Andrew Wommack shares how the Word of God transformed his life. He believes the same power will work for you. His teaching is profound, clear, and simple enough for a child. Find great teachings and healing testimonies of changed lives at:
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Andrew Wommack: Gospel Truth | Andrew Wommack - The Word Became Flesh | December 23, 2024
- Count down
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- Music
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- >> welcome to gospel truth with
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- Andrew wommack, celebrating the
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- Good news of jesus christ,
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- Emmanuel, god with us. we
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- Here at andrew wommack
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- Ministries wantto wish you
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- A very merry christmas
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- And a blessed new year.
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- >> welcome to our monday's
- 00:00:20.877 --> 00:00:21.811
- Broadcast of the gospel truth.
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- Today i'm starting
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- A brand-new series entitled,
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- The word became flesh.
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- I've got cds and dvds
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- Out on this, and let me
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- Just introduce this by saying,
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- That this is my wife's
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- Favorite teaching of mine.
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- You know,
- 00:00:37.727 --> 00:00:38.294
- She's always supportive,
- 00:00:38.294 --> 00:00:39.195
- But she actually
- 00:00:39.195 --> 00:00:40.296
- Complimented me.
- 00:00:40.296 --> 00:00:41.164
- There's five teachings in here
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- In this series,
- 00:00:43.199 --> 00:00:44.100
- And she liked every one of them,
- 00:00:44.100 --> 00:00:45.535
- And that's...
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- That may be a first.
- 00:00:46.102 --> 00:00:47.570
- So anyway, hopefully,
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- So anyway, hopefully, this will be a blessing to you.
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- This will be a blessing to you. and we're nearing
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- And we're nearing the christmas season,
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- The christmas season, and so, i'm going to
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- And so, i'm going to be talking a lot about
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- Be talking a lot about the virgin birth of jesus.
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- The virgin birth of jesus. but, you know, jesus said this
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- But, you know, jesus said this in matthew...mark, chapter 7,
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- In matthew...mark, chapter 7, verse 13, he says,
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- Verse 13, he says, your traditions
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- Your traditions and doctrines of men
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- And doctrines of men make the word of god
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- Make the word of god of none effect.
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- Of none effect. and we have so many traditions
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- And we have so many traditions around christmas that i believe
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- Around christmas that i believe have compromised
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- Have compromised us really understanding
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- Us really understanding some of the greatest truths
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- Some of the greatest truths that there are in the bible
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- That there are in the bible surround the virgin birth,
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- Surround the virgin birth, and so i'm going to take
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- And so i'm going to take a little while to get into it.
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- A little while to get into it. i'm going to be talking about
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- I'm going to be talking about some other things.
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- Some other things. actually, some of the things
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- Actually, some of the things i'll be talking about
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- I'll be talking about could go into a number of
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- Could go into a number of different series i've got.
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- I've got one series entitled
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- Killing sacred cows,
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- And a teaching that i've got
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- On the sovereignty of god
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- Would be included in that.
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- I've got another series on
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- The authority of the believer,
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- And i'm going to be
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- Focusing on that a lot,
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- And then a teaching on
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- The importance of
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- The word of god,
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- A sure foundation.
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- So i'm going to be taking
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- So i'm going to be taking bits and pieces from a number of
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- Bits and pieces from a number of different things that i teach
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- Different things that i teach and directing all of them
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- And directing all of them towards understanding
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- Towards understanding the virgin birth,
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- The virgin birth, and most people honestly
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- And most people honestly have not given a lot of
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- Have not given a lot of thought to this.
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- Thought to this. and like i was saying earlier,
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- And like i was saying earlier, some of it's
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- Some of it's because our christmas traditions
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- Because our christmas traditions have overwhelmed
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- Have overwhelmed the real message of jesus coming
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- The real message of jesus coming to this earth,
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- To this earth, but i tell you,
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- But i tell you, jesus becoming a man
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- Jesus becoming a man is probably the greatest
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- Is probably the greatest miracle of all.
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- Miracle of all. and i don't know
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- And i don't know if other people think this way,
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- If other people think this way, i'm beginning to think
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- I'm beginning to think that i may be a little weird,
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- That i may be a little weird, but ever since
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- But ever since i was a little kid,
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- I was a little kid, i always wondered why
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- I always wondered why the lord waited 4,000 years
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- The lord waited 4,000 years after the sin of adam and eve
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- After the sin of adam and eve to come to the earth
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- To come to the earth and redeem mankind.
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- The bible says in
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- The bible says in hebrews, chapter 8,
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- Hebrews, chapter 8, that what we have
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- That what we have is a better covenant,
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- Is a better covenant, that's established upon
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- That's established upon better promises.
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- Better promises. so, if what we've got now
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- So, if what we've got now is better, why did it take
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- 4,000 years for
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- 4,000 years for the lord to show up?
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- The lord to show up? i mean, the people under
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- I mean, the people under the old covenant
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- The old covenant didn't have near the benefits
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- Didn't have near the benefits that we have today.
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- That we have today. another thing i wondered about,
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- Another thing i wondered about, if god is god, why did he choose
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- If god is god, why did he choose to become a man
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- To become a man and have to live on this earth
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- And have to live on this earth and suffer crucifixion?
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- And suffer crucifixion? i mean, if he's god,
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- I mean, if he's god, couldn't god do anything
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- Couldn't god do anything that he wanted to do?
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- That he wanted to do? and so, i remember
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- And so, i remember as a little kid
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- As a little kid asking people these questions
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- Asking people these questions and nobody in my church
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- And nobody in my church could answer those questions.
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- Could answer those questions. i'm going to be answering
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- I'm going to be answering some of those things,
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- Some of those things, and once you begin to understand
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- And once you begin to understand all of the things that led up to
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- All of the things that led up to jesus becoming a man
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- Jesus becoming a man and coming to this earth
- 00:03:24.093 --> 00:03:25.762
- And coming to this earth to redeem us it will make you
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- To redeem us it will make you appreciate so much more
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- Appreciate so much more what jesus has done for us
- 00:03:29.399 --> 00:03:31.834
- What jesus has done for us because it was no small thing.
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- Because it was no small thing. let me just start with
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- Let me just start with this verse out of
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- This verse out of galatians, chapter 4, verse 4,
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- Galatians, chapter 4, verse 4, and i'm breaking right into
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- And i'm breaking right into the middle of what he's saying,
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- But he says in verse 4,
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- But he says in verse 4, but when the fulness of
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- But when the fulness of time was come,
- 00:03:42.945 --> 00:03:44.547
- Time was come, god sent forth his son,
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- God sent forth his son, made of a woman,
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- Made of a woman, made under the law.
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- Made under the law. this says that when
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- This says that when the fulness of time,
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- The fulness of time, if you look this up in the greek
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- If you look this up in the greek and study it out,
- 00:03:53.423 --> 00:03:54.190
- And study it out, it's talking about that there
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- It's talking about that there was an appointed time.
- 00:03:55.358 --> 00:03:58.061
- There were certain things
- 00:03:58.127 --> 00:03:59.228
- There were certain things that had to take place
- 00:03:59.295 --> 00:04:01.364
- That had to take place before jesus could come to
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- Before jesus could come to this earth and redeem us
- 00:04:02.932 --> 00:04:05.001
- This earth and redeem us from our sins and provide
- 00:04:05.068 --> 00:04:06.703
- From our sins and provide the salvation that's available
- 00:04:06.769 --> 00:04:08.271
- The salvation that's available to us today.
- 00:04:08.338 --> 00:04:09.572
- To us today. and again,
- 00:04:09.639 --> 00:04:10.139
- And again, this goes against a lot of
- 00:04:10.206 --> 00:04:11.407
- This goes against a lot of religious teachings,
- 00:04:11.474 --> 00:04:12.942
- Religious teachings, a lot of redi...
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- A lot of redi... religious traditions.
- 00:04:14.544 --> 00:04:16.679
- Religious traditions. you know,
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- You know, people just say things like,
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- People just say things like, well, god is sovereign.
- 00:04:18.348 --> 00:04:19.682
- Well, god is sovereign. god can do anything he wants to,
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- God can do anything he wants to, and they take that kind of
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- And they take that kind of an attitude and then
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- An attitude and then they apply it towards
- 00:04:25.054 --> 00:04:26.289
- They apply it towards every single thing that happens,
- 00:04:26.356 --> 00:04:27.857
- Every single thing that happens, and they become fatalistic,
- 00:04:27.924 --> 00:04:29.759
- And they become fatalistic, believing that whatever happens,
- 00:04:29.826 --> 00:04:31.461
- Believing that whatever happens, it must be god's will,
- 00:04:31.527 --> 00:04:33.396
- It must be god's will, and so they blame god.
- 00:04:33.463 --> 00:04:34.497
- And so they blame god. we even write it
- 00:04:34.564 --> 00:04:35.365
- We even write it in our contracts and say
- 00:04:35.431 --> 00:04:36.799
- In our contracts and say that you're insured
- 00:04:36.866 --> 00:04:37.567
- That you're insured barring an act of god,
- 00:04:37.633 --> 00:04:39.402
- Barring an act of god, and they blame god
- 00:04:39.469 --> 00:04:40.370
- And they blame god for tornadoes and hurricanes
- 00:04:40.436 --> 00:04:42.271
- For tornadoes and hurricanes and all kinds of things
- 00:04:42.338 --> 00:04:43.673
- And all kinds of things that god has nothing to do with.
- 00:04:43.740 --> 00:04:45.641
- That god has nothing to do with. but people just have this
- 00:04:45.708 --> 00:04:46.843
- But people just have this mindset that god is god,
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- Mindset that god is god, he can do anything he wants to.
- 00:04:48.678 --> 00:04:50.680
- He can do anything he wants to. let me use another
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- Let me use another passage of scripture in
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- Passage of scripture in ephesians, chapter 3, verse 20,
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- Ephesians, chapter 3, verse 20, and this is a prayer
- 00:04:54.917 --> 00:04:55.818
- And this is a prayer that the apostle paul
- 00:04:55.885 --> 00:04:57.387
- That the apostle paul was praying for the people,
- 00:04:57.453 --> 00:04:58.521
- Was praying for the people, and he had prayed
- 00:04:58.588 --> 00:04:59.155
- And he had prayed that they could understand
- 00:04:59.222 --> 00:05:00.056
- That they could understand the height, the depth,
- 00:05:00.123 --> 00:05:01.090
- The height, the depth, the length and the breadth of
- 00:05:01.157 --> 00:05:02.859
- The length and the breadth of the love of god.
