Join Pastor Greg Laurie for a time of encouragement, worship, and Bible study.
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Harvest with Pastor Greg Laurie | Greg Laurie - How Can A God of Love Allow Pain and Suffering? | December 2, 2024
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- 00:00:00.977 --> 00:00:03.980
- Greg laurie: your faith should not be based on your emotion.
- 00:00:04.447 --> 00:00:07.317
- Your faith should not be on everything going
- 00:00:07.417 --> 00:00:09.853
- Circumstantially well, because it won't.
- 00:00:09.986 --> 00:00:12.255
- Your faith should not be on everyone always being
- 00:00:12.389 --> 00:00:15.625
- The perfect example for you to follow.
- 00:00:15.759 --> 00:00:16.459
- Your faith needs to be in christ.
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- And he will never let you down, he will never abandon you,
- 00:00:20.296 --> 00:00:24.034
- He can be fully trusted.
- 00:00:24.034 --> 00:00:25.668
- That's the faith you need.
- 00:00:25.668 --> 00:00:27.337
- ♪ this is the day, the day where life begins ♪
- 00:00:31.141 --> 00:00:36.312
- ♪ this is the day, the day where life begins ♪♪
- 00:00:38.148 --> 00:00:49.192
- Greg: life is filled with trouble.
- 00:00:52.996 --> 00:00:55.932
- There's no escaping it, no getting away from it.
- 00:00:55.932 --> 00:00:58.968
- In fact, in the book of job chapter 5 verse 7, it says
- 00:00:58.968 --> 00:01:02.205
- "people are born for trouble as predictably as sparks fly upward
- 00:01:02.205 --> 00:01:07.444
- From a fire," and that's so true.
- 00:01:07.444 --> 00:01:10.013
- And then there are those days where everything seems to
- 00:01:10.013 --> 00:01:12.849
- Go wrong.
- 00:01:12.849 --> 00:01:14.317
- Then we just look at what's going on around the world and we
- 00:01:14.317 --> 00:01:17.353
- Say, "why is this happening?"
- 00:01:17.353 --> 00:01:19.189
- This horrific terrorist attack on october 7th in israel by the
- 00:01:19.189 --> 00:01:24.094
- Terrorist organization hamas and all those innocent civilians
- 00:01:24.094 --> 00:01:28.832
- Murdered and many taken as hostages and, tragically, many
- 00:01:28.832 --> 00:01:34.237
- Of them still are hostages today.
- 00:01:34.237 --> 00:01:36.406
- Or we hear of a cataclysmic event.
- 00:01:36.406 --> 00:01:38.975
- Maybe a tsunami hits a place or we hear of someone that we
- 00:01:38.975 --> 00:01:42.979
- Know--they get cancer or just the tragedies of life.
- 00:01:42.979 --> 00:01:47.684
- And they're out there and we wonder why.
- 00:01:47.684 --> 00:01:50.253
- Why does god allow pain, suffering, evil in the world?
- 00:01:50.253 --> 00:01:56.059
- Why does god allow things to happen in your life
- 00:01:56.059 --> 00:01:58.161
- That make no sense?
- 00:01:58.161 --> 00:01:59.496
- Are you ready? you have a pen?
- 00:01:59.496 --> 00:02:01.764
- Write it down. here's my answer.
- 00:02:01.764 --> 00:02:04.334
- I don't know.
- 00:02:04.334 --> 00:02:06.069
- I don't know.
- 00:02:06.870 --> 00:02:08.271
- You should've met me when i was 21 years old
- 00:02:08.271 --> 00:02:10.373
- And i just started preaching.
- 00:02:10.373 --> 00:02:12.108
- I knew everything.
- 00:02:12.108 --> 00:02:14.911
- I had five scriptures and i had an answer
- 00:02:14.911 --> 00:02:18.047
- For every question.
- 00:02:18.047 --> 00:02:19.549
- I'm not saying i know less now than i knew then,
- 00:02:19.549 --> 00:02:22.752
- But i'm just saying it's okay sometimes to say,
- 00:02:22.752 --> 00:02:25.188
- I really don't know why.
- 00:02:25.188 --> 00:02:27.891
- Okay, but, there are some reasons
- 00:02:27.891 --> 00:02:30.126
- God allows suffering in our life
- 00:02:30.126 --> 00:02:32.195
- That we'll explore together, but we are going to suffer in life.
- 00:02:32.195 --> 00:02:36.866
- That's clearly taught in scripture.
- 00:02:36.866 --> 00:02:39.402
- Some people do suffer more than others, don't they?
- 00:02:39.402 --> 00:02:42.539
- Yeah, we don't know why.
- 00:02:42.539 --> 00:02:44.040
- 1 peter 4:12 says, "don't be surprised at the fiery trial
- 00:02:44.040 --> 00:02:47.977
- When it comes upon you to test you as though something strange
- 00:02:47.977 --> 00:02:51.781
- Were happening to you."
- 00:02:51.781 --> 00:02:53.683
- Our trials and sufferings and difficulties should not
- 00:02:53.683 --> 00:02:57.187
- Seem strange.
- 00:02:57.187 --> 00:02:58.555
- They should be expected in some way shape or form.
- 00:02:58.555 --> 00:03:01.391
- Jesus said, "in this world you will have tribulation; but be of
- 00:03:01.391 --> 00:03:06.763
- Good cheer, i have overcome the world."
- 00:03:06.763 --> 00:03:10.233
- So maybe i'm talking to somebody that's just having the greatest
- 00:03:10.233 --> 00:03:13.369
- Day of all time.
- 00:03:13.369 --> 00:03:14.737
- In fact, you said, "i was in the greatest mood until you
- 00:03:14.737 --> 00:03:17.373
- Started preaching."
- 00:03:17.373 --> 00:03:19.042
- Well, i hate to break it to you, but there's trouble coming your
- 00:03:19.042 --> 00:03:22.478
- Way, in some way, shape, or form, around the corner.
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- You're either coming out of a storm or eventually pulling into
- 00:03:25.081 --> 00:03:28.618
- One and this is not just for the christian, this is for everyone.
- 00:03:28.618 --> 00:03:32.322
- The rain falls on the just and the unjust.
- 00:03:32.322 --> 00:03:35.291
- Calamity comes into all of our lives, so that should not
- 00:03:35.291 --> 00:03:39.262
- Surprise you, that should not shock you.
