Andrew Wommack shares how the Word of God transformed his life. He believes the same power will work for you. His teaching is profound, clear, and simple enough for a child. Find great teachings and healing testimonies of changed lives at:
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Andrew Wommack: Gospel Truth | Andrew Wommack - The Word Became Flesh | December 27, 2024
- Count down
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- Music
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- >> welcome to gospel truth with
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- Andrew wommack. celebrating 56
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- Years of changing lives through
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- The power of god's word
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- And 30 years making disciples
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- Through charis bible college.
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- Music
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- >> thank you so much, andrew
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- For preaching the truth
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- And teaching us as believers
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- In how to use our authority,
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- Because of that i was set
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- Free from a lot of pain.
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- >> it changed my life, you
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- Changed my family, it changed
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- The way i see ministry, it
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- Changed the way i see
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- People. and, uh, yeah, it
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- Changed my marriage.
- 00:00:30.553 --> 00:00:32.589
- >> and now, here's andrew.
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- >> welcome to our friday's
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- Broadcast of the gospel truth.
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- My first week of teaching on
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- The word became flesh.
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- A powerful teaching.
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- And actually, it's a combination
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- Of many different things
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- That i teach,
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- And it's all brought to bear
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- On the virgin birth.
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- I hadn't actually got to
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- I hadn't actually got to those scriptures yet
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- Those scriptures yet about the virgin birth of jesus,
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- About the virgin birth of jesus, but that's where i'm headed.
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- But that's where i'm headed. and what i'm doing is
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- And what i'm doing is giving some understanding of
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- Giving some understanding of why it took 4,000 years
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- Why it took 4,000 years for jesus to come into
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- For jesus to come into this earth as a little baby
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- This earth as a little baby and grow up,
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- And grow up, become our savior.
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- Become our savior. why did it take 4,000 years
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- Why did it take 4,000 years and why did god have to
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- And why did god have to become a man?
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- Become a man? couldn't he have redeemed us
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- Couldn't he have redeemed us some other way?
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- Some other way? i'm giving some background
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- I'm giving some background on this and ultimately,
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- On this and ultimately, if you understand these things
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- If you understand these things we're talking about,
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- We're talking about, it will make the virgin birth
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- It will make the virgin birth just come alive to you,
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- Just come alive to you, why it had to happen,
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- Why it had to happen, how it happened,
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- How it happened, and i believe it will bless you.
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- And i believe it will bless you. plus, it'll help you
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- Plus, it'll help you in how to receive
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- In how to receive your miracle from god
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- Your miracle from god because the virgin birth
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- Because the virgin birth was an absolute miracle.
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- Was an absolute miracle. even god is constrained by
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- Even god is constrained by some of the laws that he made.
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- Some of the laws that he made. so i've already taught
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- So i've already taught a lot of things.
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- A lot of things. if you've missed any of this,
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- Please go back and look at
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- Our programs.
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- But i was sharing
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- The last couple of days
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- The last couple of days how that satan came to adam,
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- How that satan came to adam, and eve in genesis, chapter 3,
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- And eve in genesis, chapter 3, through a serpent,
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- Through a serpent, the most subtle animal.
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- The most subtle animal. not the biggest,
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- Not the biggest, not the most intimidating,
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- Not the most intimidating, not the most ferocious,
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- Not the most ferocious, but he came the...
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- But he came the... through the most subtle
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- Through the most subtle because he had no power
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- Because he had no power to force them to do anything.
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- To force them to do anything. he had to deceive them
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- He had to deceive them and get them to turn
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- And get them to turn the authority and control
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- The authority and control that god had given them
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- That god had given them over to satan.
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- Over to satan. and i made a statement
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- And i made a statement two days ago; this would've been
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- Two days ago; this would've been on wednesday's broadcast,
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- On wednesday's broadcast, and i didn't have time
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- And i didn't have time to explain it.
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- To explain it. i want to go into that
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- I want to go into that a little more today.
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- A little more today. but i said
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- But i said that god created lucifer.
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- That god created lucifer. this is from isaiah, chapter 14,
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- This is from isaiah, chapter 14, and lucifer was a godly angel.
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- And lucifer was a godly angel. ezekiel, chapter 28,
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- Ezekiel, chapter 28, talks about all of the things
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- Talks about all of the things that he was adorned with
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- That he was adorned with and it describes him
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- And it describes him in perfection as being
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- In perfection as being in the garden of eden
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- In the garden of eden in this state of perfection.
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- In this state of perfection. don't forget where i'm going.
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- Don't forget where i'm going. i'm...i'm saying that to myself
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- I'm...i'm saying that to myself as much as to you,
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- As much as to you, but let me turn over here
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- But let me turn over here ezekiel, chapter 28,
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- Ezekiel, chapter 28, for just a second
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- For just a second and read a couple of
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- And read a couple of these things,
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- These things, because this is pertinent to
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- Because this is pertinent to what i'm talking about.
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- What i'm talking about. but ezekiel, chapter 28,
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- But ezekiel, chapter 28, is describing satan
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- Is describing satan in the garden of eden.
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- Ezekiel 28:12, son of man,
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- Ezekiel 28:12, son of man, take up a lamentation upon
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- Take up a lamentation upon the king of tyrus,
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- The king of tyrus, if i had time,
- 00:03:09.245 --> 00:03:09.746
- I could show you
- 00:03:09.812 --> 00:03:10.680
- I could show you that this is not talking about
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- That this is not talking about the physical man,
- 00:03:11.981 --> 00:03:13.249
- The physical man, some of the things
- 00:03:13.316 --> 00:03:13.816
- Some of the things that's said right here.
- 00:03:13.883 --> 00:03:16.352
- That's said right here. it even calls him a cherub
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- It even calls him a cherub which is an angelic being.
- 00:03:18.354 --> 00:03:20.356
- Which is an angelic being. but it's talking
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- But it's talking about the demonic power
- 00:03:21.157 --> 00:03:22.191
- About the demonic power that operated through him.
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- That operated through him. this happened in
- 00:03:23.693 --> 00:03:24.260
- This happened in daniel, chapter 9,
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- Daniel, chapter 9, and chapter 10,
- 00:03:25.461 --> 00:03:26.396
- And chapter 10, talking about
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- Talking about the prince of persia
- 00:03:26.963 --> 00:03:27.830
- The prince of persia came and withstood them
- 00:03:27.897 --> 00:03:28.865
- Came and withstood them and fought against
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- And fought against michael the archangel.
- 00:03:29.532 --> 00:03:31.267
- Michael the archangel. it isn't talking about
- 00:03:31.334 --> 00:03:32.035
- It isn't talking about the physical person.
- 00:03:32.101 --> 00:03:33.102
- The physical person. it's talking about
- 00:03:33.169 --> 00:03:33.603
- It's talking about the demonic power
- 00:03:33.670 --> 00:03:34.470
- The demonic power operating behind him.
- 00:03:34.537 --> 00:03:36.105
- But it goes on and says,
- 00:03:36.172 --> 00:03:37.407
- But it goes on and says, take up a lamentation
- 00:03:37.473 --> 00:03:38.374
- Take up a lamentation upon the king of tyrus,
- 00:03:38.441 --> 00:03:39.776
- Upon the king of tyrus, and say unto him,
- 00:03:39.842 --> 00:03:41.311
- And say unto him, thus saith the lord god;
- 00:03:41.377 --> 00:03:42.845
- Thus saith the lord god; thou sealest up the sum,
- 00:03:42.912 --> 00:03:44.347
- Thou sealest up the sum, full of wisdom,
- 00:03:44.414 --> 00:03:45.882
- Full of wisdom, and perfect in beauty.
- 00:03:45.948 --> 00:03:47.684
- And perfect in beauty. thou hast been in eden
- 00:03:47.750 --> 00:03:49.686
- Thou hast been in eden the garden of god.
- 00:03:49.752 --> 00:03:50.987
- The garden of god. now this is another indication
- 00:03:51.054 --> 00:03:52.322
- Now this is another indication that this isn't talking about
- 00:03:52.388 --> 00:03:53.589
- A physical man, because eden,
- 00:03:53.656 --> 00:03:56.092
- A physical man, because eden, the garden of eden
- 00:03:56.159 --> 00:03:57.260
- The garden of eden as described in
- 00:03:57.327 --> 00:03:58.027
- As described in genesis, chapter 2,
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- Genesis, chapter 2, and chapter 3,
- 00:03:59.195 --> 00:04:01.130
- And chapter 3, when god kicked adam and eve
- 00:04:01.197 --> 00:04:03.032
- When god kicked adam and eve out of eden,
- 00:04:03.099 --> 00:04:03.700
- Out of eden, he placed a cherub there
- 00:04:03.766 --> 00:04:05.568
- He placed a cherub there with a flaming sword
- 00:04:05.635 --> 00:04:06.803
- With a flaming sword that turned every way,
- 00:04:06.869 --> 00:04:08.037
- That turned every way, to protect the tree of life,
- 00:04:08.104 --> 00:04:09.772
- To protect the tree of life, so that nobody would eat of it.
- 00:04:09.839 --> 00:04:11.674
- So that nobody would eat of it. and so no one
- 00:04:11.741 --> 00:04:12.709
- And so no one has ever been allowed back into
- 00:04:12.775 --> 00:04:15.078
- Has ever been allowed back into the garden of eden.
- 00:04:15.144 --> 00:04:16.145
- The garden of eden. and i don't know actually
- 00:04:16.212 --> 00:04:17.914
- And i don't know actually what happened to
- 00:04:17.980 --> 00:04:18.581
- What happened to the garden of eden,
- 00:04:18.648 --> 00:04:19.315
- The garden of eden, whether it became some of
- 00:04:19.382 --> 00:04:20.683
- Whether it became some of those deserts over there
- 00:04:20.750 --> 00:04:22.418
- Those deserts over there in the middle east.
- 00:04:22.485 --> 00:04:23.152
- In the middle east. or you know,
- 00:04:23.219 --> 00:04:23.886
- Or you know, in the book of revelation,
- 00:04:23.953 --> 00:04:25.021
- In the book of revelation, it says that the tree of life
- 00:04:25.088 --> 00:04:27.123
- It says that the tree of life is in the new jerusalem,
- 00:04:27.190 --> 00:04:29.158
- Is in the new jerusalem, in the middle of this river
- 00:04:29.225 --> 00:04:31.561
- In the middle of this river that runs by it
- 00:04:31.627 --> 00:04:32.528
- That runs by it and it's for the healing of
- 00:04:32.595 --> 00:04:33.396
- And it's for the healing of the nations.
- 00:04:33.463 --> 00:04:34.530
- The nations. and so, either god created
- 00:04:34.597 --> 00:04:36.199
- And so, either god created another tree of life,
- 00:04:36.265 --> 00:04:37.367
- Another tree of life, or he transported
- 00:04:37.433 --> 00:04:38.501
- Or he transported that one to heaven.
