Dr. Tony Evans is known as a relevant expositor and is a pastor of pastors and a father in the faith.
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Dr. Tony Evans | Tony Evans - The Power | January 12, 2025
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- 00:00:00.633 --> 00:00:01.317
- Tony evans: there's power available,
- 00:00:01.751 --> 00:00:02.986
- Holy ghost power.
- 00:00:03.119 --> 00:00:04.320
- No matter what your background is,
- 00:00:04.454 --> 00:00:05.088
- No matter how weak you are, the holy spirit is ready
- 00:00:06.189 --> 00:00:08.058
- To empower you and lift you out of your defeat,
- 00:00:08.058 --> 00:00:10.794
- Because that's how powerful he is.
- 00:00:10.794 --> 00:00:12.695
- But you gotta be connected through the word
- 00:00:12.695 --> 00:00:15.365
- In relationship to jesus christ so that his power
- 00:00:15.365 --> 00:00:18.902
- Can gush forth, 'cause when you get
- 00:00:18.902 --> 00:00:21.137
- That much power, you can't keep it to yourself.
- 00:00:21.137 --> 00:00:25.375
- ♪♪♪
- 00:00:25.375 --> 00:00:31.314
- Tony: i'm sure you would agree with me that electricity is
- 00:00:33.416 --> 00:00:37.687
- One of the most powerful, beneficial forces
- 00:00:37.687 --> 00:00:43.259
- That are available to us.
- 00:00:43.259 --> 00:00:45.995
- Our homes are heated because of it.
- 00:00:45.995 --> 00:00:48.998
- We're able to cook and refrigerate,
- 00:00:48.998 --> 00:00:52.836
- Turn lights on and a myriad of other benefits
- 00:00:52.836 --> 00:00:57.707
- Because of the power of electricity.
- 00:00:57.707 --> 00:01:03.680
- Without that power source available to our lives
- 00:01:03.680 --> 00:01:08.518
- And to our homes and businesses and churches,
- 00:01:08.518 --> 00:01:13.089
- Life would be a lot tougher, a lot more challenging,
- 00:01:13.089 --> 00:01:16.593
- And a lot more difficult.
- 00:01:16.593 --> 00:01:17.927
- It has revolutionized how we live
- 00:01:17.927 --> 00:01:22.732
- Because of the power that is associated
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- With this invisible force.
- 00:01:27.003 --> 00:01:30.840
- Well, i wanna talk to you about another power.
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- And today, i wanna talk to "the holy spirit has the power."
- 00:01:34.410 --> 00:01:40.917
- In acts chapter 1, the first 8 verses,
- 00:01:40.917 --> 00:01:46.055
- Jesus christ has risen from the dead,
- 00:01:46.055 --> 00:01:49.726
- And as he comes to the conclusion
- 00:01:49.726 --> 00:01:51.694
- Of the 40-day window between his resurrection
- 00:01:51.694 --> 00:01:55.598
- And his ascension, he comes and he meets with his followers,
- 00:01:55.598 --> 00:02:01.171
- His disciples.
- 00:02:01.171 --> 00:02:04.140
- And when he comes to them and gathers with them,
- 00:02:04.140 --> 00:02:08.311
- He tells them things at the end of verse 3
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- Concerning the kingdom of god.
- 00:02:13.183 --> 00:02:17.720
- In fact, they wanna know more.
- 00:02:17.720 --> 00:02:20.223
- "when," verse 6, "are you restoring
- 00:02:20.223 --> 00:02:22.992
- The kingdom to israel?"
- 00:02:22.992 --> 00:02:28.198
- There is a discussion about the kingdom.
- 00:02:28.198 --> 00:02:32.135
- The book of acts is about the kingdom,
- 00:02:32.135 --> 00:02:36.806
- The kingdom that is to come, jesus's millennial reign
- 00:02:36.806 --> 00:02:41.711
- Over the whole earth from jerusalem
- 00:02:41.711 --> 00:02:44.981
- Where he will rule the entire planet,
- 00:02:44.981 --> 00:02:48.851
- And then the manifestation of the kingdom that is.
- 00:02:48.851 --> 00:02:53.923
- Jesus will physically return and rule.
- 00:02:53.923 --> 00:02:57.160
- In the meantime, he's left the church
- 00:02:57.160 --> 00:03:01.798
- And birthed the church to be his kingdom representatives
- 00:03:01.798 --> 00:03:06.369
- Until he comes, modeling and manifesting
- 00:03:06.369 --> 00:03:11.174
- The presence of the kingdom in the midst of the culture.
- 00:03:11.174 --> 00:03:16.312
- And so he's teaching them concerning the kingdom of god.
- 00:03:16.312 --> 00:03:22.719
- That's what verse 3 says.
- 00:03:22.719 --> 00:03:25.421
- It's interesting to note that at the end of the book of acts,
- 00:03:25.421 --> 00:03:29.559
- I'm talking about the very last verse
- 00:03:29.559 --> 00:03:31.961
- Of chapter 28.
- 00:03:31.961 --> 00:03:34.063
- It says paul received people unto him
- 00:03:34.063 --> 00:03:36.733
- And he taught them about the kingdom of god
- 00:03:36.733 --> 00:03:40.570
- And the lord jesus christ.
