Andrew Wommack shares how the Word of God transformed his life. He believes the same power will work for you. His teaching is profound, clear, and simple enough for a child. Find great teachings and healing testimonies of changed lives at:
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Andrew Wommack: Gospel Truth | Andrew Wommack - The Word Became Flesh | December 31, 2024
- Count down
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- ♪ music ♪
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- >> welcome to gospel truth with
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- Andrew wommack. celebrating 56
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- Years of changing lives through
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- The power of god's word and 30
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- Years making disciples through
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- Charis bible college.
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- Music
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- >> this is something that
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- Everyone in the entire world
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- Needs to know that knowledge and
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- Head knowledge that we get from
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- Charis bible college. so, i
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- Would just say step out in faith
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- And don't look back.
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- >> and now, here's andrew.
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- Welcome to our tuesday's
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- Broadcast of the gospel truth.
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- Today i'm continuing to teach
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- On the word became flesh.
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- This is a series that i made
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- Many years ago.
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- There's five teachings in this.
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- What i'm teaching here
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- On television is kind of an
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- Abbreviated version of this,
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- But i tell you it's really good.
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- This is powerful stuff.
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- And this explains so many things
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- And this explains so many things that the average person does not
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- That the average person does not understand about god.
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- Understand about god. last week i started this series,
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- Last week i started this series, and i spent a lot of time
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- And i spent a lot of time countering and what i call
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- Countering and what i call an extreme sovereignty of god
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- An extreme sovereignty of god teaching to where god
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- Teaching to where god just controls everything.
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- Just controls everything. nothing happens,
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- Nothing happens, but what he wills.
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- But what he wills. that's not what
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- That's not what the word of god teaches.
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- The word of god teaches. i used a lot of scriptures
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- I used a lot of scriptures to verify that.
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- To verify that. and because god doesn't
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- And because god doesn't just control us like
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- Just control us like a chess piece and move us
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- A chess piece and move us and everything is happening
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- And everything is happening according to his will,
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- According to his will, that gives explanation as to why
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- That gives explanation as to why it took 4,000 years for jesus
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- It took 4,000 years for jesus to show up because he had
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- To show up because he had to flow through us.
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- To flow through us. god gave us control
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- God gave us control over this earth.
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- Over this earth. and when we yielded that control
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- And when we yielded that control to the devil,
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- To the devil, the devil started messing
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- The devil started messing the whole thing up.
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- The whole thing up. and there was resistance,
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- And there was resistance, and it took 4,000 years for
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- And it took 4,000 years for the lord to speak through people
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- The lord to speak through people to give the prophecies about how
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- To give the prophecies about how jesus could come to this earth.
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- Jesus could come to this earth. that's how he created adam
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- That's how he created adam in the first place is to
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- In the first place is to speak him into existence.
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- Speak him into existence. he had to speak the second adam
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- He had to speak the second adam into existence,
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- Into existence, but he wasn't in total control
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- But he wasn't in total control then because he had given
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- Then because he had given the control to man.
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- The control to man. and so he had to
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- And so he had to flow through men.
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- Flow through men. and it just took 4,000 years
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- And it just took 4,000 years for people to get in line
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- For people to get in line with what god said.
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- With what god said. and then yesterday i was sharing
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- And then yesterday i was sharing on the program out of
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- On the program out of luke chapter 1,
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- Luke chapter 1, that the angel gabriel came
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- That the angel gabriel came and appeared unto mary
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- And appeared unto mary and told her that she was
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- And told her that she was highly favored of god
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- Highly favored of god and that god was going
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- And that god was going to impregnate her,
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- To impregnate her, that she would be the one
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- That she would be the one to give birth to
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- To give birth to the physical son of god.
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- The physical son of god. now jesus existed from eternity.
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- Now jesus existed from eternity. there was no beginning to jesus.
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- There was no beginning to jesus. in john chapter 1,
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- In john chapter 1, and colossians chapter 1,
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- And colossians chapter 1, it talks about everything
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- It talks about everything was created by jesus.
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- Was created by jesus. nothing was made without him.
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- Nothing was made without him. so he existed long before
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- So he existed long before he became a physical man
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- He became a physical man and was born through mary.
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- And was born through mary. his spirit being god existed
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- His spirit being god existed from eternity.
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- From eternity. but his physical body
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- But his physical body was created by words
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- Was created by words in a similar way to the way
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- In a similar way to the way that adam's body was created.
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- That adam's body was created. god spoke him into existence
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- God spoke him into existence through people.
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- Through people. this angel came and appeared
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- This angel came and appeared unto mary and said that she was
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- Unto mary and said that she was going to be the one
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- Going to be the one that would give the birth to
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- That would give the birth to the physical body of jesus.
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- She says, how can this be
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- She says, how can this be seeing i know not a man?
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- Seeing i know not a man? in other words she was a virgin.
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- In other words she was a virgin. and the angel said unto her,
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- And the angel said unto her, this is gabriel in verse 35,
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- This is gabriel in verse 35, luke 1:35, and the angel
- 00:03:25.361 --> 00:03:27.864
- Luke 1:35, and the angel answered and said unto her,
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- Answered and said unto her, the holy ghost shall come
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- The holy ghost shall come upon thee,
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- Upon thee, and the power of the highest
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- And the power of the highest shall overshadow thee:
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- Shall overshadow thee: therefore also that holy thing
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- Therefore also that holy thing which shall be born of thee
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- Which shall be born of thee shall be called the son of god.
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- Man, that was awesome.
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- Man, that was awesome. and so what he did was take
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- And so what he did was take all of these prophecies that had
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- All of these prophecies that had been spoken all the way from,
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- Been spoken all the way from, you know, genesis chapter 3,
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- You know, genesis chapter 3, where the lord said
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- Where the lord said that his seed will bruise
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- That his seed will bruise the head of the serpent,
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- The head of the serpent, the serpent will bruise
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- The serpent will bruise his heel, but he would,
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- His heel, but he would, the seed of the woman,
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- The seed of the woman, not the seed of the man,
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- Not the seed of the man, which that's talking about
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- Which that's talking about a virgin birth, would bruise
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- A virgin birth, would bruise the head of the serpent.
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- The head of the serpent. from that prophecy all
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- From that prophecy all the way through moses,
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- The way through moses, david, samuel, elijah, anybody,
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- David, samuel, elijah, anybody, all of the prophets of god,
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- All of the prophets of god, all of the things that they said
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- All of the things that they said about where he would be born,
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- About where he would be born, how he would be resurrected
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- How he would be resurrected from the dead.
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- From the dead. and all of these prophecies,
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- And all of these prophecies, this angel gabriel
- 00:04:23.553 --> 00:04:24.721
- This angel gabriel took these prophecies.
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- Took these prophecies. and after he proposed to mary,
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- And after he proposed to mary, and mary accepted the proposal,
- 00:04:28.491 --> 00:04:30.660
- And mary accepted the proposal, then the holy spirit took
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- Then the holy spirit took all of those prophecies,
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- All of those prophecies, and the word became flesh.
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- And the word became flesh. now that is exactly what it says
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- Now that is exactly what it says in john chapter 1.
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- In john chapter 1. i read this verse,
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- I read this verse, i think it was yesterday,
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- But in john chapter 1,
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- But in john chapter 1, in verse 14, it says
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- In verse 14, it says and the word was made flesh,
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- And the word was made flesh, and dwelt among us,
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- And dwelt among us, and we beheld his glory
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- And we beheld his glory the glory as of the only
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- The glory as of the only begotten of the father,
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- Begotten of the father, full of grace and truth.
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- The word became flesh.
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- The word became flesh. that is so appropriate.
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- That is so appropriate. because again, the way
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- Because again, the way god spoke adam into existence,
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- God spoke adam into existence, he said, and his words
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- He said, and his words created the physical body.
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- And then he blew into adam
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- And then he blew into adam the breath of life;
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- The breath of life; and man became a living soul.
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- That's the way that adam
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- That's the way that adam was created.
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- Was created. well, the second adam,
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- Well, the second adam, jesus had to be created
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- Jesus had to be created by words too.
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- By words too. and he spoke through all of
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- And he spoke through all of these prophets over 4,000 years.
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- These prophets over 4,000 years. and then the holy spirit
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- And then the holy spirit took these words
- 00:05:31.320 --> 00:05:33.856
- Took these words and the word became flesh.
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- And the word became flesh. and i used this verse yesterday.
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- And i used this verse yesterday. i've used it before
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- I've used it before but over in 1 peter 1:23,
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- We are born again,
- 00:05:41.697 --> 00:05:42.432
- We are born again, not of corruptible seed,
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- Not of corruptible seed, but of incorruptible seed,
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- But of incorruptible seed, by the word of god,
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- By the word of god, that lives and abides for ever
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- It calls the word of god
- 00:05:48.438 --> 00:05:49.806
- It calls the word of god a seed, a sperm.
- 00:05:49.872 --> 00:05:52.408
- A seed, a sperm. the word of god, man that...
- 00:05:52.475 --> 00:05:55.044
- The word of god, man that... some people just let these
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- Some people just let these things go right past them
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- Things go right past them and they don't think about it,
- 00:05:58.981 --> 00:05:59.982
- And they don't think about it, but this is awesome!
- 00:06:00.049 --> 00:06:02.985
- But this is awesome! this is awesome to think about
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- This is awesome to think about this that these words that have
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- This that these words that have been written down,
- 00:06:08.157 --> 00:06:09.158
- Been written down, the physical pages aren't spirit
- 00:06:09.225 --> 00:06:12.462
- The physical pages aren't spirit and they are life.
- 00:06:12.528 --> 00:06:13.896
- John 6:63 jesus said,
- 00:06:13.963 --> 00:06:15.698
- John 6:63 jesus said, it is the spirit that quickens;
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- It is the spirit that quickens; the flesh profits nothing:
- 00:06:17.900 --> 00:06:18.835
- The flesh profits nothing: the words that i speak unto you,
- 00:06:18.901 --> 00:06:20.803
- The words that i speak unto you, they are spirit,
- 00:06:20.870 --> 00:06:23.172
- They are spirit, and they are life.