- 00:03:39.262 --> 00:03:41.998
- And i want to look at the story of a man who suffered greatly.
- 00:03:41.998 --> 00:03:45.635
- He's sort of the poster boy for someone who suffered.
- 00:03:45.635 --> 00:03:50.240
- And his name, of course, is job.
- 00:03:50.240 --> 00:03:52.942
- This is a man who, in one single day, had the bottom drop out in
- 00:03:52.942 --> 00:03:57.880
- Life and every bad thing that could seemingly happen happened
- 00:03:57.880 --> 00:04:01.451
- To him and maybe even a little bit more.
- 00:04:01.451 --> 00:04:04.120
- Many believe that job is the oldest book of the bible.
- 00:04:04.120 --> 00:04:07.257
- Some believe that moses is the author of this book, but
- 00:04:07.257 --> 00:04:11.861
- It starts by telling us job came from a place called uz.
- 00:04:11.861 --> 00:04:16.132
- It almost sounds like a fairy tale, like oz, dorothy and
- 00:04:16.132 --> 00:04:19.402
- Toto, right?
- 00:04:19.402 --> 00:04:20.737
- But it was uz, it was a real place.
- 00:04:20.737 --> 00:04:22.105
- Job was a real guy who faced real problems who turned to a
- 00:04:22.105 --> 00:04:26.175
- Real god and he found real hope and job shows us what we should
- 00:04:26.175 --> 00:04:31.948
- Do in times of crisis, as well.
- 00:04:31.948 --> 00:04:35.084
- So the story of job opens in heaven and then it sort of
- 00:04:35.084 --> 00:04:39.956
- Unfolds on earth and a conversation is being held
- 00:04:39.956 --> 00:04:43.826
- Between the lord and the angels and among the angels is satan.
- 00:04:43.826 --> 00:04:48.164
- Now remember, satan, the devil, also known as lucifer, is
- 00:04:48.164 --> 00:04:52.969
- A fallen angel.
- 00:04:52.969 --> 00:04:54.637
- In fact, he was once a very high-ranking angel.
- 00:04:54.637 --> 00:04:57.540
- So in the story of job--here he is before the throne of god and
- 00:04:57.540 --> 00:05:02.512
- The lord says to satan, "so where have you come from?"
- 00:05:02.512 --> 00:05:05.248
- Satan replies, job 1:7, "i've been going back and forth across
- 00:05:05.248 --> 00:05:09.786
- The earth watching everything that's going on."
- 00:05:09.786 --> 00:05:12.955
- Kind of creepy, but that's the devil.
- 00:05:12.955 --> 00:05:15.758
- He's looking for trouble, he's looking for lives to ruin, he's
- 00:05:15.758 --> 00:05:20.229
- Looking for things to destroy.
- 00:05:20.229 --> 00:05:22.699
- As jesus said of him, "the thief comes only to steal, kill,
- 00:05:22.699 --> 00:05:26.402
- And destroy."
- 00:05:26.402 --> 00:05:27.770
- And that's exactly what he was doing.
- 00:05:27.770 --> 00:05:29.672
- In peter, he's described as a roaring lion walking about
- 00:05:29.672 --> 00:05:33.710
- Seeking whom he may devour.
- 00:05:33.710 --> 00:05:35.745
- But when we read that he's watching everything that goes
- 00:05:35.745 --> 00:05:38.481
- On, that suggests activity, action, and a restlessness.
- 00:05:38.481 --> 00:05:44.020
- And then the lord decides to brag on job and in the presence
- 00:05:44.020 --> 00:05:49.025
- Of the angels and lucifer, the lord says, "have you considered
- 00:05:49.025 --> 00:05:53.029
- My servant, job?
- 00:05:53.029 --> 00:05:54.364
- A perfect and upright man, one that fears god and shuns evil."
- 00:05:54.364 --> 00:05:58.634
- The devil pushes back, loose paraphrase, "oh, give me
- 00:05:58.634 --> 00:06:01.637
- A break.
- 00:06:01.637 --> 00:06:03.005
- Job follows you because you give him cool stuff.
- 00:06:03.005 --> 00:06:05.341
- He has a big family, he has wealth, he has the best life
- 00:06:05.341 --> 00:06:08.478
- Ever, and that's why he follows you.
- 00:06:08.478 --> 00:06:10.980
- He doesn't really care about you.
- 00:06:10.980 --> 00:06:12.849
- Give me a little time with job and we'll see what he's really
- 00:06:12.849 --> 00:06:16.319
- Made of."
- 00:06:16.319 --> 00:06:17.687
- Now, when i read this conversation, i think "lord, if
- 00:06:17.687 --> 00:06:20.123
- You're ever, for a fleeting moment, feeling proud of me,
- 00:06:20.123 --> 00:06:25.128
- Don't say anything while the devil's around," because
- 00:06:25.128 --> 00:06:29.899
- A series of calamities came crashing down on job.
- 00:06:29.899 --> 00:06:35.538
- It's unbelievable in many ways.
- 00:06:35.538 --> 00:06:37.673
- It was probably a day like any other day.
- 00:06:37.673 --> 00:06:39.509
- He opens his eyes, here comes the sun rising, stretches out
- 00:06:39.509 --> 00:06:43.913
- His arms.
- 00:06:43.913 --> 00:06:45.281
- "okay lord, let's see what you have in store for me today."
- 00:06:45.281 --> 00:06:48.651
- And then one bad thing after another begin to fall--unfold
- 00:06:48.651 --> 00:06:54.490
- In the life of job.
- 00:06:54.490 --> 00:06:56.125
- So the story begins where someone comes into his family
- 00:06:56.125 --> 00:06:59.729
- That are having a meal together and they say that a group of
- 00:06:59.729 --> 00:07:03.533
- Marauders just stole all of our animals and killed our
- 00:07:03.533 --> 00:07:07.737
- Farm hands.
- 00:07:07.737 --> 00:07:09.071
- And before that person could finish speaking, another comes
- 00:07:09.071 --> 00:07:11.908
- In and says, "well, the fire of god fell on your sheep and on
- 00:07:11.908 --> 00:07:16.479
- Your shepherds."
- 00:07:16.479 --> 00:07:17.847
- And then another one says, "hey, the camels were just stolen and
- 00:07:17.847 --> 00:07:20.650
- More farm hands were killed."
