Andrew Wommack shares how the Word of God transformed his life. He believes the same power will work for you. His teaching is profound, clear, and simple enough for a child. Find great teachings and healing testimonies of changed lives at:
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Andrew Wommack: Gospel Truth | Andrew Wommack - The Word Became Flesh | December 30, 2024
- Count down
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- ♪ music ♪
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- >> welcome to gospel truth with
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- Andrew wommack. celebrating 56
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- Years of changing lives through
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- The power of god's word
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- And 30 years making disciples
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- Through charis bible college.
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- Music
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- >> it was the lack of what i did
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- Not know that changed me.
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- Knowing my authority, knowing
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- The power i have is what
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- Totally grasped the heart
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- And transformed me.
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- >> and now, here's andrew.
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- >> welcome to our monday's
- 00:00:33.490 --> 00:00:34.424
- Broadcast of the gospel truth.
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- Today i'm beginning
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- My second week of teaching
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- On the subject of
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- The word made flesh,
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- And i tell you,
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- This is powerful.
- 00:00:44.067 --> 00:00:45.502
- There's actually five teachings
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- In here, five hours'
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- Worth of teaching.
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- I'm kind of teaching it
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- A little bit quicker
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- Than what this is,
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- So this would give an added
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- Explanation to it.
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- The virgin birth of jesus,
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- And it is the greatest event
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- That has happened in
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- That has happened in the history of the universe.
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- The history of the universe. i mean,
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- I mean, creating mankind originally,
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- Creating mankind originally, the original creation
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- The original creation and creation of adam and eve
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- And creation of adam and eve is nothing compared to creating
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- Is nothing compared to creating the second adam,
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- The second adam, jesus coming here.
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- Jesus coming here. and what i've been explaining
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- And what i've been explaining last week, if you've missed
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- Last week, if you've missed any of these programs,
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- Any of these programs, please go back
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- To our web site.
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- They'll have that address
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- On the screen,
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- But you can go get
- 00:01:26.609 --> 00:01:27.443
- The archived copies.
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- And you need to understand this
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- Because the...
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- The virgin birth of jesus
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- The virgin birth of jesus is absolutely miraculous.
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- Is absolutely miraculous. it's wonderful.
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- It's wonderful. it is awesome,
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- It is awesome, but it increases the value
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- But it increases the value when you understand
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- When you understand why it had to happen.
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- Why it had to happen. i've made mention of this
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- I've made mention of this throughout this entire series,
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- Throughout this entire series, but this is one of the things
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- But this is one of the things i asked as a kid.
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- I asked as a kid. i mean, i was really young,
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- I mean, i was really young, and i said, why did god have to
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- And i said, why did god have to become a man?
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- Become a man? i thought about
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- I thought about all of the grief, the hurt.
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- You know, it says that jesus was
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- You know, it says that jesus was a man of sorrows,
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- A man of sorrows, and acquainted with grief.
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- Why did god set it up
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- Why did god set it up that he had to become a man?
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- That he had to become a man? and i just had questions
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- And i just had questions like this, and nobody
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- Like this, and nobody could answer it.
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- Could answer it. they just, well, you know,
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- They just, well, you know, it's just the way it is
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- It's just the way it is that god does whatever
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- That god does whatever he wants to.
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- He wants to. but when i began to understand
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- But when i began to understand why jesus had to become a man,
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- Why jesus had to become a man, it made the virgin birth
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- It made the virgin birth so much more understandable,
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- So much more understandable, and it inspired me
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- And it inspired me that this is also...
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- That this is also... there are things
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- There are things that god had to do to in...
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- That god had to do to in... intervene on our behalf
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- Intervene on our behalf and bring the birth of jesus
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- And bring the birth of jesus to this earth.
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- To this earth. likewise, there are
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- Likewise, there are certain things
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- Certain things that have to happen
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- That have to happen for god to intervene
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- For god to intervene on our behalf today.
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- On our behalf today. if it's healing,
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- If it's healing, if it's prosperity, if it's joy,
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- If it's prosperity, if it's joy, if it's peace,
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- If it's peace, if it's direction, whatever,
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- If it's direction, whatever, there's things
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- There's things that god has established
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- That god has established laws and principles
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- Laws and principles that even he abides by.
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- That even he abides by. and you aren't just
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- And you aren't just going to get, you know,
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- Going to get, you know, your answer
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- Your answer dropping out of the sky.
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- Dropping out of the sky. and yet a lot of people
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- And yet a lot of people don't understand this.
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- Don't understand this. they just think that god does
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- They just think that god does whatever he wants to.
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- Whatever he wants to. no, the virgin birth shows you
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- No, the virgin birth shows you that there were limits upon god.
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- That there were limits upon god. not limits imposed upon him
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- Not limits imposed upon him by somebody else,
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- By somebody else, but self-imposed limits.
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- But self-imposed limits. he created this earth.
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- He created this earth. he gave authority
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- He gave authority over this earth to mankind,
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- Over this earth to mankind, and we gave authority
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- And we gave authority to the devil.
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- To the devil. we're the ones that empowered
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- We're the ones that empowered the devil.
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- The devil. we made satan.
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- We made satan. god created lucifer,
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- God created lucifer, but we made satan.
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- But we made satan. when we yielded to him,
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- When we yielded to him, we empowered him,
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- We empowered him, and satan has been using
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- And satan has been using the authority that god intended
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- The authority that god intended mankind to have,
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- Mankind to have, to rule and oppress
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- To rule and oppress and destroy people
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- And destroy people ever since then.
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- Ever since then. satan can't do anything
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- Satan can't do anything without your consent
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- Without your consent and cooperation
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- And cooperation because satan is a spirit being
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- Because satan is a spirit being and god gave authority
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- And god gave authority over this earth
- 00:03:47.984 --> 00:03:48.818
- Over this earth to physical human beings.
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- To physical human beings. so let me turn over
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- So let me turn over to a scripture
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- To a scripture that i started with last week.
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- That i started with last week. a week ago i used this
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- A week ago i used this but let me bring you back to it.
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- But let me bring you back to it. if you've followed the things
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- If you've followed the things that i've said,
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- That i've said, this ought to make more sense
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- This ought to make more sense to you now.
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- To you now. but jesus was speaking in
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- But jesus was speaking in john, chapter 5,
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- John, chapter 5, people were criticizing him
- 00:04:05.268 --> 00:04:06.803
- People were criticizing him and saying, what right
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- And saying, what right do you have to say all this?
- 00:04:08.004 --> 00:04:09.238
- Do you have to say all this? so he was defending
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- So he was defending his authority.
- 00:04:10.340 --> 00:04:11.874
- His authority. and here's what jesus said
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- In john, chapter 5,
- 00:04:13.209 --> 00:04:15.044
- In john, chapter 5, and in verse 24.
- 00:04:15.111 --> 00:04:16.713
- And in verse 24. he says, verily, verily,
- 00:04:16.779 --> 00:04:17.480
- He says, verily, verily, i say unto you,
- 00:04:17.547 --> 00:04:19.048
- I say unto you, he that heareth my word,
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- He that heareth my word, and believeth on him
- 00:04:21.751 --> 00:04:23.853
- And believeth on him that sent me,
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- That sent me, hath everlasting life,
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- Hath everlasting life, and shall not come into
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- And shall not come into condemnation; but is passed
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- Condemnation; but is passed from death unto life.
- 00:04:29.192 --> 00:04:31.227
- From death unto life. verily, verily, i say unto you,
- 00:04:31.294 --> 00:04:33.129
- Verily, verily, i say unto you, the hour is coming, and now is,
- 00:04:33.196 --> 00:04:36.265
- The hour is coming, and now is, when the dead shall hear
- 00:04:36.332 --> 00:04:37.600
- When the dead shall hear the voice of the son of god:
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- The voice of the son of god: and they that hear shall live.
- 00:04:39.936 --> 00:04:42.004
- And they that hear shall live. for the as the father hath life
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- For the as the father hath life in himself; so hath he given
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- In himself; so hath he given to the son to have life
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- To the son to have life in himself; and hath given him
- 00:04:47.477 --> 00:04:50.246
- In himself; and hath given him authority to execute judgment
- 00:04:50.313 --> 00:04:52.982
- Authority to execute judgment also, because he is
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- Also, because he is the son of man.
- 00:04:54.550 --> 00:04:56.052
- I mentioned some of these things
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- I mentioned some of these things a week ago, but if you followed
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- A week ago, but if you followed all of the other things
- 00:05:00.757 --> 00:05:01.591
- All of the other things i've said and you put
- 00:05:01.657 --> 00:05:02.759
- I've said and you put all this together,
- 00:05:02.825 --> 00:05:03.493
- All this together, it'll make more sense
- 00:05:03.559 --> 00:05:04.527
- It'll make more sense to you now.
- 00:05:04.594 --> 00:05:05.495
- To you now. but the reason
- 00:05:05.561 --> 00:05:06.763
- But the reason that god had to wait
- 00:05:06.829 --> 00:05:09.265
- That god had to wait 4,000 years until
- 00:05:09.332 --> 00:05:11.067
- Galatians, chapter 4, verse 4,
- 00:05:11.134 --> 00:05:13.002
- Galatians, chapter 4, verse 4, says, the fulness of time
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- Says, the fulness of time had come,
- 00:05:14.737 --> 00:05:15.438
- Had come, and that's when jesus came.
- 00:05:15.505 --> 00:05:16.973
- The reason it took 4,000 years
- 00:05:17.039 --> 00:05:18.608
- The reason it took 4,000 years is because of this issue
- 00:05:18.674 --> 00:05:19.976
- Is because of this issue of authority.
- 00:05:20.042 --> 00:05:21.210
- Of authority. god gave authority to man
- 00:05:21.277 --> 00:05:23.379
- God gave authority to man and man surrendered
- 00:05:23.446 --> 00:05:24.814
- And man surrendered his authority to the devil,
- 00:05:24.881 --> 00:05:26.149
- His authority to the devil, and satan hindered
- 00:05:26.215 --> 00:05:28.117
- And satan hindered what god could do
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- What god could do in the earth
- 00:05:29.419 --> 00:05:30.019
- In the earth because god flows
- 00:05:30.086 --> 00:05:31.421
- Because god flows through people.
