Join Pastor Greg Laurie for a time of encouragement, worship, and Bible study.
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Harvest with Pastor Greg Laurie | Greg Laurie - Talk This Way | January 9, 2025
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- 00:00:00.633 --> 00:00:01.334
- Greg laurie: you know, during worship, you've got your hands
- 00:00:04.771 --> 00:00:06.873
- In your pockets or your arms are folded, you're not singing even
- 00:00:06.973 --> 00:00:11.311
- Though we put lyrics on screens and we encourage you to worship
- 00:00:11.411 --> 00:00:15.081
- And look at someone with their hands lifted up,
- 00:00:15.181 --> 00:00:16.916
- You say, "fanatic."
- 00:00:17.050 --> 00:00:17.384
- And then you go to the football game and you pant your face
- 00:00:18.918 --> 00:00:23.223
- In the colors of your team.
- 00:00:23.223 --> 00:00:25.725
- And when your team scores a touchdown, you flip out,
- 00:00:25.725 --> 00:00:29.596
- Screaming, yelling, setting yourself on fire, everything.
- 00:00:29.596 --> 00:00:33.867
- And then you look at someone who lifts one hand to the lord
- 00:00:33.867 --> 00:00:36.369
- And you call 'em a fanatic.
- 00:00:36.369 --> 00:00:38.605
- Come on now, you have passion for other things, right?
- 00:00:38.605 --> 00:00:42.275
- ♪ this is the day, the day when life begins ♪
- 00:00:45.245 --> 00:00:51.217
- ♪ this is the day, the day when life begins ♪♪
- 00:00:52.585 --> 00:01:02.562
- Greg: our words really matter, what we say impacts people.
- 00:01:06.766 --> 00:01:10.970
- What others say to us affects us in a great way.
- 00:01:10.970 --> 00:01:15.842
- It's been said, "sticks and stones may break my bones
- 00:01:15.842 --> 00:01:19.412
- But words will never hurt me."
- 00:01:19.412 --> 00:01:21.881
- Actually, that's not true.
- 00:01:21.881 --> 00:01:23.483
- Words really can hurt you.
- 00:01:23.483 --> 00:01:25.718
- You can be deeply wounded by words, can't you?
- 00:01:25.718 --> 00:01:29.355
- Some of us remember maybe in our childhood
- 00:01:29.355 --> 00:01:31.491
- That something was said to us.
- 00:01:31.491 --> 00:01:33.560
- It could have been by a parent, it could have been a teacher
- 00:01:33.560 --> 00:01:36.329
- Or somebody else.
- 00:01:36.329 --> 00:01:38.331
- They told you, "you're unattractive, you're overweight,
- 00:01:38.331 --> 00:01:41.101
- You're a failure, you'll never amount to anything" and we
- 00:01:41.101 --> 00:01:44.504
- Sort of carried that with us even into our adult years.
- 00:01:44.504 --> 00:01:48.007
- Then again, someone might have said to us, "i see potential
- 00:01:48.007 --> 00:01:51.478
- In you, i think you're special, i believe in you,"
- 00:01:51.478 --> 00:01:55.415
- And then those words of encouragement carried us on.
- 00:01:55.415 --> 00:01:58.184
- Maybe they were words from a parent and grandparent,
- 00:01:58.184 --> 00:02:00.820
- A teacher, a coach, a pastor.
- 00:02:00.820 --> 00:02:03.590
- Words matter.
- 00:02:03.590 --> 00:02:06.059
- Proverbs 18:21 says, "death and life are in the power of
- 00:02:06.059 --> 00:02:09.596
- The tongue: and they that love it shall eat the fruit thereof."
- 00:02:09.596 --> 00:02:13.633
- Even the president of the united states needs encouragement.
- 00:02:13.633 --> 00:02:18.872
- I read a story about abraham lincoln,
- 00:02:18.872 --> 00:02:21.207
- Who many regard as our greatest president.
- 00:02:21.207 --> 00:02:25.178
- But he was in the ford theatre and tragically was assassinated,
- 00:02:25.178 --> 00:02:28.948
- But when they were recovering items from his clothing,
- 00:02:28.948 --> 00:02:33.520
- They found some spectacles, his wallet,
- 00:02:33.520 --> 00:02:36.589
- And a little newspaper clipping that was old and folded over,
- 00:02:36.589 --> 00:02:43.229
- And on it, it said, "abraham lincoln is one of the greatest
- 00:02:43.229 --> 00:02:47.167
- Statesmen of our time."
- 00:02:47.167 --> 00:02:48.935
- So even president lincoln would pull that out of his pocket
- 00:02:48.935 --> 00:02:52.105
- Every now and then and read it because he needed
- 00:02:52.105 --> 00:02:54.807
- A word of encouragement.
- 00:02:54.807 --> 00:02:56.442
- Proverbs 25 verse 11 says, "the right word at the right
- 00:02:56.442 --> 00:03:00.146
- Time is like precious gold set in silver."
- 00:03:00.146 --> 00:03:03.650
- And i would add to that fact the wrong word at the wrong
- 00:03:03.650 --> 00:03:06.786
- Time can be devastating.
- 00:03:06.786 --> 00:03:08.721
- We've all heard stories of young people who've literally
- 00:03:08.721 --> 00:03:12.392
- Taken their own lives because they were bullied online.
- 00:03:12.392 --> 00:03:16.029
- Or people said horrible and cruel things to them after they
- 00:03:16.029 --> 00:03:19.499
- Posted a picture or something else.
- 00:03:19.499 --> 00:03:21.568
- Let me just say young people, if you post something and people
- 00:03:21.568 --> 00:03:24.204
- Hate on you, "these people don't matter.
- 00:03:24.204 --> 00:03:28.308
- Who cares?
- 00:03:28.308 --> 00:03:29.742
- They live in their mother's basement," okay?
- 00:03:29.742 --> 00:03:32.512
- They don't even use a real names.
- 00:03:32.512 --> 00:03:34.881
- Who cares with some random person says about you.
- 00:03:34.881 --> 00:03:38.284
- But anyway, but it shows the power of words.
- 00:03:38.284 --> 00:03:41.688
- Don't listen to their words, listen to the words of god
- 00:03:41.688 --> 00:03:44.891
- Who loves you and not the words of people who don't.
