Messages of hope and redemption from Passion City Church in Atlanta, Georgia, with Louie Giglio.
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Passion with Louie Giglio | Katherine Wolf - Treasures In The Dark | December 29, 2024
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- 00:00:00.459 --> 00:00:12.771
- >> i love the beauty
- 00:00:14.673 --> 00:00:15.841
- >> i love the beauty of isaiah 45:3.
- 00:00:15.908 --> 00:00:18.210
- Of isaiah 45:3. it's a passage.
- 00:00:18.277 --> 00:00:19.244
- It's a passage. if you have heard me
- 00:00:19.311 --> 00:00:20.579
- If you have heard me talk before somewhere,
- 00:00:20.646 --> 00:00:21.980
- Talk before somewhere, or read anything i've written,
- 00:00:22.047 --> 00:00:23.182
- Or read anything i've written, you've no doubt heard
- 00:00:23.248 --> 00:00:24.083
- You've no doubt heard me talk about it.
- 00:00:24.149 --> 00:00:25.384
- Me talk about it. this book is named for it.
- 00:00:25.451 --> 00:00:27.086
- This book is named for it. isaiah 45:3.
- 00:00:27.152 --> 00:00:29.121
- Isaiah 45:3. it's just such a deep comfort.
- 00:00:29.188 --> 00:00:30.389
- It's just such a deep comfort. i'm gonna read the first half
- 00:00:30.456 --> 00:00:31.657
- I'm gonna read the first half of it right now,
- 00:00:31.723 --> 00:00:33.859
- Of it right now, we'll talk about it later.
- 00:00:33.926 --> 00:00:34.793
- We'll talk about it later. isaiah 45:3 says,
- 00:00:34.860 --> 00:00:36.562
- Isaiah 45:3 says, and god says,
- 00:00:36.628 --> 00:00:37.529
- And god says, "i will give you hidden
- 00:00:37.596 --> 00:00:38.864
- "i will give you hidden treasure in the darkness,
- 00:00:38.931 --> 00:00:41.333
- Treasure in the darkness, riches stored
- 00:00:41.400 --> 00:00:42.568
- Riches stored in secret places."
- 00:00:42.634 --> 00:00:46.171
- In secret places." it's glorious.
- 00:00:46.238 --> 00:00:47.106
- It's glorious. i'll get to the rest at the end.
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- I'll get to the rest at the end. but that is said to god's people
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- But that is said to god's people living in exile and captivity
- 00:00:51.610 --> 00:00:54.446
- Living in exile and captivity and horrific oppression.
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- And horrific oppression. guys, sometimes certain
- 00:00:58.117 --> 00:00:59.418
- Guys, sometimes certain treasures are only available
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- Treasures are only available in the darkness.
- 00:01:01.720 --> 00:01:03.255
- In the darkness. and sometimes,
- 00:01:03.322 --> 00:01:04.523
- And sometimes, you couldn't see
- 00:01:04.590 --> 00:01:05.858
- You couldn't see the treasure in front of you,
- 00:01:05.924 --> 00:01:08.627
- The treasure in front of you, and that light.
- 00:01:08.694 --> 00:01:09.928
- And that light. in the light of day when
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- In the light of day when things are going great,
- 00:01:11.096 --> 00:01:12.131
- Things are going great, we miss so much, don't we?
- 00:01:12.197 --> 00:01:14.366
- We miss so much, don't we? we do not have eyes to see
- 00:01:14.433 --> 00:01:15.767
- We do not have eyes to see the goodness of god
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- The goodness of god in the land of the living
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- In the land of the living all around us.
- 00:01:18.003 --> 00:01:20.973
- All around us. if you've got --
- 00:01:21.039 --> 00:01:21.874
- If you've got -- okay, so i love isaiah 45:3
- 00:01:21.940 --> 00:01:25.244
- Okay, so i love isaiah 45:3 because i feel like what
- 00:01:25.310 --> 00:01:27.446
- Because i feel like what he's just saying
- 00:01:27.513 --> 00:01:28.113
- He's just saying so clearly is like,
- 00:01:28.180 --> 00:01:30.249
- So clearly is like, don't miss it.
- 00:01:30.315 --> 00:01:31.984
- Don't miss it. don't miss the treasure.
- 00:01:32.050 --> 00:01:34.119
- Don't miss the treasure. if you are in the dark,
- 00:01:34.186 --> 00:01:35.420
- If you are in the dark, if you have had to go
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- If you have had to go into the horrific darkness,
- 00:01:36.688 --> 00:01:38.657
- Into the horrific darkness, learn the right lessons.
- 00:01:38.724 --> 00:01:41.326
- Learn the right lessons. don't miss it.
- 00:01:41.393 --> 00:01:42.861
- Don't miss it. grab hold of it, cling to it,
- 00:01:42.928 --> 00:01:44.863
- Grab hold of it, cling to it, let it inform the way you live
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- Let it inform the way you live the rest of your life.
- 00:01:46.999 --> 00:01:49.268
- The rest of your life. and i just --
- 00:01:49.334 --> 00:01:50.068
- And i just -- i feel that charge.
- 00:01:50.135 --> 00:01:51.370
- I feel that charge. like, i don't wanna waste this.
- 00:01:51.436 --> 00:01:53.071
- Like, i don't wanna waste this. i don't wanna waste the pain.
- 00:01:53.138 --> 00:01:55.941
- I don't wanna waste the pain. i believe that true
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- I believe that true darkness can be sacred.
- 00:01:57.342 --> 00:02:00.379
- Darkness can be sacred. and i'm going to share
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- And i'm going to share just a few of my treasures
- 00:02:01.747 --> 00:02:04.383
- Just a few of my treasures with you right now.
- 00:02:04.449 --> 00:02:06.118
- With you right now. i -- this book is essentially
- 00:02:06.185 --> 00:02:08.921
- I -- this book is essentially a collection of vignettes
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- A collection of vignettes from my life that
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- From my life that i like to call the treasure.
- 00:02:13.258 --> 00:02:15.661
- I like to call the treasure. and they're essentially
- 00:02:15.727 --> 00:02:17.796
- And they're essentially in three categories: hurting,
- 00:02:17.863 --> 00:02:19.665
- In three categories: hurting, healing, and hoping.
- 00:02:19.731 --> 00:02:21.099
- Healing, and hoping. and basically, they are looking
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- And basically, they are looking with laser focus in areas
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- With laser focus in areas of my life and redefining it.
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- Of my life and redefining it. and so, here is my challenge
- 00:02:28.207 --> 00:02:29.875
- And so, here is my challenge to you all today.
- 00:02:29.942 --> 00:02:31.843
- To you all today. i ask a question at the end
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- I ask a question at the end of every little chapter
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- Of every little chapter that i'm going to put my hands
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- That i'm going to put my hands on my hips and make
- 00:02:37.115 --> 00:02:38.016
- On my hips and make a memory to all of you.
- 00:02:38.083 --> 00:02:39.551
- A memory to all of you. wake up if you're asleep,
- 00:02:39.618 --> 00:02:40.819
- Wake up if you're asleep, this is very important.
- 00:02:40.886 --> 00:02:42.788
- This is very important. listen, if it is true for me,
- 00:02:42.854 --> 00:02:48.193
- If it is true
- 00:02:48.293 --> 00:02:49.094
- If it is true for katherine wolf,
- 00:02:49.161 --> 00:02:50.696
- For katherine wolf, could it be true for you
- 00:02:50.762 --> 00:02:54.666
- Could it be true for you and your story
- 00:02:54.733 --> 00:02:55.867
- And your story and your specifics?
- 00:02:55.934 --> 00:02:57.069
- And your specifics? here's the thing.
- 00:02:57.135 --> 00:02:58.170
- Here's the thing. i am no superhero,
- 00:02:58.237 --> 00:03:00.138
- I am no superhero, i am no saint.
- 00:03:00.205 --> 00:03:01.840
- I am no saint. i'm not really that special.
- 00:03:01.907 --> 00:03:03.542
- I'm not really that special. mom, if you're watching,
- 00:03:03.609 --> 00:03:05.010
- Mom, if you're watching, yes i am.
- 00:03:05.077 --> 00:03:06.545
- Yes i am. but i'm not special,
- 00:03:06.612 --> 00:03:09.581
- But i'm not special, but i've got a special story
- 00:03:09.648 --> 00:03:11.650
- But i've got a special story of god showing up,
- 00:03:11.717 --> 00:03:12.384
- Of god showing up, and the thing is, you do too.
- 00:03:12.451 --> 00:03:14.453
- And the thing is, you do too. you have a same story of god
- 00:03:14.519 --> 00:03:16.221
- You have a same story of god leading you in you're deep pain.
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- Leading you in you're deep pain. if you have eyes to see
- 00:03:18.624 --> 00:03:19.791
- If you have eyes to see it that way,
- 00:03:19.858 --> 00:03:20.592
- It that way, you are me.
- 00:03:20.659 --> 00:03:21.426
- You are me. i am no different.
- 00:03:21.493 --> 00:03:22.894
- I am no different. i am no superhero.
- 00:03:22.961 --> 00:03:24.696
- I am no superhero. i am just believing
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- For the goodness of god
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- For the goodness of god in this broken story.
- 00:03:27.299 --> 00:03:28.900
- In this broken story. and the same is true
- 00:03:28.967 --> 00:03:30.269
- And the same is true for every single one of you.
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- For every single one of you. so, once again,
- 00:03:32.137 --> 00:03:33.739
- So, once again, i challenge you,
- 00:03:33.805 --> 00:03:35.140
- I challenge you, don't miss it.
- 00:03:35.207 --> 00:03:36.908
- Don't miss it. don't waste what god
- 00:03:36.975 --> 00:03:38.043
- Don't waste what god is so clearly doing.
- 00:03:38.110 --> 00:03:40.479
- Is so clearly doing. i love the book
- 00:03:40.545 --> 00:03:42.047
- I love the book "walking in the dark."
- 00:03:42.114 --> 00:03:43.248
- "walking in the dark." i think it's called
- 00:03:43.315 --> 00:03:43.982
- I think it's called "walking in the dark"
- 00:03:44.049 --> 00:03:44.549
- "walking in the dark" by barbara brown taylor.
