Living In Kingdom Peace By Pastor D


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Not long ago I ran across some interesting statistics a group of experts came up with as they researched the past nearly 4,000 years of recorded history. Amazingly, what they found was that in all those thousands upon thousands of years — right up to the present day — our world has experienced less than 300 years of peace throughout the earth. Just think of it! In spite of the best efforts and intentions of world leaders, religious leaders, and the billions of individuals who have come and gone during that time frame, all that most societies, cultures, and communities have known for over 3,500 years are wars, conflict, chaos, confusion — and a whole lot of human misery.

Of course, you and I know the reason for that: Regardless of the best-laid plans and efforts of humanity, there can be no peace in our world — or in our own hearts — without the Prince of Peace. Jesus is the only source for the peace that you and I — and every other individual on earth — long to experience.

How about you? Are you living daily in the kingdom peace that Jesus purchased for you? As a pastor, one thing that always saddens me is the number of believers — those who put their trust in Jesus — who exist day in and day out in the same fear and anxiety that the rest of the world walks in. This despite the number of Scripture verses throughout the Old and New Testament that encourage and command us: Fear Not! In fact, I am told that there are more than 350 instances throughout the Bible where we are commanded by God not to be afraid.

One of my personal favorites, and one I find myself declaring whenever I am tempted to be anxious about some circumstance or situation in my own life, comes straight from Jesus Himself. Here is what the Savior said to His disciples — and to you and me as believers — not long before He made His way to the cross: “Peace I leave with you, My peace I give to you, not as the world gives do I give to you. Let not your heart be troubled, neither let it be afraid” (John 14:27, NKJV).

Could any command be more emphatic — and more comforting? Jesus is telling us that the peace He gives to us goes far beyond what the world can provide. Those who have not put their trust in Christ inevitably look for peace in what they can do or what they can have. And the Bible is clear that all of our accomplishments and all of our possessions are one day going to pass away.

But what Jesus has purchased for us at the cross will “never pass away.” Jesus tells us that in this world trouble, tribulation, disappointments are going to be inevitable — we’ll all face them at some point in our walk with God. “But be of good cheer,” He assures us, “I have overcome the world” (John 16:33, NKJV).

That, dear brothers and sisters, is what living in true peace — Kingdom peace — is all about. It is the basis for the authority we have as believers. It is what gives us the confidence to stand in the face of every circumstance we face, every obstacle or foe that comes against us, and declare our victory in Christ. You see, because Jesus has “overcome the world,” we can overcome the world as well. His victory is our victory.

Be assured, friends, that here at TBN we lift you up in prayer every day, and are committed to helping you become all that God created you to be. And remember, you can reach us for prayer any time day or night at 1-888-731-1000 in the U.S. or internationally at 1-714-731-1000.


Pastor D