Andrew Wommack shares how the Word of God transformed his life. He believes the same power will work for you. His teaching is profound, clear, and simple enough for a child. Find great teachings and healing testimonies of changed lives at:
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Andrew Wommack: Gospel Truth | Andrew Wommack - The Word Became Flesh | December 24, 2024
- Count down
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- Music
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- >> welcome to gospel truth with
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- Andrew wommack, celebrating the
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- Good news of jesus christ,
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- Emmanuel, god with us. we
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- Here at andrew wommack
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- Ministries wantto wish you
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- A very merry christmas
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- And a blessed new year.
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- >> welcome to our tuesday's
- 00:00:20.710 --> 00:00:21.644
- Broadcast of the gospel truth.
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- Today i'm continuing a series
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- That i started just yesterday,
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- And i'm talking about
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- The word became flesh.
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- I tell you,
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- This is a powerful teaching,
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- And we'll be talking a lot about
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- And we'll be talking a lot about the virgin birth.
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- The virgin birth. i tell you, at christmas time
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- I tell you, at christmas time people talk a lot about,
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- People talk a lot about, you know, jesus coming
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- You know, jesus coming to this earth,
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- To this earth, and they talk about
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- And they talk about the virgin birth and stuff,
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- The virgin birth and stuff, but really, it's so overwhelmed
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- But really, it's so overwhelmed with tradition.
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- With tradition. as jesus said in mark 7:13,
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- As jesus said in mark 7:13, the traditions and doctrines of
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- The traditions and doctrines of man make the word of god of
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- Man make the word of god of none effect.
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- None effect. and, you know, i'm not here
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- And, you know, i'm not here to criticize anybody.
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- To criticize anybody. i'm not...i'm not against all of
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- I'm not...i'm not against all of our christmas traditions,
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- Our christmas traditions, but i tell you, when your...
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- But i tell you, when your... your on
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- Your on a fat man in a red suit
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- A fat man in a red suit that travels the world
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- That travels the world in a sleigh pulled by reindeer,
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- In a sleigh pulled by reindeer, and that's what excites people,
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- And that's what excites people, you're missing the real point.
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- You're missing the real point. there is so...
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- There is so... the virgin birth of jesus
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- The virgin birth of jesus is absolutely
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- Is absolutely the greatest thing.
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- The greatest thing. you know, until just recently,
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- You know, until just recently, in our woke society,
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- In our woke society, they've now changed it to,
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- They've now changed it to, i forgot, bce i think
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- I forgot, bce i think and stuff like this,
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- And stuff like this, but it used to be ad and bc
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- But it used to be ad and bc before christ and anni domino,
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- Before christ and anni domino, and it was...the birth of jesus
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- And it was...the birth of jesus was the separating thing
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- Was the separating thing that has marked history.
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- That has marked history. it's the most important thing
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- It's the most important thing that has ever happened,
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- That has ever happened, and again we just pass over
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- And again we just pass over a lot of these things
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- A lot of these things at christmas time
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- At christmas time and don't really analyze
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- And don't really analyze what's happening.
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- What's happening. i want to go into
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- I want to go into some of the detail.
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- Some of the detail. and let me just say up front
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- And let me just say up front that you're going to
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- That you're going to have to think to get some of
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- Have to think to get some of what i'm saying,
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- What i'm saying, and i know
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- And i know that christian things,
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- That christian things, lots of times
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- Lots of times it's entertainment.
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- It's entertainment. and again, i'm...i'm not against
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- And again, i'm...i'm not against anybody else,
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- Anybody else, but so much of
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- But so much of what's on christian tv
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- What's on christian tv is all smoke and mirrors
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- Is all smoke and mirrors and it's about the experience,
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- And it's about the experience, and you know,
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- And you know, the sets and the way
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- The sets and the way that people are dressed.
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- That people are dressed. you know, i'm just about
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- You know, i'm just about as plain as they come.
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- As plain as they come. it's's not my charisma
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- It's's not my charisma that's drawing anybody
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- That's drawing anybody to my program,
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- To my program, but i'm encouraging you
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- But i'm encouraging you that if you would think
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- That if you would think and if you will receive
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- And if you will receive the truths that i'm sharing
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- The truths that i'm sharing and understand this,
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- And understand this, it not only will explain
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- It not only will explain some awesome truths to you
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- Some awesome truths to you about the virgin birth of jesus
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- About the virgin birth of jesus and amazing this is
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- And amazing this is and how it impacts us,
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- And how it impacts us, but it will also help you
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- But it will also help you to understand the ways of god.
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- To understand the ways of god. you know,
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- You know, this is what moses prayed,
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- This is what moses prayed, and he says,
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- And he says, god, i want to know you,
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- God, i want to know you, i want to know your ways.
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- I want to know your ways. man, that's awesome.
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- Man, that's awesome. there's a lot of people
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- There's a lot of people that all they want is just
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- That all they want is just a little something from god.
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- A little something from god. they may need...healing,
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- They may need...healing, they may need some finances,
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- They may need some finances, they might need something,
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- They might need something, but there's very few people who
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- But there's very few people who really just want to know god.
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- Really just want to know god. i'm telling you,
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- I'm telling you, if you would invest the time
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- To either get this series
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- Or just watch every day,
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- But if you get hold of
- 00:03:16.019 --> 00:03:16.886
- The truths that are in here,
- 00:03:16.886 --> 00:03:18.221
- I promise you this would
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- I promise you this would radically transform your
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- Radically transform your relationship with god.
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- Relationship with god. so yesterday i started in
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- Galatians, chapter 4, verse 4,
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- Galatians, chapter 4, verse 4, and that verse says,
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- And that verse says, that when the fulness of
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- That when the fulness of times was come,
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- Times was come, then god sent forth his son,
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- Then god sent forth his son, made of a woman,
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- Made of a woman, made under the law,
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- Made under the law, to redeem them
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- To redeem them that were under the law,
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- And i started saying
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- And i started saying that there is a reason
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- That there is a reason that the lord waited 4,000 years
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- That the lord waited 4,000 years after the fall of adam and eve
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- After the fall of adam and eve before jesus came.
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- Before jesus came. and it wasn't
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- And it wasn't because he didn't love people
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- Because he didn't love people who were under the old covenant,
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- Who were under the old covenant, it was because god was limited
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- It was because god was limited by his own integrity.
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- By his own integrity. he couldn't just come down
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- He couldn't just come down and intervene
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- And intervene in the affairs of man.
- 00:04:01.097 --> 00:04:01.964
- In the affairs of man. he had given control
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- He had given control over this earth
- 00:04:03.666 --> 00:04:05.068
- Over this earth to physical human beings,
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- To physical human beings, and he would have
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- And he would have broken his word,
- 00:04:07.403 --> 00:04:08.571
- Broken his word, which the bible says
- 00:04:08.638 --> 00:04:09.439
- Which the bible says it's impossible
- 00:04:09.505 --> 00:04:10.440
- It's impossible for god to lie.
- 00:04:10.506 --> 00:04:11.941
- For god to lie. god is so much...
- 00:04:12.008 --> 00:04:14.043
- God is so much... has so much integrity
- 00:04:14.110 --> 00:04:15.712
- Has so much integrity that he just cannot
- 00:04:15.778 --> 00:04:16.746
- That he just cannot break his word,
- 00:04:16.813 --> 00:04:17.480
- And when he told adam and eve,
- 00:04:17.547 --> 00:04:18.981
- And when he told adam and eve, you have dominion
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- You have dominion over the earth.
- 00:04:20.683 --> 00:04:21.651
- Psalms 115, verse 16,
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- Psalms 115, verse 16, the earth is the lord's,
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- The earth is the lord's, but he gave the control,
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- But he gave the control, the rulership of it,
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- The rulership of it, he says he gave it to man.
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- He says he gave it to man. if he would have violated
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- If he would have violated what he said to us,
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- What he said to us, the whole universe
- 00:04:33.796 --> 00:04:34.864
- The whole universe would have self-destructed.
- 00:04:34.931 --> 00:04:36.432
- Would have self-destructed. he was bound,
- 00:04:36.499 --> 00:04:37.467
- He was bound, limited by his own integrity
- 00:04:37.533 --> 00:04:39.736
- Limited by his own integrity that he would not violate
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- That he would not violate what he told them,
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- What he told them, and so it took 4,000 years
- 00:04:41.871 --> 00:04:45.508
- And so it took 4,000 years for the lord to bring
- 00:04:45.575 --> 00:04:47.076
- For the lord to bring jesus to this earth.
- 00:04:47.143 --> 00:04:48.845
- Jesus to this earth. not because he had that date
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- Not because he had that date circled on a calendar and says,
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- Circled on a calendar and says, i'm going to wait until then.
- 00:04:52.415 --> 00:04:53.649
- I'm going to wait until then. no, it was because he was
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- No, it was because he was looking for people
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- Looking for people to flow through.
- 00:04:55.852 --> 00:04:57.053
- To flow through. so, let me go back
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- So, let me go back to the creation.
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- To the creation. i'm not going to read
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- I'm not going to read this whole thing,
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- This whole thing, but it would really do you well
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- But it would really do you well if you could understand
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- If you could understand the things that we're
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- The things that we're talking about.
- 00:05:04.193 --> 00:05:05.294
- Talking about. in genesis, chapter 1,
- 00:05:05.361 --> 00:05:08.231
- In genesis, chapter 1, man, i love the way it starts.
- 00:05:08.297 --> 00:05:09.665
- In the beginning god created
- 00:05:09.732 --> 00:05:11.901
- In the beginning god created the heavens and the earth.
- 00:05:11.968 --> 00:05:12.702
- The heavens and the earth. it doesn't try and prove god.
- 00:05:12.769 --> 00:05:15.304
- Man, i could spend an hour
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- Man, i could spend an hour talking about this very thing,
- 00:05:16.873 --> 00:05:18.207
- Talking about this very thing, but romans, chapter 1,
- 00:05:18.274 --> 00:05:19.342
- But romans, chapter 1, verses 18 through 20,
- 00:05:19.409 --> 00:05:20.810
- Says, god has revealed himself
- 00:05:20.877 --> 00:05:22.545
- Says, god has revealed himself from heaven against
- 00:05:22.612 --> 00:05:23.413
- From heaven against all ungodliness
- 00:05:23.479 --> 00:05:24.981
- All ungodliness and unrighteousness of men
- 00:05:25.047 --> 00:05:26.849
- They know the truth
- 00:05:26.916 --> 00:05:28.151
- They know the truth in their hearts,
- 00:05:28.217 --> 00:05:29.018
- In their hearts, so that even his eternal power
- 00:05:29.085 --> 00:05:31.354
- So that even his eternal power and godhead is understood
- 00:05:31.421 --> 00:05:33.556
- And godhead is understood by the things that are created.