- 00:06:23.239 --> 00:06:24.607
- The physical page here,
- 00:06:24.674 --> 00:06:26.142
- The physical page here, i could tear a page
- 00:06:26.209 --> 00:06:27.076
- I could tear a page out of my bible
- 00:06:27.143 --> 00:06:28.177
- Out of my bible and some people might think,
- 00:06:28.244 --> 00:06:29.178
- And some people might think, oh that's sacrilegious.
- 00:06:29.245 --> 00:06:31.347
- Oh that's sacrilegious. this is just a physical
- 00:06:31.414 --> 00:06:32.548
- This is just a physical representation.
- 00:06:32.615 --> 00:06:33.449
- Representation. i believe it's a perfect,
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- I believe it's a perfect, physical representation.
- 00:06:34.717 --> 00:06:36.385
- Physical representation. man, i love the word of god,
- 00:06:36.452 --> 00:06:38.354
- Man, i love the word of god, the written word of god,
- 00:06:38.421 --> 00:06:39.355
- The written word of god, but it's really the spirit
- 00:06:39.422 --> 00:06:41.123
- That's behind it.
- 00:06:41.190 --> 00:06:42.024
- That's behind it. like jesus said my word
- 00:06:42.091 --> 00:06:43.726
- Like jesus said my word is spirit and it's truth.
- 00:06:43.793 --> 00:06:46.462
- Is spirit and it's truth. it says over in
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- It says over in hebrews chapter 4, verse 12
- 00:06:47.330 --> 00:06:49.465
- Hebrews chapter 4, verse 12 that the word of god is quick
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- That the word of god is quick that means alive and powerful,
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- That means alive and powerful, and sharper than
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- And sharper than any two-edged sword,
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- Any two-edged sword, piercing even to the dividing
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- Piercing even to the dividing asunder of soul and spirit,
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- Asunder of soul and spirit, and joint and marrow,
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- And joint and marrow, and is a discerner of
- 00:07:00.676 --> 00:07:01.544
- And is a discerner of the thoughts and the intents
- 00:07:01.611 --> 00:07:02.778
- The thoughts and the intents of the heart.
- 00:07:02.845 --> 00:07:03.779
- The word of god is powerful.
- 00:07:03.846 --> 00:07:05.314
- The word of god is powerful. it's alive.
- 00:07:05.381 --> 00:07:07.650
- It's alive. this written word is important
- 00:07:07.717 --> 00:07:10.753
- This written word is important because this is how i read it
- 00:07:10.820 --> 00:07:12.288
- Because this is how i read it with my physical eyes,
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- With my physical eyes, but it's the spirit
- 00:07:14.056 --> 00:07:16.092
- But it's the spirit that release...that is released
- 00:07:16.158 --> 00:07:18.027
- That release...that is released through these words that really
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- Through these words that really changes you.
- 00:07:20.530 --> 00:07:21.597
- Changes you. this...this gives explanation to
- 00:07:21.664 --> 00:07:24.133
- This...this gives explanation to why so many people can
- 00:07:24.200 --> 00:07:25.301
- Why so many people can read the bible and it doesn't
- 00:07:25.368 --> 00:07:26.435
- Read the bible and it doesn't do anything for them
- 00:07:26.502 --> 00:07:27.470
- Do anything for them because they're reading it
- 00:07:27.537 --> 00:07:28.070
- Because they're reading it with their brain.
- 00:07:28.137 --> 00:07:29.972
- With their brain. now you have to use your mind
- 00:07:30.039 --> 00:07:31.641
- Now you have to use your mind to read.
- 00:07:31.707 --> 00:07:32.174
- To read. you have to learn how to read.
- 00:07:32.241 --> 00:07:33.409
- You have to learn how to read. you have to learn a language
- 00:07:33.476 --> 00:07:34.644
- You have to learn a language and, you know, all of
- 00:07:34.710 --> 00:07:35.778
- And, you know, all of the construction in english
- 00:07:35.845 --> 00:07:37.680
- The construction in english or whatever language it is.
- 00:07:37.747 --> 00:07:39.115
- Or whatever language it is. i'm not saying you don't use
- 00:07:39.181 --> 00:07:40.149
- I'm not saying you don't use your mind, but it has to go
- 00:07:40.216 --> 00:07:41.450
- Your mind, but it has to go far beyond your mind.
- 00:07:41.517 --> 00:07:42.952
- Far beyond your mind. the bible isn't written
- 00:07:43.019 --> 00:07:44.020
- The bible isn't written to your brain.
- 00:07:44.086 --> 00:07:45.922
- To your brain. the bible is written
- 00:07:45.988 --> 00:07:46.856
- The bible is written to your heart.
- 00:07:46.923 --> 00:07:48.157
- To your heart. and if you will read it
- 00:07:48.224 --> 00:07:49.091
- And if you will read it with your heart,
- 00:07:49.158 --> 00:07:51.060
- With your heart, that includes using your mind,
- 00:07:51.127 --> 00:07:53.162
- That includes using your mind, you read the words,
- 00:07:53.229 --> 00:07:54.230
- You read the words, but then you meditate on it.
- 00:07:54.297 --> 00:07:55.898
- But then you meditate on it. you think and you say,
- 00:07:55.965 --> 00:07:56.732
- You think and you say, god, what does this mean?
- 00:07:56.799 --> 00:07:59.468
- God, what does this mean? does this apply to me?
- 00:07:59.535 --> 00:08:00.469
- Does this apply to me? how does this apply to me?
- 00:08:00.536 --> 00:08:02.438
- How does this apply to me? and when you read with
- 00:08:02.505 --> 00:08:03.673
- And when you read with your heart, the spirit
- 00:08:03.739 --> 00:08:05.808
- Your heart, the spirit that is in these words.
- 00:08:05.875 --> 00:08:07.610
- That is in these words. it's just like that verse is
- 00:08:07.677 --> 00:08:08.911
- It's just like that verse is saying the word became flesh.
- 00:08:08.978 --> 00:08:11.314
- Saying the word became flesh. you are born again by
- 00:08:11.380 --> 00:08:12.381
- You are born again by incorruptible seed, the word.
- 00:08:12.448 --> 00:08:14.016
- Incorruptible seed, the word. the word, this word, not just
- 00:08:14.083 --> 00:08:17.286
- The word, this word, not just the physical representation
- 00:08:17.353 --> 00:08:18.921
- The physical representation but the spirit that inspired it,
- 00:08:18.988 --> 00:08:21.390
- But the spirit that inspired it, the spirit that comes through
- 00:08:21.457 --> 00:08:22.491
- The spirit that comes through it, it is the sperm of god.
- 00:08:22.558 --> 00:08:26.762
- It, it is the sperm of god. i know a lot of people
- 00:08:26.829 --> 00:08:27.463
- I know a lot of people don't think this way,
- 00:08:27.530 --> 00:08:28.564
- Don't think this way, but that's one of the reasons
- 00:08:28.631 --> 00:08:29.498
- But that's one of the reasons they don't get the results.
- 00:08:29.565 --> 00:08:31.567
- They don't get the results. they're trying to get some...
- 00:08:31.634 --> 00:08:33.469
- They're trying to get some... a miracle from god,
- 00:08:33.536 --> 00:08:34.437
- A miracle from god, but they don't conceive
- 00:08:34.503 --> 00:08:35.705
- But they don't conceive a miracle.
- 00:08:35.771 --> 00:08:36.539
- A miracle. did you know miracles
- 00:08:36.606 --> 00:08:37.406
- Did you know miracles have to be conceived?
- 00:08:37.473 --> 00:08:40.142
- Have to be conceived? that's a powerful truth,
- 00:08:40.209 --> 00:08:42.445
- That's a powerful truth, and most people don't think
- 00:08:42.511 --> 00:08:43.312
- And most people don't think this way.
- 00:08:43.379 --> 00:08:44.814
- This way. there's a lot of people,
- 00:08:44.880 --> 00:08:45.548
- There's a lot of people, i have so many people
- 00:08:45.615 --> 00:08:46.382
- I have so many people come to me, and they pray,
- 00:08:46.449 --> 00:08:47.717
- Come to me, and they pray, and they say i'm praying
- 00:08:47.783 --> 00:08:48.784
- And they say i'm praying for a healing.
- 00:08:48.851 --> 00:08:50.152
- For a healing. and i'll ask them,
- 00:08:50.219 --> 00:08:50.886
- And i'll ask them, so what scripture do you have
- 00:08:50.953 --> 00:08:52.955
- So what scripture do you have that you're standing on,
- 00:08:53.022 --> 00:08:54.056
- That you're standing on, that quickens your faith?
- 00:08:54.123 --> 00:08:55.091
- That quickens your faith? you know the bible says
- 00:08:55.157 --> 00:08:55.992
- Romans 10:17, so then
- 00:08:56.058 --> 00:08:57.727
- Romans 10:17, so then faith comes by hearing,
- 00:08:57.793 --> 00:08:58.661
- Faith comes by hearing, and hearing by the word of god.
- 00:08:58.728 --> 00:09:00.162
- So what scripture are you
- 00:09:00.229 --> 00:09:01.263
- So what scripture are you standing on to get faith
- 00:09:01.330 --> 00:09:03.366
- Standing on to get faith to believe for this healing?
- 00:09:03.432 --> 00:09:05.368
- To believe for this healing? and i'll have people say,
- 00:09:05.434 --> 00:09:06.168
- And i'll have people say, well, i don't know.
- 00:09:06.235 --> 00:09:07.903
- Well, i don't know. isn't there some scripture
- 00:09:07.970 --> 00:09:09.305
- Isn't there some scripture some place that says something
- 00:09:09.372 --> 00:09:10.640
- Some place that says something about by the stripes of jesus
- 00:09:10.706 --> 00:09:12.041
- About by the stripes of jesus we're healed?
- 00:09:12.108 --> 00:09:12.742
- We're healed? i can't remember if it's
- 00:09:12.808 --> 00:09:13.509
- I can't remember if it's old testament or new testament,
- 00:09:13.576 --> 00:09:15.478
- Old testament or new testament, but isn't it something
- 00:09:15.544 --> 00:09:16.679
- But isn't it something like that?
