Dr. Tony Evans is known as a relevant expositor and is a pastor of pastors and a father in the faith.
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Dr. Tony Evans | Tony Evans - The Breath | January 5, 2025
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- 00:00:00.633 --> 00:00:01.384
- Tony evans: jesus says in john 16,
- 00:00:01.851 --> 00:00:03.953
- "in this world, you will have tribulation,
- 00:00:04.087 --> 00:00:05.755
- But be of good cheer, i have overcome the world."
- 00:00:05.889 --> 00:00:06.790
- And what god wants you to do is experience his peace.
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- He doesn't want us to succumb to the chaos around us.
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- You may not be able to stop the chaos,
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- You may not be able to change the chaos,
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- But you're not to be controlled by the chaos.
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- ♪♪♪
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- Tony: we're talking about the names of the holy spirit.
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- Today i want to talk about the holy spirit
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- Who is the breath.
- 00:00:40.156 --> 00:00:44.027
- The bible refers to the holy spirit
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- As the breath.
- 00:00:46.329 --> 00:00:49.365
- He is literally the oxygen of god.
- 00:00:49.365 --> 00:00:53.803
- Many scriptures bring this out, but when you understand
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- That he is your oxygen, he is your ability to breathe,
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- It means he is your ability to live.
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- Life and death is tied to our relationship
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- To the holy spirit because that is the relationship
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- We have to breath.
- 00:01:18.561 --> 00:01:22.632
- Job 33, verse 4 says that the breath of god
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- Is the spirit of god.
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- So it combines the two.
- 00:01:29.639 --> 00:01:31.841
- The breath of god is the spirit of god.
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- The spirit of god is the breath of god.
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- So when god exhales, it's the spirit of god working.
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- God doesn't just exhale, he exhales life
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- Because the spirit gives life.
- 00:01:45.555 --> 00:01:49.592
- One of the problems today that we have
- 00:01:49.592 --> 00:01:52.929
- Is because people, christians, are not breathing
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- The holy spirit.
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- We're not experiencing the life of god
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- Like it was meant to have.
- 00:02:02.005 --> 00:02:03.540
- Now non-believers can't breathe in
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- Because they don't have him.
- 00:02:05.275 --> 00:02:07.243
- So they do the best they can.
- 00:02:07.243 --> 00:02:10.046
- But believers have been given a personal internal oxygen tent.
- 00:02:10.046 --> 00:02:17.253
- We've been given the life of god
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- To breathe god's life within us, outside of us, around us
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- Because he is the life of god that is within us.
- 00:02:26.496 --> 00:02:32.802
- Psalm 104, verse 30 says that all of creation exists
- 00:02:32.802 --> 00:02:38.975
- And all of creation is renewed in its life
- 00:02:38.975 --> 00:02:43.479
- Because of the spirit.
- 00:02:43.479 --> 00:02:45.848
- So even non-christians don't know it, but they benefit
- 00:02:45.848 --> 00:02:49.452
- From the holy spirit because the holy spirit
- 00:02:49.452 --> 00:02:52.188
- Brings life to the created order.
- 00:02:52.188 --> 00:02:55.291
- So even living your physical life
- 00:02:55.291 --> 00:02:57.193
- Is tied to the holy spirit even when you don't
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- Have a spiritual life.
- 00:02:59.495 --> 00:03:01.698
- So non-believers don't know it, but they even have a reason
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- To praise god that they can breathe physically.
- 00:03:04.200 --> 00:03:07.270
- But you and i get to breathe physically
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- And spiritually because one of the names
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- Of the holy spirit is the very breath of god.
- 00:03:12.208 --> 00:03:17.747
- In this passage, there was a problem.
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- Jesus has died.
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- Now he's risen from the dead and in his resurrected body,
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- He comes through a closed door.
- 00:03:30.026 --> 00:03:32.328
- When the resurrected christ came through the door,
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- It says they were huddled together
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- For fear of the jews.
- 00:03:37.634 --> 00:03:41.537
- They were afraid that those who had killed jesus
- 00:03:41.537 --> 00:03:46.276
- Was now gonna kill them.
- 00:03:46.276 --> 00:03:48.511
- So they huddled together because of their fear.
- 00:03:48.511 --> 00:03:52.849
- They could not breathe.
- 00:03:52.849 --> 00:03:56.486
- We're living in a world today where there's a lot
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- To be afraid of in our human existence.
- 00:03:59.155 --> 00:04:03.126
- We're afraid of disease. we're afraid of viruses.
- 00:04:03.126 --> 00:04:07.563
- We're afraid of violence.
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- We're afraid of our health breakdown,
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- Conflict racially, culturally.
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- We're afraid of abuse.
- 00:04:17.874 --> 00:04:21.611
- Well, they were afraid and they could not breathe.
- 00:04:21.611 --> 00:04:26.549
- You ever notice when you're afraid,
- 00:04:26.549 --> 00:04:29.052
- Takes a little work to breathe, but jesus shows up,
- 00:04:29.052 --> 00:04:34.324
- The resurrected christ and he brings with him oxygen.
- 00:04:34.324 --> 00:04:42.632
- He brings with him the breath.
- 00:04:42.632 --> 00:04:45.835
- So let's look at this a little closer.
