Allen Jackson NOW is a lifeline for a struggling and anxious nation. A guiding hand for those who are not ready to give up, and for those who want to find a way past the negativity before things get worse. Americans still have hope, they are searching for the wisdom embedded in a Christian World View.
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Allen Jackson NOW | Allen Jackson: January 13, 2025 | Allen Jackson Now | January 13, 2025
- Good evening.
- 00:00:03.228 --> 00:00:03.895
- I'm alan jackson in nashville.
- 00:00:03.895 --> 00:00:05.897
- Some veteran soldiers may leave
- 00:00:05.897 --> 00:00:07.399
- The military only to stay in the fight.
- 00:00:07.399 --> 00:00:09.968
- The free burma rangers is an army of volunteers
- 00:00:09.968 --> 00:00:12.838
- Who serve in the world's most dangerous places.
- 00:00:12.838 --> 00:00:15.707
- They're not there to kill the enemy,
- 00:00:15.707 --> 00:00:17.309
- But to save the innocent.
- 00:00:17.309 --> 00:00:19.044
- Fbr goes where most humanitarian aid organizations will not.
- 00:00:19.044 --> 00:00:22.981
- From war torn myanmar to the killing fields of mosul, iraq,
- 00:00:22.981 --> 00:00:26.818
- And of course, burma.
- 00:00:26.818 --> 00:00:28.286
- They fight to expose human rights abuses, war crimes,
- 00:00:28.286 --> 00:00:31.189
- And to protect ethnic minorities.
- 00:00:31.189 --> 00:00:33.358
- Dave eubank is here.
- 00:00:33.358 --> 00:00:34.993
- The founder of the free burma rangers.
- 00:00:34.993 --> 00:00:37.462
- He's a former green beret and a christian missionary.
- 00:00:37.462 --> 00:00:40.899
- Dave, welcome to our show.
- 00:00:40.899 --> 00:00:42.434
- Thank you. sir.
- 00:00:42.434 --> 00:00:43.602
- It is an honor to have you in tennessee.
- 00:00:43.602 --> 00:00:45.237
- We've talked to one another from around the world,
- 00:00:45.237 --> 00:00:47.239
- But it's a treat to have you in nashville.
- 00:00:47.239 --> 00:00:49.341
- Thanks for inviting me.
- 00:00:49.341 --> 00:00:50.509
- I remember looking at that zoom via satellite connected.
- 00:00:50.509 --> 00:00:53.812
- And you invited me. i thought that would be so cool.
- 00:00:53.812 --> 00:00:55.881
- God and god arranged it, so thank you.
- 00:00:55.881 --> 00:00:58.116
- We want to learn a little bit
- 00:00:58.116 --> 00:00:59.050
- More about what you're doing. you know,
- 00:00:59.050 --> 00:01:00.852
- Most americans probably couldn't find burma on a map.
- 00:01:00.852 --> 00:01:04.022
- And the world
- 00:01:04.022 --> 00:01:05.090
- Is full of dangerous, poor, war torn countries.
- 00:01:05.090 --> 00:01:07.359
- So why burma?
- 00:01:07.359 --> 00:01:08.793
- Well, burma is
- 00:01:08.793 --> 00:01:09.995
- If you went halfway around the world, right through
- 00:01:09.995 --> 00:01:11.863
- The middle of the world, you end up pretty much in burma.
- 00:01:11.863 --> 00:01:14.266
- Burma is between india and thailand and below china.
- 00:01:14.266 --> 00:01:17.302
- That's where it is.
- 00:01:17.302 --> 00:01:18.503
- And why burma.
- 00:01:18.503 --> 00:01:19.471
- I grew up as the missionary kid in thailand,
- 00:01:19.471 --> 00:01:21.072
- Which is next door.
- 00:01:21.072 --> 00:01:22.307
- My mom and dad are 95 and 92, still serving in jesus name.
- 00:01:22.307 --> 00:01:26.311
- And i went to texas a&m university,
- 00:01:26.311 --> 00:01:28.213
- Was in the military rangers and special forces.
- 00:01:28.213 --> 00:01:30.148
- That and i felt led by the lord to get out.
- 00:01:30.148 --> 00:01:33.084
- And when i was getting out and getting ready
- 00:01:33.084 --> 00:01:34.352
- To go to seminary in fuller pasadena,
- 00:01:34.352 --> 00:01:37.189
- A tribe in burma came out of burma, a tribal leader.
- 00:01:37.189 --> 00:01:40.725
- This is burma is the longest
- 00:01:40.725 --> 00:01:41.960
- Running civil war in the world, 74 years.
- 00:01:41.960 --> 00:01:44.429
- And this is about 31 years ago now, though,
- 00:01:44.429 --> 00:01:46.865
- This tribal leader came out and he was a christian,
- 00:01:46.865 --> 00:01:49.367
- And he said, we need jesus, but we're a warrior, people.
- 00:01:49.367 --> 00:01:53.104
- Do you have a warrior, son?
- 00:01:53.104 --> 00:01:54.506
- And there was a picture with me
- 00:01:54.506 --> 00:01:55.707
- With the green beret, which is special forces.
- 00:01:55.707 --> 00:01:57.876
- They probably thought i was the big, normal kind.
- 00:01:57.876 --> 00:01:59.578
- I'm the small kind.
- 00:01:59.578 --> 00:02:00.779
- And send him and i get a phone call.
- 00:02:00.779 --> 00:02:03.348
- I was asking my wife to marry me for the third time, and she's.
- 00:02:03.348 --> 00:02:05.884
- No, no, no.
- 00:02:05.884 --> 00:02:06.918
- I get a phone call.
- 00:02:06.918 --> 00:02:08.253
- I pray. yes, dad. i'm coming.
- 00:02:08.253 --> 00:02:10.288
- I turned to my wife.
- 00:02:10.288 --> 00:02:11.456
- Not then my wife, and said, i love you so much,
- 00:02:11.456 --> 00:02:13.592
- But i understand you don't want to hear me.
- 00:02:13.592 --> 00:02:14.960
- I'm going within one week.
- 00:02:14.960 --> 00:02:16.728
- She's like, i'm with you. wow.
- 00:02:16.728 --> 00:02:18.763
- And our honeymoon was in burma.
- 00:02:18.763 --> 00:02:20.532
- We have to go there extra legally
- 00:02:20.532 --> 00:02:22.434
- Because the dictators control it.