- 00:03:44.891 --> 00:03:50.396
- By the way, one of my greatest pleasures in life, i've told you
- 00:03:50.396 --> 00:03:53.366
- This before, is to block people.
- 00:03:53.366 --> 00:03:55.935
- Not just delete comments, block people.
- 00:03:55.935 --> 00:03:59.005
- I love it.
- 00:03:59.005 --> 00:04:01.040
- You know, they come in with this hateful vitriol in their posts,
- 00:04:01.040 --> 00:04:06.012
- I say, "goodbye."
- 00:04:06.012 --> 00:04:07.547
- I wish i could do it in real life.
- 00:04:07.547 --> 00:04:09.382
- Wouldn't that be cool?
- 00:04:09.382 --> 00:04:11.117
- Just block and they disappear. i don't know, okay.
- 00:04:11.117 --> 00:04:14.721
- More people have died by words than any weapon
- 00:04:14.721 --> 00:04:18.758
- Ever devised by man.
- 00:04:18.758 --> 00:04:21.261
- I mean, think about this.
- 00:04:21.261 --> 00:04:23.029
- Dedicated to god our words can be a powerful force for good,
- 00:04:23.029 --> 00:04:27.934
- Left unchecked and especially when yielded to the enemy,
- 00:04:27.934 --> 00:04:31.771
- The devil, our words can do great harm.
- 00:04:31.771 --> 00:04:34.574
- So let's see what the bible says about our words in our tongue.
- 00:04:34.574 --> 00:04:38.745
- James chapter 3 verse 1.
- 00:04:38.745 --> 00:04:40.546
- I'm reading down to verse seven.
- 00:04:40.546 --> 00:04:42.582
- This is the new living translation.
- 00:04:42.582 --> 00:04:44.917
- "dear brothers and sisters."
- 00:04:44.917 --> 00:04:46.719
- I would underline that, i'll come back to it.
- 00:04:46.719 --> 00:04:48.421
- "dear brothers and sisters."
- 00:04:48.421 --> 00:04:50.456
- Or another way to translate it.
- 00:04:50.456 --> 00:04:52.525
- Dear fellow christians,
- 00:04:52.525 --> 00:04:54.193
- So these words are addressed to believers.
- 00:04:54.193 --> 00:04:56.262
- He goes on, "not many of you should become teachers
- 00:04:56.262 --> 00:04:59.565
- In the church, for we who teach will be judged more strictly.
- 00:04:59.565 --> 00:05:02.869
- Indeed, we all make mistakes for if we could control our tongues,
- 00:05:02.869 --> 00:05:06.406
- We would be perfect and we could also control ourselves
- 00:05:06.406 --> 00:05:09.409
- In every other way.
- 00:05:09.409 --> 00:05:11.411
- We can make large horses go wherever they want by means
- 00:05:11.411 --> 00:05:14.580
- Of a small bit in their mouth.
- 00:05:14.580 --> 00:05:16.349
- And a small rudder makes a huge ship turn wherever
- 00:05:16.349 --> 00:05:19.552
- The pilot chooses to go, even though the winds are strong.
- 00:05:19.552 --> 00:05:22.955
- In the same way," writes james, "the tongue is a small thing
- 00:05:22.955 --> 00:05:26.626
- And it makes grand speeches.
- 00:05:26.626 --> 00:05:28.194
- But a tiny spark can set a great forest on fire.
- 00:05:28.194 --> 00:05:32.532
- And among all the parts of the body,
- 00:05:32.532 --> 00:05:34.167
- The tongue is a flame of fire.
- 00:05:34.167 --> 00:05:36.069
- It's a whole world of wickedness corrupting
- 00:05:36.069 --> 00:05:39.005
- Your entire body.
- 00:05:39.005 --> 00:05:40.640
- It can be set on fire or set your whole life on fire,
- 00:05:40.640 --> 00:05:44.243
- And it is set on fire by hell itself.
- 00:05:44.243 --> 00:05:46.913
- People can tame all kinds of animals, birds, reptiles,
- 00:05:46.913 --> 00:05:49.916
- And fish, but no one can tame the tongue.
- 00:05:49.916 --> 00:05:52.185
- It's restless and evil, full of deadly poison."
- 00:05:52.185 --> 00:05:56.055
- We'll stop there.
- 00:05:56.055 --> 00:05:57.757
- So what do we learn about the tongue?
- 00:05:57.757 --> 00:05:59.258
- Point number one if you're taking notes,
- 00:05:59.258 --> 00:06:00.960
- What you say reveals who you are.
- 00:06:00.960 --> 00:06:04.430
- What you say reveals who you are.
- 00:06:04.430 --> 00:06:06.666
- Verse 2, "if we could control our tongues, we would be perfect
- 00:06:06.666 --> 00:06:10.837
- And control ourselves in every other way."
- 00:06:10.837 --> 00:06:14.073
- In many ways, the tongue or your words is a barometer
- 00:06:14.073 --> 00:06:18.578
- Of your spiritual maturity.
- 00:06:18.578 --> 00:06:21.481
- Socrates once said to a young student, quote,
- 00:06:21.481 --> 00:06:24.650
- "speak friend, so i might see you," end quote.
- 00:06:24.650 --> 00:06:28.254
- Effectively, socrates are saying,
- 00:06:28.254 --> 00:06:30.823
- "speak and i'll be able to evaluate you."
- 00:06:30.823 --> 00:06:35.161
- If your life is transformed as a follower of jesus and your words
- 00:06:35.161 --> 00:06:38.631
- Will be transformed as well.
- 00:06:38.631 --> 00:06:40.533
- The reality of your faith is demonstrated in what you say
- 00:06:40.533 --> 00:06:45.304
- And also in what you don't say.
- 00:06:45.304 --> 00:06:48.608
- Jesus says, "a good person produces good things from
- 00:06:48.608 --> 00:06:51.010
- The treasury of a good heart, and an evil person produces
- 00:06:51.010 --> 00:06:54.747
- Evil things from the treasury of an evil heart.
- 00:06:54.747 --> 00:06:58.584
- What you say flows from what is in your heart."
- 00:06:58.584 --> 00:07:03.356
- So whatever is in your heart will ultimately
- 00:07:03.356 --> 00:07:05.425
- Come out in your words.
