Allen Jackson NOW is a lifeline for a struggling and anxious nation. A guiding hand for those who are not ready to give up, and for those who want to find a way past the negativity before things get worse. Americans still have hope, they are searching for the wisdom embedded in a Christian World View.
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Allen Jackson NOW | Allen Jackson: December 18, 2024 | Stakelbeck Tonight | December 18, 2024
- Well.
- 00:00:04.262 --> 00:00:04.963
- Good evening. i'm alan jackson.
- 00:00:04.963 --> 00:00:05.931
- Welcome to nashville.
- 00:00:05.931 --> 00:00:07.499
- Reports say americans have been living
- 00:00:07.499 --> 00:00:09.301
- With the same income they've had since 2020.
- 00:00:09.301 --> 00:00:12.104
- Give or take a percentage point.
- 00:00:12.104 --> 00:00:13.939
- Well, if you add in inflation, it's been hard for many people
- 00:00:13.939 --> 00:00:16.441
- To make ends meet.
- 00:00:16.441 --> 00:00:17.776
- But as i watched the election results roll in,
- 00:00:17.776 --> 00:00:20.312
- I saw everyday citizens, the farmers, the businessmen,
- 00:00:20.312 --> 00:00:23.648
- The people in so many towns across our nation
- 00:00:23.648 --> 00:00:26.218
- Coming together to say, that's enough.
- 00:00:26.218 --> 00:00:28.787
- I'm tired of paying higher prices on food and gas.
- 00:00:28.787 --> 00:00:31.723
- I want leaders with common sense.
- 00:00:31.723 --> 00:00:33.925
- Well, it fills me with a tremendous sense
- 00:00:33.925 --> 00:00:35.760
- Of thankfulness.
- 00:00:35.760 --> 00:00:36.795
- Standing side by side with those americans.
- 00:00:36.795 --> 00:00:39.931
- The election results have provided
- 00:00:39.931 --> 00:00:41.333
- A sense of hope for our nation's financial future.
- 00:00:41.333 --> 00:00:44.002
- And while it'll take a bit for our wallets to feel the changes,
- 00:00:44.002 --> 00:00:47.239
- Knowing that a new team who understands how to drive
- 00:00:47.239 --> 00:00:49.574
- The economy is on
- 00:00:49.574 --> 00:00:50.442
- The way in has already made
- 00:00:50.442 --> 00:00:52.177
- A big difference in consumer confidence.
- 00:00:52.177 --> 00:00:54.713
- Listen to this example of what
- 00:00:54.713 --> 00:00:56.014
- The president elect has accomplished
- 00:00:56.014 --> 00:00:57.883
- Even before he gets back to the white house.
- 00:00:57.883 --> 00:01:00.752
- Today, i am
- 00:01:01.086 --> 00:01:02.420
- Thrilled to announce that softbank will be investing
- 00:01:02.420 --> 00:01:06.525
- $100 billion in america, creating
- 00:01:06.525 --> 00:01:09.794
- 100,000 american jobs at a minimum.
- 00:01:09.794 --> 00:01:13.798
- And he's doing this because he feels very optimistic
- 00:01:13.798 --> 00:01:16.935
- About our country since the election.
- 00:01:16.935 --> 00:01:19.971
- And many other people
- 00:01:19.971 --> 00:01:21.072
- Are also coming in with tremendous amounts of money.
- 00:01:21.072 --> 00:01:24.609
- A $100 billion investment is huge.
- 00:01:24.609 --> 00:01:27.679
- But it shouldn't
- 00:01:27.679 --> 00:01:28.647
- Come as a surprise, given that donald trump
- 00:01:28.647 --> 00:01:30.315
- Spent his life in the business world.
- 00:01:30.315 --> 00:01:32.317
- And now he's got two of the most successful entrepreneurs
- 00:01:32.317 --> 00:01:35.153
- Of this decade at his side.
- 00:01:35.153 --> 00:01:37.088
- Elon musk and vivek ramaswamy, business owners in the wall
- 00:01:37.088 --> 00:01:40.692
- Street money managers do best when they see a steady
- 00:01:40.692 --> 00:01:43.428
- Hand on the wheel
- 00:01:43.428 --> 00:01:44.763
- And their confidence translates into more jobs,
- 00:01:44.763 --> 00:01:47.299
- A better income, and a more satisfying standard of living.
- 00:01:47.299 --> 00:01:51.136
- But what's important to remember in all of this
- 00:01:51.136 --> 00:01:52.871
- Is that our financial security
- 00:01:52.871 --> 00:01:54.773
- Ultimately doesn't come from governments
- 00:01:54.773 --> 00:01:56.341
- Or politicians or the stock market.
- 00:01:56.341 --> 00:01:58.310
- It may be expressed through those people in places,
- 00:01:58.310 --> 00:02:00.979
- But ultimately our security comes from god.
- 00:02:00.979 --> 00:02:03.748
- God has blessed america in so many ways,
- 00:02:03.748 --> 00:02:06.484
- And our prayer is that he'll continue
- 00:02:06.484 --> 00:02:08.053
- To have mercy on us and bless us again.
- 00:02:08.053 --> 00:02:10.689
- The changes we see and the stability we experience
- 00:02:10.689 --> 00:02:13.558
- Are just because of new policies or leaders.
- 00:02:13.558 --> 00:02:15.927
- They're expressions of god's grace.
- 00:02:15.927 --> 00:02:18.230
- Good leaders need wise counsel.
