Join Pastor Greg Laurie for a time of encouragement, worship, and Bible study.
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Harvest with Pastor Greg Laurie | Greg Laurie - What To Do When The Odds Are Against You | January 14, 2025
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- 00:00:00.633 --> 00:00:04.014
- Greg laurie: fear is contagious. fear is contagious.
- 00:00:04.114 --> 00:00:09.552
- Listen, if you're looking for life on easy street with no
- 00:00:09.686 --> 00:00:12.122
- Conflict or challenge, go home to mommy.
- 00:00:12.255 --> 00:00:16.626
- The christian life is not for wimps.
- 00:00:16.760 --> 00:00:17.427
- The christian life is not for lightweights,
- 00:00:19.429 --> 00:00:22.632
- It's not for cowards, it's not for people who
- 00:00:22.632 --> 00:00:25.769
- Are afraid to stand out from the crowd.
- 00:00:25.769 --> 00:00:29.406
- And so maybe some of you are saying, well, i can't handle
- 00:00:29.406 --> 00:00:32.275
- This, i--maybe you can't, i don't know what to say to you.
- 00:00:32.275 --> 00:00:35.078
- I'll say whatever you give up to follow christ
- 00:00:35.078 --> 00:00:37.580
- Is more than worth it.
- 00:00:37.580 --> 00:00:39.315
- ♪ this is the day, ♪
- 00:00:42.719 --> 00:00:45.055
- ♪ the day when life begins. ♪
- 00:00:45.055 --> 00:00:50.126
- ♪ this is the day, ♪
- 00:00:50.126 --> 00:00:52.929
- ♪ the day when life begins. ♪♪
- 00:00:52.929 --> 00:01:00.170
- Greg: i don't know what you see when you look in the mirror,
- 00:01:04.340 --> 00:01:06.176
- But let me tell you what god sees when
- 00:01:06.176 --> 00:01:08.878
- He looks at you because god sees you
- 00:01:08.878 --> 00:01:11.648
- Maybe differently than you see yourself.
- 00:01:11.648 --> 00:01:13.983
- For instance, you probably see weakness when
- 00:01:13.983 --> 00:01:16.519
- You look at yourself, god sees potential.
- 00:01:16.519 --> 00:01:20.090
- You see what you are, god sees what you can be.
- 00:01:20.090 --> 00:01:24.627
- You see your past, god sees your future.
- 00:01:24.627 --> 00:01:28.665
- You see a lump of clay, god sees a beautiful sculpture.
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- You see a blank canvas, god sees a a van gogh.
- 00:01:33.403 --> 00:01:38.041
- You see a lump of coal, god sees a perfectly cut diamond.
- 00:01:38.041 --> 00:01:44.247
- You see a vacillating, unsure simon,
- 00:01:44.247 --> 00:01:48.184
- God sees a rock like apostle peter.
- 00:01:48.184 --> 00:01:52.689
- We see a saul of tarsus hunting down christians and murdering
- 00:01:52.689 --> 00:01:57.160
- Them, god sees a mighty apostle paul preaching the gospel.
- 00:01:57.160 --> 00:02:02.966
- I bring that up because now we're going to look at gideon,
- 00:02:02.966 --> 00:02:05.568
- Who is a world changer, and when the lord came
- 00:02:05.568 --> 00:02:09.239
- To him, the greeting was, "hey, you mighty man
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- Of faith, the lord is with you."
- 00:02:12.742 --> 00:02:14.611
- And if there is anything gideon was not in that
- 00:02:14.611 --> 00:02:16.880
- Moment, it was a mighty man of faith.
- 00:02:16.880 --> 00:02:19.415
- But that's because god saw what he
- 00:02:19.415 --> 00:02:21.351
- Would become, not what he was.
- 00:02:21.351 --> 00:02:23.720
- You know, frankly, i'm a little surprised gideon made it into
- 00:02:23.720 --> 00:02:26.990
- The hall of faith because he had, well, a challenging
- 00:02:26.990 --> 00:02:31.127
- Beginning and not the greatest end.
- 00:02:31.127 --> 00:02:33.830
- But what i find fascinating about hebrews 11, which tells us
- 00:02:33.830 --> 00:02:38.201
- About the great men and women who stepped out in faith that i
- 00:02:38.201 --> 00:02:42.472
- Call world changers, is that god never mentions their sins.
- 00:02:42.472 --> 00:02:46.609
- He mentions their accomplishments.
- 00:02:46.609 --> 00:02:48.645
- He talks about what they did through their faith, but he
- 00:02:48.645 --> 00:02:51.581
- Never brings up their shortcomings or sins.
- 00:02:51.581 --> 00:02:54.250
- I find that fascinating and god goes out of his way to take
- 00:02:54.250 --> 00:02:58.421
- Ordinary people to do extraordinary things through.
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- Why?
- 00:03:03.026 --> 00:03:04.360
- Because when it happens, god gets the glory.
- 00:03:04.360 --> 00:03:07.764
- They dare not take it for themselves because they know
- 00:03:07.764 --> 00:03:10.500
- Themselves better than anybody else does.
- 00:03:10.500 --> 00:03:13.002
- And god used gideon to change his world.
- 00:03:13.002 --> 00:03:15.672
- And by the way, his world was messed up big time.
- 00:03:15.672 --> 00:03:18.875
- Things are really spiritually and morally
- 00:03:18.875 --> 00:03:21.744
- Upside down in the book of judges.
- 00:03:21.744 --> 00:03:23.746
- In fact, whenever things are spiritually out
- 00:03:23.746 --> 00:03:26.216
- Of whack, they'll be morally out of whack,
- 00:03:26.216 --> 00:03:28.885
- And they'll be culturally out of whack as well.
- 00:03:28.885 --> 00:03:31.988
- So here's a good verse to describe how
- 00:03:31.988 --> 00:03:34.958
- Things got the way that they were.
- 00:03:34.958 --> 00:03:37.427
- Judges 17:6 says that israel had no king, "and everyone did
- 00:03:37.427 --> 00:03:43.700
- Whatever seemed right in their own eyes."
- 00:03:43.700 --> 00:03:46.903
- Everyone did what seemed right in their own eyes.
- 00:03:46.903 --> 00:03:49.606
- Let me update that.
- 00:03:49.606 --> 00:03:50.940
- Everyone just kind of did their own thing.