- 00:09:16.746 --> 00:09:18.581
- Like that? that's like a woman who's saying
- 00:09:18.648 --> 00:09:20.683
- That's like a woman who's saying i want a child and i'm praying
- 00:09:20.750 --> 00:09:22.218
- I want a child and i'm praying for a child,
- 00:09:22.284 --> 00:09:23.019
- For a child, and i've been standing
- 00:09:23.085 --> 00:09:23.586
- And i've been standing next to this man,
- 00:09:23.653 --> 00:09:25.655
- Next to this man, how come i'm not pregnant?
- 00:09:25.721 --> 00:09:27.590
- How come i'm not pregnant? i'm not going to explain
- 00:09:27.657 --> 00:09:28.624
- I'm not going to explain all of these things here
- 00:09:28.691 --> 00:09:29.592
- All of these things here on international television.
- 00:09:29.659 --> 00:09:31.460
- On international television. hopefully most of you understand
- 00:09:31.527 --> 00:09:32.595
- Hopefully most of you understand this but you don't get pregnant
- 00:09:32.662 --> 00:09:34.063
- This but you don't get pregnant by standing next to somebody.
- 00:09:34.130 --> 00:09:36.532
- By standing next to somebody. you don't get pregnant by
- 00:09:36.599 --> 00:09:37.600
- You don't get pregnant by drinking the water after them.
- 00:09:37.667 --> 00:09:39.969
- Drinking the water after them. there has to be an intimacy.
- 00:09:40.036 --> 00:09:42.038
- There has to be an intimacy. there has to be a seed sown.
- 00:09:42.104 --> 00:09:44.607
- There has to be a seed sown. and likewise, you don't get
- 00:09:44.674 --> 00:09:46.442
- And likewise, you don't get your healing from god
- 00:09:46.509 --> 00:09:48.110
- Your healing from god by just saying,
- 00:09:48.177 --> 00:09:48.778
- By just saying, doesn't the bible say
- 00:09:48.844 --> 00:09:49.812
- Doesn't the bible say some place?
- 00:09:49.879 --> 00:09:51.213
- Some place? you may have a bible
- 00:09:51.280 --> 00:09:52.381
- You may have a bible on your coffee table,
- 00:09:52.448 --> 00:09:53.249
- On your coffee table, but that doesn't mean that it's
- 00:09:53.315 --> 00:09:54.750
- But that doesn't mean that it's come off of the page
- 00:09:54.817 --> 00:09:55.651
- Come off of the page and into your heart
- 00:09:55.718 --> 00:09:57.353
- And into your heart to where it can conceive.
- 00:09:57.420 --> 00:09:59.055
- To where it can conceive. see, if you understand
- 00:09:59.121 --> 00:10:00.022
- See, if you understand what i'm saying,
- 00:10:00.089 --> 00:10:01.157
- What i'm saying, this written word of god
- 00:10:01.223 --> 00:10:03.225
- This written word of god is the seed of god.
- 00:10:03.292 --> 00:10:04.827
- Is the seed of god. it's the sperm of god.
- 00:10:04.894 --> 00:10:06.429
- It's the sperm of god. and when you read a scripture
- 00:10:06.495 --> 00:10:07.830
- Like, his stripes
- 00:10:07.897 --> 00:10:09.532
- Like, his stripes you were healed, 1 peter 2:24,
- 00:10:09.598 --> 00:10:12.635
- If you were to take that
- 00:10:12.702 --> 00:10:14.003
- If you were to take that and meditate on it
- 00:10:14.070 --> 00:10:15.171
- And meditate on it and mix it with faith,
- 00:10:15.237 --> 00:10:17.339
- And mix it with faith, it would germinate
- 00:10:17.406 --> 00:10:19.241
- It would germinate in your heart.
- 00:10:19.308 --> 00:10:19.875
- In your heart. it would conceive a miracle
- 00:10:19.942 --> 00:10:22.411
- It would conceive a miracle and then you would give birth
- 00:10:22.478 --> 00:10:23.979
- And then you would give birth to a miracle later on.
- 00:10:24.046 --> 00:10:26.449
- To a miracle later on. but see, most people aren't
- 00:10:26.515 --> 00:10:27.283
- But see, most people aren't approaching a miracle that way.
- 00:10:27.349 --> 00:10:28.617
- Approaching a miracle that way. they're just, oh god,
- 00:10:28.684 --> 00:10:30.319
- They're just, oh god, i need healing, the doctor says
- 00:10:30.386 --> 00:10:31.754
- I need healing, the doctor says i'm going to die.
- 00:10:31.821 --> 00:10:32.488
- I'm going to die. and so you pray and you just
- 00:10:32.555 --> 00:10:33.723
- And so you pray and you just ask and then you just wait
- 00:10:33.789 --> 00:10:35.124
- Ask and then you just wait on your healing to
- 00:10:35.191 --> 00:10:36.592
- On your healing to fall out of heaven.
- 00:10:36.659 --> 00:10:38.027
- Fall out of heaven. that's like a woman who's
- 00:10:38.094 --> 00:10:38.828
- That's like a woman who's praying for a child,
- 00:10:38.894 --> 00:10:40.162
- Praying for a child, but she's not going to have
- 00:10:40.229 --> 00:10:40.896
- But she's not going to have a physical relationship
- 00:10:40.963 --> 00:10:41.964
- A physical relationship with a man.
- 00:10:42.031 --> 00:10:42.732
- With a man. she's just waiting on a miracle
- 00:10:42.798 --> 00:10:44.734
- She's just waiting on a miracle to come out of heaven like
- 00:10:44.800 --> 00:10:45.634
- To come out of heaven like a stork is going to bring
- 00:10:45.701 --> 00:10:46.836
- A stork is going to bring the baby.
- 00:10:46.902 --> 00:10:48.104
- The baby. that's not how it happens.
- 00:10:48.170 --> 00:10:49.872
- That's not how it happens. you have to be impregnated.
- 00:10:49.939 --> 00:10:52.007
- You have to be impregnated. you need to take the word of god
- 00:10:52.074 --> 00:10:55.211
- You need to take the word of god and look at it as
- 00:10:55.277 --> 00:10:56.679
- And look at it as an incorruptible seed,
- 00:10:56.746 --> 00:10:58.380
- An incorruptible seed, 1 peter 1:23.
- 00:10:58.447 --> 00:11:00.382
- 1 peter 1:23. and it's a seed, it's a sperm,
- 00:11:00.449 --> 00:11:02.818
- And it's a seed, it's a sperm, and you take it
- 00:11:02.885 --> 00:11:03.786
- And you take it and you put it on the inside
- 00:11:03.853 --> 00:11:05.187
- And you put it on the inside and you meditate on it.
- 00:11:05.254 --> 00:11:06.789
- And you meditate on it. you have relationship with
- 00:11:06.856 --> 00:11:09.725
- You have relationship with those promises of
- 00:11:09.792 --> 00:11:10.826
- Those promises of the word of god until something
- 00:11:10.893 --> 00:11:12.528
- The word of god until something conceives on the inside of you.
- 00:11:12.595 --> 00:11:15.765
- Conceives on the inside of you. you know again,
- 00:11:15.831 --> 00:11:16.599
- You know again, i'm...i'm at a loss for words
- 00:11:16.665 --> 00:11:19.001
- I'm...i'm at a loss for words to really describe
- 00:11:19.068 --> 00:11:19.969
- To really describe what i'm trying to say,
- 00:11:20.035 --> 00:11:21.137
- What i'm trying to say, but one of the closest things
- 00:11:21.203 --> 00:11:22.805
- But one of the closest things i can compare it to is
- 00:11:22.872 --> 00:11:25.207
- I can compare it to is that i've seen god do a lot
- 00:11:25.274 --> 00:11:27.042
- That i've seen god do a lot of miracles for me;
- 00:11:27.109 --> 00:11:28.244
- Of miracles for me; physical miracles,
- 00:11:28.310 --> 00:11:29.311
- Physical miracles, emotional miracles,
- 00:11:29.378 --> 00:11:31.213
- Emotional miracles, financial miracles,
- 00:11:31.280 --> 00:11:32.882
- Financial miracles, miracles of me being used
- 00:11:32.948 --> 00:11:34.784
- Miracles of me being used to touch other people.
- 00:11:34.850 --> 00:11:37.853
- To touch other people. but they didn't just happen.
- 00:11:37.920 --> 00:11:39.789
- But they didn't just happen. i conceived them.
- 00:11:39.855 --> 00:11:40.322
- Like these buildings that we
- 00:11:40.923 --> 00:11:42.825
- Built for charis bible college.
- 00:11:42.825 --> 00:11:44.560
- I saw these buildings.
- 00:11:44.560 --> 00:11:47.029
- I took the promises
- 00:11:47.096 --> 00:11:48.097
- I took the promises of god's word that said
- 00:11:48.164 --> 00:11:49.064
- Of god's word that said he would meet our need, etc
- 00:11:49.131 --> 00:11:50.733
- He would meet our need, etc and god had told me
- 00:11:50.800 --> 00:11:51.967
- And god had told me that he wanted me to
- 00:11:52.034 --> 00:11:52.768
- That he wanted me to start a bible college.
- 00:11:52.835 --> 00:11:54.036
- Start a bible college. it became obvious that we needed
- 00:11:54.103 --> 00:11:55.638
- It became obvious that we needed facilities to hold it in.
- 00:11:55.704 --> 00:11:57.273
- Facilities to hold it in. we were totally maxed out
- 00:11:57.339 --> 00:11:58.741
- We were totally maxed out and we were either going
- 00:11:58.808 --> 00:11:59.508
- And we were either going to have to
- 00:11:59.575 --> 00:11:59.842
- To have to to limit the number of people
- 00:11:59.909 --> 00:12:03.946
- To limit the number of people that we could minister to,
- 00:12:04.013 --> 00:12:05.414
- That we could minister to, or we were going to have
- 00:12:05.481 --> 00:12:06.081
- Or we were going to have to get new facilities.
- 00:12:06.148 --> 00:12:07.550
- To get new facilities. and as i thought about it,
- 00:12:07.616 --> 00:12:08.584
- And as i thought about it, the lord led me and anyway,
- 00:12:08.651 --> 00:12:10.486
- The lord led me and anyway, i could give long, long
- 00:12:10.553 --> 00:12:11.720
- I could give long, long testimony about this,
- 00:12:11.787 --> 00:12:12.755
- Testimony about this, but the lord led me to
- 00:12:12.822 --> 00:12:13.589
- But the lord led me to woodland park, colorado.