- 00:05:02.925 --> 00:05:04.160
- And then he says,
- 00:05:04.227 --> 00:05:05.561
- And then he says, that you might know
- 00:05:05.628 --> 00:05:07.764
- That you might know the love of god,
- 00:05:07.830 --> 00:05:09.332
- The love of god, which passeth knowledge,
- 00:05:09.399 --> 00:05:11.768
- Which passeth knowledge, that ye might be filled
- 00:05:11.834 --> 00:05:12.802
- That ye might be filled with all the fulness of god.
- 00:05:12.869 --> 00:05:13.903
- With all the fulness of god. how can you know something
- 00:05:13.970 --> 00:05:14.871
- How can you know something if it passes knowledge?
- 00:05:14.937 --> 00:05:16.873
- If it passes knowledge? what he's talking about
- 00:05:16.939 --> 00:05:17.740
- Is that you would experience god
- 00:05:17.807 --> 00:05:20.376
- Is that you would experience god instead of just
- 00:05:20.443 --> 00:05:20.943
- Instead of just an intellectual knowledge
- 00:05:21.010 --> 00:05:22.111
- An intellectual knowledge about god.
- 00:05:22.178 --> 00:05:23.246
- And then the next verse,
- 00:05:23.312 --> 00:05:24.347
- And then the next verse, verse 20 says,
- 00:05:24.414 --> 00:05:25.982
- Verse 20 says, that he is able to do
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- That he is able to do exceeding abundantly above
- 00:05:27.650 --> 00:05:29.218
- Exceeding abundantly above all we ask or think,
- 00:05:29.285 --> 00:05:31.454
- All we ask or think, according to the power
- 00:05:31.521 --> 00:05:33.689
- According to the power that works in us.
- 00:05:33.756 --> 00:05:34.924
- You will have people often just
- 00:05:34.991 --> 00:05:36.559
- You will have people often just stop and leave the last part of
- 00:05:36.626 --> 00:05:38.027
- Stop and leave the last part of that verse off,
- 00:05:38.094 --> 00:05:38.961
- That verse off, and you'll hear people say,
- 00:05:39.028 --> 00:05:39.862
- And you'll hear people say, god is sovereign,
- 00:05:39.929 --> 00:05:40.830
- God is sovereign, god can do anything,
- 00:05:40.897 --> 00:05:42.899
- God can do anything, god can do anything that you...
- 00:05:42.965 --> 00:05:44.867
- God can do anything that you... above anything you ask or think.
- 00:05:44.934 --> 00:05:47.069
- Above anything you ask or think. that's actually
- 00:05:47.136 --> 00:05:47.737
- That's actually an untrue statement.
- 00:05:47.804 --> 00:05:49.605
- It says he's able to do
- 00:05:49.672 --> 00:05:50.873
- It says he's able to do exceeding abundantly above
- 00:05:50.940 --> 00:05:52.341
- Exceeding abundantly above all we ask or think,
- 00:05:52.408 --> 00:05:53.709
- All we ask or think, according to the power
- 00:05:53.776 --> 00:05:56.379
- According to the power that works in us.
- 00:05:56.446 --> 00:05:57.113
- That works in us. the word, according to,
- 00:05:57.180 --> 00:05:58.147
- The word, according to, if you look it up
- 00:05:58.214 --> 00:05:58.614
- If you look it up in the dictionary,
- 00:05:58.681 --> 00:05:59.282
- In the dictionary, it means, to the degree of
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- It means, to the degree of or in proportion to,
- 00:06:01.284 --> 00:06:03.419
- Or in proportion to, the power that works in us.
- 00:06:03.486 --> 00:06:06.456
- So i'm going to say
- 00:06:06.522 --> 00:06:07.824
- So i'm going to say something right here
- 00:06:07.890 --> 00:06:08.724
- Something right here that may shock some people,
- 00:06:08.791 --> 00:06:09.559
- That may shock some people, but if you'll stick with me,
- 00:06:09.625 --> 00:06:11.027
- But if you'll stick with me, i'll explain this and i...
- 00:06:11.093 --> 00:06:12.261
- I'll explain this and i... it'll wind up benefiting you
- 00:06:12.328 --> 00:06:14.397
- It'll wind up benefiting you and helping you,
- 00:06:14.464 --> 00:06:15.865
- And helping you, but god is limited
- 00:06:15.932 --> 00:06:18.034
- But god is limited in what he can do.
- 00:06:18.100 --> 00:06:19.202
- In what he can do. he's not limited in the sense
- 00:06:19.268 --> 00:06:20.870
- He's not limited in the sense that somebody else limited him,
- 00:06:20.937 --> 00:06:23.473
- That somebody else limited him, but he's limited himself.
- 00:06:23.539 --> 00:06:25.842
- But he's limited himself. god almighty has said,
- 00:06:25.908 --> 00:06:28.978
- Psalms, chapter 89, verse 34,
- 00:06:29.045 --> 00:06:31.047
- Psalms, chapter 89, verse 34, my covenant will i not break,
- 00:06:31.113 --> 00:06:32.982
- My covenant will i not break, nor alter the thing that is
- 00:06:33.049 --> 00:06:34.817
- Nor alter the thing that is gone forth out of my lips.
- 00:06:34.884 --> 00:06:36.919
- Gone forth out of my lips. that's saying
- 00:06:36.986 --> 00:06:37.420
- That's saying that when god says something,
- 00:06:37.487 --> 00:06:39.288
- That when god says something, it's a covenant,
- 00:06:39.355 --> 00:06:40.256
- It's a covenant, it's binding, it's a contract.
- 00:06:40.323 --> 00:06:42.124
- It's binding, it's a contract. hebrews, chapter 6, says
- 00:06:42.191 --> 00:06:43.759
- Hebrews, chapter 6, says that it's impossible
- 00:06:43.826 --> 00:06:45.528
- That it's impossible for god to lie.
- 00:06:45.595 --> 00:06:46.696
- For god to lie. 2 corinthians, chapter 1 says,
- 00:06:46.762 --> 00:06:48.764
- 2 corinthians, chapter 1 says, that all of the promises
- 00:06:48.831 --> 00:06:50.366
- That all of the promises of god are, yes, and amen.
- 00:06:50.433 --> 00:06:52.969
- The integrity of god
- 00:06:53.035 --> 00:06:55.404
- The integrity of god causes him to never
- 00:06:55.471 --> 00:06:58.207
- Causes him to never violate his word.
- 00:06:58.274 --> 00:07:00.643
- Violate his word. you know, another scripture
- 00:07:00.710 --> 00:07:01.511
- You know, another scripture that just really has ministered
- 00:07:01.577 --> 00:07:02.812
- That just really has ministered to me, and i could go into
- 00:07:02.879 --> 00:07:04.080
- To me, and i could go into a lot of explanation.
- 00:07:04.146 --> 00:07:05.181
- A lot of explanation. i'm not going to take time
- 00:07:05.248 --> 00:07:06.115
- I'm not going to take time on today's program,
- 00:07:06.182 --> 00:07:07.650
- But hebrews, chapter 1, verse 3
- 00:07:07.717 --> 00:07:10.019
- But hebrews, chapter 1, verse 3 says that jesus is
- 00:07:10.086 --> 00:07:11.387
- Says that jesus is the brightness of his glory,
- 00:07:11.454 --> 00:07:13.623
- The brightness of his glory, and the express image of
- 00:07:13.689 --> 00:07:15.791
- And the express image of god's person,
- 00:07:15.858 --> 00:07:17.527
- God's person, and the express image there
- 00:07:17.593 --> 00:07:18.628
- And the express image there is talking about,
- 00:07:18.694 --> 00:07:19.395
- Is talking about, he is a perfect representation.
- 00:07:19.462 --> 00:07:21.397
- It wasn't
- 00:07:21.464 --> 00:07:22.164
- It wasn't a vague representation.
- 00:07:22.231 --> 00:07:23.466
- A vague representation. he didn't model god for us
- 00:07:23.533 --> 00:07:25.167
- He didn't model god for us in some ways.
- 00:07:25.234 --> 00:07:26.636
- In some ways. he was god manifest
- 00:07:26.702 --> 00:07:28.037
- He was god manifest in the flesh.
- 00:07:28.104 --> 00:07:29.372
- And it says that he was
- 00:07:29.438 --> 00:07:30.473
- And it says that he was the express image of god,
- 00:07:30.540 --> 00:07:31.741
- The express image of god, and then it goes on to say,
- 00:07:31.807 --> 00:07:32.875
- And then it goes on to say, that he upholds all things
- 00:07:32.942 --> 00:07:36.045
- That he upholds all things by the word of his power.
- 00:07:36.112 --> 00:07:38.881
- By the word of his power. now that is
- 00:07:38.948 --> 00:07:39.782
- Really significant.
- 00:07:39.849 --> 00:07:40.716
- Really significant. again, if you were to
- 00:07:40.783 --> 00:07:41.384
- Again, if you were to study this out
- 00:07:41.450 --> 00:07:42.351
- Study this out and if i took time to go into
- 00:07:42.418 --> 00:07:44.353
- And if i took time to go into all of these words in the greek,
- 00:07:44.420 --> 00:07:46.589
- All of these words in the greek, it literally is saying
- 00:07:46.656 --> 00:07:47.857
- It literally is saying that the entire creation
- 00:07:47.924 --> 00:07:50.493
- That the entire creation is held together
- 00:07:50.560 --> 00:07:52.128
- Is held together by the integrity of god's word.
- 00:07:52.194 --> 00:07:54.297
- By the integrity of god's word. god spoke the world
- 00:07:54.363 --> 00:07:55.665
- God spoke the world into existence.
- 00:07:55.731 --> 00:07:56.899
- Into existence. genesis, chapter 1,
- 00:07:56.966 --> 00:07:58.501
- Genesis, chapter 1, he said, let there be light.
- 00:07:58.568 --> 00:07:59.869
- He said, let there be light. he said,
- 00:07:59.936 --> 00:08:00.102
- He said, let the dry land appear.
- 00:08:00.169 --> 00:08:01.404
- Let the dry land appear. he said,
- 00:08:01.470 --> 00:08:01.871
- He said, let the earth bring forth.
- 00:08:01.938 --> 00:08:03.439
- Let the earth bring forth. let...all of these things.
- 00:08:03.506 --> 00:08:04.807
- Let...all of these things. he spoke everything
- 00:08:04.874 --> 00:08:06.609
- He spoke everything into existence.
- 00:08:06.676 --> 00:08:08.044
- Into existence. everything was created
- 00:08:08.110 --> 00:08:09.445
- Everything was created by words.