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- He comes with fear and he says in verse 19 of john 20,
- 00:04:48.738 --> 00:04:52.775
- "peace be with you."
- 00:04:52.775 --> 00:04:56.346
- What is he doing?
- 00:04:56.346 --> 00:04:58.114
- He's dialing down the fear temperature.
- 00:04:58.114 --> 00:05:01.784
- Peace be with you.
- 00:05:01.784 --> 00:05:03.486
- Well, wait a minute. i'm scared.
- 00:05:03.486 --> 00:05:05.388
- How is peace gonna be with me? "'cause i'm with you."
- 00:05:05.388 --> 00:05:09.225
- Now watch this.
- 00:05:09.225 --> 00:05:11.227
- You have the person of the risen christ, watch this,
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- And the word of the risen christ.
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- What does it mean?
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- He imparts life of the holy spirit
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- To calm their fears.
- 00:05:23.706 --> 00:05:28.778
- The word of god is the word of life.
- 00:05:28.778 --> 00:05:33.149
- The word of god gives life.
- 00:05:33.149 --> 00:05:35.151
- The bible says in 2 timothy 3:16 and 17,
- 00:05:35.151 --> 00:05:38.988
- "all scripture is inspired of god."
- 00:05:38.988 --> 00:05:43.860
- The greek word there is "theopneustos,"
- 00:05:43.860 --> 00:05:48.164
- Which means to out-breathe, to exhale.
- 00:05:48.164 --> 00:05:51.901
- So all scripture is the holy ghost of god.
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- It is inspired.
- 00:05:56.172 --> 00:05:57.874
- The bible explains in 2 peter chapter 1.
- 00:05:57.874 --> 00:06:01.411
- In 2 peter chapter 1, verse 20 and 21, it says
- 00:06:01.411 --> 00:06:05.748
- That no prophecy is given of private interpretation,
- 00:06:05.748 --> 00:06:09.752
- But the men who wrote scripture was born along.
- 00:06:09.752 --> 00:06:14.123
- They were born along by the spirit of god.
- 00:06:14.123 --> 00:06:19.095
- So the word of god is the breath of god.
- 00:06:19.095 --> 00:06:21.431
- It's the voice of god in print.
- 00:06:21.431 --> 00:06:24.367
- It is the trinity, it is god, it is jesus,
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- It is the holy spirit based on the word
- 00:06:27.904 --> 00:06:30.740
- That's teaming up to give you life
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- And like a xerox machine.
- 00:06:33.009 --> 00:06:35.178
- What the holy spirit does is he xeroxes the truth
- 00:06:35.178 --> 00:06:38.181
- Of the bible onto your heart.
- 00:06:38.181 --> 00:06:42.819
- You've literally put your heart on a xerox machine
- 00:06:42.819 --> 00:06:46.489
- So that god could lift the words of scripture
- 00:06:46.489 --> 00:06:51.093
- Off of the page because of the relationship
- 00:06:51.093 --> 00:06:53.796
- With jesus so that the word of god
- 00:06:53.796 --> 00:06:59.302
- Is in your heart.
- 00:06:59.302 --> 00:07:02.038
- It is being manifested in your life.
- 00:07:02.038 --> 00:07:03.906
- In other words, it has become an experience.
- 00:07:03.906 --> 00:07:06.409
- Let me tell you what the job of the spirit is.
- 00:07:06.409 --> 00:07:08.544
- The holy spirit's job is to turn the book
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- That's given by a living author who's written a living document
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- And to animate it in your life so you breathe again.
- 00:07:17.119 --> 00:07:20.756
- So that you are experiencing the reality of god
- 00:07:20.756 --> 00:07:23.860
- Operating within your life.
- 00:07:23.860 --> 00:07:26.863
- The bible says in galatians chapter 5, verse 25,
- 00:07:26.863 --> 00:07:31.701
- If we live by the spirit, we need to walk by the spirit.
- 00:07:31.701 --> 00:07:37.907
- If we live by the spirit, if he's the life source
- 00:07:37.907 --> 00:07:41.110
- That every believer has, he must become
- 00:07:41.110 --> 00:07:44.680
- The way you walk.
- 00:07:44.680 --> 00:07:46.949
- In other words, god does not want you
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- Visiting the holy spirit just 'cause you have him.
- 00:07:50.586 --> 00:07:54.090
- He wants you walking with him.
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- That is, living in reliance on him.
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- That's why the bible says pray without ceasing.
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- Doesn't mean get on your knees 24 hours a day.
- 00:08:02.465 --> 00:08:04.834
- It means operate all of your life
- 00:08:04.834 --> 00:08:07.236
- In consultation with him.
- 00:08:07.236 --> 00:08:09.338
- Let me ask you a question.
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- When you're breathing, do you just do this?
- 00:08:10.673 --> 00:08:12.975
- Breathing is something just a natural flow.
- 00:08:12.975 --> 00:08:15.311
- It's the way you flow. it's the way you operate.
- 00:08:15.311 --> 00:08:18.414
- In other words, you breathe so naturally
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- You don't even think about breathing
- 00:08:20.416 --> 00:08:21.751
- Until you can't breathe.
- 00:08:21.751 --> 00:08:23.953
- He says if you live by the spirit,
- 00:08:23.953 --> 00:08:26.355
- If you live by the breath,
- 00:08:26.355 --> 00:08:27.857
- If you have the holy spirit within you, you need to learn
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- To walk with him, that is, operate in concert with him.
