Join Pastor Greg Laurie for a time of encouragement, worship, and Bible study.
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Harvest with Pastor Greg Laurie | Greg Laurie - Things Jesus Never Said | January 7, 2025
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- 00:00:00.633 --> 00:00:01.333
- Greg laurie: you wanna be a happy person?
- 00:00:05.137 --> 00:00:06.338
- Don't chase happiness; chase after god.
- 00:00:06.472 --> 00:00:10.175
- Live a holy life, and you'll be a happy person.
- 00:00:10.275 --> 00:00:13.479
- Happiness is based on what you do, keeping god's word.
- 00:00:13.612 --> 00:00:16.849
- It's also based on what you don't do.
- 00:00:16.982 --> 00:00:19.018
- ♪ this is the day ♪
- 00:00:21.954 --> 00:00:24.123
- ♪ the day when life begins ♪
- 00:00:24.123 --> 00:00:28.227
- ♪ this is the day ♪
- 00:00:29.194 --> 00:00:31.864
- ♪ the day when life begins ♪♪
- 00:00:31.864 --> 00:00:36.001
- Greg: you know, there are certain things we all
- 00:00:39.838 --> 00:00:41.373
- Believe to be true because we've heard them forever.
- 00:00:41.373 --> 00:00:44.877
- They're called old wives' fables or old wives' tales.
- 00:00:44.877 --> 00:00:50.049
- And i'm sorry if you're an old wife, no offense,
- 00:00:50.049 --> 00:00:53.452
- But that's what we call them.
- 00:00:53.452 --> 00:00:55.120
- And--like, here's one: if you drop food on the floor and pick
- 00:00:55.120 --> 00:00:59.224
- It up before five seconds, it's okay, right?
- 00:00:59.224 --> 00:01:03.062
- Often called the five-second rule.
- 00:01:03.062 --> 00:01:05.764
- Is that true?
- 00:01:05.764 --> 00:01:07.366
- No, because bacteria immediately transfers to food.
- 00:01:07.366 --> 00:01:12.905
- Here's another one: you can't go swimming after you've eaten
- 00:01:12.905 --> 00:01:16.475
- Or you'll get cramps and maybe even drown.
- 00:01:16.475 --> 00:01:19.411
- Again, that is simply not true.
- 00:01:19.411 --> 00:01:22.448
- Doctors at duke health say that science behind
- 00:01:22.448 --> 00:01:25.884
- This tall tale is all wet.
- 00:01:25.884 --> 00:01:28.187
- Okay, so, now there are things we hear about god or the bible;
- 00:01:28.187 --> 00:01:32.624
- We're told the bible says this, and they're not really
- 00:01:32.624 --> 00:01:36.528
- In the bible.
- 00:01:36.528 --> 00:01:37.863
- Here's one you've probably heard: god helps those
- 00:01:37.863 --> 00:01:40.766
- Who help themselves.
- 00:01:40.766 --> 00:01:42.634
- The good book tells us that.
- 00:01:42.634 --> 00:01:44.069
- Actually, the good book does not tell you that.
- 00:01:44.069 --> 00:01:47.272
- Now, i don't completely disagree with the sentiment of
- 00:01:47.272 --> 00:01:50.676
- The statement, god helps those who help themselves.
- 00:01:50.676 --> 00:01:53.512
- You might be saying that you're a teenager, you need to go get
- 00:01:53.512 --> 00:01:56.148
- A job now and be responsible and--because god helps those
- 00:01:56.148 --> 00:02:00.752
- Who help themselves.
- 00:02:00.752 --> 00:02:02.121
- Well, that's probably not the one, the thing to say;
- 00:02:02.121 --> 00:02:04.223
- You can say it, just don't say the bible says it.
- 00:02:04.223 --> 00:02:06.825
- A better verse would be, the bible says, if you don't work,
- 00:02:06.825 --> 00:02:09.695
- You won't eat, so get a job.
- 00:02:09.695 --> 00:02:11.396
- There you go.
- 00:02:11.396 --> 00:02:12.898
- Actually, if you were to take this concept, god helps those
- 00:02:12.898 --> 00:02:16.168
- Who help themselves, the truth would be god helps those
- 00:02:16.168 --> 00:02:19.872
- Who can't help themselves.
- 00:02:19.872 --> 00:02:22.207
- God helps those who need his help.
- 00:02:22.207 --> 00:02:25.144
- And so the opposite is actually true.
- 00:02:25.144 --> 00:02:27.846
- Here's another one: the bible says,
- 00:02:27.846 --> 00:02:31.450
- "cleanliness is next to godliness."
- 00:02:31.450 --> 00:02:33.318
- Nice idea; we quote that one when we want someone
- 00:02:33.318 --> 00:02:37.322
- To take a shower, but that's not in the bible, okay?
- 00:02:37.322 --> 00:02:42.294
- And there are other things that we think are in the bible,
- 00:02:42.294 --> 00:02:45.164
- Or they--we think this is what god feels.
- 00:02:45.164 --> 00:02:46.965
- Here's one: god is angry at me, and he's out to ruin my life.
- 00:02:46.965 --> 00:02:51.970
- Some people believe this, and the very opposite is true.
- 00:02:51.970 --> 00:02:56.108
- Nothing could be further from the truth.
- 00:02:56.108 --> 00:02:59.111
- God is not mad at you--listen, god is mad about you.
- 00:02:59.111 --> 00:03:04.750
- If there's one thing that's clear in the bible from genesis
- 00:03:04.750 --> 00:03:07.653
- To revelation, it is this: god loves you.
- 00:03:07.653 --> 00:03:11.089
- He loves you, the bible says, "with an everlasting love,
- 00:03:11.089 --> 00:03:14.860
- Therefore, with loving kindness, he has drawn you."
- 00:03:14.860 --> 00:03:18.197
- 1 john says, "god is love."
- 00:03:18.197 --> 00:03:20.866
- "for god so loved the world," jesus said, "he gave his
- 00:03:20.866 --> 00:03:25.237
- Only begotten son, and whoever believes in him will not perish
- 00:03:25.237 --> 00:03:28.907
- But have everlasting life."
- 00:03:28.907 --> 00:03:30.275
- 1 john 3:1 says, "behold, what manner of love the father is
- 00:03:30.275 --> 00:03:34.446
- Given unto us, that we should be called the children of god."
- 00:03:34.446 --> 00:03:39.218
- So god loves you.
- 00:03:39.218 --> 00:03:41.119
- Here's another one we hear people say:
- 00:03:41.119 --> 00:03:44.156
- Just follow your heart.
