39.462
- Are healed. all we like sheep have gone astray; we have
- 00:10:39.462 --> 00:10:43.599
- Turned, every one, to his own way; and the lord has laid on
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- Him the iniquity of us all."
- 00:10:47.069 --> 00:10:50.106
- First peter 2:24: "...who himself (that is jesus) bore
- 00:10:50.106 --> 00:10:53.876
- Our sins in his own body on the tree, that we, having died to
- 00:10:53.876 --> 00:10:57.747
- Sins, might live for righteousness... by whose
- 00:10:57.747 --> 00:10:59.915
- Stripes you are healed."
- 00:10:59.915 --> 00:11:02.351
- Psalm 103:12: “as far as the east is from the west, so far
- 00:11:02.351 --> 00:11:06.021
- Has he removed our transgressions from us.”
- 00:11:06.021 --> 00:11:08.924
- Psalms 32:1: “blessed is he whose transgression is
- 00:11:08.924 --> 00:11:12.661
- Forgiven, whose sin is covered”"
- 00:11:12.661 --> 00:11:15.464
- God is saying, “i've got you covered completely and totally”"
- 00:11:15.464 --> 00:11:21.337
- So when people say something like, “well, you can be saved
- 00:11:21.337 --> 00:11:27.643
- But then you could sin to the degree that you could lose your
- 00:11:27.643 --> 00:11:31.847
- Salvation.” you know, there are people who teach that you can
- 00:11:31.847 --> 00:11:34.550
- Somehow lose your salvation, that you could forfeit your
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- Eternal life, that you could turn away and be lost again.
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- The bible teaches us that once you are saved, you are always
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- Saved. you know, “i know, that's that old baptist thing.”
- 00:11:46.562 --> 00:11:48.964
- No, it's the bible thing. and here's why it's the bible
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- Thing. because every sin that we have committed is covered by
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- The blood of christ as we have trusted him.
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- Listen to me, i always want to ask people, “okay, if you can
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- Sin away your salvation, how much sin does it take to sin
- 00:12:01.544 --> 00:12:05.581
- Away your salvation? and how bad does it have to be?”
- 00:12:05.581 --> 00:12:09.385
- If there was one cent of a scintilla of sin held to my
- 00:12:09.385 --> 00:12:16.492
- Account or your account, we would be on... we would be on a
- 00:12:16.492 --> 00:12:23.132
- Slide to hell. a waterslide to hell. because if there is any
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- Sin that we have committed that is not covered...
- 00:12:31.373 --> 00:12:34.176
- You see, you got to understand the holiness of god! “god is of
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- Purer eyes than to behold iniquity.” if there's any sin
- 00:12:38.747 --> 00:12:42.218
- Against me then i'm lost forever. but christ took my
- 00:12:42.218 --> 00:12:47.223
- Sin. when jesus went to the cross, he carried your sin and
- 00:12:47.223 --> 00:12:52.094
- My sin with him! and therefore, we are saved and secure because
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- Of what christ has done!
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- And, therefore, it is grace. so the same grace
- 00:13:00.236 --> 00:13:04.440
- That saves us and forgives us, takes away our sin and we live
- 00:13:04.440 --> 00:13:09.144
- In this grace every day. and that's why we know and can say,
- 00:13:09.144 --> 00:13:13.983
- “i know that we are saved.” because we're trusting in
- 00:13:13.983 --> 00:13:17.186
- Christ alone. we have his pardon and his promise that he
- 00:13:17.186 --> 00:13:21.290
- Would take our sins and “remember them no more.”
- 00:13:21.290 --> 00:13:26.795
- This is what you can know! and what the bible says is that it
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- Is in christ, and christ alone that we are saved, and,
- 00:13:34.203 --> 00:13:38.707
- Therefore, we trust in him, and him alone.