- 00:08:09.512 --> 00:08:10.913
- By words. so, words are the parent force,
- 00:08:10.980 --> 00:08:13.349
- So, words are the parent force, and e...everything
- 00:08:13.416 --> 00:08:15.284
- And e...everything in creation responds
- 00:08:15.351 --> 00:08:17.053
- In creation responds to god's word.
- 00:08:17.119 --> 00:08:18.387
- To god's word. and, you know,
- 00:08:18.454 --> 00:08:18.821
- And, you know, i heard oral roberts one time,
- 00:08:18.888 --> 00:08:21.157
- I heard oral roberts one time, i don't have the ability
- 00:08:21.223 --> 00:08:22.959
- I don't have the ability to say this emphatically,
- 00:08:23.025 --> 00:08:24.760
- To say this emphatically, but i heard him say,
- 00:08:24.827 --> 00:08:25.661
- But i heard him say, that in all of the atoms
- 00:08:25.728 --> 00:08:27.830
- That in all of the atoms there is enough nuclear power
- 00:08:27.897 --> 00:08:29.832
- There is enough nuclear power that you could take
- 00:08:29.899 --> 00:08:30.566
- That you could take a slice of white bread,
- 00:08:30.633 --> 00:08:32.602
- A slice of white bread, just a common slice of
- 00:08:32.668 --> 00:08:34.370
- Just a common slice of white bread,
- 00:08:34.437 --> 00:08:35.237
- White bread, and if you could
- 00:08:35.304 --> 00:08:35.805
- And if you could somehow or another
- 00:08:35.871 --> 00:08:36.606
- Somehow or another split those atoms,
- 00:08:36.672 --> 00:08:38.174
- Split those atoms, and release the energy
- 00:08:38.240 --> 00:08:39.609
- And release the energy in the nucleus of those atoms,
- 00:08:39.675 --> 00:08:41.344
- In the nucleus of those atoms, there's enough power
- 00:08:41.410 --> 00:08:42.211
- There's enough power in one slice of bread
- 00:08:42.278 --> 00:08:43.546
- In one slice of bread to pow...power an ocean liner
- 00:08:43.613 --> 00:08:45.281
- To pow...power an ocean liner across the ocean and back,
- 00:08:45.348 --> 00:08:47.350
- Across the ocean and back, but man has only been able to
- 00:08:47.416 --> 00:08:48.751
- But man has only been able to split unstable atoms,
- 00:08:48.818 --> 00:08:50.319
- Split unstable atoms, like uranium, plutonium,
- 00:08:50.386 --> 00:08:52.421
- Like uranium, plutonium, and things like that.
- 00:08:52.488 --> 00:08:53.923
- And things like that. but in every atom,
- 00:08:53.990 --> 00:08:55.691
- But in every atom, you have the nucleus,
- 00:08:55.758 --> 00:08:56.659
- You have the nucleus, and they are likely...
- 00:08:56.726 --> 00:08:58.327
- And they are likely... like charged particles.
- 00:08:58.394 --> 00:09:00.096
- Like charged particles. according to everything we know,
- 00:09:00.162 --> 00:09:01.931
- According to everything we know, you put two ends of
- 00:09:01.998 --> 00:09:03.165
- You put two ends of a magnet together,
- 00:09:03.232 --> 00:09:03.833
- A magnet together, two positive ends,
- 00:09:03.899 --> 00:09:05.001
- Two positive ends, they'll repel each other,
- 00:09:05.067 --> 00:09:05.901
- They'll repel each other, two negative ends,
- 00:09:05.968 --> 00:09:06.802
- Two negative ends, they will repel each other.
- 00:09:06.869 --> 00:09:08.404
- They will repel each other. but in the nucleus of an atom,
- 00:09:08.471 --> 00:09:09.939
- But in the nucleus of an atom, you've got these
- 00:09:10.006 --> 00:09:10.506
- You've got these like charged par...particles.
- 00:09:10.573 --> 00:09:12.642
- Like charged par...particles. according to all of
- 00:09:12.708 --> 00:09:13.409
- According to all of the laws we understand
- 00:09:13.476 --> 00:09:14.777
- The laws we understand the nucleus should be
- 00:09:14.844 --> 00:09:16.679
- The nucleus should be exploding in...
- 00:09:16.746 --> 00:09:18.180
- Exploding in... and falling apart,
- 00:09:18.247 --> 00:09:19.815
- And falling apart, and yet they're held together
- 00:09:19.882 --> 00:09:21.217
- And yet they're held together so tightly that there's
- 00:09:21.283 --> 00:09:22.518
- So tightly that there's only a few unstable elements
- 00:09:22.585 --> 00:09:24.620
- Only a few unstable elements that we can split.
- 00:09:24.687 --> 00:09:26.288
- That we can split. why is that?
- 00:09:26.355 --> 00:09:27.123
- Why is that? according to hebrews 1:3,
- 00:09:27.189 --> 00:09:28.891
- According to hebrews 1:3, it's the word of god
- 00:09:28.958 --> 00:09:31.093
- It's the word of god that holds everything together.
- 00:09:31.160 --> 00:09:33.262
- That holds everything together. so i can say it this way,
- 00:09:33.329 --> 00:09:34.397
- So i can say it this way, the integrity of god's word,
- 00:09:34.463 --> 00:09:37.433
- The integrity of god's word, what he has said
- 00:09:37.500 --> 00:09:38.367
- What he has said out of his mouth,
- 00:09:38.434 --> 00:09:39.535
- Out of his mouth, is what holds all of
- 00:09:39.602 --> 00:09:40.970
- Is what holds all of creation together.
- 00:09:41.037 --> 00:09:42.171
- Creation together. if god was to ever lie,
- 00:09:42.238 --> 00:09:44.373
- If god was to ever lie, if he was to ever
- 00:09:44.440 --> 00:09:45.141
- If he was to ever break a promise,
- 00:09:45.207 --> 00:09:47.410
- Break a promise, then the universe, you and i,
- 00:09:47.476 --> 00:09:49.645
- Then the universe, you and i, everything would self-destruct.
- 00:09:49.712 --> 00:09:51.714
- Everything would self-destruct. he holds all things together
- 00:09:51.781 --> 00:09:54.016
- He holds all things together by the power of his word.
- 00:09:54.083 --> 00:09:55.451
- By the power of his word. so the reason i bring that out
- 00:09:55.518 --> 00:09:56.619
- So the reason i bring that out is to say that people
- 00:09:56.686 --> 00:09:58.187
- Is to say that people that believe that god just
- 00:09:58.254 --> 00:09:59.622
- That believe that god just sovereignly controls things,
- 00:09:59.689 --> 00:10:01.323
- Sovereignly controls things, and god can do
- 00:10:01.390 --> 00:10:02.024
- And god can do whatever he wants to,
- 00:10:02.091 --> 00:10:03.759
- Whatever he wants to, they aren't taking into account
- 00:10:03.826 --> 00:10:04.994
- They aren't taking into account that when god said something,
- 00:10:05.061 --> 00:10:07.263
- That when god said something, and he said, for instance,
- 00:10:07.329 --> 00:10:08.864
- You could take
- 00:10:08.931 --> 00:10:09.398
- You could take james, chapter 4, verse 7,
- 00:10:09.465 --> 00:10:10.866
- James, chapter 4, verse 7, where it says,
- 00:10:10.933 --> 00:10:11.400
- Where it says, submit yourselves
- 00:10:11.467 --> 00:10:12.268
- Submit yourselves therefore unto god.
- 00:10:12.334 --> 00:10:13.836
- Therefore unto god. resist the devil,
- 00:10:13.903 --> 00:10:15.404
- Resist the devil, and he will flee from you.
- 00:10:15.471 --> 00:10:17.073
- And he will flee from you. right there he limits himself
- 00:10:17.139 --> 00:10:19.575
- Right there he limits himself by saying that because he says,
- 00:10:19.642 --> 00:10:20.910
- By saying that because he says, you resist the devil,
- 00:10:20.976 --> 00:10:23.312
- You resist the devil, and he will flee from you.
- 00:10:23.379 --> 00:10:25.014
- If you aren't resisting
- 00:10:25.081 --> 00:10:27.149
- If you aren't resisting the devil, if you are
- 00:10:27.216 --> 00:10:28.350
- The devil, if you are yielding to the devil,
- 00:10:28.417 --> 00:10:29.018
- Yielding to the devil, if you're embracing satan's ways
- 00:10:29.085 --> 00:10:31.387
- If you're embracing satan's ways and his values and stuff,
- 00:10:31.454 --> 00:10:33.389
- And his values and stuff, you limit god's ability
- 00:10:33.456 --> 00:10:35.991
- You limit god's ability to intervene because he said,
- 00:10:36.058 --> 00:10:37.460
- To intervene because he said, you resist the devil.
- 00:10:37.526 --> 00:10:38.794
- You resist the devil. if he just did it for you,
- 00:10:38.861 --> 00:10:40.663
- If he just did it for you, he would be violating
- 00:10:40.730 --> 00:10:41.597
- He would be violating his own word.
- 00:10:41.664 --> 00:10:43.099
- His own word. the entire universe,
- 00:10:43.165 --> 00:10:44.433
- The entire universe, creation, would fall apart.
- 00:10:44.500 --> 00:10:46.869
- Creation, would fall apart. you know, it's amazing
- 00:10:46.936 --> 00:10:47.636
- You know, it's amazing that even a lot of christians
- 00:10:47.703 --> 00:10:49.538
- That even a lot of christians don't have this concept.
- 00:10:49.605 --> 00:10:51.173
- Don't have this concept. and again, they have
- 00:10:51.240 --> 00:10:51.907
- And again, they have just embraced this thing
- 00:10:51.974 --> 00:10:53.809
- Just embraced this thing that god is sovereign,
- 00:10:53.876 --> 00:10:55.177
- That god is sovereign, god can do anything
- 00:10:55.244 --> 00:10:56.312
- God can do anything he wants to.
- 00:10:56.378 --> 00:10:57.313
- He wants to. that is not true.
- 00:10:57.379 --> 00:10:59.014
- It says in, i believe it's
- 00:10:59.081 --> 00:11:00.316
- It says in, i believe it's psalms, chapter 15, verse 4,
- 00:11:00.382 --> 00:11:03.052
- Psalms, chapter 15, verse 4, it says a godly man
- 00:11:03.119 --> 00:11:04.687
- It says a godly man will swear to his own hurt
- 00:11:04.754 --> 00:11:06.789
- Will swear to his own hurt and change not.
- 00:11:06.856 --> 00:11:07.556
- And change not. the word, godly, means,
- 00:11:07.623 --> 00:11:08.824
- A person like god.