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- By the things that are created. so there are people today
- 00:05:35.892 --> 00:05:37.226
- So there are people today saying, i don't believe
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- Saying, i don't believe that there's a god,
- 00:05:38.261 --> 00:05:39.595
- That there's a god, and they debate this.
- 00:05:39.662 --> 00:05:41.063
- And they debate this. it's a lie.
- 00:05:41.130 --> 00:05:42.231
- It's a lie. in their heart they know.
- 00:05:42.298 --> 00:05:44.033
- In their heart they know. you know,
- 00:05:44.100 --> 00:05:44.367
- You know, i went through vietnam,
- 00:05:44.434 --> 00:05:45.735
- I went through vietnam, and i had a guy specifically
- 00:05:45.802 --> 00:05:47.170
- And i had a guy specifically that was an atheist
- 00:05:47.236 --> 00:05:48.204
- That was an atheist and he challenged me
- 00:05:48.271 --> 00:05:49.305
- And he challenged me and he didn't believe in god,
- 00:05:49.372 --> 00:05:50.973
- And he didn't believe in god, and he said he had no conviction
- 00:05:51.040 --> 00:05:52.942
- And he said he had no conviction that there was a god.
- 00:05:53.009 --> 00:05:54.277
- That there was a god. but you know,
- 00:05:54.343 --> 00:05:54.811
- But you know, when the bullets and the bombs
- 00:05:54.877 --> 00:05:56.279
- When the bullets and the bombs got to flying, and i mean,
- 00:05:56.345 --> 00:05:57.447
- Got to flying, and i mean, we were under heavy fire,
- 00:05:57.513 --> 00:05:59.248
- We were under heavy fire, this guy who called himself
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- This guy who called himself an atheist was in the foxhole
- 00:06:00.817 --> 00:06:02.618
- An atheist was in the foxhole crying out to god.
- 00:06:02.685 --> 00:06:04.153
- Crying out to god. on a heart level
- 00:06:04.220 --> 00:06:05.855
- On a heart level everyone knows
- 00:06:05.922 --> 00:06:06.989
- Everyone knows that there is a god
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- That there is a god and that you are not him.
- 00:06:08.458 --> 00:06:10.726
- And that you are not him. so i just love
- 00:06:10.793 --> 00:06:11.427
- So i just love the way it starts.
- 00:06:11.494 --> 00:06:12.128
- The way it starts. he didn't try and explain
- 00:06:12.195 --> 00:06:13.729
- He didn't try and explain and get you to believe
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- And get you to believe that there is a god.
- 00:06:15.031 --> 00:06:16.199
- That there is a god. in your heart you know
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- In your heart you know that there's a god.
- 00:06:17.266 --> 00:06:18.434
- That there's a god. so he just starts off
- 00:06:18.501 --> 00:06:19.368
- By saying,
- 00:06:19.435 --> 00:06:19.869
- By saying, in the beginning, god existed,
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- In the beginning, god existed, god created the heavens
- 00:06:22.472 --> 00:06:24.373
- God created the heavens and the earth,
- 00:06:24.440 --> 00:06:25.074
- And the earth, and if you go on down,
- 00:06:25.141 --> 00:06:26.609
- And if you go on down, it says in verse 3,
- 00:06:26.676 --> 00:06:28.544
- It says in verse 3, and god said, notice,
- 00:06:28.611 --> 00:06:31.113
- And god said, notice, and this is something
- 00:06:31.180 --> 00:06:31.948
- And this is something that if you were to
- 00:06:32.014 --> 00:06:32.615
- That if you were to study this out on your own,
- 00:06:32.682 --> 00:06:33.883
- Study this out on your own, you could verify this.
- 00:06:33.950 --> 00:06:35.017
- You could verify this. god said, with words,
- 00:06:35.084 --> 00:06:37.453
- God said, with words, he said, let there be light:
- 00:06:37.520 --> 00:06:40.389
- He said, let there be light: and there was light.
- 00:06:40.456 --> 00:06:41.958
- And there was light. and then god said
- 00:06:42.024 --> 00:06:43.259
- And then god said let the dry land appear,
- 00:06:43.326 --> 00:06:45.127
- Let the dry land appear, and the dry land appeared.
- 00:06:45.194 --> 00:06:46.696
- Then god said,
- 00:06:46.762 --> 00:06:47.797
- Then god said, let the earth bring forth trees
- 00:06:47.864 --> 00:06:50.166
- Let the earth bring forth trees and...and grass and all of this,
- 00:06:50.233 --> 00:06:52.101
- And...and grass and all of this, and it happened.
- 00:06:52.168 --> 00:06:52.969
- And it happened. then god said, let the...
- 00:06:53.035 --> 00:06:55.938
- Then god said, let the... let the seas bring forth all of
- 00:06:56.005 --> 00:06:57.673
- Let the seas bring forth all of the animals that are in them,
- 00:06:57.740 --> 00:06:59.008
- The animals that are in them, and it happened.
- 00:06:59.075 --> 00:06:59.609
- And it happened. then god said, let us create
- 00:06:59.675 --> 00:07:01.410
- Then god said, let us create the animals, and it happened.
- 00:07:01.477 --> 00:07:02.879
- The animals, and it happened. then in verse 26, god said,
- 00:07:02.945 --> 00:07:05.314
- Then in verse 26, god said, let us create man
- 00:07:05.381 --> 00:07:07.149
- Let us create man in our own image
- 00:07:07.216 --> 00:07:08.084
- In our own image and after our own likeness.
- 00:07:08.150 --> 00:07:10.253
- And after our own likeness. everything that god created
- 00:07:10.319 --> 00:07:12.188
- Everything that god created he spoke it into existence.
- 00:07:12.255 --> 00:07:15.625
- He spoke it into existence. this is really significant
- 00:07:15.691 --> 00:07:16.993
- This is really significant because again,
- 00:07:17.059 --> 00:07:18.094
- Because again, in our day and age, we don't put
- 00:07:18.160 --> 00:07:19.729
- In our day and age, we don't put that much stock in words.
- 00:07:19.795 --> 00:07:23.032
- That much stock in words. people will sit there
- 00:07:23.099 --> 00:07:23.733
- People will sit there and say all kinds of things.
- 00:07:23.799 --> 00:07:24.934
- And say all kinds of things. i'll be there at 7:00,
- 00:07:25.001 --> 00:07:26.335
- I'll be there at 7:00, and if they get there at 7:15,
- 00:07:26.402 --> 00:07:28.037
- And if they get there at 7:15, you're surprised.
- 00:07:28.104 --> 00:07:29.238
- You're surprised. they don't honor what they say,
- 00:07:29.305 --> 00:07:31.307
- They don't honor what they say, and this is one of the reasons
- 00:07:31.374 --> 00:07:33.142
- And this is one of the reasons that what they say
- 00:07:33.209 --> 00:07:34.110
- That what they say doesn't come to pass.
- 00:07:34.176 --> 00:07:35.711
- Doesn't come to pass. jesus said
- 00:07:35.778 --> 00:07:36.379
- Jesus said in mark, chapter 11, verse 23,
- 00:07:36.445 --> 00:07:38.381
- In mark, chapter 11, verse 23, he says, verily verily
- 00:07:38.447 --> 00:07:40.016
- He says, verily verily i say unto you, that's...
- 00:07:40.082 --> 00:07:41.350
- I say unto you, that's... the word verily, verily means,
- 00:07:41.417 --> 00:07:42.451
- The word verily, verily means, truly, truly.
- 00:07:42.518 --> 00:07:44.086
- Truly, truly. everything jesus said was true,
- 00:07:44.153 --> 00:07:45.755
- Everything jesus said was true, but when he started by saying,
- 00:07:45.821 --> 00:07:47.356
- But when he started by saying, i'm telling you the truth,
- 00:07:47.423 --> 00:07:48.758
- I'm telling you the truth, it was because he was about
- 00:07:48.824 --> 00:07:49.892
- It was because he was about to say something that was
- 00:07:49.959 --> 00:07:51.027
- To say something that was so amazing and so astounding
- 00:07:51.093 --> 00:07:53.663
- So amazing and so astounding that people wouldn't believe it.
- 00:07:53.729 --> 00:07:55.798
- That people wouldn't believe it. and so, he had to qualify it
- 00:07:55.865 --> 00:07:57.066
- By saying,
- 00:07:57.133 --> 00:07:57.567
- By saying, i'm telling you the truth.
- 00:07:57.633 --> 00:07:58.968
- I'm telling you the truth. he says,
- 00:07:59.035 --> 00:07:59.769
- He says, whosoever will say, words,
- 00:07:59.835 --> 00:08:02.405
- Whosoever will say, words, unto this mountain,
- 00:08:02.471 --> 00:08:04.006
- Unto this mountain, be thou removed,
- 00:08:04.073 --> 00:08:05.207
- Be thou removed, and be thou cast into his sea;
- 00:08:05.274 --> 00:08:07.143
- And be thou cast into his sea; and shall not doubt
- 00:08:07.209 --> 00:08:08.477
- And shall not doubt in his heart,
- 00:08:08.544 --> 00:08:08.911
- In his heart, but shall believe
- 00:08:08.978 --> 00:08:10.513
- But shall believe that those things
- 00:08:10.580 --> 00:08:11.147
- That those things which he saith
- 00:08:11.213 --> 00:08:11.881
- Which he saith shall come to pass;
- 00:08:11.948 --> 00:08:12.582
- Shall come to pass; he shall have
- 00:08:12.648 --> 00:08:13.249
- He shall have whatsoever he saith.
- 00:08:13.316 --> 00:08:14.884
- Whatsoever he saith. jesus said,
- 00:08:14.951 --> 00:08:15.518
- Jesus said, you can say and have
- 00:08:15.585 --> 00:08:17.153
- You can say and have whatever you say,
- 00:08:17.219 --> 00:08:18.120
- Whatever you say, but it has to be
- 00:08:18.187 --> 00:08:19.255
- But it has to be that you have to believe
- 00:08:19.322 --> 00:08:21.924
- That you have to believe what you say is coming to pass.
- 00:08:21.991 --> 00:08:24.060
- Most of us joke around,
- 00:08:25.328 --> 00:08:26.862
- Most of us joke around, we say things.
- 00:08:26.929 --> 00:08:27.530
- We say things. again, we say
- 00:08:27.597 --> 00:08:28.364
- Again, we say we'll be there at 7,
- 00:08:28.431 --> 00:08:29.398
- We'll be there at 7, and we don't even get there
- 00:08:29.465 --> 00:08:30.800
- And we don't even get there until 7:15, 7:30.