- 00:02:22.434 --> 00:02:23.835
- They don't let you go into that fighting area.
- 00:02:23.835 --> 00:02:26.071
- So that was 1993.
- 00:02:26.071 --> 00:02:28.306
- And the short answer is, because god called us
- 00:02:28.306 --> 00:02:31.009
- Through these people, and the people called us,
- 00:02:31.009 --> 00:02:33.445
- And god confirmed it in our spirit.
- 00:02:33.445 --> 00:02:35.013
- And we've been there for 31 years.
- 00:02:35.013 --> 00:02:37.115
- What a remarkable story.
- 00:02:37.115 --> 00:02:38.984
- You know, over the years, military dictatorships
- 00:02:38.984 --> 00:02:41.052
- In burma have murdered thousands of their own people
- 00:02:41.052 --> 00:02:43.622
- And displaced many more.
- 00:02:43.622 --> 00:02:45.690
- What's the current political situation like there right now?
- 00:02:45.690 --> 00:02:48.493
- It's the worst fighting since world war two.
- 00:02:48.493 --> 00:02:51.029
- The worst fighting that we've ever seen
- 00:02:51.029 --> 00:02:52.764
- In burma in our 31 years.
- 00:02:52.764 --> 00:02:54.032
- I've lost 65 of my team members killed.
- 00:02:54.032 --> 00:02:56.568
- I was wounded two years ago there myself.
- 00:02:56.568 --> 00:02:58.136
- Many of our team wounded, hundreds wounded.
- 00:02:58.136 --> 00:03:01.006
- And the situation is worse because before the ethnic
- 00:03:01.006 --> 00:03:04.643
- Minority groups fought the dictators
- 00:03:04.643 --> 00:03:07.078
- And these ethnic minorities actually allied
- 00:03:07.078 --> 00:03:08.947
- With the united states in world war two against the japanese.
- 00:03:08.947 --> 00:03:11.950
- But we kind of left them behind.
- 00:03:11.950 --> 00:03:13.618
- They've they never stopped struggling for their freedom.
- 00:03:13.618 --> 00:03:15.987
- But what happened recently,
- 00:03:15.987 --> 00:03:17.255
- Three years ago,
- 00:03:17.255 --> 00:03:18.356
- The burman majority from which the country is named,
- 00:03:18.356 --> 00:03:20.925
- The burman majority, said, we're sick of the dictators, too.
- 00:03:20.925 --> 00:03:22.961
- They joined the ethnics.
- 00:03:22.961 --> 00:03:24.496
- Well,
- 00:03:24.496 --> 00:03:25.263
- That made a big opposition group,
- 00:03:25.263 --> 00:03:26.765
- And it made the dictators realize they might lose power.
- 00:03:26.765 --> 00:03:30.168
- So the dictators supported by china, russia,
- 00:03:30.168 --> 00:03:33.171
- North korea, iran, among other countries, weapons,
- 00:03:33.171 --> 00:03:36.675
- Ammunition, airplanes poured in
- 00:03:36.675 --> 00:03:38.243
- Because burma has many natural resources.
- 00:03:38.243 --> 00:03:40.478
- It's in a strategic location on the indian ocean.
- 00:03:40.478 --> 00:03:43.515
- China and russia, both have their designs.
- 00:03:43.515 --> 00:03:45.817
- And so all of these weapons came in
- 00:03:45.817 --> 00:03:47.752
- And the dictators turned it on their own people.
- 00:03:47.752 --> 00:03:50.121
- So we've endured.
- 00:03:50.121 --> 00:03:51.156
- Every time i go, we had airstrikes against us.
- 00:03:51.156 --> 00:03:52.891
- Russian migs, chinese k k fighters,
- 00:03:52.891 --> 00:03:55.894
- Hind attack helicopters, artillery.
- 00:03:55.894 --> 00:03:58.096
- So it's quite brutal. that's the bad news.
- 00:03:58.096 --> 00:04:00.665
- Over 3 million displaced in the last three years alone.
- 00:04:00.665 --> 00:04:03.501
- Millions more before.
- 00:04:03.501 --> 00:04:05.136
- But the good news is two parts.
- 00:04:05.136 --> 00:04:07.505
- There's a unity in burma between ethnics and bromance.
- 00:04:07.505 --> 00:04:10.208
- There never was before.
- 00:04:10.208 --> 00:04:11.810
- And more people are open to following
- 00:04:11.810 --> 00:04:14.012
- Jesus than ever before because, they said, are old systems
- 00:04:14.012 --> 00:04:16.681
- Didn't work. unbelief didn't work.
- 00:04:16.681 --> 00:04:18.283
- We called out the who.
- 00:04:18.283 --> 00:04:19.851
- But when we call that to jesus, he's with us.
- 00:04:19.851 --> 00:04:22.487
- And one of my guys who is an atheist, he's burman,
- 00:04:22.487 --> 00:04:25.824
- Half chinese, actually half ethnic, university
- 00:04:25.824 --> 00:04:28.727
- Student engineering, really bright, believe in nothing.
- 00:04:28.727 --> 00:04:31.863
- He started coming, joining our team.
- 00:04:31.863 --> 00:04:33.798
- We trained him.
- 00:04:33.798 --> 00:04:34.766
- You don't have to be a christian to join us.
- 00:04:34.766 --> 00:04:35.800
- You can hear a lot about jesus,
- 00:04:35.800 --> 00:04:37.068
- But all you do is do it for love.
- 00:04:37.068 --> 00:04:38.870
- And he said, as a you called out to jesus, i call
- 00:04:38.870 --> 00:04:42.340
- That to jesus in my heart. and he answered me.
- 00:04:42.340 --> 00:04:44.509
- And i remember
- 00:04:44.509 --> 00:04:45.110
- You told me, always pray
- 00:04:45.110 --> 00:04:46.411
- Before everything on the last mission, there were people shot
- 00:04:46.411 --> 00:04:49.114
- And wounded in front of me in an open field
- 00:04:49.114 --> 00:04:51.349
- Before i ran to get them.
- 00:04:51.349 --> 00:04:53.218
- I stopped and prayed
- 00:04:53.218 --> 00:04:54.552
- And i looked down and there was a landmine.
- 00:04:54.552 --> 00:04:57.555
- If i had not stopped and prayed, i would have stepped on it
- 00:04:57.555 --> 00:04:59.924
- And been a casualty.
