Dr. Michael Youssef emphasizes the interconnectedness of the Old and New Testaments, countering the trend of dismissing the Old Testament. He argues that one cannot fully understand or appreciate the New Testament without a foundation in the Old Testament. Youssef explores the importance of truth, righteousness, and the gospel in the Christian's spiritual battle, using the metaphor of a soldier's armor. Through biblical teachings and personal anecdotes, he encourages believers to stand firm in their faith and trust in the Word of God.
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Michael Youssef | Michael Youssef - The Full Armor Of God | January 11, 2025
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- 00:00:00.633 --> 00:00:01.316
- Dr. michael youssef: in a day when so many preachers
- 00:00:07.089 --> 00:00:09.358
- Are saying that we need to ditch the old testament,
- 00:00:09.358 --> 00:00:12.394
- We need to give up the old testament,
- 00:00:12.394 --> 00:00:15.164
- I'm going to show you in this book
- 00:00:15.164 --> 00:00:16.732
- "how to read the bible" that the two,
- 00:00:16.732 --> 00:00:19.268
- Old and new testament, are interrelated.
- 00:00:19.268 --> 00:00:22.104
- You cannot have one without the other.
- 00:00:22.104 --> 00:00:24.139
- One does not make sense without the other.
- 00:00:24.139 --> 00:00:26.708
- And so i hope you're going to read that book
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- And you're going to apply it to your life.
- 00:00:28.510 --> 00:00:30.345
- It will strengthen your faith and your trust
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- In the word of god.
- 00:00:33.649 --> 00:00:35.851
- Announcer: as fewer christians read the bible daily,
- 00:00:37.186 --> 00:00:39.521
- Fewer understand what a marvelous revelation
- 00:00:39.521 --> 00:00:41.790
- It is from god to man.
- 00:00:41.790 --> 00:00:43.592
- Now more than ever before is the time that our world
- 00:00:43.592 --> 00:00:46.361
- Needs to understand what scripture actually has to say.
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- In "how to read the bible as if your life depends on it,"
- 00:00:50.265 --> 00:00:53.102
- Dr. michael youssef offers us a fresh way
- 00:00:53.102 --> 00:00:55.237
- To deepen our understanding of god's word in 2025.
- 00:00:55.237 --> 00:00:58.740
- Trained as an anthropologist and armed with over 50 years
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- Of experience studying and teaching the word,
- 00:01:01.944 --> 00:01:04.546
- Dr. youssef is uniquely equipped to show us how to understand
- 00:01:04.546 --> 00:01:07.683
- The full scope of the bible.
- 00:01:07.683 --> 00:01:09.651
- Transform your bible-reading in 2025
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- From genesis to revelation, 66 books that
- 00:01:12.287 --> 00:01:15.190
- Will tell one grand story.
- 00:01:15.190 --> 00:01:17.526
- For a limited time for your gift of any amount, "leading the way"
- 00:01:17.526 --> 00:01:20.662
- Will send you your own copy to equip yourself
- 00:01:20.662 --> 00:01:22.898
- For the year ahead.
- 00:01:22.898 --> 00:01:24.566
- Your gift enables us to share the uncompromised truth
- 00:01:24.566 --> 00:01:27.169
- Of god's word with people in need
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- From here at home to remote villages
- 00:01:29.371 --> 00:01:31.006
- Across the world.
- 00:01:31.006 --> 00:01:32.341
- Get your copy for your gift of any amount today.
- 00:01:32.341 --> 00:01:35.377
- Dr. youssef: the belt of truth,
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- The breastplate of righteousness,
- 00:01:39.414 --> 00:01:43.485
- The footwear of the gospel.
- 00:01:43.485 --> 00:01:46.755
- Those three are permanent.
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- Our readiness for the spiritual battle
- 00:01:49.324 --> 00:01:52.594
- Always starts with the truth.
- 00:01:52.594 --> 00:01:55.330
- ♪♪♪
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- Dr. youssef: i think we all know that when god our father,
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- Who is the father of all truth-- how many of the truth?
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- All truth.
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- Is pushed out of any society or any group of people,
- 00:02:32.234 --> 00:02:37.773
- The father of lies himself takes his place,
- 00:02:37.773 --> 00:02:44.279
- And it is-- satan's absolute dedication
- 00:02:44.279 --> 00:02:47.950
- And mission is to impugn the truth, why?
- 00:02:47.950 --> 00:02:53.689
- Because he knows full well that if he can impugn the truth,
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- He can try to impugn the lord, who is the truth.
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- Think about it this way.
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- If man's greatest strength, if man's greatest strength
- 00:03:07.469 --> 00:03:14.076
- Is to trust god, can i get an amen,
- 00:03:14.076 --> 00:03:19.448
- Then satan's mission is to make him distrust god.