- 00:07:05.425 --> 00:07:07.427
- And the fact of the matter is, is one day we will be judged
- 00:07:07.427 --> 00:07:10.797
- By what we said according to the scripture.
- 00:07:10.797 --> 00:07:14.667
- Matthew 15:19, jesus says, "every careless word that people
- 00:07:14.667 --> 00:07:19.639
- Speak, they'll give an accounting of it for it
- 00:07:19.639 --> 00:07:22.575
- In the day of judgment.
- 00:07:22.575 --> 00:07:24.177
- For by your words you will be justified, and by your words
- 00:07:24.177 --> 00:07:28.281
- You will be condemned."
- 00:07:28.281 --> 00:07:30.016
- In fact, the first sin committed after the fall
- 00:07:30.016 --> 00:07:32.952
- Was a sin of the tongue.
- 00:07:32.952 --> 00:07:36.389
- When questioned about eating the forbidden fruit, adam quickly
- 00:07:36.389 --> 00:07:40.359
- Blames god and says, "well, it's the woman you gave me."
- 00:07:40.359 --> 00:07:44.664
- Effectively slandering god.
- 00:07:44.664 --> 00:07:46.933
- Now i asked you to underline this first.
- 00:07:46.933 --> 00:07:48.468
- Let me return to it.
- 00:07:48.468 --> 00:07:50.069
- Notice that james is directing these words to christians,
- 00:07:50.069 --> 00:07:54.073
- "dear brothers and sisters."
- 00:07:54.073 --> 00:07:56.909
- You know, christians may pride themselves in the fact that they
- 00:07:56.909 --> 00:08:00.112
- Don't do certain things anymore.
- 00:08:00.112 --> 00:08:03.049
- "oh, i don't do those sins any longer, i'm a christian now."
- 00:08:03.049 --> 00:08:06.686
- Fantastic, you would never think of assassinating somebody
- 00:08:06.686 --> 00:08:11.657
- Now that you're a christian, but would you assassinate
- 00:08:11.657 --> 00:08:14.794
- Their character over sunday brunch?
- 00:08:14.794 --> 00:08:18.164
- You would never think of putting a knife in someone but would you
- 00:08:18.164 --> 00:08:23.135
- Put a knife into someone through the blade of slander
- 00:08:23.135 --> 00:08:27.473
- As you stab them in the back.
- 00:08:27.473 --> 00:08:30.042
- See, this is a problem with christians.
- 00:08:30.042 --> 00:08:33.646
- We like to talk and we like to make it sound spiritual
- 00:08:33.646 --> 00:08:37.984
- When it isn't spiritual at all,
- 00:08:37.984 --> 00:08:40.453
- Bringing me to point number two; we need to control what we say.
- 00:08:40.453 --> 00:08:44.357
- The bible says that, "let every man be quick to listen,
- 00:08:44.357 --> 00:08:47.293
- Slow to speak and slow to anger."
- 00:08:47.293 --> 00:08:49.729
- But the reality is we're often quick to speak
- 00:08:49.729 --> 00:08:52.565
- And slow to listen and quick to anger as well.
- 00:08:52.565 --> 00:08:56.435
- But we need to be quick to listen and slow to speak.
- 00:08:56.435 --> 00:09:00.306
- By the way, there are inside and outside thoughts,
- 00:09:00.306 --> 00:09:03.075
- Did you know that?
- 00:09:03.075 --> 00:09:04.877
- Some things are best left unsaid?
- 00:09:04.877 --> 00:09:08.247
- You think them, but that doesn't mean you should say them.
- 00:09:08.247 --> 00:09:11.584
- And other things need to be said as well.
- 00:09:11.584 --> 00:09:14.554
- Verse 6, "a tongue is set on fire by hell."
- 00:09:14.554 --> 00:09:18.524
- James is telling us the uncontrolled tongue
- 00:09:18.524 --> 00:09:21.294
- Has a direct pipeline to hell.
- 00:09:21.294 --> 00:09:24.363
- One word foolishly spoken can be set fire by the devil.
- 00:09:24.363 --> 00:09:29.902
- One rumor, one lie.
- 00:09:29.902 --> 00:09:32.605
- Mountain climbers say that "the vibration of one whisper
- 00:09:32.605 --> 00:09:36.776
- Can bring down an avalanche."
- 00:09:36.776 --> 00:09:39.145
- Number three; our words used right can do so much good.
- 00:09:39.145 --> 00:09:43.416
- Just one word said can alter the course of your life.
- 00:09:43.416 --> 00:09:47.486
- A judge with one word or one statement can decide
- 00:09:47.486 --> 00:09:51.857
- Your guilt or your innocence.
- 00:09:51.857 --> 00:09:54.193
- Point number four; our words used wrongly
- 00:09:54.193 --> 00:09:56.562
- Can do so much damage.
- 00:09:56.562 --> 00:09:58.931
- They can do so much damage.
- 00:09:58.931 --> 00:10:00.399
- Look at verse 5, "the tongue is a small thing."
- 00:10:00.399 --> 00:10:02.935
- Think about this.
- 00:10:02.935 --> 00:10:04.637
- This mere two ounce slab of mucus membrane can do so much
- 00:10:04.637 --> 00:10:09.041
- Evil or good depending on who it's controlled by.
- 00:10:09.041 --> 00:10:13.245
- As an example for evil, think of adolf hitler.
- 00:10:13.245 --> 00:10:16.382
- This man through his demonic rhetoric sent a nation to ruin.
- 00:10:16.382 --> 00:10:21.053
- His words were responsible for the death of 6 million jewish
- 00:10:21.053 --> 00:10:25.758
- People in the holocaust and many christians were sent to those
- 00:10:25.758 --> 00:10:29.795
- Concentration camps as well.
- 00:10:29.795 --> 00:10:32.298
- Truly as james says in verse 6, hitler's tongue was set on fire
- 00:10:32.298 --> 00:10:36.235
- By hell itself.
- 00:10:36.235 --> 00:10:38.904
- But now contrast him with another person who used
- 00:10:38.904 --> 00:10:41.407
- His words well, billy graham, a farm boy born
- 00:10:41.407 --> 00:10:45.111
- In charlotte, north carolina.
