Dr. Jack Graham's mission is to glorify God by introducing Jesus Christ as Lord to all people.
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Power Point with Jack Graham | Jack Graham - What Is A Christian? | January 5, 2025
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- 00:00:01.480 --> 00:00:06.385
- There is no person that god cannot save!
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- There is no promise that god will not keep!
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- There is nothing that our god cannot do!
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- We are beginning a brand-new series of messages called
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- Distinctives for disciples. and what this is about... it's not
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- So much a doctrinal series as to what we believe, but more
- 00:00:48.627 --> 00:00:52.931
- Why we believe and how we live out what we believe. it's a
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- Christian living series. it's a basic christianity series.
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- When vince lombardy, the head coach of the champion green bay
- 00:01:02.708 --> 00:01:07.012
- Packers back in the day came off a winning season again in
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- Those days, he gathered his team at the summer practice and
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- Before they did anything, he got the group together and he
- 00:01:14.553 --> 00:01:17.322
- Held up a football and he said, "gentlemen, this is a
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- Football." and what he was saying, was he was just
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- Reminding everyone that football is about the basics,
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- The fundamentals of blocking and tackling and running and
- 00:01:26.865 --> 00:01:29.301
- Catching... and you can do all the sizzle but, in the end,
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- It's all about the football.
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- And in the end, the church... the lord jesus christ... those
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- Of us who are followers of jesus, it's all about the faith
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- And what we believe. our faith in the lord jesus christ. so
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- We're going to be talking about things that every christian
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- Should know. for some of you who are seeking to know what it
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- Is to be a christian, we'll be talking about some of those
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- Things as well, but really this is about believers and what it
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- Means to belong, to believe and to battle for the lord day
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- After day.
- 00:02:02.801 --> 00:02:04.069
- So take you bible and turn with me to the book of acts. this is
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- Where we're going to start because our first topic is a
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- Question: “what is a christian?” acts chapter 26,
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- And just hold your place there because you might find it
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- Remarkable that in all the bible the word christian is
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- Used only three times. now the followers of jesus were called
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- A number of things: believers, people of the way because jesus
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- Said, “i am the way, the truth and the life. and no one comes
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- To the father except by me.” they were called soldiers; they
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- Were called disciples. various ways in which christians were
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- Described.
- 00:02:48.680 --> 00:02:50.048
- But rarely in the new testament are we called christians. three
- 00:02:50.048 --> 00:02:55.254
- Times, but these three times are really the marks of
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- Discipleship. what it means not only to be a christian, how to
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- Become a christian, but then how to be a christian. and
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- We're going to take a look at these three times that the word
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- Christian is used because we are to build this message and
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- Answer the question: what is a christian?
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- Now that is the most important question really that you can
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- Answer. or to ask you the question this way: am i a
- 00:03:23.882 --> 00:03:28.487
- Christian?
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- Paul said, "for to me, to live is christ and to die is gain."
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- So christianity is christ. you talk about all kinds of
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- Christians today, mainline christians and evangelical
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- Christians and... and presbyterian christians and...
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- And there are many opinions, and most people believe that
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- Being a christian is being a good person and living a good
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- Life which is commendable to all, that we would live a good
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- And godly life, but living a good and commendable life,
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- Going to church, taking communion, being baptized...
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- These are all important things, but being a christian is having
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- A relationship with god through jesus christ.
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- You're not born a christian; you become a christian, and
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- There's a big difference. and that's why this very first
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- Verse and time that i'm mentioning to you regarding
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- What is a christian is found in acts 27... or acts 26 and verse
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- 28. when agrippa said to paul, and this is a king, "you almost
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- Persuade me to become (what?) a christian." so paul is before
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- This king agrippa. he's a jewish king; he is responsible
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- For israel under the auspices and the authority of the roman
- 00:04:53.038 --> 00:04:56.108
- Government.
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- There is also a governor of the roman's there by the name of
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- Festus and his wife bernice and they were living in immorality.
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- And paul had already confronted them because paul is on trial
- 00:05:03.248 --> 00:05:06.785
- For his faith. he has been arrested for being a believer
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- And follower of jesus. he had preached the gospel all over
- 00:05:10.722 --> 00:05:15.827
- The known world... between kings... before kings and
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- Princes and powers and in small synagogues... jewish people...
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- Synagogues, everywhere he went. but it wasn't always that way
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- With the apostle paul. and so paul is telling this man, this
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- King agrippa, about his life. he is sharing his testimony as
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- He is on trial for his faith.