- 00:12:13.656 --> 00:12:14.990
- Woodland park, colorado. we bought property and stuff.
- 00:12:15.057 --> 00:12:17.026
- We bought property and stuff. and then i started taking
- 00:12:17.092 --> 00:12:19.228
- And then i started taking the word of god and just
- 00:12:19.295 --> 00:12:21.130
- The word of god and just meditating on it about
- 00:12:21.197 --> 00:12:22.731
- Meditating on it about how god would supply
- 00:12:22.798 --> 00:12:24.099
- How god would supply all of my need.
- 00:12:24.166 --> 00:12:26.302
- All of my need. and he started
- 00:12:26.368 --> 00:12:26.936
- And he started showing me things.
- 00:12:27.002 --> 00:12:28.003
- Showing me things. and the point that i'm making
- 00:12:28.070 --> 00:12:29.805
- And the point that i'm making is these buildings that we
- 00:12:29.872 --> 00:12:31.674
- Is these buildings that we now have on our property
- 00:12:31.740 --> 00:12:33.209
- Now have on our property that are beautiful buildings,
- 00:12:33.275 --> 00:12:35.077
- That are beautiful buildings, and i mean i believe that
- 00:12:35.144 --> 00:12:36.245
- And i mean i believe that they're a testimony to god.
- 00:12:36.312 --> 00:12:37.947
- They're a testimony to god. they aren't just cheap.
- 00:12:38.013 --> 00:12:40.249
- They aren't just cheap. they glorify god.
- 00:12:40.316 --> 00:12:42.218
- They glorify god. but i conceived these things.
- 00:12:42.284 --> 00:12:45.354
- But i conceived these things. and i know that some of you
- 00:12:45.421 --> 00:12:48.057
- And i know that some of you aren't going to track with me
- 00:12:48.123 --> 00:12:49.291
- Aren't going to track with me on this, but i was pregnant
- 00:12:49.358 --> 00:12:50.893
- On this, but i was pregnant with those things.
- 00:12:50.960 --> 00:12:52.428
- With those things. there was a time that i saw
- 00:12:52.494 --> 00:12:53.762
- There was a time that i saw that we had the need,
- 00:12:53.829 --> 00:12:55.564
- That we had the need, but i couldn't see
- 00:12:55.631 --> 00:12:57.366
- But i couldn't see the end result.
- 00:12:57.433 --> 00:12:58.634
- The end result. but i started meditating
- 00:12:58.701 --> 00:13:00.236
- But i started meditating and praying and as i prayed,
- 00:13:00.302 --> 00:13:02.004
- And praying and as i prayed, god sowed things in my heart.
- 00:13:02.071 --> 00:13:04.807
- God sowed things in my heart. and i literally became pregnant
- 00:13:04.874 --> 00:13:07.042
- And i literally became pregnant with those buildings.
- 00:13:07.109 --> 00:13:08.611
- With those buildings. if you were to come here
- 00:13:08.677 --> 00:13:09.478
- And see our buildings,
- 00:13:09.545 --> 00:13:11.113
- And see our buildings, at one time those things
- 00:13:11.180 --> 00:13:12.181
- At one time those things were on the inside of me.
- 00:13:12.248 --> 00:13:14.149
- Were on the inside of me. some of you might think,
- 00:13:14.216 --> 00:13:15.050
- Some of you might think, boy you're crazy.
- 00:13:15.117 --> 00:13:17.086
- Boy you're crazy. how could something that big
- 00:13:17.152 --> 00:13:18.220
- How could something that big come out of you?
- 00:13:18.287 --> 00:13:18.821
- Come out of you? well, that's like
- 00:13:18.888 --> 00:13:19.255
- Well, that's like a little tiny woman having
- 00:13:19.321 --> 00:13:20.623
- A little tiny woman having a six-foot-five son
- 00:13:20.689 --> 00:13:22.191
- A six-foot-five son or something like that.
- 00:13:22.258 --> 00:13:23.792
- They can grow bigger than you,
- 00:13:23.859 --> 00:13:25.494
- They can grow bigger than you, but i guarantee you at one time
- 00:13:25.561 --> 00:13:27.029
- But i guarantee you at one time it was on the inside of you.
- 00:13:27.096 --> 00:13:29.098
- It was on the inside of you. and all of these buildings,
- 00:13:29.164 --> 00:13:30.466
- And all of these buildings, all of these things
- 00:13:30.532 --> 00:13:32.034
- All of these things that we're seeing happen,
- 00:13:32.101 --> 00:13:32.968
- That we're seeing happen, i meditated on it.
- 00:13:33.035 --> 00:13:34.136
- I meditated on it. i conceived them.
- 00:13:34.203 --> 00:13:35.671
- I conceived them. they didn't just happen.
- 00:13:35.738 --> 00:13:37.539
- They didn't just happen. you know, i remember when...
- 00:13:37.606 --> 00:13:40.342
- You know, i remember when... man, i could...
- 00:13:40.409 --> 00:13:41.677
- Man, i could... i could mention this
- 00:13:41.744 --> 00:13:42.978
- I could mention this in many different things,
- 00:13:43.045 --> 00:13:44.246
- In many different things, but i remember this one building
- 00:13:44.313 --> 00:13:45.481
- We were building down
- 00:13:45.547 --> 00:13:46.482
- We were building down in colorado springs,
- 00:13:46.548 --> 00:13:48.083
- In colorado springs, and i needed $3.2 million which
- 00:13:48.150 --> 00:13:50.886
- At the time that might've been..
- 00:13:50.953 --> 00:13:52.588
- At the time that might've been.. that...that was
- 00:13:52.655 --> 00:13:53.289
- That...that was the equivalent of $320 million
- 00:13:53.355 --> 00:13:56.392
- The equivalent of $320 million and it just seemed impossible
- 00:13:56.458 --> 00:13:58.260
- And it just seemed impossible but i took the word
- 00:13:58.327 --> 00:14:00.229
- But i took the word and i began to meditate on
- 00:14:00.296 --> 00:14:01.597
- And i began to meditate on how he would supply my need
- 00:14:01.664 --> 00:14:03.465
- How he would supply my need and that there is no lack
- 00:14:03.532 --> 00:14:04.633
- And that there is no lack to them that serve him.
- 00:14:04.700 --> 00:14:05.601
- To them that serve him. and i took all of
- 00:14:05.668 --> 00:14:06.235
- And i took all of these scriptures
- 00:14:06.302 --> 00:14:07.369
- These scriptures and i meditated on them,
- 00:14:07.436 --> 00:14:08.404
- And i meditated on them, and it became real
- 00:14:08.470 --> 00:14:09.672
- And it became real on the inside of me.
- 00:14:09.738 --> 00:14:11.607
- On the inside of me. i actually put tape down on
- 00:14:11.674 --> 00:14:13.208
- I actually put tape down on the floor where all the walls
- 00:14:13.275 --> 00:14:15.244
- The floor where all the walls and the doors were supposed
- 00:14:15.311 --> 00:14:16.011
- And the doors were supposed to be, and i walked,
- 00:14:16.078 --> 00:14:16.946
- To be, and i walked, and i saw these things.
- 00:14:17.012 --> 00:14:18.080
- And i saw these things. i conceived it.
- 00:14:18.147 --> 00:14:20.115
- I conceived it. you know i wished i had time
- 00:14:20.182 --> 00:14:21.016
- You know i wished i had time right here to just unplug.
- 00:14:21.083 --> 00:14:22.451
- Right here to just unplug. i'm just going to mention this
- 00:14:22.518 --> 00:14:23.519
- I'm just going to mention this because i want to go on,
- 00:14:23.585 --> 00:14:24.620
- Because i want to go on, but i have a teaching entitled
- 00:14:24.687 --> 00:14:26.722
- But i have a teaching entitled the power of imagination.
- 00:14:26.789 --> 00:14:29.091
- And if you look at the scripture
- 00:14:29.158 --> 00:14:31.093
- And if you look at the scripture in isaiah 26:3, it says,
- 00:14:31.160 --> 00:14:32.995
- In isaiah 26:3, it says, the lord will keep him
- 00:14:33.062 --> 00:14:33.729
- The lord will keep him in perfect peace,
- 00:14:33.796 --> 00:14:34.930
- In perfect peace, whose mind is stayed upon him
- 00:14:34.997 --> 00:14:37.433
- Whose mind is stayed upon him because he trusteth in him.
- 00:14:37.499 --> 00:14:38.634
- Because he trusteth in him. that word mind there is
- 00:14:38.701 --> 00:14:40.202
- That word mind there is the hebrew word yetser,
- 00:14:40.269 --> 00:14:41.637
- The hebrew word yetser, y-e-t-s-e-r,
- 00:14:41.704 --> 00:14:44.273
- Y-e-t-s-e-r, and it means conception.
- 00:14:44.340 --> 00:14:45.841
- Your mind is where you conceive,
- 00:14:47.276 --> 00:14:48.944
- Your mind is where you conceive, and specifically that exact
- 00:14:49.011 --> 00:14:50.879
- And specifically that exact same word, yetser,
- 00:14:50.946 --> 00:14:52.147
- Same word, yetser, y-e-t-s-e-r was translated
- 00:14:52.214 --> 00:14:54.550
- Y-e-t-s-e-r was translated imagination in a number
- 00:14:54.616 --> 00:14:56.518
- Imagination in a number of places.
- 00:14:56.585 --> 00:14:56.852
- Of places. genesis chapter 6,
- 00:14:56.919 --> 00:14:58.187
- About the imagination of
- 00:14:58.253 --> 00:14:59.588
- About the imagination of their heart was only
- 00:14:59.655 --> 00:15:00.289
- Their heart was only evil continually.
- 00:15:00.356 --> 00:15:02.024
- So the word yetser is
- 00:15:02.091 --> 00:15:04.626
- So the word yetser is talking about your imagination,
- 00:15:04.693 --> 00:15:07.196
- Talking about your imagination, your mind, part of your mind.
- 00:15:07.262 --> 00:15:08.831
- Your mind, part of your mind. and it mentions specifically
- 00:15:08.897 --> 00:15:10.933
- And it mentions specifically that it's where you conceive,
- 00:15:11.000 --> 00:15:12.334
- That it's where you conceive, it's conception.
