Join Pastor Greg Laurie for a time of encouragement, worship, and Bible study.
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Harvest with Pastor Greg Laurie | Greg Laurie - Israel and The End Times | January 6, 2025
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- 00:00:00.633 --> 00:00:05.281
- Greg laurie: why should we, as christians, care in particular
- 00:00:05.415 --> 00:00:09.052
- About israel and about the jewish people?
- 00:00:09.185 --> 00:00:12.355
- Because there are some-- there's a name for it,
- 00:00:12.455 --> 00:00:15.625
- Replacement theology.
- 00:00:15.759 --> 00:00:16.126
- They would say, "well, israel is not a fulfillment of bible
- 00:00:17.260 --> 00:00:19.829
- Prophecy, and that only happens when the messiah comes."
- 00:00:19.829 --> 00:00:23.967
- And they would say that we should not be that concerned
- 00:00:23.967 --> 00:00:27.470
- About that part of the world.
- 00:00:27.470 --> 00:00:29.205
- And what would you say in response to that?
- 00:00:29.205 --> 00:00:31.875
- ♪ this is the day, the day when life begins. ♪
- 00:00:35.512 --> 00:00:40.150
- ♪ this is the day, the day when life begins. ♪♪
- 00:00:42.652 --> 00:00:49.592
- Greg: we're talking about hot-button issues, controversial
- 00:00:53.730 --> 00:00:57.534
- Issues, in the light of what the bible says.
- 00:00:57.534 --> 00:01:00.937
- And i don't know that there's any more controversial issue out
- 00:01:00.937 --> 00:01:04.074
- There than the topic of what is called eschatology.
- 00:01:04.074 --> 00:01:08.912
- That just means the study of end-times events or
- 00:01:08.912 --> 00:01:13.216
- Bible prophecy.
- 00:01:13.216 --> 00:01:15.118
- People have disagreements as to what event is gonna happen when.
- 00:01:15.118 --> 00:01:19.756
- People have disagreements about the nation israel or the
- 00:01:19.756 --> 00:01:23.393
- Jewish people.
- 00:01:23.393 --> 00:01:24.727
- So i want to look at all of that through the lens of what the
- 00:01:24.727 --> 00:01:28.465
- Bible has to say.
- 00:01:28.465 --> 00:01:30.166
- I would say that belief that christ could come
- 00:01:30.166 --> 00:01:33.570
- In our lifetime contributed to the revival-like atmosphere.
- 00:01:33.570 --> 00:01:39.375
- But when you bring this topic up, some recoil,
- 00:01:39.375 --> 00:01:41.711
- They say, "oh no, here we go.
- 00:01:41.711 --> 00:01:43.146
- Here come the end-times charts and the conspiracy theories,"
- 00:01:43.146 --> 00:01:47.083
- Right?
- 00:01:47.083 --> 00:01:48.418
- And it can be that way, and it can be exaggerated,
- 00:01:48.418 --> 00:01:52.122
- And it can be extreme.
- 00:01:52.122 --> 00:01:54.858
- Or we can look at it in a balanced way.
- 00:01:54.858 --> 00:01:57.927
- Some don't want to talk about end-times events because there's
- 00:01:57.927 --> 00:02:01.998
- Disagreement or because maybe they find it scary.
- 00:02:01.998 --> 00:02:05.168
- But listen to this: bible prophecy is not given to
- 00:02:05.168 --> 00:02:08.905
- Scare us.
- 00:02:08.905 --> 00:02:10.273
- It's given to prepare us.
- 00:02:10.273 --> 00:02:12.642
- So we need to know about these things.
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- Why?
- 00:02:16.012 --> 00:02:17.347
- Let me give you a number of reasons.
- 00:02:17.347 --> 00:02:18.715
- Number one, if you're taking notes: the bible talks about the
- 00:02:18.715 --> 00:02:22.152
- Return of jesus a lot.
- 00:02:22.152 --> 00:02:25.221
- And by the way, when i'm done with this message, which will be
- 00:02:25.221 --> 00:02:27.757
- A little shorter, i'm gonna interview my friend
- 00:02:27.757 --> 00:02:30.360
- Joel rosenberg.
- 00:02:30.360 --> 00:02:31.728
- And joel is a geopolitical expert.
- 00:02:31.728 --> 00:02:34.631
- He lives in israel.
- 00:02:34.631 --> 00:02:36.533
- He has dual citizenship as both an israeli and american citizen
- 00:02:36.533 --> 00:02:40.904
- And is a bona fide expert on the topic.
- 00:02:40.904 --> 00:02:44.807
- So we'll discuss this in greater depth.
- 00:02:44.807 --> 00:02:47.010
- But jesus--the bible in general talks about this a lot.
- 00:02:47.010 --> 00:02:52.248
- Jesus said in john 14, "let not your heart be troubled, neither
- 00:02:52.248 --> 00:02:56.419
- Let it be afraid: you believe in god, believe also in me.
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- In my father's house are many mansions: if it were not so,
- 00:03:00.123 --> 00:03:03.293
- I would have told you.
- 00:03:03.293 --> 00:03:04.661
- If i go, i will come again, and receive you unto myself; that
- 00:03:04.661 --> 00:03:10.166
- Where i am, you may be also."
- 00:03:10.166 --> 00:03:13.870
- Twenty-five percent of the bible is prophetic.
- 00:03:13.870 --> 00:03:18.308
- So it's not like it's a side note.
- 00:03:18.308 --> 00:03:20.510
- It's front and center.
- 00:03:20.510 --> 00:03:22.378
- You might say the bible oozes with the return of christ.
- 00:03:22.378 --> 00:03:27.217
- The new testament contains over 300 references to the return
- 00:03:27.217 --> 00:03:31.554
- Of christ.
- 00:03:31.554 --> 00:03:32.889
- That's one out of every 13 verses.
- 00:03:32.889 --> 00:03:35.692
- Do you get the idea that god is trying to tell us something?
- 00:03:35.692 --> 00:03:39.062
- So we should not talk about what god talks about so much.
- 00:03:39.062 --> 00:03:43.466
- It's the very opposite.
- 00:03:43.466 --> 00:03:44.834
- We should discuss it because the bible wants us to think about
- 00:03:44.834 --> 00:03:48.638
- These things.
- 00:03:48.638 --> 00:03:50.006
- So, number one: the bible talks about the return of christ
- 00:03:50.006 --> 00:03:54.143
- A lot.
