God told Andrew he was limiting Him by his small thinking & the results of taking the limits off of God.
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Show Timecode
Andrew Wommack: Gospel Truth | Andrew Wommack - Don't Limit God | January 7, 2025
- Countdown
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- Music
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- >> welcome to gospel truth with
- 00:00:01.091 --> 00:00:02.625
- Andrew wommack. celebrating 25
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- Years of sharing god's
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- Unconditional love and grace
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- On television. and
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- Now here's andrew.
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- >> welcome to another gospel
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- Truth broadcast. this is a very
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- Special broadcast. this week
- 00:00:17.240 --> 00:00:19.809
- Marks the 25th anniversary of
- 00:00:19.809 --> 00:00:23.213
- When i started on television. i
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- Tell you, that is a miracle.
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- Most of you watching this don't
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- Have a clue all of the things
- 00:00:29.018 --> 00:00:31.154
- That have happened. but it is
- 00:00:31.154 --> 00:00:32.822
- Totally god that has made this
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- Happen. and so we're just
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- Celebrating the goodness of god,
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- And we're talking about things
- 00:00:37.760 --> 00:00:39.662
- That will relate to you. i've
- 00:00:39.662 --> 00:00:40.997
- Got this teaching on don't limit
- 00:00:40.997 --> 00:00:42.665
- God. i've got all kinds of
- 00:00:42.665 --> 00:00:44.968
- Things. i've got this little
- 00:00:44.968 --> 00:00:45.969
- Sticker, this is a static cling
- 00:00:45.969 --> 00:00:48.338
- Sticker that you peel off, and
- 00:00:48.338 --> 00:00:49.873
- You can stick it to a mirror, to
- 00:00:49.873 --> 00:00:51.474
- A windshield or something like
- 00:00:51.474 --> 00:00:53.877
- That. i've got these little
- 00:00:53.877 --> 00:00:55.078
- Books on imagination and don't
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- Limit god, and we've got just
- 00:00:57.213 --> 00:00:59.883
- A lot of stuff. we'll be
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- Advertising it at the end of the
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- Program. but i'm really blessed
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- To have stephen bransford with
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- To have stephen bransford with me. and stephen is the guy who
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- Me. and stephen is the guy who put me on television and
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- Put me on television and yesterday, if you missed any of
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- Yesterday, if you missed any of the broadcast, we talked a
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- The broadcast, we talked a little bit about what it was
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- Little bit about what it was like to get started, but then
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- Like to get started, but then we played a 12 minute, 25th
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- We played a 12 minute, 25th celebration video and it's
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- Celebration video and it's really powerful. so, if you
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- Really powerful. so, if you haven't seen that, i encourage
- 00:01:24.174 --> 00:01:25.241
- Haven't seen that, i encourage you to look at it. stephen put
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- You to look at it. stephen put that together. but, but stephen,
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- That together. but, but stephen, i want to go back and what i
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- I want to go back and what i want to do today is talk about
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- Some things even before i met
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- You. but, you know, i had been
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- On radio since '76 and we
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- Started on television in 2000,
- 00:01:38.521 --> 00:01:40.523
- So what's that? 24 years i had
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- Been on radio, and we got to
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- Been on radio, and we got to where we had like, i think it
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- Where we had like, i think it was 120 something stations, and
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- Was 120 something stations, and our... we were ministering to
- 00:01:51.534 --> 00:01:54.337
- Our... we were ministering to people. there was good
- 00:01:54.404 --> 00:01:55.038
- People. there was good things happening, but i was
- 00:01:55.104 --> 00:01:56.172
- Things happening, but i was just barely keeping my nose
- 00:01:56.239 --> 00:01:58.107
- Just barely keeping my nose above the water line. i mean,
- 00:01:58.174 --> 00:01:59.609
- Above the water line. i mean, we were facing financial
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- We were facing financial disaster all of the time.
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- Disaster all of the time. and the lord spoke to me in the
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- And the lord spoke to me in the summer of '96 or '90... what was
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- Summer of '96 or '90... what was it, '99. must have been before
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- It, '99. must have been before that. it was the summer of '98.
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- That. it was the summer of '98. >> yeah, because we met in '99.
- 00:02:14.490 --> 00:02:15.325
- >> yeah, because we met in '99. >> it was the summer of '98, and
- 00:02:15.391 --> 00:02:17.627
- >> it was the summer of '98, and told me that i was supposed to
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- Told me that i was supposed to go on television. and so, in
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- Go on television. and so, in january of '99, i went to my
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- January of '99, i went to my radio partners, which i don't
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- Radio partners, which i don't even know how many i had then,
- 00:02:25.635 --> 00:02:27.036
- Even know how many i had then, but it probably couldn't have
- 00:02:27.103 --> 00:02:28.171
- But it probably couldn't have been over a... 500 or a 1000
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- Been over a... 500 or a 1000 maximum. and i just told them,
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- Maximum. and i just told them, i said, radio's one thing.
- 00:02:33.943 --> 00:02:35.778
- I said, radio's one thing. television is a whole nother
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- Television is a whole nother world. and i knew it was going
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- World. and i knew it was going to be really expensive. and so i
- 00:02:39.415 --> 00:02:41.718
- To be really expensive. and so i said, if we're going to do this,
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- Said, if we're going to do this, i've got to have an increase in
- 00:02:43.786 --> 00:02:45.288
- I've got to have an increase in finances. and rather than me
- 00:02:45.355 --> 00:02:46.823
- Finances. and rather than me going on and expecting them to
- 00:02:46.889 --> 00:02:48.491
- Going on and expecting them to come in arrears, i've got to
- 00:02:48.558 --> 00:02:50.660
- Come in arrears, i've got to have them come in advance.
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- Have them come in advance. that's just where my faith was.
- 00:02:51.828 --> 00:02:53.896
- That's just where my faith was. so i advertised this, and i
- 00:02:53.963 --> 00:02:56.633
- So i advertised this, and i forget exactly how much money. i
- 00:02:56.699 --> 00:02:59.235
- Forget exactly how much money. i think i was asking for $115,000
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- Is what i thought i needed. and,
- 00:03:02.772 --> 00:03:04.974
- Is what i thought i needed. and, and when you came on,
- 00:03:05.041 --> 00:03:07.277
- And when you came on, i told you that i had $75,000.
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- I told you that i had $75,000. and it's not that i was
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- And it's not that i was hiding anything from you, but
- 00:03:11.547 --> 00:03:12.815
- Hiding anything from you, but the other was to buy a...
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- The other was to buy a... >> well, of course, you
- 00:03:14.784 --> 00:03:16.219
- >> well, of course, you had to buy television
- 00:03:16.286 --> 00:03:17.153
- Had to buy television time to get started.
- 00:03:17.220 --> 00:03:17.887
- Time to get started. >> yeah, and other things. but
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- You, you helped ptl,
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- You, you helped ptl, james robison get started.
- 00:03:23.293 --> 00:03:24.527
- James robison get started. you worked for billy graham and
- 00:03:24.594 --> 00:03:27.697
- You worked for billy graham and did a lot of stuff for them. and
- 00:03:27.764 --> 00:03:29.832
- Did a lot of stuff for them. and when i told you that i had
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- When i told you that i had $75,000 to get a set, to get
- 00:03:31.134 --> 00:03:34.537
- $75,000 to get a set, to get equipment, to hire personnel,
- 00:03:34.604 --> 00:03:36.973
- Equipment, to hire personnel, to do everything, how did
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- To do everything, how did that compare with what
- 00:03:38.741 --> 00:03:39.676
- That compare with what you'd done in the past?
- 00:03:39.742 --> 00:03:40.410
- You'd done in the past? >> well, it was half my budget
- 00:03:40.476 --> 00:03:41.678
- >> well, it was half my budget for the six-minute billy graham
- 00:03:41.744 --> 00:03:43.980
- For the six-minute billy graham film that i was working on at
- 00:03:44.047 --> 00:03:45.315
- Film that i was working on at the time. anyway... yeah, it was
- 00:03:45.381 --> 00:03:48.418
- The time. anyway... yeah, it was a shock. and you asked me, you
- 00:03:48.484 --> 00:03:49.819
- A shock. and you asked me, you said, you know, i have this
- 00:03:49.886 --> 00:03:52.789
- Said, you know, i have this $75,000 for the production side
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- $75,000 for the production side of television. can that be done?
- 00:03:55.458 --> 00:03:57.226
- Of television. can that be done? and i, i was honest. i'm 50
- 00:03:57.293 --> 00:03:59.862
- And i, i was honest. i'm 50 years old by then. i've got
- 00:03:59.929 --> 00:04:01.097
- Years old by then. i've got nothing to prove. you're 50.
- 00:04:01.164 --> 00:04:03.299
- Nothing to prove. you're 50. that's something that's
- 00:04:03.366 --> 00:04:04.133
- That's something that's significant. we'd both been down
- 00:04:04.200 --> 00:04:06.035
- Significant. we'd both been down the road aways. i was
- 00:04:06.102 --> 00:04:07.403
- The road aways. i was going to just be honest...
- 00:04:07.470 --> 00:04:08.004
- Going to just be honest... >> i'm just about what?
- 00:04:08.071 --> 00:04:09.138
- >> i'm just about what? three months older than
- 00:04:09.205 --> 00:04:09.939
- Three months older than you, something like that.
- 00:04:10.006 --> 00:04:10.740
- You, something like that. >> yeah, yeah.
- 00:04:10.807 --> 00:04:11.541
- >> yeah, yeah. >> so we're just about
- 00:04:11.607 --> 00:04:12.375
- >> so we're just about the same age.