- 00:03:44.156 --> 00:03:45.857
- Other variations on this are: the heart wants what it wants.
- 00:03:45.857 --> 00:03:51.296
- What does that even mean?
- 00:03:51.296 --> 00:03:53.098
- The heart wants what it wants, so i'm gonna do this thing,
- 00:03:53.098 --> 00:03:56.235
- And i know you might think it's wrong, but the heart wants
- 00:03:56.235 --> 00:03:59.805
- What it wants.
- 00:03:59.805 --> 00:04:01.139
- Listen to your heart, and you will find the truth.
- 00:04:01.139 --> 00:04:03.976
- So, in our modern culture, we would think of heart
- 00:04:03.976 --> 00:04:07.679
- As our emotion.
- 00:04:07.679 --> 00:04:09.414
- You know, if someone is not emotional, we might say
- 00:04:09.414 --> 00:04:12.117
- They're heartless.
- 00:04:12.117 --> 00:04:13.585
- If someone is too emotional, we might say, "well, they wear
- 00:04:13.585 --> 00:04:16.555
- Their heart on their sleeve."
- 00:04:16.555 --> 00:04:19.191
- And then, if someone doesn't care, we say, "hey, man,
- 00:04:19.191 --> 00:04:21.460
- Where's your heart?"
- 00:04:21.460 --> 00:04:23.028
- Maybe it's on their sleeve still; i don't know.
- 00:04:23.028 --> 00:04:25.764
- But think of all of the songs written about the heart.
- 00:04:25.764 --> 00:04:28.433
- Bruce springsteen, he had a hungry heart.
- 00:04:28.433 --> 00:04:32.004
- Billy ray cyrus, he had an achy breaky heart, right?
- 00:04:32.004 --> 00:04:36.908
- And tony braxton sang un-break my heart.
- 00:04:36.908 --> 00:04:41.280
- Maybe that's because billy ray gave her an achy breaky heart,
- 00:04:41.280 --> 00:04:44.950
- So she's saying un-break my heart.
- 00:04:44.950 --> 00:04:47.486
- But celine dion sorted it all out, and she said
- 00:04:47.486 --> 00:04:50.822
- The heart goes on, right?
- 00:04:50.822 --> 00:04:52.991
- But what does it even mean when we say follow our heart?
- 00:04:52.991 --> 00:04:55.627
- It basically means, i'm gonna go with my emotion.
- 00:04:55.627 --> 00:04:58.830
- I'm gonna go with the way i'm feeling about this.
- 00:04:58.830 --> 00:05:02.134
- So, should we trust our heart?
- 00:05:02.134 --> 00:05:05.003
- Well, the answer is 'no.'
- 00:05:05.003 --> 00:05:06.605
- Jeremiah 17:9 says, "the heart is deceitful above all things,
- 00:05:06.605 --> 00:05:10.942
- And it's beyond cure: who can understand it?"
- 00:05:10.942 --> 00:05:14.946
- No, i'm not gonna follow my heart because my heart
- 00:05:14.946 --> 00:05:18.650
- Can misdirect me.
- 00:05:18.650 --> 00:05:20.118
- Don't follow your heart; follow god's heart.
- 00:05:20.118 --> 00:05:23.555
- In other words, his will.
- 00:05:23.555 --> 00:05:25.991
- And how do i discover god's will?
- 00:05:25.991 --> 00:05:27.759
- By studying his word.
- 00:05:27.759 --> 00:05:30.228
- And, really, what is prayer?
- 00:05:30.228 --> 00:05:32.564
- Prayer is aligning myself with god's will.
- 00:05:32.564 --> 00:05:36.001
- Jesus said, "if you maintain a living communion with me,
- 00:05:36.001 --> 00:05:39.504
- And my words are at home and you, you can ask it once
- 00:05:39.504 --> 00:05:42.607
- For yourself whatever your heart desires, and it will be yours."
- 00:05:42.607 --> 00:05:46.411
- See, that sounds good, but the idea is, i'm gonna find out
- 00:05:46.411 --> 00:05:49.848
- What god's will is and get in sync with it.
- 00:05:49.848 --> 00:05:53.018
- See, when i'm following the lord as i should,
- 00:05:53.018 --> 00:05:55.354
- My desires will change because my heart has changed.
- 00:05:55.354 --> 00:05:59.991
- And god promises, in ezekiel 36:26,
- 00:05:59.991 --> 00:06:03.328
- "i will give you a new heart,
- 00:06:03.328 --> 00:06:06.064
- And put a new spirit within you."
- 00:06:06.064 --> 00:06:08.500
- So then, as we're reminded in psalm 27:4, excuse me, 37:4,
- 00:06:08.567 --> 00:06:12.971
- "delight yourself in the lord, and he'll give you the desires
- 00:06:12.971 --> 00:06:15.640
- Of your heart."
- 00:06:15.640 --> 00:06:17.109
- So, you get in alignment with god, and now your heart changes,
- 00:06:17.109 --> 00:06:20.011
- And now your prayers change, and everything changes.
- 00:06:20.011 --> 00:06:22.981
- Here's another thing jesus never said: love yourself.
- 00:06:22.981 --> 00:06:27.352
- We need to love ourselves more.
- 00:06:27.352 --> 00:06:30.088
- The bible even says love yourself.
- 00:06:30.088 --> 00:06:32.424
- The bible does not say you need to love yourself.
- 00:06:32.424 --> 00:06:35.827
- No, the bible says, "love your neighbor as yourself."
- 00:06:35.827 --> 00:06:39.564
- Yeah, so what is the bible really saying?
- 00:06:39.564 --> 00:06:41.466
- It's saying, "you already love yourself, that's obvious.
- 00:06:41.466 --> 00:06:44.536
- Can you love your neighbor, too?"
- 00:06:44.536 --> 00:06:46.838
- See, the bible teaches, "i am to love the lord my god with all
- 00:06:46.838 --> 00:06:50.375
- Of my heart, soul, and mind."
- 00:06:50.375 --> 00:06:52.444
- I don't need to learn to love myself.
- 00:06:52.444 --> 00:06:54.813
- I already love myself, and you already love yourself too.
- 00:06:54.813 --> 00:06:58.583
- Sometimes people will say something related to this like,
- 00:06:58.583 --> 00:07:01.620
- "i'm trying to find myself."
- 00:07:01.620 --> 00:07:03.989
- Usually before they do something really stupid, they'll say,
- 00:07:03.989 --> 00:07:06.825
- "i'm just trying to find myself."