- 00:08:30.226 --> 00:08:35.831
- In other words, holy spirit got me in this situation.
- 00:08:35.831 --> 00:08:38.734
- Holy spirit, i need you to lead me.
- 00:08:38.734 --> 00:08:40.236
- Sometimes you just think it.
- 00:08:40.236 --> 00:08:41.704
- Sometimes you don't-- you're not in a position
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- To say it, but it's the way you operate
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- And you're walking with him.
- 00:08:45.107 --> 00:08:46.876
- You're rolling with him. he's part of the consultation.
- 00:08:46.876 --> 00:08:49.478
- But you say, but i'm supposed to roll with jesus.
- 00:08:49.478 --> 00:08:51.714
- Absolutely, and the holy spirit is christ in you.
- 00:08:51.714 --> 00:08:54.984
- So when you're rolling with the holy spirit,
- 00:08:54.984 --> 00:08:56.319
- You're rolling with jesus
- 00:08:56.319 --> 00:08:57.687
- And when you're rolling with jesus,
- 00:08:57.687 --> 00:08:59.188
- You're rolling with the father because these computers
- 00:08:59.188 --> 00:09:00.723
- Are networked, they're all hooked up together.
- 00:09:00.723 --> 00:09:03.492
- But the one who is operating in you now
- 00:09:03.492 --> 00:09:05.895
- On behalf of the father and the son is the person
- 00:09:05.895 --> 00:09:08.130
- Of the holy spirit and it is his job
- 00:09:08.130 --> 00:09:10.700
- To enable you to breathe, that is to operate
- 00:09:10.700 --> 00:09:13.336
- With spiritual life.
- 00:09:13.336 --> 00:09:15.838
- And when he gives you the ability to operate
- 00:09:15.838 --> 00:09:18.074
- With spiritual life, he speaks peace to you.
- 00:09:18.074 --> 00:09:22.945
- Jesus says in john 16, "in this world
- 00:09:22.945 --> 00:09:25.948
- You will have tribulation, but be of good cheer,
- 00:09:25.948 --> 00:09:29.151
- I have overcome the world."
- 00:09:29.151 --> 00:09:31.420
- He spoke peace to them.
- 00:09:31.420 --> 00:09:33.956
- And what god wants you to do is experience his peace.
- 00:09:33.956 --> 00:09:39.895
- He doesn't want us to succumb to the chaos around us.
- 00:09:39.895 --> 00:09:44.734
- You may not be able to stop the chaos,
- 00:09:44.734 --> 00:09:47.336
- You may not be able to change the chaos,
- 00:09:47.336 --> 00:09:49.472
- But you're not to be controlled by the chaos.
- 00:09:49.472 --> 00:09:51.841
- Once the chaos is controlling you,
- 00:09:51.841 --> 00:09:55.311
- That means you're not living in the peace.
- 00:09:55.311 --> 00:09:59.415
- The peace of god, watch this, which the bible says,
- 00:09:59.415 --> 00:10:02.418
- Passes understanding.
- 00:10:02.418 --> 00:10:04.420
- How does the peace of god pass understanding
- 00:10:04.420 --> 00:10:07.990
- 'cause you don't understand why in the world
- 00:10:07.990 --> 00:10:09.558
- You have it right now, given what you're going through,
- 00:10:09.558 --> 00:10:12.161
- Given what you're living in, given what you're facing.
- 00:10:12.161 --> 00:10:15.431
- You want to know how am i calm in this chaos?
- 00:10:15.431 --> 00:10:19.168
- You remember in mark chapter 4, verses 35 to 41,
- 00:10:19.168 --> 00:10:24.006
- The disciples are crossing the sea of galilee.
- 00:10:24.006 --> 00:10:30.646
- Jesus is asleep on the stern and they hit a lilac.
- 00:10:30.646 --> 00:10:34.884
- A lilac is a windstorm that's tossing this boat
- 00:10:34.884 --> 00:10:37.920
- All over the place and they are scared.
- 00:10:37.920 --> 00:10:40.856
- They think they're going to die and these
- 00:10:40.856 --> 00:10:42.291
- Are professional fishermen.
- 00:10:42.291 --> 00:10:43.759
- So this was a bad storm.
- 00:10:43.759 --> 00:10:46.395
- Jesus is asleep on the stern, it says,
- 00:10:46.395 --> 00:10:49.699
- With his head on a cushion.
- 00:10:49.699 --> 00:10:52.268
- That means on a pillow. pillow, you know?
- 00:10:52.268 --> 00:10:57.006
- He's got his head on a pillow in a storm.
- 00:10:57.006 --> 00:11:01.711
- And guess what they said?
- 00:11:01.711 --> 00:11:03.412
- "carest thou not that we perish?"
- 00:11:03.412 --> 00:11:06.482
- That was not just a storm on the outside,
- 00:11:06.482 --> 00:11:08.317
- That was a storm on the inside.
- 00:11:08.317 --> 00:11:09.885
- They thought they were gonna die.
- 00:11:09.885 --> 00:11:11.454
- They were afraid.
- 00:11:11.454 --> 00:11:13.789
- And isn't that how we feel when life has crashed in on us?
