Allen Jackson NOW is a lifeline for a struggling and anxious nation. A guiding hand for those who are not ready to give up, and for those who want to find a way past the negativity before things get worse. Americans still have hope, they are searching for the wisdom embedded in a Christian World View.
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Allen Jackson NOW | Allen Jackson: December 2, 2024 | Allen Jackson Now | December 2, 2024
- Good evening.
- 00:00:03.361 --> 00:00:04.329
- I'm alan jackson and welcome to nashville.
- 00:00:04.329 --> 00:00:06.531
- A year ago joe biden and kamala harris.
- 00:00:06.531 --> 00:00:08.800
- And the democratic leadership
- 00:00:08.800 --> 00:00:10.435
- Was going to ride the post-roe
- 00:00:10.435 --> 00:00:11.903
- Supreme court decision on abortion into the white house.
- 00:00:11.903 --> 00:00:15.240
- They were convinced
- 00:00:15.240 --> 00:00:16.041
- That the court's decision
- 00:00:16.041 --> 00:00:16.875
- In the dobbs case
- 00:00:16.875 --> 00:00:18.009
- Had pushed voters to the point
- 00:00:18.009 --> 00:00:19.478
- Where they would throw republicans out of office.
- 00:00:19.478 --> 00:00:22.614
- What a difference a year makes.
- 00:00:22.614 --> 00:00:24.449
- Our guest tonight has had his eye on this full time
- 00:00:24.449 --> 00:00:27.619
- Ever since then.
- 00:00:27.619 --> 00:00:28.854
- He's the chief legal officer and general counsel of americans
- 00:00:28.854 --> 00:00:31.756
- United for life.
- 00:00:31.756 --> 00:00:33.024
- Steve aden, welcome back to our show.
- 00:00:33.024 --> 00:00:35.660
- Thank you.
- 00:00:35.660 --> 00:00:36.328
- And it's always a pleasure.
- 00:00:36.328 --> 00:00:38.663
- Well, from all the post-election facts and figures,
- 00:00:38.663 --> 00:00:41.600
- It looks as though voters on both sides of the abortion
- 00:00:41.600 --> 00:00:44.302
- Debate figured out that the rhetoric in the public
- 00:00:44.302 --> 00:00:46.471
- Debate didn't match the reality in front of them.
- 00:00:46.471 --> 00:00:49.341
- Donald trump wasn't running on a total abortion ban,
- 00:00:49.341 --> 00:00:52.010
- As they had argued,
- 00:00:52.010 --> 00:00:53.278
- And he was running on what the supreme court
- 00:00:53.278 --> 00:00:54.913
- Had already decided that the laws
- 00:00:54.913 --> 00:00:56.648
- Had been turned back to the states.
- 00:00:56.648 --> 00:00:58.850
- How are the pro-life organizations
- 00:00:58.850 --> 00:01:00.385
- Able to convince voters
- 00:01:00.385 --> 00:01:01.620
- That trump's position was being misrepresented?
- 00:01:01.620 --> 00:01:04.689
- Well, he said it loud and clear to his credit.
- 00:01:05.624 --> 00:01:07.926
- It's a position that he has been firm on.
- 00:01:07.926 --> 00:01:11.463
- It's not the position that we, think
- 00:01:11.463 --> 00:01:15.333
- That a lot of people see it as, we think there are
- 00:01:15.333 --> 00:01:18.537
- There are, sub issues to it and different parts of it.
- 00:01:18.537 --> 00:01:22.307
- For example,
- 00:01:22.307 --> 00:01:23.441
- Let me start with the role of the federal government
- 00:01:23.441 --> 00:01:25.076
- When the president elect said there's no federal
- 00:01:25.076 --> 00:01:28.346
- Role for abortion.
- 00:01:28.346 --> 00:01:30.215
- What he means is that he's not going to sign
- 00:01:30.215 --> 00:01:32.884
- A ban out of congress.
- 00:01:32.884 --> 00:01:34.386
- But there's a lot the government does do
- 00:01:34.386 --> 00:01:37.055
- With respect to abortion, for example, the hyde amendment,
- 00:01:37.055 --> 00:01:40.091
- Which, keeps
- 00:01:40.091 --> 00:01:40.892
- Taxpayer dollars out of the pockets
- 00:01:40.892 --> 00:01:42.394
- Of abortionists and has been there for 50 years.
- 00:01:42.394 --> 00:01:44.930
- There's an important federal role
- 00:01:44.930 --> 00:01:46.932
- For the government to protect and defend the hyde amendment
- 00:01:46.932 --> 00:01:49.868
- Amendment, especially since the biden administration
- 00:01:49.868 --> 00:01:52.671
- Has been trying to recreate a federal right to abortion.
- 00:01:52.671 --> 00:01:57.075
- And many different agencies.
- 00:01:57.075 --> 00:01:58.543
- So when we hear the president elect say that, he is,
- 00:01:58.543 --> 00:02:03.915
- Not going all in for federal,
- 00:02:03.915 --> 00:02:07.586
- Action on abortion.
- 00:02:07.586 --> 00:02:10.655
- What we think he means is that, he's going
- 00:02:10.655 --> 00:02:13.658
- To defend the healthcare rights of conscience and federal law.
- 00:02:13.658 --> 00:02:16.895
- He's going to defend the hyde amendment.