- 00:11:08.891 --> 00:11:10.025
- A person like god. so god swears to his own hurt
- 00:11:10.092 --> 00:11:13.262
- So god swears to his own hurt and changes not.
- 00:11:13.329 --> 00:11:15.131
- And changes not. people would sit there
- 00:11:15.197 --> 00:11:16.031
- People would sit there and they'll...
- 00:11:16.098 --> 00:11:16.565
- And they'll... they'll promise you something,
- 00:11:16.632 --> 00:11:17.700
- They'll promise you something, and if it turns out
- 00:11:17.767 --> 00:11:18.734
- And if it turns out that what they've promised
- 00:11:18.801 --> 00:11:20.002
- That what they've promised is going to be inconvenient
- 00:11:20.069 --> 00:11:21.337
- Is going to be inconvenient for them, or hurt them,
- 00:11:21.403 --> 00:11:22.438
- For them, or hurt them, or cause them any grief,
- 00:11:22.505 --> 00:11:24.140
- Or cause them any grief, they'll just sit there and say,
- 00:11:24.206 --> 00:11:25.107
- They'll just sit there and say, well, i...i'll change my mind.
- 00:11:25.174 --> 00:11:26.976
- Well, i...i'll change my mind. or king's x, and they change,
- 00:11:27.042 --> 00:11:28.811
- Or king's x, and they change, but god's not like that.
- 00:11:28.878 --> 00:11:30.846
- But god's not like that. now, see if you understand
- 00:11:30.913 --> 00:11:31.847
- Now, see if you understand the things i'm saying,
- 00:11:31.914 --> 00:11:32.615
- The things i'm saying, you may not relate this
- 00:11:32.681 --> 00:11:33.849
- You may not relate this to the virgin birth of jesus,
- 00:11:33.916 --> 00:11:36.152
- To the virgin birth of jesus, but all of these things
- 00:11:36.218 --> 00:11:37.253
- But all of these things factor into it.
- 00:11:37.319 --> 00:11:38.754
- Factor into it. because in the fullness of times
- 00:11:38.821 --> 00:11:42.691
- Because in the fullness of times jesus came.
- 00:11:42.758 --> 00:11:43.926
- Jesus came. if you were to study that out,
- 00:11:43.993 --> 00:11:45.094
- If you were to study that out, that means,
- 00:11:45.161 --> 00:11:46.262
- That means, at the first opportune moment
- 00:11:46.328 --> 00:11:49.565
- At the first opportune moment jesus actually came
- 00:11:49.632 --> 00:11:51.333
- Jesus actually came to this earth.
- 00:11:51.400 --> 00:11:52.535
- To this earth. the lord had been working
- 00:11:52.601 --> 00:11:54.003
- The lord had been working ever since adam and eve
- 00:11:54.069 --> 00:11:55.805
- Ever since adam and eve transgressed against him
- 00:11:55.871 --> 00:11:57.540
- Transgressed against him to bring his son to this planet
- 00:11:57.606 --> 00:12:00.576
- To bring his son to this planet so that he could become a man,
- 00:12:00.643 --> 00:12:02.711
- So that he could become a man, bear our sins,
- 00:12:02.778 --> 00:12:04.113
- Bear our sins, redeem us from the curse
- 00:12:04.180 --> 00:12:05.881
- Redeem us from the curse that was placed upon us
- 00:12:05.948 --> 00:12:07.550
- That was placed upon us for sinning, and he had been
- 00:12:07.616 --> 00:12:09.652
- For sinning, and he had been working towards that,
- 00:12:09.718 --> 00:12:11.053
- Working towards that, but he was limited,
- 00:12:11.120 --> 00:12:12.655
- But he was limited, because when he created
- 00:12:12.721 --> 00:12:14.490
- Because when he created adam and eve,
- 00:12:14.557 --> 00:12:15.991
- Adam and eve, he gave them authority
- 00:12:16.058 --> 00:12:17.993
- He gave them authority over the earth.
- 00:12:18.060 --> 00:12:19.128
- Over the earth. if you were to turn to
- 00:12:19.195 --> 00:12:19.728
- Psalms 115, verse 16, it says,
- 00:12:19.795 --> 00:12:22.565
- Psalms 115, verse 16, it says, the heaven, even the heavens,
- 00:12:22.631 --> 00:12:23.866
- The heaven, even the heavens, are the lord's:
- 00:12:23.933 --> 00:12:24.667
- Are the lord's: but the earth hath he given
- 00:12:24.733 --> 00:12:27.503
- But the earth hath he given to the sons of men.
- 00:12:27.570 --> 00:12:29.238
- To the sons of men. god gave the control,
- 00:12:29.305 --> 00:12:31.307
- God gave the control, the authority,
- 00:12:31.373 --> 00:12:32.308
- The authority, over this earth to man.
- 00:12:32.374 --> 00:12:33.576
- Over this earth to man. you can turn back to
- 00:12:33.642 --> 00:12:34.543
- You can turn back to genesis, chapter 1,
- 00:12:34.610 --> 00:12:36.345
- And look at this.
- 00:12:36.412 --> 00:12:37.146
- And look at this. in genesis 1:26 is where
- 00:12:37.213 --> 00:12:38.914
- In genesis 1:26 is where god created adam and eve,
- 00:12:38.981 --> 00:12:40.482
- God created adam and eve, and then he turned around
- 00:12:40.549 --> 00:12:41.383
- And then he turned around and he says, you have dominion
- 00:12:41.450 --> 00:12:43.886
- And he says, you have dominion over the fish of the sea,
- 00:12:43.953 --> 00:12:45.120
- Over the fish of the sea, over the fowl of the air,
- 00:12:45.187 --> 00:12:46.388
- Over the fowl of the air, and over everything
- 00:12:46.455 --> 00:12:47.489
- And over everything that creeps upon the earth.
- 00:12:47.556 --> 00:12:50.025
- That creeps upon the earth. that includes the devil
- 00:12:50.092 --> 00:12:51.227
- That includes the devil because he is a creep.
- 00:12:51.293 --> 00:12:53.462
- Because he is a creep. amen.
- 00:12:53.529 --> 00:12:54.396
- Amen. but god gave us
- 00:12:54.463 --> 00:12:55.364
- But god gave us absolute control and authority,
- 00:12:55.431 --> 00:12:57.566
- Absolute control and authority, but by giving it to us,
- 00:12:57.633 --> 00:13:00.035
- But by giving it to us, he limited his control
- 00:13:00.102 --> 00:13:02.371
- He limited his control over this earth.
- 00:13:02.438 --> 00:13:03.772
- Over this earth. you know,
- 00:13:03.839 --> 00:13:04.306
- You know, i actually had a car one time
- 00:13:04.373 --> 00:13:05.808
- I actually had a car one time that was given to me.
- 00:13:05.875 --> 00:13:07.276
- That was given to me. it was the nicest car
- 00:13:07.343 --> 00:13:08.077
- It was the nicest car we'd ever had at that time,
- 00:13:08.143 --> 00:13:10.112
- We'd ever had at that time, but i had a guy working for me
- 00:13:10.179 --> 00:13:11.547
- But i had a guy working for me who really needed a car,
- 00:13:11.614 --> 00:13:13.215
- Who really needed a car, and i wound up giving him my car
- 00:13:13.282 --> 00:13:15.751
- And i wound up giving him my car and it was a very nice car.
- 00:13:15.818 --> 00:13:17.586
- And it was a very nice car. i mean, it was...
- 00:13:17.653 --> 00:13:18.520
- I mean, it was... it was really nice.
- 00:13:18.587 --> 00:13:19.188
- It was really nice. it was the nicest car
- 00:13:19.255 --> 00:13:20.022
- It was the nicest car we had ever had,
- 00:13:20.089 --> 00:13:21.557
- We had ever had, and i gave it to him,
- 00:13:21.624 --> 00:13:22.191
- And i gave it to him, and he was
- 00:13:22.258 --> 00:13:23.325
- And he was struggling financially,
- 00:13:23.392 --> 00:13:25.027
- Struggling financially, and after a brief
- 00:13:25.094 --> 00:13:26.195
- And after a brief period of time,
- 00:13:26.262 --> 00:13:26.762
- Period of time, a couple of months,
- 00:13:26.829 --> 00:13:27.963
- A couple of months, he came to me and he...
- 00:13:28.030 --> 00:13:29.331
- He came to me and he... he was kind of apologetic,
- 00:13:29.398 --> 00:13:31.133
- He was kind of apologetic, and he says,
- 00:13:31.200 --> 00:13:32.234
- And he says, would you mind
- 00:13:32.301 --> 00:13:32.968
- Would you mind if we sold this car
- 00:13:33.035 --> 00:13:35.004
- If we sold this car and got something that was
- 00:13:35.070 --> 00:13:36.372
- And got something that was less than this and use the money
- 00:13:36.438 --> 00:13:39.842
- Less than this and use the money to help them?
- 00:13:39.909 --> 00:13:40.776
- To help them? and i told him, i said,
- 00:13:40.843 --> 00:13:41.277
- And i told him, i said, it's your car.
- 00:13:41.343 --> 00:13:42.211
- It's your car. you can do with it
- 00:13:42.278 --> 00:13:43.145
- You can do with it whatever you want to,
- 00:13:43.212 --> 00:13:44.513
- Whatever you want to, and he says, but yeah,
- 00:13:44.580 --> 00:13:45.347
- And he says, but yeah, you gave it to me,
- 00:13:45.414 --> 00:13:46.348
- You gave it to me, and i just wanted to make sure
- 00:13:46.415 --> 00:13:47.816
- And i just wanted to make sure you were okay with it,
- 00:13:47.883 --> 00:13:48.684
- You were okay with it, and i said, look,
- 00:13:48.751 --> 00:13:49.518
- And i said, look, it's not my car.
- 00:13:49.585 --> 00:13:50.686
- It's not my car. when i gave it to you,
- 00:13:50.753 --> 00:13:52.221
- When i gave it to you, i gave it to you.
- 00:13:52.288 --> 00:13:53.255
- I gave it to you. i put the title in your name.
- 00:13:53.322 --> 00:13:55.457
- I put the title in your name. if you want to park
- 00:13:55.524 --> 00:13:56.258
- If you want to park the thing outside and...and,
- 00:13:56.325 --> 00:13:58.527
- The thing outside and...and, you know, give people
- 00:13:58.594 --> 00:13:59.828
- You know, give people five dollars to use
- 00:13:59.895 --> 00:14:01.130
- Five dollars to use a sledgehammer on it
- 00:14:01.196 --> 00:14:02.398
- A sledgehammer on it and...and make money that way,
- 00:14:02.464 --> 00:14:03.532
- And...and make money that way, you can do anything
- 00:14:03.599 --> 00:14:04.199
- You can do anything you want to with it,
- 00:14:04.266 --> 00:14:05.401
- You want to with it, it's yours.
