Pastor Allen Jackson's mission is to help people become fully devoted followers of Jesus Christ.
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Allen Jackson Ministries | Allen Jackson - Establish A Legacy of Faith (Part 1) | December 5, 2024
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- 00:00:00.633 --> 00:00:01.316
- Allen jackson: i started a theme in a previous session back to
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- "leading with faith," but it's the holiday edition.
- 00:00:10.659 --> 00:00:14.496
- We've talked a lot this year about leading with our faith and
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- Stepping out of the crowd, but i wanna have that conversation in
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- Light of the holidays.
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- It's a special time of year for us.
- 00:00:22.204 --> 00:00:24.640
- Our calendars are different.
- 00:00:24.640 --> 00:00:26.375
- Our social patterns change, our work schedules change,
- 00:00:26.375 --> 00:00:29.478
- School schedules are different, there are some family traditions
- 00:00:29.478 --> 00:00:33.248
- That get interlaced with that, there are some religious themes
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- That are a part of that.
- 00:00:36.018 --> 00:00:37.419
- It creates a set of opportunities in this window of
- 00:00:37.419 --> 00:00:39.888
- Time that are not the same 90 days from now.
- 00:00:39.888 --> 00:00:44.593
- Not greater or lesser, it's just with the holidays,
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- There comes some opportunities.
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- And i wanna specifically talk to you about intentionally,
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- Purposefully establishing a legacy of faith.
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- I know you will gather in the next few weeks,
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- I pray, with family and friends, people that you care about,
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- People that you have done some life with and hope
- 00:01:04.379 --> 00:01:06.415
- To continue to do life with.
- 00:01:06.415 --> 00:01:09.051
- And one of the questions is what is it that
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- You're gonna be celebrated for?
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- Is it because you have the finest christmas decorations?
- 00:01:12.488 --> 00:01:15.557
- You have more trees?
- 00:01:15.557 --> 00:01:17.526
- Your christmas table is more elegant?
- 00:01:17.526 --> 00:01:20.863
- Your family recipes are better than mine?
- 00:01:20.863 --> 00:01:24.032
- You know, there's a whole host-- and none of those are inherently
- 00:01:24.032 --> 00:01:26.201
- Wrong or wicked or evil, they're just temporary because
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- Fashions will change and styles will change
- 00:01:32.307 --> 00:01:34.576
- And traditions will change.
- 00:01:34.576 --> 00:01:36.845
- So i wanna ask you to think with me about establishing
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- A legacy of faith.
- 00:01:39.681 --> 00:01:42.284
- Now, we're living in a troubled season.
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- If you're paying any attention whatsoever,
- 00:01:44.887 --> 00:01:47.756
- You have noticed that.
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- They're mutilating our children, the teacher's unions,
- 00:01:49.958 --> 00:01:52.127
- And the government think they have a greater right over
- 00:01:52.127 --> 00:01:54.329
- Educating our children than parents do.
- 00:01:54.329 --> 00:01:58.400
- They declare big segments of our culture non-essential
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- And tell us we have to close.
- 00:02:00.869 --> 00:02:02.204
- The new york times editorial this weekend.
- 00:02:02.204 --> 00:02:05.407
- Big news.
- 00:02:05.407 --> 00:02:07.442
- It's on the editorial page of the times.
- 00:02:07.442 --> 00:02:09.578
- Apparently school closures during covid
- 00:02:09.578 --> 00:02:11.947
- Were not good for education.
- 00:02:11.947 --> 00:02:15.350
- Woo, i'm glad you were seated when i made that announcement
- 00:02:15.350 --> 00:02:19.354
- 'cause you had no clue.
- 00:02:19.354 --> 00:02:23.358
- You know, the big revelation of covid was the places that we had
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- Hoped that were trustworthy proved not to be,
- 00:02:25.961 --> 00:02:29.698
- And yet we're left to continue to go forward.
- 00:02:29.698 --> 00:02:31.700
- So i would encourage you to stop being agitated about who's in
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- The white house or in the houses of congress
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- Or state houses, and let's go to work on our house.
- 00:02:36.939 --> 00:02:40.809
- Let's go to work in the places where we have influence.