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- Now, to bring this from generality to specifically
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- To the christian church, when satan succeeds
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- In making so-called christian or a churchgoer
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- To doubt god's word, to doubt god's goodness,
- 00:03:41.937 --> 00:03:46.341
- God's love, god's power, god's mercy,
- 00:03:46.341 --> 00:03:50.178
- And god's sufficiency, then he has succeeded
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- In having that person join him in impugning the truth.
- 00:03:55.384 --> 00:04:00.856
- And when so-called a christian or a churchgoer
- 00:04:00.856 --> 00:04:05.961
- Becomes so hopelessly anxious, depressed, despondent,
- 00:04:05.961 --> 00:04:13.535
- And hopeless, he joins satan in impugning the trustworthiness
- 00:04:13.535 --> 00:04:20.575
- Of god.
- 00:04:20.575 --> 00:04:27.082
- Beloved, we seeing this with our own eyes.
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- All you need to do, open your eyes,
- 00:04:32.020 --> 00:04:33.588
- Look what is happening all around us.
- 00:04:33.588 --> 00:04:36.625
- We are seeing this.
- 00:04:36.625 --> 00:04:38.160
- We seeing how satan is attacking christians
- 00:04:38.160 --> 00:04:43.131
- Through biblical confusion and through falsehoods.
- 00:04:43.131 --> 00:04:50.072
- We seeing it with our own eyes literally every day,
- 00:04:50.072 --> 00:04:54.276
- And that is why the apostle paul warns us
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- In chapter 4, verse 14 that they are tossed here
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- And there by waves and carried about
- 00:05:02.551 --> 00:05:06.922
- Every wind of doctrine.
- 00:05:06.922 --> 00:05:09.091
- Every newfangled idea that comes in,
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- Well, we just follow it.
- 00:05:11.560 --> 00:05:15.964
- Let me ask you this.
- 00:05:15.964 --> 00:05:18.166
- How many times have you heard a popular preacher
- 00:05:18.166 --> 00:05:24.139
- Say something like this?
- 00:05:24.139 --> 00:05:26.375
- "well, the bible is just too difficult
- 00:05:26.375 --> 00:05:28.143
- To understand.
- 00:05:28.143 --> 00:05:31.880
- The bible is full of contradictions."
- 00:05:31.880 --> 00:05:35.617
- Or hear this one, "you may believe the bible,
- 00:05:35.617 --> 00:05:41.156
- But your children and your grandchildren
- 00:05:41.156 --> 00:05:43.258
- Don't believe the bible, so get on with it
- 00:05:43.258 --> 00:05:46.027
- And join them."
- 00:05:46.027 --> 00:05:49.998
- Here's another one, "so many parts of the bible
- 00:05:49.998 --> 00:05:54.469
- Are difficult to explain, like jonah and the whale
- 00:05:54.469 --> 00:05:57.239
- And the flood," and on and on and on.
- 00:05:57.239 --> 00:06:02.077
- Beloved, the one thing that satan loves the most
- 00:06:02.077 --> 00:06:08.049
- Is when they preach specifically that genesis is a myth
- 00:06:08.049 --> 00:06:15.690
- And revelation is a mystery.
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- You-- as soon as you hear that,
- 00:06:19.094 --> 00:06:21.263
- You know satan's speaking through them.
- 00:06:21.263 --> 00:06:23.198
- Do you know why?
- 00:06:23.198 --> 00:06:25.233
- Because satan hates genesis and revelation,
- 00:06:25.233 --> 00:06:28.804
- Because in genesis his condemnation is announced
- 00:06:28.804 --> 00:06:33.542
- And in revelation it's carried out, amen.
- 00:06:33.542 --> 00:06:42.350
- We can see now the vital importance
- 00:06:42.350 --> 00:06:46.154
- Of why the word of god gives us the full armor of god
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- Or the whole armor of god.
- 00:06:51.560 --> 00:06:54.596
- We started, again, in the last message.
- 00:06:54.596 --> 00:06:58.099
- Ephesians chapter 6, turn to it please,
- 00:06:58.099 --> 00:07:02.804
- Verses 14 to 17, he gives us seven,
- 00:07:02.804 --> 00:07:08.376
- Seven pieces of equipment, the pieces of the armor,
- 00:07:08.376 --> 00:07:12.781
- Equipment which god provides for his children.
- 00:07:12.781 --> 00:07:16.952
- This is god's provision.
- 00:07:16.952 --> 00:07:19.254
- Don't undermi-- underestimate it.
- 00:07:19.254 --> 00:07:21.823
- Don't undermine it.
- 00:07:21.823 --> 00:07:23.158
- It is god's provision for his children.
- 00:07:23.158 --> 00:07:25.961
- Why did god give us those seven pieces of equipment?