- 00:14:05.467 --> 00:14:07.002
- It's yours. and see, a lot of people
- 00:14:07.069 --> 00:14:08.137
- And see, a lot of people don't understand that god,
- 00:14:08.203 --> 00:14:09.171
- Don't understand that god, when he gave control of
- 00:14:09.238 --> 00:14:11.273
- When he gave control of this earth to adam and eve,
- 00:14:11.340 --> 00:14:13.709
- This earth to adam and eve, he never intended for them
- 00:14:13.776 --> 00:14:15.210
- He never intended for them to turn around
- 00:14:15.277 --> 00:14:16.111
- To turn around and yield that control
- 00:14:16.178 --> 00:14:17.780
- And yield that control over to satan,
- 00:14:17.846 --> 00:14:19.315
- Over to satan, and give satan control
- 00:14:19.381 --> 00:14:20.616
- And give satan control over this earth and over people.
- 00:14:20.683 --> 00:14:22.985
- Over this earth and over people. that wasn't god's plan.
- 00:14:23.052 --> 00:14:24.586
- That wasn't god's plan. there's many, many scriptures
- 00:14:24.653 --> 00:14:25.821
- There's many, many scriptures i could bring to show you that
- 00:14:25.888 --> 00:14:27.056
- I could bring to show you that that's not what god
- 00:14:27.122 --> 00:14:28.324
- That's not what god created us for.
- 00:14:28.390 --> 00:14:29.725
- Created us for. but god loved us so much,
- 00:14:29.792 --> 00:14:31.860
- But god loved us so much, and he gave us dominion.
- 00:14:31.927 --> 00:14:34.463
- And he gave us dominion. again, if you study
- 00:14:34.530 --> 00:14:35.564
- Again, if you study these words out
- 00:14:35.631 --> 00:14:37.032
- These words out in the hebrew language over
- 00:14:37.099 --> 00:14:38.067
- In the hebrew language over there in genesis, chapter 1,
- 00:14:38.133 --> 00:14:39.535
- There in genesis, chapter 1, it means absolute control.
- 00:14:39.601 --> 00:14:42.905
- It means absolute control. the earth was mankind's
- 00:14:42.972 --> 00:14:45.007
- The earth was mankind's to do with as they chose to do.
- 00:14:45.074 --> 00:14:47.609
- To do with as they chose to do. god didn't put any restrictions.
- 00:14:47.676 --> 00:14:49.545
- God didn't put any restrictions. he didn't say,
- 00:14:49.611 --> 00:14:50.145
- He didn't say, i give you dominion
- 00:14:50.212 --> 00:14:51.180
- I give you dominion as long as you obey
- 00:14:51.246 --> 00:14:52.414
- As long as you obey what i want you to do.
- 00:14:52.481 --> 00:14:53.482
- What i want you to do. there was no conditions on this.
- 00:14:53.549 --> 00:14:54.984
- There was no conditions on this. there was no fine print
- 00:14:55.050 --> 00:14:56.752
- There was no fine print in the contract.
- 00:14:56.819 --> 00:14:57.920
- In the contract. and remember,
- 00:14:57.987 --> 00:14:58.587
- And remember, that god upholds everything
- 00:14:58.654 --> 00:15:00.189
- That god upholds everything by the power in his word,
- 00:15:00.255 --> 00:15:01.724
- By the power in his word, the integrity of in...
- 00:15:01.790 --> 00:15:02.524
- The integrity of in... of his word.
- 00:15:02.591 --> 00:15:04.126
- Of his word. he can't lie.
- 00:15:04.193 --> 00:15:04.927
- He can't lie. when he says something
- 00:15:04.994 --> 00:15:05.861
- When he says something out of his mouth,
- 00:15:05.928 --> 00:15:06.662
- Out of his mouth, it's a contract.
- 00:15:06.729 --> 00:15:08.197
- It's a contract. and so, by giving us
- 00:15:08.263 --> 00:15:10.599
- And so, by giving us this much power, and dominion,
- 00:15:10.666 --> 00:15:13.469
- This much power, and dominion, and authority to run our life,
- 00:15:13.535 --> 00:15:15.771
- And authority to run our life, and to have dominion
- 00:15:15.838 --> 00:15:16.505
- And to have dominion over this earth, he says,
- 00:15:16.572 --> 00:15:17.539
- Over this earth, he says, you can control
- 00:15:17.606 --> 00:15:18.807
- You can control the fish of the sea,
- 00:15:18.874 --> 00:15:19.608
- The fish of the sea, the fowl of the air,
- 00:15:19.675 --> 00:15:21.076
- The fowl of the air, and the animals that are
- 00:15:21.143 --> 00:15:22.144
- And the animals that are upon this earth, everything.
- 00:15:22.211 --> 00:15:23.545
- Upon this earth, everything. he gave it to us.
- 00:15:23.612 --> 00:15:25.047
- He gave it to us. by giving that to us,
- 00:15:25.114 --> 00:15:27.049
- By giving that to us, god limited his ability
- 00:15:27.116 --> 00:15:30.319
- God limited his ability to run and control the earth.
- 00:15:30.386 --> 00:15:32.855
- To run and control the earth. again, i go back
- 00:15:32.921 --> 00:15:33.489
- Again, i go back to that scripture
- 00:15:33.555 --> 00:15:34.256
- To that scripture i've already quoted
- 00:15:34.323 --> 00:15:35.024
- Out of psalms 115, verse 16,
- 00:15:35.090 --> 00:15:37.860
- Out of psalms 115, verse 16, and it says, the heaven,
- 00:15:37.926 --> 00:15:39.161
- And it says, the heaven, even the heavens
- 00:15:39.228 --> 00:15:40.229
- Even the heavens are the lord's:
- 00:15:40.295 --> 00:15:41.196
- Are the lord's: but the earth hath he given
- 00:15:41.263 --> 00:15:43.265
- But the earth hath he given to the sons of men.
- 00:15:43.332 --> 00:15:44.600
- To the sons of men. now some people may compare
- 00:15:44.666 --> 00:15:45.834
- Now some people may compare that with where it says
- 00:15:45.901 --> 00:15:46.835
- That with where it says the earth is the lord's,
- 00:15:46.902 --> 00:15:47.803
- The earth is the lord's, and the fulness thereof
- 00:15:47.870 --> 00:15:48.971
- And the fulness thereof and all those who dwell therein.
- 00:15:49.038 --> 00:15:51.106
- And all those who dwell therein. and they say,
- 00:15:51.173 --> 00:15:51.607
- Are those contradictory?
- 00:15:51.673 --> 00:15:53.308
- Are those contradictory? no, the earth belongs
- 00:15:53.375 --> 00:15:54.276
- No, the earth belongs to the lord.
- 00:15:54.343 --> 00:15:55.811
- To the lord. he's the one that created it,
- 00:15:55.878 --> 00:15:57.179
- He's the one that created it, and so therefore as creator,
- 00:15:57.246 --> 00:15:59.148
- And so therefore as creator, he is the owner,
- 00:15:59.214 --> 00:16:00.616
- He is the owner, but he gave the dominion,
- 00:16:00.682 --> 00:16:02.284
- But he gave the dominion, the rulership, the control of it
- 00:16:02.351 --> 00:16:04.653
- The rulership, the control of it over to us.
- 00:16:04.720 --> 00:16:06.321
- Over to us. it would be like if i owned
- 00:16:06.388 --> 00:16:07.790
- It would be like if i owned an apartment complex
- 00:16:07.856 --> 00:16:08.924
- An apartment complex or something and if i was
- 00:16:08.991 --> 00:16:10.426
- Or something and if i was the one who built it,
- 00:16:10.492 --> 00:16:11.360
- The one who built it, and i owned it,
- 00:16:11.427 --> 00:16:12.294
- And i owned it, but if i made you the manager
- 00:16:12.361 --> 00:16:13.829
- But if i made you the manager and if i said you can do with it
- 00:16:13.896 --> 00:16:15.497
- And if i said you can do with it whatever you want to,
- 00:16:15.564 --> 00:16:17.399
- Whatever you want to, i am not going to intervene,
- 00:16:17.466 --> 00:16:18.934
- I am not going to intervene, it is yours.
- 00:16:19.001 --> 00:16:19.968
- It is yours. now here's what
- 00:16:20.035 --> 00:16:20.369
- Now here's what i would like you to do,
- 00:16:20.436 --> 00:16:22.137
- I would like you to do, but if i gave you
- 00:16:22.204 --> 00:16:23.072
- But if i gave you that much authority,
- 00:16:23.138 --> 00:16:24.940
- That much authority, if you chose not to run things
- 00:16:25.007 --> 00:16:26.542
- If you chose not to run things the way that i wanted to,
- 00:16:26.608 --> 00:16:27.743
- The way that i wanted to, as owner, i guess i could come
- 00:16:27.810 --> 00:16:29.978
- As owner, i guess i could come and take the thing back,
- 00:16:30.045 --> 00:16:31.680
- And take the thing back, and destroy the thing,
- 00:16:31.747 --> 00:16:32.915
- And destroy the thing, but i can't intervene
- 00:16:32.981 --> 00:16:35.184
- But i can't intervene in your affairs if i said,
- 00:16:35.250 --> 00:16:36.618
- In your affairs if i said, you run it however you want to.
- 00:16:36.685 --> 00:16:38.287
- You run it however you want to. if i was going to hold
- 00:16:38.353 --> 00:16:39.455
- If i was going to hold to my word,
- 00:16:39.521 --> 00:16:40.656
- To my word, i had to honor what i said.
- 00:16:40.722 --> 00:16:42.791
- I had to honor what i said. and this is the way it was
- 00:16:42.858 --> 00:16:43.792
- And this is the way it was with god.
- 00:16:43.859 --> 00:16:44.893
- With god. god never intended for us
- 00:16:44.960 --> 00:16:46.662
- God never intended for us to destroy this earth,
- 00:16:46.728 --> 00:16:49.131
- To destroy this earth, and destroy our own lives,
- 00:16:49.198 --> 00:16:50.866
- And destroy our own lives, and all of the murder,
- 00:16:50.933 --> 00:16:51.867
- And all of the murder, and the rape, and the plunder.
- 00:16:51.934 --> 00:16:53.202
- And the rape, and the plunder. this is never god's will.
