Your Move with Andy Stanley — to help people make better decisions and live with fewer regrets.
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Your Move with Andy Stanley | Andy Stanley - A Better Question (Part 1) | January 4, 2025
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- 00:00:00.633 --> 00:00:01.341
- Andy stanley: hi, everybody.
- 00:00:01.809 --> 00:00:03.010
- Welcome to "your move," where we help you make better decisions
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- And live with fewer regrets.
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- I'm andy stanley and i'll be your guide.
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- Now, you have probably noticed that people with power usually
- 00:00:07.548 --> 00:00:10.684
- Leverage that power to keep it and to, well, to get more of it,
- 00:00:10.784 --> 00:00:14.188
- Which is unfortunate because, well, imagine what our
- 00:00:14.321 --> 00:00:17.291
- Communities, our families, our world would look like if we all
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- Used our influence to benefit the people around us instead of,
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- Well, instead of just the person in the mirror.
- 00:00:23.831 --> 00:00:26.300
- Somebody's gotta go first.
- 00:00:26.433 --> 00:00:27.701
- Why not you? why not me?
- 00:00:27.835 --> 00:00:29.736
- Stick around and we'll talk about what that might look like
- 00:00:29.837 --> 00:00:31.738
- Right here on "your move."
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- ♪♪♪
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- Andy: now, as we start a new year, this is typically, for
- 00:00:39.713 --> 00:00:43.183
- Many of us, the season of self-improvement, which is good.
- 00:00:43.183 --> 00:00:46.753
- And the reason this is good, and i don't--i'm not--i don't have
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- Anybody in mind but some of you, you need to improve
- 00:00:49.156 --> 00:00:52.826
- Yourself, okay?
- 00:00:52.826 --> 00:00:54.161
- I'll just leave it at that, okay?
- 00:00:54.161 --> 00:00:55.529
- So this is a good thing.
- 00:00:55.529 --> 00:00:56.864
- This is where we become painfully aware because we're
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- Reminded--painfully aware of where we are and where we're
- 00:00:59.099 --> 00:01:02.369
- Not, what we need to start, what we need to stop doing, what we
- 00:01:02.369 --> 00:01:07.074
- Need to start eating and stop eating, eat more of and eat
- 00:01:07.074 --> 00:01:10.677
- Less of.
- 00:01:10.677 --> 00:01:12.045
- And in many of our cases, it's the same stuff that we decided a
- 00:01:12.045 --> 00:01:14.414
- Year ago that we were gonna do less of and do more of and stop
- 00:01:14.414 --> 00:01:17.017
- Eating as much of.
- 00:01:17.017 --> 00:01:18.385
- And i get that, i'm guilty of that as well.
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- And in this season, we're really asking without--i mean, you
- 00:01:20.754 --> 00:01:24.191
- Didn't have this question before today.
- 00:01:24.191 --> 00:01:25.559
- But basically, the question for most of us during the season is:
- 00:01:25.559 --> 00:01:27.995
- What should i do about me?
- 00:01:27.995 --> 00:01:29.830
- And this is an important question to ask.
- 00:01:29.830 --> 00:01:32.633
- In fact, multiple times at our church we talk about things that
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- You need to work on for you, and i need to work on for me.
- 00:01:36.904 --> 00:01:39.740
- What can i do to make myself, in this case, you know, smarter?
- 00:01:39.740 --> 00:01:42.709
- What can i do to make myself slimmer or stronger?
- 00:01:42.709 --> 00:01:45.812
- Healthier, wealthier, successful-er.
- 00:01:45.812 --> 00:01:48.615
- Maybe you want this year to make yourself less lonelier.
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- And as a pastor, i just wanna say, go for it.
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- I hope you accomplish all of those goals.
- 00:01:56.123 --> 00:01:58.025
- I hope next year your goals are different because you've been so
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- Successful this year.
- 00:02:00.127 --> 00:02:01.662
- Stick with them, get that degree, you know, break
- 00:02:01.662 --> 00:02:05.465
- That habit.
- 00:02:05.465 --> 00:02:06.800
- For some of you it's get out of debt.
- 00:02:06.800 --> 00:02:09.203
- I hope you're massively successful and consistent.
- 00:02:09.203 --> 00:02:13.073
- But i want to, in the next three times we're together beginning
- 00:02:13.073 --> 00:02:16.843
- Today, i wanna add a question.
- 00:02:16.843 --> 00:02:19.279
- I wanna give you something to add, a second question, that,
- 00:02:19.279 --> 00:02:24.318
- Actually, is gonna potentially help you.
- 00:02:24.318 --> 00:02:27.054
- It may actually motivate you with your "what should i do
- 00:02:27.054 --> 00:02:29.823
- About me?" goals.
- 00:02:29.823 --> 00:02:32.526
- But it's a different question.
- 00:02:32.526 --> 00:02:34.728
- It's not a religious question, so if you're not a religious
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- Person or you're new to faith or you've abandoned faith or
- 00:02:36.797 --> 00:02:39.866
- You're--somebody dragged in here, you spend the night with
- 00:02:39.866 --> 00:02:42.336
- Family and they're making you watch this, sorry, this has
- 00:02:42.336 --> 00:02:45.205
- Nothing to do with religion.
- 00:02:45.205 --> 00:02:46.540
- This is just a really important question that i think, and i
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- Think you'll agree, that everybody should ask and answer,
- 00:02:48.976 --> 00:02:52.312
- And everybody should ask this question in every season of life
- 00:02:52.312 --> 00:02:56.516
- Because the answer, or the answers, to this question change
- 00:02:56.516 --> 00:02:59.620
- With each season of our life.
- 00:02:59.620 --> 00:03:01.655
- In fact, if the question, i'll tell you what it is in just a
- 00:03:01.655 --> 00:03:03.924
- Minute, if it sounds familiar, it's because i introduced this
- 00:03:03.924 --> 00:03:06.994
- Back in 2015.
- 00:03:06.994 --> 00:03:08.595
- And every once in a while i kind of drop it into something as
- 00:03:08.595 --> 00:03:11.765
- A reminder.
- 00:03:11.765 --> 00:03:13.100
- But in every season, we should all, i think, dust this off and
- 00:03:13.100 --> 00:03:17.037
- Ask and answer this question.
- 00:03:17.037 --> 00:03:18.772
- Now, little heads up, a little warning.
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- This question will mess with you, it will bother you, it may
- 00:03:20.274 --> 00:03:25.112
- Make you feel guilty, it may motivate you, if we allow it to
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- Do its work.
- 00:03:28.949 --> 00:03:30.317
- This is the kind of question that can focus you and maybe
- 00:03:30.317 --> 00:03:32.919
- Change you.