- 00:04:59.924 --> 00:05:01.159
- I stopped, prayed, looked down, figured out where they were.
- 00:05:01.159 --> 00:05:02.961
- I went around and help the people.
- 00:05:02.961 --> 00:05:04.496
- So these very practical answers to prayer
- 00:05:04.496 --> 00:05:07.132
- And this is what we see.
- 00:05:07.132 --> 00:05:08.266
- Which is the best news in burma right now.
- 00:05:08.266 --> 00:05:11.202
- Where do you find the volunteers to serve with you?
- 00:05:11.202 --> 00:05:13.638
- Because this is not easy duty.
- 00:05:13.638 --> 00:05:15.006
- This isn't like short term missions,
- 00:05:15.006 --> 00:05:16.641
- That it's a vacation with a little jesus thrown in.
- 00:05:16.641 --> 00:05:19.577
- Right.
- 00:05:19.577 --> 00:05:20.612
- Well, our volunteers are mostly in burma, sir.
- 00:05:20.612 --> 00:05:22.547
- So their lives are on the line. they come from the people.
- 00:05:22.547 --> 00:05:24.883
- You have 150 relief teams, about a thousand rangers.
- 00:05:24.883 --> 00:05:29.120
- But those are all ethnic asians.
- 00:05:29.120 --> 00:05:31.790
- They're all from burma,
- 00:05:31.790 --> 00:05:32.991
- Fighting for their lives and their freedom.
- 00:05:32.991 --> 00:05:34.559
- And they want they join us to serve.
- 00:05:34.559 --> 00:05:36.594
- Our job is not to fight the enemy. we're not pacifists.
- 00:05:36.594 --> 00:05:38.863
- But that's not our job. our job is to help people.
- 00:05:38.863 --> 00:05:40.765
- So most of the rangers are local, whether that's in burma.
- 00:05:40.765 --> 00:05:45.236
- We also serve in syria, iraq, tajikistan, afghanistan.
- 00:05:45.236 --> 00:05:48.840
- We have a small rotation into ukraine right now,
- 00:05:48.840 --> 00:05:51.142
- But it's all locals.
- 00:05:51.142 --> 00:05:52.677
- And then the foreign volunteers who come.
- 00:05:52.677 --> 00:05:54.379
- They come from all walks of life.
- 00:05:54.379 --> 00:05:55.980
- We always say, if you feel god
- 00:05:55.980 --> 00:05:57.615
- Leading you, come and see if there's a fit.
- 00:05:57.615 --> 00:05:59.851
- But we don't pay them.
- 00:05:59.851 --> 00:06:01.453
- They have to find their own support
- 00:06:01.453 --> 00:06:02.854
- And be led by god to come.
- 00:06:02.854 --> 00:06:03.988
- We have all kinds.
- 00:06:03.988 --> 00:06:05.156
- We have ex-military, we have artists, we have doctors.
- 00:06:05.156 --> 00:06:07.659
- We have all kinds of people.
- 00:06:07.659 --> 00:06:10.195
- That's remarkable.
- 00:06:10.195 --> 00:06:11.129
- Your group operates in active war zone.
- 00:06:11.129 --> 00:06:12.897
- You just listed several.
- 00:06:12.897 --> 00:06:14.499
- They're constantly exposed to shelling,
- 00:06:14.499 --> 00:06:16.334
- To ambushes, landmines, as you mentioned.
- 00:06:16.334 --> 00:06:19.304
- Safety is a major concern.
- 00:06:19.304 --> 00:06:21.339
- How dangerous do things really get?
- 00:06:21.339 --> 00:06:22.974
- You said there have been dozens that have been shot.
- 00:06:22.974 --> 00:06:25.510
- I mean, this is not a joke.
- 00:06:25.510 --> 00:06:26.911
- No, it's not a joke.
- 00:06:26.911 --> 00:06:28.880
- In fact, sir, it's.
- 00:06:28.880 --> 00:06:30.648
- If i think about it, it's hard
- 00:06:30.648 --> 00:06:31.716
- Not to cry because the team members that we trained.
- 00:06:31.716 --> 00:06:35.820
- I'm the leader.
- 00:06:36.187 --> 00:06:37.021
- I'm a leader.
- 00:06:37.021 --> 00:06:38.923
- I'm involved in all the training.
- 00:06:38.923 --> 00:06:40.625
- Those that came to the lord, i baptize them.
- 00:06:40.625 --> 00:06:43.561
- I did many of their weddings.
- 00:06:43.561 --> 00:06:45.196
- And to have them die in my hands.
- 00:06:45.196 --> 00:06:46.664
- Sometimes in my one guy, we are in
- 00:06:46.664 --> 00:06:48.500
- Burma shooting us, advancing this way.
- 00:06:48.500 --> 00:06:50.602
- We're trying to get everybody out in the airplanes
- 00:06:50.602 --> 00:06:52.237
- Come bombing us this way.
- 00:06:52.237 --> 00:06:53.705
- And one of my really good guys close to my kids, because we,
- 00:06:53.705 --> 00:06:56.074
- Our kids all grew up in this environment.
- 00:06:56.074 --> 00:06:57.675
- He's dead right next to me and dragging his bodies.
- 00:06:57.675 --> 00:07:00.645
- He's bleeding out.
- 00:07:00.645 --> 00:07:02.013
- And then meeting his parents later.
- 00:07:02.013 --> 00:07:03.882
- We got his body out.
- 00:07:03.882 --> 00:07:05.383
- Those are pretty sad, you know?
- 00:07:05.383 --> 00:07:06.751
- But i learned my first day in seminary,
- 00:07:06.751 --> 00:07:08.953
- I learned a couple things.
- 00:07:08.953 --> 00:07:10.722
- One was, you can live well with sorrow.
- 00:07:10.722 --> 00:07:14.859
- You can't live well with shame.
- 00:07:14.859 --> 00:07:16.594
- So jesus comes to take away our shame but our sorrow.
- 00:07:16.594 --> 00:07:19.764
- Jesus wept sorrows about love and crying and remembering.
- 00:07:19.764 --> 00:07:23.501
- As we share sorrow together.
- 00:07:23.501 --> 00:07:24.702
- It is divided and we have sorrow, but it doesn't.
- 00:07:24.702 --> 00:07:28.239
- It doesn't diminish you.