- 00:16:53.268 --> 00:16:54.803
- This is never god's will. this is not what he intended,
- 00:16:54.870 --> 00:16:56.939
- This is not what he intended, but he created us and gave us
- 00:16:57.005 --> 00:16:59.975
- But he created us and gave us such dominion and authority
- 00:17:00.042 --> 00:17:02.244
- Such dominion and authority that even though things went
- 00:17:02.311 --> 00:17:03.545
- That even though things went contrary to what he said,
- 00:17:03.612 --> 00:17:04.780
- Contrary to what he said, he didn't just come in
- 00:17:04.847 --> 00:17:06.014
- He didn't just come in and intervene and change
- 00:17:06.081 --> 00:17:08.617
- And intervene and change the rules and take his contract
- 00:17:08.684 --> 00:17:11.353
- The rules and take his contract back and violate his word.
- 00:17:11.420 --> 00:17:13.589
- Back and violate his word. the entire universe
- 00:17:13.655 --> 00:17:14.389
- The entire universe would have self-destruct.
- 00:17:14.456 --> 00:17:15.891
- Would have self-destruct. he was...he was bound
- 00:17:15.958 --> 00:17:17.626
- He was...he was bound by his own integrity.
- 00:17:17.693 --> 00:17:20.729
- By his own integrity. boy, tho...these are
- 00:17:20.796 --> 00:17:21.530
- Boy, tho...these are powerful truths,
- 00:17:21.597 --> 00:17:22.498
- Powerful truths, and i'm ultimately working
- 00:17:22.564 --> 00:17:24.433
- And i'm ultimately working towards talking about
- 00:17:24.500 --> 00:17:25.534
- Towards talking about the virgin birth,
- 00:17:25.601 --> 00:17:26.301
- The virgin birth, but if you don't
- 00:17:26.368 --> 00:17:26.902
- But if you don't understand this, again,
- 00:17:26.969 --> 00:17:28.737
- Understand this, again, you'll just think,
- 00:17:28.804 --> 00:17:29.438
- You'll just think, why did god wait 4,000 years?
- 00:17:29.505 --> 00:17:31.106
- Why did god wait 4,000 years? he could have come at any time
- 00:17:31.173 --> 00:17:32.007
- He could have come at any time he wanted to.
- 00:17:32.074 --> 00:17:32.841
- He wanted to. it's not true.
- 00:17:32.908 --> 00:17:33.642
- It's not true. i'm going to explain that
- 00:17:33.709 --> 00:17:34.276
- I'm going to explain that in a lot more detail,
- 00:17:34.343 --> 00:17:35.711
- In a lot more detail, and also you could have said,
- 00:17:35.777 --> 00:17:36.578
- And also you could have said, well, why didn't he come up
- 00:17:36.645 --> 00:17:37.479
- Well, why didn't he come up with a different way of
- 00:17:37.546 --> 00:17:38.981
- With a different way of redeeming mankind
- 00:17:39.047 --> 00:17:40.149
- Redeeming mankind and solving the problems?
- 00:17:40.215 --> 00:17:42.184
- And solving the problems? if you understand
- 00:17:42.251 --> 00:17:42.885
- If you understand what i'm saying,
- 00:17:42.951 --> 00:17:43.652
- What i'm saying, he was bound by his own
- 00:17:43.719 --> 00:17:45.587
- He was bound by his own teg...integrity.
- 00:17:45.654 --> 00:17:46.788
- Teg...integrity. he couldn't come down here
- 00:17:46.855 --> 00:17:48.323
- He couldn't come down here and change the rules and just
- 00:17:48.390 --> 00:17:49.958
- And change the rules and just override our own free will.
- 00:17:50.025 --> 00:17:52.761
- Override our own free will. and so, god himself
- 00:17:52.828 --> 00:17:55.130
- And so, god himself had to become a man
- 00:17:55.197 --> 00:17:56.231
- Had to become a man because he gave authority
- 00:17:56.298 --> 00:17:58.100
- Because he gave authority over this earth to physical,
- 00:17:58.167 --> 00:18:00.402
- Over this earth to physical, human beings.
- 00:18:00.469 --> 00:18:01.203
- And john, chapter 4, verse 24
- 00:18:01.270 --> 00:18:03.172
- And john, chapter 4, verse 24 says that god is a spirit,
- 00:18:03.238 --> 00:18:05.607
- Says that god is a spirit, and those who worship him
- 00:18:05.674 --> 00:18:06.942
- And those who worship him must worship him
- 00:18:07.009 --> 00:18:08.443
- Must worship him in spirit and in truth.
- 00:18:08.510 --> 00:18:10.679
- In spirit and in truth. god isn't a physical being.
- 00:18:10.746 --> 00:18:12.281
- He created
- 00:18:12.347 --> 00:18:13.048
- He created physical human beings,
- 00:18:13.115 --> 00:18:14.416
- Physical human beings, but he himself is a spirit,
- 00:18:14.483 --> 00:18:16.518
- But he himself is a spirit, and he gave authority
- 00:18:16.585 --> 00:18:18.554
- And he gave authority over this physical planet
- 00:18:18.620 --> 00:18:20.689
- Over this physical planet to people with physical bodies.
- 00:18:20.756 --> 00:18:23.725
- To people with physical bodies. since god didn't have
- 00:18:23.792 --> 00:18:24.826
- Since god didn't have a physical body,
- 00:18:24.893 --> 00:18:25.961
- A physical body, he honestly would have
- 00:18:26.028 --> 00:18:27.496
- He honestly would have violated his own instructions,
- 00:18:27.563 --> 00:18:29.498
- Violated his own instructions, his own integrity,
- 00:18:29.565 --> 00:18:30.666
- His own integrity, if he would have
- 00:18:30.732 --> 00:18:31.333
- If he would have come down here
- 00:18:31.400 --> 00:18:32.034
- Come down here and have just wiped out satan,
- 00:18:32.100 --> 00:18:34.169
- And have just wiped out satan, dealt with all of the evil,
- 00:18:34.236 --> 00:18:35.837
- Dealt with all of the evil, fixed things
- 00:18:35.904 --> 00:18:37.139
- Fixed things and made things work.
- 00:18:37.206 --> 00:18:38.106
- And made things work. he would have violated
- 00:18:38.173 --> 00:18:39.241
- He would have violated his own word,
- 00:18:39.308 --> 00:18:40.409
- His own word, because he didn't have
- 00:18:40.475 --> 00:18:40.976
- Because he didn't have a physical body.
- 00:18:41.043 --> 00:18:42.044
- A physical body. so this is why jesus had to
- 00:18:42.110 --> 00:18:44.947
- So this is why jesus had to become a man.
- 00:18:45.013 --> 00:18:46.014
- Become a man. let me turn over
- 00:18:46.081 --> 00:18:46.481
- Let me turn over and read this verse to you.
- 00:18:46.548 --> 00:18:47.516
- And read this verse to you. i'm not sure i can
- 00:18:47.583 --> 00:18:49.151
- I'm not sure i can quote this one exactly.
- 00:18:49.218 --> 00:18:50.519
- Quote this one exactly. i don't use this quite as much.
- 00:18:50.586 --> 00:18:52.054
- I don't use this quite as much. but in john, chapter 5,
- 00:18:52.120 --> 00:18:55.224
- But in john, chapter 5, jesus was talking about
- 00:18:55.290 --> 00:18:57.926
- Jesus was talking about his authority that he had
- 00:18:57.993 --> 00:18:59.328
- His authority that he had from the father,
- 00:18:59.394 --> 00:19:00.596
- And in verse 25
- 00:19:00.662 --> 00:19:01.697
- And in verse 25 he says, verily, verily,
- 00:19:01.763 --> 00:19:02.564
- He says, verily, verily, i say unto you,
- 00:19:02.631 --> 00:19:03.432
- I say unto you, the hour is coming, and now is,
- 00:19:03.498 --> 00:19:06.401
- The hour is coming, and now is, when the dead shall hear
- 00:19:06.468 --> 00:19:07.603
- When the dead shall hear the voice of the son of god:
- 00:19:07.669 --> 00:19:09.638
- The voice of the son of god: and they that hear shall live.
- 00:19:09.705 --> 00:19:12.574
- And they that hear shall live. for as the father
- 00:19:12.641 --> 00:19:14.009
- For as the father hath life in himself;
- 00:19:14.076 --> 00:19:15.811
- Hath life in himself; so hath he given to the son
- 00:19:15.877 --> 00:19:17.546
- So hath he given to the son to have life in himself;
- 00:19:17.613 --> 00:19:19.381
- To have life in himself; and hath given him authority
- 00:19:19.448 --> 00:19:21.783
- And hath given him authority to execute judgment also,
- 00:19:21.850 --> 00:19:23.885
- To execute judgment also, because he is the son of man.
- 00:19:23.952 --> 00:19:26.755
- Now, again, most people
- 00:19:28.056 --> 00:19:28.957
- Now, again, most people just read over these things
- 00:19:29.024 --> 00:19:30.359
- Just read over these things and don't think about it.
- 00:19:30.425 --> 00:19:31.994
- And don't think about it. i tell you, if you would
- 00:19:32.060 --> 00:19:32.794
- I tell you, if you would use your brain for something
- 00:19:32.861 --> 00:19:34.630
- Use your brain for something besides a hat rack it's amazing
- 00:19:34.696 --> 00:19:36.765
- Besides a hat rack it's amazing what you would come up with.
- 00:19:36.832 --> 00:19:38.700
- What you would come up with. but think of this, he says,
- 00:19:38.767 --> 00:19:39.801
- But think of this, he says, this is the reason
- 00:19:39.868 --> 00:19:41.603
- This is the reason god, the father,
- 00:19:41.670 --> 00:19:42.804
- God, the father, gave jesus authority
- 00:19:42.871 --> 00:19:44.206
- Gave jesus authority to execute judgment
- 00:19:44.273 --> 00:19:46.041
- To execute judgment in you could say,
- 00:19:46.108 --> 00:19:47.843
- In you could say, in order to in...intervene
- 00:19:47.909 --> 00:19:49.945
- In order to in...intervene in the affairs of men
- 00:19:50.012 --> 00:19:51.113
- In the affairs of men and to have control
- 00:19:51.179 --> 00:19:52.547
- And to have control and to deal with things.
- 00:19:52.614 --> 00:19:53.482
- And to deal with things. the reason he was given
- 00:19:53.548 --> 00:19:54.883
- The reason he was given this authority is because he was
- 00:19:54.950 --> 00:19:57.653
- This authority is because he was the son of man,
- 00:19:57.719 --> 00:19:59.087
- The son of man, and i'm not going to take time
- 00:19:59.154 --> 00:20:00.088
- And i'm not going to take time to go through, but you could
- 00:20:00.155 --> 00:20:01.189
- To go through, but you could study this out.