- 00:02:40.809 --> 00:02:45.347
- You can be mad about all--you can imagine that the next
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- Election's gonna fix us, folks, how many of those processes are
- 00:02:47.716 --> 00:02:50.185
- We gonna have to go through?
- 00:02:50.185 --> 00:02:52.854
- They just change uniforms and go back and do the same thing.
- 00:02:52.854 --> 00:02:57.192
- We have to change.
- 00:02:57.192 --> 00:02:58.594
- So that's the point of this little series.
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- I wanna give you some opportunities to think about it.
- 00:02:59.995 --> 00:03:02.698
- You're gonna be with family and school groups
- 00:03:02.698 --> 00:03:04.733
- And offices and coworkers and friends.
- 00:03:04.733 --> 00:03:08.203
- I promise you, god is moving in the earth,
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- His plans are coming to a completion.
- 00:03:10.239 --> 00:03:12.908
- They are.
- 00:03:12.908 --> 00:03:14.476
- You can see the expressions of evil and darkness and
- 00:03:14.476 --> 00:03:16.645
- Wickedness, they're unashamed and more
- 00:03:16.645 --> 00:03:18.080
- Brazen they've ever been.
- 00:03:18.080 --> 00:03:19.414
- Sometimes it's a little more difficult to see what the spirit
- 00:03:19.414 --> 00:03:21.483
- Of god is doing because it doesn't typically lead the news,
- 00:03:21.483 --> 00:03:25.654
- But i assure you, god is moving in the earth.
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- The question that's available to us is to what extent are we
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- Going to be involved?
- 00:03:31.960 --> 00:03:33.662
- Now, tragically in the church world, and i've spent my life in
- 00:03:33.662 --> 00:03:36.431
- The church, so i'll put myself--we have coached
- 00:03:36.431 --> 00:03:39.501
- People to be observers.
- 00:03:39.501 --> 00:03:42.204
- And i would love to just put that portfolio in the shredder.
- 00:03:42.204 --> 00:03:45.907
- Jesus didn't die on the cross so you could watch god do
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- Something, he offered himself as a sacrifice so that you and i
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- Might participate in his eternal kingdom.
- 00:03:54.683 --> 00:03:59.321
- And so this is very much an invitation in this session.
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- I'll start with just a bit of a refresher.
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- It's the beatitudes of the holidays.
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- There's some attitudes that i would suggest that will change
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- Your holiday and change your faith
- 00:04:11.400 --> 00:04:13.669
- In the midst of the holiday.
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- And i'm not gonna dwell on 'em, but i'll
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- Hand them to you quickly.
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- It begins by being prepared.
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- Be prepared to make a difference.
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- Decide that the next few weeks is a season where you could be a
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- Difference maker in the lives of someone.
- 00:04:25.647 --> 00:04:28.350
- It may be the place where you purchase gas.
- 00:04:28.350 --> 00:04:31.320
- It may be the server at waffle house.
- 00:04:31.320 --> 00:04:38.393
- You'd be amazed what a generous tip would do and a kind word.
- 00:04:38.393 --> 00:04:46.568
- It isn't that showing the love of god is beyond us,
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- We just haven't been prepared to do it.
- 00:04:50.672 --> 00:04:53.308
- And we've imagined that when we walked in these buildings that
- 00:04:53.308 --> 00:04:55.544
- Had some ecclesiastical architecture and there was a
- 00:04:55.544 --> 00:04:57.646
- Little music that played, that that's when we get spiritual.
- 00:04:57.646 --> 00:04:59.881
- Folks, the evaluation of your spiritual life,
- 00:04:59.881 --> 00:05:02.250
- The evaluation of your faith isn't how you do in church.
- 00:05:02.250 --> 00:05:06.088
- We can all wing it in here 'cause if you'll just watch the
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- Rest of the group, they'll let you know when to sit and stand
- 00:05:09.524 --> 00:05:11.526
- And when you can leave, and you're supposed to look
- 00:05:11.526 --> 00:05:12.861
- Excited when you leave.
- 00:05:12.861 --> 00:05:15.731
- Coming in is kinda somber...but leaving,
- 00:05:15.731 --> 00:05:20.369
- You can be happy about that.
- 00:05:20.369 --> 00:05:23.238
- So first of all, be prepared to make a difference.