- 00:13:38.707 --> 00:13:43.479
- That's why we can say: it is well with my soul. “my sin, oh
- 00:13:43.479 --> 00:13:53.656
- The bliss of this glorious thought, / my sin not in part
- 00:13:53.656 --> 00:14:00.229
- But the whole, / is nailed to the cross and i bear them no
- 00:14:00.229 --> 00:14:05.801
- More./ praise the lord, it is well, it is well with my soul.”
- 00:14:05.801 --> 00:14:10.706
- [applause] this is what we know.
- 00:14:10.706 --> 00:14:16.312
- So what we know is that jesus is our lord and savior because
- 00:14:16.312 --> 00:14:21.483
- We have trusted in him, and him only. what we know is that all
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- Of our sins are forgiven and, therefore, what we know is that
- 00:14:24.320 --> 00:14:28.290
- We have passed from death unto life. that's the third thing i
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- Want you to see. he wants you to know that you have passed
- 00:14:32.494 --> 00:14:34.763
- From death unto life. that's 1 john 5:11 and 12...
- 00:14:34.763 --> 00:14:39.068
- Says this, and this is the
- 00:14:39.068 --> 00:14:40.302
- Testimony: that he has given us eternal life, and that life is
- 00:14:40.302 --> 00:14:44.039
- In his son. he who has the son has life; he who does not have
- 00:14:44.039 --> 00:14:49.578
- The son of god does not have life." and that's when he says,
- 00:14:49.578 --> 00:14:53.215
- "these things are written... these things are written to you
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- That believe in the name of the son of god." so we know that we
- 00:14:57.052 --> 00:15:01.223
- Have passed from death to life,
- 00:15:01.223 --> 00:15:03.459
- From temporal life to eternal life.
- 00:15:03.459 --> 00:15:07.629
- Now heads up on this one: eternal life and heaven are not
- 00:15:07.629 --> 00:15:13.502
- The same. they're not synonymous. heaven is the
- 00:15:13.502 --> 00:15:18.173
- Byproduct of eternal life. heaven is the byproduct... the
- 00:15:18.173 --> 00:15:21.543
- Future that we have because we have been given eternal life.
- 00:15:21.543 --> 00:15:25.814
- Eternal life is in christ. we have the son jesus! we were
- 00:15:25.814 --> 00:15:30.552
- Born dead in our trespasses. we were the walking dead! but
- 00:15:30.552 --> 00:15:35.224
- Because christ said, "i've come that you might have life and
- 00:15:35.224 --> 00:15:37.893
- Have it more abundantly," we now, having received christ,
- 00:15:37.893 --> 00:15:41.263
- Have received his life in us. christ is alive in us, and we
- 00:15:41.263 --> 00:15:47.669
- Have eternal life.
- 00:15:47.669 --> 00:15:49.772
- Listen to john chapter 10, verse 27 and 29. this is why
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- You need your bibles when you come. but here it is: john 10:
- 00:15:55.544 --> 00:15:59.548
- 27-29: “my sheep hear my voice, and i know them, and they
- 00:15:59.548 --> 00:16:03.485
- Follow me. and i give them eternal life, and they shall
- 00:16:03.485 --> 00:16:06.789
- (what?) never perish; neither shall anyone snatch them out of
- 00:16:06.789 --> 00:16:12.494
- My hand. my father, who has given them to me, is greater
- 00:16:12.494 --> 00:16:15.864
- Than all; and no one is able to snatch them out of my father's
- 00:16:15.864 --> 00:16:19.334
- Hand.”
- 00:16:19.334 --> 00:16:21.103
- The devil can't snatch you out of the father's hand. don't you
- 00:16:21.103 --> 00:16:25.441
- Know that if he could, he would? jesus said, “i give you
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- Eternal life.” i've said it many times here. you know, how
- 00:16:31.980 --> 00:16:36.418
- Long is eternal life? well, it's eternal; it's forever. but
- 00:16:36.418 --> 00:16:41.557
- It's more than just living a long time; it's the life of god
- 00:16:41.557 --> 00:16:44.893
- In you. it's the life of christ.