- 00:03:32.919 --> 00:03:34.254
- I mean, as we're gonna discover, this question, or similar
- 00:03:34.254 --> 00:03:37.524
- Questions, actually change some people's life.
- 00:03:37.524 --> 00:03:39.960
- It has the potential to change, honestly, this isn't preacher
- 00:03:39.960 --> 00:03:43.430
- Talk, it has the potential to change the trajectory of
- 00:03:43.430 --> 00:03:46.566
- Your life.
- 00:03:46.566 --> 00:03:47.934
- You may be surprised by a rush of emotion or maybe a rush
- 00:03:47.934 --> 00:03:50.304
- Of guilt.
- 00:03:50.304 --> 00:03:51.638
- I think when we ask this question, some of us, if we're
- 00:03:51.638 --> 00:03:54.808
- Honest, we're tempted to look away because the answer
- 00:03:54.808 --> 00:03:58.378
- Scares us.
- 00:03:58.378 --> 00:03:59.713
- For some of you, when i ask the question, you're gonna know the
- 00:03:59.713 --> 00:04:01.915
- Answer immediately.
- 00:04:01.915 --> 00:04:03.283
- Others of you aren't gonna have an answer, and that's okay,
- 00:04:03.283 --> 00:04:06.053
- That--we're gonna talk about it for a while.
- 00:04:06.053 --> 00:04:07.954
- This is just the beginning of the conversation.
- 00:04:07.954 --> 00:04:09.790
- So there's no guilt, and if you don't have an answer,
- 00:04:09.790 --> 00:04:12.726
- That's okay.
- 00:04:12.726 --> 00:04:14.461
- But i would suggest you write it down and put the question
- 00:04:14.461 --> 00:04:17.364
- Somewhere where you can look at it because this is the kind of
- 00:04:17.364 --> 00:04:21.068
- Question that will make your life better.
- 00:04:21.068 --> 00:04:24.805
- Now, if you're a christian, again, this isn't a religious
- 00:04:24.805 --> 00:04:27.808
- Question, but if you are a christian, especially if you've
- 00:04:27.808 --> 00:04:29.843
- Committed to being a jesus follower, this, i don't know,
- 00:04:29.843 --> 00:04:34.548
- This question is important for us for several reasons, and
- 00:04:34.548 --> 00:04:37.284
- We're gonna talk about one specifically next time.
- 00:04:37.284 --> 00:04:39.820
- But the reason we should all take this seriously, as
- 00:04:39.820 --> 00:04:42.255
- Christians especially, is because this question, or the
- 00:04:42.255 --> 00:04:44.524
- Sentiment behind the question, the thing that fuels the
- 00:04:44.524 --> 00:04:46.993
- Question, actually threads its way through the entire story and
- 00:04:46.993 --> 00:04:51.765
- History of our faith.
- 00:04:51.765 --> 00:04:53.133
- I'll give you a couple of examples.
- 00:04:53.133 --> 00:04:55.602
- The, sort of, the, i don't know, the oxygen, the thing that fuels
- 00:04:55.602 --> 00:05:00.040
- This question is the reason that moses--most of us don't know
- 00:05:00.040 --> 00:05:03.477
- Enough about the story of moses, is the reason that moses
- 00:05:03.477 --> 00:05:06.046
- Couldn't stand by and do nothing while his people labored and
- 00:05:06.046 --> 00:05:09.649
- Suffered under the authority and the mistreatment of their
- 00:05:09.649 --> 00:05:14.855
- Egyptian taskmasters.
- 00:05:14.855 --> 00:05:16.356
- I mean, we know, most of us, know the story about "let my
- 00:05:16.356 --> 00:05:18.792
- People go."
- 00:05:18.792 --> 00:05:20.127
- Moses just--and the thing about moses, he was a prince.
- 00:05:20.127 --> 00:05:23.196
- He was actually part of pharaoh's household, but he was
- 00:05:23.196 --> 00:05:25.799
- Related to this nation of slaves.
- 00:05:25.799 --> 00:05:28.535
- And it would have been so easy for him to just look the other
- 00:05:28.535 --> 00:05:31.772
- Way and just, you know, kind of ride this out as a prince
- 00:05:31.772 --> 00:05:35.108
- Of egypt.
- 00:05:35.108 --> 00:05:36.510
- And he just couldn't do it.
- 00:05:36.510 --> 00:05:39.346
- It's why this isn't as familiar a story, but it's a
- 00:05:39.346 --> 00:05:41.681
- Powerful story.
- 00:05:41.681 --> 00:05:43.016
- It's why queen esther in the 5th century.
- 00:05:43.016 --> 00:05:45.619
- She was actually the queen of persia.
- 00:05:45.619 --> 00:05:47.888
- She was the wife of the most powerful person in the world.
- 00:05:47.888 --> 00:05:53.894
- And if you know the story, it's why she couldn't stand by and do
- 00:05:53.894 --> 00:05:56.129
- Nothing when she discovered there was a plot to exterminate
- 00:05:56.129 --> 00:06:00.534
- All the jews in persia.
- 00:06:00.534 --> 00:06:03.970
- And she finds out about this and she's the queen, but it's not
- 00:06:03.970 --> 00:06:07.474
- Like when we think kings and queens because the, you know,
- 00:06:07.474 --> 00:06:10.076
- The king had a harem.
- 00:06:10.076 --> 00:06:11.711
- It was king xerxes.
- 00:06:11.711 --> 00:06:13.513
- And as the story goes, he chose her as the queen because she's
- 00:06:13.513 --> 00:06:16.416
- The most beautiful person in the empire that he could find.
- 00:06:16.416 --> 00:06:19.920
- But he had, you know, other stuff going on.
- 00:06:19.920 --> 00:06:22.422
- And so you didn't just walk into the presence and say, "honey,
- 00:06:22.422 --> 00:06:24.791
- I've got a question."
- 00:06:24.791 --> 00:06:26.159
- In fact, there was a law that you could not enter king
- 00:06:26.159 --> 00:06:27.994
- Xerxes's presence without being invited.
- 00:06:27.994 --> 00:06:30.330
- And if you did, it was the death penalty.
- 00:06:30.330 --> 00:06:33.800
- And she discovers there's this plot and the only person that
- 00:06:33.800 --> 00:06:36.670
- Can stop, you know, her people from being exterminated is
- 00:06:36.670 --> 00:06:39.840
- King xerxes.
- 00:06:39.840 --> 00:06:41.208
- And he hasn't called, you should read the story, he hasn't called
- 00:06:41.208 --> 00:06:44.044
- On her in over 30 days.