- 00:03:54.143 --> 00:03:55.478
- Number two: understanding bible prophecy brings hope in
- 00:03:55.478 --> 00:03:59.716
- A hopeless world.
- 00:03:59.716 --> 00:04:01.517
- Understanding bible prophecy brings hope in a hopeless world.
- 00:04:01.517 --> 00:04:06.589
- Titus 2:13 says, "while we wait for the blessed hope, the
- 00:04:06.589 --> 00:04:11.227
- Appearing of the glory of god and of our great god and savior,
- 00:04:11.227 --> 00:04:15.164
- Jesus christ."
- 00:04:15.164 --> 00:04:16.499
- It's a blessed hope.
- 00:04:16.499 --> 00:04:18.234
- The word "blessed" can also be translated happy.
- 00:04:18.234 --> 00:04:21.704
- So, we might call it a happy hope.
- 00:04:21.704 --> 00:04:24.440
- It's a happy hope to know that christ could come back
- 00:04:24.440 --> 00:04:26.943
- At any moment because
- 00:04:26.943 --> 00:04:28.478
- If you watch the news all the time, you're gonna get down.
- 00:04:28.478 --> 00:04:33.983
- I was talking with someone the other day, and they said, "we
- 00:04:33.983 --> 00:04:36.786
- Watch the news a lot, and it keeps me up at night."
- 00:04:36.786 --> 00:04:40.123
- It shouldn't be keeping you up at night.
- 00:04:40.123 --> 00:04:43.426
- In fact, you should be looking up.
- 00:04:43.426 --> 00:04:45.595
- Jesus said, "when you see these things begin to happen, look up,
- 00:04:45.595 --> 00:04:49.265
- For your redemption is drawing near."
- 00:04:49.265 --> 00:04:53.002
- Number three: understanding bible prophecy unravels the
- 00:04:53.002 --> 00:04:58.441
- Mystery of history.
- 00:04:58.441 --> 00:05:00.710
- Understanding bible prophecy unravels the mystery of history.
- 00:05:00.710 --> 00:05:05.948
- We wonder, "why is there so much evil in the world?
- 00:05:05.948 --> 00:05:09.786
- Why does god allow all of these horrible things to happen?"
- 00:05:09.786 --> 00:05:13.456
- Even the believers in the book of revelation chapter 6 are
- 00:05:13.456 --> 00:05:17.860
- Saying in heaven, "how long, o lord, holy and true, until you
- 00:05:17.860 --> 00:05:22.598
- Judge and avenge our blood on those that dwell on the earth?"
- 00:05:22.598 --> 00:05:26.502
- They're saying, "lord, when are you gonna do something
- 00:05:26.502 --> 00:05:29.005
- About it?"
- 00:05:29.005 --> 00:05:30.340
- The bible tells us that judgment is coming.
- 00:05:30.340 --> 00:05:32.909
- The bible tells us that one day, satan himself will be judged,
- 00:05:32.909 --> 00:05:36.879
- And jesus will return and make every wrong right.
- 00:05:36.879 --> 00:05:41.017
- So the bible unlocks the mystery of history, and bible prophecy
- 00:05:41.017 --> 00:05:46.589
- Does that in particular.
- 00:05:46.589 --> 00:05:47.957
- Here's another one: understanding bible prophecy
- 00:05:47.957 --> 00:05:50.927
- Brings a specific blessing to us.
- 00:05:50.927 --> 00:05:54.764
- The book of revelation is the only book of 66 that comes with
- 00:05:54.764 --> 00:05:59.702
- A built-in blessing attached.
- 00:05:59.702 --> 00:06:03.339
- And it says this in revelation 1:3, "blessed," or happy, "is
- 00:06:03.339 --> 00:06:07.443
- The one who reads and hears and keeps the word written in this
- 00:06:07.443 --> 00:06:12.515
- Book, for the time is near."
- 00:06:12.515 --> 00:06:14.384
- Built-in blessing.
- 00:06:14.384 --> 00:06:15.885
- So when you study and keep the words of revelation, you'll be
- 00:06:15.885 --> 00:06:19.756
- Blessed, or you'll be happy.
- 00:06:19.756 --> 00:06:21.491
- And i think what's true of revelation is principally true
- 00:06:21.491 --> 00:06:24.594
- Of the study of prophecy in the bible in general.
- 00:06:24.594 --> 00:06:29.165
- One last thing: the key to understanding bible prophecy is
- 00:06:29.165 --> 00:06:33.636
- Israel and the jewish people.
- 00:06:33.636 --> 00:06:37.039
- And that's one of the most controversial topics of all:
- 00:06:37.039 --> 00:06:40.977
- Israel and the jewish people.
- 00:06:40.977 --> 00:06:44.080
- When the jews formed their nation on may 14, 1948, a
- 00:06:44.080 --> 00:06:48.718
- Modern-day miracle occurred, and more specifically, a prophecy
- 00:06:48.718 --> 00:06:54.323
- Was fulfilled, and the prophetic time clock began to tick.
- 00:06:54.323 --> 00:06:59.429
- It wasn't just a sign.
- 00:06:59.429 --> 00:07:01.564
- It was a super sign.
- 00:07:01.564 --> 00:07:03.733
- Why?
- 00:07:03.733 --> 00:07:05.067
- Because it was all predicted by the jewish prophets, like
- 00:07:05.067 --> 00:07:09.138
- Ezekiel in chapter 37, where he talks about a valley of dry
- 00:07:09.138 --> 00:07:13.943
- Bones, a graveyard effectively.
- 00:07:13.943 --> 00:07:16.045
- And all of a sudden, all these bones start coming together, and
- 00:07:16.045 --> 00:07:19.449
- Then flesh is put on these bones, and they come alive.
- 00:07:19.449 --> 00:07:22.785
- And this is a symbol, he says, of the nation israel.
- 00:07:22.785 --> 00:07:26.055
- They'll be dead, they'll be gone, and they'll come to life
- 00:07:26.055 --> 00:07:28.958
- Again in their land in the last days, and we saw that happen
- 00:07:28.958 --> 00:07:33.162
- Before our very eyes.
- 00:07:33.162 --> 00:07:36.098
- And god gave the land of israel to the jewish people.
- 00:07:36.098 --> 00:07:40.937
- To the jewish people, god said in deuteronomy 1:8, "look, i'm
- 00:07:40.937 --> 00:07:44.907
- Giving all this land to you!