- 00:03:44.616 --> 00:03:46.685
- By barbara brown taylor. and she writes that new life
- 00:03:46.752 --> 00:03:49.221
- And she writes that new life always starts in the dark.
- 00:03:49.288 --> 00:03:52.257
- Always starts in the dark. whether it's a seed
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- Whether it's a seed in the ground,
- 00:03:53.425 --> 00:03:54.660
- In the ground, a baby in the womb,
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- A baby in the womb, or jesus in the tomb.
- 00:03:56.695 --> 00:03:58.664
- Or jesus in the tomb. it always starts in the dark.
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- It always starts in the dark. now, it has just been such
- 00:04:01.967 --> 00:04:03.769
- Now, it has just been such a comfort to me
- 00:04:03.835 --> 00:04:04.636
- A comfort to me that i am a new creation.
- 00:04:04.703 --> 00:04:06.972
- That i am a new creation. you know, you may have known
- 00:04:07.039 --> 00:04:08.206
- You know, you may have known just my body is
- 00:04:08.273 --> 00:04:09.041
- Just my body is not entirely restored.
- 00:04:09.107 --> 00:04:13.011
- Not entirely restored. this is much,
- 00:04:13.078 --> 00:04:13.945
- This is much, much better than
- 00:04:14.012 --> 00:04:14.746
- Much better than it was after the stroke,
- 00:04:14.813 --> 00:04:16.148
- It was after the stroke, but i still use a wheelchair,
- 00:04:16.214 --> 00:04:19.618
- But i still use a wheelchair, i have a hand that
- 00:04:19.685 --> 00:04:20.319
- I have a hand that doesn't work,
- 00:04:20.385 --> 00:04:21.286
- Doesn't work, my face is paralyzed,
- 00:04:21.353 --> 00:04:22.854
- My face is paralyzed, i'm deaf in one ear,
- 00:04:22.921 --> 00:04:24.222
- I'm deaf in one ear, i'm nearly blind in one eye,
- 00:04:24.289 --> 00:04:26.358
- I'm nearly blind in one eye, i have a number of,
- 00:04:26.425 --> 00:04:28.293
- I have a number of, just, pretty significant
- 00:04:28.360 --> 00:04:29.561
- Just, pretty significant health challenges.
- 00:04:29.628 --> 00:04:30.629
- Health challenges. i'm a person living
- 00:04:30.696 --> 00:04:31.530
- I'm a person living with disabilities now.
- 00:04:31.596 --> 00:04:33.498
- With disabilities now. and yet, i'm a new creation.
- 00:04:33.565 --> 00:04:37.736
- And yet, i'm a new creation. like, did i get the miracle
- 00:04:37.803 --> 00:04:40.138
- Like, did i get the miracle or did i not?
- 00:04:40.205 --> 00:04:41.807
- Or did i not? well, if you saw me
- 00:04:41.873 --> 00:04:42.474
- Well, if you saw me in the grocery store,
- 00:04:42.541 --> 00:04:43.875
- In the grocery store, you might not think
- 00:04:43.942 --> 00:04:45.010
- You might not think i got the miracle,
- 00:04:45.077 --> 00:04:46.912
- I got the miracle, and yet, i got the miracle.
- 00:04:46.978 --> 00:04:50.315
- And yet, i got the miracle. the fact that i'm here
- 00:04:50.382 --> 00:04:51.683
- The fact that i'm here is the miracle.
- 00:04:51.750 --> 00:04:53.251
- Is the miracle. glory to god.
- 00:04:53.318 --> 00:04:54.219
- [applause]
- 00:04:54.686 --> 00:04:57.989
- Last year we celebrated
- 00:04:59.991 --> 00:05:01.493
- Last year we celebrated 15 years post-stroke.
- 00:05:01.560 --> 00:05:03.261
- 15 years post-stroke. and every year,
- 00:05:03.328 --> 00:05:03.929
- And every year, we have a celebration called
- 00:05:03.995 --> 00:05:04.996
- We have a celebration called "katherine lived day."
- 00:05:05.063 --> 00:05:06.932
- "katherine lived day." we had a big party
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- We had a big party last year --
- 00:05:09.201 --> 00:05:09.901
- Last year -- two years ago now, actually.
- 00:05:09.968 --> 00:05:11.603
- Two years ago now, actually. sixteen year,
- 00:05:11.670 --> 00:05:12.404
- Sixteen year, about a year and a half ago.
- 00:05:12.471 --> 00:05:14.172
- About a year and a half ago. and coming up
- 00:05:14.239 --> 00:05:16.475
- And coming up to the 15 year mark,
- 00:05:16.541 --> 00:05:17.743
- To the 15 year mark, i started asking my counselor,
- 00:05:17.809 --> 00:05:19.778
- I started asking my counselor, like, it's weird.
- 00:05:19.845 --> 00:05:21.847
- Like, it's weird. it's like that anniversary
- 00:05:21.913 --> 00:05:23.915
- It's like that anniversary doesn't have the power
- 00:05:23.982 --> 00:05:25.117
- Doesn't have the power it used to.
- 00:05:25.183 --> 00:05:25.784
- It used to. i just don't feel
- 00:05:25.851 --> 00:05:26.852
- I just don't feel so undone by that day.
- 00:05:26.918 --> 00:05:29.421
- So undone by that day. april 21 normally makes me --
- 00:05:29.488 --> 00:05:31.390
- April 21 normally makes me -- i don't want to get out of bed.
- 00:05:31.456 --> 00:05:32.724
- I don't want to get out of bed. like, i hate april 21 --
- 00:05:32.791 --> 00:05:35.627
- Like, i hate april 21 -- prior, prior me.
- 00:05:35.694 --> 00:05:37.529
- Prior, prior me. and it just was, kinda,
- 00:05:37.596 --> 00:05:40.532
- And it just was, kinda, like coming,
- 00:05:40.599 --> 00:05:41.366
- Like coming, or not that big of a deal.
- 00:05:41.433 --> 00:05:43.001
- Or not that big of a deal. and i'm like,
- 00:05:43.068 --> 00:05:43.635
- And i'm like, "what's happening?
- 00:05:43.702 --> 00:05:44.636
- "what's happening? is it just the passage of time
- 00:05:44.703 --> 00:05:46.538
- Is it just the passage of time has taken the sting away?"
- 00:05:46.605 --> 00:05:48.573
- Has taken the sting away?" and she, as she wisely does,
- 00:05:48.640 --> 00:05:52.110
- And she, as she wisely does, suggested that could it be
- 00:05:52.177 --> 00:05:55.781
- Suggested that could it be that you love who you've become?
- 00:05:55.847 --> 00:06:01.787
- That you love who you've become? and -- oh, it just hit
- 00:06:01.853 --> 00:06:03.789
- And -- oh, it just hit me like a ton of bricks.
- 00:06:03.855 --> 00:06:06.391
- Me like a ton of bricks. i was like, "yes.
- 00:06:06.458 --> 00:06:09.561
- I was like, "yes. that's it."
- 00:06:09.628 --> 00:06:10.896
- That's it." my whole life,
- 00:06:10.962 --> 00:06:13.131
- My whole life, i've walked with jesus since --
- 00:06:13.198 --> 00:06:14.833
- I've walked with jesus since -- i accepted christ
- 00:06:14.900 --> 00:06:15.567
- I accepted christ as a four year old.
- 00:06:15.634 --> 00:06:17.135
- As a four year old. and i have always understood,
- 00:06:17.202 --> 00:06:19.438
- And i have always understood, you don't love yourself.
- 00:06:19.504 --> 00:06:21.473
- You don't love yourself. you don't love you because
- 00:06:21.540 --> 00:06:23.975
- You don't love you because a good christian girl
- 00:06:24.042 --> 00:06:25.043
- A good christian girl shouldn't do that.
- 00:06:25.110 --> 00:06:26.211
- Shouldn't do that. she shouldn't love herself.
- 00:06:26.278 --> 00:06:27.179
- She shouldn't love herself. that's just selfish.
- 00:06:27.245 --> 00:06:28.747
- That's just selfish. wrong.
- 00:06:28.814 --> 00:06:30.248
- Wrong. i am loving what jesus is in me.
- 00:06:30.315 --> 00:06:34.786
- I am loving what jesus is in me. i am an image bearer.
- 00:06:34.853 --> 00:06:37.255
- I am an image bearer. i am his workmanship.
- 00:06:37.322 --> 00:06:38.490
- I am his workmanship. what on earth?
- 00:06:38.557 --> 00:06:39.291
- What on earth? of course i love who i am
- 00:06:39.357 --> 00:06:41.226
- Of course i love who i am becoming because i am becoming
- 00:06:41.293 --> 00:06:42.561
- Becoming because i am becoming more like him.
- 00:06:42.627 --> 00:06:44.062
- More like him. what on earth?
- 00:06:44.129 --> 00:06:45.397
- What on earth? so, it really dramatically
- 00:06:45.464 --> 00:06:47.866
- So, it really dramatically reframed everything for me.
- 00:06:47.933 --> 00:06:49.568
- Reframed everything for me. i'm reminded of the deep truth
- 00:06:49.634 --> 00:06:51.169
- I'm reminded of the deep truth of romans 12:2,
- 00:06:51.236 --> 00:06:53.038
- Of romans 12:2, "do not conform to the pattern
- 00:06:53.104 --> 00:06:54.940
- "do not conform to the pattern of this world,
- 00:06:55.006 --> 00:06:56.174
- Of this world, but be transformed by
- 00:06:56.241 --> 00:06:57.476
- But be transformed by the renewing of your mind."
- 00:06:57.542 --> 00:07:00.345
- The renewing of your mind." suffering does change us.
- 00:07:00.412 --> 00:07:03.582
- Suffering does change us. suffering changed me.
- 00:07:03.648 --> 00:07:05.584
- Suffering changed me. and i couldn't conform anymore.
- 00:07:05.650 --> 00:07:08.253
- And i couldn't conform anymore. didn't have that opportunity
- 00:07:08.320 --> 00:07:09.488
- Didn't have that opportunity to conform.