- 00:06:44.044 --> 00:06:46.913
- And so she gathers some people together, she says, "you gotta
- 00:06:46.913 --> 00:06:49.182
- Pray for me, you gotta fast, because i'm going in.
- 00:06:49.182 --> 00:06:52.819
- And if he doesn't hold out his gold scepter, my life is over.
- 00:06:52.819 --> 00:06:58.992
- But i've got to go in anyway."
- 00:06:58.992 --> 00:07:00.627
- And then she makes this famous statement, maybe you've heard
- 00:07:00.627 --> 00:07:03.396
- This statement before, didn't know who originally said it.
- 00:07:03.396 --> 00:07:05.632
- And she said, "and," i love this, "if i perish, i perish,
- 00:07:05.632 --> 00:07:11.471
- But i can't stand around and do nothing."
- 00:07:11.471 --> 00:07:15.942
- This question and the sentiment behind this question is really
- 00:07:15.942 --> 00:07:19.546
- What fueled nehemiah, one of the greatest leadership stories in
- 00:07:19.546 --> 00:07:22.983
- Ancient history, maybe ever.
- 00:07:22.983 --> 00:07:25.118
- And one of the great things about the story of nehemiah,
- 00:07:25.118 --> 00:07:27.220
- Maybe for us, is there's no miracles.
- 00:07:27.220 --> 00:07:29.122
- You know, god doesn't do anything unusual.
- 00:07:29.122 --> 00:07:30.790
- It's just good old-fashioned leadership and work.
- 00:07:30.790 --> 00:07:32.993
- Nehemiah was the cup bearer to king artaxerxes of persia again.
- 00:07:32.993 --> 00:07:37.998
- And he's got it made, he's got like this cush job.
- 00:07:37.998 --> 00:07:40.233
- He's just, i mean, he's living the dream in the most powerful
- 00:07:40.233 --> 00:07:42.802
- Empire of the world.
- 00:07:42.802 --> 00:07:44.170
- He's got a relationship with the most powerful man, you know,
- 00:07:44.170 --> 00:07:46.306
- Alive at that time and he gets news that things are not going
- 00:07:46.306 --> 00:07:49.943
- Well in judea, jerusalem where he's from because he's a judean.
- 00:07:49.943 --> 00:07:53.179
- Originally, his family was.
- 00:07:53.179 --> 00:07:55.615
- And he's got this tension on the inside.
- 00:07:55.615 --> 00:07:57.984
- "things are bad there, but things are good here.
- 00:07:57.984 --> 00:07:59.953
- But i can't un-hear what i've heard."
- 00:07:59.953 --> 00:08:02.155
- And he goes to king artaxerxes and he asked for permission to
- 00:08:02.155 --> 00:08:05.392
- Leave his service.
- 00:08:05.392 --> 00:08:06.760
- Nobody does this.
- 00:08:06.760 --> 00:08:08.094
- I mean, you spend your whole life getting to this place.
- 00:08:08.094 --> 00:08:10.263
- He asked for permission to leave the service to go back to
- 00:08:10.263 --> 00:08:12.399
- Jerusalem to do something for the people.
- 00:08:12.399 --> 00:08:14.734
- In fact, he actually says, "would you make me the governor
- 00:08:14.734 --> 00:08:17.938
- Of jerusalem of judea so i'll have the authority to go back
- 00:08:17.938 --> 00:08:22.642
- And address the economy, to go back and address the fact that
- 00:08:22.642 --> 00:08:26.813
- The gates have been burned down the walls have been torn down.
- 00:08:26.813 --> 00:08:29.683
- That things are--the people are depressed and distressed?"
- 00:08:29.683 --> 00:08:33.086
- And the king says, "you have permission to go," and he goes,
- 00:08:33.086 --> 00:08:36.222
- And it's an extraordinary, extraordinary story.
- 00:08:36.222 --> 00:08:38.258
- But the thing that caused him to leave what was comfortable for
- 00:08:38.258 --> 00:08:42.329
- What was uncomfortable, really, is behind the question that
- 00:08:42.329 --> 00:08:45.332
- We're gonna wrestle with for the next few times that
- 00:08:45.332 --> 00:08:48.034
- We're together.
- 00:08:48.034 --> 00:08:49.903
- In some way, you know, this is the reason that jesus left his
- 00:08:49.903 --> 00:08:55.175
- Father's side in heaven, the best that we can understand
- 00:08:55.175 --> 00:08:57.444
- That, and came to be one of us and to live among us and to
- 00:08:57.444 --> 00:09:01.815
- Suffer as one of us.
- 00:09:01.815 --> 00:09:04.284
- It is certainly, no exaggerated--no exaggeration, no
- 00:09:04.284 --> 00:09:07.887
- Exaggeration, it was certainly the reason that he left the
- 00:09:07.887 --> 00:09:11.124
- Safety of galilee where it was his people and traveled south to
- 00:09:11.124 --> 00:09:17.163
- The lion's den of jerusalem, knowing what awaited him there.
- 00:09:17.163 --> 00:09:22.202
- And it's not just the ancient world that's been impacted by
- 00:09:22.202 --> 00:09:25.872
- This question or a question like it.
- 00:09:25.872 --> 00:09:27.240
- The modern world.
- 00:09:27.240 --> 00:09:28.608
- In fact, the modern world has been shaped by men and women
- 00:09:28.608 --> 00:09:30.610
- Who've refused to, this is so important, who've refused to
- 00:09:30.610 --> 00:09:33.747
- Look the other way, who refused to look the other way when the
- 00:09:33.747 --> 00:09:37.117
- Answer to this question became apparent.
- 00:09:37.117 --> 00:09:41.121
- It's why dr. king left the comfort and the safety of the
- 00:09:41.121 --> 00:09:47.827
- North to come to the uncomfortable, unsafe south.
- 00:09:47.827 --> 00:09:53.166
- And he stayed here because he could not un-hear what he had
- 00:09:53.166 --> 00:09:59.739
- Heard, he could not unread what he'd read, and he could not
- 00:09:59.739 --> 00:10:02.709
- Unsee what he'd seen.
- 00:10:02.709 --> 00:10:05.979
- That's why my friend, and some of your friends as well, janine
- 00:10:05.979 --> 00:10:08.615
- And ian maxwell--janine ran one of the largest and most
- 00:10:08.615 --> 00:10:12.485
- Successful marketing companies in canada some years ago.
- 00:10:12.485 --> 00:10:17.691
- It's why that ian and janine maxwell moved to a pretty much
- 00:10:17.691 --> 00:10:22.195
- Forgotten kingdom in the middle of africa 12 years ago.
- 00:10:22.195 --> 00:10:29.002
- They had visited swaziland, the king later renamed it eswatini.