- 00:07:25.961 --> 00:07:29.564
- So that we withstand the onslaught of satan
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- And his demons, and that is why
- 00:07:34.236 --> 00:07:36.905
- Constantly we must remind ourselves,
- 00:07:36.905 --> 00:07:39.741
- We must constantly affirm these seven pieces of equipment.
- 00:07:39.741 --> 00:07:44.713
- We're going to look at the first three today,
- 00:07:44.713 --> 00:07:46.848
- And then the rest in the coming weeks.
- 00:07:46.848 --> 00:07:50.285
- Please listen to me.
- 00:07:50.285 --> 00:07:52.487
- There can be no true believer in the lord jesus christ
- 00:07:52.487 --> 00:07:59.561
- Without the-- these first three.
- 00:07:59.561 --> 00:08:02.264
- It can't be with any of them, but those three are permanent.
- 00:08:02.264 --> 00:08:08.470
- And so the first one is the belt of truth,
- 00:08:08.470 --> 00:08:12.674
- The second is the breastplate of righteousness,
- 00:08:12.674 --> 00:08:17.746
- And the third is the footwear of the gospel.
- 00:08:17.746 --> 00:08:21.850
- And so, again, we're going to go over these three
- 00:08:21.850 --> 00:08:25.487
- And the rest in the next message.
- 00:08:25.487 --> 00:08:28.256
- Look with me please
- 00:08:28.256 --> 00:08:29.591
- At the first half of verse 14, ephesians 6, first half.
- 00:08:29.591 --> 00:08:35.497
- "stand firm therefore, having girded your loins
- 00:08:35.497 --> 00:08:40.468
- With the belt of truth."
- 00:08:40.468 --> 00:08:42.837
- That's the old translation, and i love it.
- 00:08:42.837 --> 00:08:45.774
- In the niv puts it this way.
- 00:08:45.774 --> 00:08:48.310
- "stand firm then, with the belt of truth buckled,"
- 00:08:48.310 --> 00:08:52.714
- Or wrapped, "around your waist."
- 00:08:52.714 --> 00:08:56.384
- The christian life is a combat zone,
- 00:08:56.384 --> 00:08:59.955
- And because of that combat zone--
- 00:08:59.955 --> 00:09:05.293
- And back then combat was hand-to-hand.
- 00:09:05.293 --> 00:09:08.029
- It wasn't long distance and shooting,
- 00:09:08.029 --> 00:09:09.764
- But it was literally hand-to-hand.
- 00:09:09.764 --> 00:09:12.567
- And therefore this tunic will get in the way
- 00:09:12.567 --> 00:09:16.371
- If you're fighting hand-to-hand.
- 00:09:16.371 --> 00:09:20.075
- That is why this tunic actually, if it's left alone,
- 00:09:20.075 --> 00:09:23.345
- Floating around in the breeze, if you leave it untucked
- 00:09:23.345 --> 00:09:28.617
- Before the battle-- that tunic must be cinched up
- 00:09:28.617 --> 00:09:34.956
- And tucked in that heavy leather belt
- 00:09:34.956 --> 00:09:38.994
- Known as the belt of truth in order be
- 00:09:38.994 --> 00:09:43.898
- All around the waist and nothing floating around.
- 00:09:43.898 --> 00:09:48.637
- Having your tunic tucked inside the belt
- 00:09:48.637 --> 00:09:52.107
- Is a sign of readiness, it is a sign of preparedness.
- 00:09:52.173 --> 00:10:01.216
- And, my beloved friends, any serious-minded soldiers
- 00:10:01.216 --> 00:10:05.220
- Must always, always, always, always
- 00:10:05.220 --> 00:10:07.989
- Be in a state of readiness.
- 00:10:07.989 --> 00:10:11.593
- And for us believers who love the lord jesus,
- 00:10:11.593 --> 00:10:16.698
- Our readiness for the spiritual battle,
- 00:10:16.698 --> 00:10:21.369
- For the spiritual war always starts with the truth.
- 00:10:21.369 --> 00:10:26.775
- Can i get an amen?
- 00:10:26.775 --> 00:10:28.743
- Oh, listen.
- 00:10:28.743 --> 00:10:31.146
- Being girded by biblical truth is a make-or-break
- 00:10:31.146 --> 00:10:37.519
- For spiritual victory.
- 00:10:37.519 --> 00:10:41.056
- The reason we are seeing people, and i've seen some
- 00:10:41.056 --> 00:10:45.293
- And i know them personally, who ten or twenty years ago
- 00:10:45.293 --> 00:10:48.763
- They were on fire for god, and now they've surrendered
- 00:10:48.763 --> 00:10:53.134
- To the enemy of their soul completely,
- 00:10:53.134 --> 00:10:56.604
- That's because they never took seriously
- 00:10:56.604 --> 00:11:00.675
- The vital importance of fully and totally
- 00:11:00.675 --> 00:11:04.879
- Being girded by biblical truth.