- 00:02:16.895 --> 00:02:18.330
- He's going to keep
- 00:02:18.330 --> 00:02:19.297
- Taxpayer dollars out of the pockets
- 00:02:19.297 --> 00:02:21.199
- Of abortionists, both here and abroad.
- 00:02:21.199 --> 00:02:24.035
- And that's all very important.
- 00:02:24.035 --> 00:02:25.403
- And i think that's why,
- 00:02:25.403 --> 00:02:27.072
- You see, he's chosen, some very good picks,
- 00:02:27.072 --> 00:02:30.375
- For his cabinet members and for his medical,
- 00:02:30.375 --> 00:02:33.578
- Institutional staff.
- 00:02:34.045 --> 00:02:35.714
- We're looking forward to seeing what comes next.
- 00:02:35.714 --> 00:02:38.783
- Well, in terms of your efforts at americans united for life,
- 00:02:38.783 --> 00:02:41.886
- Tell us where you had success
- 00:02:41.886 --> 00:02:43.288
- On the ballot choices at the state level.
- 00:02:43.288 --> 00:02:46.591
- Well, the highlight, of course, was florida, which came in at
- 00:02:46.591 --> 00:02:50.662
- Just under what was needed to change
- 00:02:50.662 --> 00:02:53.932
- Florida's constitution to a pro-abortion constitution.
- 00:02:53.932 --> 00:02:57.669
- They would have needed 60% of voters voting for,
- 00:02:57.669 --> 00:03:02.307
- Abortion on demand, and they got somewhere around 58%.
- 00:03:02.307 --> 00:03:06.645
- That's a good sign.
- 00:03:06.645 --> 00:03:07.879
- They will be back, when they come back.
- 00:03:07.879 --> 00:03:11.182
- We need to be ready.
- 00:03:11.182 --> 00:03:12.217
- The key in florida is principally the hispanic,
- 00:03:12.217 --> 00:03:16.655
- Christian population and especially, the,
- 00:03:16.655 --> 00:03:20.325
- The fast growing, hispanic evangelicals.
- 00:03:21.159 --> 00:03:24.863
- We need to be ready when they come back.
- 00:03:24.863 --> 00:03:27.565
- And, we need to get the word out
- 00:03:27.565 --> 00:03:29.367
- That this is abortion on demand.
- 00:03:29.367 --> 00:03:31.002
- All, all the time,
- 00:03:31.002 --> 00:03:32.337
- Every day, with taxpayer money paying for it.
- 00:03:32.337 --> 00:03:35.240
- I hope and pray that if they come back,
- 00:03:35.240 --> 00:03:38.443
- They get something less than 58%.
- 00:03:38.443 --> 00:03:41.346
- Then they'll go away.
- 00:03:41.346 --> 00:03:42.414
- But we'll have to hit them at least a second time.
- 00:03:42.414 --> 00:03:45.083
- Unfortunate losses in arizona and missouri.
- 00:03:45.083 --> 00:03:48.720
- And, encouraging wins in south dakota, nebraska.
- 00:03:48.720 --> 00:03:54.192
- And as i said, florida.
- 00:03:54.192 --> 00:03:55.727
- So we continue to fight
- 00:03:55.727 --> 00:03:57.696
- In all these states that have a ballot initiative,
- 00:03:57.696 --> 00:03:59.931
- And not all of them do.
- 00:03:59.931 --> 00:04:01.633
- But every time they come up, we're there,
- 00:04:01.633 --> 00:04:03.735
- Trying to marshal people, trying to get them to the polls,
- 00:04:03.735 --> 00:04:07.205
- Trying to get understand that these, pro-abortion initiatives
- 00:04:07.205 --> 00:04:11.476
- Really mean abortion on demand, and they have to be stopped.
- 00:04:11.476 --> 00:04:16.081
- Well, there are battles ahead because seven
- 00:04:16.981 --> 00:04:19.351
- Of the ten pro abortion measures on state ballots passed.
- 00:04:19.351 --> 00:04:22.754
- And now the groups that back them are gearing up to fight
- 00:04:22.754 --> 00:04:25.223
- With the pro-life teams that want to keep
- 00:04:25.223 --> 00:04:26.891
- The existing abortion bans in place.
- 00:04:26.891 --> 00:04:29.394
- Listen to what
- 00:04:29.394 --> 00:04:30.595
- New york's democratic governor is saying about her agenda.
- 00:04:30.595 --> 00:04:33.465
- I can also have my counsel who's
- 00:04:34.099 --> 00:04:35.533
- Been working on this intensely, explain that that
- 00:04:35.533 --> 00:04:39.604
- These are rights are now enshrined in the constitution,
- 00:04:40.672 --> 00:04:43.475
- But i'm also. and i'll let them answer.
- 00:04:43.475 --> 00:04:45.009
- But i'm also concerned about federal regulatory action,
- 00:04:45.009 --> 00:04:49.114
- Like donald trump putting someone who's,
- 00:04:49.948 --> 00:04:53.118
- Anti reproductive freedom in the department of health
- 00:04:53.118 --> 00:04:57.222
- And human services or those agencies
- 00:04:57.222 --> 00:04:59.290
- That would determine whether or not, medication
- 00:04:59.290 --> 00:05:02.260
- Assisted abortion is legal
- 00:05:02.260 --> 00:05:03.995
- Can you tell us how you're prepa
- 00:05:03.995 --> 00:05:08.066
- Well, first of all, we make it loud and clear
- 00:05:08.933 --> 00:05:10.769
- That there is no constitutional right to abortion
- 00:05:10.769 --> 00:05:14.506
- In the us constitution.