- 00:20:01.256 --> 00:20:02.224
- Study this out. it's consistent in the gospels
- 00:20:02.291 --> 00:20:04.159
- It's consistent in the gospels that when jesus is called
- 00:20:04.226 --> 00:20:05.761
- That when jesus is called the son of god,
- 00:20:05.827 --> 00:20:07.162
- The son of god, it's referring to his divinity.
- 00:20:07.229 --> 00:20:09.665
- It says over in
- 00:20:09.731 --> 00:20:10.198
- It says over in 1 timothy, chapter 3, verse 16,
- 00:20:10.265 --> 00:20:12.301
- 1 timothy, chapter 3, verse 16, that god was
- 00:20:12.367 --> 00:20:13.035
- That god was manifest in the flesh,
- 00:20:13.101 --> 00:20:14.503
- Manifest in the flesh, jesus was god in the flesh,
- 00:20:14.569 --> 00:20:16.438
- Jesus was god in the flesh, so when it calls him
- 00:20:16.505 --> 00:20:17.472
- The son of god, that's referring
- 00:20:17.539 --> 00:20:19.241
- The son of god, that's referring to his divinity.
- 00:20:19.308 --> 00:20:21.109
- The angels,
- 00:20:21.176 --> 00:20:21.810
- The angels, at the birth of jesus said,
- 00:20:21.877 --> 00:20:23.145
- At the birth of jesus said, come see christ the lord.
- 00:20:23.211 --> 00:20:25.580
- Come see christ the lord. that word for, lord,
- 00:20:25.647 --> 00:20:26.581
- That word for, lord, is the exact word that's used
- 00:20:26.648 --> 00:20:27.949
- Is the exact word that's used for god all throughout
- 00:20:28.016 --> 00:20:29.718
- For god all throughout the new testament.
- 00:20:29.785 --> 00:20:30.786
- Jesus was god at birth.
- 00:20:30.852 --> 00:20:32.854
- Jesus was god at birth. he didn't grow
- 00:20:32.921 --> 00:20:33.622
- He didn't grow into becoming god,
- 00:20:33.689 --> 00:20:34.856
- Into becoming god, he was god.
- 00:20:34.923 --> 00:20:36.491
- He was god. so when it refers to jesus
- 00:20:36.558 --> 00:20:38.727
- So when it refers to jesus as being the son of god,
- 00:20:38.794 --> 00:20:39.928
- As being the son of god, that's talking about
- 00:20:39.995 --> 00:20:40.595
- That's talking about his divinity,
- 00:20:40.662 --> 00:20:41.997
- His divinity, but when it refers to jesus,
- 00:20:42.064 --> 00:20:43.665
- But when it refers to jesus, as the son of man,
- 00:20:43.732 --> 00:20:45.167
- As the son of man, that is referring to
- 00:20:45.233 --> 00:20:46.301
- That is referring to his physical body,
- 00:20:46.368 --> 00:20:47.869
- And luke 2:52 says,
- 00:20:47.936 --> 00:20:49.471
- And luke 2:52 says, jesus had to grow in
- 00:20:49.538 --> 00:20:50.906
- Jesus had to grow in wisdom and in stature,
- 00:20:50.972 --> 00:20:53.241
- Wisdom and in stature, and in favor with god and man.
- 00:20:53.308 --> 00:20:54.976
- And in favor with god and man. his physical body grew.
- 00:20:55.043 --> 00:20:57.346
- He didn't come out of the womb
- 00:20:57.412 --> 00:20:58.613
- He didn't come out of the womb speaking hebrew.
- 00:20:58.680 --> 00:20:59.981
- Speaking hebrew. he had to learn to talk.
- 00:21:00.048 --> 00:21:01.416
- He had to learn to talk. he had to learn to walk.
- 00:21:01.483 --> 00:21:02.617
- He had to learn to walk. his physical body had to grow,
- 00:21:02.684 --> 00:21:05.654
- His physical body had to grow, but in the spirit,
- 00:21:05.721 --> 00:21:06.588
- But in the spirit, he was christ the lord at birth.
- 00:21:06.655 --> 00:21:10.058
- He was christ the lord at birth. so, when it refers to the reason
- 00:21:10.125 --> 00:21:11.960
- So, when it refers to the reason he has authority is
- 00:21:12.027 --> 00:21:13.295
- He has authority is because he was the son of man,
- 00:21:13.362 --> 00:21:15.797
- Because he was the son of man, he's saying it's because of
- 00:21:15.864 --> 00:21:16.932
- He's saying it's because of this physical body
- 00:21:16.998 --> 00:21:19.167
- This physical body that he now had authority.
- 00:21:19.234 --> 00:21:22.437
- That he now had authority. i've got so much more
- 00:21:22.504 --> 00:21:23.538
- I've got so much more to share about this.
- 00:21:23.605 --> 00:21:24.773
- To share about this. i'm running short of time today,
- 00:21:24.840 --> 00:21:25.507
- I'm running short of time today, but i tell you, if you can
- 00:21:25.574 --> 00:21:27.008
- But i tell you, if you can piece these things together,
- 00:21:27.075 --> 00:21:28.110
- Piece these things together, and i...i'm going to
- 00:21:28.176 --> 00:21:28.977
- And i...i'm going to be talking about this,
- 00:21:29.044 --> 00:21:30.545
- Be talking about this, it will help you to understand
- 00:21:30.612 --> 00:21:32.848
- It will help you to understand why the lord waited 4,000 years.
- 00:21:32.914 --> 00:21:35.817
- Why the lord waited 4,000 years. he came at the first
- 00:21:35.884 --> 00:21:37.185
- He came at the first opportune moment,
- 00:21:37.252 --> 00:21:38.420
- Opportune moment, the first time that he could.
- 00:21:38.487 --> 00:21:40.922
- The first time that he could. and again, i know that
- 00:21:40.989 --> 00:21:41.690
- And again, i know that that rubs some people's
- 00:21:41.757 --> 00:21:42.758
- That rubs some people's religious thinking the wrong...
- 00:21:42.824 --> 00:21:44.793
- Religious thinking the wrong... because god can do anything.
- 00:21:44.860 --> 00:21:45.994
- Because god can do anything. no, he can't lie,
- 00:21:46.061 --> 00:21:47.295
- No, he can't lie, he can't violate his word.
- 00:21:47.362 --> 00:21:49.364
- He can't violate his word. he cannot just intervene
- 00:21:49.431 --> 00:21:50.832
- He cannot just intervene and...and wipe things out
- 00:21:50.899 --> 00:21:52.768
- And...and wipe things out that he had promised mankind.
- 00:21:52.834 --> 00:21:54.236
- That he had promised mankind. so, he came at the first
- 00:21:54.302 --> 00:21:55.537
- So, he came at the first opportune time,
- 00:21:55.604 --> 00:21:56.738
- Opportune time, and it was necessary
- 00:21:56.805 --> 00:21:58.874
- And it was necessary that jesus had to become
- 00:21:58.940 --> 00:22:01.376
- That jesus had to become a man so that he could have
- 00:22:01.443 --> 00:22:03.945
- A man so that he could have authority in this earth.
- 00:22:04.012 --> 00:22:06.548
- Authority in this earth. he had given authority
- 00:22:06.615 --> 00:22:07.616
- He had given authority to physical human beings,
- 00:22:07.682 --> 00:22:09.151
- And god is a spirit:
- 00:22:09.217 --> 00:22:10.886
- And god is a spirit: and those who worship him
- 00:22:10.952 --> 00:22:11.887
- And those who worship him must worship him in spirit
- 00:22:11.953 --> 00:22:13.288
- Must worship him in spirit and in truth.
- 00:22:13.355 --> 00:22:13.989
- And in truth. john 4:24.
- 00:22:14.055 --> 00:22:15.023
- John 4:24. so god had to
- 00:22:15.090 --> 00:22:16.558
- Become a man.
- 00:22:16.625 --> 00:22:17.793
- Become a man. i tell you, i ans...
- 00:22:17.859 --> 00:22:18.727
- I tell you, i ans... i asked these questions
- 00:22:18.794 --> 00:22:19.828
- I asked these questions for decades
- 00:22:19.895 --> 00:22:20.695
- For decades before i got answers
- 00:22:20.762 --> 00:22:21.930
- Before i got answers studying the word of god,
- 00:22:21.997 --> 00:22:23.432
- Studying the word of god, and it has just
- 00:22:23.498 --> 00:22:24.699
- And it has just blessed me so much.
- 00:22:24.766 --> 00:22:26.101
- Blessed me so much. and in this series
- 00:22:26.168 --> 00:22:26.835
- As we go through this,
- 00:22:27.335 --> 00:22:28.703
- This will also not only
- 00:22:28.703 --> 00:22:30.439
- Explain to you the virgin birth,
- 00:22:30.439 --> 00:22:32.274
- Why it was necessary,
- 00:22:32.274 --> 00:22:33.608
- How it happened,
- 00:22:33.608 --> 00:22:34.843
- But it'll also share with you
- 00:22:34.843 --> 00:22:36.645
- About how you can
- 00:22:36.645 --> 00:22:38.380
- Conceive a miracle.
- 00:22:38.380 --> 00:22:40.315
- If god himself was limited
- 00:22:40.315 --> 00:22:44.085
- Because of his own integrity,
- 00:22:44.085 --> 00:22:45.487
- Because he wouldn't
- 00:22:45.487 --> 00:22:46.154
- Violate his word,
- 00:22:46.154 --> 00:22:47.088
- And if god had to conform
- 00:22:47.088 --> 00:22:49.291
- To the laws that he created,
- 00:22:49.291 --> 00:22:51.860
- Well then, how in the world
- 00:22:51.860 --> 00:22:52.828
- Are you expecting to receive
- 00:22:52.828 --> 00:22:54.463
- A miracle from god if you
- 00:22:54.529 --> 00:22:55.764
- A miracle from god if you ignore all of the laws of god?
- 00:22:55.831 --> 00:22:57.799
- Ignore all of the laws of god? there are reasons why
- 00:22:57.866 --> 00:22:58.900
- There are reasons why some people see
- 00:22:58.967 --> 00:22:59.768
- Some people see the power of god manifest
- 00:22:59.835 --> 00:23:01.136
- The power of god manifest through them and reasons why
- 00:23:01.203 --> 00:23:02.437
- Through them and reasons why other people don't.