- 00:05:31.487 --> 00:05:32.889
- It says in
- 00:05:32.955 --> 00:05:33.623
- It says in john, chapter 4, verse 24,
- 00:05:33.689 --> 00:05:35.291
- John, chapter 4, verse 24, that god is a spirit:
- 00:05:35.358 --> 00:05:37.527
- That god is a spirit: and those who worship him
- 00:05:37.593 --> 00:05:38.728
- And those who worship him must worship him in spirit
- 00:05:38.795 --> 00:05:39.896
- Must worship him in spirit and in truth.
- 00:05:39.962 --> 00:05:40.763
- God is a spirit.
- 00:05:40.830 --> 00:05:41.831
- God is a spirit. he's not a physical body.
- 00:05:41.898 --> 00:05:43.766
- He's not a physical body. and yet,
- 00:05:43.833 --> 00:05:44.267
- And yet, he gave control of this earth
- 00:05:44.333 --> 00:05:47.236
- He gave control of this earth to people with physical
- 00:05:47.303 --> 00:05:48.938
- To people with physical human bodies.
- 00:05:49.005 --> 00:05:50.373
- Human bodies. so this physical body
- 00:05:50.440 --> 00:05:52.442
- So this physical body is tied to the authority
- 00:05:52.508 --> 00:05:54.911
- Is tied to the authority over this earth.
- 00:05:54.977 --> 00:05:56.712
- Over this earth. and since god was a spirit,
- 00:05:56.779 --> 00:05:58.648
- And since god was a spirit, god no longer had the control
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- God no longer had the control over this earth.
- 00:06:01.083 --> 00:06:01.717
- Over this earth. he had delegated it to man.
- 00:06:01.784 --> 00:06:03.486
- He had delegated it to man. and when man messed up
- 00:06:03.553 --> 00:06:04.654
- And when man messed up and gave that authority
- 00:06:04.720 --> 00:06:05.655
- And gave that authority to the devil, it limited
- 00:06:05.721 --> 00:06:07.623
- To the devil, it limited what god could do.
- 00:06:07.690 --> 00:06:09.692
- What god could do. you know, i hadn't got
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- You know, i hadn't got time to go into this.
- 00:06:10.460 --> 00:06:11.461
- Time to go into this. i probably shouldn't even
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- I probably shouldn't even mention this,
- 00:06:12.562 --> 00:06:13.196
- Mention this, but...might help somebody
- 00:06:13.262 --> 00:06:15.331
- But...might help somebody if you're paying attention,
- 00:06:15.398 --> 00:06:17.200
- If you're paying attention, but this is really what's behind
- 00:06:17.266 --> 00:06:18.868
- But this is really what's behind the book of job.
- 00:06:18.935 --> 00:06:20.703
- The book of job. people think, why did god do
- 00:06:20.770 --> 00:06:21.971
- People think, why did god do all of this stuff?
- 00:06:22.038 --> 00:06:22.705
- All of this stuff? it really comes down to
- 00:06:22.772 --> 00:06:23.673
- It really comes down to this issue of authority.
- 00:06:23.739 --> 00:06:25.174
- This issue of authority. god was blessing job in a way
- 00:06:25.241 --> 00:06:28.911
- God was blessing job in a way that he really didn't have
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- That he really didn't have the authority to do.
- 00:06:30.480 --> 00:06:33.015
- The authority to do. job was a sinner.
- 00:06:33.082 --> 00:06:34.750
- Job was a sinner. he wasn't a perfect man.
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- He wasn't a perfect man. i'm not saying he was a bad man
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- I'm not saying he was a bad man relative to other people,
- 00:06:39.589 --> 00:06:41.257
- Relative to other people, but he wasn't perfect.
- 00:06:41.324 --> 00:06:42.225
- Romans 3:23 says,
- 00:06:42.291 --> 00:06:43.693
- Romans 3:23 says, all have sinned,
- 00:06:43.759 --> 00:06:44.460
- All have sinned, and come short of
- 00:06:44.527 --> 00:06:44.961
- And come short of the glory of god.
- 00:06:45.027 --> 00:06:46.863
- And yet, god had built
- 00:06:46.929 --> 00:06:48.598
- And yet, god had built a hedge around job
- 00:06:48.664 --> 00:06:50.433
- A hedge around job and was protecting him.
- 00:06:50.500 --> 00:06:51.601
- And was protecting him. and so when satan came,
- 00:06:51.667 --> 00:06:53.402
- And so when satan came, he challenged him, saying,
- 00:06:53.469 --> 00:06:54.504
- He challenged him, saying, this man is a sinner.
- 00:06:54.570 --> 00:06:57.006
- This man is a sinner. this man through adam
- 00:06:57.073 --> 00:06:59.475
- This man through adam yielded control to me
- 00:06:59.542 --> 00:07:01.577
- Yielded control to me and yet i can't get at him
- 00:07:01.644 --> 00:07:03.079
- And yet i can't get at him because you're blessing him.
- 00:07:03.145 --> 00:07:04.447
- Because you're blessing him. and the reason god had to
- 00:07:04.514 --> 00:07:06.249
- And the reason god had to drop the hedge and allow satan
- 00:07:06.315 --> 00:07:08.417
- Drop the hedge and allow satan to have access to job
- 00:07:08.484 --> 00:07:10.186
- To have access to job is because of this issue
- 00:07:10.253 --> 00:07:11.320
- Is because of this issue of authority.
- 00:07:11.387 --> 00:07:12.522
- Of authority. he didn't have the right
- 00:07:12.588 --> 00:07:13.956
- He didn't have the right to come in and bless job
- 00:07:14.023 --> 00:07:16.392
- To come in and bless job as if he had never sinned.
- 00:07:16.459 --> 00:07:18.528
- As if he had never sinned. and so satan went...
- 00:07:18.594 --> 00:07:19.595
- And so satan went... when satan challenged it,
- 00:07:19.662 --> 00:07:20.763
- When satan challenged it, god had to gave...
- 00:07:20.830 --> 00:07:21.831
- God had to gave... give satan access to job
- 00:07:21.898 --> 00:07:23.900
- Give satan access to job because the truth was,
- 00:07:23.966 --> 00:07:24.934
- Because the truth was, he was sold under sin.
- 00:07:25.001 --> 00:07:27.403
- He was sold under sin. and as it says in
- 00:07:27.470 --> 00:07:28.104
- And as it says in ephesians, chapter 2,
- 00:07:28.170 --> 00:07:29.405
- Ephesians, chapter 2, that we were all children of
- 00:07:29.472 --> 00:07:30.907
- That we were all children of the devil.
- 00:07:30.973 --> 00:07:31.541
- The devil. he was actually, in a sense,
- 00:07:31.607 --> 00:07:33.209
- He was actually, in a sense, our spiritual father
- 00:07:33.276 --> 00:07:34.544
- Our spiritual father before we got born again.
- 00:07:34.610 --> 00:07:36.846
- Before we got born again. so anyway,
- 00:07:36.913 --> 00:07:37.179
- So anyway, that's a little rabbit trail,
- 00:07:37.246 --> 00:07:38.447
- That's a little rabbit trail, but if you understand that,
- 00:07:38.514 --> 00:07:39.515
- But if you understand that, it will give explanation
- 00:07:39.582 --> 00:07:40.750
- It will give explanation to the book of job.
- 00:07:40.816 --> 00:07:42.485
- To the book of job. and so because of this,
- 00:07:42.552 --> 00:07:43.619
- And so because of this, god could not just intervene
- 00:07:43.686 --> 00:07:45.421
- God could not just intervene and come down
- 00:07:45.488 --> 00:07:46.022
- And come down and fix the thing.
- 00:07:46.088 --> 00:07:46.756
- And fix the thing. he had to flow through people.
- 00:07:46.822 --> 00:07:49.358
- He had to flow through people. i've used that verse
- 00:07:49.425 --> 00:07:50.159
- In ephesians 3:20,
- 00:07:50.226 --> 00:07:51.427
- In ephesians 3:20, that now unto him
- 00:07:51.494 --> 00:07:52.295
- That now unto him who is able to do
- 00:07:52.361 --> 00:07:53.029
- Who is able to do exceeding abundantly above
- 00:07:53.095 --> 00:07:54.297
- Exceeding abundantly above all we ask or think,
- 00:07:54.363 --> 00:07:56.265
- All we ask or think, according to the power
- 00:07:56.332 --> 00:07:59.101
- According to the power that works in us.
- 00:07:59.168 --> 00:08:00.403
- God can't just intervene
- 00:08:00.469 --> 00:08:02.104
- God can't just intervene above all we ask or think,
- 00:08:02.171 --> 00:08:03.706
- Above all we ask or think, period.
- 00:08:03.773 --> 00:08:04.640
- Period. it's according to the power
- 00:08:04.707 --> 00:08:06.275
- It's according to the power that works in us.
- 00:08:06.342 --> 00:08:07.443
- That works in us. god flows through people.
- 00:08:07.510 --> 00:08:09.512
- God flows through people. he has to have some person
- 00:08:09.579 --> 00:08:11.447
- He has to have some person to flow through.
- 00:08:11.514 --> 00:08:12.815
- To flow through. and since man had become fallen
- 00:08:12.882 --> 00:08:15.651
- And since man had become fallen and satan was now
- 00:08:15.718 --> 00:08:16.686
- And satan was now the god of this world,
- 00:08:16.752 --> 00:08:19.722
- The god of this world, it took god 4,000 years
- 00:08:19.789 --> 00:08:22.792
- It took god 4,000 years after the fall of adam and eve
- 00:08:22.858 --> 00:08:24.860
- After the fall of adam and eve to find enough people
- 00:08:24.927 --> 00:08:26.362
- To find enough people who would speak forth his word
- 00:08:26.429 --> 00:08:28.097
- Who would speak forth his word because jesus had to have
- 00:08:28.164 --> 00:08:30.666
- Because jesus had to have a body created.