- 00:02:18.230 --> 00:02:20.432
- And tonight,
- 00:02:20.432 --> 00:02:21.266
- We're fortunate to have one of the men
- 00:02:21.266 --> 00:02:22.500
- Who the president elect gets advice from.
- 00:02:22.500 --> 00:02:25.503
- He's steve moore, the heritage foundation
- 00:02:25.503 --> 00:02:27.739
- Economist and a long time advisor to mr.
- 00:02:27.739 --> 00:02:30.242
- Trump.
- 00:02:30.242 --> 00:02:31.009
- Steve, welcome back to our show.
- 00:02:31.009 --> 00:02:33.545
- Alan, thanks so much for having me.
- 00:02:33.545 --> 00:02:35.247
- Merry christmas.
- 00:02:35.247 --> 00:02:37.282
- Well, merry christmas to you.
- 00:02:37.916 --> 00:02:39.985
- It's hard to know where to start
- 00:02:39.985 --> 00:02:41.653
- Since there's so much to tackle.
- 00:02:41.653 --> 00:02:43.755
- But tell us what has happened already.
- 00:02:43.755 --> 00:02:45.757
- That's being done simply in anticipation
- 00:02:45.757 --> 00:02:47.959
- Of donald trump heading back to the white house.
- 00:02:47.959 --> 00:02:51.263
- Well, alan, i've never seen anything
- 00:02:51.263 --> 00:02:52.764
- Quite like it in my 40 years of covering
- 00:02:52.764 --> 00:02:55.333
- Policy and politics in washington,
- 00:02:55.333 --> 00:02:57.369
- Where a presidential, candidate comes in, wins
- 00:02:57.369 --> 00:03:02.073
- The election, and it's almost as if he's already president.
- 00:03:02.073 --> 00:03:05.610
- You know, he won't be president for another 3 or 4 weeks.
- 00:03:05.610 --> 00:03:08.380
- And yet he's currently taking command of washington.
- 00:03:08.380 --> 00:03:11.683
- You had this amazing announcement
- 00:03:11.683 --> 00:03:13.084
- The other day of a
- 00:03:13.084 --> 00:03:14.286
- $100,000,000,000 billion investment
- 00:03:14.286 --> 00:03:16.955
- By a major japanese company here in the united states.
- 00:03:16.955 --> 00:03:20.825
- And trump
- 00:03:20.825 --> 00:03:22.027
- Was very funny and said, well, can you invest 200 billion?
- 00:03:22.027 --> 00:03:24.696
- So the guy never quits and he is a walking billboard
- 00:03:24.696 --> 00:03:27.966
- For america.
- 00:03:27.966 --> 00:03:29.234
- He did say that there will be many more companies
- 00:03:29.234 --> 00:03:31.569
- That are going to be following
- 00:03:31.569 --> 00:03:33.071
- Suit and investing in the united states.
- 00:03:33.071 --> 00:03:35.173
- You know, you haven't seen joe biden much in the media,
- 00:03:35.173 --> 00:03:37.742
- Have you?
- 00:03:37.742 --> 00:03:38.743
- But you see, donald trump every single hour.
- 00:03:38.743 --> 00:03:41.379
- And he's off to a great start, by the way,
- 00:03:41.379 --> 00:03:43.682
- There is a new donald trump, by the way.
- 00:03:43.682 --> 00:03:45.850
- And i've worked with them, you know, for eight years
- 00:03:45.850 --> 00:03:48.687
- And for him for many of those years.
- 00:03:48.687 --> 00:03:51.189
- And, you know, when he first came in, you know,
- 00:03:51.189 --> 00:03:53.892
- There was a kind of rough patch to trump, but now he's
- 00:03:53.892 --> 00:03:57.395
- There's a good trump.
- 00:03:57.395 --> 00:03:58.563
- It's a it's a, you know, he's he's confident, he's calm.
- 00:03:58.563 --> 00:04:01.900
- He's, he's in command without, you know, acting up.
- 00:04:01.900 --> 00:04:05.904
- And i think that's one of the reasons
- 00:04:05.904 --> 00:04:07.539
- His approval rating is higher today than it's ever been.
- 00:04:07.539 --> 00:04:12.510
- But you said something very interesting
- 00:04:13.311 --> 00:04:14.879
- Recently that caught my attention.
- 00:04:14.879 --> 00:04:16.681
- You said that voters everywhere
- 00:04:16.681 --> 00:04:18.283
- Here and abroad are going to demand common sense trump
- 00:04:18.283 --> 00:04:22.053
- Like policies in their own countries.
- 00:04:22.053 --> 00:04:24.389
- The next line was even better.
- 00:04:24.389 --> 00:04:26.091
- You said, and i quote,
- 00:04:26.091 --> 00:04:27.625
- I wouldn't want to be russian president vladimir putin
- 00:04:27.625 --> 00:04:30.095
- Or chinese president xi jinping or french president
- 00:04:30.095 --> 00:04:33.365
- Emmanuel macron or canadian prime minister justin trudeau.
- 00:04:33.365 --> 00:04:36.301
- Right now, the trump ends are coming for you.
- 00:04:36.301 --> 00:04:40.071
- Can you explain that a little further?
- 00:04:40.071 --> 00:04:42.774
- Yeah, well thank you.
- 00:04:42.774 --> 00:04:43.808
- I had fun with that column and i really meant it.
- 00:04:43.808 --> 00:04:46.144
- I mean, i think that trump isn't
- 00:04:46.144 --> 00:04:47.645
- Just popular here in the united states.
- 00:04:47.645 --> 00:04:49.180
- He's happy.
