Allen Jackson NOW is a lifeline for a struggling and anxious nation. A guiding hand for those who are not ready to give up, and for those who want to find a way past the negativity before things get worse. Americans still have hope, they are searching for the wisdom embedded in a Christian World View.
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Allen Jackson NOW | Allen Jackson: December 11, 2024 | Allen Jackson Now | December 11, 2024
- Well good evening.
- 00:00:15.640 --> 00:00:16.508
- I'm alan jackson in nashville.
- 00:00:16.508 --> 00:00:18.477
- It's back to school night,
- 00:00:18.477 --> 00:00:19.945
- But not the kind where you meet the teachers.
- 00:00:19.945 --> 00:00:22.114
- Now, this time,
- 00:00:22.114 --> 00:00:22.981
- We're less interested in the teachers
- 00:00:22.981 --> 00:00:24.282
- And much more interested in their agenda.
- 00:00:24.282 --> 00:00:26.618
- Because the agenda they tell you about is not always
- 00:00:26.618 --> 00:00:29.387
- What gets put in front of your children.
- 00:00:29.387 --> 00:00:31.323
- Take my word for it.
- 00:00:31.323 --> 00:00:32.958
- Or take the word of our guest tonight.
- 00:00:32.958 --> 00:00:35.627
- He's a pastor, author, and activist.
- 00:00:35.627 --> 00:00:37.929
- He's a regular at school board meetings
- 00:00:37.929 --> 00:00:39.698
- Where he speaks out against a school board
- 00:00:39.698 --> 00:00:41.600
- Literature that promotes critical race theory, gender
- 00:00:41.600 --> 00:00:44.736
- Theory, queer theory, and other cultural issues.
- 00:00:44.736 --> 00:00:48.306
- Welcome to nashville, john. emma chuka.
- 00:00:48.306 --> 00:00:50.408
- Thank you so much for having me.
- 00:00:50.408 --> 00:00:51.576
- Pastor john, it is so good to have you here on campus.
- 00:00:51.576 --> 00:00:53.945
- I can't tell you how excited i am.
- 00:00:53.945 --> 00:00:55.647
- It's a great joy on my end.
- 00:00:55.647 --> 00:00:57.682
- Well,
- 00:00:57.682 --> 00:00:58.950
- You have a great new book out and i love the title hoodwinked!
- 00:00:58.950 --> 00:01:01.753
- Tell us what made you think of it
- 00:01:01.753 --> 00:01:03.755
- And what the message is?
- 00:01:03.755 --> 00:01:05.056
- Well, you know the term hoodwinked is an old fogy term.
- 00:01:05.056 --> 00:01:09.461
- Traditionally, it meant to be beyond the point
- 00:01:09.461 --> 00:01:12.831
- Where you cannot see.
- 00:01:12.831 --> 00:01:13.999
- It means to be blindfolded.
- 00:01:13.999 --> 00:01:16.034
- And that's where we are in this culture.
- 00:01:16.034 --> 00:01:17.435
- People are blindfolded.
- 00:01:17.435 --> 00:01:18.670
- They can't see the light because they're in darkness.
- 00:01:18.670 --> 00:01:22.040
- And we are pushing
- 00:01:22.040 --> 00:01:23.241
- The pedagogy of blindness upon the american population.
- 00:01:23.241 --> 00:01:27.712
- And so i drafted this book
- 00:01:27.712 --> 00:01:29.381
- As a means of combating this blindness in america.
- 00:01:29.381 --> 00:01:33.785
- And i deal with
- 00:01:33.785 --> 00:01:35.020
- Some of the most common lies that people are duped by the lie
- 00:01:35.020 --> 00:01:39.324
- That america is a racist nation and that debt can be canceled,
- 00:01:39.324 --> 00:01:43.461
- And that if you are like me and you are against pornography
- 00:01:43.461 --> 00:01:46.731
- Being placed on the bookshelves
- 00:01:46.731 --> 00:01:48.233
- Of our schools, then you are a book banner.
- 00:01:48.233 --> 00:01:51.770
- These things persist simply
- 00:01:52.370 --> 00:01:54.406
- Because the christian church has become rather soft.
- 00:01:54.406 --> 00:01:58.710
- I say it this way that weak pulpits create weak christians.
- 00:01:58.710 --> 00:02:02.881
- Well.
- 00:02:02.881 --> 00:02:04.182
- Sometimes today you oftentimes see that sheep have more courage
- 00:02:04.182 --> 00:02:08.954
- Than shepherds, and that's not the will of god.
- 00:02:08.954 --> 00:02:12.157
- You know, you smite the shepherd and the sheep scatter.
- 00:02:12.157 --> 00:02:15.193
- But today
- 00:02:15.193 --> 00:02:16.261
- We're seeing that the shepherds are scattering,
- 00:02:16.261 --> 00:02:17.629
- But the sheep are willing to stand.
- 00:02:17.629 --> 00:02:19.798
- And so this book takes you on a journey with some of the major
- 00:02:19.798 --> 00:02:24.035
- Hyperbolic and explosive lies that we see in our communities
- 00:02:24.035 --> 00:02:27.639
- Today.