- 00:07:09.554 --> 00:07:11.356
- To conform. and yet, i didn't want to.
- 00:07:11.423 --> 00:07:14.659
- And yet, i didn't want to. my mind is different because
- 00:07:14.726 --> 00:07:17.496
- My mind is different because i've watched and witnessed jesus
- 00:07:17.562 --> 00:07:20.599
- I've watched and witnessed jesus meet me in my suffering
- 00:07:20.665 --> 00:07:22.767
- Meet me in my suffering and transform me.
- 00:07:22.834 --> 00:07:25.170
- And transform me. so, 15 years later,
- 00:07:25.237 --> 00:07:27.639
- So, 15 years later, now 16 and a half,
- 00:07:27.706 --> 00:07:29.941
- Now 16 and a half, i can love who i've become.
- 00:07:30.008 --> 00:07:33.111
- I can love who i've become. so, the treasure
- 00:07:33.178 --> 00:07:34.779
- So, the treasure takeaway for you,
- 00:07:34.846 --> 00:07:36.348
- Takeaway for you, which the treasure
- 00:07:36.414 --> 00:07:36.982
- Which the treasure takeaways are at
- 00:07:37.048 --> 00:07:37.716
- Takeaways are at the end of these chapters.
- 00:07:37.782 --> 00:07:38.717
- The end of these chapters. and this treasure takeaway
- 00:07:38.783 --> 00:07:40.151
- And this treasure takeaway is simply this:
- 00:07:40.218 --> 00:07:41.920
- Is simply this: my suffering can feel a little
- 00:07:41.987 --> 00:07:45.056
- More bearable when i love
- 00:07:45.156 --> 00:07:47.826
- More bearable when i love who i've become because of it.
- 00:07:47.893 --> 00:07:51.696
- Who i've become because of it. okay, next.
- 00:07:51.763 --> 00:07:53.431
- Okay, next. treasure takeaway number two.
- 00:07:53.498 --> 00:07:55.567
- Treasure takeaway number two. i, in college starting
- 00:07:55.634 --> 00:07:57.869
- At standford university
- 00:07:57.969 --> 00:07:58.870
- At standford university in birmingham,
- 00:07:58.937 --> 00:07:59.871
- In birmingham, and then after college
- 00:07:59.938 --> 00:08:00.972
- And then after college in atlanta was doing
- 00:08:01.039 --> 00:08:02.707
- In atlanta was doing a little bit of commercial
- 00:08:02.774 --> 00:08:04.309
- A little bit of commercial prep modeling,
- 00:08:04.376 --> 00:08:05.710
- Prep modeling, which you have never
- 00:08:05.777 --> 00:08:06.678
- Which you have never heard of this,
- 00:08:06.745 --> 00:08:07.812
- Heard of this, but essentially
- 00:08:07.879 --> 00:08:08.914
- But essentially i was doing modeling,
- 00:08:08.980 --> 00:08:11.383
- I was doing modeling, but, like,
- 00:08:11.449 --> 00:08:12.217
- But, like, not what you're thinking.
- 00:08:12.284 --> 00:08:14.119
- Not what you're thinking. do i look like a fashion model?
- 00:08:14.185 --> 00:08:15.921
- Do i look like a fashion model? please.
- 00:08:15.987 --> 00:08:16.955
- Please. i love food.
- 00:08:17.022 --> 00:08:18.557
- I love food. so no.
- 00:08:18.623 --> 00:08:19.658
- So no. i was modeling for, like,
- 00:08:19.724 --> 00:08:21.359
- I was modeling for, like, target ads, and disney catalogs,
- 00:08:21.426 --> 00:08:23.395
- Target ads, and disney catalogs, and commercials and things.
- 00:08:23.461 --> 00:08:24.729
- And commercials and things. and eventually,
- 00:08:24.796 --> 00:08:25.830
- And eventually, i got an agent
- 00:08:25.897 --> 00:08:26.898
- I got an agent in los angeles.
- 00:08:26.965 --> 00:08:28.233
- In los angeles. and that picture was my first
- 00:08:28.300 --> 00:08:30.001
- And that picture was my first headshot in los angeles
- 00:08:30.068 --> 00:08:32.337
- Headshot in los angeles of me doing,
- 00:08:32.404 --> 00:08:34.205
- Of me doing, like, weird little, sweet,
- 00:08:34.272 --> 00:08:35.907
- Like, weird little, sweet, wholesome commercials
- 00:08:35.974 --> 00:08:36.975
- Wholesome commercials and things.
- 00:08:37.042 --> 00:08:38.410
- And things. and it's funny because
- 00:08:38.476 --> 00:08:41.346
- And it's funny because it was never my calling.
- 00:08:41.413 --> 00:08:42.681
- It was never my calling. i was never like gonna
- 00:08:42.747 --> 00:08:43.715
- I was never like gonna be a commercial prep model
- 00:08:43.782 --> 00:08:44.683
- Be a commercial prep model with my life.
- 00:08:44.749 --> 00:08:45.317
- With my life. please.
- 00:08:45.383 --> 00:08:46.084
- Please. but it paid the bills while
- 00:08:46.151 --> 00:08:47.586
- But it paid the bills while my husband was in law school,
- 00:08:47.652 --> 00:08:49.054
- My husband was in law school, and it was a nice,
- 00:08:49.120 --> 00:08:49.988
- And it was a nice, little career.
- 00:08:50.055 --> 00:08:51.323
- Little career. and i was in los angeles,
- 00:08:51.389 --> 00:08:52.724
- And i was in los angeles, he was in law school there,
- 00:08:52.791 --> 00:08:53.758
- He was in law school there, and so it just, kinda, worked.
- 00:08:53.825 --> 00:08:55.560
- And so it just, kinda, worked. but then i had a massive stroke,
- 00:08:55.627 --> 00:08:57.696
- But then i had a massive stroke, and my face became paralyzed,
- 00:08:57.762 --> 00:08:59.364
- And my face became paralyzed, and i was in a wheelchair.
- 00:08:59.431 --> 00:09:00.699
- And i was in a wheelchair. obviously, that line
- 00:09:00.765 --> 00:09:02.701
- Obviously, that line of work is over.
- 00:09:02.767 --> 00:09:04.302
- Of work is over. i'm not going to be continuing
- 00:09:04.369 --> 00:09:06.004
- I'm not going to be continuing to be a commercial prep model.
- 00:09:06.071 --> 00:09:07.973
- To be a commercial prep model. like, done.
- 00:09:08.039 --> 00:09:09.374
- Like, done. oh well, cool while it lasted.
- 00:09:09.441 --> 00:09:12.978
- Oh well, cool while it lasted. so, post stroke, probably
- 00:09:13.044 --> 00:09:15.380
- So, post stroke, probably four years after the stroke,
- 00:09:15.447 --> 00:09:18.717
- Four years after the stroke, i started volunteering
- 00:09:18.783 --> 00:09:19.751
- I started volunteering to speak at go red luncheons,
- 00:09:19.818 --> 00:09:22.687
- To speak at go red luncheons, which are
- 00:09:22.754 --> 00:09:23.221
- Which are the american stroke association
- 00:09:23.288 --> 00:09:24.823
- The american stroke association luncheons that, like,
- 00:09:24.889 --> 00:09:26.925
- Luncheons that, like, inform people about how
- 00:09:26.992 --> 00:09:28.893
- Inform people about how young women have strokes
- 00:09:28.960 --> 00:09:30.195
- Young women have strokes or something.
- 00:09:30.261 --> 00:09:31.162
- Or something. and i started volunteering
- 00:09:31.229 --> 00:09:32.230
- And i started volunteering at some of these.
- 00:09:32.297 --> 00:09:32.964
- At some of these. kinda one thing led to another
- 00:09:33.031 --> 00:09:35.200
- Kinda one thing led to another and i was speaking, like,
- 00:09:35.266 --> 00:09:36.134
- And i was speaking, like, a lot for these things.
- 00:09:36.201 --> 00:09:38.236
- A lot for these things. and i loved it, it was great.
- 00:09:38.303 --> 00:09:40.105
- And i loved it, it was great. and the head
- 00:09:40.171 --> 00:09:41.106
- And the head of marketing for
- 00:09:41.172 --> 00:09:41.973
- Of marketing for the american stroke association
- 00:09:42.040 --> 00:09:43.608
- The american stroke association called me and said,
- 00:09:43.675 --> 00:09:46.011
- Called me and said, "would you consider becoming
- 00:09:46.077 --> 00:09:47.445
- "would you consider becoming the face of the
- 00:09:47.512 --> 00:09:48.613
- The face of the american stroke association?"
- 00:09:48.680 --> 00:09:50.582
- American stroke association?" and i'm like,
- 00:09:50.649 --> 00:09:52.517
- And i'm like, "hmm, well not sure."
- 00:09:52.584 --> 00:09:54.886
- "hmm, well not sure." she said,
- 00:09:54.953 --> 00:09:55.353
- She said, "we're doing a new campaign
- 00:09:55.420 --> 00:09:56.888
- "we're doing a new campaign called the f.a.s.t campaign,"
- 00:09:56.955 --> 00:09:58.790
- Called the f.a.s.t campaign," f-a-s-t, "and we would like
- 00:09:58.857 --> 00:10:00.291
- For you, your face,
- 00:10:00.392 --> 00:10:01.726
- To be the f of that campaign
- 00:10:01.793 --> 00:10:04.396
- And it will be
- 00:10:04.462 --> 00:10:06.731
- This sum of money,"
- 00:10:06.798 --> 00:10:08.199
- Which was large,
- 00:10:08.266 --> 00:10:09.200
- And -- not very large,
- 00:10:09.267 --> 00:10:10.702
- But decent.
- 00:10:10.769 --> 00:10:11.469
- I mean decent.
- 00:10:11.536 --> 00:10:12.937
- "and basically, we'll use it,
- 00:10:13.004 --> 00:10:16.508
- You know,
- 00:10:16.574 --> 00:10:17.008
- Here and there.