- 00:07:28.239 --> 00:07:29.941
- It's just part of love and life.
- 00:07:29.941 --> 00:07:31.809
- I was just reading
- 00:07:31.809 --> 00:07:32.977
- A commentary on the psalms, and this commentator said,
- 00:07:32.977 --> 00:07:36.414
- If you live long enough, everything that's precious to
- 00:07:36.414 --> 00:07:39.083
- You will be lost.
- 00:07:39.083 --> 00:07:40.351
- That's not a happy thought, but it's true,
- 00:07:40.351 --> 00:07:42.020
- But only temporarily.
- 00:07:42.020 --> 00:07:43.621
- Whatever is truly precious will see forever in heaven.
- 00:07:43.621 --> 00:07:46.524
- So this is how we deal with it.
- 00:07:46.524 --> 00:07:47.892
- You're right. it is dangerous.
- 00:07:47.892 --> 00:07:49.360
- But i was telling a friend of mine and ex-navy seal ross.
- 00:07:49.360 --> 00:07:53.531
- Tough guy next to me.
- 00:07:53.531 --> 00:07:54.999
- We're pinned down by machine gun and mortar fire, and it's.
- 00:07:54.999 --> 00:07:57.969
- There's just walking in us, and we're
- 00:07:57.969 --> 00:07:59.437
- Behind the ethnic resistance to give a medical care.
- 00:07:59.437 --> 00:08:02.607
- But it looks like it's about to be a slaughter.
- 00:08:02.607 --> 00:08:04.809
- And i looked in his eyes and it probably looked like mine.
- 00:08:04.809 --> 00:08:07.712
- Like, i don't want to be here, you know?
- 00:08:07.712 --> 00:08:09.514
- And but we held our ground and we help people.
- 00:08:09.514 --> 00:08:11.449
- The next day i said, i don't think you felt
- 00:08:11.449 --> 00:08:13.151
- What you thought you feel, did you?
- 00:08:13.151 --> 00:08:14.352
- Because you're not on the winning side.
- 00:08:14.352 --> 00:08:16.120
- He goes, no, i said, because you and i
- 00:08:16.120 --> 00:08:19.123
- Would face any challenge if we had a chance.
- 00:08:19.123 --> 00:08:21.893
- Box mike tyson. yeah, i'll do it.
- 00:08:21.893 --> 00:08:23.161
- I'll probably lose, but i'll do it.
- 00:08:23.161 --> 00:08:24.829
- But what if you were told to go against in the ring
- 00:08:24.829 --> 00:08:28.032
- Against a world champion fighter, and your hands
- 00:08:28.032 --> 00:08:30.335
- Are tied together and the feet were tied together?
- 00:08:30.335 --> 00:08:32.036
- He had a chain saw.
- 00:08:32.036 --> 00:08:33.471
- You will not go in. that's not courage.
- 00:08:33.471 --> 00:08:35.306
- That's foolishness.
- 00:08:35.306 --> 00:08:36.240
- That's how you felt yesterday.
- 00:08:36.240 --> 00:08:38.042
- Foolishness.
- 00:08:38.042 --> 00:08:39.310
- But what if your kid was in that ring?
- 00:08:39.310 --> 00:08:41.679
- You're going to go.
- 00:08:41.679 --> 00:08:42.814
- All of us are going to go.
- 00:08:42.814 --> 00:08:44.015
- My kid's in the ring. okay, who's in the ring?
- 00:08:44.015 --> 00:08:45.817
- I'll go in crying and praying to jesus, my son, my daughter.
- 00:08:45.817 --> 00:08:49.420
- I'm going to save you if i can. if not, i'll see you in heaven.
- 00:08:49.420 --> 00:08:52.256
- And so what we tell our teams? i told my friend.
- 00:08:52.256 --> 00:08:54.325
- I have to tell myself first.
- 00:08:54.325 --> 00:08:56.227
- Jesus, am i supposed to be here?
- 00:08:56.227 --> 00:08:57.795
- I don't want to be led by comfort, fear or pride.
- 00:08:57.795 --> 00:09:00.498
- I want to be led by love.
- 00:09:00.498 --> 00:09:01.899
- And then i need your love. because i'm scared.
- 00:09:01.899 --> 00:09:04.168
- And then he helps me look at these people.
- 00:09:04.168 --> 00:09:06.170
- That could be my kid.
- 00:09:06.170 --> 00:09:07.572
- Okay.
- 00:09:07.572 --> 00:09:08.606
- I'm still scared, but i'm going to do it anyway.
- 00:09:08.606 --> 00:09:10.675
- And that's the only way we overcome our fears.
- 00:09:10.675 --> 00:09:13.778
- That is so good. godly wisdom from a green beret.
- 00:09:13.778 --> 00:09:16.180
- This is a good day. thank you sir.
- 00:09:16.180 --> 00:09:18.583
- Let's take a short break for our sponsors.
- 00:09:18.583 --> 00:09:20.818
- We'll be back in just a moment.
- 00:09:20.818 --> 00:09:28.001
- We'll be back in just a moment.
- 00:09:28.001 --> 00:09:30.295
- We're back with dave eubank.
- 00:09:30.896 --> 00:09:32.464
- He's the founder of the free burma rangers.
- 00:09:32.464 --> 00:09:35.868
- Fbr is a faith based group.
- 00:09:35.868 --> 00:09:38.170
- But you don't have to be christian to join the ranks.
- 00:09:38.170 --> 00:09:40.439
- Tell us a little bit more about your volunteers.
- 00:09:40.439 --> 00:09:42.074
- I'm amazed at this group of people that stands with you.
- 00:09:42.074 --> 00:09:44.576
- Well, sir, we started in 1993
- 00:09:44.576 --> 00:09:47.346
- And i remember going into the jungle,
- 00:09:47.346 --> 00:09:48.981
- Fighting, going on, people fleeing.
- 00:09:48.981 --> 00:09:50.749
- I had four backpacks of medicine, and i'm not a medic.
- 00:09:50.749 --> 00:09:53.852
- I have a little bit of skill and special forces skills.
- 00:09:53.852 --> 00:09:56.288
- The wrong word, a little bit of understanding and.
- 00:09:56.288 --> 00:09:58.891
- Okay, i'm gonna help somebody. i'm gonna help one person.