- 00:02:27.639 --> 00:02:28.840
- I'm not sure that people understand
- 00:02:28.840 --> 00:02:30.609
- How vile some of the literature is, and i know you are
- 00:02:30.609 --> 00:02:34.446
- Acquainted with it on a firsthand level.
- 00:02:35.313 --> 00:02:37.882
- I mean, it's just unimaginable what they're trying
- 00:02:37.882 --> 00:02:39.584
- To put in the libraries with our young children.
- 00:02:39.584 --> 00:02:41.586
- Yes it is.
- 00:02:41.586 --> 00:02:42.287
- You know, i have this book here
- 00:02:42.287 --> 00:02:43.288
- Called queer the ultimate lgbtq guide for teens.
- 00:02:43.288 --> 00:02:47.759
- And let me say this,
- 00:02:47.759 --> 00:02:49.127
- I'm not simply against homosexual sex
- 00:02:49.127 --> 00:02:53.798
- And that being discussed in the classroom.
- 00:02:53.798 --> 00:02:56.234
- I'm against heterosexual sex as well, being discussed and put
- 00:02:56.234 --> 00:02:59.604
- Before children in a classroom.
- 00:02:59.604 --> 00:03:01.906
- But this book on page 166,
- 00:03:01.906 --> 00:03:05.377
- It teaches kids how to sanitize
- 00:03:05.377 --> 00:03:08.680
- Objects that they place into their bodies,
- 00:03:08.680 --> 00:03:11.916
- And it tells them to put it in the dishwasher,
- 00:03:11.916 --> 00:03:15.186
- But allow it to cool down before you use it again.
- 00:03:15.186 --> 00:03:18.690
- Then we have an image here of just two women
- 00:03:18.690 --> 00:03:21.559
- In the bed together, and they're saying,
- 00:03:21.559 --> 00:03:24.829
- Do you want to practice that some more?
- 00:03:24.829 --> 00:03:27.465
- I mean, this is corrupt.
- 00:03:27.465 --> 00:03:28.800
- This is this is a crime.
- 00:03:28.800 --> 00:03:30.869
- The people who are doing doing this, they are criminals.
- 00:03:30.869 --> 00:03:33.705
- I call it mental rape.
- 00:03:33.705 --> 00:03:35.740
- Also, some people call it indoctrination and grooming,
- 00:03:35.740 --> 00:03:38.843
- But i call it mental rape because it assaults the soul.
- 00:03:38.843 --> 00:03:41.846
- It stains the brain and it robs children of their innocence.
- 00:03:41.846 --> 00:03:45.784
- Here's another book. it's called let's talk about it.
- 00:03:45.784 --> 00:03:47.686
- I won't open this one,
- 00:03:47.686 --> 00:03:50.021
- But it's it's rather it's rather graphic.
- 00:03:50.021 --> 00:03:52.424
- And why are we teaching our kids
- 00:03:52.424 --> 00:03:54.159
- About homosexual sex and heterosexual sex
- 00:03:54.159 --> 00:03:56.795
- And giving them the know how, as relates to kamasutra,
- 00:03:56.795 --> 00:04:00.732
- So that they can be more proficient in their sex acts?
- 00:04:00.732 --> 00:04:04.536
- And then this book is rather subtle.
- 00:04:04.536 --> 00:04:07.339
- It's for kids ages four all the way up to 12.
- 00:04:07.339 --> 00:04:10.608
- Right.
- 00:04:10.608 --> 00:04:11.443
- This book pushes gender confusion.
- 00:04:11.443 --> 00:04:13.978
- It talks about two worms who want to get married,
- 00:04:13.978 --> 00:04:17.916
- And these worms can both be the bride and the groom.
- 00:04:17.916 --> 00:04:22.320
- And so early on, kids, as early as the age of 4 or 5
- 00:04:22.320 --> 00:04:26.458
- Are being told, yes, that two men can get married
- 00:04:26.458 --> 00:04:29.561
- And that two women can get married.
- 00:04:29.561 --> 00:04:31.629
- When are we going
- 00:04:31.629 --> 00:04:32.630
- To get back to reading, writing and arithmetic?
- 00:04:32.630 --> 00:04:35.767
- The focus is on teaching these agendas,
- 00:04:35.767 --> 00:04:39.337
- And we are dealing with, pastor, the false triune
- 00:04:39.337 --> 00:04:43.475
- Ideal of diversity, equity and inclusion.
- 00:04:43.475 --> 00:04:47.245
- You know, in the christian faith, we have,
- 00:04:47.245 --> 00:04:49.280
- The trinity, father, son and holy spirit.
- 00:04:49.280 --> 00:04:52.250
- God longs for private worship, private worship,
- 00:04:52.250 --> 00:04:56.187
- Which extends out into our public worship.
- 00:04:56.187 --> 00:04:58.857
- But when it comes to deny this false triune idea,
- 00:04:58.857 --> 00:05:01.493
- They can care less about private worship.
- 00:05:01.493 --> 00:05:03.595
- They just want you to bow to the golden calf in public.
- 00:05:03.595 --> 00:05:07.632
- So this leaves me almost speechless.