- 00:11:13.789 --> 00:11:18.461
- We've all experienced it, i've experienced it,
- 00:11:18.461 --> 00:11:20.930
- You've experienced it.
- 00:11:20.930 --> 00:11:22.732
- Those feelings that god doesn't care right now.
- 00:11:22.732 --> 00:11:26.035
- Martha and mary had that in john 11.
- 00:11:26.035 --> 00:11:28.938
- They said, "if you would have been here,
- 00:11:28.938 --> 00:11:31.440
- Our brother would not have perished."
- 00:11:31.440 --> 00:11:33.375
- What were they saying? "i don't know that you care."
- 00:11:33.375 --> 00:11:36.479
- He said, "oh you of little faith,
- 00:11:36.479 --> 00:11:38.314
- Why are you so timid?"
- 00:11:38.314 --> 00:11:39.648
- In other words, you shouldn't be scared
- 00:11:39.648 --> 00:11:41.650
- Right now.
- 00:11:41.650 --> 00:11:43.252
- You shouldn't be terrified right now.
- 00:11:43.252 --> 00:11:45.521
- Why shouldn't we be terrified?
- 00:11:45.521 --> 00:11:47.490
- Don't you know we're getting ready to die?
- 00:11:47.490 --> 00:11:49.191
- How can you sleep when we can't breathe?
- 00:11:49.191 --> 00:11:53.195
- When we're scared, we're huffing and puffing
- 00:11:53.195 --> 00:11:55.197
- 'cause they say they were bailing the water out.
- 00:11:55.197 --> 00:11:57.133
- So they huffing and puffing.
- 00:11:57.133 --> 00:11:59.168
- We can't breathe, we can't breathe
- 00:11:59.168 --> 00:12:01.470
- Because jesus said let us go to the other side.
- 00:12:01.470 --> 00:12:03.839
- So he went to sleep.
- 00:12:03.839 --> 00:12:06.041
- You see, you know what our fear does?
- 00:12:06.041 --> 00:12:08.644
- It causes us to forget his word.
- 00:12:08.644 --> 00:12:10.646
- He said, let us go to the other side,
- 00:12:10.646 --> 00:12:12.148
- Not let us go halfway and drown.
- 00:12:12.148 --> 00:12:14.350
- But that's what circumstances do.
- 00:12:14.350 --> 00:12:17.119
- It causes us to forget what god says
- 00:12:17.119 --> 00:12:20.256
- And to focus on the circumstance.
- 00:12:20.256 --> 00:12:22.124
- Now you can't skip the fact that you're being inundated
- 00:12:22.124 --> 00:12:24.460
- With the storm, but he wants his word
- 00:12:24.460 --> 00:12:26.462
- To overrule.
- 00:12:26.462 --> 00:12:28.164
- So they had his presence. he was in the boat.
- 00:12:28.164 --> 00:12:30.900
- They had his word, "let us go to the other side,"
- 00:12:30.900 --> 00:12:35.638
- And they forgot both.
- 00:12:35.638 --> 00:12:37.773
- So they lost the work of the spirit giving them peace.
- 00:12:37.773 --> 00:12:42.411
- Jesus said, "peace be still."
- 00:12:42.411 --> 00:12:45.614
- They said, "what manner of man is this that even the winds
- 00:12:45.614 --> 00:12:48.751
- And the waves obey him?"
- 00:12:48.751 --> 00:12:50.252
- See, you need to know who you're dealing with.
- 00:12:50.252 --> 00:12:52.254
- Jesus in john 20, walked through a door
- 00:12:52.254 --> 00:12:55.057
- And he said, "peace be unto you."
- 00:12:55.057 --> 00:12:56.959
- Same thing he did in mark. he said, chill, calm down.
- 00:12:56.959 --> 00:13:01.564
- He said, i got this.
- 00:13:01.564 --> 00:13:04.633
- Yeah, we got that problem out there, but i'm in here.
- 00:13:04.633 --> 00:13:08.637
- You know one of the reasons we can't breathe?
- 00:13:08.637 --> 00:13:10.606
- Jesus is too far from us.
- 00:13:10.606 --> 00:13:12.942
- The word of god is too rare to us.
- 00:13:12.942 --> 00:13:16.912
- Oh yeah, we open it when the preacher
- 00:13:16.912 --> 00:13:19.181
- Gives us a scripture, but we don't know where to go
- 00:13:19.181 --> 00:13:23.586
- When a various situations show up in our lives.
- 00:13:23.586 --> 00:13:26.856
- We don't know what psalm to go to give us peace in the storm
- 00:13:26.856 --> 00:13:30.459
- Or when we are afraid of a virus or when we are afraid
- 00:13:30.459 --> 00:13:35.097
- Of violence or danger.
- 00:13:35.097 --> 00:13:37.066
- We don't know where to turn 'cause we only go to it
- 00:13:37.066 --> 00:13:40.269
- When it's convenient.
- 00:13:40.269 --> 00:13:42.104
- We don't breathe it.
- 00:13:42.104 --> 00:13:44.406
- This is not the air we breathe.
- 00:13:44.406 --> 00:13:48.444
- I challenge all of you to read psalm 119,
- 00:13:48.444 --> 00:13:50.980
- The longest chapter in the bible.
- 00:13:50.980 --> 00:13:53.682
- It's all about one subject, the word of god.