- 00:07:06.825 --> 00:07:09.761
- You know what?
- 00:07:09.761 --> 00:07:11.129
- You wanna find yourself?
- 00:07:11.129 --> 00:07:12.464
- Then lose yourself.
- 00:07:12.464 --> 00:07:13.865
- Here's what jesus says, "if any man come after me, let him deny
- 00:07:13.865 --> 00:07:18.069
- Himself and take up the cross and follow me;--" listen--
- 00:07:18.069 --> 00:07:21.440
- "for whoever will lose his life will find it."
- 00:07:21.440 --> 00:07:24.376
- If you wanna find yourself, lose yourself.
- 00:07:24.376 --> 00:07:26.511
- In other words, give your life to christ.
- 00:07:26.511 --> 00:07:28.747
- Here's another one: i deserve to be happy.
- 00:07:28.747 --> 00:07:33.251
- Do you?
- 00:07:33.251 --> 00:07:34.586
- Yes, the bible even says it.
- 00:07:34.586 --> 00:07:36.488
- No, it actually doesn't.
- 00:07:36.488 --> 00:07:38.190
- But i deserve to be happy.
- 00:07:38.190 --> 00:07:40.325
- There's nothing wrong with that.
- 00:07:40.325 --> 00:07:42.561
- Desiring happiness, i think, is prewired in all of us.
- 00:07:42.561 --> 00:07:46.231
- It's not unique to modern times.
- 00:07:46.231 --> 00:07:48.533
- Way back in ad 397 augustine said, "everyone, whatsoever
- 00:07:48.533 --> 00:07:53.638
- His condition, desires to be happy."
- 00:07:53.638 --> 00:07:57.242
- Yes, we want to be happy.
- 00:07:57.242 --> 00:07:58.577
- Here's the problem.
- 00:07:58.577 --> 00:07:59.945
- It's not wrong to be happy; it's not wrong to want to be happy.
- 00:07:59.945 --> 00:08:03.515
- It is wrong when you go about trying to find happiness
- 00:08:03.515 --> 00:08:07.385
- The wrong way.
- 00:08:07.385 --> 00:08:09.454
- Some people say, "well, if i, you know, had a lot of money,
- 00:08:09.454 --> 00:08:12.757
- I'd be happier."
- 00:08:12.757 --> 00:08:14.125
- "if i had fame, i'd be happy."
- 00:08:14.125 --> 00:08:15.527
- "or if i had more power, i'd be happy."
- 00:08:15.527 --> 00:08:17.896
- "or if i drove this, i'd be happy."
- 00:08:17.896 --> 00:08:19.764
- "or if i lived there, i would be happy."
- 00:08:19.764 --> 00:08:22.167
- Or if i use this drug, i'd be happy."
- 00:08:22.167 --> 00:08:24.903
- And it isn't the case.
- 00:08:24.903 --> 00:08:26.771
- When comedian dave chappelle was starting to make millions
- 00:08:26.771 --> 00:08:29.608
- Of dollars, he said he was not happy.
- 00:08:29.608 --> 00:08:32.043
- He said, quote, "the higher up i go, for some reason,
- 00:08:32.043 --> 00:08:35.881
- The less happy i am."
- 00:08:35.881 --> 00:08:37.949
- And that's what people find out.
- 00:08:37.949 --> 00:08:39.851
- Now, look, it's not wrong to want happiness, but don't say
- 00:08:39.851 --> 00:08:42.654
- You deserve it.
- 00:08:42.654 --> 00:08:44.022
- I deserve--no, you don't deserve it.
- 00:08:44.022 --> 00:08:46.057
- You want to be technical, you deserve judgment because
- 00:08:46.057 --> 00:08:49.928
- We've broken god's commandments.
- 00:08:49.928 --> 00:08:52.297
- So don't say to the lord, "give me what i deserve."
- 00:08:52.297 --> 00:08:55.500
- The lord would say, "seriously?
- 00:08:55.500 --> 00:08:57.736
- Maybe we should not go there."
- 00:08:57.736 --> 00:09:00.205
- No, so, you don't deserve to be happy, but there's nothing wrong
- 00:09:00.205 --> 00:09:04.109
- With wanting to be happy.
- 00:09:04.109 --> 00:09:05.710
- I mean, know this, god is happy.
- 00:09:05.710 --> 00:09:08.113
- Did you know that?
- 00:09:08.113 --> 00:09:09.481
- Jesus said, "i've told you this to make you completely happy
- 00:09:09.481 --> 00:09:13.485
- As i am."
- 00:09:13.485 --> 00:09:14.853
- I don't think jesus walked around with a frown on his face
- 00:09:14.853 --> 00:09:19.057
- In perpetual sorrow, though it does say in the bible,
- 00:09:19.057 --> 00:09:21.993
- He was a man of sorrows and acquainted with grief.
- 00:09:21.993 --> 00:09:25.263
- That is referring more to that point where he's bearing
- 00:09:25.263 --> 00:09:28.099
- The sin of the world.
- 00:09:28.099 --> 00:09:29.801
- But i think, in general, jesus was a happy guy.
- 00:09:29.801 --> 00:09:32.771
- I think he had a smile on his face, a spring in his step.
- 00:09:32.771 --> 00:09:36.708
- I think he was someone everyone wanted to be around,
- 00:09:36.708 --> 00:09:40.345
- For the most part.
- 00:09:40.345 --> 00:09:42.047
- So, happy is good; wanting happiness is fine.
- 00:09:42.047 --> 00:09:45.150
- Paul even writes about the good news from the happy god.
- 00:09:45.150 --> 00:09:48.620
- But here's the key: happiness is based on going about it
- 00:09:48.620 --> 00:09:52.524
- In the right way.
- 00:09:52.524 --> 00:09:54.225
- For instance, the bible says, in luke 11:28, "happy are those
- 00:09:54.225 --> 00:09:58.063
- That hear the word of god and keep it."
- 00:09:58.063 --> 00:10:00.632
- You wanna be a happy person?
- 00:10:00.632 --> 00:10:02.000
- Don't chase happiness; chase after god.
- 00:10:02.000 --> 00:10:05.804
- Live a holy life, and you'll be a happy person.
- 00:10:05.804 --> 00:10:09.074
- Happiness is based on what you do, keeping god's word.
- 00:10:09.074 --> 00:10:12.510
- It's also based on what you don't do because psalm 1 says,
- 00:10:12.510 --> 00:10:16.448
- "happy is the man--" or woman-- "that does not walk
- 00:10:16.448 --> 00:10:19.618
- In the counsel of the ungodly, or stand in the way of sinners,
- 00:10:19.618 --> 00:10:22.988
- Or sit in the seat of the scornful.