- 00:07:20.650 --> 00:07:22.985
- And then it went from bad to worse.
- 00:07:22.985 --> 00:07:24.987
- And we pick our story up in job 1 verse 18, i'm reading from
- 00:07:24.987 --> 00:07:29.759
- The new living translation.
- 00:07:29.759 --> 00:07:31.260
- "while he was still speaking, another messenger arrived with
- 00:07:31.260 --> 00:07:34.464
- This news: 'your sons and daughters were feasting in their
- 00:07:34.464 --> 00:07:38.201
- Oldest brother's house.
- 00:07:38.201 --> 00:07:39.569
- Suddenly, a powerful wind swept in from the desert, hit the
- 00:07:39.569 --> 00:07:43.206
- House from all sides and the house collapsed and all your
- 00:07:43.206 --> 00:07:46.876
- Children are dead.
- 00:07:46.876 --> 00:07:49.312
- I'm the only one escaped to tell you.'
- 00:07:49.312 --> 00:07:52.114
- Job stood up, he tore his robe in grief.
- 00:07:52.114 --> 00:07:56.285
- Then he shaved his head and he fell to the ground before god."
- 00:07:56.285 --> 00:08:00.423
- Wow, i'll tell you all the things that job experienced, the
- 00:08:00.423 --> 00:08:04.227
- Loss of his livestock and other calamities, none of it compared
- 00:08:04.227 --> 00:08:08.898
- To losing his family, losing his children.
- 00:08:08.898 --> 00:08:12.568
- And i know this pain because, as you know, it happened to us
- 00:08:12.568 --> 00:08:16.572
- 16 years ago when our oldest son christopher was killed in
- 00:08:16.572 --> 00:08:20.176
- A tragic automobile accident.
- 00:08:20.176 --> 00:08:23.579
- When i heard the news, i felt like my world literally ended.
- 00:08:23.579 --> 00:08:27.283
- You say, "greg, you're a pastor."
- 00:08:27.283 --> 00:08:28.818
- Yeah, i am.
- 00:08:28.818 --> 00:08:30.186
- And i'm also a dad and i was devastated and i literally fell
- 00:08:30.186 --> 00:08:35.291
- To the ground.
- 00:08:35.291 --> 00:08:36.659
- I couldn't even stand.
- 00:08:36.659 --> 00:08:37.994
- And cathe got down on her knees and she took my face into her
- 00:08:37.994 --> 00:08:42.698
- Hands and she said, "it's going to be okay."
- 00:08:42.698 --> 00:08:46.869
- And of course, in a broad sense, it wasn't okay, but i think what
- 00:08:46.869 --> 00:08:49.872
- She was saying to me was, "you're gonna survive this,
- 00:08:49.872 --> 00:08:52.441
- We're gonna survive this."
- 00:08:52.441 --> 00:08:54.010
- She was the only one who could say that to me in the room
- 00:08:54.010 --> 00:08:57.813
- Because she lost a son too.
- 00:08:57.813 --> 00:09:00.283
- Because you know what?
- 00:09:00.283 --> 00:09:01.651
- People say really crazy stuff in tragic times.
- 00:09:01.651 --> 00:09:04.954
- They're well-meaning perhaps, but they try to say something to
- 00:09:04.954 --> 00:09:09.425
- Comfort you and it doesn't comfort you.
- 00:09:09.425 --> 00:09:11.427
- Sometimes it makes it even more difficult.
- 00:09:11.427 --> 00:09:14.363
- There's a whole nother message one could give on what not to
- 00:09:14.363 --> 00:09:17.867
- Say to someone who has lost a loved one.
- 00:09:17.867 --> 00:09:21.037
- And i could just give you a list that goes on quite a while of
- 00:09:21.037 --> 00:09:24.607
- Things to not say.
- 00:09:24.607 --> 00:09:25.975
- Actually, here's just a simple way to look at it.
- 00:09:25.975 --> 00:09:27.877
- Less is more.
- 00:09:27.877 --> 00:09:29.445
- There's nothing you're going to say that's gonna make it better.
- 00:09:29.445 --> 00:09:32.882
- Literally, just to say, "i'm so sorry," and just be there can
- 00:09:32.882 --> 00:09:37.119
- Sometimes do more for a person than trying to give them
- 00:09:37.119 --> 00:09:40.156
- A little sermonette.
- 00:09:40.156 --> 00:09:41.524
- And i heard quite a few sermonettes and i didn't need
- 00:09:41.524 --> 00:09:44.193
- Those at that particular moment, but it reminds me of how
- 00:09:44.193 --> 00:09:48.531
- Job reacted.
- 00:09:48.531 --> 00:09:49.899
- He just fell to the ground and we joined a club we never wanted
- 00:09:49.899 --> 00:09:52.969
- To join.
- 00:09:52.969 --> 00:09:54.303
- The club of people who lost children.
- 00:09:54.303 --> 00:09:56.439
- Now, you know, it's interesting.
- 00:09:56.439 --> 00:09:57.974
- If you lose your husband, you're a widow.
- 00:09:57.974 --> 00:10:01.377
- If you lose your wife, you're a widower.
- 00:10:01.377 --> 00:10:04.680
- If you lose your parents, you're an orphan.
- 00:10:04.680 --> 00:10:07.416
- What are you if you lose your child?
- 00:10:07.416 --> 00:10:09.952
- Well, there's no word.
- 00:10:09.952 --> 00:10:11.520
- Maybe because it's so incomprehensibly awful they
- 00:10:11.520 --> 00:10:14.624
- Haven't come up with a description for it, but i joined
- 00:10:14.624 --> 00:10:17.793
- This very exclusive club and it's not a fun one to be in.
- 00:10:17.793 --> 00:10:23.199
- But i'll tell you, god was with me.
- 00:10:23.199 --> 00:10:25.768
- I was being interviewed a while back and someone asked me, "what
- 00:10:25.768 --> 00:10:28.638
- Is the most spiritual moment of your entire life?"
- 00:10:28.638 --> 00:10:31.974
- Meaning, when did you feel god's presence more than any
- 00:10:31.974 --> 00:10:34.877
- Other time?
- 00:10:34.877 --> 00:10:36.212
- I had to think about it.
- 00:10:36.212 --> 00:10:37.580
- Was that the day when i came to christ?