- 00:15:12.401 --> 00:15:14.436
- It's conception. you have to conceive miracles.
- 00:15:14.503 --> 00:15:16.105
- You have to conceive miracles. you take the word,
- 00:15:16.171 --> 00:15:17.039
- You take the word, you take the promises of god,
- 00:15:17.106 --> 00:15:19.008
- You take the promises of god, and you meditate on it
- 00:15:19.074 --> 00:15:20.409
- And you meditate on it until you don't see it
- 00:15:20.476 --> 00:15:21.377
- Until you don't see it with your physical eyes,
- 00:15:21.443 --> 00:15:22.511
- With your physical eyes, but you see it
- 00:15:22.578 --> 00:15:23.312
- But you see it with your heart.
- 00:15:23.379 --> 00:15:24.947
- With your heart. you know i've used this
- 00:15:25.014 --> 00:15:25.748
- You know i've used this example numerous times
- 00:15:25.814 --> 00:15:27.883
- Example numerous times and i know many of you
- 00:15:27.950 --> 00:15:28.684
- And i know many of you have heard me use it before,
- 00:15:28.751 --> 00:15:29.985
- Have heard me use it before, but it's a great example of
- 00:15:30.052 --> 00:15:31.887
- But it's a great example of a woman who was legally blind.
- 00:15:31.954 --> 00:15:34.490
- A woman who was legally blind. and she had these big old,
- 00:15:34.556 --> 00:15:35.391
- And she had these big old, thick coke bottle style glasses
- 00:15:35.457 --> 00:15:38.761
- Thick coke bottle style glasses and she had had people
- 00:15:38.827 --> 00:15:40.195
- And she had had people pray for her.
- 00:15:40.262 --> 00:15:40.696
- Pray for her. she didn't want to get prayer
- 00:15:40.763 --> 00:15:41.630
- She didn't want to get prayer again because she didn't want
- 00:15:41.697 --> 00:15:42.865
- Again because she didn't want to be disappointed again.
- 00:15:42.931 --> 00:15:44.199
- To be disappointed again. but a healing evangelist
- 00:15:44.266 --> 00:15:45.267
- But a healing evangelist came to her church
- 00:15:45.334 --> 00:15:46.602
- Came to her church and just wouldn't let her go.
- 00:15:46.668 --> 00:15:47.936
- And just wouldn't let her go. finally trapped her and said
- 00:15:48.003 --> 00:15:49.838
- Finally trapped her and said i want to pray for you,
- 00:15:49.905 --> 00:15:50.706
- I want to pray for you, so he made her take her
- 00:15:50.773 --> 00:15:51.774
- So he made her take her glasses off.
- 00:15:51.840 --> 00:15:54.243
- Glasses off. and she took her glasses off,
- 00:15:54.309 --> 00:15:55.477
- And she took her glasses off, closed her eyes.
- 00:15:55.544 --> 00:15:56.612
- Closed her eyes. he laid hands on her,
- 00:15:56.678 --> 00:15:57.646
- He laid hands on her, prayed for her.
- 00:15:57.713 --> 00:15:59.014
- Prayed for her. and then he says, now,
- 00:15:59.081 --> 00:16:00.015
- And then he says, now, can you see?
- 00:16:00.082 --> 00:16:01.417
- Can you see? so she started to open her eyes
- 00:16:01.483 --> 00:16:03.085
- So she started to open her eyes and when she did, he said,
- 00:16:03.152 --> 00:16:04.353
- And when she did, he said, shut your eyes!
- 00:16:04.420 --> 00:16:06.422
- Shut your eyes! and she shut her eyes
- 00:16:06.488 --> 00:16:07.423
- And she shut her eyes real quick wondering well,
- 00:16:07.489 --> 00:16:08.290
- Real quick wondering well, can i tell
- 00:16:08.357 --> 00:16:09.158
- can i tell if i can see?
- 00:16:09.224 --> 00:16:10.325
- If i can see? so the second time, he says,
- 00:16:10.392 --> 00:16:11.360
- So the second time, he says, now, can you see?
- 00:16:11.427 --> 00:16:12.394
- Now, can you see? so she started to open her eyes,
- 00:16:12.461 --> 00:16:14.363
- So she started to open her eyes, and he said, shut your eyes!
- 00:16:14.430 --> 00:16:16.799
- And he said, shut your eyes! and she shut her eyes
- 00:16:16.865 --> 00:16:17.699
- And she shut her eyes confused about,
- 00:16:17.766 --> 00:16:18.434
- Confused about, how can i tell if i can see
- 00:16:18.500 --> 00:16:20.135
- How can i tell if i can see if i've got my eyes closed?
- 00:16:20.202 --> 00:16:21.804
- If i've got my eyes closed? so the third time, he says,
- 00:16:21.870 --> 00:16:23.038
- So the third time, he says, now, can you see?
- 00:16:23.105 --> 00:16:24.306
- Now, can you see? so she started to open her eyes,
- 00:16:24.373 --> 00:16:26.742
- So she started to open her eyes, and he said, i didn't tell you
- 00:16:26.809 --> 00:16:28.277
- And he said, i didn't tell you to open your eyes.
- 00:16:28.343 --> 00:16:29.745
- To open your eyes. you have to see yourself
- 00:16:29.812 --> 00:16:31.380
- You have to see yourself seeing on the inside
- 00:16:31.447 --> 00:16:32.781
- Seeing on the inside with your heart.
- 00:16:32.848 --> 00:16:34.116
- With your heart. you have to see yourself
- 00:16:34.183 --> 00:16:35.250
- You have to see yourself healed on the inside
- 00:16:35.317 --> 00:16:37.219
- Healed on the inside before you get healed
- 00:16:37.286 --> 00:16:38.654
- Before you get healed on the outside.
- 00:16:38.720 --> 00:16:40.422
- On the outside. and so, this woman finally
- 00:16:40.489 --> 00:16:41.557
- And so, this woman finally understood what he was
- 00:16:41.623 --> 00:16:42.257
- Understood what he was talking about,
- 00:16:42.324 --> 00:16:43.692
- Talking about, and so she kept her eyes closed
- 00:16:43.759 --> 00:16:46.095
- And so she kept her eyes closed and she prayed in tongues
- 00:16:46.161 --> 00:16:47.062
- And she prayed in tongues for a while, and finally
- 00:16:47.129 --> 00:16:48.397
- For a while, and finally she told him she says,
- 00:16:48.464 --> 00:16:49.298
- She told him she says, i can see it.
- 00:16:49.364 --> 00:16:50.566
- I can see it. i can see me seeing.
- 00:16:50.632 --> 00:16:52.267
- I can see me seeing. and he said, now,
- 00:16:52.334 --> 00:16:52.768
- And he said, now, open your eyes.
- 00:16:52.835 --> 00:16:54.036
- Open your eyes. and she opened her eyes,
- 00:16:54.103 --> 00:16:55.437
- And she opened her eyes, and her physical eyes
- 00:16:55.504 --> 00:16:56.405
- And her physical eyes were healed.
- 00:16:56.472 --> 00:16:57.739
- Were healed. see, she had to conceive it.
- 00:16:57.806 --> 00:16:59.508
- See, she had to conceive it. it might've only been
- 00:16:59.575 --> 00:17:00.275
- It might've only been for a few moments
- 00:17:00.342 --> 00:17:01.243
- For a few moments but nonetheless she had
- 00:17:01.310 --> 00:17:02.077
- But nonetheless she had to conceive it on the inside
- 00:17:02.144 --> 00:17:04.513
- To conceive it on the inside before she saw it
- 00:17:04.580 --> 00:17:05.581
- Before she saw it on the outside.
- 00:17:05.647 --> 00:17:06.682
- On the outside. there are so many people
- 00:17:06.748 --> 00:17:07.649
- There are so many people just praying, oh god, heal me,
- 00:17:07.716 --> 00:17:09.351
- Just praying, oh god, heal me, and then they open their eyes
- 00:17:09.418 --> 00:17:10.486
- And then they open their eyes and if they don't see
- 00:17:10.552 --> 00:17:11.420
- And if they don't see with their eyes,
- 00:17:11.487 --> 00:17:12.087
- With their eyes, or if they can't see
- 00:17:12.154 --> 00:17:12.955
- Or if they can't see the finances,
- 00:17:13.021 --> 00:17:13.822
- The finances, or if they can't see
- 00:17:13.889 --> 00:17:14.823
- Or if they can't see the physical thing
- 00:17:14.890 --> 00:17:15.591
- The physical thing that they wanted,
- 00:17:15.657 --> 00:17:16.758
- That they wanted, immediately they just think
- 00:17:16.825 --> 00:17:18.227
- Immediately they just think god hasn't done anything.
- 00:17:18.293 --> 00:17:20.996
- God hasn't done anything. they're just waiting on
- 00:17:21.063 --> 00:17:21.697
- They're just waiting on a miracle to just plop
- 00:17:21.763 --> 00:17:22.831
- A miracle to just plop out of the sky.
- 00:17:22.898 --> 00:17:23.699
- Out of the sky. have to conceive it.
- 00:17:23.765 --> 00:17:25.400
- have to conceive it. you have to take the word
- 00:17:25.467 --> 00:17:27.202
- You have to take the word and meditate on it
- 00:17:27.269 --> 00:17:29.037
- And meditate on it day and night.
- 00:17:29.104 --> 00:17:30.139
- Day and night. and...and when you do that,
- 00:17:30.205 --> 00:17:32.374
- And...and when you do that, you conceive.
- 00:17:32.441 --> 00:17:34.343
- You conceive. did you know when a woman
- 00:17:34.409 --> 00:17:35.444
- Did you know when a woman first gets pregnant,
- 00:17:35.511 --> 00:17:37.146
- First gets pregnant, she doesn't even know
- 00:17:37.212 --> 00:17:37.980
- She doesn't even know she's pregnant.
- 00:17:38.046 --> 00:17:40.415
- She's pregnant. a woman you know has to
- 00:17:40.482 --> 00:17:41.049
- A woman you know has to go for a period of time
- 00:17:41.116 --> 00:17:42.317
- Go for a period of time before she really realizes
- 00:17:42.384 --> 00:17:44.286
- Before she really realizes that she's pregnant.