- 00:11:04.879 --> 00:11:08.516
- And the only way that you confront
- 00:11:08.516 --> 00:11:11.519
- These deceptive spirits is by the truth
- 00:11:11.519 --> 00:11:15.857
- Of the word of god,
- 00:11:15.857 --> 00:11:19.761
- And that is why the belt of truth
- 00:11:19.761 --> 00:11:22.330
- Is a permanent fixture.
- 00:11:22.330 --> 00:11:25.800
- It's a permanent item.
- 00:11:25.800 --> 00:11:27.969
- It's a permanent equipment.
- 00:11:27.969 --> 00:11:30.271
- You don't take it on or off.
- 00:11:30.271 --> 00:11:32.874
- Please grasp this.
- 00:11:32.874 --> 00:11:35.276
- To be spiritually content
- 00:11:35.276 --> 00:11:40.381
- With mediocrity, with lethargy,
- 00:11:40.381 --> 00:11:47.222
- With indifference, with half-hearted commitment,
- 00:11:47.222 --> 00:11:54.796
- That is to fail to gird your loins
- 00:11:54.796 --> 00:11:59.300
- With the belt of truth, and truthfully,
- 00:11:59.300 --> 00:12:05.140
- You leave yourself vulnerable to satan's schemes and attacks.
- 00:12:05.140 --> 00:12:12.680
- The belt of truth,
- 00:12:12.680 --> 00:12:14.816
- The breastplate of righteousness.
- 00:12:14.816 --> 00:12:17.352
- Look at the second half of verse 14, ephesians 6.
- 00:12:17.352 --> 00:12:23.324
- Now, of course, in modern days we--
- 00:12:23.324 --> 00:12:26.361
- Many of our police officers and--
- 00:12:26.361 --> 00:12:29.397
- They wear a bulletproof vest.
- 00:12:29.397 --> 00:12:33.268
- Now, in rome the soldier would never go to battle
- 00:12:33.268 --> 00:12:37.172
- Without the breastplate.
- 00:12:37.172 --> 00:12:39.174
- It's unthinkable.
- 00:12:39.174 --> 00:12:41.209
- It's impossible.
- 00:12:41.209 --> 00:12:44.045
- And it covers the vital organs.
- 00:12:44.045 --> 00:12:48.149
- I want you to hear me out, because this is important.
- 00:12:48.149 --> 00:12:50.385
- The heart, the lungs, the intestine.
- 00:12:50.385 --> 00:12:56.558
- And they're often-- it's made of hard leather,
- 00:12:56.558 --> 00:12:59.294
- Very hard leather, and then some metal
- 00:12:59.294 --> 00:13:02.497
- On top of that hammered in it in order to conform to the body.
- 00:13:02.497 --> 00:13:08.636
- In the old testament, and you will understand this,
- 00:13:08.636 --> 00:13:12.907
- They often refer to the heart as the mind.
- 00:13:12.907 --> 00:13:19.047
- The bowels refer to in the old testament
- 00:13:19.047 --> 00:13:21.649
- As the seat of emotions and feelings.
- 00:13:21.649 --> 00:13:25.687
- Hello.
- 00:13:25.687 --> 00:13:27.021
- Everybody is feeling these days.
- 00:13:27.021 --> 00:13:32.327
- But guess what?
- 00:13:32.327 --> 00:13:33.661
- Guess what?
- 00:13:33.661 --> 00:13:35.697
- The mind and the emotions are exactly the two areas
- 00:13:35.697 --> 00:13:43.338
- Where satan unleashes his most vicious attack.
- 00:13:43.338 --> 00:13:50.445
- Satan creates a sinful environment
- 00:13:50.445 --> 00:13:55.250
- Designed to tempt us.
- 00:13:55.250 --> 00:13:57.819
- Well, tempt us to do what?
- 00:13:57.819 --> 00:13:59.821
- To think the wrong thoughts, to feel the wrong emotions,
- 00:13:59.821 --> 00:14:06.561
- To cloud our minds with false doctrine
- 00:14:06.561 --> 00:14:10.698
- And false teaching and false principles
- 00:14:10.698 --> 00:14:13.101
- And false information, why?
- 00:14:13.101 --> 00:14:16.170
- To mislead us and to confuse us.
- 00:14:16.170 --> 00:14:19.741
- Listen, he loves to confuse our emotions
- 00:14:19.741 --> 00:14:24.012
- And pervert our affections and pervert our loyalties.
- 00:14:24.012 --> 00:14:29.684
- Beloved, listen to me.