- 00:10:22.988 --> 00:10:24.656
- But their delight is in the word of the lord."
- 00:10:24.656 --> 00:10:29.094
- So the bible says happy are the people who's god is the lord.
- 00:10:29.094 --> 00:10:33.131
- Greg: i have a boxing glove here signed by manny pacquiao.
- 00:10:36.401 --> 00:10:40.338
- Now, because i own this glove--by the way,
- 00:10:40.338 --> 00:10:43.141
- Manny's a christian--but because i own this glove,
- 00:10:43.141 --> 00:10:45.877
- This does not make me a boxer.
- 00:10:45.877 --> 00:10:48.046
- It makes me someone that owns a glove that belongs
- 00:10:48.046 --> 00:10:50.882
- To a famous boxer.
- 00:10:50.882 --> 00:10:52.584
- I have a football here.
- 00:10:52.584 --> 00:10:54.052
- Owning a football does not make me a quarterback, right?
- 00:10:54.052 --> 00:10:58.123
- And in the same way, owning a bible doesn't make you a
- 00:10:58.123 --> 00:11:01.192
- Christian, it's who you are.
- 00:11:01.192 --> 00:11:03.595
- The bible says, "by their fruit you shall know them."
- 00:11:03.595 --> 00:11:06.698
- My question for you is: if you were arrested for being a
- 00:11:06.698 --> 00:11:10.201
- Christian, would there be enough evidence to convict you?
- 00:11:10.201 --> 00:11:13.772
- By evidence, i don't mean how many bibles you have.
- 00:11:13.772 --> 00:11:16.508
- I have quite a collection of bibles at home,
- 00:11:16.508 --> 00:11:18.743
- Pretty much one for every decade that i've known the lord,
- 00:11:18.743 --> 00:11:22.447
- And i don't throw them away, sometimes i give them away,
- 00:11:22.447 --> 00:11:25.917
- But the point is it's not how many bibles i have,
- 00:11:25.917 --> 00:11:28.153
- It's if the bible has made its way into my heart.
- 00:11:28.153 --> 00:11:31.256
- It's not how you mark your bible,
- 00:11:31.256 --> 00:11:33.191
- It's how your bible marks you.
- 00:11:33.191 --> 00:11:35.694
- It's not even enough to go through the word of god,
- 00:11:35.694 --> 00:11:38.063
- The word of god must go through you.
- 00:11:38.063 --> 00:11:40.965
- The bible says by their fruit you shall know them.
- 00:11:40.965 --> 00:11:43.034
- If people look at your life, your lifestyle,
- 00:11:43.034 --> 00:11:45.970
- Your choices, even your language,
- 00:11:45.970 --> 00:11:48.173
- Can they tell you're a follower of jesus?
- 00:11:48.173 --> 00:11:51.576
- Be someone who's known by their spiritual fruit.
- 00:11:51.576 --> 00:11:54.446
- And don't be someone that pretends to be something you are
- 00:11:54.446 --> 00:11:57.115
- Not, like me pretending i'm a boxer,
- 00:11:57.115 --> 00:12:00.185
- That's called being a poser.
- 00:12:00.185 --> 00:12:01.619
- Don't be a poser.
- 00:12:01.619 --> 00:12:03.054
- Be a follower of jesus christ.
- 00:12:03.054 --> 00:12:05.423
- Greg: we get these cues from culture that tell us
- 00:12:07.726 --> 00:12:10.795
- How to think.
- 00:12:10.795 --> 00:12:12.297
- But the bible is in direct contrast to what
- 00:12:12.297 --> 00:12:15.166
- This world says.
- 00:12:15.166 --> 00:12:16.534
- Let me define this world.
- 00:12:16.534 --> 00:12:18.903
- The bible says, "love not the world, neither the things
- 00:12:18.903 --> 00:12:21.940
- That are in this world; for all that is in the world, the lust
- 00:12:21.940 --> 00:12:25.276
- Of the eyes, the lust of the mind, and the pride of life,
- 00:12:25.276 --> 00:12:29.547
- Is not of the father, but of the world."
- 00:12:29.547 --> 00:12:31.950
- What does that mean?
- 00:12:31.950 --> 00:12:33.384
- You know, sometimes well-meaning but misdirected christians
- 00:12:33.384 --> 00:12:36.821
- Will misinterpret this.
- 00:12:36.821 --> 00:12:38.623
- So, you're enjoying a great burger--
- 00:12:38.623 --> 00:12:40.358
- This is an amazing burger.
- 00:12:40.358 --> 00:12:42.060
- And they say, "love not the world."
- 00:12:42.060 --> 00:12:44.729
- Well, look at that sunset.
- 00:12:44.729 --> 00:12:46.231
- Love not the world.
- 00:12:46.231 --> 00:12:48.166
- That's a misunderstanding.
- 00:12:48.166 --> 00:12:50.702
- The bible, when it speaks of the world, is not speaking
- 00:12:50.702 --> 00:12:53.505
- Of creation; it is speaking of a system, a mentality,
- 00:12:53.505 --> 00:12:58.576
- A way of thinking that permeates everything in culture today.
- 00:12:58.576 --> 00:13:03.148
- It transcends politics; it transcends everything.
- 00:13:03.148 --> 00:13:07.919
- It's in academia; it's in social media; it's in movies;
- 00:13:07.919 --> 00:13:13.024
- It's in television; it's everywhere.
- 00:13:13.024 --> 00:13:15.994
- It's basically the mentality of chasing after whatever makes me
- 00:13:15.994 --> 00:13:20.231
- Happy, the mentality of putting 'me' first, the mentality
- 00:13:20.231 --> 00:13:25.236
- Of living the way that i want to live, with no rules
- 00:13:25.236 --> 00:13:28.039
- Or no restrictions.
- 00:13:28.039 --> 00:13:29.374
- And the one in charge of this mentality is the devil.
- 00:13:29.374 --> 00:13:32.911
- He's called the god of this world, the prince of the power
- 00:13:32.911 --> 00:13:36.815
- Of the air.
- 00:13:36.815 --> 00:13:38.149
- So don't love this world or this culture.
- 00:13:38.149 --> 00:13:41.519
- The bible gives us an opposite way of thinking.
- 00:13:41.519 --> 00:13:44.556
- According to the bible, the way to greatness
- 00:13:44.556 --> 00:13:47.592
- Is through humility.