- 00:10:45.111 --> 00:10:47.279
- He aspired to be a baseball player one day and god put his
- 00:10:47.279 --> 00:10:50.883
- Hand on billy and through his preaching around the world,
- 00:10:50.883 --> 00:10:54.086
- Millions of people changed their eternal destiny.
- 00:10:54.086 --> 00:10:58.457
- Indeed, death and life are in the power of the tongue.
- 00:10:58.457 --> 00:11:02.294
- And i ask you, who is your tongue dedicated to?
- 00:11:02.294 --> 00:11:05.898
- There are many ways we can use our words to hurt others.
- 00:11:05.898 --> 00:11:09.101
- One is through gossip and back biting.
- 00:11:09.101 --> 00:11:12.271
- Gossip, the very word hisses.
- 00:11:12.271 --> 00:11:15.741
- Gossip like a snake, right?
- 00:11:15.741 --> 00:11:20.546
- So sneaky.
- 00:11:20.546 --> 00:11:22.648
- We can make it sound like it is important
- 00:11:22.648 --> 00:11:25.084
- But it's so destructive.
- 00:11:25.084 --> 00:11:27.319
- Proverbs 20 verse 19 says that "gossip betrays the confidence.
- 00:11:27.319 --> 00:11:30.856
- Avoid a man who talks too much."
- 00:11:30.856 --> 00:11:34.293
- How practical is that?
- 00:11:34.293 --> 00:11:36.095
- Gossip is like junk food.
- 00:11:36.095 --> 00:11:38.864
- You know it's bad but you eat it anyway.
- 00:11:38.864 --> 00:11:40.766
- In fact, a translation of proverbs 26:22 that's modern,
- 00:11:40.766 --> 00:11:45.604
- Puts it this way; "listening to gossip
- 00:11:45.604 --> 00:11:48.274
- Is like eating cheap candy.
- 00:11:48.274 --> 00:11:50.443
- Do you want junk like that in your belly?"
- 00:11:50.443 --> 00:11:53.279
- What a great translation.
- 00:11:53.279 --> 00:11:55.514
- So when i go to the movie, i like to get milk duds and
- 00:11:55.514 --> 00:11:58.651
- Popcorn and i don't know what's going on and i don't know if
- 00:11:58.651 --> 00:12:01.487
- You've noticed this, but a lot of movie theaters, if not most,
- 00:12:01.487 --> 00:12:05.191
- Are not carrying milk duds anymore.
- 00:12:05.191 --> 00:12:07.626
- What is going on?
- 00:12:07.626 --> 00:12:09.528
- I love milk duds.
- 00:12:09.528 --> 00:12:11.397
- That's the only time i eat candy.
- 00:12:11.397 --> 00:12:13.799
- I don't really eat candy at all but when i get that popcorn,
- 00:12:13.799 --> 00:12:16.202
- I want some milk duds.
- 00:12:16.202 --> 00:12:17.536
- I think maybe 'cause they stick to everything, i'm not really
- 00:12:17.536 --> 00:12:19.972
- Sure but the other day i was at the drugstore
- 00:12:19.972 --> 00:12:22.975
- And i saw they had milk duds.
- 00:12:22.975 --> 00:12:25.177
- I haven't seen milk duds anywhere and i bought like
- 00:12:25.177 --> 00:12:27.012
- Four boxes of 'em.
- 00:12:27.012 --> 00:12:28.647
- And they're really big boxes too.
- 00:12:28.647 --> 00:12:30.249
- I came home, cathe said,
- 00:12:30.249 --> 00:12:32.418
- "well, why did you buy all those milk duds?"
- 00:12:32.418 --> 00:12:34.320
- I said, "'cause i can't find them anywhere."
- 00:12:34.320 --> 00:12:36.188
- She said, "you shouldn't have bought them,
- 00:12:36.188 --> 00:12:37.990
- You're gonna eat them."
- 00:12:37.990 --> 00:12:39.325
- "no, i won't, i won't eat that many."
- 00:12:39.325 --> 00:12:42.128
- And then that night, who's making popcorn and milk duds?
- 00:12:42.128 --> 00:12:44.730
- Cathe. she's the one eating them.
- 00:12:44.730 --> 00:12:48.134
- But i had some too.
- 00:12:48.134 --> 00:12:49.468
- But you don't feel good after you eat candy, do you?
- 00:12:49.468 --> 00:12:52.138
- It's good going down and that's what gossip is like.
- 00:12:52.138 --> 00:12:55.608
- Gossip will often veil itself in acceptable ways with phrases
- 00:12:55.608 --> 00:13:00.513
- Like, "have you heard" or "did you know?
- 00:13:00.513 --> 00:13:03.983
- Or how about this?
- 00:13:03.983 --> 00:13:05.384
- "i don't know if this is true but," okay, hold on.
- 00:13:05.384 --> 00:13:07.820
- If any statement you make begins with the words, "i don't know if
- 00:13:07.820 --> 00:13:12.291
- This is true" stop and don't make that statement because
- 00:13:12.291 --> 00:13:16.228
- You don't know how devastating that could be.
- 00:13:16.228 --> 00:13:19.265
- But we rationalize it and say spiritual things like this.
- 00:13:19.265 --> 00:13:23.602
- "i'm only telling you this so you can pray."
- 00:13:23.602 --> 00:13:28.374
- Oh, shut up.
- 00:13:28.374 --> 00:13:30.242
- You're gossiping.
- 00:13:30.242 --> 00:13:32.144
- Don't give me this "so you can pray" business.
- 00:13:32.144 --> 00:13:35.047
- "no, i just, that's the only reason i'm sharing it."
- 00:13:35.047 --> 00:13:38.017
- No, here's another way we can gossip
- 00:13:38.017 --> 00:13:41.453
- Through innuendo, innuendo.
- 00:13:41.453 --> 00:13:45.024
- A cousin of gossip is innuendo.
- 00:13:45.024 --> 00:13:47.993
- That's where you don't say it exactly but you imply it.
- 00:13:47.993 --> 00:13:52.164
- Then there is a subtle misuse of our words in flattery,
- 00:13:52.164 --> 00:13:56.302
- Flattering.
- 00:13:56.302 --> 00:13:58.037
- Flattery is really lying, why?