- 00:17:44.353 --> 00:17:45.854
- That she's pregnant. but then someday
- 00:17:45.921 --> 00:17:46.822
- But then someday she finally figures out,
- 00:17:46.889 --> 00:17:48.157
- She finally figures out, you know what, i'm pregnant.
- 00:17:48.223 --> 00:17:50.159
- You know what, i'm pregnant. but it doesn't show
- 00:17:50.225 --> 00:17:50.893
- But it doesn't show to other people.
- 00:17:50.959 --> 00:17:51.994
- To other people. other people can't tell.
- 00:17:52.060 --> 00:17:53.095
- Other people can't tell. they just have to take
- 00:17:53.162 --> 00:17:53.762
- They just have to take her word for it.
- 00:17:53.829 --> 00:17:55.164
- Her word for it. but then as she continues
- 00:17:55.230 --> 00:17:56.431
- But then as she continues in the pregnancy,
- 00:17:56.498 --> 00:17:57.633
- In the pregnancy, she begins to grow and expand
- 00:17:57.699 --> 00:17:59.468
- She begins to grow and expand and then pretty soon everybody
- 00:17:59.535 --> 00:18:01.203
- And then pretty soon everybody can tell she's pregnant.
- 00:18:01.270 --> 00:18:02.271
- Can tell she's pregnant. everybody's wondering man,
- 00:18:02.337 --> 00:18:03.372
- Everybody's wondering man, when are you going to have
- 00:18:03.438 --> 00:18:04.339
- When are you going to have that baby?
- 00:18:04.406 --> 00:18:05.908
- That baby? and then finally there comes
- 00:18:05.974 --> 00:18:07.142
- And then finally there comes a day where you give birth.
- 00:18:07.209 --> 00:18:09.344
- A day where you give birth. and if somebody was to walk
- 00:18:09.411 --> 00:18:10.646
- And if somebody was to walk up to a woman and say well man,
- 00:18:10.712 --> 00:18:12.247
- Up to a woman and say well man, how long did it take you
- 00:18:12.314 --> 00:18:14.016
- How long did it take you to give birth.
- 00:18:14.082 --> 00:18:16.051
- To give birth. they may be thinking about,
- 00:18:16.118 --> 00:18:17.052
- They may be thinking about, you know, an hour, five hours,
- 00:18:17.119 --> 00:18:18.854
- You know, an hour, five hours, whatever to go through
- 00:18:18.921 --> 00:18:20.489
- Whatever to go through the physical birth process,
- 00:18:20.556 --> 00:18:22.024
- The physical birth process, but the truth is
- 00:18:22.090 --> 00:18:22.824
- But the truth is it took nine months
- 00:18:22.891 --> 00:18:25.394
- It took nine months and however many hours.
- 00:18:25.460 --> 00:18:27.329
- And however many hours. they conceived that child.
- 00:18:27.396 --> 00:18:28.797
- They conceived that child. they carried that child.
- 00:18:28.864 --> 00:18:30.132
- They carried that child. they nurtured that child.
- 00:18:30.199 --> 00:18:31.833
- They nurtured that child. and then when the birth comes,
- 00:18:31.900 --> 00:18:33.368
- And then when the birth comes, it didn't take five hours.
- 00:18:33.435 --> 00:18:34.937
- It didn't take five hours. it took nine months
- 00:18:35.003 --> 00:18:36.371
- It took nine months and five hours or whatever.
- 00:18:36.438 --> 00:18:38.740
- And five hours or whatever. see, it's the same thing
- 00:18:38.807 --> 00:18:39.675
- See, it's the same thing with a miracle.
- 00:18:39.741 --> 00:18:41.276
- With a miracle. you take the word of god
- 00:18:41.343 --> 00:18:42.878
- You take the word of god and if you understand all of
- 00:18:42.945 --> 00:18:44.580
- And if you understand all of the things that i've been saying
- 00:18:44.646 --> 00:18:46.515
- The things that i've been saying that god spoke the worlds
- 00:18:46.582 --> 00:18:48.283
- That god spoke the worlds into existence.
- 00:18:48.350 --> 00:18:49.318
- Into existence. he had to speak jesus' body
- 00:18:49.384 --> 00:18:51.620
- He had to speak jesus' body into existence.
- 00:18:51.687 --> 00:18:53.155
- Into existence. the word of god was a sperm,
- 00:18:53.222 --> 00:18:55.691
- The word of god was a sperm, and the word literally
- 00:18:55.757 --> 00:18:57.492
- And the word literally became flesh.
- 00:18:57.559 --> 00:18:58.493
- Became flesh. it entered into mary's womb
- 00:18:58.560 --> 00:19:00.529
- It entered into mary's womb and that's how she conceived
- 00:19:00.596 --> 00:19:02.698
- And that's how she conceived through the incorruptible
- 00:19:02.764 --> 00:19:04.166
- Through the incorruptible seed of the word of god.
- 00:19:04.233 --> 00:19:05.300
- Seed of the word of god. if you understand all of these
- 00:19:05.367 --> 00:19:06.535
- If you understand all of these things that we're talking about
- 00:19:06.602 --> 00:19:07.803
- Things that we're talking about and if you understand
- 00:19:07.869 --> 00:19:08.537
- And if you understand that the word is a sperm,
- 00:19:08.604 --> 00:19:10.706
- That the word is a sperm, then you take a promise
- 00:19:10.772 --> 00:19:12.574
- Then you take a promise from god's word like
- 00:19:12.641 --> 00:19:14.876
- From god's word like that you're healed
- 00:19:14.943 --> 00:19:15.777
- That you're healed by the stripes of jesus.
- 00:19:15.844 --> 00:19:17.512
- By the stripes of jesus. and if you meditate on that
- 00:19:17.579 --> 00:19:19.181
- And if you meditate on that and stay in it,
- 00:19:19.248 --> 00:19:20.882
- And stay in it, there will come a time
- 00:19:20.949 --> 00:19:22.117
- There will come a time that all of a sudden something
- 00:19:22.184 --> 00:19:23.819
- That all of a sudden something happens on the inside of you.
- 00:19:23.885 --> 00:19:27.089
- Happens on the inside of you. and there will come a time
- 00:19:27.155 --> 00:19:28.090
- And there will come a time that you just know
- 00:19:28.156 --> 00:19:28.991
- That you just know in your heart.
- 00:19:29.057 --> 00:19:29.424
- In your heart. even though you can't see
- 00:19:29.491 --> 00:19:30.525
- Even though you can't see anything different
- 00:19:30.592 --> 00:19:31.426
- Anything different on the outside,
- 00:19:31.493 --> 00:19:31.960
- On the outside, even though nobody else can see,
- 00:19:32.027 --> 00:19:34.663
- Even though nobody else can see, you know that something has
- 00:19:34.730 --> 00:19:36.331
- You know that something has happened on the inside of you.
- 00:19:36.398 --> 00:19:37.766
- Happened on the inside of you. you got it.
- 00:19:37.833 --> 00:19:39.901
- You got it. again, i don't have the words
- 00:19:39.968 --> 00:19:41.169
- Again, i don't have the words to express that,
- 00:19:41.236 --> 00:19:41.503
- But i have gone through this
- 00:19:42.104 --> 00:19:43.038
- Process hundreds of times.
- 00:19:43.038 --> 00:19:44.406
- I had the need.
- 00:19:44.406 --> 00:19:46.008
- I knew that god was going
- 00:19:46.008 --> 00:19:47.876
- To use people.
- 00:19:47.876 --> 00:19:48.710
- He's not going to rain money
- 00:19:48.710 --> 00:19:49.578
- Out of the sky
- 00:19:49.578 --> 00:19:50.579
- And so i told people
- 00:19:50.579 --> 00:19:51.546
- And man, as i was meditating
- 00:19:51.546 --> 00:19:53.382
- On this, i conceived it.
- 00:19:53.382 --> 00:19:54.650
- I know it's done.
- 00:19:54.650 --> 00:19:56.852
- I can already see
- 00:19:56.852 --> 00:19:57.886
- Our student housing
- 00:19:57.886 --> 00:19:59.087
- Beginning to be built.
- 00:19:59.087 --> 00:20:00.722
- I know i'm pregnant
- 00:20:00.722 --> 00:20:02.157
- With those buildings.
- 00:20:02.157 --> 00:20:03.992
- Not only our first
- 00:20:03.992 --> 00:20:05.060
- Student housing,
- 00:20:05.060 --> 00:20:05.560
- But there's going to
- 00:20:05.560 --> 00:20:06.028
- Be multiple.
- 00:20:06.028 --> 00:20:06.795
- There's going to be
- 00:20:06.795 --> 00:20:07.529
- A student activity center.
- 00:20:07.529 --> 00:20:08.664
- There's going to be a gymnasium,
- 00:20:08.664 --> 00:20:10.132
- A sports complex,
- 00:20:10.132 --> 00:20:11.199
- All kinds of...
- 00:20:11.199 --> 00:20:12.301
- I've conceived them.
- 00:20:12.367 --> 00:20:13.302
- I've conceived them. they're on the inside of me.
- 00:20:13.368 --> 00:20:15.003
- They're on the inside of me. and you may look at me
- 00:20:15.070 --> 00:20:16.338
- And you may look at me and think, well, i don't see it.
- 00:20:16.405 --> 00:20:17.839
- And think, well, i don't see it. that's like looking at a woman
- 00:20:17.906 --> 00:20:18.940
- That's like looking at a woman who just found out
- 00:20:19.007 --> 00:20:19.675
- Who just found out she's pregnant.
- 00:20:19.741 --> 00:20:20.275
- She's pregnant. and she may not look pregnant
- 00:20:20.342 --> 00:20:21.543
- And she may not look pregnant to you, but she is.
- 00:20:21.610 --> 00:20:23.478
- To you, but she is. i know it.
- 00:20:23.545 --> 00:20:24.479
- I know it. i know it.
- 00:20:24.546 --> 00:20:25.180
- I know it. and then, as i ca...
- 00:20:25.247 --> 00:20:26.515
- And then, as i ca... begin to carry it,
- 00:20:26.581 --> 00:20:28.250
- Begin to carry it, other people they see
- 00:20:28.317 --> 00:20:29.318
- Other people they see my commitment,
- 00:20:29.384 --> 00:20:30.719
- My commitment, they see my assurance,
- 00:20:30.786 --> 00:20:32.621
- They see my assurance, and they start...
