Join Dr. David Jeremiah and Sheila Walsh on the set of Why the Nativity? as they discuss various aspects of the birth of Christ.
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Turning Point with Dr. David Jeremiah | David Jeremiah - Why The Nativity? Interview | November 30, 2024
- Male announcer: a brighter day and a better year begins
- 00:00:00.650 --> 00:00:02.819
- By living in god's light.
- 00:00:02.952 --> 00:00:03.553
- Introducing dr. david jeremiah's
- 00:00:05.422 --> 00:00:06.656
- Newest 365-day devotional for 2025,
- 00:00:06.656 --> 00:00:09.659
- "living in his light."
- 00:00:09.659 --> 00:00:11.428
- Dr. jeremiah's inspiring insights and reflections,
- 00:00:11.428 --> 00:00:13.596
- Will keep you connected to god's presence
- 00:00:13.596 --> 00:00:15.532
- And walking in the brilliance of his love
- 00:00:15.532 --> 00:00:17.567
- Day-by-day and all year long.
- 00:00:17.567 --> 00:00:19.569
- Yours for a gift of any amount.
- 00:00:19.569 --> 00:00:21.471
- Or for a gift of $120 or more,
- 00:00:21.471 --> 00:00:23.606
- Receive four copies; perfect for gift giving.
- 00:00:23.606 --> 00:00:26.443
- Request "living in his light"
- 00:00:26.443 --> 00:00:27.610
- When you contact "turning point" today
- 00:00:27.610 --> 00:00:29.979
- Announcer: in the nativity story,
- 00:00:31.915 --> 00:00:33.383
- Everything, all lives, all storylines, all prophecy,
- 00:00:33.383 --> 00:00:36.853
- Intersects in bethlehem.
- 00:00:36.853 --> 00:00:40.290
- Naturally, bethlehem served as the backdrop
- 00:00:40.290 --> 00:00:42.625
- To david jeremiah's "why the nativity?"
- 00:00:42.625 --> 00:00:44.794
- Docudrama film, with a set of that little town
- 00:00:44.794 --> 00:00:47.831
- Created specifically for the film.
- 00:00:47.831 --> 00:00:49.833
- And in preparation for its release,
- 00:00:49.833 --> 00:00:51.534
- Dr. jeremiah sat down on the set with sheila walsh
- 00:00:51.534 --> 00:00:54.170
- To discuss how important it is to keep christ in christmas
- 00:00:54.170 --> 00:00:57.373
- This holiday season and for years to come.
- 00:00:57.373 --> 00:01:01.311
- Sheila walsh: every year, millions of people
- 00:01:01.377 --> 00:01:03.246
- Around the globe celebrate christmas,
- 00:01:03.246 --> 00:01:05.448
- But what does it mean?
- 00:01:05.448 --> 00:01:07.250
- Hello, i'm sheila walsh, and in just a moment
- 00:01:07.250 --> 00:01:09.719
- I'm going to have the privilege of talking to someone
- 00:01:09.719 --> 00:01:11.888
- Who has devoted his life to the real meaning of christmas
- 00:01:11.888 --> 00:01:15.992
- And most recently with his film production
- 00:01:15.992 --> 00:01:19.295
- About the birth of jesus, "why the nativity?"
- 00:01:19.295 --> 00:01:22.799
- Drawing from both the old and new testaments,
- 00:01:22.799 --> 00:01:25.368
- Noted pastor and theologian dr. david jeremiah provides
- 00:01:25.368 --> 00:01:29.139
- Answers to our questions about the nativity
- 00:01:29.139 --> 00:01:31.908
- And gives us compelling reasons to celebrate the birth of jesus.
- 00:01:31.908 --> 00:01:37.547
- Hello, dr. jeremiah.
- 00:01:37.547 --> 00:01:39.215
- It is so wonderful to be here.
- 00:01:39.215 --> 00:01:40.917
- Dr. david jeremiah: sheila, thank you for coming to do this.
- 00:01:40.917 --> 00:01:42.485
- Sheila: this is amazing.
- 00:01:42.485 --> 00:01:44.721
- We're on the bethlehem-nazareth backlot
- 00:01:44.721 --> 00:01:48.424
- Of your brand new movie-- docudrama, "why the nativity?"
- 00:01:48.424 --> 00:01:52.295
- And i have to say, i very rarely run out of words.
- 00:01:52.295 --> 00:01:55.465
- This is spectacular.
- 00:01:55.465 --> 00:01:57.567
- Dr. jeremiah: you know, sheila, i've been in the real bethlehem
- 00:01:57.567 --> 00:01:59.502
- In israel, but sitting here is almost more overwhelming
- 00:01:59.502 --> 00:02:04.974
- Than when i was there because of all that's gone in
- 00:02:04.974 --> 00:02:08.878
- To make this as authentic as we could.
- 00:02:08.878 --> 00:02:11.247
- Sheila: the attention to detail is absolutely breathtaking.
- 00:02:11.247 --> 00:02:15.451
- Dr. jeremiah: yeah, i tell you what, i couldn't be
- 00:02:15.451 --> 00:02:16.986
- More excited and more proud of our guys and gals
- 00:02:16.986 --> 00:02:19.923
- Who worked on this.
- 00:02:19.923 --> 00:02:21.658
- This has been an obsession with them
- 00:02:21.658 --> 00:02:23.826
- For almost three years now and been through a lot
- 00:02:23.826 --> 00:02:28.398
- Of ups and downs and starts and stops, but here we are.
- 00:02:28.398 --> 00:02:32.235
- Sheila: yep, we'll talk about some of that.
- 00:02:32.235 --> 00:02:33.803
- But before we get to the actual movie,
- 00:02:33.803 --> 00:02:36.172
- This began as a book.
- 00:02:36.172 --> 00:02:38.374
- Tell us about that.
- 00:02:38.374 --> 00:02:39.709
- Dr. jeremiah: you know, every book is like an adventure.
- 00:02:39.709 --> 00:02:42.912
- I know you're an author, so you know what i mean.
- 00:02:42.912 --> 00:02:45.582
- People always ask you, "why did you write that book?"
- 00:02:45.582 --> 00:02:47.850
- And if you stop for a moment and think about it,
- 00:02:47.850 --> 00:02:49.919
- There's always a reason.
- 00:02:49.919 --> 00:02:51.387
- And this book started like this.
- 00:02:51.387 --> 00:02:53.156
- I was in my office one day and a friend of mine,
- 00:02:53.156 --> 00:02:56.359
- Who is the president of tyndale house, ron beers,
- 00:02:56.359 --> 00:02:59.262
- Called and said that they wanted to do this book project
- 00:02:59.262 --> 00:03:03.132
- Where we would answer 25 questions about the nativity,
- 00:03:03.132 --> 00:03:08.271
- And we brought our team together and worked on it,
- 00:03:08.271 --> 00:03:11.140
- And "why the nativity?" was the result.
- 00:03:11.140 --> 00:03:15.278
- Sheila: a project like this, i've never seen anything
- 00:03:15.278 --> 00:03:18.448
- Quite like this, was a daunting task for you
- 00:03:18.448 --> 00:03:21.251
- And for your amazing staff to even begin a project like this.
- 00:03:21.251 --> 00:03:25.188
- Dr. jeremiah: i think a lot of times, if we knew
- 00:03:25.188 --> 00:03:26.656
- At the beginning what it was going to take
- 00:03:26.656 --> 00:03:29.058
- For us to get to the end, we might have said,
- 00:03:29.058 --> 00:03:31.194
- "you know, let's don't do this."
- 00:03:31.194 --> 00:03:32.762
- But we had a great sense of what this could mean.
- 00:03:32.762 --> 00:03:36.666
- And we have a guy on our staff named paul joiner,
- 00:03:36.666 --> 00:03:39.669
- Who has a background in this and knows a lot about it,
- 00:03:39.669 --> 00:03:43.906
- And we had no doubt that if we got everything together,
- 00:03:43.906 --> 00:03:48.978
- Paul could pull it off.
- 00:03:48.978 --> 00:03:50.680
- Sheila: now, thinking about the timeline,
- 00:03:50.680 --> 00:03:53.082
- You start a project like this and then covid hits.
- 00:03:53.082 --> 00:03:56.452
- How did that impact things?
- 00:03:56.452 --> 00:03:58.221
- Dr. jeremiah: sheila, that was so discouraging
- 00:03:58.221 --> 00:03:59.656
- Because we had just gotten a sense of momentum.
- 00:03:59.656 --> 00:04:01.524
- All of these sets are built--not here,
- 00:04:01.524 --> 00:04:03.993
- The facades are built in different places.
- 00:04:03.993 --> 00:04:07.063
- And that we'd got started, and then we started getting
- 00:04:07.063 --> 00:04:09.332
- Messages back: we don't have any workers.
- 00:04:09.332 --> 00:04:11.701
- Nobody can come to work.
- 00:04:11.701 --> 00:04:13.403
- And so we had to shut it all down,
- 00:04:13.403 --> 00:04:15.204
- And we didn't know what to do.
- 00:04:15.204 --> 00:04:17.173
- We just sort of said, "well,
- 00:04:17.173 --> 00:04:18.675
- Let's try to get through covid and see what happens."
- 00:04:18.675 --> 00:04:21.544
- Sheila: were you ever tempted to just give up
- 00:04:21.544 --> 00:04:24.514
- Because it was too overwhelming?
- 00:04:24.514 --> 00:04:25.948
- Dr. jeremiah: well, if you were among the inner circle
- 00:04:25.948 --> 00:04:27.684
- Of this group, you would know there was a meeting one day
- 00:04:27.684 --> 00:04:30.586
- In the conference room.
- 00:04:30.586 --> 00:04:32.255
- We were about halfway into our budget
- 00:04:32.255 --> 00:04:36.159
- And we had half way to go.
- 00:04:36.159 --> 00:04:37.994
- It's kind of like you're in the middle of the lake
- 00:04:37.994 --> 00:04:39.962
- And it's as far to the other side
- 00:04:39.962 --> 00:04:41.497
- As it is to go back where you started.
- 00:04:41.497 --> 00:04:43.766
- And we had this discussion, and i remember there were
- 00:04:43.766 --> 00:04:47.170
- Some tears in that meeting.
- 00:04:47.170 --> 00:04:48.638
- I'll never forget it.
- 00:04:48.638 --> 00:04:50.039
- For a moment we thought, "maybe this isn't going to happen."
- 00:04:50.039 --> 00:04:53.976
- And then i remember saying,
- 00:04:53.976 --> 00:04:55.511
- "look, we've never started anything in the past
- 00:04:55.511 --> 00:04:58.581
- That we didn't finish, and we're going to finish this.
- 00:04:58.581 --> 00:05:00.850
- I don't know how we're going to finish it,
- 00:05:00.850 --> 00:05:02.185
- But we're going to finish it.
- 00:05:02.185 --> 00:05:03.519
- So let's quit talking about not finishing it.
- 00:05:03.519 --> 00:05:05.822
- Let's finish this."
- 00:05:05.822 --> 00:05:07.223
- And we all took a deep breath and began part two.
- 00:05:07.223 --> 00:05:12.628
- Sheila: that's why you're such a visionary leader.
- 00:05:12.628 --> 00:05:14.597
- You need someone to stand up and say, "no, we're burning
- 00:05:14.597 --> 00:05:17.233
- The ships behind us and we're going forward."
- 00:05:17.233 --> 00:05:19.736
- I think that's marvelous.
- 00:05:19.736 --> 00:05:21.604
- I wondered how working on a project like this
- 00:05:21.604 --> 00:05:24.841
- Has maybe impacted all that.
- 00:05:24.841 --> 00:05:26.275
- I mean, there's been so many people working on this.
- 00:05:26.275 --> 00:05:28.077
- How has it impacted those?
- 00:05:28.077 --> 00:05:29.679
- Dr. jeremiah: you know, sheila, there's so many stories
- 00:05:29.679 --> 00:05:32.148
- About people whose lives have been impacted.
- 00:05:32.148 --> 00:05:35.051
- One of the things that i think is really cool is
- 00:05:35.051 --> 00:05:38.388
- That we have used some people in the set
- 00:05:38.388 --> 00:05:41.457
- Who aren't from our faith, people who are
- 00:05:41.457 --> 00:05:44.527
- Just really good actors and actresses.
- 00:05:44.527 --> 00:05:47.163
- And we used a lot of technical people
- 00:05:47.163 --> 00:05:49.232
- That they aren't from our church and they don't know who we are,
- 00:05:49.232 --> 00:05:53.403
- But they've come on this set and they've seen
- 00:05:53.403 --> 00:05:55.304
- The love of jesus in the lives of our people,
- 00:05:55.304 --> 00:05:57.774
- And it's had an amazing impact on them.
- 00:05:57.774 --> 00:06:01.411
- And we hear this almost every day,
- 00:06:01.411 --> 00:06:04.280
- That god is in this because he's in the people
- 00:06:04.280 --> 00:06:07.316
- That are doing it.
- 00:06:07.316 --> 00:06:08.718
- Sheila: one of the things that i see happening,
- 00:06:08.718 --> 00:06:10.620
- And perhaps you have too, is-- like, i remember one year
- 00:06:10.620 --> 00:06:13.723
- My husband and i put a nativity scene in our yard
- 00:06:13.723 --> 00:06:16.626
- And one of our neighbors complained,
- 00:06:16.626 --> 00:06:18.728
- And it seems to be happening more and more often.
- 00:06:18.728 --> 00:06:21.464
- Have you seen that, and is that why this is so important?
- 00:06:21.464 --> 00:06:24.233
- Dr. jeremiah: there's a joke that goes around
- 00:06:24.233 --> 00:06:25.802
- That if you have a baby jesus, you need to put a gps in him
- 00:06:25.802 --> 00:06:28.905
- 'cause they'd come and steal him, and that's true.