- 00:16:44.893 --> 00:16:46.395
- You see, we were devoid of life. we were empty of god.
- 00:16:46.395 --> 00:16:49.965
- That's what it means to be life... ... lost. but when
- 00:16:49.965 --> 00:16:53.669
- Christ comes to live in us, we have passed from death to life.
- 00:16:53.669 --> 00:16:59.007
- I am alive, alive, alive in christ! i've passed from the
- 00:16:59.007 --> 00:17:04.046
- Old life and i'm living a brand-new life because of jesus
- 00:17:04.046 --> 00:17:07.850
- Himself. and so eternal life is what he gives us right now.
- 00:17:07.850 --> 00:17:12.488
- In john 17 and verse 3, this is what jesus says: "and this is
- 00:17:12.488 --> 00:17:16.425
- Eternal life,..." okay, you want to know what eternal life
- 00:17:16.425 --> 00:17:18.927
- Is based on what jesus said? "that they may know you, the
- 00:17:18.927 --> 00:17:22.798
- Only true god, and jesus christ whom you have sent." all right?
- 00:17:22.798 --> 00:17:27.002
- Eternal life is to know god and jesus christ! you receive
- 00:17:27.002 --> 00:17:31.306
- Eternal life the moment the miracle takes place when you
- 00:17:31.306 --> 00:17:35.711
- Pass from death to life. eternal life means here and now.
- 00:17:35.711 --> 00:17:39.114
- You say, “well, i want to wait for heaven to find out if i
- 00:17:39.114 --> 00:17:41.550
- Have eternal life.” that's too late! too late. here and now is
- 00:17:41.550 --> 00:17:49.191
- When you put your faith and trust in christ and are given
- 00:17:49.191 --> 00:17:52.027
- This eternal life in christ.
- 00:17:52.027 --> 00:17:56.565
- Next, what does god want us to know? here's what we know: god
- 00:17:56.565 --> 00:18:01.069
- Wants us to know his perfect plan for our lives... god wants
- 00:18:01.069 --> 00:18:05.107
- Us to know his perfect plan for our lives. god does have a plan
- 00:18:05.107 --> 00:18:10.179
- And god has a purpose for us. romans 8:28 says that "we know
- 00:18:10.179 --> 00:18:13.882
- That all things are working together for good to those who
- 00:18:13.882 --> 00:18:16.251
- Love god, to those who are called according to his
- 00:18:16.251 --> 00:18:18.320
- Purpose. for whom he foreknew, he also predestined to be
- 00:18:18.320 --> 00:18:21.623
- Conformed to the image of his son, that he might be the
- 00:18:21.623 --> 00:18:24.426
- Firstborn among many brethren. moreover, whom he predestined,
- 00:18:24.426 --> 00:18:28.263
- These he also called; whom he called, these he also
- 00:18:28.263 --> 00:18:30.098
- Justified; and whom he justified, these he also
- 00:18:30.098 --> 00:18:32.034
- Glorified."
- 00:18:32.034 --> 00:18:33.035
- It is a done deal! accomplished! tetelestai!
- 00:18:33.035 --> 00:18:36.905
- Finished! what christ has done for us means that he has a plan
- 00:18:36.905 --> 00:18:40.976
- And his plan is working progressively, perfectly in our
- 00:18:40.976 --> 00:18:43.812
- Lives; that he's constructing us and we're just getting
- 00:18:43.812 --> 00:18:46.848
- Started when we come to christ, and he's building us up and
- 00:18:46.848 --> 00:18:50.352
- Making us more and more like christ. and therefore, what we
- 00:18:50.352 --> 00:18:54.790
- Know is that everything that's happening in our lives, both
- 00:18:54.790 --> 00:18:58.660
- Good and bad, god is good and god does good, and god is
- 00:18:58.660 --> 00:19:04.333
- Working all things together for the good to those who love the
- 00:19:04.333 --> 00:19:08.070
- Lord and who are called according to his purpose.