- 00:05:08.400 --> 00:05:12.404
- It doesn't seem like a difficult decision.
- 00:05:12.404 --> 00:05:14.139
- This isn't about banning books.
- 00:05:14.139 --> 00:05:16.107
- This is about age appropriate learning. that's right.
- 00:05:16.107 --> 00:05:18.510
- We don't sell cigarets to four year olds.
- 00:05:18.510 --> 00:05:21.112
- We don't sell beer to third graders
- 00:05:21.112 --> 00:05:23.348
- Because we understand
- 00:05:23.348 --> 00:05:24.215
- Those behaviors are not appropriate.
- 00:05:24.215 --> 00:05:25.717
- They're not emotionally mature enough
- 00:05:25.717 --> 00:05:27.719
- To deal
- 00:05:27.719 --> 00:05:28.620
- With the consequences of those choices
- 00:05:28.620 --> 00:05:29.788
- Or accept responsibility for this.
- 00:05:29.788 --> 00:05:32.223
- Why would we tolerate this kind of manipulation
- 00:05:32.223 --> 00:05:35.527
- And perversion to be implanted
- 00:05:35.527 --> 00:05:37.395
- In the hearts of our young children?
- 00:05:37.395 --> 00:05:38.797
- It makes no sense to me.
- 00:05:38.797 --> 00:05:40.365
- There's an agenda, right?
- 00:05:40.365 --> 00:05:41.833
- In the name of d-i.
- 00:05:41.833 --> 00:05:44.135
- We have to put these books on a bookshelf
- 00:05:44.135 --> 00:05:47.238
- Because we need to appease people.
- 00:05:47.238 --> 00:05:49.941
- We need to satisfy the
- 00:05:49.941 --> 00:05:52.677
- The longing of a person's lustful passions.
- 00:05:52.677 --> 00:05:56.047
- And so if a child is at the age of five
- 00:05:56.047 --> 00:05:58.416
- And they have same sex attractions,
- 00:05:58.416 --> 00:06:00.518
- We need to treat the school like it's montessori
- 00:06:00.518 --> 00:06:02.687
- And so everyone can have their, object of reality.
- 00:06:02.687 --> 00:06:06.991
- And so, yeah, you can go to the library
- 00:06:06.991 --> 00:06:08.793
- And find a book on heterosexual sex or homosexual sex
- 00:06:08.793 --> 00:06:11.796
- Or transgenderism.
- 00:06:11.796 --> 00:06:13.231
- That's what we're doing in our libraries.
- 00:06:13.231 --> 00:06:15.366
- So there is a plan.
- 00:06:15.366 --> 00:06:16.768
- And i tell people all this all the time
- 00:06:16.768 --> 00:06:18.870
- That dei is the ultimate black face.
- 00:06:18.870 --> 00:06:22.173
- Wow. face value.
- 00:06:22.574 --> 00:06:24.209
- It purports that it uplifts minorities and equals the,
- 00:06:24.209 --> 00:06:28.413
- Levels, the playing field.
- 00:06:28.413 --> 00:06:30.114
- But that's not the plan behind dei is a group of trans zealots,
- 00:06:30.114 --> 00:06:36.087
- People who are pushing an agenda upon our children,
- 00:06:36.087 --> 00:06:39.757
- Who want to corrupt them
- 00:06:39.757 --> 00:06:41.659
- In the name of marxist atheist teachings.
- 00:06:41.659 --> 00:06:45.497
- Well, the book is hoodwinked.
- 00:06:45.497 --> 00:06:47.198
- Ten lives
- 00:06:47.198 --> 00:06:48.733
- That americans believe.
- 00:06:49.234 --> 00:06:50.502
- It's an important read.
- 00:06:50.502 --> 00:06:51.836
- It will help you understand
- 00:06:51.836 --> 00:06:52.937
- So much about our current cultural debate.
- 00:06:52.937 --> 00:06:55.306
- We'll be back with jon hamm and chuck wu in just a moment.
- 00:06:55.306 --> 00:06:58.176
- If you're intrigued by our discussion,
- 00:06:58.176 --> 00:07:00.078
- Write me an email at alan jackson
- 00:07:00.078 --> 00:07:07.010
- Write me an email at alan jackson
- 00:07:07.010 --> 00:07:09.497
- We're back now
- 00:07:09.831 --> 00:07:10.932
- With the pastor, author and activist, jon manchukuo.
- 00:07:10.932 --> 00:07:14.035
- Jon, you mentioned dei diversity, equity and inclusion.
- 00:07:14.035 --> 00:07:17.739
- And i know there are
- 00:07:17.739 --> 00:07:18.506
- Many pastors
- 00:07:18.506 --> 00:07:19.974
- That stand in their pulpits and try to convince
- 00:07:19.974 --> 00:07:21.776
- Their congregations that those are biblical issues
- 00:07:21.776 --> 00:07:24.646
- And that i should be embraced by the christian church.
- 00:07:24.646 --> 00:07:27.715
- I don't think we agree with that.
- 00:07:27.715 --> 00:07:29.450
- No, we don't.