- 00:13:58.037 --> 00:14:00.372
- Because when i flatter somebody,
- 00:14:00.372 --> 00:14:02.408
- I'm basically telling them a lie.
- 00:14:02.408 --> 00:14:04.376
- Gossip is saying behind a person's back what they
- 00:14:04.376 --> 00:14:06.846
- Would never say to their face, flattery is saying to a person's
- 00:14:06.846 --> 00:14:09.815
- Face what they would never say behind their back.
- 00:14:09.815 --> 00:14:13.118
- Does that make sense?
- 00:14:13.118 --> 00:14:14.920
- So gossip, i say it behind your back.
- 00:14:14.920 --> 00:14:17.189
- I would never say it to your face
- 00:14:17.189 --> 00:14:18.991
- Or ask you if it's even true.
- 00:14:18.991 --> 00:14:20.860
- Flattery, oh, i'll say it to your face but if someone
- 00:14:20.860 --> 00:14:24.163
- Ask me about you, i would never say that behind your back.
- 00:14:24.163 --> 00:14:27.466
- Number five; if you can control your tongues,
- 00:14:27.466 --> 00:14:30.836
- It's a sign of spiritual maturity.
- 00:14:30.836 --> 00:14:33.672
- Look at verse 2.
- 00:14:33.672 --> 00:14:35.274
- "if we control our tongues, we would be perfect and control
- 00:14:35.274 --> 00:14:37.977
- Ourselves in every other way."
- 00:14:37.977 --> 00:14:40.813
- The word perfect here means full grown.
- 00:14:40.813 --> 00:14:42.948
- So it's not meaning flawlessly perfect, but what it means
- 00:14:42.948 --> 00:14:46.685
- Is you're mature.
- 00:14:46.685 --> 00:14:48.254
- If you can control your words, it's a sign of maturity.
- 00:14:48.254 --> 00:14:51.991
- I heard about a little boy that went to a pastor's house
- 00:14:51.991 --> 00:14:54.693
- Who was doing some carpentry.
- 00:14:54.693 --> 00:14:56.528
- Little guy just standing there staring at the pastors.
- 00:14:56.528 --> 00:14:59.064
- He was working away finally the minister turned and said,
- 00:14:59.064 --> 00:15:02.735
- "sonny, you're trying to pick up some tips on carpentry."
- 00:15:02.735 --> 00:15:05.537
- The little guy said, "no, i just wanna see what a preacher
- 00:15:05.537 --> 00:15:08.507
- Says when he hits his thumb with a hammer."
- 00:15:08.507 --> 00:15:13.212
- And i think there are people who are not believers who are
- 00:15:13.212 --> 00:15:15.781
- Watching us maybe in some ways hoping that we will
- 00:15:15.781 --> 00:15:20.486
- Do something wrong, so we wanna be very careful.
- 00:15:20.486 --> 00:15:24.089
- And by the way, some of the greatest saints in the bible
- 00:15:24.089 --> 00:15:26.625
- Had trouble with what they said.
- 00:15:26.625 --> 00:15:29.028
- Job is a good example.
- 00:15:29.028 --> 00:15:31.030
- God himself said, "if job's a perfect and upright man,
- 00:15:31.030 --> 00:15:34.266
- And he fears god and shuns evil."
- 00:15:34.266 --> 00:15:36.201
- But yet at the end of job's book he writes in chapter 40 verse 4
- 00:15:36.201 --> 00:15:40.306
- To the lord, he says, "i'm unworthy.
- 00:15:40.306 --> 00:15:43.075
- How can i reply to you?
- 00:15:43.075 --> 00:15:44.677
- I put my hand over my mouth."
- 00:15:44.677 --> 00:15:46.779
- I wish more people would put their hand over their mouth.
- 00:15:46.779 --> 00:15:49.882
- One of the greatest uses of our words
- 00:15:49.882 --> 00:15:53.218
- Is to proclaim the word of god.
- 00:15:53.218 --> 00:15:56.288
- But with that comes great responsibility.
- 00:15:56.288 --> 00:15:58.557
- Look at verse 3, "dear brothers and sisters,
- 00:15:58.557 --> 00:16:00.826
- Not many of you should become teachers in the church,
- 00:16:00.826 --> 00:16:03.796
- For we who teach will be judged more strictly."
- 00:16:03.796 --> 00:16:07.566
- Now, james is not wanting to discourage us
- 00:16:07.566 --> 00:16:10.703
- From sharing our biblical insights.
- 00:16:10.703 --> 00:16:12.838
- Fact of the matter is you should share the things you discover
- 00:16:12.838 --> 00:16:16.775
- In the word with others.
- 00:16:16.775 --> 00:16:19.044
- 1 corinthians 14:26 says, "hey, brothers and sisters,
- 00:16:19.044 --> 00:16:22.314
- When you come together, each one of you has a song
- 00:16:22.314 --> 00:16:24.850
- Or a word of instruction."
- 00:16:24.850 --> 00:16:26.251
- So it's awesome to say, "i just read this in the word today
- 00:16:26.251 --> 00:16:29.054
- And this verse really spoke to me."
- 00:16:29.054 --> 00:16:30.689
- Great, do that. james is not discouraging that.
- 00:16:30.689 --> 00:16:34.159
- But what he is saying is, when you share,
- 00:16:34.159 --> 00:16:37.596
- When you speak for god, you know, be prepared.
- 00:16:37.596 --> 00:16:40.199
- There's responsibility that comes with that.
- 00:16:40.199 --> 00:16:42.634
- I remember the first time i shared in a public setting,
- 00:16:42.634 --> 00:16:47.573
- It was a small group of believers.
- 00:16:47.573 --> 00:16:49.842
- I was still in high school.
- 00:16:49.842 --> 00:16:51.577
- They were in high school and different people were sharing
- 00:16:51.577 --> 00:16:55.047
- Things they read in the bible and i'd read something
- 00:16:55.047 --> 00:16:57.416
- That morning and i was thinking, "should i share this?
- 00:16:57.416 --> 00:16:59.852
- My heart is beating."
- 00:16:59.852 --> 00:17:01.353
- You know that feeling?
- 00:17:01.353 --> 00:17:03.222
- Finally i said, "hey, i read something in the bible today."