- 00:04:49.180 --> 00:04:50.215
- He's popular all over the world, especially with,
- 00:04:50.215 --> 00:04:52.784
- You know, working class people, who
- 00:04:52.784 --> 00:04:55.220
- Who want to see hope in their life
- 00:04:55.220 --> 00:04:56.755
- And want to be listened to when don't want to be ignored
- 00:04:56.755 --> 00:04:59.190
- By the elite and out of touch and arrogant politicians.
- 00:04:59.190 --> 00:05:03.361
- And so, what i've said in my that article that you're,
- 00:05:03.361 --> 00:05:07.365
- Quoting from
- 00:05:07.365 --> 00:05:08.800
- Is that i think you're going
- 00:05:08.800 --> 00:05:09.968
- To see a trumpian revolution all over the world, where
- 00:05:09.968 --> 00:05:13.671
- In, britain and germany and france and russia
- 00:05:13.671 --> 00:05:17.409
- And many of the south american companies in korea,
- 00:05:17.409 --> 00:05:20.912
- I think you're going to see people just say,
- 00:05:20.912 --> 00:05:22.447
- Well, fed up with these people, they they're the governed
- 00:05:22.447 --> 00:05:26.217
- Are revolting against the governors.
- 00:05:26.217 --> 00:05:28.720
- And i think you're going to see, trump
- 00:05:28.720 --> 00:05:31.222
- Type candidates all over the world.
- 00:05:31.222 --> 00:05:33.091
- You know, it's interesting.
- 00:05:33.091 --> 00:05:34.058
- I don't know if you've been following it all
- 00:05:34.058 --> 00:05:35.460
- On what's happening in argentina,
- 00:05:35.460 --> 00:05:37.262
- But argentina is elected a free market
- 00:05:37.262 --> 00:05:39.297
- Libertarian as their, president.
- 00:05:39.297 --> 00:05:43.034
- He's been in charge now for about a year and a half.
- 00:05:43.034 --> 00:05:44.869
- I'm going to talk about having your malay.
- 00:05:44.869 --> 00:05:47.272
- And he is so popular and he's turning around the economy.
- 00:05:47.272 --> 00:05:50.909
- He's taking a hatchet
- 00:05:50.909 --> 00:05:52.544
- To the to the budget there.
- 00:05:53.144 --> 00:05:55.447
- And he says that he hates big government.
- 00:05:55.447 --> 00:05:57.782
- He hates the state.
- 00:05:57.782 --> 00:05:58.983
- And he's popular in argentina.
- 00:05:58.983 --> 00:06:01.619
- So the two most popular politicians in the world today
- 00:06:01.619 --> 00:06:04.923
- Are donald trump and have your malay.
- 00:06:04.923 --> 00:06:09.828
- Well, and your years in washington
- 00:06:10.595 --> 00:06:12.096
- Dating back to ronald reagan,
- 00:06:12.096 --> 00:06:13.865
- The number of pages of regulations in the federal
- 00:06:13.865 --> 00:06:16.301
- Register has doubled from 50,000 to 100,000.
- 00:06:16.301 --> 00:06:20.505
- Yeah, i remember when recently, the biden white house said
- 00:06:20.505 --> 00:06:23.341
- It was considering some regulations on gas stoves
- 00:06:23.341 --> 00:06:27.011
- That hit a nerve.
- 00:06:27.445 --> 00:06:28.947
- How much of that nonsense
- 00:06:28.947 --> 00:06:30.014
- Is going to go away after trump takes office?
- 00:06:30.014 --> 00:06:33.651
- I think the trump is going to
- 00:06:34.285 --> 00:06:36.754
- Hit the ground running like he's secretariat out of the gate.
- 00:06:36.754 --> 00:06:41.059
- I think he is going to
- 00:06:41.059 --> 00:06:42.460
- At the first few hours when he's president, back in
- 00:06:42.460 --> 00:06:45.497
- The oval office, is going to start
- 00:06:45.497 --> 00:06:47.365
- Signing executive orders that reverse a lot of the crazy
- 00:06:47.365 --> 00:06:50.268
- Things that happened under joe biden.
- 00:06:50.268 --> 00:06:52.704
- If we're going to produce more energy,
- 00:06:52.704 --> 00:06:54.739
- We're going to
- 00:06:54.739 --> 00:06:55.773
- Get rid of a lot of these esg, preferences laws.
- 00:06:55.773 --> 00:06:59.444
- We're going to, as you just said, repeal
- 00:06:59.444 --> 00:07:03.147
- The idea that, you know, you have to buy the car
- 00:07:03.147 --> 00:07:07.452
- The government wants you to buy.
- 00:07:07.452 --> 00:07:08.953
- So these ev mandates, i think, are going to be eliminated.
- 00:07:08.953 --> 00:07:12.290
- People are sick of the government
- 00:07:12.290 --> 00:07:13.591
- Telling them what they can do.
- 00:07:13.591 --> 00:07:17.228
- Well, let's take a short break.
- 00:07:17.862 --> 00:07:19.531
- We'll have plenty of more time with steve moore
- 00:07:19.531 --> 00:07:22.100
- As soon as we come back.
- 00:07:22.100 --> 00:07:23.868
- You can join this conversation with an email if you like.
- 00:07:23.868 --> 00:07:26.671
- We read them all and we read many of them on the air.
- 00:07:26.671 --> 00:07:29.240
- We truly welcome your thoughts.
- 00:07:29.240 --> 00:07:31.442
- We'll be right back.