- 00:04:38.568 --> 00:04:40.002
- That one to heaven. it's possible
- 00:04:40.069 --> 00:04:40.636
- It's possible that the garden of eden
- 00:04:40.703 --> 00:04:41.804
- That the garden of eden has been translated
- 00:04:41.871 --> 00:04:42.739
- Has been translated or at the very least,
- 00:04:42.805 --> 00:04:43.673
- Or at the very least, we can't find it today.
- 00:04:43.740 --> 00:04:45.775
- We can't find it today. my point is,
- 00:04:45.842 --> 00:04:46.843
- My point is, for this person or this being
- 00:04:46.909 --> 00:04:49.712
- For this person or this being to have been
- 00:04:49.779 --> 00:04:50.313
- To have been in the garden of eden,
- 00:04:50.380 --> 00:04:52.215
- In the garden of eden, this is describing
- 00:04:52.281 --> 00:04:53.216
- This is describing before the fall of adam and eve.
- 00:04:53.282 --> 00:04:55.451
- Before the fall of adam and eve. so this isn't talking about
- 00:04:55.518 --> 00:04:56.519
- So this isn't talking about the physical man,
- 00:04:56.586 --> 00:04:57.420
- The physical man, the king of tyrus.
- 00:04:57.487 --> 00:04:58.254
- The king of tyrus. it's talking about
- 00:04:58.321 --> 00:04:58.821
- It's talking about the demonic power
- 00:04:58.888 --> 00:05:00.189
- The demonic power that operated behind him,
- 00:05:00.256 --> 00:05:02.091
- That operated behind him, and it describes him
- 00:05:02.158 --> 00:05:03.359
- And it describes him in the garden of eden.
- 00:05:03.426 --> 00:05:04.394
- In verse 13, it says,
- 00:05:04.460 --> 00:05:05.328
- In verse 13, it says, thou hast been in eden
- 00:05:05.395 --> 00:05:07.096
- Thou hast been in eden the garden of god;
- 00:05:07.163 --> 00:05:08.331
- The garden of god; every precious stone
- 00:05:08.398 --> 00:05:10.366
- Every precious stone was thy covering,
- 00:05:10.433 --> 00:05:12.101
- Was thy covering, the sardius, the topaz,
- 00:05:12.168 --> 00:05:13.936
- The sardius, the topaz, the diamond, the beryl,
- 00:05:14.003 --> 00:05:15.405
- The diamond, the beryl, the onyx, and the jasper,
- 00:05:15.471 --> 00:05:16.973
- The onyx, and the jasper, the sapphire, the emerald,
- 00:05:17.039 --> 00:05:18.241
- The sapphire, the emerald, and the carbuncle, and gold:
- 00:05:18.307 --> 00:05:20.843
- And the carbuncle, and gold: the workmanship of
- 00:05:20.910 --> 00:05:21.644
- The workmanship of thy tabrets and of thy pipes
- 00:05:21.711 --> 00:05:23.880
- Thy tabrets and of thy pipes was prepared in thee in the day
- 00:05:23.946 --> 00:05:26.516
- Was prepared in thee in the day that thou wast created.
- 00:05:26.582 --> 00:05:28.217
- Again, the wording here,
- 00:05:28.284 --> 00:05:30.086
- Again, the wording here, we could spend a lot of time
- 00:05:30.153 --> 00:05:31.454
- We could spend a lot of time on this, but it's talking about
- 00:05:31.521 --> 00:05:32.922
- On this, but it's talking about him being adorned
- 00:05:32.989 --> 00:05:34.157
- Him being adorned in a beautiful way,
- 00:05:34.223 --> 00:05:35.358
- In a beautiful way, diamond, beryl, onyx,
- 00:05:35.425 --> 00:05:37.660
- Diamond, beryl, onyx, all of these precious stones.
- 00:05:37.727 --> 00:05:39.395
- All of these precious stones. and then it talks about
- 00:05:39.462 --> 00:05:40.263
- And then it talks about his pipes and his tabrets
- 00:05:40.329 --> 00:05:42.632
- His pipes and his tabrets were in him.
- 00:05:42.698 --> 00:05:44.267
- Were in him. this has led some commentators
- 00:05:44.333 --> 00:05:46.035
- This has led some commentators to believe that lucifer
- 00:05:46.102 --> 00:05:48.738
- To believe that lucifer was actually a musical angel,
- 00:05:48.805 --> 00:05:51.874
- Was actually a musical angel, maybe the leader of
- 00:05:51.941 --> 00:05:53.342
- Maybe the leader of all of the worship in heaven.
- 00:05:53.409 --> 00:05:55.478
- All of the worship in heaven. and he literally,
- 00:05:55.545 --> 00:05:56.746
- And he literally, his body was like
- 00:05:56.813 --> 00:05:57.814
- His body was like a musical instrument.
- 00:05:57.880 --> 00:05:58.981
- A musical instrument. he could make sounds
- 00:05:59.048 --> 00:06:00.082
- He could make sounds and beautiful sounds and stuff.
- 00:06:00.149 --> 00:06:02.351
- And beautiful sounds and stuff. so this is describing him
- 00:06:02.418 --> 00:06:03.653
- So this is describing him in the garden of eden
- 00:06:03.719 --> 00:06:04.754
- In the garden of eden still in a perfect state,
- 00:06:04.821 --> 00:06:06.389
- Still in a perfect state, not as a demonic power.
- 00:06:06.456 --> 00:06:08.357
- Not as a demonic power. over in isaiah, chapter 14,
- 00:06:08.424 --> 00:06:10.860
- Over in isaiah, chapter 14, it talks about that...
- 00:06:10.927 --> 00:06:11.961
- It talks about that... lucifer there, and it uses
- 00:06:12.028 --> 00:06:13.529
- Lucifer there, and it uses that term lucifer
- 00:06:13.596 --> 00:06:14.764
- That term lucifer to describe him
- 00:06:14.831 --> 00:06:16.299
- To describe him in isaiah, chapter 14.
- 00:06:16.365 --> 00:06:18.634
- In isaiah, chapter 14. and it says,
- 00:06:18.701 --> 00:06:19.135
- And it says, when we see him, we will say,
- 00:06:19.202 --> 00:06:20.703
- When we see him, we will say, is this the one
- 00:06:20.770 --> 00:06:23.172
- Is this the one that weakened the nations,
- 00:06:23.239 --> 00:06:24.740
- That weakened the nations, that destroyed people's lives?
- 00:06:24.807 --> 00:06:26.442
- That destroyed people's lives? we're going to look at him
- 00:06:26.509 --> 00:06:27.543
- We're going to look at him and look at this ugly,
- 00:06:27.610 --> 00:06:29.545
- And look at this ugly, detestable thing and think,
- 00:06:29.612 --> 00:06:31.681
- Detestable thing and think, is this the one
- 00:06:31.747 --> 00:06:32.748
- Is this the one that ruined my life?
- 00:06:32.815 --> 00:06:34.517
- That ruined my life? but see here,
- 00:06:34.584 --> 00:06:35.151
- But see here, it is describing him in beauty
- 00:06:35.218 --> 00:06:38.120
- It is describing him in beauty and musical instruments
- 00:06:38.187 --> 00:06:39.956
- And musical instruments and all of these things.
- 00:06:40.022 --> 00:06:41.224
- In verse 14, it says,
- 00:06:41.290 --> 00:06:43.125
- In verse 14, it says, thou art the anointed cherub
- 00:06:43.192 --> 00:06:45.261
- Thou art the anointed cherub that covereth;
- 00:06:45.328 --> 00:06:45.995
- That covereth; and i have set thee so:
- 00:06:46.062 --> 00:06:47.096
- And i have set thee so: thou wast upon
- 00:06:47.163 --> 00:06:47.897
- Thou wast upon the holy mountain of god;
- 00:06:47.964 --> 00:06:49.499
- The holy mountain of god; thou didst walk up and down
- 00:06:49.565 --> 00:06:51.734
- Thou didst walk up and down in the midst of
- 00:06:51.801 --> 00:06:52.435
- In the midst of the stones of fire.
- 00:06:52.502 --> 00:06:53.636
- The stones of fire. thou wast perfect in thy ways
- 00:06:53.703 --> 00:06:56.038
- Thou wast perfect in thy ways from the day
- 00:06:56.105 --> 00:06:56.572
- From the day that thou wast created,
- 00:06:56.639 --> 00:06:57.874
- That thou wast created, until iniquity
- 00:06:57.940 --> 00:06:59.375
- Until iniquity was found in thee.
- 00:06:59.442 --> 00:07:00.376
- And it goes on and says
- 00:07:00.443 --> 00:07:01.344
- And it goes on and says a lot of other things.
- 00:07:01.410 --> 00:07:02.478
- A lot of other things. the reason i brought that up
- 00:07:02.545 --> 00:07:03.479
- The reason i brought that up is to say this is talking about
- 00:07:03.546 --> 00:07:05.181
- Is to say this is talking about satan, that demonic power.
- 00:07:05.248 --> 00:07:07.583
- Satan, that demonic power. if i had more time,
- 00:07:07.650 --> 00:07:08.284
- If i had more time, i believe i could
- 00:07:08.351 --> 00:07:08.985
- I believe i could establish that beyond a doubt.
- 00:07:09.051 --> 00:07:12.522
- Establish that beyond a doubt. and it's describing him
- 00:07:12.588 --> 00:07:14.557
- And it's describing him in the garden of eden.
- 00:07:14.624 --> 00:07:16.125
- In the garden of eden. some people have a theory
- 00:07:16.192 --> 00:07:17.894
- Some people have a theory that there was
- 00:07:17.960 --> 00:07:18.394
- That there was a pre-adamic civilization
- 00:07:18.461 --> 00:07:21.264
- A pre-adamic civilization and that when it says
- 00:07:21.330 --> 00:07:23.132
- And that when it says in genesis 1, that god created
- 00:07:23.199 --> 00:07:25.034
- In genesis 1, that god created the heavens and the earth,
- 00:07:25.101 --> 00:07:26.502
- The heavens and the earth, that that was in the billions,
- 00:07:26.569 --> 00:07:28.771
- That that was in the billions, millions of years ago,
- 00:07:28.838 --> 00:07:30.640
- Millions of years ago, and then genesis 1:2,
- 00:07:30.706 --> 00:07:32.275
- And then genesis 1:2, and the earth was without form,
- 00:07:32.341 --> 00:07:33.910
- And the earth was without form, they will say
- 00:07:33.976 --> 00:07:34.443
- They will say that the earth became void
- 00:07:34.510 --> 00:07:37.213
- That the earth became void and without form, and that
- 00:07:37.280 --> 00:07:39.348
- And without form, and that that is a reflection of
- 00:07:39.415 --> 00:07:40.783
- That is a reflection of that this created being,
- 00:07:40.850 --> 00:07:43.286
- That this created being, lucifer, was over
- 00:07:43.352 --> 00:07:44.654
- Lucifer, was over this pre-adamic civilization,
- 00:07:44.720 --> 00:07:46.889
- This pre-adamic civilization, and he led them into sin
- 00:07:46.956 --> 00:07:48.891
- And he led them into sin and god judged them
- 00:07:48.958 --> 00:07:50.092
- And god judged them and destroyed it
- 00:07:50.159 --> 00:07:50.793
- And destroyed it and wiped out the earth
- 00:07:50.860 --> 00:07:52.295
- And wiped out the earth and made it void.