- 00:05:36.715 --> 00:05:38.049
- And he said, "you know, i was a jew. i was a bonified jewish
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- Person. i even was so strong; i was a super jew. i was on fire
- 00:05:42.187 --> 00:05:49.294
- For my faith and a rabbi, and i was so angry at these
- 00:05:49.294 --> 00:05:55.200
- Christians... these people that said they were followers of
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- Jesus, that i was actually leading a terrorist
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- Organization to kill christians." he was taking out
- 00:06:00.872 --> 00:06:03.708
- Christians wherever he could go. and he was on his way to a
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- Place called damascus, and once again, to imprison christians
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- Or to kill christians. and on that road he met jesus christ,
- 00:06:11.516 --> 00:06:16.755
- The risen lord. christ who is risen came into the presence to
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- Apostle paul, literally knocked him off his horse. he was
- 00:06:20.592 --> 00:06:23.762
- Blinded in the presence of god. and he's telling this story to
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- This jewish king, agrippa. he's talking about what happened to
- 00:06:28.066 --> 00:06:32.671
- Him.
- 00:06:32.671 --> 00:06:33.872
- He said, "you know, i was going in one direction and jesus
- 00:06:33.872 --> 00:06:36.341
- Changed my life! i was going in the wrong direction. i was
- 00:06:36.341 --> 00:06:39.444
- Rabid, i was religious, but i was wrong about jesus! and
- 00:06:39.444 --> 00:06:44.216
- Jesus changed my life." and then he said something to this
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- Agrippa. he said, "agrippa, i know that you know all about
- 00:06:48.420 --> 00:06:52.691
- This story about jesus," because he said... i think
- 00:06:52.691 --> 00:06:55.527
- About verse 18 or 19, "these things weren't done in a
- 00:06:55.527 --> 00:06:58.330
- Corner; this is public knowledge, this story of jesus
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- That's going around. so you know full well this story of
- 00:07:01.633 --> 00:07:05.036
- Jesus." he went on to say, he said, "and i know you know and
- 00:07:05.036 --> 00:07:08.473
- Believe the prophets... i know you believe the prophets."
- 00:07:08.473 --> 00:07:12.344
- So here's a man... agrippa... who knew about jesus. he had
- 00:07:12.344 --> 00:07:18.250
- Heard about jesus. he believed the bible to some extent,
- 00:07:18.250 --> 00:07:24.122
- Because he believed the prophets. he was religious, but
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- In the end, after paul shares his faith and shares his
- 00:07:32.597 --> 00:07:35.567
- Testimony, he says, "paul, you almost persuade me to become a
- 00:07:35.567 --> 00:07:43.808
- Christian." he was saying, "paul, are you trying to
- 00:07:43.808 --> 00:07:50.282
- Convert me?" yes! everywhere he went, paul was trying to bring
- 00:07:50.282 --> 00:07:57.455
- People to jesus. that's what christians do. and christians
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- Who don't are a contradiction. so he's saying, "look, you
- 00:08:00.992 --> 00:08:07.465
- Almost... and just these words, you think i'm going to become a
- 00:08:07.465 --> 00:08:11.002
- Christian?" but the point that i'm driving home to you is that
- 00:08:11.002 --> 00:08:15.106
- This man needed to be convicted of his sins, to be converted to
- 00:08:15.106 --> 00:08:19.978
- Jesus christ and to become a christian.
- 00:08:19.978 --> 00:08:26.017
- ♪♪♪
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- Powerpoint ministries began over three decades ago when god
- 00:08:32.958 --> 00:08:36.895
- Placed a burden on my heart. and my wife, deb's, to use
- 00:08:36.895 --> 00:08:40.565
- Media to reach more and more people across the world.
- 00:08:40.565 --> 00:08:44.669
- And over the years, we've been blessed to receive phone calls,
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- Letters, and personal stories from people sharing how god has
- 00:08:48.006 --> 00:08:52.410
- Given them a deeper understanding of scripture
- 00:08:52.410 --> 00:08:55.447
- Through our broadcast ministry. though it's my voice you hear,
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- It's god's message that i'm proclaiming. and all the
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- Credit, all the honor goes to him. when people hear the good
- 00:09:02.020 --> 00:09:05.890
- News of jesus, that's the gospel.