- 00:19:08.070 --> 00:19:09.871
- Listen to me! god has a perfect plan... a plan and a purpose
- 00:19:09.871 --> 00:19:13.508
- For your life! you're not an accident. you're not here by
- 00:19:13.508 --> 00:19:18.113
- Chance or circumstance. god formed you in your mother's
- 00:19:18.113 --> 00:19:22.184
- Womb and with that plan comes god's progressive work, his
- 00:19:22.184 --> 00:19:26.989
- Will in your life.
- 00:19:26.989 --> 00:19:28.257
- And so the only thing we need to do is to make sure we're
- 00:19:28.257 --> 00:19:31.026
- Getting ourselves aligned in god's will. and when you're
- 00:19:31.026 --> 00:19:34.796
- Aligned in this way, life works, because god works in
- 00:19:34.796 --> 00:19:38.934
- Response to our obedience to him and god works even when we
- 00:19:38.934 --> 00:19:42.604
- Are disobedient to him, he turns things around and enables
- 00:19:42.604 --> 00:19:46.174
- Us to get back on track.
- 00:19:46.174 --> 00:19:47.709
- So i'm saying all this to tell you that the world... the world
- 00:19:47.709 --> 00:19:51.980
- Is going nowhere! when simon peter preached on the day of
- 00:19:51.980 --> 00:19:55.083
- Pentecost and he said, "save yourself from this crooked and
- 00:19:55.083 --> 00:19:59.588
- Untoward generation." the word "untoward" means a generation
- 00:19:59.588 --> 00:20:03.825
- That's going nowhere. if you don't know christ, you don't
- 00:20:03.825 --> 00:20:10.165
- Have a clue about where your life is going. i mean, you're
- 00:20:10.165 --> 00:20:13.502
- Just left to good luck, and good luck with good luck! if
- 00:20:13.502 --> 00:20:19.107
- You don't know christ in your life, you don't really have a
- 00:20:19.107 --> 00:20:21.343
- Purpose. you may have your plans and ideas, but what
- 00:20:21.343 --> 00:20:24.146
- Happens when life falls apart? and it ineligibly does. then
- 00:20:24.146 --> 00:20:27.849
- What? when your plans fail or luck turns the wrong way?
- 00:20:27.849 --> 00:20:35.190
- No, we don't live by luck. the lord directs our steps. the
- 00:20:35.190 --> 00:20:41.530
- Lord has a plan; the lord has a purpose for our lives. and so
- 00:20:41.530 --> 00:20:45.233
- We live in confidence in this.
- 00:20:45.233 --> 00:20:46.768
- Now you see what a difference this makes in the way that you
- 00:20:46.768 --> 00:20:49.171
- Live? if you get up every single day knowing "i am saved;
- 00:20:49.171 --> 00:20:53.375
- I know that my sins are forgiven; i have passed from
- 00:20:53.375 --> 00:20:56.578
- Death unto life and i am fulfilling god's plan and god's
- 00:20:56.578 --> 00:20:59.881
- Purpose for my life every single day." when you see what
- 00:20:59.881 --> 00:21:02.617
- Incredible confidence and certainty that brings to your
- 00:21:02.617 --> 00:21:06.455
- Life... that you are saved, certain and secure.
- 00:21:06.455 --> 00:21:14.396
- I just want to urge you by all means to remember philippians
- 00:21:14.396 --> 00:21:19.801
- 1:6: “being confident of this very thing, that he who began
- 00:21:19.801 --> 00:21:25.941
- The good work in you will perfect it, perform it,
- 00:21:25.941 --> 00:21:28.744
- Complete it unto the day of jesus christ.” god began the
- 00:21:28.744 --> 00:21:33.048
- Work in you and what god starts, he finishes! he's not
- 00:21:33.048 --> 00:21:37.586
- Finished with you; he's finishing you! and what he
- 00:21:37.586 --> 00:21:40.655
- Starts, he finishes in your life!