- 00:10:17.075 --> 00:10:17.676
- It'll be this little campaign."
- 00:10:17.742 --> 00:10:19.411
- Turns out this is one
- 00:10:19.477 --> 00:10:20.712
- Of the largest campaigns
- 00:10:20.779 --> 00:10:22.047
- In ads council history,
- 00:10:22.147 --> 00:10:23.948
- In ads council history, it's on times square
- 00:10:24.015 --> 00:10:25.183
- It's on times square in new york,
- 00:10:25.250 --> 00:10:25.950
- In new york, it's on the sides of buses.
- 00:10:26.017 --> 00:10:27.619
- It's on the sides of buses. to this day, 13 years later,
- 00:10:27.686 --> 00:10:30.755
- To this day, 13 years later, it is literally in doctor's
- 00:10:30.822 --> 00:10:32.524
- It is literally in doctor's offices all over america.
- 00:10:32.590 --> 00:10:34.626
- Offices all over america. i mean,
- 00:10:34.693 --> 00:10:35.293
- I mean, this thing is everywhere.
- 00:10:35.360 --> 00:10:37.662
- This thing is everywhere. it's so crazy.
- 00:10:37.729 --> 00:10:39.664
- It's so crazy. and i hope you're getting,
- 00:10:39.731 --> 00:10:41.933
- And i hope you're getting, like, the bizarre,
- 00:10:42.000 --> 00:10:44.402
- Like, the bizarre, intense, upside-down
- 00:10:44.469 --> 00:10:46.438
- Intense, upside-down kingdom thing here.
- 00:10:46.504 --> 00:10:48.339
- Kingdom thing here. like, my very most successful
- 00:10:48.406 --> 00:10:51.476
- Like, my very most successful modeling gig was after my face
- 00:10:51.543 --> 00:10:54.412
- Modeling gig was after my face was paralyzed?
- 00:10:54.479 --> 00:10:55.980
- Was paralyzed? like, dude,
- 00:10:56.047 --> 00:10:57.315
- Like, dude, are you hearing the irony?
- 00:10:57.382 --> 00:10:58.283
- Are you hearing the irony? like, it's just unbelievable.
- 00:10:58.349 --> 00:11:00.018
- Like, it's just unbelievable. like, only in the upside-down
- 00:11:00.085 --> 00:11:01.820
- Like, only in the upside-down kingdom of god can you believe
- 00:11:01.886 --> 00:11:03.354
- Kingdom of god can you believe this kind of thing was real.
- 00:11:03.421 --> 00:11:04.723
- This kind of thing was real. so, here is where it's about
- 00:11:04.789 --> 00:11:05.957
- So, here is where it's about to get really, really nice.
- 00:11:06.024 --> 00:11:07.926
- To get really, really nice. and we'll first --
- 00:11:07.992 --> 00:11:09.060
- And we'll first -- isaiah 43:19 says,
- 00:11:09.127 --> 00:11:10.895
- Isaiah 43:19 says, "see i am doing a new thing!
- 00:11:10.962 --> 00:11:14.866
- "see i am doing a new thing! now it springs up,
- 00:11:14.933 --> 00:11:16.067
- Now it springs up, do you not perceive it?
- 00:11:16.134 --> 00:11:17.302
- Do you not perceive it? i am making a way in
- 00:11:17.368 --> 00:11:18.903
- I am making a way in the wilderness and streams
- 00:11:18.970 --> 00:11:20.872
- The wilderness and streams in the wasteland."
- 00:11:20.939 --> 00:11:22.474
- In the wasteland." so here --
- 00:11:22.540 --> 00:11:23.141
- So here -- as if that is not,
- 00:11:23.208 --> 00:11:24.476
- As if that is not, like, nuts enough.
- 00:11:24.542 --> 00:11:25.710
- Like, nuts enough. i know you are shook.
- 00:11:25.777 --> 00:11:26.878
- I know you are shook. i am telling the story.
- 00:11:26.945 --> 00:11:28.446
- I am telling the story. i wrote about it in here
- 00:11:28.513 --> 00:11:30.782
- I wrote about it in here and i'll read it
- 00:11:30.849 --> 00:11:31.649
- And i'll read it and i'll be like,
- 00:11:31.716 --> 00:11:32.884
- And i'll be like, "how can this be true?
- 00:11:32.951 --> 00:11:34.552
- "how can this be true? how did that happen?
- 00:11:34.619 --> 00:11:35.620
- How did that happen? it is so nuts."
- 00:11:35.687 --> 00:11:36.654
- It is so nuts." so, here's where it
- 00:11:36.721 --> 00:11:37.322
- So, here's where it get really insane.
- 00:11:37.388 --> 00:11:38.890
- Get really insane. so, in the meantime
- 00:11:38.957 --> 00:11:40.892
- So, in the meantime of this all going down,
- 00:11:40.959 --> 00:11:43.128
- Of this all going down, i also am speaking
- 00:11:43.194 --> 00:11:44.662
- I also am speaking a lot to churches and, you know,
- 00:11:44.729 --> 00:11:47.799
- A lot to churches and, you know, have just like a sweet
- 00:11:47.866 --> 00:11:48.933
- Have just like a sweet tribe of people,
- 00:11:49.000 --> 00:11:50.535
- Tribe of people, particularly within
- 00:11:50.602 --> 00:11:51.603
- Particularly within the disability community,
- 00:11:51.669 --> 00:11:52.637
- The disability community, not so able-bodied women,
- 00:11:52.704 --> 00:11:55.140
- Not so able-bodied women, christian women, largely,
- 00:11:55.206 --> 00:11:56.407
- Christian women, largely, are really tracking with me.
- 00:11:56.474 --> 00:11:58.610
- Are really tracking with me. so, at three different speaking
- 00:11:58.676 --> 00:12:02.280
- So, at three different speaking events where i'm signing
- 00:12:02.347 --> 00:12:03.948
- Events where i'm signing books afterwards,
- 00:12:04.015 --> 00:12:05.316
- Books afterwards, women have come up to me
- 00:12:05.383 --> 00:12:07.352
- Women have come up to me in all random places in
- 00:12:07.418 --> 00:12:09.120
- In all random places in the us like wisconsin and said,
- 00:12:09.187 --> 00:12:12.157
- The us like wisconsin and said, "i had followed you for years,
- 00:12:12.223 --> 00:12:15.527
- "i had followed you for years, i read your first book,
- 00:12:15.593 --> 00:12:16.694
- I read your first book, 'hope heals,'
- 00:12:16.761 --> 00:12:17.762
- 'hope heals,' i then saw your face on
- 00:12:17.829 --> 00:12:19.531
- I then saw your face on the billboard
- 00:12:19.597 --> 00:12:20.398
- The billboard in rural wisconsin.
- 00:12:20.465 --> 00:12:22.834
- In rural wisconsin. weeks later,
- 00:12:22.901 --> 00:12:24.102
- Weeks later, my face started drooping,
- 00:12:24.169 --> 00:12:26.004
- My face started drooping, i went to the hospital
- 00:12:26.070 --> 00:12:27.572
- I went to the hospital because i remembered that
- 00:12:27.639 --> 00:12:28.573
- Because i remembered that was a warning sign of a stroke.
- 00:12:28.640 --> 00:12:30.074
- Was a warning sign of a stroke. i attribute you
- 00:12:30.141 --> 00:12:31.176
- I attribute you to saving my life."
- 00:12:31.242 --> 00:12:34.546
- To saving my life." i'm like,
- 00:12:34.612 --> 00:12:35.847
- I'm like, "i'm so sorry,
- 00:12:35.914 --> 00:12:36.548
- "i'm so sorry, could you save that again?"
- 00:12:36.614 --> 00:12:38.249
- Could you save that again?" like, a modeling job post
- 00:12:38.316 --> 00:12:41.653
- Like, a modeling job post stroke somehow meant --
- 00:12:41.719 --> 00:12:43.588
- Stroke somehow meant -- it saved --
- 00:12:43.655 --> 00:12:44.189
- It saved -- i mean, it's not real.
- 00:12:44.255 --> 00:12:46.057
- I mean, it's not real. like, i made this up, right?
- 00:12:46.124 --> 00:12:47.892
- Like, i made this up, right? y'all, i promise it is true.
- 00:12:47.959 --> 00:12:49.727
- Y'all, i promise it is true. it's all true.
- 00:12:49.794 --> 00:12:50.562
- It's all true. how insane is that story?
- 00:12:50.628 --> 00:12:53.064
- How insane is that story? so, here's the treasure
- 00:12:53.131 --> 00:12:54.732
- So, here's the treasure take away for you all.
- 00:12:54.799 --> 00:12:56.067
- Take away for you all. god can use my deepest wounds
- 00:12:56.134 --> 00:13:00.839
- To bring healing to the world.
- 00:13:00.939 --> 00:13:04.209
- To bring healing to the world. number three.
- 00:13:04.275 --> 00:13:05.476
- Number three. and where are the boys?
- 00:13:05.543 --> 00:13:06.477
- And where are the boys? where are james and john, both?
- 00:13:06.544 --> 00:13:08.112
- Where are james and john, both? raise your hand.
- 00:13:08.179 --> 00:13:08.980
- Raise your hand. you guys over here?
- 00:13:09.047 --> 00:13:09.948
- Hey, boy --
- 00:13:10.048 --> 00:13:10.715
- Hey, boy -- oh, it's the giglios,
- 00:13:10.782 --> 00:13:11.616
- Oh, it's the giglios, hey guys.
- 00:13:11.683 --> 00:13:12.951
- Hey guys. this one's for y'all.
- 00:13:13.017 --> 00:13:16.521
- This one's for y'all. so, tragically in 2020,
- 00:13:16.588 --> 00:13:20.124
- So, tragically in 2020, the cherry on top
- 00:13:20.191 --> 00:13:21.359
- The cherry on top of 2020, november.
- 00:13:21.426 --> 00:13:23.394
- Of 2020, november. and many of you people in this
- 00:13:23.461 --> 00:13:24.863
- And many of you people in this room know this all too well.