- 00:10:29.002 --> 00:10:32.939
- It's kind of cool, if you're the king, you can say, "we're gonna
- 00:10:32.939 --> 00:10:35.275
- Rename our country," and everybody just nods.
- 00:10:35.275 --> 00:10:37.310
- So he renamed the country eswatini.
- 00:10:37.310 --> 00:10:39.245
- But when they moved there, when--and then first,
- 00:10:39.245 --> 00:10:41.181
- Originally, visited there, it was the kingdom of swaziland.
- 00:10:41.181 --> 00:10:45.251
- And when they got there, they saw children raising children
- 00:10:45.251 --> 00:10:50.223
- Because the aids pandemic had destroyed and killed off almost
- 00:10:50.223 --> 00:10:55.128
- All the adults.
- 00:10:55.128 --> 00:10:56.496
- Years ago, sandra and i went and visited with them there and we
- 00:10:56.496 --> 00:10:59.566
- Saw this firsthand.
- 00:10:59.566 --> 00:11:01.234
- And when you see it, you can't unsee it.
- 00:11:01.234 --> 00:11:04.370
- And so they shut down their business and they moved to
- 00:11:04.370 --> 00:11:07.574
- Swaziland, now eswatini, and they just began rescuing babies.
- 00:11:07.574 --> 00:11:12.312
- When we were there, we went with them to rescue two babies.
- 00:11:12.312 --> 00:11:15.949
- And the first thing they do would--have them tested to see
- 00:11:15.949 --> 00:11:18.384
- If they're hiv positive.
- 00:11:18.384 --> 00:11:19.919
- And oftentimes they are.
- 00:11:19.919 --> 00:11:21.821
- And they've been rescuing babies for 12 years.
- 00:11:21.821 --> 00:11:24.357
- And if you're wondering how many babies they've rescued, i had
- 00:11:24.357 --> 00:11:28.128
- Her send me this picture this week.
- 00:11:28.128 --> 00:11:29.562
- They've rescued this many babies, because that was 12
- 00:11:29.562 --> 00:11:33.099
- Years ago, and now they're 12 years old and 11 years old, and
- 00:11:33.099 --> 00:11:36.002
- This is janine.
- 00:11:36.002 --> 00:11:37.337
- Four hundred and one, this is number four hundred and one.
- 00:11:37.337 --> 00:11:40.507
- There's ian on the other side.
- 00:11:40.507 --> 00:11:42.475
- Because once they saw it, they couldn't unsee it.
- 00:11:42.475 --> 00:11:46.346
- And then she tricked me.
- 00:11:46.346 --> 00:11:48.748
- She named one of the babies andy, and now i have to fund
- 00:11:48.748 --> 00:11:53.419
- Them for the rest of my life.
- 00:11:53.419 --> 00:11:55.421
- So little andrew, actually, if you--i'm just kidding.
- 00:11:55.421 --> 00:11:58.124
- Anyway, this question is why sandra and i became
- 00:11:58.124 --> 00:12:01.194
- Foster parents.
- 00:12:01.194 --> 00:12:03.663
- Sorry.
- 00:12:03.663 --> 00:12:05.031
- I--we had a friend and he told us his story.
- 00:12:05.031 --> 00:12:07.033
- He was a foster kid, grew up in foster homes, and i listened to
- 00:12:07.033 --> 00:12:11.004
- His story, we listened to his story, and we're like, i can't
- 00:12:11.004 --> 00:12:13.973
- Un-hear that.
- 00:12:13.973 --> 00:12:15.308
- And suddenly, i've become aware.
- 00:12:15.308 --> 00:12:18.111
- We wake up to a reality in our communities that we didn't know
- 00:12:18.111 --> 00:12:21.147
- About before.
- 00:12:21.147 --> 00:12:22.482
- And once you know, you can't unknow.
- 00:12:22.482 --> 00:12:23.850
- And we couldn't, you know, foster all the kids that needed
- 00:12:23.850 --> 00:12:26.085
- To be fostered, but we could foster some.
- 00:12:26.085 --> 00:12:28.488
- And so for ten years, you know, kids are in and out of our home.
- 00:12:28.488 --> 00:12:33.660
- So all that to say this: when we address, and when i give you the
- 00:12:33.660 --> 00:12:38.731
- Question, you may not have an answer, and that's okay.
- 00:12:38.731 --> 00:12:42.702
- You may not have an answer yet, but in the meantime, i want you
- 00:12:42.702 --> 00:12:45.605
- To write this down and i want you to put it somewhere and i'm
- 00:12:45.605 --> 00:12:49.576
- Inviting you to allow this question to bother you until you
- 00:12:49.576 --> 00:12:54.714
- Have some sort of answer.
- 00:12:54.714 --> 00:12:59.118
- On the other hand, as soon as we--i give you the question,
- 00:12:59.118 --> 00:13:02.021
- Some of you are gonna know immediately what the answer is
- 00:13:02.021 --> 00:13:04.057
- And you're gonna be frustrated because you're like, "yeah, i
- 00:13:04.057 --> 00:13:06.359
- Think about that all the time, andy, but i don't know what to
- 00:13:06.359 --> 00:13:08.361
- Do and i don't think there's anything i can do.
- 00:13:08.361 --> 00:13:10.196
- And thanks for reminding me, i'd rather not think about it.
- 00:13:10.196 --> 00:13:12.432
- The problem is too big, it's too complicated, and i can't
- 00:13:12.432 --> 00:13:14.901
- Do anything."
- 00:13:14.901 --> 00:13:16.236
- And i'm here to tell you: everybody can do something.
- 00:13:16.236 --> 00:13:19.939
- And then, you may be the opposite.
- 00:13:19.939 --> 00:13:21.875
- You may know the answer to the question and you may know
- 00:13:21.875 --> 00:13:23.943
- Exactly what to do, but it scares you.
- 00:13:23.943 --> 00:13:28.915
- And it should, because it's gonna cost you.
- 00:13:28.915 --> 00:13:30.817
- It's gonna cost you some time and some money, some freedom.
- 00:13:30.817 --> 00:13:33.753
- It's gonna cost you some opportunities and it may cost
- 00:13:33.753 --> 00:13:36.222
- You a reputation.
- 00:13:36.222 --> 00:13:37.891
- It may cost you a relationship because you've got family
- 00:13:37.891 --> 00:13:39.993
- Members that are, like, "you're gonna do what?"
- 00:13:39.993 --> 00:13:42.161
- But here's why that's okay and here's why it's worth it.
- 00:13:42.161 --> 00:13:46.199
- Here's something we all have in common.