- 00:10:37.580 --> 00:10:40.683
- That was a very spiritual day, but actually it was not
- 00:10:40.683 --> 00:10:43.285
- An emotional day for me.
- 00:10:43.285 --> 00:10:44.620
- I don't know about your conversion.
- 00:10:44.620 --> 00:10:46.088
- Was my baptism my most emotional day?
- 00:10:46.088 --> 00:10:48.290
- No, it wasn't, though it was emotional.
- 00:10:48.290 --> 00:10:51.427
- Was my wedding my most spiritual day?
- 00:10:51.427 --> 00:10:54.597
- Big day, but no.
- 00:10:54.597 --> 00:10:56.298
- And i had to admit that the moment i felt the presence of
- 00:10:56.298 --> 00:11:01.437
- Jesus was right after i heard the worst news ever.
- 00:11:01.437 --> 00:11:04.874
- It's like jesus made himself so known to me
- 00:11:04.874 --> 00:11:08.377
- That he was there and job experienced that as well.
- 00:11:08.377 --> 00:11:14.583
- You know, sometimes when
- 00:11:14.583 --> 00:11:15.951
- Tragedy hits, people say, "i lost my faith.
- 00:11:15.951 --> 00:11:18.788
- You know, this happened to me.
- 00:11:18.788 --> 00:11:20.322
- It's not fair. i lost my faith."
- 00:11:20.322 --> 00:11:22.591
- Okay, maybe that's good.
- 00:11:22.591 --> 00:11:25.194
- What?
- 00:11:25.194 --> 00:11:26.562
- Hey, the faith that cannot be tested is the faith that cannot
- 00:11:26.562 --> 00:11:30.166
- Be trusted.
- 00:11:30.166 --> 00:11:31.801
- Your faith should not be based on your emotion, your faith
- 00:11:31.801 --> 00:11:35.571
- Should not be on everything going circumstantially well,
- 00:11:35.571 --> 00:11:38.741
- Because it won't.
- 00:11:38.741 --> 00:11:40.076
- Your faith should not be on everyone always being
- 00:11:40.076 --> 00:11:43.245
- The perfect example for you to follow.
- 00:11:43.245 --> 00:11:45.448
- Your faith needs to be in christ and he will never let you down,
- 00:11:45.448 --> 00:11:49.819
- He will never abandon you, he can be fully trusted.
- 00:11:49.819 --> 00:11:53.155
- That's the faith you need.
- 00:11:53.155 --> 00:11:58.494
- Character is not made in crisis, it's revealed, it's revealed.
- 00:11:58.494 --> 00:12:04.066
- It shows what your character is, it shows what your faith is in,
- 00:12:04.066 --> 00:12:08.938
- Or i should say rather who your faith is in.
- 00:12:08.938 --> 00:12:12.575
- So let me give you just a few thoughts on why god
- 00:12:12.575 --> 00:12:16.545
- Allows suffering.
- 00:12:16.545 --> 00:12:17.880
- If you're taking notes, here's point number one.
- 00:12:17.880 --> 00:12:20.116
- God sometimes allows suffering and sickness to get
- 00:12:20.116 --> 00:12:25.354
- Our attention.
- 00:12:25.354 --> 00:12:26.689
- Maybe you're rebelling against god and you're going the wrong
- 00:12:26.689 --> 00:12:31.093
- Direction and the lord wants you to pay attention.
- 00:12:31.093 --> 00:12:34.797
- This happened to jonah.
- 00:12:34.797 --> 00:12:36.499
- God told him to go and preach to the ninevites.
- 00:12:36.499 --> 00:12:39.135
- Jonah said, "no, i'm not gonna do it," and got a boat going in
- 00:12:39.135 --> 00:12:42.438
- The opposite direction.
- 00:12:42.438 --> 00:12:43.773
- To sum up the story of jonah, god said, "go."
- 00:12:43.773 --> 00:12:46.942
- Jonah said, "no."
- 00:12:46.942 --> 00:12:48.310
- God said, "oh?"
- 00:12:48.310 --> 00:12:50.045
- See, god will always have the last word and because jonah was
- 00:12:50.045 --> 00:12:54.183
- His child, his prophet, he chastened him.
- 00:12:54.183 --> 00:12:59.421
- The lord says, or the bible says, "the lord chastens every
- 00:12:59.421 --> 00:13:02.691
- Son that he loves."
- 00:13:02.691 --> 00:13:04.426
- So have you ever been out somewhere, maybe in
- 00:13:04.426 --> 00:13:06.695
- A restaurant, and kids are behaving really badly, very
- 00:13:06.695 --> 00:13:10.032
- Disrespectful, and you would like to go over there and tell
- 00:13:10.032 --> 00:13:13.169
- Them to behave themselves, but you can't because they're not
- 00:13:13.169 --> 00:13:15.271
- Your kids?
- 00:13:15.271 --> 00:13:16.605
- And if you do try, you might get arrested.
- 00:13:16.605 --> 00:13:19.875
- That's not your privilege.
- 00:13:19.875 --> 00:13:21.243
- Your privilege and your responsibility, i might add,
- 00:13:21.243 --> 00:13:24.446
- As a parent, is to control your children because often it's more
- 00:13:24.446 --> 00:13:28.184
- Of a commentary on bad parenting than bad kids.
- 00:13:28.184 --> 00:13:31.954
- You see a well-behaved, respectful child, that's good
- 00:13:31.954 --> 00:13:35.825
- Parenting because these kids are not born that way,
- 00:13:35.825 --> 00:13:38.928
- None of us are.
- 00:13:38.928 --> 00:13:40.996
- And so as a good, loving, parent, you say, "no, you're not
- 00:13:40.996 --> 00:13:43.732
- Gonna do that.
- 00:13:43.732 --> 00:13:45.067
- No, you don't speak to people that way.
- 00:13:45.067 --> 00:13:46.735
- You don't speak to me that way."
- 00:13:46.735 --> 00:13:49.171
- You know, that's all part of parenting and god is the
- 00:13:49.171 --> 00:13:52.608
- Ultimate parent and if we start to go astray he says, "i love
- 00:13:52.608 --> 00:13:55.845
- You so much, i'm not gonna let you keep doing that."
- 00:13:55.845 --> 00:13:58.848
- Remember what david wrote in psalm 23: "the lord is my
- 00:13:58.848 --> 00:14:02.184
- Shepherd; i shall not want.