- 00:07:52.361 --> 00:07:53.362
- And made it void. and then genesis 1:3
- 00:07:53.429 --> 00:07:55.565
- And then genesis 1:3 begins the re-creation
- 00:07:55.631 --> 00:07:58.167
- Begins the re-creation of the earth.
- 00:07:58.234 --> 00:07:59.302
- Of the earth. anyway, i haven't got time
- 00:07:59.368 --> 00:08:00.202
- Anyway, i haven't got time to go into all of that.
- 00:08:00.269 --> 00:08:02.305
- To go into all of that. but i don't believe that.
- 00:08:02.371 --> 00:08:03.940
- But i don't believe that. there's a number of reasons
- 00:08:04.006 --> 00:08:04.807
- There's a number of reasons i don't believe it.
- 00:08:04.874 --> 00:08:05.808
- I don't believe it. you can believe it.
- 00:08:05.875 --> 00:08:07.944
- You can believe it. just give me some grace,
- 00:08:08.010 --> 00:08:09.145
- Just give me some grace, but i'm tell...
- 00:08:09.211 --> 00:08:09.745
- But i'm tell... i don't believe that's what
- 00:08:09.812 --> 00:08:10.580
- I don't believe that's what the scripture teaches.
- 00:08:10.646 --> 00:08:12.848
- The scripture teaches. but here's my point,
- 00:08:12.915 --> 00:08:14.283
- But here's my point, the people who believe that,
- 00:08:14.350 --> 00:08:16.252
- The people who believe that, they will take
- 00:08:16.319 --> 00:08:16.852
- They will take an obscure scripture
- 00:08:16.919 --> 00:08:18.220
- An obscure scripture over in revelation, chapter 12,
- 00:08:18.287 --> 00:08:20.957
- Over in revelation, chapter 12, where it talks about a dragon
- 00:08:21.023 --> 00:08:22.725
- Where it talks about a dragon that gets cast out of heaven
- 00:08:22.792 --> 00:08:24.527
- That gets cast out of heaven and this dragon with a...
- 00:08:24.594 --> 00:08:25.728
- And this dragon with a... with his tail brings one third
- 00:08:25.795 --> 00:08:27.730
- With his tail brings one third of the stars and cast them to
- 00:08:27.797 --> 00:08:30.232
- Of the stars and cast them to the earth, and so they say that
- 00:08:30.299 --> 00:08:32.668
- The earth, and so they say that that's satan.
- 00:08:32.735 --> 00:08:34.070
- That's satan. and it does say in
- 00:08:34.136 --> 00:08:34.804
- And it does say in revelation, chapter 12, that
- 00:08:34.870 --> 00:08:36.172
- Revelation, chapter 12, that that old dragon is satan,
- 00:08:36.238 --> 00:08:38.007
- That old dragon is satan, so that is true.
- 00:08:38.074 --> 00:08:39.508
- So that is true. it's symbolic, but it defines
- 00:08:39.575 --> 00:08:41.043
- It's symbolic, but it defines that symbolism and says
- 00:08:41.110 --> 00:08:42.545
- That symbolism and says that the dragon is satan.
- 00:08:42.612 --> 00:08:44.413
- That the dragon is satan. but it doesn't say
- 00:08:44.480 --> 00:08:45.081
- But it doesn't say what the stars are.
- 00:08:45.147 --> 00:08:45.915
- What the stars are. people just assume that
- 00:08:45.982 --> 00:08:47.984
- People just assume that that's satan taking one third of
- 00:08:48.050 --> 00:08:49.785
- That's satan taking one third of the angels that god had created
- 00:08:49.852 --> 00:08:53.022
- The angels that god had created and that they rebelled
- 00:08:53.089 --> 00:08:53.889
- And that they rebelled against god.
- 00:08:53.956 --> 00:08:56.559
- Against god. well first of all,
- 00:08:56.626 --> 00:08:57.159
- Well first of all, that's not good
- 00:08:57.226 --> 00:08:58.027
- That's not good bible interpretation
- 00:08:58.094 --> 00:08:59.095
- Bible interpretation to take something
- 00:08:59.161 --> 00:08:59.829
- To take something that is definitely symbolism,
- 00:08:59.895 --> 00:09:02.698
- That is definitely symbolism, and it does say
- 00:09:02.765 --> 00:09:03.299
- And it does say that satan was the dragon,
- 00:09:03.366 --> 00:09:05.368
- That satan was the dragon, so it explains that symbolism,
- 00:09:05.434 --> 00:09:06.902
- So it explains that symbolism, but it didn't explain
- 00:09:06.969 --> 00:09:08.104
- But it didn't explain the stars that were thrown
- 00:09:08.170 --> 00:09:09.338
- The stars that were thrown to the earth.
- 00:09:09.405 --> 00:09:10.439
- To the earth. it's not good
- 00:09:10.506 --> 00:09:11.340
- It's not good bible interpretation
- 00:09:11.407 --> 00:09:12.408
- Bible interpretation to take symbolism
- 00:09:12.475 --> 00:09:14.276
- To take symbolism that isn't used anywhere else
- 00:09:14.343 --> 00:09:15.978
- That isn't used anywhere else in scripture.
- 00:09:16.045 --> 00:09:16.612
- In scripture. this is the only time
- 00:09:16.679 --> 00:09:17.513
- This is the only time in scripture that it says
- 00:09:17.580 --> 00:09:18.681
- In scripture that it says anything about satan having
- 00:09:18.748 --> 00:09:19.949
- Anything about satan having one third of anything.
- 00:09:20.016 --> 00:09:22.385
- One third of anything. and people make a doctrine
- 00:09:22.451 --> 00:09:23.686
- And people make a doctrine out of that.
- 00:09:23.753 --> 00:09:24.954
- Out of that. you...the scripture says
- 00:09:25.021 --> 00:09:26.055
- You...the scripture says in deuteronomy, chapter 19,
- 00:09:26.122 --> 00:09:27.723
- In deuteronomy, chapter 19, jesus quoted this.
- 00:09:27.790 --> 00:09:28.824
- Jesus quoted this. paul quoted it twice
- 00:09:28.891 --> 00:09:30.426
- From deuteronomy 19,
- 00:09:30.493 --> 00:09:31.594
- From deuteronomy 19, that in the mouth of
- 00:09:31.661 --> 00:09:32.361
- That in the mouth of two or three witnesses
- 00:09:32.428 --> 00:09:34.630
- Two or three witnesses everything should
- 00:09:34.697 --> 00:09:35.464
- Everything should be established.
- 00:09:35.531 --> 00:09:36.599
- You don't take one
- 00:09:36.666 --> 00:09:37.933
- You don't take one passage of scripture and base
- 00:09:38.000 --> 00:09:40.236
- Passage of scripture and base a major doctrine on that.
- 00:09:40.302 --> 00:09:42.104
- A major doctrine on that. you need multiple witnesses.
- 00:09:42.171 --> 00:09:44.040
- You need multiple witnesses. the word will confirm it
- 00:09:44.106 --> 00:09:45.841
- The word will confirm it and you have to
- 00:09:45.908 --> 00:09:46.409
- And you have to interpret scripture
- 00:09:46.475 --> 00:09:47.276
- Interpret scripture by scripture.
- 00:09:47.343 --> 00:09:48.377
- By scripture. so anyway, my point is,
- 00:09:48.444 --> 00:09:50.613
- So anyway, my point is, i'm not sure that
- 00:09:50.680 --> 00:09:51.280
- I'm not sure that that literally is saying
- 00:09:51.347 --> 00:09:52.682
- That literally is saying that satan took one third
- 00:09:52.748 --> 00:09:53.783
- That satan took one third of the angels.
- 00:09:53.849 --> 00:09:54.450
- Of the angels. it's possible that
- 00:09:54.517 --> 00:09:55.885
- It's possible that that's what it means.
- 00:09:55.951 --> 00:09:57.053
- That's what it means. i'll grant you that.
- 00:09:57.119 --> 00:09:58.487
- I'll grant you that. but i'm not going to say it
- 00:09:58.554 --> 00:09:59.955
- But i'm not going to say it because it's not good
- 00:10:00.022 --> 00:10:00.790
- Because it's not good bible interpretation.
- 00:10:00.856 --> 00:10:02.491
- Bible interpretation. but even if you believed
- 00:10:02.558 --> 00:10:04.393
- But even if you believed that satan took one third of
- 00:10:04.460 --> 00:10:05.828
- That satan took one third of the angels and rebelled at god,
- 00:10:05.895 --> 00:10:09.565
- The angels and rebelled at god, that does...
- 00:10:09.632 --> 00:10:09.965
- That does... that's not good odds.
- 00:10:10.032 --> 00:10:12.101
- That's not good odds. i...i believe the devil is
- 00:10:12.168 --> 00:10:14.570
- I...i believe the devil is stupid for fighting against god,
- 00:10:14.637 --> 00:10:17.173
- Stupid for fighting against god, but he's not ignorant.
- 00:10:17.239 --> 00:10:19.508
- But he's not ignorant. you know, if i was the devil
- 00:10:19.575 --> 00:10:20.576
- You know, if i was the devil and i was going to
- 00:10:20.643 --> 00:10:21.143
- And i was going to fight against god,
- 00:10:21.210 --> 00:10:22.645
- Fight against god, i wouldn't have
- 00:10:22.712 --> 00:10:23.112
- I wouldn't have fought against him if i had
- 00:10:23.179 --> 00:10:24.146
- Fought against him if i had had 100% of the angels
- 00:10:24.213 --> 00:10:25.781
- Had 100% of the angels because god is the creator
- 00:10:25.848 --> 00:10:26.849
- Because god is the creator and he could have
- 00:10:26.916 --> 00:10:27.550
- And he could have wiped them all out.
- 00:10:27.616 --> 00:10:29.085
- Wiped them all out. i wouldn't have done that.