- 00:09:05.890 --> 00:09:07.892
- When the bible is opened and taught, and when they explore
- 00:09:07.892 --> 00:09:11.296
- Its message, it absolutely changes lives. and that's what
- 00:09:11.296 --> 00:09:17.102
- We are here to do. we take the gospel, the word of god, and
- 00:09:17.102 --> 00:09:20.772
- The testimony of jesus, and we share it across television,
- 00:09:20.772 --> 00:09:23.975
- Radio, youtube, facebook, instagram and more. all for one
- 00:09:23.975 --> 00:09:28.947
- Singular purpose to bring the message of hope to the world,
- 00:09:28.947 --> 00:09:32.784
- The message of jesus christ to as many people as possible
- 00:09:32.784 --> 00:09:37.088
- Right now.
- 00:09:37.088 --> 00:09:38.289
- Now here's where i need you. i want more and more people,
- 00:09:38.289 --> 00:09:41.993
- Especially those who are far from god, who don't know jesus
- 00:09:41.993 --> 00:09:45.030
- To hear the right message. this message of hope at the right
- 00:09:45.030 --> 00:09:48.967
- Time, which is right now. but we can't do it without your
- 00:09:48.967 --> 00:09:52.771
- Help. will you join us today by giving a financial gift to help
- 00:09:52.771 --> 00:09:57.075
- Us reach this important goal?
- 00:09:57.075 --> 00:09:59.044
- You can call or you can text cye. that's cye to 59789 or
- 00:09:59.044 --> 00:10:08.586
- Visit jackgraham.org for your best gift. i'd like to send you
- 00:10:08.586 --> 00:10:13.558
- A copy of my brand new book, the jesus book, which is all
- 00:10:13.558 --> 00:10:17.762
- About reading and understanding the bible for yourself as well.
- 00:10:17.762 --> 00:10:21.332
- It's incredible what god can do when we get together, when we
- 00:10:21.332 --> 00:10:24.235
- Work together, when we pray together to share the message
- 00:10:24.235 --> 00:10:27.906
- Of jesus to the world. so please give your best gift
- 00:10:27.906 --> 00:10:30.975
- Today at jackgraham.org or by texting cye to 59789
- 00:10:30.975 --> 00:10:38.917
- And we'll send you a copy of my new book, the jesus book.
- 00:10:38.917 --> 00:10:43.388
- Together we'll be sharing the life changing message of christ
- 00:10:43.388 --> 00:10:47.492
- And christ alone till the whole world hears.
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- ♪♪♪
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- So what is a christian? there is decision to make. now god is
- 00:10:58.870 --> 00:11:04.909
- Sovereign; god works by his holy spirit to bring people to
- 00:11:04.909 --> 00:11:07.979
- Conviction. he works through the word. nobody's here by
- 00:11:07.979 --> 00:11:10.582
- Chance or accident. nobody's watching... viewing online
- 00:11:10.582 --> 00:11:13.818
- Apart from divine appointments. we believe god brings people
- 00:11:13.818 --> 00:11:17.388
- Together... his holy spirit. but there is a human
- 00:11:17.388 --> 00:11:19.924
- Responsibility to make a choice, a decision of your will.
- 00:11:19.924 --> 00:11:26.264
- Jesus talked about these choices. he said, "no one can
- 00:11:26.264 --> 00:11:29.667
- Serve two masters because you will either (what?) love the
- 00:11:29.667 --> 00:11:33.271
- One and hate the other... hate the one, love the other, but
- 00:11:33.271 --> 00:11:35.373
- You must make a decision. you can't serve two masters." jesus
- 00:11:35.373 --> 00:11:40.411
- Talked about two roads... a road that is wide and broad and
- 00:11:40.411 --> 00:11:46.050
- Leads to death and destruction; and he said, another road which
- 00:11:46.050 --> 00:11:49.120
- Is narrow. and he said few are on that road and yet it leads
- 00:11:49.120 --> 00:11:53.525
- To live. he said, "you must make a choice." don't be like
- 00:11:53.525 --> 00:11:58.530
- Yogi berra, wonderful baseball player, he had so many
- 00:11:58.530 --> 00:12:03.067
- Yogi-isms. he was talking about one restaurant. he said, "you
- 00:12:03.067 --> 00:12:06.204
- Know, that place is so crowded, nobody goes there anymore."