- 00:13:46.199 --> 00:13:49.969
- The people that you admire the most, the people you admire the
- 00:13:49.969 --> 00:13:55.341
- Most are not the people who got in shape, got out of debt, and
- 00:13:55.341 --> 00:13:58.144
- Then just got on with their lives.
- 00:13:58.144 --> 00:14:01.114
- The people that have--that inspire you are not the people
- 00:14:01.114 --> 00:14:05.718
- Who have devoted themselves to becoming the best version of
- 00:14:05.718 --> 00:14:08.421
- Themselves and then just went on to be a better version
- 00:14:08.421 --> 00:14:12.759
- Of themselves.
- 00:14:12.759 --> 00:14:14.227
- The folks who inspire and amaze you are the folks who, at some
- 00:14:14.227 --> 00:14:20.667
- Level, had the courage to ask, answer, and act on
- 00:14:20.667 --> 00:14:28.207
- This question.
- 00:14:28.207 --> 00:14:29.976
- And they are the people that made a little piece of the world
- 00:14:29.976 --> 00:14:34.614
- Better and they certainly made somebody's world better.
- 00:14:34.614 --> 00:14:39.953
- So this is a question we should all ask, and we should all ask
- 00:14:39.953 --> 00:14:43.523
- It in every season of our lives.
- 00:14:43.523 --> 00:14:46.259
- And, just wanna be fair, while it's absolutely appropriate,
- 00:14:46.259 --> 00:14:50.229
- While it's absolutely the right thing, in fact, it may be the
- 00:14:50.229 --> 00:14:53.566
- Urgent thing for you to ask the question, you know, "what should
- 00:14:53.566 --> 00:14:56.836
- I do about me?"--i mean, there may be some things that you
- 00:14:56.836 --> 00:14:59.572
- Really need to immediately address, what should you do
- 00:14:59.572 --> 00:15:01.808
- About you, and i would encourage you to do that.
- 00:15:01.808 --> 00:15:04.744
- As you start the year along with this question, i just wanna
- 00:15:04.744 --> 00:15:08.648
- Invite all of us to take a step away from the mirror, step off
- 00:15:08.648 --> 00:15:14.654
- The scales, put our phones down for just a moment and ask a
- 00:15:14.654 --> 00:15:20.226
- Better, a clarifying, i'll be honest, a terrifying question
- 00:15:20.226 --> 00:15:25.631
- That will reveal something about you, but has the potential to
- 00:15:25.631 --> 00:15:32.005
- Catapult you beyond you in a way that maybe you never
- 00:15:32.005 --> 00:15:38.077
- Thought possible.
- 00:15:38.077 --> 00:15:39.412
- So here it is: what breaks your heart?
- 00:15:39.412 --> 00:15:48.721
- What breaks your heart?
- 00:15:48.721 --> 00:15:50.923
- It's okay not to know, but it's the question we should all ask
- 00:15:50.923 --> 00:15:54.861
- From time to time-- what breaks your heart?
- 00:15:54.861 --> 00:15:56.195
- And like me, just to be clear, like me, there are a lot of
- 00:15:56.195 --> 00:15:58.965
- Things that bother you, there are a lot of things that
- 00:15:58.965 --> 00:16:01.234
- Irritate you, there are things that offend you culturally,
- 00:16:01.234 --> 00:16:05.405
- There are things that bother you nationally, there may be some
- 00:16:05.405 --> 00:16:08.341
- Things that irritate you locally.
- 00:16:08.341 --> 00:16:11.878
- But is there one thing that surpasses all those
- 00:16:11.878 --> 00:16:15.715
- Other things?
- 00:16:15.715 --> 00:16:17.083
- Is there one thing, one category, one issue that above
- 00:16:17.083 --> 00:16:19.152
- All the things that just kind of bother you and irritate you and
- 00:16:19.152 --> 00:16:21.854
- Make you mad and make you wanna throw something at
- 00:16:21.854 --> 00:16:23.623
- The television?
- 00:16:23.623 --> 00:16:24.991
- Is there one thing in particular that is above all those
- 00:16:24.991 --> 00:16:28.127
- Other things?
- 00:16:28.127 --> 00:16:29.462
- There--is there one thing that just kind of stays with you?
- 00:16:29.462 --> 00:16:31.531
- You kind of wish you'd never read about it.
- 00:16:31.531 --> 00:16:33.232
- You kind of wish you'd never heard about it.
- 00:16:33.232 --> 00:16:35.134
- You wish you'd never seen it.
- 00:16:35.134 --> 00:16:36.502
- You wish you'd not visited it.
- 00:16:36.502 --> 00:16:38.471
- Because now you can't get it out of your head and it just
- 00:16:38.471 --> 00:16:41.641
- Sits there.
- 00:16:41.641 --> 00:16:43.609
- I'll tell you my personal--my initial foray into this tension
- 00:16:43.609 --> 00:16:48.381
- That this question raises.
- 00:16:48.381 --> 00:16:49.715
- I was in my 20s and i've--i never felt called to ministry,
- 00:16:49.715 --> 00:16:54.053
- I volunteered.
- 00:16:54.053 --> 00:16:55.421
- I mean, i had friends that felt called and went forward and told
- 00:16:55.421 --> 00:16:57.190
- My dad, but i never felt called.
- 00:16:57.190 --> 00:16:58.958
- I was kind of waiting for this lightning bolt or i woke up in
- 00:16:58.958 --> 00:17:01.427
- The middle of the night or the angel--or i would sometimes
- 00:17:01.427 --> 00:17:04.530
- Pray, "god, if you're gonna call me, don't do it audibly because
- 00:17:04.530 --> 00:17:06.532
- I will wet my pants, okay?
- 00:17:06.532 --> 00:17:07.867
- So just don't over call me just, you know, make it clear,
- 00:17:07.867 --> 00:17:11.471
- You know."
- 00:17:11.471 --> 00:17:12.839
- So i'm driving around with my dad one day and i said, "dad, do
- 00:17:12.839 --> 00:17:14.707
- You have to be called into ministry, or can you
- 00:17:14.707 --> 00:17:16.809
- Just volunteer?"
- 00:17:16.809 --> 00:17:18.344
- That's what i asked him.
- 00:17:18.344 --> 00:17:19.712
- We're in our green grand safari station wagon.
- 00:17:19.712 --> 00:17:21.414
- I remember right where we were, in cobb county, you know.
- 00:17:21.414 --> 00:17:23.716
- I said, "can you just volunteer for ministry?
- 00:17:23.716 --> 00:17:25.618
- Because i'd like"--he said, "yeah."
- 00:17:25.618 --> 00:17:27.420
- I said, "well, i'd like to volunteer."