- 00:04:12.442 --> 00:04:13.109
- The same age. >> so, so i was just going to be
- 00:04:13.176 --> 00:04:14.143
- >> so, so i was just going to be honest there, and i was ser... i
- 00:04:14.210 --> 00:04:15.978
- Honest there, and i was ser... i was there to serve the lord.
- 00:04:16.045 --> 00:04:17.480
- Was there to serve the lord. that, that... coming in the
- 00:04:17.547 --> 00:04:18.648
- That, that... coming in the door, and i'd already received a
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- Door, and i'd already received a confirmation that this is it,
- 00:04:20.616 --> 00:04:22.819
- Confirmation that this is it, but i didn't know all the
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- But i didn't know all the details. so i, i said, i don't
- 00:04:24.787 --> 00:04:27.557
- Details. so i, i said, i don't know if that can be done,
- 00:04:27.623 --> 00:04:28.691
- Know if that can be done, 75,000 is not much.
- 00:04:28.758 --> 00:04:30.660
- 75,000 is not much. >> i remember you saying that.
- 00:04:30.727 --> 00:04:31.394
- >> i remember you saying that. that wasn't encouraging to me.
- 00:04:31.461 --> 00:04:32.362
- That wasn't encouraging to me. >> no. and i... and i said, who
- 00:04:32.428 --> 00:04:33.796
- >> no. and i... and i said, who told you? and... and you told me
- 00:04:33.863 --> 00:04:35.331
- Told you? and... and you told me a friend of yours, bobby crow
- 00:04:35.398 --> 00:04:37.500
- A friend of yours, bobby crow had told you you could do
- 00:04:37.567 --> 00:04:39.102
- Had told you you could do television for that amount. so i
- 00:04:39.168 --> 00:04:41.237
- Television for that amount. so i called bobby crow and he was
- 00:04:41.304 --> 00:04:43.239
- Called bobby crow and he was giving me kind of prosumer
- 00:04:43.306 --> 00:04:45.007
- Giving me kind of prosumer cameras, three, and a switcher,
- 00:04:45.074 --> 00:04:47.777
- Cameras, three, and a switcher, and all the typical things you
- 00:04:47.844 --> 00:04:49.612
- And all the typical things you do in a tv studio that you could
- 00:04:49.679 --> 00:04:52.048
- Do in a tv studio that you could do with that... with that money.
- 00:04:52.115 --> 00:04:53.783
- And i knew that somehow that
- 00:04:55.084 --> 00:04:57.453
- And i knew that somehow that wasn't going to be right. so i,
- 00:04:57.520 --> 00:05:00.890
- Wasn't going to be right. so i, i took that in, then i started
- 00:05:00.957 --> 00:05:02.191
- I took that in, then i started researching, and boy, it was
- 00:05:02.258 --> 00:05:05.261
- Researching, and boy, it was miraculous, andrew. i got to
- 00:05:05.328 --> 00:05:06.496
- Miraculous, andrew. i got to tell you, the lord began leading
- 00:05:06.562 --> 00:05:09.399
- Tell you, the lord began leading me to the right places. but i
- 00:05:09.465 --> 00:05:10.700
- Me to the right places. but i want to bring something up. the
- 00:05:10.767 --> 00:05:12.535
- Want to bring something up. the anniversary we're celebrating of
- 00:05:12.602 --> 00:05:14.370
- Anniversary we're celebrating of your start on television is
- 00:05:14.437 --> 00:05:15.738
- Your start on television is january. okay. but when i met
- 00:05:15.805 --> 00:05:18.841
- January. okay. but when i met you, you said, i want to go on
- 00:05:18.908 --> 00:05:20.209
- You, you said, i want to go on television in september.
- 00:05:20.276 --> 00:05:22.645
- Television in september. >> well.
- 00:05:22.712 --> 00:05:23.379
- >> well. >> i want to thank you for
- 00:05:23.446 --> 00:05:25.648
- >> i want to thank you for giving me more time because by
- 00:05:25.715 --> 00:05:27.383
- Giving me more time because by the time i got on board in
- 00:05:27.450 --> 00:05:28.818
- The time i got on board in jet... in july and started the
- 00:05:28.885 --> 00:05:31.087
- Jet... in july and started the process, we didn't have
- 00:05:31.154 --> 00:05:32.588
- Process, we didn't have anything. i didn't have a... i
- 00:05:32.655 --> 00:05:34.957
- Anything. i didn't have a... i didn't know if we could do it
- 00:05:35.024 --> 00:05:36.259
- Didn't know if we could do it with that budget. but look what
- 00:05:36.325 --> 00:05:38.294
- With that budget. but look what god did. i took... you, you gave
- 00:05:38.361 --> 00:05:40.129
- God did. i took... you, you gave me the extra time to get on the
- 00:05:40.196 --> 00:05:41.731
- Me the extra time to get on the air. and what that did was
- 00:05:41.798 --> 00:05:43.933
- Air. and what that did was it allowed us to build
- 00:05:44.000 --> 00:05:45.067
- It allowed us to build that first set, and people
- 00:05:45.134 --> 00:05:46.469
- Saw glimpses of that first
- 00:05:47.036 --> 00:05:49.138
- Set. and it's a nice looking
- 00:05:49.138 --> 00:05:50.907
- Set. i mean, it wasn't bad.
- 00:05:50.907 --> 00:05:52.275
- It's not this beautiful one
- 00:05:52.275 --> 00:05:54.377
- That we upgraded to,
- 00:05:54.444 --> 00:05:55.611
- That we upgraded to, what, in 2011. but it
- 00:05:55.678 --> 00:05:58.781
- What, in 2011. but it served us for 11, 12 years.
- 00:05:58.848 --> 00:06:00.883
- Served us for 11, 12 years. >> and it was miraculous
- 00:06:00.950 --> 00:06:01.984
- >> and it was miraculous how we got that.
- 00:06:02.051 --> 00:06:02.919
- How we got that. >> that was god, because i had
- 00:06:02.985 --> 00:06:06.889
- >> that was god, because i had tried... here's the thing. i
- 00:06:06.956 --> 00:06:08.691
- Tried... here's the thing. i wanted to build everything
- 00:06:08.758 --> 00:06:09.892
- Wanted to build everything around what your gift in
- 00:06:09.959 --> 00:06:12.128
- Around what your gift in ministry was and who you were.
- 00:06:12.195 --> 00:06:15.064
- Ministry was and who you were. and i went to your home, if
- 00:06:15.131 --> 00:06:16.399
- And i went to your home, if you'll remember that, and sat
- 00:06:16.466 --> 00:06:19.035
- You'll remember that, and sat down and just saw how you lived,
- 00:06:19.101 --> 00:06:21.304
- Down and just saw how you lived, and you had this $60,000 home on
- 00:06:21.370 --> 00:06:24.073
- And you had this $60,000 home on top of a mountain in colorado.
- 00:06:24.140 --> 00:06:25.341
- And so, i love colorado, i love
- 00:06:26.476 --> 00:06:28.811
- And so, i love colorado, i love the outdoors, and you did. and
- 00:06:28.878 --> 00:06:30.913
- So, i saw those kinds of things
- 00:06:32.048 --> 00:06:35.117
- So, i saw those kinds of things as fitting who you were. they
- 00:06:35.184 --> 00:06:36.786
- As fitting who you were. they weren't just something pasted
- 00:06:36.853 --> 00:06:38.221
- Weren't just something pasted on. like this set right here is
- 00:06:38.287 --> 00:06:40.323
- On. like this set right here is who you are. we built this based
- 00:06:40.389 --> 00:06:43.159
- Who you are. we built this based on your personality and your
- 00:06:43.226 --> 00:06:45.528
- On your personality and your ministry gifts. plus your
- 00:06:45.595 --> 00:06:47.630
- Ministry gifts. plus your location. you look out the
- 00:06:47.697 --> 00:06:48.764
- Location. you look out the window, you see the scene of
- 00:06:48.831 --> 00:06:50.299
- Window, you see the scene of garden of the gods, and you see
- 00:06:50.366 --> 00:06:52.835
- Garden of the gods, and you see pikes peak, which is where we
- 00:06:52.902 --> 00:06:54.136
- Pikes peak, which is where we live. all of that started coming
- 00:06:54.203 --> 00:06:57.273
- Live. all of that started coming together, but i couldn't find a
- 00:06:57.340 --> 00:07:00.476
- Together, but i couldn't find a set builder to put that set in
- 00:07:00.543 --> 00:07:02.478
- Set builder to put that set in the corner of that classroom
- 00:07:02.545 --> 00:07:03.846
- The corner of that classroom once we got going.
- 00:07:03.913 --> 00:07:05.414
- Once we got going. >> people wouldn't understand
- 00:07:05.481 --> 00:07:07.216
- >> people wouldn't understand how we got started, but we
- 00:07:07.283 --> 00:07:08.718
- How we got started, but we actually put that set in our
- 00:07:08.784 --> 00:07:11.687
- Actually put that set in our charis bible college classroom,
- 00:07:11.754 --> 00:07:13.489
- Charis bible college classroom, and the instructors had
- 00:07:13.556 --> 00:07:15.258
- And the instructors had to teach on the set.
- 00:07:15.324 --> 00:07:16.759
- To teach on the set. >> that's right.
- 00:07:16.826 --> 00:07:17.426
- >> that's right. >> and i had to wait until
- 00:07:17.493 --> 00:07:18.461
- >> and i had to wait until school was out before i could
- 00:07:18.528 --> 00:07:19.896
- School was out before i could make programs, because we were
- 00:07:19.962 --> 00:07:21.197
- Make programs, because we were having to use the same room
- 00:07:21.264 --> 00:07:22.565
- Having to use the same room for studio and school.