- 00:07:31.442 --> 00:07:37.009
- We'll be right back.
- 00:07:37.009 --> 00:07:38.994
- We're back now with steve moore.
- 00:07:39.628 --> 00:07:41.330
- And we're talking about all things economic.
- 00:07:41.330 --> 00:07:44.333
- Here's something that most people don't understand.
- 00:07:44.333 --> 00:07:46.769
- How much of the economy can trump actually influence
- 00:07:46.769 --> 00:07:49.972
- Even with the republican congress.
- 00:07:49.972 --> 00:07:51.941
- And is it enough to turn things around for the better?
- 00:07:51.941 --> 00:07:56.712
- Well, that's a good question, alan.
- 00:07:57.513 --> 00:07:59.214
- And i wish i could tell you
- 00:07:59.214 --> 00:08:00.416
- That republicans are going to be the savior.
- 00:08:00.416 --> 00:08:02.751
- But, you know,
- 00:08:02.751 --> 00:08:03.819
- I've lived through many republican presidential,
- 00:08:03.819 --> 00:08:05.888
- Republican congresses.
- 00:08:05.888 --> 00:08:07.089
- And, you know,
- 00:08:07.089 --> 00:08:07.823
- I hate to tell you this,
- 00:08:07.823 --> 00:08:08.891
- But republicans sometimes are just as spendthrift
- 00:08:08.891 --> 00:08:11.660
- And eager to spend your money as the democrats are.
- 00:08:11.660 --> 00:08:14.830
- So i can't sit here in good conscience and tell you,
- 00:08:14.830 --> 00:08:18.634
- Oh, everything's going to be fine now
- 00:08:18.634 --> 00:08:20.035
- That republicans are in charge. i think you need leadership.
- 00:08:20.035 --> 00:08:22.905
- Trump is going to have to really lead, lead, lead
- 00:08:22.905 --> 00:08:25.674
- And push these republicans
- 00:08:25.674 --> 00:08:27.443
- Because, look, politicians love to play santa claus, right?
- 00:08:27.443 --> 00:08:29.945
- Especially this time of year.
- 00:08:29.945 --> 00:08:31.280
- They love to pass out the goodies.
- 00:08:31.280 --> 00:08:33.015
- And it's, of course, our money.
- 00:08:33.015 --> 00:08:34.416
- You're my money.
- 00:08:34.416 --> 00:08:35.317
- And all the people watching this show.
- 00:08:35.317 --> 00:08:36.952
- They spent our money and they're so generous with it out there.
- 00:08:36.952 --> 00:08:39.788
- And so that's what's caused our $37 trillion national debt.
- 00:08:39.788 --> 00:08:43.792
- And yes,
- 00:08:44.059 --> 00:08:45.227
- I think joe biden was incredibly financially responsible.
- 00:08:45.227 --> 00:08:48.230
- But the republicans love to spend money, too.
- 00:08:48.230 --> 00:08:50.633
- So, you know, trump's going to have a tough time
- 00:08:50.633 --> 00:08:53.002
- Convincing people to cut spending.
- 00:08:53.002 --> 00:08:55.971
- But but, but i think this idea of this, lowes,
- 00:08:55.971 --> 00:09:00.876
- Those the department of government efficiency
- 00:09:00.876 --> 00:09:04.780
- That's now being run by, people like vivek ramaswamy
- 00:09:04.780 --> 00:09:08.651
- And people like, you know, the, founder of,
- 00:09:08.651 --> 00:09:13.122
- Of, of tesla and, elon musk.
- 00:09:13.122 --> 00:09:17.059
- It's going to be fantastic.
- 00:09:17.059 --> 00:09:18.127
- They're going to be able to find hundreds
- 00:09:18.127 --> 00:09:19.795
- Of billions of dollars of savings.
- 00:09:19.795 --> 00:09:21.363
- I mean, my god,
- 00:09:21.363 --> 00:09:22.131
- We have programs
- 00:09:22.131 --> 00:09:23.399
- That nobody even knows what they do, for goodness sake.
- 00:09:23.399 --> 00:09:26.635
- Yeah, we got programs that date back to before world war one.
- 00:09:26.635 --> 00:09:29.605
- We keep spending money on these things nobody wants.
- 00:09:29.605 --> 00:09:32.007
- Nobody knows what they do, why they're necessary.
- 00:09:32.007 --> 00:09:34.376
- You got 56 different job training programs.
- 00:09:34.376 --> 00:09:38.180
- I mean, none of this makes any sense.
- 00:09:38.180 --> 00:09:39.948
- You've got only 10% of the federal workers
- 00:09:39.948 --> 00:09:42.418
- Working, 40 hours a week in the office.
- 00:09:42.418 --> 00:09:45.020
- I mean, there's so much bureaucracy, a blob,
- 00:09:45.020 --> 00:09:47.990
- And there's so much, fraud in the payments.
- 00:09:47.990 --> 00:09:50.826
- Hundreds of billions of dollars in fraudulent payments,
- 00:09:50.826 --> 00:09:53.629
- Hundreds of billions.
- 00:09:53.629 --> 00:09:54.730
- I said billions, not millions.
- 00:09:54.730 --> 00:09:56.498
- I mean, we're spending money like it's candy in washington.
- 00:09:56.498 --> 00:10:00.936
- You know, trump's adversaries
- 00:10:01.570 --> 00:10:03.272
- Tried to diminish his support by spreading a lot of fear,
- 00:10:03.272 --> 00:10:06.575
- As far as you know, or social security and medicare safe.