- 00:06:28.905 --> 00:06:31.207
- We actually had a nativity scene on our campus at shadow mountain
- 00:06:31.207 --> 00:06:35.978
- And somebody stole baby jesus out of the manger,
- 00:06:35.978 --> 00:06:38.681
- And then they put up a lot of fuss over it, you know.
- 00:06:38.681 --> 00:06:43.453
- I think we might have kind of gotten
- 00:06:43.453 --> 00:06:45.254
- Through that phase; we had that.
- 00:06:45.254 --> 00:06:47.256
- They're on to assaulting other things now, but they've
- 00:06:47.256 --> 00:06:50.393
- Kind of left that alone.
- 00:06:50.393 --> 00:06:52.028
- And many of us have just said,
- 00:06:52.028 --> 00:06:54.197
- "okay, we're going to double down and do it more
- 00:06:54.197 --> 00:06:56.899
- And make it more visible."
- 00:06:56.899 --> 00:06:58.801
- Sheila: so i just want to let people know
- 00:06:58.801 --> 00:07:00.303
- A few of the statistics to make sure i got it all right,
- 00:07:00.303 --> 00:07:02.605
- 'cause this is fascinating to me.
- 00:07:02.605 --> 00:07:04.540
- So "why the nativity?" is an original screenplay
- 00:07:04.540 --> 00:07:07.443
- With an original score created from creative people
- 00:07:07.443 --> 00:07:10.680
- On your staff and from the television and film industry,
- 00:07:10.680 --> 00:07:14.283
- Employing more than 1,000 people during this production,
- 00:07:14.283 --> 00:07:18.754
- With more than 100 roles, 19 of them children and animals.
- 00:07:18.754 --> 00:07:22.792
- And they know what you say about working with children
- 00:07:22.792 --> 00:07:24.794
- And animals, but we decided we would just do that anyway.
- 00:07:24.794 --> 00:07:28.264
- And it will be aired on networks and streaming platforms
- 00:07:28.264 --> 00:07:31.100
- Everywhere this christmas and for christmases to come.
- 00:07:31.100 --> 00:07:34.937
- So much effort and creativity has gone into this, and i guess
- 00:07:34.937 --> 00:07:38.808
- My bottom line question is, why?
- 00:07:38.808 --> 00:07:41.511
- Dr. jeremiah: there's always been something
- 00:07:41.511 --> 00:07:42.845
- About turning point.
- 00:07:42.845 --> 00:07:44.180
- It's in the dna here that we want to do things
- 00:07:44.180 --> 00:07:47.083
- Nobody's ever done before.
- 00:07:47.083 --> 00:07:49.485
- Nobody's ever done anything quite like this as a ministry.
- 00:07:49.485 --> 00:07:52.321
- I mean, we're certainly not going to say
- 00:07:52.321 --> 00:07:54.323
- That we've done something that is better
- 00:07:54.323 --> 00:07:56.826
- Than anything else, but we've done something unique
- 00:07:56.826 --> 00:07:59.695
- For a ministry and we've done it with our own people primarily
- 00:07:59.695 --> 00:08:04.000
- Leading the way and--under paul's leadership
- 00:08:04.000 --> 00:08:06.669
- And my son david, who has been very much involved
- 00:08:06.669 --> 00:08:09.472
- In the administration of all of this.
- 00:08:09.472 --> 00:08:12.108
- We started, and i don't think we realized how big
- 00:08:12.108 --> 00:08:14.911
- This would end up being.
- 00:08:14.911 --> 00:08:16.646
- You take a step and then you take the next step
- 00:08:16.646 --> 00:08:18.714
- And everything continues to multiply till all of a sudden
- 00:08:18.714 --> 00:08:22.985
- You look up and you walk into this place
- 00:08:22.985 --> 00:08:24.954
- Where we are tonight and it's hard to comprehend,
- 00:08:24.954 --> 00:08:28.157
- It's hard to believe.
- 00:08:28.157 --> 00:08:29.559
- Sheila: yeah, as i said, this will be aired
- 00:08:29.559 --> 00:08:32.161
- On various networks and streaming platforms,
- 00:08:32.161 --> 00:08:34.630
- But something very exciting is going to happen
- 00:08:34.630 --> 00:08:36.465
- In washington, dc.
- 00:08:36.465 --> 00:08:38.401
- Tell us about that.
- 00:08:38.401 --> 00:08:39.869
- Dr. jeremiah: well, you know, there's a wonderful ministry
- 00:08:39.869 --> 00:08:42.238
- There called the museum of the bible,
- 00:08:42.238 --> 00:08:44.540
- And they have grabbed hold of this
- 00:08:44.540 --> 00:08:46.642
- And they're going to show it during the christmas season.
- 00:08:46.642 --> 00:08:49.412
- You know, sheila, there's something to be said
- 00:08:49.412 --> 00:08:51.314
- About doing projects, that when they're done,
- 00:08:51.314 --> 00:08:54.417
- They're so amazing that only god can get the credit.
- 00:08:54.417 --> 00:08:56.953
- Sheila: i love that.
- 00:08:56.953 --> 00:08:58.287
- Dr. jeremiah: and that's what i think is happening here.
- 00:08:58.287 --> 00:08:59.689
- I mean, we all worked hard, we know we had a part in this,
- 00:08:59.689 --> 00:09:02.325
- But this is not something that humanity can pull off.
- 00:09:02.325 --> 00:09:06.562
- If god were not in this, we couldn't be doing
- 00:09:06.562 --> 00:09:08.864
- What we're doing.
- 00:09:08.864 --> 00:09:10.199
- Sheila: wow.
- 00:09:10.199 --> 00:09:11.534
- In describing the motivation behind this incredible docudrama
- 00:09:11.534 --> 00:09:15.438
- "why the nativity," you talk about the nativity
- 00:09:15.438 --> 00:09:18.708
- As being the pivotal moment in human history.
- 00:09:18.708 --> 00:09:22.878
- Dr. jeremiah: well, sheila, when jesus entered this world,
- 00:09:22.878 --> 00:09:25.815
- Everything changed, even the calendars;
- 00:09:25.815 --> 00:09:29.185
- And the people forget that.
- 00:09:29.185 --> 00:09:30.920
- You know, do you believe in jesus?
- 00:09:30.920 --> 00:09:32.254
- Well, you have to believe that something happened,
- 00:09:32.254 --> 00:09:34.490
- Because everything changed.
- 00:09:34.490 --> 00:09:36.726
- We who are christians know that he came to change us,
- 00:09:36.726 --> 00:09:39.295
- But he also changed the world and he brought hope
- 00:09:39.295 --> 00:09:42.431
- Where there wasn't any hope.
- 00:09:42.431 --> 00:09:44.033
- He brought peace into hostility.
- 00:09:44.033 --> 00:09:46.769
- Yes, the coming of jesus christ into this world was
- 00:09:46.769 --> 00:09:51.440
- The watershed of history.
- 00:09:51.440 --> 00:09:54.276
- Sheila: you are known, loved, and respected because of the--
- 00:09:54.276 --> 00:09:57.613
- Your teaching on biblical prophecy.
- 00:09:57.613 --> 00:10:00.716
- But when we look at the nativity,
- 00:10:00.716 --> 00:10:02.752
- It didn't start there, did it?
- 00:10:02.752 --> 00:10:04.687
- It started thousands of years ago.
- 00:10:04.687 --> 00:10:06.489
- Why were the prophets so important?
- 00:10:06.489 --> 00:10:08.224
- Dr. jeremiah: well, 700 years before, people
- 00:10:08.224 --> 00:10:09.759
- Like micah and isaiah, jeremiah, started to talk
- 00:10:09.759 --> 00:10:14.830
- About the coming of the messiah.
- 00:10:14.830 --> 00:10:16.866
- "the messiah is going to come."
- 00:10:16.866 --> 00:10:18.868
- Isaiah said that a virgin will be with child.
- 00:10:18.868 --> 00:10:21.971
- That child is going to be called emmanuel,
- 00:10:21.971 --> 00:10:24.106
- And the hope of the messiah was in the heart
- 00:10:24.106 --> 00:10:27.176
- Of the jewish people.
- 00:10:27.176 --> 00:10:28.644
- They misunderstood who he was and many perhaps even still
- 00:10:28.644 --> 00:10:33.683
- Struggle with that, but he was the messiah who would come
- 00:10:33.683 --> 00:10:38.020
- Also to be the redeemer.
- 00:10:38.020 --> 00:10:39.855
- The prophets talked about it.
- 00:10:39.855 --> 00:10:41.624
- In fact, i just was reminded yesterday in something
- 00:10:41.624 --> 00:10:45.294
- I was reading that there are 316 prophecies
- 00:10:45.294 --> 00:10:49.031
- That were literally fulfilled in the first coming
- 00:10:49.031 --> 00:10:51.834
- Of jesus christ, and you can trace them
- 00:10:51.834 --> 00:10:54.203
- In the bible and in history.
- 00:10:54.203 --> 00:10:57.339
- Sheila: stay tuned; we'll be right back with more
- 00:10:57.339 --> 00:10:59.241
- About "why the nativity," the docudrama film
- 00:10:59.241 --> 00:11:02.144
- From dr. david jeremiah.
- 00:11:02.144 --> 00:11:05.347
- Announcer: every year, millions of people
- 00:11:06.816 --> 00:11:08.651
- Around the globe celebrate christmas,
- 00:11:08.651 --> 00:11:10.853
- But what does it all mean?
- 00:11:10.853 --> 00:11:12.655
- Why did god choose a young woman named mary
- 00:11:12.655 --> 00:11:15.357
- And a simple carpenter named joseph to bring
- 00:11:15.357 --> 00:11:17.593
- His only son into the world?
- 00:11:17.593 --> 00:11:19.562
- Why was the son of god born in a lowly manger
- 00:11:19.562 --> 00:11:21.997
- In a small town called bethlehem,
- 00:11:21.997 --> 00:11:23.799
- And what does the nativity story mean for us today?
- 00:11:23.799 --> 00:11:27.036
- Explore the powerful truths beyond these questions
- 00:11:27.036 --> 00:11:29.972
- And more in "why the nativity?"
- 00:11:29.972 --> 00:11:32.808
- Drawing from both the old and new testaments,
- 00:11:32.808 --> 00:11:35.010
- Noted pastor and theologian dr. david jeremiah provides
- 00:11:35.010 --> 00:11:38.647
- Answers to 25 of the most thought-provoking questions
- 00:11:38.647 --> 00:11:41.984
- Surrounding the most pivotal moment in human history:
- 00:11:41.984 --> 00:11:45.354
- The birth of jesus christ.
- 00:11:45.354 --> 00:11:47.456
- A copy of "why the nativity?" by dr. jeremiah can be yours
- 00:11:47.456 --> 00:11:50.693
- For a gift of any amount.
- 00:11:50.693 --> 00:11:52.228
- Also available for a gift of any amount,
- 00:11:52.228 --> 00:11:54.363
- Dr. jeremiah's docudrama "why the nativity?"
- 00:11:54.363 --> 00:11:57.933
- Based on his bestselling book.
- 00:11:57.933 --> 00:11:59.101
- Let dr. jeremiah be your guide as you travel back in time
- 00:12:00.336 --> 00:12:03.939
- To experience the sights and sounds
- 00:12:03.939 --> 00:12:05.708
- Of that first christmas story.
- 00:12:05.708 --> 00:12:07.610
- Featuring stunning visuals, dynamic teaching,
- 00:12:07.610 --> 00:12:10.446
- And dramatic reenactments so riveting,
- 00:12:10.446 --> 00:12:12.882
- You'll want to make watching "why the nativity?"
- 00:12:12.882 --> 00:12:14.984
- A new holiday tradition.
- 00:12:14.984 --> 00:12:16.685
- Request your copy of the "why the nativity?" book
- 00:12:16.685 --> 00:12:19.421
- Or docudrama dvd for a gift of any amount,
- 00:12:19.421 --> 00:12:22.458
- Or both for a gift of $60 or more.
- 00:12:22.458 --> 00:12:25.728
- Also available for a gift of $100 or more,
- 00:12:25.728 --> 00:12:27.963
- The "why the nativity?" study set, which includes
- 00:12:27.963 --> 00:12:30.699
- A copy of the book, 11-message cd album,
- 00:12:30.699 --> 00:12:33.602
- Study guide, and the docudrama dvd.
- 00:12:33.602 --> 00:12:36.305
- An unforgettable journey through the wonders
- 00:12:36.305 --> 00:12:38.607
- Of christmas awaits you.
- 00:12:38.607 --> 00:12:40.276
- Contact turning point today.
- 00:12:40.276 --> 00:12:42.978
- Sheila: thank you for joining us.
- 00:12:44.480 --> 00:12:45.815
- I'm sheila walsh, here again to talk with dr. david jeremiah
- 00:12:45.815 --> 00:12:49.051
- About his docudrama film, "why the nativity?"
- 00:12:49.051 --> 00:12:53.489
- One of the things that i have often wondered was
- 00:12:53.489 --> 00:12:56.325
- Why did god pick that particular time
- 00:12:56.325 --> 00:12:59.328
- In human history for jesus to be born?
- 00:12:59.328 --> 00:13:03.065
- Dr. jeremiah: well, you know, if you study history,
- 00:13:03.065 --> 00:13:05.034
- You realize that it was jesus or oblivion.
- 00:13:05.034 --> 00:13:10.372
- History was at a very, very challenging point.
- 00:13:10.372 --> 00:13:13.943
- The romans were in charge.
- 00:13:13.943 --> 00:13:15.377
- They were running the world.
- 00:13:15.377 --> 00:13:16.846
- They aren't called the iron legions of rome
- 00:13:16.846 --> 00:13:18.914
- For nothing.
- 00:13:18.914 --> 00:13:20.482
- There was also some other things that were going on.
- 00:13:20.482 --> 00:13:22.852
- For instance, rome had kind of united the world
- 00:13:22.852 --> 00:13:25.421
- So it would make it possible for the message to be shared,
- 00:13:25.421 --> 00:13:28.924
- And greek had become almost like english is in the world.