- 00:08:30.866 --> 00:08:32.969
- Until 7:15, 7:30. we violate this;
- 00:08:33.035 --> 00:08:34.170
- We violate this; we confuse our own heart.
- 00:08:34.236 --> 00:08:36.439
- We confuse our own heart. we don't believe
- 00:08:36.505 --> 00:08:37.573
- We don't believe in the power of words,
- 00:08:37.640 --> 00:08:39.508
- In the power of words, and so for us in a...
- 00:08:39.575 --> 00:08:41.944
- And so for us in a... in a society where words
- 00:08:42.011 --> 00:08:43.446
- In a society where words don't mean that much,
- 00:08:43.512 --> 00:08:44.614
- Don't mean that much, you know, used to
- 00:08:44.680 --> 00:08:45.414
- You know, used to if you said...
- 00:08:45.481 --> 00:08:46.282
- If you said... gave somebody your word,
- 00:08:46.349 --> 00:08:47.550
- Gave somebody your word, you were bound by it.
- 00:08:47.617 --> 00:08:48.684
- You were bound by it. but today,
- 00:08:48.751 --> 00:08:49.685
- But today, even if you have a contract,
- 00:08:49.752 --> 00:08:50.987
- Even if you have a contract, a contract doesn't mean anything
- 00:08:51.053 --> 00:08:52.488
- A contract doesn't mean anything if you have a good lawyer.
- 00:08:52.555 --> 00:08:54.123
- If you have a good lawyer. lawyers will sit there and parse
- 00:08:54.190 --> 00:08:55.825
- Lawyers will sit there and parse the words and sit there and...
- 00:08:55.891 --> 00:08:57.360
- The words and sit there and... and just pick apart
- 00:08:57.426 --> 00:08:59.328
- And just pick apart everything you say.
- 00:08:59.395 --> 00:09:01.197
- Everything you say. words don't mean much to us,
- 00:09:01.263 --> 00:09:03.366
- Words don't mean much to us, but in the bible,
- 00:09:03.432 --> 00:09:05.601
- But in the bible, and the bible is accurate.
- 00:09:05.668 --> 00:09:07.536
- And the bible is accurate. this is the way we should be,
- 00:09:07.603 --> 00:09:08.904
- This is the way we should be, not...we shouldn't interpret
- 00:09:08.971 --> 00:09:10.373
- Not...we shouldn't interpret the bible by how we are today.
- 00:09:10.439 --> 00:09:12.208
- The bible by how we are today. we should interpret how we are
- 00:09:12.274 --> 00:09:13.609
- We should interpret how we are by what the bible says.
- 00:09:13.676 --> 00:09:15.544
- In proverbs 18:21, it says,
- 00:09:15.611 --> 00:09:17.413
- In proverbs 18:21, it says, death and life are in
- 00:09:17.480 --> 00:09:19.615
- Death and life are in the power of the tongue:
- 00:09:19.682 --> 00:09:21.751
- The power of the tongue: and they that love it
- 00:09:21.817 --> 00:09:22.551
- And they that love it shall eat the fruit thereof.
- 00:09:22.618 --> 00:09:24.520
- Shall eat the fruit thereof. boy, that's an awesome scripture
- 00:09:24.587 --> 00:09:25.821
- Boy, that's an awesome scripture right there.
- 00:09:25.888 --> 00:09:26.822
- Right there. death and life.
- 00:09:26.889 --> 00:09:28.424
- Death and life. it didn't say just life,
- 00:09:28.491 --> 00:09:29.759
- It didn't say just life, not just good things, but death.
- 00:09:29.825 --> 00:09:31.761
- You know, when people sit there
- 00:09:31.827 --> 00:09:32.862
- You know, when people sit there and they start saying
- 00:09:32.928 --> 00:09:33.996
- And they start saying all these negative things
- 00:09:34.063 --> 00:09:35.264
- All these negative things and they...they're hung
- 00:09:35.331 --> 00:09:36.599
- And they...they're hung by their own tongue
- 00:09:36.666 --> 00:09:37.600
- By their own tongue and people don't realize
- 00:09:37.667 --> 00:09:38.801
- And people don't realize that we are speaking death
- 00:09:38.868 --> 00:09:40.503
- That we are speaking death out of our mouth
- 00:09:40.569 --> 00:09:41.437
- Out of our mouth and negative things.
- 00:09:41.504 --> 00:09:42.672
- And negative things. when you sit there
- 00:09:42.738 --> 00:09:43.339
- When you sit there and just start talking about,
- 00:09:43.406 --> 00:09:44.540
- And just start talking about, nothing works for me,
- 00:09:44.607 --> 00:09:46.342
- Nothing works for me, you know, i never win anything,
- 00:09:46.409 --> 00:09:48.210
- You know, i never win anything, you may not think about it,
- 00:09:48.277 --> 00:09:49.378
- You may not think about it, but what you're saying
- 00:09:49.445 --> 00:09:50.112
- But what you're saying is you're cursed
- 00:09:50.179 --> 00:09:51.013
- Is you're cursed somehow or another.
- 00:09:51.080 --> 00:09:51.681
- Somehow or another. you are...
- 00:09:51.747 --> 00:09:52.515
- You are... you're binding yourself.
- 00:09:52.581 --> 00:09:53.849
- You're binding yourself. you're hung by your tongue.
- 00:09:53.916 --> 00:09:55.551
- Death and life
- 00:09:55.618 --> 00:09:56.719
- Death and life are in the power of the tongue,
- 00:09:56.786 --> 00:09:57.853
- Are in the power of the tongue, and the sad fact is
- 00:09:57.920 --> 00:09:59.388
- And the sad fact is most of us use it
- 00:09:59.455 --> 00:10:00.423
- Most of us use it in the negative way
- 00:10:00.489 --> 00:10:02.058
- In the negative way instead of the positive way.
- 00:10:02.124 --> 00:10:03.459
- But god used it positively.
- 00:10:03.526 --> 00:10:06.962
- But god used it positively. god said,
- 00:10:07.029 --> 00:10:08.964
- God said, let the earth brings forth.
- 00:10:09.031 --> 00:10:10.433
- Let the earth brings forth. god spoke, and everything
- 00:10:10.499 --> 00:10:12.401
- God spoke, and everything he said came to pass.
- 00:10:12.468 --> 00:10:14.870
- He said came to pass. now this is really significant
- 00:10:14.937 --> 00:10:17.073
- Now this is really significant that you understand this
- 00:10:17.139 --> 00:10:17.973
- That you understand this because often we'll say things
- 00:10:18.040 --> 00:10:19.141
- Because often we'll say things like, god reached down
- 00:10:19.208 --> 00:10:20.443
- Like, god reached down with his hands and scooped up
- 00:10:20.509 --> 00:10:21.977
- With his hands and scooped up some dirt and he made things,
- 00:10:22.044 --> 00:10:23.345
- Some dirt and he made things, and it's okay if you want
- 00:10:23.412 --> 00:10:24.580
- And it's okay if you want to use that for an analogy,
- 00:10:24.647 --> 00:10:26.682
- To use that for an analogy, an allegory, symbolism,
- 00:10:26.749 --> 00:10:28.884
- An allegory, symbolism, you know, to make some point,
- 00:10:28.951 --> 00:10:30.453
- You know, to make some point, but technically
- 00:10:30.519 --> 00:10:31.320
- But technically god didn't do anything
- 00:10:31.387 --> 00:10:32.688
- God didn't do anything with his hands.
- 00:10:32.755 --> 00:10:34.256
- With his hands. he spoke
- 00:10:34.323 --> 00:10:35.658
- He spoke everything into existence.
- 00:10:35.725 --> 00:10:37.693
- Everything into existence. so words are the creative force.
- 00:10:37.760 --> 00:10:40.296
- So words are the creative force. it's the parent force.
- 00:10:40.362 --> 00:10:42.631
- It's the parent force. everything in this physical
- 00:10:42.698 --> 00:10:44.133
- Everything in this physical world responds to words.
- 00:10:44.200 --> 00:10:47.703
- World responds to words. and again, i know
- 00:10:47.770 --> 00:10:48.471
- And again, i know what i'm saying is contrary
- 00:10:48.537 --> 00:10:50.740
- What i'm saying is contrary to most people's thinking
- 00:10:50.806 --> 00:10:51.907
- To most people's thinking because we have gotten to where
- 00:10:51.974 --> 00:10:53.409
- Because we have gotten to where words don't mean anything.
- 00:10:53.476 --> 00:10:54.777
- Words don't mean anything. we don't keep our word.
- 00:10:54.844 --> 00:10:56.545
- We don't keep our word. and, you know, i've heard before
- 00:10:56.612 --> 00:10:59.215
- And, you know, i've heard before that you can tell
- 00:10:59.281 --> 00:11:00.549
- That you can tell if a politician is lying;
- 00:11:00.616 --> 00:11:02.485
- If a politician is lying; you look him square in the face
- 00:11:02.551 --> 00:11:03.652
- You look him square in the face and if his lips are moving,
- 00:11:03.719 --> 00:11:05.354
- And if his lips are moving, he's lying.
- 00:11:05.421 --> 00:11:06.455
- He's lying. that's nearly how bad it is
- 00:11:06.522 --> 00:11:07.957
- That's nearly how bad it is that people just say anything,
- 00:11:08.023 --> 00:11:11.360
- That people just say anything, but that's not
- 00:11:11.427 --> 00:11:12.128
- But that's not the way that god is.
- 00:11:12.194 --> 00:11:14.130
- The way that god is. god spoke
- 00:11:14.196 --> 00:11:16.265
- God spoke and words are powerful,
- 00:11:16.332 --> 00:11:18.834
- And words are powerful, and even if you don't agree
- 00:11:18.901 --> 00:11:19.969
- And even if you don't agree with what i'm saying
- 00:11:20.035 --> 00:11:20.970
- With what i'm saying and you say, i don't believe
- 00:11:21.036 --> 00:11:22.138
- And you say, i don't believe any of that stuff,
- 00:11:22.204 --> 00:11:23.639
- Any of that stuff, did you know that your words
- 00:11:23.706 --> 00:11:24.840
- Did you know that your words still have power in them?
- 00:11:24.907 --> 00:11:25.975
- Still have power in them? they may not have as much power
- 00:11:26.041 --> 00:11:27.543
- They may not have as much power as if you were to put
- 00:11:27.610 --> 00:11:28.711
- As if you were to put faith in it.
- 00:11:28.778 --> 00:11:30.112
- Faith in it. i mean, this is what keeps
- 00:11:30.179 --> 00:11:31.180
- I mean, this is what keeps a person when they say,
- 00:11:31.247 --> 00:11:32.181
- A person when they say, well, boy, that tickled me
- 00:11:32.248 --> 00:11:33.282
- Well, boy, that tickled me to death.