- 00:03:50.940 --> 00:03:53.543
- Everyone sort of had their own truth, not unlike today,
- 00:03:53.543 --> 00:03:56.813
- Frankly, where someone will say, "well you know, that's your
- 00:03:56.813 --> 00:03:59.282
- Truth, that's not my truth, and i live by my own truth and my
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- Own values and my own rules, because my god that i believe
- 00:04:02.452 --> 00:04:06.189
- In would never have me do this, and so--"
- 00:04:06.189 --> 00:04:08.424
- And they just sort of make it up as they go.
- 00:04:08.424 --> 00:04:10.793
- So things were chaotic.
- 00:04:10.793 --> 00:04:12.295
- It was a little bit like the wild west.
- 00:04:12.295 --> 00:04:15.031
- So the lord raised up 13 judges to rule over israel, 12 of them
- 00:04:15.031 --> 00:04:20.136
- Were men, one of them was a woman.
- 00:04:20.136 --> 00:04:22.572
- Now when you think of a judge, i don't
- 00:04:22.572 --> 00:04:23.906
- Want you to think of, like, supreme court
- 00:04:23.906 --> 00:04:25.775
- Judges running around in long black robes.
- 00:04:25.775 --> 00:04:29.078
- Actually, these are more like warriors, they were like old
- 00:04:29.078 --> 00:04:32.148
- Time sheriffs, think dodge city and think wyatt earp, you know.
- 00:04:32.148 --> 00:04:36.586
- And there was no law in town, so they would call in the marshall
- 00:04:36.586 --> 00:04:39.222
- Or call in or hire a lawman to get things under control.
- 00:04:39.222 --> 00:04:44.227
- So god would raise these judges up to sort
- 00:04:44.227 --> 00:04:47.830
- Of tame the unruly behavior of israel.
- 00:04:47.830 --> 00:04:51.034
- And we're looking at gideon.
- 00:04:51.034 --> 00:04:53.269
- As our story begins, we find gideon trying to prepare the
- 00:04:53.269 --> 00:04:56.339
- Little wheat he had, hiding behind the walls of a small wine
- 00:04:56.339 --> 00:05:00.410
- Press, hardly a picture of heroism and courage but he was
- 00:05:00.410 --> 00:05:05.615
- Like the rest of israel, hungry, hurting, and humiliated.
- 00:05:05.615 --> 00:05:10.119
- But god's gonna turn him into a world changer.
- 00:05:10.119 --> 00:05:13.189
- So we're introduced to him in judges 6 starting in verse 12.
- 00:05:13.189 --> 00:05:16.225
- I'm reading from the new living translation, by the way.
- 00:05:16.225 --> 00:05:19.128
- "and the angel of the lord appeared and
- 00:05:19.128 --> 00:05:20.997
- Said to him, 'mighty hero, the lord is with you.'
- 00:05:20.997 --> 00:05:25.001
- Gideon said, 'oh my lord.
- 00:05:25.001 --> 00:05:26.502
- If the lord is with us, why has all of this happened to us?
- 00:05:26.502 --> 00:05:29.272
- Where are all the miracles which our fathers told us about,
- 00:05:29.272 --> 00:05:32.842
- Saying, "did not the lord bring us from egypt?"
- 00:05:32.842 --> 00:05:34.777
- And now the lord has forsaken us and delivered
- 00:05:34.777 --> 00:05:36.879
- Us into the hands of the midianites.'
- 00:05:36.879 --> 00:05:39.882
- Then the lord turned to him and said, 'go in this might of
- 00:05:39.882 --> 00:05:42.418
- Yours, and you will save israel from the hand of the midianites.
- 00:05:42.418 --> 00:05:47.223
- Have i not sent you?'" stop there.
- 00:05:47.223 --> 00:05:50.226
- You know, it's interesting, here comes the lord calling on
- 00:05:50.226 --> 00:05:53.096
- Gideon, and he starts in with the complaints.
- 00:05:53.096 --> 00:05:55.932
- "well, why has this happened to us?
- 00:05:55.932 --> 00:05:57.900
- You know, we remember hearing about
- 00:05:57.900 --> 00:05:59.535
- All these miracles you used to do.
- 00:05:59.535 --> 00:06:01.304
- Where have you been lately?"
- 00:06:01.304 --> 00:06:03.406
- Heard the story of a mother that was telling bible stories to her
- 00:06:03.406 --> 00:06:06.376
- Little daughter, you know, the stories of joshua and daniel in
- 00:06:06.376 --> 00:06:10.012
- The lion's den and those great stories of heroism, and the
- 00:06:10.012 --> 00:06:13.649
- Little girl turned to her mom and said, "mommy," you know,
- 00:06:13.649 --> 00:06:16.319
- "god was more exciting back then."
- 00:06:16.319 --> 00:06:19.789
- Maybe you've felt that way.
- 00:06:19.789 --> 00:06:21.491
- You hear about what god used to do.
- 00:06:21.491 --> 00:06:22.825
- What's god doing now?
- 00:06:22.825 --> 00:06:24.160
- And really, if you get technical, everything that
- 00:06:24.160 --> 00:06:27.530
- Israel was facing was their own fault.
- 00:06:27.530 --> 00:06:30.533
- They were reaping what they sowed.
- 00:06:30.533 --> 00:06:32.135
- And the lord could have dealt with that,
- 00:06:32.135 --> 00:06:33.603
- But he needed to get something done.
- 00:06:33.603 --> 00:06:35.705
- It's sort of like when you're trying to get your kids out of
- 00:06:35.705 --> 00:06:37.807
- The house, "come on, kids, get in the car.
- 00:06:37.807 --> 00:06:39.876
- We have to go to church." "no mommy, i lost a shoe,"
- 00:06:39.876 --> 00:06:43.312
- And, you know, "mommy, i lost my doll."
- 00:06:43.312 --> 00:06:46.048
- And sadly, that's your husband.
- 00:06:46.048 --> 00:06:47.450
- But you know, just get in the car,
- 00:06:47.450 --> 00:06:50.186
- We'll sort it out in the car.
- 00:06:50.186 --> 00:06:51.521
- Come on, we're late. let's go.
- 00:06:51.521 --> 00:06:53.089
- And, you know, i mean, they're whining and compl--
- 00:06:53.089 --> 00:06:54.957
- "just come on, let go."
- 00:06:54.957 --> 00:06:56.726
- So that's gideon, he's kind of whining.
