Your Move with Andy Stanley — to help people make better decisions and live with fewer regrets.
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Your Move with Andy Stanley | Andy Stanley - A Better Question (Part 3) | January 11, 2025
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- 00:00:00.633 --> 00:00:00.351
- Andy stanley: hi, everybody, welcome to "your move,"
- 00:00:00.485 --> 00:00:01.920
- Where we help you make better decisions
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- And live with fewer regrets.
- 00:00:03.555 --> 00:00:04.756
- I'm andy stanley, and i'll be your guide.
- 00:00:04.889 --> 00:00:06.124
- Did you know it is possible to be good without doing any good,
- 00:00:06.224 --> 00:00:09.894
- Without doing anybody any good?
- 00:00:09.994 --> 00:00:11.429
- And that's not good, because then, you'll be good for
- 00:00:11.563 --> 00:00:13.665
- Nothing, and you'll be good for nobody, and you want to be
- 00:00:13.765 --> 00:00:16.734
- Better than that.
- 00:00:16.868 --> 00:00:18.103
- Today, i'll tell you how right here on "your move."
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- ♪♪♪
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- Andy: today is actually the third part of a three-part
- 00:00:27.245 --> 00:00:31.749
- Better question."
- 00:00:31.749 --> 00:00:33.118
- And if you've been tracking along with us, what we've said
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- In this series is, we're in the month of january, and the month
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- Of january is generally a month when we hopefully look in the
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- Mirror and think, "hey, what can i do to make myself better?"
- 00:00:40.158 --> 00:00:43.962
- We essentially focus on this question: what should i do
- 00:00:43.962 --> 00:00:46.764
- About me?
- 00:00:46.764 --> 00:00:48.099
- What should i do about me?
- 00:00:48.099 --> 00:00:49.467
- How can i make myself slimmer and smarter, stronger,
- 00:00:49.467 --> 00:00:52.337
- Healthier, wealthier?
- 00:00:52.337 --> 00:00:54.305
- And as i've said, you should address all of those things.
- 00:00:54.305 --> 00:00:56.774
- You need to be healthier.
- 00:00:56.774 --> 00:00:58.143
- You need to have good financial habits.
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- If you're, you know, get that degree, break that habit, get
- 00:00:59.711 --> 00:01:03.081
- Out of debt, get out of that relationship, you know, whatever
- 00:01:03.081 --> 00:01:06.184
- You need to do.
- 00:01:06.184 --> 00:01:07.552
- Those are all important things.
- 00:01:07.552 --> 00:01:08.887
- But in this series, i've suggested that there's actually
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- A better question than "what should i do about me?"
- 00:01:11.289 --> 00:01:14.592
- And this question, as you've seen, if you focus, if you've
- 00:01:14.592 --> 00:01:16.961
- Tracked along with us, this question shifts our focus from
- 00:01:16.961 --> 00:01:20.498
- "what should i do about me" to "what needs to be done
- 00:01:20.498 --> 00:01:23.735
- Around me?"
- 00:01:23.735 --> 00:01:25.069
- It shifts the focus from "what do i need to do about me" to
- 00:01:25.069 --> 00:01:27.906
- "what needs to be done around me?"
- 00:01:27.906 --> 00:01:29.307
- What needs to be done in the world?
- 00:01:29.307 --> 00:01:30.808
- What needs to be done in my community?
- 00:01:30.808 --> 00:01:32.243
- What needs to be done in someone else's world?
- 00:01:32.243 --> 00:01:34.746
- And our better question is this question: what breaks
- 00:01:34.746 --> 00:01:38.249
- Your heart?
- 00:01:38.249 --> 00:01:39.717
- What breaks your heart?
- 00:01:39.717 --> 00:01:42.320
- You're like me, you're bothered by a lot of things, you're
- 00:01:42.320 --> 00:01:45.190
- Irritated by a lot of things, maybe locally, culturally,
- 00:01:45.190 --> 00:01:49.127
- Nationally, maybe even internationally.
- 00:01:49.127 --> 00:01:51.629
- There's some things in the world, and you look at them, and
- 00:01:51.629 --> 00:01:53.464
- You say, "that shouldn't be.
- 00:01:53.464 --> 00:01:54.832
- I wish there wasn't that in the world."
- 00:01:54.832 --> 00:01:57.769
- But the question we're asking in this series is there are a lot
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- Of things that irritate us and get on our nerves, but is there,
- 00:02:00.205 --> 00:02:02.974
- Is there one thing, is there one thing that bothers you more than
- 00:02:02.974 --> 00:02:07.845
- Other things?
- 00:02:07.845 --> 00:02:09.180
- Is there something that kind of moves you beyond irritating and
- 00:02:09.180 --> 00:02:12.050
- Concerning to, hey, something needs to be done about that?
- 00:02:12.050 --> 00:02:15.587
- And if that's the case, you should pay attention to that.
- 00:02:15.587 --> 00:02:17.889
- And i wanna reiterate something i've said both times we've
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- Talked about this.
- 00:02:20.391 --> 00:02:21.726
- Even if the thing that breaks your heart is beyond your
- 00:02:21.726 --> 00:02:24.262
- Control, it's beyond your ability to change or beyond your
- 00:02:24.262 --> 00:02:27.465
- Ability to solve, you should pay attention to that.
- 00:02:27.465 --> 00:02:30.068
- And as we're gonna see today, you should look for a way to
- 00:02:30.068 --> 00:02:33.504
- Give a piece of your life away to that issue.
- 00:02:33.504 --> 00:02:37.308
- You should look for a way to give a piece of your resources
- 00:02:37.308 --> 00:02:40.211
- Or a piece of your time away to that issue, not because you can
- 00:02:40.211 --> 00:02:42.981
- Solve it.
- 00:02:42.981 --> 00:02:44.315
- It's probably too big for you to solve.
- 00:02:44.315 --> 00:02:45.683
- But there's something so valuable about allowing a broken
- 00:02:45.683 --> 00:02:49.120
- Heart to lead us to the place where we give a portion of our
- 00:02:49.120 --> 00:02:52.824
- Lives away.
- 00:02:52.824 --> 00:02:54.692
- But if nothing, if nothing bothers you, be honest, if
- 00:02:54.692 --> 00:03:02.200
- Nothing bothers you that doesn't benefit you, and here's what i
- 00:03:02.200 --> 00:03:05.403
- Mean by that, if the only things that bother you are things that
- 00:03:05.403 --> 00:03:10.275
- Would benefit you if they were solved, if the only thing that
- 00:03:10.275 --> 00:03:13.478
- Bothers you is how inflation impacts you, if the only thing
- 00:03:13.478 --> 00:03:16.814
- That bothers you is your high electric bill, if you think
- 00:03:16.814 --> 00:03:19.384
- About the things that bother you, if all the things that
- 00:03:19.384 --> 00:03:21.953
- Bother you rattle you, you know, grab your emotions, if they are
- 00:03:21.953 --> 00:03:26.257
- All things that come back to you, in other words, if those
- 00:03:26.257 --> 00:03:29.193
- Things were solved, you would be better off but not necessarily
- 00:03:29.193 --> 00:03:33.364
- Anybody else, i mean, maybe in some sort of secondary sense,
- 00:03:33.364 --> 00:03:36.167
- But the reason these things bother you is because of how
- 00:03:36.167 --> 00:03:39.003
- They impact you, if nothing bothers you that doesn't benefit
- 00:03:39.003 --> 00:03:45.543
- You, that should bother you.