- 00:10:06.575 --> 00:10:10.412
- Oh, we're not going to cut social security benefits.
- 00:10:11.480 --> 00:10:13.582
- We're not going to cut medicare benefits. no way.
- 00:10:13.582 --> 00:10:15.784
- But, you know, the seniors paid into those programs.
- 00:10:15.784 --> 00:10:18.287
- Now, that's not to say we're going to,
- 00:10:18.287 --> 00:10:20.155
- But we can't save money from medicare
- 00:10:20.155 --> 00:10:21.857
- Or social security to get rid of the fraud.
- 00:10:21.857 --> 00:10:23.892
- You know, a lot of the checks go to people.
- 00:10:23.892 --> 00:10:25.894
- They don't even
- 00:10:25.894 --> 00:10:26.929
- Live in the united states, for goodness sakes.
- 00:10:26.929 --> 00:10:28.030
- They've got a fake social security number
- 00:10:28.030 --> 00:10:30.132
- Or they've, you know, figured out the system
- 00:10:30.132 --> 00:10:33.102
- And how to, you know,
- 00:10:33.102 --> 00:10:34.770
- To get into the computers and have checks sent to them.
- 00:10:34.770 --> 00:10:37.606
- We've got to track these people down.
- 00:10:37.606 --> 00:10:39.074
- As i said, it's hundreds and hundreds of billions of dollars
- 00:10:39.074 --> 00:10:42.611
- That is being wasted or fraudulently spent.
- 00:10:42.611 --> 00:10:46.048
- And we got to chase those people down
- 00:10:46.048 --> 00:10:47.683
- And put them in jail and get the money back.
- 00:10:47.683 --> 00:10:51.220
- Well, i think almost everyone agrees that government spending
- 00:10:52.421 --> 00:10:54.890
- Needs to be cut back
- 00:10:54.890 --> 00:10:56.358
- And that those who work for the government
- 00:10:56.358 --> 00:10:57.626
- Need to get back to the office.
- 00:10:57.626 --> 00:10:58.994
- Now that the days of covid are long, since all right,
- 00:10:58.994 --> 00:11:02.030
- The speaker of the house is on the case.
- 00:11:02.030 --> 00:11:04.166
- Listen to some of his reasoning.
- 00:11:04.166 --> 00:11:06.769
- Someone did a little survey of how many federal employees
- 00:11:06.769 --> 00:11:09.605
- Are actually working in the office.
- 00:11:09.605 --> 00:11:11.774
- By one estimate, it may be about 1%.
- 00:11:11.774 --> 00:11:14.309
- If you don't count the security personnel
- 00:11:14.309 --> 00:11:16.145
- That are covering these buildings.
- 00:11:16.145 --> 00:11:17.613
- That is absurd. and it's not something
- 00:11:17.613 --> 00:11:19.982
- The american people would stand for.
- 00:11:19.982 --> 00:11:24.386
- Steve, does anyone know
- 00:11:24.887 --> 00:11:26.421
- How many billions of dollars those empty buildings
- 00:11:26.421 --> 00:11:28.524
- Have cost to keep it open all these years?
- 00:11:28.524 --> 00:11:31.426
- Yeah, well, especially since covid,
- 00:11:31.426 --> 00:11:33.662
- A lot of the workers didn't show up during covid,
- 00:11:33.662 --> 00:11:35.497
- And they haven't gone back, and yet we're paying them.
- 00:11:35.497 --> 00:11:37.833
- You know,
- 00:11:37.833 --> 00:11:38.867
- Those federal employees are very well paid, too,
- 00:11:38.867 --> 00:11:40.102
- With the benefits, they get $200,000 a year in many cases.
- 00:11:40.102 --> 00:11:43.472
- And a lot of them,
- 00:11:43.472 --> 00:11:44.740
- You know,
- 00:11:44.740 --> 00:11:45.674
- They since they're not showing up for work
- 00:11:45.674 --> 00:11:47.342
- At the federal government, they're costing that paycheck.
- 00:11:47.342 --> 00:11:49.578
- But then they have a second job, you know,
- 00:11:49.578 --> 00:11:51.680
- Because they don't have to be at the federal office.
- 00:11:51.680 --> 00:11:53.782
- So it is a great, squandering
- 00:11:53.782 --> 00:11:56.718
- Of, of the taxpayer money.
- 00:11:56.718 --> 00:11:59.721
- And we can save a lot of money on that.
- 00:11:59.721 --> 00:12:01.223
- By the way, if they're not coming into the
- 00:12:01.223 --> 00:12:02.591
- Office buildings, why don't we sell them?
- 00:12:02.591 --> 00:12:04.159
- Why don't we sell the office buildings and get some money?
- 00:12:04.159 --> 00:12:08.363
- That makes too much sense.
- 00:12:08.931 --> 00:12:11.200
- Mr. trump has talked a lot about creating incentives
- 00:12:11.200 --> 00:12:13.769
- For american companies to bring their plants back to the u.s..
- 00:12:13.769 --> 00:12:17.172
- I assume that's a good thing,
- 00:12:17.172 --> 00:12:18.774
- But how long will it take to make a difference?
- 00:12:18.774 --> 00:12:21.109
- Can you give us an example if you can.
- 00:12:21.109 --> 00:12:24.580
- So the government doesn't need to provide incentives?
- 00:12:24.580 --> 00:12:27.616
- It just has to stop providing disincentives for companies
- 00:12:27.616 --> 00:12:31.787
- To locate here.