- 00:11:33.349 --> 00:11:34.183
- To death. the reason you don't
- 00:11:34.250 --> 00:11:34.817
- The reason you don't fall over dead when you say that
- 00:11:34.884 --> 00:11:36.752
- Fall over dead when you say that is because it says
- 00:11:36.819 --> 00:11:37.820
- In romans, chapter 10, verse 10,
- 00:11:37.887 --> 00:11:40.456
- In romans, chapter 10, verse 10, that with the heart
- 00:11:40.523 --> 00:11:41.323
- That with the heart man believes;
- 00:11:41.390 --> 00:11:42.424
- Man believes; and with the mouth
- 00:11:42.491 --> 00:11:43.692
- And with the mouth confession is made
- 00:11:43.759 --> 00:11:45.461
- Confession is made unto salvation.
- 00:11:45.528 --> 00:11:46.395
- Unto salvation. you have to not only speak
- 00:11:46.462 --> 00:11:47.830
- You have to not only speak with your mouth,
- 00:11:47.897 --> 00:11:48.664
- With your mouth, but you have to believe
- 00:11:48.731 --> 00:11:49.799
- But you have to believe with your heart.
- 00:11:49.865 --> 00:11:50.866
- So when you're saying
- 00:11:50.933 --> 00:11:51.734
- So when you're saying something stupid and you're just
- 00:11:51.801 --> 00:11:53.569
- Something stupid and you're just goofing off, the reason
- 00:11:53.636 --> 00:11:54.904
- Goofing off, the reason it doesn't immediately
- 00:11:54.970 --> 00:11:55.938
- It doesn't immediately come to pass is because you
- 00:11:56.005 --> 00:11:57.006
- Come to pass is because you didn't believe it.
- 00:11:57.072 --> 00:11:58.174
- Didn't believe it. but every time you say things
- 00:11:58.240 --> 00:12:00.342
- But every time you say things that you don't mean
- 00:12:00.409 --> 00:12:02.144
- That you don't mean it's confusing your heart;
- 00:12:02.211 --> 00:12:03.746
- It's confusing your heart; hinders your
- 00:12:03.813 --> 00:12:05.147
- hinders your faith system.
- 00:12:05.214 --> 00:12:07.383
- Faith system. again, jesus said,
- 00:12:07.449 --> 00:12:08.250
- Again, jesus said, you have to believe
- 00:12:08.317 --> 00:12:09.885
- You have to believe that the things you say
- 00:12:09.952 --> 00:12:11.120
- That the things you say come to pass,
- 00:12:11.187 --> 00:12:11.854
- Come to pass, and most people don't believe
- 00:12:11.921 --> 00:12:13.689
- And most people don't believe most of the words they say,
- 00:12:13.756 --> 00:12:15.057
- Most of the words they say, most of the words they hear,
- 00:12:15.124 --> 00:12:16.525
- Most of the words they hear, and so they don't put this
- 00:12:16.592 --> 00:12:18.260
- And so they don't put this faith into words.
- 00:12:18.327 --> 00:12:19.762
- Faith into words. but if you can retrain yourself
- 00:12:19.829 --> 00:12:21.664
- But if you can retrain yourself and begin to act like god,
- 00:12:21.730 --> 00:12:23.866
- And begin to act like god, to where when you speak,
- 00:12:23.933 --> 00:12:25.334
- You believe death and life
- 00:12:25.401 --> 00:12:26.902
- You believe death and life is in the power of the tongue
- 00:12:26.969 --> 00:12:28.304
- Is in the power of the tongue and you begin to speak,
- 00:12:28.370 --> 00:12:29.538
- And you begin to speak,'ll not only change you,
- 00:12:29.605 --> 00:12:31.106
-'ll not only change you, but it'll change things
- 00:12:31.173 --> 00:12:32.107
- But it'll change things around you.
- 00:12:32.174 --> 00:12:33.242
- You know, i was talking
- 00:12:33.309 --> 00:12:34.043
- You know, i was talking to a lady who's a friend of mine
- 00:12:34.109 --> 00:12:36.078
- To a lady who's a friend of mine and i am not qualified
- 00:12:36.145 --> 00:12:37.513
- And i am not qualified to say these things on my own,
- 00:12:37.580 --> 00:12:38.814
- To say these things on my own, but i have read some articles
- 00:12:38.881 --> 00:12:40.449
- But i have read some articles about quantum finnick...
- 00:12:40.516 --> 00:12:41.917
- About quantum finnick... quantum phys...physics,
- 00:12:41.984 --> 00:12:43.853
- Quantum phys...physics, and they were telling me
- 00:12:43.919 --> 00:12:45.754
- And they were telling me that they're beginning
- 00:12:45.821 --> 00:12:46.922
- That they're beginning to understand some things
- 00:12:46.989 --> 00:12:48.190
- To understand some things about quantum physics
- 00:12:48.257 --> 00:12:50.059
- About quantum physics that are just,
- 00:12:50.125 --> 00:12:53.162
- That are just, well there's a lot of things,
- 00:12:53.229 --> 00:12:54.029
- Well there's a lot of things, but about the power of words.
- 00:12:54.096 --> 00:12:56.565
- But about the power of words. they say that things
- 00:12:56.632 --> 00:12:57.533
- They say that things literally respond to words,
- 00:12:57.600 --> 00:12:59.435
- Literally respond to words, and i believe that because
- 00:12:59.501 --> 00:13:00.502
- And i believe that because words are the parent force.
- 00:13:00.569 --> 00:13:03.138
- Words are the parent force. they're what created everything.
- 00:13:03.205 --> 00:13:04.974
- They're what created everything. i actually read one survey
- 00:13:05.040 --> 00:13:07.243
- I actually read one survey about a guy who took a bunch of
- 00:13:07.309 --> 00:13:08.944
- About a guy who took a bunch of plants and grew these plants up
- 00:13:09.011 --> 00:13:11.313
- Plants and grew these plants up and he separated them,
- 00:13:11.380 --> 00:13:13.082
- And he separated them, and he put some of these pant...
- 00:13:13.148 --> 00:13:14.783
- And he put some of these pant... plants in a room and he...
- 00:13:14.850 --> 00:13:16.285
- Plants in a room and he... he watered them all
- 00:13:16.352 --> 00:13:17.319
- He watered them all exactly the same.
- 00:13:17.386 --> 00:13:18.320
- Exactly the same. they had the same everything,
- 00:13:18.387 --> 00:13:19.955
- They had the same everything, and he hooked them up
- 00:13:20.022 --> 00:13:21.023
- And he hooked them up to these electronic things
- 00:13:21.090 --> 00:13:24.894
- To these electronic things somehow or another.
- 00:13:24.960 --> 00:13:26.395
- Somehow or another. and anyway, he would go into
- 00:13:26.462 --> 00:13:27.663
- And anyway, he would go into one room and he would just
- 00:13:27.730 --> 00:13:30.466
- One room and he would just curse these plants,
- 00:13:30.532 --> 00:13:32.234
- Curse these plants, speak terrible things to them.
- 00:13:32.301 --> 00:13:33.636
- Speak terrible things to them. he took one plant
- 00:13:33.702 --> 00:13:34.770
- He took one plant and just shredded it to pieces,
- 00:13:34.837 --> 00:13:37.039
- And just shredded it to pieces, and there were
- 00:13:37.106 --> 00:13:37.907
- And there were electronic responses
- 00:13:37.973 --> 00:13:39.708
- Electronic responses that could be measured
- 00:13:39.775 --> 00:13:40.709
- That could be measured in those plants.
- 00:13:40.776 --> 00:13:41.810
- In those plants. he went into the other room
- 00:13:41.877 --> 00:13:43.012
- He went into the other room and in those plants,
- 00:13:43.078 --> 00:13:44.013
- And in those plants, he played this soothing
- 00:13:44.079 --> 00:13:45.214
- He played this soothing and he spoke to them
- 00:13:45.281 --> 00:13:47.883
- and he spoke to them and was polite,
- 00:13:47.950 --> 00:13:49.418
- And was polite, and there was
- 00:13:49.485 --> 00:13:49.852
- And there was a different response.
- 00:13:49.919 --> 00:13:51.787
- A different response. and i know some people
- 00:13:51.854 --> 00:13:52.588
- And i know some people think that's weird,
- 00:13:52.655 --> 00:13:53.422
- Think that's weird, but this is what
- 00:13:53.489 --> 00:13:54.123
- But this is what the bible is saying is that
- 00:13:54.189 --> 00:13:55.791
- The bible is saying is that god spoke everything
- 00:13:55.858 --> 00:13:57.259
- God spoke everything into existence,
- 00:13:57.326 --> 00:13:58.427
- Into existence, death and life are in the
- 00:13:58.494 --> 00:13:59.662
- Death and life are in the power of the tongue.
- 00:13:59.728 --> 00:14:01.096
- Power of the tongue. and the reason i'm saying
- 00:14:01.163 --> 00:14:01.964
- And the reason i'm saying all of this is to say
- 00:14:02.031 --> 00:14:03.065
- All of this is to say that god used words
- 00:14:03.132 --> 00:14:05.968
- That god used words to create you and me,
- 00:14:06.035 --> 00:14:08.237
- To create you and me, this physical world.
- 00:14:08.304 --> 00:14:09.772
- This physical world. everything was created by words,
- 00:14:09.838 --> 00:14:12.675
- Everything was created by words, and it's held together
- 00:14:12.741 --> 00:14:14.009
- And it's held together by the power of his word.
- 00:14:14.076 --> 00:14:15.878
- So when god said here
- 00:14:15.945 --> 00:14:17.613
- So when god said here in genesis, chapter 1,
- 00:14:17.680 --> 00:14:20.249
- In genesis, chapter 1, and in verse 28, it says,
- 00:14:20.316 --> 00:14:22.151
- And in verse 28, it says, god blessed them,
- 00:14:22.217 --> 00:14:23.719
- God blessed them, and god said...
- 00:14:23.786 --> 00:14:25.688
- Again, if you were to go through
- 00:14:25.754 --> 00:14:26.689
- Again, if you were to go through just genesis 1, and underline
- 00:14:26.755 --> 00:14:28.457
- Just genesis 1, and underline how many times god said,
- 00:14:28.524 --> 00:14:30.426
- How many times god said, i mean, there's dozens of times.
- 00:14:30.492 --> 00:14:32.227
- I mean, there's dozens of times. this is how he did everything.
- 00:14:32.294 --> 00:14:33.462
- This is how he did everything. he spoke everything
- 00:14:33.529 --> 00:14:34.463
- He spoke everything into existence.