- 00:09:58.891 --> 00:10:00.926
- They'll be glad. i'll be glad.
- 00:10:00.926 --> 00:10:02.528
- That's all i know.
- 00:10:02.528 --> 00:10:03.962
- And a guy steps out of the jungle.
- 00:10:03.962 --> 00:10:06.165
- Camouflage fatigues, big red earring.
- 00:10:06.165 --> 00:10:08.500
- But he's a real thing, like johnny depp.
- 00:10:08.500 --> 00:10:10.369
- Pirates of the caribbean. the real thing.
- 00:10:10.369 --> 00:10:12.204
- Chewing betel nut, m-16, hand grenade.
- 00:10:12.204 --> 00:10:14.373
- He goes in english, he goes. ilia is my name.
- 00:10:14.373 --> 00:10:17.342
- I'm a medic.
- 00:10:17.342 --> 00:10:18.310
- Can i help you? ha ha ha.
- 00:10:18.310 --> 00:10:20.579
- Yeah, man. let's go.
- 00:10:20.579 --> 00:10:22.481
- I found out later.
- 00:10:22.481 --> 00:10:23.682
- He's a son of a pastor, but, like, the naughtiest guy ever.
- 00:10:23.682 --> 00:10:26.318
- And that's the first ranger.
- 00:10:26.318 --> 00:10:27.786
- And then the second guy who joined us was a murderer
- 00:10:27.786 --> 00:10:30.723
- And not a nice guy.
- 00:10:30.723 --> 00:10:32.691
- The third guy to join us was a spirit worshiper.
- 00:10:32.691 --> 00:10:35.728
- The fourth guy was an atheist.
- 00:10:35.728 --> 00:10:37.730
- I said,
- 00:10:37.730 --> 00:10:38.230
- As long as you only
- 00:10:38.230 --> 00:10:39.364
- Go to the sound of the guns and help people in love.
- 00:10:39.364 --> 00:10:41.533
- I'm not paying you either. i'll feed you if i can.
- 00:10:41.533 --> 00:10:44.269
- Or you feed me.
- 00:10:44.269 --> 00:10:45.070
- We're going to go.
- 00:10:45.070 --> 00:10:45.804
- We're going one by one.
- 00:10:45.804 --> 00:10:48.607
- The naughty guy.
- 00:10:48.607 --> 00:10:49.508
- We gave his life to the lord.
- 00:10:49.508 --> 00:10:51.243
- The murderer stopped murdering and started studying
- 00:10:51.243 --> 00:10:54.613
- The bible and wanted to be in seminary.
- 00:10:54.613 --> 00:10:56.448
- He passed away before that, the atheist
- 00:10:56.448 --> 00:10:59.618
- Met jesus and is now our lead pastor.
- 00:10:59.618 --> 00:11:02.921
- The animist spirit worshiper
- 00:11:02.921 --> 00:11:05.557
- Had dreams of jesus coming to him till finally
- 00:11:05.557 --> 00:11:08.260
- He cut his spirit wings off, became a follower of jesus.
- 00:11:08.260 --> 00:11:10.062
- So that's how we started.
- 00:11:10.062 --> 00:11:11.864
- And we anybody can join us.
- 00:11:11.864 --> 00:11:14.767
- You just have to do this for love.
- 00:11:14.767 --> 00:11:16.869
- You can't run if people can't run away,
- 00:11:16.869 --> 00:11:19.104
- And you have to read and write in some language
- 00:11:19.104 --> 00:11:20.739
- For good medical care and for reporting.
- 00:11:20.739 --> 00:11:23.408
- We and so we have,
- 00:11:23.408 --> 00:11:25.110
- Maybe a third of the people who join us
- 00:11:25.110 --> 00:11:26.945
- Are atheists, agnostics, animist, buddhist, muslim,
- 00:11:26.945 --> 00:11:30.048
- Come on.
- 00:11:30.048 --> 00:11:31.250
- But we always are sharing about jesus because he saves us.
- 00:11:31.250 --> 00:11:34.720
- And in all our training we have spiritual training,
- 00:11:34.720 --> 00:11:38.290
- Which is the gospel.
- 00:11:38.290 --> 00:11:39.658
- You don't have to be there. actually, you kind of do.
- 00:11:39.658 --> 00:11:41.860
- But nobody walks out on it.
- 00:11:41.860 --> 00:11:43.762
- Nobody. not a war zone. nobody.
- 00:11:43.762 --> 00:11:46.031
- When i was in in mosul with the iraqi army, who are muslim,
- 00:11:46.031 --> 00:11:50.335
- I prayed all the time.
- 00:11:50.803 --> 00:11:51.970
- And at one point god told me, get on your knees.
- 00:11:51.970 --> 00:11:54.106
- And i was like, oh no, christian nutcase, you know?
- 00:11:54.106 --> 00:11:56.909
- But i knew that voice. i got on my knees.
- 00:11:56.909 --> 00:11:58.811
- They looked at me and i prayed.
- 00:11:58.811 --> 00:12:00.479
- When i got up, the muslim commander
- 00:12:00.479 --> 00:12:02.481
- Said, you are afraid of god like we are.
- 00:12:02.481 --> 00:12:04.383
- We didn't know americans were christians. wow.
- 00:12:04.383 --> 00:12:07.152
- And then after being with him for a year,
- 00:12:07.152 --> 00:12:09.421
- When i left to go to burma and come back
- 00:12:09.421 --> 00:12:11.123
- For a couple of weeks, i had to graduate.
- 00:12:11.123 --> 00:12:12.291
- A new relief team came back into the battle.
- 00:12:12.291 --> 00:12:14.092
- They said we dared not move, that when you were gone,
- 00:12:14.092 --> 00:12:16.795
- Because when you prayed, we felt god's presence.
- 00:12:16.795 --> 00:12:19.631
- And the last thing
- 00:12:19.631 --> 00:12:20.165
- I'll say about
- 00:12:20.165 --> 00:12:21.433
- That is iraqi general at the end of the battle of mosul, said,
- 00:12:21.433 --> 00:12:23.969
- Go back and tell the americans we love you.
- 00:12:23.969 --> 00:12:26.104
- Please love us, and thank you for showing us who jesus is.
- 00:12:26.104 --> 00:12:31.443
- So most people who stay with us become followers of jesus
- 00:12:31.443 --> 00:12:35.614
- And are baptized, and we go together about 99.9%.