- 00:17:27.420 --> 00:17:29.255
- That's how i got into this.
- 00:17:29.255 --> 00:17:30.590
- And i'll tell you what drove me.
- 00:17:30.590 --> 00:17:32.258
- I was working just as a volunteer with some high school
- 00:17:32.258 --> 00:17:34.360
- Students and i began working with college students and then
- 00:17:34.360 --> 00:17:36.162
- High school students again.
- 00:17:36.162 --> 00:17:37.530
- And the thing that broke my heart was watching students,
- 00:17:37.530 --> 00:17:41.601
- Watching, you know, back then we called them "young people,"
- 00:17:41.601 --> 00:17:44.370
- Watching young people, watching students, teenagers and, you
- 00:17:44.370 --> 00:17:47.673
- Know, college students, watching them make decisions that i knew
- 00:17:47.673 --> 00:17:51.577
- Would potentially undermine their future.
- 00:17:51.577 --> 00:17:54.447
- It just broke my heart.
- 00:17:54.447 --> 00:17:55.815
- I'm like, no, no, no, why are you doing that?
- 00:17:55.815 --> 00:17:57.517
- Why are you going there?
- 00:17:57.517 --> 00:17:58.885
- Why are you participating?
- 00:17:58.885 --> 00:18:00.219
- You don't understand.
- 00:18:00.219 --> 00:18:01.554
- You think it's an event, it's a pathway.
- 00:18:01.554 --> 00:18:02.922
- This leads somewhere.
- 00:18:02.922 --> 00:18:04.257
- I mean, come on, life is hard enough.
- 00:18:04.257 --> 00:18:05.691
- Don't make your life harder by creating your own regret.
- 00:18:05.691 --> 00:18:09.095
- I mean, some regrets are avoidable.
- 00:18:09.095 --> 00:18:10.596
- They deal with, you know, they have other people that do things
- 00:18:10.596 --> 00:18:13.232
- To us or create environments we can't escape.
- 00:18:13.232 --> 00:18:15.001
- But come on, don't make your life harder than it's already
- 00:18:15.001 --> 00:18:17.703
- Gonna be.
- 00:18:17.703 --> 00:18:19.038
- And that burden stayed with me, and that's what drove my
- 00:18:19.038 --> 00:18:20.640
- Communication then.
- 00:18:20.640 --> 00:18:22.008
- It's what drives my communication now.
- 00:18:22.008 --> 00:18:23.809
- That's why i try to be practical.
- 00:18:23.809 --> 00:18:26.045
- So, you know, sidebar, here's the mini sermon for today: don't
- 00:18:26.045 --> 00:18:34.387
- Make your life more complicated than it already is with
- 00:18:34.387 --> 00:18:36.656
- Bad decisions.
- 00:18:36.656 --> 00:18:38.024
- That's it.
- 00:18:38.024 --> 00:18:39.358
- That's all i wanna say to you week after week after week.
- 00:18:39.358 --> 00:18:41.027
- You know, follow jesus.
- 00:18:41.027 --> 00:18:42.361
- This is why we say following jesus makes your life better,
- 00:18:42.361 --> 00:18:44.697
- Makes you better at life.
- 00:18:44.697 --> 00:18:46.032
- So that--that's what really broke my heart in those days.
- 00:18:46.032 --> 00:18:48.201
- That is why i stayed for years and years.
- 00:18:48.201 --> 00:18:49.535
- I thought i would work with high school students my whole life.
- 00:18:49.535 --> 00:18:51.871
- I really did.
- 00:18:51.871 --> 00:18:53.206
- Because i'm like, if you, you know, if you can just get these
- 00:18:53.206 --> 00:18:55.641
- Years these college years right, it just puts you on a trajectory
- 00:18:55.641 --> 00:18:59.579
- That's gonna make your life better.
- 00:18:59.579 --> 00:19:01.314
- Now, okay, that's enough about me.
- 00:19:01.314 --> 00:19:02.982
- So, back to you. what breaks your heart?
- 00:19:02.982 --> 00:19:06.786
- Years ago, we're in the kitchen and sandra and i are talking
- 00:19:06.786 --> 00:19:09.589
- About this, and she had a different way of asking this
- 00:19:09.589 --> 00:19:12.692
- Question, so i'll ask--i'll give you her version, and maybe it's
- 00:19:12.692 --> 00:19:15.561
- More clarifying for you.
- 00:19:15.561 --> 00:19:16.929
- She said, "if you were--if you--if it were up to you, if it
- 00:19:16.929 --> 00:19:21.534
- Were up to you and you could choose, like, one thing, if
- 00:19:21.534 --> 00:19:24.937
- You--were up to you and you could choose one thing, there's
- 00:19:24.937 --> 00:19:28.407
- The question, what would you like people to line up and thank
- 00:19:28.407 --> 00:19:31.477
- You for at the end of your life?"
- 00:19:31.477 --> 00:19:32.845
- That's a great question.
- 00:19:32.845 --> 00:19:34.280
- If you just pick one thing, and all your productive years are
- 00:19:34.280 --> 00:19:36.816
- Over, you know, you're sitting on the front porch somewhere,
- 00:19:36.816 --> 00:19:39.285
- And they're gonna line up people who have been and out of your
- 00:19:39.285 --> 00:19:41.721
- Life, and you could choose what they would come and thank you
- 00:19:41.721 --> 00:19:45.157
- For, in other words, the one thing that you would wanna make
- 00:19:45.157 --> 00:19:47.893
- A difference in the world or with a group of people, what
- 00:19:47.893 --> 00:19:50.329
- Would you like for people to thank you for at the end of
- 00:19:50.329 --> 00:19:54.734
- Your life?
- 00:19:54.734 --> 00:19:56.068
- Here's another angle.
- 00:19:56.068 --> 00:19:57.436
- This is kind of the nuclear angle.
- 00:19:57.436 --> 00:19:59.672
- If you could push a button, that's why it's nuclear, if you
- 00:19:59.672 --> 00:20:02.441
- Could push a button and change one thing in the world, what
- 00:20:02.441 --> 00:20:06.846
- Would it be?
- 00:20:06.846 --> 00:20:08.214
- If you could suddenly--you had the power to change one thing in
- 00:20:08.214 --> 00:20:11.717
- The world, what would it be?
- 00:20:11.717 --> 00:20:14.920
- Now, if you don't have an answer, don't force it.
- 00:20:14.920 --> 00:20:18.424
- It's not gonna be a quiz.
- 00:20:18.424 --> 00:20:19.792
- Nobody can read your mind.
- 00:20:19.792 --> 00:20:21.127
- You don't have to know today.