- 00:14:02.184 --> 00:14:03.752
- He makes me to lie down in green pastures; he leads me beside
- 00:14:03.752 --> 00:14:07.656
- The still waters.
- 00:14:07.656 --> 00:14:08.991
- He restores my soul.
- 00:14:08.991 --> 00:14:10.426
- You prepare a table before me in the presence of my enemies.
- 00:14:10.426 --> 00:14:14.263
- My cup runs over.
- 00:14:14.263 --> 00:14:16.031
- Yea, though i walk through the valley of the shadow of death,
- 00:14:16.031 --> 00:14:19.401
- I will fear no evil; for you are with me."
- 00:14:19.401 --> 00:14:22.838
- You know the rest, "your rod and your staff," say it with me,
- 00:14:22.838 --> 00:14:25.908
- "your rod and your staff, they comfort me."
- 00:14:25.908 --> 00:14:29.111
- Okay, rod and staff.
- 00:14:29.111 --> 00:14:30.746
- We remember what that is when we looked at the psalms.
- 00:14:30.746 --> 00:14:33.916
- Staff is a long crooked stick, if you will, that the shepherd
- 00:14:33.916 --> 00:14:38.287
- Uses to pull the wayward sheep back.
- 00:14:38.287 --> 00:14:40.756
- The rod, it's effectively a club.
- 00:14:40.756 --> 00:14:43.692
- The shepherd uses it to drive off predators, but he also uses
- 00:14:43.692 --> 00:14:47.696
- It occasionally on that exceptionally rebellious sheep
- 00:14:47.696 --> 00:14:52.835
- That potentially is leading others astray.
- 00:14:52.835 --> 00:14:55.304
- So the lord is saying, "no, i don't want you to do that,"
- 00:14:55.304 --> 00:14:57.339
- And you keep doing it and he uses the staff.
- 00:14:57.339 --> 00:14:59.608
- "now stop doing that."
- 00:14:59.608 --> 00:15:00.976
- You keep doing it, uses the staff.
- 00:15:00.976 --> 00:15:02.444
- "now, i'm telling you, i want you to stop."
- 00:15:02.444 --> 00:15:04.980
- You keep doing it. whack!
- 00:15:04.980 --> 00:15:07.016
- "what was that?"
- 00:15:07.016 --> 00:15:08.484
- That's love. "love?"
- 00:15:08.484 --> 00:15:10.786
- Yeah, that's god trying to keep you from killing yourself, from
- 00:15:10.786 --> 00:15:16.558
- Destroying your life, you know?
- 00:15:16.558 --> 00:15:18.994
- And this is the thing.
- 00:15:18.994 --> 00:15:20.362
- He will discipline his own children, so maybe something's
- 00:15:20.362 --> 00:15:23.766
- Happened in your life that just got your attention, sort of
- 00:15:23.766 --> 00:15:26.302
- A wake-up call.
- 00:15:26.302 --> 00:15:27.670
- The psalmist wrote, "before i was afflicted i went astray, but
- 00:15:27.670 --> 00:15:30.940
- Now i have kept your word."
- 00:15:30.940 --> 00:15:33.409
- So sometimes the lord will use difficulties, trials, hardships,
- 00:15:33.409 --> 00:15:39.381
- Et cetera, to get your attention.
- 00:15:39.381 --> 00:15:41.817
- Maybe something's happened recently.
- 00:15:41.817 --> 00:15:43.319
- It just, boy, got your attention fast.
- 00:15:43.319 --> 00:15:46.422
- Maybe your marriage failed, maybe your parents divorced,
- 00:15:46.422 --> 00:15:51.327
- Maybe your boyfriend or girlfriend dumped you, maybe
- 00:15:51.327 --> 00:15:54.763
- Even your dog walked out on you and your cat, too.
- 00:15:54.763 --> 00:15:59.568
- But don't they always walk out on us?
- 00:15:59.568 --> 00:16:02.037
- I mean, do we really even own them?
- 00:16:02.037 --> 00:16:04.640
- We just feed them and they go live their crazy cat
- 00:16:04.640 --> 00:16:06.976
- Lives, right?
- 00:16:06.976 --> 00:16:08.577
- Well, whatever it was, it got you to wake up and if you're
- 00:16:08.577 --> 00:16:12.815
- A real believer, you will turn to god.
- 00:16:12.815 --> 00:16:14.383
- Here's something to remember.
- 00:16:14.383 --> 00:16:15.851
- God is in control of all circumstances that surround
- 00:16:15.851 --> 00:16:19.154
- The believer.
- 00:16:19.154 --> 00:16:20.756
- God is in control of all circumstances that surround
- 00:16:20.756 --> 00:16:24.059
- The believer.
- 00:16:24.059 --> 00:16:25.394
- The word "oops" is not in god's vocabulary.
- 00:16:25.394 --> 00:16:28.998
- Would you be alarmed if you heard god say, "whoops."
- 00:16:28.998 --> 00:16:31.600
- What, what? you dropped a planet?
- 00:16:31.600 --> 00:16:33.836
- A galaxy? what happened?
- 00:16:33.836 --> 00:16:36.071
- No, he has a plan and he either does it or he allows it.
- 00:16:36.071 --> 00:16:41.143
- So whatever happens in your life is either done by god or it's
- 00:16:41.143 --> 00:16:44.780
- Allowed by god ultimately for your good and for his glory.
- 00:16:44.780 --> 00:16:50.386
- And there are things that happen that i will acknowledge do not
- 00:16:50.386 --> 00:16:52.955
- Make sense at all, but when a real believer faces crisis,
- 00:16:52.955 --> 00:16:58.727
- He or she will turn to god and a non-believer will turn
- 00:16:58.727 --> 00:17:01.964
- Against him.
- 00:17:01.964 --> 00:17:03.298
- Shows what you're made of.
- 00:17:03.298 --> 00:17:05.167
- I don't know about job's wife.
- 00:17:05.167 --> 00:17:07.603
- I mean, here's poor job.
- 00:17:07.603 --> 00:17:08.937
- All these bad things have happened to him and her, it's
- 00:17:08.937 --> 00:17:10.873
- Her family too, her livelihood too.
- 00:17:10.873 --> 00:17:15.110
- And then poor old job is covered head to toe in massive boils.
- 00:17:15.110 --> 00:17:20.349
- Have you ever had a boil?