- 00:13:47.592 --> 00:13:48.927
- The way to life is through death,
- 00:13:48.927 --> 00:13:50.929
- Meaning dying to yourself.
- 00:13:50.929 --> 00:13:52.630
- The way to up is down.
- 00:13:52.630 --> 00:13:54.365
- The way to happiness is sadness, meaning that i'm sorry
- 00:13:54.365 --> 00:13:58.736
- For my sin and i repent of it.
- 00:13:58.736 --> 00:14:00.071
- Now find true happiness.
- 00:14:00.071 --> 00:14:01.639
- The paradox of the christian life is the more we give,
- 00:14:01.639 --> 00:14:04.509
- The more we receive; the more we sacrifice, the more god blesses;
- 00:14:04.509 --> 00:14:09.080
- The more we give, he gives.
- 00:14:09.080 --> 00:14:11.149
- So, if you wanna find your life, lose it by giving it
- 00:14:11.149 --> 00:14:14.352
- To jesus christ.
- 00:14:14.352 --> 00:14:15.687
- If you wanna be great, be humble.
- 00:14:15.687 --> 00:14:18.089
- If you want self, self-fulfillment,
- 00:14:18.089 --> 00:14:21.192
- Seek the fulfillment of others.
- 00:14:21.192 --> 00:14:23.728
- The way to up is down; we need god's wisdom,
- 00:14:23.728 --> 00:14:27.031
- Not this world's wisdom.
- 00:14:27.031 --> 00:14:28.867
- And that's what james talks about in james chapter 3;
- 00:14:28.867 --> 00:14:32.136
- Let's read some verses together, starting in verse 13,
- 00:14:32.136 --> 00:14:35.106
- Reading down to verse 16, "if you're wise
- 00:14:35.106 --> 00:14:37.809
- And you understand god's ways,
- 00:14:37.809 --> 00:14:39.510
- Prove it by living an honorable life, doing good works
- 00:14:39.510 --> 00:14:42.614
- With the humility that comes from wisdom.
- 00:14:42.614 --> 00:14:45.583
- But if you're bitterly jealous and there's selfish ambition in
- 00:14:45.583 --> 00:14:48.987
- Your heart, don't cover up the truth with boasting and lying.
- 00:14:48.987 --> 00:14:53.091
- For jealousy and selfishness are not god's kind of wisdom.
- 00:14:53.091 --> 00:14:57.562
- Such things are earthly, unspiritual, and demonic."
- 00:14:57.562 --> 00:15:01.766
- Verse 16, "wherever there is jealousy and selfish ambition,
- 00:15:01.766 --> 00:15:05.637
- There you will find disorder and evil of every kind."
- 00:15:05.637 --> 00:15:09.674
- Here's some takeaway truths from what we just read.
- 00:15:09.674 --> 00:15:12.310
- If you're taking notes, the first one: we need to live
- 00:15:12.310 --> 00:15:15.747
- Our lives god's way, not the way of this world.
- 00:15:15.747 --> 00:15:19.083
- We need biblical and godly wisdom.
- 00:15:19.083 --> 00:15:23.021
- So james is contrasting the wisdom of this culture and the
- 00:15:23.021 --> 00:15:27.725
- Wisdom that comes from god.
- 00:15:27.725 --> 00:15:31.162
- When young solomon ascended to the throne, after his father
- 00:15:31.162 --> 00:15:35.333
- David had died, the lord appeared to him in a dream.
- 00:15:35.333 --> 00:15:39.537
- And the lord said, "solomon, i'll give you whatever
- 00:15:39.537 --> 00:15:42.373
- You want."
- 00:15:42.373 --> 00:15:43.708
- And i love solomon's request; he said, "lord, give me
- 00:15:43.708 --> 00:15:46.110
- An understanding heart so i can govern your people well
- 00:15:46.110 --> 00:15:49.881
- And know the difference between right and wrong."
- 00:15:49.881 --> 00:15:52.984
- We, too, should pray that prayer.
- 00:15:52.984 --> 00:15:55.219
- Lord, i want to know right from wrong.
- 00:15:55.219 --> 00:15:57.155
- In fact, we're told earlier, in james 1:5,
- 00:15:57.155 --> 00:15:59.357
- "if anyone lacks wisdom, let him ask of god,
- 00:15:59.357 --> 00:16:02.060
- Who gives it generally, and does not hold it back."
- 00:16:02.060 --> 00:16:05.596
- Did you know that god wants to reveal his will to you?
- 00:16:05.663 --> 00:16:09.400
- But you need to pray about it, say lord, "i need wisdom here.
- 00:16:09.400 --> 00:16:13.404
- I need to make the right decision."
- 00:16:13.404 --> 00:16:15.239
- And god cares about all those things you deal with in life.
- 00:16:15.239 --> 00:16:18.476
- He will give you wisdom, but make sure that you ask
- 00:16:18.476 --> 00:16:22.313
- For this wisdom, you know, because you can be smart
- 00:16:22.313 --> 00:16:26.184
- And not necessarily wise.
- 00:16:26.184 --> 00:16:28.753
- There are smart people that do really stupid things.
- 00:16:28.753 --> 00:16:33.124
- I've met people, they have great accomplishments, they have
- 00:16:33.124 --> 00:16:37.428
- The degrees on their wall.
- 00:16:37.428 --> 00:16:38.796
- We would call them intelligent, but they do
- 00:16:38.796 --> 00:16:41.532
- The dumbest things ever.
- 00:16:41.532 --> 00:16:43.368
- Wisdom is different than intelligence.
- 00:16:43.368 --> 00:16:45.903
- Intelligence is acquiring and applying knowledge
- 00:16:45.903 --> 00:16:50.208
- With your skills and life.
- 00:16:50.208 --> 00:16:51.909
- But wisdom is learning from the lessons of life,
- 00:16:51.909 --> 00:16:57.382
- Hopefully acquiring some wisdom.
- 00:16:57.382 --> 00:16:59.784
- But the ultimate source of wisdom is from god and his word
- 00:16:59.784 --> 00:17:03.988
- Where we learn how to think biblically.
- 00:17:03.988 --> 00:17:07.025
- So a lot of times the way i make decisions is not because
- 00:17:07.025 --> 00:17:10.261
- I hear an audible voice from god.
- 00:17:10.261 --> 00:17:12.764
- But i think of a biblical principle, what should we do
- 00:17:12.764 --> 00:17:15.133
- In this situation?
- 00:17:15.133 --> 00:17:16.501
- And then you think of a verse that applies to that,
- 00:17:16.501 --> 00:17:18.336
- And you apply it, and then you make your decision.