- 00:12:06.204 --> 00:12:09.908
- [laughter] but he also said things like this: "when you
- 00:12:09.908 --> 00:12:15.180
- Come to a fork in the road, take it." [laughter]
- 00:12:15.180 --> 00:12:21.486
- Now when it comes to jesus and the fork in the road, you must
- 00:12:21.486 --> 00:12:26.658
- Choose life. that's why in the old testament, moses, the
- 00:12:26.658 --> 00:12:29.994
- Prophet said, "choose life! i set before you life and death,
- 00:12:29.994 --> 00:12:35.934
- Therefore, choose life that you must live." joshua stood before
- 00:12:35.934 --> 00:12:41.105
- The children of israel and he said, "choose today... he said,
- 00:12:41.105 --> 00:12:46.711
- "as for me and my house, we will serve the lord." "choose
- 00:12:46.711 --> 00:12:50.915
- You this day who you will serve."
- 00:12:50.915 --> 00:12:53.751
- And there's a choice to make; there's a decision to make to
- 00:12:53.751 --> 00:12:57.622
- Become a christian. you don't... you know, it's not
- 00:12:57.622 --> 00:13:01.025
- Like you're walking down the road one day and god just zaps
- 00:13:01.025 --> 00:13:04.729
- You, and poof! you're a christian. you're not born into
- 00:13:04.729 --> 00:13:08.933
- The christian family; you are born again into the family of
- 00:13:08.933 --> 00:13:13.371
- God. you become a follower of jesus. there is this... this
- 00:13:13.371 --> 00:13:15.039
- Clear line, a decision to make. you say, "well, how do i make
- 00:13:15.039 --> 00:13:16.374
- That decision? what decision are you talking about?"
- 00:13:16.374 --> 00:13:17.742
- It's all about jesus. that jesus is the son of god and god
- 00:13:17.742 --> 00:13:22.547
- The son who died on the cross for your sins. he was buried
- 00:13:22.547 --> 00:13:32.857
- And on the third day he arose again. he came out of the
- 00:13:32.857 --> 00:13:35.927
- Grave. he is alive. "and if we confess with our mouths the
- 00:13:35.927 --> 00:13:39.163
- Lord jesus and believe in our hearts that god has raised him
- 00:13:39.163 --> 00:13:42.467
- From the dead we will be saved." "whoever calls upon the
- 00:13:42.467 --> 00:13:45.637
- Name of the lord will be saved." he doesn't reject
- 00:13:45.637 --> 00:13:48.439
- Anyone who comes to him. "whoever calls upon the name of
- 00:13:48.439 --> 00:13:51.809
- The lord will be saved." and whoever means you... and
- 00:13:51.809 --> 00:13:54.646
- Whoever means me, as we call upon the lord. but you must
- 00:13:54.646 --> 00:13:57.515
- Make that decision.
- 00:13:57.515 --> 00:13:58.983
- Jesus said, “i stand at the door and knock and if anyone
- 00:13:58.983 --> 00:14:01.586
- Hears my voice and opens the door, i will come in.” the
- 00:14:01.586 --> 00:14:05.490
- Spirit is knocking, the savior is knocking at your heart's
- 00:14:05.490 --> 00:14:08.259
- Door, but you must, as an act of will, invite christ into
- 00:14:08.259 --> 00:14:12.563
- Your life. paul describes it as the gift of god's grace. but to
- 00:14:12.563 --> 00:14:17.235
- Receive a gift, you must open the gift; you must take the
- 00:14:17.235 --> 00:14:20.238
- Gift. and so god has provided this gift of salvation which is
- 00:14:20.238 --> 00:14:25.143
- The forgiveness of all of our sins and christ lives in our
- 00:14:25.143 --> 00:14:28.046
- Lives and the hope and the promise of eternal life. it
- 00:14:28.046 --> 00:14:30.815
- Begins now and never ends because we're going to heaven.
- 00:14:30.815 --> 00:14:33.518
- This is salvation... to know christ. "christ in you is the
- 00:14:33.518 --> 00:14:38.790
- Hope of glory." it's not just getting us out of on earth and
- 00:14:38.790 --> 00:14:43.494
- Into heaven; it's getting god out of heaven and into our
- 00:14:43.494 --> 00:14:46.097
- Hearts. and that's what christ has done for us. he lives in us
- 00:14:46.097 --> 00:14:50.501
- And we become by faith in god's grace. and grace is god's hand
- 00:14:50.501 --> 00:14:55.840
- Of mercy and salvation reaching out to us and faith is when we
- 00:14:55.840 --> 00:14:59.143
- Reach up and take the gift and receive the gift. if somebody
- 00:14:59.143 --> 00:15:02.513
- Gave you a gift and you just left it on the table and never
- 00:15:02.513 --> 00:15:05.149
- Opened it, the gift is not applicable. and so jesus offers
- 00:15:05.149 --> 00:15:09.687
- Us this gift. god says, "this is my salvation." "the wages of
- 00:15:09.687 --> 00:15:13.091
- Sin is death but the gift of god is eternal life through
- 00:15:13.091 --> 00:15:16.494
- Jesus christ our lord."