- 00:03:45.543 --> 00:03:49.380
- And here's why.
- 00:03:49.380 --> 00:03:51.549
- Because you're in a danger zone, and you probably don't know it.
- 00:03:51.549 --> 00:03:56.487
- You--you're actually on the verge, and here's what we're
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- Gonna unpack today, you're actually on the verge of falling
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- For an insidious lie, a lie that you will eventually see for what
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- It is, because over time and with age, we eventually, this
- 00:04:06.931 --> 00:04:09.801
- All comes clear.
- 00:04:09.801 --> 00:04:11.135
- But if you don't see it in time and if you don't catch this in
- 00:04:11.135 --> 00:04:14.872
- Time, you have the potential to waste your most valuable asset,
- 00:04:14.872 --> 00:04:19.243
- Something that's running out, even as i talk.
- 00:04:19.243 --> 00:04:21.512
- You have the potential of wasting a large portion of your
- 00:04:21.512 --> 00:04:24.949
- Life, because this lie that we're gonna talk about, and
- 00:04:24.949 --> 00:04:28.353
- Jesus is gonna go right at it in just a minute, this lie that
- 00:04:28.353 --> 00:04:31.289
- We're talking about has the potential to reduce you.
- 00:04:31.289 --> 00:04:33.991
- But here's, here's the reason you should take this seriously
- 00:04:33.991 --> 00:04:36.627
- And should pay attention, whether you're a religious
- 00:04:36.627 --> 00:04:38.262
- Person or not, a christian person or not, this goes outside
- 00:04:38.262 --> 00:04:40.865
- The bounds of all of this.
- 00:04:40.865 --> 00:04:42.233
- This is just kind of a life thing.
- 00:04:42.233 --> 00:04:43.768
- This lie has the potential to cheat you out of your brief
- 00:04:43.768 --> 00:04:48.973
- Opportunity to live a meaning-filled life.
- 00:04:48.973 --> 00:04:53.811
- It has the potential to cheat you out of your brief
- 00:04:53.811 --> 00:04:57.782
- Opportunity to live a meaning-filled,
- 00:04:57.782 --> 00:05:01.452
- Purpose-filled life.
- 00:05:01.452 --> 00:05:03.154
- So this is so important.
- 00:05:03.154 --> 00:05:04.989
- Jesus thought it was.
- 00:05:04.989 --> 00:05:06.791
- Here's what happened.
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- Luke brings this narrative to us.
- 00:05:08.426 --> 00:05:11.028
- And if you are new to the bible study, or new to christianity,
- 00:05:11.028 --> 00:05:13.564
- Or just examining it here, here's something to note.
- 00:05:13.564 --> 00:05:15.800
- Luke was a first-century doctor who sort of became a historian,
- 00:05:15.800 --> 00:05:19.704
- Super smart guy, who was a jesus follower and decided that
- 00:05:19.704 --> 00:05:23.307
- Somebody needed to put together an orderly account of the life
- 00:05:23.307 --> 00:05:26.377
- And teaching of jesus, so he interviewed everybody he could
- 00:05:26.377 --> 00:05:29.013
- Find who had anything to do with jesus, he wasn't one of jesus's
- 00:05:29.013 --> 00:05:31.449
- Disciples, and he interviewed them.
- 00:05:31.449 --> 00:05:33.484
- He knew peter, and he knew john.
- 00:05:33.484 --> 00:05:34.919
- He knew james, the brother of jesus.
- 00:05:34.919 --> 00:05:36.687
- And he puts together this orderly account, and in that
- 00:05:36.687 --> 00:05:39.157
- Orderly account, we find this very unique interchange between
- 00:05:39.157 --> 00:05:42.560
- Jesus and a crowd.
- 00:05:42.560 --> 00:05:43.928
- But i want you to pay close attention to the opening
- 00:05:43.928 --> 00:05:46.864
- Statement of this story, because this is not how you
- 00:05:46.864 --> 00:05:50.134
- Picture jesus.
- 00:05:50.134 --> 00:05:51.969
- Ready?
- 00:05:51.969 --> 00:05:53.337
- Here's what luke says happened: "a crowd of many thousands had
- 00:05:53.337 --> 00:05:58.342
- Gathered, so that they were trampling on one another."
- 00:05:58.342 --> 00:06:04.115
- That's not what you picture, is it.
- 00:06:04.115 --> 00:06:05.450
- When we picture jesus, we picture jesus, he's
- 00:06:05.450 --> 00:06:07.051
- Kinda isolated.
- 00:06:07.051 --> 00:06:08.386
- He's got a long white robe.
- 00:06:08.386 --> 00:06:09.754
- He's got this, you know, peaceful look on his face,
- 00:06:09.754 --> 00:06:11.088
- Piercing blue eyes.
- 00:06:11.088 --> 00:06:12.423
- He's walking along with a couple of people with some
- 00:06:12.423 --> 00:06:13.925
- People following.
- 00:06:13.925 --> 00:06:15.293
- He does a little healing there and a little healing.
- 00:06:15.293 --> 00:06:16.627
- Not the picture.
- 00:06:16.627 --> 00:06:17.995
- Everywhere jesus went, read it for yourself in the gospels,
- 00:06:17.995 --> 00:06:20.465
- Crowds upon crowds, and the crowds were crazy.
- 00:06:20.465 --> 00:06:23.801
- They were trampling one another, why?
- 00:06:23.801 --> 00:06:26.237
- Trying to get to jesus.
- 00:06:26.237 --> 00:06:27.805
- Imagine strangers constantly touching you!
- 00:06:27.805 --> 00:06:33.144
- Imagine everywhere you went there are strangers who just,
- 00:06:33.144 --> 00:06:35.179
- They just want a piece of you.
- 00:06:35.179 --> 00:06:36.514
- They just wanna touch you.
- 00:06:36.514 --> 00:06:37.882
- Welcome to the daily life of jesus.
- 00:06:37.882 --> 00:06:40.218
- So here's these, all these crowds.
- 00:06:40.218 --> 00:06:41.919
- They're trampling.
- 00:06:41.919 --> 00:06:43.254
- They're looking to be healed.
- 00:06:43.254 --> 00:06:44.622
- They're bringing their sick.
- 00:06:44.622 --> 00:06:45.957
- They want a miracle.
- 00:06:45.957 --> 00:06:47.325
- They wanna be close.
- 00:06:47.325 --> 00:06:48.659
- They wanna see him.
- 00:06:48.659 --> 00:06:49.994
- And he can't move any faster than the crowd because,
- 00:06:49.994 --> 00:06:51.362
- Again, everybody's walking.
- 00:06:51.362 --> 00:06:52.697
- And then in the midst of this chaos, luke tells us that
- 00:06:52.697 --> 00:06:55.333
- Someone in the crowd--we never get the person's name, and i
- 00:06:55.333 --> 00:06:58.369
- Don't even know that jesus was able to make eye contact with
- 00:06:58.369 --> 00:07:00.671
- This person.