- 00:13:24.929 --> 00:13:27.232
- Room know this all too well. i tore the unholy trinity,
- 00:13:27.298 --> 00:13:30.902
- I tore the unholy trinity, i call it.
- 00:13:30.969 --> 00:13:31.903
- I call it. the meniscus, acl, and mcl.
- 00:13:31.970 --> 00:13:35.440
- The meniscus, acl, and mcl. so, tore them all which meant
- 00:13:35.506 --> 00:13:38.042
- So, tore them all which meant a surgery to put on a prosthetic
- 00:13:38.109 --> 00:13:41.846
- A surgery to put on a prosthetic and months of no walking.
- 00:13:41.913 --> 00:13:43.748
- And months of no walking. back full time in a wheelchair.
- 00:13:43.815 --> 00:13:45.717
- Back full time in a wheelchair. and, my sweet husband, jay,
- 00:13:45.783 --> 00:13:47.285
- And, my sweet husband, jay, ordered off amazon
- 00:13:47.352 --> 00:13:49.754
- Ordered off amazon a bedside toilet.
- 00:13:49.821 --> 00:13:52.624
- A bedside toilet. but when it came,
- 00:13:52.690 --> 00:13:53.992
- But when it came, it was like an ikea
- 00:13:54.058 --> 00:13:55.293
- It was like an ikea bedside toilet,
- 00:13:55.360 --> 00:13:56.227
- Bedside toilet, so you had to assemble
- 00:13:56.294 --> 00:13:58.396
- So you had to assemble the whole thing.
- 00:13:58.463 --> 00:13:59.631
- Put it all together.
- 00:13:59.731 --> 00:14:01.666
- So, i'm sure i was making sweet
- 00:14:01.733 --> 00:14:03.935
- Jay do something else for me.
- 00:14:04.002 --> 00:14:06.004
- So, he enlists the boys
- 00:14:06.070 --> 00:14:08.506
- To assemble the bedside toilet.
- 00:14:08.573 --> 00:14:11.309
- So, now i know i've done it,
- 00:14:11.376 --> 00:14:15.313
- I've done it.
- 00:14:15.380 --> 00:14:16.447
- This is the moment that
- 00:14:16.514 --> 00:14:18.316
- I have ruined them.
- 00:14:18.416 --> 00:14:19.517
- This is that.
- 00:14:19.617 --> 00:14:20.718
- This is that. this is the moment they will
- 00:14:20.785 --> 00:14:22.587
- This is the moment they will be telling their counselor about
- 00:14:22.654 --> 00:14:25.089
- Be telling their counselor about when they're in their 40s.
- 00:14:25.156 --> 00:14:27.125
- When they're in their 40s. this is the moment,
- 00:14:27.191 --> 00:14:28.159
- This is the moment, beyond a shadow of a doubt,
- 00:14:28.226 --> 00:14:29.827
- Beyond a shadow of a doubt, it's done,
- 00:14:29.894 --> 00:14:30.561
- It's done, they're traumatized.
- 00:14:30.628 --> 00:14:31.596
- They're traumatized. i've ruined them.
- 00:14:31.663 --> 00:14:33.364
- I've ruined them. and what i did not consider was
- 00:14:33.431 --> 00:14:37.669
- And what i did not consider was a bedside toilet assembly is
- 00:14:37.735 --> 00:14:40.438
- A bedside toilet assembly is like the ultimate lego build
- 00:14:40.505 --> 00:14:43.508
- Like the ultimate lego build of all time.
- 00:14:43.574 --> 00:14:45.343
- Of all time. these guys are obsessed
- 00:14:45.410 --> 00:14:47.145
- These guys are obsessed with legos.
- 00:14:47.211 --> 00:14:48.146
- With legos. this was like the most
- 00:14:48.212 --> 00:14:49.347
- This was like the most fun thing,
- 00:14:49.414 --> 00:14:50.114
- Fun thing, put together mommy's
- 00:14:50.181 --> 00:14:51.049
- Put together mommy's bedside toilet.
- 00:14:51.115 --> 00:14:52.483
- Bedside toilet. plus a 13 year old at the time,
- 00:14:52.550 --> 00:14:55.286
- Plus a 13 year old at the time, and how old would you have been?
- 00:14:55.353 --> 00:14:56.554
- And how old would you have been? five.
- 00:14:56.621 --> 00:14:57.255
- Five. thirteen and five,
- 00:14:57.322 --> 00:14:58.389
- Thirteen and five, what would be funnier
- 00:14:58.456 --> 00:14:59.424
- What would be funnier than having to put momma's
- 00:14:59.490 --> 00:15:01.359
- Than having to put momma's bedside toilet together?
- 00:15:01.426 --> 00:15:03.695
- Bedside toilet together? so, it was like
- 00:15:03.761 --> 00:15:04.996
- So, it was like extremely hilarious.
- 00:15:05.063 --> 00:15:07.332
- Extremely hilarious. a lego build.
- 00:15:07.398 --> 00:15:08.733
- A lego build. and i don't know how many of you
- 00:15:08.800 --> 00:15:11.102
- And i don't know how many of you are aware that in
- 00:15:11.169 --> 00:15:13.471
- Are aware that in the modern world,
- 00:15:13.538 --> 00:15:14.772
- The modern world, we are not giving our children
- 00:15:14.839 --> 00:15:16.774
- We are not giving our children an opportunity to fail,
- 00:15:16.841 --> 00:15:19.210
- An opportunity to fail, to finish what they started,
- 00:15:19.277 --> 00:15:20.945
- To finish what they started, to be mature and complete
- 00:15:21.012 --> 00:15:22.914
- To be mature and complete lacking nothing.
- 00:15:22.981 --> 00:15:24.749
- Lacking nothing. and if you've read
- 00:15:24.816 --> 00:15:25.583
- And if you've read "the coddling
- 00:15:25.650 --> 00:15:26.284
- "the coddling of the american mind,"
- 00:15:26.351 --> 00:15:26.884
- Of the american mind," it's a problem.
- 00:15:26.951 --> 00:15:28.319
- It's a problem. so, what we did was
- 00:15:28.386 --> 00:15:30.388
- So, what we did was we let them figure it out.
- 00:15:30.455 --> 00:15:32.623
- We let them figure it out. put that thing together,
- 00:15:32.690 --> 00:15:33.891
- Put that thing together, it's complicated,
- 00:15:33.958 --> 00:15:35.126
- It's complicated, you can do those.
- 00:15:35.193 --> 00:15:36.761
- You can do those. you are going to complete
- 00:15:36.828 --> 00:15:37.862
- You are going to complete this lego build, go boys.
- 00:15:37.929 --> 00:15:40.465
- This lego build, go boys. and they did.
- 00:15:40.531 --> 00:15:41.866
- And they did. they completed it.
- 00:15:41.933 --> 00:15:42.800
- They completed it. they finished that
- 00:15:42.867 --> 00:15:43.768
- They finished that task for their momma.
- 00:15:43.835 --> 00:15:44.669
- Task for their momma. thank you, guys.
- 00:15:44.736 --> 00:15:46.938
- Thank you, guys. so.
- 00:15:47.005 --> 00:15:47.271
- [applause]
- 00:15:47.672 --> 00:15:50.742
- I'm reminded of the truth
- 00:15:51.142 --> 00:15:52.677
- I'm reminded of the truth of james 1:4,
- 00:15:52.744 --> 00:15:54.245
- Of james 1:4, "let perseverance finish
- 00:15:54.312 --> 00:15:55.780
- "let perseverance finish its work so that you may
- 00:15:55.847 --> 00:15:57.548
- Its work so that you may be mature and complete,
- 00:15:57.615 --> 00:16:00.118
- Be mature and complete, not lacking anything."
- 00:16:00.184 --> 00:16:03.187
- Not lacking anything." and that's it.
- 00:16:03.254 --> 00:16:04.589
- And that's it. you know, the treasure takeaway
- 00:16:04.655 --> 00:16:05.923
- You know, the treasure takeaway for this one
- 00:16:05.990 --> 00:16:07.225
- For this one is one of my favorites.
- 00:16:07.291 --> 00:16:09.093
- Is one of my favorites. and this is for all
- 00:16:09.160 --> 00:16:10.561
- And this is for all of you parents,
- 00:16:10.628 --> 00:16:12.730
- Of you parents, and siblings,
- 00:16:12.797 --> 00:16:14.499
- And siblings, and children who feel like
- 00:16:14.565 --> 00:16:17.602
- And children who feel like you're a burden
- 00:16:17.668 --> 00:16:22.874
- You're a burden on the people --
- 00:16:22.940 --> 00:16:25.676
- On the people -- i can't look at you.
- 00:16:25.743 --> 00:16:26.744
- I can't look at you. i -- for all of us that feel
- 00:16:26.811 --> 00:16:29.414
- I -- for all of us that feel like we're a burden on
- 00:16:29.480 --> 00:16:30.982
- Like we're a burden on the people that love us, man,
- 00:16:31.049 --> 00:16:35.620
- The people that love us, man, you know, that us being here
- 00:16:35.686 --> 00:16:37.789
- You know, that us being here is hurting their lives,
- 00:16:37.855 --> 00:16:40.825
- Is hurting their lives, that we're taking up space
- 00:16:40.892 --> 00:16:42.060
- That we're taking up space that we shouldn't be taking up.
- 00:16:42.126 --> 00:16:44.429
- That we shouldn't be taking up. well, here's the thing,
- 00:16:44.495 --> 00:16:46.497
- Well, here's the thing, the lord released me a long time
- 00:16:46.564 --> 00:16:47.832
- The lord released me a long time ago from that because
- 00:16:47.899 --> 00:16:49.801
- Ago from that because if you were not
- 00:16:49.867 --> 00:16:50.735
- If you were not supposed to be here,
- 00:16:50.802 --> 00:16:52.303
- Supposed to be here, even if you need
- 00:16:52.370 --> 00:16:53.137
- Even if you need care your entire life,
- 00:16:53.204 --> 00:16:55.673
- Care your entire life, you would not be here.
- 00:16:55.740 --> 00:16:58.443
- You would not be here. let me say that again.