- 00:05:14.506 --> 00:05:15.673
- And that's what the dobbs case said.
- 00:05:15.673 --> 00:05:18.243
- It reversed roe versus wade and 50 years
- 00:05:18.243 --> 00:05:21.312
- Of finding a federal right in the constitution to abortion.
- 00:05:21.312 --> 00:05:24.883
- And now it depends on the states,
- 00:05:24.883 --> 00:05:26.484
- As president elect trump said,
- 00:05:26.484 --> 00:05:28.353
- Unfortunately, in new york, they just passed that out and
- 00:05:28.353 --> 00:05:32.190
- They just passed the about ballot initiative in new york.
- 00:05:32.190 --> 00:05:36.060
- And, kathy hochul is probably referring
- 00:05:36.060 --> 00:05:38.163
- To some state created in new york, right to abortion.
- 00:05:38.163 --> 00:05:41.900
- But there are currently 14 states that protect life
- 00:05:41.900 --> 00:05:45.837
- Almost to conception.
- 00:05:45.837 --> 00:05:47.105
- Another four states protect life at some gestational age,
- 00:05:47.105 --> 00:05:50.909
- And those, protections are enforceable.
- 00:05:50.909 --> 00:05:53.645
- Unlike before dobbs, when they weren't enforceable
- 00:05:53.645 --> 00:05:56.915
- Because of the road case.
- 00:05:56.915 --> 00:05:58.383
- So we've got
- 00:05:58.383 --> 00:05:59.651
- A lot of good ground to build on, and we're moving forward.
- 00:05:59.651 --> 00:06:02.587
- The important thing is we have to marshal
- 00:06:02.587 --> 00:06:05.924
- A pro-life army
- 00:06:05.924 --> 00:06:07.559
- In every state
- 00:06:07.559 --> 00:06:08.460
- Where these ballot initiatives come up,
- 00:06:08.460 --> 00:06:10.395
- And in every other state in the country.
- 00:06:10.395 --> 00:06:12.363
- And that's why americans united for life is focused
- 00:06:12.363 --> 00:06:15.733
- Front and center
- 00:06:15.733 --> 00:06:16.835
- On getting people out to the polls, getting them to,
- 00:06:16.835 --> 00:06:20.338
- Their pregnancy centers to support women, in crisis,
- 00:06:20.338 --> 00:06:24.542
- Getting them, in front of abortion centers
- 00:06:24.542 --> 00:06:28.313
- So that women who go seeking abortion, not knowing
- 00:06:28.313 --> 00:06:31.483
- That they have options here from our side,
- 00:06:31.483 --> 00:06:35.620
- And our minister to, those are the keys.
- 00:06:35.620 --> 00:06:38.523
- So the, the way that we win, that's how we've been winning,
- 00:06:38.523 --> 00:06:42.527
- For 50 years.
- 00:06:42.894 --> 00:06:44.128
- That's how row is overturned,
- 00:06:44.128 --> 00:06:45.497
- Because we have a culture of life in the grassroots.
- 00:06:45.497 --> 00:06:49.567
- Most folks don't like abortion.
- 00:06:49.567 --> 00:06:51.769
- They, they're opposed to it.
- 00:06:51.769 --> 00:06:54.539
- And you saw that with, mr.
- 00:06:54.539 --> 00:06:56.107
- Trump's victory.
- 00:06:56.107 --> 00:06:57.475
- You know, even the new york times
- 00:06:57.475 --> 00:06:59.077
- Sounded a retreat shortly after the election and said,
- 00:06:59.077 --> 00:07:01.980
- Look, the abortion issue isn't the
- 00:07:01.980 --> 00:07:03.848
- What isn't what we thought it should be at the polls,
- 00:07:03.848 --> 00:07:07.619
- And we're going to have to find another one.
- 00:07:07.619 --> 00:07:09.320
- That's a huge statement for the new york times,
- 00:07:09.320 --> 00:07:11.489
- But it's a recognition
- 00:07:11.489 --> 00:07:13.391
- That, folks are not voting based on the abortion issue.
- 00:07:13.391 --> 00:07:17.028
- And that's a very good thing for the pro-life movement.
- 00:07:17.028 --> 00:07:20.231
- Amen.
- 00:07:20.231 --> 00:07:21.466
- Well, you alluded to it, but i've always felt it's
- 00:07:21.466 --> 00:07:23.801
- Unfortunate that more people aren't
- 00:07:23.801 --> 00:07:25.370
- Aware of all the great options
- 00:07:25.370 --> 00:07:26.871
- That exist other than an abortion.
- 00:07:26.871 --> 00:07:29.274
- There are so many successful
- 00:07:29.274 --> 00:07:30.508
- Parenting centers, adoption agencies
- 00:07:30.508 --> 00:07:32.877
- There, church groups, benefactors
- 00:07:32.877 --> 00:07:34.479
- Who step up to help avoid abortions.