- 00:17:03.222 --> 00:17:06.458
- My voice was all shaking.
- 00:17:06.458 --> 00:17:08.794
- After i was done, then people went, "oh, that's great."
- 00:17:08.794 --> 00:17:10.863
- And then the lord started opening doors for me to speak.
- 00:17:10.863 --> 00:17:15.701
- I never aspired to be a speaker, or a preacher, or a communicator
- 00:17:15.701 --> 00:17:20.272
- Like that, i was a more behind the scenes kind of a person
- 00:17:20.272 --> 00:17:24.109
- But as i began to do that more i realized there's
- 00:17:24.109 --> 00:17:28.647
- A responsibility that comes with this.
- 00:17:28.647 --> 00:17:31.583
- 1 timothy 3:1 says, "it's a trustworthy statement if a man
- 00:17:31.583 --> 00:17:35.020
- Aspires to the role of overseer (or a preacher/ teacher).
- 00:17:35.020 --> 00:17:38.223
- It's a fine work he desires to do."
- 00:17:38.223 --> 00:17:41.326
- So it's a good thing.
- 00:17:41.326 --> 00:17:42.694
- If god has called you to do this sort of thing, that's great.
- 00:17:42.694 --> 00:17:45.397
- Make sure you're prepared.
- 00:17:45.397 --> 00:17:47.433
- And when i stand up, i wanna be prepared and be able to back up
- 00:17:47.433 --> 00:17:51.303
- What i say by the scripture.
- 00:17:51.303 --> 00:17:54.339
- That's why the bible says, "study to show yourself
- 00:17:54.339 --> 00:17:57.142
- Approved unto god.
- 00:17:57.142 --> 00:17:58.477
- A workman that does not need to be ashamed,
- 00:17:58.477 --> 00:18:00.312
- Rightly dividing the word of truth."
- 00:18:00.312 --> 00:18:02.748
- You know, people have asked me, what is it like to stand up
- 00:18:02.748 --> 00:18:05.017
- In a stadium and speak to a huge group of people?
- 00:18:05.017 --> 00:18:08.554
- Is it fun?
- 00:18:08.554 --> 00:18:10.722
- I wouldn't use the word fun, i would use the word pressure
- 00:18:10.722 --> 00:18:16.195
- And responsibility 'cause i feel when i get up there,
- 00:18:16.195 --> 00:18:19.998
- I'm speaking for god, i take that very seriously.
- 00:18:19.998 --> 00:18:23.268
- I don't wanna say the wrong thing, i wanna say the right
- 00:18:23.268 --> 00:18:26.438
- Thing because god has not called me to be some kind
- 00:18:26.438 --> 00:18:29.808
- Of a political pundit, he's not called me to be a social
- 00:18:29.808 --> 00:18:33.312
- Commentator, he's not called me to be a life coach
- 00:18:33.312 --> 00:18:37.616
- Or a standup comic, though i'm incredibly funny at times.
- 00:18:37.616 --> 00:18:42.121
- Not today so much, and i'm joking.
- 00:18:42.121 --> 00:18:45.591
- But the fact is, i'm called to declare the word of god and the
- 00:18:45.591 --> 00:18:51.196
- Scripture says, "when we stand to speak in 1 peter 4:11, "we
- 00:18:51.196 --> 00:18:55.467
- Should do so as one who speaks the very words of god."
- 00:18:55.467 --> 00:18:58.337
- It's a sacred responsibility and i take it very seriously
- 00:18:58.337 --> 00:19:02.541
- And we all should.
- 00:19:02.541 --> 00:19:04.209
- Bringing me to my next point.
- 00:19:04.209 --> 00:19:05.944
- Number seven; use your words to build up, not to tear down.
- 00:19:05.944 --> 00:19:10.883
- Use your words to build up, not to tear down.
- 00:19:10.883 --> 00:19:13.519
- Verse 8 of james 3.
- 00:19:13.519 --> 00:19:15.454
- The tongue is restless and evil, full of deadly poison.
- 00:19:15.454 --> 00:19:19.758
- Sometimes it praises our lord and father, sometimes it curses
- 00:19:19.758 --> 00:19:22.995
- Those who've been made in the image of god.
- 00:19:22.995 --> 00:19:26.632
- How important encouragement is.
- 00:19:26.632 --> 00:19:29.501
- Have you ever had a word of encouragement
- 00:19:29.501 --> 00:19:31.370
- Just change things for you?
- 00:19:31.370 --> 00:19:33.438
- Maybe you're feeling down, "oh, no one appreciates what i do.
- 00:19:33.438 --> 00:19:37.776
- No one notices, no one cares."
- 00:19:37.776 --> 00:19:40.245
- And then maybe a letter arrives that was written, you know,
- 00:19:40.245 --> 00:19:42.981
- Three days ago and you open it up, someone encourages you.
- 00:19:42.981 --> 00:19:46.585
- Or they shoot you a text, or someone says something to you,
- 00:19:46.585 --> 00:19:49.588
- Say, "thank you, i really needed that."
- 00:19:49.588 --> 00:19:52.724
- Proverbs 25:25 says, "good news from far away as like cold water
- 00:19:52.724 --> 00:19:57.629
- To the thirsty."
- 00:19:57.629 --> 00:19:59.898
- I think one of the greatest needs in the church today
- 00:19:59.898 --> 00:20:03.802
- And in the world today, is for us to encourage one another.
- 00:20:03.802 --> 00:20:08.574
- Not discourage one another,
- 00:20:08.574 --> 00:20:11.810
- Not biding and devouring one another.
- 00:20:11.810 --> 00:20:15.447
- In fact, hebrews tells us that "we should not forsake the
- 00:20:15.447 --> 00:20:19.885
- Assembling of ourselves together as a manner of some is,
- 00:20:19.885 --> 00:20:23.088
- But instead exhorting or encouraging one another
- 00:20:23.088 --> 00:20:26.992
- So much more as we see the day of the lord approaching."
- 00:20:26.992 --> 00:20:31.496
- The problem is some people don't know how to pay a compliment.
- 00:20:31.496 --> 00:20:35.100
- They insult you while they compliment you.
- 00:20:35.100 --> 00:20:38.470
- Do you know what i'm talking about?