- 00:10:29.151 --> 00:10:30.219
- I wouldn't have done that. but certainly if i only had
- 00:10:30.286 --> 00:10:31.587
- But certainly if i only had one third of the angels,
- 00:10:31.654 --> 00:10:32.855
- One third of the angels, i wouldn't rebel against god.
- 00:10:32.922 --> 00:10:34.924
- I wouldn't rebel against god. how did satan rebel at god?
- 00:10:34.990 --> 00:10:37.560
- The scripture makes
- 00:10:37.626 --> 00:10:38.060
- The scripture makes it very clear.
- 00:10:38.127 --> 00:10:38.828
- It very clear. jesus said, i saw satan
- 00:10:38.894 --> 00:10:40.596
- Jesus said, i saw satan as lightning fall from heaven.
- 00:10:40.663 --> 00:10:42.465
- Jesus talked about
- 00:10:42.531 --> 00:10:43.432
- Jesus talked about the devil came and tempted him
- 00:10:43.499 --> 00:10:45.601
- The devil came and tempted him on the mount of temptation.
- 00:10:45.668 --> 00:10:47.269
- On the mount of temptation. there was a real being.
- 00:10:47.336 --> 00:10:49.171
- There was a real being. satan is not just a concept,
- 00:10:49.238 --> 00:10:50.973
- Satan is not just a concept, or a force,
- 00:10:51.040 --> 00:10:51.907
- Or a force, or a personification of evil.
- 00:10:51.974 --> 00:10:54.143
- Or a personification of evil. he is a being.
- 00:10:54.210 --> 00:10:56.112
- He is a being. he was created by god.
- 00:10:56.178 --> 00:10:59.215
- He was created by god. but god created lucifer.
- 00:10:59.281 --> 00:11:01.450
- But god created lucifer. isaiah, chapter 14, talks about
- 00:11:01.517 --> 00:11:03.419
- Isaiah, chapter 14, talks about that...the son of the morning,
- 00:11:03.486 --> 00:11:05.988
- That...the son of the morning, and it tells you
- 00:11:06.055 --> 00:11:06.889
- And it tells you what his transgression was.
- 00:11:06.956 --> 00:11:08.824
- What his transgression was. he didn't hate god in the sense
- 00:11:08.891 --> 00:11:10.426
- He didn't hate god in the sense that he didn't like him.
- 00:11:10.493 --> 00:11:11.594
- That he didn't like him. he was envious of god.
- 00:11:11.660 --> 00:11:12.828
- He was envious of god. he said, i will be like
- 00:11:12.895 --> 00:11:14.096
- He said, i will be like the most high god.
- 00:11:14.163 --> 00:11:15.064
- The most high god. i will exalt my throne
- 00:11:15.131 --> 00:11:16.432
- I will exalt my throne above the stars of the north.
- 00:11:16.499 --> 00:11:18.601
- Above the stars of the north. i will sit on
- 00:11:18.667 --> 00:11:19.101
- I will sit on the sides of the north.
- 00:11:19.168 --> 00:11:20.269
- The sides of the north. i will be like god.
- 00:11:20.336 --> 00:11:22.271
- I will be like god. satan's transgression was envy
- 00:11:22.338 --> 00:11:24.807
- Satan's transgression was envy and jealousy,
- 00:11:24.874 --> 00:11:25.474
- And jealousy, not hatred and rejection.
- 00:11:25.541 --> 00:11:28.410
- Not hatred and rejection. and so, how did he
- 00:11:28.477 --> 00:11:30.079
- And so, how did he rebel at god?
- 00:11:30.146 --> 00:11:31.280
- Rebel at god? right here in the garden of eden
- 00:11:31.347 --> 00:11:33.215
- Right here in the garden of eden i believe is where
- 00:11:33.282 --> 00:11:33.816
- I believe is where this rebellion took place.
- 00:11:33.883 --> 00:11:35.251
- This rebellion took place. and here's the logic
- 00:11:35.317 --> 00:11:36.285
- And here's the logic behind this.
- 00:11:36.352 --> 00:11:38.120
- Behind this. imagine that you were going to
- 00:11:38.187 --> 00:11:38.954
- Imagine that you were going to go in and rob a bank,
- 00:11:39.021 --> 00:11:41.056
- Go in and rob a bank, and the bank's got
- 00:11:41.123 --> 00:11:41.690
- And the bank's got security guards
- 00:11:41.757 --> 00:11:42.958
- Security guards and they've got weapons.
- 00:11:43.025 --> 00:11:43.926
- And they've got weapons. they got automatic weapons,
- 00:11:43.993 --> 00:11:45.995
- They got automatic weapons, and maybe all you have
- 00:11:46.061 --> 00:11:46.829
- And maybe all you have is a knife.
- 00:11:46.896 --> 00:11:48.531
- Is a knife. you don't have anything, really.
- 00:11:48.597 --> 00:11:50.132
- You don't have anything, really. how are you going to
- 00:11:50.199 --> 00:11:50.733
- How are you going to overpower these people?
- 00:11:50.800 --> 00:11:52.835
- Overpower these people? you go in
- 00:11:52.902 --> 00:11:53.736
- You go in and you take a hostage,
- 00:11:53.803 --> 00:11:55.638
- And you take a hostage, and you take this hostage
- 00:11:55.704 --> 00:11:56.906
- And you take this hostage and put this knife
- 00:11:56.972 --> 00:11:57.606
- And put this knife to their throat and say,
- 00:11:57.673 --> 00:11:58.507
- To their throat and say, if you shoot at me,
- 00:11:58.574 --> 00:11:59.909
- If you shoot at me, if you do anything to me,
- 00:11:59.975 --> 00:12:01.010
- If you do anything to me, i'm going to kill this hostage.
- 00:12:01.076 --> 00:12:02.678
- I'm going to kill this hostage. and even though
- 00:12:02.745 --> 00:12:03.445
- And even though the bank security
- 00:12:03.512 --> 00:12:04.480
- The bank security has by far superior...
- 00:12:04.547 --> 00:12:07.216
- Has by far superior... ss...force and they could
- 00:12:07.283 --> 00:12:09.652
- Ss...force and they could stop you; they won't stop you.
- 00:12:09.718 --> 00:12:12.188
- Stop you; they won't stop you. they won't kill you
- 00:12:12.254 --> 00:12:13.088
- They won't kill you because they don't want to
- 00:12:13.155 --> 00:12:14.156
- Because they don't want to harm the hostage.
- 00:12:14.223 --> 00:12:17.059
- Harm the hostage. i believe that satan could not
- 00:12:17.126 --> 00:12:19.061
- I believe that satan could not make a frontal assault on god
- 00:12:19.128 --> 00:12:21.497
- Make a frontal assault on god and just overcome him
- 00:12:21.564 --> 00:12:22.631
- And just overcome him even if he had had 100%
- 00:12:22.698 --> 00:12:24.400
- Even if he had had 100% of the angels.
- 00:12:24.466 --> 00:12:25.534
- Of the angels. what he had to do
- 00:12:25.601 --> 00:12:26.735
- What he had to do was find some way
- 00:12:26.802 --> 00:12:29.238
- Was find some way to shield himself
- 00:12:29.305 --> 00:12:31.173
- To shield himself from god's wrath.
- 00:12:31.240 --> 00:12:32.708
- From god's wrath. and he saw that god
- 00:12:32.775 --> 00:12:34.410
- And he saw that god loved mankind so much.
- 00:12:34.476 --> 00:12:37.446
- It says in revelation 4,
- 00:12:37.513 --> 00:12:39.548
- It says in revelation 4, for his pleasure
- 00:12:39.615 --> 00:12:40.516
- For his pleasure we are and were created.
- 00:12:40.583 --> 00:12:42.818
- We are and were created.
- 00:12:40.583 --> 00:12:43.352
- God created
- 00:12:43.419 --> 00:12:43.819
- God created this entire universe,
- 00:12:43.886 --> 00:12:44.987
- This entire universe, but specifically mankind,
- 00:12:45.054 --> 00:12:46.889
- But specifically mankind, he created us for fellowship.
- 00:12:46.956 --> 00:12:50.759
- He created us for fellowship. he created us for his pleasure.
- 00:12:50.826 --> 00:12:53.662
- He created us for his pleasure. he gets pleasure out of us.
- 00:12:53.729 --> 00:12:55.898
- He gets pleasure out of us. he wanted to have
- 00:12:55.965 --> 00:12:56.565
- He wanted to have relationship with us.
- 00:12:56.632 --> 00:12:57.833
- Relationship with us. god loved adam and eve,
- 00:12:57.900 --> 00:13:00.669
- God loved adam and eve, and satan saw that his love
- 00:13:00.736 --> 00:13:02.605
- And satan saw that his love for adam and eve was so great
- 00:13:02.671 --> 00:13:04.640
- For adam and eve was so great that if he could get
- 00:13:04.707 --> 00:13:05.374
- That if he could get adam and eve
- 00:13:05.441 --> 00:13:06.609
- Adam and eve to willfully submit to him,
- 00:13:06.675 --> 00:13:10.346
- To willfully submit to him, then that scripture
- 00:13:10.412 --> 00:13:10.913
- Then that scripture i used earlier,
- 00:13:10.980 --> 00:13:11.881
- Romans 6:16, know ye not,
- 00:13:11.947 --> 00:13:14.216
- Romans 6:16, know ye not, that to whom ye yield yourselves
- 00:13:14.283 --> 00:13:16.118
- That to whom ye yield yourselves servants to obey, his servants
- 00:13:16.185 --> 00:13:17.353
- Servants to obey, his servants ye are to whom ye obey;
- 00:13:17.419 --> 00:13:18.854
- Ye are to whom ye obey; whether of sin unto death,
- 00:13:18.921 --> 00:13:20.689
- Whether of sin unto death, or of obedience
- 00:13:20.756 --> 00:13:21.257
- Or of obedience unto righteousness?
- 00:13:21.323 --> 00:13:22.791
- Unto righteousness? if he could get
- 00:13:22.858 --> 00:13:23.492
- Adam and eve to yield to him
- 00:13:23.559 --> 00:13:25.895
- Adam and eve to yield to him and submit to him,
- 00:13:25.961 --> 00:13:27.529
- And submit to him, they gave him his power
- 00:13:27.596 --> 00:13:29.999
- They gave him his power and authority.
- 00:13:30.065 --> 00:13:30.766
- And authority. and for god to come down
- 00:13:30.833 --> 00:13:32.635
- And for god to come down and judge satan,
- 00:13:32.701 --> 00:13:34.970
- And judge satan, he would've had to have
- 00:13:35.037 --> 00:13:35.838
- He would've had to have destroyed man, too,
- 00:13:35.905 --> 00:13:37.006
- Destroyed man, too, because they, in a sense,
- 00:13:37.072 --> 00:13:38.274
- Because they, in a sense, were joint in this rebellion.