- 00:07:34.479 --> 00:07:36.748
- Why is it there more discussion or advertising
- 00:07:36.748 --> 00:07:39.450
- Or success just in general on that end of this issue?
- 00:07:39.450 --> 00:07:43.121
- Well, alan, word of mouth gets out
- 00:07:43.888 --> 00:07:45.590
- And that's the main thing, right?
- 00:07:45.590 --> 00:07:47.325
- Because there are 5 to 1 pro-life pregnancy centers
- 00:07:47.325 --> 00:07:51.429
- To every abortion center.
- 00:07:51.429 --> 00:07:52.897
- And those pro-life centers are staffed
- 00:07:52.897 --> 00:07:56.034
- By loving volunteers,
- 00:07:56.034 --> 00:07:57.869
- Whereas of course, the planned parenthood's are staffed
- 00:07:57.869 --> 00:07:59.938
- By, career people who think abortion is a right
- 00:07:59.938 --> 00:08:03.207
- And don't really care about women
- 00:08:03.207 --> 00:08:05.009
- Or about the consequences of abortion.
- 00:08:05.009 --> 00:08:07.278
- So we are getting our message out.
- 00:08:07.278 --> 00:08:08.913
- And that's clear in that respect, that,
- 00:08:08.913 --> 00:08:12.216
- The pregnancy center movement is strong and growing.
- 00:08:12.216 --> 00:08:15.920
- And, that includes in states that have, pro abortion laws,
- 00:08:15.920 --> 00:08:20.892
- Too, as much as, leaders like kathy hochul in new york,
- 00:08:20.892 --> 00:08:25.830
- Want to harass and block pregnancy centers.
- 00:08:25.830 --> 00:08:30.234
- Our side has met that threat,
- 00:08:30.234 --> 00:08:33.171
- With lawyers, in court, and we're winning everywhere.
- 00:08:33.171 --> 00:08:38.076
- And so,
- 00:08:38.309 --> 00:08:39.310
- The future is right, for the right to life.
- 00:08:39.310 --> 00:08:43.748
- And,
- 00:08:43.748 --> 00:08:44.983
- We believe that going forward, god's people will be marshaled.
- 00:08:44.983 --> 00:08:49.354
- They will come together as they did in florida,
- 00:08:49.354 --> 00:08:51.756
- As they did in south dakota, as they did in nebraska.
- 00:08:51.756 --> 00:08:55.226
- And they'll push back on these, and as the abortion issue dies
- 00:08:55.226 --> 00:08:59.397
- Down, as the new york times said, it is, even those states
- 00:08:59.397 --> 00:09:04.068
- Like arizona and missouri, that regrettably
- 00:09:04.068 --> 00:09:06.804
- Made the wrong choice will reconsider it.
- 00:09:06.804 --> 00:09:10.441
- And, they also have a court fight ahead.
- 00:09:10.441 --> 00:09:12.944
- Look, it didn't solve things
- 00:09:12.944 --> 00:09:14.178
- For the entire united states when roe versus wade,
- 00:09:14.178 --> 00:09:17.382
- Came on the books in 1973, it was a 50 year battle
- 00:09:17.382 --> 00:09:21.085
- To get it off the books
- 00:09:21.085 --> 00:09:22.253
- And to restore the right to protect life.
- 00:09:22.253 --> 00:09:25.723
- And that's what states like arizona and missouri have ahead.
- 00:09:25.723 --> 00:09:28.893
- All they've done is bought, battle in court
- 00:09:28.893 --> 00:09:32.697
- As long as it takes a battle at the ballot box,
- 00:09:32.697 --> 00:09:35.433
- A battle for hearts and minds in those states.
- 00:09:35.433 --> 00:09:37.969
- And folks in those states aren't giving up.
- 00:09:37.969 --> 00:09:40.238
- We can't give up for the babies.
- 00:09:40.238 --> 00:09:42.040
- And we won't.
- 00:09:42.040 --> 00:09:43.408
- Amen.
- 00:09:43.408 --> 00:09:44.475
- Well, stay with us.
- 00:09:44.475 --> 00:09:45.576
- And in a moment, we'll be back with more from steve.
- 00:09:45.576 --> 00:09:47.679
- Aiden, the chief legal officer of americans united for life.
- 00:09:47.679 --> 00:09:58.003
- Aiden, the chief legal officer of americans united for life.
- 00:09:58.003 --> 00:09:59.891
- We're back now with steve.
- 00:10:00.458 --> 00:10:01.759
- Aiden, the general counsel of americans united for life.
- 00:10:01.759 --> 00:10:04.896
- You know, steve, when this abortion discussion begins,
- 00:10:05.963 --> 00:10:09.500
- It's been common for a long season
- 00:10:09.500 --> 00:10:11.369
- Now, for decades now, that it begins with legal perspectives.
- 00:10:11.369 --> 00:10:14.806
- But it seems to me that that approach misses
- 00:10:14.806 --> 00:10:16.841
- The fundamental issue.
- 00:10:16.841 --> 00:10:18.342
- This is really a worldview discussion that is rooted
- 00:10:18.342 --> 00:10:21.579
- In the sanctity of human life, and how we understand that
- 00:10:21.579 --> 00:10:25.349
- If we get that piece right, the legal discussion
- 00:10:25.349 --> 00:10:27.585
- Gets really simple.