- 00:07:00.671 --> 00:07:02.039
- There were so many people.
- 00:07:02.039 --> 00:07:03.374
- "someone in the crowd shouts out, 'teacher,'" just out of the
- 00:07:03.374 --> 00:07:06.010
- Blue, "'tell my brother to divide the inheritance
- 00:07:06.010 --> 00:07:09.747
- With me.'"
- 00:07:09.747 --> 00:07:11.315
- I mean, that's like, "what?"
- 00:07:11.315 --> 00:07:12.817
- I mean, why are we, why are we talking about that?
- 00:07:12.817 --> 00:07:15.186
- Because i mean, this guy couldn't get this resolved and,
- 00:07:15.186 --> 00:07:18.055
- "hey, maybe this guy can help!
- 00:07:18.055 --> 00:07:19.557
- Teacher!"
- 00:07:19.557 --> 00:07:20.925
- You know, "tell my brother divide the inheritance with me,"
- 00:07:20.925 --> 00:07:22.260
- A reasonable request, but this was not jesus's agenda.
- 00:07:22.260 --> 00:07:25.997
- And jesus paused, stopped, and yelled back and replied to the
- 00:07:25.997 --> 00:07:30.101
- Man, "hey, who appointed me a judge or an arbiter between you,
- 00:07:30.101 --> 00:07:34.972
- Between the two of you?"
- 00:07:34.972 --> 00:07:36.307
- In other words, "hey, who said i'm the mediator?
- 00:07:36.307 --> 00:07:39.076
- I'm not gonna get involved in your family issue.
- 00:07:39.076 --> 00:07:41.045
- I mean, why are you choosing me?"
- 00:07:41.045 --> 00:07:44.782
- And then jesus does what jesus does.
- 00:07:44.782 --> 00:07:48.119
- Jesus sees an opening, an opportunity, a teachable moment,
- 00:07:48.119 --> 00:07:51.556
- And he takes hold of something woven into this question and he
- 00:07:51.556 --> 00:07:57.228
- Turns the corner and changes the subject to address something he
- 00:07:57.228 --> 00:08:00.565
- Wanted to talk about that fit his agenda.
- 00:08:00.565 --> 00:08:03.534
- So apparently, he stops, has everybody sit down, and he
- 00:08:03.534 --> 00:08:07.805
- Begins to teach.
- 00:08:07.805 --> 00:08:10.575
- Here's what he said.
- 00:08:10.575 --> 00:08:11.943
- This is so great.
- 00:08:11.943 --> 00:08:13.277
- "then he said to them, 'watch out!
- 00:08:13.277 --> 00:08:16.247
- Be on your guard against all kinds of greed.'"
- 00:08:16.247 --> 00:08:20.518
- Of course, the guy who asked the question is like, "greed?
- 00:08:20.518 --> 00:08:22.987
- Why are we talking about greed?
- 00:08:22.987 --> 00:08:24.322
- I just want what's fair.
- 00:08:24.322 --> 00:08:25.690
- I just want what's coming to me."
- 00:08:25.690 --> 00:08:27.458
- Jesus smiles, "watch out!
- 00:08:27.458 --> 00:08:29.560
- Be on your guard against all kinds of greed."
- 00:08:29.560 --> 00:08:33.497
- Now, i love this greek term.
- 00:08:33.497 --> 00:08:34.966
- The greek term for greed is "pleonexia."
- 00:08:34.966 --> 00:08:37.034
- Pleonexia, pleonexia, pleonexia sounds like a disease,
- 00:08:37.034 --> 00:08:41.839
- Doesn't it?
- 00:08:41.839 --> 00:08:43.174
- "ma'am, i don't know how to tell you this,
- 00:08:43.174 --> 00:08:44.508
- But you have pleonexia."
- 00:08:44.508 --> 00:08:45.843
- "oh no, my mom had that, and her mom had that.
- 00:08:45.843 --> 00:08:47.378
- Oh, can you see it?"
- 00:08:47.378 --> 00:08:48.746
- "yes, yes, you have pleonexia.
- 00:08:48.746 --> 00:08:50.081
- We got something for that, but some, you know."
- 00:08:50.081 --> 00:08:51.449
- It's a disea--it's actually a disease.
- 00:08:51.449 --> 00:08:52.883
- That's why i like this greek word.
- 00:08:52.883 --> 00:08:54.585
- It's the disease of insatiableness.
- 00:08:54.585 --> 00:08:56.921
- It's the d--it's the disease of, it's the disease of "never
- 00:08:56.921 --> 00:09:00.791
- Enoughness for me-ness," "never enoughness for me-ness."
- 00:09:00.791 --> 00:09:03.995
- It's the disease of "since they have one, i should have
- 00:09:03.995 --> 00:09:06.497
- One too."
- 00:09:06.497 --> 00:09:07.865
- It's the disease of "mine looks older than theirs, and i think i
- 00:09:07.865 --> 00:09:10.301
- Should get a new one to match theirs."
- 00:09:10.301 --> 00:09:11.636
- It's the disease of discontentment.
- 00:09:11.636 --> 00:09:13.437
- It's the disease of always looking around and everything
- 00:09:13.437 --> 00:09:16.207
- That you have, it just see--doesn't seem to be what it
- 00:09:16.207 --> 00:09:18.743
- Used to be, and there can't--there just isn't ever
- 00:09:18.743 --> 00:09:21.145
- Enough to come your way to fill that insatiable bucket of
- 00:09:21.145 --> 00:09:24.515
- Getting whatever need that is met.
- 00:09:24.515 --> 00:09:26.283
- It's a disease.
- 00:09:26.283 --> 00:09:28.786
- And jesus says, jesus says, "you gotta watch out for it."
- 00:09:28.786 --> 00:09:34.692
- And he asked them, he says, "you gotta watch out.
- 00:09:34.692 --> 00:09:36.694
- Be on your guard."
- 00:09:36.694 --> 00:09:38.029
- So i'm gonna ask you the question.
- 00:09:38.029 --> 00:09:39.363
- The answer is no.
- 00:09:39.363 --> 00:09:40.731
- So, don't pretend like you're better than you are.
- 00:09:40.731 --> 00:09:42.066
- The answer is no, but i'm gonna ask it anyway.
- 00:09:42.066 --> 00:09:43.434
- Then i'm gonna tell you why.
- 00:09:43.434 --> 00:09:44.769
- Are you on your guard against pleonexia?
- 00:09:44.769 --> 00:09:47.772
- Are you on the lookout for pleonexia?
- 00:09:47.772 --> 00:09:50.441
- Are you watching out daily for greed and pleonexia?
- 00:09:50.441 --> 00:09:53.844
- And the answer is no.
- 00:09:53.844 --> 00:09:55.179
- And here's why the answer is no.
- 00:09:55.179 --> 00:09:56.747
- Because we aren't on our guard against things that we don't
- 00:09:56.747 --> 00:10:00.151
- Perceive as a threat.
- 00:10:00.151 --> 00:10:02.019
- We don't live our lives on guard against things that we don't
- 00:10:02.019 --> 00:10:04.889
- Perceive as a threat.