- 00:08:30.733 --> 00:08:32.034
- A body created. how was adam's body created?
- 00:08:32.101 --> 00:08:34.070
- Over in genesis 1:26,
- 00:08:34.136 --> 00:08:35.671
- Over in genesis 1:26, god said.
- 00:08:35.738 --> 00:08:36.806
- He created our physical body
- 00:08:36.872 --> 00:08:39.809
- He created our physical body by words.
- 00:08:39.875 --> 00:08:41.077
- By words. so he had to speak
- 00:08:41.143 --> 00:08:42.111
- So he had to speak the second adam, jesus,
- 00:08:42.178 --> 00:08:43.646
- The second adam, jesus, into existence by words.
- 00:08:43.713 --> 00:08:46.048
- Into existence by words. but now he didn't have
- 00:08:46.115 --> 00:08:47.383
- But now he didn't have direct access for his words
- 00:08:47.450 --> 00:08:49.485
- Direct access for his words to control.
- 00:08:49.552 --> 00:08:50.086
- To control. he had given control
- 00:08:50.152 --> 00:08:51.053
- He had given control over to man who had
- 00:08:51.120 --> 00:08:52.054
- Over to man who had turned it over to the devil.
- 00:08:52.121 --> 00:08:53.522
- Turned it over to the devil. so now, god had to just
- 00:08:53.589 --> 00:08:54.957
- So now, god had to just touch the hearts of people
- 00:08:55.024 --> 00:08:56.859
- Touch the hearts of people and people had to speak forth
- 00:08:56.926 --> 00:08:58.661
- And people had to speak forth god's word.
- 00:08:58.728 --> 00:08:59.161
- God's word. god had to speak through people.
- 00:08:59.228 --> 00:09:01.464
- God had to speak through people. and there was a lot of things
- 00:09:01.530 --> 00:09:02.465
- And there was a lot of things that had to be spoken.
- 00:09:02.531 --> 00:09:05.301
- That had to be spoken. and it took 4,000 years
- 00:09:05.368 --> 00:09:07.870
- And it took 4,000 years for god to give
- 00:09:07.937 --> 00:09:08.704
- For god to give all of the prophecies
- 00:09:08.771 --> 00:09:09.939
- All of the prophecies about where jesus would
- 00:09:10.006 --> 00:09:11.173
- About where jesus would be born, about the things
- 00:09:11.240 --> 00:09:13.509
- Be born, about the things that would happen
- 00:09:13.576 --> 00:09:14.276
- That would happen when jesus was...would be born.
- 00:09:14.343 --> 00:09:16.045
- When jesus was...would be born. about how he would
- 00:09:16.112 --> 00:09:16.779
- About how he would overcome death.
- 00:09:16.846 --> 00:09:17.813
- Overcome death. david prophesied about that.
- 00:09:17.880 --> 00:09:19.715
- David prophesied about that. that he saw the lord.
- 00:09:19.782 --> 00:09:21.050
- That he saw the lord. the lord said,
- 00:09:21.117 --> 00:09:22.485
- The lord said, i see the lord god.
- 00:09:22.551 --> 00:09:24.720
- I see the lord god. the lord was speaking to
- 00:09:24.787 --> 00:09:25.788
- The lord was speaking to the lord.
- 00:09:25.855 --> 00:09:26.555
- The lord. man, there's a great lesson
- 00:09:26.622 --> 00:09:27.556
- Man, there's a great lesson in the trinity right there,
- 00:09:27.623 --> 00:09:29.392
- In the trinity right there, and that...that he didn't die.
- 00:09:29.458 --> 00:09:32.928
- And that...that he didn't die. that...that he was raised
- 00:09:32.995 --> 00:09:34.230
- That...that he was raised from the dead.
- 00:09:34.296 --> 00:09:34.964
- From the dead. david prophesied those things.
- 00:09:35.031 --> 00:09:36.666
- David prophesied those things. anyway, there's just a...
- 00:09:36.732 --> 00:09:38.367
- Anyway, there's just a... there was literally hundreds
- 00:09:38.434 --> 00:09:39.502
- There was literally hundreds and hundreds of prophecies
- 00:09:39.568 --> 00:09:41.270
- And hundreds of prophecies that were spoken
- 00:09:41.337 --> 00:09:41.904
- That were spoken over these 4,000 years
- 00:09:41.971 --> 00:09:43.706
- Over these 4,000 years that were necessary for
- 00:09:43.773 --> 00:09:45.441
- That were necessary for jesus' body to be created.
- 00:09:45.508 --> 00:09:48.344
- Jesus' body to be created. jesus god,
- 00:09:48.411 --> 00:09:51.247
- Jesus god, existed from creation.
- 00:09:51.313 --> 00:09:53.749
- Existed from creation. matter of fact,
- 00:09:53.816 --> 00:09:54.817
- Over here in the book of john,
- 00:09:54.884 --> 00:09:56.886
- Over here in the book of john, chapter 1, it says,
- 00:09:56.952 --> 00:09:57.987
- Chapter 1, it says, in the beginning was the word,
- 00:09:58.054 --> 00:10:01.057
- In the beginning was the word, and the word was with god,
- 00:10:01.123 --> 00:10:02.858
- And the word was with god, and the word was god.
- 00:10:02.925 --> 00:10:04.093
- And the word was god. the same was in the beginning
- 00:10:04.160 --> 00:10:05.327
- The same was in the beginning with god.
- 00:10:05.394 --> 00:10:06.562
- With god. all things were made by him;
- 00:10:06.629 --> 00:10:08.164
- All things were made by him; and without him
- 00:10:08.230 --> 00:10:08.731
- And without him was not any thing made
- 00:10:08.798 --> 00:10:10.166
- Was not any thing made that was made.
- 00:10:10.232 --> 00:10:11.500
- This is talking about jesus.
- 00:10:11.567 --> 00:10:12.935
- This is talking about jesus. jesus is the word,
- 00:10:13.002 --> 00:10:15.004
- Jesus is the word, and he existed in the beginning.
- 00:10:15.071 --> 00:10:16.972
- And he existed in the beginning. he created everything.
- 00:10:17.039 --> 00:10:18.441
- He created everything. god's the one that...
- 00:10:18.507 --> 00:10:19.642
- God's the one that... jesus is the one
- 00:10:19.709 --> 00:10:20.476
- Jesus is the one that god used.
- 00:10:20.543 --> 00:10:21.677
- That god used. you can compare this with
- 00:10:21.744 --> 00:10:22.712
- You can compare this with colossians, chapter 1,
- 00:10:22.778 --> 00:10:24.447
- Colossians, chapter 1, and god the father used jesus
- 00:10:24.513 --> 00:10:26.982
- And god the father used jesus to create the entire universe,
- 00:10:27.049 --> 00:10:29.819
- To create the entire universe, everything that was done.
- 00:10:29.885 --> 00:10:31.353
- Everything that was done. so jesus, in his spirit being,
- 00:10:31.420 --> 00:10:34.423
- So jesus, in his spirit being, existed from eternity.
- 00:10:34.490 --> 00:10:37.293
- Existed from eternity. there was no beginning to him.
- 00:10:37.359 --> 00:10:39.395
- He's god.
- 00:10:39.462 --> 00:10:40.262
- He's god. in the beginning, god.
- 00:10:40.329 --> 00:10:42.398
- But his physical body
- 00:10:42.465 --> 00:10:44.233
- But his physical body had to be created
- 00:10:44.300 --> 00:10:45.334
- Had to be created and that had to flow
- 00:10:45.401 --> 00:10:46.602
- And that had to flow through people,
- 00:10:46.669 --> 00:10:47.470
- Through people, and it took 4,000 years
- 00:10:47.536 --> 00:10:49.004
- And it took 4,000 years for god to speak all of this
- 00:10:49.071 --> 00:10:50.740
- For god to speak all of this into existence.
- 00:10:50.806 --> 00:10:51.974
- Into existence. but over here in luke,
- 00:10:52.041 --> 00:10:55.111
- But over here in luke, let me turn to these verses
- 00:10:55.177 --> 00:10:56.345
- Let me turn to these verses that we typically use
- 00:10:56.412 --> 00:10:58.447
- That we typically use when we're talking about
- 00:10:58.514 --> 00:11:00.316
- When we're talking about the virgin birth.
- 00:11:00.382 --> 00:11:01.183
- The virgin birth. and i've said this
- 00:11:01.250 --> 00:11:01.984
- And i've said this during this series already,
- 00:11:02.051 --> 00:11:03.452
- During this series already, but we have so many
- 00:11:03.519 --> 00:11:05.121
- But we have so many religious traditions
- 00:11:05.187 --> 00:11:07.757
- Religious traditions attached to christmas
- 00:11:07.823 --> 00:11:09.792
- Attached to christmas that many times
- 00:11:09.859 --> 00:11:10.493
- That many times we get more excited
- 00:11:10.559 --> 00:11:11.460
- We get more excited about the christmas tree,
- 00:11:11.527 --> 00:11:12.595
- About the christmas tree, and the lights,
- 00:11:12.661 --> 00:11:13.996
- And the lights, and the feelings,
- 00:11:14.063 --> 00:11:15.231
- And the feelings, and the feelings of love
- 00:11:15.297 --> 00:11:16.899
- And the feelings of love and peace and...
- 00:11:16.966 --> 00:11:18.000
- And peace and... and these things
- 00:11:18.067 --> 00:11:18.768
- And these things have their place.
- 00:11:18.834 --> 00:11:19.568
- Have their place. i'm not...i'm not a...
- 00:11:19.635 --> 00:11:21.437
- I'm not...i'm not a... you know, a scrooge
- 00:11:21.504 --> 00:11:23.172
- You know, a scrooge that's just against everything
- 00:11:23.239 --> 00:11:24.540
- That's just against everything that's christmas.