- 00:21:40.655 --> 00:21:44.459
- And... one more thing! we know that because jesus is lord,
- 00:21:44.459 --> 00:21:50.832
- That everything that is happening in our world is under
- 00:21:50.832 --> 00:21:54.803
- His control! and so we don't live in fear and uncertainty
- 00:21:54.803 --> 00:22:00.509
- About the future. we don't live with angst and anxiety about
- 00:22:00.509 --> 00:22:05.947
- What's going to happen next. our eyes are on the lord! the
- 00:22:05.947 --> 00:22:11.119
- One who has come and who's coming again in great power and
- 00:22:11.119 --> 00:22:15.090
- Great glory and in great victory!
- 00:22:15.090 --> 00:22:18.059
- Here's what we know: it's what jude, the little brother of
- 00:22:18.059 --> 00:22:23.231
- Jesus, the son of mary and joseph... big brother was
- 00:22:23.231 --> 00:22:27.969
- Jesus. that's a tough act to follow. but jude became a
- 00:22:27.969 --> 00:22:33.408
- Follower of jesus and he gave us a little letter. it's one of
- 00:22:33.408 --> 00:22:38.647
- The most powerful and really for the church, the church that
- 00:22:38.647 --> 00:22:41.149
- Is so woke and so weak in this generation needs the book of
- 00:22:41.149 --> 00:22:44.719
- Jude now more than ever perhaps.
- 00:22:44.719 --> 00:22:47.856
- But after all the contending for the faith that is in and
- 00:22:47.856 --> 00:22:50.625
- The confrontation of wokeness and evil and all the rest in
- 00:22:50.625 --> 00:22:54.930
- The book of jude, jude 24 and 25... it's a doxology that
- 00:22:54.930 --> 00:23:00.735
- Closes. therefore, i'm going to close the message with it: "now
- 00:23:00.735 --> 00:23:06.274
- To him who is able to keep you from stumbling, and to present
- 00:23:06.274 --> 00:23:13.415
- You faultless before the presence of his glory with
- 00:23:13.415 --> 00:23:17.052
- Exceeding joy, to god our savior, who alone is wise, be
- 00:23:17.052 --> 00:23:24.759
- Glory and majesty and dominion and power, both now and
- 00:23:24.759 --> 00:23:31.132
- Forever."
- 00:23:31.132 --> 00:23:32.901
- "now to him who is able..." i'm not able to save myself, but he
- 00:23:32.901 --> 00:23:39.674
- Is able to save to the uttermost, and "to keep me from
- 00:23:39.674 --> 00:23:44.980
- Stumbling..." do we... do we misstep? do we stumble at
- 00:23:44.980 --> 00:23:52.554
- Times? but when we stumble, he keeps us from falling. psalm
- 00:23:52.554 --> 00:23:59.227
- 37:23 and 24 says: "the steps of a righteous man are ordered
- 00:23:59.227 --> 00:24:04.466
- By the lord... and though he stumble, he will not fall; for
- 00:24:04.466 --> 00:24:11.006
- The lord upholds him with his strong right hand."
- 00:24:11.006 --> 00:24:15.710
- You see, salvation is not a matter of me holding on to god,
- 00:24:15.710 --> 00:24:19.147
- Trying to hold to him. he's holding on to me; he's holding
- 00:24:19.147 --> 00:24:22.484
- On to you, and he's never going to let go. you're in the
- 00:24:22.484 --> 00:24:25.487
- Father's hand. peter said, "we are kept by the power of god."