- 00:12:31.787 --> 00:12:32.621
- In other words, trump
- 00:12:32.621 --> 00:12:33.322
- Had it exactly right
- 00:12:33.322 --> 00:12:34.323
- When he gave his press conference last week
- 00:12:34.323 --> 00:12:35.924
- And he said, look, we're going to cut taxes.
- 00:12:35.924 --> 00:12:38.427
- That incentives
- 00:12:38.427 --> 00:12:39.661
- Those companies and factories to move back to the states.
- 00:12:39.661 --> 00:12:42.231
- We're going to reduce regulations.
- 00:12:42.231 --> 00:12:44.099
- That helps bring companies back.
- 00:12:44.099 --> 00:12:45.934
- We're going to reduce our energy costs.
- 00:12:45.934 --> 00:12:47.936
- That, you know, brings companies back.
- 00:12:47.936 --> 00:12:49.938
- All of these things have very profound positive incentives
- 00:12:49.938 --> 00:12:53.976
- For companies to relocate in ohio
- 00:12:53.976 --> 00:12:56.912
- And pennsylvania and missouri and iowa
- 00:12:56.912 --> 00:12:59.114
- And california and maine,
- 00:12:59.114 --> 00:13:00.549
- Not in, you know, mexico and not in, you know,
- 00:13:00.549 --> 00:13:03.418
- The caribbean islands and not in africa.
- 00:13:03.418 --> 00:13:06.088
- So we want to have as many jobs produced in the united states
- 00:13:06.088 --> 00:13:10.058
- As possible that helps build up the wages,
- 00:13:10.058 --> 00:13:12.628
- And it makes all americans better off.
- 00:13:12.628 --> 00:13:14.596
- Now, trump did say, look, he's
- 00:13:14.596 --> 00:13:15.898
- Going to give a tax break for companies that,
- 00:13:15.898 --> 00:13:18.600
- You know, create jobs in the united states.
- 00:13:18.600 --> 00:13:20.669
- But if it's going to be
- 00:13:20.669 --> 00:13:21.737
- A product that's imported in the united states,
- 00:13:21.737 --> 00:13:23.906
- We're going to put a little tax on that.
- 00:13:23.906 --> 00:13:25.674
- And, you know, i'm not i'm a free trade guy.
- 00:13:25.674 --> 00:13:27.809
- I believe it's important that we have free trade.
- 00:13:27.809 --> 00:13:30.012
- But why do we disincentivize our own products?
- 00:13:30.012 --> 00:13:32.781
- No other country in the world does that.
- 00:13:32.781 --> 00:13:36.485
- Well, it sounds like common sense. you.
- 00:13:37.286 --> 00:13:39.154
- I'm not an economist,
- 00:13:39.154 --> 00:13:40.188
- But you're creating an environment
- 00:13:40.188 --> 00:13:41.924
- Where it's making much more sense
- 00:13:41.924 --> 00:13:43.258
- For companies to do business in the states than elsewhere.
- 00:13:43.258 --> 00:13:46.495
- Yeah.
- 00:13:46.728 --> 00:13:47.829
- I mean, by the way, donald trump, so interesting.
- 00:13:47.829 --> 00:13:49.331
- You use the term common sense because that really is
- 00:13:49.331 --> 00:13:52.701
- Is fits, donald trump, to a tee.
- 00:13:52.701 --> 00:13:56.471
- I mean, donald trump is not especially ideological.
- 00:13:56.471 --> 00:13:59.107
- I mean, i'm,
- 00:13:59.107 --> 00:13:59.975
- I'm, very fortunate that i've worked
- 00:13:59.975 --> 00:14:02.010
- For two of our greatest modern day presidents, ronald reagan
- 00:14:02.010 --> 00:14:05.380
- And donald trump.
- 00:14:05.380 --> 00:14:06.214
- Reagan was ideologically conservative,
- 00:14:06.214 --> 00:14:08.083
- And i love ronald reagan.
- 00:14:08.083 --> 00:14:09.017
- I think he belongs on mount rushmore
- 00:14:09.017 --> 00:14:10.452
- For what he did or for our country.
- 00:14:10.452 --> 00:14:12.187
- But trump is not an ideological conservative,
- 00:14:12.187 --> 00:14:15.424
- But he is a common sense businessman,
- 00:14:15.424 --> 00:14:17.893
- And he knows how to create jobs.
- 00:14:17.893 --> 00:14:19.261
- He knows how to, made a payroll.
- 00:14:19.261 --> 00:14:21.263
- He knows how to get rid of waste.
- 00:14:21.263 --> 00:14:23.265
- I mean, if you've got waste
- 00:14:23.265 --> 00:14:24.266
- In a private business, it goes out of business.
- 00:14:24.266 --> 00:14:26.568
- So he's a no nonsense guy.
- 00:14:26.568 --> 00:14:28.971
- He's going to do the things that do put america first.
- 00:14:28.971 --> 00:14:32.107
- I think we're going to make america great again.
- 00:14:32.107 --> 00:14:34.009
- I think we're going to,
- 00:14:34.009 --> 00:14:35.310
- See a draining of the swamp in washington.
- 00:14:35.310 --> 00:14:38.347
- At least i hope there is,
- 00:14:38.347 --> 00:14:39.781
- Because we want to send power out to the people.
- 00:14:39.781 --> 00:14:42.351
- You know, that's the point of the
- 00:14:42.351 --> 00:14:43.485
- We started this conversation.
- 00:14:43.485 --> 00:14:45.020
- We were talking about trumpism going national.