- 00:11:24.607 --> 00:11:25.407
- That's christmas. but i am saying that many times
- 00:11:25.474 --> 00:11:27.076
- But i am saying that many times the true meaning of christmas,
- 00:11:27.143 --> 00:11:29.445
- The true meaning of christmas, the incarnation of jesus
- 00:11:29.512 --> 00:11:31.881
- The incarnation of jesus is downplayed.
- 00:11:31.947 --> 00:11:34.350
- Is downplayed. or not necessarily downplayed,
- 00:11:34.416 --> 00:11:35.885
- Or not necessarily downplayed, but all of these other things
- 00:11:35.951 --> 00:11:36.819
- But all of these other things are emphasized to such a degree
- 00:11:36.886 --> 00:11:38.621
- Are emphasized to such a degree that we lose the heart of
- 00:11:38.687 --> 00:11:40.556
- That we lose the heart of what really happened.
- 00:11:40.623 --> 00:11:41.857
- What really happened. let me tell you
- 00:11:41.924 --> 00:11:42.491
- Let me tell you what really happened here
- 00:11:42.558 --> 00:11:44.660
- What really happened here in luke, chapter 1,
- 00:11:44.727 --> 00:11:46.929
- In luke, chapter 1, when the angel appeared
- 00:11:46.996 --> 00:11:48.798
- When the angel appeared unto mary.
- 00:11:48.864 --> 00:11:49.999
- And so, it says in
- 00:11:50.065 --> 00:11:50.766
- And so, it says in luke, chapter 1,
- 00:11:50.833 --> 00:11:52.635
- Luke, chapter 1, it says in verse 26,
- 00:11:52.701 --> 00:11:56.639
- It says in verse 26, and in the sixth month
- 00:11:56.705 --> 00:11:57.907
- And in the sixth month the angel gabriel
- 00:11:57.973 --> 00:11:59.809
- The angel gabriel was sent from god
- 00:11:59.875 --> 00:12:00.910
- Was sent from god unto a city of galilee,
- 00:12:00.976 --> 00:12:02.378
- Unto a city of galilee, named nazareth.
- 00:12:02.444 --> 00:12:03.412
- You can read about gabriel
- 00:12:03.479 --> 00:12:04.613
- You can read about gabriel in daniel, chapter 9.
- 00:12:04.680 --> 00:12:05.981
- In daniel, chapter 9. this was a powerful...
- 00:12:06.048 --> 00:12:07.483
- This was a powerful... one of the main angels of god
- 00:12:07.550 --> 00:12:10.820
- One of the main angels of god in the hierarchy of angels.
- 00:12:10.886 --> 00:12:13.122
- And so this angel gabriel
- 00:12:13.189 --> 00:12:14.523
- And so this angel gabriel was sent to galilee,
- 00:12:14.590 --> 00:12:16.392
- Was sent to galilee, to a city named nazareth,
- 00:12:16.458 --> 00:12:17.827
- To a city named nazareth, to a virgin espoused to a man
- 00:12:17.893 --> 00:12:20.796
- To a virgin espoused to a man whose name was joseph,
- 00:12:20.863 --> 00:12:22.531
- Whose name was joseph, of the house of david;
- 00:12:22.598 --> 00:12:24.166
- Of the house of david; and the virgin's name was mary.
- 00:12:24.233 --> 00:12:26.635
- And the virgin's name was mary. and the angel came in unto her,
- 00:12:26.702 --> 00:12:28.170
- And the angel came in unto her, and said, hail,
- 00:12:28.237 --> 00:12:29.004
- And said, hail, thou that art highly favoured,
- 00:12:29.071 --> 00:12:31.073
- Thou that art highly favoured, the lord is with thee:
- 00:12:31.140 --> 00:12:32.408
- The lord is with thee: blessed art thou among women.
- 00:12:32.474 --> 00:12:35.211
- Blessed art thou among women. and when she saw him,
- 00:12:35.277 --> 00:12:36.078
- And when she saw him, she was troubled at his saying,
- 00:12:36.145 --> 00:12:38.113
- She was troubled at his saying, and cast in her mind
- 00:12:38.180 --> 00:12:39.248
- And cast in her mind what manner of
- 00:12:39.315 --> 00:12:39.849
- What manner of salutation this should be.
- 00:12:39.915 --> 00:12:41.817
- You know, this is amazing to me,
- 00:12:41.884 --> 00:12:43.319
- You know, this is amazing to me, but religion,'s true
- 00:12:43.385 --> 00:12:47.456
- That we have sinned,
- 00:12:47.523 --> 00:12:48.958
- That we have sinned, and come short of
- 00:12:49.024 --> 00:12:49.558
- And come short of the glory of god.
- 00:12:49.625 --> 00:12:50.559
- And it is true
- 00:12:50.626 --> 00:12:51.293
- And it is true that god came to save sinners.
- 00:12:51.360 --> 00:12:53.696
- That god came to save sinners. and so, until you
- 00:12:53.762 --> 00:12:54.630
- And so, until you come to the realization
- 00:12:54.697 --> 00:12:56.265
- Come to the realization that you are a sinner
- 00:12:56.332 --> 00:12:57.933
- That you are a sinner and that you need salvation,
- 00:12:58.000 --> 00:13:00.035
- And that you need salvation, you can't be saved.
- 00:13:00.102 --> 00:13:01.770
- You can't be saved. god doesn't save good people.
- 00:13:01.837 --> 00:13:03.172
- God doesn't save good people. it says over in
- 00:13:03.239 --> 00:13:03.739
- Romans, chapter 5,
- 00:13:03.806 --> 00:13:05.140
- Romans, chapter 5, that he gave himself
- 00:13:05.207 --> 00:13:06.041
- That he gave himself for the ungodly.
- 00:13:06.108 --> 00:13:07.776
- Unless you are willing to admit
- 00:13:07.843 --> 00:13:09.545
- Unless you are willing to admit that you are ungodly
- 00:13:09.612 --> 00:13:10.913
- That you are ungodly and that you can't
- 00:13:10.980 --> 00:13:11.647
- And that you can't save yourself,
- 00:13:11.714 --> 00:13:12.548
- Save yourself, that you need a savior,
- 00:13:12.615 --> 00:13:14.250
- That you need a savior, then you can't be saved.
- 00:13:14.316 --> 00:13:15.417
- Then you can't be saved. so, it is true that we need to
- 00:13:15.484 --> 00:13:17.186
- Recognize that we have sinned
- 00:13:17.253 --> 00:13:19.555
- Recognize that we have sinned and come short of
- 00:13:19.622 --> 00:13:20.356
- And come short of the glory of god, romans 3:23.
- 00:13:20.422 --> 00:13:23.192
- But religion has emphasized this
- 00:13:23.259 --> 00:13:26.228
- But religion has emphasized this even to people
- 00:13:26.295 --> 00:13:27.129
- Even to people after they come into
- 00:13:27.196 --> 00:13:28.564
- After they come into relationship with god,
- 00:13:28.631 --> 00:13:30.266
- Relationship with god, and it has made people
- 00:13:30.332 --> 00:13:31.767
- And it has made people so condemned
- 00:13:31.834 --> 00:13:33.702
- So condemned and feeling so unworthy
- 00:13:33.769 --> 00:13:35.938
- And feeling so unworthy and so separated from god
- 00:13:36.005 --> 00:13:37.606
- That when an angel
- 00:13:37.673 --> 00:13:38.741
- That when an angel came to mary and said, hail,
- 00:13:38.807 --> 00:13:40.910
- Came to mary and said, hail, you that are highly favored...
- 00:13:40.976 --> 00:13:43.612
- You that are highly favored... you know, the phrase
- 00:13:43.679 --> 00:13:44.480
- You know, the phrase that was used highly favored,
- 00:13:44.546 --> 00:13:46.916
- It's only used twice
- 00:13:46.982 --> 00:13:48.250
- It's only used twice in all of the new testament,
- 00:13:48.317 --> 00:13:49.652
- In all of the new testament, that greek word
- 00:13:49.718 --> 00:13:50.519
- That greek word that was translated,
- 00:13:50.586 --> 00:13:51.220
- That was translated, highly favored.
- 00:13:51.287 --> 00:13:51.954
- Highly favored. the only other place it's used
- 00:13:52.021 --> 00:13:53.355
- Is in ephesians, chapter 1,
- 00:13:53.422 --> 00:13:55.858
- Is in ephesians, chapter 1, i believe it's verse 6,
- 00:13:55.925 --> 00:13:56.725
- I believe it's verse 6, where it says we are
- 00:13:56.792 --> 00:13:57.693
- Where it says we are accepted in the beloved.
- 00:13:57.760 --> 00:14:00.763
- So it means highly favored.
- 00:14:00.829 --> 00:14:02.898
- So it means highly favored. it means accepted.
- 00:14:02.965 --> 00:14:04.600
- It means accepted. and this angel said,
- 00:14:04.667 --> 00:14:05.534
- And this angel said, hail, you that are
- 00:14:05.601 --> 00:14:06.869
- Hail, you that are highly favored,
- 00:14:06.936 --> 00:14:07.803
- Highly favored, you that are accepted by god.
- 00:14:07.870 --> 00:14:10.239
- You that are accepted by god. and mary said,
- 00:14:10.306 --> 00:14:11.073
- And mary said, that's a strange greeting.
- 00:14:11.140 --> 00:14:13.275
- That's a strange greeting. if he would have come and said,
- 00:14:13.342 --> 00:14:14.276
- If he would have come and said, you sorry thing, you sinner,
- 00:14:14.343 --> 00:14:16.512
- You sorry thing, you sinner, she probably would have
- 00:14:16.578 --> 00:14:17.146
- She probably would have fallen on her face
- 00:14:17.212 --> 00:14:18.247
- Fallen on her face and have said,
- 00:14:18.314 --> 00:14:18.580
- And have said, boy, this must be god.
- 00:14:18.647 --> 00:14:20.416
- Boy, this must be god. because see, that's the way
- 00:14:20.482 --> 00:14:21.417
- Because see, that's the way we've been conditioned
- 00:14:21.483 --> 00:14:22.418
- We've been conditioned that god is just this harsh,
- 00:14:22.484 --> 00:14:24.219
- That god is just this harsh, angry god who is demanding,
- 00:14:24.286 --> 00:14:26.221
- Angry god who is demanding, and you can never do enough.