- 00:24:25.487 --> 00:24:30.725
- We are in god's grip from time to eternity. "now to him to
- 00:24:30.725 --> 00:24:37.799
- Present you (watch this!) faultless, blameless; as the
- 00:24:37.799 --> 00:24:44.706
- Hymnwriter put it, "dressed in his righteousness alone,/
- 00:24:44.706 --> 00:24:49.010
- Faultless to stand before the throne." we stand in the
- 00:24:49.010 --> 00:24:54.149
- Righteousness, pure and perfect, and he is able to keep
- 00:24:54.149 --> 00:24:57.619
- Us, bring us into his presence of glory with (what?) exceeding
- 00:24:57.619 --> 00:25:02.190
- Joy... joy, joy, joy and more joy! can you imagine the joy of
- 00:25:02.190 --> 00:25:08.663
- Being with jesus? of seeing jesus!
- 00:25:08.663 --> 00:25:11.433
- Let me tell you something! i'm more excited today about jesus
- 00:25:11.433 --> 00:25:16.071
- Than anything in my life! i mean more than politics, more
- 00:25:16.071 --> 00:25:20.609
- Than the next election, more than sports, more than
- 00:25:20.609 --> 00:25:24.045
- Entertainment, more than power, more than fame, more than
- 00:25:24.045 --> 00:25:27.949
- Anything in this world! i am excited about seeing christ,
- 00:25:27.949 --> 00:25:34.222
- And christ is coming and he's coming soon! and we're going to
- 00:25:34.222 --> 00:25:37.425
- Be with him in exceeding joy! to god our savior, that's
- 00:25:37.425 --> 00:25:42.397
- Jesus, who alone is wise! there's no one like him!
- 00:25:42.397 --> 00:25:46.701
- There's no one above him! there's no one along side of
- 00:25:46.701 --> 00:25:49.838
- Him! there's no one next to him! "there is no other name
- 00:25:49.838 --> 00:25:53.575
- Given among men, whereby we must be saved, than the name of
- 00:25:53.575 --> 00:25:59.347
- Jesus." "to him... to him be glory and majesty and power and
- 00:25:59.347 --> 00:26:05.720
- Victory and authority!" you don't think there is confidence
- 00:26:05.720 --> 00:26:08.490
- In living like this? there is confidence and hope in christ,
- 00:26:08.490 --> 00:26:13.328
- Now and forever. amen and amen! come on, let's sing it!
- 00:26:13.328 --> 00:26:18.066
- ♪♪♪
- 00:26:18.066 --> 00:26:30.378
- [announcer] discover the journey of a lifetime. as you
- 00:26:31.479 --> 00:26:34.149
- Walk in the footsteps of the apostle paul.
- 00:26:34.149 --> 00:26:37.018
- [jack graham] join me for an amazing cruise throughout the
- 00:26:37.018 --> 00:26:39.487
- Mediterranean as we trace the second and third missionary
- 00:26:39.487 --> 00:26:42.123
- Journeys of the apostle paul. you will experience the rich
- 00:26:42.123 --> 00:26:46.861
- History and amazing, breathtaking beauty of places
- 00:26:46.861 --> 00:26:50.198
- Where paul preached the gospel and where the church of the
- 00:26:50.198 --> 00:26:53.268
- Lord jesus christ expanded.
- 00:26:53.268 --> 00:26:56.104
- Engage with expert guides along with me, teaching god's word.
- 00:26:56.104 --> 00:26:59.974
- You will share faith with like minded believers and make
- 00:26:59.974 --> 00:27:03.211
- Memories that will last a lifetime.
- 00:27:03.211 --> 00:27:05.947
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- Or text the word paul to 59789 to reserve your spot today.
- 00:27:14.589 --> 00:27:20.395
- [jack graham] let's set sail on a journey of faith and
- 00:27:20.395 --> 00:27:22.697
- Discovery. we can't wait to see you there.
- 00:27:22.697 --> 00:27:25.600
- ♪♪♪
- 00:27:25.600 --> 00:27:25.600