- 00:10:04.889 --> 00:10:06.223
- You wear sunscreen during the week.
- 00:10:06.223 --> 00:10:07.758
- You don't walk around with bear spray, right?
- 00:10:07.758 --> 00:10:10.795
- Unless you're on a trail and there's a sign that says "there
- 00:10:10.795 --> 00:10:13.164
- Are bears," and it's like, "honey, we need to get some
- 00:10:13.164 --> 00:10:14.765
- Bear spray."
- 00:10:14.765 --> 00:10:16.133
- As soon as you're aware of a threat, we go on our guard, but
- 00:10:16.133 --> 00:10:18.002
- We don't live our lives looking out for our, you know, being on
- 00:10:18.002 --> 00:10:21.138
- Guard, on guard against things that we don't perceive as an
- 00:10:21.138 --> 00:10:23.941
- Actual threat.
- 00:10:23.941 --> 00:10:25.309
- And jesus says that i should be and that you should be on guard
- 00:10:25.309 --> 00:10:29.613
- Against "never enoughness," pleonexia, greed, to which we're
- 00:10:29.613 --> 00:10:35.786
- All, you were all thinking the same thing, "wait, greed?
- 00:10:35.786 --> 00:10:38.255
- I mean, i have issues, but i--" here's his point.
- 00:10:38.255 --> 00:10:41.125
- He says, "because pleonexia is sinister and it's subtle."
- 00:10:41.125 --> 00:10:46.630
- It wears multiple disguises.
- 00:10:46.630 --> 00:10:50.234
- It disguises itself as a virtue: "i'm responsible.
- 00:10:50.234 --> 00:10:55.106
- I'm careful, i manage my things well.
- 00:10:55.106 --> 00:10:57.842
- I have nice things, i'm just trying to take care.
- 00:10:57.842 --> 00:10:59.844
- No, no, don't touch my nice things."
- 00:10:59.844 --> 00:11:01.178
- So i have plexiglass all over all my stuff, you know?
- 00:11:01.178 --> 00:11:03.013
- You can look, but you can't touch.
- 00:11:03.013 --> 00:11:04.582
- It's, "i'm just careful, i'm responsible.
- 00:11:04.582 --> 00:11:06.484
- I'm a good steward, i'm taking care of my family."
- 00:11:06.484 --> 00:11:08.853
- It disguises itself as a virtue.
- 00:11:08.853 --> 00:11:10.287
- It hides behind things like this: "i work hard.
- 00:11:10.287 --> 00:11:13.657
- I earned this.
- 00:11:13.657 --> 00:11:14.992
- I'm entitled."
- 00:11:14.992 --> 00:11:16.393
- "hey, jesus, tell my brother to split the thing up fairly.
- 00:11:16.393 --> 00:11:20.531
- I need to get what's coming to me."
- 00:11:20.531 --> 00:11:23.734
- And you can't see it in the mirror, so we don't see it as
- 00:11:23.734 --> 00:11:29.507
- A threat.
- 00:11:29.507 --> 00:11:30.875
- Besides, i'm gonna push back on jesus for just a minute,
- 00:11:30.875 --> 00:11:32.777
- Besides jesus.
- 00:11:32.777 --> 00:11:34.512
- "okay, greed, pleonexia, whatever, that's interesting,
- 00:11:34.512 --> 00:11:36.947
- But what's the threat?
- 00:11:36.947 --> 00:11:38.315
- Why do i need to be on guard against that?
- 00:11:38.315 --> 00:11:39.784
- So i'm greedy, so what?
- 00:11:39.784 --> 00:11:41.152
- I got my stuff.
- 00:11:41.152 --> 00:11:42.486
- I don't really care what people think.
- 00:11:42.486 --> 00:11:43.854
- So why is the--why should i fear pleonexia?
- 00:11:43.854 --> 00:11:45.389
- Why should i fear greed?
- 00:11:45.389 --> 00:11:46.757
- Why should i be on guard against it?
- 00:11:46.757 --> 00:11:48.793
- You know, you gotta give me some more information,
- 00:11:48.793 --> 00:11:50.394
- Jesus, what's at stake?"
- 00:11:50.394 --> 00:11:52.997
- And jesus is about to say, "let me tell you what's at stake.
- 00:11:52.997 --> 00:11:56.000
- Your life is at stake."
- 00:11:56.000 --> 00:11:58.335
- What makes life really life is at stake.
- 00:11:58.335 --> 00:12:00.538
- What li--makes life really worth living is at stake, and you
- 00:12:00.538 --> 00:12:03.240
- Don't realize it.
- 00:12:03.240 --> 00:12:04.575
- But that's what is at stake, because greed in all of its
- 00:12:04.575 --> 00:12:07.545
- Subtle forms has the potential to rob your life of meaning.
- 00:12:07.545 --> 00:12:12.983
- "wait a minute.
- 00:12:12.983 --> 00:12:14.318
- How in the world can greed rob my life of meaning?"
- 00:12:14.318 --> 00:12:18.455
- You ready for this?
- 00:12:18.455 --> 00:12:19.824
- If you have to leave early, here's the bottom line.
- 00:12:19.824 --> 00:12:21.926
- Because pleonexia, or greed, ensures we are always an end and
- 00:12:21.926 --> 00:12:29.133
- Never a means.
- 00:12:29.133 --> 00:12:32.102
- If you're never a means, you'll never experience meaning.
- 00:12:32.102 --> 00:12:38.275
- Greed, "it's all coming to me for me.
- 00:12:38.275 --> 00:12:41.078
- It's my stuff.
- 00:12:41.078 --> 00:12:42.413
- I don't care what you think."
- 00:12:42.413 --> 00:12:43.781
- Greed, greed ensures we are always an end, never a means,
- 00:12:43.781 --> 00:12:50.588
- And you can't experience meaningful until you are willing
- 00:12:50.588 --> 00:12:55.626
- To be a means.
- 00:12:55.626 --> 00:12:58.295
- Then jesus continues with his teaching, and he gives them a
- 00:12:58.295 --> 00:13:00.764
- Maxim, or a truism, or a principle, or a saying.
- 00:13:00.764 --> 00:13:03.734
- Here's what he says: "come on, life, life does not consist in
- 00:13:03.734 --> 00:13:09.506
- An abundance of possessions."
- 00:13:09.506 --> 00:13:12.142
- In other words, at no point do you
- 00:13:12.142 --> 00:13:15.045
- Equate the value of your life with what you own.
- 00:13:15.045 --> 00:13:18.682
- To which you would say and i would say,
- 00:13:18.682 --> 00:13:20.217
- "well, of course, we don't."
- 00:13:20.217 --> 00:13:21.552
- And jesus is like, "yeah, but watch the way you
- 00:13:21.552 --> 00:13:23.854
- Live, and watch the way you respond, and look at how you
- 00:13:23.854 --> 00:13:27.124
- Guard your time, and guard your assets,
- 00:13:27.124 --> 00:13:28.893
- And guard and guard and guard."
- 00:13:28.893 --> 00:13:30.561
- You're watching out, you're guarding all the wrong
- 00:13:30.561 --> 00:13:32.396
- Things for all the wrong reasons, because at the end of
- 00:13:32.396 --> 00:13:34.598
- The day, what you own doesn't equal the value of your life,
- 00:13:34.598 --> 00:13:39.370
- Regardless of the amount, right?