- 00:14:26.288 --> 00:14:28.257
- But no, this angel
- 00:14:28.324 --> 00:14:29.591
- But no, this angel came and said, hail,
- 00:14:29.658 --> 00:14:30.659
- Came and said, hail, you that are highly favored.
- 00:14:30.726 --> 00:14:33.329
- You that are highly favored. and it says, the angel
- 00:14:33.395 --> 00:14:34.763
- And it says, the angel said unto her, fear not, mary:
- 00:14:34.830 --> 00:14:37.333
- Said unto her, fear not, mary: for thou hast found favour
- 00:14:37.399 --> 00:14:39.034
- For thou hast found favour with god.
- 00:14:39.101 --> 00:14:40.836
- With god. and, behold, thou shalt conceive
- 00:14:40.903 --> 00:14:42.438
- And, behold, thou shalt conceive in thy womb, and bring forth
- 00:14:42.504 --> 00:14:44.406
- In thy womb, and bring forth a son, and shalt call
- 00:14:44.473 --> 00:14:45.274
- A son, and shalt call his name jesus.
- 00:14:45.341 --> 00:14:46.875
- His name jesus. he shall be great,
- 00:14:46.942 --> 00:14:48.110
- He shall be great, and shall be called
- 00:14:48.177 --> 00:14:48.811
- And shall be called the son of the highest:
- 00:14:48.877 --> 00:14:50.479
- The son of the highest: and the lord god
- 00:14:50.546 --> 00:14:52.247
- And the lord god shall give unto him
- 00:14:52.314 --> 00:14:53.549
- Shall give unto him the throne of his father david:
- 00:14:53.615 --> 00:14:55.184
- The throne of his father david: and he shall reign over
- 00:14:55.250 --> 00:14:56.352
- And he shall reign over the house of jacob for ever;
- 00:14:56.418 --> 00:14:58.787
- The house of jacob for ever; and of his kingdom
- 00:14:58.854 --> 00:15:00.489
- And of his kingdom there shall be no end.
- 00:15:00.556 --> 00:15:02.891
- There shall be no end. then said mary unto the angel,
- 00:15:02.958 --> 00:15:04.126
- Then said mary unto the angel, how shall this be,
- 00:15:04.193 --> 00:15:05.127
- How shall this be, seeing i know not a man?
- 00:15:05.194 --> 00:15:07.162
- Seeing i know not a man? boy, this was a great question
- 00:15:07.229 --> 00:15:08.397
- Boy, this was a great question to ask.
- 00:15:08.464 --> 00:15:09.765
- You know, the lord told abraham
- 00:15:09.832 --> 00:15:11.934
- You know, the lord told abraham that he would have a child,
- 00:15:12.001 --> 00:15:13.702
- That he would have a child, and he and his wife sarah
- 00:15:13.769 --> 00:15:15.637
- And he and his wife sarah were barren,
- 00:15:15.704 --> 00:15:16.372
- Were barren, and they tried for many years.
- 00:15:16.438 --> 00:15:17.740
- And they tried for many years. and finally, he just figured
- 00:15:17.806 --> 00:15:19.074
- And finally, he just figured he had to help the lord.
- 00:15:19.141 --> 00:15:20.743
- He had to help the lord. and so, he went in
- 00:15:20.809 --> 00:15:22.011
- And so, he went in to his wife's handmaid,
- 00:15:22.077 --> 00:15:24.279
- To his wife's handmaid, in to his wife's slave, hagar,
- 00:15:24.346 --> 00:15:26.749
- In to his wife's slave, hagar, and he had a child by hagar
- 00:15:26.815 --> 00:15:28.250
- And he had a child by hagar named ishmael,
- 00:15:28.317 --> 00:15:29.585
- Named ishmael, who became the father of
- 00:15:29.651 --> 00:15:30.586
- Who became the father of all of the arabs.
- 00:15:30.652 --> 00:15:31.987
- All of the arabs. and later, god appeared
- 00:15:32.054 --> 00:15:33.055
- And later, god appeared and said, nope,
- 00:15:33.122 --> 00:15:33.689
- And said, nope, that's not the way
- 00:15:33.756 --> 00:15:34.289
- That's not the way it was going to happen.
- 00:15:34.356 --> 00:15:35.224
- It was going to happen. it's not through
- 00:15:35.290 --> 00:15:36.291
- It's not through your handmaiden,
- 00:15:36.358 --> 00:15:37.993
- Your handmaiden, it's through your wife.
- 00:15:38.060 --> 00:15:39.361
- It's through your wife. and there was
- 00:15:39.428 --> 00:15:39.928
- And there was a miraculous birth
- 00:15:39.995 --> 00:15:41.597
- A miraculous birth and isaac was born,
- 00:15:41.663 --> 00:15:43.699
- And isaac was born, the father of all of the jews.
- 00:15:43.766 --> 00:15:45.434
- The father of all of the jews. and so, the whole
- 00:15:45.501 --> 00:15:46.068
- And so, the whole jewish-arab-israeli thing
- 00:15:46.135 --> 00:15:48.437
- Jewish-arab-israeli thing came about
- 00:15:48.504 --> 00:15:49.138
- Came about because somebody
- 00:15:49.204 --> 00:15:49.872
- Because somebody didn't ask a question.
- 00:15:49.938 --> 00:15:51.540
- Didn't ask a question. if abraham would've said,
- 00:15:51.607 --> 00:15:52.474
- If abraham would've said, well sarah is not
- 00:15:52.541 --> 00:15:53.876
- Well sarah is not having a child,
- 00:15:53.942 --> 00:15:54.610
- Having a child, so should i go in to hagar?
- 00:15:54.676 --> 00:15:57.913
- So should i go in to hagar? if he would've asked
- 00:15:57.980 --> 00:15:58.547
- If he would've asked that question,
- 00:15:58.614 --> 00:15:59.214
- That question, god would've told him no,
- 00:15:59.281 --> 00:16:00.482
- God would've told him no, and it might have solved
- 00:16:00.549 --> 00:16:01.850
- And it might have solved some of these problems
- 00:16:01.917 --> 00:16:02.751
- Some of these problems that we have today.
- 00:16:02.818 --> 00:16:03.819
- That we have today. there's nothing wrong
- 00:16:03.886 --> 00:16:04.753
- There's nothing wrong with asking questions.
- 00:16:04.820 --> 00:16:06.655
- With asking questions. it's about the motive
- 00:16:06.722 --> 00:16:08.323
- It's about the motive behind your question.
- 00:16:08.390 --> 00:16:11.326
- Behind your question. this exact same angel
- 00:16:11.393 --> 00:16:13.262
- This exact same angel had appeared unto zacharias,
- 00:16:13.328 --> 00:16:15.864
- Had appeared unto zacharias, the husband of elizabeth,
- 00:16:15.931 --> 00:16:17.533
- The husband of elizabeth, who elizabeth was mary's cousin.
- 00:16:17.599 --> 00:16:19.835
- Who elizabeth was mary's cousin. and in this same chapter
- 00:16:19.902 --> 00:16:21.036
- And in this same chapter right before the verses
- 00:16:21.103 --> 00:16:21.870
- Right before the verses i started reading,
- 00:16:21.937 --> 00:16:23.272
- I started reading, gabriel appeared unto zacharias.
- 00:16:23.338 --> 00:16:25.407
- Gabriel appeared unto zacharias. he was a priest,
- 00:16:25.474 --> 00:16:26.575
- He was a priest, and he was offering sacrifices
- 00:16:26.642 --> 00:16:28.343
- And he was offering sacrifices in the temple.
- 00:16:28.410 --> 00:16:30.512
- In the temple. and the angel told him
- 00:16:30.579 --> 00:16:32.114
- And the angel told him that his prayers were going
- 00:16:32.181 --> 00:16:33.148
- That his prayers were going to...were heard
- 00:16:33.215 --> 00:16:34.116
- To...were heard and that god was going to
- 00:16:34.183 --> 00:16:35.084
- And that god was going to supernaturally allow him
- 00:16:35.150 --> 00:16:37.086
- Supernaturally allow him and his wife, elizabeth,
- 00:16:37.152 --> 00:16:38.654
- And his wife, elizabeth, to conceive and have a child.
- 00:16:38.720 --> 00:16:40.489
- To conceive and have a child. and zacharias asked a question,
- 00:16:40.556 --> 00:16:43.592
- And zacharias asked a question, and he says,
- 00:16:43.659 --> 00:16:44.093
- And he says, how can this be
- 00:16:44.159 --> 00:16:45.494
- How can this be seeing that i'm an old man?
- 00:16:45.561 --> 00:16:48.497
- Seeing that i'm an old man? that was a question,
- 00:16:48.564 --> 00:16:49.231
- That was a question, but it was
- 00:16:49.298 --> 00:16:49.698
- But it was a question of disbelief.
- 00:16:49.765 --> 00:16:51.033
- A question of disbelief. he was just stunned,
- 00:16:51.100 --> 00:16:52.067
- He was just stunned, like, i don't believe this.
- 00:16:52.134 --> 00:16:53.268
- Like, i don't believe this. how could this happen
- 00:16:53.335 --> 00:16:54.303
- How could this happen since i'm an old man?
- 00:16:54.369 --> 00:16:55.671
- Since i'm an old man? and this same angel, gabriel,
- 00:16:55.737 --> 00:16:59.007
- And this same angel, gabriel, was not pleased
- 00:16:59.074 --> 00:17:00.542
- Was not pleased with his unbelief
- 00:17:00.609 --> 00:17:02.044
- With his unbelief and struck him with dumbness.
- 00:17:02.111 --> 00:17:04.046
- And struck him with dumbness. he wasn't able to speak
- 00:17:04.113 --> 00:17:05.047
- He wasn't able to speak until after john the baptist
- 00:17:05.114 --> 00:17:06.982
- Until after john the baptist was born.