- 00:13:38.340 --> 00:13:41.010
- Were joint in this rebellion. mankind willfully participated.
- 00:13:41.076 --> 00:13:43.679
- Mankind willfully participated. man became a hostage.
- 00:13:43.746 --> 00:13:45.581
- Man became a hostage. and so in that sense,
- 00:13:45.648 --> 00:13:46.649
- And so in that sense, satan was able to use mankind
- 00:13:46.715 --> 00:13:49.618
- Satan was able to use mankind as a shield.
- 00:13:49.685 --> 00:13:50.319
- As a shield. god, they willfully
- 00:13:50.386 --> 00:13:51.687
- God, they willfully submitted to me.
- 00:13:51.754 --> 00:13:52.588
- Submitted to me. for you to do anything to me,
- 00:13:52.655 --> 00:13:53.923
- For you to do anything to me, you've got to punish them, too.
- 00:13:53.989 --> 00:13:57.693
- You've got to punish them, too. and i believe that satan
- 00:13:57.760 --> 00:13:59.995
- And i believe that satan might have come under
- 00:14:00.062 --> 00:14:01.597
- Might have come under god's judgment if it had just
- 00:14:01.664 --> 00:14:03.165
- God's judgment if it had just been him.
- 00:14:03.232 --> 00:14:04.500
- Been him. but because of god's great love
- 00:14:04.566 --> 00:14:06.335
- But because of god's great love for us, and man, i could use
- 00:14:06.402 --> 00:14:08.304
- For us, and man, i could use so many scriptures.
- 00:14:08.370 --> 00:14:09.305
- So many scriptures. a real popular one,
- 00:14:09.371 --> 00:14:10.239
- God so loved the world,
- 00:14:10.306 --> 00:14:12.107
- God so loved the world, that he gave his only
- 00:14:12.174 --> 00:14:13.008
- That he gave his only begotten son, john 3:16.
- 00:14:13.075 --> 00:14:15.878
- Because of god's great love
- 00:14:15.945 --> 00:14:17.413
- Because of god's great love for us, the hostage,
- 00:14:17.479 --> 00:14:20.316
- For us, the hostage, he wouldn't just wipe out satan
- 00:14:20.382 --> 00:14:22.751
- He wouldn't just wipe out satan and eradicate this evil
- 00:14:22.818 --> 00:14:24.720
- And eradicate this evil that happened.
- 00:14:24.787 --> 00:14:26.288
- That happened. but he was limited, too,
- 00:14:26.355 --> 00:14:27.790
- But he was limited, too, because we had
- 00:14:27.856 --> 00:14:28.991
- Because we had willfully submitted.
- 00:14:29.058 --> 00:14:30.993
- Willfully submitted. our great, great, great,
- 00:14:31.060 --> 00:14:32.795
- Our great, great, great, whatever grandfather and mother
- 00:14:32.861 --> 00:14:35.264
- Whatever grandfather and mother willfully submitted to satan
- 00:14:35.331 --> 00:14:36.966
- Willfully submitted to satan and they're the ones
- 00:14:37.032 --> 00:14:37.967
- And they're the ones that made satan.
- 00:14:38.033 --> 00:14:38.901
- That made satan. god created lucifer
- 00:14:38.968 --> 00:14:40.369
- God created lucifer a godly angel.
- 00:14:40.436 --> 00:14:41.804
- A godly angel. when s...lucifer rebelled,
- 00:14:41.870 --> 00:14:44.106
- When s...lucifer rebelled, we gave him
- 00:14:44.173 --> 00:14:45.541
- We gave him the authority and power.
- 00:14:45.607 --> 00:14:46.942
- The authority and power. we created satan,
- 00:14:47.009 --> 00:14:48.844
- We created satan, and he can't do anything
- 00:14:48.911 --> 00:14:50.746
- And he can't do anything without us
- 00:14:50.813 --> 00:14:51.647
- Without us as a physical human being
- 00:14:51.714 --> 00:14:53.048
- As a physical human being and cooperate.
- 00:14:53.115 --> 00:14:54.149
- And cooperate. now this explains
- 00:14:54.216 --> 00:14:55.884
- Now this explains why it took 4,000 years
- 00:14:55.951 --> 00:14:59.221
- Why it took 4,000 years for god to come into this earth,
- 00:14:59.288 --> 00:15:00.756
- For god to come into this earth, because the original adam
- 00:15:00.823 --> 00:15:02.825
- Because the original adam was created by words.
- 00:15:02.891 --> 00:15:04.393
- Was created by words. he spoke him into existence.
- 00:15:04.460 --> 00:15:06.762
- He spoke him into existence. the second adam,
- 00:15:06.829 --> 00:15:07.796
- The second adam, that's a terminology
- 00:15:07.863 --> 00:15:08.697
- That's a terminology that's applied to jesus in
- 00:15:08.764 --> 00:15:10.132
- That's applied to jesus in 1 corinthians, chapter 15,
- 00:15:10.199 --> 00:15:12.568
- 1 corinthians, chapter 15, the second adam was jesus.
- 00:15:12.634 --> 00:15:15.637
- The second adam was jesus. he likewise had to be
- 00:15:15.704 --> 00:15:16.972
- He likewise had to be spoken into existence.
- 00:15:17.039 --> 00:15:19.274
- Spoken into existence. but when god created
- 00:15:19.341 --> 00:15:20.142
- But when god created the heavens and the earth,
- 00:15:20.209 --> 00:15:21.043
- The heavens and the earth, there was no resistance.
- 00:15:21.110 --> 00:15:22.411
- There was no resistance. there wasn't a satan
- 00:15:22.478 --> 00:15:23.379
- There wasn't a satan at that time.
- 00:15:23.445 --> 00:15:24.747
- At that time. there was no conflict of
- 00:15:24.813 --> 00:15:27.349
- There was no conflict of any kind.
- 00:15:27.416 --> 00:15:28.050
- Any kind. he was in absolute control.
- 00:15:28.117 --> 00:15:29.752
- He was in absolute control. he hadn't delegated any control
- 00:15:29.818 --> 00:15:31.754
- He hadn't delegated any control or authority to mankind
- 00:15:31.820 --> 00:15:33.255
- Or authority to mankind at that time,
- 00:15:33.322 --> 00:15:34.390
- At that time, but now he had given the earth
- 00:15:34.456 --> 00:15:37.593
- But now he had given the earth to mankind,
- 00:15:37.659 --> 00:15:38.660
- Psalms 115, verse 16,
- 00:15:38.727 --> 00:15:41.130
- Psalms 115, verse 16, the heavens,
- 00:15:41.196 --> 00:15:41.730
- The heavens, even the heavens
- 00:15:41.797 --> 00:15:42.431
- Even the heavens are the lord's:
- 00:15:42.498 --> 00:15:43.198
- Are the lord's: but the earth hath he given
- 00:15:43.265 --> 00:15:44.400
- But the earth hath he given to the sons of men.
- 00:15:44.466 --> 00:15:45.901
- God gave dominion, control,
- 00:15:45.968 --> 00:15:48.270
- God gave dominion, control, authority over this earth to us.
- 00:15:48.337 --> 00:15:50.339
- Authority over this earth to us. and when we turned around
- 00:15:50.406 --> 00:15:51.407
- And when we turned around and gave it to satan,
- 00:15:51.473 --> 00:15:53.809
- And gave it to satan, then we empowered satan,
- 00:15:53.876 --> 00:15:55.911
- Then we empowered satan, and god was no longer
- 00:15:55.978 --> 00:15:58.881
- And god was no longer in absolute control
- 00:15:58.947 --> 00:16:00.749
- In absolute control of the earth.
- 00:16:00.816 --> 00:16:01.683
- Of the earth. he had delegated
- 00:16:01.750 --> 00:16:02.418
- He had delegated that to mankind.
- 00:16:02.484 --> 00:16:03.886
- That to mankind. so now for god to speak
- 00:16:03.952 --> 00:16:05.421
- So now for god to speak the second adam, jesus,
- 00:16:05.487 --> 00:16:07.489
- The second adam, jesus, into existence, he had to
- 00:16:07.556 --> 00:16:09.658
- Into existence, he had to speak through people.
- 00:16:09.725 --> 00:16:13.228
- Speak through people. a verse that i used
- 00:16:13.295 --> 00:16:13.962
- A verse that i used the very first day
- 00:16:14.029 --> 00:16:14.897
- The very first day back monday of this week
- 00:16:14.963 --> 00:16:17.032
- Is ephesians, chapter 3,
- 00:16:17.099 --> 00:16:18.434
- Is ephesians, chapter 3, verse 20, and it says,
- 00:16:18.500 --> 00:16:19.802
- Verse 20, and it says, now unto him who is able to
- 00:16:19.868 --> 00:16:20.869
- Now unto him who is able to do exceeding abundantly
- 00:16:20.936 --> 00:16:22.404
- Do exceeding abundantly above all we ask or think,
- 00:16:22.471 --> 00:16:24.306
- Above all we ask or think, according to the power
- 00:16:24.373 --> 00:16:26.275
- According to the power that works in us.
- 00:16:26.341 --> 00:16:27.543
- That works in us. god flows through us.
- 00:16:27.609 --> 00:16:29.378
- God flows through us.
- 00:16:27.609 --> 00:16:30.779
- Now that he has created
- 00:16:30.846 --> 00:16:32.848
- Now that he has created the earth and given authority
- 00:16:32.915 --> 00:16:34.116
- The earth and given authority over the earth to men,
- 00:16:34.183 --> 00:16:35.651
- Over the earth to men, he flows through men.
- 00:16:35.717 --> 00:16:37.152
- He flows through men. he doesn't do things
- 00:16:37.219 --> 00:16:38.187
- He doesn't do things independent of us.
- 00:16:38.253 --> 00:16:40.322
- Independent of us. he always has to have
- 00:16:40.389 --> 00:16:41.723
- He always has to have a person to work through.
- 00:16:41.790 --> 00:16:44.526
- A person to work through. there had to be moses
- 00:16:44.593 --> 00:16:46.395
- There had to be moses that god touched and anointed
- 00:16:46.462 --> 00:16:48.063
- That god touched and anointed to go and bring
- 00:16:48.130 --> 00:16:48.730
- To go and bring the children of israel
- 00:16:48.797 --> 00:16:49.631
- The children of israel out of the land of egypt.
- 00:16:49.698 --> 00:16:50.866
- Out of the land of egypt. there had to be joshua
- 00:16:50.933 --> 00:16:51.900
- There had to be joshua that led them into
- 00:16:51.967 --> 00:16:52.935
- That led them into the promised land.
- 00:16:53.001 --> 00:16:54.203
- The promised land. there was david,
- 00:16:54.269 --> 00:16:55.037
- There was david, there was samuel,
- 00:16:55.104 --> 00:16:56.038
- There was samuel, there was isaiah, jeremiah,
- 00:16:56.105 --> 00:16:58.040
- There was isaiah, jeremiah, ezekiel, on and on it goes.