- 00:13:28.924 --> 00:13:33.062
- And so at that particular time, at a time of great need
- 00:13:33.062 --> 00:13:37.099
- And darkness, at a time when the message
- 00:13:37.099 --> 00:13:39.235
- Could be received and could go quickly to other parts
- 00:13:39.235 --> 00:13:43.739
- Of the world, the bible says in the fullness of time,
- 00:13:43.739 --> 00:13:46.909
- God sent forth his son.
- 00:13:46.909 --> 00:13:48.510
- What a great message.
- 00:13:48.510 --> 00:13:49.979
- Sheila: wow, so, i'd love to talk
- 00:13:49.979 --> 00:13:51.347
- About the central characters of the nativity.
- 00:13:51.347 --> 00:13:54.717
- Let's talk about mary.
- 00:13:54.717 --> 00:13:57.286
- Why did god choose this particular young woman
- 00:13:57.286 --> 00:14:00.723
- To be the mother of the son of god?
- 00:14:00.723 --> 00:14:03.993
- Dr. jeremiah: i'm not sure that we will ever know
- 00:14:03.993 --> 00:14:05.961
- All of the reasons for that, but what we know about her is
- 00:14:05.961 --> 00:14:09.765
- She was a godly young woman.
- 00:14:09.765 --> 00:14:11.867
- She was certainly among the many women in israel
- 00:14:11.867 --> 00:14:15.371
- Who thought they might one day be the mother of the messiah.
- 00:14:15.371 --> 00:14:18.140
- That was a hope that was kind of in the hearts
- 00:14:18.140 --> 00:14:20.743
- Of many young women.
- 00:14:20.743 --> 00:14:22.544
- When gabriel came and told her that she was the one,
- 00:14:22.544 --> 00:14:25.748
- It must have been quite a shock to her.
- 00:14:25.748 --> 00:14:28.584
- I don't think she was expecting it.
- 00:14:28.584 --> 00:14:30.619
- I don't think she was-- felt she was qualified.
- 00:14:30.619 --> 00:14:33.956
- Her songs that she created and the way she responded to it
- 00:14:33.956 --> 00:14:39.295
- Tells you she was a very humble person,
- 00:14:39.295 --> 00:14:42.264
- And i always think about that one phrase
- 00:14:42.264 --> 00:14:44.300
- That she had when she heard it.
- 00:14:44.300 --> 00:14:47.102
- She said, "be it unto me according to your word."
- 00:14:47.102 --> 00:14:51.340
- That was her heart.
- 00:14:51.340 --> 00:14:52.741
- She was ready to receive whatever god wanted
- 00:14:52.741 --> 00:14:55.210
- To do for her.
- 00:14:55.210 --> 00:14:56.578
- Sheila: one of my favorite depictions
- 00:14:56.578 --> 00:14:58.814
- In the movie is the way that joseph is depicted.
- 00:14:58.814 --> 00:15:03.719
- You show so beautifully that they were very much in love,
- 00:15:03.719 --> 00:15:06.822
- Young teenagers very much in love.
- 00:15:06.822 --> 00:15:08.691
- But they were about to get married.
- 00:15:08.691 --> 00:15:11.126
- They were betrothed, which was a very serious thing,
- 00:15:11.126 --> 00:15:14.496
- And then suddenly mary is with child.
- 00:15:14.496 --> 00:15:18.067
- Why did god choose joseph?
- 00:15:18.067 --> 00:15:21.270
- He had to be quite a special man.
- 00:15:21.270 --> 00:15:23.105
- Dr. jeremiah: you know, i have a sermon that i've preached
- 00:15:23.105 --> 00:15:25.007
- A couple of times during the christmas season
- 00:15:25.007 --> 00:15:26.976
- Called "the forgotten man of christmas,"
- 00:15:26.976 --> 00:15:29.445
- Because joseph is sort of like a walk-on player
- 00:15:29.445 --> 00:15:32.414
- And then after the christmas story,
- 00:15:32.414 --> 00:15:34.383
- He's never heard from again.
- 00:15:34.383 --> 00:15:35.884
- He just walks off the stage and he disappears into the world.
- 00:15:35.884 --> 00:15:40.823
- But joseph was a man who was willing
- 00:15:40.823 --> 00:15:44.994
- To do what god wanted him to do, and he didn't have to be
- 00:15:44.994 --> 00:15:48.764
- In the center of the story.
- 00:15:48.764 --> 00:15:51.400
- He was a supportive man, worked in a carpenter shop,
- 00:15:51.400 --> 00:15:55.337
- And obviously loved mary much.
- 00:15:55.337 --> 00:15:58.040
- I mean, he passed the test of love
- 00:15:58.040 --> 00:16:00.909
- When he found out that she was pregnant
- 00:16:00.909 --> 00:16:02.578
- And he knew it wasn't because of him
- 00:16:02.578 --> 00:16:05.047
- And yet here she is, with child, and she says that it happened
- 00:16:05.047 --> 00:16:09.585
- In a certain way, a way that had never been responsible
- 00:16:09.585 --> 00:16:13.722
- For a child to ever be born before in history.
- 00:16:13.722 --> 00:16:16.325
- She was with child of the holy spirit,
- 00:16:16.325 --> 00:16:18.427
- And the angel came and told him that
- 00:16:18.427 --> 00:16:20.696
- And god granted him the faith to believe it,
- 00:16:20.696 --> 00:16:23.098
- And he lived it and he protected her.
- 00:16:23.098 --> 00:16:25.768
- And he wasn't the center of the story, but he was
- 00:16:25.768 --> 00:16:29.071
- Really the most important next character in the story.
- 00:16:29.071 --> 00:16:33.876
- Sheila: talking about that, why was a virgin birth
- 00:16:33.876 --> 00:16:37.279
- So important, that mary had never been with a man?
- 00:16:37.279 --> 00:16:41.617
- Dr. jeremiah: well, the messiah had to be perfect.
- 00:16:41.617 --> 00:16:45.320
- He had to be the perfect son of god,
- 00:16:45.320 --> 00:16:47.322
- And he also had to be human.
- 00:16:47.322 --> 00:16:50.025
- And if he had gotten his humanity
- 00:16:50.025 --> 00:16:51.927
- The way we get ours, he would also have sin in his life.
- 00:16:51.927 --> 00:16:55.397
- So he had to come into humanity without the agency
- 00:16:55.397 --> 00:16:58.333
- Of a sinful human being.
- 00:16:58.333 --> 00:17:00.669
- And so he was born of mary, but he was born
- 00:17:00.669 --> 00:17:07.076
- Of the holy spirit so that he could be
- 00:17:07.076 --> 00:17:10.712
- The sinless son of god.
- 00:17:10.712 --> 00:17:13.682
- Sheila: so why bethlehem?
- 00:17:13.682 --> 00:17:16.218
- Not the most auspicious.
- 00:17:16.218 --> 00:17:17.920
- I mean, it wasn't jerusalem.
- 00:17:17.920 --> 00:17:19.621
- Why was it important that he was born in bethlehem?
- 00:17:19.621 --> 00:17:23.392
- Dr. jeremiah: well, the bible said that he would be--
- 00:17:23.392 --> 00:17:26.061
- Bethlehem ephrathah would be his home.
- 00:17:26.061 --> 00:17:28.063
- But, you know, bethlehem was a pretty special place.
- 00:17:28.063 --> 00:17:30.099
- Rachel was buried there, and so were--
- 00:17:30.099 --> 00:17:32.501
- Ruth and naomi were buried there,
- 00:17:32.501 --> 00:17:34.169
- And bethlehem has a really cool name.
- 00:17:34.169 --> 00:17:37.573
- The word bethlehem means "house of bread,"
- 00:17:37.573 --> 00:17:40.609
- And jesus christ came to be the bread of life.
- 00:17:40.609 --> 00:17:43.479
- He was born there, obviously, because he happened to be there
- 00:17:43.479 --> 00:17:46.582
- When taxation was going on, registration was going on.
- 00:17:46.582 --> 00:17:50.185
- And i remember reading somewhere that if mary had been pregnant
- 00:17:50.185 --> 00:17:52.821
- With jesus one month before that,
- 00:17:52.821 --> 00:17:55.224
- He would have been born here.
- 00:17:55.224 --> 00:17:56.725
- If she had been pregnant one month after that,
- 00:17:56.725 --> 00:17:58.427
- He would have been born here.
- 00:17:58.427 --> 00:17:59.962
- But she was pregnant with jesus at such a time
- 00:17:59.962 --> 00:18:02.231
- That when the census took place, he would be in bethlehem,
- 00:18:02.231 --> 00:18:04.867
- Thus fulfilling the prophecy of the old testament prophets.
- 00:18:04.867 --> 00:18:08.937
- Sheila: and the place where he was born,
- 00:18:08.937 --> 00:18:10.439
- I love the way it's depicted.
- 00:18:10.439 --> 00:18:12.341
- It's like in a cold, kind of dusty cave,
- 00:18:12.341 --> 00:18:15.711
- Not a palace.
- 00:18:15.711 --> 00:18:17.312
- Dr. jeremiah: as you think about that and some of the other
- 00:18:17.312 --> 00:18:19.047
- Aspects of the birth of jesus, sheila, god went out of his way
- 00:18:19.047 --> 00:18:25.053
- To put the gospel on the lower shelf
- 00:18:25.053 --> 00:18:27.623
- So that everyone could feel welcome.
- 00:18:27.623 --> 00:18:31.126
- I mean, he wasn't born, as you said, in a palace.
- 00:18:31.126 --> 00:18:34.963
- Had he been born in a palace, then some people
- 00:18:34.963 --> 00:18:37.566
- Might have thought that he was only for the aristocracy.
- 00:18:37.566 --> 00:18:40.769
- But he was born in a stable so that the least
- 00:18:40.769 --> 00:18:44.406
- Among all of us could be accepted.
- 00:18:44.406 --> 00:18:48.110
- And we'll talk about that, i'm sure, in a few moments,
- 00:18:48.110 --> 00:18:50.279
- About the shepherds, but that's why he did that.
- 00:18:50.279 --> 00:18:52.748
- He came so that no matter who we are, or what we've done,
- 00:18:52.748 --> 00:18:56.718
- Or where we've been, or how we may even
- 00:18:56.718 --> 00:18:59.054
- Think of ourselves, he is for us and he is available
- 00:18:59.054 --> 00:19:02.724
- And he's reachable.
- 00:19:02.724 --> 00:19:04.092
- Sheila: i think the depiction of the shepherds might even be
- 00:19:04.092 --> 00:19:07.996
- One of my very favorite moments because they were
- 00:19:07.996 --> 00:19:11.800
- Looked down on, they were despised, they were nobodies.
- 00:19:11.800 --> 00:19:14.636
- Dr. jeremiah: you know what, i've done a lot of homework
- 00:19:14.636 --> 00:19:16.271
- On the shepherds.
- 00:19:16.271 --> 00:19:17.673
- A shepherd was so despised, they were not allowed to be
- 00:19:17.673 --> 00:19:21.243
- A witness in court.
- 00:19:21.243 --> 00:19:22.778
- They were not allowed in the temple.
- 00:19:22.778 --> 00:19:24.379
- They couldn't worship.
- 00:19:24.379 --> 00:19:25.747
- So jesus chose the least of all people to whom
- 00:19:25.747 --> 00:19:30.118
- He would first reveal himself as the messiah.
- 00:19:30.118 --> 00:19:33.655
- The shepherds remind us of how much god loves us,
- 00:19:33.655 --> 00:19:39.094
- How much he loves all of us.
- 00:19:39.094 --> 00:19:40.829
- And i would just stop and say at this moment,
- 00:19:40.829 --> 00:19:42.998
- Maybe somebody's watching this interview and you think,
- 00:19:42.998 --> 00:19:45.300
- You know, "i'd like to be a christian,
- 00:19:45.300 --> 00:19:46.635
- But i'm probably not good enough."
- 00:19:46.635 --> 00:19:48.337
- You don't have to be good enough to be a christian.
- 00:19:48.337 --> 00:19:50.806
- You just have to be willing to let god's goodness
- 00:19:50.806 --> 00:19:52.808
- Invade your life as he did.
- 00:19:52.808 --> 00:19:55.777
- Sheila: yeah, when those who were the least likely
- 00:19:55.777 --> 00:19:57.713
- To be invited to the party became the only ones invited
- 00:19:57.713 --> 00:20:00.849
- To the party, that's just the heart of god.
- 00:20:00.849 --> 00:20:03.852
- So let's talk about the kings.
- 00:20:03.852 --> 00:20:06.455
- There was the silk road from china.
- 00:20:06.455 --> 00:20:08.724
- There was the spice road from africa.
- 00:20:08.724 --> 00:20:10.959
- So many people coming to jerusalem.
- 00:20:10.959 --> 00:20:13.595
- I mean, just coming from all over the world.
- 00:20:13.595 --> 00:20:15.998
- Why a star?
- 00:20:15.998 --> 00:20:18.066
- Why was that important?
- 00:20:18.066 --> 00:20:19.534
- Dr. jeremiah: the star led them in a way that violated
- 00:20:19.534 --> 00:20:22.804
- The way stars move.
- 00:20:22.804 --> 00:20:24.773
- The star wasn't going in the right direction
- 00:20:24.773 --> 00:20:26.375
- As far as the universe is concerned, and it was
- 00:20:26.375 --> 00:20:28.977
- Obviously a miraculous star.
- 00:20:28.977 --> 00:20:32.180
- I mean, i've heard all of the stories
- 00:20:32.180 --> 00:20:33.615
- About how it was this and that and how this came together
- 00:20:33.615 --> 00:20:36.251
- And--but it wasn't an accident.
- 00:20:36.251 --> 00:20:38.153
- It was god's star.
- 00:20:38.153 --> 00:20:39.688
- It was god's miraculous star to bring the wise men
- 00:20:39.688 --> 00:20:43.325
- To where they could worship the lord, and the wise men
- 00:20:43.325 --> 00:20:46.395
- Tell us that he's also here for the aristocratic
- 00:20:46.395 --> 00:20:49.765
- And for those who are in the higher level.