- 00:13:53.682 --> 00:13:56.752
- And david says, this word of god is my life.
- 00:13:56.752 --> 00:14:00.789
- Here's why.
- 00:14:00.789 --> 00:14:02.725
- Because the spirit of god, here it is,
- 00:14:02.725 --> 00:14:06.896
- Only works in his fullness in concert
- 00:14:06.896 --> 00:14:11.500
- With the word of god.
- 00:14:11.500 --> 00:14:13.235
- Don't miss that.
- 00:14:13.235 --> 00:14:15.571
- If you wanna breathe, if you wanna hear
- 00:14:15.571 --> 00:14:18.507
- Peace be unto you 'cause you're scared,
- 00:14:18.507 --> 00:14:23.412
- No matter what is causing that fear,
- 00:14:23.412 --> 00:14:25.848
- The spirit of god who is the breath of god
- 00:14:25.848 --> 00:14:29.685
- Will only give you the oxygen you need
- 00:14:29.685 --> 00:14:34.423
- Not because he doesn't want to,
- 00:14:34.423 --> 00:14:36.759
- But because you're not breathing the right stuff.
- 00:14:36.759 --> 00:14:39.828
- You got too much smog in your life.
- 00:14:39.828 --> 00:14:43.799
- You're not taking advantage of the word of god.
- 00:14:43.799 --> 00:14:47.202
- So to help you out here, i wanna take you
- 00:14:47.202 --> 00:14:49.538
- To another passage that i can only summarize,
- 00:14:49.538 --> 00:14:53.008
- But i don't want you to miss this.
- 00:14:53.008 --> 00:14:55.477
- It's in the book of ezekiel, the book of ezekiel chapter 37.
- 00:14:55.477 --> 00:15:03.686
- It's the famous valley of dry bones.
- 00:15:03.686 --> 00:15:07.256
- Now, when you get a chance, read all 14 verses.
- 00:15:07.256 --> 00:15:10.993
- Meditate on it because it puts it all together
- 00:15:10.993 --> 00:15:15.931
- So that you can breathe again.
- 00:15:15.931 --> 00:15:18.500
- If you have the holy spirit in you,
- 00:15:18.500 --> 00:15:21.003
- You have the oxygen tank that's already in there.
- 00:15:21.003 --> 00:15:25.441
- But you can have an oxygen tank and not use it.
- 00:15:25.441 --> 00:15:29.278
- So you can be huffing and puffing
- 00:15:29.278 --> 00:15:31.480
- And not having peace that the breath of god
- 00:15:31.480 --> 00:15:34.917
- Who is the holy spirit offers to believers.
- 00:15:34.917 --> 00:15:38.721
- He says in verse 1, "the spirit of the lord
- 00:15:38.721 --> 00:15:42.524
- Sent me to a valley full of dry bones."
- 00:15:42.524 --> 00:15:47.129
- What was the problem with these dry bones?
- 00:15:47.129 --> 00:15:52.968
- He says, "can these bones live again?"
- 00:15:52.968 --> 00:15:58.440
- They're so dry, they are lifeless.
- 00:15:58.440 --> 00:16:02.111
- It was so bad, all that ezekiel could say is
- 00:16:02.111 --> 00:16:05.781
- At the end of verse 3, "oh lord god, you know."
- 00:16:05.781 --> 00:16:10.753
- I can't answer that question because it looks real bad.
- 00:16:10.753 --> 00:16:14.289
- Are you in a real bad situation?
- 00:16:14.289 --> 00:16:17.026
- Are you having a spiritual asthma attack
- 00:16:17.026 --> 00:16:19.762
- Because everything around you is causing you
- 00:16:19.762 --> 00:16:22.931
- To be constricted in your soul and you're wheezing,
- 00:16:22.931 --> 00:16:30.539
- Trying to breathe with all the chaos
- 00:16:30.539 --> 00:16:32.975
- That's surrounding you?
- 00:16:32.975 --> 00:16:35.210
- He tells the prophet, verse 4, "prophesy over these bones.
- 00:16:35.210 --> 00:16:41.350
- Oh dry bones, hear the word of the lord."
- 00:16:41.350 --> 00:16:44.253
- So give them some bible. prophesy over 'em.
- 00:16:44.253 --> 00:16:47.923
- Give them the word of the lord in their situation.
- 00:16:47.923 --> 00:16:51.293
- Now watch verse 5, "thus saith the lord god
- 00:16:51.293 --> 00:16:54.430
- To these bones, 'behold i will cause breath,'"
- 00:16:54.430 --> 00:16:58.967
- Oh, oh, there's our word, "to enter you
- 00:16:58.967 --> 00:17:02.704
- That you may come to life.
- 00:17:02.704 --> 00:17:04.440
- Hello, the spirit of the lord leads him.
- 00:17:04.440 --> 00:17:08.210
- He says, listen to the word so i can give you breath.
- 00:17:08.210 --> 00:17:12.147
- Breath is the holy spirit as you'll see.
- 00:17:12.147 --> 00:17:14.883
- I'm gonna cause breath to enter.
- 00:17:14.883 --> 00:17:16.718
- So verse 7, "i prophesied as i was commanded
- 00:17:16.718 --> 00:17:21.056
- And the bones begin to rattle."