- 00:03:40.570 --> 00:03:42.005
- So the book of acts ends with the kingdom
- 00:03:42.005 --> 00:03:45.508
- And it begins with the kingdom, 'cause paul is only carrying on
- 00:03:45.508 --> 00:03:50.313
- The kingdom conversation that jesus starts
- 00:03:50.313 --> 00:03:53.650
- In acts chapter 1.
- 00:03:53.650 --> 00:03:57.654
- And so the teaching is about the kingdom.
- 00:03:57.654 --> 00:04:04.560
- But jesus throws in a statement in verse 8,
- 00:04:04.560 --> 00:04:10.500
- "but you will receive power," here's our word,
- 00:04:10.500 --> 00:04:15.238
- "when the holy spirit has come upon you,
- 00:04:15.238 --> 00:04:18.241
- And you shall be my witnesses both in jerusalem,
- 00:04:18.241 --> 00:04:21.210
- Judea, and samaria,
- 00:04:21.210 --> 00:04:23.279
- And even to the remotest parts of the earth."
- 00:04:23.279 --> 00:04:28.785
- He talks to them about the power.
- 00:04:28.785 --> 00:04:30.753
- Now, they wanted to know when he was gonna return
- 00:04:30.753 --> 00:04:34.023
- To set up the kingdom.
- 00:04:34.023 --> 00:04:35.992
- Jesus tells them in verse 7, "it's not for you to know."
- 00:04:35.992 --> 00:04:41.497
- God is not revealing right now the time of his return
- 00:04:41.497 --> 00:04:45.868
- To set up his earthly messianic millennial rule
- 00:04:45.868 --> 00:04:50.239
- For a thousand years over planet earth.
- 00:04:50.239 --> 00:04:54.110
- "but between my leaving," jesus says,
- 00:04:54.110 --> 00:04:57.814
- "and my returning, i am not gonna give you
- 00:04:57.814 --> 00:05:02.218
- My physical presence, but i am gonna share with you
- 00:05:02.218 --> 00:05:05.254
- My spiritual power."
- 00:05:05.254 --> 00:05:08.491
- So what jesus has left behind in his absence
- 00:05:08.491 --> 00:05:13.896
- Is the person of the holy spirit and the power
- 00:05:13.896 --> 00:05:18.134
- That accompanies that person.
- 00:05:18.134 --> 00:05:22.372
- One of the most misunderstood, mis--
- 00:05:22.372 --> 00:05:27.276
- And underutilized aspects
- 00:05:27.276 --> 00:05:31.247
- Of the holy spirit is the understanding of his power.
- 00:05:31.247 --> 00:05:38.688
- The holy spirit is a powerful person.
- 00:05:38.688 --> 00:05:41.190
- He is a person, the third member of the trinity,
- 00:05:41.190 --> 00:05:45.528
- Who takes from god and delivers to us
- 00:05:45.528 --> 00:05:49.699
- So that the power of heaven is made available to you and me
- 00:05:49.699 --> 00:05:55.338
- In history while we wait for the powerful one,
- 00:05:55.338 --> 00:05:59.375
- Jesus christ, to return.
- 00:05:59.375 --> 00:06:03.112
- So let's talk about the power.
- 00:06:03.112 --> 00:06:06.382
- Jesus has been teaching about the kingdom of god.
- 00:06:06.382 --> 00:06:11.521
- Now, those of you who are familiar,
- 00:06:11.521 --> 00:06:12.855
- Both in our church and outside of our church,
- 00:06:12.855 --> 00:06:15.992
- With the philosophy and worldview of our ministry,
- 00:06:15.992 --> 00:06:18.928
- It's about the kingdom,
- 00:06:18.928 --> 00:06:20.396
- The kingdom agenda, the visible demonstration
- 00:06:20.396 --> 00:06:22.865
- And manifestation of a comprehensive rule of god
- 00:06:22.865 --> 00:06:25.535
- Over every area of life.
- 00:06:25.535 --> 00:06:27.870
- God wants his people to become kingdomized.
- 00:06:27.870 --> 00:06:31.007
- That is, to become full-time disciples
- 00:06:31.007 --> 00:06:33.843
- Where all of life is relationally ruled
- 00:06:33.843 --> 00:06:38.181
- Under the lordship of jesus christ.
- 00:06:38.181 --> 00:06:42.418
- He says, "while i'm not yet ready
- 00:06:42.418 --> 00:06:44.153
- To set up my kingdom, i'm gonna let you
- 00:06:44.153 --> 00:06:46.622
- Have some kingdom electricity.
- 00:06:46.622 --> 00:06:49.492
- I'm gonna let you have some kingdom power."
- 00:06:49.492 --> 00:06:52.395
- But wait a minute.
- 00:06:52.395 --> 00:06:54.430
- Jesus for 40 days between his resurrection
- 00:06:54.430 --> 00:06:58.334
- And his ascension has been speaking things,
- 00:06:58.334 --> 00:07:01.637
- Verse 3, about the kingdom.
- 00:07:01.637 --> 00:07:04.807
- But he says, "i'm gonna have to give you power."
- 00:07:04.807 --> 00:07:09.479
- What does that tell us right there?
- 00:07:09.479 --> 00:07:11.814
- Having biblical truth even taught by jesus himself.