- 00:17:18.336 --> 00:17:21.072
- But god wants to give you this wisdom, and jesus put it
- 00:17:21.072 --> 00:17:24.042
- This way; he said, "there are two men that build homes,
- 00:17:24.042 --> 00:17:27.645
- One built his house on the rock; the other built his house
- 00:17:27.645 --> 00:17:30.715
- On the sinking sand."
- 00:17:30.715 --> 00:17:32.083
- And then he says, "and the storms came and beat upon the
- 00:17:32.083 --> 00:17:34.886
- House, and the house that was built upon the sand crumbled.
- 00:17:34.886 --> 00:17:39.290
- And then the same storms came and beat upon the other house
- 00:17:39.290 --> 00:17:42.093
- That was built upon the rock, and it stood strong."
- 00:17:42.093 --> 00:17:44.629
- He says, "therefore, whoever hears these sayings of mine
- 00:17:44.629 --> 00:17:47.899
- And does not do them, he's the foolish man building
- 00:17:47.899 --> 00:17:51.536
- On the sand.
- 00:17:51.536 --> 00:17:52.870
- Whoever hears these sayings of mine and does them, he's the
- 00:17:52.870 --> 00:17:55.339
- Wise man--" or woman--"building his house on the rock."
- 00:17:55.339 --> 00:17:58.810
- We choose what kind of wisdom we're gonna have.
- 00:17:58.810 --> 00:18:02.280
- Are we gonna be wise, or are we gonna be a fool?
- 00:18:02.280 --> 00:18:05.349
- Because wisdom is known by its actions.
- 00:18:05.349 --> 00:18:08.619
- Look at verse 13 of james 3, "if you're wise in understanding
- 00:18:08.619 --> 00:18:11.856
- God's ways, prove it by living an honorable life, good works,
- 00:18:11.856 --> 00:18:16.294
- And the humility that comes from wisdom."
- 00:18:16.294 --> 00:18:18.729
- If you're really a godly person, if you're really a wise person,
- 00:18:18.729 --> 00:18:22.967
- You will live a godly life.
- 00:18:22.967 --> 00:18:25.803
- Otherwise, i'm gonna doubt your wisdom.
- 00:18:25.803 --> 00:18:28.873
- And, also, you use it with humility.
- 00:18:28.873 --> 00:18:32.710
- You know, one of the problems of getting older is you just think
- 00:18:32.710 --> 00:18:35.346
- You know everything, right?
- 00:18:35.346 --> 00:18:37.982
- And you become the know it all.
- 00:18:37.982 --> 00:18:40.151
- So you're sitting maybe at a table with some young people,
- 00:18:40.151 --> 00:18:42.920
- And they say something.
- 00:18:42.920 --> 00:18:44.288
- You cut them off, "that's wrong.
- 00:18:44.288 --> 00:18:45.823
- Let me set you straight."
- 00:18:45.823 --> 00:18:47.325
- No one wants to hang out with you.
- 00:18:47.325 --> 00:18:50.128
- I mean, you might even be technically correct,
- 00:18:50.128 --> 00:18:52.997
- But it's the way you do it.
- 00:18:52.997 --> 00:18:54.999
- You should have humility.
- 00:18:54.999 --> 00:18:56.367
- You might even learn something from some young people
- 00:18:56.367 --> 00:18:58.503
- If you pay attention.
- 00:18:58.503 --> 00:19:00.204
- Learn to be a good listener.
- 00:19:00.204 --> 00:19:01.906
- And then, when people want to hear your wisdom, you can
- 00:19:01.906 --> 00:19:04.175
- Dispense it from your little pedestal you carry around
- 00:19:04.175 --> 00:19:07.812
- With you.
- 00:19:07.812 --> 00:19:10.615
- But true wisdom is humble.
- 00:19:10.615 --> 00:19:13.851
- Here's another thing: true wisdom is known
- 00:19:13.851 --> 00:19:16.220
- By its good fruit.
- 00:19:16.220 --> 00:19:17.722
- Look at verse 17, "the wisdom from above is pure, peace
- 00:19:17.722 --> 00:19:22.126
- Loving, gentle at all times, willing to yield to others.
- 00:19:22.126 --> 00:19:25.663
- It's full of mercy and the fruit of good deeds.
- 00:19:25.663 --> 00:19:28.299
- It shows no favoritism and is always sincere.
- 00:19:28.299 --> 00:19:31.502
- And those who are peacemakers will plant seeds of peace
- 00:19:31.502 --> 00:19:34.739
- And reap a harvest of righteousness."
- 00:19:34.739 --> 00:19:37.742
- God's wisdom is pure.
- 00:19:37.742 --> 00:19:40.344
- This speaks of moral purity.
- 00:19:40.344 --> 00:19:42.380
- If you're a wise person, you'll be a pure person in every way.
- 00:19:42.380 --> 00:19:48.452
- But also, notice it says, verse 17,
- 00:19:48.452 --> 00:19:52.423
- "willing to yield to others."
- 00:19:52.423 --> 00:19:54.492
- You don't have to win every argument.
- 00:19:54.492 --> 00:19:57.128
- You don't have to dominate every conversation.
- 00:19:57.128 --> 00:20:00.731
- And this is true wisdom that's willing to yield to others.
- 00:20:00.731 --> 00:20:04.835
- You know, sometimes you just say, "i'll just concede
- 00:20:04.835 --> 00:20:08.272
- That to you right now.
- 00:20:08.272 --> 00:20:09.607
- We don't need to have a big conflict."
- 00:20:09.607 --> 00:20:10.942
- You know, sometimes people take knowledge, and even wisdom,
- 00:20:10.942 --> 00:20:14.946
- And they weaponize it.
- 00:20:14.946 --> 00:20:16.414
- And by that i mean, they take something that they know
- 00:20:16.414 --> 00:20:19.350
- That may or may not be right, and they use it to beat others,
- 00:20:19.350 --> 00:20:23.721
- To knock others down, to tear others down.
- 00:20:23.721 --> 00:20:26.991
- And then it comes to a point where i don't even care
- 00:20:26.991 --> 00:20:29.126
- If you're right; i just don't like the way you do it,
- 00:20:29.126 --> 00:20:32.563
- The way that you hurt other people with what you know.
- 00:20:32.563 --> 00:20:36.100
- A wise person is not so arrogant to think
- 00:20:36.100 --> 00:20:39.070
- They can't learn something.
- 00:20:39.070 --> 00:20:40.838
- So what does it say?