- 00:05:23.238 --> 00:05:25.374
- Second, be flexible.
- 00:05:25.374 --> 00:05:28.076
- This is not the most flexible season of the year 'cause
- 00:05:28.076 --> 00:05:30.078
- We make our plans.
- 00:05:30.078 --> 00:05:32.247
- We extend invitations, we're gonna sit at the same space in
- 00:05:32.247 --> 00:05:34.383
- The tables, we have our menu already prepared.
- 00:05:34.383 --> 00:05:37.519
- This is how i want my holiday to go.
- 00:05:37.519 --> 00:05:42.424
- And then life starts to happen and the kids get a better
- 00:05:42.424 --> 00:05:46.094
- Invitation than yours.
- 00:05:46.094 --> 00:05:48.764
- And i can't believe it.
- 00:05:48.764 --> 00:05:51.633
- Or somebody gets sick or there's a flight canceled
- 00:05:51.633 --> 00:05:54.569
- Or there's traffic.
- 00:05:54.569 --> 00:05:56.938
- You know, we can make our plans, but when reality starts
- 00:05:56.938 --> 00:06:00.909
- To unfold, they have to be adjusted.
- 00:06:00.909 --> 00:06:02.844
- So if you'll allow me, let's be a little flexible.
- 00:06:02.844 --> 00:06:06.548
- "well, that's not the way."
- 00:06:06.548 --> 00:06:07.883
- Okay, the fact that you had a plan has been duly noted.
- 00:06:07.883 --> 00:06:13.655
- Now, let's offer it to the lord.
- 00:06:13.655 --> 00:06:17.125
- Abraham had a plan, and it was not kids where he paid for
- 00:06:17.125 --> 00:06:20.595
- Nursery furniture with a social security check,
- 00:06:20.595 --> 00:06:26.802
- But it worked out okay.
- 00:06:26.802 --> 00:06:29.771
- David had a plan when samuel anointed him to be king, and
- 00:06:29.771 --> 00:06:32.073
- It didn't include drooling and pretending to be insane
- 00:06:32.073 --> 00:06:35.143
- In front of a philistine king, but it worked out okay.
- 00:06:35.143 --> 00:06:41.249
- Be flexible.
- 00:06:41.249 --> 00:06:42.818
- Number three, be purposeful.
- 00:06:42.818 --> 00:06:45.353
- I'm gonna talk to you about some things to do on purpose.
- 00:06:45.353 --> 00:06:47.189
- You need the intent to let your faith into your holiday.
- 00:06:47.189 --> 00:06:52.627
- If you don't have the intent, it's not going to happen.
- 00:06:52.627 --> 00:06:55.997
- One of the things i have learned about the spirit of god is he
- 00:06:55.997 --> 00:06:58.133
- Seldom intrudes where he's not invited.
- 00:06:58.133 --> 00:07:01.570
- Now, evil will intrude.
- 00:07:01.570 --> 00:07:04.306
- It will kick the door in and move in.
- 00:07:04.306 --> 00:07:07.342
- The spirit of god comes where he's invited.
- 00:07:07.342 --> 00:07:09.110
- Let's be intentional. number four, let's be helpful.
- 00:07:09.110 --> 00:07:12.681
- So you think, "well, i'm just not a spiritual person,
- 00:07:12.681 --> 00:07:14.349
- I'm kind of an introvert, i'm not gonna use my words,
- 00:07:14.349 --> 00:07:16.418
- I'm not gonna do something overtly--"
- 00:07:16.418 --> 00:07:17.752
- Okay, just be helpful.
- 00:07:17.752 --> 00:07:20.489
- Be the best dishwasher.
- 00:07:20.489 --> 00:07:24.726
- Be kind.
- 00:07:24.726 --> 00:07:27.762
- Just pretend.
- 00:07:27.762 --> 00:07:31.900
- Maybe you're not kind.
- 00:07:31.900 --> 00:07:34.436
- Just see if you could bluff it for like 90 minutes.
- 00:07:34.436 --> 00:07:40.175
- Practice.
- 00:07:40.175 --> 00:07:42.911
- "well, i don't feel authentic."