- 00:14:29.684 --> 00:14:31.019
- Satan specializes in trying to snatch
- 00:14:31.019 --> 00:14:35.690
- The word of god out of our minds
- 00:14:35.690 --> 00:14:38.326
- And replaces them with his own perverted ideas.
- 00:14:38.326 --> 00:14:43.798
- Satan loves to confuse the importance of the centrality
- 00:14:43.798 --> 00:14:48.870
- Of christ in our lives by saying,
- 00:14:48.870 --> 00:14:54.642
- "but all that god wants for me is to be happy."
- 00:14:54.642 --> 00:15:00.415
- How many times have you heard that?
- 00:15:00.415 --> 00:15:03.851
- Happy? no.
- 00:15:03.851 --> 00:15:06.487
- All that god wants for you and for me is to be holy.
- 00:15:06.487 --> 00:15:12.593
- You see, satan wants us to joke and laugh about sin
- 00:15:12.593 --> 00:15:16.931
- Instead of mourning over it.
- 00:15:16.931 --> 00:15:19.867
- He wants us to rationalize sin instead of confessing it,
- 00:15:19.867 --> 00:15:25.106
- Repenting of it, and asking the lord to forgive us.
- 00:15:25.106 --> 00:15:28.710
- He seduces to get used to sin as inevitable.
- 00:15:28.710 --> 00:15:33.214
- "well, you can't help it.
- 00:15:33.214 --> 00:15:34.582
- This is just the way you are," rather than let it burn
- 00:15:34.582 --> 00:15:40.221
- In our conscience until we confess it.
- 00:15:40.221 --> 00:15:44.325
- Oh, beloved, our god and father wants us to be protected.
- 00:15:44.325 --> 00:15:51.199
- He wants us to be protected from all that junk
- 00:15:51.199 --> 00:15:53.668
- That's floating around, how?
- 00:15:53.668 --> 00:15:56.938
- By the breastplate of righteousness.
- 00:15:56.938 --> 00:16:01.776
- Another question.
- 00:16:01.776 --> 00:16:04.846
- What is it that you put on as a spiritual armor constantly,
- 00:16:04.846 --> 00:16:09.217
- Always, every moment of every day?
- 00:16:09.217 --> 00:16:14.222
- It is the practice of daily obedience
- 00:16:14.222 --> 00:16:19.160
- To the word of god.
- 00:16:19.160 --> 00:16:21.896
- It's that practical righteousness,
- 00:16:21.896 --> 00:16:24.265
- Which i call it obedience, basically.
- 00:16:24.265 --> 00:16:27.201
- The righteousness of obedience.
- 00:16:27.201 --> 00:16:30.571
- In fact, rigorous obedience is the evidence that you have
- 00:16:30.571 --> 00:16:37.512
- An imputed righteousness of christ in you.
- 00:16:37.512 --> 00:16:44.652
- The righteousness of obedience is the practical workings
- 00:16:44.652 --> 00:16:50.425
- Of that imputed righteousness of jesus.
- 00:16:50.425 --> 00:16:53.628
- Please don't miss what i'm going to tell you.
- 00:16:53.628 --> 00:16:54.962
- Don't miss what i'm going to tell you.
- 00:16:54.962 --> 00:16:56.631
- That imputed righteousness that god places in us
- 00:16:56.631 --> 00:17:00.535
- When we first come to christ and receive him
- 00:17:00.535 --> 00:17:03.738
- As the only savior and lord of our lives
- 00:17:03.738 --> 00:17:06.974
- Makes it possible for us to practice this type
- 00:17:06.974 --> 00:17:11.479
- Of practical righteousness or obedience.
- 00:17:11.479 --> 00:17:17.251
- Putting on the breastplate of righteousness
- 00:17:17.251 --> 00:17:19.353
- Means that i am daily, several times a day even,
- 00:17:19.353 --> 00:17:23.558
- Moment by moment leaning on the strength of jesus
- 00:17:23.558 --> 00:17:29.030
- For my obedience.
- 00:17:29.030 --> 00:17:31.265
- God supplies its source, and i offer my total dependence
- 00:17:31.265 --> 00:17:37.972
- On him for this practical righteousness.
- 00:17:37.972 --> 00:17:41.175
- God puts on me christ-imputed righteousness,
- 00:17:41.175 --> 00:17:45.947
- But i must rely on him for practical righteousness
- 00:17:45.947 --> 00:17:50.218
- Of obedience.
- 00:17:50.218 --> 00:17:53.321
- The belt of truth,
- 00:17:53.321 --> 00:17:55.423
- The breastplate of righteousness.
- 00:17:55.423 --> 00:17:57.925
- Verse 15, the footwear, the footwear.
- 00:17:57.925 --> 00:18:02.730
- The soldier's feet need to be protected
- 00:18:02.730 --> 00:18:06.834
- From the rough road, from the hot roads,
- 00:18:06.834 --> 00:18:09.804
- And from the rocky roads.