- 00:07:44.907 --> 00:07:47.310
- And so go in and occupy it, for it is in this land the lord
- 00:07:47.310 --> 00:07:50.913
- Swore to give to your ancestors that you have that is given to
- 00:07:50.913 --> 00:07:55.117
- Abraham, isaac, jacob, and all their descendants."
- 00:07:55.117 --> 00:07:58.221
- And i bring this up because people will say, "well, you
- 00:07:58.221 --> 00:08:00.923
- Know, the israelis are occupiers.
- 00:08:00.923 --> 00:08:04.794
- They've taken land that belonged to someone else."
- 00:08:04.794 --> 00:08:06.963
- Excuse me, the jews are indigenous to this region.
- 00:08:06.963 --> 00:08:11.701
- This is their land that god gave to them, and more to the point
- 00:08:11.701 --> 00:08:15.304
- They haven't even occupied all the land that god did give them.
- 00:08:15.304 --> 00:08:19.008
- So they are not the occupiers or the colonizers, as some like
- 00:08:19.008 --> 00:08:23.813
- To say.
- 00:08:23.813 --> 00:08:25.181
- And listen to this one last thing: god is not done with the
- 00:08:25.181 --> 00:08:27.617
- Jewish people.
- 00:08:27.617 --> 00:08:28.951
- I want you to look at romans 11:25.
- 00:08:28.951 --> 00:08:31.220
- "i want you to understand," writes paul, "the mystery, dear
- 00:08:31.220 --> 00:08:35.324
- Brothers and sisters, so that you will not feel proud
- 00:08:35.324 --> 00:08:38.961
- About yourselves.
- 00:08:38.961 --> 00:08:40.296
- Blindness in part has happened to israel, but that will last
- 00:08:40.296 --> 00:08:43.733
- Only until the full number of the gentiles have come
- 00:08:43.733 --> 00:08:47.670
- To christ."
- 00:08:47.670 --> 00:08:49.205
- God is not done with the jewish people.
- 00:08:49.205 --> 00:08:51.908
- They're gonna see a great outpouring of the holy spirit on
- 00:08:51.908 --> 00:08:55.211
- Their people in general and even on the nation israel.
- 00:08:55.211 --> 00:08:59.649
- There is a spiritual blindness among many jews today.
- 00:08:59.649 --> 00:09:03.452
- And by that, i mean they are not really open to embracing jesus
- 00:09:03.452 --> 00:09:09.191
- As the messiah.
- 00:09:09.191 --> 00:09:10.660
- But that's beginning to change.
- 00:09:10.660 --> 00:09:14.030
- The last time i interviewed my guest joel rosenberg, he told me
- 00:09:14.030 --> 00:09:17.500
- There were 15,000 messianic jews in israel, which is actually
- 00:09:17.500 --> 00:09:21.571
- Quite a few.
- 00:09:21.571 --> 00:09:22.939
- But he just told me now there's 30,000, so it's doubled.
- 00:09:22.939 --> 00:09:26.375
- And he estimates there are 1 million messianic jews.
- 00:09:26.375 --> 00:09:29.545
- A messianic jew is a jew who's put their faith in jesus as
- 00:09:29.545 --> 00:09:33.616
- The messiah.
- 00:09:33.616 --> 00:09:34.951
- He believes there is now a million messianic jews around
- 00:09:34.951 --> 00:09:38.921
- The world.
- 00:09:38.921 --> 00:09:40.289
- So god is at work, and i wanna explore that more together.
- 00:09:40.289 --> 00:09:43.626
- So now we're gonna welcome joel rosenberg.
- 00:09:43.626 --> 00:09:46.762
- He's a "new york times" best-selling author, and he has
- 00:09:46.762 --> 00:09:52.435
- A television program called "the rosenberg report" and also has
- 00:09:52.435 --> 00:09:57.773
- A new site, "all israel news," another one called
- 00:09:57.773 --> 00:10:01.477
- "all arab news."
- 00:10:01.477 --> 00:10:02.845
- So joel, i tell you what, he's the guy i talked to when i want
- 00:10:02.845 --> 00:10:07.883
- To get information about that part of the world.
- 00:10:07.883 --> 00:10:10.953
- So let's give a warm harvest welcome to joel as he comes.
- 00:10:10.953 --> 00:10:14.690
- Joel rosenberg: thank you.
- 00:10:14.690 --> 00:10:16.792
- Greg: hello, sir, how are you?
- 00:10:16.792 --> 00:10:18.628
- Joel: good to see you.
- 00:10:18.628 --> 00:10:21.097
- Greg: so, joel, let's start off with why should we as christians
- 00:10:21.097 --> 00:10:25.167
- Care in particular about israel and about the jewish people?
- 00:10:25.167 --> 00:10:30.206
- Because there are some--there's a name for it,
- 00:10:30.206 --> 00:10:33.476
- Replacement theology.
- 00:10:33.476 --> 00:10:35.111
- They would say, "well, israel is not a fulfillment of bible
- 00:10:35.111 --> 00:10:37.680
- Prophecy, and that only happens when the messiah comes."
- 00:10:37.680 --> 00:10:41.817
- And they would say that we should not be that concerned
- 00:10:41.817 --> 00:10:45.354
- About that part of the world.
- 00:10:45.354 --> 00:10:47.056
- And what would you say in response to that?
- 00:10:47.056 --> 00:10:50.126
- Joel: well, of course, i disagree with that,
- 00:10:50.126 --> 00:10:51.560
- And we could talk--
- 00:10:51.560 --> 00:10:53.129
- Greg: so do i.
- 00:10:53.129 --> 00:10:54.463
- Joel: thank you.
- 00:10:54.463 --> 00:10:56.198
- We could talk about why and-- but--and i'm happy to go there
- 00:10:56.198 --> 00:10:59.435
- If you want.
- 00:10:59.435 --> 00:11:00.803
- But i will say even if somebody here or watching or listening
- 00:11:00.803 --> 00:11:04.273
- Feels that way, i would say, okay, set aside our disagreement
- 00:11:04.273 --> 00:11:07.843
- On whether current israel has anything to do with
- 00:11:07.843 --> 00:11:10.046
- Bible prophecy.
- 00:11:10.046 --> 00:11:11.380
- Just think about the great commission.
- 00:11:11.380 --> 00:11:13.783
- How are you gonna minister to a nation--a people that you think
- 00:11:13.783 --> 00:11:18.020
- God has nothing to do with anymore?