- 00:07:11.814 --> 00:07:17.753
- I mean, you got the living word teaching the written word.
- 00:07:17.753 --> 00:07:22.191
- I mean, you don't get a better preacher,
- 00:07:22.191 --> 00:07:23.960
- A better sermon, perfect articulation,
- 00:07:23.960 --> 00:07:28.965
- Perfect hermeneutics, perfect exegesis.
- 00:07:28.965 --> 00:07:33.469
- I mean, this is perfect proclamation
- 00:07:33.469 --> 00:07:35.838
- If jesus is the teacher.
- 00:07:35.838 --> 00:07:38.608
- But even jesus says without the power,
- 00:07:38.608 --> 00:07:42.745
- You're going nowhere.
- 00:07:42.745 --> 00:07:44.647
- So before we even get into understanding the power,
- 00:07:44.647 --> 00:07:47.116
- Let's get something straight.
- 00:07:47.116 --> 00:07:49.285
- Bible study is foundational, jesus was teaching,
- 00:07:49.285 --> 00:07:52.755
- But bible study is not enough.
- 00:07:52.755 --> 00:07:55.758
- Knowing scripture is absolutely critical,
- 00:07:55.758 --> 00:07:59.161
- But knowing scripture is not enough.
- 00:07:59.161 --> 00:08:01.631
- Memorizing scripture is meaningful,
- 00:08:01.631 --> 00:08:04.834
- But it's not enough, because jesus says
- 00:08:04.834 --> 00:08:08.437
- You're gonna need some power to go with it.
- 00:08:08.437 --> 00:08:11.841
- That's why we see people who go to church stay unchanged.
- 00:08:11.841 --> 00:08:16.078
- They may have the information, they may have the knowledge,
- 00:08:16.078 --> 00:08:19.549
- But they don't have the power.
- 00:08:19.549 --> 00:08:21.017
- So the word of god, which is alive,
- 00:08:21.017 --> 00:08:23.085
- Is not working for them because the power
- 00:08:23.085 --> 00:08:27.557
- Of the holy spirit is missing, even if the teaching
- 00:08:27.557 --> 00:08:30.760
- Is orthodox, correct, and kingdom-centered,
- 00:08:30.760 --> 00:08:34.864
- Which it must be.
- 00:08:34.864 --> 00:08:37.934
- The holy spirit is the igniter, and his job
- 00:08:37.934 --> 00:08:42.438
- Is to bring the truth of god, 'cause jesus was speaking,
- 00:08:42.438 --> 00:08:46.876
- Teaching off the pages of the bible
- 00:08:46.876 --> 00:08:50.446
- Into your life experience.
- 00:08:50.446 --> 00:08:53.516
- And if you are not ignited by the power,
- 00:08:53.516 --> 00:08:58.321
- You will not see the word of god at work in your life,
- 00:08:58.321 --> 00:09:02.558
- And it will seem like a book that doesn't work
- 00:09:02.558 --> 00:09:05.595
- Even though you may believe it.
- 00:09:05.595 --> 00:09:07.129
- Now you need to know it, you need to study it,
- 00:09:07.129 --> 00:09:09.332
- You need to read it, but you need the power
- 00:09:09.332 --> 00:09:13.402
- To go with it even if jesus is the one teaching.
- 00:09:13.402 --> 00:09:17.506
- Far too many christians aren't hooked up properly
- 00:09:17.506 --> 00:09:19.475
- To the holy spirit, and they wonder why
- 00:09:19.475 --> 00:09:22.311
- They can't go nowhere.
- 00:09:22.311 --> 00:09:24.246
- They got the book, the book explains the information,
- 00:09:24.246 --> 00:09:26.916
- But they don't have the power.
- 00:09:26.916 --> 00:09:29.385
- The person of the holy spirit at work
- 00:09:29.385 --> 00:09:31.220
- Bringing the book to life,
- 00:09:31.220 --> 00:09:32.955
- They don't have the jumper cables working,
- 00:09:32.955 --> 00:09:36.859
- So they're not hooked up to jesus properly,
- 00:09:36.859 --> 00:09:39.862
- So they can't go anywhere, and they find themselves
- 00:09:39.862 --> 00:09:44.200
- Spiritually stuck.
- 00:09:44.200 --> 00:09:47.903
- He says, "i'm leaving, but i'm going to leave behind
- 00:09:47.903 --> 00:09:53.542
- A dunamis," where we get our word dynamite.
- 00:09:53.542 --> 00:09:55.711
- "i'm gonna leave behind power."
- 00:09:55.711 --> 00:09:59.482
- The word but here means this is a significant difference,
- 00:09:59.482 --> 00:10:04.954
- "and i'm gonna give you something
- 00:10:04.954 --> 00:10:06.922
- That's gonna blow your mind,
- 00:10:06.922 --> 00:10:10.660
- This power source called the holy spirit."
- 00:10:10.660 --> 00:10:15.898
- Let's go a little deeper about this battery
- 00:10:15.898 --> 00:10:18.701
- That every christian has been given.
- 00:10:18.701 --> 00:10:21.837
- He says, verse 5 of acts 1, "for john baptized with water,
- 00:10:21.837 --> 00:10:30.246
- But you will be baptized with the holy spirit
- 00:10:30.246 --> 00:10:33.115
- Not many days from now.