- 00:20:49.765 --> 00:20:52.167
- Sometimes they're harder to reach than the shepherds.
- 00:20:52.167 --> 00:20:54.369
- Sheila: that's true.
- 00:20:54.369 --> 00:20:55.871
- Dr. jeremiah: and they came to worship,
- 00:20:55.871 --> 00:20:57.472
- And they picture the importance of worshiping jesus.
- 00:20:57.472 --> 00:21:00.909
- So many times in the christmas scene,
- 00:21:00.909 --> 00:21:02.944
- The shepherds and the wise men appear together,
- 00:21:02.944 --> 00:21:05.747
- But they were never together.
- 00:21:05.747 --> 00:21:07.149
- The wise men came maybe two years later,
- 00:21:07.149 --> 00:21:09.584
- And they came from a long way.
- 00:21:09.584 --> 00:21:12.120
- Their journey was an arduous journey.
- 00:21:12.120 --> 00:21:14.890
- They came to worship the lord with the determination
- 00:21:14.890 --> 00:21:18.860
- That most of us don't have, and they came bearing gifts
- 00:21:18.860 --> 00:21:22.097
- To the lord jesus to express their love,
- 00:21:22.097 --> 00:21:25.767
- And obviously because they believed
- 00:21:25.767 --> 00:21:28.170
- In the prophecy and that it was being fulfilled.
- 00:21:28.170 --> 00:21:30.539
- Sheila: why those specific gifts:
- 00:21:30.539 --> 00:21:31.940
- The gold, frankincense, and myrrh?
- 00:21:31.940 --> 00:21:34.643
- Dr. jeremiah: well, those gifts are really significant.
- 00:21:34.643 --> 00:21:37.279
- Gold obviously is the gift of the king.
- 00:21:37.279 --> 00:21:39.981
- I think when they opened that treasure,
- 00:21:39.981 --> 00:21:42.250
- Nobody had to ask what that's all about.
- 00:21:42.250 --> 00:21:44.119
- This is a kingly gift.
- 00:21:44.119 --> 00:21:46.421
- Frankincense was an aroma that was very familiar to people
- 00:21:46.421 --> 00:21:51.259
- Who went to the temple.
- 00:21:51.259 --> 00:21:52.761
- So when you've smelled frankincense, you felt
- 00:21:52.761 --> 00:21:56.064
- Like you were in the temple.
- 00:21:56.064 --> 00:21:57.499
- I know that--i was thinking about that today
- 00:21:57.499 --> 00:21:59.401
- When i was reading over this, that sometimes certain smells
- 00:21:59.401 --> 00:22:03.772
- Remind you of a place.
- 00:22:03.772 --> 00:22:06.375
- Like, for instance, i'll just tell you this.
- 00:22:06.375 --> 00:22:08.944
- We stayed one time in a hotel that had an incredible aroma.
- 00:22:08.944 --> 00:22:15.183
- When you walk in the door, it was just like--
- 00:22:15.183 --> 00:22:17.719
- And i asked my wife, "what is that?"
- 00:22:17.719 --> 00:22:20.188
- And believe it or not, we went to the gift shop
- 00:22:20.188 --> 00:22:21.957
- And they sold it.
- 00:22:21.957 --> 00:22:23.291
- They sold the aroma, and i bought some of it
- 00:22:23.291 --> 00:22:25.660
- And i brought it home.
- 00:22:25.660 --> 00:22:27.262
- And it was a candle.
- 00:22:27.262 --> 00:22:28.597
- And every time we would light that candle, i would think
- 00:22:28.597 --> 00:22:30.632
- Of that hotel.
- 00:22:30.632 --> 00:22:32.033
- And i think that's what frankincense meant.
- 00:22:32.033 --> 00:22:34.669
- Frankincense was a very powerful aroma.
- 00:22:34.669 --> 00:22:38.106
- And then of course, myrrh was the surprising one
- 00:22:38.106 --> 00:22:41.143
- Because myrrh is an embalming fluid,
- 00:22:41.143 --> 00:22:43.712
- And it was a picture of the coming death of jesus.
- 00:22:43.712 --> 00:22:47.616
- I'm not really sure how much they understood about that.
- 00:22:47.616 --> 00:22:50.385
- Probably not as much as we think or maybe as much as we write
- 00:22:50.385 --> 00:22:53.722
- Into the script for them, but it was nonetheless
- 00:22:53.722 --> 00:22:56.792
- A powerful reminder that jesus one day would be wrapped
- 00:22:56.792 --> 00:23:01.630
- As a mummy and myrrh would be between the cloth
- 00:23:01.630 --> 00:23:05.734
- That he was wrapped in.
- 00:23:05.734 --> 00:23:07.436
- Sheila: the one person who was not happy
- 00:23:07.436 --> 00:23:10.439
- About the arrival of the baby was king herod.
- 00:23:10.439 --> 00:23:13.708
- Why was he so afraid?
- 00:23:13.708 --> 00:23:16.411
- Dr. jeremiah: he was ticked off, and many people don't know
- 00:23:16.411 --> 00:23:19.347
- That herod was at the end of his life when this happened.
- 00:23:19.347 --> 00:23:21.483
- He was a very sick man.
- 00:23:21.483 --> 00:23:23.118
- He was very paranoid.
- 00:23:23.118 --> 00:23:24.553
- He was trying to rule the jews, and he wasn't doing
- 00:23:24.553 --> 00:23:26.788
- All that great.
- 00:23:26.788 --> 00:23:28.123
- His job was to keep the jews in line for rome.
- 00:23:28.123 --> 00:23:32.327
- He struggled a lot.
- 00:23:32.327 --> 00:23:34.229
- And then one day these guys come to town and they say,
- 00:23:34.229 --> 00:23:37.466
- "we are come to find the king of the jews.
- 00:23:37.466 --> 00:23:39.835
- Can you tell us where he is?"
- 00:23:39.835 --> 00:23:41.269
- And he's the king of the jews and here's people telling him,
- 00:23:41.269 --> 00:23:43.672
- "there's another king of the jews."
- 00:23:43.672 --> 00:23:45.240
- And he doesn't like that at all.
- 00:23:45.240 --> 00:23:46.808
- So he tried to seduce them into ultimately revealing to him
- 00:23:46.808 --> 00:23:52.881
- Who the king of the jews was that they were looking for,
- 00:23:52.881 --> 00:23:55.717
- And you know the rest of the story.
- 00:23:55.717 --> 00:23:57.219
- Sheila: yeah, okay, some rapid fire questions.
- 00:23:57.219 --> 00:23:59.421
- I'm just going to give you a name, and tell us
- 00:23:59.421 --> 00:24:01.556
- A bite-sized thought on each.
- 00:24:01.556 --> 00:24:03.191
- What do we learn from mary?
- 00:24:03.191 --> 00:24:05.260
- Dr. jeremiah: i learn the humility of this woman.
- 00:24:05.260 --> 00:24:08.330
- "lord, i don't understand all this;
- 00:24:08.330 --> 00:24:09.764
- Nobody can ever explain it to me.
- 00:24:09.764 --> 00:24:11.166
- I'm 15 years old, but be it unto me
- 00:24:11.166 --> 00:24:13.468
- According to your word."
- 00:24:13.468 --> 00:24:15.170
- Sheila: what about joseph?
- 00:24:15.170 --> 00:24:16.505
- Dr. jeremiah: joseph is the steady, faithful man
- 00:24:16.505 --> 00:24:19.140
- Who believed god against all odds.
- 00:24:19.140 --> 00:24:22.277
- He had to believe a story that nobody else
- 00:24:22.277 --> 00:24:24.513
- Would ever have believed apart from the input of the angel.
- 00:24:24.513 --> 00:24:28.250
- Sheila: what do we take from the shepherds' story?
- 00:24:28.250 --> 00:24:30.585
- Dr. jeremiah: the shepherds remind us
- 00:24:30.585 --> 00:24:32.087
- That god's love reaches to the least of all,
- 00:24:32.087 --> 00:24:35.891
- And that they can come to christ.
- 00:24:35.891 --> 00:24:38.093
- Sheila: and what about the wise men?
- 00:24:38.093 --> 00:24:39.628
- Dr. jeremiah: and the wise men tell us the other story,
- 00:24:39.628 --> 00:24:41.263
- That god loves us.
- 00:24:41.263 --> 00:24:42.697
- He loves the most among us and the least among us,
- 00:24:42.697 --> 00:24:46.868
- And he loves us all the same.
- 00:24:46.868 --> 00:24:49.971
- Sheila: i want to ask you about--at the end of your book
- 00:24:49.971 --> 00:24:52.407
- "why the nativity," which i read again,
- 00:24:52.407 --> 00:24:54.476
- And it's fabulous.
- 00:24:54.476 --> 00:24:56.144
- But you end by asking three questions, which i love.
- 00:24:56.144 --> 00:25:00.048
- So let's talk about the last three questions in the book.
- 00:25:00.048 --> 00:25:02.784
- Why did jesus come?
- 00:25:02.784 --> 00:25:06.555
- Dr. jeremiah: well, you know, he tells us in the bible
- 00:25:06.555 --> 00:25:08.323
- Why he came.
- 00:25:08.323 --> 00:25:09.658
- He said, "i have come to seek and to save that which is lost."
- 00:25:09.658 --> 00:25:12.928
- And his life for us who are believers
- 00:25:12.928 --> 00:25:15.597
- Is the life of christ is the abundant life.
- 00:25:15.597 --> 00:25:19.301
- Sheila: and why must he come again?
- 00:25:19.301 --> 00:25:22.370
- Dr. jeremiah: well, first of all, he said he would.
- 00:25:22.370 --> 00:25:23.939
- Sheila: yes, amen.
- 00:25:23.939 --> 00:25:25.273
- Dr. jeremiah: and interestingly enough, i said there were
- 00:25:25.273 --> 00:25:26.608
- 316 prophecies of his first coming.
- 00:25:26.608 --> 00:25:28.977
- There are more than three times that many prophecies
- 00:25:28.977 --> 00:25:31.212
- Of his second coming.
- 00:25:31.212 --> 00:25:32.781
- He's coming again to ultimately fulfill his purpose
- 00:25:32.781 --> 00:25:36.885
- And bring peace to this earth, to gather his people to himself
- 00:25:36.885 --> 00:25:41.189
- To those who have put their trust in him,
- 00:25:41.189 --> 00:25:43.458
- To serve his kingdom, and then forever to be with him.
- 00:25:43.458 --> 00:25:48.430
- Sheila: let me just ask for anyone who's watching this.
- 00:25:48.430 --> 00:25:51.866
- Why is it so important that they believe in jesus?
- 00:25:51.866 --> 00:25:56.037
- Dr. jeremiah: well, jesus proves by his life and his ministry--
- 00:25:56.037 --> 00:26:00.809
- By the way, not just from biblical proof
- 00:26:00.809 --> 00:26:03.745
- But from secular proof.
- 00:26:03.745 --> 00:26:05.981
- I've been doing a project where much of the information is
- 00:26:05.981 --> 00:26:09.084
- From a historian by the name of josephus,
- 00:26:09.084 --> 00:26:11.786
- Who was highly regarded.
- 00:26:11.786 --> 00:26:13.755
- And he came to fulfill the prophecies concerning him
- 00:26:13.755 --> 00:26:17.892
- In the old testament, and he said himself,
- 00:26:17.892 --> 00:26:19.628
- "i have come to do your will, o god."
- 00:26:19.628 --> 00:26:21.696
- So he came to fulfill the will of his father,
- 00:26:21.696 --> 00:26:24.032
- And his purpose was to pay the penalty for our sin
- 00:26:24.032 --> 00:26:27.135
- So that we could believe in him, and he said,
- 00:26:27.135 --> 00:26:30.338
- "i am the way, the truth, and the life.
- 00:26:30.338 --> 00:26:33.475
- And if you want to come to the father,
- 00:26:33.475 --> 00:26:35.010
- You have to come through me, because i am the bridge
- 00:26:35.010 --> 00:26:37.846
- Between heaven and earth."
- 00:26:37.846 --> 00:26:39.214
- He was 100% god and 100% man, the only one who could do
- 00:26:39.214 --> 00:26:45.020
- What needed to be done in bringing us together
- 00:26:45.020 --> 00:26:47.455
- For forgiveness and redemption.
- 00:26:47.455 --> 00:26:49.491
- So if you don't believe in him, there's no plan b.
- 00:26:49.491 --> 00:26:53.061
- There's only one plan.
- 00:26:53.061 --> 00:26:54.696
- Sheila: there's one scene in the movie that i think
- 00:26:54.696 --> 00:26:58.900
- More than anything i've ever seen before
- 00:26:58.900 --> 00:27:00.902
- Perfectly depicts john 3:16, and that's when the three kings
- 00:27:00.902 --> 00:27:05.173
- Leave after having been with the very young jesus
- 00:27:05.173 --> 00:27:09.044
- And they're in the streets and they're with the people.
- 00:27:09.044 --> 00:27:11.513
- It so clearly shows god so loves the whole world.
- 00:27:11.513 --> 00:27:15.917
- It's a powerful scene.
- 00:27:15.917 --> 00:27:17.252
- A lot of people think, "well, that's good for you,
- 00:27:17.252 --> 00:27:19.187
- But what does god feel about me?"
- 00:27:19.187 --> 00:27:21.556
- Dr. jeremiah: the bible tells us the story,
- 00:27:21.556 --> 00:27:24.959
- And the result of putting one's faith in christ
- 00:27:24.959 --> 00:27:28.997
- Is quite evident to anyone who wants to really examine it.
- 00:27:28.997 --> 00:27:32.233
- It's not an isolated story.
- 00:27:32.233 --> 00:27:34.736
- For all these many years since he came,
- 00:27:34.736 --> 00:27:36.971
- Hundreds of thousands of people have put their trust in christ.