- 00:07:22.632 --> 00:07:24.333
- For studio and school. >> and the room had bad echoes
- 00:07:24.400 --> 00:07:26.736
- >> and the room had bad echoes and sound. and so, we would hang
- 00:07:26.802 --> 00:07:28.237
- And sound. and so, we would hang blankets around the, the set in
- 00:07:28.304 --> 00:07:30.706
- Blankets around the, the set in the classroom. just... we looked
- 00:07:30.773 --> 00:07:32.341
- The classroom. just... we looked like, what, we looked like the
- 00:07:32.408 --> 00:07:34.110
- Like, what, we looked like the beverly hillbillies getting
- 00:07:34.176 --> 00:07:35.478
- Beverly hillbillies getting started. it was great though,
- 00:07:35.545 --> 00:07:37.914
- Started. it was great though, because the program was the
- 00:07:37.980 --> 00:07:39.215
- Because the program was the same as it is today. you were
- 00:07:39.282 --> 00:07:41.050
- Same as it is today. you were teaching to that one camera,
- 00:07:41.117 --> 00:07:43.185
- Teaching to that one camera, which, you know, we got... and
- 00:07:43.252 --> 00:07:45.288
- Which, you know, we got... and by the way, just to let people
- 00:07:45.354 --> 00:07:46.389
- By the way, just to let people know, i got you on the air
- 00:07:46.455 --> 00:07:48.157
- Know, i got you on the air actually for a little
- 00:07:48.224 --> 00:07:49.258
- Actually for a little bit under that budget.
- 00:07:49.325 --> 00:07:51.027
- Bit under that budget. >> and that's mira... because
- 00:07:51.093 --> 00:07:52.328
- >> and that's mira... because like when you were with ptl, how
- 00:07:52.395 --> 00:07:54.196
- Like when you were with ptl, how many people did you have in
- 00:07:54.263 --> 00:07:55.398
- Many people did you have in your television department?
- 00:07:55.464 --> 00:07:56.632
- Your television department? >> oh my goodness. we had like
- 00:07:56.699 --> 00:07:57.900
- >> oh my goodness. we had like you have here, what, almost 100.
- 00:07:57.967 --> 00:08:00.536
- You have here, what, almost 100. >> yeah. and you probably had
- 00:08:00.603 --> 00:08:02.071
- >> yeah. and you probably had multiple cameras and just all
- 00:08:02.138 --> 00:08:04.040
- Multiple cameras and just all kinds of stuff. and i, i'm
- 00:08:04.106 --> 00:08:06.042
- Kinds of stuff. and i, i'm guessing, but i bet you it was a
- 00:08:06.108 --> 00:08:07.643
- Guessing, but i bet you it was a million dollars or more,
- 00:08:07.710 --> 00:08:09.078
- Million dollars or more, something that you had. and here
- 00:08:09.145 --> 00:08:10.613
- Something that you had. and here you started with $75,000, set,
- 00:08:10.680 --> 00:08:13.916
- You started with $75,000, set, equipment, salaries, everything.
- 00:08:13.983 --> 00:08:17.553
- Equipment, salaries, everything. >> yeah. here it was... it was
- 00:08:17.620 --> 00:08:19.689
- >> yeah. here it was... it was a... it was god. how can i say
- 00:08:19.755 --> 00:08:22.391
- A... it was god. how can i say it otherwise? because... and,
- 00:08:22.458 --> 00:08:24.527
- It otherwise? because... and, and i began to get thrilled. i
- 00:08:24.594 --> 00:08:26.062
- And i began to get thrilled. i got to tell you, i knew as we
- 00:08:26.128 --> 00:08:27.530
- Got to tell you, i knew as we started putting things together
- 00:08:27.597 --> 00:08:28.931
- Started putting things together and you let me take the
- 00:08:28.998 --> 00:08:30.366
- And you let me take the little more time to get the
- 00:08:30.433 --> 00:08:32.668
- Little more time to get the post-production together. i
- 00:08:32.735 --> 00:08:35.204
- Post-production together. i can't explain to the audience
- 00:08:35.271 --> 00:08:36.706
- Can't explain to the audience the technical miracles that
- 00:08:36.772 --> 00:08:38.574
- The technical miracles that happened one after another. but
- 00:08:38.641 --> 00:08:39.842
- Happened one after another. but i'll say the one thing about the
- 00:08:39.909 --> 00:08:41.010
- I'll say the one thing about the set. i needed something that
- 00:08:41.077 --> 00:08:43.379
- Set. i needed something that looked like you because i'd been
- 00:08:43.446 --> 00:08:44.847
- Looked like you because i'd been to your home. and so i began to
- 00:08:44.914 --> 00:08:47.249
- To your home. and so i began to describe it as, as something
- 00:08:47.316 --> 00:08:50.620
- Describe it as, as something i'd seen at christmas.
- 00:08:50.686 --> 00:08:51.754
- I'd seen at christmas. kathie lee gifford did a
- 00:08:51.821 --> 00:08:53.489
- Kathie lee gifford did a christmas special that year.
- 00:08:53.556 --> 00:08:55.291
- Christmas special that year. >> i saw that.
- 00:08:55.358 --> 00:08:56.225
- >> i saw that. >> that was in beaver creek,
- 00:08:56.292 --> 00:08:57.593
- >> that was in beaver creek, colorado, and i had seen her
- 00:08:57.660 --> 00:09:00.262
- Colorado, and i had seen her special, and i'd seen how the
- 00:09:00.329 --> 00:09:01.664
- Special, and i'd seen how the set had been built there, and i
- 00:09:01.731 --> 00:09:04.000
- Set had been built there, and i said, i want that kind of look
- 00:09:04.066 --> 00:09:06.602
- Said, i want that kind of look for andrew. and so, i began to
- 00:09:06.669 --> 00:09:09.972
- For andrew. and so, i began to bring in from focus on the
- 00:09:10.039 --> 00:09:11.707
- Bring in from focus on the family and other christian
- 00:09:11.774 --> 00:09:13.042
- Family and other christian organizations, set, set
- 00:09:13.109 --> 00:09:14.443
- Organizations, set, set designers and people, and i'm
- 00:09:14.510 --> 00:09:15.645
- Designers and people, and i'm telling them that, and they
- 00:09:15.711 --> 00:09:16.812
- Telling them that, and they would draw things for me. and
- 00:09:16.879 --> 00:09:18.447
- Would draw things for me. and nothing. nothing was working. i
- 00:09:18.514 --> 00:09:21.150
- Nothing. nothing was working. i went to a broadway designer in
- 00:09:21.217 --> 00:09:23.185
- Went to a broadway designer in denver. he couldn't do it. i'm
- 00:09:23.252 --> 00:09:27.023
- Denver. he couldn't do it. i'm sitting there wondering, how are
- 00:09:27.089 --> 00:09:29.225
- Sitting there wondering, how are we going to go forward? this is
- 00:09:29.291 --> 00:09:30.793
- We going to go forward? this is august. and, in my door
- 00:09:30.860 --> 00:09:36.032
- August. and, in my door literally walked two, two men
- 00:09:36.098 --> 00:09:39.201
- Literally walked two, two men and they said, we hear that
- 00:09:39.268 --> 00:09:40.302
- And they said, we hear that you're looking for someone to
- 00:09:40.369 --> 00:09:41.704
- You're looking for someone to design and build a set. and i
- 00:09:41.771 --> 00:09:43.973
- Design and build a set. and i said, yes, i am. and the one guy
- 00:09:44.040 --> 00:09:47.677
- Said, yes, i am. and the one guy said, well, i have a warehouse
- 00:09:47.743 --> 00:09:49.845
- Said, well, i have a warehouse where i build sets just five
- 00:09:49.912 --> 00:09:51.480
- Where i build sets just five blocks from your building here
- 00:09:51.547 --> 00:09:52.948
- Blocks from your building here on robinson. and the other
- 00:09:53.015 --> 00:09:57.286
- On robinson. and the other gentleman said, and i'm the
- 00:09:57.353 --> 00:09:58.454
- Gentleman said, and i'm the designer. and he said, i
- 00:09:58.521 --> 00:09:59.555
- Designer. and he said, i designed kathie lee gifford's
- 00:09:59.622 --> 00:10:01.090
- Designed kathie lee gifford's christmas beaver creek set. you
- 00:10:01.157 --> 00:10:05.895
- Christmas beaver creek set. you try to calculate those odds.
- 00:10:05.961 --> 00:10:08.064
- Try to calculate those odds. when that happened, i knew this,
- 00:10:08.130 --> 00:10:10.499
- When that happened, i knew this, the lord had spoken. because you
- 00:10:10.566 --> 00:10:12.902
- The lord had spoken. because you can't make that happen.
- 00:10:12.968 --> 00:10:14.003
- Can't make that happen. >> plus, all of the other people
- 00:10:14.070 --> 00:10:15.504
- >> plus, all of the other people that you'd contacted, the sets
- 00:10:15.571 --> 00:10:17.440
- That you'd contacted, the sets were much more expensive. we got
- 00:10:17.506 --> 00:10:19.608
- Were much more expensive. we got that set d... designed...
- 00:10:19.675 --> 00:10:21.744
- That set d... designed... >> 8,000.
- 00:10:21.811 --> 00:10:22.478
- >> 8,000. >> 8,000, and it was because...
- 00:10:22.545 --> 00:10:23.279
- >> 8,000, and it was because... >> designed and built.