- 00:18:09.804 --> 00:18:11.873
- Soldiers cannot fight well if they're not able
- 00:18:11.873 --> 00:18:15.276
- To stand strong in the battle.
- 00:18:15.276 --> 00:18:19.280
- In addition to the durability of a soldier's shoes,
- 00:18:19.280 --> 00:18:25.052
- They should have good tractions.
- 00:18:25.052 --> 00:18:29.290
- Some said they ha-- the old days
- 00:18:29.290 --> 00:18:31.125
- They used to have spikes so that they can really stand strong.
- 00:18:31.125 --> 00:18:34.462
- Now, the spiritual footwear that the apostle paul
- 00:18:34.462 --> 00:18:37.398
- Is talking about here are of equal important--
- 00:18:37.398 --> 00:18:41.435
- Importance to the military as it is
- 00:18:41.435 --> 00:18:45.139
- To the spiritual soldiers.
- 00:18:45.139 --> 00:18:47.575
- Listen to me.
- 00:18:47.575 --> 00:18:49.710
- If the christian soldier is carefully girding his loins
- 00:18:49.710 --> 00:18:55.416
- With the truth, and if he regularly
- 00:18:55.416 --> 00:18:58.219
- Moment by moment depends on god for practical righteousness,
- 00:18:58.219 --> 00:19:05.193
- But not feet properly fitted with the preparation
- 00:19:05.193 --> 00:19:11.199
- Of the gospel of peace, then stumbling, falling,
- 00:19:11.199 --> 00:19:19.207
- Defeat is inevitable.
- 00:19:19.207 --> 00:19:25.313
- A good pair of boots will help the soldiers march,
- 00:19:25.313 --> 00:19:29.684
- Climb, jump, and fight no matter what he faces,
- 00:19:29.684 --> 00:19:35.489
- Whatever he needs to do to win.
- 00:19:35.489 --> 00:19:39.493
- Here the apostle paul probably quotings
- 00:19:39.493 --> 00:19:42.430
- Part of isaiah 52:7, "how beautiful are the feet
- 00:19:42.430 --> 00:19:46.500
- Of him who brings good news."
- 00:19:46.500 --> 00:19:50.471
- A number of theologians have applied
- 00:19:50.471 --> 00:19:52.506
- This particular piece of equipment,
- 00:19:52.506 --> 00:19:55.543
- The footwear-- spiritual footwear,
- 00:19:55.543 --> 00:19:59.380
- To the preaching of the gospel, to preachers, to evangelists,
- 00:19:59.380 --> 00:20:02.950
- And even witnessing, but it's not about
- 00:20:02.950 --> 00:20:05.620
- Preaching and teaching here.
- 00:20:05.620 --> 00:20:08.122
- It's not-- this is about fighting
- 00:20:08.122 --> 00:20:10.191
- The spiritual battle.
- 00:20:10.191 --> 00:20:13.628
- See, before we were saved, we were dead, dead, dead, dead,
- 00:20:13.628 --> 00:20:19.867
- And mired in sin.
- 00:20:19.867 --> 00:20:22.403
- Before we were saved, we're at enmity with god.
- 00:20:22.403 --> 00:20:26.741
- Before we were saved, we were at war--
- 00:20:26.741 --> 00:20:29.777
- We were at war with everybody,
- 00:20:29.777 --> 00:20:31.545
- But certainly we were at war with god.
- 00:20:31.545 --> 00:20:35.483
- But once christ saves us eternally,
- 00:20:35.483 --> 00:20:40.021
- We have become reconciled with god,
- 00:20:40.021 --> 00:20:44.125
- And we only do not have the peace of god,
- 00:20:44.125 --> 00:20:48.029
- But we have peace with god.
- 00:20:48.029 --> 00:20:50.898
- We're friends now.
- 00:20:50.898 --> 00:20:53.234
- The gospel of peace is the truth of christ.
- 00:20:53.234 --> 00:20:56.671
- The gospel of peace is the gift of christ.
- 00:20:56.671 --> 00:21:00.608
- The gospel of peace is the truth that i am purchased
- 00:21:00.608 --> 00:21:06.447
- By the blood of jesus christ alone.
- 00:21:06.447 --> 00:21:10.017
- Therefore, my feet are protected from the fire of hell.
- 00:21:10.017 --> 00:21:15.423
- We stand confidently in god's love.
- 00:21:15.423 --> 00:21:18.559
- We stand confidently in god's promises that
- 00:21:18.559 --> 00:21:22.263
- He will fight for us when we come to him.
- 00:21:22.263 --> 00:21:25.132
- Any believer who stands in the power of jesus christ
- 00:21:25.132 --> 00:21:28.803
- On their own, they need with--
- 00:21:28.803 --> 00:21:33.207
- Not on their own.