- 00:16:58.107 --> 00:17:00.008
- Ezekiel, on and on it goes. and likewise today,
- 00:17:00.075 --> 00:17:02.077
- And likewise today, god flows through people.
- 00:17:02.144 --> 00:17:03.712
- God flows through people. he doesn't do things
- 00:17:03.779 --> 00:17:04.713
- He doesn't do things independent of people.
- 00:17:04.780 --> 00:17:07.182
- Independent of people. and again, this is another
- 00:17:07.249 --> 00:17:07.983
- And again, this is another great misconception
- 00:17:08.050 --> 00:17:09.718
- Great misconception that a lot of people have.
- 00:17:09.785 --> 00:17:10.686
- That a lot of people have. they think he's god.
- 00:17:10.752 --> 00:17:11.620
- They think he's god. he can just do anything.
- 00:17:11.687 --> 00:17:12.754
- He can just do anything. no, god had to flow
- 00:17:12.821 --> 00:17:14.623
- No, god had to flow through people.
- 00:17:14.690 --> 00:17:15.691
- It's according to
- 00:17:15.757 --> 00:17:16.492
- It's according to the power that works in us.
- 00:17:16.558 --> 00:17:18.827
- And now he had to speak
- 00:17:18.894 --> 00:17:21.296
- And now he had to speak jesus' body into existence.
- 00:17:21.363 --> 00:17:23.398
- Jesus' body into existence. jesus existed from
- 00:17:23.465 --> 00:17:25.934
- Jesus existed from the beginning.
- 00:17:26.001 --> 00:17:26.602
- The beginning. there is no beginning
- 00:17:26.668 --> 00:17:28.170
- There is no beginning to jesus.
- 00:17:28.237 --> 00:17:29.738
- To jesus. colossians, chapter 1,
- 00:17:29.805 --> 00:17:30.906
- Colossians, chapter 1, says that all things
- 00:17:30.973 --> 00:17:33.242
- Says that all things were created by jesus
- 00:17:33.308 --> 00:17:36.145
- Were created by jesus and for his pleasure.
- 00:17:36.211 --> 00:17:37.646
- And for his pleasure. jesus did not start
- 00:17:37.713 --> 00:17:39.581
- Jesus did not start when he was born of a virgin
- 00:17:39.648 --> 00:17:42.084
- When he was born of a virgin in bethlehem.
- 00:17:42.151 --> 00:17:42.985
- In bethlehem. he existed from eternity.
- 00:17:43.051 --> 00:17:45.687
- He existed from eternity. he is god manifest in the flesh.
- 00:17:45.754 --> 00:17:47.890
- He is god manifest in the flesh. but his physical body
- 00:17:47.956 --> 00:17:49.725
- But his physical body had to be created.
- 00:17:49.791 --> 00:17:51.660
- Had to be created. and how was god going to do it?
- 00:17:51.727 --> 00:17:52.961
- And how was god going to do it? he was going to speak it
- 00:17:53.028 --> 00:17:53.729
- He was going to speak it into existence,
- 00:17:53.795 --> 00:17:54.696
- Into existence, but him not being
- 00:17:54.763 --> 00:17:55.731
- But him not being in absolute control anymore,
- 00:17:55.797 --> 00:17:57.432
- In absolute control anymore, him delegating that to people,
- 00:17:57.499 --> 00:17:59.268
- Him delegating that to people, he had to speak through people.
- 00:17:59.334 --> 00:18:02.604
- He had to speak through people. and so he had to speak
- 00:18:02.671 --> 00:18:04.072
- And so he had to speak certain things before jesus'
- 00:18:04.139 --> 00:18:06.775
- Certain things before jesus' physical body could
- 00:18:06.842 --> 00:18:08.310
- Physical body could come into being.
- 00:18:08.377 --> 00:18:10.145
- Come into being. and there was just a multitude
- 00:18:10.212 --> 00:18:11.513
- And there was just a multitude of things that needed
- 00:18:11.580 --> 00:18:12.381
- Of things that needed to be said.
- 00:18:12.447 --> 00:18:13.015
- To be said. over in the book of malachi,
- 00:18:13.081 --> 00:18:13.982
- Over in the book of malachi, it says, he'll be born
- 00:18:14.049 --> 00:18:15.050
- It says, he'll be born in bethlehem.
- 00:18:15.117 --> 00:18:17.152
- In bethlehem. there was many other scriptures.
- 00:18:17.219 --> 00:18:18.420
- There was many other scriptures. isaiah gave a lot of
- 00:18:18.487 --> 00:18:20.489
- Isaiah gave a lot of prophecies about jesus.
- 00:18:20.556 --> 00:18:22.691
- He said in isaiah, chapter 7,
- 00:18:22.758 --> 00:18:24.760
- He said in isaiah, chapter 7, he says,
- 00:18:24.826 --> 00:18:25.227
- He says, a virgin shall conceive
- 00:18:25.294 --> 00:18:27.496
- A virgin shall conceive and bring forth a child.
- 00:18:27.563 --> 00:18:29.565
- And bring forth a child. man, that's radical.
- 00:18:29.631 --> 00:18:30.999
- I'm glad god didn't ask me
- 00:18:31.066 --> 00:18:32.568
- I'm glad god didn't ask me to prophesy that a virgin
- 00:18:32.634 --> 00:18:34.036
- To prophesy that a virgin was going to get pregnant
- 00:18:34.102 --> 00:18:35.304
- Was going to get pregnant and have a child.
- 00:18:35.370 --> 00:18:36.638
- And have a child. boy, you're putting your life
- 00:18:36.705 --> 00:18:37.539
- Boy, you're putting your life on the line, your reputation
- 00:18:37.606 --> 00:18:39.274
- On the line, your reputation on the line.
- 00:18:39.341 --> 00:18:39.841
- On the line. and yet,
- 00:18:39.908 --> 00:18:40.175
- Isaiah was bold enough
- 00:18:40.242 --> 00:18:42.211
- Isaiah was bold enough that he said,
- 00:18:42.277 --> 00:18:42.678
- That he said, a virgin is going to conceive
- 00:18:42.744 --> 00:18:45.581
- A virgin is going to conceive and bring forth a child.
- 00:18:45.647 --> 00:18:46.882
- And bring forth a child. and his name will be called
- 00:18:46.949 --> 00:18:47.849
- And his name will be called wonderful, counsellor,
- 00:18:47.916 --> 00:18:49.084
- Wonderful, counsellor, the mighty god,
- 00:18:49.151 --> 00:18:49.918
- The mighty god, the everlasting father,
- 00:18:49.985 --> 00:18:51.119
- The everlasting father, the prince of peace.
- 00:18:51.186 --> 00:18:52.120
- Of his kingdom
- 00:18:52.187 --> 00:18:52.955
- Of his kingdom there will be no end.
- 00:18:53.021 --> 00:18:55.190
- There will be no end. moses prophesied that there was
- 00:18:55.257 --> 00:18:56.625
- Moses prophesied that there was going to be a prophet like him.
- 00:18:56.692 --> 00:18:57.993
- Going to be a prophet like him. and there's just
- 00:18:58.060 --> 00:18:58.493
- And there's just multiple prophecies.
- 00:18:58.560 --> 00:19:00.028
- Multiple prophecies. david prophesied about him
- 00:19:00.095 --> 00:19:02.464
- David prophesied about him that he would be risen
- 00:19:02.531 --> 00:19:03.498
- That he would be risen from the dead over in
- 00:19:03.565 --> 00:19:04.967
- From the dead over in the 16th chapter of psalms,
- 00:19:05.033 --> 00:19:07.002
- The 16th chapter of psalms, and on and on.
- 00:19:07.069 --> 00:19:07.536
- And on and on. and so, all of these things
- 00:19:07.603 --> 00:19:09.104
- And so, all of these things had to be spoken.
- 00:19:09.171 --> 00:19:10.806
- Had to be spoken. and you know why
- 00:19:10.872 --> 00:19:11.306
- And you know why it took 4,000 years for jesus
- 00:19:11.373 --> 00:19:13.675
- It took 4,000 years for jesus to show up?
- 00:19:13.742 --> 00:19:15.444
- To show up? because god could not find
- 00:19:15.510 --> 00:19:17.179
- Because god could not find any one person who was
- 00:19:17.246 --> 00:19:19.815
- Any one person who was so in union with him
- 00:19:19.881 --> 00:19:21.817
- So in union with him and so submitted to him
- 00:19:21.883 --> 00:19:23.385
- And so submitted to him that he could speak everything
- 00:19:23.452 --> 00:19:24.987
- That he could speak everything that needed to be spoken.
- 00:19:25.053 --> 00:19:27.155
- That needed to be spoken. and so it took 4,000 years
- 00:19:27.222 --> 00:19:29.191
- And so it took 4,000 years for god to speak a little bit
- 00:19:29.258 --> 00:19:30.459
- For god to speak a little bit through moses,
- 00:19:30.525 --> 00:19:31.393
- Through moses, and a little bit through samuel,
- 00:19:31.460 --> 00:19:32.594
- And a little bit through samuel, and a little bit through david,
- 00:19:32.661 --> 00:19:34.062
- And a little bit through david, and then all of the prophets,
- 00:19:34.129 --> 00:19:35.264
- And then all of the prophets, and on and on.
- 00:19:35.330 --> 00:19:36.265
- And on and on. and it took 4,000 years
- 00:19:36.331 --> 00:19:38.767
- And it took 4,000 years for god to speak jesus' body
- 00:19:38.834 --> 00:19:42.504
- For god to speak jesus' body into existence.
- 00:19:42.571 --> 00:19:44.239
- Into existence. but then going back to
- 00:19:44.306 --> 00:19:45.207
- But then going back to the scripture i started
- 00:19:45.274 --> 00:19:46.141
- The scripture i started this whole series with,
- 00:19:46.208 --> 00:19:47.309
- Galatians 4:4, when the fullness
- 00:19:47.376 --> 00:19:49.778
- Galatians 4:4, when the fullness of time was come,
- 00:19:49.845 --> 00:19:51.947
- Of time was come, god sent forth his son.
- 00:19:52.014 --> 00:19:53.682
- After everything was prepared,
- 00:19:53.749 --> 00:19:55.751
- After everything was prepared, after he had spoken
- 00:19:55.817 --> 00:19:56.685
- After he had spoken every prophecy that needed to
- 00:19:56.752 --> 00:19:59.121
- Every prophecy that needed to be spoken to create
- 00:19:59.187 --> 00:20:00.555
- Be spoken to create that physical body...