- 00:10:23.345 --> 00:10:24.747
- >> designed and built. >> it was because they were out
- 00:10:24.814 --> 00:10:26.248
- >> it was because they were out of work. they were in between
- 00:10:26.315 --> 00:10:27.349
- Of work. they were in between jobs, and they said, we just
- 00:10:27.416 --> 00:10:29.018
- Jobs, and they said, we just need something to fill a gap.
- 00:10:29.085 --> 00:10:30.653
- Need something to fill a gap. and so, they basically
- 00:10:30.720 --> 00:10:31.854
- And so, they basically built it nearly at cost.
- 00:10:31.921 --> 00:10:33.222
- Built it nearly at cost. >> they did. and they did some
- 00:10:33.289 --> 00:10:34.724
- >> they did. and they did some extras on it that just, you
- 00:10:34.790 --> 00:10:36.726
- Extras on it that just, you know, subtle little things that
- 00:10:36.792 --> 00:10:38.160
- Know, subtle little things that they put their heart and soul
- 00:10:38.227 --> 00:10:40.162
- They put their heart and soul into that first set. and so, for
- 00:10:40.229 --> 00:10:42.898
- Into that first set. and so, for 12 years, praise god, it, it
- 00:10:42.965 --> 00:10:45.568
- 12 years, praise god, it, it served us. and then it
- 00:10:45.634 --> 00:10:47.403
- Served us. and then it was time to, to go up.
- 00:10:47.470 --> 00:10:48.704
- Was time to, to go up. >> but you know, let me go back
- 00:10:48.771 --> 00:10:49.739
- >> but you know, let me go back that... to my radio partners
- 00:10:49.805 --> 00:10:53.809
- That... to my radio partners because before i went on
- 00:10:53.876 --> 00:10:55.244
- Because before i went on television, radio partnerships,
- 00:10:55.311 --> 00:10:58.047
- Television, radio partnerships, i could... i would have to
- 00:10:58.114 --> 00:10:59.115
- I could... i would have to guess. but i am sure that our
- 00:10:59.181 --> 00:11:01.684
- Guess. but i am sure that our income was probably never over a
- 00:11:01.751 --> 00:11:04.253
- Income was probably never over a million dollars a year on radio.
- 00:11:04.320 --> 00:11:06.756
- Million dollars a year on radio. and that's with me being on like
- 00:11:06.822 --> 00:11:08.157
- And that's with me being on like 120 radio stations. we had 20
- 00:11:08.224 --> 00:11:10.926
- 120 radio stations. we had 20 something employees, and that
- 00:11:10.993 --> 00:11:13.829
- Something employees, and that was bare bones. we had
- 00:11:13.896 --> 00:11:15.030
- Was bare bones. we had collection agencies that would
- 00:11:15.097 --> 00:11:16.432
- Collection agencies that would come after us. we would go in
- 00:11:16.499 --> 00:11:18.167
- Come after us. we would go in feast and famine mode and stuff.
- 00:11:18.234 --> 00:11:21.070
- Feast and famine mode and stuff. and so, we were struggling, and
- 00:11:21.137 --> 00:11:23.305
- And so, we were struggling, and we had no extra money. zip.
- 00:11:23.372 --> 00:11:25.574
- We had no extra money. zip. zero. nada. and when i went to
- 00:11:25.641 --> 00:11:27.843
- Zero. nada. and when i went to my radio partners, for them to
- 00:11:27.910 --> 00:11:30.513
- My radio partners, for them to supply an extra 115,000 or
- 00:11:30.579 --> 00:11:33.182
- Supply an extra 115,000 or 20,000, whatever it was, for me
- 00:11:33.249 --> 00:11:35.017
- 20,000, whatever it was, for me to get the... to hire you, to
- 00:11:35.084 --> 00:11:37.887
- To get the... to hire you, to get the set built, the
- 00:11:37.953 --> 00:11:39.021
- Get the set built, the equipment, and then pay i think
- 00:11:39.088 --> 00:11:41.390
- Equipment, and then pay i think it was three or four months
- 00:11:41.457 --> 00:11:42.792
- It was three or four months airtime i was thinking of, it
- 00:11:42.858 --> 00:11:45.728
- Airtime i was thinking of, it was... i'd never had that kind
- 00:11:45.795 --> 00:11:47.963
- Was... i'd never had that kind of a response in my life to
- 00:11:48.030 --> 00:11:49.965
- Of a response in my life to anything. and in january of '99,
- 00:11:50.032 --> 00:11:52.802
- Anything. and in january of '99, i just went to my partners and
- 00:11:52.868 --> 00:11:55.037
- I just went to my partners and told them what god had laid on
- 00:11:55.104 --> 00:11:56.372
- Told them what god had laid on my heart and asked if they would
- 00:11:56.438 --> 00:11:57.740
- My heart and asked if they would support it. and i think we had
- 00:11:57.807 --> 00:11:59.408
- Support it. and i think we had $150,000 come in, and we
- 00:11:59.475 --> 00:12:03.512
- $150,000 come in, and we designated 75,000 of that
- 00:12:03.579 --> 00:12:05.648
- Designated 75,000 of that towards all of these production
- 00:12:05.714 --> 00:12:07.817
- Towards all of these production things. and it was just the
- 00:12:07.883 --> 00:12:10.085
- Things. and it was just the greatest miracle that i had ever
- 00:12:10.152 --> 00:12:12.721
- Greatest miracle that i had ever experienced financially. and
- 00:12:12.788 --> 00:12:14.790
- Experienced financially. and then when we started, we started
- 00:12:14.857 --> 00:12:16.325
- Then when we started, we started on the old ptl network.
- 00:12:16.392 --> 00:12:18.127
- >> insp.
- 00:12:19.161 --> 00:12:20.329
- >> and we started on that,
- 00:12:21.664 --> 00:12:22.832
- >> and we started on that, and it only covered 3% of
- 00:12:22.898 --> 00:12:24.233
- The u.s. population, and, and
- 00:12:25.534 --> 00:12:27.336
- The u.s. population, and, and again, i'm guessing. don't hold
- 00:12:27.403 --> 00:12:29.205
- Again, i'm guessing. don't hold me to these things, but i think
- 00:12:29.271 --> 00:12:30.506
- Me to these things, but i think that the cost was about like
- 00:12:30.573 --> 00:12:31.774
- That the cost was about like $26,000 a month is what that
- 00:12:31.841 --> 00:12:35.911
- $26,000 a month is what that cost for 3% of the u.s.
- 00:12:35.978 --> 00:12:38.080
- Cost for 3% of the u.s. population. and that was
- 00:12:38.147 --> 00:12:39.515
- Population. and that was stretching us to the max. and
- 00:12:39.582 --> 00:12:42.518
- Stretching us to the max. and yet within, i'd say two months,
- 00:12:42.585 --> 00:12:44.720
- Yet within, i'd say two months, three months, we had that much
- 00:12:44.787 --> 00:12:46.655
- Three months, we had that much income coming in from those
- 00:12:46.722 --> 00:12:48.157
- Income coming in from those programs, which it just defies
- 00:12:48.224 --> 00:12:50.459
- Programs, which it just defies all of the logic that we've ever
- 00:12:50.526 --> 00:12:52.795
- All of the logic that we've ever had. and of course, you know,
- 00:12:52.862 --> 00:12:54.096
- Doug neece, integrity media,
- 00:12:54.697 --> 00:12:56.932
- They were our media buyers, and
- 00:12:56.932 --> 00:12:59.134
- They were the ones that bought
- 00:12:59.201 --> 00:13:00.069
- They were the ones that bought the time for kenneth copeland
- 00:13:00.135 --> 00:13:01.303
- The time for kenneth copeland airtime, at that time i think it
- 00:13:01.370 --> 00:13:02.638
- Airtime, at that time i think it was creflo dollar. many, many of
- 00:13:02.705 --> 00:13:04.240
- Was creflo dollar. many, many of the people, they had probably 40
- 00:13:04.306 --> 00:13:06.508
- The people, they had probably 40 million a year that they spent
- 00:13:06.575 --> 00:13:08.744
- Million a year that they spent on television airtime. and we
- 00:13:08.811 --> 00:13:10.112
- On television airtime. and we were just little tiny, but they
- 00:13:10.179 --> 00:13:12.982
- Were just little tiny, but they were shocked at the response
- 00:13:13.048 --> 00:13:15.150
- Were shocked at the response that we had. and it was, it was
- 00:13:15.217 --> 00:13:17.686
- That we had. and it was, it was just god in every single way.
- 00:13:17.753 --> 00:13:20.155
- Just god in every single way. >> well, you know, andrew, i
- 00:13:20.222 --> 00:13:21.090
- >> well, you know, andrew, i asked you one thing in that,
- 00:13:21.156 --> 00:13:22.391
- When we started, and i said to
- 00:13:23.659 --> 00:13:26.161
- When we started, and i said to you, i said, now once we had
- 00:13:26.228 --> 00:13:29.431
- You, i said, now once we had decided on the table. by the
- 00:13:29.498 --> 00:13:31.200
- Decided on the table. by the way, we bought this table
- 00:13:31.267 --> 00:13:32.701
- Way, we bought this table without this top for, for...
- 00:13:32.768 --> 00:13:34.637
- Without this top for, for... this is the same table
- 00:13:34.703 --> 00:13:35.804
- This is the same table that you started with 25
- 00:13:35.871 --> 00:13:37.373
- That you started with 25 years ago on television.
- 00:13:37.439 --> 00:13:38.507
- Years ago on television. >> but when we built this...
- 00:13:38.574 --> 00:13:39.708
- >> but when we built this... >> same chairs. we just
- 00:13:39.775 --> 00:13:40.209
- >> same chairs. we just redressed them.