- 00:10:27.585 --> 00:10:28.920
- In my understanding that correctly.
- 00:10:28.920 --> 00:10:31.489
- Oh, absolutely.
- 00:10:31.489 --> 00:10:32.523
- Ireland depends on whether you believe in know
- 00:10:32.523 --> 00:10:35.326
- That were created in the image of a loving heavenly father.
- 00:10:35.326 --> 00:10:37.729
- Or if you think that,
- 00:10:37.729 --> 00:10:39.230
- Were the product of evolutionary change over time
- 00:10:39.230 --> 00:10:42.734
- And that life is inherently meaningless.
- 00:10:42.734 --> 00:10:44.836
- That's the great divide.
- 00:10:44.836 --> 00:10:46.904
- And, persons of faith like us understand that.
- 00:10:46.904 --> 00:10:51.676
- I, am proud to acknowledge my creator and my savior.
- 00:10:51.676 --> 00:10:55.079
- And that's why i do what i do.
- 00:10:55.079 --> 00:10:56.547
- And i know that's why you do what you do to.
- 00:10:56.547 --> 00:10:59.717
- You know, it's not as complicated as we've made it.
- 00:10:59.717 --> 00:11:02.520
- I think the root of this
- 00:11:02.520 --> 00:11:03.788
- Is it acceptable to in the life of a child?
- 00:11:03.788 --> 00:11:07.592
- I mean, that's what we're really grappling with.
- 00:11:07.592 --> 00:11:10.595
- And if we follow the science, which seems to be the position
- 00:11:10.595 --> 00:11:13.498
- That is championed, it gets really clear right now.
- 00:11:13.498 --> 00:11:16.901
- There's all sorts of very talented
- 00:11:16.901 --> 00:11:18.436
- Physicians across our nation that do surgical procedures
- 00:11:18.436 --> 00:11:21.939
- On babies prior to their delivery.
- 00:11:21.939 --> 00:11:24.976
- So it's clear that it's not just a mass
- 00:11:24.976 --> 00:11:26.911
- Of protoplasm or a clump of cells.
- 00:11:26.911 --> 00:11:28.713
- It's a living human being.
- 00:11:28.713 --> 00:11:31.082
- How do we help get that message more broadly
- 00:11:31.082 --> 00:11:33.651
- Into the general public?
- 00:11:33.651 --> 00:11:35.086
- You proclaim it from the house, tops, allen.
- 00:11:35.987 --> 00:11:38.489
- Loud and clear until the other side gets the message.
- 00:11:38.489 --> 00:11:42.560
- Like even the supreme court has come around to this slowly.
- 00:11:42.560 --> 00:11:47.632
- Not not fast enough, but they've recognized,
- 00:11:47.632 --> 00:11:50.535
- For example, in the case in 2007, the the,
- 00:11:50.535 --> 00:11:55.973
- Carhart case, they said it seems self-evident
- 00:11:55.973 --> 00:11:59.377
- That women come to regret their abortion.
- 00:11:59.377 --> 00:12:02.747
- They regret that they paid
- 00:12:02.747 --> 00:12:04.382
- A doctor to dismember the baby in their womb, limb from limb.
- 00:12:04.382 --> 00:12:08.252
- We have to speak the truth and say what abortion really is
- 00:12:08.252 --> 00:12:12.123
- And does.
- 00:12:12.123 --> 00:12:13.391
- And so when i'm interviewed on, media
- 00:12:13.391 --> 00:12:16.427
- Outlets like new york times or washington post,
- 00:12:16.427 --> 00:12:19.564
- I always make a point of saying what abortion really is
- 00:12:19.564 --> 00:12:22.066
- And does, you are either chemically burning
- 00:12:22.066 --> 00:12:26.838
- An embryo or a fetus to death,
- 00:12:27.438 --> 00:12:29.941
- Or you are dismembering a baby limb from limb.
- 00:12:29.941 --> 00:12:33.477
- And the more we do that, and say it with love and compassion.
- 00:12:33.477 --> 00:12:37.715
- But the truth has to come with love and compassion.
- 00:12:37.715 --> 00:12:40.418
- I think the more ground that we gain,
- 00:12:40.418 --> 00:12:43.421
- Because you're right, half the country
- 00:12:43.421 --> 00:12:45.790
- That would prefer to think abortion has some kind of
- 00:12:45.790 --> 00:12:48.392
- Constitutional right are forgetting,
- 00:12:48.392 --> 00:12:51.262
- The other human being in this equation, the baby.
- 00:12:51.262 --> 00:12:54.565
- Not just the mothers.
- 00:12:54.565 --> 00:12:55.566
- So when you support, as it turns out, mothers
- 00:12:55.566 --> 00:12:58.636
- And families who are making these difficult decisions,
- 00:12:58.636 --> 00:13:02.073
- They end up deciding to keep the baby.
- 00:13:02.073 --> 00:13:05.276
- More often than not, because a woman only needs,
- 00:13:05.276 --> 00:13:09.847
- In her mind, an abortion
- 00:13:09.847 --> 00:13:12.483
- If she feels like she has no choice.
- 00:13:12.483 --> 00:13:14.685
- It's trumpeted as, the ultimate choice.
- 00:13:14.685 --> 00:13:18.322
- But really, it's when a woman feels like she has no choice.