- 00:07:29.450 --> 00:07:30.184
- You know,
- 00:07:30.184 --> 00:07:31.386
- There are people who hold the truth in unrighteousness.
- 00:07:31.386 --> 00:07:34.722
- And there are many people who have become rather
- 00:07:34.722 --> 00:07:38.092
- Liberal in their expression in meeting out the gospel.
- 00:07:38.092 --> 00:07:42.130
- There are some people today who cling to the donkey
- 00:07:42.130 --> 00:07:45.333
- Because they have relinquished the cross. wow.
- 00:07:45.333 --> 00:07:47.969
- Or they cling to the elephant
- 00:07:47.969 --> 00:07:49.938
- Because they have relinquished the cross.
- 00:07:49.938 --> 00:07:52.240
- We are closed canon preachers.
- 00:07:52.840 --> 00:07:55.109
- We believe the word of god.
- 00:07:55.109 --> 00:07:56.945
- Line upon line and precept upon precept.
- 00:07:56.945 --> 00:07:59.948
- We preach the whole role.
- 00:07:59.948 --> 00:08:02.717
- Consider what god told ezekiel.
- 00:08:02.717 --> 00:08:05.019
- He told him to eat the book.
- 00:08:05.019 --> 00:08:08.856
- That means eat the whole scroll.
- 00:08:08.856 --> 00:08:11.192
- Digest it.
- 00:08:11.192 --> 00:08:12.627
- Then go and regurgitate what i have taught you.
- 00:08:12.627 --> 00:08:15.797
- But sadly, today, many pastors pick and choose.
- 00:08:15.797 --> 00:08:19.300
- They pick.
- 00:08:19.300 --> 00:08:20.401
- And it's become really syncretism.
- 00:08:20.401 --> 00:08:22.503
- And that's what's wrong with the church.
- 00:08:22.503 --> 00:08:24.172
- It's the amalgamation
- 00:08:24.172 --> 00:08:25.807
- Of cultural beliefs and thought systems and ideologies
- 00:08:25.807 --> 00:08:29.310
- Meet it together to create this new age gospel.
- 00:08:29.310 --> 00:08:33.014
- And so therefore,
- 00:08:33.014 --> 00:08:33.982
- We have perverted the church because we have
- 00:08:33.982 --> 00:08:36.351
- A little bit of holiness,
- 00:08:36.351 --> 00:08:38.386
- But a little bit of di, a little bit of truth,
- 00:08:38.386 --> 00:08:42.156
- But a little bit of marxism, which waters down the gospel.
- 00:08:42.156 --> 00:08:46.127
- Absolutely.
- 00:08:46.127 --> 00:08:47.295
- Syncretism is just a fancy word for compromise.
- 00:08:47.295 --> 00:08:49.530
- That's right.
- 00:08:49.530 --> 00:08:50.598
- And we've got too much of it in the church right?
- 00:08:50.598 --> 00:08:52.700
- Well, you've been a regular at the school board meetings.
- 00:08:52.700 --> 00:08:55.069
- What happens when they see you coming?
- 00:08:55.069 --> 00:08:57.138
- And more seriously, i've read that you've been able
- 00:08:57.138 --> 00:08:59.374
- To shut down a lot of the filthy books
- 00:08:59.374 --> 00:09:01.776
- That are in our school library. yes.
- 00:09:01.776 --> 00:09:03.611
- I appreciate your efforts.
- 00:09:03.611 --> 00:09:05.780
- Do you think we can really turn his back?
- 00:09:05.780 --> 00:09:07.682
- Yes we can. there's always hope.
- 00:09:07.682 --> 00:09:10.151
- I've now spoken in 15 states at school board meetings. wow.
- 00:09:10.151 --> 00:09:14.489
- Amassed over 300 million views.
- 00:09:14.489 --> 00:09:16.891
- We've been able to flip two school boards.
- 00:09:16.891 --> 00:09:19.360
- We've been able to strike down a transgender policy.
- 00:09:19.360 --> 00:09:21.963
- Policy?
- 00:09:21.963 --> 00:09:22.830
- Five, seven, five, six in new jersey.
- 00:09:22.830 --> 00:09:24.966
- We've been able to remove
- 00:09:24.966 --> 00:09:26.267
- Dozens of unwholesome books from library around the country.
- 00:09:26.267 --> 00:09:30.738
- We even defeated a satanist in broward county, florida,
- 00:09:30.738 --> 00:09:34.942
- Who wanted to challenge me
- 00:09:34.942 --> 00:09:36.844
- Because i was trying to remove the pornographic books.
- 00:09:36.844 --> 00:09:39.781
- And so therefore,
- 00:09:39.781 --> 00:09:40.848
- He wanted to remove the bible from the library.
- 00:09:40.848 --> 00:09:42.884
- But on the day
- 00:09:42.884 --> 00:09:44.018
- That i showed up at the hearing, the satanist got sick
- 00:09:44.018 --> 00:09:47.622
- And didn't show up.
- 00:09:47.622 --> 00:09:48.589
- So satan lost again.
- 00:09:48.589 --> 00:09:50.458
- And so we are rather victorious in this movement.