- 00:10:33.115 --> 00:10:36.352
- So to be baptized spiritually is to now be identified
- 00:10:36.352 --> 00:10:42.425
- As a follower of jesus christ.
- 00:10:42.425 --> 00:10:46.128
- Water baptism is simply a visible modeling
- 00:10:46.128 --> 00:10:51.233
- Of spiritual baptism.
- 00:10:51.233 --> 00:10:53.436
- It says, "i am willing now to be known
- 00:10:53.436 --> 00:10:57.873
- As a follower of jesus christ.
- 00:10:57.873 --> 00:11:01.544
- I'm willing to be identified as a christian."
- 00:11:01.544 --> 00:11:06.415
- See, you can get saved without being baptized.
- 00:11:06.415 --> 00:11:09.151
- The thief on the cross got saved.
- 00:11:09.151 --> 00:11:11.287
- Jesus said, "today you will be with me in paradise,"
- 00:11:11.287 --> 00:11:14.090
- But he never got baptized.
- 00:11:14.090 --> 00:11:16.459
- Paul says in 1 corinthians 1, verse 17, "i didn't come
- 00:11:16.459 --> 00:11:20.496
- To baptize, i came to preach the gospel."
- 00:11:20.496 --> 00:11:22.965
- In other words, baptism doesn't save you.
- 00:11:22.965 --> 00:11:25.968
- The gospel saves you, but once you get saved,
- 00:11:25.968 --> 00:11:29.739
- God expects you to now move into discipleship
- 00:11:29.739 --> 00:11:33.576
- Through your public identification
- 00:11:33.576 --> 00:11:37.113
- With jesus christ.
- 00:11:37.113 --> 00:11:38.447
- You go down, if you want more information,
- 00:11:38.447 --> 00:11:40.449
- Read chapter 6 of romans.
- 00:11:40.449 --> 00:11:42.618
- It'll give you the inside scoop.
- 00:11:42.618 --> 00:11:44.754
- "you're buried with him in baptism," it says,
- 00:11:44.754 --> 00:11:48.624
- "and you're brought up to walk in a newness of life."
- 00:11:48.624 --> 00:11:52.194
- So baptism means that you are now identified as a christian.
- 00:11:52.194 --> 00:11:57.700
- Chapter 24, verse 49 says, "and behold,
- 00:11:57.700 --> 00:12:01.470
- I'm sending forth the promise of my father upon you,
- 00:12:01.470 --> 00:12:06.475
- But you are to stay in the city until you are clothed
- 00:12:06.475 --> 00:12:11.247
- With power from on high."
- 00:12:11.247 --> 00:12:15.451
- So it's the same thing he's talking about
- 00:12:15.451 --> 00:12:17.386
- In the book of acts, but he uses the word clothed.
- 00:12:17.386 --> 00:12:23.125
- So the baptism of the spirit from on high, he says,
- 00:12:23.125 --> 00:12:27.363
- Is clothing.
- 00:12:27.363 --> 00:12:29.331
- Well, what do you do with clothing?
- 00:12:29.331 --> 00:12:31.934
- You wear it, okay?
- 00:12:31.934 --> 00:12:34.336
- God expects you to wear jesus christ.
- 00:12:34.336 --> 00:12:39.208
- He expects you to be identified as a follower of christ.
- 00:12:39.208 --> 00:12:45.381
- Or as galatians 3 verse 27 says, that if you are in christ,
- 00:12:45.381 --> 00:12:52.721
- You are clothed with him.
- 00:12:52.721 --> 00:12:56.458
- And when you are, watch this, clothed with christ,
- 00:12:56.458 --> 00:12:59.929
- You are clothed with power from on high.
- 00:12:59.929 --> 00:13:03.532
- And what's that power?
- 00:13:03.532 --> 00:13:04.867
- Acts 1:8, the power of the holy spirit.
- 00:13:04.867 --> 00:13:08.170
- Baptism is what you're supposed to wear.
- 00:13:08.170 --> 00:13:12.041
- It's visible, it's identifiable.
- 00:13:12.041 --> 00:13:16.278
- So let me explain something.
- 00:13:16.278 --> 00:13:19.215
- Don't expect to experience the spirit's power
- 00:13:19.215 --> 00:13:24.453
- If you don't have on your uniform.
- 00:13:24.453 --> 00:13:26.956
- If you're not wearing jesus, jesus is not going to give you
- 00:13:26.956 --> 00:13:32.328
- The power 'cause your clothes are still hanging up
- 00:13:32.328 --> 00:13:35.264
- In the closet.
- 00:13:35.264 --> 00:13:36.832
- You're not wearing him.
- 00:13:36.832 --> 00:13:38.701
- That is, you're not visibly, publicly, lovingly, clearly,
- 00:13:38.701 --> 00:13:45.908
- But unapologetically identifying with jesus christ.
- 00:13:45.908 --> 00:13:51.513
- And if you can't be known as a follower of christ,
- 00:13:51.513 --> 00:13:55.284
- Let's get this straight, not a believer in god, okay?
- 00:13:55.284 --> 00:13:59.588
- That's not what he's talking about.