- 00:16:58.509 --> 00:16:59.544
- Let me say that again. if you were not supposed
- 00:16:59.610 --> 00:17:01.212
- If you were not supposed to be here,
- 00:17:01.279 --> 00:17:02.847
- To be here, you would not be here.
- 00:17:02.914 --> 00:17:04.015
- You would not be here. if there is breath
- 00:17:04.082 --> 00:17:05.550
- If there is breath in your lungs today,
- 00:17:05.616 --> 00:17:07.518
- In your lungs today, you are supposed to be here.
- 00:17:07.585 --> 00:17:09.554
- You are supposed to be here. that means you are worthy
- 00:17:09.620 --> 00:17:11.089
- That means you are worthy of care by the people who
- 00:17:11.155 --> 00:17:12.623
- Of care by the people who love you your whole life.
- 00:17:12.690 --> 00:17:15.760
- Love you your whole life. your whole life.
- 00:17:15.827 --> 00:17:18.062
- Your whole life. i know some of you,
- 00:17:18.129 --> 00:17:18.996
- I know some of you, probably like me,
- 00:17:19.063 --> 00:17:19.897
- Probably like me, if that was a lot of guilt
- 00:17:19.964 --> 00:17:21.365
- If that was a lot of guilt and shame that i don't
- 00:17:21.432 --> 00:17:23.000
- And shame that i don't want my sweet husband to spend
- 00:17:23.067 --> 00:17:24.802
- Want my sweet husband to spend his life caring for his wife,
- 00:17:24.869 --> 00:17:26.337
- His life caring for his wife, my kids.
- 00:17:26.404 --> 00:17:28.039
- My kids. but i've seen too much
- 00:17:28.106 --> 00:17:29.640
- But i've seen too much to know that it is not the most
- 00:17:29.707 --> 00:17:31.275
- To know that it is not the most beautiful thing in the world.
- 00:17:31.342 --> 00:17:33.811
- Beautiful thing in the world. we have a camp for families
- 00:17:33.878 --> 00:17:35.213
- We have a camp for families with disabilities where
- 00:17:35.279 --> 00:17:36.347
- With disabilities where you all should come.
- 00:17:36.414 --> 00:17:37.215
- You all should come. we're volunteer,
- 00:17:37.281 --> 00:17:38.349
- We're volunteer, or if you're disabled
- 00:17:38.416 --> 00:17:39.484
- Or if you're disabled you come for free.
- 00:17:39.550 --> 00:17:41.052
- You come for free. please apply,
- 00:17:41.119 --> 00:17:44.021
- Please apply, and i've seen so many families
- 00:17:44.088 --> 00:17:46.891
- And i've seen so many families where there is
- 00:17:46.958 --> 00:17:47.558
- Where there is a typical sibling,
- 00:17:47.625 --> 00:17:48.726
- A typical sibling, or typical child,
- 00:17:48.793 --> 00:17:49.694
- Or typical child, or typical parent,
- 00:17:49.760 --> 00:17:50.728
- Or typical parent, and then a disabled person.
- 00:17:50.795 --> 00:17:52.730
- And then a disabled person. and y'all, it's glorious.
- 00:17:52.797 --> 00:17:54.966
- And y'all, it's glorious. the typical people in those
- 00:17:55.032 --> 00:17:56.634
- The typical people in those scenarios are learning so much
- 00:17:56.701 --> 00:18:00.071
- Scenarios are learning so much about life, and service,
- 00:18:00.138 --> 00:18:02.206
- About life, and service, and loving, and compassion,
- 00:18:02.273 --> 00:18:03.941
- And loving, and compassion, and real empathy.
- 00:18:04.008 --> 00:18:05.009
- And real empathy. things i could never teach
- 00:18:05.076 --> 00:18:06.310
- Things i could never teach that my kids are getting.
- 00:18:06.377 --> 00:18:08.913
- That my kids are getting. so, the treasure take away
- 00:18:08.980 --> 00:18:10.281
- So, the treasure take away on this one is that:
- 00:18:10.348 --> 00:18:11.883
- On this one is that: i can see my suffering
- 00:18:11.949 --> 00:18:14.252
- As a curse on the people i love,
- 00:18:14.352 --> 00:18:17.321
- As a curse on the people i love, or as an inheritance
- 00:18:17.388 --> 00:18:20.291
- Or as an inheritance of breathtaking value.
- 00:18:20.358 --> 00:18:24.929
- Of breathtaking value. okay, last one.
- 00:18:24.996 --> 00:18:27.865
- Okay, last one. okay, i still got two minutes,
- 00:18:27.932 --> 00:18:29.333
- Okay, i still got two minutes, i'm gonna make it.
- 00:18:29.400 --> 00:18:31.169
- I'm gonna make it. okay.
- 00:18:31.235 --> 00:18:32.370
- Okay. so, as you may have
- 00:18:32.436 --> 00:18:34.505
- Heard reference to,
- 00:18:34.605 --> 00:18:35.973
- Heard reference to, i have some
- 00:18:36.040 --> 00:18:36.641
- I have some ongoing brain issues.
- 00:18:36.707 --> 00:18:38.409
- Ongoing brain issues. i have avm rapture,
- 00:18:38.476 --> 00:18:40.178
- I have avm rapture, that was a really bad stroke,
- 00:18:40.244 --> 00:18:41.946
- That was a really bad stroke, then i subsequently,
- 00:18:42.013 --> 00:18:43.447
- Then i subsequently, five years later,
- 00:18:43.514 --> 00:18:45.016
- Five years later, they discovered a brain aneurysm
- 00:18:45.082 --> 00:18:46.817
- They discovered a brain aneurysm and i had to have it coiled
- 00:18:46.884 --> 00:18:48.319
- And i had to have it coiled in a major surgery.
- 00:18:48.386 --> 00:18:50.254
- In a major surgery. then in 2017, which we have that
- 00:18:50.321 --> 00:18:52.190
- Then in 2017, which we have that picture of that hospital stay,
- 00:18:52.256 --> 00:18:53.691
- Picture of that hospital stay, i think.
- 00:18:53.758 --> 00:18:54.659
- I think. i was hospitalized for a series
- 00:18:54.725 --> 00:18:57.128
- I was hospitalized for a series of arteriovenous malfu -- sorry.
- 00:18:57.195 --> 00:19:01.299
- Of arteriovenous malfu -- sorry. arteriovenous dissections.
- 00:19:01.365 --> 00:19:03.668
- Arteriovenous dissections. that's another thing
- 00:19:03.734 --> 00:19:04.602
- That's another thing that could cause a stroke.
- 00:19:04.669 --> 00:19:06.304
- That could cause a stroke. and supposedly,
- 00:19:06.370 --> 00:19:08.206
- And supposedly, those were all separate.
- 00:19:08.272 --> 00:19:09.674
- Those were all separate. those were all, like,
- 00:19:09.740 --> 00:19:10.775
- Those were all, like, extremely not connected,
- 00:19:10.841 --> 00:19:12.910
- Extremely not connected, individual deals.
- 00:19:12.977 --> 00:19:16.347
- Individual deals. and once we moved to atlanta,
- 00:19:16.414 --> 00:19:18.649
- And once we moved to atlanta, i started seeing this
- 00:19:18.716 --> 00:19:19.684
- I started seeing this specialist at emory,
- 00:19:19.750 --> 00:19:20.851
- Specialist at emory, and ended up doing extensive,
- 00:19:20.918 --> 00:19:22.787
- And ended up doing extensive, extensive testing
- 00:19:22.853 --> 00:19:23.921
- Extensive testing with a geneticist.
- 00:19:23.988 --> 00:19:25.523
- With a geneticist. and they discovered that
- 00:19:25.590 --> 00:19:27.191
- And they discovered that it is all connected,
- 00:19:27.258 --> 00:19:28.593
- It is all connected, which of course it is,
- 00:19:28.659 --> 00:19:29.727
- Which of course it is, you know?
- 00:19:29.794 --> 00:19:30.595
- You know? but they didn't think it was.
- 00:19:30.661 --> 00:19:31.862
- But they didn't think it was. but yes, it's --
- 00:19:31.929 --> 00:19:33.030
- But yes, it's -- all the brain issues
- 00:19:33.097 --> 00:19:34.265
- All the brain issues are connected.
- 00:19:34.332 --> 00:19:35.733
- Are connected. and with literally the worst
- 00:19:35.800 --> 00:19:40.004
- And with literally the worst bedside manner you
- 00:19:40.071 --> 00:19:41.372
- Bedside manner you could imagine, with, like,
- 00:19:41.439 --> 00:19:44.308
- Could imagine, with, like, the care of, like,
- 00:19:44.375 --> 00:19:46.310
- The care of, like, i don't even know, a monster,
- 00:19:46.377 --> 00:19:48.546
- I don't even know, a monster, this guy comes in
- 00:19:48.613 --> 00:19:50.181
- This guy comes in the room and literally says,
- 00:19:50.248 --> 00:19:53.517
- The room and literally says, "mrs. wolf,
- 00:19:53.584 --> 00:19:55.419
- "mrs. wolf, your brain is very messed up."
- 00:19:55.486 --> 00:19:58.422
- [laughter]
- 00:19:59.123 --> 00:20:00.658
- And i'm like,
- 00:20:01.392 --> 00:20:04.328
- And i'm like, "your brain is very messed up."
- 00:20:04.395 --> 00:20:05.796
- [laughter]
- 00:20:06.230 --> 00:20:07.398
- I know.
- 00:20:07.865 --> 00:20:08.599
- I know. i know.
- 00:20:08.666 --> 00:20:09.467
- I know. i didn't say that.
- 00:20:09.533 --> 00:20:10.234
- I didn't say that. i thought it
- 00:20:10.301 --> 00:20:10.835
- I thought it but i didn't say it out.
- 00:20:10.901 --> 00:20:14.238
- But i didn't say it out. anyway, he proceeds to tell me
- 00:20:14.305 --> 00:20:16.807
- Anyway, he proceeds to tell me that i have an ongoing
- 00:20:16.874 --> 00:20:18.175
- That i have an ongoing neurological vascular condition
- 00:20:18.242 --> 00:20:22.113
- Neurological vascular condition that is so rare, it's unnamed,
- 00:20:22.179 --> 00:20:25.216
- That is so rare, it's unnamed, it's pretty much unsurvivable.