- 00:07:42.911 --> 00:07:44.246
- I had this meeting with someone.
- 00:07:44.246 --> 00:07:47.816
- I was coaching a group of people on some spiritual leadership,
- 00:07:47.816 --> 00:07:50.552
- And i said, "you need to respond to the people that you're
- 00:07:50.552 --> 00:07:54.356
- Serving as if you care about them."
- 00:07:54.356 --> 00:07:56.591
- Somebody raised their hand and said, "well,
- 00:07:56.591 --> 00:07:58.326
- What if it's not sincere?"
- 00:07:58.326 --> 00:08:04.866
- Out loud.
- 00:08:04.866 --> 00:08:08.270
- I said, "well, just fake it."
- 00:08:08.270 --> 00:08:15.577
- Be prepared, be flexible, be helpful.
- 00:08:15.577 --> 00:08:18.680
- Number five, be available primarily to the lord.
- 00:08:18.680 --> 00:08:23.084
- So it's a busy time--uh-huh.
- 00:08:23.084 --> 00:08:27.088
- Be available. and finally, be grateful.
- 00:08:27.088 --> 00:08:30.258
- Here's the challenge i think with the holidays.
- 00:08:30.258 --> 00:08:34.162
- Life isn't perfect, and at the end of the year, we often
- 00:08:34.162 --> 00:08:37.399
- Reflect on the things that have happened
- 00:08:37.399 --> 00:08:39.134
- That have been most painful.
- 00:08:39.134 --> 00:08:41.436
- In some years, it's significant.
- 00:08:41.436 --> 00:08:42.804
- We've had losses or setbacks or challenges, and it's easy to
- 00:08:42.804 --> 00:08:47.742
- Get to this season of the year and to be
- 00:08:47.742 --> 00:08:49.844
- Overwhelmed with what's not.
- 00:08:49.844 --> 00:08:52.714
- It's a year theoretically where there's the greatest expressions
- 00:08:52.714 --> 00:08:55.550
- Of hope and joy, and it's also the season of the year with the
- 00:08:55.550 --> 00:08:58.520
- Highest incident of depression and discouragement.
- 00:08:58.520 --> 00:09:02.857
- And i've already suggested to you that one of the greatest
- 00:09:02.857 --> 00:09:04.759
- Ways to overcome that is to be grateful.
- 00:09:04.759 --> 00:09:07.762
- Maybe you start a good news list,
- 00:09:07.762 --> 00:09:10.665
- And then you purposely make a list of things for which you
- 00:09:10.665 --> 00:09:12.701
- Could be thankful in your life.
- 00:09:12.701 --> 00:09:15.637
- And if you really wanna get a little weird with it,
- 00:09:15.637 --> 00:09:17.105
- Flip it over and make it things that you could be thankful for
- 00:09:17.105 --> 00:09:19.374
- That have happened in our nation or in the world.
- 00:09:19.374 --> 00:09:21.910
- I know there's things you're not grateful for,
- 00:09:21.910 --> 00:09:23.712
- But there's surely something you could be grateful for.
- 00:09:23.712 --> 00:09:27.716
- Allen: i want to take just a moment to say thank you.
- 00:09:31.786 --> 00:09:34.189
- In a year of political turmoil and confusion and wars and
- 00:09:34.189 --> 00:09:38.026
- Rumors of wars, because of your partnership,
- 00:09:38.026 --> 00:09:40.595
- Your generosity, your prayers, your encouragement,
- 00:09:40.595 --> 00:09:43.798
- We have done more for the gospel than any year
- 00:09:43.798 --> 00:09:46.167
- In our ministry so far.
- 00:09:46.167 --> 00:09:47.636
- We started a whole new genre of programing.
- 00:09:47.636 --> 00:09:50.005
- Allen jackson now does a daily review of headlines
- 00:09:50.005 --> 00:09:52.841
- From a biblical worldview.
- 00:09:52.841 --> 00:09:54.476
- We've started a new podcast, "culture & christianity," to
- 00:09:54.476 --> 00:09:57.145
- Help stabilize god's people in the midst of all the confusion.
- 00:09:57.145 --> 00:10:01.216
- All of that because of your faithfulness,
- 00:10:01.216 --> 00:10:03.051
- Your generosity, your prayers.