- 00:13:59.588 --> 00:14:01.323
- He's talking about a follower of jesus the christ,
- 00:14:01.323 --> 00:14:05.694
- Then you're not identified with his kingdom rule,
- 00:14:05.694 --> 00:14:08.297
- Which means he is not going to share with you
- 00:14:08.297 --> 00:14:11.600
- His kingdom power.
- 00:14:11.600 --> 00:14:14.737
- The job of the holy spirit is to take heaven
- 00:14:14.737 --> 00:14:18.407
- And bring it to earth and empower you with it
- 00:14:18.407 --> 00:14:23.145
- So that god's resident in you, on you, upon you
- 00:14:23.145 --> 00:14:27.149
- Becomes visible through you.
- 00:14:27.149 --> 00:14:31.053
- When you come to christ, things are gonna be different.
- 00:14:31.053 --> 00:14:34.223
- He's gonna tell you a different definition
- 00:14:34.223 --> 00:14:37.192
- Of manhood.
- 00:14:37.192 --> 00:14:38.527
- He's gonna tell you you're supposed to be
- 00:14:38.527 --> 00:14:39.862
- A kingdom man, not a cultural man.
- 00:14:39.862 --> 00:14:42.131
- He's gonna give you a different definition
- 00:14:42.131 --> 00:14:43.666
- Of womanhood.
- 00:14:43.666 --> 00:14:45.301
- You're not just supposed to be a female,
- 00:14:45.301 --> 00:14:47.236
- You're supposed to be a kingdom woman.
- 00:14:47.236 --> 00:14:50.005
- He's gonna tell you different what it means to be a parent,
- 00:14:50.005 --> 00:14:52.675
- What it means to be a child, what it means to be a worker,
- 00:14:52.675 --> 00:14:55.511
- What it means handling your finances,
- 00:14:55.511 --> 00:14:57.846
- What it means operating with your relationships.
- 00:14:57.846 --> 00:15:01.250
- He's gonna tell you, "we don't roll like that
- 00:15:01.250 --> 00:15:04.553
- Up in here, up in here."
- 00:15:04.553 --> 00:15:06.221
- But you're gonna say, "well, how am i gonna do that?
- 00:15:06.221 --> 00:15:08.824
- I'm not used to that.
- 00:15:08.824 --> 00:15:10.492
- That's not how i was raised."
- 00:15:10.492 --> 00:15:14.330
- So when we don't understand the power of the kingdom,
- 00:15:14.330 --> 00:15:17.333
- What do we do?
- 00:15:17.333 --> 00:15:18.667
- We bring in the power of the old kingdoms
- 00:15:18.667 --> 00:15:20.669
- Called worldliness.
- 00:15:20.669 --> 00:15:22.938
- So we bring in what the old kingdom says
- 00:15:22.938 --> 00:15:25.374
- About race, culture, class, manhood, womanhood, work, money,
- 00:15:25.374 --> 00:15:32.448
- Or pick any subject you want, politics.
- 00:15:32.448 --> 00:15:35.250
- We're gonna bring in that old way of thinking, why?
- 00:15:35.250 --> 00:15:38.487
- Because we've not yet been kingdomized,
- 00:15:38.487 --> 00:15:40.956
- And even if we have the information,
- 00:15:40.956 --> 00:15:42.925
- We don't have the power to pull it off.
- 00:15:42.925 --> 00:15:45.327
- So what do we do?
- 00:15:45.327 --> 00:15:46.662
- We live in confusion, and oftentimes
- 00:15:46.662 --> 00:15:50.232
- We live in defeat.
- 00:15:50.232 --> 00:15:53.836
- The holy spirit's job is to kingdomize you.
- 00:15:53.836 --> 00:15:58.107
- Jesus is teaching about the kingdom,
- 00:15:58.107 --> 00:16:02.344
- And he wants to kingdomize you with the power,
- 00:16:02.344 --> 00:16:08.183
- The ability to live out kingdom principles.
- 00:16:08.183 --> 00:16:12.521
- The question is, how do i get this power working, okay?
- 00:16:12.521 --> 00:16:18.560
- You told me i have it, but how do i get it?
- 00:16:18.560 --> 00:16:22.998
- Well, let me read a few verses from st. john
- 00:16:22.998 --> 00:16:27.269
- Where jesus is talking in chapter 16
- 00:16:27.269 --> 00:16:30.406
- About the holy spirit.
- 00:16:30.406 --> 00:16:33.275
- John 16, he's been, again, teaching them.
- 00:16:33.275 --> 00:16:38.180
- Verse 12, "i have many more things
- 00:16:38.180 --> 00:16:40.816
- To say to you, but you cannot bear them now,"
- 00:16:40.816 --> 00:16:44.720
- 'cause it's gonna wipe you out.
- 00:16:44.720 --> 00:16:46.055
- "i got so much truth.
- 00:16:46.055 --> 00:16:47.389
- It's gonna be too much and too hot for you to handle."
- 00:16:47.389 --> 00:16:50.626
- "but when he, the spirit of truth comes,
- 00:16:50.626 --> 00:16:55.631
- He will guide you into all truth for he will not speak
- 00:16:55.631 --> 00:16:59.935
- On his own initiative, but whatever he hears
- 00:16:59.935 --> 00:17:03.605
- He will speak and he will disclose to you
- 00:17:03.605 --> 00:17:07.543
- What is to come.