- 00:13:39.370 --> 00:13:41.639
- Life and stuff, they're two completely different categories.
- 00:13:41.639 --> 00:13:46.543
- Pleonexia, all the subtle forms of greed, fools us into thinking
- 00:13:46.543 --> 00:13:52.383
- The opposite is true.
- 00:13:52.383 --> 00:13:54.485
- So we live our actual lives, even though we know what jesus
- 00:13:54.485 --> 00:13:57.488
- Said is true, we live our actual lives as if life does consist in
- 00:13:57.488 --> 00:14:02.059
- An abundance of possessions.
- 00:14:02.059 --> 00:14:04.762
- But i'm gonna push back one more time.
- 00:14:04.762 --> 00:14:06.363
- "okay, good point, jesus, got you.
- 00:14:06.363 --> 00:14:09.099
- But so what?
- 00:14:09.099 --> 00:14:10.734
- So what?
- 00:14:10.734 --> 00:14:12.069
- What is so dangerous about that?
- 00:14:12.069 --> 00:14:13.904
- You, you haven't convinced me that this is something i need to
- 00:14:13.904 --> 00:14:16.273
- Be on the lookout for.
- 00:14:16.273 --> 00:14:17.708
- I'm just not feeling the tension."
- 00:14:17.708 --> 00:14:20.844
- And jesus would read our minds
- 00:14:20.844 --> 00:14:22.346
- And would read the minds of his audience.
- 00:14:22.346 --> 00:14:24.682
- Good question.
- 00:14:24.682 --> 00:14:26.583
- And so, do you know what jesus does?
- 00:14:26.583 --> 00:14:28.419
- Jesus launches into one of his famous stories.
- 00:14:28.419 --> 00:14:30.955
- He launches into a parable.
- 00:14:30.955 --> 00:14:32.323
- Let me tell you what this illustrates first.
- 00:14:32.323 --> 00:14:33.857
- The point of the parable, to make sure you stay on track to
- 00:14:33.857 --> 00:14:36.293
- This, 'cause he kinda goes all over the place.
- 00:14:36.293 --> 00:14:37.962
- The point is to illustrate the meaning-depleting--this is
- 00:14:37.962 --> 00:14:42.066
- Very important.
- 00:14:42.066 --> 00:14:43.434
- He's about to illustrate through this parable the
- 00:14:43.434 --> 00:14:45.836
- Meaning-depleting power of pleonexia.
- 00:14:45.836 --> 00:14:49.239
- In other words, put it this way, it's the power of greed, the
- 00:14:49.239 --> 00:14:53.377
- Power of greed, to rob you while it enriches you.
- 00:14:53.377 --> 00:14:57.715
- This is why it's so subtle.
- 00:14:57.715 --> 00:14:59.216
- He's about to warn us against the power of greed that actually
- 00:14:59.216 --> 00:15:02.286
- Robs us while it enriches us.
- 00:15:02.286 --> 00:15:06.757
- So, here's the story.
- 00:15:06.757 --> 00:15:08.459
- He says, "the ground of a rich man yielded an abundant
- 00:15:08.459 --> 00:15:12.896
- Harvest," so the rich get richer even in the first century.
- 00:15:12.896 --> 00:15:16.500
- That's exactly what this means.
- 00:15:16.500 --> 00:15:17.835
- Somebody who already had extra just got extra extra.
- 00:15:17.835 --> 00:15:23.340
- And this man thought to himself, "my goodness, look at this
- 00:15:23.340 --> 00:15:25.976
- Abundant crop.
- 00:15:25.976 --> 00:15:27.311
- I'm already rich.
- 00:15:27.311 --> 00:15:28.645
- I already have more than i need, but now i've got extra extra."
- 00:15:28.645 --> 00:15:30.914
- And he thought to himself, "what am i gonna do?"
- 00:15:30.914 --> 00:15:33.984
- It wasn't apparent to him what he should do.
- 00:15:33.984 --> 00:15:37.154
- "what should i do with all my extra?"
- 00:15:37.154 --> 00:15:41.358
- He saw this as a problem he had to solve.
- 00:15:41.358 --> 00:15:44.428
- It was actually an opportunity, and he missed it.
- 00:15:44.428 --> 00:15:46.830
- He didn't see it that way, and the reason he didn't see it as
- 00:15:46.830 --> 00:15:48.932
- An opportunity, pleonexia, greed.
- 00:15:48.932 --> 00:15:53.203
- But he didn't know.
- 00:15:53.203 --> 00:15:54.538
- He just thought he had a problem, "i've got extra extra.
- 00:15:54.538 --> 00:15:56.373
- What do i do with my extra extra?
- 00:15:56.373 --> 00:15:57.875
- I don't have any place, oh my goodness.
- 00:15:57.875 --> 00:15:59.743
- I have no place to store my crops!"
- 00:15:59.743 --> 00:16:02.546
- Now, i was tempted at this point in the sermon to talk about our
- 00:16:02.546 --> 00:16:04.948
- Closets, and our attics, and our basements, but i'm not
- 00:16:04.948 --> 00:16:07.251
- Gonna--and your special storage unit, and you had to b--i'm not
- 00:16:07.251 --> 00:16:09.720
- Gonna do that, okay?
- 00:16:09.720 --> 00:16:11.055
- That's way too personal.
- 00:16:11.055 --> 00:16:12.423
- Anyway, all right.
- 00:16:12.423 --> 00:16:13.757
- "what should i do?
- 00:16:13.757 --> 00:16:15.125
- I have no place to store my crops."
- 00:16:15.125 --> 00:16:16.460
- And here's the assumption.
- 00:16:16.460 --> 00:16:17.828
- This is important.
- 00:16:17.828 --> 00:16:19.163
- The assumption was, "since it came to me, it's for me."
- 00:16:19.163 --> 00:16:22.633
- We call this around here the consumption assumption.
- 00:16:22.633 --> 00:16:26.270
- The consumption assumption is "if it comes my way, it's
- 00:16:26.270 --> 00:16:29.873
- Obviously for my consumption."
- 00:16:29.873 --> 00:16:31.809
- And then he said, "ah, i got it.
- 00:16:31.809 --> 00:16:33.343
- I know what i'll do.
- 00:16:33.343 --> 00:16:35.045
- I'm gonna tear down my barns, my perfectly good barns, and i'm
- 00:16:35.045 --> 00:16:39.149
- Gonna build bigger ones, and there i will store my
- 00:16:39.149 --> 00:16:42.953
- Surplus grain.
- 00:16:42.953 --> 00:16:45.656
- I'm gonna save it now to consume it later, because if it comes to
- 00:16:45.656 --> 00:16:50.327
- Me, obviously, it's for me."
- 00:16:50.327 --> 00:16:53.497
- And there it is, a really bad case of pleonexia.
- 00:16:53.497 --> 00:16:58.869
- He was an end, not a means to an end.
- 00:16:58.869 --> 00:17:03.006
- He was the end, not a means to an end.
- 00:17:03.006 --> 00:17:06.243
- If it came to him, it was for him.