- 00:06:56.726 --> 00:06:58.161
- "well, why would've bet--" "come on let's go.
- 00:06:58.161 --> 00:07:01.097
- We got a job to do, and you're the guy i'm gonna use to do it."
- 00:07:01.097 --> 00:07:04.934
- So now the lord is going to use gideon
- 00:07:04.934 --> 00:07:07.670
- To change things in a dramatic way.
- 00:07:07.670 --> 00:07:10.540
- But gideon protests and he says in verse 15,
- 00:07:10.540 --> 00:07:13.176
- "oh lord, how can i save israel?
- 00:07:13.176 --> 00:07:15.344
- Indeed my clan is the weakest in manasseh,
- 00:07:15.344 --> 00:07:18.014
- I'm the least in my father's house."
- 00:07:18.014 --> 00:07:20.550
- Lord, are you serious?
- 00:07:20.550 --> 00:07:22.084
- I'm like the runt of the litter.
- 00:07:22.084 --> 00:07:25.154
- I'm the lowest of the low, and that brings me
- 00:07:25.154 --> 00:07:27.790
- To principle number one on how to be a
- 00:07:27.790 --> 00:07:30.026
- World changer, world changers are humble.
- 00:07:30.026 --> 00:07:34.230
- God uses people who are humble.
- 00:07:34.230 --> 00:07:37.633
- Say well, how do you know if you're humble?
- 00:07:37.633 --> 00:07:39.168
- Well, i find that the people talk the most, who talk the most
- 00:07:39.168 --> 00:07:42.271
- About humility are often prideful.
- 00:07:42.271 --> 00:07:46.275
- They'll come and say, "you know, i'm a very humble person.
- 00:07:46.275 --> 00:07:49.412
- I'm so humble, i'm so humble i
- 00:07:49.412 --> 00:07:52.381
- Drop the 'h' and just say 'umble.
- 00:07:52.381 --> 00:07:56.486
- 'ello i'm 'umble, i'm an 'umble man you see?"
- 00:07:56.486 --> 00:07:59.922
- No, you're kind of weird and probably prideful too.
- 00:07:59.922 --> 00:08:04.460
- Humble people are just people that see themselves as they are.
- 00:08:04.460 --> 00:08:09.432
- You know, they see their flaws, they see their
- 00:08:09.432 --> 00:08:11.067
- Shortcomings, they see their weaknesses.
- 00:08:11.067 --> 00:08:14.437
- In fact, gideon says in verse 15 to the lord, "who am i?
- 00:08:14.437 --> 00:08:17.573
- Why would you want me, lord? who am i?"
- 00:08:17.573 --> 00:08:19.375
- And i love god's response.
- 00:08:19.375 --> 00:08:20.810
- God says, "who am i?
- 00:08:20.810 --> 00:08:23.246
- I'll be with you." who am i, lord?
- 00:08:23.246 --> 00:08:24.981
- "it's not about who you are. it's who i am.
- 00:08:24.981 --> 00:08:27.250
- And i'm going to be with you, gideon.
- 00:08:27.250 --> 00:08:29.151
- So let's get going because you're a mighty hero,"
- 00:08:29.151 --> 00:08:31.721
- Verse 12, "and the lord is with you."
- 00:08:31.721 --> 00:08:33.222
- I mean, calling gideon a mighty hero was almost like a joke.
- 00:08:33.222 --> 00:08:36.959
- I mean, here he is hiding behind a wall and the lord says, "hey,
- 00:08:36.959 --> 00:08:40.029
- Mighty hero, the lord's with you."
- 00:08:40.029 --> 00:08:41.564
- It's like ah, is there somebody else here?
- 00:08:41.564 --> 00:08:43.799
- I'm not seeing a mighty hero, who would that be?
- 00:08:43.799 --> 00:08:46.502
- He probably felt more like a pathetic
- 00:08:46.502 --> 00:08:48.704
- Zero than a mighty hero.
- 00:08:48.704 --> 00:08:52.241
- But as i said earlier, god saw him for what he
- 00:08:52.241 --> 00:08:54.710
- Could become, not just what he was.
- 00:08:54.710 --> 00:08:58.648
- So he was gonna grow into this title that the lord gave to him.
- 00:08:58.648 --> 00:09:03.019
- It'd be like going to a kid who can't throw a football and
- 00:09:03.019 --> 00:09:05.988
- Saying, hey, tom brady, how's it going?
- 00:09:05.988 --> 00:09:09.292
- Or a child failing in class, hey einstein, how are the grades?
- 00:09:09.292 --> 00:09:13.863
- Almost like mockery, but the lord was not
- 00:09:13.863 --> 00:09:15.898
- Mocking him, he was seeing his potential.
- 00:09:15.898 --> 00:09:19.402
- But before the lord was going to allow gideon to amass this army,
- 00:09:19.402 --> 00:09:23.072
- There was a test he had to pass in his own home.
- 00:09:23.072 --> 00:09:26.909
- The lord told him to go home to his family, where there was a
- 00:09:26.909 --> 00:09:31.047
- Family altar erected by his father joash, to the god baal.
- 00:09:31.047 --> 00:09:36.185
- God said, i want you to go and tear down the altar.
- 00:09:36.185 --> 00:09:39.789
- Then i want you to take the second best bull from your
- 00:09:39.789 --> 00:09:42.458
- Father's herd and barbecue it on the remains of the altar.
- 00:09:42.458 --> 00:09:47.863
- Okay, this is a way to get in trouble with dad, okay?
- 00:09:47.863 --> 00:09:51.834
- And incur his wrath.
- 00:09:51.834 --> 00:09:53.603
- But in gideon's defense, he went and did exactly what god told
- 00:09:53.603 --> 00:09:56.439
- Him to do, bringing me to principle number two.
- 00:09:56.439 --> 00:09:58.541
- World changers are faithful in little things.
- 00:09:58.541 --> 00:10:02.144
- Jesus says in luke 16, "unless you're faithful in small
- 00:10:02.144 --> 00:10:05.915
- Matters, you won't be faithful in large ones.
- 00:10:05.915 --> 00:10:08.651
- If you cheat even a little, you won't be
- 00:10:08.651 --> 00:10:10.620
- Honest with greater responsibilities."
- 00:10:10.620 --> 00:10:13.889
- So gideon tears down his dad's altar, but he did it at night.