- 00:23:02.504 --> 00:23:03.905
- Other people don't. and that's what
- 00:23:03.972 --> 00:23:04.473
- And that's what this series will help you.
- 00:23:04.539 --> 00:23:05.507
- It's talking about
- 00:23:05.941 --> 00:23:06.675
- The word became flesh.
- 00:23:06.675 --> 00:23:07.943
- I have cds on this
- 00:23:07.943 --> 00:23:09.444
- And then i have dvds
- 00:23:09.444 --> 00:23:10.779
- That were taken from
- 00:23:10.779 --> 00:23:11.580
- My television program,
- 00:23:11.580 --> 00:23:12.681
- And then dvd set
- 00:23:12.681 --> 00:23:13.882
- That were taken from
- 00:23:13.882 --> 00:23:14.683
- A live teaching.
- 00:23:14.683 --> 00:23:16.084
- And i promise you,
- 00:23:16.084 --> 00:23:16.918
- This would be a blessing.
- 00:23:16.918 --> 00:23:18.420
- I encourage you to get it,
- 00:23:18.420 --> 00:23:19.921
- So listen to our announcer
- 00:23:19.921 --> 00:23:21.156
- And then please call
- 00:23:21.156 --> 00:23:22.691
- Or write today
- 00:23:22.691 --> 00:23:23.658
- To receive these materials.
- 00:23:23.658 --> 00:23:27.128
- >> you know we've got christmas
- 00:23:27.195 --> 00:23:28.396
- Coming up and the best christmas
- 00:23:28.396 --> 00:23:30.065
- Present that i think you could
- 00:23:30.065 --> 00:23:31.600
- Give anybody would be this
- 00:23:31.600 --> 00:23:32.901
- Living commentary. it's a
- 00:23:32.901 --> 00:23:34.703
- Digital commentary that you
- 00:23:34.703 --> 00:23:36.104
- Could get on your phone as well
- 00:23:36.104 --> 00:23:37.506
- As on your laptop, but it is my
- 00:23:37.506 --> 00:23:41.543
- Commentary on over 27,000 verses
- 00:23:41.543 --> 00:23:44.813
- In the bible, and we've got
- 00:23:44.813 --> 00:23:47.315
- Special deals that go along with
- 00:23:47.315 --> 00:23:49.217
- This, some add-ons that go with
- 00:23:49.217 --> 00:23:50.719
- It, and it would just be a
- 00:23:50.719 --> 00:23:52.287
- Tremendous christmas
- 00:23:52.287 --> 00:23:53.321
- Present. so please take
- 00:23:53.321 --> 00:23:54.155
- Advantage of this today.
- 00:23:54.155 --> 00:23:56.258
- >> god's promises will become
- 00:23:56.324 --> 00:23:58.126
- More real and alive when you get
- 00:23:58.126 --> 00:24:00.495
- Andrew's complete teaching
- 00:24:00.495 --> 00:24:01.730
- Titled the word became flesh.
- 00:24:01.730 --> 00:24:04.432
- Andrew's complete teaching, the
- 00:24:04.432 --> 00:24:06.635
- Word became flesh, is available
- 00:24:06.635 --> 00:24:08.503
- As a cd or dvd album made from
- 00:24:08.503 --> 00:24:11.640
- Our daily television broadcast,
- 00:24:11.640 --> 00:24:13.808
- Or in a dvd album recorded live
- 00:24:13.808 --> 00:24:16.411
- At a ministry event. each of
- 00:24:16.411 --> 00:24:18.914
- These resources are available
- 00:24:18.914 --> 00:24:20.649
- For a gift of any amount when
- 00:24:20.649 --> 00:24:22.784
- You contact us. this entire
- 00:24:22.784 --> 00:24:24.953
- Series is also available for
- 00:24:24.953 --> 00:24:27.055
- Audio download absolutely free
- 00:24:27.055 --> 00:24:29.457
- From our website. you can become
- 00:24:29.457 --> 00:24:31.960
- A grace partner through our
- 00:24:31.960 --> 00:24:33.361
- Website at while
- 00:24:33.361 --> 00:24:36.798
- There, you can discover more
- 00:24:36.798 --> 00:24:38.466
- Product details and download
- 00:24:38.466 --> 00:24:40.035
- Additional free resources. you
- 00:24:40.035 --> 00:24:42.604
- Can also order resources or
- 00:24:42.604 --> 00:24:44.940
- Receive prayer by calling our
- 00:24:44.940 --> 00:24:46.741
- Helpline at 719-635-1111. our
- 00:24:46.741 --> 00:24:52.113
- Helpline is open 24 hours a day,
- 00:24:52.113 --> 00:24:54.616
- 7 days a week. to write us, use
- 00:24:54.616 --> 00:24:57.953
- The address on your screen. we
- 00:24:57.953 --> 00:24:59.921
- Appreciate your generosity and
- 00:24:59.921 --> 00:25:01.990
- Hope to hear from you today.
- 00:25:01.990 --> 00:25:06.595
- >> there was so much pain in my
- 00:25:06.661 --> 00:25:08.129
- Body and it came out of nowhere.
- 00:25:08.129 --> 00:25:10.699
- I started with a lot of lower
- 00:25:10.699 --> 00:25:12.567
- Back pain. i started with pain
- 00:25:12.567 --> 00:25:14.536
- In my legs, pain in my hands,
- 00:25:14.536 --> 00:25:16.504
- And then it felt like i had the
- 00:25:16.504 --> 00:25:18.406
- Flu 24/7. they said i had lupus.
- 00:25:18.406 --> 00:25:22.010
- They said i had fibromyalgia.
- 00:25:22.010 --> 00:25:23.511
- Fibromyalgia just doesn't come
- 00:25:23.511 --> 00:25:25.780
- On you. it comes from a lot of
- 00:25:25.780 --> 00:25:27.916
- Years of a lot of emotional
- 00:25:27.916 --> 00:25:29.751
- Abuse on yourself. my day
- 00:25:29.751 --> 00:25:32.921
- Planner was filled with doctor
- 00:25:32.921 --> 00:25:34.589
- Appointments, $300,000 on
- 00:25:34.589 --> 00:25:37.425
- Alternative doctors, holistic
- 00:25:37.425 --> 00:25:39.694
- Doctors. they just kept saying,
- 00:25:39.694 --> 00:25:41.963
- We don't know what to do, here,
- 00:25:41.963 --> 00:25:43.031
- Take this pill here, take this.
- 00:25:43.031 --> 00:25:44.733
- This went on for three years.
- 00:25:44.733 --> 00:25:48.236
- Meanwhile, i was going to every
- 00:25:48.236 --> 00:25:50.739
- Healing line that i could. i
- 00:25:50.739 --> 00:25:52.374
- Would say, god, why am i not
- 00:25:52.374 --> 00:25:54.476
- Getting healed? what is wrong?
- 00:25:54.476 --> 00:25:56.344
- Why are you not healing me? why,
- 00:25:56.344 --> 00:25:58.313
- What i do? what do i need to do?
- 00:25:58.313 --> 00:26:00.715
- >> welcome to gospel truth with
- 00:26:00.715 --> 00:26:04.019
- Andrew wommack, a teaching
- 00:26:04.019 --> 00:26:05.754
- Ministry that focuses on...
- 00:26:05.754 --> 00:26:07.355
- >> so i was home a lot, and i
- 00:26:07.355 --> 00:26:08.990
- Would leave the tv on and it
- 00:26:08.990 --> 00:26:11.059
- Would constantly play every
- 00:26:11.059 --> 00:26:12.861
- Ministry possible. well, this
- 00:26:12.861 --> 00:26:14.362
- Man came on, and i don't know
- 00:26:14.362 --> 00:26:17.032
- What the teaching was, but there
- 00:26:17.032 --> 00:26:18.733
- Was something about it though
- 00:26:18.733 --> 00:26:20.735
- That was really, like, just
- 00:26:20.735 --> 00:26:22.237
- Caught me. there was a two week
- 00:26:22.237 --> 00:26:24.205
- Period where i was like, that's
- 00:26:24.205 --> 00:26:25.407
- It. i am not moving out of this
- 00:26:25.407 --> 00:26:27.742
- House. i'm canceling everything
- 00:26:27.742 --> 00:26:29.678
- And i'm just going to listen. i
- 00:26:29.678 --> 00:26:32.113
- Started walking through my
- 00:26:32.113 --> 00:26:33.314
- Hallways and i'm telling you, if
- 00:26:33.314 --> 00:26:35.316
- My dogs could talk, what they
- 00:26:35.316 --> 00:26:36.751
- Witnessed, i walked through
- 00:26:36.751 --> 00:26:38.420
- Those hallways going in the name
- 00:26:38.420 --> 00:26:39.854
- Of jesus, stop being numb.
- 00:26:39.854 --> 00:26:42.524
- Numbness, you are dead. you get
- 00:26:42.524 --> 00:26:44.859
- Out of my body now in the name
- 00:26:44.859 --> 00:26:46.728
- Of jesus. get out of my body.
- 00:26:46.728 --> 00:26:48.563
- Pain, back pain, get out of my
- 00:26:48.563 --> 00:26:51.232
- Body. whatever it was, headache,
- 00:26:51.232 --> 00:26:53.768
- You know, brain, you are a
- 00:26:53.768 --> 00:26:55.737
- Perfect brain. god gave me a
- 00:26:55.737 --> 00:26:57.105
- Perfect brain. you need to
- 00:26:57.105 --> 00:26:58.373
- Function the way you were made.
- 00:26:58.373 --> 00:26:59.641
- I don't care what's been spoken
- 00:26:59.641 --> 00:27:01.376
- Over me, what anybody told me,
- 00:27:01.376 --> 00:27:03.378
- What anybody said i had, in the
- 00:27:03.378 --> 00:27:05.380
- Name of jesus i rebuke all of
- 00:27:05.380 --> 00:27:07.148
- That. and body, you come back to
- 00:27:07.148 --> 00:27:08.983
- Life now, and i just kept doing
- 00:27:08.983 --> 00:27:10.351
- That over and over and i'd
- 00:27:10.351 --> 00:27:11.686
- Walked through my house. it
- 00:27:11.686 --> 00:27:12.754
- Wasn't just the healing on the
- 00:27:12.754 --> 00:27:14.823
- Outside, it was teaching me
- 00:27:14.823 --> 00:27:16.991
- About who i was in christ and
- 00:27:16.991 --> 00:27:19.728
- That was the missing link.
- 00:27:19.728 --> 00:27:22.864
- Music
- 00:27:22.931 --> 00:27:22.931