- 00:15:16.494 --> 00:15:18.629
- So there's so much that can be said about this, but i hope
- 00:15:18.629 --> 00:15:21.599
- You're hearing what i'm saying... that you must become
- 00:15:21.599 --> 00:15:25.636
- A christian. "almost you persuade me to become a
- 00:15:25.636 --> 00:15:29.307
- Christian." some of you are almost christians but you're
- 00:15:29.307 --> 00:15:36.447
- Not fully persuaded. let today be the day that you are
- 00:15:36.447 --> 00:15:40.685
- Persuaded. but that's the first mark of a believer.
- 00:15:40.685 --> 00:15:46.190
- The second thing is turn to acts chapter 11. go back in the
- 00:15:46.190 --> 00:15:49.327
- Book of acts the acts chapter 11 and here we meet some
- 00:15:49.327 --> 00:15:54.766
- Believers at antioch. and god was doing a great work at this
- 00:15:54.766 --> 00:15:58.102
- Place called antioch. as a matter of fact, the center of
- 00:15:58.102 --> 00:16:01.072
- The christian faith is moving from jerusalem at this point,
- 00:16:01.072 --> 00:16:04.042
- Scattered through persecution, and at antioch god had done an
- 00:16:04.042 --> 00:16:07.211
- Incredible, powerful work and many people came to christ. and
- 00:16:07.211 --> 00:16:11.182
- From antioch really it became a mission point... a launching
- 00:16:11.182 --> 00:16:14.052
- Point to the gospel mission around the world. but it all
- 00:16:14.052 --> 00:16:17.688
- Started and described in verse 26 of acts chapter 11. so
- 00:16:17.688 --> 00:16:23.294
- "...when he found him, he brought him to antioch. it was
- 00:16:23.294 --> 00:16:25.596
- A full year that they assembled with the church... (notice the
- 00:16:25.596 --> 00:16:29.367
- Importance and the significance of the church right at the
- 00:16:29.367 --> 00:16:31.736
- Heart... in the heart of this) "... and taught a great many
- 00:16:31.736 --> 00:16:34.872
- People, and the disciples were first called (what?) christians
- 00:16:34.872 --> 00:16:40.144
- At antioch."
- 00:16:40.144 --> 00:16:41.646
- First time! this is before paul talked to agrippa. agrippa knew
- 00:16:41.646 --> 00:16:48.553
- About the christians. but they were first called christians at
- 00:16:48.553 --> 00:16:54.759
- This place, at this church called antioch. how? why? not
- 00:16:54.759 --> 00:16:59.697
- Because they had a "let's name the church" contest and came up
- 00:16:59.697 --> 00:17:06.137
- With christian. no, they were not called christians until
- 00:17:06.137 --> 00:17:11.409
- This day. and why were they called christian? because the
- 00:17:11.409 --> 00:17:16.447
- Word christian means christ-in-you... little christ.
- 00:17:16.447 --> 00:17:20.885
- Christianity is christ in you and me. [chuckles] christ in
- 00:17:20.885 --> 00:17:27.758
- You. paul said, "i am crucified with christ, nevertheless i
- 00:17:27.758 --> 00:17:30.895
- Live, yet not i, but christ lives in me."
- 00:17:30.895 --> 00:17:33.664
- And so they were called christians. why? because
- 00:17:33.664 --> 00:17:36.701
- They... listen up... they resembled christ. they were
- 00:17:36.701 --> 00:17:40.505
- Reproducing christ. they were remarkably like jesus. people
- 00:17:40.505 --> 00:17:46.911
- Were looking at the folks and saying... "this... this is like
- 00:17:46.911 --> 00:17:50.248
- Jesus. these people remind me of jesus." so they reflected
- 00:17:50.248 --> 00:17:58.389
- Christ; they reproduced christ. they revealed christ with their
- 00:17:58.389 --> 00:18:03.261
- Lives and their work because salvation doesn't end at the
- 00:18:03.261 --> 00:18:07.198
- Cross and the tomb and the resurrection; it goes forward.