- 00:10:13.889 --> 00:10:19.362
- And some people have been critical,
- 00:10:19.362 --> 00:10:21.097
- "should have done it in the light of day.
- 00:10:21.097 --> 00:10:22.665
- Did it at night."
- 00:10:22.665 --> 00:10:24.000
- Hey okay, so what?
- 00:10:24.000 --> 00:10:26.035
- At least he did it, got the job done.
- 00:10:26.035 --> 00:10:29.505
- You know, there's some people that just love to criticize.
- 00:10:29.505 --> 00:10:32.708
- They think they have the gift of criticism.
- 00:10:32.708 --> 00:10:35.344
- By the way, there's no spiritual gift
- 00:10:35.344 --> 00:10:37.279
- Of criticism, just be aware of that.
- 00:10:37.279 --> 00:10:40.716
- You know, they critique this, they critique that.
- 00:10:40.716 --> 00:10:43.786
- They'll say, "well, i don't like the way you do evangelism, greg.
- 00:10:43.786 --> 00:10:46.255
- We don't like your events.
- 00:10:46.255 --> 00:10:47.590
- We don't like the way you, you know, speak of these events."
- 00:10:47.590 --> 00:10:50.626
- And i'll say, "well, what are you doing in evangelism?"
- 00:10:50.626 --> 00:10:52.762
- "not really anything."
- 00:10:52.762 --> 00:10:54.630
- Well, i like my way of doing it better
- 00:10:54.630 --> 00:10:56.198
- Than your way of not doing it, okay?
- 00:10:56.198 --> 00:10:58.934
- Now, look, i'm not saying everything
- 00:10:58.934 --> 00:11:00.269
- We do is perfect, it isn't.
- 00:11:00.269 --> 00:11:02.705
- But you know, you have to be willing to take risk, you take
- 00:11:02.705 --> 00:11:06.275
- Chances, you get out there to do what you can to reach people,
- 00:11:06.275 --> 00:11:10.112
- And i think it's very easy to be critical of these things.
- 00:11:10.112 --> 00:11:13.049
- But my question is what are you doing?
- 00:11:13.049 --> 00:11:16.018
- "well, he shouldn't have gone at night."
- 00:11:16.018 --> 00:11:17.420
- Well he did something, he got the job done, he tore down the
- 00:11:17.420 --> 00:11:20.356
- Altar and the people freaked out.
- 00:11:20.356 --> 00:11:22.958
- By the way, the reason he did it at night according to verse 27
- 00:11:22.958 --> 00:11:26.028
- Was because he was afraid of the other members of his father's
- 00:11:26.028 --> 00:11:28.864
- Household and the people of the town.
- 00:11:28.864 --> 00:11:31.600
- Gideon knew when he did this he
- 00:11:31.600 --> 00:11:33.069
- Was going to anger a lot of people.
- 00:11:33.069 --> 00:11:35.671
- In fact, they were so mad they wanted to kill him.
- 00:11:35.671 --> 00:11:38.240
- "let's kill him now."
- 00:11:38.240 --> 00:11:39.575
- That's kind of harsh, but that's what they wanted to do.
- 00:11:39.575 --> 00:11:41.744
- And guess who stood up and defended gideon?
- 00:11:41.744 --> 00:11:44.847
- His father, the very father joash, who erected
- 00:11:44.847 --> 00:11:48.584
- The altar to baal, and he came out and said,
- 00:11:48.584 --> 00:11:51.053
- "hey, why are you defending baal?
- 00:11:51.053 --> 00:11:53.022
- Why do you argue his case?
- 00:11:53.022 --> 00:11:54.356
- If baal's really a god, let him defend himself and
- 00:11:54.356 --> 00:11:57.760
- Destroy the one who broke down his altar."
- 00:11:57.760 --> 00:11:59.729
- I think deep down inside, dad was proud of son.
- 00:11:59.729 --> 00:12:03.466
- Joash was proud of gideon.
- 00:12:03.466 --> 00:12:04.934
- "boy, you did good.
- 00:12:04.934 --> 00:12:06.602
- Hey, you even took down the old man's altar, way to go."
- 00:12:06.602 --> 00:12:10.206
- I think the faith of the father was
- 00:12:10.206 --> 00:12:12.308
- Rekindled by the courage of the son.
- 00:12:12.308 --> 00:12:15.978
- Greg: greg laurie here.
- 00:12:18.380 --> 00:12:19.749
- You know, in harvest ministries, we're committing to reaching
- 00:12:19.749 --> 00:12:22.451
- Unexpected people in unexpected places with an
- 00:12:22.451 --> 00:12:25.855
- Unexpected message.
- 00:12:25.855 --> 00:12:27.556
- And thanks to your financial support, we've been able to
- 00:12:27.556 --> 00:12:31.927
- Touch people all over the world with the hope of jesus christ.
- 00:12:31.927 --> 00:12:36.398
- Your gifts today not only help us reach millions across the
- 00:12:36.398 --> 00:12:40.136
- Country through this television program, they also help us to
- 00:12:40.136 --> 00:12:44.373
- Bring hope to people and their biggest need, whether through
- 00:12:44.373 --> 00:12:47.977
- Our evangelistic events or our relief efforts.
- 00:12:47.977 --> 00:12:50.746
- Together, we've been able to minister to so many people
- 00:12:50.746 --> 00:12:54.016
- Devastated by the fires in lahaina on the island of maui,
- 00:12:54.016 --> 00:12:58.053
- And also, your support has helped us partner to bring
- 00:12:58.053 --> 00:13:01.524
- Medical help in the ongoing conflict in israel.
- 00:13:01.524 --> 00:13:04.794
- So i'm asking you today to continue to support this
- 00:13:04.794 --> 00:13:07.963
- Ministry so we can do everything possible to fulfill
- 00:13:07.963 --> 00:13:11.901
- The great commission.
- 00:13:11.901 --> 00:13:13.235
- Let's do this together, and let me say in advance, thank you
- 00:13:13.235 --> 00:13:16.839
- And god bless you.
- 00:13:16.839 --> 00:13:18.674
- ♪ this is the day, ♪
- 00:13:18.741 --> 00:13:21.544
- ♪ the day when life begins. ♪♪
- 00:13:21.544 --> 00:13:28.050
- Greg: so gideon passed his first test, now a big one is coming.