- 00:20:38.470 --> 00:20:39.805
- It's called a compli-sult.
- 00:20:39.805 --> 00:20:42.874
- It's meant to encourage but actually it discourages you.
- 00:20:42.874 --> 00:20:48.313
- Example, you know, you show up at their house and they say,
- 00:20:48.313 --> 00:20:51.750
- "whoa, you're on time."
- 00:20:51.750 --> 00:20:53.452
- "okay, so you're basically saying,
- 00:20:53.452 --> 00:20:56.722
- I'm late the rest of the time."
- 00:20:56.722 --> 00:20:59.391
- Or how about this one?
- 00:20:59.391 --> 00:21:00.792
- "you're a great driver for a woman."
- 00:21:00.792 --> 00:21:03.495
- What?
- 00:21:03.495 --> 00:21:04.896
- How about this one?
- 00:21:04.896 --> 00:21:06.798
- "you look so good when you wear makeup."
- 00:21:06.798 --> 00:21:09.368
- "what? what are you saying?"
- 00:21:09.368 --> 00:21:12.271
- You basically look bad most of the time, but yeah.
- 00:21:12.271 --> 00:21:15.340
- "oh, you sure clean up good."
- 00:21:15.340 --> 00:21:17.209
- That's a variation of it.
- 00:21:17.209 --> 00:21:18.877
- "you're so pretty.
- 00:21:18.877 --> 00:21:20.746
- Why are you still single?"
- 00:21:20.746 --> 00:21:22.481
- What? is that really helpful?
- 00:21:22.481 --> 00:21:24.349
- Or how about this one? "you look good for your age."
- 00:21:24.349 --> 00:21:28.487
- I've heard that a few times.
- 00:21:28.487 --> 00:21:30.522
- Recently i went to the tailor.
- 00:21:30.522 --> 00:21:32.224
- I was wearing a suit and i needed
- 00:21:32.224 --> 00:21:35.027
- To have some alterations done.
- 00:21:35.027 --> 00:21:37.529
- I would like to say to take it in, it was the opposite.
- 00:21:37.529 --> 00:21:40.732
- And so we're chitchatting and i've known this guy
- 00:21:40.732 --> 00:21:44.102
- For a while and he says, "well, what's new?"
- 00:21:44.102 --> 00:21:46.672
- "well, i turned 70."
- 00:21:46.672 --> 00:21:48.006
- He said, "what?
- 00:21:48.006 --> 00:21:49.541
- You turned 70?"
- 00:21:49.541 --> 00:21:51.310
- And like, "well, i didn't say i died."
- 00:21:51.310 --> 00:21:53.645
- I mean, and then he said, "well, you look good for your age."
- 00:21:53.645 --> 00:21:57.049
- I mean, i'd call you at like 68 or something.
- 00:21:57.049 --> 00:21:59.751
- All right, whatever.
- 00:21:59.751 --> 00:22:03.221
- Compli-sults, we don't mean them.
- 00:22:03.221 --> 00:22:06.091
- I think some people think they have the gift of criticism,
- 00:22:06.091 --> 00:22:09.361
- It's not a gift.
- 00:22:09.361 --> 00:22:11.663
- Number eight; we should use our words to praise god.
- 00:22:11.663 --> 00:22:16.134
- Why did god give us this tongue?
- 00:22:16.134 --> 00:22:18.503
- Why did god give us the ability to verbally communicate?
- 00:22:18.503 --> 00:22:22.174
- One of the reasons is so we could use it to bring glory
- 00:22:22.174 --> 00:22:26.845
- To the lord.
- 00:22:26.845 --> 00:22:28.880
- I love the words of david when he says, "my lips shall praise
- 00:22:28.880 --> 00:22:31.616
- Thee thus will i bless thee.
- 00:22:31.616 --> 00:22:34.486
- I'll lift up my hands and to your name."
- 00:22:34.486 --> 00:22:37.122
- You need to express your praise to god verbally.
- 00:22:37.122 --> 00:22:40.959
- Just as you need to express your affirmation of people.
- 00:22:40.959 --> 00:22:44.629
- Guys, it's not enough to look at your wife and think, "i sure
- 00:22:44.629 --> 00:22:49.368
- Love her and she looks beautiful today."
- 00:22:49.368 --> 00:22:51.670
- She's not a mind reader.
- 00:22:51.670 --> 00:22:54.039
- Tell her, same for you girls too.
- 00:22:54.039 --> 00:22:55.774
- Tell your husband you appreciate them.
- 00:22:55.774 --> 00:22:57.909
- Tell your parents you appreciate them.
- 00:22:57.909 --> 00:22:59.978
- Tell your children how much you love them, encourage them.
- 00:22:59.978 --> 00:23:03.415
- Verbalize these things and we need to verbalize
- 00:23:03.415 --> 00:23:06.852
- Our praise to god.
- 00:23:06.852 --> 00:23:08.653
- Hebrews 13:15 says, "let us offer continually the sacrifice
- 00:23:08.653 --> 00:23:13.191
- Of praise to god."
- 00:23:13.191 --> 00:23:15.794
- Now some people say, "i can't do that."
- 00:23:15.794 --> 00:23:18.330
- You know, during worship, you've got your hands in your pockets
- 00:23:18.330 --> 00:23:20.866
- Or your arms are folded.
- 00:23:20.866 --> 00:23:23.068
- You're not singing even though we put lyrics on screens
- 00:23:23.068 --> 00:23:26.605
- And we encourage you to worship and look at someone
- 00:23:26.605 --> 00:23:29.107
- With their hands lifted up.
- 00:23:29.107 --> 00:23:30.442
- You say, "fanatic."
- 00:23:30.442 --> 00:23:32.444
- And then you go to the football game and you paint your face
- 00:23:32.444 --> 00:23:36.181
- In the colors of your team.
- 00:23:36.181 --> 00:23:38.683
- And when your team scores a touchdown, you flip out,
- 00:23:38.683 --> 00:23:42.654
- Screaming, yelling, setting yourself on fire, everything.
- 00:23:42.654 --> 00:23:46.825
- And then you look at someone who lifts one hand to the lord
- 00:23:46.825 --> 00:23:49.261
- And you call him a fanatic?