- 00:17:06.243 --> 00:17:09.313
- And then he says, 'cause he's, he can't see this in the mirror.
- 00:17:09.313 --> 00:17:11.682
- None of us can.
- 00:17:11.682 --> 00:17:13.016
- He said, "and then i'll say to myself, 'self, you have plenty
- 00:17:13.016 --> 00:17:16.587
- Of grain,'" here it is.
- 00:17:16.587 --> 00:17:17.921
- Here's the other trap, right here in the parable.
- 00:17:17.921 --> 00:17:19.656
- Jesus is brilliant, "you have plenty of grain
- 00:17:19.656 --> 00:17:22.359
- Laid up for many years."
- 00:17:22.359 --> 00:17:24.661
- There's the lie.
- 00:17:24.661 --> 00:17:26.096
- "since i have a lot of grain, i've got a lot of life.
- 00:17:26.096 --> 00:17:30.434
- Since i have so much provision, i must have enough time to use
- 00:17:30.434 --> 00:17:34.404
- Up the provision."
- 00:17:34.404 --> 00:17:35.873
- Stuff equals life and stuff equals time.
- 00:17:35.873 --> 00:17:38.342
- "i've got all the time in the world 'cause i've got all the
- 00:17:38.342 --> 00:17:40.077
- Stuff in the world."
- 00:17:40.077 --> 00:17:42.179
- And then i'll say to myself, "take life easy.
- 00:17:42.179 --> 00:17:45.482
- Just take life easy; eat, drink and be merry."
- 00:17:45.482 --> 00:17:49.987
- And jesus's audience had one thing in common with us,
- 00:17:49.987 --> 00:17:55.058
- They were envious.
- 00:17:55.058 --> 00:17:57.694
- I mean, wouldn't that be great to just get up every day with no
- 00:17:57.694 --> 00:18:00.898
- Responsibility, every day with no pressure, every day with
- 00:18:00.898 --> 00:18:04.001
- Enough food to eat, every day with enough?
- 00:18:04.001 --> 00:18:05.569
- You can just do whatever you wanna do.
- 00:18:05.569 --> 00:18:06.937
- In fact, you don't even have to get up.
- 00:18:06.937 --> 00:18:08.505
- You can just lay there all day long, just get up whenever you
- 00:18:08.505 --> 00:18:10.974
- Want to do whatever you want to.
- 00:18:10.974 --> 00:18:15.112
- But this is a parable, which means jesus has a point to make,
- 00:18:15.112 --> 00:18:21.485
- And the point he's about to make goes right to the heart of the
- 00:18:21.485 --> 00:18:26.223
- Meaning-depleting deception of greed.
- 00:18:26.223 --> 00:18:28.592
- Greed will fill our schedule, it will fill our ego, it will fill
- 00:18:28.592 --> 00:18:34.464
- Up our relationship buckets, might even fill up our
- 00:18:34.464 --> 00:18:37.301
- Bank accounts.
- 00:18:37.301 --> 00:18:38.635
- And while it's filling all of those things up, it can rob us
- 00:18:38.635 --> 00:18:42.239
- All at the same time, and jesus is illustrating this through
- 00:18:42.239 --> 00:18:46.777
- The parable.
- 00:18:46.777 --> 00:18:48.145
- Here's a guy who felt full, but he was empty because he missed
- 00:18:48.145 --> 00:18:51.515
- The opportunity of a lifetime.
- 00:18:51.515 --> 00:18:53.884
- And jesus says at this point in the story, because remember,
- 00:18:53.884 --> 00:18:56.553
- It's a made up story, jesus introduces god into the story,
- 00:18:56.553 --> 00:19:00.891
- And he says, "as happy as this guy was about his future and as
- 00:19:00.891 --> 00:19:03.961
- Secure as he felt about his future," he said, "but god said
- 00:19:03.961 --> 00:19:07.364
- To him," because in a parable, anything can happen, right?
- 00:19:07.364 --> 00:19:10.100
- God said to the rich man, "you fool!"
- 00:19:10.100 --> 00:19:14.438
- And everybody in jesus's audience is like, "fool?
- 00:19:14.438 --> 00:19:17.608
- I would love to be that fool!
- 00:19:17.608 --> 00:19:19.543
- What do you mean, he's a fool?
- 00:19:19.543 --> 00:19:21.111
- And i mean, how could he be a fool?
- 00:19:21.111 --> 00:19:22.746
- He was actually wise.
- 00:19:22.746 --> 00:19:24.114
- He was responsible.
- 00:19:24.114 --> 00:19:25.449
- He was smart enough to be wealthy.
- 00:19:25.449 --> 00:19:26.783
- Now he got wealthier.
- 00:19:26.783 --> 00:19:28.151
- How can you be a fool?
- 00:19:28.151 --> 00:19:29.486
- I mean, he was wise, not a fool."
- 00:19:29.486 --> 00:19:30.854
- And jesus says, "no."
- 00:19:30.854 --> 00:19:32.189
- And here's why jesus says no.
- 00:19:32.189 --> 00:19:34.458
- And this is for you and this is for me.
- 00:19:34.458 --> 00:19:36.693
- Because the man in the parable made the mistake of presuming on
- 00:19:36.693 --> 00:19:41.665
- The future.
- 00:19:41.665 --> 00:19:43.033
- You know what that means?
- 00:19:43.033 --> 00:19:44.368
- It means, "i've got so much stuff, i must have so
- 00:19:44.368 --> 00:19:46.737
- Much time."
- 00:19:46.737 --> 00:19:48.105
- To presume on the future is to assume time that you don't know
- 00:19:48.105 --> 00:19:52.042
- You have.
- 00:19:52.042 --> 00:19:53.377
- To presume on the future is to assume opportunity that you may
- 00:19:53.377 --> 00:19:56.847
- Never get.
- 00:19:56.847 --> 00:19:58.215
- It's to assume opportunities to do good things later.
- 00:19:58.215 --> 00:20:01.551
- "you know, once i'm an adult, once i get to my 30s, once i'm
- 00:20:01.551 --> 00:20:04.488
- 40, once we get the kids out of the house, once we get everybody
- 00:20:04.488 --> 00:20:06.757
- Graduated, once we pay off our debt, once we, once we, once we.
- 00:20:06.757 --> 00:20:09.826
- Then i'm gonna take care of that opportunity
- 00:20:09.826 --> 00:20:12.229
- To do something beyond myself."
- 00:20:12.229 --> 00:20:13.630
- And jesus says, "you fool!
- 00:20:13.630 --> 00:20:16.166
- You don't know what the future holds.
- 00:20:16.166 --> 00:20:18.368
- You don't have any guarantees.
- 00:20:18.368 --> 00:20:20.070
- You don't even know what this day holds."
- 00:20:20.070 --> 00:20:22.706
- He was a fool, not because of what he owned.
- 00:20:22.706 --> 00:20:25.942
- He was a fool because he was owned by what he owned, and he
- 00:20:25.942 --> 00:20:31.948
- Wasn't on guard against the subtle realities, the subtleness
- 00:20:31.948 --> 00:20:37.854
- Of pleonexia.
- 00:20:37.854 --> 00:20:40.157
- But god said to him, "you fool!