- 00:17:20.349 --> 00:17:22.885
- Imagine having them everywhere.
- 00:17:22.885 --> 00:17:25.587
- And job's wife just looks at him and says, "why don't you just
- 00:17:25.587 --> 00:17:28.624
- Curse god and die?"
- 00:17:28.624 --> 00:17:31.126
- Thank you for those comforting words, mrs. job.
- 00:17:31.126 --> 00:17:34.463
- How'd you like to get a card like that?
- 00:17:34.463 --> 00:17:37.099
- You know, on the cover it says, "i heard you were sick," open it
- 00:17:37.099 --> 00:17:40.436
- Up, "curse god and die."
- 00:17:40.436 --> 00:17:41.970
- Wow, that was mrs. job's card to job.
- 00:17:41.970 --> 00:17:47.443
- And so was she a believer?
- 00:17:47.443 --> 00:17:48.777
- I don't know, but that was not encouraging news.
- 00:17:48.777 --> 00:17:51.146
- But job did the opposite.
- 00:17:51.146 --> 00:17:53.015
- He turned to god during his difficulty.
- 00:17:53.015 --> 00:17:57.252
- You're either gonna turn to god or you're gonna turn against
- 00:17:57.252 --> 00:18:00.456
- God, and as a result you're either gonna be better
- 00:18:00.456 --> 00:18:03.392
- Or bitter.
- 00:18:03.392 --> 00:18:04.827
- Let me say that again.
- 00:18:04.827 --> 00:18:06.195
- You're either gonna turn to god or you're gonna turn against
- 00:18:06.195 --> 00:18:08.530
- God, and as a result you will either be better or bitter.
- 00:18:08.530 --> 00:18:13.836
- Number three, suffering helps us grow spiritually and makes us
- 00:18:13.836 --> 00:18:18.240
- Stronger in the faith.
- 00:18:18.240 --> 00:18:20.442
- It takes our faith from the realm of theory to reality.
- 00:18:20.442 --> 00:18:25.013
- Job 42:5: job says, "i'd only heard about you before, but now
- 00:18:25.013 --> 00:18:29.551
- I have seen you with my eyes."
- 00:18:29.551 --> 00:18:32.354
- In other words, i knew these things but now i've seen them.
- 00:18:32.354 --> 00:18:35.824
- You know, they were conceptual.
- 00:18:35.824 --> 00:18:37.559
- I believe them.
- 00:18:37.559 --> 00:18:38.927
- They were and are true, but i hadn't experienced them yet.
- 00:18:38.927 --> 00:18:42.064
- But now i know, i've seen it.
- 00:18:42.064 --> 00:18:44.967
- You know, sometimes parents will say, "oh, we've raised such
- 00:18:44.967 --> 00:18:48.170
- Wonderful children and we'll tell you how to do it too."
- 00:18:48.170 --> 00:18:50.572
- Okay, how old are your kids?
- 00:18:50.572 --> 00:18:52.241
- Two and three.
- 00:18:52.241 --> 00:18:55.144
- How do i put this delicately?
- 00:18:55.144 --> 00:18:56.712
- Shut up?
- 00:18:56.712 --> 00:18:58.947
- You don't know what you're talking about?
- 00:18:58.947 --> 00:19:01.083
- Come to me after you've survived raising a teenager and we'll
- 00:19:01.083 --> 00:19:04.520
- Talk again, you know?
- 00:19:04.520 --> 00:19:06.488
- So maybe they're applying good principles, but the truth is
- 00:19:06.488 --> 00:19:10.659
- This, you have to experience certain things to become maybe
- 00:19:10.659 --> 00:19:14.963
- An authority on them, we'll say, and job certainly had
- 00:19:14.963 --> 00:19:18.467
- Experienced all of this.
- 00:19:18.467 --> 00:19:20.102
- He was transformed and he wrote in job 23:10: "he knows the way
- 00:19:20.102 --> 00:19:24.506
- That i take; and when he has tested me, i will come forth
- 00:19:24.506 --> 00:19:27.643
- As gold."
- 00:19:27.643 --> 00:19:29.077
- See, there are some things that will only come through times
- 00:19:29.077 --> 00:19:32.414
- Of testing.
- 00:19:32.414 --> 00:19:33.782
- I talked before about going to the gym and you go to the gym
- 00:19:33.782 --> 00:19:37.452
- To break muscle down in order to build it back up.
- 00:19:37.452 --> 00:19:40.622
- And trials are like god's gym; that make you stronger, not
- 00:19:40.622 --> 00:19:44.459
- Weaker, you're broken down to be built up.
- 00:19:44.459 --> 00:19:46.728
- James 1:2 says, "listen, when troubles of any kind come your
- 00:19:46.728 --> 00:19:50.566
- Way consider it an opportunity for great joy, for when your
- 00:19:50.566 --> 00:19:54.503
- Faith is tested, you'll have a chance to grow."
- 00:19:54.503 --> 00:19:58.073
- Number four, suffering can be used to prepare us for
- 00:19:58.073 --> 00:20:01.410
- A special task.
- 00:20:01.410 --> 00:20:03.512
- And this is shown beautifully in the life of joseph.
- 00:20:03.512 --> 00:20:07.716
- I mean, his brothers sold him into slavery and he ended up in
- 00:20:07.716 --> 00:20:12.487
- The house of a guy named potiphar and through his hard
- 00:20:12.487 --> 00:20:15.157
- Work and diligence and godliness, he was running the
- 00:20:15.157 --> 00:20:18.427
- Whole place and then potiphar's wife hit on him.
- 00:20:18.427 --> 00:20:21.697
- She was the original mrs. robinson
- 00:20:21.697 --> 00:20:25.867
- And only four people got that joke.
- 00:20:25.867 --> 00:20:28.270
- It's a very dated reference.
- 00:20:28.270 --> 00:20:31.173
- Let's just say she was the original cougar.
- 00:20:31.173 --> 00:20:33.342
- Does that make more--i don't know,
- 00:20:33.342 --> 00:20:35.077
- But she hit on young joseph trying to entice him sexually.
- 00:20:35.077 --> 00:20:38.914
- He resists her advances and she falsely accuses him of rape and
- 00:20:38.914 --> 00:20:43.352
- He's sent to prison.
- 00:20:43.352 --> 00:20:44.686
- But through the providence of god, he ultimately was able to
- 00:20:44.686 --> 00:20:49.291
- Save a nation from starvation.