- 00:10:03.051 --> 00:10:04.786
- Thank you so much.
- 00:10:04.786 --> 00:10:06.354
- As we come to the end of this year, i want to ask
- 00:10:06.354 --> 00:10:08.289
- You to prayerfully consider making a sacrificial
- 00:10:08.289 --> 00:10:10.792
- Investment in what's next.
- 00:10:10.792 --> 00:10:13.328
- We want to take those programs, share them in new
- 00:10:13.328 --> 00:10:15.964
- Places with more people.
- 00:10:15.964 --> 00:10:17.799
- We want to continue to be creative in how we share the
- 00:10:17.799 --> 00:10:20.802
- Good news of jesus christ.
- 00:10:20.802 --> 00:10:22.737
- A generous partner makes it possible.
- 00:10:22.737 --> 00:10:24.339
- Every gift you give will be matched.
- 00:10:24.339 --> 00:10:26.074
- It doubles your gift between now and the end of the year.
- 00:10:26.074 --> 00:10:28.777
- Let me thank you in advance for what we've been doing and what
- 00:10:28.777 --> 00:10:31.613
- God's going to do with our lives and our partnership
- 00:10:31.613 --> 00:10:34.249
- Together in 2025.
- 00:10:34.249 --> 00:10:36.685
- Thank you and god bless you.
- 00:10:36.685 --> 00:10:39.087
- Female announcer: god is moving in major ways in the
- 00:10:39.154 --> 00:10:41.122
- Ministry and our world.
- 00:10:41.122 --> 00:10:43.658
- As we watched the 2024 election unfold,
- 00:10:43.658 --> 00:10:46.561
- We witnessed a miracle.
- 00:10:46.561 --> 00:10:48.463
- God has heard our prayers.
- 00:10:48.463 --> 00:10:50.598
- He has shown us his mercy.
- 00:10:50.598 --> 00:10:52.834
- We're entering a new era with new leaders,
- 00:10:52.834 --> 00:10:55.837
- But it's not a time to rest.
- 00:10:55.837 --> 00:10:58.073
- Our assignment hasn't changed.
- 00:10:58.073 --> 00:11:00.108
- In fact, it's as urgent as ever.
- 00:11:00.108 --> 00:11:03.144
- You and i have been set apart by god for his purposes,
- 00:11:03.144 --> 00:11:06.581
- And there's a lot for us to do.
- 00:11:06.581 --> 00:11:08.850
- Allen: i believe when god shows you mercy,
- 00:11:08.850 --> 00:11:13.221
- He gives with it an opportunity.
- 00:11:13.221 --> 00:11:15.990
- I want us to quietly say to the lord, "here am i.
- 00:11:15.990 --> 00:11:25.767
- Let me go.
- 00:11:25.767 --> 00:11:28.169
- Let me go back to where i work in the name of jesus.
- 00:11:28.169 --> 00:11:32.006
- Let me go back into my neighborhood
- 00:11:32.006 --> 00:11:33.575
- In the name of jesus."
- 00:11:33.575 --> 00:11:36.211
- God himself has shown us grace, and it will require of us
- 00:11:36.211 --> 00:11:43.985
- Greater strength and greater courage than we have ever had to
- 00:11:43.985 --> 00:11:48.189
- Attach to our faith before.
- 00:11:48.189 --> 00:11:51.793
- Let's go. let's go.
- 00:11:51.793 --> 00:11:55.797
- Announcer: let's set our hearts on preparing for what's
- 00:11:55.864 --> 00:11:58.199
- Next with pastor allen's brand-new 90-day devotional
- 00:11:58.199 --> 00:12:01.836
- Called "set apart for his purposes."
- 00:12:01.836 --> 00:12:04.506
- It will help us seek god so we can recognize his voice and
- 00:12:04.506 --> 00:12:07.876
- Consistently choose to follow him.
- 00:12:07.876 --> 00:12:09.778
- Each day includes scripture, a short teaching,
- 00:12:09.778 --> 00:12:12.313
- And a prayer, followed by a journaling prompt and room
- 00:12:12.313 --> 00:12:15.650
- To write and reflect.
- 00:12:15.650 --> 00:12:17.118
- Let's get ready for the season ahead.