- 00:13:29.785 --> 00:13:33.455
- Lord says, rally an army.
- 00:13:33.455 --> 00:13:35.157
- So he manages to get 32,000 men to follow
- 00:13:35.157 --> 00:13:39.028
- Him in the battle, very impressive.
- 00:13:39.028 --> 00:13:40.996
- Now, of course, the midianites have an army surpassing 100,000,
- 00:13:40.996 --> 00:13:46.302
- So it's certainly not an equal army, but it's a start.
- 00:13:46.302 --> 00:13:50.105
- And that brings us to judges 7 verse 2, "the lord said to
- 00:13:50.105 --> 00:13:53.576
- Gideon, 'you have too many warriors with you.
- 00:13:53.576 --> 00:13:56.445
- If i let all of you fight the midianites, the israelites
- 00:13:56.445 --> 00:13:58.647
- Will boast to me that they saved
- 00:13:58.647 --> 00:14:00.449
- Themselves by their own strength.
- 00:14:00.449 --> 00:14:02.084
- Therefore tell the people who's ever timid or afraid
- 00:14:02.084 --> 00:14:05.221
- They may leave this mountain and go home.'
- 00:14:05.221 --> 00:14:08.190
- So 22,000 of them went home, leaving
- 00:14:08.190 --> 00:14:11.160
- Only 10,000 who were willing to fight."
- 00:14:11.160 --> 00:14:14.730
- Wow.
- 00:14:14.730 --> 00:14:16.065
- I think gideon was thinking, okay, if you're afraid,
- 00:14:16.065 --> 00:14:19.969
- You can't handle this, go home.
- 00:14:19.969 --> 00:14:22.071
- It's interesting the phrase they choose there for go home.
- 00:14:22.071 --> 00:14:24.039
- It's from a hebrew phrase mamito returnus
- 00:14:24.039 --> 00:14:27.676
- Which translates to return to mommy.
- 00:14:27.676 --> 00:14:32.147
- I made all that up, okay?
- 00:14:32.147 --> 00:14:34.483
- It just means go home.
- 00:14:34.483 --> 00:14:35.985
- I just want to see if you're listening sometimes.
- 00:14:35.985 --> 00:14:38.687
- So loose paraphrase, hey, if you wanna go home to
- 00:14:38.687 --> 00:14:41.724
- Mommy, if it's too scary, go home now.
- 00:14:41.724 --> 00:14:46.829
- Twenty-two thousand guys are like, see ya.
- 00:14:46.829 --> 00:14:50.065
- What?
- 00:14:50.065 --> 00:14:52.001
- Twenty-two thousand?
- 00:14:52.001 --> 00:14:54.803
- Why did he want them to leave?
- 00:14:54.803 --> 00:14:56.138
- Why did the lord want the fearful ones to leave?
- 00:14:56.138 --> 00:14:59.241
- Answer, because fear is contagious.
- 00:14:59.241 --> 00:15:03.879
- Fear is contagious.
- 00:15:03.879 --> 00:15:05.881
- Listen, if you're looking for life on easy street with no
- 00:15:05.881 --> 00:15:08.717
- Conflict or challenge, go home to mommy.
- 00:15:08.717 --> 00:15:13.022
- The christian life is not for wimps.
- 00:15:13.022 --> 00:15:15.891
- The christian life is not for lightweights, it's not
- 00:15:15.891 --> 00:15:19.361
- For cowards, it's not for people who are
- 00:15:19.361 --> 00:15:22.231
- Afraid to stand out from the crowd.
- 00:15:22.231 --> 00:15:25.834
- And so maybe some of you are saying, well, i can't handle
- 00:15:25.834 --> 00:15:28.637
- This i'm--maybe you can't, i don't know what to say to you.
- 00:15:28.637 --> 00:15:31.473
- I'll say whatever you give up to follow christ is more than worth
- 00:15:31.473 --> 00:15:34.643
- It, but some are afraid, they're afraid of the opinions of
- 00:15:34.643 --> 00:15:38.013
- People, afraid of this, afraid of that.
- 00:15:38.013 --> 00:15:40.582
- Listen, i'm more afraid of hell and eternal separation from god.
- 00:15:40.582 --> 00:15:47.156
- I'm more afraid of a pointless, meaningless life
- 00:15:47.156 --> 00:15:52.161
- Lived for myself, that's what scares me.
- 00:15:52.161 --> 00:15:55.731
- But a lot of people go for those things.
- 00:15:55.731 --> 00:15:57.933
- Well, there's one final test.
- 00:15:57.933 --> 00:15:59.335
- So remember, he has 10,000 guys left.
- 00:15:59.335 --> 00:16:01.503
- Judges 7, verse 4, "the lord told gideon,
- 00:16:01.503 --> 00:16:05.274
- 'you still have too many.
- 00:16:05.274 --> 00:16:07.109
- Bring them down to the spring and i'll sort out
- 00:16:07.109 --> 00:16:09.378
- Who will go with you and who will not.'
- 00:16:09.378 --> 00:16:11.547
- And gideon took his warriors down to the water, and the lord
- 00:16:11.547 --> 00:16:14.850
- Told him divide the men into two groups, the one group put those
- 00:16:14.850 --> 00:16:19.755
- Who cup water in their hands and lap it up with their tongues
- 00:16:19.755 --> 00:16:23.959
- Like dogs, and then the other group put those who kneel down
- 00:16:23.959 --> 00:16:27.830
- And drink with their mouths in the stream."
- 00:16:27.830 --> 00:16:31.967
- So here's how it worked.
- 00:16:31.967 --> 00:16:33.936
- Lord said let them go down and drink water.
- 00:16:33.936 --> 00:16:35.571
- These guys are thirsty, they're dehydrated, so some of them just
- 00:16:35.571 --> 00:16:38.707
- Buried their face in the in the river, and
- 00:16:38.707 --> 00:16:41.276
- They're just drinking and others were very
- 00:16:41.276 --> 00:16:43.112
- Careful and they're looking around and they're very alert.
- 00:16:43.112 --> 00:16:45.581
- And the lord says, those are the ones
- 00:16:45.581 --> 00:16:46.915
- I'm going to use to save you.
- 00:16:46.915 --> 00:16:49.018
- You know, we were in israel a number of years ago and we went
- 00:16:49.018 --> 00:16:51.253
- To gideon's spring, probably this spring where this happened.