- 00:11:18.020 --> 00:11:20.122
- That's impossible.
- 00:11:20.122 --> 00:11:21.490
- I mean, to do it effectively.
- 00:11:21.490 --> 00:11:23.259
- If god abandoned the jews and replaced them with a church at
- 00:11:23.259 --> 00:11:27.229
- The cross because most of my team didn't get it, right?
- 00:11:27.229 --> 00:11:30.266
- John 1, "he," the messiah, "came to his own," the jewish people,
- 00:11:30.266 --> 00:11:33.602
- The nation of israel, "and his own received him not.
- 00:11:33.602 --> 00:11:37.273
- But as many as did receive him," gentiles like you and you, "to
- 00:11:37.273 --> 00:11:42.378
- Them--to you he gave the right to become the children of god."
- 00:11:42.378 --> 00:11:45.347
- But if--but our team did fail mostly to get it during the time
- 00:11:45.347 --> 00:11:50.252
- Of the gospel, but if god abandoned us then, if he cut us
- 00:11:50.252 --> 00:11:54.256
- Off then, how did paul come to faith in jesus christ after
- 00:11:54.256 --> 00:11:59.228
- The cross?
- 00:11:59.228 --> 00:12:00.596
- Why did--how did god use him to reach so many jews and gentiles?
- 00:12:00.596 --> 00:12:03.966
- No, god obviously is--right in the scriptures--you don't have
- 00:12:03.966 --> 00:12:07.203
- To go until later.
- 00:12:07.203 --> 00:12:08.537
- Right in the scriptures, we can see god is not done with
- 00:12:08.537 --> 00:12:10.639
- The jews.
- 00:12:10.639 --> 00:12:12.007
- And then go read in romans 11:9, 10, and 11, and so forth.
- 00:12:12.007 --> 00:12:14.543
- These are--but i would appeal to my friends who think that way
- 00:12:14.543 --> 00:12:19.882
- And say, okay, just in terms of jewish evangelism, just your
- 00:12:19.882 --> 00:12:23.219
- Heart and compassion, there's a nation that's grieving.
- 00:12:23.219 --> 00:12:26.455
- Now, it's not only us, right?
- 00:12:26.455 --> 00:12:27.923
- The palestinians are grieving.
- 00:12:27.923 --> 00:12:29.859
- The lebanese are grieving.
- 00:12:29.859 --> 00:12:32.595
- And i think we are in the most dangerous moment of the war in
- 00:12:32.595 --> 00:12:36.298
- The past year.
- 00:12:36.298 --> 00:12:37.633
- I believe it's very possible that in the next few hours or
- 00:12:37.633 --> 00:12:39.869
- Days, israel will launch the biggest military attack on the
- 00:12:39.869 --> 00:12:45.341
- Iranian regime and its nuclear facilities and oil refining
- 00:12:45.341 --> 00:12:49.145
- Facilities in history.
- 00:12:49.145 --> 00:12:51.180
- And that might end quickly and well for us, or it could lead to
- 00:12:51.180 --> 00:12:55.651
- An apocalyptic war that makes the last year in gaza seem like
- 00:12:55.651 --> 00:13:00.156
- A sideshow.
- 00:13:00.156 --> 00:13:01.490
- That's--so if you're trying to show compassion and you think of
- 00:13:01.490 --> 00:13:04.160
- Isaiah 40, "comfort my people," how can isaiah say that
- 00:13:04.160 --> 00:13:08.631
- Prophetically if, "oh, well, no, god's done with us."
- 00:13:08.631 --> 00:13:10.733
- Well, how is that comforting if he's done with it?
- 00:13:10.733 --> 00:13:13.068
- He's not done with us.
- 00:13:13.068 --> 00:13:14.436
- And as you mentioned, now almost a--maybe a little bit over
- 00:13:14.436 --> 00:13:17.706
- A million jews have come to faith in jesus.
- 00:13:17.706 --> 00:13:19.642
- Starting when?
- 00:13:19.642 --> 00:13:21.510
- Starting in the jesus revolution.
- 00:13:21.510 --> 00:13:23.078
- That's when my father, who was raised orthodox jewish in
- 00:13:23.078 --> 00:13:26.182
- Brooklyn--his family escaped out of russia.
- 00:13:26.182 --> 00:13:27.750
- That's when he came to faith.
- 00:13:27.750 --> 00:13:29.084
- When he came to faith in 1973, he thought he was the first jew
- 00:13:29.084 --> 00:13:32.221
- Since the apostle paul, greg, that believed this.
- 00:13:32.221 --> 00:13:35.057
- He'd never heard of a jew that believed in jesus.
- 00:13:35.057 --> 00:13:37.026
- He never met one.
- 00:13:37.026 --> 00:13:38.861
- And in 1973, we think there were fewer than 2,000 jews on the
- 00:13:38.861 --> 00:13:42.698
- Planet who believed in jesus as the messiah.
- 00:13:42.698 --> 00:13:45.534
- Now there are over a million out of a population of about 15 or
- 00:13:45.534 --> 00:13:49.672
- 16 million jews.
- 00:13:49.672 --> 00:13:51.006
- So, in terms of sheer numbers and percentages, this is the
- 00:13:51.006 --> 00:13:54.677
- Greatest moment and era of jews coming to faith in jesus and
- 00:13:54.677 --> 00:13:59.114
- Many, many millions more listening than in all of
- 00:13:59.114 --> 00:14:01.851
- Human history.
- 00:14:01.851 --> 00:14:04.053
- It's exciting.
- 00:14:04.053 --> 00:14:05.421
- Greg: yes.
- 00:14:05.421 --> 00:14:06.755
- Joel: it's exciting.
- 00:14:06.755 --> 00:14:08.123
- Greg: so you talk about a potentially
- 00:14:08.123 --> 00:14:09.458
- Apocalyptic situation.
- 00:14:09.458 --> 00:14:10.826
- So it's interesting, we have ezekiel 37 that talks about the
- 00:14:10.826 --> 00:14:15.231
- Regathering of the jews to their homeland, which has happened.
- 00:14:15.231 --> 00:14:18.534
- Then we have ezekiel 38, we read about a large force from the
- 00:14:18.534 --> 00:14:22.371
- North of israel, identified as magog, marching on her.
- 00:14:22.371 --> 00:14:27.509
- Israel seems to be isolated at this moment.
- 00:14:27.509 --> 00:14:31.113
- And one of the allies of magog is called persia, which changed
- 00:14:31.113 --> 00:14:36.385
- Their name to iran in 1935.