- 00:20:32.688 --> 00:20:33.288
- And they start... they start recognizing
- 00:20:33.355 --> 00:20:34.790
- They start recognizing that i'm pregnant.
- 00:20:34.856 --> 00:20:35.624
- That i'm pregnant. and someday, just like
- 00:20:35.691 --> 00:20:37.259
- And someday, just like you've seen all of these
- 00:20:37.326 --> 00:20:38.293
- You've seen all of these buildings that we've built
- 00:20:38.360 --> 00:20:39.594
- Buildings that we've built for the charis bible college
- 00:20:39.661 --> 00:20:40.762
- For the charis bible college and they're now a reality,
- 00:20:40.829 --> 00:20:42.597
- And they're now a reality, someday you will see
- 00:20:42.664 --> 00:20:43.598
- Someday you will see student housing.
- 00:20:43.665 --> 00:20:44.833
- Student housing. someday you'll see a
- 00:20:44.900 --> 00:20:45.867
- Someday you'll see a student activity center.
- 00:20:45.934 --> 00:20:47.269
- Student activity center. you will see them,
- 00:20:47.336 --> 00:20:48.403
- You will see them, and you will see the birth
- 00:20:48.470 --> 00:20:49.438
- And you will see the birth and you will say,
- 00:20:49.504 --> 00:20:49.938
- And you will say, how long did that take?
- 00:20:50.005 --> 00:20:51.873
- How long did that take? and it didn't just take
- 00:20:51.940 --> 00:20:52.874
- And it didn't just take the one year or the 18 months
- 00:20:52.941 --> 00:20:54.776
- The one year or the 18 months of construction.
- 00:20:54.843 --> 00:20:55.977
- Of construction. it took me conceiving it
- 00:20:56.044 --> 00:20:58.046
- It took me conceiving it and carrying it for a year
- 00:20:58.113 --> 00:21:00.082
- And carrying it for a year or whatever before that.
- 00:21:00.148 --> 00:21:02.351
- Or whatever before that. and this is how miracles happen.
- 00:21:02.417 --> 00:21:03.885
- And this is how miracles happen. this is how everything
- 00:21:03.952 --> 00:21:05.120
- This is how everything that you're seeing in my life,
- 00:21:05.187 --> 00:21:06.855
- That you're seeing in my life, everything that god is
- 00:21:06.922 --> 00:21:07.956
- Everything that god is doing through me,
- 00:21:08.023 --> 00:21:08.557
- Doing through me, this television ministry
- 00:21:08.623 --> 00:21:09.925
- This television ministry that goes around the world,
- 00:21:09.991 --> 00:21:11.259
- That goes around the world, all of these things
- 00:21:11.326 --> 00:21:12.227
- All of these things i conceived them.
- 00:21:12.294 --> 00:21:14.062
- I conceived them. i sought god.
- 00:21:14.129 --> 00:21:15.097
- I sought god. god spoke things to me.
- 00:21:15.163 --> 00:21:16.565
- God spoke things to me. i incubated those things.
- 00:21:16.631 --> 00:21:18.533
- I incubated those things. i conceived every one
- 00:21:18.600 --> 00:21:20.569
- I conceived every one of these miracles.
- 00:21:20.635 --> 00:21:22.204
- Of these miracles. now, i'm just the receiver.
- 00:21:22.270 --> 00:21:23.939
- Now, i'm just the receiver. i'm not sitting here
- 00:21:24.005 --> 00:21:24.706
- I'm not sitting here taking credit for things.
- 00:21:24.773 --> 00:21:26.241
- Taking credit for things. these were things that were
- 00:21:26.308 --> 00:21:27.342
- These were things that were in god's heart,
- 00:21:27.409 --> 00:21:28.377
- In god's heart, but he doesn't do it without me.
- 00:21:28.443 --> 00:21:31.413
- But he doesn't do it without me. i certainly don't do it
- 00:21:31.480 --> 00:21:32.581
- I certainly don't do it without him.
- 00:21:32.647 --> 00:21:34.015
- Without him. i have to receive with meekness
- 00:21:34.082 --> 00:21:36.885
- I have to receive with meekness the word of god.
- 00:21:36.952 --> 00:21:38.186
- The word of god. the incorruptible seed
- 00:21:38.253 --> 00:21:39.821
- The incorruptible seed and let it conceive
- 00:21:39.888 --> 00:21:40.889
- And let it conceive on the inside of me.
- 00:21:40.956 --> 00:21:42.391
- On the inside of me. and did you know it's the exact
- 00:21:42.457 --> 00:21:43.759
- And did you know it's the exact same process with you.
- 00:21:43.825 --> 00:21:46.061
- Same process with you. the same way that mary had
- 00:21:46.128 --> 00:21:48.430
- The same way that mary had the angel present to her
- 00:21:48.497 --> 00:21:50.799
- The angel present to her what he wanted to do
- 00:21:50.866 --> 00:21:51.967
- What he wanted to do and then she humbled herself
- 00:21:52.033 --> 00:21:53.101
- And said it unto me
- 00:21:53.168 --> 00:21:54.503
- And said it unto me according to thy word.
- 00:21:54.569 --> 00:21:56.104
- According to thy word. she took the word,
- 00:21:56.171 --> 00:21:57.939
- The incorruptible seed,
- 00:21:58.006 --> 00:21:59.708
- The incorruptible seed, the sperm on the inside of her,
- 00:21:59.775 --> 00:22:02.511
- The sperm on the inside of her, and she conceived through
- 00:22:02.577 --> 00:22:04.679
- And she conceived through the word of god.
- 00:22:04.746 --> 00:22:05.647
- The word of god. that's the reason that
- 00:22:05.714 --> 00:22:07.349
- John 1:14 where it says
- 00:22:07.416 --> 00:22:09.484
- John 1:14 where it says the word became flesh,
- 00:22:09.551 --> 00:22:11.019
- The word became flesh, that is so appropriate.
- 00:22:11.086 --> 00:22:12.587
- The word, jesus is the word.
- 00:22:13.388 --> 00:22:15.290
- The word, jesus is the word. he was spoken into existence.
- 00:22:15.357 --> 00:22:17.826
- He was spoken into existence. under the inspiration of
- 00:22:17.893 --> 00:22:18.960
- Under the inspiration of the holy spirit through people,
- 00:22:19.027 --> 00:22:20.929
- The holy spirit through people, prophets spoke
- 00:22:20.996 --> 00:22:22.264
- Prophets spoke and the word became flesh.
- 00:22:22.330 --> 00:22:24.633
- And the word became flesh. the word,
- 00:22:24.699 --> 00:22:25.867
- The word, the incorruptible seed
- 00:22:25.934 --> 00:22:28.637
- The incorruptible seed actually entered into
- 00:22:28.703 --> 00:22:29.971
- Actually entered into the womb of mary
- 00:22:30.038 --> 00:22:31.440
- The womb of mary and that's how jesus
- 00:22:31.506 --> 00:22:32.507
- And that's how jesus was conceived.
- 00:22:32.574 --> 00:22:33.275
- Was conceived. that's the same way
- 00:22:33.341 --> 00:22:34.075
- That's the same way that you conceive.
- 00:22:34.142 --> 00:22:35.977
- That you conceive. and i'm telling you there are
- 00:22:36.044 --> 00:22:36.645
- And i'm telling you there are some of you praying
- 00:22:36.711 --> 00:22:37.679
- Some of you praying for a miracle,
- 00:22:37.746 --> 00:22:38.880
- For a miracle, but you aren't having
- 00:22:38.947 --> 00:22:39.714
- But you aren't having the intercourse with
- 00:22:39.781 --> 00:22:41.283
- The intercourse with the word of god that you need.
- 00:22:41.349 --> 00:22:43.985
- The word of god that you need. you need to let the word of god
- 00:22:44.052 --> 00:22:46.321
- You need to let the word of god give birth to your miracle.
- 00:22:46.388 --> 00:22:49.191
- Give birth to your miracle. and i promise you, if you do it
- 00:22:49.257 --> 00:22:50.425
- And i promise you, if you do it god's way and meditate in this
- 00:22:50.492 --> 00:22:52.694
- God's way and meditate in this word day and night,
- 00:22:52.761 --> 00:22:54.362
- Word day and night, and mix faith with it,
- 00:22:54.429 --> 00:22:55.430
- And mix faith with it, it's just natural.
- 00:22:55.497 --> 00:22:57.299
- It's just natural. you just conceive
- 00:22:57.365 --> 00:22:58.133
- You just conceive and it's just natural.
- 00:22:58.200 --> 00:22:59.134
- And it's just natural. it's the way god made you.
- 00:22:59.201 --> 00:23:00.869
- It's the way god made you. you would have to have
- 00:23:00.936 --> 00:23:01.703
- You would have to have an abortion; you would
- 00:23:01.770 --> 00:23:02.771
- An abortion; you would have to have a miscarriage
- 00:23:02.838 --> 00:23:03.705
- Have to have a miscarriage along the way to keep from
- 00:23:03.772 --> 00:23:04.973
- Along the way to keep from seeing it come to pass.
- 00:23:05.040 --> 00:23:06.408
- Seeing it come to pass. but if you'll just stay
- 00:23:06.475 --> 00:23:07.342
- But if you'll just stay in the word of god,
- 00:23:07.409 --> 00:23:07.876
- In the word of god, it'll just naturally
- 00:23:07.943 --> 00:23:09.144
- It'll just naturally come to pass,
- 00:23:09.211 --> 00:23:09.778
- Come to pass, supernaturally natural.
- 00:23:09.845 --> 00:23:11.780
- >> the best present that i think
- 00:23:15.951 --> 00:23:16.618
- You could give anybody would be
- 00:23:17.285 --> 00:23:18.687
- This living commentary. it's a
- 00:23:18.687 --> 00:23:20.956
- Digital commentary that you can
- 00:23:20.956 --> 00:23:22.257
- Get on your phone as well as on
- 00:23:22.257 --> 00:23:24.626
- Your laptop, but it is my
- 00:23:24.626 --> 00:23:27.729
- Commentary on over 27,000 verses
- 00:23:27.729 --> 00:23:31.032
- In the bible. and we got special
- 00:23:31.032 --> 00:23:33.802
- Deals that go along with this
- 00:23:33.802 --> 00:23:35.403
- Some add-ons that go
- 00:23:35.403 --> 00:23:36.571
- With it. and it would
- 00:23:36.571 --> 00:23:38.006
- Just be a tremendous
- 00:23:38.006 --> 00:23:39.007
- Present. so please take
- 00:23:39.007 --> 00:23:40.208
- Advantage of this today.