- 00:17:07.049 --> 00:17:07.916
- Was born. so this exact same angel
- 00:17:07.983 --> 00:17:10.252
- So this exact same angel responded totally different
- 00:17:10.319 --> 00:17:11.887
- Responded totally different to zacharias' question
- 00:17:11.954 --> 00:17:13.922
- To zacharias' question because it was a question
- 00:17:13.989 --> 00:17:14.823
- Because it was a question of unbelief.
- 00:17:14.890 --> 00:17:16.358
- Of unbelief. but here, mary, she didn't
- 00:17:16.425 --> 00:17:18.293
- But here, mary, she didn't ask a question of unbelief.
- 00:17:18.360 --> 00:17:19.661
- Ask a question of unbelief. she just asked a question
- 00:17:19.728 --> 00:17:20.729
- She just asked a question for clarification.
- 00:17:20.796 --> 00:17:22.531
- For clarification. how am i going to conceive
- 00:17:22.598 --> 00:17:24.800
- How am i going to conceive and have a child?
- 00:17:24.867 --> 00:17:25.434
- And have a child? she was a virgin.
- 00:17:25.501 --> 00:17:26.935
- She was a virgin. she hadn't married yet.
- 00:17:27.002 --> 00:17:28.203
- She hadn't married yet. now, she was engaged to joseph,
- 00:17:28.270 --> 00:17:30.906
- Now, she was engaged to joseph, but they weren't married.
- 00:17:30.973 --> 00:17:31.840
- But they weren't married. how is it going to happen?
- 00:17:31.907 --> 00:17:32.841
- How is it going to happen? it's a good thing
- 00:17:32.908 --> 00:17:33.308
- It's a good thing she asked the question
- 00:17:33.375 --> 00:17:34.176
- She asked the question or she might have thought,
- 00:17:34.243 --> 00:17:35.110
- Or she might have thought, well i...i need to hurry up
- 00:17:35.177 --> 00:17:36.512
- Well i...i need to hurry up and have this physical
- 00:17:36.578 --> 00:17:37.546
- And have this physical relationship with joseph
- 00:17:37.613 --> 00:17:39.982
- Relationship with joseph so that i could conceive
- 00:17:40.048 --> 00:17:41.116
- So that i could conceive and give birth to this son,
- 00:17:41.183 --> 00:17:42.751
- And give birth to this son, and that would have
- 00:17:42.818 --> 00:17:43.385
- And that would have messed the whole thing up.
- 00:17:43.452 --> 00:17:45.654
- Messed the whole thing up. you know,
- 00:17:45.721 --> 00:17:46.021
- You know, if jesus would've been born of
- 00:17:46.088 --> 00:17:48.123
- If jesus would've been born of a man's seed, then
- 00:17:48.190 --> 00:17:51.593
- The life of the flesh
- 00:17:51.660 --> 00:17:52.895
- The life of the flesh is in the blood,
- 00:17:52.961 --> 00:17:53.829
- And that would have been
- 00:17:53.896 --> 00:17:54.930
- And that would have been conveyed through the man
- 00:17:54.997 --> 00:17:57.566
- Conveyed through the man to the woman
- 00:17:57.633 --> 00:17:58.634
- To the woman and jesus would have been born
- 00:17:58.700 --> 00:18:00.002
- And jesus would have been born with a sinful nature
- 00:18:00.068 --> 00:18:01.203
- With a sinful nature just like you and i were.
- 00:18:01.270 --> 00:18:02.738
- Just like you and i were. all of us who've been born of
- 00:18:02.804 --> 00:18:04.773
- All of us who've been born of our parents who are descendants
- 00:18:04.840 --> 00:18:06.742
- Our parents who are descendants of adam and eve,
- 00:18:06.808 --> 00:18:08.010
- Of adam and eve, that sinful nature is passed on.
- 00:18:08.076 --> 00:18:10.846
- David said in psalms,
- 00:18:10.913 --> 00:18:11.947
- David said in psalms, chapter 51,
- 00:18:12.014 --> 00:18:13.949
- Chapter 51, he said, in sin did my mother
- 00:18:14.016 --> 00:18:16.018
- He said, in sin did my mother conceive me.
- 00:18:16.084 --> 00:18:17.386
- That didn't mean
- 00:18:17.452 --> 00:18:18.053
- That didn't mean that he was conceived
- 00:18:18.120 --> 00:18:18.787
- That he was conceived out of wedlock,
- 00:18:18.854 --> 00:18:19.821
- Out of wedlock, that it was some kind of
- 00:18:19.888 --> 00:18:20.522
- That it was some kind of an ungodly relationship.
- 00:18:20.589 --> 00:18:22.090
- An ungodly relationship. it just means
- 00:18:22.157 --> 00:18:23.258
- It just means that every one of us
- 00:18:23.325 --> 00:18:24.293
- That every one of us were born with a sin nature.
- 00:18:24.359 --> 00:18:26.995
- Were born with a sin nature. romans, chapter 7,
- 00:18:27.062 --> 00:18:28.130
- Romans, chapter 7, amplifies on that and shows
- 00:18:28.197 --> 00:18:29.565
- Amplifies on that and shows that we were all born
- 00:18:29.631 --> 00:18:31.300
- That we were all born separated from god.
- 00:18:31.366 --> 00:18:33.268
- Separated from god. so, if jesus would have been
- 00:18:33.335 --> 00:18:35.604
- So, if jesus would have been born of the union of
- 00:18:35.671 --> 00:18:37.039
- Born of the union of joseph and mary,
- 00:18:37.105 --> 00:18:39.241
- Joseph and mary, then he would've been
- 00:18:39.308 --> 00:18:40.008
- Then he would've been a corrupted, sinful man,
- 00:18:40.075 --> 00:18:42.878
- A corrupted, sinful man, and he wouldn't have
- 00:18:42.945 --> 00:18:43.512
- And he wouldn't have been able to redeem us.
- 00:18:43.579 --> 00:18:45.147
- Been able to redeem us. his life wouldn't have been
- 00:18:45.214 --> 00:18:46.014
- His life wouldn't have been worth the life of more than
- 00:18:46.081 --> 00:18:47.583
- Worth the life of more than one other person.
- 00:18:47.649 --> 00:18:50.018
- One other person. but since he was god
- 00:18:50.085 --> 00:18:52.487
- But since he was god and he was born to a virgin,
- 00:18:52.554 --> 00:18:54.456
- And he was born to a virgin, and the man did not pass on
- 00:18:54.523 --> 00:18:56.558
- And the man did not pass on this sinful nature,
- 00:18:56.625 --> 00:18:58.627
- This sinful nature, then jesus was
- 00:18:58.694 --> 00:18:59.928
- Then jesus was god manifest in the flesh,
- 00:18:59.995 --> 00:19:02.898
- God manifest in the flesh, and that made his life
- 00:19:02.965 --> 00:19:04.266
- And that made his life worth more than the lives of
- 00:19:04.333 --> 00:19:06.468
- Worth more than the lives of the entire human race
- 00:19:06.535 --> 00:19:07.903
- The entire human race from all time past
- 00:19:07.970 --> 00:19:09.104
- From all time past to all time future.
- 00:19:09.171 --> 00:19:11.073
- To all time future. god was greater than
- 00:19:11.139 --> 00:19:13.408
- God was greater than his creation,
- 00:19:13.475 --> 00:19:14.243
- His creation, the sum of his creation.
- 00:19:14.309 --> 00:19:16.345
- The sum of his creation. and because jesus was
- 00:19:16.411 --> 00:19:17.613
- And because jesus was god manifest in the flesh,
- 00:19:17.679 --> 00:19:20.449
- God manifest in the flesh, then his blood and his sacrifice
- 00:19:20.515 --> 00:19:23.585
- Then his blood and his sacrifice was pure and holy,
- 00:19:23.652 --> 00:19:26.121
- Was pure and holy, and it took that to atone for
- 00:19:26.188 --> 00:19:28.590
- And it took that to atone for the sins of the whole world.
- 00:19:28.657 --> 00:19:30.359
- The sins of the whole world. it's imperative that mary be
- 00:19:30.425 --> 00:19:33.495
- It's imperative that mary be a virgin, and that's the reason
- 00:19:33.562 --> 00:19:35.831
- A virgin, and that's the reason that god appeared to her.
- 00:19:35.897 --> 00:19:36.765
- And then very next verse,
- 00:19:36.832 --> 00:19:38.734
- And then very next verse, it says, and the angel answered
- 00:19:38.800 --> 00:19:40.102
- It says, and the angel answered and said unto her,
- 00:19:40.168 --> 00:19:40.969
- And said unto her, the holy ghost
- 00:19:41.036 --> 00:19:41.670
- The holy ghost shall come upon thee,
- 00:19:41.737 --> 00:19:43.338
- Shall come upon thee, and the power of the highest
- 00:19:43.405 --> 00:19:44.373
- And the power of the highest shall overshadow thee:
- 00:19:44.439 --> 00:19:46.275
- Shall overshadow thee: therefore also that holy thing
- 00:19:46.341 --> 00:19:47.876
- Therefore also that holy thing which shall be born of thee
- 00:19:47.943 --> 00:19:49.111
- Which shall be born of thee shall be called the son of god.
- 00:19:49.177 --> 00:19:53.315
- I mentioned this earlier,
- 00:19:53.382 --> 00:19:55.050
- I mentioned this earlier, but the term son of man
- 00:19:55.117 --> 00:19:56.585
- But the term son of man refers to the physical body
- 00:19:56.652 --> 00:19:58.887
- Refers to the physical body of the lord jesus.
- 00:19:58.954 --> 00:19:59.888
- Of the lord jesus. the term son of god refers to
- 00:19:59.955 --> 00:20:02.491
- The term son of god refers to his divinity.
- 00:20:02.557 --> 00:20:03.792
- His divinity. and the reason
- 00:20:03.859 --> 00:20:04.326
- And the reason jesus would be called
- 00:20:04.393 --> 00:20:05.394
- Jesus would be called the son of god...