- 00:14:34.530 --> 00:14:35.664
- So god blessed them,
- 00:14:35.731 --> 00:14:37.399
- So god blessed them, and god said unto them,
- 00:14:37.466 --> 00:14:38.734
- And god said unto them, be fruitful, and multiply,
- 00:14:38.801 --> 00:14:41.103
- Be fruitful, and multiply, and replenish the earth,
- 00:14:41.170 --> 00:14:42.504
- And replenish the earth, and subdue it:
- 00:14:42.571 --> 00:14:43.872
- And subdue it: and have dominion
- 00:14:43.939 --> 00:14:44.740
- And have dominion over the fish of the sea
- 00:14:44.807 --> 00:14:46.041
- Over the fish of the sea over the fowl of the air,
- 00:14:46.108 --> 00:14:47.409
- Over the fowl of the air, and over every living thing
- 00:14:47.476 --> 00:14:49.645
- And over every living thing that moveth upon the earth.
- 00:14:49.712 --> 00:14:52.114
- That moveth upon the earth. and god said, behold,
- 00:14:52.181 --> 00:14:53.615
- And god said, behold, i have given you
- 00:14:53.682 --> 00:14:54.950
- I have given you every herb bearing seed,
- 00:14:55.017 --> 00:14:56.685
- Every herb bearing seed, which is upon the face of
- 00:14:56.752 --> 00:14:58.087
- Which is upon the face of all of the earth,
- 00:14:58.153 --> 00:14:58.687
- All of the earth, and every tree,
- 00:14:58.754 --> 00:14:59.822
- And every tree, in which is the fruit of
- 00:14:59.888 --> 00:15:01.090
- In which is the fruit of the tree yielding seed;
- 00:15:01.156 --> 00:15:02.391
- The tree yielding seed; to you it shall be for meat.
- 00:15:02.458 --> 00:15:04.259
- To you it shall be for meat. and he goes on,
- 00:15:04.326 --> 00:15:04.927
- And he goes on, but he blessed them,
- 00:15:04.994 --> 00:15:06.562
- But he blessed them, and said.
- 00:15:06.628 --> 00:15:08.097
- The lord has shown me
- 00:15:08.163 --> 00:15:09.064
- The lord has shown me the difference between
- 00:15:09.131 --> 00:15:09.965
- The difference between a blessing and a miracle.
- 00:15:10.032 --> 00:15:12.067
- A blessing and a miracle. a miracle is a superseding
- 00:15:12.134 --> 00:15:14.236
- A miracle is a superseding or a suspension of
- 00:15:14.303 --> 00:15:15.971
- Or a suspension of natural laws.
- 00:15:16.038 --> 00:15:16.939
- Natural laws. that's what the dictionary
- 00:15:17.006 --> 00:15:17.940
- That's what the dictionary defines it as,
- 00:15:18.007 --> 00:15:19.608
- Defines it as, and many christians
- 00:15:19.675 --> 00:15:20.576
- And many christians are looking for miracles
- 00:15:20.642 --> 00:15:22.478
- Are looking for miracles where god just overrides
- 00:15:22.544 --> 00:15:24.847
- Where god just overrides all of these things.
- 00:15:24.913 --> 00:15:26.048
- All of these things. a greater thing is a blessing.
- 00:15:26.115 --> 00:15:27.850
- A greater thing is a blessing. a blessing will actually
- 00:15:27.916 --> 00:15:29.284
- A blessing will actually prevent your need for a miracle.
- 00:15:29.351 --> 00:15:33.022
- Prevent your need for a miracle. you know, god created
- 00:15:33.088 --> 00:15:33.922
- You know, god created these natural laws and he's not
- 00:15:33.989 --> 00:15:35.958
- These natural laws and he's not quick to override them.
- 00:15:36.025 --> 00:15:38.594
- Quick to override them. he did part the red sea
- 00:15:38.660 --> 00:15:40.029
- He did part the red sea for moses,
- 00:15:40.095 --> 00:15:41.363
- For moses, but that's the only time
- 00:15:41.430 --> 00:15:42.164
- But that's the only time you can see that happen.
- 00:15:42.231 --> 00:15:43.532
- You can see that happen. he did walk upon
- 00:15:43.599 --> 00:15:44.767
- He did walk upon the sea of galilee,
- 00:15:44.833 --> 00:15:45.801
- The sea of galilee, and even peter got out of
- 00:15:45.868 --> 00:15:47.169
- And even peter got out of the boat and walked on
- 00:15:47.236 --> 00:15:48.237
- The boat and walked on the sea of galilee,
- 00:15:48.303 --> 00:15:49.204
- The sea of galilee, but that's the only time
- 00:15:49.271 --> 00:15:50.039
- But that's the only time in scripture that anybody
- 00:15:50.105 --> 00:15:51.140
- In scripture that anybody walked on water like that.
- 00:15:51.206 --> 00:15:53.208
- Walked on water like that. so it can happen;
- 00:15:53.275 --> 00:15:54.143
- So it can happen; a miracle can happen.
- 00:15:54.209 --> 00:15:57.079
- A miracle can happen. but before you have a miracle,
- 00:15:57.146 --> 00:15:59.114
- But before you have a miracle, you've got to have a crisis
- 00:15:59.181 --> 00:16:00.783
- You've got to have a crisis because god is not quick
- 00:16:00.849 --> 00:16:02.418
- Because god is not quick to override his natural laws
- 00:16:02.484 --> 00:16:04.553
- To override his natural laws that he created.
- 00:16:04.620 --> 00:16:06.722
- That he created. so if you are going to live
- 00:16:06.789 --> 00:16:07.823
- So if you are going to live from miracle to miracle,
- 00:16:07.890 --> 00:16:09.291
- From miracle to miracle, you're going to live
- 00:16:09.358 --> 00:16:09.825
- You're going to live from crisis to crisis,
- 00:16:09.892 --> 00:16:11.693
- From crisis to crisis, but a blessing will actually
- 00:16:11.760 --> 00:16:13.495
- But a blessing will actually prevent a crisis.
- 00:16:13.562 --> 00:16:16.031
- Prevent a crisis. a blessing is spoken,
- 00:16:16.098 --> 00:16:18.000
- Just like this,
- 00:16:18.067 --> 00:16:18.767
- Just like this, god blessed them,
- 00:16:18.834 --> 00:16:20.202
- God blessed them, and said unto them,
- 00:16:20.269 --> 00:16:22.171
- God releases his power
- 00:16:22.237 --> 00:16:23.872
- God releases his power through blessings, and boy,
- 00:16:23.939 --> 00:16:25.307
- Through blessings, and boy, there are hundreds of blessings
- 00:16:25.374 --> 00:16:28.544
- There are hundreds of blessings in the word of god.
- 00:16:28.610 --> 00:16:29.344
- Genesis, chapter 12,
- 00:16:29.411 --> 00:16:30.579
- Genesis, chapter 12, where the lord appeared
- 00:16:30.646 --> 00:16:31.447
- Where the lord appeared unto abraham, he said,
- 00:16:31.513 --> 00:16:32.681
- Unto abraham, he said, i will bless you,
- 00:16:32.748 --> 00:16:34.550
- I will bless you, and make your name great;
- 00:16:34.616 --> 00:16:36.085
- And make your name great; and you shall be a blessing.
- 00:16:36.151 --> 00:16:37.953
- And you can see that
- 00:16:38.020 --> 00:16:38.654
- And you can see that from that time on
- 00:16:38.720 --> 00:16:39.655
- From that time on everything abraham touched
- 00:16:39.721 --> 00:16:41.457
- Everything abraham touched began to just turn to gold.
- 00:16:41.523 --> 00:16:43.125
- Began to just turn to gold. this man was so prosperous
- 00:16:43.192 --> 00:16:44.927
- This man was so prosperous that kings came out
- 00:16:44.993 --> 00:16:46.295
- That kings came out and asked him to leave
- 00:16:46.361 --> 00:16:47.463
- And asked him to leave because his net worth
- 00:16:47.529 --> 00:16:49.465
- Because his net worth was more than their
- 00:16:49.531 --> 00:16:50.265
- Was more than their entire country was
- 00:16:50.332 --> 00:16:51.967
- Entire country was and je...and abraham himself
- 00:16:52.034 --> 00:16:54.169
- And je...and abraham himself said it was
- 00:16:54.236 --> 00:16:54.803
- Said it was the blessing of the lord,
- 00:16:54.870 --> 00:16:56.572
- The blessing of the lord, the spoken favor of god.
- 00:16:56.638 --> 00:16:59.208
- The spoken favor of god. so again, i could go into
- 00:16:59.274 --> 00:17:00.876
- So again, i could go into a lot more detail,
- 00:17:00.943 --> 00:17:01.677
- A lot more detail, but i took these principles
- 00:17:01.743 --> 00:17:03.011
- But i took these principles that i'm talking about
- 00:17:03.078 --> 00:17:03.879
- That i'm talking about right here, and there was a man
- 00:17:03.946 --> 00:17:05.781
- Right here, and there was a man in my church, he was probably
- 00:17:05.848 --> 00:17:08.650
- In my church, he was probably in his 70s
- 00:17:08.717 --> 00:17:09.551
- In his 70s or something like that
- 00:17:09.618 --> 00:17:10.619
- Or something like that and he got double pneumonia
- 00:17:10.686 --> 00:17:12.688
- And he got double pneumonia and he was out of the hospital,
- 00:17:12.754 --> 00:17:14.323
- And he was out of the hospital, but he was struggling.
- 00:17:14.389 --> 00:17:15.157
- But he was struggling. and it had been
- 00:17:15.224 --> 00:17:15.724
- And it had been well over a month,
- 00:17:15.791 --> 00:17:16.925
- Well over a month, and he was unable
- 00:17:16.992 --> 00:17:17.926
- And he was unable to breathe properly,
- 00:17:17.993 --> 00:17:19.728
- To breathe properly, and so i went over to see him,
- 00:17:19.795 --> 00:17:22.264
- And so i went over to see him, and i went to his house
- 00:17:22.331 --> 00:17:23.565
- And i went to his house and saw him and his wife.
- 00:17:23.632 --> 00:17:25.434
- And saw him and his wife. and he was really discouraged
- 00:17:25.501 --> 00:17:28.070
- And he was really discouraged because he had been in
- 00:17:28.137 --> 00:17:28.837
- Because he had been in the hospital for a week or two
- 00:17:28.904 --> 00:17:30.139
- The hospital for a week or two and then he had been out
- 00:17:30.205 --> 00:17:30.873
- And then he had been out for a couple of weeks,
- 00:17:30.939 --> 00:17:32.141
- For a couple of weeks, still struggling.