- 00:17:07.543 --> 00:17:09.645
- He will glorify me, for he will take of mine
- 00:17:09.645 --> 00:17:14.616
- And disclose it to you.
- 00:17:14.616 --> 00:17:18.287
- All things that my father has are mine.
- 00:17:18.287 --> 00:17:21.757
- Therefore i said he will take of mine
- 00:17:21.757 --> 00:17:24.960
- And will disclose it to you."
- 00:17:24.960 --> 00:17:28.430
- Okay, let's try to walk with this now.
- 00:17:28.430 --> 00:17:31.366
- What he says is there's this hookup.
- 00:17:31.366 --> 00:17:36.705
- "it starts with my daddy, and everything
- 00:17:36.705 --> 00:17:42.845
- That my daddy has, i have by his one-of-a-kind, unique,
- 00:17:42.845 --> 00:17:48.717
- Only-begotten son.
- 00:17:48.717 --> 00:17:51.386
- We are in sync 100%.
- 00:17:51.386 --> 00:17:57.593
- And my father discloses to me what's his.
- 00:17:57.593 --> 00:18:04.166
- I disclose what's mine that belongs to my father
- 00:18:04.166 --> 00:18:12.341
- To my spirit."
- 00:18:12.341 --> 00:18:15.010
- Watch this, i don't want to go too fast.
- 00:18:15.010 --> 00:18:16.912
- "my father discloses it to me.
- 00:18:16.912 --> 00:18:21.450
- I disclose it to my spirit.
- 00:18:21.450 --> 00:18:25.020
- My spirit will disclose it to you."
- 00:18:25.020 --> 00:18:30.025
- You see the hook?
- 00:18:30.025 --> 00:18:31.894
- You get it from the spirit, the spirit gets it from the son,
- 00:18:31.894 --> 00:18:37.065
- And the son gets it from the father,
- 00:18:37.065 --> 00:18:40.469
- 'cause guess what?
- 00:18:40.469 --> 00:18:42.037
- These computers are networked.
- 00:18:42.037 --> 00:18:44.840
- Father gives it to the son, son gives it to the spirit,
- 00:18:44.840 --> 00:18:48.644
- And the spirit gives it to you.
- 00:18:48.644 --> 00:18:50.045
- So what does that tell you?
- 00:18:50.045 --> 00:18:51.680
- If you are not in sync with the spirit,
- 00:18:51.680 --> 00:18:55.050
- You are not going to get it from the son,
- 00:18:55.050 --> 00:18:58.020
- Because those three operate in sync.
- 00:18:58.020 --> 00:19:00.822
- The father gives it to the son, the son gives it to the spirit,
- 00:19:00.822 --> 00:19:03.058
- And it's the spirit's job to give it to you.
- 00:19:03.058 --> 00:19:07.763
- But give what to you?
- 00:19:07.763 --> 00:19:10.432
- He says in chapter 16, verse 13, "and when he,
- 00:19:10.432 --> 00:19:18.607
- The spirit of truth comes."
- 00:19:18.607 --> 00:19:23.912
- The spirit will only transfer truth.
- 00:19:23.912 --> 00:19:28.717
- Let me say that again.
- 00:19:28.717 --> 00:19:30.552
- The spirit will only transfer truth.
- 00:19:30.552 --> 00:19:34.957
- Jesus said, "i am the way, the truth, and the life."
- 00:19:34.957 --> 00:19:37.359
- He only transfers truth.
- 00:19:37.359 --> 00:19:40.996
- So if you're not operating on the word of god,
- 00:19:40.996 --> 00:19:44.132
- You're not operating on truth.
- 00:19:44.132 --> 00:19:46.635
- So you can pray till you're blue in the face,
- 00:19:46.635 --> 00:19:48.837
- You can call on the holy ghost all you want.
- 00:19:48.837 --> 00:19:51.773
- The moment you detour from scripture,
- 00:19:51.773 --> 00:19:57.079
- You have cancelled out the transfer,
- 00:19:57.079 --> 00:19:59.548
- You have unplugged the electricity,
- 00:19:59.548 --> 00:20:02.217
- You've cut the line, because the spirit
- 00:20:02.217 --> 00:20:05.587
- Only deals with truth.
- 00:20:05.587 --> 00:20:08.290
- And jesus says in john 17:17, "thy word is truth."
- 00:20:08.290 --> 00:20:13.528
- So leave scripture, you left truth.
- 00:20:13.528 --> 00:20:17.132
- Leave truth, you left the holy spirit.
- 00:20:17.132 --> 00:20:19.768
- Leave the holy spirit, you left power.
- 00:20:19.768 --> 00:20:22.537
- So a lot of christians aren't experiencing the power
- 00:20:22.537 --> 00:20:25.707
- Of the holy spirit because they either have left truth
- 00:20:25.707 --> 00:20:31.013
- Or they are mixing truth.
- 00:20:31.013 --> 00:20:33.715
- The lord said that you do nullify the word of god
- 00:20:33.715 --> 00:20:37.419
- With the traditions of men.
- 00:20:37.419 --> 00:20:38.754
- Did you know you can cancel the bible out
- 00:20:38.754 --> 00:20:40.956
- In terms of it working in your life
- 00:20:40.956 --> 00:20:42.958
- Because you brought in secular thinking?