- 00:27:36.971 --> 00:27:40.575
- He is the truth.
- 00:27:40.575 --> 00:27:42.377
- If you put your trust in him, he will do for you
- 00:27:42.377 --> 00:27:44.913
- What he's done for all those who put the trust in him.
- 00:27:44.913 --> 00:27:47.716
- And let me just cover one little thought about this,
- 00:27:47.716 --> 00:27:50.618
- Because i've been thinking about this a lot lately.
- 00:27:50.618 --> 00:27:52.954
- So many people say, "well, that's not my truth,
- 00:27:52.954 --> 00:27:55.890
- That's your truth; i don't believe in that."
- 00:27:55.890 --> 00:27:58.126
- But the truth of jesus is true for everyone everywhere always.
- 00:27:58.126 --> 00:28:05.734
- It's not implicated by how we respond to it.
- 00:28:05.734 --> 00:28:08.169
- Some people give you the impression that
- 00:28:08.169 --> 00:28:09.904
- Since they don't believe in it, it isn't true.
- 00:28:09.904 --> 00:28:12.340
- You cannot make the truth of jesus untrue
- 00:28:12.340 --> 00:28:15.143
- By simply saying, "i don't accept it."
- 00:28:15.143 --> 00:28:17.479
- He is the truth.
- 00:28:17.479 --> 00:28:19.380
- If you want to know the truth, the bible says in john
- 00:28:19.380 --> 00:28:21.382
- You can know the truth.
- 00:28:21.382 --> 00:28:22.717
- The bible says god will reveal himself
- 00:28:22.717 --> 00:28:25.019
- To anyone who truly wants to know the truth.
- 00:28:25.019 --> 00:28:28.056
- So if you're talking about this in your own heart
- 00:28:28.056 --> 00:28:31.526
- Or with your friends, ask yourself this question:
- 00:28:31.526 --> 00:28:34.662
- Do i want to just perpetuate my disbelief,
- 00:28:34.662 --> 00:28:37.465
- Or do i really want to know the truth?
- 00:28:37.465 --> 00:28:39.267
- Because if you want to know the truth
- 00:28:39.267 --> 00:28:41.402
- And you follow the spirit's direction
- 00:28:41.402 --> 00:28:43.738
- In your life, you will come to the truth.
- 00:28:43.738 --> 00:28:46.407
- ♪♪♪
- 00:28:46.407 --> 00:28:51.546
- Announcer: thank you for watching today.
- 00:28:51.546 --> 00:28:53.281
- As you reflect on dr. jeremiah's words
- 00:28:53.281 --> 00:28:55.383
- About the birth of christ and the first christmas,
- 00:28:55.383 --> 00:28:57.986
- If you would like to know more about jesus christ
- 00:28:57.986 --> 00:28:59.954
- And the hope you can have in him, dr. jeremiah
- 00:28:59.954 --> 00:29:03.358
- Would like to share two free resources with you.
- 00:29:03.358 --> 00:29:06.060
- The first is a booklet called "your greatest turning point,"
- 00:29:06.060 --> 00:29:09.330
- Which will help you begin your relationship with christ,
- 00:29:09.330 --> 00:29:11.733
- And the second is his monthly devotional magazine,
- 00:29:11.733 --> 00:29:14.469
- "turning points," to give you encouragement and inspiration
- 00:29:14.469 --> 00:29:17.539
- Throughout the year.
- 00:29:17.539 --> 00:29:18.873
- These resources are yours completely free
- 00:29:18.873 --> 00:29:21.009
- When you contact turning point today.
- 00:29:21.009 --> 00:29:23.778
- Announcer: a brighter day and a better year begins
- 00:29:25.847 --> 00:29:28.716
- By living in god's light.
- 00:29:28.716 --> 00:29:30.685
- Introducing dr. david jeremiah's
- 00:29:30.685 --> 00:29:32.520
- Newest 365-day devotional for 2025,
- 00:29:32.520 --> 00:29:35.723
- "living in his light."
- 00:29:35.723 --> 00:29:38.660
- With dr. jeremiah's inspiring insights and reflections,
- 00:29:38.660 --> 00:29:41.663
- You'll find yourself immersed in god's radiant truth,
- 00:29:41.663 --> 00:29:44.666
- Allowing his light to transform your every moment.
- 00:29:44.666 --> 00:29:47.535
- No more shadows, no more doubts.
- 00:29:47.535 --> 00:29:50.572
- "living in his light" is your daily recharge,
- 00:29:50.572 --> 00:29:52.774
- Keeping you connected to his presence
- 00:29:52.774 --> 00:29:54.776
- And walking in the brilliance of his love
- 00:29:54.776 --> 00:29:56.744
- Day by day and all year long.
- 00:29:56.744 --> 00:29:59.447
- With a beautifully designed cover
- 00:29:59.447 --> 00:30:00.882
- And stunning images throughout,
- 00:30:00.882 --> 00:30:02.617
- Each reading will not only lift your spirit,
- 00:30:02.617 --> 00:30:04.719
- But brighten your entire day.
- 00:30:04.719 --> 00:30:07.722
- Even when the world looks bleak and your days seem dark,
- 00:30:07.722 --> 00:30:10.658
- Let dr. jeremiah remind you each day
- 00:30:10.658 --> 00:30:12.894
- That the closer you are to christ,
- 00:30:12.894 --> 00:30:14.762
- The brighter your days will be.
- 00:30:14.762 --> 00:30:17.432
- Dr. jeremiah's devotionals have encouraged
- 00:30:17.432 --> 00:30:19.100
- Hundreds of thousands of readers throughout the years.
- 00:30:19.100 --> 00:30:22.070
- And "living in his light" will inspire you
- 00:30:22.070 --> 00:30:24.138
- To walk in god's light and reflect his light to others
- 00:30:24.138 --> 00:30:27.141
- Throughout the coming year.
- 00:30:27.141 --> 00:30:28.843
- Request your copy of "living in his light" today
- 00:30:28.843 --> 00:30:31.045
- For a gift of any amount in support of this program.
- 00:30:31.045 --> 00:30:33.882
- Or for a gift of $120 or more,
- 00:30:33.882 --> 00:30:36.751
- Receive four copies: one for yourself
- 00:30:36.751 --> 00:30:38.987
- And three to share his light with those you love.
- 00:30:38.987 --> 00:30:41.589
- This isn't just a devotional,
- 00:30:41.589 --> 00:30:44.225
- It's an invitation to live every day
- 00:30:44.225 --> 00:30:46.728
- In the glow of his grace.
- 00:30:46.728 --> 00:30:49.664
- Let god's light guide you every day.
- 00:30:49.664 --> 00:30:52.133
- Request "living in his light" by dr. jeremiah
- 00:30:52.133 --> 00:30:55.036
- And step into a brighter future.
- 00:30:55.036 --> 00:30:57.572
- ♪♪♪
- 00:30:57.639 --> 00:31:07.982
- Announcer: and now join us for a behind-the-scenes look
- 00:31:03.011 --> 00:31:10.652
- At the message and mission of david jeremiah's
- 00:31:10.652 --> 00:31:13.655
- "why the nativity?"
- 00:31:13.655 --> 00:31:17.191
- Paul joiner: so "why the nativity?"
- 00:31:17.191 --> 00:31:18.526
- Came to be after looking at dr. jeremiah's book,
- 00:31:18.526 --> 00:31:22.397
- "why the nativity?" and knowing that dr. jeremiah
- 00:31:22.397 --> 00:31:25.633
- Always wanted to do a film-- a feature film for television.
- 00:31:25.633 --> 00:31:28.503
- And so we felt that christmas would be the perfect time
- 00:31:28.503 --> 00:31:31.940
- To release something like that, something different,
- 00:31:31.940 --> 00:31:33.942
- Something that people would watch.
- 00:31:33.942 --> 00:31:35.410
- Not just one time, but possibly could be a tradition
- 00:31:35.410 --> 00:31:38.046
- Year after year.
- 00:31:38.046 --> 00:31:39.414
- So we thought "why the nativity?"
- 00:31:39.414 --> 00:31:41.816
- Be that perfect vehicle.
- 00:31:41.816 --> 00:31:43.318
- So we took the book, and dr. jeremiah is the host
- 00:31:43.318 --> 00:31:48.589
- Of this docudrama film, and the words pretty much
- 00:31:48.589 --> 00:31:51.826
- Come out of the book.
- 00:31:51.826 --> 00:31:53.328
- But we created a larger storyline to encompass
- 00:31:53.328 --> 00:31:56.597
- More of christmas than probably what people have seen before.
- 00:31:56.597 --> 00:31:59.801
- Dr. jeremiah: one day i was sitting in my office,
- 00:31:59.801 --> 00:32:01.202
- And one of our publishers called me.
- 00:32:01.202 --> 00:32:03.004
- It was a friend of mine.
- 00:32:03.004 --> 00:32:04.339
- He said, "hey, we're thinking about doing
- 00:32:04.339 --> 00:32:05.840
- This book on christmas, and what we want to do is
- 00:32:05.840 --> 00:32:09.010
- Take the key elements of christmas and put them
- 00:32:09.010 --> 00:32:11.346
- Into short little chapters.
- 00:32:11.346 --> 00:32:13.147
- We need 25 chapters, and we need them in 3 weeks."
- 00:32:13.147 --> 00:32:17.585
- And i thought, "you got to be kidding me."
- 00:32:17.585 --> 00:32:19.754
- But, you know, if you really get started
- 00:32:19.754 --> 00:32:21.089
- And you believe in something, the good news was
- 00:32:21.089 --> 00:32:22.790
- I'd preached on almost all of those.
- 00:32:22.790 --> 00:32:25.393
- So it wasn't like going to research new material,
- 00:32:25.393 --> 00:32:28.229
- It was taking things i'd already studied
- 00:32:28.229 --> 00:32:29.897
- And finding ways to abridge them and put them in a chapter
- 00:32:29.897 --> 00:32:34.035
- So that they would fit into this category, so we did
- 00:32:34.035 --> 00:32:38.006
- 25 "why the nativity?" chapters and we made the deadline.
- 00:32:38.006 --> 00:32:42.176
- It was amazing.
- 00:32:42.176 --> 00:32:43.778
- For me as a pastor, i think christmas is special
- 00:32:43.778 --> 00:32:46.881
- Because the message of the birth of christ
- 00:32:46.881 --> 00:32:49.450
- Is the seed of the gospel.
- 00:32:49.450 --> 00:32:51.719
- It's the good news.
- 00:32:51.719 --> 00:32:53.588
- You know, easter is fraught with the death of christ,
- 00:32:53.588 --> 00:32:56.657
- Which is by itself is sad, and the resurrection
- 00:32:56.657 --> 00:32:59.260
- Makes it glorious; but christmas is
- 00:32:59.260 --> 00:33:02.330
- Totally positive in terms of the birth of a child,
- 00:33:02.330 --> 00:33:07.101
- The coming of the redeemer,
- 00:33:07.101 --> 00:33:08.736
- People gathering from every walk of life to observe,
- 00:33:08.736 --> 00:33:12.306
- The angels, the shepherds.
- 00:33:12.306 --> 00:33:14.042
- There isn't a better story that you can ever tell.
- 00:33:14.042 --> 00:33:16.811
- Paul: to film a historical piece you have to go someplace
- 00:33:16.811 --> 00:33:19.447
- That looks like the time, so, going back to the 1st century,
- 00:33:19.447 --> 00:33:22.283
- And with the sets and the costumes and all that
- 00:33:22.283 --> 00:33:26.621
- Takes to film a 1st century piece,
- 00:33:26.621 --> 00:33:29.657
- The scope got quite big quite fast.
- 00:33:29.657 --> 00:33:32.126
- But we knew that if we were going to do something
- 00:33:32.126 --> 00:33:34.195
- That was memorable, we had to, like, answer that call
- 00:33:34.195 --> 00:33:36.931
- Of doing something big.
- 00:33:36.931 --> 00:33:38.299
- So with a little bit of thought and prayer,
- 00:33:38.299 --> 00:33:41.235
- We just went after it.
- 00:33:41.235 --> 00:33:42.570
- Denitsa bliznakova: we really had to look
- 00:33:42.570 --> 00:33:43.905
- Into various historical periods, cultures, people.
- 00:33:43.905 --> 00:33:47.708
- Of course, we have the lead characters of mary
- 00:33:47.708 --> 00:33:50.344
- And joseph and jesus and gabriel.
- 00:33:50.344 --> 00:33:53.214
- And so this is such a well-known story, you know,
- 00:33:53.214 --> 00:33:57.585
- That is known all across the world
- 00:33:57.585 --> 00:33:59.787
- To all around the world, that immediately i felt
- 00:33:59.787 --> 00:34:01.923
- A little bit of a pressure to step up to do my research,
- 00:34:01.923 --> 00:34:05.793
- To also see how the story has been presented to people
- 00:34:05.793 --> 00:34:08.796
- In the past, in the present, right, and then draw from that.
- 00:34:08.796 --> 00:34:13.534
- Paul: and we hired a team design build,
- 00:34:13.534 --> 00:34:16.304
- Who helped create and design this whole set,
- 00:34:16.304 --> 00:34:19.040
- And we painstakingly laid it out so it would all work
- 00:34:19.040 --> 00:34:23.077
- With all the different shots.
- 00:34:23.077 --> 00:34:25.947
- Chris patterson: it was a set that was built
- 00:34:25.947 --> 00:34:27.315
- For turning point, and it's one of a kind.
- 00:34:27.315 --> 00:34:30.618
- The only one like it, and it's beautiful.
- 00:34:30.618 --> 00:34:32.220
- And what i've liked about shooting here
- 00:34:32.220 --> 00:34:34.021
- Is that it's contained.
- 00:34:34.021 --> 00:34:35.723
- You can shoot almost 360 degrees.
- 00:34:35.723 --> 00:34:38.426
- Joe cashman, his team just crushed it
- 00:34:38.426 --> 00:34:40.761
- Putting this place together.