- 00:20:25.283 --> 00:20:27.685
- It's pretty much unsurvivable. said, there's very few living
- 00:20:27.752 --> 00:20:29.086
- Said, there's very few living cases on earth
- 00:20:29.153 --> 00:20:30.221
- Cases on earth of this condition.
- 00:20:30.288 --> 00:20:31.856
- Of this condition. and they essentially are
- 00:20:31.922 --> 00:20:33.824
- And they essentially are gonna monitor my care.
- 00:20:33.891 --> 00:20:35.526
- Gonna monitor my care. they don't know,
- 00:20:35.593 --> 00:20:36.327
- They don't know, they don't have
- 00:20:36.394 --> 00:20:36.894
- They don't have any protocols, nothing.
- 00:20:36.961 --> 00:20:38.896
- Any protocols, nothing. i just have some ongoing
- 00:20:38.963 --> 00:20:41.198
- I just have some ongoing neurological issues,
- 00:20:41.265 --> 00:20:42.900
- Neurological issues, which i'm reminded
- 00:20:42.967 --> 00:20:43.734
- Which i'm reminded at this moment,
- 00:20:43.801 --> 00:20:44.735
- At this moment, when i got this news,
- 00:20:44.802 --> 00:20:45.803
- When i got this news, i remember leaving
- 00:20:45.870 --> 00:20:46.671
- I remember leaving a sobbing voicemail
- 00:20:46.737 --> 00:20:47.872
- A sobbing voicemail on the giglios' machine.
- 00:20:47.938 --> 00:20:49.940
- On the giglios' machine. like, "you're not gonna believe,
- 00:20:50.007 --> 00:20:51.309
- Like, "you're not gonna believe, this is the worst thing
- 00:20:51.375 --> 00:20:51.942
- This is the worst thing in the world."
- 00:20:52.009 --> 00:20:53.277
- In the world." and i just --
- 00:20:53.344 --> 00:20:54.078
- And i just -- i come to y'all.
- 00:20:54.145 --> 00:20:54.912
- I come to y'all. so, thank you for letting me
- 00:20:54.979 --> 00:20:56.013
- So, thank you for letting me come lose it here and there,
- 00:20:56.080 --> 00:20:57.682
- Come lose it here and there, and start putting me
- 00:20:57.748 --> 00:20:58.382
- And start putting me on the stage here later
- 00:20:58.449 --> 00:20:59.450
- On the stage here later to talk about it.
- 00:20:59.517 --> 00:21:00.651
- To talk about it. kind of a beautiful full circle.
- 00:21:00.718 --> 00:21:03.254
- Kind of a beautiful full circle. actually, every one
- 00:21:03.321 --> 00:21:04.588
- Actually, every one of these stories is like that.
- 00:21:04.655 --> 00:21:05.890
- Of these stories is like that. i don't know
- 00:21:05.956 --> 00:21:06.457
- I don't know if y'all caught that.
- 00:21:06.524 --> 00:21:08.025
- If y'all caught that. they are like almost all, like,
- 00:21:08.092 --> 00:21:09.960
- They are like almost all, like, atlanta, all my wonderful
- 00:21:10.027 --> 00:21:11.829
- Atlanta, all my wonderful people stories.
- 00:21:11.896 --> 00:21:15.299
- People stories. they did not start there,
- 00:21:15.366 --> 00:21:16.667
- They did not start there, but they're here.
- 00:21:16.734 --> 00:21:17.768
- But they're here. i mean, the tearing of my acl,
- 00:21:17.835 --> 00:21:20.404
- I mean, the tearing of my acl, shelly giglio was at my house
- 00:21:20.471 --> 00:21:22.306
- Shelly giglio was at my house leaving me a fig plant, like,
- 00:21:22.373 --> 00:21:25.109
- Leaving me a fig plant, like, the day after.
- 00:21:25.176 --> 00:21:26.877
- The day after. just y'all are all
- 00:21:26.944 --> 00:21:27.712
- Just y'all are all over this story.
- 00:21:27.778 --> 00:21:29.613
- Over this story. this house is the story.
- 00:21:29.680 --> 00:21:32.917
- This house is the story. very beautiful.
- 00:21:32.983 --> 00:21:34.352
- Very beautiful. okay, so the end of this is
- 00:21:34.418 --> 00:21:38.522
- Okay, so the end of this is really important so,
- 00:21:38.589 --> 00:21:39.990
- Really important so, i don't want you to miss this.
- 00:21:40.057 --> 00:21:41.892
- I don't want you to miss this. basically, i have all these
- 00:21:41.959 --> 00:21:43.361
- Basically, i have all these ongoing brain issues,
- 00:21:43.427 --> 00:21:44.862
- Ongoing brain issues, and i thought surely lord,
- 00:21:44.929 --> 00:21:48.132
- And i thought surely lord, i've hit the quota.
- 00:21:48.199 --> 00:21:49.967
- I've hit the quota. like, i've had all these
- 00:21:50.034 --> 00:21:51.202
- Like, i've had all these brain issues,
- 00:21:51.268 --> 00:21:52.036
- Brain issues, so nothing else could
- 00:21:52.103 --> 00:21:53.437
- So nothing else could ever happen to me.
- 00:21:53.504 --> 00:21:54.739
- Ever happen to me. i am headed
- 00:21:54.805 --> 00:21:55.573
- I am headed to the beach for life.
- 00:21:55.639 --> 00:21:58.008
- To the beach for life. like, there is absolutely no way
- 00:21:58.075 --> 00:22:00.611
- Like, there is absolutely no way this is going to be ongoing.
- 00:22:00.678 --> 00:22:02.713
- This is going to be ongoing. please.
- 00:22:02.780 --> 00:22:03.381
- Please. you're right,
- 00:22:03.447 --> 00:22:03.914
- You're right, i'm on the other side.
- 00:22:03.981 --> 00:22:05.716
- I'm on the other side. and i've had to wake up
- 00:22:05.783 --> 00:22:08.586
- And i've had to wake up to the reality that this side
- 00:22:08.652 --> 00:22:10.955
- To the reality that this side of heaven,
- 00:22:11.021 --> 00:22:11.655
- Of heaven, there is no other side.
- 00:22:11.722 --> 00:22:13.424
- There is no other side. that while i am on earth,
- 00:22:13.491 --> 00:22:15.493
- That while i am on earth, there will be suffering,
- 00:22:15.559 --> 00:22:17.061
- There will be suffering, and pain,
- 00:22:17.128 --> 00:22:18.162
- And pain, and it will continue
- 00:22:18.229 --> 00:22:19.397
- And it will continue in a cycle until heaven.
- 00:22:19.463 --> 00:22:21.665
- In a cycle until heaven. so now, i see this world that we
- 00:22:21.732 --> 00:22:24.902
- So now, i see this world that we are in as not something i'm
- 00:22:24.969 --> 00:22:27.071
- Are in as not something i'm going to get to on earth.
- 00:22:27.138 --> 00:22:29.607
- Going to get to on earth. i'm gonna get one day to heaven,
- 00:22:29.673 --> 00:22:31.475
- I'm gonna get one day to heaven, but down here,
- 00:22:31.542 --> 00:22:32.777
- But down here, there will be continual
- 00:22:32.843 --> 00:22:34.512
- There will be continual hardship and suffering.
- 00:22:34.578 --> 00:22:36.647
- Hardship and suffering. you may know that that's
- 00:22:36.714 --> 00:22:37.915
- You may know that that's a reality in your head,
- 00:22:37.982 --> 00:22:39.483
- A reality in your head, but do you know in your heart
- 00:22:39.550 --> 00:22:41.352
- But do you know in your heart that it's going to be
- 00:22:41.419 --> 00:22:42.253
- That it's going to be this way down here?
- 00:22:42.319 --> 00:22:44.021
- This way down here? so much so that i've recognized
- 00:22:44.088 --> 00:22:46.524
- So much so that i've recognized that we are in the cycle
- 00:22:46.590 --> 00:22:48.492
- That we are in the cycle of hurt, this side of heaven.
- 00:22:48.559 --> 00:22:50.594
- Of hurt, this side of heaven. we are cycling into the hard
- 00:22:50.661 --> 00:22:53.264
- We are cycling into the hard hurt of life.
- 00:22:53.330 --> 00:22:55.533
- Hurt of life. but you know what?
- 00:22:55.599 --> 00:22:57.067
- But you know what? i think every time we cycle
- 00:22:57.134 --> 00:22:58.669
- I think every time we cycle through the hurt and suffering,
- 00:22:58.736 --> 00:23:00.871
- Through the hurt and suffering, we have the opportunity to be
- 00:23:00.938 --> 00:23:02.873
- We have the opportunity to be built different because of it.
- 00:23:02.940 --> 00:23:05.509
- Built different because of it. we have the opportunity
- 00:23:05.576 --> 00:23:07.511
- We have the opportunity to be fortified.
- 00:23:07.578 --> 00:23:09.880
- To be fortified. to go in different because we've
- 00:23:09.947 --> 00:23:11.649
- To go in different because we've been built different
- 00:23:11.715 --> 00:23:12.883
- Been built different each and every time.
- 00:23:12.950 --> 00:23:14.285
- Each and every time. so, i used to read romans 5:3
- 00:23:14.351 --> 00:23:17.188
- So, i used to read romans 5:3 like, "yeah, victory!
- 00:23:17.254 --> 00:23:20.291
- Like, "yeah, victory! suffering produces perseverance,
- 00:23:20.357 --> 00:23:22.426
- Suffering produces perseverance, and character, and hope,
- 00:23:22.493 --> 00:23:23.527
- And character, and hope, and hope will not
- 00:23:23.594 --> 00:23:24.261
- And hope will not put us to shame."
- 00:23:24.328 --> 00:23:25.229
- Put us to shame." and that's it, we'll get there.
- 00:23:25.296 --> 00:23:27.598
- And that's it, we'll get there. and wrong.