- 00:12:35.614 --> 00:12:39.751
- If they stay with us past a year,
- 00:12:39.751 --> 00:12:40.986
- They're probably following jesus, but they don't have to.
- 00:12:40.986 --> 00:12:43.755
- Or nobody has to.
- 00:12:44.189 --> 00:12:45.190
- We all have to choose, right?
- 00:12:45.190 --> 00:12:47.392
- Right.
- 00:12:47.392 --> 00:12:48.493
- You lead them into places where bullets fly.
- 00:12:48.493 --> 00:12:50.195
- That's a pretty good motive. we're all scared.
- 00:12:50.195 --> 00:12:52.764
- No one's ever said don't pray.
- 00:12:52.764 --> 00:12:54.600
- Yeah,
- 00:12:54.600 --> 00:12:55.901
- Well, you can't talk about burma very long
- 00:12:55.901 --> 00:12:57.970
- And not discuss the drug trade.
- 00:12:57.970 --> 00:12:59.638
- It's the world's leading producer of opium,
- 00:12:59.638 --> 00:13:02.507
- And it forms part of that infamous golden triangle.
- 00:13:02.507 --> 00:13:05.577
- So how does drug trafficking comprise your efforts?
- 00:13:05.577 --> 00:13:08.947
- How does it influence what you're doing?
- 00:13:08.947 --> 00:13:10.482
- Well, the very first tribe that invited us to go
- 00:13:10.482 --> 00:13:13.886
- Or the wa wa wa number one, producers of narcotics in burma,
- 00:13:13.886 --> 00:13:18.891
- There are their own ethnic little warlord army,
- 00:13:18.891 --> 00:13:22.494
- Mostly ignorant in the sense of this is all i know.
- 00:13:22.494 --> 00:13:25.731
- As one leader told me, you have your nuclear weapons.
- 00:13:25.731 --> 00:13:29.034
- That's what keeps your country safe.
- 00:13:29.034 --> 00:13:30.269
- We have drugs.
- 00:13:30.269 --> 00:13:31.136
- We sell it and buy weapons
- 00:13:31.136 --> 00:13:32.638
- Because you'll never help us fight the burma army.
- 00:13:32.638 --> 00:13:34.506
- And with these weapons,
- 00:13:34.506 --> 00:13:35.374
- We don't have to fight the burma army.
- 00:13:35.374 --> 00:13:36.508
- They got a little bit of a point,
- 00:13:36.508 --> 00:13:38.176
- But they know it's a dead end.
- 00:13:38.176 --> 00:13:40.078
- But it's a huge problem.
- 00:13:40.078 --> 00:13:42.014
- Opium, amphetamines.
- 00:13:42.014 --> 00:13:43.982
- Not only in burma, but also shawn state, the northern part.
- 00:13:43.982 --> 00:13:47.252
- And the dictators provide
- 00:13:47.252 --> 00:13:48.820
- A huge amount of their income from that.
- 00:13:48.820 --> 00:13:50.722
- So they're all in it together.
- 00:13:50.722 --> 00:13:52.357
- And our job,
- 00:13:52.357 --> 00:13:53.525
- We're not policemen, so we don't fight the drug trade.
- 00:13:53.525 --> 00:13:56.461
- But it impacts everything around us.
- 00:13:56.461 --> 00:13:58.630
- It arms the dictators with money to attack us,
- 00:13:58.630 --> 00:14:02.634
- And it destroys the lives of young people
- 00:14:02.634 --> 00:14:04.937
- And old people there.
- 00:14:04.937 --> 00:14:06.204
- And of course, when it's exported out,
- 00:14:06.204 --> 00:14:07.906
- It hurts people around.
- 00:14:07.906 --> 00:14:09.274
- So it's a big problem.
- 00:14:09.274 --> 00:14:10.208
- And i have a prayer request to you.
- 00:14:10.208 --> 00:14:12.577
- I was approached by a neighboring country,
- 00:14:12.577 --> 00:14:15.747
- Not the united states, a neighboring country.
- 00:14:15.747 --> 00:14:17.115
- There they said, can you help us with the drug war?
- 00:14:17.115 --> 00:14:19.918
- I was like, that's not our job, you know?
- 00:14:19.918 --> 00:14:21.920
- But i want to help. i don't know how to help.
- 00:14:21.920 --> 00:14:24.523
- So that's just really a prayer request
- 00:14:24.523 --> 00:14:25.991
- That god will give us wisdom, like you talked about earlier.
- 00:14:25.991 --> 00:14:28.193
- How do we help these neighboring countries
- 00:14:28.193 --> 00:14:29.928
- But in the way god wants us to about this problem?
- 00:14:29.928 --> 00:14:32.998
- I don't have an answer.
- 00:14:32.998 --> 00:14:34.066
- Right now, but we have a group that comes every day
- 00:14:34.066 --> 00:14:35.534
- To the church for two hours to pray.
- 00:14:35.534 --> 00:14:37.636
- Thank you.
- 00:14:37.636 --> 00:14:38.637
- We will put that in before them, i assure you.
- 00:14:38.637 --> 00:14:40.806
- Thanks.
- 00:14:40.806 --> 00:14:41.640
- Give us a little bit of an update on
- 00:14:41.640 --> 00:14:43.108
- What's happening in the ground in iraq and syria today.
- 00:14:43.108 --> 00:14:45.877
- We hear the news, but it's not a complete story, right?
- 00:14:45.877 --> 00:14:48.647
- So we were there when isis started, pretty much,
- 00:14:48.647 --> 00:14:51.350
- And we were invited there.
- 00:14:51.350 --> 00:14:52.584
- And we work with the kurds and then later
- 00:14:52.584 --> 00:14:54.119
- The iraqi army and iraq, and then later with the kurds
- 00:14:54.119 --> 00:14:57.155
- In northeast syria.
- 00:14:57.155 --> 00:14:58.156
- We still have an ongoing ministry.
- 00:14:58.156 --> 00:14:59.758
- We have a small little home and base there
- 00:14:59.758 --> 00:15:02.728
- With local believers,
- 00:15:02.728 --> 00:15:04.696
- Including one unbeliever, one muslim
- 00:15:04.696 --> 00:15:06.665
- Another, and the other two are christian on our team.