- 00:34:40.761 --> 00:34:42.263
- Travis, art department, props; they did a great job
- 00:34:42.263 --> 00:34:44.832
- Dressing it.
- 00:34:44.832 --> 00:34:46.200
- Paul: so in "why the nativity?" you see bethlehem
- 00:34:46.200 --> 00:34:48.002
- Four different times.
- 00:34:48.002 --> 00:34:49.337
- You see it at the decree,
- 00:34:49.337 --> 00:34:51.005
- You see it at the birth of christ months later,
- 00:34:51.005 --> 00:34:53.441
- And then you see it when the kings show up,
- 00:34:53.441 --> 00:34:55.776
- And then you see it many, many, many years later,
- 00:34:55.776 --> 00:34:58.146
- 30 years later.
- 00:34:58.146 --> 00:34:59.580
- So we have to show the same city four different times.
- 00:34:59.580 --> 00:35:02.783
- So that means it has to look a little different each time.
- 00:35:02.783 --> 00:35:05.586
- Now, the construction of the buildings don't change,
- 00:35:05.586 --> 00:35:08.890
- But props continually have to be recycled and removed and retired
- 00:35:08.890 --> 00:35:13.928
- Once they've been keyed.
- 00:35:13.928 --> 00:35:15.696
- Takes a good plan to make the same city look
- 00:35:15.696 --> 00:35:18.900
- A little different each time.
- 00:35:18.900 --> 00:35:20.535
- It could be as simple as placing fires in different places
- 00:35:20.535 --> 00:35:23.070
- Or hanging the items from stores and markets
- 00:35:23.070 --> 00:35:25.940
- In a different place.
- 00:35:25.940 --> 00:35:27.275
- Some people may not notice it at all, but a lot of people
- 00:35:27.275 --> 00:35:29.577
- Would notice it.
- 00:35:29.577 --> 00:35:31.012
- There is maybe a subconscious shift
- 00:35:31.012 --> 00:35:32.580
- In your mind, like, it looks a little bit different.
- 00:35:32.580 --> 00:35:34.615
- I think it's super important.
- 00:35:34.615 --> 00:35:36.250
- We've been working on this film for about 2 1/2 years.
- 00:35:36.250 --> 00:35:38.719
- So we have employed, i think, over 1,500 people for the show
- 00:35:38.719 --> 00:35:42.490
- In different areas of southern california.
- 00:35:42.490 --> 00:35:45.493
- We have had over 103 named characters set.
- 00:35:45.493 --> 00:35:50.965
- We have had background anywhere from 3 to 75, 80
- 00:35:50.965 --> 00:35:55.736
- Any given day.
- 00:35:55.736 --> 00:35:57.872
- It has been a lot of different people
- 00:35:57.872 --> 00:36:00.241
- On this backlot and in our locations putting
- 00:36:00.241 --> 00:36:03.244
- This whole piece together so it looks believable
- 00:36:03.244 --> 00:36:05.546
- And it looks authentic.
- 00:36:05.546 --> 00:36:07.415
- Chris: production has been super cool on this job.
- 00:36:07.415 --> 00:36:09.517
- We've been able to get cranes, sliders, steadicam full time.
- 00:36:09.517 --> 00:36:14.789
- We have dolly full time.
- 00:36:14.789 --> 00:36:16.591
- It's pretty amazing. multiple cameras.
- 00:36:16.591 --> 00:36:18.593
- Two cameras for the whole run of the show.
- 00:36:18.593 --> 00:36:20.628
- We had a third camera for about three weeks
- 00:36:20.628 --> 00:36:22.363
- Of the show.
- 00:36:22.363 --> 00:36:23.698
- So it's been put together really great.
- 00:36:23.698 --> 00:36:25.266
- We're just kind of rocking.
- 00:36:25.266 --> 00:36:26.901
- You can do a lot when you have all the tools
- 00:36:26.901 --> 00:36:28.869
- And the personnel that know how to use the tools,
- 00:36:28.869 --> 00:36:31.305
- And that's what turning point studios
- 00:36:31.305 --> 00:36:33.174
- Has basically provided to make this film.
- 00:36:33.174 --> 00:36:36.410
- Here's the thing; with locations, you know,
- 00:36:36.410 --> 00:36:38.279
- There's different variables.
- 00:36:38.279 --> 00:36:39.614
- You get to a location, it might be beautiful,
- 00:36:39.614 --> 00:36:41.315
- But here are the factors.
- 00:36:41.315 --> 00:36:42.650
- How hard is it to get equipment in there?
- 00:36:42.650 --> 00:36:44.652
- And that kind of tells you right there,
- 00:36:44.652 --> 00:36:46.420
- What are you actually going to use for this.
- 00:36:46.420 --> 00:36:48.489
- You may not be able to get a dolly in there,
- 00:36:48.489 --> 00:36:50.191
- So maybe a steadicam or maybe it's just sticks in the slider.
- 00:36:50.191 --> 00:36:52.827
- And then you got to also factor in time of day, you know,
- 00:36:52.827 --> 00:36:55.730
- Because if you can't really light it up,
- 00:36:55.730 --> 00:36:57.898
- Hopefully that sun's going to be backlight for you.
- 00:36:57.898 --> 00:36:59.867
- And then after that, you know, we got very western.
- 00:36:59.867 --> 00:37:01.902
- We ended up in thousand oaks up in the hills,
- 00:37:01.902 --> 00:37:04.171
- And that was beautiful up there.
- 00:37:04.171 --> 00:37:06.540
- A couple of difficult spots.
- 00:37:06.540 --> 00:37:08.109
- Again, just, how do you get equipment into location,
- 00:37:08.109 --> 00:37:11.245
- That was always an issue there.
- 00:37:11.245 --> 00:37:13.014
- Not a major one but, you know, it kind of simplified things,
- 00:37:13.014 --> 00:37:15.416
- But at the same time we got some really beautiful stuff
- 00:37:15.416 --> 00:37:17.618
- Just because of that.
- 00:37:17.618 --> 00:37:21.656
- ♪♪♪
- 00:37:21.656 --> 00:37:28.396
- Paul: there are many christmas shows out there.
- 00:37:28.396 --> 00:37:31.365
- So one of the questions we first had to ask ourself,
- 00:37:31.365 --> 00:37:33.567
- "if we do a christmas show, a christmas film,
- 00:37:33.567 --> 00:37:36.037
- Why do another one?
- 00:37:36.037 --> 00:37:37.672
- It's a familiar story.
- 00:37:37.672 --> 00:37:39.307
- Everyone knows the plotline.
- 00:37:39.307 --> 00:37:41.208
- Everyone knows what's going to happen in the end.
- 00:37:41.208 --> 00:37:43.210
- So why do one?"
- 00:37:43.210 --> 00:37:44.578
- And that was a huge question we had to answer.
- 00:37:44.578 --> 00:37:46.480
- We felt that we could put a little more creativity
- 00:37:46.480 --> 00:37:49.350
- In the story, we could put a little bit more
- 00:37:49.350 --> 00:37:51.719
- Imagination into a story that's pretty down pat.
- 00:37:51.719 --> 00:37:55.222
- I mean, not only do you see the story on television
- 00:37:55.222 --> 00:37:57.491
- Every year, but you see it at your church
- 00:37:57.491 --> 00:37:59.226
- Or in a christmas play downtown and it's the same cast
- 00:37:59.226 --> 00:38:01.929
- Of like nine characters.
- 00:38:01.929 --> 00:38:04.398
- We felt like we could add a lot more to the story,
- 00:38:04.398 --> 00:38:07.335
- Drop in a little bit of imagination,
- 00:38:07.335 --> 00:38:09.603
- Make it a little more provocative in the storyline
- 00:38:09.603 --> 00:38:12.540
- So people would take a new look at christmas.
- 00:38:12.540 --> 00:38:14.542
- That was the goal, was to say, "let's take a look
- 00:38:14.542 --> 00:38:16.711
- At christmas again, and not just present
- 00:38:16.711 --> 00:38:19.547
- The same story but a story that makes you stop and think
- 00:38:19.547 --> 00:38:22.750
- A little broader about what it was
- 00:38:22.750 --> 00:38:24.618
- To have jesus born in bethlehem."
- 00:38:24.618 --> 00:38:26.954
- I think a lot of storytelling is adding specific nuances
- 00:38:26.954 --> 00:38:31.092
- To a story that make you stop and think,
- 00:38:31.092 --> 00:38:34.962
- "i never thought about that.
- 00:38:34.962 --> 00:38:36.364
- That's possibly the way it went.
- 00:38:36.364 --> 00:38:38.566
- What would i do in that situation?"
- 00:38:38.566 --> 00:38:40.501
- So our nuanced characters were created to drop in
- 00:38:40.501 --> 00:38:42.636
- Those moments so you wouldn't just say,
- 00:38:42.636 --> 00:38:44.939
- "oh yeah, mary and joseph,
- 00:38:44.939 --> 00:38:46.574
- Oh yeah, the baby, the shepherds,"
- 00:38:46.574 --> 00:38:49.143
- But to stop and experience christmas yourself
- 00:38:49.143 --> 00:38:51.412
- For the first time through the eyes and lives
- 00:38:51.412 --> 00:38:53.381
- Of these nuanced characters.
- 00:38:53.381 --> 00:38:54.882
- But we also added a lot of nuance moments
- 00:38:54.882 --> 00:38:57.518
- That are foreshadowing of what jesus would have
- 00:38:57.518 --> 00:39:00.254
- In his life.
- 00:39:00.254 --> 00:39:01.589
- I can think of a few, like when mary first comes
- 00:39:01.589 --> 00:39:03.557
- To bethlehem, she's sitting at the well waiting
- 00:39:03.557 --> 00:39:06.427
- For her husband to find a place for them to stay.
- 00:39:06.427 --> 00:39:08.562
- And as she's sitting there observing the whole town,
- 00:39:08.562 --> 00:39:12.032
- She notices a blacksmith.
- 00:39:12.032 --> 00:39:13.501
- He's really tough and mean and angry.
- 00:39:13.501 --> 00:39:15.669
- In our story, he represents the people
- 00:39:15.669 --> 00:39:18.706
- Who are not welcoming, and he's sitting there
- 00:39:18.706 --> 00:39:21.876
- In his blacksmith shop working and what he's doing,
- 00:39:21.876 --> 00:39:24.245
- He's making nails.
- 00:39:24.245 --> 00:39:25.913
- And they're not small nails, they're large nails.
- 00:39:25.913 --> 00:39:27.915
- And as he's making them, he's tossing them
- 00:39:27.915 --> 00:39:29.450
- And throwing them to the ground.
- 00:39:29.450 --> 00:39:30.818
- And he looks up at mary, and she looks back at him.
- 00:39:30.818 --> 00:39:34.054
- He throws his last nail, which is the third nail.
- 00:39:34.054 --> 00:39:36.891
- And so in that moment, it's a nuanced moment
- 00:39:36.891 --> 00:39:39.927
- That we don't know there's a blacksmith
- 00:39:39.927 --> 00:39:42.930
- That had an encounter with mary in the square,
- 00:39:42.930 --> 00:39:45.633
- But we put that in because when she sees
- 00:39:45.633 --> 00:39:48.402
- Those three nails on the ground, it's a little foreshadowing
- 00:39:48.402 --> 00:39:51.105
- Of things that are going to come in the life of her son.
- 00:39:51.105 --> 00:39:54.341
- They're sprinkled throughout the show.
- 00:39:54.341 --> 00:39:56.610
- There are a lot of nuance moments of symbols
- 00:39:56.610 --> 00:40:00.381
- And a white horse, flowers, swaddling clothes
- 00:40:00.381 --> 00:40:04.685
- That are all premonitions of what will happen
- 00:40:04.685 --> 00:40:07.455
- In the future life of jesus.
- 00:40:07.455 --> 00:40:12.226
- Sometimes when you tell a story, the flashing forward
- 00:40:12.226 --> 00:40:16.964
- Or flashing back really helps set the details,
- 00:40:16.964 --> 00:40:21.202
- And it also makes the story go from just one facet
- 00:40:21.202 --> 00:40:24.872
- To many faceted aspects of the story.
- 00:40:24.872 --> 00:40:29.610
- So in "why the nativity?" i decided to drop in
- 00:40:29.610 --> 00:40:33.514
- Foreshadowing of jesus's life from the baby
- 00:40:33.514 --> 00:40:38.185
- To seeing himself years later, but the dream sequences
- 00:40:38.185 --> 00:40:41.822
- In the foreshadowing of things to come in a dream or a vision
- 00:40:41.822 --> 00:40:45.826
- Happen a lot to tie the larger gospel story in
- 00:40:45.826 --> 00:40:50.130
- Of jesus as a baby.
- 00:40:50.130 --> 00:40:53.100
- But wouldn't it be nice to understand
- 00:40:53.100 --> 00:40:54.535
- Why jesus was born?
- 00:40:54.535 --> 00:40:56.670
- So in that manger scene we see jesus have a flash forward
- 00:40:56.670 --> 00:41:01.208
- Of what his life will be, and we see the work of jesus
- 00:41:01.208 --> 00:41:03.878
- In healing the sick, and welcoming the children,
- 00:41:03.878 --> 00:41:07.715
- And forgiving a woman, and even dying on the cross.
- 00:41:07.715 --> 00:41:12.186
- We don't want to miss that part of why the baby came.
- 00:41:12.186 --> 00:41:15.489
- So those were put in to say, just a reminder,
- 00:41:15.489 --> 00:41:19.159
- It's not just about this moment, it's about the start
- 00:41:19.159 --> 00:41:22.296
- Of his whole life.
- 00:41:22.296 --> 00:41:23.797
- This is the moment that starts what he's about to do.
- 00:41:23.797 --> 00:41:26.267
- This is the beginning of his mission,
- 00:41:26.267 --> 00:41:27.868
- Not the end of his mission.