- 00:14:36.385 --> 00:14:39.288
- And so--and we see the aggression of iran
- 00:14:39.288 --> 00:14:42.258
- Toward israel.
- 00:14:42.258 --> 00:14:43.592
- And they have a hatred for america as well.
- 00:14:43.592 --> 00:14:45.628
- We mustn't miss that.
- 00:14:45.628 --> 00:14:47.463
- And for some inexplicable reason, we've been funding them
- 00:14:47.463 --> 00:14:51.267
- With billions of dollars, and we know that some of that money, no
- 00:14:51.267 --> 00:14:54.703
- Doubt, has gone to the funding of these proxy terrorist
- 00:14:54.703 --> 00:14:58.407
- Organizations like hezbollah or hamas or the houthis.
- 00:14:58.407 --> 00:15:02.344
- And so this is--
- 00:15:02.344 --> 00:15:04.146
- Joel: you have to--if you got a terrorist organization with an h
- 00:15:04.146 --> 00:15:06.548
- In front of your name, you're gonna get a lot of money.
- 00:15:06.548 --> 00:15:09.551
- Hezbollah, houthis, hamas.
- 00:15:09.551 --> 00:15:11.520
- That seems to be the way it's done.
- 00:15:11.520 --> 00:15:12.888
- Greg: it appears that way. right.
- 00:15:12.888 --> 00:15:15.557
- So could any of these events-- like, let's say israel decides
- 00:15:15.557 --> 00:15:20.162
- To hit iran and take out their nuclear reactor kit or oil
- 00:15:20.162 --> 00:15:24.466
- Reserves or producing mechanisms.
- 00:15:24.466 --> 00:15:28.037
- This could maybe lead to a scenario like that or it
- 00:15:28.037 --> 00:15:32.341
- May not.
- 00:15:32.341 --> 00:15:33.709
- We don't know.
- 00:15:33.709 --> 00:15:35.044
- But how do you see this in the big prophetic picture?
- 00:15:35.044 --> 00:15:36.512
- Joel: yeah.
- 00:15:36.512 --> 00:15:37.846
- So i'm concerned by some teachers who teach bible
- 00:15:37.846 --> 00:15:40.883
- Prophecy with a bit of a dash of sensationalism.
- 00:15:40.883 --> 00:15:45.220
- I think that's a problem.
- 00:15:45.220 --> 00:15:46.588
- I'm really grateful that you don't.
- 00:15:46.588 --> 00:15:48.357
- And may your tribe increase.
- 00:15:48.357 --> 00:15:50.392
- Many pastors are avoiding it entirely because it's being
- 00:15:50.392 --> 00:15:54.229
- Discredited by those who teach it badly.
- 00:15:54.229 --> 00:15:56.932
- You know, they all seem like they're in area 51.
- 00:15:56.932 --> 00:16:01.270
- They're all from roswell, new mexico, and the websites they
- 00:16:01.270 --> 00:16:04.506
- Build are all red and black, filled with fire, every sentence
- 00:16:04.506 --> 00:16:07.843
- Is in capital letters with 97 exclamation points after it, and
- 00:16:07.843 --> 00:16:11.113
- You're like, "dude, seriously, have some decaf.
- 00:16:11.113 --> 00:16:13.015
- It's gonna be okay."
- 00:16:13.015 --> 00:16:14.850
- So that doesn't help, right?
- 00:16:14.850 --> 00:16:16.552
- But you're an evangelist, and you don't say to yourself, "oh,
- 00:16:16.552 --> 00:16:19.388
- I'm not going to preach the gospel because there are
- 00:16:19.388 --> 00:16:22.091
- Lunatics preaching false gospels, preaching the
- 00:16:22.091 --> 00:16:24.827
- Prosperity gospel," or whatever.
- 00:16:24.827 --> 00:16:26.695
- You teach it and preach it with more clarity and conviction.
- 00:16:26.695 --> 00:16:30.933
- That's what needs to happen with bible prophecy.
- 00:16:30.933 --> 00:16:33.702
- So that's the first thing.
- 00:16:33.702 --> 00:16:35.037
- The second thing is that i forgot your actual question, and
- 00:16:35.037 --> 00:16:38.207
- So you may--because i got--
- 00:16:38.207 --> 00:16:40.943
- Greg: the big prophetic puzzle.
- 00:16:40.943 --> 00:16:42.277
- Joel: yeah, the big prophetic picture.
- 00:16:42.277 --> 00:16:43.645
- So--all right, so that's good.
- 00:16:43.645 --> 00:16:44.980
- Thank you.
- 00:16:44.980 --> 00:16:47.916
- I don't think there's enough data to say that we're heading
- 00:16:47.916 --> 00:16:51.754
- Into ezekiel 38-39 yet.
- 00:16:51.754 --> 00:16:54.623
- Now, october 6 seemed such a quiet day, we felt so peaceful
- 00:16:54.623 --> 00:16:59.194
- In israel, that if ezekiel 38-39 starts kicking in and we do have
- 00:16:59.194 --> 00:17:04.533
- Enough data, then we'll say, "okay, the six was the day of us
- 00:17:04.533 --> 00:17:08.604
- Living securely in the land," that was one of the
- 00:17:08.604 --> 00:17:10.739
- Preconditions, "and then god didn't tell us about the
- 00:17:10.739 --> 00:17:14.176
- October 7 war."
- 00:17:14.176 --> 00:17:16.145
- That's sort of a gap, right?
- 00:17:16.145 --> 00:17:17.579
- Jesus, when he was announcing his ministry, reading the isaiah
- 00:17:17.579 --> 00:17:21.650
- Scroll from isaiah 61 in nazareth, he has to stop halfway
- 00:17:21.650 --> 00:17:26.188
- Through a sentence because he said, "the day of god's favor is
- 00:17:26.188 --> 00:17:29.024
- Upon us," right?
- 00:17:29.024 --> 00:17:30.359
- But he stops.
- 00:17:30.359 --> 00:17:31.693
- Why?
- 00:17:31.693 --> 00:17:33.062
- Because the day of vengeance comes in the next part of that
- 00:17:33.062 --> 00:17:34.663
- Sentence, and we're not at the tribulation yet, so that's
- 00:17:34.663 --> 00:17:37.199
- A 2,000-year gap just in the middle of that sentence that
- 00:17:37.199 --> 00:17:40.302
- Nobody would have seen coming.