- 00:14:45.020 --> 00:14:47.189
- I mean, international
- 00:14:47.189 --> 00:14:48.290
- Is a power of the people up to the people.
- 00:14:48.290 --> 00:14:51.827
- It is a populist movement,
- 00:14:51.827 --> 00:14:54.529
- To take out politicians
- 00:14:54.529 --> 00:14:57.799
- Who are not listening to what the people are saying.
- 00:14:57.799 --> 00:15:00.669
- You see what i'm saying?
- 00:15:00.669 --> 00:15:01.570
- All the politicians become so arrogant
- 00:15:01.570 --> 00:15:04.673
- That they don't even listen to the voters anymore.
- 00:15:04.673 --> 00:15:08.844
- Well, before we go,
- 00:15:09.311 --> 00:15:10.445
- I remember when trump was in office
- 00:15:10.445 --> 00:15:11.847
- The last time
- 00:15:11.847 --> 00:15:13.081
- He pushed the europeans to pay their agreed to share for nato.
- 00:15:13.081 --> 00:15:16.685
- You don't seem to miss a trick
- 00:15:16.685 --> 00:15:18.286
- That he's got jeff bezos and zuckerberg and others
- 00:15:18.286 --> 00:15:21.356
- Helping to pay for the inauguration
- 00:15:21.356 --> 00:15:23.692
- $1 million each, which i know it's like me
- 00:15:23.692 --> 00:15:25.761
- Picking up the check for lunch, but it's a good sign.
- 00:15:25.761 --> 00:15:28.897
- What are they up to with this sudden
- 00:15:28.897 --> 00:15:30.365
- Need to fly their jets to mar-a-lago now?
- 00:15:30.365 --> 00:15:32.634
- Does trump see it?
- 00:15:32.634 --> 00:15:34.369
- Yeah, it's an amazing i mean, eight years ago
- 00:15:34.369 --> 00:15:36.538
- A lot of these people hated donald trump.
- 00:15:36.538 --> 00:15:38.573
- And they couldn't believe that he was president.
- 00:15:38.573 --> 00:15:40.342
- And they spent the whole four years
- 00:15:40.342 --> 00:15:41.810
- Trying to get him out of the white house
- 00:15:41.810 --> 00:15:43.078
- On bogus, charges that we know were fraudulent.
- 00:15:43.078 --> 00:15:46.882
- Now they seem to love trump, and they see him
- 00:15:46.882 --> 00:15:50.285
- As a kind of economic savior.
- 00:15:50.285 --> 00:15:51.720
- And maybe it took four years of the economic,
- 00:15:51.720 --> 00:15:54.456
- Craziness of joe biden for people to realize, hey,
- 00:15:54.456 --> 00:15:57.926
- We need somebody like trump back.
- 00:15:57.926 --> 00:15:59.428
- So i never thought i'd see the day where you have,
- 00:15:59.428 --> 00:16:02.597
- Jeff bezos and zuckerberg
- 00:16:02.597 --> 00:16:05.400
- Don't each donating $1 million to trump's inauguration.
- 00:16:05.400 --> 00:16:09.004
- I think it's a wonderful thing,
- 00:16:09.004 --> 00:16:10.539
- But it shows that what these businessmen and women
- 00:16:10.539 --> 00:16:13.942
- Are seeing is that trump is pro-business,
- 00:16:13.942 --> 00:16:17.179
- He's pro-american worker, and he's pro-america.
- 00:16:17.179 --> 00:16:19.581
- And that's that's what a president should
- 00:16:19.581 --> 00:16:21.283
- Do, is trump saying
- 00:16:21.283 --> 00:16:22.517
- Every country
- 00:16:22.517 --> 00:16:23.185
- Should put their own, every,
- 00:16:23.185 --> 00:16:24.886
- Leader should put their own country first.
- 00:16:24.886 --> 00:16:27.189
- Trump does it. and that's what every leader should do.
- 00:16:27.189 --> 00:16:31.827
- Well, steve
- 00:16:32.160 --> 00:16:32.961
- Moore, thank you for your time today.
- 00:16:32.961 --> 00:16:35.630
- So good to be with you ella.
- 00:16:35.630 --> 00:16:37.365
- Happy holidays.
- 00:16:37.365 --> 00:16:38.467
- Merry christmas.
- 00:16:38.467 --> 00:16:39.301
- Happy new year everyone. thank you.
- 00:16:39.301 --> 00:16:41.837
- I hope you come back in january
- 00:16:41.837 --> 00:16:43.138
- When the trump white house relaunches.
- 00:16:43.138 --> 00:16:46.174
- Thank you.
- 00:16:46.174 --> 00:16:47.642
- Yeah, i'd love to i.
- 00:16:47.642 --> 00:16:48.810
- Would love i'll have some hopeful thoughts of my own.
- 00:16:48.810 --> 00:16:56.012
- Would love i'll have some hopeful thoughts of my own.
- 00:16:56.012 --> 00:16:58.121
- As the next administration determines
- 00:16:58.921 --> 00:17:00.590
- The best way to get our nation's financial house in order,
- 00:17:00.590 --> 00:17:03.993
- I thought it would be helpful to share with you
- 00:17:03.993 --> 00:17:05.761
- This tip on how to get your financial house in order.
- 00:17:05.761 --> 00:17:09.532
- You need to distinguish between wants and needs.
- 00:17:09.532 --> 00:17:12.768
- Our vocabulary or the concept of need is broken.