- 00:41:27.868 --> 00:41:29.370
- There was a little bit of concern
- 00:41:29.370 --> 00:41:32.540
- That we would overshadow the true story,
- 00:41:32.540 --> 00:41:35.342
- And we have tried not to do that.
- 00:41:35.342 --> 00:41:37.845
- The nuanced characters that was a stretch for me
- 00:41:37.845 --> 00:41:40.014
- Before we researched them was all the different kings,
- 00:41:40.014 --> 00:41:43.217
- Their family.
- 00:41:43.217 --> 00:41:44.685
- We found out kings would never travel by themselves,
- 00:41:44.685 --> 00:41:47.154
- Especially if it's a two-year, three-year journey.
- 00:41:47.154 --> 00:41:49.690
- So in this research we found out that people did take
- 00:41:49.690 --> 00:41:52.426
- Their families and people did take guards with them.
- 00:41:52.426 --> 00:41:56.497
- They were in for a long trip.
- 00:41:56.497 --> 00:41:58.198
- So in our show, though you've probably never seen
- 00:41:58.198 --> 00:42:01.035
- Kings show up with their whole families,
- 00:42:01.035 --> 00:42:03.137
- You'll see that in ours.
- 00:42:03.137 --> 00:42:04.538
- So it's a stretch of what you've seen before,
- 00:42:04.538 --> 00:42:06.607
- But historically it's actually probably what truly happened
- 00:42:06.607 --> 00:42:10.811
- When people would travel.
- 00:42:10.811 --> 00:42:13.213
- They would take their life and travel with it.
- 00:42:13.213 --> 00:42:16.250
- Denitsa: as a costume designer, we're always concerned
- 00:42:16.250 --> 00:42:18.652
- With historical accuracy.
- 00:42:18.652 --> 00:42:20.788
- Now, because of the time period, there are very few
- 00:42:20.788 --> 00:42:23.524
- Visual references that we could actually go off,
- 00:42:23.524 --> 00:42:26.727
- But we looked into the roman empire
- 00:42:26.727 --> 00:42:28.562
- As well as the persian empire,
- 00:42:28.562 --> 00:42:30.598
- Some of the ancient dynasties of china.
- 00:42:30.598 --> 00:42:33.334
- And because the director of the project wanted
- 00:42:33.334 --> 00:42:36.003
- The three kings to be represented
- 00:42:36.003 --> 00:42:38.172
- In a little bit different way, he was interested
- 00:42:38.172 --> 00:42:41.141
- In looking into one of the kings to be from china
- 00:42:41.141 --> 00:42:45.179
- And we specifically looked into the han dynasty.
- 00:42:45.179 --> 00:42:48.015
- So there were quite a bit of information.
- 00:42:48.015 --> 00:42:49.617
- Actually, i was surprised myself on how many visual references
- 00:42:49.617 --> 00:42:52.286
- We had from the period.
- 00:42:52.286 --> 00:42:53.921
- Also what was special is that we were not only seeing
- 00:42:53.921 --> 00:42:56.490
- The kings--the three kings, but we also saw their families
- 00:42:56.490 --> 00:43:00.294
- And we see them in three various scenes.
- 00:43:00.294 --> 00:43:03.764
- We see them in their own homes, when they travel,
- 00:43:03.764 --> 00:43:07.201
- And also at the end at bethlehem when they meet the child jesus.
- 00:43:07.201 --> 00:43:13.374
- ♪♪♪
- 00:43:13.374 --> 00:43:40.200
- Don harper: so there's a point in the story where three kings
- 00:43:23.384 --> 00:43:44.071
- From different geographical locations, from asia,
- 00:43:44.071 --> 00:43:47.207
- The middle east, africa-- you know, we're using
- 00:43:47.207 --> 00:43:50.044
- Instrumentation for each of these groups
- 00:43:50.044 --> 00:43:54.581
- And their entourage, but the-- when they actually journey
- 00:43:54.581 --> 00:44:00.187
- To bethlehem, i've written a theme that is sort of
- 00:44:00.187 --> 00:44:04.358
- A combination of all three of these locations.
- 00:44:04.358 --> 00:44:08.629
- I've used all the instruments from--melded them all together
- 00:44:08.629 --> 00:44:11.832
- Into sort of a melting pot.
- 00:44:11.832 --> 00:44:14.535
- So it's not particularly one thing or the other.
- 00:44:14.535 --> 00:44:18.706
- I was attracted to this project "why the nativity?"
- 00:44:18.706 --> 00:44:22.276
- Mostly because of the story.
- 00:44:22.276 --> 00:44:24.178
- It's an epic story.
- 00:44:24.178 --> 00:44:25.612
- It musically covers every style i can think of,
- 00:44:25.612 --> 00:44:29.383
- From grandiose to magical to tender.
- 00:44:29.383 --> 00:44:34.388
- It's a love story between mary and joseph,
- 00:44:34.388 --> 00:44:37.658
- Between god and his people.
- 00:44:37.658 --> 00:44:40.327
- There's so much substance to it, and musically it's a treat
- 00:44:40.327 --> 00:44:44.898
- To work on because of that.
- 00:44:44.898 --> 00:44:46.834
- I really enjoy being involved on a spiritual level
- 00:44:46.834 --> 00:44:51.038
- As well as a musical level with the project.
- 00:44:51.038 --> 00:44:54.541
- So my daily work is a little bit like church.
- 00:44:54.541 --> 00:44:58.312
- It's a little sort of my way of connecting emotionally
- 00:44:58.312 --> 00:45:01.682
- With my creator, and those themes
- 00:45:01.682 --> 00:45:05.552
- Need to be emotional.
- 00:45:05.552 --> 00:45:07.821
- They need to have impact.
- 00:45:07.821 --> 00:45:09.890
- They need to be strong enough to be developed
- 00:45:09.890 --> 00:45:13.460
- Throughout the show to give the characters a sense
- 00:45:13.460 --> 00:45:16.730
- Of who they are, to give a sense of place to where we are,
- 00:45:16.730 --> 00:45:22.136
- To give importance that it deserves
- 00:45:22.136 --> 00:45:25.739
- Because the story deserves importance.
- 00:45:25.739 --> 00:45:32.646
- Paul: so in creating "why the nativity,"
- 00:45:34.648 --> 00:45:36.083
- We really wanted to have some themes that the world today
- 00:45:36.083 --> 00:45:39.019
- Could relate to.
- 00:45:39.019 --> 00:45:40.354
- So love, young love, mission, calling, grace.
- 00:45:40.354 --> 00:45:47.528
- So we have some themes throughout this show.
- 00:45:47.528 --> 00:45:49.329
- We think of mary and joseph as kids.
- 00:45:49.329 --> 00:45:51.431
- In dr. jeremiah's writings, he brings out
- 00:45:51.431 --> 00:45:53.801
- That mary and joseph were raised in the same little town
- 00:45:53.801 --> 00:45:56.370
- Of nazareth, so they would know each other as kids.
- 00:45:56.370 --> 00:45:58.305
- So we see them as kids running through town.
- 00:45:58.305 --> 00:46:01.041
- Chris: we got this crane. it's called a chapman zeus.
- 00:46:01.041 --> 00:46:03.610
- It's built in the 1950s, and it's a classic.
- 00:46:03.610 --> 00:46:06.647
- We got to talk, and we knew we wanted something
- 00:46:06.647 --> 00:46:08.515
- Out here in the backlot that can be fast
- 00:46:08.515 --> 00:46:10.584
- To get high angle shots; that came up.
- 00:46:10.584 --> 00:46:13.320
- Turns out they have a steadicam platform for it.
- 00:46:13.320 --> 00:46:16.123
- We found that out and then instantly it's like,
- 00:46:16.123 --> 00:46:18.559
- "hey, we should try some steadicam walk-offs."
- 00:46:18.559 --> 00:46:20.794
- So day one we got the crane, and guess what?
- 00:46:20.794 --> 00:46:23.797
- Steadicam walk-off.
- 00:46:23.797 --> 00:46:25.132
- We sent our operator up.
- 00:46:25.132 --> 00:46:26.633
- He did a nice walk-off right into nazareth
- 00:46:26.633 --> 00:46:29.203
- Following young mary and joseph down the street.
- 00:46:29.203 --> 00:46:31.572
- It was pretty epic.
- 00:46:31.572 --> 00:46:34.241
- ♪♪♪
- 00:46:34.241 --> 00:46:54.161
- Paul: we want the youth to understand that
- 00:46:44.151 --> 00:46:55.796
- That could have been them.
- 00:46:55.796 --> 00:46:57.130
- We want teenagers today and young people today to say,
- 00:46:57.130 --> 00:46:59.533
- "that could be me.
- 00:46:59.533 --> 00:47:01.001
- You know, that's how i feel about the person i love,
- 00:47:01.001 --> 00:47:03.270
- The person i'm going to marry."
- 00:47:03.270 --> 00:47:05.038
- But also love is about what if god called you to do
- 00:47:05.038 --> 00:47:08.008
- Something that was pretty crazy and out of the box?
- 00:47:08.008 --> 00:47:10.544
- Would you still love god?
- 00:47:10.544 --> 00:47:13.113
- Would you still follow your mission?
- 00:47:13.113 --> 00:47:14.648
- Would you still have purpose?
- 00:47:14.648 --> 00:47:16.016
- So that's a theme, is taking these people who're so in love
- 00:47:16.016 --> 00:47:18.919
- And so excited about what they have in the future,
- 00:47:18.919 --> 00:47:20.921
- And all of a sudden everything's turned upside down,
- 00:47:20.921 --> 00:47:23.857
- And now their life has changed and they've had
- 00:47:23.857 --> 00:47:26.860
- A message from god: "this is what i want you to do."
- 00:47:26.860 --> 00:47:29.529
- Will they do it?
- 00:47:29.529 --> 00:47:30.864
- The bigger question is, would we do it?
- 00:47:30.864 --> 00:47:33.066
- You know, would you or i do that if god said,
- 00:47:33.066 --> 00:47:35.602
- "hey, i'm going to ask you to do something
- 00:47:35.602 --> 00:47:37.070
- That's totally crazy, but this is what i want you to do."
- 00:47:37.070 --> 00:47:39.339
- Would we do that? so that's a theme.
- 00:47:39.339 --> 00:47:40.841
- And kings traveling across the world
- 00:47:40.841 --> 00:47:44.444
- To see a newborn king is another--a mission, like,
- 00:47:44.444 --> 00:47:47.881
- "i want to see the messiah."
- 00:47:47.881 --> 00:47:49.983
- The shepherds we represent in our story,
- 00:47:49.983 --> 00:47:52.219
- The first followers of christ, they take a risk by coming
- 00:47:52.219 --> 00:47:55.122
- To this city when they're not allowed in the city,
- 00:47:55.122 --> 00:47:57.057
- Even a little persecution, so they can get to the manger.
- 00:47:57.057 --> 00:48:00.327
- So these themes are throughout,
- 00:48:00.327 --> 00:48:02.362
- Which is love and mission and purpose.
- 00:48:02.362 --> 00:48:04.164
- Those come through a lot of different characters,
- 00:48:04.164 --> 00:48:07.000
- A lot of different storylines, but mainly
- 00:48:07.000 --> 00:48:08.969
- Through mary and joseph.
- 00:48:08.969 --> 00:48:11.872
- There's this scene we have-- actually, it's right out here
- 00:48:11.872 --> 00:48:14.675
- Behind us, and it's when all the kings have come in
- 00:48:14.675 --> 00:48:17.377
- And they've already seen the young jesus
- 00:48:17.377 --> 00:48:19.379
- And they've presented their gifts,
- 00:48:19.379 --> 00:48:21.248
- And then we pick them up later at night
- 00:48:21.248 --> 00:48:23.150
- And they're all in the square.
- 00:48:23.150 --> 00:48:25.319
- There's tables all around.
- 00:48:25.319 --> 00:48:26.787
- They're sharing food.
- 00:48:26.787 --> 00:48:28.121
- They're getting to know each other.
- 00:48:28.121 --> 00:48:29.923
- And all these different nations, africa and china and persia
- 00:48:29.923 --> 00:48:33.160
- And the jewish people, they're all intermixed
- 00:48:33.160 --> 00:48:37.631
- And they're all enjoying each other's company
- 00:48:37.631 --> 00:48:40.600
- And trying to explain their journey to each other
- 00:48:40.600 --> 00:48:42.436
- In the languages they really don't understand.
- 00:48:42.436 --> 00:48:44.838
- And young jesus is playing with a young african prince
- 00:48:44.838 --> 00:48:49.443
- Or a young chinese princess, and they're running
- 00:48:49.443 --> 00:48:51.011
- Through the streets.
- 00:48:51.011 --> 00:48:52.412
- And to me, that is one of my favorite moments
- 00:48:52.412 --> 00:48:54.381
- In the show because, you know,
- 00:48:54.381 --> 00:48:56.917
- The bible says, "for god so loved the world."
- 00:48:56.917 --> 00:48:58.785
- And i think sometimes we forget about that.
- 00:48:58.785 --> 00:49:00.988
- We think, "christmas and god is all about me," and it's not.
- 00:49:00.988 --> 00:49:04.291
- It's really about the world.
- 00:49:04.291 --> 00:49:06.026
- And i think in that scene, it pictures the true reason
- 00:49:06.026 --> 00:49:10.931
- Why jesus came was for everybody no matter who you are,
- 00:49:10.931 --> 00:49:14.134
- No matter where in this world you originate from, god--
- 00:49:14.134 --> 00:49:19.106
- Jesus came for you, and it is something that's a gift for you.
- 00:49:19.106 --> 00:49:23.210
- And i love that moment in the show.
- 00:49:23.210 --> 00:49:24.778
- I've never seen that in any christmas show
- 00:49:24.778 --> 00:49:26.680
- Before where we actually pull in the international world
- 00:49:26.680 --> 00:49:30.717
- In one big picture and really set that stage
- 00:49:30.717 --> 00:49:34.488
- For john 3:16.