- 00:23:27.665 --> 00:23:30.100
- And wrong. i believe what that verse
- 00:23:30.167 --> 00:23:31.669
- I believe what that verse is telling us is,
- 00:23:31.735 --> 00:23:32.903
- Is telling us is, "because you're
- 00:23:32.970 --> 00:23:33.838
- "because you're gonna go back in.
- 00:23:33.904 --> 00:23:35.539
- Gonna go back in. you're suffering and you got
- 00:23:35.606 --> 00:23:37.007
- You're suffering and you got this cycle of ongoing hurt which
- 00:23:37.074 --> 00:23:39.810
- This cycle of ongoing hurt which you're gonna fill it
- 00:23:39.877 --> 00:23:40.678
- You're gonna fill it with ongoing hope because you
- 00:23:40.744 --> 00:23:41.912
- With ongoing hope because you have been fortified and built
- 00:23:41.979 --> 00:23:43.414
- Have been fortified and built differently every single time."
- 00:23:43.481 --> 00:23:46.150
- Differently every single time." so, you're going to go through
- 00:23:46.217 --> 00:23:48.886
- So, you're going to go through the worst life has to offer.
- 00:23:48.953 --> 00:23:51.422
- The worst life has to offer. guys, the takeaway,
- 00:23:51.489 --> 00:23:53.757
- Guys, the takeaway, and this is so powerful to me.
- 00:23:53.824 --> 00:23:55.726
- And this is so powerful to me. this takeaway is so true,
- 00:23:55.793 --> 00:23:58.262
- This takeaway is so true, take it home.
- 00:23:58.329 --> 00:24:00.397
- Take it home. hope is not a fixed point
- 00:24:00.464 --> 00:24:03.501
- I will reach.
- 00:24:03.601 --> 00:24:05.202
- I will reach. hope is the living force
- 00:24:05.269 --> 00:24:08.072
- Hope is the living force that propels me forward.
- 00:24:08.138 --> 00:24:11.175
- That propels me forward. propels me forward into
- 00:24:11.242 --> 00:24:13.644
- Propels me forward into the ongoing hurt
- 00:24:13.711 --> 00:24:15.713
- The ongoing hurt with an ongoing hope.
- 00:24:15.779 --> 00:24:18.582
- With an ongoing hope. how cool is that?
- 00:24:18.649 --> 00:24:20.818
- How cool is that? i'd love to tell you that
- 00:24:20.885 --> 00:24:22.887
- Everything is a-okay today.
- 00:24:22.987 --> 00:24:25.356
- Everything is a-okay today. and you know too much from this
- 00:24:25.422 --> 00:24:27.458
- And you know too much from this talk to know that's the truth.
- 00:24:27.525 --> 00:24:29.326
- Talk to know that's the truth. but i'm actually doing awesome.
- 00:24:29.393 --> 00:24:31.328
- But i'm actually doing awesome. do we have a modern picture
- 00:24:31.395 --> 00:24:32.630
- Do we have a modern picture of my family today?
- 00:24:32.696 --> 00:24:33.731
- Of my family today? my sweet boys,
- 00:24:33.797 --> 00:24:34.532
- My sweet boys, james and john, are 16 and 9.
- 00:24:34.598 --> 00:24:38.202
- And my husband, jay,
- 00:24:38.302 --> 00:24:39.069
- Who's somewhere is incredible.
- 00:24:39.136 --> 00:24:42.139
- And we're doing life.
- 00:24:42.206 --> 00:24:44.208
- Life is going on.
- 00:24:44.275 --> 00:24:45.142
- This is has been really rough,
- 00:24:45.209 --> 00:24:46.577
- I've had 13 major surgeries.
- 00:24:46.644 --> 00:24:49.780
- Since the stroke,
- 00:24:49.847 --> 00:24:50.581
- I've taken a number of falls,
- 00:24:50.681 --> 00:24:53.150
- I've taken a number of falls, i've ended up in the er
- 00:24:53.217 --> 00:24:54.952
- I've ended up in the er more times than i can remember.
- 00:24:55.019 --> 00:24:57.922
- More times than i can remember. it's been legit
- 00:24:57.988 --> 00:25:00.558
- It's been legit horrible, honestly.
- 00:25:00.624 --> 00:25:03.460
- Horrible, honestly. and yet, i know too much
- 00:25:03.527 --> 00:25:05.963
- And yet, i know too much to know that's the whole story.
- 00:25:06.030 --> 00:25:09.366
- To know that's the whole story. i thought recently that there's
- 00:25:09.433 --> 00:25:12.369
- I thought recently that there's been a lot of collateral
- 00:25:12.436 --> 00:25:13.470
- Been a lot of collateral damage post stroke.
- 00:25:13.537 --> 00:25:15.472
- Damage post stroke. there has been a whole
- 00:25:15.539 --> 00:25:16.707
- There has been a whole lot of collateral damage.
- 00:25:16.774 --> 00:25:19.076
- Lot of collateral damage. but i cannot even say that
- 00:25:19.143 --> 00:25:21.345
- But i cannot even say that without also telling you that
- 00:25:21.412 --> 00:25:23.514
- Without also telling you that there have been profound
- 00:25:23.581 --> 00:25:26.250
- There have been profound collateral gifts.
- 00:25:26.317 --> 00:25:28.552
- Collateral gifts. deep collateral gifts
- 00:25:28.619 --> 00:25:30.521
- Deep collateral gifts from the fallout.
- 00:25:30.588 --> 00:25:31.922
- From the fallout. the wreckage of my life has been
- 00:25:31.989 --> 00:25:34.224
- The wreckage of my life has been many incredibly beautiful things
- 00:25:34.291 --> 00:25:37.962
- Many incredibly beautiful things that i am so grateful for.
- 00:25:38.028 --> 00:25:40.230
- That i am so grateful for. and you know what?
- 00:25:40.297 --> 00:25:41.565
- And you know what? that is true in your story too.
- 00:25:41.632 --> 00:25:43.968
- That is true in your story too. no matter the wreckage,
- 00:25:44.034 --> 00:25:46.403
- No matter the wreckage, there is beauty in the ashes.
- 00:25:46.470 --> 00:25:48.806
- There is beauty in the ashes. don't miss it.
- 00:25:48.872 --> 00:25:50.774
- Don't miss it. the second part of isaiah 45:3
- 00:25:50.841 --> 00:25:55.813
- The second part of isaiah 45:3 tells us that god is giving
- 00:25:55.879 --> 00:25:57.615
- Tells us that god is giving us the treasure.
- 00:25:57.681 --> 00:25:59.316
- Us the treasure. and not so we might be rich.
- 00:25:59.383 --> 00:26:01.518
- And not so we might be rich. who really cares about that
- 00:26:01.585 --> 00:26:02.720
- Who really cares about that at the end of the day?
- 00:26:02.786 --> 00:26:04.355
- At the end of the day? but so that we may know
- 00:26:04.421 --> 00:26:07.825
- But so that we may know that he is god.
- 00:26:07.891 --> 00:26:09.293
- That he is god. the god of israel,
- 00:26:09.360 --> 00:26:11.028
- The god of israel, the god who summons us by name.
- 00:26:11.095 --> 00:26:14.465
- The god who summons us by name. so, here's the thought
- 00:26:14.531 --> 00:26:15.599
- So, here's the thought to close with.
- 00:26:15.666 --> 00:26:17.067
- To close with. god is summoning us by name.
- 00:26:17.134 --> 00:26:21.405
- God is summoning us by name. and maybe the only way he could
- 00:26:21.472 --> 00:26:23.140
- And maybe the only way he could have gotten this girl's
- 00:26:23.207 --> 00:26:24.041
- Have gotten this girl's attention was through
- 00:26:24.108 --> 00:26:25.242
- Attention was through the stroke.
- 00:26:25.309 --> 00:26:26.577
- The stroke. maybe this is him saying,
- 00:26:26.644 --> 00:26:27.645
- Maybe this is him saying, "wake up.
- 00:26:27.711 --> 00:26:29.513
- "wake up. wake up."
- 00:26:29.580 --> 00:26:30.347
- Wake up." pain has this crazy
- 00:26:30.414 --> 00:26:31.415
- Pain has this crazy way of waking you up,
- 00:26:31.482 --> 00:26:32.316
- Way of waking you up, doesn't it?
- 00:26:32.383 --> 00:26:33.417
- Doesn't it? suddenly, i'm not asleep,
- 00:26:33.484 --> 00:26:35.052
- Suddenly, i'm not asleep, i'm hurting.
- 00:26:35.119 --> 00:26:36.487
- I'm hurting. and i don't wanna hurt anymore.
- 00:26:36.553 --> 00:26:38.455
- And i don't wanna hurt anymore. but the way to not hurt
- 00:26:38.522 --> 00:26:40.224
- But the way to not hurt is to be near the healer.
- 00:26:40.290 --> 00:26:42.126
- Is to be near the healer. suddenly, you don't
- 00:26:42.192 --> 00:26:42.826
- Suddenly, you don't feel the hurt.
- 00:26:42.893 --> 00:26:43.694
- Feel the hurt. suddenly, you feel
- 00:26:43.761 --> 00:26:44.561
- Suddenly, you feel a little bullet proof.
- 00:26:44.628 --> 00:26:46.363
- A little bullet proof. i can't say that too loud
- 00:26:46.430 --> 00:26:47.865
- I can't say that too loud for a number of reasons,
- 00:26:47.931 --> 00:26:48.999
- For a number of reasons, but it's the truth.
- 00:26:49.066 --> 00:26:50.134
- But it's the truth. you've got this jesus
- 00:26:50.200 --> 00:26:51.402
- You've got this jesus bubble wrap on you now.
- 00:26:51.468 --> 00:26:53.504
- Bubble wrap on you now. much better than any other kind
- 00:26:53.570 --> 00:26:55.806
- Much better than any other kind 'cause it means that i'm safe
- 00:26:55.873 --> 00:26:57.074
- 'cause it means that i'm safe and secure in him
- 00:26:57.141 --> 00:26:59.476
- And secure in him and it changes everything.
- 00:26:59.543 --> 00:27:01.111