- 00:09:50.458 --> 00:09:53.327
- I'm also raising up 400 school board warriors
- 00:09:53.327 --> 00:09:57.532
- Through a program called cyclone 400,
- 00:09:57.532 --> 00:10:00.601
- And i'm calling on churches to support me in this journey.
- 00:10:00.601 --> 00:10:04.572
- We have to train our congregation
- 00:10:04.572 --> 00:10:08.142
- On how to spot and discern when critical race
- 00:10:08.142 --> 00:10:10.978
- Theory, gender theory, and queer theory is being taught.
- 00:10:10.978 --> 00:10:14.248
- Kids go to school today.
- 00:10:14.248 --> 00:10:15.583
- If they're white, they're being told that they are
- 00:10:15.583 --> 00:10:17.318
- Inherently racist.
- 00:10:17.318 --> 00:10:18.886
- That is the epitome of racism.
- 00:10:18.886 --> 00:10:21.222
- It is.
- 00:10:21.222 --> 00:10:22.457
- The black students are told that they are proverbial victims.
- 00:10:22.457 --> 00:10:24.959
- That's racism.
- 00:10:24.959 --> 00:10:26.728
- You know, i'm a black man living and living in america.
- 00:10:26.728 --> 00:10:30.598
- And there is no thing that i've desired to do that
- 00:10:30.598 --> 00:10:34.202
- I haven't been able to do because of my skin tone
- 00:10:34.202 --> 00:10:36.471
- And pigmentation, down to where i live, down to where we shop
- 00:10:36.471 --> 00:10:40.808
- And down to where i went to college. right.
- 00:10:40.808 --> 00:10:43.478
- Within that, it's kind of hard for me to see myself
- 00:10:43.478 --> 00:10:46.848
- Through the lens
- 00:10:46.848 --> 00:10:47.849
- Of being a victim, because i don't see myself
- 00:10:47.849 --> 00:10:50.551
- Through the lenses of the culture.
- 00:10:50.551 --> 00:10:52.220
- I see myself through the lens of the scripture.
- 00:10:52.220 --> 00:10:54.489
- And the bible says that we are a royal priesthood.
- 00:10:54.489 --> 00:10:57.425
- And last time i checked,
- 00:10:57.425 --> 00:10:58.493
- You can't be royalty and a victim at the same time.
- 00:10:58.493 --> 00:11:01.963
- That is so good.
- 00:11:02.363 --> 00:11:04.098
- Well,
- 00:11:04.098 --> 00:11:04.999
- I'm curious about the kind of feedback
- 00:11:04.999 --> 00:11:06.200
- You're getting as you take this message.
- 00:11:06.200 --> 00:11:08.169
- I know you've been in school boards across the country.
- 00:11:08.169 --> 00:11:10.071
- You've even been called the white supremacist.
- 00:11:10.071 --> 00:11:12.173
- That makes me smile.
- 00:11:12.173 --> 00:11:13.241
- Yeah.
- 00:11:13.241 --> 00:11:14.242
- So i went to california and delivered a message
- 00:11:14.242 --> 00:11:16.077
- Entitled ten things that black students
- 00:11:16.077 --> 00:11:17.612
- Don't need in education.
- 00:11:17.612 --> 00:11:18.913
- I said, we don't need affirmative action.
- 00:11:18.913 --> 00:11:20.348
- We don't need critical race theory. i said that
- 00:11:20.348 --> 00:11:21.949
- We don't need the soft bigotry of low expectations.
- 00:11:21.949 --> 00:11:24.786
- And a couple of weeks later, they're writing about me,
- 00:11:24.786 --> 00:11:26.487
- Labeling me as a white supremacist.
- 00:11:26.487 --> 00:11:28.956
- I'm as black as they come.
- 00:11:28.956 --> 00:11:30.925
- I'm a six foot four,
- 00:11:30.925 --> 00:11:31.993
- 255 pound black man with an african last name,
- 00:11:31.993 --> 00:11:35.930
- Which which means i know god, i'm an tuku.
- 00:11:35.930 --> 00:11:39.100
- And they're labeling me as a white supremacist,
- 00:11:39.100 --> 00:11:41.169
- But which is rather condescending,
- 00:11:41.169 --> 00:11:44.338
- Because why do i have to be a white supremacist?
- 00:11:44.338 --> 00:11:46.541
- Because i believe in school choice.
- 00:11:46.541 --> 00:11:48.709
- Why do i have to be a white supremacist?
- 00:11:48.709 --> 00:11:50.478
- Because i believe that we should secure our borders.
- 00:11:50.478 --> 00:11:53.614
- Why do i have to be a white supremacist?
- 00:11:53.614 --> 00:11:55.716
- Because i believe that we should protect children
- 00:11:55.716 --> 00:11:59.520
- From the moment of conception all the way through.
- 00:11:59.520 --> 00:12:03.191
- Why do why do i have to be a white supremacist?
- 00:12:03.191 --> 00:12:05.426
- Because i believe these things.
- 00:12:05.426 --> 00:12:07.161
- That's rather condescending towards black americans
- 00:12:07.161 --> 00:12:11.065
- When you say that.