- 00:20:21.127 --> 00:20:22.795
- But if you don't know, if you don't have an answer, i want you
- 00:20:22.795 --> 00:20:27.066
- To think about it because we're gonna continue to talk about it.
- 00:20:27.066 --> 00:20:31.504
- What breaks your heart?
- 00:20:31.504 --> 00:20:34.473
- Now, here's the good news.
- 00:20:34.473 --> 00:20:35.841
- That was kind of the scary scare-you-away news.
- 00:20:35.841 --> 00:20:37.476
- Here's the great news, okay?
- 00:20:37.476 --> 00:20:38.811
- Something--i'm gonna bring you back.
- 00:20:38.811 --> 00:20:40.613
- Regardless of your answer, you're not gonna have to face
- 00:20:40.613 --> 00:20:42.915
- Down a pharaoh and deliver a nation from egypt, okay?
- 00:20:42.915 --> 00:20:45.751
- So you're not gonna have to do that, all right?
- 00:20:45.751 --> 00:20:47.253
- So you can take that--that's already been done.
- 00:20:47.253 --> 00:20:49.455
- You probably won't even have to quit your day job.
- 00:20:49.455 --> 00:20:54.260
- But you're probably gonna have to quit something.
- 00:20:54.260 --> 00:21:00.766
- Answer this question honestly.
- 00:21:00.766 --> 00:21:04.437
- You're not gonna have to give up everything, but you're gonna
- 00:21:04.437 --> 00:21:08.374
- Have to give up something.
- 00:21:08.374 --> 00:21:09.709
- You probably won't have to leave the country, you probably won't
- 00:21:09.709 --> 00:21:11.944
- Have to leave the city, you probably won't leave--have to
- 00:21:11.944 --> 00:21:13.879
- Leave your house, but you're gonna have to leave
- 00:21:13.879 --> 00:21:15.514
- Behind something.
- 00:21:15.514 --> 00:21:18.784
- You probably won't have to leave the country, but i tell you
- 00:21:18.784 --> 00:21:20.786
- What, you will have to leave.
- 00:21:20.786 --> 00:21:22.855
- You have to leave your comfort zone.
- 00:21:22.855 --> 00:21:26.525
- And you're like me and i'm like you, we kind of set our sights
- 00:21:26.525 --> 00:21:32.198
- On the comfort zone.
- 00:21:32.198 --> 00:21:33.766
- But if you have--you let this question get to your heart, you
- 00:21:33.766 --> 00:21:38.337
- Won't be able to stay there all the time.
- 00:21:38.337 --> 00:21:41.173
- You're gonna be forced, you're gonna be called, you're gonna be
- 00:21:41.173 --> 00:21:44.777
- Motivated to step out, because whatever breaks your heart,
- 00:21:44.777 --> 00:21:49.315
- You're not gonna be able to address it from the safety and
- 00:21:49.315 --> 00:21:52.084
- The comfort of your comfort zone.
- 00:21:52.084 --> 00:21:55.554
- You're not gonna have to give up everything, but you're gonna
- 00:21:55.554 --> 00:21:58.090
- Have to give up something.
- 00:21:58.090 --> 00:21:59.425
- And here's the thing: that's okay.
- 00:21:59.425 --> 00:22:01.594
- Let me make you a promise.
- 00:22:01.594 --> 00:22:04.130
- Whatever you give up in order to address the thing that breaks
- 00:22:04.130 --> 00:22:08.734
- Your heart, here's the promise, you won't miss it.
- 00:22:08.734 --> 00:22:16.142
- But if you ignore the tug,
- 00:22:16.142 --> 00:22:24.950
- If you decide, i just can't look
- 00:22:24.950 --> 00:22:26.452
- Over there, i don't wanna hear about that, if you ignore the
- 00:22:26.452 --> 00:22:29.889
- Grief or the anger or the heartbreak, if you keep telling
- 00:22:29.889 --> 00:22:32.958
- Yourself, "there's nothing i can do," let me tell you what you
- 00:22:32.958 --> 00:22:35.828
- Will miss.
- 00:22:35.828 --> 00:22:40.065
- You'll miss an opportunity.
- 00:22:40.065 --> 00:22:41.901
- And here's the real tragedy: you won't know you missed it.
- 00:22:41.901 --> 00:22:47.072
- It came and it went, and you were so locked in and i'm so
- 00:22:47.072 --> 00:22:50.543
- Locked in on my comfort zone and my thing and, you know, somebody
- 00:22:50.543 --> 00:22:53.446
- Else can deal with that and it's too big and, you know, what
- 00:22:53.446 --> 00:22:55.514
- Could i do anyway?
- 00:22:55.514 --> 00:22:56.849
- You'll miss the--and you know what you might miss?
- 00:22:56.849 --> 00:22:58.818
- You might miss the opportunity of a lifetime.
- 00:22:58.818 --> 00:23:01.153
- You might miss the greatest opportunity of your lifetime, an
- 00:23:01.153 --> 00:23:04.523
- Opportunity to make a difference in the world, but for sure to
- 00:23:04.523 --> 00:23:07.827
- Make a difference in somebody's world.
- 00:23:07.827 --> 00:23:10.196
- And missing that opportunity, please hear this, missing that
- 00:23:10.196 --> 00:23:14.433
- Opportunity is what you should fear more than the potential
- 00:23:14.433 --> 00:23:18.571
- Cost of facing and answering that question.
- 00:23:18.571 --> 00:23:23.509
- And here's why you should fear that more than you should fear
- 00:23:23.509 --> 00:23:26.078
- What you're gonna have to give up.
- 00:23:26.078 --> 00:23:27.746
- And you know this because i remind you all the time and will
- 00:23:27.746 --> 00:23:31.050
- Continue to.
- 00:23:31.050 --> 00:23:35.254
- At the end of your life, at the end of my life, you're gonna be
- 00:23:35.254 --> 00:23:42.828
- Celebrated for the difference you made not the dollars
- 00:23:42.828 --> 00:23:46.465
- You made.
- 00:23:46.465 --> 00:23:47.800
- We're gonna be remembered for what we gave and not what we
- 00:23:47.800 --> 00:23:52.605
- Saved, and i'm all for saving.
- 00:23:52.605 --> 00:23:55.140
- In other words, i tell you this all the time, and any time you
- 00:23:55.140 --> 00:23:59.411
- Go to a funeral you're reminded of this, but after funerals we
- 00:23:59.411 --> 00:24:02.248
- Have a tendency, unless it's a really, really close relative,
- 00:24:02.248 --> 00:24:04.950
- We have a tendency to kind of shake it off and get back to
- 00:24:04.950 --> 00:24:07.019
- Life and get back to what we're doing.