- 00:20:05.460 --> 00:20:06.728
- The son of god... in other words,
- 00:20:06.795 --> 00:20:07.195
- In other words, he would be divine,
- 00:20:07.262 --> 00:20:08.664
- He would be divine, he would be god in the flesh,
- 00:20:08.730 --> 00:20:10.766
- He would be god in the flesh, was because the seed
- 00:20:10.832 --> 00:20:12.968
- Was because the seed that it took for him to have
- 00:20:13.035 --> 00:20:14.503
- That it took for him to have a physical body
- 00:20:14.569 --> 00:20:15.370
- A physical body didn't come from a man,
- 00:20:15.437 --> 00:20:16.638
- Didn't come from a man, but it came from god.
- 00:20:16.705 --> 00:20:18.373
- But it came from god. and i mentioned this earlier,
- 00:20:18.440 --> 00:20:19.541
- But over in 1 peter, chapter 1,
- 00:20:19.608 --> 00:20:21.410
- But over in 1 peter, chapter 1, verse 23, it says,
- 00:20:21.476 --> 00:20:23.345
- Verse 23, it says, being born again,
- 00:20:23.412 --> 00:20:24.479
- Being born again, not of corruptible seed,
- 00:20:24.546 --> 00:20:26.315
- Not of corruptible seed, but of incorruptible seed,
- 00:20:26.381 --> 00:20:27.849
- But of incorruptible seed, by the word of god,
- 00:20:27.916 --> 00:20:28.617
- By the word of god, that lives and abides for ever.
- 00:20:28.684 --> 00:20:30.185
- That lives and abides for ever. it calls the word of god
- 00:20:30.252 --> 00:20:31.320
- It calls the word of god an incorruptible seed,
- 00:20:31.386 --> 00:20:33.689
- An incorruptible seed, and that word seed
- 00:20:33.755 --> 00:20:34.956
- And that word seed in the greek is, spora.
- 00:20:35.023 --> 00:20:37.159
- That's how a flower pollinates
- 00:20:37.225 --> 00:20:38.827
- That's how a flower pollinates and...and reproduces.
- 00:20:38.894 --> 00:20:40.595
- And...and reproduces. and spora is a derivative of
- 00:20:40.662 --> 00:20:42.597
- And spora is a derivative of the greek word, sperma,
- 00:20:42.664 --> 00:20:44.466
- The greek word, sperma, where we get
- 00:20:44.533 --> 00:20:45.000
- Where we get the word, sperm, from.
- 00:20:45.067 --> 00:20:46.768
- The word, sperm, from. the word of god is a seed,
- 00:20:46.835 --> 00:20:49.738
- The word of god is a seed, a sperm.
- 00:20:49.805 --> 00:20:52.207
- A sperm. and what the angel did,
- 00:20:52.274 --> 00:20:53.775
- And what the angel did, he came and instead of god just
- 00:20:53.842 --> 00:20:55.744
- He came and instead of god just forcing this on mary...
- 00:20:55.811 --> 00:20:58.847
- Forcing this on mary... you know, you don't have
- 00:20:58.914 --> 00:20:59.815
- You know, you don't have a relationship
- 00:20:59.881 --> 00:21:00.849
- A relationship where you get a woman pregnant
- 00:21:00.916 --> 00:21:03.318
- Where you get a woman pregnant and force it upon her.
- 00:21:03.385 --> 00:21:04.820
- And force it upon her. that's rape.
- 00:21:04.886 --> 00:21:06.388
- That's rape. god didn't come and just force
- 00:21:06.455 --> 00:21:08.056
- God didn't come and just force this upon mary.
- 00:21:08.123 --> 00:21:09.057
- This upon mary. the angel appeared unto mary
- 00:21:09.124 --> 00:21:10.759
- The angel appeared unto mary and basically issued a...
- 00:21:10.826 --> 00:21:15.263
- And basically issued a... invitation for her
- 00:21:15.330 --> 00:21:16.531
- Invitation for her to participate.
- 00:21:16.598 --> 00:21:17.733
- To participate. it was a proposal.
- 00:21:17.799 --> 00:21:19.568
- It was a proposal. mary, here's what god wants
- 00:21:19.634 --> 00:21:21.103
- Mary, here's what god wants to do.
- 00:21:21.169 --> 00:21:22.604
- To do. god has blessed you.
- 00:21:22.671 --> 00:21:23.839
- God has blessed you. you're favored.
- 00:21:23.905 --> 00:21:25.741
- You're favored. and he wants to conceive in you
- 00:21:25.807 --> 00:21:27.442
- And he wants to conceive in you his own son,
- 00:21:27.509 --> 00:21:29.411
- His own son, and you give birth to him.
- 00:21:29.478 --> 00:21:30.645
- And you give birth to him. this will be the fulfillment of
- 00:21:30.712 --> 00:21:31.613
- This will be the fulfillment of the old testament prophecy
- 00:21:31.680 --> 00:21:32.881
- About a virgin shall conceive,
- 00:21:32.948 --> 00:21:35.217
- About a virgin shall conceive, and bring forth a son.
- 00:21:35.283 --> 00:21:36.718
- And bring forth a son. and so he made a proposal
- 00:21:36.785 --> 00:21:38.186
- And so he made a proposal to mary.
- 00:21:38.253 --> 00:21:39.321
- To mary. and look at what mary said.
- 00:21:39.388 --> 00:21:41.089
- And look at what mary said. it says in verse 38,
- 00:21:41.156 --> 00:21:42.691
- It says in verse 38, and mary said,
- 00:21:42.758 --> 00:21:43.692
- And mary said, behold the handmaiden of
- 00:21:43.759 --> 00:21:44.993
- Behold the handmaiden of the lord; be it unto me
- 00:21:45.060 --> 00:21:46.762
- The lord; be it unto me according to thy word.
- 00:21:46.828 --> 00:21:48.897
- According to thy word. and the angel departed.
- 00:21:48.964 --> 00:21:50.065
- You know what she did?
- 00:21:50.132 --> 00:21:50.799
- You know what she did? he explained to her
- 00:21:50.866 --> 00:21:52.100
- He explained to her how this was going to happen.
- 00:21:52.167 --> 00:21:53.168
- How this was going to happen. it wasn't going to happen
- 00:21:53.235 --> 00:21:54.035
- It wasn't going to happen through her having
- 00:21:54.102 --> 00:21:54.770
- Through her having a physical relationship
- 00:21:54.836 --> 00:21:56.138
- A physical relationship with a man,
- 00:21:56.204 --> 00:21:56.938
- With a man, but god himself,
- 00:21:57.005 --> 00:21:58.039
- But god himself, the holy spirit
- 00:21:58.106 --> 00:21:59.574
- The holy spirit would overshadow her.
- 00:21:59.641 --> 00:22:00.776
- Would overshadow her. and she humbled herself
- 00:22:00.842 --> 00:22:02.444
- And she humbled herself and received the word, the seed.
- 00:22:02.511 --> 00:22:05.847
- And received the word, the seed. and the word of god
- 00:22:05.914 --> 00:22:07.749
- And the word of god was the sperm,
- 00:22:07.816 --> 00:22:08.984
- Was the sperm, the seed that conceived jesus.
- 00:22:09.050 --> 00:22:12.487
- The seed that conceived jesus. so the supernatural part of
- 00:22:12.554 --> 00:22:14.923
- So the supernatural part of the virgin birth was that a man
- 00:22:14.990 --> 00:22:17.359
- The virgin birth was that a man didn't impregnate mary,
- 00:22:17.426 --> 00:22:18.727
- Didn't impregnate mary, but the word of god
- 00:22:18.794 --> 00:22:20.829
- But the word of god impregnated her.
- 00:22:20.896 --> 00:22:21.830
- Impregnated her. the holy spirit took
- 00:22:21.897 --> 00:22:23.031
- The holy spirit took all of these promises
- 00:22:23.098 --> 00:22:24.332
- All of these promises that had been spoken
- 00:22:24.399 --> 00:22:25.300
- That had been spoken for 4,000 years,
- 00:22:25.367 --> 00:22:28.170
- For 4,000 years, and the word entered into mary,
- 00:22:28.236 --> 00:22:31.339
- And the word entered into mary, and she conceived.
- 00:22:31.406 --> 00:22:32.374
- And she conceived. that was the supernatural part.
- 00:22:32.441 --> 00:22:33.842
- That was the supernatural part. but after that,
- 00:22:33.909 --> 00:22:35.143
- But after that, all the rest of the pregnancy,
- 00:22:35.210 --> 00:22:36.778
- All the rest of the pregnancy, the delivery was all natural.
- 00:22:36.845 --> 00:22:38.847
- The delivery was all natural. it was the same way
- 00:22:38.914 --> 00:22:39.748
- It was the same way that you and i were born,
- 00:22:39.815 --> 00:22:40.816
- That you and i were born, but instead of a man
- 00:22:40.882 --> 00:22:41.783
- But instead of a man providing the seed,
- 00:22:41.850 --> 00:22:42.451
- The word of god was the seed.
- 00:22:43.084 --> 00:22:44.820
- The word became flesh.
- 00:22:44.820 --> 00:22:47.155
- >> the best present that i think
- 00:22:50.826 --> 00:22:52.427
- You could give anybody would be
- 00:22:52.427 --> 00:22:53.995
- This living commentary. it's a
- 00:22:53.995 --> 00:22:56.164
- Digital commentary that you
- 00:22:56.164 --> 00:22:57.432
- Could get on your phone as well
- 00:22:57.432 --> 00:22:58.900
- As on your laptop, but it is my
- 00:22:58.900 --> 00:23:02.838
- Commentary on over 27,000 verses
- 00:23:02.838 --> 00:23:06.241
- In the bible. and we've got
- 00:23:06.241 --> 00:23:08.477
- Special deals that go along with
- 00:23:08.477 --> 00:23:10.278
- This, some add-ons that go with
- 00:23:10.278 --> 00:23:12.113
- It, and it would just be a
- 00:23:12.113 --> 00:23:13.515
- Tremendous presence. so listen
- 00:23:13.515 --> 00:23:18.520
- To our announcer has he gives
- 00:23:18.520 --> 00:23:19.521
- You some details, and please
- 00:23:19.521 --> 00:23:21.156
- Take advantage of this today.