- 00:18:07.198 --> 00:18:10.334
- "for by grace are you saved, not of yourselves, it's a gift
- 00:18:10.334 --> 00:18:13.304
- Of god." but then it goes on to say in verse 10 of ephesians 2:
- 00:18:13.304 --> 00:18:16.874
- "we are his workmanship created in jesus christ unto good
- 00:18:16.874 --> 00:18:20.912
- Works." good works that god is creating for us before the
- 00:18:20.912 --> 00:18:26.317
- Beginning of time.
- 00:18:26.317 --> 00:18:27.585
- So to be a christian is first a decision to make, and then (get
- 00:18:27.585 --> 00:18:32.456
- Ready), therefore there is a life to live... there is a life
- 00:18:32.456 --> 00:18:38.062
- To live. "if anyone be in christ (2 corinthians 5:17) he
- 00:18:38.062 --> 00:18:42.400
- Is a new creation. old things are passed away. everything
- 00:18:42.400 --> 00:18:45.836
- Becomes new." we've passed from darkness to light. we have this
- 00:18:45.836 --> 00:18:50.641
- Assurance because we know, we're not what we used to be,
- 00:18:50.641 --> 00:18:54.245
- But praise god, we're not what we're going to be. because we
- 00:18:54.245 --> 00:18:57.515
- Are saved by the grace of god and christ is living in us. and
- 00:18:57.515 --> 00:19:00.918
- This is a growing process. and we keep growing in our faith,
- 00:19:00.918 --> 00:19:05.323
- But we become more and more like jesus as we grow, as we
- 00:19:05.323 --> 00:19:10.528
- Go. because somebody looked at you, your kids, your wife, your
- 00:19:10.528 --> 00:19:17.501
- Husband, your neighbor, your co-worker and says, "you must
- 00:19:17.501 --> 00:19:24.508
- Be a christian." anybody ever said that to you?
- 00:19:24.508 --> 00:19:31.182
- There were a group of college students... that were having
- 00:19:31.182 --> 00:19:33.751
- A... you know, they were having a... you know, they were having
- 00:19:33.751 --> 00:19:35.653
- A session after... you know they had just talking
- 00:19:35.653 --> 00:19:37.755
- Philosophy and life and religion. the subject of
- 00:19:37.755 --> 00:19:41.259
- Religion came up in their conversation. i think it was in
- 00:19:41.259 --> 00:19:44.161
- A dorm room, and so they started talking about
- 00:19:44.161 --> 00:19:47.431
- Christianity and somebody said, "well, i think this is
- 00:19:47.431 --> 00:19:52.503
- Christian." and they said, "well, what is a christian,
- 00:19:52.503 --> 00:19:54.839
- Anyway?" and so they said, "well, i think this is a
- 00:19:54.839 --> 00:19:57.074
- Christian, that's a christian." and they were talking religion.
- 00:19:57.074 --> 00:19:59.744
- And finally, somebody said, "let me tell you what a
- 00:19:59.744 --> 00:20:01.646
- Christian is. a christian is oscar westover." funny name,
- 00:20:01.646 --> 00:20:10.821
- But it's going to make my point. because you see, oscar
- 00:20:10.821 --> 00:20:16.160
- Westover was a guy that that guy knew who lived for christ.
- 00:20:16.160 --> 00:20:22.400
- He was like christ in so many ways. there was this
- 00:20:22.400 --> 00:20:25.803
- Christ-likeness about him. and so when the discussion was
- 00:20:25.803 --> 00:20:30.808
- "what is a christian?", oscar's a christian.
- 00:20:30.808 --> 00:20:36.314
- So i have to ask myself, and i have to ask you today, if a
- 00:20:36.314 --> 00:20:40.751
- Group of people were sitting around talking about
- 00:20:40.751 --> 00:20:42.887
- Christianity and answering the question: what is a christian?
- 00:20:42.887 --> 00:20:45.656
- Maybe in the locker room, maybe in your class room, in your
- 00:20:45.656 --> 00:20:50.127
- Neighborhood. if there's, you know, a neighborhood
- 00:20:50.127 --> 00:20:52.396
- Get-together and people start talking about christianity,
- 00:20:52.396 --> 00:20:55.599
- Even your church group. if people at the office... if
- 00:20:55.599 --> 00:21:03.307
- People say "what is a christian anyway?", would anybody mention
- 00:21:03.307 --> 00:21:11.048
- Your name? it's a good question.