- 00:12:11.065 --> 00:12:12.466
- And so, yes, i have even been placed in handcuffs.
- 00:12:12.466 --> 00:12:14.936
- Three weeks ago, i went to a school board
- 00:12:15.837 --> 00:12:17.839
- Meeting in wake county, which is my hometown.
- 00:12:17.839 --> 00:12:20.975
- I addressed issues hb 49, which is our parental rights
- 00:12:20.975 --> 00:12:24.612
- Bill, which says that books like this
- 00:12:24.612 --> 00:12:26.647
- Are not allowed to be in the school system
- 00:12:26.647 --> 00:12:28.382
- Around north carolina and throughout the whole state
- 00:12:28.382 --> 00:12:31.285
- And wake county.
- 00:12:31.285 --> 00:12:32.286
- These these books are still on the bookshelves.
- 00:12:32.286 --> 00:12:35.389
- Also addressing the issue with a young girl
- 00:12:35.389 --> 00:12:36.958
- By the name of lorena benson, who came to the us
- 00:12:36.958 --> 00:12:40.061
- About three years ago from the dominican republic.
- 00:12:40.061 --> 00:12:43.397
- She was forced to read from a short story in class
- 00:12:43.397 --> 00:12:46.400
- That talked
- 00:12:46.400 --> 00:12:47.501
- About a incestuous relationship between two cousins.
- 00:12:47.501 --> 00:12:50.705
- It talked about putting a banana into a tomato.
- 00:12:50.705 --> 00:12:53.808
- She read from that in class, discussed it,
- 00:12:53.808 --> 00:12:55.943
- And was traumatized by it,
- 00:12:55.943 --> 00:12:57.445
- Went to the school board meeting and addressed it.
- 00:12:57.445 --> 00:13:00.181
- And the school board did nothing about it.
- 00:13:00.181 --> 00:13:04.385
- Dietrich bonhoeffer is said to fail to speak
- 00:13:04.385 --> 00:13:07.688
- Is to speak, and to fail to act is to act.
- 00:13:07.688 --> 00:13:10.958
- So i went and did something about it and spoke up.
- 00:13:10.958 --> 00:13:14.061
- And at the end of my message, i told the school board
- 00:13:14.061 --> 00:13:16.230
- Meeting at the school board leaders, i said, hey,
- 00:13:16.230 --> 00:13:18.199
- Since you all like to break laws,
- 00:13:18.199 --> 00:13:20.434
- Since you all like to be criminals.
- 00:13:20.434 --> 00:13:22.336
- When i finished
- 00:13:22.336 --> 00:13:23.571
- Speaking after my three minutes, i'm not leaving the podium.
- 00:13:23.571 --> 00:13:26.607
- And guess what?
- 00:13:26.974 --> 00:13:27.608
- In the matter of 15 seconds,
- 00:13:27.608 --> 00:13:29.176
- The sheriffs run in to remove me from the podium.
- 00:13:29.176 --> 00:13:33.347
- They won't touch the books
- 00:13:33.347 --> 00:13:35.716
- As the board leaders are breaking the law.
- 00:13:35.716 --> 00:13:38.452
- They want to address the fact that
- 00:13:38.452 --> 00:13:40.121
- They are perverting children and the district.
- 00:13:40.121 --> 00:13:43.858
- But the moment the pastor stands up, raises his voice
- 00:13:43.858 --> 00:13:47.929
- And refuses to allow these tyrants to push their agenda.
- 00:13:47.929 --> 00:13:51.732
- I'm now placed in handcuffs, detained for nearly 15 minutes,
- 00:13:51.732 --> 00:13:57.038
- Making a gazing stock out of me, a spectacle.
- 00:13:57.038 --> 00:14:00.808
- But here's the message.
- 00:14:01.309 --> 00:14:03.077
- I will not stop.
- 00:14:03.077 --> 00:14:06.681
- I'm undeterred.
- 00:14:07.048 --> 00:14:08.149
- We have to continue to speak boldly
- 00:14:08.149 --> 00:14:10.051
- For children and protect children all across this nation.
- 00:14:10.051 --> 00:14:13.521
- John, if someone wants to get a copy of your book
- 00:14:13.521 --> 00:14:15.790
- Or to connect with you digitally,
- 00:14:15.790 --> 00:14:17.491
- What's the best way to do that?
- 00:14:17.491 --> 00:14:19.026
- You can go to i know and receive a copy of my book.
- 00:14:19.026 --> 00:14:23.464
- And also you can go check out my new documentary, 22 words.
- 00:14:23.464 --> 00:14:27.368
- Go to 22 words
- 00:14:27.368 --> 00:14:30.371
- Thank you so much for your support.
- 00:14:30.371 --> 00:14:33.074
- Well, john, i'm going to thank you for staying with it.
- 00:14:33.074 --> 00:14:36.143
- I'll be back with some thoughts of my own shortly.
- 00:14:36.143 --> 00:14:44.010
- I'll be back with some thoughts of my own shortly.
- 00:14:44.010 --> 00:14:46.086
- In the midst of all the confusing messaging.
- 00:14:46.987 --> 00:14:49.823
- There's some real strength in the word of god.