- 00:17:21.056 --> 00:17:23.392
- Oh, oh, the bones begin to shake and bake.
- 00:17:23.392 --> 00:17:27.196
- Then he said, verse 9, "prophesy to the breath,"
- 00:17:27.196 --> 00:17:32.034
- To the spirit.
- 00:17:32.034 --> 00:17:34.536
- Prophecy, "son of man, and say to the breath,"
- 00:17:34.536 --> 00:17:38.640
- The spirit, "thus saith the lord god,
- 00:17:38.640 --> 00:17:41.810
- Come from the four winds," the spirit, "from everywhere
- 00:17:41.810 --> 00:17:46.482
- Oh breath and breathe on these slain
- 00:17:46.482 --> 00:17:50.719
- That they may come to life.'"
- 00:17:50.719 --> 00:17:53.055
- Oh, this is getting good and gooder.
- 00:17:53.055 --> 00:17:55.624
- He's prophesying to the bones, but then he's prophesying
- 00:17:55.624 --> 00:17:59.394
- To the breath.
- 00:17:59.394 --> 00:18:01.263
- The breath is the spirit coming from the four winds.
- 00:18:01.263 --> 00:18:04.166
- It's the air. it's the air we breathe.
- 00:18:04.166 --> 00:18:06.602
- So the bones that are dry, hopeless, helpless,
- 00:18:06.602 --> 00:18:11.039
- They're desperate.
- 00:18:11.039 --> 00:18:13.008
- He says, prophesy to 'em.
- 00:18:13.008 --> 00:18:15.744
- Tell the bones it's time to live.
- 00:18:15.744 --> 00:18:18.147
- It's time not to fake it no more.
- 00:18:18.147 --> 00:18:20.749
- Time not to be just going to church and living
- 00:18:20.749 --> 00:18:22.918
- In your dryness.
- 00:18:22.918 --> 00:18:25.120
- But then prophesy to the breath, the spirit.
- 00:18:25.120 --> 00:18:29.791
- Why am i prophesying to the spirit?
- 00:18:29.791 --> 00:18:33.162
- Because the holy spirit acts in concert with the word.
- 00:18:33.162 --> 00:18:37.199
- So when you get the word of god and you are speaking
- 00:18:37.199 --> 00:18:42.104
- The word of god, the spirit of god attaches to it.
- 00:18:42.104 --> 00:18:46.141
- And when the spirit of god attaches to the word of god,
- 00:18:46.141 --> 00:18:51.547
- Something begins to happen.
- 00:18:51.547 --> 00:18:55.984
- "so i prophesied," verse 10, "as he commanded me
- 00:18:55.984 --> 00:19:00.189
- And the breath came to them and they came to life
- 00:19:00.189 --> 00:19:05.994
- And stood on their feet an exceedingly great army."
- 00:19:05.994 --> 00:19:10.999
- Let me read a little bit more, verse 11.
- 00:19:10.999 --> 00:19:13.302
- "then he said to me, 'son of man, these bones
- 00:19:13.302 --> 00:19:16.505
- Are the whole house of israel.'"
- 00:19:16.505 --> 00:19:18.740
- Or to put it in the new testament word,
- 00:19:18.740 --> 00:19:20.509
- It's the whole church.
- 00:19:20.509 --> 00:19:22.277
- "behold, they say, 'our bones are dried up
- 00:19:22.277 --> 00:19:25.347
- And our hope has perished.'"
- 00:19:25.347 --> 00:19:28.050
- So how do you know you have no life?
- 00:19:28.050 --> 00:19:29.484
- 'cause you have no hope.
- 00:19:29.484 --> 00:19:31.053
- When your hope leaves, your life leaves, he says,
- 00:19:31.053 --> 00:19:33.889
- Our hope is gone.
- 00:19:33.889 --> 00:19:35.991
- We are completely cut off.
- 00:19:35.991 --> 00:19:38.026
- Can't find god nowhere.
- 00:19:38.026 --> 00:19:40.529
- But then he says, "prophesy and say to them,"
- 00:19:40.529 --> 00:19:44.066
- Verse 12, "thus saith the lord god, behold i
- 00:19:44.066 --> 00:19:47.469
- Will open your graves and cause you
- 00:19:47.469 --> 00:19:51.506
- To come up out of your graves, my people, and i will bring you
- 00:19:51.506 --> 00:19:54.243
- Into the land of israel.
- 00:19:54.243 --> 00:19:56.311
- Then you will know that i am the lord
- 00:19:56.311 --> 00:20:00.849
- When i open your graves and cause you to come up
- 00:20:00.849 --> 00:20:04.253
- Out of your graves, my people.
- 00:20:04.253 --> 00:20:06.555
- I will put my spirit within you."
- 00:20:06.555 --> 00:20:09.358
- Verse 14.
- 00:20:09.358 --> 00:20:11.126
- "and you will," here it is, "come to life
- 00:20:11.126 --> 00:20:14.129
- And i will place you on your land.
- 00:20:14.129 --> 00:20:17.332
- You will know that i am the lord
- 00:20:17.332 --> 00:20:19.935
- And have spoken and has done this,
- 00:20:19.935 --> 00:20:22.271
- Declares the lord."
- 00:20:22.271 --> 00:20:24.039
- Did you see that?