- 00:17:32.207 --> 00:17:32.975
- Still struggling. he was coughing up
- 00:17:33.041 --> 00:17:34.510
- He was coughing up all of this phlegm
- 00:17:34.576 --> 00:17:36.211
- All of this phlegm out of his lungs
- 00:17:36.278 --> 00:17:37.246
- Out of his lungs and he was having
- 00:17:37.312 --> 00:17:37.913
- And he was having trouble breathing
- 00:17:37.980 --> 00:17:39.014
- Trouble breathing and just struggling
- 00:17:39.081 --> 00:17:40.816
- And just struggling and he couldn't understand.
- 00:17:40.883 --> 00:17:42.417
- And he couldn't understand. so anyway, i began to teach him
- 00:17:42.484 --> 00:17:43.619
- So anyway, i began to teach him these things about
- 00:17:43.685 --> 00:17:44.453
- We can release
- 00:17:44.520 --> 00:17:45.154
- We can release god's power with our words.
- 00:17:45.220 --> 00:17:46.822
- God's power with our words. death and life
- 00:17:46.889 --> 00:17:47.656
- Death and life are in the power of the tongue
- 00:17:47.723 --> 00:17:49.458
- So i ministered these things
- 00:17:49.525 --> 00:17:50.626
- So i ministered these things to him, and man,
- 00:17:50.692 --> 00:17:51.193
- To him, and man, he embraced it and he said,
- 00:17:51.260 --> 00:17:52.427
- He embraced it and he said, i believe that.
- 00:17:52.494 --> 00:17:53.662
- I believe that. so, you know what i did?
- 00:17:53.729 --> 00:17:54.429
- So, you know what i did? i actually cupped my hands
- 00:17:54.496 --> 00:17:55.864
- I actually cupped my hands like this over his chest,
- 00:17:55.931 --> 00:17:59.935
- Like this over his chest, and i know many of you
- 00:18:00.002 --> 00:18:00.802
- And i know many of you think i'm weird,
- 00:18:00.869 --> 00:18:01.570
- Think i'm weird, but i think you're weird
- 00:18:01.637 --> 00:18:02.704
- But i think you're weird not to take advantage of
- 00:18:02.771 --> 00:18:03.872
- Not to take advantage of what the word of god says.
- 00:18:03.939 --> 00:18:05.807
- What the word of god says. just because this is not the way
- 00:18:05.874 --> 00:18:07.209
- Just because this is not the way that other people are doing it
- 00:18:07.276 --> 00:18:08.610
- That other people are doing it doesn't mean it's wrong.
- 00:18:08.677 --> 00:18:10.646
- Doesn't mean it's wrong. so i cupped my hands
- 00:18:10.712 --> 00:18:11.713
- So i cupped my hands over this man's chest
- 00:18:11.780 --> 00:18:13.549
- Over this man's chest and i just blessed him.
- 00:18:13.615 --> 00:18:15.884
- And i just blessed him. i blessed him.
- 00:18:15.951 --> 00:18:16.552
- I blessed him. i started quoting scriptures
- 00:18:16.618 --> 00:18:17.986
- I started quoting scriptures about, that god heals
- 00:18:18.053 --> 00:18:19.521
- About, that god heals all of our sicknesses
- 00:18:19.588 --> 00:18:21.323
- All of our sicknesses and all of our diseases,
- 00:18:21.390 --> 00:18:22.824
- And all of our diseases, by the stripes of jesus
- 00:18:22.891 --> 00:18:24.526
- By the stripes of jesus we were healed, 1 peter 2:24,
- 00:18:24.593 --> 00:18:27.663
- We were healed, 1 peter 2:24, that he gave us power
- 00:18:27.729 --> 00:18:29.131
- That he gave us power to lay hands on the sick,
- 00:18:29.198 --> 00:18:30.399
- To lay hands on the sick, and they shall recover,
- 00:18:30.465 --> 00:18:31.333
- And they shall recover, and i started speaking
- 00:18:31.400 --> 00:18:32.434
- And i started speaking these blessings of god.
- 00:18:32.501 --> 00:18:34.303
- These blessings of god. and it also says
- 00:18:34.369 --> 00:18:35.237
- And it also says in proverbs 18:21,
- 00:18:35.304 --> 00:18:36.705
- In proverbs 18:21, that death and life,
- 00:18:36.772 --> 00:18:38.307
- That death and life, you can not only bless
- 00:18:38.373 --> 00:18:39.641
- You can not only bless you can also curse.
- 00:18:39.708 --> 00:18:42.177
- You can also curse. so i cursed
- 00:18:42.244 --> 00:18:42.744
- So i cursed that pneumonia.
- 00:18:42.811 --> 00:18:44.112
- That pneumonia. i commanded pneumonia to die.
- 00:18:44.179 --> 00:18:47.549
- I commanded pneumonia to die. and so i used my words
- 00:18:47.616 --> 00:18:49.117
- And so i used my words to kill that sickness
- 00:18:49.184 --> 00:18:50.586
- To kill that sickness and that disease
- 00:18:50.652 --> 00:18:51.520
- And that disease that was in him,
- 00:18:51.587 --> 00:18:52.454
- That was in him, and then i used my words
- 00:18:52.521 --> 00:18:53.689
- And then i used my words to release the life of god.
- 00:18:53.755 --> 00:18:56.058
- To release the life of god. and did you know that this guy
- 00:18:56.124 --> 00:18:57.359
- And did you know that this guy had to push me out of the way,
- 00:18:57.426 --> 00:18:59.895
- Had to push me out of the way, and he went and got a towel
- 00:18:59.962 --> 00:19:01.563
- And he went and got a towel because he started
- 00:19:01.630 --> 00:19:02.431
- Because he started coughing uncontrollably.
- 00:19:02.497 --> 00:19:04.099
- Coughing uncontrollably. and i mean, in five minutes
- 00:19:04.166 --> 00:19:05.834
- And i mean, in five minutes he coughed up
- 00:19:05.901 --> 00:19:06.835
- He coughed up all of this phlegm,
- 00:19:06.902 --> 00:19:07.869
- All of this phlegm, filled up this towel,
- 00:19:07.936 --> 00:19:10.172
- Filled up this towel, and in five minutes
- 00:19:10.239 --> 00:19:11.373
- And in five minutes he was healed.
- 00:19:11.440 --> 00:19:12.941
- He was healed. it was over.
- 00:19:13.008 --> 00:19:14.309
- It was over. and did you know all i did
- 00:19:14.376 --> 00:19:16.111
- And did you know all i did was bless him.
- 00:19:16.178 --> 00:19:16.979
- Was bless him. i spoke.
- 00:19:17.045 --> 00:19:18.380
- I spoke. i used words.
- 00:19:18.447 --> 00:19:20.882
- I used words. and i know some people think,
- 00:19:20.949 --> 00:19:21.917
- And i know some people think, well that's you.
- 00:19:21.984 --> 00:19:23.151
- The bible says whosoever.
- 00:19:23.218 --> 00:19:26.154
- The bible says whosoever. that's in mark,
- 00:19:26.221 --> 00:19:26.888
- That's in mark, chapter 11, verse 23,
- 00:19:26.955 --> 00:19:28.223
- Chapter 11, verse 23, whosoever shall say
- 00:19:28.290 --> 00:19:30.659
- Whosoever shall say unto this mountain,
- 00:19:30.726 --> 00:19:32.194
- And it doesn't have to be
- 00:19:32.261 --> 00:19:32.928
- And it doesn't have to be a physical mountain,
- 00:19:32.995 --> 00:19:33.629
- A physical mountain, it can be your problem.
- 00:19:33.695 --> 00:19:34.730
- It can be your problem. if your problem is pneumonia,
- 00:19:34.796 --> 00:19:36.164
- If your problem is pneumonia, if your problem is poverty,
- 00:19:36.231 --> 00:19:37.399
- If your problem is poverty, if your problem's depression,
- 00:19:37.466 --> 00:19:39.234
- If your problem's depression, whatever it is,
- 00:19:39.301 --> 00:19:39.935
- Whatever it is, whosoever will say
- 00:19:40.002 --> 00:19:41.169
- Whosoever will say unto this, problem.
- 00:19:41.236 --> 00:19:42.304
- Unto this, problem. you speak to the problem.
- 00:19:42.371 --> 00:19:44.406
- You speak to the problem. did you know, man, again,
- 00:19:44.473 --> 00:19:46.408
- Did you know, man, again, i could go into so much
- 00:19:46.475 --> 00:19:47.609
- I could go into so much more detail on this,
- 00:19:47.676 --> 00:19:48.944
- More detail on this, but did you know if you stop
- 00:19:49.011 --> 00:19:50.145
- But did you know if you stop and think about it,
- 00:19:50.212 --> 00:19:51.346
- And think about it, this is saying a lot
- 00:19:51.413 --> 00:19:53.482
- This is saying a lot in that verse because it says
- 00:19:53.548 --> 00:19:54.683
- In that verse because it says you speak to the mountain.
- 00:19:54.750 --> 00:19:56.485
- You speak to the mountain. you don't talk to god
- 00:19:56.551 --> 00:19:58.186
- You don't talk to god about your mountain,
- 00:19:58.253 --> 00:19:59.688
- About your mountain, you talk to your mountain
- 00:19:59.755 --> 00:20:01.256
- You talk to your mountain about god.
- 00:20:01.323 --> 00:20:01.923
- Whosoever will say
- 00:20:01.990 --> 00:20:02.958
- Whosoever will say unto this mountain,
- 00:20:03.025 --> 00:20:04.359
- Unto this mountain, be thou removed,
- 00:20:04.426 --> 00:20:05.093
- Be thou removed, be thou cast into the sea;
- 00:20:05.160 --> 00:20:06.495
- Be thou cast into the sea; and shall not doubt
- 00:20:06.561 --> 00:20:07.729
- And shall not doubt in his heart, but shall believe
- 00:20:07.796 --> 00:20:08.897
- In his heart, but shall believe that those things which you say
- 00:20:08.964 --> 00:20:10.065
- That those things which you say shall come to pass;
- 00:20:10.132 --> 00:20:11.333
- Shall come to pass; he shall have
- 00:20:11.400 --> 00:20:11.867
- He shall have whatsoever he saith.
- 00:20:11.933 --> 00:20:13.235
- Whatsoever he saith. you have to speak
- 00:20:13.302 --> 00:20:13.935
- You have to speak to the mountain.
- 00:20:14.002 --> 00:20:14.936
- Most christians will go to god
- 00:20:15.003 --> 00:20:16.505
- Most christians will go to god and say, oh god, i'm sick.