- 00:17:40.302 --> 00:17:41.737
- But jesus, of course, did.
- 00:17:41.737 --> 00:17:43.105
- So we have to be cautious.
- 00:17:43.105 --> 00:17:44.440
- We need to be humble when we teach this.
- 00:17:44.440 --> 00:17:46.475
- All that to say, i don't think we're there yet.
- 00:17:46.475 --> 00:17:49.778
- We are in a birth pang.
- 00:17:49.778 --> 00:17:52.848
- Matthew 24, "wars, rumors of wars, kingdom against kingdom,
- 00:17:52.848 --> 00:17:56.552
- Nation against nation."
- 00:17:56.552 --> 00:17:57.886
- I believe that the invasion of ukraine by russia itself is
- 00:17:57.886 --> 00:18:03.058
- A birth pang.
- 00:18:03.058 --> 00:18:04.393
- It's the greatest, largest land war in europe since world
- 00:18:04.393 --> 00:18:07.262
- War ii.
- 00:18:07.262 --> 00:18:08.597
- I believe the 6 million people that died during the covid era--
- 00:18:08.597 --> 00:18:11.967
- I think that was part of a contraction.
- 00:18:11.967 --> 00:18:14.103
- That was--it was part of the birth pangs.
- 00:18:14.103 --> 00:18:17.039
- So birth pangs are contraction, release, contraction, release.
- 00:18:17.039 --> 00:18:20.576
- October 6, we would have said, "we're gonna release in israel."
- 00:18:20.576 --> 00:18:23.512
- We had made peace with four arab neighbors.
- 00:18:23.512 --> 00:18:25.881
- We were about to make peace with the saudis.
- 00:18:25.881 --> 00:18:27.816
- We're clearly in a contraction now that has not let up, and
- 00:18:27.816 --> 00:18:31.520
- We're a year in, and there's no end in sight.
- 00:18:31.520 --> 00:18:34.490
- It could end soon, and if it ends soon and, we get into
- 00:18:34.490 --> 00:18:37.960
- Release time, six months from now, greg, a year from now,
- 00:18:37.960 --> 00:18:42.064
- Israel may be perceived as the greatest superpower in the
- 00:18:42.064 --> 00:18:45.634
- Region because with no-- almost--well, not enough help
- 00:18:45.634 --> 00:18:49.104
- In my view from the united states and no help from the
- 00:18:49.104 --> 00:18:52.407
- British, who put an arms embargo on us, no help from the french,
- 00:18:52.407 --> 00:18:55.377
- Who put an arms embargo on us, the world abandoning us,
- 00:18:55.377 --> 00:18:59.014
- Accusing us of genocide.
- 00:18:59.014 --> 00:19:00.516
- If israel wins against hamas, which it's already done,
- 00:19:00.516 --> 00:19:04.553
- Hezbollah, we've destroyed half of their missile forces and
- 00:19:04.553 --> 00:19:08.624
- 4,018 of their top leaders, and if we destroy the top leadership
- 00:19:08.624 --> 00:19:14.596
- And the facilities that threaten us in iran, we will all be
- 00:19:14.596 --> 00:19:18.000
- Saying, "the saudis are about to make peace.
- 00:19:18.000 --> 00:19:19.635
- The indonesians are about to make peace."
- 00:19:19.635 --> 00:19:21.436
- This will seem like, "oh, my gosh."
- 00:19:21.436 --> 00:19:22.838
- And that would be a setup for ezekiel 38 and 39 afterwards
- 00:19:22.838 --> 00:19:26.842
- Because it would be the greatest era of calm, quiet, peace, and
- 00:19:26.842 --> 00:19:29.811
- Prosperity in the history of the middle east since david
- 00:19:29.811 --> 00:19:32.414
- And solomon.
- 00:19:32.414 --> 00:19:33.749
- But if we--if this thing goes sour and russia decides to team
- 00:19:33.749 --> 00:19:37.152
- Up with iran and turkey, then that's a different scenario.
- 00:19:37.152 --> 00:19:40.189
- We're just--we just don't know that yet.
- 00:19:40.189 --> 00:19:42.157
- And so we shouldn't try to jump and draw conclusions
- 00:19:42.157 --> 00:19:46.895
- That they're--
- 00:19:46.895 --> 00:19:48.263
- Greg: or even want it to happen.
- 00:19:48.263 --> 00:19:49.598
- You know, i was talking with some professors from a seminary
- 00:19:49.598 --> 00:19:52.668
- At the university of haifa, and i said, "let me clear
- 00:19:52.668 --> 00:19:55.971
- Misconception up that you may have about us evangelicals.
- 00:19:55.971 --> 00:19:59.274
- I've heard it said that the reason evangelicals support
- 00:19:59.274 --> 00:20:02.044
- Israel is because we want armageddon to start."
- 00:20:02.044 --> 00:20:05.247
- I said, "nothing could be further from the truth.
- 00:20:05.247 --> 00:20:07.816
- We love you.
- 00:20:07.816 --> 00:20:09.151
- We want you to be safe and secure.
- 00:20:09.151 --> 00:20:10.953
- And, in fact, the bible tells us in psalm 122 to pray for the
- 00:20:10.953 --> 00:20:14.690
- Peace of jerusalem.
- 00:20:14.690 --> 00:20:16.191
- So we hope for that and we pray for that."
- 00:20:16.191 --> 00:20:18.694
- It's not like we say, "oh, this is--oh, let's--well, let's
- 00:20:18.694 --> 00:20:20.929
- Hope it happens."
- 00:20:20.929 --> 00:20:22.297
- We don't want it to happen, but it's gonna happen.
- 00:20:22.297 --> 00:20:24.266
- It's gonna happen in god's timing.
- 00:20:24.266 --> 00:20:26.268
- But in light of the fact that-- look, here's the bottom line:
- 00:20:26.268 --> 00:20:29.137
- Christ is coming.
- 00:20:29.137 --> 00:20:30.472
- As you said, the labor pains are around us.
- 00:20:30.472 --> 00:20:33.842
- They're getting in--as the labor pains get closer together,
- 00:20:33.842 --> 00:20:36.979
- That means the birth is coming.
- 00:20:36.979 --> 00:20:38.680
- And as we see these events getting closer and closer
- 00:20:38.680 --> 00:20:41.617
- Together, what should we be doing as christians in the light
- 00:20:41.617 --> 00:20:45.220
- Of the fact that christ could come in our lifetime?