- 00:13:40.276 --> 00:13:40.910
- Redressed them. >> yeah. when we built this set,
- 00:13:40.976 --> 00:13:42.444
- >> yeah. when we built this set, they wanted to make it a little
- 00:13:42.511 --> 00:13:44.213
- They wanted to make it a little bit more compatible, so they,
- 00:13:44.280 --> 00:13:46.415
- Bit more compatible, so they, they recovered the chairs and
- 00:13:46.482 --> 00:13:48.017
- They recovered the chairs and put a top on the table. other
- 00:13:48.083 --> 00:13:49.451
- Put a top on the table. other than that, it's the one we've
- 00:13:49.518 --> 00:13:50.486
- Than that, it's the one we've been using for 25 years.
- 00:13:50.552 --> 00:13:51.220
- Been using for 25 years. >> but i asked you back then, i
- 00:13:51.287 --> 00:13:52.655
- >> but i asked you back then, i said, andrew, what have you done
- 00:13:52.721 --> 00:13:53.789
- Said, andrew, what have you done on radio that's successful? and
- 00:13:53.856 --> 00:13:55.624
- On radio that's successful? and you said something to me that
- 00:13:55.691 --> 00:13:56.759
- You said something to me that just jumped out. you said, i
- 00:13:56.825 --> 00:13:59.061
- Just jumped out. you said, i give product away. and when i
- 00:13:59.128 --> 00:14:02.831
- Give product away. and when i heard that, i really, really
- 00:14:02.898 --> 00:14:05.401
- Heard that, i really, really thought, this is going to be
- 00:14:05.467 --> 00:14:07.236
- Thought, this is going to be strong in your partners hearts.
- 00:14:07.303 --> 00:14:10.973
- Strong in your partners hearts. and as i went out, after we got
- 00:14:11.040 --> 00:14:13.776
- And as i went out, after we got going and when i would go with
- 00:14:13.842 --> 00:14:15.277
- Going and when i would go with you to meetings, i would talk to
- 00:14:15.344 --> 00:14:17.680
- You to meetings, i would talk to your partners. i would say, so
- 00:14:17.746 --> 00:14:19.982
- Your partners. i would say, so what is it that, that causes you
- 00:14:20.049 --> 00:14:22.284
- What is it that, that causes you to be a partner. and again and
- 00:14:22.351 --> 00:14:24.053
- To be a partner. and again and again and again i heard it,
- 00:14:24.119 --> 00:14:25.287
- Andrew gives things away.
- 00:14:26.422 --> 00:14:28.290
- Andrew gives things away. and, and in the beginning,
- 00:14:28.357 --> 00:14:29.591
- And, and in the beginning, we, we actually received
- 00:14:29.658 --> 00:14:30.993
- We, we actually received things free just to make
- 00:14:31.060 --> 00:14:32.061
- Things free just to make sure he wasn't lying.
- 00:14:32.127 --> 00:14:33.228
- Sure he wasn't lying. >> yep. a lot of
- 00:14:33.295 --> 00:14:34.363
- >> yep. a lot of people say that.
- 00:14:34.430 --> 00:14:35.064
- People say that. >> and when we realized that
- 00:14:35.130 --> 00:14:35.798
- >> and when we realized that andrew meant that, then we want
- 00:14:35.864 --> 00:14:38.701
- Andrew meant that, then we want to be a part of it. we want to
- 00:14:38.767 --> 00:14:40.903
- To be a part of it. we want to give to be a part of that. and
- 00:14:40.970 --> 00:14:43.439
- Give to be a part of that. and so, i started putting on
- 00:14:43.505 --> 00:14:44.907
- So, i started putting on television, this phrase, we, we
- 00:14:44.974 --> 00:14:48.344
- Television, this phrase, we, we want to thank our grace partners
- 00:14:48.410 --> 00:14:50.879
- Want to thank our grace partners for making these donations so
- 00:14:50.946 --> 00:14:52.982
- For making these donations so that it's possible for us to
- 00:14:53.048 --> 00:14:54.316
- That it's possible for us to give product away to people in
- 00:14:54.383 --> 00:14:56.251
- Give product away to people in need. and that one motivation is
- 00:14:56.318 --> 00:14:59.955
- Need. and that one motivation is such a big one with your
- 00:15:00.022 --> 00:15:01.490
- Such a big one with your audience. and i don't know that
- 00:15:01.557 --> 00:15:03.225
- Audience. and i don't know that i've found it anywhere else in
- 00:15:03.292 --> 00:15:04.760
- I've found it anywhere else in ministry, wherever i've been.
- 00:15:04.827 --> 00:15:06.929
- Ministry, wherever i've been. >> yeah, that one sentence
- 00:15:06.996 --> 00:15:08.697
- >> yeah, that one sentence really says a lot right there.
- 00:15:08.764 --> 00:15:10.532
- Really says a lot right there. our partners have enabled us to
- 00:15:10.599 --> 00:15:12.334
- Our partners have enabled us to do this. and like i said, i
- 00:15:12.401 --> 00:15:13.769
- Do this. and like i said, i don't remember the exact number
- 00:15:13.836 --> 00:15:15.170
- Don't remember the exact number of radio partners, but i, i
- 00:15:15.237 --> 00:15:16.672
- Of radio partners, but i, i imagine it was around 500. now
- 00:15:16.739 --> 00:15:18.474
- Imagine it was around 500. now we have over 70,000. and all of
- 00:15:18.540 --> 00:15:21.577
- We have over 70,000. and all of that has come through
- 00:15:21.643 --> 00:15:23.245
- That has come through television. our monthly bills
- 00:15:23.312 --> 00:15:25.214
- Television. our monthly bills are a minimum of 8 million a
- 00:15:25.280 --> 00:15:27.082
- Are a minimum of 8 million a month. and we used to get less
- 00:15:27.149 --> 00:15:30.519
- Month. and we used to get less than a million in an entire
- 00:15:30.586 --> 00:15:32.087
- Than a million in an entire year. it's just phenomenal what
- 00:15:32.154 --> 00:15:34.890
- Year. it's just phenomenal what god has done, and television...
- 00:15:34.957 --> 00:15:37.259
- God has done, and television... you know, let me say to the
- 00:15:37.326 --> 00:15:38.160
- You know, let me say to the people watching. i don't always
- 00:15:38.227 --> 00:15:40.129
- People watching. i don't always say this, but i had... i started
- 00:15:40.195 --> 00:15:42.297
- Say this, but i had... i started in ministry in '68 is when the
- 00:15:42.364 --> 00:15:45.234
- In ministry in '68 is when the lord touched my life.
- 00:15:45.300 --> 00:15:46.168
- Lord touched my life. immediately i started
- 00:15:46.235 --> 00:15:47.603
- Immediately i started ministering. and i had been on
- 00:15:47.669 --> 00:15:49.905
- Ministering. and i had been on radio since 1976. and so, for
- 00:15:49.972 --> 00:15:54.209
- Radio since 1976. and so, for all of those decades, i had been
- 00:15:54.276 --> 00:15:56.211
- All of those decades, i had been ministering. but the lord woke
- 00:15:56.278 --> 00:15:57.613
- Ministering. but the lord woke me up on july the 26th, i think
- 00:15:57.679 --> 00:16:00.349
- Me up on july the 26th, i think it was of 1999, and i had a
- 00:16:00.416 --> 00:16:04.219
- It was of 1999, and i had a dream. i won't go into the whole
- 00:16:04.286 --> 00:16:05.387
- Dream. i won't go into the whole thing, but he told me, he says,
- 00:16:05.454 --> 00:16:07.289
- Thing, but he told me, he says, your ministry is just now
- 00:16:07.356 --> 00:16:08.690
- Your ministry is just now starting. when you start on
- 00:16:08.757 --> 00:16:10.459
- Starting. when you start on television, january the 3rd,
- 00:16:10.526 --> 00:16:12.161
- Television, january the 3rd, 2000, that will be the start of
- 00:16:12.227 --> 00:16:14.830
- 2000, that will be the start of your ministry. so by that time i
- 00:16:14.897 --> 00:16:16.932
- Your ministry. so by that time i had been in ministry for 32
- 00:16:16.999 --> 00:16:18.767
- Had been in ministry for 32 years, and yet god was telling
- 00:16:18.834 --> 00:16:21.136
- Years, and yet god was telling me i was just getting started.
- 00:16:21.203 --> 00:16:22.738
- Me i was just getting started. which was a little discouraging
- 00:16:22.805 --> 00:16:24.473
- Which was a little discouraging to think that for 32 years i had
- 00:16:24.540 --> 00:16:26.642
- To think that for 32 years i had been in training, but it was
- 00:16:26.708 --> 00:16:28.410
- Been in training, but it was also encouraging at the same
- 00:16:28.477 --> 00:16:29.912
- Also encouraging at the same time, because that meant that
- 00:16:29.978 --> 00:16:31.046
- Time, because that meant that all of the great things that we
- 00:16:31.113 --> 00:16:32.214
- All of the great things that we had seen, it, it was going to be
- 00:16:32.281 --> 00:16:33.782
- Had seen, it, it was going to be better. and it really did prove
- 00:16:33.849 --> 00:16:36.118
- Better. and it really did prove to be that way. and when i
- 00:16:36.185 --> 00:16:37.753
- To be that way. and when i started on television, i don't
- 00:16:37.820 --> 00:16:40.789
- Started on television, i don't know how to describe it, other
- 00:16:40.856 --> 00:16:42.024
- Know how to describe it, other than that's the start of my
- 00:16:42.091 --> 00:16:43.392
- Than that's the start of my ministry. everything up until
- 00:16:43.459 --> 00:16:44.960
- Ministry. everything up until that time was to prepare me. but
- 00:16:45.027 --> 00:16:47.596
- That time was to prepare me. but when we started on television,
- 00:16:47.663 --> 00:16:48.997
- When we started on television, man, we just started seeing
- 00:16:49.064 --> 00:16:50.466
- Man, we just started seeing miraculous results. we broke
- 00:16:50.532 --> 00:16:52.234
- Miraculous results. we broke records all of the time.