- 00:20:40.838 --> 00:20:42.206
- It says you should be a peacemaker.
- 00:20:42.206 --> 00:20:44.475
- Learn to be a peacemaker, not a troublemaker.
- 00:20:44.475 --> 00:20:48.145
- Learn how to be a bridge builder instead of a bridge burner.
- 00:20:48.145 --> 00:20:52.550
- Be a stumbling--a stepping stone instead of a stumbling block.
- 00:20:52.550 --> 00:20:56.754
- Don't be that person that walks in the room, and everyone goes,
- 00:20:56.754 --> 00:20:59.090
- "oh, boy, here we go," you know.
- 00:20:59.090 --> 00:21:00.491
- Don't be that person.
- 00:21:00.491 --> 00:21:02.326
- Be the one who's full of compassion, the one who will
- 00:21:02.326 --> 00:21:05.496
- Give their wisdom when the moment is right, the one
- 00:21:05.496 --> 00:21:08.933
- Who learns to listen, the one who builds the bridges.
- 00:21:08.933 --> 00:21:12.169
- Okay, one last thought, things jesus never said.
- 00:21:12.169 --> 00:21:17.174
- Jesus never said, if you live a good life,
- 00:21:17.174 --> 00:21:19.543
- You will go to heaven.
- 00:21:19.543 --> 00:21:21.846
- It's amazing to me how even some christians believe this.
- 00:21:21.846 --> 00:21:24.882
- They believe that, if their good deeds outweigh their bad deeds,
- 00:21:24.882 --> 00:21:28.452
- God will let them into heaven.
- 00:21:28.452 --> 00:21:30.388
- That's wrong because the bible says, "it's not by works
- 00:21:30.388 --> 00:21:33.824
- Of righteousness, which we have done, but according
- 00:21:33.824 --> 00:21:35.993
- To his mercy, he saved us."
- 00:21:35.993 --> 00:21:38.095
- And ephesians said, "for by grace, you've been saved
- 00:21:38.095 --> 00:21:40.431
- Through faith, not of works lest any man should boast."
- 00:21:40.431 --> 00:21:43.067
- Let's just play that out.
- 00:21:43.067 --> 00:21:44.402
- Let's just, for the sake of a point, say, it's true;
- 00:21:44.402 --> 00:21:48.806
- If your good deeds outweigh your bad deeds, god will let you
- 00:21:48.806 --> 00:21:52.143
- Into heaven, okay?
- 00:21:52.143 --> 00:21:53.978
- Have your good deeds outweighed your bad deeds?
- 00:21:53.978 --> 00:21:56.947
- I don't think so.
- 00:21:56.947 --> 00:21:58.683
- So, even your own argument is failing, and that's not to even
- 00:21:58.683 --> 00:22:02.053
- Mention it's not true to begin with.
- 00:22:02.053 --> 00:22:04.955
- Because we've all fallen short of god's glory.
- 00:22:04.955 --> 00:22:07.224
- Let's, let me say something that may surprise you.
- 00:22:07.224 --> 00:22:09.694
- There's gonna be some, quote, bad people in heaven,
- 00:22:09.694 --> 00:22:14.632
- And there's gonna be some, quote, good people in hell.
- 00:22:14.632 --> 00:22:19.136
- Does that make sense?
- 00:22:19.136 --> 00:22:20.705
- There'll be bad people in heaven.
- 00:22:20.705 --> 00:22:22.406
- What do you mean?
- 00:22:22.406 --> 00:22:23.741
- I thought heaven was for good people.
- 00:22:23.741 --> 00:22:25.109
- No, heaven is for forgiven people.
- 00:22:25.109 --> 00:22:27.878
- How about that guy, right?
- 00:22:27.878 --> 00:22:33.884
- How about that guy who was crucified next to jesus?
- 00:22:33.884 --> 00:22:36.620
- We call him the thief on the cross.
- 00:22:36.620 --> 00:22:38.889
- I think he was guilty of a far worse crime than theft.
- 00:22:38.889 --> 00:22:42.059
- The romans didn't crucify thieves, but they did
- 00:22:42.059 --> 00:22:45.296
- Crucify murderers.
- 00:22:45.296 --> 00:22:47.365
- He probably had murdered people.
- 00:22:47.365 --> 00:22:49.934
- But, whatever his sin or crime was, he was crucified
- 00:22:49.934 --> 00:22:54.238
- Next to jesus.
- 00:22:54.238 --> 00:22:55.573
- And he said, "lord, remember me when you come
- 00:22:55.573 --> 00:22:57.875
- Into your kingdom."
- 00:22:57.875 --> 00:22:59.243
- And jesus turned to him and said, "you're gonna have to do
- 00:22:59.243 --> 00:23:01.579
- A lot of good works really quickly," right?
- 00:23:01.579 --> 00:23:05.349
- No, don't read that in the bible.
- 00:23:05.349 --> 00:23:08.319
- Jesus said, "truly, truly, i say to you, today you will be
- 00:23:08.319 --> 00:23:12.723
- With me in paradise."
- 00:23:12.723 --> 00:23:14.358
- I mean, how amazing is that?
- 00:23:14.358 --> 00:23:15.826
- And i tell you, that was what you call a deathbed conversion.
- 00:23:15.826 --> 00:23:19.497
- And i have prayed with people on their death beds and seen them
- 00:23:19.497 --> 00:23:23.434
- Come to christ, people that had their heart hardened against god
- 00:23:23.434 --> 00:23:28.239
- For all of their life, but, literally, on their deathbed,
- 00:23:28.239 --> 00:23:32.343
- They realize their need for jesus.
- 00:23:32.343 --> 00:23:34.111
- And what a joy it is to pray with someone and lead them
- 00:23:34.111 --> 00:23:37.581
- To christ and then say, in the authority of scripture,
- 00:23:37.581 --> 00:23:40.618
- "you're going to heaven."
- 00:23:40.618 --> 00:23:42.253
- How gracious god is.
- 00:23:42.253 --> 00:23:44.355
- Yeah, so there'll be bad people in heaven, so to speak, and
- 00:23:44.355 --> 00:23:47.892
- There'll be good people in hell.
- 00:23:47.892 --> 00:23:49.727
- Now, what does that even mean?
- 00:23:49.727 --> 00:23:51.662
- Well, look, if you are good in the sense that you think,
- 00:23:51.662 --> 00:23:55.132
- Because of your good works, you're gonna get to heaven,
- 00:23:55.132 --> 00:23:57.835
- You're really missing the point because "all have sinned and
- 00:23:57.835 --> 00:24:01.272
- Fallen short of god's glory," and one sin is enough
- 00:24:01.272 --> 00:24:04.341
- To keep you out of heaven.