- 00:20:45.220 --> 00:20:49.358
- Joel: yeah.
- 00:20:49.358 --> 00:20:50.692
- Okay, a few things.
- 00:20:50.692 --> 00:20:52.060
- One: i would say that i believe the verse that captures best
- 00:20:52.060 --> 00:20:54.463
- Where we're at, aside from matthew 24, is amos 9:9.
- 00:20:54.463 --> 00:20:58.133
- This is where god says, "i will shake the house of israel among
- 00:20:58.133 --> 00:21:01.970
- The nations."
- 00:21:01.970 --> 00:21:03.305
- Satan has sent this horrible attack from every different
- 00:21:03.305 --> 00:21:07.042
- Direction against israel.
- 00:21:07.042 --> 00:21:08.543
- This isn't that god did it.
- 00:21:08.543 --> 00:21:09.911
- It's satan doing it to kill us, to destroy us.
- 00:21:09.911 --> 00:21:13.949
- But god is sovereignly letting it happen.
- 00:21:13.949 --> 00:21:15.717
- Why is he doing that?
- 00:21:15.717 --> 00:21:17.052
- He's doing that so that we will be shaken as a people and as
- 00:21:17.052 --> 00:21:20.355
- A region to let go of anyone or anything or any ideology or any
- 00:21:20.355 --> 00:21:25.060
- Religion other than faith in jesus for our hope and our peace
- 00:21:25.060 --> 00:21:29.665
- And our eternal security.
- 00:21:29.665 --> 00:21:31.199
- So god is shaking us because we have not woken up yet as
- 00:21:31.199 --> 00:21:34.069
- A people or as a region.
- 00:21:34.069 --> 00:21:35.671
- So that's--when you understand amos 9:9, then it begins to make
- 00:21:35.671 --> 00:21:39.941
- More sense.
- 00:21:39.941 --> 00:21:41.310
- "why is god letting this happen?
- 00:21:41.310 --> 00:21:42.644
- Isn't this mean?"
- 00:21:42.644 --> 00:21:44.012
- Well, it's not mean, but we, as jews, are sheep that are not
- 00:21:44.012 --> 00:21:47.549
- Acknowledging or embracing our shepherd.
- 00:21:47.549 --> 00:21:49.751
- Some believe there isn't a shepherd.
- 00:21:49.751 --> 00:21:51.320
- Some believe that the shepherd hates us, the shepherd's
- 00:21:51.320 --> 00:21:54.256
- Impotent, the shepherd is a moron, or--you know, we have--
- 00:21:54.256 --> 00:21:57.125
- Israelis have all kinds of views of god, but they've forgotten
- 00:21:57.125 --> 00:22:01.763
- Psalm 23.
- 00:22:01.763 --> 00:22:03.098
- The problem is, if you reject the shepherd or you don't want
- 00:22:03.098 --> 00:22:07.369
- To listen to him or whatever, you are under the false sense
- 00:22:07.369 --> 00:22:11.840
- That the countryside is safe.
- 00:22:11.840 --> 00:22:14.910
- But the fact is, one of the reasons we have a shepherd is
- 00:22:14.910 --> 00:22:17.212
- Not just to feed us and take care of us, but to protect us
- 00:22:17.212 --> 00:22:20.382
- From ravenous wolves.
- 00:22:20.382 --> 00:22:21.783
- And there are forces, there are ravenous wolves throughout the
- 00:22:21.783 --> 00:22:25.354
- Middle east, throughout the world, that hate jews and want
- 00:22:25.354 --> 00:22:27.122
- To destroy us.
- 00:22:27.122 --> 00:22:28.690
- I'll say this.
- 00:22:28.690 --> 00:22:30.025
- Two last points from--i'm gonna quote from my favorite book of
- 00:22:30.025 --> 00:22:32.661
- The bible, which is the book of joel.
- 00:22:32.661 --> 00:22:34.329
- So i encourage you to embrace that as your favorite book
- 00:22:34.329 --> 00:22:38.967
- As well.
- 00:22:38.967 --> 00:22:41.203
- Joel chapter 3, verse 1, "for behold, in those days and at
- 00:22:41.203 --> 00:22:45.240
- That time, when i restore the fortunes of judah and jerusalem,
- 00:22:45.240 --> 00:22:50.078
- And i will gather all the nations and bring them down to
- 00:22:50.078 --> 00:22:53.482
- The valley of jehoshaphat."
- 00:22:53.482 --> 00:22:54.816
- Which mean god judges.
- 00:22:54.816 --> 00:22:56.218
- "there--then i will--then--" after he rebuilds israel, after
- 00:22:56.218 --> 00:23:00.055
- He brings the jews back, then he's gonna bring the nations to
- 00:23:00.055 --> 00:23:02.591
- Attack us.
- 00:23:02.591 --> 00:23:03.925
- "then i will enter into judgment with them," the nations there,
- 00:23:03.925 --> 00:23:07.028
- "on behalf of my people and my inheritance, israel, whom they
- 00:23:07.028 --> 00:23:10.766
- Have scattered among the nations; and then they have
- 00:23:10.766 --> 00:23:12.934
- Divided up my land."
- 00:23:12.934 --> 00:23:15.504
- The nations of the world are responsible for, first, driving
- 00:23:15.504 --> 00:23:19.207
- Us out of israel, and now that we've regathered, for trying to
- 00:23:19.207 --> 00:23:22.978
- Divide up our land and give it to our enemies.
- 00:23:22.978 --> 00:23:25.447
- So to wrap that up, i would say the joshua fund, "all israel
- 00:23:25.447 --> 00:23:29.618
- News," we talk about four things we want to encourage christians
- 00:23:29.618 --> 00:23:32.888
- To understand and do.
- 00:23:32.888 --> 00:23:34.222
- Greg: so joel has an organization called the joshua
- 00:23:34.222 --> 00:23:36.725
- Fund that he's referring to.
- 00:23:36.725 --> 00:23:38.059
- Go ahead.
- 00:23:38.059 --> 00:23:39.428
- Joel: yeah, it's a ministry that we started 18 years ago to
- 00:23:39.428 --> 00:23:41.596
- Educate and mobilize christians to bless israel and her
- 00:23:41.596 --> 00:23:44.800
- Neighbors, palestinians and others, in the name of jesus.
- 00:23:44.800 --> 00:23:47.803
- And so we encourage people to do four things: learn, pray, give,
- 00:23:47.803 --> 00:23:54.709
- And go.