- 00:20:40.157 --> 00:20:43.093
- This very night your life will be demanded from you."
- 00:20:43.093 --> 00:20:47.931
- "wait, wait, that's not possible!
- 00:20:47.931 --> 00:20:49.833
- Have you seen how much grain i have?
- 00:20:49.833 --> 00:20:52.336
- Have you not seen how much i have yet to consume?
- 00:20:52.336 --> 00:20:55.038
- I have so much stuff.
- 00:20:55.038 --> 00:20:56.406
- Doesn't more stuff equal more life?"
- 00:20:56.406 --> 00:20:58.875
- No, of course it doesn't.
- 00:20:58.875 --> 00:21:01.645
- You fool.
- 00:21:01.645 --> 00:21:04.948
- God said to him, "you fool!
- 00:21:03.613 --> 00:21:06.283
- This very night your life will be demanded from you."
- 00:21:06.283 --> 00:21:09.152
- And then, jesus presses in with this amazing question: "then
- 00:21:09.152 --> 00:21:15.859
- Who, then who will get what you have prepared for yourself?
- 00:21:15.859 --> 00:21:26.169
- Then who will get what you have prepared for yourself?"
- 00:21:26.236 --> 00:21:31.575
- And it's like, oh, i know the answer to that, someone else.
- 00:21:31.575 --> 00:21:41.485
- But not because he was generous.
- 00:21:41.485 --> 00:21:45.489
- Because he was dead.
- 00:21:45.489 --> 00:21:48.558
- And then the punch line, or the punch in the gut line for me and
- 00:21:51.728 --> 00:21:54.965
- The punch in the gut line for us, jesus gives us the
- 00:21:54.965 --> 00:21:57.033
- Punch line.
- 00:21:57.033 --> 00:21:58.368
- This is the wake up call.
- 00:21:58.368 --> 00:21:59.736
- This is why, this is why you've got to discover something
- 00:21:59.736 --> 00:22:01.571
- Outside of you that breaks your heart.
- 00:22:01.571 --> 00:22:02.973
- This is why you can't be consumed with you.
- 00:22:02.973 --> 00:22:04.908
- This why we cannot--we can't get locked into the consumption
- 00:22:04.908 --> 00:22:07.744
- Assumption, and it's so easy for us because of where we live and
- 00:22:07.744 --> 00:22:10.514
- What we have in the, the era of human history that we live in.
- 00:22:10.514 --> 00:22:14.117
- This is, this is why you, you've got to find a way to devote at
- 00:22:14.117 --> 00:22:18.155
- Least a piece of yourself to something beyond you.
- 00:22:18.155 --> 00:22:23.593
- Otherwise, we fall into this trap.
- 00:22:23.593 --> 00:22:25.762
- And then jesus leaves the parable.
- 00:22:25.762 --> 00:22:27.597
- This is important, 'cause that's the end of the parable.
- 00:22:27.597 --> 00:22:29.433
- He pulls out of the parable, and now, he addresses us directly,
- 00:22:29.433 --> 00:22:32.803
- And he addresses his audience directly, and here's what
- 00:22:32.803 --> 00:22:35.472
- He says.
- 00:22:35.472 --> 00:22:36.807
- This is so convicting and inspiring if we take it the
- 00:22:36.807 --> 00:22:40.510
- Right way.
- 00:22:40.510 --> 00:22:42.145
- He says, "this, this is how it will be," to which we're like,
- 00:22:42.145 --> 00:22:46.650
- "wait, wait, wait, what is this?"
- 00:22:46.650 --> 00:22:48.518
- "oh, oh, let me find that for you," jesus would say.
- 00:22:48.518 --> 00:22:50.887
- This is total loss.
- 00:22:50.887 --> 00:22:52.989
- Total loss is how it will be.
- 00:22:52.989 --> 00:22:54.991
- He lost his life, he lost his stuff, and he lost
- 00:22:54.991 --> 00:22:57.027
- His opportunity.
- 00:22:57.027 --> 00:22:58.695
- He lost everything.
- 00:22:58.695 --> 00:23:00.030
- It was a--there's nothing, there's nothing to show for him
- 00:23:00.030 --> 00:23:02.632
- Because it was all about him.
- 00:23:02.632 --> 00:23:05.368
- There was nothing to show for him because it was all about
- 00:23:05.368 --> 00:23:09.272
- Him, because he wasn't on guard against pleonexia.
- 00:23:09.272 --> 00:23:14.811
- He lost everything.
- 00:23:14.811 --> 00:23:16.146
- "this is, this is how it will be," this is where we come in,
- 00:23:16.146 --> 00:23:18.815
- "for whoever," i'm a whoever, you're a whoever, "this is how
- 00:23:18.815 --> 00:23:23.453
- It will be for whoever stores up things for themselves," to be
- 00:23:23.453 --> 00:23:27.724
- Consumed on themselves, that plan to consume everything that
- 00:23:27.724 --> 00:23:32.529
- Comes their way.
- 00:23:32.529 --> 00:23:33.897
- This is how it will be for people who are tricked.
- 00:23:33.897 --> 00:23:36.666
- "this is, this is how it will be for whoever stores up things for
- 00:23:36.666 --> 00:23:40.070
- Themselves," and then he gives the other opportunity, "but is
- 00:23:40.070 --> 00:23:42.606
- Not rich toward god." now, this phrase "rich toward god" shows
- 00:23:42.606 --> 00:23:46.743
- Up in other places in the gospels, and when you put 'em
- 00:23:46.743 --> 00:23:48.512
- All together, it's very evident what jesus is talking about when
- 00:23:48.512 --> 00:23:51.114
- He uses the phrase "rich toward god."
- 00:23:51.114 --> 00:23:52.682
- To be rich toward god isn't about giving things to god.
- 00:23:52.682 --> 00:23:55.118
- God doesn't need your things.
- 00:23:55.118 --> 00:23:56.453
- God doesn't need our stuff.
- 00:23:56.453 --> 00:23:57.787
- God doesn't need anything.
- 00:23:57.787 --> 00:23:59.155
- God is immaterial.
- 00:23:59.155 --> 00:24:00.490
- "god is spirit," jesus said.
- 00:24:00.490 --> 00:24:02.259
- So this isn't about giving gifts to god.
- 00:24:02.259 --> 00:24:04.160
- You know what this means?
- 00:24:04.160 --> 00:24:05.529
- To be rich towards god is to do for others what god has done for
- 00:24:05.529 --> 00:24:10.133
- You, to do for others what god has done for you, specifically,
- 00:24:10.133 --> 00:24:15.405
- To do for others what god through christ has done for you,
- 00:24:15.405 --> 00:24:18.975
- That when you had a need, he met it.
- 00:24:18.975 --> 00:24:21.211
- When you needed forgiveness, he gave it.
- 00:24:21.211 --> 00:24:23.613
- When you needed peace with god, he provided it.
- 00:24:23.613 --> 00:24:26.082
- He says, "now i don't need you to give me anything back.
- 00:24:26.082 --> 00:24:28.218
- I want you to, i want you to essentially pay it forward.