- 00:15:06.665 --> 00:15:09.234
- And that one of the christians was shot six times right
- 00:15:09.234 --> 00:15:11.703
- Next to me in the battle of mosul,
- 00:15:11.703 --> 00:15:13.171
- Became a follower of jesus. we baptize you in the tigris.
- 00:15:13.171 --> 00:15:15.707
- Anyway, we have a small team there and we.
- 00:15:15.707 --> 00:15:18.110
- Shot six times and survived.
- 00:15:18.110 --> 00:15:20.212
- And survived.
- 00:15:20.212 --> 00:15:21.613
- Okay,
- 00:15:21.613 --> 00:15:22.180
- You know,
- 00:15:22.180 --> 00:15:23.181
- Two guys next to me were shot six times who
- 00:15:23.181 --> 00:15:25.083
- Survived the battle of mosul.
- 00:15:25.083 --> 00:15:26.685
- One guy had just become a christian.
- 00:15:26.685 --> 00:15:28.320
- He was my driver in the iraqi army.
- 00:15:28.320 --> 00:15:30.122
- He decided to follow jesus and baptize him yet.
- 00:15:30.122 --> 00:15:32.524
- But he's like, i want to be baptized.
- 00:15:32.524 --> 00:15:33.725
- He gets shot
- 00:15:33.725 --> 00:15:34.860
- Like one month later six times trying to save a family.
- 00:15:34.860 --> 00:15:37.996
- He lives.
- 00:15:38.296 --> 00:15:39.398
- When he goes to baghdad, he's flown to baghdad.
- 00:15:39.398 --> 00:15:42.601
- We're still in a battle.
- 00:15:42.601 --> 00:15:43.735
- His sister, who's a muslim,
- 00:15:43.735 --> 00:15:45.537
- Doesn't know anything about his conversion or anything.
- 00:15:45.537 --> 00:15:47.606
- She had a vision. she didn't know he was shot.
- 00:15:47.606 --> 00:15:49.841
- She had a vision.
- 00:15:49.841 --> 00:15:50.842
- She saw him in the hospital, cut it out dead.
- 00:15:50.842 --> 00:15:53.945
- And he said a man in white shining came and picked
- 00:15:53.945 --> 00:15:57.416
- My brother up and said, no, he belongs to me.
- 00:15:57.416 --> 00:16:00.986
- That's jesus.
- 00:16:01.353 --> 00:16:02.187
- And we figured this story out later.
- 00:16:02.187 --> 00:16:04.322
- She didn't even know he was shot.
- 00:16:04.322 --> 00:16:05.957
- So god speaks to people in different ways.
- 00:16:05.957 --> 00:16:08.260
- The second guy was shot next to me.
- 00:16:08.260 --> 00:16:09.494
- I was downtown mosul.
- 00:16:09.494 --> 00:16:11.263
- They were going house to house, street by street,
- 00:16:11.263 --> 00:16:12.864
- And we're providing medical and prayer support,
- 00:16:12.864 --> 00:16:14.666
- And we're in it.
- 00:16:14.666 --> 00:16:15.901
- And isis comes around the corner.
- 00:16:15.901 --> 00:16:17.569
- They shoot me once right there.
- 00:16:17.569 --> 00:16:18.870
- They shoot my buddy who's a muslim six times
- 00:16:18.870 --> 00:16:21.873
- One, two, three, four, five, six on his back.
- 00:16:21.873 --> 00:16:25.677
- He's not dead.
- 00:16:25.677 --> 00:16:26.711
- We're fighting for our lives.
- 00:16:26.711 --> 00:16:27.913
- He can't move his uncle. don't leave me.
- 00:16:27.913 --> 00:16:29.948
- And we're just.
- 00:16:29.948 --> 00:16:31.516
- At that moment, i did fight isis point blank.
- 00:16:31.516 --> 00:16:34.719
- It will stop them. get around.
- 00:16:34.719 --> 00:16:36.254
- Long story short, he survived.
- 00:16:36.254 --> 00:16:38.757
- We put him on an armored vehicle,
- 00:16:38.757 --> 00:16:39.991
- Got him out of the battle. i didn't know what happened.
- 00:16:39.991 --> 00:16:41.493
- A month later, found out on the operating table.
- 00:16:41.493 --> 00:16:43.995
- The doctor said allah is what he used.
- 00:16:43.995 --> 00:16:46.965
- They mean god of what?
- 00:16:46.965 --> 00:16:48.333
- You can parse it out or whatever way. but
- 00:16:48.333 --> 00:16:51.036
- I'll sagan.
- 00:16:51.369 --> 00:16:53.038
- And then when he came out two months later, he said,
- 00:16:53.038 --> 00:16:56.141
- My daughter was born that same day,
- 00:16:56.141 --> 00:16:58.243
- And i know god saved me, and i know who saved me,
- 00:16:58.243 --> 00:17:00.846
- Who is jesus, and i want to follow him.
- 00:17:00.846 --> 00:17:02.981
- Can i be a follower?
- 00:17:02.981 --> 00:17:03.849
- But i have to be a quiet one
- 00:17:03.849 --> 00:17:05.317
- Because i live down in a place where they will kill my family.
- 00:17:05.317 --> 00:17:08.487
- So that's another follower of jesus.
- 00:17:08.487 --> 00:17:10.288
- They both survived.
- 00:17:10.288 --> 00:17:12.491
- Traveling with you sounds a lot like traveling
- 00:17:12.491 --> 00:17:14.493
- With the apostle paul.
- 00:17:14.493 --> 00:17:16.161
- He's much better.
- 00:17:16.161 --> 00:17:17.829
- Thank you for being with us today.
- 00:17:17.829 --> 00:17:19.631
- Thanks, sir.
- 00:17:19.631 --> 00:17:20.599
- We will continue to lift you up in prayer.
- 00:17:20.599 --> 00:17:22.534
- Dave eubank, you're doing some great work
- 00:17:22.534 --> 00:17:24.836
- For the people who need a voice and an expression of strength.
- 00:17:24.836 --> 00:17:28.140
- I hope you'll come back another time.
- 00:17:28.140 --> 00:17:29.574
- I would love it, sir.
- 00:17:29.574 --> 00:17:30.809
- Thank you. in a moment i'll have some thoughts of my own.
- 00:17:30.809 --> 00:17:39.000
- Thank you. in a moment i'll have some thoughts of my own.
- 00:17:39.000 --> 00:17:41.410
- You know, in america we talk a lot about spiritual conflict.