- 00:21:33.207 --> 00:21:34.542
- I meant they need not fear satan.
- 00:21:34.542 --> 00:21:37.845
- There are-- some christians fear satan.
- 00:21:37.845 --> 00:21:39.380
- I don't.
- 00:21:39.380 --> 00:21:40.848
- You should never fear satan.
- 00:21:40.848 --> 00:21:43.551
- He's a defeated foe, and god is giving us all this equipment
- 00:21:43.551 --> 00:21:47.722
- In order that we too defeat him and have the victory.
- 00:21:47.722 --> 00:21:51.258
- Whenever satan attacks us-- and i'm talking from experience.
- 00:21:51.258 --> 00:21:54.662
- Trust me, i'm speak-- i know what i'm talking about.
- 00:21:54.662 --> 00:21:57.832
- Whenever satan attacks us, as long as we are standing solid
- 00:21:57.832 --> 00:22:03.371
- In our spiritual combat boots of the gospel,
- 00:22:03.371 --> 00:22:07.274
- God will never, will never, will never fail
- 00:22:07.274 --> 00:22:11.779
- To fight for us again and again and again, how?
- 00:22:11.779 --> 00:22:17.184
- Because the gospel changed us from being enemies of god
- 00:22:17.184 --> 00:22:22.690
- To becoming the children of god.
- 00:22:22.690 --> 00:22:26.494
- We changed from being enemies of god
- 00:22:26.494 --> 00:22:30.197
- To being defended by god.
- 00:22:30.197 --> 00:22:32.967
- We were once at enmity with god.
- 00:22:32.967 --> 00:22:35.302
- Now we are his children.
- 00:22:35.302 --> 00:22:36.937
- We were once lost and confused.
- 00:22:36.937 --> 00:22:40.741
- Now we have all of the resources at our command.
- 00:22:40.741 --> 00:22:44.478
- Listen to me.
- 00:22:44.478 --> 00:22:45.813
- If god be for us, who can be against us?
- 00:22:45.813 --> 00:22:50.684
- "but in all these things, we are overwhelmingly conquerors
- 00:22:50.684 --> 00:22:56.023
- Through him who loved us.
- 00:22:56.023 --> 00:22:57.925
- For i am convinced that neither death nor life,
- 00:22:57.925 --> 00:23:01.896
- Nor angels, nor principalities, nor things present,
- 00:23:01.896 --> 00:23:05.466
- Nor things to come, nor power or height or depth,
- 00:23:05.466 --> 00:23:09.537
- Nor any other created thing shall be able to separate us
- 00:23:09.537 --> 00:23:14.275
- From the love of god which is in christ jesus."
- 00:23:14.275 --> 00:23:18.813
- ♪♪♪
- 00:23:22.149 --> 00:23:31.091
- ♪♪♪
- 00:23:31.892 --> 00:23:45.673
- Announcer: "leading the way" is embarking on a bold new vision
- 00:23:41.902 --> 00:23:48.809
- To passionately proclaim the uncompromising truth
- 00:23:48.809 --> 00:23:51.912
- Of christ in three strategic areas
- 00:23:51.912 --> 00:23:54.515
- Where the need is greatest and the doors are open.
- 00:23:54.515 --> 00:23:58.219
- Thanks to your generous partnership,
- 00:23:58.219 --> 00:24:00.321
- "leading the way" has doubled our ministry reach
- 00:24:00.321 --> 00:24:03.057
- Over the past seven years, eternally impacting
- 00:24:03.057 --> 00:24:06.060
- And transforming countless lives
- 00:24:06.060 --> 00:24:08.429
- With the gospel message.
- 00:24:08.429 --> 00:24:10.130
- We are poised to make an even more significant impact
- 00:24:10.130 --> 00:24:13.200
- As we look to the next five years.
- 00:24:13.200 --> 00:24:15.836
- Dr. youssef: we have endeavored to faithfully
- 00:24:15.836 --> 00:24:18.005
- And passionately proclaim the uncompromised truth
- 00:24:18.005 --> 00:24:21.041
- Of christ together at home and around the world.
- 00:24:21.041 --> 00:24:25.079
- We have seen god open doors that we never imagined were possible.
- 00:24:25.079 --> 00:24:29.650
- Announcer: from north america to the middle east
- 00:24:29.650 --> 00:24:31.652
- To remote regions, "leading the way"
- 00:24:31.652 --> 00:24:33.921
- Focuses our ministry resources and efforts
- 00:24:33.921 --> 00:24:36.690
- Where the need is greatest, places where god
- 00:24:36.690 --> 00:24:39.193
- Has given us unprecedented access
- 00:24:39.193 --> 00:24:41.562
- And demonstrated impact.