- 00:24:07.019 --> 00:24:08.354
- And i understand this, but every time you attend a funeral
- 00:24:08.354 --> 00:24:11.323
- We're--you're reminded of this, that in the end the value of a
- 00:24:11.323 --> 00:24:15.694
- Life is always measured by how much of it was given away.
- 00:24:15.694 --> 00:24:22.034
- And you know that, and i know that, and what breaks your heart
- 00:24:22.034 --> 00:24:30.142
- Is your opportunity to leverage that while you, we're gonna talk
- 00:24:30.142 --> 00:24:34.713
- About this in part three, while you still have the opportunity
- 00:24:34.713 --> 00:24:37.883
- To do so.
- 00:24:37.883 --> 00:24:39.251
- And here's what's true of me and what's true of you: every single
- 00:24:39.251 --> 00:24:41.487
- Day is another day that, potentially, that opportunity
- 00:24:41.487 --> 00:24:46.158
- Slips away.
- 00:24:46.158 --> 00:24:49.361
- So this question shouldn't scare us.
- 00:24:49.361 --> 00:24:51.931
- It should inspire us.
- 00:24:51.931 --> 00:24:54.567
- What breaks your heart?
- 00:24:54.567 --> 00:24:59.538
- So here's what i want you to do.
- 00:24:59.538 --> 00:25:01.674
- I just want you to pay attention this week.
- 00:25:01.674 --> 00:25:04.076
- And this is equally as important.
- 00:25:04.076 --> 00:25:06.278
- If nothing breaks your heart, you should pay attention to that
- 00:25:06.278 --> 00:25:11.216
- As well because that says something about you and it may
- 00:25:11.216 --> 00:25:17.723
- Be an indicator that you have some work to do.
- 00:25:17.723 --> 00:25:21.093
- And if you are a follower of jesus, as we're gonna talk about
- 00:25:21.093 --> 00:25:23.996
- Next time when we open the scripture and we dive deep into
- 00:25:23.996 --> 00:25:26.799
- One of jesus's most amazing teachings, it's a reminder that
- 00:25:26.799 --> 00:25:30.936
- God wants to do some work in us.
- 00:25:30.936 --> 00:25:34.773
- Because if it's all about me, no matter how much i weigh and how
- 00:25:34.773 --> 00:25:38.310
- Successful i am and even how much generosity i, you know, how
- 00:25:38.310 --> 00:25:41.914
- Generous i am, if it's all about me and if it's all about you, we
- 00:25:41.914 --> 00:25:47.786
- Have work to do.
- 00:25:47.786 --> 00:25:49.288
- And if you're not a christian, let me just be clear, if you're
- 00:25:49.288 --> 00:25:51.423
- Not a christian or religious person, i have no right to tell
- 00:25:51.423 --> 00:25:53.692
- You what to do.
- 00:25:53.692 --> 00:25:55.027
- And i'm not trying to manipulate you.
- 00:25:55.027 --> 00:25:57.329
- I mean, your life is your life and you gotta figure out what or
- 00:25:57.329 --> 00:26:00.866
- Who's gonna be the lord or the king of your life.
- 00:26:00.866 --> 00:26:04.903
- But if you call yourself a christian, and i call myself a
- 00:26:04.903 --> 00:26:06.772
- Christian, we have a lord.
- 00:26:06.772 --> 00:26:11.543
- The lord has said even the son of man, talking about himself,
- 00:26:11.543 --> 00:26:14.647
- Did not come to be served, but to serve and to give his life
- 00:26:14.647 --> 00:26:17.082
- For those--and to give his life as a ransom for many, and
- 00:26:17.082 --> 00:26:19.818
- That--those are marching orders.
- 00:26:19.818 --> 00:26:22.354
- And it's not to the exclusion of your physical health or your
- 00:26:22.354 --> 00:26:25.491
- Financial health or your success with your family.
- 00:26:25.491 --> 00:26:29.328
- But if this isn't a part of, if this isn't a piece of, if this
- 00:26:29.328 --> 00:26:32.731
- Isn't a slice of your time and your opportunity and your talent
- 00:26:32.731 --> 00:26:36.335
- And your treasure and your expertise, then maybe you have
- 00:26:36.335 --> 00:26:41.807
- Some work to do.
- 00:26:41.807 --> 00:26:43.175
- So, in the meantime, get in shape, diet, exercise, get that
- 00:26:43.175 --> 00:26:49.014
- Degree, get out of debt, keep working on you.
- 00:26:49.014 --> 00:26:53.385
- And here's why you should keep working on you, because you
- 00:26:53.385 --> 00:26:56.388
- Should be the best version of you you can possibly be in order
- 00:26:56.388 --> 00:27:01.026
- To be a means to an end that is not you.
- 00:27:01.026 --> 00:27:08.567
- And when you are willing to position yourself as a means to
- 00:27:08.567 --> 00:27:12.838
- An end that doesn't end with you, you experience life that is
- 00:27:12.838 --> 00:27:19.178
- Truly life.
- 00:27:19.178 --> 00:27:21.647
- So keep working on you because chances are there's something
- 00:27:21.647 --> 00:27:24.450
- Bigger in you--bigger than you that involves you, that may be
- 00:27:24.450 --> 00:27:28.487
- Waiting on you.
- 00:27:28.487 --> 00:27:29.988
- And i don't want you to miss it because that would break
- 00:27:29.988 --> 00:27:37.296
- My heart.
- 00:27:37.296 --> 00:27:38.764
- And we will pick it up right there next time in part two of
- 00:27:38.764 --> 00:27:43.669
- "a better question."
- 00:27:43.669 --> 00:27:47.272
- Andy: hey, everybody. thank you so much for tuning in.
- 00:27:47.339 --> 00:27:49.641
- If you'd like to watch this episode again or share it with a
- 00:27:49.641 --> 00:27:52.277
- Friend, head on over to the website at the bottom of
- 00:27:52.277 --> 00:27:54.513
- The screen.
- 00:27:54.513 --> 00:27:55.881
- The website is the best place for you to find other "your
- 00:27:55.881 --> 00:27:57.950
- Move" episodes, access additional resources, and learn
- 00:27:57.950 --> 00:28:01.220
- More about our mission to engage culture with the teaching of
- 00:28:01.220 --> 00:28:04.356
- Jesus, because we're convinced following jesus will make your
- 00:28:04.356 --> 00:28:07.526
- Life better and make the world a better place.
- 00:28:07.526 --> 00:28:10.362
- And now, it's your move.
- 00:28:10.362 --> 00:28:11.964
- ♪♪♪
- 00:28:11.964 --> 00:28:22.474
- ...
- 00:28:25.711 --> 00:28:29.999