- 00:20:42.958 --> 00:20:45.994
- And that's the problem today in too many pulpits.
- 00:20:45.994 --> 00:20:48.463
- They're preaching secular sermons
- 00:20:48.463 --> 00:20:50.332
- And then have the audacity to quote bible verses.
- 00:20:50.332 --> 00:20:54.336
- You might as well close your bible
- 00:20:54.336 --> 00:20:55.671
- When you hear the sermon, because they leave the bible
- 00:20:55.671 --> 00:20:58.874
- And go to secular opinion.
- 00:20:58.874 --> 00:21:01.343
- And so the spirit, which is only the spirit of truth,
- 00:21:01.343 --> 00:21:05.180
- Holds back its power.
- 00:21:05.180 --> 00:21:08.050
- The second thing he says is that "he is going to speak of me.
- 00:21:08.050 --> 00:21:14.056
- He's gonna glorify me.
- 00:21:14.056 --> 00:21:17.326
- The spirit is gonna glorify me."
- 00:21:17.326 --> 00:21:21.296
- The holy spirit's goal is not to make a big deal
- 00:21:21.296 --> 00:21:24.299
- Of the holy spirit.
- 00:21:24.299 --> 00:21:25.967
- The holy spirit's goal is to make a big deal
- 00:21:25.967 --> 00:21:27.536
- About jesus christ.
- 00:21:27.536 --> 00:21:29.338
- That's why jesus christ
- 00:21:29.338 --> 00:21:30.672
- In john 15, the first 16 verses, read it.
- 00:21:30.672 --> 00:21:33.375
- It says, "i want you to abide with me.
- 00:21:33.375 --> 00:21:37.012
- You got to hang out with me.
- 00:21:37.012 --> 00:21:38.347
- You must be identified with me."
- 00:21:38.347 --> 00:21:41.383
- So you won't only hear me talking about god,
- 00:21:41.383 --> 00:21:44.052
- I'm gonna be talking about jesus christ.
- 00:21:44.052 --> 00:21:46.421
- Talking about jesus christ, i am a christian.
- 00:21:46.421 --> 00:21:49.224
- I am a disciple of christ.
- 00:21:49.224 --> 00:21:52.327
- I am a follower of christ.
- 00:21:52.327 --> 00:21:54.996
- I do this in the name of christ.
- 00:21:54.996 --> 00:21:57.833
- I pray in the name of jesus, why?
- 00:21:57.833 --> 00:22:01.370
- Because that is what turns on the ignition of the power
- 00:22:01.370 --> 00:22:07.476
- Of the holy spirit.
- 00:22:07.476 --> 00:22:10.579
- So it is your connection to christ
- 00:22:10.579 --> 00:22:14.249
- That engages the holy spirit, not only in talk,
- 00:22:14.249 --> 00:22:17.853
- But in walk, and he begins to engage with you.
- 00:22:17.853 --> 00:22:22.657
- Every christian has gotten hooked up
- 00:22:22.657 --> 00:22:26.061
- To the power plant of the holy spirit,
- 00:22:26.061 --> 00:22:29.664
- But every christian, even though they hooked up,
- 00:22:29.664 --> 00:22:32.968
- Haven't flipped the switch, because they do not have
- 00:22:32.968 --> 00:22:36.838
- Visible and verbal sight and sound of identification,
- 00:22:36.838 --> 00:22:43.512
- Glorification of jesus christ.
- 00:22:43.512 --> 00:22:48.817
- You and i are part of another realm.
- 00:22:48.817 --> 00:22:51.019
- Jesus is teaching them in acts 1 about the kingdom of god.
- 00:22:51.019 --> 00:22:55.924
- The whole book of acts is about the kingdom of god.
- 00:22:55.924 --> 00:22:58.827
- The job of the church is to teach people
- 00:22:58.827 --> 00:23:01.096
- About the kingdom of god.
- 00:23:01.096 --> 00:23:03.165
- Not about church only, but about the role of church
- 00:23:03.165 --> 00:23:05.967
- And the role of christians in the church
- 00:23:05.967 --> 00:23:07.569
- To advance the kingdom of god.
- 00:23:07.569 --> 00:23:10.439
- So if you're not cultivating a relationship with christ,
- 00:23:10.439 --> 00:23:13.475
- You're not accessing the kingdom of god.
- 00:23:13.475 --> 00:23:17.379
- And so that's not something you can just do on sunday.
- 00:23:17.379 --> 00:23:20.248
- That's got to be a way of life.
- 00:23:20.248 --> 00:23:22.517
- Drawing near to a person because you are listening
- 00:23:22.517 --> 00:23:29.090
- To his word, 'cause you can't draw near to him
- 00:23:29.090 --> 00:23:31.893
- Without the word.
- 00:23:31.893 --> 00:23:33.228
- So you're using the word to draw near to a person,
- 00:23:33.228 --> 00:23:36.865
- Which ignites the holy spirit.
- 00:23:36.865 --> 00:23:39.034
- So you don't have to go holy spirit hunting.
- 00:23:39.034 --> 00:23:41.603
- You got to go jesus glorifying.
- 00:23:41.603 --> 00:23:44.706
- Identification with the written and living word
- 00:23:44.706 --> 00:23:49.478
- Gives you access to the work of the holy spirit.