- 00:14:49.823 --> 00:14:52.292
- Zechariah 816 says, these are the things which you shall do.
- 00:14:52.292 --> 00:14:56.363
- Speak the truth to one another.
- 00:14:56.363 --> 00:14:58.398
- Judge with truth and judgment for peace at your gate.
- 00:14:58.398 --> 00:15:01.801
- Folks, i believe we are at a juncture
- 00:15:02.535 --> 00:15:04.604
- Where we're going to have to make a decision in our homes
- 00:15:04.604 --> 00:15:07.307
- And in our hearts, as people of faith, to choose the truth.
- 00:15:07.307 --> 00:15:11.044
- We've been waiting for somebody else to tell us the truth.
- 00:15:11.044 --> 00:15:13.179
- We've regretted that the the media is filled
- 00:15:13.179 --> 00:15:15.782
- With too much misinformation and disinformation,
- 00:15:15.782 --> 00:15:18.051
- And we've been a little soured
- 00:15:18.051 --> 00:15:19.786
- On social media that they practice
- 00:15:19.786 --> 00:15:22.188
- Censoring of information
- 00:15:22.188 --> 00:15:23.623
- And don't allow a free flow of thoughts.
- 00:15:23.623 --> 00:15:25.392
- We've been frustrated with politicians
- 00:15:25.392 --> 00:15:27.694
- Who manipulate the truth for their perspectives,
- 00:15:27.694 --> 00:15:29.963
- And those things may be true, but the reality is our best
- 00:15:29.963 --> 00:15:33.433
- Pathway forward
- 00:15:33.433 --> 00:15:34.734
- Is that you and i decide to become people of the truth.
- 00:15:34.734 --> 00:15:37.871
- It's not just my opinion about what
- 00:15:37.871 --> 00:15:39.639
- I selectively want to say is right or wrong.
- 00:15:39.639 --> 00:15:42.409
- It's submitting ourselves to the truth of god's word.
- 00:15:42.409 --> 00:15:45.845
- We yield to the authority of scripture.
- 00:15:45.845 --> 00:15:49.149
- You know, we are called christ followers,
- 00:15:49.149 --> 00:15:51.351
- Which means we have yielded that ultimate position of authority
- 00:15:51.351 --> 00:15:54.721
- To jesus of nazareth, and we allow his perspective
- 00:15:54.721 --> 00:15:58.458
- To become the predominant perspective in our lives
- 00:15:58.458 --> 00:16:02.362
- As we yield to his truth.
- 00:16:02.362 --> 00:16:04.497
- Then we can become people of the truth
- 00:16:04.497 --> 00:16:06.299
- With a voice for that in the midst of our culture.
- 00:16:06.299 --> 00:16:09.602
- It's not just my opinion, or what i feel,
- 00:16:09.602 --> 00:16:11.571
- Or what i think, or even what i want.
- 00:16:11.571 --> 00:16:13.540
- We are people of the truth and it's time to find our voice.
- 00:16:13.540 --> 00:16:17.510
- When we return. i'm going to read some of your emails.
- 00:16:17.510 --> 00:16:25.008
- When we return. i'm going to read some of your emails.
- 00:16:25.008 --> 00:16:27.286
- Thank you for taking the time
- 00:16:27.920 --> 00:16:29.455
- To share your thoughts with us in your emails.
- 00:16:29.455 --> 00:16:31.590
- That make a difference to our whole team.
- 00:16:31.590 --> 00:16:33.759
- Wendy from washington said lawlessness has become the norm.
- 00:16:33.759 --> 00:16:37.329
- It's scary to even think about going out after dark as a woman.
- 00:16:37.329 --> 00:16:41.033
- What exactly is a borders are supposed to do?
- 00:16:41.033 --> 00:16:44.303
- I would think it's to ensure a strong and secure borders.
- 00:16:44.303 --> 00:16:47.072
- It's really concerning.
- 00:16:47.072 --> 00:16:48.941
- Well, wendy, i agree.
- 00:16:48.941 --> 00:16:50.042
- Tragically, for years now our borders have been open.
- 00:16:50.042 --> 00:16:53.479
- Untold millions of people have poured across.
- 00:16:53.479 --> 00:16:56.215
- We've not only lost track of them.
- 00:16:56.215 --> 00:16:58.250
- We've lost track of the notion of a secure nation.
- 00:16:58.250 --> 00:17:01.386
- It is lawlessness and disorder from the highest levels
- 00:17:01.386 --> 00:17:05.224
- Of authority in our nation, and it has to stop.
- 00:17:05.224 --> 00:17:08.594
- It's the intentional dismantle of our country
- 00:17:08.594 --> 00:17:10.963
- That makes every one of us less secure.
- 00:17:10.963 --> 00:17:14.099
- I trust we will have the wisdom
- 00:17:14.099 --> 00:17:15.467
- To choose leaders that will secure our borders,
- 00:17:15.467 --> 00:17:17.769
- And once again, to begin to secure our nation.
- 00:17:17.769 --> 00:17:20.372
- Dave in pennsylvania says, i keep hearing about people
- 00:17:20.372 --> 00:17:22.808
- Not voting this election.