- 00:23:54.709 --> 00:23:56.311
- Part of my role was the educational side of this.
- 00:23:56.311 --> 00:23:58.547
- This is why i'm doing this, and i appreciate you inviting,
- 00:23:58.547 --> 00:24:00.816
- Especially this weekend.
- 00:24:00.816 --> 00:24:02.150
- So--and the more we understand what god is doing, what he wants
- 00:24:02.150 --> 00:24:06.021
- To do, what the enemy is doing, it will motivate us to pray and
- 00:24:06.021 --> 00:24:09.791
- To pray more specifically.
- 00:24:09.791 --> 00:24:11.293
- As we pray more, we will have a heart to want to give our time,
- 00:24:11.293 --> 00:24:15.330
- Our talent, and even our treasures to invest in building
- 00:24:15.330 --> 00:24:18.500
- The kingdom and fulfilling the great commission in the
- 00:24:18.500 --> 00:24:21.169
- Epicenter, in the middle east.
- 00:24:21.169 --> 00:24:22.804
- And then go.
- 00:24:22.804 --> 00:24:24.172
- Now, often we say, "go to israel."
- 00:24:24.172 --> 00:24:26.408
- Now i would say don't go to israel.
- 00:24:26.408 --> 00:24:29.077
- But i would say go and preach the gospel to everybody
- 00:24:29.077 --> 00:24:32.447
- In creation.
- 00:24:32.447 --> 00:24:33.782
- And by strengthening the joshua fund, as just one example, this
- 00:24:33.782 --> 00:24:36.952
- Is what we're doing: we're investing in the local
- 00:24:36.952 --> 00:24:39.354
- Believers, yes, for humanitarian relief, but also to strengthen
- 00:24:39.354 --> 00:24:42.824
- Them so they can preach the word of god and fulfill the
- 00:24:42.824 --> 00:24:45.260
- Great commission.
- 00:24:45.260 --> 00:24:46.895
- Again, israelis, palestinians, lebanese, syrians, jordanians,
- 00:24:46.895 --> 00:24:50.599
- Iraqis, and egyptians.
- 00:24:50.599 --> 00:24:51.933
- This is a group of people that don't know christ.
- 00:24:51.933 --> 00:24:55.704
- And how are they gonna say yes if they haven't even heard?
- 00:24:55.704 --> 00:24:59.741
- And we need to strengthen the local church so that they can
- 00:24:59.741 --> 00:25:02.811
- Reach their people and hopefully fulfill the great commission in
- 00:25:02.811 --> 00:25:07.015
- Our lifetime.
- 00:25:07.015 --> 00:25:08.383
- So as horrible as this year has been, lynn and i and our family
- 00:25:08.383 --> 00:25:11.353
- And our team are so grateful to be there because this is why
- 00:25:11.353 --> 00:25:16.258
- We're there: to love our neighbors and to love our
- 00:25:16.258 --> 00:25:19.027
- Enemies and to help the local believers fulfill the
- 00:25:19.027 --> 00:25:22.764
- Great commission.
- 00:25:22.764 --> 00:25:24.132
- Greg: well, joel, thank you for all that you do.
- 00:25:24.132 --> 00:25:25.467
- You're a bright light everywhere you go.
- 00:25:25.467 --> 00:25:31.773
- Greg: there are so many things to be worried about right now,
- 00:25:36.011 --> 00:25:38.413
- Aren't there?
- 00:25:38.413 --> 00:25:39.748
- The worrying about terrorism, worry about your personal
- 00:25:39.748 --> 00:25:42.450
- Safety, violent crime, the economy.
- 00:25:42.450 --> 00:25:45.086
- The list goes on.
- 00:25:45.086 --> 00:25:46.421
- Here's what the bible says: don't worry about anything.
- 00:25:46.421 --> 00:25:50.025
- Pray about everything.
- 00:25:50.025 --> 00:25:52.561
- Turn your panic into prayer.
- 00:25:52.561 --> 00:25:55.430
- Jesus said, "come unto me, all of you that are laboring and are
- 00:25:55.430 --> 00:25:58.733
- Heavy laden.
- 00:25:58.733 --> 00:26:00.068
- I will give you rest."
- 00:26:00.068 --> 00:26:01.436
- Give your burdens, give your problems, over to god, and let
- 00:26:01.436 --> 00:26:05.774
- Him give you his peace in your heart.
- 00:26:05.774 --> 00:26:10.011
- Let me send for you at no charge what i call a new believer's
- 00:26:10.011 --> 00:26:14.149
- Bible to help you grow in a relationship with god and learn
- 00:26:14.149 --> 00:26:19.521
- How to turn your panic into prayer and your worry
- 00:26:19.521 --> 00:26:22.991
- Into worship.
- 00:26:22.991 --> 00:26:25.961
- Greg: you know, the bible says a good person leaves an
- 00:26:30.098 --> 00:26:33.635
- Inheritance for their children's children.
- 00:26:33.635 --> 00:26:37.005
- God encourages all of us as christians to manage our money
- 00:26:37.005 --> 00:26:41.142
- Well so we can be a blessing to our families and to others.
- 00:26:41.142 --> 00:26:45.547
- Harvest has a special gift for you today, an opportunity to set
- 00:26:45.547 --> 00:26:50.118
- Up a will or a living trust completely free of charge.
- 00:26:50.118 --> 00:26:54.923
- Here's how you can learn more.
- 00:26:54.923 --> 00:26:57.025
- Greg: i'm excited to announce that here at harvest, we've
- 00:26:57.092 --> 00:26:59.894
- Partnered with our friends at freewill.
- 00:26:59.894 --> 00:27:02.864
- Freewill is an easy-to-use estate planning tool that allows
- 00:27:02.864 --> 00:27:06.434
- You to make planned gifts to organizations of your choice.
- 00:27:06.434 --> 00:27:10.405
- It's a creative opportunity to support the work we're doing
- 00:27:10.405 --> 00:27:13.675
- Here at harvest ministries.
- 00:27:13.675 --> 00:27:15.310
- So as you make your plans, i hope you'll consider investing
- 00:27:15.310 --> 00:27:19.114
- In this ministry so we can continue to preach the gospel
- 00:27:19.114 --> 00:27:22.784
- And teach the word of god for years to come.
- 00:27:22.784 --> 00:27:25.286
- You can learn more at
- 00:27:25.286 --> 00:27:29.010