- 00:13:18.322 --> 00:13:21.826
- And when you bring home to her the choices that she has
- 00:13:21.826 --> 00:13:25.730
- And the support
- 00:13:25.730 --> 00:13:26.998
- That she has from many people, including those in the church,
- 00:13:26.998 --> 00:13:31.168
- That, you know, they have financial support,
- 00:13:31.168 --> 00:13:35.573
- They have, support for the baby.
- 00:13:35.573 --> 00:13:39.377
- They have, emotional and moral support.
- 00:13:39.377 --> 00:13:43.481
- Then usually, she'll end up deciding for life.
- 00:13:43.481 --> 00:13:46.484
- And that's why the pregnancy care center
- 00:13:46.484 --> 00:13:48.185
- Is so very important, because they're making the case
- 00:13:48.185 --> 00:13:51.989
- One by one to women who need that.
- 00:13:51.989 --> 00:13:55.259
- The choice for life is more powerful and more empowering
- 00:13:55.259 --> 00:13:58.596
- Than the choice for death.
- 00:13:59.163 --> 00:14:00.631
- Well, you know, one of my privileges as a pastor is
- 00:14:01.666 --> 00:14:03.834
- I get to visit the hospitals when there's new arrivals.
- 00:14:03.834 --> 00:14:06.637
- And so i've gotten to see lots
- 00:14:06.637 --> 00:14:07.805
- Of parents and grandparents holding those new babies.
- 00:14:07.805 --> 00:14:10.675
- And it's impossible to me to see a newborn child
- 00:14:10.675 --> 00:14:14.345
- And not believe in almighty god.
- 00:14:14.345 --> 00:14:17.014
- And to look at that child and think of it
- 00:14:17.014 --> 00:14:18.416
- Simply is a choice that can be discarded
- 00:14:18.416 --> 00:14:21.485
- Is a position that we just can't stand it.
- 00:14:21.485 --> 00:14:24.021
- It darkens our hearts too deeply to tolerate that.
- 00:14:24.021 --> 00:14:27.458
- So i am very grateful for the work you're doing.
- 00:14:28.459 --> 00:14:30.528
- Don't grow weary.
- 00:14:30.528 --> 00:14:32.396
- Oh, we won't believe me.
- 00:14:32.396 --> 00:14:34.398
- We won't.
- 00:14:34.398 --> 00:14:35.499
- You know, i think we've got to hold up something else.
- 00:14:35.499 --> 00:14:36.968
- The best practice on
- 00:14:36.968 --> 00:14:38.135
- This is sexual activity in the context of marriage.
- 00:14:38.135 --> 00:14:41.339
- If families will pick that up,
- 00:14:41.339 --> 00:14:42.907
- Wouldn't that help all of us in this debate?
- 00:14:42.907 --> 00:14:45.710
- I hope and pray
- 00:14:46.077 --> 00:14:47.244
- We head in the right direction on that many other issues.
- 00:14:47.244 --> 00:14:49.714
- Helen, the election has given me a lot of encouragement
- 00:14:49.714 --> 00:14:54.318
- More because i see that people are rejecting
- 00:14:54.318 --> 00:14:57.688
- The radical leftist agenda,
- 00:14:57.688 --> 00:14:59.557
- Which is really a product, of course, of the
- 00:14:59.557 --> 00:15:01.192
- Sexual revolution of the 60s.
- 00:15:01.192 --> 00:15:03.394
- And they're coming to realize that
- 00:15:03.394 --> 00:15:05.863
- Strong support of families are the way to go.
- 00:15:05.863 --> 00:15:09.066
- And, the more that we can build up
- 00:15:09.867 --> 00:15:12.370
- The family, encourage strength and support it,
- 00:15:12.370 --> 00:15:15.439
- The more we're going to win this fight.
- 00:15:15.439 --> 00:15:18.576
- Well, i pray you have a season of effectiveness
- 00:15:18.576 --> 00:15:22.046
- In impacting the hearts and souls and minds of americans.
- 00:15:22.046 --> 00:15:25.282
- And i pray the church wakes up with the courage
- 00:15:25.282 --> 00:15:27.752
- To tell the truth
- 00:15:27.752 --> 00:15:28.819
- To this generation in ways we haven't heard yet.
- 00:15:28.819 --> 00:15:31.188
- Steve aden, god bless you for all the work you've done
- 00:15:31.188 --> 00:15:33.657
- Already. we're here to help.
- 00:15:33.657 --> 00:15:35.960
- It's my privilege.
- 00:15:36.394 --> 00:15:37.094
- Thank you so much.
- 00:15:37.094 --> 00:15:38.462
- Well, in a moment i'll have some thoughts on
- 00:15:38.462 --> 00:15:40.297
- How we can go forward from here.
- 00:15:40.297 --> 00:15:47.001
- How we can go forward from here.
- 00:15:47.001 --> 00:15:48.840
- You know, our guest today talked about abortion
- 00:15:49.841 --> 00:15:51.676
- And his efforts on behalf of our children.
- 00:15:51.676 --> 00:15:54.679
- That's a part of a larger conversation.
- 00:15:54.679 --> 00:15:57.249
- The attack that's taking place
- 00:15:57.249 --> 00:15:58.750
- In our children across our nation.
- 00:15:58.750 --> 00:16:00.685
- It's not just unfortunate.