- 00:16:51.253 --> 00:16:54.323
- So i wanted to illustrate it, so i asked her two volunteers, one
- 00:16:54.323 --> 00:16:58.427
- To represent each group and so they went down,
- 00:16:58.427 --> 00:17:00.729
- They're drinking the water and then i looked,
- 00:17:00.729 --> 00:17:02.264
- I saw a sign, water contaminated, don't drink.
- 00:17:02.264 --> 00:17:04.833
- Oh no, someone's gonna die for a sermon
- 00:17:04.833 --> 00:17:07.469
- Illustration, this is bad.
- 00:17:07.469 --> 00:17:09.471
- Fortunately, they were okay, but it's like, wow.
- 00:17:09.471 --> 00:17:12.541
- Well, this water was not contaminated, but apparently
- 00:17:12.541 --> 00:17:16.345
- Some of the people were, they didn't pass a test.
- 00:17:16.345 --> 00:17:20.115
- Now he's left with 300 men.
- 00:17:20.115 --> 00:17:23.752
- He has 3% of the original 10,000.
- 00:17:23.752 --> 00:17:27.923
- But these now are the cream of the crop.
- 00:17:27.923 --> 00:17:30.492
- This is delta force, these are the army rangers, these are the
- 00:17:30.492 --> 00:17:35.631
- Seals, these are seal team 6, you know, this is the swat
- 00:17:35.631 --> 00:17:40.803
- Team, these are the elite warriors now.
- 00:17:40.803 --> 00:17:44.273
- I love the battle plan.
- 00:17:44.273 --> 00:17:45.607
- Okay, get the warriors together.
- 00:17:45.607 --> 00:17:46.942
- I mean, think of these,
- 00:17:46.942 --> 00:17:48.277
- These are that battle hardened, toughest of the tough.
- 00:17:48.277 --> 00:17:50.813
- "all right, what do you want us to do?
- 00:17:50.813 --> 00:17:53.482
- What swords are we gonna take?
- 00:17:53.482 --> 00:17:55.117
- What spears are we--?"
- 00:17:55.117 --> 00:17:56.718
- "yeah, we're not gonna use swords or spears."
- 00:17:56.718 --> 00:17:58.921
- "okay, what's the plan?" "okay got a torch?
- 00:17:58.921 --> 00:18:01.757
- See a torch right here. okay.
- 00:18:01.757 --> 00:18:03.192
- We're gonna put a pot, a clay pot around the torch."
- 00:18:03.192 --> 00:18:06.495
- "yeah, and beat the midianites?"
- 00:18:06.495 --> 00:18:08.030
- No, not beat them just hold."
- 00:18:08.030 --> 00:18:10.099
- "and then what do we have on our other hand, a big giant spear?"
- 00:18:10.099 --> 00:18:15.137
- "i got you a little trumpet, here you go.
- 00:18:15.137 --> 00:18:17.005
- Here's everybody's trumpet. take your trumpet."
- 00:18:17.005 --> 00:18:19.608
- So here are these guys standing here with this
- 00:18:19.608 --> 00:18:21.076
- Stupid torch and a pot and the trumpet.
- 00:18:21.076 --> 00:18:25.914
- Uh, huh. now what?
- 00:18:25.914 --> 00:18:28.050
- Okay we're gonna run down the mountain, and we're gonna yell
- 00:18:28.050 --> 00:18:30.786
- Out, "for the lord and for gideon."
- 00:18:30.786 --> 00:18:32.821
- Then what?
- 00:18:32.821 --> 00:18:34.156
- That's it. i love this story.
- 00:18:34.156 --> 00:18:37.226
- It's so crazy, it's classic, it's biblical, so they do it,
- 00:18:37.226 --> 00:18:44.366
- They obey, they come running down.
- 00:18:44.366 --> 00:18:46.668
- It's night time, the midianites are down in their camp, all of a
- 00:18:46.668 --> 00:18:49.204
- Sudden they hear this noise and they see fire suddenly appear.
- 00:18:49.204 --> 00:18:52.875
- They hear these trumpets blowing.
- 00:18:52.875 --> 00:18:54.243
- They think it's some kind of ambush and they're so
- 00:18:54.243 --> 00:18:57.012
- Disoriented and discombobulated, they start killing each other.
- 00:18:57.012 --> 00:19:00.949
- They don't know who the enemy is.
- 00:19:00.949 --> 00:19:02.551
- The israelites get done, they're all
- 00:19:02.551 --> 00:19:03.952
- Dead, it's like "okay, good plan."
- 00:19:03.952 --> 00:19:08.056
- They were outnumbered 450 to 1.
- 00:19:08.056 --> 00:19:11.693
- Of all of the upsets celebrated by military historians
- 00:19:11.693 --> 00:19:15.564
- Or sports fans, there's none more amazing than
- 00:19:15.564 --> 00:19:18.367
- What god accomplished through gideon.
- 00:19:18.367 --> 00:19:21.370
- It should be like a pop warner team going up against the new
- 00:19:21.370 --> 00:19:24.239
- England patriots in the super bowl and winning.
- 00:19:24.239 --> 00:19:29.478
- This would be like a little league team taking on the
- 00:19:29.478 --> 00:19:31.747
- Chicago cubs in the world series and winning.
- 00:19:31.747 --> 00:19:36.985
- So you say, well, thank you for that nice
- 00:19:36.985 --> 00:19:38.320
- Little bible story, can we go home now?
- 00:19:38.320 --> 00:19:40.055
- Well, wait, let's make an application.
- 00:19:40.055 --> 00:19:42.090
- God doesn't just tell us these tell us these stories to
- 00:19:42.090 --> 00:19:44.593
- Entertain us, he tells us these stories for a reason, because,
- 00:19:44.593 --> 00:19:48.697
- You see, we too are in a spiritual battle and we have to
- 00:19:48.697 --> 00:19:54.136
- Recognize that it rages around us every single day.
- 00:19:54.136 --> 00:19:58.240
- In fact, ephesians 6 says, "we're not fighting against
- 00:19:58.240 --> 00:20:00.642
- People made of flesh and blood, but against the evil rulers and
- 00:20:00.642 --> 00:20:05.514
- Authorities of the unseen world against those mighty powers of
- 00:20:05.514 --> 00:20:10.152
- Darkness that rule this world, against
- 00:20:10.152 --> 00:20:12.454
- Wicked spirits in the heavenly realm."