- 00:20:16.571 --> 00:20:18.340
- And say, oh god, i'm sick. oh god, would you please
- 00:20:18.407 --> 00:20:20.242
- Oh god, would you please do something.
- 00:20:20.309 --> 00:20:20.776
- Do something. i can't do anything,
- 00:20:20.842 --> 00:20:22.044
- I can't do anything, but you're god;
- 00:20:22.110 --> 00:20:23.145
- But you're god; you could heal me.
- 00:20:23.211 --> 00:20:24.613
- You could heal me. and so that...that's the way
- 00:20:24.680 --> 00:20:25.814
- And so that...that's the way they approach god saying,
- 00:20:25.881 --> 00:20:27.015
- They approach god saying, god, i am nothing,
- 00:20:27.082 --> 00:20:28.116
- God, i am nothing, i have nothing,
- 00:20:28.183 --> 00:20:28.884
- I have nothing, i can do nothing,
- 00:20:28.950 --> 00:20:29.751
- I can do nothing, but you can do all things.
- 00:20:29.818 --> 00:20:32.988
- But you can do all things. you know, that sounds religious,
- 00:20:33.055 --> 00:20:34.856
- You know, that sounds religious, that's the way
- 00:20:34.923 --> 00:20:35.357
- That's the way that the vast majority of
- 00:20:35.424 --> 00:20:36.658
- That the vast majority of people pray, but you're
- 00:20:36.725 --> 00:20:38.860
- People pray, but you're destroying your own answer
- 00:20:38.927 --> 00:20:40.295
- Destroying your own answer to prayer when you do that
- 00:20:40.362 --> 00:20:42.030
- To prayer when you do that because god said,
- 00:20:42.097 --> 00:20:43.565
- Because god said, jesus said, you speak
- 00:20:43.632 --> 00:20:46.335
- Jesus said, you speak to the mountain.
- 00:20:46.401 --> 00:20:47.269
- To the mountain. by the very fact
- 00:20:47.336 --> 00:20:47.903
- By the very fact that he didn't say, go to me
- 00:20:47.969 --> 00:20:49.871
- That he didn't say, go to me and ask me to do this for you,
- 00:20:49.938 --> 00:20:52.708
- And ask me to do this for you, he told you to speak
- 00:20:52.774 --> 00:20:54.009
- He told you to speak to the mountain, that's implying
- 00:20:54.076 --> 00:20:55.977
- To the mountain, that's implying that you understand
- 00:20:56.044 --> 00:20:57.112
- That you understand that god has given you
- 00:20:57.179 --> 00:20:58.547
- That god has given you authority and power.
- 00:20:58.613 --> 00:21:01.016
- Authority and power. now, if you're watching
- 00:21:01.083 --> 00:21:01.750
- Now, if you're watching this program and you don't know
- 00:21:01.817 --> 00:21:03.552
- This program and you don't know jesus personally, then this
- 00:21:03.618 --> 00:21:05.354
- Jesus personally, then this doesn't really apply to you
- 00:21:05.420 --> 00:21:07.089
- Doesn't really apply to you what i'm saying right now
- 00:21:07.155 --> 00:21:08.824
- What i'm saying right now because the first step
- 00:21:08.890 --> 00:21:10.959
- Because the first step to receiving this power
- 00:21:11.026 --> 00:21:12.260
- To receiving this power and authority
- 00:21:12.327 --> 00:21:12.861
- And authority that i'm talking about,
- 00:21:12.928 --> 00:21:13.862
- That i'm talking about, that i used when i prayed
- 00:21:13.929 --> 00:21:15.163
- That i used when i prayed for this man,
- 00:21:15.230 --> 00:21:16.365
- For this man, the first step to that is
- 00:21:16.431 --> 00:21:17.566
- The first step to that is you have to have a personal
- 00:21:17.632 --> 00:21:18.567
- You have to have a personal relationship with jesus,
- 00:21:18.633 --> 00:21:19.868
- Relationship with jesus, not just know about him.
- 00:21:19.935 --> 00:21:21.837
- The bible says over in
- 00:21:21.903 --> 00:21:23.138
- The bible says over in james, chapter 2,
- 00:21:23.205 --> 00:21:24.139
- James, chapter 2, that even the devils believe
- 00:21:24.206 --> 00:21:25.574
- That even the devils believe and tremble at the name of god,
- 00:21:25.640 --> 00:21:27.576
- And tremble at the name of god, but won't you know, o vain man,
- 00:21:27.642 --> 00:21:29.244
- But won't you know, o vain man, that faith without works
- 00:21:29.311 --> 00:21:30.479
- That faith without works is dead?
- 00:21:30.545 --> 00:21:31.513
- Satan knows that god exists.
- 00:21:31.580 --> 00:21:33.148
- Satan knows that god exists. he even trembles,
- 00:21:33.215 --> 00:21:34.116
- He even trembles, which many of you
- 00:21:34.182 --> 00:21:34.850
- Which many of you don't even tremble
- 00:21:34.916 --> 00:21:36.184
- Don't even tremble at the name of god,
- 00:21:36.251 --> 00:21:37.119
- At the name of god, but he's not saved
- 00:21:37.185 --> 00:21:39.488
- But he's not saved because he hasn't
- 00:21:39.554 --> 00:21:40.522
- Because he hasn't submitted himself.
- 00:21:40.589 --> 00:21:41.556
- Submitted himself. he hasn't yielded.
- 00:21:41.623 --> 00:21:42.524
- He hasn't yielded. he hasn't received salvation.
- 00:21:42.591 --> 00:21:45.694
- He hasn't received salvation. so you have to do more
- 00:21:45.761 --> 00:21:46.628
- So you have to do more than just believe
- 00:21:46.695 --> 00:21:47.362
- Than just believe that god exists;
- 00:21:47.429 --> 00:21:48.964
- That god exists; you have to yield to him,
- 00:21:49.030 --> 00:21:50.766
- You have to yield to him, you have to humble yourself,
- 00:21:50.832 --> 00:21:52.134
- You have to humble yourself, you have to receive him
- 00:21:52.200 --> 00:21:53.502
- You have to receive him as your savior,
- 00:21:53.568 --> 00:21:54.870
- As your savior, and when you do that,
- 00:21:54.936 --> 00:21:56.004
- And when you do that, then you get
- 00:21:56.071 --> 00:21:57.639
- Then you get authority and power.
- 00:21:57.706 --> 00:21:59.441
- Authority and power. and once you have that,
- 00:21:59.508 --> 00:22:00.942
- And once you have that, you don't just go and say,
- 00:22:01.009 --> 00:22:02.677
- You don't just go and say, oh god, i am nothing
- 00:22:02.744 --> 00:22:03.845
- Oh god, i am nothing and i have nothing
- 00:22:03.912 --> 00:22:04.713
- And i have nothing because, no,
- 00:22:04.780 --> 00:22:05.380
- Because, no, when you got born again,
- 00:22:05.447 --> 00:22:06.381
- When you got born again, you were changed.
- 00:22:06.448 --> 00:22:07.249
- You were changed. you were endued with power.
- 00:22:07.315 --> 00:22:09.551
- You were endued with power. again, i could quote
- 00:22:09.618 --> 00:22:10.218
- Again, i could quote many scriptures on this,
- 00:22:10.285 --> 00:22:11.386
- Many scriptures on this, hebrews, chapter 10,
- 00:22:11.453 --> 00:22:13.889
- Hebrews, chapter 10, matthew, chapter 10,
- 00:22:13.955 --> 00:22:14.856
- Matthew, chapter 10, many places,
- 00:22:14.923 --> 00:22:16.324
- Many places, and you have power and authority
- 00:22:16.391 --> 00:22:17.726
- And you have power and authority and now you have to take
- 00:22:17.793 --> 00:22:19.294
- And now you have to take your authority and you
- 00:22:19.361 --> 00:22:21.196
- Your authority and you speak to the problem.
- 00:22:21.263 --> 00:22:23.832
- Speak to the problem. out of all the people
- 00:22:23.899 --> 00:22:24.599
- Out of all the people who come to me
- 00:22:24.666 --> 00:22:25.367
- Who come to me and ask for prayer
- 00:22:25.434 --> 00:22:27.803
- And ask for prayer i would say that probably
- 00:22:27.869 --> 00:22:29.104
- I would say that probably the number one hindrance to them
- 00:22:29.171 --> 00:22:33.442
- The number one hindrance to them receiving from god
- 00:22:33.508 --> 00:22:35.210
- Receiving from god is this very issue.
- 00:22:35.277 --> 00:22:37.078
- Is this very issue. they believe
- 00:22:37.145 --> 00:22:37.512
- They believe god can do anything.
- 00:22:37.579 --> 00:22:39.014
- God can do anything. they don't believe he
- 00:22:39.080 --> 00:22:39.815
- They don't believe he has done it.
- 00:22:39.881 --> 00:22:40.949
- Has done it. they believe healing
- 00:22:41.016 --> 00:22:41.917
- They believe healing or whatever it is that they need
- 00:22:41.983 --> 00:22:43.318
- Or whatever it is that they need is still off in the future
- 00:22:43.385 --> 00:22:44.586
- Is still off in the future and god could do it
- 00:22:44.653 --> 00:22:45.587
- And god could do it if he wants to.
- 00:22:45.654 --> 00:22:46.321
- If he wants to. the scripture teaches
- 00:22:46.388 --> 00:22:47.155
- The scripture teaches that he's already done it,
- 00:22:47.222 --> 00:22:48.490
- That he's already done it, and he put this power
- 00:22:48.557 --> 00:22:49.958
- And he put this power and authority on
- 00:22:50.025 --> 00:22:50.826
- And authority on the inside of believers,
- 00:22:50.892 --> 00:22:52.461
- The inside of believers, and if you would begin
- 00:22:52.527 --> 00:22:53.462
- And if you would begin to understand what you have
- 00:22:53.528 --> 00:22:55.263
- To understand what you have and take that authority
- 00:22:55.330 --> 00:22:56.431
- And take that authority and power, and if you would
- 00:22:56.498 --> 00:22:57.933
- And power, and if you would speak to your problems
- 00:22:57.999 --> 00:22:59.634
- Speak to your problems in the name of jesus,
- 00:22:59.701 --> 00:23:01.536
- In the name of jesus, and then not doubt
- 00:23:01.603 --> 00:23:02.571
- And then not doubt in your heart but believe
- 00:23:02.637 --> 00:23:03.939
- In your heart but believe what you say comes to pass,
- 00:23:04.005 --> 00:23:06.141
- What you say comes to pass, you would have whats...
- 00:23:06.208 --> 00:23:07.209
- You would have whats... what you say.