- 00:49:34.488 --> 00:49:36.690
- Chris: working with dwight campbell has been
- 00:49:36.690 --> 00:49:38.025
- A real pleasure; he comes from the old school.
- 00:49:38.025 --> 00:49:39.960
- He's been around a long time, has a great career.
- 00:49:39.960 --> 00:49:41.962
- It's been an honor to work with him.
- 00:49:41.962 --> 00:49:43.530
- He's made my life very simple.
- 00:49:43.530 --> 00:49:45.932
- You know, sometimes we point the camera
- 00:49:45.932 --> 00:49:47.734
- And that's what's being lit.
- 00:49:47.734 --> 00:49:49.102
- Dwight understands that we're probably going to look
- 00:49:49.102 --> 00:49:50.737
- A lot more when we go in for coverage,
- 00:49:50.737 --> 00:49:52.906
- Look all over the place; and he knows that.
- 00:49:52.906 --> 00:49:55.175
- So he pre-lights basically almost everything,
- 00:49:55.175 --> 00:49:57.711
- So you can turn around and you're going to be lit
- 00:49:57.711 --> 00:49:59.780
- At least 180 degrees, if not 270 degrees,
- 00:49:59.780 --> 00:50:02.649
- And i think that's pretty impressive, you know.
- 00:50:02.649 --> 00:50:05.118
- I mean, i remember right in the beginning of the shoot
- 00:50:05.118 --> 00:50:07.020
- I was like, "hey, dwight, you think we could do this?"
- 00:50:07.020 --> 00:50:08.822
- And he looked at me, he's like, "just frame up."
- 00:50:08.822 --> 00:50:12.292
- And i appreciate that, and i-- that's why i was like,
- 00:50:12.292 --> 00:50:14.094
- "all right, i know how we're going to roll here, cool."
- 00:50:14.094 --> 00:50:15.896
- But that gives me the ability to just work with paul
- 00:50:15.896 --> 00:50:18.065
- One-on-one, get the coverage for paul that we need to get,
- 00:50:18.065 --> 00:50:20.967
- And trusting dwight to, you know, set the lamps
- 00:50:20.967 --> 00:50:23.003
- And light it and get us to all the exposures
- 00:50:23.003 --> 00:50:24.538
- We need to be.
- 00:50:24.538 --> 00:50:25.872
- When i can shoot stuff, and he looks at me and says,
- 00:50:25.872 --> 00:50:28.642
- "hey, man, that looked pretty good,"
- 00:50:28.642 --> 00:50:29.976
- That makes me feel good.
- 00:50:29.976 --> 00:50:31.311
- Again, the guy-- he lit the abyss.
- 00:50:31.311 --> 00:50:33.113
- He lights just right. he doesn't over-light it.
- 00:50:33.113 --> 00:50:35.315
- He keeps it a little dim,
- 00:50:35.315 --> 00:50:36.650
- Keeps it right where we need to be.
- 00:50:36.650 --> 00:50:37.984
- We've been--i think that's a lot of our look is due to dwight.
- 00:50:37.984 --> 00:50:40.487
- And then also kevin gilt, you know, on the grip side
- 00:50:40.487 --> 00:50:42.923
- Bringing his team in to, you know, camera support
- 00:50:42.923 --> 00:50:45.525
- As far as just, you know, backing dwight with, you know,
- 00:50:45.525 --> 00:50:48.361
- Cutting lights and shaping it.
- 00:50:48.361 --> 00:50:50.464
- Paul has been amazing.
- 00:50:50.464 --> 00:50:51.798
- Back in our pre-pro, we would sit there and we--
- 00:50:51.798 --> 00:50:53.467
- I would sit in his office for hours, three hours at a time.
- 00:50:53.467 --> 00:50:56.002
- He is so creative and such a kind person.
- 00:50:56.002 --> 00:50:58.705
- And what i really noticed about him, you know, is
- 00:50:58.705 --> 00:51:00.907
- The microscale of creativity.
- 00:51:00.907 --> 00:51:02.642
- He knows how to work with actors.
- 00:51:02.642 --> 00:51:04.010
- I like photography, but he sees small things and little details,
- 00:51:04.010 --> 00:51:08.148
- Little movements of the hands, the head twist here,
- 00:51:08.148 --> 00:51:10.317
- Little pieces like that.
- 00:51:10.317 --> 00:51:11.685
- So paul can really focus on his actors
- 00:51:11.685 --> 00:51:14.554
- And get the performance he needs out of them,
- 00:51:14.554 --> 00:51:16.790
- Where he trusts me to just frame up the shot
- 00:51:16.790 --> 00:51:19.126
- And get that for him.
- 00:51:19.126 --> 00:51:20.694
- Paul: i feel like if we did this show
- 00:51:20.694 --> 00:51:22.529
- And it's about god and it's about bringing love
- 00:51:22.529 --> 00:51:27.434
- And peace to the world and we didn't have that
- 00:51:27.434 --> 00:51:29.603
- As far as our team and the set, i would feel like a hypocrite.
- 00:51:29.603 --> 00:51:33.974
- So if there's anything i'm proud of,
- 00:51:33.974 --> 00:51:36.209
- I'm proud of that we had a great set with great people.
- 00:51:36.209 --> 00:51:39.679
- Everyone got along.
- 00:51:39.679 --> 00:51:41.381
- It didn't have any struggles.
- 00:51:41.381 --> 00:51:43.183
- It just really feel blessed that we just really had
- 00:51:43.183 --> 00:51:48.121
- A great family dynamic, and i think that's
- 00:51:48.121 --> 00:51:50.991
- What christmas is about, is family
- 00:51:50.991 --> 00:51:54.294
- And loving others and gifts.
- 00:51:54.294 --> 00:51:57.697
- So i think the gift part for me personally was that everyone was
- 00:51:57.697 --> 00:52:00.834
- So kind and cool and helpful and creative.
- 00:52:00.834 --> 00:52:05.205
- I'm proud of that.
- 00:52:05.205 --> 00:52:06.840
- I don't think anyone can walk away and say
- 00:52:06.840 --> 00:52:08.208
- That was a bad experience.
- 00:52:08.208 --> 00:52:10.377
- I hope everyone will say that was--
- 00:52:10.377 --> 00:52:11.778
- "why the nativity?" was a great experience,
- 00:52:11.778 --> 00:52:13.580
- And i would do that again.
- 00:52:13.580 --> 00:52:15.549
- So if there's one thing i would want people to get
- 00:52:15.549 --> 00:52:18.218
- Out of this particular film is to maybe see the christmas story
- 00:52:18.218 --> 00:52:27.227
- With new eyes, maybe see jesus with new eyes.
- 00:52:27.227 --> 00:52:30.931
- I think we all have these ideas of who jesus is, who god is,
- 00:52:30.931 --> 00:52:38.438
- What the christmas story is all about;
- 00:52:38.438 --> 00:52:40.640
- And we either accept it or we reject it
- 00:52:40.640 --> 00:52:43.243
- Or we just don't know.
- 00:52:43.243 --> 00:52:44.611
- I think every once in a while-- i think christmas is a good time
- 00:52:44.611 --> 00:52:46.546
- Just to stop for a moment and say, "maybe i should reflect
- 00:52:46.546 --> 00:52:49.115
- On this a little bit to see where i'm at, to kind of reset
- 00:52:49.115 --> 00:52:52.519
- My spiritual life to find out if there's any greater purpose
- 00:52:52.519 --> 00:52:54.988
- Than just living each day as it comes."
- 00:52:54.988 --> 00:52:57.257
- And i pray that when people watch "why the nativity?"
- 00:52:57.257 --> 00:53:00.727
- It will be a little thought-provoking
- 00:53:00.727 --> 00:53:03.129
- And it would give-- whether you're a believer
- 00:53:03.129 --> 00:53:06.666
- Or a non-believer, you'll give jesus
- 00:53:06.666 --> 00:53:08.268
- A second chance, a second thought
- 00:53:08.268 --> 00:53:10.604
- And maybe just enjoy the experience
- 00:53:10.604 --> 00:53:14.374
- As you've never before and say, you know,
- 00:53:14.374 --> 00:53:17.444
- "i will take a moment and see something with fresh eyes,
- 00:53:17.444 --> 00:53:22.382
- And maybe that will change me.
- 00:53:22.382 --> 00:53:24.384
- Maybe that will change others."
- 00:53:24.384 --> 00:53:27.821
- But that's what i would really hope
- 00:53:27.821 --> 00:53:29.422
- People would get from "why the nativity?"
- 00:53:29.422 --> 00:53:33.126
- ♪♪♪
- 00:53:33.193 --> 00:53:38.231
- Announcer: a brighter day and a better year begins
- 00:53:38.231 --> 00:53:41.101
- By living in god's light.
- 00:53:41.101 --> 00:53:43.069
- Introducing dr. david jeremiah's
- 00:53:43.069 --> 00:53:44.904
- Newest 365-day devotional for 2025,
- 00:53:44.904 --> 00:53:48.108
- "living in his light."
- 00:53:48.108 --> 00:53:51.044
- With dr. jeremiah's inspiring insights and reflections,
- 00:53:51.044 --> 00:53:54.047
- You'll find yourself immersed in god's radiant truth,
- 00:53:54.047 --> 00:53:57.050
- Allowing his light to transform your every moment.
- 00:53:57.050 --> 00:53:59.919
- No more shadows, no more doubts.
- 00:53:59.919 --> 00:54:02.956
- "living in his light" is your daily recharge,
- 00:54:02.956 --> 00:54:05.158
- Keeping you connected to his presence
- 00:54:05.158 --> 00:54:07.160
- And walking in the brilliance of his love
- 00:54:07.160 --> 00:54:09.129
- Day by day and all year long.
- 00:54:09.129 --> 00:54:11.831
- With a beautifully designed cover
- 00:54:11.831 --> 00:54:13.266
- And stunning images throughout,
- 00:54:13.266 --> 00:54:15.001
- Each reading will not only lift your spirit,
- 00:54:15.001 --> 00:54:17.103
- But brighten your entire day.
- 00:54:17.103 --> 00:54:20.106
- Even when the world looks bleak and your days seem dark,
- 00:54:20.106 --> 00:54:23.043
- Let dr. jeremiah remind you each day
- 00:54:23.043 --> 00:54:25.278
- That the closer you are to christ,
- 00:54:25.278 --> 00:54:27.147
- The brighter your days will be.
- 00:54:27.147 --> 00:54:29.816
- Dr. jeremiah's devotionals have encouraged
- 00:54:29.816 --> 00:54:31.484
- Hundreds of thousands of readers throughout the years.
- 00:54:31.484 --> 00:54:34.454
- And "living in his light" will inspire you
- 00:54:34.454 --> 00:54:36.523
- To walk in god's light and reflect his light to others
- 00:54:36.523 --> 00:54:39.526
- Throughout the coming year.
- 00:54:39.526 --> 00:54:41.227
- Request your copy of "living in his light" today
- 00:54:41.227 --> 00:54:43.430
- For a gift of any amount in support of this program.
- 00:54:43.430 --> 00:54:46.266
- Or for a gift of $120 or more,
- 00:54:46.266 --> 00:54:49.135
- Receive four copies: one for yourself
- 00:54:49.135 --> 00:54:51.371
- And three to share his light with those you love.
- 00:54:51.371 --> 00:54:53.973
- This isn't just a devotional,
- 00:54:53.973 --> 00:54:56.609
- It's an invitation to live every day
- 00:54:56.609 --> 00:54:59.112
- In the glow of his grace.
- 00:54:59.112 --> 00:55:02.048
- Let god's light guide you every day.
- 00:55:02.048 --> 00:55:04.517
- Request "living in his light" by dr. jeremiah
- 00:55:04.517 --> 00:55:07.420
- And step into a brighter future.
- 00:55:07.420 --> 00:55:09.956
- ♪♪♪
- 00:55:10.023 --> 00:55:13.827
- Announcer: next time on "turning point."
- 00:55:13.827 --> 00:55:17.263
- ♪♪♪
- 00:55:17.330 --> 00:55:26.940
- Dr. jeremiah: just when people needed hope,
- 00:55:25.271 --> 00:55:29.909
- God would send a baby, a king,
- 00:55:29.909 --> 00:55:33.380
- To offer a foretaste of a better future.
- 00:55:33.380 --> 00:55:38.585
- But why?
- 00:55:38.585 --> 00:55:41.154
- Why was a virgin chosen to be the mother of jesus?
- 00:55:41.154 --> 00:55:46.659
- Why would an earthly man be chosen
- 00:55:46.659 --> 00:55:49.028
- To raise a baby sent from heaven?
- 00:55:49.028 --> 00:55:54.033
- Why choose the lowliest of men to be the first
- 00:55:55.568 --> 00:55:59.672
- To see the newborn king?
- 00:55:59.672 --> 00:56:03.610
- Why did kings come from the east to worship the king of the jews?
- 00:56:03.610 --> 00:56:12.218
- Why bethlehem?
- 00:56:12.218 --> 00:56:18.458
- And perhaps the most important question,
- 00:56:18.458 --> 00:56:21.428
- Why should we care?
- 00:56:21.428 --> 00:56:23.496
- And what should the baby in bethlehem
- 00:56:23.496 --> 00:56:25.765
- Mean to me?
- 00:56:25.765 --> 00:56:29.803
- Dr. jeremiah: i'm david jeremiah.
- 00:56:29.803 --> 00:56:31.604
- Won't you journey back with me to a faraway place
- 00:56:31.604 --> 00:56:34.841
- And to a time that might otherwise be forgotten?
- 00:56:34.841 --> 00:56:38.044
- ♪♪♪
- 00:56:38.044 --> 00:57:03.403
- Dr. jeremiah: this christmas, travel back in time
- 00:56:48.054 --> 00:57:06.940
- As we answer the mystery, the meaning, and the question,
- 00:57:06.940 --> 00:57:13.480
- Why the nativity?
- 00:57:13.480 --> 00:57:16.449
- ♪♪♪
- 00:57:16.449 --> 00:57:28.561