- 00:21:11.048 --> 00:21:15.920
- We are to live for jesus christ so that when people think of
- 00:21:15.920 --> 00:21:18.989
- Jesus, they see jesus in us. his joy becomes our joy; his
- 00:21:18.989 --> 00:21:24.395
- Purpose becomes our purpose; his passion becomes our
- 00:21:24.395 --> 00:21:27.264
- Passion. and yes, there's one other thing, his enemies become
- 00:21:27.264 --> 00:21:32.436
- Our enemies. and that's the last time that i want to
- 00:21:32.436 --> 00:21:35.740
- Mention the word christian today, and it's found in 1
- 00:21:35.740 --> 00:21:38.409
- Peter chapter 4. go to 1 peter chapter 4 and look at verse
- 00:21:38.409 --> 00:21:42.813
- 16... chapter 4, verse 16. it says: "if anyone suffers as a
- 00:21:42.813 --> 00:21:50.254
- (what? help me. thank you.) "if anyone suffers as a christian,
- 00:21:50.254 --> 00:21:56.627
- Let him not be ashamed, but let him glorify god in this matter."
- 00:21:56.627 --> 00:22:01.298
- So what is christian? there is a decision to make; there is a
- 00:22:01.298 --> 00:22:05.136
- Life to live...a life of christ... alive in us by his
- 00:22:05.136 --> 00:22:09.173
- Spirit, and there is a price to pay... "if anyone suffers as a
- 00:22:09.173 --> 00:22:16.881
- Christian." the christians that peter was addressing here like
- 00:22:16.881 --> 00:22:20.985
- Christians of every generation are suffering in some way.
- 00:22:20.985 --> 00:22:25.990
- These were in the fiery trials of physical persecution, but we
- 00:22:25.990 --> 00:22:29.827
- All live in the midst of trials and tribulations and tragedies,
- 00:22:29.827 --> 00:22:32.797
- Whether we're suffering because of christ... because we have
- 00:22:32.797 --> 00:22:35.166
- Faith in christ in some way.
- 00:22:35.166 --> 00:22:37.201
- The bible says "all that live godly..." this is 2 timothy...
- 00:22:37.201 --> 00:22:39.737
- "all that live godly in jesus christ will suffer
- 00:22:39.737 --> 00:22:42.673
- Persecution." if you're not being pushed or pressured or
- 00:22:42.673 --> 00:22:45.409
- Persecuted in some way... canceled in some way because
- 00:22:45.409 --> 00:22:49.380
- You're a christian, it's probably because you're in some
- 00:22:49.380 --> 00:22:51.482
- Holy hole and don't stick your head out or else, you're not
- 00:22:51.482 --> 00:22:54.652
- Living a godly life in jesus christ. because all who live
- 00:22:54.652 --> 00:22:58.422
- Godly in jesus christ will face the flack. there will be fire;
- 00:22:58.422 --> 00:23:02.092
- You will take fire, incoming. and therefore, when you suffer
- 00:23:02.092 --> 00:23:06.997
- Because you are christian or you suffer because of life.
- 00:23:06.997 --> 00:23:10.201
- Some of you are suffering right now. your kids have gone
- 00:23:10.201 --> 00:23:12.970
- Haywire; they're not in the faith; they're prodigals. or
- 00:23:12.970 --> 00:23:15.372
- Your marriage is broken and you don't know if you're going to
- 00:23:15.372 --> 00:23:18.576
- Get back together. or... or your finances are shattered, or
- 00:23:18.576 --> 00:23:22.146
- Your dreams are shattered, or you're just going through
- 00:23:22.146 --> 00:23:25.616
- Trials and tribulations in your life. jesus said, "in this
- 00:23:25.616 --> 00:23:31.455
- World you will have tribulation..." satan opposes
- 00:23:31.455 --> 00:23:36.227
- Us. tough times come against us.
- 00:23:36.227 --> 00:23:40.598
- So what are we going to do when we suffer? blame god? no!