- 00:24:04.341 --> 00:24:06.043
- The bible says, "if we offend in one point of the law,
- 00:24:06.043 --> 00:24:08.846
- We're guilty of all of it."
- 00:24:08.846 --> 00:24:10.781
- And the fact is we've sinned a lot more than one time.
- 00:24:10.781 --> 00:24:14.752
- Jesus said, "in that final day, many will come to me, saying,
- 00:24:14.752 --> 00:24:18.489
- 'lord, lord, did we not prophesy in your name?
- 00:24:18.489 --> 00:24:21.926
- Did we not cast out demons in your name?
- 00:24:21.926 --> 00:24:24.495
- Did we not do wonderful works in your name?'"
- 00:24:24.495 --> 00:24:26.864
- I would update and say, "'did we not receive communion
- 00:24:26.864 --> 00:24:30.534
- In your name?
- 00:24:30.534 --> 00:24:31.869
- Did we not get baptized in your name?
- 00:24:31.869 --> 00:24:33.637
- Did we not attend church in your name?'"
- 00:24:33.637 --> 00:24:36.173
- And jesus will say to them, "depart from me; i never knew
- 00:24:36.173 --> 00:24:39.910
- You, you workers of iniquity."
- 00:24:39.910 --> 00:24:42.713
- See, they knew about him, but they didn't know him.
- 00:24:42.713 --> 00:24:47.151
- So, good works will not get you to heaven.
- 00:24:47.151 --> 00:24:51.021
- Now, let me close with something jesus did say.
- 00:24:51.021 --> 00:24:54.358
- Jesus said, "come unto to me, all of you who are exhausted
- 00:24:54.358 --> 00:24:57.595
- With life and are bending beneath its weight.
- 00:24:57.595 --> 00:25:00.464
- Come to me, and i will refresh you with rest."
- 00:25:00.464 --> 00:25:04.535
- Let's pull some of these elements together.
- 00:25:04.535 --> 00:25:07.972
- God does love you.
- 00:25:07.972 --> 00:25:09.773
- God will accept you as you are, but he doesn't want to leave you
- 00:25:09.773 --> 00:25:12.843
- That way.
- 00:25:12.843 --> 00:25:14.211
- God does have a plan for you that's better than your dreams
- 00:25:14.211 --> 00:25:17.882
- For yourself.
- 00:25:17.882 --> 00:25:19.617
- No, don't follow your heart; follow the lord.
- 00:25:19.617 --> 00:25:22.786
- Discover what he has in store for you--in this life
- 00:25:22.786 --> 00:25:26.457
- And in the life to come.
- 00:25:26.457 --> 00:25:27.791
- ♪♪♪
- 00:25:27.791 --> 00:25:32.596
- Greg: have you watched the news lately?
- 00:25:32.596 --> 00:25:34.131
- It seems like the world is coming apart.
- 00:25:34.131 --> 00:25:37.034
- War in the middle east, instability all around us.
- 00:25:37.034 --> 00:25:41.071
- And, i'm telling you right now, the bible predicted these things
- 00:25:41.071 --> 00:25:44.441
- Would happen in the last days.
- 00:25:44.441 --> 00:25:46.343
- But here's what you need to remember.
- 00:25:46.343 --> 00:25:48.112
- Jesus said, "when you see these things begin to happen, look up,
- 00:25:48.112 --> 00:25:52.516
- For your redemption is drawing near."
- 00:25:52.516 --> 00:25:54.518
- He didn't say, "freak out."
- 00:25:54.518 --> 00:25:55.953
- He said, "look up."
- 00:25:55.953 --> 00:25:58.355
- I want you to know that i've read the last page of the bible,
- 00:25:58.355 --> 00:26:01.358
- And we win in the end.
- 00:26:01.358 --> 00:26:03.093
- We need hope in this crazy, hopeless world, in this world
- 00:26:03.093 --> 00:26:07.031
- Of chaos and confusion.
- 00:26:07.031 --> 00:26:08.799
- Jesus christ has everything you're looking for
- 00:26:08.799 --> 00:26:12.536
- In a relationship with him.
- 00:26:12.536 --> 00:26:14.939
- I encourage you to call out to the lord and ask him
- 00:26:14.939 --> 00:26:19.009
- To come into your life.
- 00:26:19.009 --> 00:26:20.678
- Let me send you, at no charge, a bible to help you get started
- 00:26:20.678 --> 00:26:25.749
- In your new relationship with christ.
- 00:26:25.749 --> 00:26:27.351
- ♪♪♪
- 00:26:27.351 --> 00:26:30.988
- Greg: you know, the bible says: "a good person
- 00:26:30.988 --> 00:26:33.991
- Leaves an inheritance for their children's children."
- 00:26:33.991 --> 00:26:37.928
- God encourages all of us as christians to manage
- 00:26:37.928 --> 00:26:41.599
- Our money well so we can be a blessing to our families
- 00:26:41.599 --> 00:26:45.402
- And to others.
- 00:26:45.402 --> 00:26:46.737
- Harvest has a special gift for you today, an opportunity
- 00:26:46.737 --> 00:26:50.474
- To set up a will or a living trust completely free of charge.
- 00:26:50.474 --> 00:26:55.879
- Here's how you can learn more.
- 00:26:55.879 --> 00:26:57.948
- Greg: i'm excited to announce that here at harvest
- 00:26:58.015 --> 00:27:00.351
- We partnered with our friends at freewill.
- 00:27:00.351 --> 00:27:03.854
- Freewill is an easy to use estate planning tool
- 00:27:03.854 --> 00:27:06.657
- That allows you to make planned gifts to organizations
- 00:27:06.657 --> 00:27:09.860
- Of your choice.
- 00:27:09.860 --> 00:27:11.328
- It's a creative opportunity to support the work we're doing
- 00:27:11.328 --> 00:27:14.565
- Here at harvest ministries.
- 00:27:14.565 --> 00:27:16.266
- So as you make your plans, i hope you'll consider
- 00:27:16.266 --> 00:27:19.136
- Investing in this ministry so we can continue
- 00:27:19.136 --> 00:27:22.172
- To preach the gospel and teach the word of god
- 00:27:22.172 --> 00:27:24.808
- For years to come.
- 00:27:24.808 --> 00:27:26.143
- You can learn more at
- 00:27:26.143 --> 00:27:29.999