- 00:20:49.291 --> 00:20:52.094
- And he said to his brothers later, "i know you meant these
- 00:20:52.094 --> 00:20:55.397
- Things for evil, but god meant them for good to save many
- 00:20:55.397 --> 00:20:59.034
- People alive."
- 00:20:59.034 --> 00:21:00.802
- A perfect illustration of romans 8:28 that says, "god causes all
- 00:21:00.802 --> 00:21:05.707
- Things to work together for good to those that love god and that
- 00:21:05.707 --> 00:21:08.110
- Are called according to his purpose."
- 00:21:08.110 --> 00:21:11.680
- So there are things that we learn in trials we don't learn
- 00:21:11.680 --> 00:21:15.851
- Anywhere else and it gives us an ability to minister to people
- 00:21:15.851 --> 00:21:23.025
- In a unique way.
- 00:21:23.025 --> 00:21:24.393
- Paul put it this way.
- 00:21:24.393 --> 00:21:25.727
- 2 corinthians 1, he says, "he comforts us in all of
- 00:21:25.727 --> 00:21:28.597
- Our troubles so we can comfort others.
- 00:21:28.597 --> 00:21:31.133
- And when others are in trouble, we'll be able to give them the
- 00:21:31.133 --> 00:21:33.902
- Same comfort god has given us.
- 00:21:33.902 --> 00:21:36.171
- So you can be sure the more we suffer for christ, the more god
- 00:21:36.171 --> 00:21:39.374
- Will shower us with comfort through christ."
- 00:21:39.374 --> 00:21:41.877
- Okay, so when you go through a hardship it gives you a
- 00:21:41.877 --> 00:21:45.847
- Credibility in the eyes of other people to perhaps help them.
- 00:21:45.847 --> 00:21:50.285
- As an example, let's say that you are a cancer survivor and
- 00:21:50.285 --> 00:21:53.722
- Thank god for that.
- 00:21:53.722 --> 00:21:55.457
- And then one of your friends finds out they have cancer and
- 00:21:55.457 --> 00:21:58.593
- They're just so worried and full of fear and you say, "let me
- 00:21:58.593 --> 00:22:02.364
- Talk to you about how god helped me through this."
- 00:22:02.364 --> 00:22:05.500
- You have a credibility that nobody else would have because
- 00:22:05.500 --> 00:22:08.036
- You've been there and done that.
- 00:22:08.036 --> 00:22:09.571
- Or let's say someone loses a loved one and they know you've
- 00:22:09.571 --> 00:22:12.808
- Just lost a loved one, perhaps a child, and you say, "here's how
- 00:22:12.808 --> 00:22:16.645
- We got through it.
- 00:22:16.645 --> 00:22:18.013
- Here's how we get through it," and they want to hear from you.
- 00:22:18.013 --> 00:22:21.883
- You know, it's been said, "success builds walls and
- 00:22:21.883 --> 00:22:25.954
- Failure builds bridges."
- 00:22:25.954 --> 00:22:28.423
- Does that make sense?
- 00:22:28.423 --> 00:22:29.758
- Success builds walls, failure builds bridges.
- 00:22:29.758 --> 00:22:33.195
- You know, if you're having the perfect life or at least you
- 00:22:33.195 --> 00:22:35.931
- Wanna have people think you're living the perfect life--that
- 00:22:35.931 --> 00:22:39.134
- They follow you on instagram, here you are with your awesome
- 00:22:39.134 --> 00:22:42.671
- Car in front of your awesome house with your amazing family
- 00:22:42.671 --> 00:22:46.041
- And everything's perfect and don't they wish they were living
- 00:22:46.041 --> 00:22:48.944
- A perfect life like you and in reality, you're not living the
- 00:22:48.944 --> 00:22:51.780
- Perfect life but you put it out that you are and now you're
- 00:22:51.780 --> 00:22:55.083
- Gonna tell them something.
- 00:22:55.083 --> 00:22:56.418
- I don't wanna listen to you, but then they know someone else
- 00:22:56.418 --> 00:22:58.453
- Who's had suffering and difficulty and they've overcome
- 00:22:58.453 --> 00:23:02.190
- It with faith.
- 00:23:02.190 --> 00:23:03.558
- They wanna talk to that person.
- 00:23:03.558 --> 00:23:05.026
- See, that's how failure in a sense or struggle we'll say,
- 00:23:05.026 --> 00:23:09.064
- Builds a bridge.
- 00:23:09.064 --> 00:23:10.432
- Oh, you're just like me.
- 00:23:10.432 --> 00:23:11.900
- See, so there's something god can do with this.
- 00:23:11.900 --> 00:23:14.035
- See, don't waste your pain.
- 00:23:14.035 --> 00:23:16.571
- I wish we could live pain-free lives, but we're gonna
- 00:23:16.571 --> 00:23:19.908
- Have pain.
- 00:23:19.908 --> 00:23:21.276
- So what are we gonna do with it?
- 00:23:21.276 --> 00:23:22.611
- Are we gonna let it destroy us or are we gonna use it as a tool
- 00:23:22.611 --> 00:23:25.747
- And use it as a weapon?
- 00:23:25.747 --> 00:23:27.849
- You know, one thing i found, especially in the immediate
- 00:23:27.849 --> 00:23:31.319
- Aftermath of our son going to be with the lord, was it helped me
- 00:23:31.319 --> 00:23:35.257
- When i helped others.
- 00:23:35.257 --> 00:23:37.392
- When i would just think about myself and feel sad for what we
- 00:23:37.392 --> 00:23:40.729
- Were facing, i could get very depressed about it, but then
- 00:23:40.729 --> 00:23:44.332
- Maybe i would meet someone that just had it happen to them one
- 00:23:44.332 --> 00:23:47.803
- Week ago and as i began to speak to them and told them, as cathe
- 00:23:47.803 --> 00:23:51.673
- Said to me in so many words: it's gonna be okay.
- 00:23:51.673 --> 00:23:54.609
- Meaning, "you're gonna survive this, you're gonna live through
- 00:23:54.609 --> 00:23:57.412
- This, and you're gonna see your child again if they died
- 00:23:57.412 --> 00:24:00.882
- In faith in christ because your child is--or your loved one is
- 00:24:00.882 --> 00:24:04.352
- Not just a part of your past, they're also a part of
- 00:24:04.352 --> 00:24:06.822
- Your future."