- 00:20:12.454 --> 00:20:15.891
- See we're in the natural world right now, but there's a
- 00:20:15.891 --> 00:20:17.993
- Supernatural world coexisting with us at the moment.
- 00:20:17.993 --> 00:20:22.464
- It's the world of angels and demons, and there are rankings
- 00:20:22.464 --> 00:20:26.501
- Of angels and rankings of demons, and it's the world
- 00:20:26.501 --> 00:20:30.205
- Of god and satan, and ultimately it's the
- 00:20:30.205 --> 00:20:32.975
- World of the afterlife, of heaven and hell.
- 00:20:32.975 --> 00:20:35.711
- It's as real as the world you're in right now.
- 00:20:35.711 --> 00:20:38.547
- And this battle rages, and sometimes we're
- 00:20:38.547 --> 00:20:40.515
- Caught in this battle, and we're trying to fight
- 00:20:40.515 --> 00:20:42.684
- A spiritual battle with physical weapons.
- 00:20:42.684 --> 00:20:47.055
- So in this war we're fighting in the world today.
- 00:20:47.055 --> 00:20:51.159
- This spiritual war, this moral war, some
- 00:20:51.159 --> 00:20:53.662
- Even call it a cultural war, understand it's not
- 00:20:53.662 --> 00:20:56.832
- Gonna be won with boycotts or protests.
- 00:20:56.832 --> 00:21:00.235
- It's not gonna be won by withdrawing,
- 00:21:00.235 --> 00:21:04.473
- But by praying and preaching.
- 00:21:04.473 --> 00:21:07.476
- The most effective weapons god has put in our arsenal is prayer
- 00:21:07.476 --> 00:21:12.481
- And proclamation, praying for people, praying for our country,
- 00:21:12.481 --> 00:21:16.918
- Praying for our culture, praying for situations we're facing.
- 00:21:16.918 --> 00:21:20.522
- And then preaching the gospel to those that do not know the lord.
- 00:21:20.522 --> 00:21:24.459
- I bring this up because there's a book that's quite popular
- 00:21:24.459 --> 00:21:26.561
- Right now, where the author is suggesting that we've lost this
- 00:21:26.561 --> 00:21:30.799
- Battle and there's no reason to fight the flood,
- 00:21:30.799 --> 00:21:34.603
- Just stop fighting the flood, he says.
- 00:21:34.603 --> 00:21:37.005
- And basically says, "there are people alive today who may live
- 00:21:37.005 --> 00:21:40.642
- To see the effect of death of christianity
- 00:21:40.642 --> 00:21:42.878
- Within our civilization," end quote.
- 00:21:42.878 --> 00:21:45.647
- So he says, we need to withdraw now from--no, no, no, this is
- 00:21:45.647 --> 00:21:48.884
- Not the time to withdraw, this is the time to attack.
- 00:21:48.884 --> 00:21:53.322
- [congregation applauding]
- 00:21:53.322 --> 00:22:00.162
- Greg: this is not the time to isolate,
- 00:22:00.162 --> 00:22:02.230
- This is the time to infiltrate, this is the time to permeate.
- 00:22:02.230 --> 00:22:06.468
- You say, "well, you're rhyming a bunch of stuff.
- 00:22:06.468 --> 00:22:08.070
- I have no idea what you're talking about."
- 00:22:08.070 --> 00:22:10.105
- You can't understand what i'm saying.
- 00:22:10.105 --> 00:22:11.440
- When i say attack, don't get me wrong, i'm not saying go down to
- 00:22:11.440 --> 00:22:13.442
- The ammo store and, you know, fill your trunk up
- 00:22:13.442 --> 00:22:16.044
- With bullets and ar15's or something.
- 00:22:16.044 --> 00:22:19.281
- Well, here's what i'm saying.
- 00:22:19.281 --> 00:22:21.516
- I have something better than an ar15.
- 00:22:21.516 --> 00:22:24.186
- I've got john 3:16, okay?
- 00:22:24.186 --> 00:22:26.955
- John 3:16.
- 00:22:26.955 --> 00:22:28.357
- And what do i mean by that?
- 00:22:28.357 --> 00:22:30.092
- John 3:16, "for god so loved the world,
- 00:22:30.092 --> 00:22:32.127
- He gave his only begotten son, and whoever believes in him
- 00:22:32.127 --> 00:22:35.364
- Should not perish but have everlasting life."
- 00:22:35.364 --> 00:22:38.100
- See, when i say we're fighting a battle and we need to
- 00:22:38.100 --> 00:22:42.270
- Infiltrate, i mean, we need to go out with a loving message of
- 00:22:42.270 --> 00:22:46.742
- Jesus christ and tell people about him and how
- 00:22:46.742 --> 00:22:50.412
- They can have their lives transformed by him.
- 00:22:50.412 --> 00:22:53.849
- God's looking for people to do this.
- 00:22:53.849 --> 00:22:56.385
- And the best place to start is in your own home with your own
- 00:22:56.385 --> 00:23:00.255
- Family and those closest to you, and then continue on.
- 00:23:00.255 --> 00:23:04.760
- I love the statement of a british preacher from years ago,
- 00:23:04.760 --> 00:23:08.230
- John wesley, who once said, quote, "give me a hundred men
- 00:23:08.230 --> 00:23:12.567
- Who love god with all of their hearts and fear
- 00:23:12.567 --> 00:23:15.437
- Nothing but sin and i will move the world."
- 00:23:15.437 --> 00:23:20.842
- Greg: maybe god has spoken to your heart and
- 00:23:24.746 --> 00:23:28.083
- You have seen your need for jesus christ.
- 00:23:28.083 --> 00:23:31.386
- Jesus christ is the son of god who
- 00:23:31.386 --> 00:23:34.589
- Came from heaven to this earth.
- 00:23:34.589 --> 00:23:36.792
- He was born in a manger, he died in
- 00:23:36.792 --> 00:23:39.661
- A cross, he rose again from the dead, why?
- 00:23:39.661 --> 00:23:42.497
- Because he loves you and he wants a relationship with you.
- 00:23:42.497 --> 00:23:46.134
- Listen, i'm not talking about religion, i don't wanna be
- 00:23:46.134 --> 00:23:49.137
- A religious person, i don't think you wanna be one either,
- 00:23:49.137 --> 00:23:52.240
- I'm talking about relationship with god.