- 00:20:00.622 --> 00:20:04.192
- That physical body... i'm going to say something
- 00:20:04.259 --> 00:20:04.860
- I'm going to say something right here that i'm going to
- 00:20:04.926 --> 00:20:05.761
- Right here that i'm going to have to go into next week
- 00:20:05.827 --> 00:20:08.030
- Have to go into next week to explain, but let me just
- 00:20:08.096 --> 00:20:09.498
- To explain, but let me just give you a little tease.
- 00:20:09.564 --> 00:20:10.499
- Give you a little tease. if you can understand,
- 00:20:10.565 --> 00:20:11.400
- If you can understand, if you've tracked with me
- 00:20:11.466 --> 00:20:12.467
- If you've tracked with me up to this point,
- 00:20:12.534 --> 00:20:13.935
- Up to this point, this is awesome.
- 00:20:14.002 --> 00:20:16.338
- This is awesome. that the bible says
- 00:20:16.405 --> 00:20:17.506
- That the bible says that the word of god is a seed.
- 00:20:17.572 --> 00:20:21.143
- 1 peter, chapter 1, verse 23,
- 00:20:21.209 --> 00:20:23.412
- 1 peter, chapter 1, verse 23, says we are born again,
- 00:20:23.478 --> 00:20:24.813
- Says we are born again, not of corruptible seed,
- 00:20:24.880 --> 00:20:26.948
- Not of corruptible seed, but of incorruptible seed,
- 00:20:27.015 --> 00:20:28.383
- But of incorruptible seed, by the word of god,
- 00:20:28.450 --> 00:20:29.217
- By the word of god, that lives and abides for ever.
- 00:20:29.284 --> 00:20:31.053
- The greek word for seed
- 00:20:31.119 --> 00:20:32.854
- The greek word for seed in 1 peter 1:23 is sper...
- 00:20:32.921 --> 00:20:35.691
- In 1 peter 1:23 is sper... is spora.
- 00:20:35.757 --> 00:20:37.092
- Is spora. that's like a spore, you know,
- 00:20:37.159 --> 00:20:38.527
- That's like a spore, you know, that's how a flower
- 00:20:38.593 --> 00:20:39.428
- That's how a flower is pollinated by the spores
- 00:20:39.494 --> 00:20:41.830
- Is pollinated by the spores going from one plant to another.
- 00:20:41.897 --> 00:20:43.465
- Going from one plant to another. and the word spora
- 00:20:43.532 --> 00:20:44.966
- And the word spora is a derivative of
- 00:20:45.033 --> 00:20:46.068
- Is a derivative of the greek word, sperma,
- 00:20:46.134 --> 00:20:48.270
- The greek word, sperma, and that's what
- 00:20:48.337 --> 00:20:48.837
- And that's what we talk about sperm,
- 00:20:48.904 --> 00:20:50.005
- We talk about sperm, a man's sperm, this is how
- 00:20:50.072 --> 00:20:51.440
- A man's sperm, this is how a child is conceived.
- 00:20:51.506 --> 00:20:53.275
- A child is conceived. so the word of god
- 00:20:53.342 --> 00:20:54.242
- So the word of god is called a seed, a sperm,
- 00:20:54.309 --> 00:20:57.779
- Is called a seed, a sperm, and god spoke these words
- 00:20:57.846 --> 00:20:59.815
- And god spoke these words through prophecy,
- 00:20:59.881 --> 00:21:00.882
- Through prophecy, through 4,000 years of prophecy.
- 00:21:00.949 --> 00:21:03.885
- Through 4,000 years of prophecy. and then when it came time
- 00:21:03.952 --> 00:21:05.287
- And then when it came time for the birth,
- 00:21:05.354 --> 00:21:06.655
- For the birth, when that fullness of time came,
- 00:21:06.722 --> 00:21:08.890
- When that fullness of time came, the angel gabriel appeared
- 00:21:08.957 --> 00:21:11.193
- The angel gabriel appeared and made a proposal to mary,
- 00:21:11.259 --> 00:21:13.428
- And made a proposal to mary, she accepted it and said,
- 00:21:13.495 --> 00:21:14.763
- She accepted it and said, so be it unto me
- 00:21:14.830 --> 00:21:15.797
- So be it unto me according to thy word.
- 00:21:15.864 --> 00:21:17.899
- According to thy word. and you know what?
- 00:21:17.966 --> 00:21:18.767
- And you know what? the sperm, the word,
- 00:21:18.834 --> 00:21:20.502
- The sperm, the word, these prophecies
- 00:21:20.569 --> 00:21:21.636
- These prophecies that had been spoken
- 00:21:21.703 --> 00:21:22.437
- That had been spoken for 4,000 years entered into
- 00:21:22.504 --> 00:21:25.140
- For 4,000 years entered into the womb of mary.
- 00:21:25.207 --> 00:21:26.742
- The womb of mary. and the virgin birth of jesus
- 00:21:26.808 --> 00:21:28.610
- And the virgin birth of jesus was natural in every single way
- 00:21:28.677 --> 00:21:31.580
- Was natural in every single way except one, and that was
- 00:21:31.646 --> 00:21:33.348
- Except one, and that was that a physical man
- 00:21:33.415 --> 00:21:35.884
- That a physical man didn't provide the seed.
- 00:21:35.951 --> 00:21:37.686
- Didn't provide the seed. the word of god was the seed.
- 00:21:37.753 --> 00:21:41.289
- The word of god was the seed. and this is exactly
- 00:21:41.356 --> 00:21:43.125
- What john, chapter 1,
- 00:21:43.191 --> 00:21:44.760
- What john, chapter 1, and this is what i'll get into
- 00:21:44.826 --> 00:21:45.827
- And this is what i'll get into next week.
- 00:21:45.894 --> 00:21:46.595
- Next week. it says, in the beginning
- 00:21:46.661 --> 00:21:47.696
- It says, in the beginning was the word,
- 00:21:47.763 --> 00:21:48.997
- Was the word, and the word was with god,
- 00:21:49.064 --> 00:21:50.332
- And the word was with god, and the word was god.
- 00:21:50.399 --> 00:21:51.733
- And the word was god. the same was in the beginning
- 00:21:51.800 --> 00:21:53.135
- The same was in the beginning with god.
- 00:21:53.201 --> 00:21:54.069
- With god. all things were created by him.
- 00:21:54.136 --> 00:21:55.704
- All things were created by him. and then in verse 14,
- 00:21:55.771 --> 00:21:56.838
- And then in verse 14, the word became flesh.
- 00:21:56.905 --> 00:21:59.474
- The word became flesh. how did it become flesh?
- 00:21:59.541 --> 00:22:01.209
- All of these prophecies
- 00:22:01.276 --> 00:22:02.310
- All of these prophecies were spoken.
- 00:22:02.377 --> 00:22:03.111
- Were spoken. gabriel came and made
- 00:22:03.178 --> 00:22:04.880
- Gabriel came and made the proposal to mary,
- 00:22:04.946 --> 00:22:06.748
- The proposal to mary, and when she accepted,
- 00:22:06.815 --> 00:22:08.083
- And when she accepted, the holy ghost overshadowed her,
- 00:22:08.150 --> 00:22:10.852
- The holy ghost overshadowed her, and she conceived
- 00:22:10.919 --> 00:22:13.155
- And she conceived through the word of god.
- 00:22:13.221 --> 00:22:15.290
- Through the word of god. everything about the birth
- 00:22:15.357 --> 00:22:16.525
- Everything about the birth was normal except am...
- 00:22:16.591 --> 00:22:18.560
- Was normal except am... a man didn't provide the sperm.
- 00:22:18.627 --> 00:22:21.062
- A man didn't provide the sperm. the word of god was the sperm.
- 00:22:21.129 --> 00:22:23.532
- The word of god was the sperm. and then mary conceived
- 00:22:23.598 --> 00:22:24.766
- And then mary conceived and gave birth
- 00:22:24.833 --> 00:22:26.034
- And gave birth and jesus came into this life.
- 00:22:26.101 --> 00:22:27.803
- And jesus came into this life. i've got a lot more
- 00:22:27.869 --> 00:22:28.537
- I've got a lot more to say about that,
- 00:22:28.603 --> 00:22:29.905
- To say about that, but if you can understand that,
- 00:22:29.971 --> 00:22:31.973
- But if you can understand that, did you know it's
- 00:22:32.040 --> 00:22:32.407
- Did you know it's the same thing with us?
- 00:22:32.474 --> 00:22:33.809
- The same thing with us? you have a spiritual womb
- 00:22:33.875 --> 00:22:35.677
- You have a spiritual womb whether you're merl...
- 00:22:35.744 --> 00:22:36.378
- Whether you're merl... male or female.
- 00:22:36.445 --> 00:22:37.879
- Male or female. you have a spiritual womb.
- 00:22:37.946 --> 00:22:39.481
- You have a spiritual womb. and you know how you conceive
- 00:22:39.548 --> 00:22:40.382
- And you know how you conceive a miracle?
- 00:22:40.449 --> 00:22:41.550
- A miracle? you take these words,
- 00:22:41.616 --> 00:22:43.952
- You take these words, these promises,
- 00:22:44.019 --> 00:22:45.487
- These promises, and you meditate on it,
- 00:22:45.554 --> 00:22:46.521
- And you meditate on it, mix it with faith, and man,
- 00:22:46.588 --> 00:22:49.858
- Mix it with faith, and man, you conceive a miracle
- 00:22:49.925 --> 00:22:52.194
- You conceive a miracle and then you give birth to it.
- 00:22:52.260 --> 00:22:54.196
- And then you give birth to it. there are so many people
- 00:22:54.262 --> 00:22:55.197
- There are so many people praying for a miracle,
- 00:22:55.263 --> 00:22:56.531
- Praying for a miracle, but it's like a virgin praying
- 00:22:56.598 --> 00:22:59.134
- But it's like a virgin praying for a virgin birth.
- 00:22:59.201 --> 00:23:00.402
- For a virgin birth. there was only one virgin birth
- 00:23:00.469 --> 00:23:02.103
- There was only one virgin birth and that happened through
- 00:23:02.170 --> 00:23:02.938
- And that happened through the word of god
- 00:23:03.004 --> 00:23:04.706
- The word of god being the sperm.
- 00:23:04.773 --> 00:23:06.274
- Being the sperm. yet there's christians praying,
- 00:23:06.341 --> 00:23:07.642
- Yet there's christians praying, oh god, heal me,
- 00:23:07.709 --> 00:23:08.643
- Oh god, heal me, and yet they don't know
- 00:23:08.710 --> 00:23:09.177
- And yet they don't know what the word of god says.
- 00:23:09.244 --> 00:23:10.278
- What the word of god says. they haven't taken those sperm
- 00:23:10.345 --> 00:23:12.380
- They haven't taken those sperm and planted it in their heart.