- 00:24:06.822 --> 00:24:08.156
- As i would minister to other people, it would minister to me.
- 00:24:08.156 --> 00:24:11.526
- So it's back to what paul said, "comforting with the comfort
- 00:24:11.526 --> 00:24:14.095
- I've been comforted with."
- 00:24:14.095 --> 00:24:15.697
- This is so very important for us to understand.
- 00:24:15.697 --> 00:24:18.600
- Don't waste your pain.
- 00:24:18.600 --> 00:24:20.669
- Well, the story of job ends, seems like a good ending.
- 00:24:20.669 --> 00:24:24.840
- Everything he had has now been replaced.
- 00:24:24.840 --> 00:24:28.176
- He has double what he had before.
- 00:24:28.176 --> 00:24:30.111
- But the problem is--those kids, those children, were all gone.
- 00:24:30.111 --> 00:24:34.216
- Now he had other children, but the original children are gone.
- 00:24:34.216 --> 00:24:38.587
- You can't replace them.
- 00:24:38.587 --> 00:24:40.889
- And so there was still a great sense of loss, but he lived
- 00:24:40.889 --> 00:24:44.559
- A long blessed life and god worked in his life.
- 00:24:44.559 --> 00:24:48.196
- Warren wiersbe, a great commentator, quotes a professor
- 00:24:48.196 --> 00:24:52.267
- Of history who said, quote, "if columbus had turned back, nobody
- 00:24:52.267 --> 00:24:56.671
- Would have blamed him.
- 00:24:56.671 --> 00:24:58.006
- But nobody would have remembered him either."
- 00:24:58.006 --> 00:25:00.475
- And then he concludes, "if you want to be memorable sometimes
- 00:25:00.475 --> 00:25:03.545
- You're gonna have to be miserable."
- 00:25:03.545 --> 00:25:05.881
- End quote.
- 00:25:05.881 --> 00:25:07.215
- So you might be going through something that makes no sense to
- 00:25:07.215 --> 00:25:10.051
- You, but god will give you the strength to handle it.
- 00:25:10.051 --> 00:25:13.154
- As i said earlier, god will give you what you need.
- 00:25:13.154 --> 00:25:16.892
- Sometimes before, never after.
- 00:25:16.892 --> 00:25:19.394
- He will be sufficient for you no matter what you face in life.
- 00:25:19.394 --> 00:25:24.165
- ♪♪♪
- 00:25:25.800 --> 00:25:29.638
- Greg: hi, i'm greg laurie.
- 00:25:29.704 --> 00:25:31.039
- Years ago, i was in the ocean with my son
- 00:25:31.039 --> 00:25:33.441
- And we got caught in a rip tide.
- 00:25:33.441 --> 00:25:35.911
- Problem is, we were only a few feet from the shore.
- 00:25:35.911 --> 00:25:39.014
- The lifeguard comes to rescue me.
- 00:25:39.014 --> 00:25:40.682
- I say, "i think i'm okay," and i finally got my feet
- 00:25:40.682 --> 00:25:44.019
- On firm ground.
- 00:25:44.019 --> 00:25:45.353
- But the problem was i was too proud to say i needed help.
- 00:25:45.353 --> 00:25:48.523
- That's like us, drowning in sin, drowning in addiction,
- 00:25:48.523 --> 00:25:53.128
- Needing the help of god.
- 00:25:53.128 --> 00:25:54.796
- Here's what the bible says.
- 00:25:54.796 --> 00:25:56.131
- "whoever will call upon the name of the lord will be saved."
- 00:25:56.131 --> 00:25:59.200
- Whatever you're facing right now, jesus is ready to come
- 00:25:59.200 --> 00:26:03.638
- And help you, to save you.
- 00:26:03.638 --> 00:26:05.140
- You can just pray, "lord jesus, save me, forgive me of my sin.
- 00:26:05.140 --> 00:26:09.044
- I need a relationship with you.
- 00:26:09.044 --> 00:26:10.946
- I need hope in my life."
- 00:26:10.946 --> 00:26:12.747
- Pray that prayer.
- 00:26:12.747 --> 00:26:14.115
- He'll hear it and he'll answer it.
- 00:26:14.115 --> 00:26:16.718
- I want to send you a bible
- 00:26:16.718 --> 00:26:18.219
- At no charge to help you
- 00:26:18.219 --> 00:26:20.055
- Get started in a relationship
- 00:26:20.055 --> 00:26:22.357
- With jesus christ.
- 00:26:22.357 --> 00:26:26.461
- Greg: greg laurie here.
- 00:26:29.998 --> 00:26:31.366
- You know, in harvest ministries, we're committing to reaching
- 00:26:31.366 --> 00:26:33.702
- Unexpected people in unexpected places with
- 00:26:33.702 --> 00:26:37.105
- An unexpected message.
- 00:26:37.105 --> 00:26:38.740
- And thanks to your financial support, we've been able to
- 00:26:38.740 --> 00:26:43.144
- Touch people all over the world with the hope of jesus christ.
- 00:26:43.144 --> 00:26:47.582
- Your gifts today not only help us reach millions across the
- 00:26:47.582 --> 00:26:51.353
- Country through this television program, they also help us to
- 00:26:51.353 --> 00:26:55.590
- Bring hope to people and their biggest need.
- 00:26:55.590 --> 00:26:58.326
- Whether through our evangelistic events or our relief efforts,
- 00:26:58.326 --> 00:27:01.997
- Together we've been able to minister to so many people
- 00:27:01.997 --> 00:27:05.233
- Devastated by the fires in lahaina on the island of maui.
- 00:27:05.233 --> 00:27:09.270
- And also your support has helped us partner to bring medical help
- 00:27:09.270 --> 00:27:13.808
- In the ongoing conflict in israel.
- 00:27:13.808 --> 00:27:16.011
- So i'm asking you today to continue to support this
- 00:27:16.011 --> 00:27:19.147
- Ministry so we can do everything possible to fulfill
- 00:27:19.147 --> 00:27:23.451
- The great commission.
- 00:27:23.451 --> 00:27:24.786
- Let's do this together
- 00:27:24.786 --> 00:27:26.521
- And let me say in advance,
- 00:27:26.521 --> 00:27:27.856
- Thank you and god bless you.
- 00:27:27.856 --> 00:27:27.856