- 00:16:00.685 --> 00:16:02.187
- It's abhorrent.
- 00:16:02.187 --> 00:16:03.755
- It's almost impossible to believe what's happening.
- 00:16:03.755 --> 00:16:07.759
- There's layers to this.
- 00:16:07.759 --> 00:16:09.027
- You can find it almost anyplace you look in our public school
- 00:16:09.027 --> 00:16:12.197
- Systems, in the libraries, for our young children.
- 00:16:12.197 --> 00:16:14.933
- They have books that are completely age inappropriate.
- 00:16:14.933 --> 00:16:18.370
- The material in them is not just pornography.
- 00:16:18.370 --> 00:16:21.139
- It gets obscene.
- 00:16:21.139 --> 00:16:22.774
- It's a grooming of our children, and we're having difficulty
- 00:16:22.774 --> 00:16:25.510
- In our communities.
- 00:16:25.510 --> 00:16:26.244
- Even the community where i live,
- 00:16:26.244 --> 00:16:27.979
- Finding the moral courage to say that's inappropriate.
- 00:16:27.979 --> 00:16:30.682
- It's not the banning of books.
- 00:16:30.682 --> 00:16:32.217
- It's about age appropriate learning.
- 00:16:32.217 --> 00:16:34.653
- We don't sell cigarets
- 00:16:34.653 --> 00:16:35.787
- To our elementary children, or we don't put
- 00:16:35.787 --> 00:16:37.956
- We don't put beer in their lunchroom.
- 00:16:37.956 --> 00:16:39.758
- They shouldn't be looking at illicit material
- 00:16:39.758 --> 00:16:42.294
- And being groomed for activity outside the purview
- 00:16:42.294 --> 00:16:45.130
- Of their parents. it's just wrong.
- 00:16:45.130 --> 00:16:47.332
- And we should have the moral courage to say so.
- 00:16:47.332 --> 00:16:49.968
- We have medical
- 00:16:50.335 --> 00:16:51.603
- Care systems that have imagined that our children are profit.
- 00:16:51.603 --> 00:16:54.306
- Center for gender reassignment activities.
- 00:16:54.306 --> 00:16:57.976
- Folks, if we create confusion in our children
- 00:16:57.976 --> 00:17:00.512
- About something as fundamental is their biological sex,
- 00:17:00.512 --> 00:17:04.015
- We are violating our responsibilities as adults
- 00:17:04.015 --> 00:17:07.519
- In the care and training
- 00:17:07.519 --> 00:17:08.820
- And oversight of the children as they grow in mature.
- 00:17:08.820 --> 00:17:11.990
- You know,
- 00:17:12.290 --> 00:17:13.291
- For all of the language we have around children
- 00:17:13.291 --> 00:17:14.726
- And the value we attach to them and and all the energy
- 00:17:14.726 --> 00:17:17.362
- That's invested, the truth is the children
- 00:17:17.362 --> 00:17:19.564
- In our homes, on our streets, in our schools are less safe
- 00:17:19.564 --> 00:17:23.668
- And mean that long ago when our kids
- 00:17:23.668 --> 00:17:25.270
- Could walk to school or they could play outside
- 00:17:25.270 --> 00:17:28.106
- Without immediate parent supervision and without fear.
- 00:17:28.106 --> 00:17:31.810
- We've lost those days, and it's going to
- 00:17:31.810 --> 00:17:33.378
- Take the courage to acknowledge that
- 00:17:33.378 --> 00:17:35.714
- And begin to bring a biblical worldview
- 00:17:35.714 --> 00:17:37.415
- Back into our homes, our families,
- 00:17:37.415 --> 00:17:39.317
- Our attitudes towards children.
- 00:17:39.317 --> 00:17:41.186
- We'll all be safe for our future will be better
- 00:17:41.186 --> 00:17:44.222
- If we'll do that.
- 00:17:44.222 --> 00:17:45.123
- I can promise you
- 00:17:45.123 --> 00:17:46.491
- There will be more reasons for hope than despair.
- 00:17:46.491 --> 00:17:49.728
- We'll be back with your emails in just a moment.
- 00:17:49.728 --> 00:17:58.002
- We'll be back with your emails in just a moment.
- 00:17:58.002 --> 00:17:59.505
- Thank you for taking the time to share your emails with us.
- 00:18:00.706 --> 00:18:03.075
- Your thoughts and perspectives.
- 00:18:03.075 --> 00:18:04.911
- They're valuable as we plan the shows ahead.
- 00:18:04.911 --> 00:18:08.414
- Alexandria, from mississippi writes
- 00:18:08.414 --> 00:18:10.883
- I'm a cna for miss dorothy and i learned of you through her.
- 00:18:10.883 --> 00:18:14.187
- Whenever i'm on shift with her and your programs on tv.
- 00:18:14.187 --> 00:18:17.490
- I know that it's not the time
- 00:18:17.490 --> 00:18:18.758
- To have any conversations or any inner
- 00:18:18.758 --> 00:18:20.626
- Interruptions from his day.
- 00:18:20.626 --> 00:18:22.528
- She enjoys your messages and how you deliver them.
- 00:18:22.528 --> 00:18:25.298
- At 88 years old with cerebral palsy herself,
- 00:18:25.298 --> 00:18:27.900
- She has brought joy to so many.