- 00:23:49.261 --> 00:23:51.563
- Come on now.
- 00:23:51.563 --> 00:23:52.998
- You have passion for other things, right?
- 00:23:52.998 --> 00:23:57.536
- You should not have equal passion for christ, you should
- 00:24:00.038 --> 00:24:02.941
- Have greater passion for christ than your team, right?
- 00:24:02.941 --> 00:24:07.045
- So use your words to praise god.
- 00:24:07.045 --> 00:24:10.282
- Number nine; use your tongue,
- 00:24:10.282 --> 00:24:13.485
- Use your words to preach the gospel.
- 00:24:13.485 --> 00:24:16.288
- The primary way god has chosen to bring non-believers to faith
- 00:24:16.288 --> 00:24:20.192
- Is through the verbal articulation of the gospel.
- 00:24:20.192 --> 00:24:24.963
- We all know the great commission.
- 00:24:24.963 --> 00:24:26.965
- It's go into all the world and be a good example, right?
- 00:24:26.965 --> 00:24:30.836
- That's not what it is. you know what it is?
- 00:24:30.836 --> 00:24:33.805
- Go into all the world and do what?
- 00:24:33.805 --> 00:24:36.041
- Thank you.
- 00:24:36.041 --> 00:24:37.409
- And by the way, to preach doesn't mean you have to yell.
- 00:24:37.409 --> 00:24:39.845
- It can be soft.
- 00:24:39.845 --> 00:24:41.913
- You can speak softly, you can tweet it, you can type it,
- 00:24:41.913 --> 00:24:44.783
- You can post it, you can text it, you can share it
- 00:24:44.783 --> 00:24:47.419
- Conversationally but it's verbal articulation of the gospel.
- 00:24:47.419 --> 00:24:52.157
- Now, i'm not saying we should not go be a good example
- 00:24:52.157 --> 00:24:55.694
- Because the fact of the matter is, is when i'm a good example,
- 00:24:55.694 --> 00:24:58.396
- It in effect earns me the right to verbally articulate
- 00:24:58.396 --> 00:25:02.400
- What i believe and help a person to believe as well.
- 00:25:02.400 --> 00:25:06.238
- But in romans 10:14, paul writes, "how can they call on
- 00:25:06.238 --> 00:25:09.541
- Him unless they believe in him?
- 00:25:09.541 --> 00:25:11.109
- How can they believe in him if they've never heard about him?
- 00:25:11.109 --> 00:25:15.146
- And how could they hear about him unless someone tells them?"
- 00:25:15.146 --> 00:25:20.151
- You wanna use your words in your tongue
- 00:25:20.151 --> 00:25:22.821
- For the ultimate good--?
- 00:25:22.821 --> 00:25:24.256
- Use it to praise god and use it to tell others about jesus.
- 00:25:24.256 --> 00:25:29.160
- And number 10 and lastly; use your words to confess your sin.
- 00:25:29.160 --> 00:25:34.699
- Use your words to confess your sin.
- 00:25:34.699 --> 00:25:37.068
- The bible says, "if we say we have no sin, we deceive
- 00:25:37.068 --> 00:25:40.305
- Ourselves and the truth is not in us, but if we will confess
- 00:25:40.305 --> 00:25:44.676
- Our sin, he is faithful and just to forgive us our sin
- 00:25:44.676 --> 00:25:49.180
- And cleanse us from all unrighteousness."
- 00:25:49.180 --> 00:25:53.251
- Greg: have you watched the news lately?
- 00:25:57.122 --> 00:25:58.623
- It seems like the world is coming apart.
- 00:25:58.623 --> 00:26:01.560
- War in the middle east, instability all around us.
- 00:26:01.560 --> 00:26:05.597
- And i'm telling you right now, the bible predicted these things
- 00:26:05.597 --> 00:26:08.967
- Would happen in the last days.
- 00:26:08.967 --> 00:26:10.869
- But here's what you need to remember.
- 00:26:10.869 --> 00:26:12.637
- Jesus said, "when you see these things begin to happen, look up,
- 00:26:12.637 --> 00:26:17.042
- For your redemption is drawing near."
- 00:26:17.042 --> 00:26:19.044
- He didn't say, "freak out."
- 00:26:19.044 --> 00:26:20.478
- He said, "look up."
- 00:26:20.478 --> 00:26:22.881
- I want you to know that i've read the last page of the bible,
- 00:26:22.881 --> 00:26:25.884
- And we win in the end.
- 00:26:25.884 --> 00:26:27.619
- We need hope in this crazy, hopeless world, in this world
- 00:26:27.619 --> 00:26:31.556
- Of chaos and confusion.
- 00:26:31.556 --> 00:26:33.325
- Jesus christ has everything you're looking for
- 00:26:33.325 --> 00:26:37.062
- In a relationship with him.
- 00:26:37.062 --> 00:26:39.464
- I encourage you to call out to the lord and ask him
- 00:26:39.464 --> 00:26:43.535
- To come into your life.
- 00:26:43.535 --> 00:26:45.203
- Let me send you, at no charge, a bible to help you get started
- 00:26:45.203 --> 00:26:50.275
- In your new relationship with christ.
- 00:26:50.275 --> 00:26:53.812
- Greg: i'm excited to announce that here at harvest
- 00:26:57.882 --> 00:27:00.218
- We partnered with our friends at freewill.
- 00:27:00.218 --> 00:27:03.722
- Freewill is an easy to use estate planning tool
- 00:27:03.722 --> 00:27:06.524
- That allows you to make planned gifts to organizations
- 00:27:06.524 --> 00:27:09.728
- Of your choice.
- 00:27:09.728 --> 00:27:11.196
- It's a creative opportunity to support the work we're doing
- 00:27:11.196 --> 00:27:14.432
- Here at harvest ministries.
- 00:27:14.432 --> 00:27:16.134
- So as you make your plans, i hope you'll consider
- 00:27:16.134 --> 00:27:19.004
- Investing in this ministry so we can continue
- 00:27:19.004 --> 00:27:22.040
- To preach the gospel and teach the word of god
- 00:27:22.040 --> 00:27:24.676
- For years to come.
- 00:27:24.676 --> 00:27:26.011
- You can learn more at
- 00:27:26.011 --> 00:27:29.948