- 00:16:52.301 --> 00:16:54.470
- Records all of the time. and, stephen, you've been
- 00:16:54.536 --> 00:16:55.571
- And, stephen, you've been an integral part of that.
- 00:16:55.637 --> 00:16:57.639
- An integral part of that. >> you know, i, i represent...
- 00:16:57.706 --> 00:17:00.409
- >> you know, i, i represent... i... i'm so honored to have
- 00:17:00.476 --> 00:17:04.446
- I... i'm so honored to have started at the beg... at the
- 00:17:04.513 --> 00:17:05.647
- Started at the beg... at the beginning when it was so small.
- 00:17:05.714 --> 00:17:06.849
- Beginning when it was so small. but to see it today, i'm
- 00:17:06.915 --> 00:17:09.585
- But to see it today, i'm representing, what, 800, 900
- 00:17:09.651 --> 00:17:12.020
- People who are behind the scenes
- 00:17:13.155 --> 00:17:14.723
- People who are behind the scenes here. i'm a behind-the-scenes
- 00:17:14.790 --> 00:17:16.592
- Here. i'm a behind-the-scenes person. you drug me out here.
- 00:17:16.658 --> 00:17:18.994
- Person. you drug me out here. now, now, now people will know
- 00:17:19.061 --> 00:17:20.295
- Now, now, now people will know who i am. and i also was
- 00:17:20.362 --> 00:17:22.364
- Who i am. and i also was the only employee...
- 00:17:22.431 --> 00:17:23.665
- >> yeah, i was thinking...
- 00:17:24.133 --> 00:17:24.666
- >> yeah, i was thinking... >> ...for six months.
- 00:17:24.733 --> 00:17:25.601
- >> ...for six months. >> i was thinking about that
- 00:17:25.667 --> 00:17:26.802
- >> i was thinking about that because when we first started,
- 00:17:26.869 --> 00:17:28.770
- Because when we first started, you were the only employee. and
- 00:17:28.837 --> 00:17:30.439
- You were the only employee. and then we had a guy in our bible
- 00:17:30.506 --> 00:17:32.341
- Then we had a guy in our bible school who had been in
- 00:17:32.407 --> 00:17:33.175
- School who had been in prison. and in prison he
- 00:17:33.242 --> 00:17:35.310
- Prison. and in prison he learned how to run a camera.
- 00:17:35.377 --> 00:17:36.378
- Learned how to run a camera. >> that's right.
- 00:17:36.445 --> 00:17:37.412
- >> that's right. >> and he volunteered...
- 00:17:37.479 --> 00:17:38.447
- >> and he volunteered... >> dennis.
- 00:17:38.514 --> 00:17:39.181
- >> dennis. >> ...to run the camera. so, i
- 00:17:39.248 --> 00:17:41.116
- >> ...to run the camera. so, i don't think he was a
- 00:17:41.183 --> 00:17:41.783
- Don't think he was a paid employee, was he?
- 00:17:41.850 --> 00:17:42.951
- Paid employee, was he? he was a volunteer.
- 00:17:43.018 --> 00:17:43.785
- He was a volunteer. >> he was a volunteer.
- 00:17:43.852 --> 00:17:44.953
- >> he was a volunteer. >> and so you were the only
- 00:17:45.020 --> 00:17:46.155
- >> and so you were the only employee. and after you would
- 00:17:46.221 --> 00:17:48.257
- Employee. and after you would set up the set, control all of
- 00:17:48.323 --> 00:17:51.660
- Set up the set, control all of the lights, do everything, then
- 00:17:51.727 --> 00:17:55.264
- You would take the program, and
- 00:17:55.931 --> 00:17:58.400
- You did all of the editing.
- 00:17:58.400 --> 00:17:59.902
- >> i did all the editing.
- 00:17:59.902 --> 00:18:00.636
- >> which you had never
- 00:18:00.636 --> 00:18:01.203
- Done that before.
- 00:18:01.270 --> 00:18:01.904
- Done that before. >> and i had never done that
- 00:18:01.970 --> 00:18:02.771
- >> and i had never done that be... i'd always hired people to
- 00:18:02.838 --> 00:18:03.639
- Be... i'd always hired people to do that. so that's why i told
- 00:18:03.705 --> 00:18:05.474
- Do that. so that's why i told you i didn't know if this could
- 00:18:05.541 --> 00:18:06.542
- You i didn't know if this could be done. but to get it under
- 00:18:06.608 --> 00:18:07.976
- Be done. but to get it under budget, this is how it was. now
- 00:18:08.043 --> 00:18:10.479
- Budget, this is how it was. now i was willing to hire someone,
- 00:18:10.546 --> 00:18:12.714
- I was willing to hire someone, but, but i didn't have to...
- 00:18:12.781 --> 00:18:13.649
- But, but i didn't have to... >> we didn't have the money.
- 00:18:13.715 --> 00:18:14.616
- >> we didn't have the money. >> ...because i actually was
- 00:18:14.683 --> 00:18:15.584
- >> ...because i actually was able to do the programming. and
- 00:18:15.651 --> 00:18:17.686
- Able to do the programming. and so, i would... we... you had the
- 00:18:17.753 --> 00:18:20.489
- So, i would... we... you had the gift to sit down and deliver two
- 00:18:20.556 --> 00:18:24.459
- Gift to sit down and deliver two programs. or, i'm sorry, two
- 00:18:24.526 --> 00:18:26.628
- Programs. or, i'm sorry, two weeks of programs in one day. i
- 00:18:26.695 --> 00:18:30.332
- Weeks of programs in one day. i would take those two weeks, and
- 00:18:30.399 --> 00:18:31.967
- Would take those two weeks, and i would work on them over that
- 00:18:32.034 --> 00:18:33.535
- I would work on them over that next two-week period. i would
- 00:18:33.602 --> 00:18:35.837
- Next two-week period. i would get them ready for broadcast. i
- 00:18:35.904 --> 00:18:37.806
- Get them ready for broadcast. i would print out the labels, put
- 00:18:37.873 --> 00:18:40.175
- Would print out the labels, put it on there to insp and send it
- 00:18:40.242 --> 00:18:43.979
- It on there to insp and send it in the... in the mail out, in
- 00:18:44.046 --> 00:18:45.614
- In the... in the mail out, in the video. just one video.
- 00:18:45.681 --> 00:18:47.316
- The video. just one video. that's how we started.
- 00:18:47.382 --> 00:18:48.750
- That's how we started. one little beta sp.
- 00:18:48.817 --> 00:18:51.086
- One little beta sp. >> but, you know, the lord
- 00:18:51.153 --> 00:18:51.753
- >> but, you know, the lord had prepared me, too,
- 00:18:51.820 --> 00:18:52.988
- Had prepared me, too, because for 24 years i
- 00:18:53.055 --> 00:18:55.090
- Because for 24 years i had been doing radio, which even
- 00:18:55.157 --> 00:18:58.093
- Had been doing radio, which even though there's a big difference
- 00:18:58.160 --> 00:18:59.027
- Though there's a big difference between television and radio, i
- 00:18:59.094 --> 00:19:00.629
- Between television and radio, i learned how to talk to a mic.
- 00:19:00.696 --> 00:19:03.232
- Learned how to talk to a mic. >> oh, man.
- 00:19:03.298 --> 00:19:03.966
- >> oh, man. >> and i remember the very first
- 00:19:04.032 --> 00:19:05.467
- >> and i remember the very first week that we did television, i
- 00:19:05.534 --> 00:19:08.837
- Week that we did television, i might have had a ten-minute
- 00:19:08.904 --> 00:19:10.906
- Might have had a ten-minute adjustment, but within ten
- 00:19:10.973 --> 00:19:13.075
- Adjustment, but within ten minutes i was talking to that
- 00:19:13.141 --> 00:19:14.776
- Minutes i was talking to that camera just the same as i talk
- 00:19:14.843 --> 00:19:17.246
- Camera just the same as i talk to the radio. and it was a...
- 00:19:17.312 --> 00:19:19.715
- To the radio. and it was a... nearly a seamless transition.
- 00:19:19.781 --> 00:19:21.283
- Nearly a seamless transition. and you even said in that
- 00:19:21.350 --> 00:19:22.484
- And you even said in that little video that we played
- 00:19:22.551 --> 00:19:23.585
- Little video that we played yesterday that i learned how to
- 00:19:23.652 --> 00:19:24.886
- Yesterday that i learned how to take radio and put it on tv.
- 00:19:24.953 --> 00:19:27.456
- Take radio and put it on tv. >> absolutely.