- 00:17:12.768 --> 00:17:16.305
- We live in a society
- 00:17:16.305 --> 00:17:17.340
- Where there are multi-trillion dollar industries
- 00:17:17.340 --> 00:17:19.775
- Whose primary goal is to make you dissatisfied.
- 00:17:19.775 --> 00:17:22.979
- To convince you that the label on your clothing,
- 00:17:22.979 --> 00:17:24.947
- The label on your car,
- 00:17:24.947 --> 00:17:26.415
- Or the label on something your children have
- 00:17:26.415 --> 00:17:28.417
- Is what defines your value or your self-worth.
- 00:17:28.417 --> 00:17:31.687
- Well, i want to share a biblical perspective.
- 00:17:31.687 --> 00:17:33.389
- It's first timothy six six
- 00:17:33.389 --> 00:17:35.124
- Says godliness with contentment is great gain.
- 00:17:35.124 --> 00:17:38.694
- One of the things in my life that helped me
- 00:17:38.694 --> 00:17:40.696
- Get a little bit of handle on this idea of need
- 00:17:40.696 --> 00:17:43.866
- Was when my brother and i studied at hebrew university
- 00:17:43.866 --> 00:17:46.435
- In jerusalem.
- 00:17:46.435 --> 00:17:47.703
- We were allowed to bring
- 00:17:47.703 --> 00:17:48.771
- Two duffel bags that contained
- 00:17:48.771 --> 00:17:50.306
- Everything we needed for that year of school.
- 00:17:50.306 --> 00:17:52.742
- It was our linens, our towels, our clothes, our books, our
- 00:17:52.742 --> 00:17:55.444
- Cooking utensils, whatever we were going to need.
- 00:17:55.444 --> 00:17:58.481
- It all had to fit into those two duffel bags.
- 00:17:58.481 --> 00:18:01.450
- Well, that exercise reshaped how i understood what was
- 00:18:01.450 --> 00:18:04.387
- Essential and what wasn't.
- 00:18:04.387 --> 00:18:06.355
- As we head into the new year,
- 00:18:06.989 --> 00:18:08.324
- I want to suggest that
- 00:18:08.324 --> 00:18:09.292
- You simply ask the holy spirit to help you,
- 00:18:09.292 --> 00:18:11.694
- To give you wisdom, to make the right choices
- 00:18:11.694 --> 00:18:13.829
- So that you can get your financial house in order.
- 00:18:13.829 --> 00:18:17.333
- It makes all the difference in the world.
- 00:18:17.333 --> 00:18:18.935
- Stand in the yard.
- 00:18:18.935 --> 00:18:19.769
- Declare your neighbors the winner.
- 00:18:19.769 --> 00:18:21.470
- They win.
- 00:18:21.470 --> 00:18:22.305
- I'm keeping up with the neighbors game.
- 00:18:22.305 --> 00:18:24.607
- If you do, you'll find a whole lot of new peace.
- 00:18:24.607 --> 00:18:26.876
- And in that, there's more reasons for hope than despair.
- 00:18:26.876 --> 00:18:30.479
- I promise.
- 00:18:30.780 --> 00:18:31.981
- When we return, i'm going to read some of your emails.
- 00:18:31.981 --> 00:18:40.014
- When we return, i'm going to read some of your emails.
- 00:18:40.014 --> 00:18:42.192
- Thank you for taking the time to send your emails to us.
- 00:18:43.327 --> 00:18:46.430
- Your thoughts and perspectives matter a great deal.
- 00:18:46.430 --> 00:18:49.866
- Sarah from michigan wrote, merry christmas, where i work.
- 00:18:49.866 --> 00:18:52.769
- They really push,
- 00:18:52.769 --> 00:18:54.037
- Wanting us to say happy holidays to be more inclusive.
- 00:18:54.037 --> 00:18:57.341
- But i'll continue to say merry christmas.
- 00:18:57.341 --> 00:18:59.076
- He is the reason for the season.
- 00:18:59.076 --> 00:19:01.245
- Well, sarah, i agree.
- 00:19:01.245 --> 00:19:02.980
- Whenever i have
- 00:19:02.980 --> 00:19:03.847
- The opportunity,
- 00:19:03.847 --> 00:19:04.681
- Particularly this time of the year,
- 00:19:04.681 --> 00:19:05.983
- I think merry christmas is a wonderful greeting.
- 00:19:05.983 --> 00:19:08.885
- And finally, david from oregon says,
- 00:19:08.885 --> 00:19:10.387
- Why is biden selling off all the stored
- 00:19:10.387 --> 00:19:12.456
- Mexican wall construction materials for on the dollar,
- 00:19:12.456 --> 00:19:15.659
- Which was purchased in the trump administration?
- 00:19:15.659 --> 00:19:18.495
- Well, that's a good question, but i think we know
- 00:19:18.495 --> 00:19:20.631
- They've lacked the intent to secure the border.
- 00:19:20.631 --> 00:19:23.166
- There's a new administration coming,
- 00:19:23.166 --> 00:19:24.601
- And i pray they have a new intent.
- 00:19:24.601 --> 00:19:26.637
- It'll be better for all of us.
- 00:19:26.637 --> 00:19:28.905
- Make sure to send your
- 00:19:29.373 --> 00:19:30.340
- Emails to comments at alan jackson
- 00:19:30.340 --> 00:19:33.443
- From all of us here in nashville.
- 00:19:33.443 --> 00:19:35.078
- Thank you for joining us tonight.
- 00:19:35.078 --> 00:19:36.780
- We pray you have a wonderful evening.
- 00:19:36.780 --> 00:19:36.780