- 00:24:41.562 --> 00:24:43.364
- We are breaking barriers and reaching the unreached
- 00:24:43.364 --> 00:24:46.233
- Through media, technology, and prayer.
- 00:24:46.233 --> 00:24:49.103
- Whether through traditional tv and radio, our mobile app,
- 00:24:49.103 --> 00:24:52.506
- Our innovative digital media, we spread the gospel
- 00:24:52.506 --> 00:24:55.776
- Far and wide.
- 00:24:55.776 --> 00:24:57.378
- Dr. youssef: i thank god for your faithfulness
- 00:24:57.378 --> 00:24:59.647
- And partnership in the gospel of jesus christ.
- 00:24:59.647 --> 00:25:02.550
- You know, the door is open.
- 00:25:02.550 --> 00:25:04.552
- We must seize these opportunities
- 00:25:04.552 --> 00:25:07.021
- While god's still giving them to us,
- 00:25:07.021 --> 00:25:09.723
- And only god in heaven knows when will it be closed.
- 00:25:09.723 --> 00:25:13.327
- Will you commit to joining me to boldly walk
- 00:25:13.327 --> 00:25:16.730
- Through these open doors together?
- 00:25:16.730 --> 00:25:19.066
- Announcer: give today and join dr. michael youssef
- 00:25:19.066 --> 00:25:21.835
- And "leading the way" as together we walk
- 00:25:21.835 --> 00:25:24.738
- Through the open door and leverage
- 00:25:24.738 --> 00:25:26.840
- Every available resource to reach the unreached
- 00:25:26.840 --> 00:25:29.810
- For christ.
- 00:25:29.810 --> 00:25:32.112
- Announcer: check out "leading the way's"
- 00:25:33.347 --> 00:25:34.815
- Smartphone app.
- 00:25:34.815 --> 00:25:36.283
- With the "leading the way" app, you can watch recent episodes
- 00:25:36.283 --> 00:25:38.619
- Of "leading the way," listen to sermon series,
- 00:25:38.619 --> 00:25:42.122
- As well as read special daily devotionals
- 00:25:42.122 --> 00:25:44.158
- Written by dr. youssef.
- 00:25:44.158 --> 00:25:46.527
- You can even watch "leading the way" live events
- 00:25:46.527 --> 00:25:48.963
- On your mobile device.
- 00:25:48.963 --> 00:25:51.031
- Just search for "leading the way"
- 00:25:51.031 --> 00:25:52.533
- On your apple, android, or amazon fire device
- 00:25:52.533 --> 00:25:55.369
- To download the app today.
- 00:25:55.369 --> 00:25:58.606
- ♪♪♪
- 00:25:58.606 --> 00:26:05.212
- ♪♪♪
- 00:26:06.080 --> 00:26:13.220
- Dr. youssef: it is my personal opinion
- 00:26:13.220 --> 00:26:14.622
- There is no such thing as a private faith.
- 00:26:14.622 --> 00:26:17.625
- That is a cop out.
- 00:26:17.625 --> 00:26:19.093
- I'm sorry but that is the absolute truth.
- 00:26:19.093 --> 00:26:21.595
- It's a copout because a person does not want to share
- 00:26:21.595 --> 00:26:25.566
- His or her faith, they say, "i have a private faith."
- 00:26:25.566 --> 00:26:29.103
- In most cases, they have no faith at all.
- 00:26:29.103 --> 00:26:32.373
- If you value that then you would not consider it to be private.
- 00:26:32.373 --> 00:26:37.177
- You would want the world to know about it.
- 00:26:37.177 --> 00:26:39.713
- And so, i would encourage anybody who says,
- 00:26:39.713 --> 00:26:42.016
- "i have a private faith," to examine themselves;
- 00:26:42.016 --> 00:26:44.184
- Do you really have faith at all?
- 00:26:44.184 --> 00:26:46.053
- You need to develop absolute trust and faith
- 00:26:46.053 --> 00:26:49.456
- In the lord jesus christ
- 00:26:49.456 --> 00:26:50.791
- And you'll be unashamed of the gospel of jesus christ.
- 00:26:50.791 --> 00:26:54.828
- And you'll be happy and excited
- 00:26:54.828 --> 00:26:57.398
- To tell the whole world about it.
- 00:26:57.398 --> 00:27:00.067
- ♪♪♪
- 00:27:00.067 --> 00:27:05.806
- Announcer: passionately proclaiming
- 00:27:07.307 --> 00:27:08.709
- Uncompromising truth, "leading the way"
- 00:27:08.709 --> 00:27:11.011
- With dr. michael youssef thanks you
- 00:27:11.011 --> 00:27:13.180
- For your faithful support through your continued prayers
- 00:27:13.180 --> 00:27:15.816
- And gifts.
- 00:27:15.816 --> 00:27:15.816