- 00:23:07.275 --> 00:23:08.844
- What you say. all of this relates back
- 00:23:08.910 --> 00:23:11.012
- All of this relates back to talking about how jesus
- 00:23:11.079 --> 00:23:13.081
- To talking about how jesus came into this earth.
- 00:23:13.148 --> 00:23:14.916
- Came into this earth. you've got to
- 00:23:14.983 --> 00:23:15.417
- You've got to understand these things,
- 00:23:15.484 --> 00:23:16.918
- Understand these things, or our religious traditions
- 00:23:16.985 --> 00:23:18.787
- Or our religious traditions will make the word
- 00:23:18.854 --> 00:23:20.188
- Will make the word of none effect.
- 00:23:20.255 --> 00:23:20.789
- You say in the name of jesus
- 00:23:21.523 --> 00:23:22.691
- I'm not going by what i see.
- 00:23:22.691 --> 00:23:24.359
- I go by what
- 00:23:24.359 --> 00:23:25.026
- The word of god says.
- 00:23:25.026 --> 00:23:26.061
- There's more than
- 00:23:26.061 --> 00:23:26.828
- Just this physical realm.
- 00:23:26.828 --> 00:23:28.230
- There's also a spiritual realm.
- 00:23:28.230 --> 00:23:30.131
- I don't care
- 00:23:30.131 --> 00:23:30.665
- What this looks like,
- 00:23:30.665 --> 00:23:32.334
- I know what
- 00:23:32.334 --> 00:23:32.868
- God's word says.
- 00:23:32.868 --> 00:23:34.236
- >> i was told that my life
- 00:23:34.302 --> 00:23:35.437
- Would be one of pain and
- 00:23:35.437 --> 00:23:37.172
- Isolation and that freedom
- 00:23:37.172 --> 00:23:38.740
- Wasn't even to be hoped for.
- 00:23:38.740 --> 00:23:40.709
- >> i was told i was always
- 00:23:40.709 --> 00:23:41.877
- Going to be in a wheelchair.
- 00:23:41.877 --> 00:23:43.044
- >> i was given three months to
- 00:23:43.044 --> 00:23:44.913
- Live before total heart failure.
- 00:23:44.913 --> 00:23:47.115
- >> hi, i'm julianne hartman from
- 00:23:47.115 --> 00:23:49.150
- Los angeles, california, and i
- 00:23:49.150 --> 00:23:51.119
- Was told that i would never
- 00:23:51.119 --> 00:23:52.354
- Recover from fibromyalgia. i was
- 00:23:52.354 --> 00:23:55.156
- In and out of emergency rooms
- 00:23:55.156 --> 00:23:56.825
- And spent over $300,000
- 00:23:56.825 --> 00:23:58.793
- Searching for a cure to no
- 00:23:58.793 --> 00:24:01.396
- Avail. i was just about to give
- 00:24:01.396 --> 00:24:03.698
- Up when i discovered andrew
- 00:24:03.698 --> 00:24:05.600
- Wommack on television. and
- 00:24:05.600 --> 00:24:07.402
- Andrew showed me for the first
- 00:24:07.402 --> 00:24:09.137
- Time that by the stripes of
- 00:24:09.137 --> 00:24:10.906
- Jesus i was already healed. in a
- 00:24:10.906 --> 00:24:14.242
- Matter of weeks, i received my
- 00:24:14.242 --> 00:24:16.811
- Healing after listening to all
- 00:24:16.811 --> 00:24:19.214
- Of the teachings made available
- 00:24:19.214 --> 00:24:21.082
- Online. and today, 10 years
- 00:24:21.082 --> 00:24:23.718
- Later, i'm still walking in my
- 00:24:23.718 --> 00:24:25.687
- Healing and i'm not alone.
- 00:24:25.687 --> 00:24:27.455
- >> i was healed of fibromyalgia
- 00:24:27.455 --> 00:24:28.957
- And environmental illness.
- 00:24:28.957 --> 00:24:30.759
- >> i was healed
- 00:24:30.759 --> 00:24:31.693
- Of lyme disease.
- 00:24:31.693 --> 00:24:32.961
- >> i was healed of lupus
- 00:24:32.961 --> 00:24:35.630
- And heart failure.
- 00:24:35.630 --> 00:24:37.198
- Music
- 00:24:37.265 --> 00:24:42.404
- >> god's promises will become
- 00:24:42.470 --> 00:24:44.272
- More real and alive when you get
- 00:24:44.272 --> 00:24:46.741
- Andrew's complete teaching
- 00:24:46.741 --> 00:24:47.876
- Titled the word became flesh.
- 00:24:47.876 --> 00:24:50.378
- >> this week i've been teaching
- 00:24:50.378 --> 00:24:52.113
- On a series i call the word
- 00:24:52.113 --> 00:24:53.448
- Became flesh, and i have this in
- 00:24:53.448 --> 00:24:55.750
- Cd, also in dvd that was taken
- 00:24:55.750 --> 00:24:58.587
- Either from television or live
- 00:24:58.587 --> 00:24:59.955
- Teaching, and i tell you, this
- 00:24:59.955 --> 00:25:01.756
- Is awesome. i would encourage
- 00:25:01.756 --> 00:25:03.758
- You to get this and to study it.
- 00:25:03.758 --> 00:25:05.493
- This is the kind of thing that
- 00:25:05.493 --> 00:25:06.695
- You just don't get it by
- 00:25:06.695 --> 00:25:08.029
- Listening to it on television in
- 00:25:08.029 --> 00:25:09.431
- Little 30 minute segments. you
- 00:25:09.431 --> 00:25:10.999
- Need to get the entire teaching
- 00:25:10.999 --> 00:25:12.934
- And study it. i promise you it's
- 00:25:12.934 --> 00:25:15.036
- A life-changing truth. it would
- 00:25:15.036 --> 00:25:16.705
- Really, really bless you. so
- 00:25:16.705 --> 00:25:18.239
- Listen to our announcer as he
- 00:25:18.239 --> 00:25:19.374
- Gives you this information.
- 00:25:19.374 --> 00:25:20.642
- >> andrew's complete teaching,
- 00:25:20.642 --> 00:25:22.310
- The word became flesh, is
- 00:25:22.310 --> 00:25:24.079
- Available as a cd or dvd album
- 00:25:24.079 --> 00:25:27.482
- Made from our daily television
- 00:25:27.482 --> 00:25:28.883
- Broadcast or in a dvd album
- 00:25:28.883 --> 00:25:31.720
- Recorded live at a ministry
- 00:25:31.720 --> 00:25:33.355
- Event. each of these resources
- 00:25:33.355 --> 00:25:35.857
- Are available for a gift of any
- 00:25:35.857 --> 00:25:38.360
- Amount when you contact us. this
- 00:25:38.360 --> 00:25:40.462
- Entire series is also available
- 00:25:40.462 --> 00:25:42.664
- For audio download absolutely
- 00:25:42.664 --> 00:25:44.766
- Free from our website. we also
- 00:25:44.766 --> 00:25:47.936
- Want to remind you of andrew's
- 00:25:47.936 --> 00:25:49.404
- Living commentary software. the
- 00:25:49.404 --> 00:25:52.407
- Living commentary includes more
- 00:25:52.407 --> 00:25:54.676
- Than 50 years of andrew's bible
- 00:25:54.676 --> 00:25:57.045
- Study notes and personal
- 00:25:57.045 --> 00:25:58.913
- Encounters with god, and is
- 00:25:58.913 --> 00:26:01.316
- Available as a web-based
- 00:26:01.316 --> 00:26:03.084
- Software that you can access by
- 00:26:03.084 --> 00:26:04.853
- Computer or any mobile device.
- 00:26:04.853 --> 00:26:06.788
- Get andrew's living commentary
- 00:26:06.788 --> 00:26:09.024
- Today. we want to say a special
- 00:26:09.024 --> 00:26:12.260
- Thank you to the grace partners
- 00:26:12.260 --> 00:26:13.762
- Of andrew wommack ministries.
- 00:26:13.762 --> 00:26:15.764
- Your gifts make it possible to
- 00:26:15.764 --> 00:26:18.333
- Put free ministry materials into
- 00:26:18.333 --> 00:26:20.368
- The hands of many people in
- 00:26:20.368 --> 00:26:21.569
- Need. if you're not already a
- 00:26:21.569 --> 00:26:24.105
- Grace partner, we ask you to
- 00:26:24.105 --> 00:26:25.874
- Pray about becoming one today.
- 00:26:25.874 --> 00:26:27.375
- You can become a grace partner
- 00:26:27.375 --> 00:26:29.644
- Through our website at
- 00:26:29.644 --> 00:26:33.448
- Our helpline is closed today to
- 00:26:33.448 --> 00:26:35.183
- Allow our employees to celebrate
- 00:26:35.183 --> 00:26:36.851
- The holiday, but you can always
- 00:26:36.851 --> 00:26:38.820
- Visit our website where you can
- 00:26:38.820 --> 00:26:40.588
- Order ministry materials online
- 00:26:40.588 --> 00:26:42.524
- 24 hours a day, 7 days a week at
- 00:26:42.524 --> 00:26:45.427
- on our website, you'll
- 00:26:45.427 --> 00:26:48.963
- Not only find materials from
- 00:26:48.963 --> 00:26:50.432
- Today's broadcast, you'll
- 00:26:50.432 --> 00:26:52.167
- Find a wealth of ministry
- 00:26:52.167 --> 00:26:53.802
- Resources available to you. if
- 00:26:53.802 --> 00:26:56.004
- You prefer, you can order
- 00:26:56.004 --> 00:26:57.605
- Materials by writing us, use
- 00:26:57.605 --> 00:26:59.374
- The address on your screen.
- 00:26:59.374 --> 00:27:03.578
- >> hello, i'm andrew wommack and
- 00:27:03.645 --> 00:27:05.380
- You have been watching my gospel
- 00:27:05.380 --> 00:27:07.348
- Truth program that's been aired
- 00:27:07.348 --> 00:27:09.184
- On tbn since 2011, but i have
- 00:27:09.184 --> 00:27:12.053
- Good news. now we air seven days
- 00:27:12.053 --> 00:27:15.323
- A week. we have a saturday and
- 00:27:15.323 --> 00:27:17.025
- Sunday broadcast. the times are
- 00:27:17.025 --> 00:27:18.693
- On the screen, and i just
- 00:27:18.693 --> 00:27:20.395
- Encourage you to join me for not
- 00:27:20.395 --> 00:27:22.063
- Only our weekday program, but
- 00:27:22.063 --> 00:27:23.798
- Also our weekend programs of
- 00:27:23.798 --> 00:27:25.800
- The gospel truth. i guarantee
- 00:27:25.800 --> 00:27:27.235
- You, you will be blessed.
- 00:27:27.235 --> 00:27:27.235