- 00:18:27.900 --> 00:18:29.435
- As a retired teacher of 35 years to special needs students.
- 00:18:29.435 --> 00:18:34.040
- I'm sure she would love a shout out to make her day
- 00:18:34.040 --> 00:18:36.342
- Just a little bit happier and brighter.
- 00:18:36.342 --> 00:18:38.945
- Well, miss dorothy, happy birthday and more than that.
- 00:18:38.945 --> 00:18:41.714
- Bless you.
- 00:18:41.714 --> 00:18:42.848
- Thank you for serving the children
- 00:18:42.848 --> 00:18:45.218
- For whom an expression of love and kindness.
- 00:18:45.218 --> 00:18:47.753
- I'm quite certain, changed their futures.
- 00:18:47.753 --> 00:18:50.389
- Your your sacrifices have been a strength
- 00:18:50.389 --> 00:18:53.659
- In those children's lives.
- 00:18:53.659 --> 00:18:54.994
- To their families and to our nation. god bless you.
- 00:18:54.994 --> 00:18:58.598
- Stephanie from missouri wrote,
- 00:18:59.198 --> 00:19:01.167
- My friend's daughter in saint louis was at a concert earlier
- 00:19:01.167 --> 00:19:03.669
- This year where the artist gave
- 00:19:03.669 --> 00:19:05.104
- Emergency contraceptive pills to the guest.
- 00:19:05.104 --> 00:19:08.407
- Her daughter wasn't old enough
- 00:19:08.407 --> 00:19:09.375
- To be making that kind of a choice
- 00:19:09.375 --> 00:19:10.810
- Or the action required to even need that.
- 00:19:10.810 --> 00:19:13.579
- The only good thing from that action is the great conversation
- 00:19:13.579 --> 00:19:16.249
- They got to have about their beliefs around pro-life.
- 00:19:16.249 --> 00:19:20.119
- You know,
- 00:19:20.419 --> 00:19:20.920
- I think it's time
- 00:19:20.920 --> 00:19:22.021
- For us to choose a whole new generation of heroes.
- 00:19:22.021 --> 00:19:24.490
- I've decided to start to celebrate the people
- 00:19:24.490 --> 00:19:27.460
- Who make choices that bring a biblical worldview forward,
- 00:19:27.460 --> 00:19:30.696
- And stop giving my time
- 00:19:30.696 --> 00:19:32.265
- And attention, energy, and my ticket prices
- 00:19:32.265 --> 00:19:35.468
- To people who encourage ungodliness and immorality.
- 00:19:35.468 --> 00:19:38.371
- They're not the heroes that i want to emulate.
- 00:19:38.371 --> 00:19:40.973
- I want to try to find people
- 00:19:40.973 --> 00:19:42.208
- That will encourage me to do the right thing.
- 00:19:42.208 --> 00:19:44.543
- Lord knows i can create enough momentum
- 00:19:44.543 --> 00:19:46.045
- On my own, going in the wrong direction.
- 00:19:46.045 --> 00:19:48.247
- Well, gina from florida says thank you
- 00:19:49.048 --> 00:19:50.616
- For the informative programing.
- 00:19:50.616 --> 00:19:52.084
- Your guest are very interesting and i certainly learned a lot.
- 00:19:52.084 --> 00:19:55.388
- I begin my evenings with huckabee,
- 00:19:55.388 --> 00:19:57.189
- Alan jackson now, and stackelberg,
- 00:19:57.189 --> 00:19:59.659
- So my evenings are packed with blessings. wow.
- 00:19:59.659 --> 00:20:02.762
- It's like the three musketeers on tbn.
- 00:20:02.762 --> 00:20:05.798
- It's an important time to find the truth.
- 00:20:05.798 --> 00:20:08.768
- Don't spend hours every day watching an endless news loop.
- 00:20:08.768 --> 00:20:12.672
- A few minutes every day with the truth will prepare you
- 00:20:12.672 --> 00:20:15.908
- For the responses
- 00:20:15.908 --> 00:20:16.976
- You need to make in a very rapidly changing world.
- 00:20:16.976 --> 00:20:20.246
- And as long as we anchor that in a biblical worldview,
- 00:20:20.246 --> 00:20:23.049
- I believe we'll be prepared for what god has for us next.
- 00:20:23.049 --> 00:20:26.585
- A lot of fear in the world.
- 00:20:26.585 --> 00:20:28.287
- A lot of reasons that people think we should be intimidated.
- 00:20:28.287 --> 00:20:31.390
- I'm quite confident.
- 00:20:31.390 --> 00:20:32.391
- The one that who called us out of darkness
- 00:20:32.391 --> 00:20:34.593
- Into the kingdom of his son is watching over our future.
- 00:20:34.593 --> 00:20:37.630
- And if we will honor him with our lives,
- 00:20:37.630 --> 00:20:39.699
- We can trust him for good things ahead.
- 00:20:39.699 --> 00:20:42.068
- Thanks for your comments.
- 00:20:42.068 --> 00:20:43.569
- Make sure you send your emails to comments at alan jackson
- 00:20:43.569 --> 00:20:46.372
- and from all of us here in nashville.
- 00:20:46.372 --> 00:20:49.775
- Thank you for joining us tonight and have a wonderful evening.
- 00:20:49.775 --> 00:20:49.775