- 00:23:21.156 --> 00:23:23.058
- >> now through december 31st you
- 00:23:23.124 --> 00:23:24.759
- Can get andrew's living
- 00:23:25.293 --> 00:23:26.695
- Commentary for 50% off. surprise
- 00:23:26.695 --> 00:23:29.898
- Your loved ones with the
- 00:23:29.898 --> 00:23:30.832
- Enduring joy of the word by
- 00:23:30.832 --> 00:23:33.068
- Going to to get the
- 00:23:33.068 --> 00:23:37.339
- Living commentary today.
- 00:23:37.339 --> 00:23:39.274
- Don't delay, the offer
- 00:23:39.274 --> 00:23:40.442
- Ends on december 31st.
- 00:23:40.442 --> 00:23:44.145
- >> god's promises will become
- 00:23:47.782 --> 00:23:49.684
- More real and alive when you get
- 00:23:49.684 --> 00:23:51.820
- Andrew's complete teaching
- 00:23:51.820 --> 00:23:53.355
- Titled the word became flesh.
- 00:23:53.355 --> 00:23:55.524
- >> this week i've been teaching
- 00:23:55.524 --> 00:23:57.125
- On a series i call the word
- 00:23:57.125 --> 00:23:58.660
- Became flesh, and i have this in
- 00:23:58.660 --> 00:24:01.062
- Cd, also in dvd that was taken
- 00:24:01.062 --> 00:24:03.331
- Either from television or a live
- 00:24:03.331 --> 00:24:05.000
- Teaching, and i tell you, this
- 00:24:05.000 --> 00:24:07.002
- Is awesome. i would encourage
- 00:24:07.002 --> 00:24:08.970
- You to get this and to study it.
- 00:24:08.970 --> 00:24:10.672
- This is the kind of thing that
- 00:24:10.672 --> 00:24:11.640
- You just don't get it by
- 00:24:11.640 --> 00:24:12.941
- Listening to it on television in
- 00:24:12.941 --> 00:24:14.342
- Little 30 minute segments. you
- 00:24:14.342 --> 00:24:16.411
- Need to get the entire teaching
- 00:24:16.411 --> 00:24:17.679
- And study it. i promise you it's
- 00:24:17.679 --> 00:24:20.181
- A life-changing truth. it would
- 00:24:20.181 --> 00:24:21.816
- Really, really bless you. so
- 00:24:21.816 --> 00:24:23.151
- Listen to our announcer as he
- 00:24:23.151 --> 00:24:24.419
- Gives you this information.
- 00:24:24.419 --> 00:24:25.654
- >> andrew's complete teaching,
- 00:24:25.654 --> 00:24:27.355
- The word became flesh, is
- 00:24:27.355 --> 00:24:29.291
- Available as a cd or dvd album
- 00:24:29.291 --> 00:24:32.527
- Made from our daily television
- 00:24:32.527 --> 00:24:33.795
- Broadcast or in a dvd album
- 00:24:33.795 --> 00:24:36.698
- Recorded live at a ministry
- 00:24:36.698 --> 00:24:38.433
- Event. each of these resources
- 00:24:38.433 --> 00:24:41.002
- Are available for a gift of any
- 00:24:41.002 --> 00:24:43.305
- Amount when you contact us. this
- 00:24:43.305 --> 00:24:45.607
- Entire series is also available
- 00:24:45.607 --> 00:24:47.842
- For audio download absolutely
- 00:24:47.842 --> 00:24:49.844
- Free from our website.
- 00:24:49.844 --> 00:24:51.980
- We want to say a special
- 00:24:51.980 --> 00:24:54.015
- Thank you to the grace partners
- 00:24:54.015 --> 00:24:55.617
- Of andrew wommack ministries.
- 00:24:55.617 --> 00:24:57.886
- Your gifts make it possible to
- 00:24:57.886 --> 00:25:00.121
- Put free ministry materials into
- 00:25:00.121 --> 00:25:02.223
- The hands of many people in
- 00:25:02.223 --> 00:25:03.391
- Need. if you're not already a
- 00:25:03.391 --> 00:25:05.860
- Grace partner, we ask you to
- 00:25:05.860 --> 00:25:07.562
- Pray about becoming one today.
- 00:25:07.562 --> 00:25:09.564
- You can become a grace partner
- 00:25:09.564 --> 00:25:11.399
- Through our website at
- 00:25:11.399 --> 00:25:14.970
- You can also order resources or
- 00:25:14.970 --> 00:25:17.639
- Receive prayer by calling our
- 00:25:17.639 --> 00:25:19.641
- Helpline at 719-635-1111.
- 00:25:19.641 --> 00:25:24.579
- Our helpline is open 24
- 00:25:24.579 --> 00:25:26.481
- Hours a day, 7 days a week.
- 00:25:26.481 --> 00:25:30.385
- >> colleen could not understand
- 00:25:30.452 --> 00:25:32.354
- God's love. her past
- 00:25:32.354 --> 00:25:34.389
- Mistakes left her sin
- 00:25:34.389 --> 00:25:35.991
- Conscious and ashamed.
- 00:25:35.991 --> 00:25:37.826
- >> i was just in my own self
- 00:25:37.826 --> 00:25:39.761
- Pity, in my own pain, in my
- 00:25:39.761 --> 00:25:42.130
- Own hurt. it was all about,
- 00:25:42.130 --> 00:25:44.299
- Well, this was your sin. this
- 00:25:44.299 --> 00:25:46.401
- Was your sin. you did that
- 00:25:46.401 --> 00:25:47.602
- Wrong. you made that mistake.
- 00:25:47.602 --> 00:25:48.970
- Look at that poor choice.
- 00:25:48.970 --> 00:25:50.372
- >> colleen's daughter
- 00:25:50.372 --> 00:25:51.606
- And son-in-law began to
- 00:25:51.606 --> 00:25:53.074
- Show them the truth
- 00:25:53.074 --> 00:25:54.342
- That would set colleen free.
- 00:25:54.342 --> 00:25:56.244
- >> i just remember i listened
- 00:25:56.244 --> 00:25:57.746
- To a teaching and immediately
- 00:25:57.746 --> 00:25:59.147
- I felt like the holy
- 00:25:59.147 --> 00:26:00.382
- Spirit said, you need to
- 00:26:00.382 --> 00:26:01.282
- Send this to your mom.
- 00:26:01.282 --> 00:26:02.317
- >> god is good, and he
- 00:26:02.317 --> 00:26:04.486
- Loves us because he is
- 00:26:04.486 --> 00:26:06.921
- Love, not because we are
- 00:26:06.921 --> 00:26:08.423
- Lovely. it is because of who we
- 00:26:08.423 --> 00:26:10.792
- Are in the spirit, that we
- 00:26:10.792 --> 00:26:12.127
- Have a relationship with
- 00:26:12.127 --> 00:26:13.094
- God, not our performance.
- 00:26:13.094 --> 00:26:15.130
- >> god loves you. god
- 00:26:15.130 --> 00:26:17.032
- Loves you. he loves you
- 00:26:17.032 --> 00:26:18.833
- Unconditionally. he died for you
- 00:26:18.833 --> 00:26:21.536
- While you were sinner. he's not
- 00:26:21.536 --> 00:26:23.371
- Going to give up on you
- 00:26:23.371 --> 00:26:24.372
- Now that you're his child.
- 00:26:24.372 --> 00:26:25.707
- >> when she began to believe
- 00:26:25.707 --> 00:26:27.442
- That this love and this
- 00:26:27.442 --> 00:26:30.178
- Grace that she walks in
- 00:26:30.178 --> 00:26:31.913
- Is unearned and undeserved, it's
- 00:26:31.913 --> 00:26:34.315
- Only through the acceptance of
- 00:26:34.315 --> 00:26:35.684
- The gift of what christ has
- 00:26:35.684 --> 00:26:37.852
- Done, i really believe that's
- 00:26:37.852 --> 00:26:40.488
- The beginning of when her
- 00:26:40.488 --> 00:26:41.790
- Complete healing took place.
- 00:26:41.790 --> 00:26:46.227
- >> on march 23rd, 1968, andrew
- 00:26:46.294 --> 00:26:49.297
- Wommack received a dramatic
- 00:26:49.297 --> 00:26:50.832
- Revelation of god's
- 00:26:50.832 --> 00:26:52.400
- Unconditional love and grace.
- 00:26:52.400 --> 00:26:54.669
- Since then, andrew has shared
- 00:26:54.669 --> 00:26:57.172
- This nearly too good to be
- 00:26:57.172 --> 00:26:58.873
- True news with millions
- 00:26:58.873 --> 00:27:00.475
- Of listeners worldwide.
- 00:27:00.475 --> 00:27:02.577
- >> hello, i'm andrew wommack and
- 00:27:02.577 --> 00:27:04.446
- You have been watching my gospel
- 00:27:04.446 --> 00:27:06.414
- Truth program that's been aired
- 00:27:06.414 --> 00:27:08.383
- On tbn since 2011, but i have
- 00:27:08.383 --> 00:27:11.586
- Good news, now we air seven days
- 00:27:11.586 --> 00:27:13.888
- A week. we have a saturday and
- 00:27:13.888 --> 00:27:15.724
- Sunday broadcast. the times are
- 00:27:15.724 --> 00:27:17.692
- On the screen, and i just
- 00:27:17.692 --> 00:27:19.360
- Encourage you to join me for not
- 00:27:19.360 --> 00:27:21.196
- Only our weekday program, but
- 00:27:21.196 --> 00:27:22.897
- Also our weekend programs of the
- 00:27:22.897 --> 00:27:24.799
- Gospel truth. i guarantee
- 00:27:24.799 --> 00:27:26.367
- You, you will be blessed.
- 00:27:26.367 --> 00:27:26.367