- 00:23:12.447 --> 00:23:14.316
- And planted it in their heart. but once you understand this,
- 00:23:14.382 --> 00:23:15.417
- But once you understand this, instead of just praying
- 00:23:15.484 --> 00:23:16.418
- Instead of just praying for a miracle,
- 00:23:16.485 --> 00:23:17.586
- For a miracle, you sow for a miracle.
- 00:23:17.652 --> 00:23:19.454
- You sow for a miracle. you take the truth of god's word
- 00:23:19.521 --> 00:23:20.989
- You take the truth of god's word and sow it in your heart
- 00:23:21.056 --> 00:23:22.190
- And sow it in your heart and you conceive
- 00:23:22.257 --> 00:23:22.991
- And you conceive and then you give birth
- 00:23:23.058 --> 00:23:24.292
- And then you give birth to a miracle.
- 00:23:24.359 --> 00:23:24.793
- God's word will paint a picture
- 00:23:25.460 --> 00:23:28.029
- On the inside of you
- 00:23:28.029 --> 00:23:28.930
- Of who you are
- 00:23:28.930 --> 00:23:30.365
- And what you have.
- 00:23:30.365 --> 00:23:31.833
- >> the message, i know how
- 00:23:31.833 --> 00:23:32.767
- It's transformed my life.
- 00:23:32.767 --> 00:23:34.269
- And i just want
- 00:23:34.269 --> 00:23:34.970
- To participate.
- 00:23:34.970 --> 00:23:36.805
- >> it seemed like all roads
- 00:23:36.805 --> 00:23:37.873
- Led back to andrew wommack
- 00:23:37.873 --> 00:23:39.941
- >> and charis bible college.
- 00:23:39.941 --> 00:23:42.177
- >> but i just believe
- 00:23:42.177 --> 00:23:42.844
- That god is raising up...
- 00:23:42.844 --> 00:23:43.945
- He's raised up andrew to...
- 00:23:43.945 --> 00:23:45.814
- To stir the hearts of people.
- 00:23:45.814 --> 00:23:49.384
- >> being in the atmosphere
- 00:23:49.451 --> 00:23:50.218
- Of faith that we're in
- 00:23:50.218 --> 00:23:51.620
- just life changing.
- 00:23:51.620 --> 00:23:54.589
- >> andrew's ministry
- 00:23:54.656 --> 00:23:55.991
- Has a way of changing lives
- 00:23:55.991 --> 00:23:57.692
- ways
- 00:23:57.692 --> 00:23:59.794
- That people never imagine.
- 00:23:59.794 --> 00:24:01.363
- ♪ music ♪
- 00:24:01.363 --> 00:24:10.272
- >> god's promises will become
- 00:24:10.338 --> 00:24:12.140
- More real and alive when you get
- 00:24:12.140 --> 00:24:14.209
- Andrew's complete teaching
- 00:24:14.209 --> 00:24:15.544
- Titled the word became flesh.
- 00:24:15.544 --> 00:24:18.480
- >> this week i've been teaching
- 00:24:18.547 --> 00:24:19.748
- On a series i call
- 00:24:19.748 --> 00:24:20.782
- The word became flesh,
- 00:24:20.782 --> 00:24:22.384
- Also in dvd that was taken
- 00:24:22.384 --> 00:24:25.954
- Either from television
- 00:24:25.954 --> 00:24:27.122
- Or a live teaching,
- 00:24:27.122 --> 00:24:28.690
- And i tell you, this is awesome.
- 00:24:28.690 --> 00:24:30.825
- I would encourage you
- 00:24:30.825 --> 00:24:31.726
- To get this and to study it.
- 00:24:31.726 --> 00:24:33.128
- This is the kind of thing
- 00:24:33.128 --> 00:24:33.962
- That you just don't get it
- 00:24:33.962 --> 00:24:35.163
- By listening to it on television
- 00:24:35.163 --> 00:24:36.698
- In little 30-minute segments.
- 00:24:36.698 --> 00:24:38.533
- You need to get
- 00:24:38.533 --> 00:24:39.234
- The entire teaching
- 00:24:39.234 --> 00:24:40.936
- And study it.
- 00:24:40.936 --> 00:24:41.770
- I promise you
- 00:24:41.770 --> 00:24:42.437
- It's a life changing truth;
- 00:24:42.437 --> 00:24:44.139
- It would really,
- 00:24:44.139 --> 00:24:44.839
- Really bless you.
- 00:24:44.839 --> 00:24:45.640
- So listen to our announcer
- 00:24:45.640 --> 00:24:46.708
- As he gives you
- 00:24:46.708 --> 00:24:47.309
- This information.
- 00:24:47.309 --> 00:24:48.643
- >> andrew's complete teaching,
- 00:24:48.643 --> 00:24:50.178
- The word became flesh,
- 00:24:50.178 --> 00:24:51.846
- Or dvd album made from
- 00:24:51.846 --> 00:24:55.584
- Our daily television broadcast,
- 00:24:55.584 --> 00:24:57.852
- Or in a dvd album recorded live
- 00:24:57.852 --> 00:25:00.488
- At a ministry event.
- 00:25:00.488 --> 00:25:02.257
- Each of these resources
- 00:25:02.257 --> 00:25:03.959
- Are available for a gift
- 00:25:03.959 --> 00:25:05.560
- Of any amount
- 00:25:05.560 --> 00:25:06.528
- When you contact us.
- 00:25:06.528 --> 00:25:07.562
- This entire series is also
- 00:25:07.562 --> 00:25:10.198
- Available for audio download
- 00:25:10.198 --> 00:25:12.233
- Absolutely free from
- 00:25:12.233 --> 00:25:13.768
- Our website. we want
- 00:25:13.768 --> 00:25:15.604
- To say a special thank
- 00:25:15.604 --> 00:25:16.972
- You to the grace partners
- 00:25:16.972 --> 00:25:18.306
- Of andrew wommack
- 00:25:18.306 --> 00:25:19.574
- Ministries. your gifts make
- 00:25:19.574 --> 00:25:22.043
- It possible to put free
- 00:25:22.043 --> 00:25:23.244
- Ministry materials into the
- 00:25:23.244 --> 00:25:24.913
- Hands of many people in need.
- 00:25:24.913 --> 00:25:26.381
- If you're not already a grace
- 00:25:26.381 --> 00:25:28.650
- Partner, we ask you to pray
- 00:25:28.650 --> 00:25:30.352
- About becoming one today.
- 00:25:30.352 --> 00:25:32.220
- You can become a grace partner
- 00:25:32.220 --> 00:25:33.888
- Through our website at
- 00:25:33.888 --> 00:25:35.490
- while there,
- 00:25:35.490 --> 00:25:38.426
- You can discover
- 00:25:38.426 --> 00:25:39.561
- More product details
- 00:25:39.561 --> 00:25:40.795
- And download additional
- 00:25:40.795 --> 00:25:41.930
- Free resources.
- 00:25:41.930 --> 00:25:44.099
- You can also order resources
- 00:25:44.099 --> 00:25:45.734
- Or receive prayer by calling
- 00:25:45.734 --> 00:25:47.602
- Our helpline at 719-635-1111.
- 00:25:47.602 --> 00:25:52.974
- Our helpline is open
- 00:25:52.974 --> 00:25:54.476
- 24 hours a day,
- 00:25:54.476 --> 00:25:55.944
- 7 days a week.
- 00:25:55.944 --> 00:25:57.712
- To write us, use the address
- 00:25:57.712 --> 00:25:59.347
- On your screen.
- 00:25:59.347 --> 00:26:01.116
- We appreciate your generosity
- 00:26:01.116 --> 00:26:03.251
- And hope to hear
- 00:26:03.251 --> 00:26:04.386
- From you today.
- 00:26:04.386 --> 00:26:08.256
- >> the best present that i
- 00:26:08.323 --> 00:26:09.758
- Think you could give anybody
- 00:26:09.758 --> 00:26:10.825
- Would be this living
- 00:26:10.825 --> 00:26:11.993
- Commentary. it's a digital
- 00:26:11.993 --> 00:26:13.995
- Commentary that you could get
- 00:26:13.995 --> 00:26:15.430
- On your phone as well as on
- 00:26:15.430 --> 00:26:17.399
- Your laptop, but it is my
- 00:26:17.399 --> 00:26:20.335
- Commentary on over 27,000
- 00:26:20.335 --> 00:26:22.937
- Verses in the bible. and we've
- 00:26:22.937 --> 00:26:25.640
- Got special deals that go along
- 00:26:25.640 --> 00:26:27.542
- With this, some add-ons that go
- 00:26:27.542 --> 00:26:29.044
- With it, and it would just be a
- 00:26:29.044 --> 00:26:30.879
- Tremendous present. so
- 00:26:30.879 --> 00:26:35.784
- Listen to our announcer
- 00:26:35.784 --> 00:26:36.818
- As he gives you some
- 00:26:36.818 --> 00:26:37.585
- Details, and please take
- 00:26:37.585 --> 00:26:38.887
- Advantage of this today.
- 00:26:38.887 --> 00:26:40.622
- >> now through december 31st,
- 00:26:40.622 --> 00:26:42.357
- You can get andrew's living
- 00:26:42.357 --> 00:26:44.159
- Commentary for 50% off.
- 00:26:44.159 --> 00:26:46.728
- Surprise your loved ones with
- 00:26:46.728 --> 00:26:48.296
- The enduring joy of the word by
- 00:26:48.296 --> 00:26:50.231
- Going to to get the
- 00:26:50.231 --> 00:26:54.636
- Living commentary today.
- 00:26:54.636 --> 00:26:56.671
- Don't delay, the offer
- 00:26:56.671 --> 00:26:57.605
- Ends on december 31st.
- 00:26:57.605 --> 00:27:01.142
- >> i want to let all of you who
- 00:27:04.813 --> 00:27:06.047
- Are watching tbn inspire know
- 00:27:06.047 --> 00:27:08.183
- That we've been broadcasting
- 00:27:08.183 --> 00:27:09.417
- Our program, the gospel truth
- 00:27:09.417 --> 00:27:12.187
- There on our weekday programs
- 00:27:12.187 --> 00:27:13.988
- For a long time, but now you
- 00:27:13.988 --> 00:27:16.091
- Can hear us on the weekend. we
- 00:27:16.091 --> 00:27:17.926
- Have the information there on
- 00:27:17.926 --> 00:27:19.094
- The screen, and these weekend
- 00:27:19.094 --> 00:27:21.129
- Programs are going to be great.
- 00:27:21.129 --> 00:27:22.497
- So now you can hear us not only
- 00:27:22.497 --> 00:27:24.132
- On weekdays, but also on
- 00:27:24.132 --> 00:27:25.633
- Weekends on tbn inspire.
- 00:27:25.633 --> 00:27:25.633