- 00:19:27.522 --> 00:19:28.156
- >> absolutely. >> but, you know, god had
- 00:19:28.223 --> 00:19:28.890
- >> but, you know, god had prepared both of us for such a
- 00:19:28.957 --> 00:19:30.392
- Prepared both of us for such a time as this. and god brought us
- 00:19:30.459 --> 00:19:32.694
- Time as this. and god brought us together. and again, you are the
- 00:19:32.761 --> 00:19:35.297
- Together. and again, you are the only one. i wanted three
- 00:19:35.364 --> 00:19:36.698
- Only one. i wanted three cameras. i was just going to
- 00:19:36.765 --> 00:19:37.933
- Cameras. i was just going to model it after the way
- 00:19:38.000 --> 00:19:39.101
- Model it after the way everybody else did it. and you
- 00:19:39.167 --> 00:19:40.535
- Everybody else did it. and you told me, says, no, your
- 00:19:40.602 --> 00:19:41.870
- Told me, says, no, your style is it's just like you
- 00:19:41.937 --> 00:19:43.472
- Style is it's just like you talking to a person one
- 00:19:43.538 --> 00:19:45.240
- Talking to a person one on one. and i remember
- 00:19:45.307 --> 00:19:46.141
- Doug neece, who we mentioned
- 00:19:46.742 --> 00:19:48.176
- Earlier, and he was our
- 00:19:48.176 --> 00:19:49.177
- Media buyer, and he bought
- 00:19:49.177 --> 00:19:50.712
- Millions of dollars' worth of
- 00:19:50.712 --> 00:19:52.214
- Time for everybody else. we sent
- 00:19:52.214 --> 00:19:54.149
- Him our first program to ask his
- 00:19:54.216 --> 00:19:56.084
- Him our first program to ask his critique, and he critiqued a
- 00:19:56.151 --> 00:19:57.919
- Critique, and he critiqued a couple of things. but then we...
- 00:19:57.986 --> 00:19:59.721
- Couple of things. but then we... i remember asking him, so what
- 00:19:59.788 --> 00:20:00.922
- I remember asking him, so what did you think about the one
- 00:20:00.989 --> 00:20:01.857
- Did you think about the one camera? and he just paused, and
- 00:20:01.923 --> 00:20:05.160
- Camera? and he just paused, and he says, what? and i said,
- 00:20:05.227 --> 00:20:06.461
- He says, what? and i said, what'd you think about the
- 00:20:06.528 --> 00:20:07.162
- What'd you think about the one... he said, was there
- 00:20:07.229 --> 00:20:08.230
- One... he said, was there only one camera?
- 00:20:08.297 --> 00:20:09.498
- Only one camera? he didn't realize it.
- 00:20:09.564 --> 00:20:10.966
- He didn't realize it. >> i had the very same
- 00:20:11.033 --> 00:20:12.167
- >> i had the very same conversation with the vice
- 00:20:12.234 --> 00:20:13.335
- Conversation with the vice president of billy graham. he
- 00:20:13.402 --> 00:20:15.404
- President of billy graham. he saw your program on the road
- 00:20:15.470 --> 00:20:16.805
- Saw your program on the road after he knew i'd come to your
- 00:20:16.872 --> 00:20:18.173
- After he knew i'd come to your ministry, and he called me and
- 00:20:18.240 --> 00:20:20.175
- Ministry, and he called me and he says, well, i saw your
- 00:20:20.242 --> 00:20:21.176
- He says, well, i saw your program. and, and he said, i
- 00:20:21.243 --> 00:20:23.312
- Program. and, and he said, i really enjoyed it. and i said,
- 00:20:23.378 --> 00:20:24.646
- Really enjoyed it. and i said, so what did you think of the one
- 00:20:24.713 --> 00:20:25.914
- So what did you think of the one camera? it was silence.
- 00:20:25.981 --> 00:20:28.116
- Camera? it was silence. >> yeah.
- 00:20:28.183 --> 00:20:28.850
- >> yeah. >> it's like, you're kidding.
- 00:20:28.917 --> 00:20:30.118
- >> it's like, you're kidding. because it, it's,
- 00:20:30.185 --> 00:20:32.721
- Because it, it's, it's the content.
- 00:20:32.788 --> 00:20:33.789
- >> andrew is offering his
- 00:20:34.990 --> 00:20:36.191
- Booklets take the limits off god
- 00:20:36.191 --> 00:20:38.493
- And believing is seeing in
- 00:20:38.493 --> 00:20:40.329
- Either english or spanish as his
- 00:20:40.329 --> 00:20:42.464
- Free gifts to you today. this
- 00:20:42.464 --> 00:20:44.399
- Offer is limited to one set of
- 00:20:44.399 --> 00:20:46.268
- Booklets per household and is
- 00:20:46.268 --> 00:20:48.036
- Available in the us, uk, canada,
- 00:20:48.036 --> 00:20:51.406
- And australia. contact us today
- 00:20:51.406 --> 00:20:53.842
- To receive your free booklets.
- 00:20:53.842 --> 00:20:55.911
- Andrew's complete series, don't
- 00:20:55.911 --> 00:20:58.080
- Limit god, is available as a
- 00:20:58.080 --> 00:21:00.349
- Book, study guide, cd album,
- 00:21:00.349 --> 00:21:03.518
- And as a tv, dvd album made from
- 00:21:03.518 --> 00:21:06.154
- Our daily television broadcast.
- 00:21:06.154 --> 00:21:08.457
- You can also receive a free
- 00:21:08.457 --> 00:21:10.292
- Don't limit god sticker when you
- 00:21:10.292 --> 00:21:12.094
- Contact us. also available today
- 00:21:12.094 --> 00:21:15.630
- Is the don't limit god, 20 years
- 00:21:15.630 --> 00:21:18.266
- Later cd and dvd album. each of
- 00:21:18.266 --> 00:21:21.536
- These valuable resources are
- 00:21:21.536 --> 00:21:23.538
- Available for a gift of any
- 00:21:23.538 --> 00:21:25.640
- Amount when you contact us. this
- 00:21:25.640 --> 00:21:27.876
- Entire series is also available
- 00:21:27.876 --> 00:21:30.545
- For audio download absolutely
- 00:21:30.545 --> 00:21:32.581
- Free from our website. you can
- 00:21:32.581 --> 00:21:35.384
- Also order resources or
- 00:21:35.384 --> 00:21:37.486
- Receive prayer by calling our
- 00:21:37.486 --> 00:21:38.954
- Helpline at 719-635-1111.
- 00:21:38.954 --> 00:21:45.427
- >> one of the ways that
- 00:21:45.494 --> 00:21:46.628
- People have been giving is what
- 00:21:46.628 --> 00:21:48.463
- We call legacy giving. this is
- 00:21:48.463 --> 00:21:50.165
- An end of life gift, and so i
- 00:21:50.165 --> 00:21:52.701
- Would encourage you to check it
- 00:21:52.701 --> 00:21:53.902
- Out. we'll have some information
- 00:21:53.902 --> 00:21:55.237
- There on the screen, but this is
- 00:21:55.237 --> 00:21:57.139
- A way of you just continuing
- 00:21:57.139 --> 00:21:58.840
- Your giving even after you've
- 00:21:58.840 --> 00:22:00.442
- Gone to be with the lord, you
- 00:22:00.442 --> 00:22:02.144
- Can still be a blessing to all
- 00:22:02.144 --> 00:22:04.446
- Of the people that we're
- 00:22:04.446 --> 00:22:05.213
- Ministering to. so check out the
- 00:22:05.213 --> 00:22:06.882
- Information on the screen
- 00:22:06.882 --> 00:22:08.617
- And become a part of our
- 00:22:08.617 --> 00:22:09.551
- Legacy giving today.
- 00:22:09.551 --> 00:22:12.954
- >> do you want to dive
- 00:22:13.021 --> 00:22:14.189
- Deeper into god's word? now
- 00:22:14.189 --> 00:22:16.324
- You can with andrew
- 00:22:16.324 --> 00:22:17.426
- Wommack's living commentary.
- 00:22:17.426 --> 00:22:18.860
- >> i'd like to encourage you to
- 00:22:18.860 --> 00:22:20.395
- Get this living commentary. we
- 00:22:20.395 --> 00:22:22.330
- Call it a living commentary
- 00:22:22.330 --> 00:22:23.732
- Because i'm still writing it and
- 00:22:23.732 --> 00:22:25.734
- I've written footnotes on over
- 00:22:25.734 --> 00:22:27.269
- 27,000 verses in the bible, and
- 00:22:27.269 --> 00:22:30.539
- I promise you this is powerful.
- 00:22:30.539 --> 00:22:31.873
- It's not only got my commentary
- 00:22:31.873 --> 00:22:33.542
- And experiences and revelations
- 00:22:33.542 --> 00:22:35.444
- That god has given me, but's got
- 00:22:35.444 --> 00:22:37.312
- Greek and hebrew words defined,
- 00:22:37.312 --> 00:22:39.247
- It's got references and just all
- 00:22:39.247 --> 00:22:41.483
- Kinds of things here. it would
- 00:22:41.483 --> 00:22:42.717
- Be a tremendous blessing
- 00:22:42.717 --> 00:22:44.152
- To you. so check it out.
- 00:22:44.152 --> 00:22:45.754
- Our living commentary,
- 00:22:45.754 --> 00:22:47.656
- >> the living commentary
- 00:22:47.656 --> 00:22:48.857
- Includes two dictionaries, four
- 00:22:48.857 --> 00:22:50.826
- Commentaries, and 12 versions of
- 00:22:50.826 --> 00:22:52.794
- The bible. plus atlases and
- 00:22:52.794 --> 00:22:55.063
- Biblical maps. grow in the word
- 00:22:55.063 --> 00:22:57.265
- With andrew's living commentary
- 00:22:57.265 --> 00:22:59.067
- Software. you can enjoy the word
- 00:22:59.067 --> 00:23:01.303
- Of god wherever you are on your
- 00:23:01.303 --> 00:23:03.138
- Phone, computer, or tablet.
- 00:23:03.138 --> 00:23:05.207
- Download the living commentary
- 00:23:05.207 --> 00:23:06.775
- Today at awmi.net/lc.