- 00:17:42.578 --> 00:17:45.548
- It's kind of a theoretical construct.
- 00:17:45.548 --> 00:17:48.518
- When you meet somebody like david eubanks
- 00:17:48.518 --> 00:17:50.620
- And you hear about the free burma rangers,
- 00:17:50.620 --> 00:17:52.388
- You realize there's
- 00:17:52.388 --> 00:17:53.122
- Some very
- 00:17:53.122 --> 00:17:53.723
- Tangible characteristics
- 00:17:53.723 --> 00:17:55.124
- To the spiritual conflict in the earth.
- 00:17:55.124 --> 00:17:57.326
- The only way that makes sense is if you believe in eternity,
- 00:17:57.326 --> 00:18:00.396
- Because it's so easy
- 00:18:00.396 --> 00:18:01.564
- To get totally captivated by what we're doing in time.
- 00:18:01.564 --> 00:18:04.367
- The things on our calendar,
- 00:18:04.367 --> 00:18:05.535
- The things in our to do list,
- 00:18:05.535 --> 00:18:06.702
- The things that we think steal our joy or make us happy.
- 00:18:06.702 --> 00:18:09.739
- It's a powerful reminder
- 00:18:09.739 --> 00:18:11.107
- That there is a spiritual battle in the earth
- 00:18:11.107 --> 00:18:13.543
- And that eternity is in the balance.
- 00:18:13.543 --> 00:18:16.012
- Please don't be afraid to share the good news of your faith
- 00:18:16.012 --> 00:18:18.948
- With the people around you,
- 00:18:18.948 --> 00:18:19.882
- The people you work with, with your family.
- 00:18:19.882 --> 00:18:22.351
- It's not always simple.
- 00:18:22.351 --> 00:18:23.519
- Sometimes it leads us into places where there's conflict,
- 00:18:23.519 --> 00:18:26.556
- But the outcomes of telling the truth are worthwhile.
- 00:18:26.556 --> 00:18:30.826
- If we can be awakened to that reality again, i believe we will
- 00:18:30.826 --> 00:18:33.529
- See god's mercy and grace
- 00:18:33.529 --> 00:18:34.931
- Poured out upon our nation once again.
- 00:18:34.931 --> 00:18:37.400
- With that, there are more reasons for hope than despair
- 00:18:37.400 --> 00:18:41.070
- When we return. i'm going to read some of your emails.
- 00:18:41.070 --> 00:18:48.000
- When we return. i'm going to read some of your emails.
- 00:18:48.000 --> 00:18:49.523
- Thank you for taking the time
- 00:18:50.157 --> 00:18:51.291
- To send us your emails, your comments.
- 00:18:51.291 --> 00:18:53.260
- They make a difference.
- 00:18:53.260 --> 00:18:54.728
- Joan from california.
- 00:18:54.728 --> 00:18:56.129
- Please remind your audience that a lot of the christians
- 00:18:56.129 --> 00:18:58.398
- In germany didn't speak out.
- 00:18:58.398 --> 00:19:00.267
- Please don't let us repeat what happened to the jewish people.
- 00:19:00.267 --> 00:19:03.036
- Socialism doesn't work.
- 00:19:03.036 --> 00:19:05.239
- Well, you're right, joan,
- 00:19:05.239 --> 00:19:06.240
- And it was the silence of the church in germany
- 00:19:06.240 --> 00:19:09.009
- And throughout much of europe
- 00:19:09.009 --> 00:19:10.310
- That made
- 00:19:10.310 --> 00:19:11.511
- The most horrific parts of world war two and the holocaust
- 00:19:11.511 --> 00:19:14.081
- A possibility.
- 00:19:14.081 --> 00:19:15.182
- When the church fails,
- 00:19:15.182 --> 00:19:16.683
- Tremendous suffering overwhelms humanity.
- 00:19:16.683 --> 00:19:19.086
- It's an important time to be the church.
- 00:19:19.086 --> 00:19:21.121
- We've got to find our voices.
- 00:19:21.121 --> 00:19:23.890
- And then finally, rick from tennessee.
- 00:19:23.890 --> 00:19:25.359
- I love the new show.
- 00:19:25.359 --> 00:19:26.660
- Your passion and dedication to the truth is so helpful today
- 00:19:26.660 --> 00:19:29.830
- For that. i sincerely thank you.
- 00:19:29.830 --> 00:19:31.865
- Is the show only on once a day with no repeat?
- 00:19:31.865 --> 00:19:34.968
- Yeah, rick. ron once a day.
- 00:19:35.569 --> 00:19:36.937
- I know it's 6:00 6 p.m.
- 00:19:36.937 --> 00:19:39.139
- Central time.
- 00:19:39.139 --> 00:19:40.707
- You can catch that on tv ins app and see it at your leisure.
- 00:19:40.707 --> 00:19:44.745
- They're all stacked in there.
- 00:19:44.745 --> 00:19:45.979
- We're starting a new youtube channel.
- 00:19:45.979 --> 00:19:47.681
- You'll be able to watch them at your leisure,
- 00:19:47.681 --> 00:19:49.216
- But for now, it's a once a day opportunity.
- 00:19:49.216 --> 00:19:52.953
- Thanks for your comments.
- 00:19:53.520 --> 00:19:55.322
- Oh yeah, they're telling my ear you can record that.
- 00:19:55.322 --> 00:19:58.158
- Do it with tivo,
- 00:19:58.158 --> 00:19:59.026
- Whatever your dvr makes possible,
- 00:19:59.026 --> 00:20:01.395
- And share it with your friends.
- 00:20:01.395 --> 00:20:02.829
- The best thing you can do is tell your friends word of mouth
- 00:20:02.829 --> 00:20:05.599
- Will expand the audience and give us more opportunities.
- 00:20:05.599 --> 00:20:08.869
- Keep sending your emails.
- 00:20:08.869 --> 00:20:09.936
- Your perspectives make a difference.
- 00:20:09.936 --> 00:20:11.772
- You can send them to comments at allen jackson
- 00:20:11.772 --> 00:20:15.575
- And from all of us here in nashville
- 00:20:15.575 --> 00:20:17.511
- I thank you for joining us tonight.
- 00:20:17.511 --> 00:20:19.246
- You have a wonderful evening.
- 00:20:19.246 --> 00:20:19.246