- 00:24:28.218 --> 00:24:30.520
- I want you to do for others in whatever way you can as a
- 00:24:30.520 --> 00:24:33.823
- Reflection of your gratitude for what i've done for you." jesus
- 00:24:33.823 --> 00:24:37.160
- Says, "this is how you be rich toward god.
- 00:24:37.160 --> 00:24:41.865
- But if you're not careful, greed will rob you of that
- 00:24:41.865 --> 00:24:45.168
- Opportunity, 'cause greed is a thief."
- 00:24:45.168 --> 00:24:46.603
- Here's why: greed promises more but always leaves you with less
- 00:24:46.603 --> 00:24:52.909
- In the end, less of what matters.
- 00:24:52.909 --> 00:24:55.345
- So, circling all the way back around, here is the code, here's
- 00:24:55.345 --> 00:24:59.950
- The password.
- 00:24:59.950 --> 00:25:01.284
- We're gonna crack the code.
- 00:25:01.284 --> 00:25:02.652
- We're gonna unpack what it means to have a meaningful life, and
- 00:25:02.652 --> 00:25:04.988
- It's very, very simple.
- 00:25:04.988 --> 00:25:06.356
- I've said it several times.
- 00:25:06.356 --> 00:25:08.224
- It's "become a means to an end that doesn't end with you."
- 00:25:08.224 --> 00:25:12.062
- That's it.
- 00:25:12.062 --> 00:25:13.396
- It's "become a means to an end that doesn't end with you."
- 00:25:13.396 --> 00:25:17.000
- That's, that's what makes something meaningful.
- 00:25:17.000 --> 00:25:20.503
- If you think about a pen that you write with, when it runs out
- 00:25:20.503 --> 00:25:22.539
- Of ink, it can't do what it was meant to do.
- 00:25:22.539 --> 00:25:24.341
- It becomes meaningless.
- 00:25:24.341 --> 00:25:27.043
- You are the same way, and i am the same way.
- 00:25:27.043 --> 00:25:31.247
- And jesus, because he loves you, is warning us not to allow that
- 00:25:31.247 --> 00:25:35.485
- To happen and inviting us into a meaningful, purposeful life.
- 00:25:35.485 --> 00:25:39.155
- He said, "but in order to do that, you have to be
- 00:25:39.155 --> 00:25:41.691
- Intentional, and you have to find a way, even if it's a small
- 00:25:41.691 --> 00:25:45.662
- Way, to be a means to an end that doesn't end with you."
- 00:25:45.662 --> 00:25:49.299
- That's what meaning means.
- 00:25:49.299 --> 00:25:51.034
- That's how something becomes meaningful.
- 00:25:51.034 --> 00:25:53.436
- That's where purpose is found.
- 00:25:53.436 --> 00:25:55.572
- That's where happiness is found.
- 00:25:55.572 --> 00:25:58.208
- That's where joy is found.
- 00:25:58.208 --> 00:26:01.378
- And that's the invitation to all of us.
- 00:26:01.378 --> 00:26:05.448
- That's what makes something meaningful.
- 00:26:05.448 --> 00:26:08.618
- So, again, to go back to jesus's words, be on your guard
- 00:26:08.618 --> 00:26:14.357
- Against pleonexia!
- 00:26:14.357 --> 00:26:16.092
- It is subtle.
- 00:26:16.092 --> 00:26:17.694
- It is taking root in all of our lives in some form we're not
- 00:26:17.694 --> 00:26:20.563
- Even aware of, and we don't know it because it's so difficult
- 00:26:20.563 --> 00:26:23.700
- To find.
- 00:26:23.700 --> 00:26:25.068
- And jesus, through this parable and through this teaching, says,
- 00:26:25.068 --> 00:26:27.270
- "i've told you what to do.
- 00:26:27.270 --> 00:26:28.972
- You've got to find a way to be a means to an end
- 00:26:28.972 --> 00:26:31.341
- That doesn't end with you."
- 00:26:31.341 --> 00:26:32.676
- Don't be greedy with your life.
- 00:26:32.676 --> 00:26:34.310
- Don't be greedy with your time.
- 00:26:34.310 --> 00:26:36.446
- Don't be greedy with the influence you have.
- 00:26:36.446 --> 00:26:38.848
- Don't be greedy with the connections you've made.
- 00:26:38.848 --> 00:26:40.483
- Don't be greedy with your education.
- 00:26:40.483 --> 00:26:41.885
- Don't be greedy with your experience.
- 00:26:41.885 --> 00:26:43.586
- Choose something that doesn't benefit you
- 00:26:43.586 --> 00:26:46.456
- And commit some of you to it.
- 00:26:46.456 --> 00:26:50.427
- So, one last time, what breaks your heart?
- 00:26:50.427 --> 00:26:56.800
- What breaks your heart?
- 00:26:56.800 --> 00:26:58.268
- What needs to change?
- 00:26:58.268 --> 00:26:59.969
- Carve off a piece of you and invest it in that.
- 00:26:59.969 --> 00:27:03.640
- And if nothing breaks your heart, just choose
- 00:27:03.640 --> 00:27:05.842
- Something quick!
- 00:27:05.842 --> 00:27:07.210
- Your time's running out, no matter how old you are, because
- 00:27:07.210 --> 00:27:09.279
- In the end, as i tell you all the time, in the end, do you
- 00:27:09.279 --> 00:27:11.848
- Know what makes your life worth celebrating and what makes my
- 00:27:11.848 --> 00:27:13.650
- Life we're celebrating?
- 00:27:13.650 --> 00:27:15.051
- In the end, the value of your life, the value of my life will
- 00:27:15.051 --> 00:27:18.588
- Be determined and celebrated by how much of it was actually
- 00:27:18.588 --> 00:27:22.659
- Given away.
- 00:27:22.659 --> 00:27:23.993
- It's in the end that we understand the power of becoming
- 00:27:23.993 --> 00:27:29.199
- A means to an end that doesn't point back to us.
- 00:27:29.199 --> 00:27:34.104
- So, what breaks your heart?
- 00:27:34.104 --> 00:27:37.574
- And if nothing breaks your heart, find something, invest in
- 00:27:37.574 --> 00:27:41.544
- It, and don't succumb to pleonexia.
- 00:27:41.544 --> 00:27:46.416
- Andy: hey, everybody, thank you so much for tuning in.
- 00:27:46.483 --> 00:27:49.152
- If you'd like to watch this episode again or share it with a
- 00:27:49.152 --> 00:27:51.421
- Friend, head on over to the website at the bottom of
- 00:27:51.421 --> 00:27:53.656
- The screen.
- 00:27:53.656 --> 00:27:55.024
- The website is the best place for you to find other "your
- 00:27:55.024 --> 00:27:57.093
- Move" episodes, access additional resources, and learn
- 00:27:57.093 --> 00:28:00.363
- More about our mission to engage culture with the teaching of
- 00:28:00.363 --> 00:28:03.500
- Jesus, because we're convinced following jesus will make your
- 00:28:03.500 --> 00:28:06.669
- Life better and make the world a better place.
- 00:28:06.669 --> 00:28:09.472
- And now, it's your move.
- 00:28:09.472 --> 00:28:11.274
- ♪♪♪
- 00:28:11.274 --> 00:28:21.885
- ...
- 00:28:25.121 --> 00:28:30.000