- 00:23:06.775 --> 00:23:12.614
- >> when i was very young,
- 00:23:12.681 --> 00:23:15.383
- I had major problems
- 00:23:15.383 --> 00:23:17.986
- With condemnation.
- 00:23:17.986 --> 00:23:19.421
- >> i lost my father when i was
- 00:23:19.421 --> 00:23:20.689
- Very young. i tried to pray for
- 00:23:20.689 --> 00:23:22.090
- Him to be healed and he didn't,
- 00:23:22.090 --> 00:23:24.426
- And instead of doing what
- 00:23:24.426 --> 00:23:25.827
- Andrew did, i did exactly
- 00:23:25.827 --> 00:23:27.596
- The opposite and became
- 00:23:27.596 --> 00:23:29.097
- Very angry with god and
- 00:23:29.097 --> 00:23:30.432
- Walked away from god.
- 00:23:30.432 --> 00:23:31.333
- >> i said to god, god,
- 00:23:31.333 --> 00:23:32.467
- Andrew believes that i can
- 00:23:32.467 --> 00:23:34.536
- Be healed, but i need to
- 00:23:34.536 --> 00:23:37.606
- Believe that. i need to
- 00:23:37.606 --> 00:23:38.807
- Believe like he believes.
- 00:23:38.807 --> 00:23:41.409
- >> part of my story is that i
- 00:23:41.409 --> 00:23:43.545
- Terminated three children
- 00:23:43.545 --> 00:23:44.946
- Before, before my healing.
- 00:23:44.946 --> 00:23:50.018
- >> learning the truth about
- 00:23:53.622 --> 00:23:54.890
- God's grace, learning the truth
- 00:23:54.890 --> 00:23:55.924
- About god's love set me free
- 00:23:55.924 --> 00:23:57.893
- From the condemnation.
- 00:23:57.893 --> 00:23:59.127
- >> and it eventually led to the
- 00:23:59.127 --> 00:24:02.764
- Fact that i got bold enough
- 00:24:02.764 --> 00:24:05.066
- That i believe that i would be
- 00:24:05.066 --> 00:24:07.536
- Able to pray for people.
- 00:24:07.536 --> 00:24:09.070
- >> looking back, i see that
- 00:24:09.070 --> 00:24:10.572
- God was renewing my mind
- 00:24:10.572 --> 00:24:12.340
- And increasing my faith.
- 00:24:12.340 --> 00:24:14.175
- >> and andrew taught me
- 00:24:14.175 --> 00:24:16.077
- About god's love through his
- 00:24:16.077 --> 00:24:17.412
- Teachings and through that
- 00:24:17.412 --> 00:24:19.247
- I can't thank him
- 00:24:19.247 --> 00:24:20.782
- Enough for changing my
- 00:24:20.782 --> 00:24:23.218
- Life, for saving my life.
- 00:24:23.218 --> 00:24:25.620
- Music
- 00:24:25.687 --> 00:24:29.624
- >> as a nurse and nutritionist,
- 00:24:29.691 --> 00:24:31.426
- Vonya's faith was
- 00:24:31.426 --> 00:24:32.761
- In the medical community.
- 00:24:32.761 --> 00:24:34.229
- Like the gospel's account of the
- 00:24:34.229 --> 00:24:36.531
- Woman with the issue of blood,
- 00:24:36.531 --> 00:24:38.066
- Vonya would suffer many things
- 00:24:38.066 --> 00:24:40.402
- From many physicians until she
- 00:24:40.402 --> 00:24:42.637
- Had the faith to reach out to
- 00:24:42.637 --> 00:24:44.406
- Jesus for her healing.
- 00:24:44.406 --> 00:24:45.941
- >> we went through
- 00:24:45.941 --> 00:24:49.277
- That procedure and
- 00:24:49.277 --> 00:24:50.545
- I just went to the follow-up
- 00:24:50.545 --> 00:24:52.547
- Alone and he sat next to me
- 00:24:52.547 --> 00:24:55.450
- Because these are my friends. he
- 00:24:55.450 --> 00:25:01.089
- Said, you have cancer. he goes,
- 00:25:01.089 --> 00:25:04.326
- I'm so sorry. on the way home, i
- 00:25:04.326 --> 00:25:09.197
- Just said out loud in my car,
- 00:25:09.197 --> 00:25:12.267
- You made me smart, god. i'm
- 00:25:12.267 --> 00:25:19.040
- Going to get out of
- 00:25:19.040 --> 00:25:19.874
- This on my own.
- 00:25:19.874 --> 00:25:21.443
- >> months passed and vonya's
- 00:25:21.443 --> 00:25:23.745
- Condition was only getting
- 00:25:23.745 --> 00:25:25.413
- Worse. knowing her days
- 00:25:25.413 --> 00:25:27.649
- Were numbered. she was desperate
- 00:25:27.649 --> 00:25:29.317
- To try anything, and in the
- 00:25:29.317 --> 00:25:31.586
- Middle of a detox session
- 00:25:31.586 --> 00:25:33.054
- Researched bentonite clay at the
- 00:25:33.054 --> 00:25:35.724
- Suggestion of a doctor. it was
- 00:25:35.724 --> 00:25:38.360
- In this search that she would
- 00:25:38.360 --> 00:25:39.794
- Find the key to her healing,
- 00:25:39.794 --> 00:25:41.763
- Just not in the way
- 00:25:41.763 --> 00:25:43.264
- She had ever imagined.
- 00:25:43.264 --> 00:25:45.867
- >> i'm laying on the floor,
- 00:25:45.867 --> 00:25:47.402
- So sideways, i hit the
- 00:25:47.402 --> 00:25:49.104
- Wrong button, and niki ochenski
- 00:25:49.104 --> 00:25:51.906
- Pops up on my screen. oh, she's
- 00:25:51.906 --> 00:25:53.742
- So happy and she's so perky, and
- 00:25:53.742 --> 00:25:56.811
- I am thinking, when is she going
- 00:25:56.811 --> 00:25:58.046
- To start talking about clay?
- 00:25:58.046 --> 00:26:02.550
- >> when the doctor finally
- 00:26:02.550 --> 00:26:03.284
- Came out, he goes, oh, niki.
- 00:26:03.284 --> 00:26:06.321
- What happened? jesus
- 00:26:06.321 --> 00:26:07.455
- Healed me like i told
- 00:26:07.455 --> 00:26:08.256
- You he was going to.
- 00:26:08.256 --> 00:26:09.524
- >> i'm like, this is too good to
- 00:26:09.524 --> 00:26:11.926
- Be true. you know, so i type
- 00:26:11.926 --> 00:26:13.795
- In niki ochenski's obituary.
- 00:26:13.795 --> 00:26:16.464
- When i typed that in i didn't
- 00:26:16.464 --> 00:26:18.266
- Get anything except more
- 00:26:18.266 --> 00:26:19.467
- Testamonies and this
- 00:26:19.467 --> 00:26:20.902
- Guy andrew wommack.
- 00:26:20.902 --> 00:26:22.303
- >> vonya looked up andrew
- 00:26:22.303 --> 00:26:24.939
- Wommack and discovered
- 00:26:24.939 --> 00:26:26.508
- A ministry full of resources
- 00:26:26.508 --> 00:26:28.777
- Including a daily television
- 00:26:28.777 --> 00:26:30.478
- Program and dozens
- 00:26:30.478 --> 00:26:31.946
- Of healing testimonies.
- 00:26:31.946 --> 00:26:33.882
- >> we have to assure
- 00:26:33.882 --> 00:26:35.283
- Our heart with the word.
- 00:26:35.283 --> 00:26:36.718
- Our heart will condemn us
- 00:26:36.718 --> 00:26:37.952
- And our heart will say, well,
- 00:26:37.952 --> 00:26:39.320
- You don't have solid proof that
- 00:26:39.320 --> 00:26:40.455
- You're anything. well, i would
- 00:26:40.455 --> 00:26:42.590
- Just get the word out and i
- 00:26:42.590 --> 00:26:44.292
- Would assure my heart. no,
- 00:26:44.292 --> 00:26:45.527
- This is what the word
- 00:26:45.527 --> 00:26:46.461
- Says. this is my proof.
- 00:26:46.461 --> 00:26:48.463
- >> as she renewed her mind with
- 00:26:48.463 --> 00:26:51.733
- Scripture, vonya saw radical
- 00:26:51.733 --> 00:26:53.635
- Improvements. she took her
- 00:26:53.635 --> 00:26:55.804
- Family to colorado to see
- 00:26:55.804 --> 00:26:57.672
- The easter performace of god
- 00:26:57.672 --> 00:26:59.307
- With us where she met andrew.
- 00:26:59.307 --> 00:27:01.776
- >> andrew point-blanked her and
- 00:27:01.776 --> 00:27:03.011
- Said, are you healed?
- 00:27:03.011 --> 00:27:05.046
- >> i just go, yes i am.
- 00:27:05.046 --> 00:27:07.549
- And man, if i could have
- 00:27:07.549 --> 00:27:09.317
- Like pulled those words back or
- 00:27:09.317 --> 00:27:12.353
- Slapped myself, i would've, but
- 00:27:12.353 --> 00:27:14.889
- I knew it was true.
- 00:27:14.889 --> 00:27:16.825
- >> today, vonya is walking
- 00:27:16.825 --> 00:27:18.493
- In her complete healing
- 00:27:18.493 --> 00:27:20.228
- And is continuing in the
- 00:27:20.228 --> 00:27:21.763
- Word her entire family is
- 00:27:21.763 --> 00:27:24.132
- Experiencing god's
- 00:27:24.132 --> 00:27:24.999
- Love like never before.
- 00:27:24.999 --> 00:27:24.999