- 00:17:22.808 --> 00:17:24.476
- If you don't vote, you're essentially
- 00:17:24.476 --> 00:17:26.078
- Giving the opposing candidate a vote.
- 00:17:26.078 --> 00:17:28.147
- Please don't do that.
- 00:17:28.147 --> 00:17:29.715
- Well, dave, you're right.
- 00:17:30.282 --> 00:17:31.016
- But it's not just this election.
- 00:17:31.016 --> 00:17:32.818
- The christian community has a tragic habit
- 00:17:32.818 --> 00:17:35.020
- Of sitting on the sidelines.
- 00:17:35.020 --> 00:17:36.822
- I pray we'll overcome that and become participants
- 00:17:36.822 --> 00:17:39.958
- In this wonderful experiment in self-government
- 00:17:39.958 --> 00:17:42.161
- That we call the united states of america.
- 00:17:42.161 --> 00:17:44.096
- It'll make our future better, if we will.
- 00:17:44.096 --> 00:17:46.865
- Randall from kansas.
- 00:17:46.865 --> 00:17:48.033
- Thank you for your show.
- 00:17:48.033 --> 00:17:49.334
- I had given up on local and national news.
- 00:17:49.334 --> 00:17:52.137
- Now it's huckabee, jackson and stackelberg.
- 00:17:52.137 --> 00:17:55.140
- Praise the lord.
- 00:17:55.140 --> 00:17:56.808
- Well, randall, i like the momentum
- 00:17:56.808 --> 00:17:58.977
- And i appreciate the endorsement.
- 00:17:58.977 --> 00:18:01.280
- There are many voices, i believe, beginning
- 00:18:01.280 --> 00:18:03.315
- To tell the truth into our culture.
- 00:18:03.315 --> 00:18:05.417
- It gives me hope for our future.
- 00:18:05.417 --> 00:18:07.653
- If we'll each take our place and use our influence
- 00:18:07.653 --> 00:18:10.088
- To be advocates for a biblical worldview
- 00:18:10.088 --> 00:18:12.457
- And the truth that god gives to us,
- 00:18:12.457 --> 00:18:14.626
- I think we can see god bless america again.
- 00:18:14.626 --> 00:18:17.763
- And that would be a wonderful future for all of us.
- 00:18:17.763 --> 00:18:21.033
- I want to share an idea with you.
- 00:18:21.733 --> 00:18:22.935
- It's actually a gift we have for you.
- 00:18:22.935 --> 00:18:25.370
- Not long ago, kamala harris mocked two young men who yelled
- 00:18:25.370 --> 00:18:28.974
- Jesus is lord at a political rally.
- 00:18:28.974 --> 00:18:31.743
- It revealed the presidential candidate's true thoughts
- 00:18:31.743 --> 00:18:34.413
- About anyone who upholds a biblical worldview.
- 00:18:34.413 --> 00:18:37.149
- Their opinions and voices aren't welcome.
- 00:18:37.149 --> 00:18:40.018
- Well, this event struck us a bit more personally
- 00:18:40.018 --> 00:18:42.721
- Because jesus is lord
- 00:18:42.721 --> 00:18:44.523
- As served as a proclamation in our congregation for many years.
- 00:18:44.523 --> 00:18:48.827
- In fact, if you see a jesus as lord car magnet on the highway,
- 00:18:48.827 --> 00:18:52.331
- You're probably driving behind someone who goes to our church.
- 00:18:52.331 --> 00:18:56.268
- So here's our response to kamala's flippant comments.
- 00:18:56.268 --> 00:19:00.005
- We want to send everyone watching our
- 00:19:00.005 --> 00:19:02.541
- Jesus is lord magnet.
- 00:19:02.541 --> 00:19:04.610
- We want to see one in every city and highway across our nation.
- 00:19:04.610 --> 00:19:07.946
- There are thousands of them
- 00:19:08.547 --> 00:19:10.015
- That have already been requested,
- 00:19:10.015 --> 00:19:11.583
- But we've ordered more so you can have one as well.
- 00:19:11.583 --> 00:19:14.486
- You can go to allen
- 00:19:14.486 --> 00:19:17.823
- To request yours today.
- 00:19:17.823 --> 00:19:20.492
- It's an easy, resilient, simple way to display on your car,
- 00:19:20.492 --> 00:19:25.264
- Your refrigerator, your staff, kitchen, wherever jesus is lord.
- 00:19:25.264 --> 00:19:29.601
- We're excited to offer it and proclaim jesus's lord.
- 00:19:29.601 --> 00:19:32.904
- Spread god's truth everywhere you go.
- 00:19:32.904 --> 00:19:35.474
- It's an honor to have this time with you.
- 00:19:36.341 --> 00:19:38.043
- It's a privilege to share
- 00:19:38.043 --> 00:19:39.211
- Good news with you on a daily basis.
- 00:19:39.211 --> 00:19:41.747
- Don't forget, there's more reasons for hope than despair.
- 00:19:41.747 --> 00:19:45.150
- God bless you.
- 00:19:45.484 --> 00:19:45.484