- 00:20:24.039 --> 00:20:26.108
- He said, i'm gonna take you out your grave.
- 00:20:26.108 --> 00:20:27.442
- You feel like you're dying?
- 00:20:27.442 --> 00:20:29.411
- 'cause you know when you're dying,
- 00:20:29.411 --> 00:20:30.912
- You're losing your breath, you can't breathe.
- 00:20:30.912 --> 00:20:33.582
- You feel like you're in crisis, the world is in crisis,
- 00:20:33.582 --> 00:20:39.221
- The culture is in crisis, the church is in crisis,
- 00:20:39.221 --> 00:20:41.723
- We're in crisis.
- 00:20:41.723 --> 00:20:43.292
- And god says it's time to breathe.
- 00:20:43.292 --> 00:20:46.361
- Why has god allowed all of this stuff
- 00:20:46.361 --> 00:20:49.097
- To take our breath away?
- 00:20:49.097 --> 00:20:51.066
- Crisis after crisis, chaos after chaos,
- 00:20:51.066 --> 00:20:54.670
- Conflict after conflict.
- 00:20:54.670 --> 00:20:57.773
- Why this divine disruption?
- 00:20:57.773 --> 00:21:00.142
- "that you will know i am the lord."
- 00:21:00.142 --> 00:21:04.413
- "it's not by might.
- 00:21:04.413 --> 00:21:06.815
- It's by my spirit," says the lord.
- 00:21:06.815 --> 00:21:10.185
- It's not because you come up with a new program
- 00:21:10.185 --> 00:21:13.221
- Or because you elect a certain person
- 00:21:13.221 --> 00:21:15.624
- To a political office.
- 00:21:15.624 --> 00:21:17.225
- It's not because of that. i've interrupted all this stuff.
- 00:21:17.225 --> 00:21:20.762
- It's not because of your money. it's not because of your clout.
- 00:21:20.762 --> 00:21:24.399
- It's not because of your notoriety.
- 00:21:24.399 --> 00:21:26.468
- No, if you don't have my spirit, you can have all that
- 00:21:26.468 --> 00:21:29.438
- And be in a graveyard.
- 00:21:29.438 --> 00:21:31.506
- You know what he's trying to do?
- 00:21:31.506 --> 00:21:32.841
- God is trying to wake up the church.
- 00:21:32.841 --> 00:21:34.176
- This is all about waking up the church
- 00:21:34.176 --> 00:21:36.645
- 'cause we can't get them to live out there
- 00:21:36.645 --> 00:21:39.247
- If we digging our own graves in here.
- 00:21:39.247 --> 00:21:41.616
- He says, i wanna give you life.
- 00:21:41.616 --> 00:21:43.318
- And how do you know you have life?
- 00:21:43.318 --> 00:21:45.187
- He says, because you're going to be commissioned
- 00:21:45.187 --> 00:21:48.390
- For spiritual impact.
- 00:21:48.390 --> 00:21:50.158
- Whoever sends you remit, they will be remitted.
- 00:21:50.158 --> 00:21:52.694
- He says in john 20.
- 00:21:52.694 --> 00:21:55.130
- He says, in other words, you're gonna make
- 00:21:55.130 --> 00:21:56.531
- A spiritual impact.
- 00:21:56.531 --> 00:21:58.166
- You know what?
- 00:21:58.166 --> 00:21:59.501
- The world is waiting for spiritual impact.
- 00:21:59.501 --> 00:22:01.203
- You know why we're not having spiritual impact?
- 00:22:01.203 --> 00:22:03.638
- 'cause we're 6 feet under. we're in our graves.
- 00:22:03.638 --> 00:22:07.776
- We're saved, we're on our way to heaven,
- 00:22:07.776 --> 00:22:09.911
- But there is no life.
- 00:22:09.911 --> 00:22:11.279
- And he says there's no hope. that's what we mean.
- 00:22:11.279 --> 00:22:13.014
- When hope is gone, then being alive
- 00:22:13.014 --> 00:22:15.684
- As it was meant to be, spiritual life is lost.
- 00:22:15.684 --> 00:22:18.453
- You and i have a plan that god has given us
- 00:22:18.453 --> 00:22:22.924
- To make a spiritual impact in the world, but if god
- 00:22:22.924 --> 00:22:26.094
- Can't even make a spiritual impact
- 00:22:26.094 --> 00:22:28.864
- In the aisles of our church, why do we think
- 00:22:28.864 --> 00:22:32.067
- He'll make a spiritual impact in the aisles of congress
- 00:22:32.067 --> 00:22:35.804
- Or in the streets of the city when there's a graveyard
- 00:22:35.804 --> 00:22:40.175
- In the sanctuary?
- 00:22:40.175 --> 00:22:42.244
- So, it's time to come alive and that's based on the breath,
- 00:22:42.244 --> 00:22:46.648
- But not breathing occasionally.
- 00:22:46.648 --> 00:22:48.884
- Breathing the holy spirit as you connected
- 00:22:48.884 --> 00:22:50.986
- With the word of god, you should now be running
- 00:22:50.986 --> 00:22:53.188
- To the scripture, running to the bible,
- 00:22:53.188 --> 00:22:56.491
- Running to find out or get someone
- 00:22:56.491 --> 00:22:59.995
- To help you find out, where do i go
- 00:22:59.995 --> 00:23:02.130
- And we're gonna help you do that by giving you scriptures
- 00:23:02.130 --> 00:23:05.200
- To run to and talk to the holy spirit all day long
- 00:23:05.200 --> 00:23:09.271
- As you go from this situation to that situation
- 00:23:09.271 --> 00:23:10.739
- As you're feeling hopelessness.