- 00:23:52.240 --> 00:23:55.610
- Jesus, who died and rose again, stands at the door of your life,
- 00:23:55.610 --> 00:24:00.182
- And he knocks, and he says if you'll hear his
- 00:24:00.182 --> 00:24:02.417
- Voice and open the door, he will come in.
- 00:24:02.417 --> 00:24:05.053
- Question, have you asked jesus christ
- 00:24:05.053 --> 00:24:07.422
- To come and live inside of you?
- 00:24:07.422 --> 00:24:09.391
- You might say, "well, i think so, i'm not sure."
- 00:24:09.391 --> 00:24:11.426
- Hey, if someone moved into your house in the middle of the
- 00:24:11.426 --> 00:24:13.962
- Night, do you think you would be aware of it?
- 00:24:13.962 --> 00:24:16.665
- I'm sure you would.
- 00:24:16.665 --> 00:24:17.999
- And in the same way, if christ has
- 00:24:17.999 --> 00:24:21.169
- Come to live inside of you, you will know.
- 00:24:21.169 --> 00:24:22.537
- And if you don't know, maybe he has not come in yet.
- 00:24:22.537 --> 00:24:26.074
- He's just a prayer away.
- 00:24:26.074 --> 00:24:27.742
- All you need to do is say, "jesus, i want this relationship
- 00:24:27.742 --> 00:24:31.413
- With you, i want you to forgive me of my sin,
- 00:24:31.413 --> 00:24:34.182
- I wanna go to heaven when i die."
- 00:24:34.182 --> 00:24:36.384
- Would you like to do that?
- 00:24:36.384 --> 00:24:37.752
- Would you like christ to come into your life?
- 00:24:37.752 --> 00:24:40.121
- If so, why don't you just pray this simple prayer with me?
- 00:24:40.121 --> 00:24:43.425
- You can pray it out loud, or you can
- 00:24:43.425 --> 00:24:45.494
- Pray it in the quietness of your heart.
- 00:24:45.494 --> 00:24:47.863
- But this is a prayer where you're asking jesus christ to be
- 00:24:47.863 --> 00:24:51.099
- Your savior and lord, pray this with me now.
- 00:24:51.099 --> 00:24:54.536
- "lord jesus, i know that i'm a sinner, but i know that you're
- 00:24:54.536 --> 00:24:58.240
- The savior, who died on the cross for my
- 00:24:58.240 --> 00:25:01.543
- Sin and rose again from the dead.
- 00:25:01.543 --> 00:25:03.745
- Now come into my life.
- 00:25:03.745 --> 00:25:06.448
- I choose to follow you from this moment forward.
- 00:25:06.448 --> 00:25:10.952
- Thank you for hearing this prayer
- 00:25:10.952 --> 00:25:13.121
- And answering this prayer.
- 00:25:13.121 --> 00:25:14.789
- In jesus's name, amen."
- 00:25:14.789 --> 00:25:17.626
- Did you just pray that prayer with me?
- 00:25:17.626 --> 00:25:19.728
- If so, i want you to know in the authority of scripture that
- 00:25:19.728 --> 00:25:22.797
- Christ himself has come to live inside of you.
- 00:25:22.797 --> 00:25:25.834
- And i would love to send to you at
- 00:25:25.834 --> 00:25:27.469
- No charge "the new believers bible."
- 00:25:27.469 --> 00:25:30.505
- It's a very friendly translation of the new testament you'll
- 00:25:30.505 --> 00:25:33.742
- Find very understandable, and it's filled with hundreds of
- 00:25:33.742 --> 00:25:37.279
- Notes that i wrote that will encourage you in this commitment
- 00:25:37.279 --> 00:25:40.949
- You've just made to follow jesus.
- 00:25:40.949 --> 00:25:43.051
- And let me be the first to say to you,
- 00:25:43.051 --> 00:25:45.153
- Congratulations, and welcome to the family of god.
- 00:25:45.153 --> 00:25:55.163
- Greg: greg laurie here.
- 00:25:58.700 --> 00:26:00.068
- You know, in harvest ministries, we're committing to reaching
- 00:26:00.068 --> 00:26:02.771
- Unexpected people in unexpected places with an
- 00:26:02.771 --> 00:26:06.174
- Unexpected message.
- 00:26:06.174 --> 00:26:07.876
- And thanks to your financial support, we've been able to
- 00:26:07.876 --> 00:26:12.247
- Touch people all over the world with the hope of jesus christ.
- 00:26:12.247 --> 00:26:16.718
- Your gifts today not only help us reach millions across the
- 00:26:16.718 --> 00:26:20.455
- Country through this television program, they also help us to
- 00:26:20.455 --> 00:26:24.693
- Bring hope to people and their biggest need, whether through
- 00:26:24.693 --> 00:26:28.296
- Our evangelistic events or our relief efforts.
- 00:26:28.296 --> 00:26:31.066
- Together, we've been able to minister to so many people
- 00:26:31.066 --> 00:26:34.336
- Devastated by the fires in lahaina on the island of maui,
- 00:26:34.336 --> 00:26:38.373
- And also, your support has helped us partner to bring
- 00:26:38.373 --> 00:26:41.843
- Medical help in the ongoing conflict in israel.
- 00:26:41.843 --> 00:26:45.113
- So i'm asking you today to continue to support this
- 00:26:45.113 --> 00:26:48.283
- Ministry so we can do everything possible to fulfill
- 00:26:48.283 --> 00:26:52.220
- The great commission.
- 00:26:52.220 --> 00:26:53.888
- Let's do this together, and let me say in advance, thank you
- 00:26:53.888 --> 00:26:57.158
- And god bless you.
- 00:26:57.158 --> 00:26:58.593
- Female announcer: jesus says that "where two or three are
- 00:27:00.028 --> 00:27:02.464
- Gathered in my name, there i am in the midst of them."
- 00:27:02.464 --> 00:27:06.568
- We are all different.
- 00:27:06.568 --> 00:27:07.969
- We have different interests, different personalities,
- 00:27:07.969 --> 00:27:11.106
- Different upbringings, and different ways we do life.
- 00:27:11.106 --> 00:27:15.377
- But here we have a deep connection and you are
- 00:27:15.377 --> 00:27:20.649
- Welcome here.
- 00:27:20.649 --> 00:27:22.684
- This is harvest.
- 00:27:22.684 --> 00:27:27.255