- 00:23:40.598 --> 00:23:49.073
- Glorify god! that's what the scripture says. if you suffer
- 00:23:49.073 --> 00:23:53.878
- As a christian, don't be ashamed of this. be like those
- 00:23:53.878 --> 00:23:57.748
- Disciples when they were beaten within an inch of their lives;
- 00:23:57.748 --> 00:24:01.619
- They said, “we praise god that we were counted worthy to
- 00:24:01.619 --> 00:24:04.488
- Suffer for christ!” it takes courage and conviction to
- 00:24:04.488 --> 00:24:12.096
- Follow jesus in every generation, including ours. and
- 00:24:12.096 --> 00:24:16.967
- Yes, if you stand up for christ, there are people who
- 00:24:16.967 --> 00:24:20.671
- Want to sit you down and shut you up.
- 00:24:20.671 --> 00:24:24.742
- But my view is, churches today in general... christians in
- 00:24:24.742 --> 00:24:29.413
- General, we are way too passive. god has called us to
- 00:24:29.413 --> 00:24:35.319
- Take up the sword of the spirit which is the word of god, and
- 00:24:35.319 --> 00:24:39.123
- Storm the gates of hell! we're to "fight the good fight of
- 00:24:39.123 --> 00:24:44.595
- Faith!" we're to win people to christ! [applause] we're to
- 00:24:44.595 --> 00:24:47.565
- Stand... get up from our knees... get up from our knees,
- 00:24:47.565 --> 00:24:52.269
- Having prayed ourselves full and then tell the world to be
- 00:24:52.269 --> 00:24:55.539
- Bold and courageous about our faith. tell our friends, our
- 00:24:55.539 --> 00:24:58.275
- Family about jesus.
- 00:24:58.275 --> 00:25:02.413
- You know, some of us are way too concerned about what people
- 00:25:02.413 --> 00:25:07.985
- Say about us, rather than be concerned about what god says
- 00:25:07.985 --> 00:25:11.221
- About us! be concerned about what god says about you, not
- 00:25:11.221 --> 00:25:16.860
- What people say about you. don't let people rebukes or...
- 00:25:16.860 --> 00:25:20.431
- Their blasphemies and mockeries in our generation keep you from
- 00:25:20.431 --> 00:25:24.969
- Standing for christ.
- 00:25:24.969 --> 00:25:26.837
- As christians we're to follow christ without reserve, without
- 00:25:26.837 --> 00:25:31.241
- Regret, without retreat. to say, "lord jesus, i will follow
- 00:25:31.241 --> 00:25:35.179
- You anywhere, anytime, any cost!" and let me tell you
- 00:25:35.179 --> 00:25:40.618
- Something: when you do it's worth it... it's worth it. he
- 00:25:40.618 --> 00:25:45.823
- Says... that's why he says glorify god in this. praise god
- 00:25:45.823 --> 00:25:52.129
- That you're facing some fire and don't be ashamed... don't
- 00:25:52.129 --> 00:25:57.735
- Be ashamed. glorify god.
- 00:25:57.735 --> 00:26:01.405
- So what is a christian? there is a decision to make; there is
- 00:26:01.405 --> 00:26:09.179
- A life to live; and there is a price to pay. are you willing
- 00:26:09.179 --> 00:26:17.087
- To give your life to follow jesus whatever the cost,
- 00:26:17.087 --> 00:26:21.592
- Whatever the consequences,
- 00:26:21.592 --> 00:26:22.793
- To say “yes, lord, i will follow you.”
- 00:26:22.793 --> 00:26:26.597
- ♪♪♪
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- [announcer] discover the journey of a lifetime. as you
- 00:26:32.569 --> 00:26:34.872
- Walk in the footsteps of the apostle paul.
- 00:26:34.872 --> 00:26:37.641
- [jack graham] join me for an amazing cruise throughout the
- 00:26:37.641 --> 00:26:40.077
- Mediterranean as we trace the second and third missionary
- 00:26:40.077 --> 00:26:43.947
- Journeys of the apostle paul. you will experience the rich
- 00:26:43.947 --> 00:26:47.551
- History and amazing, breathtaking beauty of places
- 00:26:47.551 --> 00:26:50.320
- Where paul preached the gospel and where the church of the
- 00:26:50.320 --> 00:26:53.957
- Lord jesus christ expanded.
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- Engage with expert guides along with me, teaching god's word.
- 00:26:56.794 --> 00:27:00.664
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- 00:27:00.664 --> 00:27:03.901
- Memories that will last a lifetime.
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- 00:27:18.916 --> 00:27:21.051
- [jack graham] let's set sail on a journey of faith and
- 00:27:21.051 --> 00:27:23.320
- Discovery. we can't wait to see you there.
- 00:27:23.320 --> 00:27:26.123
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- 00:27:26.123 --> 00:27:26.123