- 00:23:10.739 --> 00:23:13.175
- Bring him in on it so that he can breathe life
- 00:23:13.175 --> 00:23:16.511
- Into you and me.
- 00:23:16.511 --> 00:23:19.181
- You know, one of the issues today
- 00:23:19.181 --> 00:23:25.320
- And throughout the year of 2020 is corona.
- 00:23:25.320 --> 00:23:31.760
- 2020 is the year that everybody was fearful of corona
- 00:23:31.760 --> 00:23:40.936
- Because it's the virus that had no mercy.
- 00:23:40.936 --> 00:23:46.241
- Didn't care who you were, whether you were rich or poor,
- 00:23:46.241 --> 00:23:49.678
- Black or white, hispanic or asian.
- 00:23:49.678 --> 00:23:53.448
- Didn't care where you lived 'cause it was
- 00:23:53.448 --> 00:23:56.184
- A worldwide epidemic.
- 00:23:56.184 --> 00:24:00.655
- The great fear of corona was that when it hits you
- 00:24:00.655 --> 00:24:07.662
- It would create inflammation and that inflaming
- 00:24:07.662 --> 00:24:13.902
- Would hit the lungs and if it got bad enough
- 00:24:13.902 --> 00:24:18.840
- And it hit the lungs, you can't breathe.
- 00:24:18.840 --> 00:24:24.646
- You lose the ability to breathe.
- 00:24:24.646 --> 00:24:29.551
- So what the united states did was it called on places
- 00:24:29.551 --> 00:24:35.423
- All over the country to retrofit their manufacturing factories
- 00:24:35.423 --> 00:24:42.230
- To produce more ventilators 'cause we were running short
- 00:24:42.230 --> 00:24:46.334
- Of ventilators and so they were calling on groups
- 00:24:46.334 --> 00:24:50.438
- To have enough ventilators for folk of what
- 00:24:50.438 --> 00:24:53.742
- Who can't breathe.
- 00:24:53.742 --> 00:24:56.511
- Now a ventilator has one job, to come as an aid to people
- 00:24:56.511 --> 00:25:04.152
- Who can't breathe and give them the ability to breathe
- 00:25:04.152 --> 00:25:10.091
- That they no longer have on their own.
- 00:25:10.091 --> 00:25:13.728
- It literally does the breathing for them.
- 00:25:13.728 --> 00:25:18.333
- You know what the goal of the ventilator is?
- 00:25:18.333 --> 00:25:22.304
- To save lives.
- 00:25:22.304 --> 00:25:24.172
- The ventilator is there for folk who can't breathe
- 00:25:24.172 --> 00:25:28.743
- To save lives.
- 00:25:28.743 --> 00:25:31.780
- You and i are living in a spiritual virus
- 00:25:31.780 --> 00:25:36.318
- And it doesn't care who you are, where you live,
- 00:25:36.318 --> 00:25:38.687
- What your color is, culture is, what your economic status is,
- 00:25:38.687 --> 00:25:42.691
- And it hits everybody everywhere so that you lose hope
- 00:25:42.691 --> 00:25:47.862
- And you lose life and it doesn't care
- 00:25:47.862 --> 00:25:50.799
- Whether you're a churchgoer or not.
- 00:25:50.799 --> 00:25:54.369
- But god has a ventilator system. a ventilator and guess what?
- 00:25:54.369 --> 00:25:59.908
- He's manufactured more than enough.
- 00:25:59.908 --> 00:26:03.144
- In fact, he's got this ventilation system
- 00:26:03.144 --> 00:26:05.380
- So sophisticated, it's not one operating outside
- 00:26:05.380 --> 00:26:09.417
- To put a tube on you.
- 00:26:09.417 --> 00:26:11.953
- He's built it inside of you to breathe for you inside out.
- 00:26:11.953 --> 00:26:17.192
- So even though you got this fearful situation
- 00:26:17.192 --> 00:26:19.861
- In the culture, this fearful situation of evil,
- 00:26:19.861 --> 00:26:23.798
- This fearful situation of circumstances, inside of you
- 00:26:23.798 --> 00:26:28.670
- Is a holy ghost ventilator and he wants
- 00:26:28.670 --> 00:26:31.406
- To do the breathing for you.
- 00:26:31.406 --> 00:26:33.742
- And if you'll connect the risen christ
- 00:26:33.742 --> 00:26:36.778
- With the word of god so that god breathes on you,
- 00:26:36.778 --> 00:26:40.749
- You'll hear him say to you, regardless of the circumstances
- 00:26:40.749 --> 00:26:44.586
- Out there, peace be unto you.
- 00:26:44.586 --> 00:26:48.456
- You can calm down now because the holy spirit
- 00:26:48.456 --> 00:26:53.328
- Is the air you breathe.
- 00:26:53.328 --> 00:26:55.697
- ♪♪♪
- 00:26:55.697 --> 00:27:23.992
- ♪♪♪
- 00:27:25.827 --> 00:27:30.001