- 00:23:49.478 --> 00:23:53.515
- So the more you see christ based on his word,
- 00:23:53.515 --> 00:23:57.152
- The more the power will take place.
- 00:23:57.152 --> 00:23:59.788
- And what will happen?
- 00:23:59.788 --> 00:24:01.556
- He says, "and you shall be my witnesses," verse 8.
- 00:24:01.556 --> 00:24:08.129
- Okay, now here's what you need to know.
- 00:24:08.129 --> 00:24:13.235
- If you've been empowered by the holy spirit,
- 00:24:13.235 --> 00:24:17.305
- You're going to be a clear-cut public representative
- 00:24:17.305 --> 00:24:24.713
- Of jesus christ.
- 00:24:24.713 --> 00:24:26.882
- He says, "when the power of the spirit comes on you,"
- 00:24:26.882 --> 00:24:30.352
- Verse 8 of acts 1, "you shall be my,"
- 00:24:30.352 --> 00:24:35.190
- Jesus's, "witnesses."
- 00:24:35.190 --> 00:24:37.826
- So when you get empowered, your testimonial is
- 00:24:37.826 --> 00:24:42.998
- Going to come out visibly and verbally.
- 00:24:42.998 --> 00:24:45.734
- You shall be, not you shall try to be,
- 00:24:45.734 --> 00:24:51.239
- 'cause it'll be natural.
- 00:24:51.239 --> 00:24:53.508
- When you done switched kingdoms and the holy spirit
- 00:24:53.508 --> 00:24:55.243
- Is all on you because you have identified
- 00:24:55.243 --> 00:24:57.979
- With christ, "you shall be my witnesses."
- 00:24:57.979 --> 00:25:00.582
- See, we try to force people into representing jesus
- 00:25:00.582 --> 00:25:04.252
- When they haven't even fully understood
- 00:25:04.252 --> 00:25:05.787
- The kingdom they switched to.
- 00:25:05.787 --> 00:25:07.722
- So they don't have power to represent him.
- 00:25:07.722 --> 00:25:11.092
- And you don't have the power to represent jesus christ,
- 00:25:11.092 --> 00:25:15.630
- The king of kings and lord of lords
- 00:25:15.630 --> 00:25:17.799
- Who loved you, who died on the cross for you,
- 00:25:17.799 --> 00:25:21.002
- Who rose from the dead for you, who's coming back for you,
- 00:25:21.002 --> 00:25:24.573
- Who's going to give you an eternal home in heaven
- 00:25:24.573 --> 00:25:27.609
- And let you rule with him on earth.
- 00:25:27.609 --> 00:25:29.511
- Are you telling me you are ashamed
- 00:25:29.511 --> 00:25:33.715
- Of your candidate who's already won?
- 00:25:33.715 --> 00:25:38.320
- Okay, there's power available.
- 00:25:38.320 --> 00:25:43.124
- Holy ghost power is available to you.
- 00:25:43.124 --> 00:25:50.832
- No matter what your background is,
- 00:25:50.832 --> 00:25:52.267
- No matter how weak you are, the holy spirit is ready
- 00:25:52.267 --> 00:25:55.971
- To empower you and lift you.
- 00:25:55.971 --> 00:25:59.107
- He'll be helium in your life.
- 00:25:59.107 --> 00:26:00.675
- Lift you out of your defeat.
- 00:26:00.675 --> 00:26:02.143
- Lift you out of your addictions.
- 00:26:02.143 --> 00:26:03.745
- Lift you out of your cursing tongue.
- 00:26:03.745 --> 00:26:07.082
- Lift you out of your lack
- 00:26:07.082 --> 00:26:09.884
- Of sexual identity clarification.
- 00:26:09.884 --> 00:26:12.253
- He will lift you out.
- 00:26:12.253 --> 00:26:13.588
- Now yes, he may use people, he may use processes,
- 00:26:13.588 --> 00:26:16.057
- Because he uses different ways of doing it,
- 00:26:16.057 --> 00:26:18.259
- And sometimes he just uses himself,
- 00:26:18.259 --> 00:26:20.128
- But he will do it, because that's how powerful
- 00:26:20.128 --> 00:26:23.632
- He is.
- 00:26:23.632 --> 00:26:24.966
- Jesus has a hook up to heaven, and it's got plenty of power
- 00:26:24.966 --> 00:26:29.771
- That he wants to deliver through your limited humanity
- 00:26:29.771 --> 00:26:32.941
- And mine so that it gushes forth.
- 00:26:32.941 --> 00:26:37.512
- But you got to be connected through the word
- 00:26:37.512 --> 00:26:41.282
- In relationship to jesus christ so that his power
- 00:26:41.282 --> 00:26:44.986
- Can gush forth.
- 00:26:44.986 --> 00:26:47.355
- And when it does, other folk gonna get wet,
- 00:26:47.355 --> 00:26:51.593
- 'cause when you get that much power,
- 00:26:51.593 --> 00:26:53.561
- You can't keep it to yourself.
- 00:26:53.561 --> 00:26:56.531
- ♪♪♪
- 00:26:56.531 --> 00:27:25.660
- ♪♪♪
- 00:27:26.394 --> 00:27:26.394