- 00:23:40.208 --> 00:23:42.577
- >> god's promises will become
- 00:23:42.644 --> 00:23:44.546
- More real and alive when you get
- 00:23:44.546 --> 00:23:46.681
- Andrew's complete teaching
- 00:23:46.681 --> 00:23:48.216
- Titled the word became flesh.
- 00:23:48.216 --> 00:23:50.385
- >> this week i've been teaching
- 00:23:50.385 --> 00:23:51.987
- On a series i call the word
- 00:23:51.987 --> 00:23:53.522
- Became flesh, and i have this in
- 00:23:53.522 --> 00:23:55.924
- Cd, also in dvd that was taken
- 00:23:55.924 --> 00:23:58.193
- Either from television or a live
- 00:23:58.193 --> 00:23:59.861
- Teaching, and i tell you, this
- 00:23:59.861 --> 00:24:01.863
- Is awesome. i would encourage
- 00:24:01.863 --> 00:24:03.832
- You to get this and to study it.
- 00:24:03.832 --> 00:24:05.534
- This is the kind of thing that
- 00:24:05.534 --> 00:24:06.501
- You just don't get it by
- 00:24:06.501 --> 00:24:07.802
- Listening to it on television in
- 00:24:07.802 --> 00:24:09.204
- Little 30 minute segments. you
- 00:24:09.204 --> 00:24:11.273
- Need to get the entire teaching
- 00:24:11.273 --> 00:24:12.541
- And study it. i promise you it's
- 00:24:12.541 --> 00:24:15.043
- A life-changing truth. it would
- 00:24:15.043 --> 00:24:16.678
- Really, really bless you. so
- 00:24:16.678 --> 00:24:18.013
- Listen to our announcer as he
- 00:24:18.013 --> 00:24:19.281
- Gives you this information.
- 00:24:19.281 --> 00:24:20.515
- >> andrew's complete teaching,
- 00:24:20.515 --> 00:24:22.217
- The word became flesh, is
- 00:24:22.217 --> 00:24:24.152
- Available as a cd or dvd album
- 00:24:24.152 --> 00:24:27.389
- Made from our daily television
- 00:24:27.389 --> 00:24:28.657
- Broadcast or in a dvd album
- 00:24:28.657 --> 00:24:31.560
- Recorded live at a ministry
- 00:24:31.560 --> 00:24:33.295
- Event. each of these resources
- 00:24:33.295 --> 00:24:35.864
- Are available for a gift of any
- 00:24:35.864 --> 00:24:38.166
- Amount when you contact us. this
- 00:24:38.166 --> 00:24:40.468
- Entire series is also available
- 00:24:40.468 --> 00:24:42.704
- For audio download absolutely
- 00:24:42.704 --> 00:24:44.706
- Free from our website.
- 00:24:44.706 --> 00:24:46.841
- We want to say a special
- 00:24:46.841 --> 00:24:48.877
- Thank you to the grace partners
- 00:24:48.877 --> 00:24:50.478
- Of andrew wommack ministries.
- 00:24:50.478 --> 00:24:52.747
- Your gifts make it possible to
- 00:24:52.747 --> 00:24:54.983
- Put free ministry materials into
- 00:24:54.983 --> 00:24:57.085
- The hands of many people in
- 00:24:57.085 --> 00:24:58.253
- Need. if you're not already a
- 00:24:58.253 --> 00:25:00.722
- Grace partner, we ask you to
- 00:25:00.722 --> 00:25:02.424
- Pray about becoming one today.
- 00:25:02.424 --> 00:25:04.426
- You can become a grace partner
- 00:25:04.426 --> 00:25:06.261
- Through our website at
- 00:25:06.261 --> 00:25:09.864
- While there you can discover
- 00:25:09.864 --> 00:25:11.199
- More product details and
- 00:25:11.199 --> 00:25:12.901
- Download additional free
- 00:25:12.901 --> 00:25:14.469
- Resources. you can also order
- 00:25:14.469 --> 00:25:16.738
- Resources or receive
- 00:25:16.738 --> 00:25:18.440
- Prayer by calling our
- 00:25:18.440 --> 00:25:19.774
- Helpline at 719-635-1111.
- 00:25:19.774 --> 00:25:24.879
- Our helpline is open 24
- 00:25:24.879 --> 00:25:26.348
- Hours a day, 7 days a week.
- 00:25:26.348 --> 00:25:28.850
- To write us, use the address
- 00:25:28.850 --> 00:25:30.885
- On your screen. we appreciate
- 00:25:30.885 --> 00:25:33.088
- Your generosity and hope
- 00:25:33.088 --> 00:25:34.656
- To hear from you today.
- 00:25:34.656 --> 00:25:38.727
- >> when i got diagnosed
- 00:25:38.793 --> 00:25:39.628
- With the ms,
- 00:25:39.628 --> 00:25:40.462
- My whole life
- 00:25:40.462 --> 00:25:41.496
- At that point changed.
- 00:25:41.496 --> 00:25:43.398
- When you suffer,
- 00:25:43.398 --> 00:25:44.065
- Then you suffer some more,
- 00:25:44.065 --> 00:25:45.533
- There's nothing left.
- 00:25:45.533 --> 00:25:46.301
- There's no will to live.
- 00:25:46.301 --> 00:25:47.202
- Death actually looks great.
- 00:25:47.202 --> 00:25:49.337
- That's where i was at.
- 00:25:49.337 --> 00:25:51.439
- >> for years, jeremiah fought
- 00:25:51.506 --> 00:25:53.508
- Multiple sclerosis,
- 00:25:53.508 --> 00:25:55.343
- A chronic disease,
- 00:25:55.343 --> 00:25:56.544
- With symptoms that include pain,
- 00:25:56.544 --> 00:25:58.546
- Fatigue, difficulty walking,
- 00:25:58.546 --> 00:26:00.715
- And depression.
- 00:26:00.715 --> 00:26:03.151
- Years after i got diagnosed
- 00:26:03.218 --> 00:26:04.653
- With ms, i ended up in a rehab,
- 00:26:04.653 --> 00:26:07.856
- And i got saved
- 00:26:07.856 --> 00:26:09.257
- And set free from drugs
- 00:26:09.257 --> 00:26:10.291
- And alcohol, but i still had
- 00:26:10.291 --> 00:26:11.626
- This incurable disease,
- 00:26:11.626 --> 00:26:12.927
- Multiple sclerosis.
- 00:26:12.927 --> 00:26:15.096
- I ended up in a nursing home.
- 00:26:15.096 --> 00:26:16.798
- Everything that i used to
- 00:26:16.798 --> 00:26:18.199
- Be able to do,
- 00:26:18.199 --> 00:26:18.900
- I couldn't really do anymore.
- 00:26:18.900 --> 00:26:21.703
- They had put me on disability
- 00:26:21.770 --> 00:26:23.505
- Because of the ms,
- 00:26:23.505 --> 00:26:24.272
- So i had all the time
- 00:26:24.272 --> 00:26:25.073
- In the world
- 00:26:25.073 --> 00:26:25.940
- And i was sitting my...
- 00:26:25.940 --> 00:26:26.941
- Sitting in my bedroom one night
- 00:26:26.941 --> 00:26:28.376
- And i asked god, i said,
- 00:26:28.376 --> 00:26:29.277
- I need a teacher.
- 00:26:29.277 --> 00:26:30.145
- What...what teacher
- 00:26:30.145 --> 00:26:30.912
- Should i...i listen to?
- 00:26:30.912 --> 00:26:32.380
- And he led me to andrew wommack.
- 00:26:32.380 --> 00:26:33.515
- >> so i started listening
- 00:26:33.515 --> 00:26:34.716
- To all these
- 00:26:34.716 --> 00:26:35.417
- Different teachings
- 00:26:35.417 --> 00:26:36.751
- >> god has already
- 00:26:36.751 --> 00:26:38.486
- Provided everything
- 00:26:38.486 --> 00:26:40.188
- That you ever will need,
- 00:26:40.188 --> 00:26:42.090
- And you just rest in this.
- 00:26:42.090 --> 00:26:45.393
- >> you trust him.
- 00:26:45.393 --> 00:26:46.995
- >> i stayed so focused on jesus
- 00:26:46.995 --> 00:26:49.397
- And his love for me
- 00:26:49.397 --> 00:26:50.632
- That i didn't realize
- 00:26:50.632 --> 00:26:51.866
- My symptoms were fading away.
- 00:26:51.866 --> 00:26:53.635
- And when i just quit
- 00:26:53.635 --> 00:26:54.736
- And turned to god
- 00:26:54.736 --> 00:26:55.804
- And asked him for help,
- 00:26:55.804 --> 00:26:57.772
- That's when my healing came.
- 00:26:57.772 --> 00:26:59.307
- Music
- 00:26:59.307 --> 00:27:01.643
- >>hello, i'm andrew wommack
- 00:27:01.643 --> 00:27:03.011
- And i want to let you know that
- 00:27:03.011 --> 00:27:04.312
- We are now broadcasting in
- 00:27:04.312 --> 00:27:05.880
- Spanish on tbn station enlace,
- 00:27:05.880 --> 00:27:09.284
- And it is a broadcast that i've
- 00:27:09.284 --> 00:27:12.253
- Been giving in 22 years in
- 00:27:12.253 --> 00:27:14.556
- English, but this is our first
- 00:27:14.556 --> 00:27:16.357
- Foray into the spanish network
- 00:27:16.357 --> 00:27:18.326
- And i really believe it's going
- 00:27:18.326 --> 00:27:19.994
- To make a difference. we'll be
- 00:27:19.994 --> 00:27:21.463
- Broadcasting at 3:30 pm
- 00:27:21.463 --> 00:27:23.698
- Eastern time, monday
- 00:27:23.698 --> 00:27:25.266
- Through friday on tbn enlace.
- 00:27:25.266 --> 00:27:25.266