- 00:12:17.118 --> 00:12:19.254
- Request your copy of "set apart for his purposes" when you
- 00:12:19.254 --> 00:12:22.390
- Donate $50 or more today at or by calling
- 00:12:22.390 --> 00:12:26.661
- ...
- 00:12:26.661 --> 00:12:30.865
- Allen: 1 peter chapter 3 and verse 15 says,
- 00:12:32.667 --> 00:12:34.602
- "in your hearts set apart christ as lord,
- 00:12:34.602 --> 00:12:36.771
- And always be prepared to give an answer to everyone who asks
- 00:12:36.771 --> 00:12:39.808
- You to give the reason for the hope that you have."
- 00:12:39.808 --> 00:12:42.710
- That's really my agenda with this particular session.
- 00:12:42.710 --> 00:12:46.247
- To help you be prepared, to always be prepared to give an
- 00:12:46.247 --> 00:12:49.684
- Answer for the hope that you have.
- 00:12:49.684 --> 00:12:52.453
- We're going public with our jesus stories.
- 00:12:52.453 --> 00:12:56.090
- We're gonna break out of the church world and stop just
- 00:12:56.090 --> 00:12:58.193
- Having our traditions and our favorite menus,
- 00:12:58.193 --> 00:13:00.695
- And this is how we celebrate and we're actually gonna bring our
- 00:13:00.695 --> 00:13:04.666
- Faith to bear this year.
- 00:13:04.666 --> 00:13:07.202
- I'm gonna give you a handful of ideas,
- 00:13:07.202 --> 00:13:09.070
- But i wanna start with jesus' ministry.
- 00:13:09.070 --> 00:13:11.339
- I always think that's a good idea when we can.
- 00:13:11.339 --> 00:13:14.375
- In luke 19, we're nearing the end of his public ministry.
- 00:13:14.375 --> 00:13:17.278
- He's on his way to jerusalem and it's gonna be a very
- 00:13:17.278 --> 00:13:19.347
- Difficult time in jerusalem.
- 00:13:19.347 --> 00:13:22.183
- In fact, it's horrific.
- 00:13:22.183 --> 00:13:24.185
- And jericho's the last major city he's going to pass en route
- 00:13:24.185 --> 00:13:28.223
- To jerusalem, and it says, "he entered jericho
- 00:13:28.223 --> 00:13:29.691
- And he's passing through.
- 00:13:29.691 --> 00:13:31.025
- And a man was there by the name of zacchaeus;
- 00:13:31.025 --> 00:13:33.294
- He was a chief tax collector and he was wealthy."
- 00:13:33.294 --> 00:13:35.830
- The most hated people amongst the jewish
- 00:13:35.830 --> 00:13:37.765
- Population were not the romans.
- 00:13:37.765 --> 00:13:40.301
- The romans are an occupying army,
- 00:13:40.301 --> 00:13:41.736
- They do what occupying armies do.
- 00:13:41.736 --> 00:13:44.706
- But the romans discovered that the most efficient and effective
- 00:13:44.706 --> 00:13:47.108
- Way to collect taxes for rome was not to bring an outsider
- 00:13:47.108 --> 00:13:50.478
- Into the community, but to recruit a local.
- 00:13:50.478 --> 00:13:53.715
- Because the local people knew who had the resources,
- 00:13:53.715 --> 00:13:56.017
- Whose businesses were most effective.
- 00:13:56.017 --> 00:13:58.119
- And if they could get a local to be the tax collector,
- 00:13:58.119 --> 00:14:00.555
- They would give them the authority of the roman soldiers.
- 00:14:00.555 --> 00:14:03.791
- They could stand behind the sword and shield of the
- 00:14:03.791 --> 00:14:06.094
- Soldiers, but they would be the ones that put the finger on the
- 00:14:06.094 --> 00:14:08.129
- People in the community that had the resources.
- 00:14:08.129 --> 00:14:11.733
- And then because of roman authority,
- 00:14:11.733 --> 00:14:13.067
- They could exact taxes that wasn't going to rome,
- 00:14:13.067 --> 00:14:15.737
- They would make themselves wealthy.
- 00:14:15.737 --> 00:14:18.439
- So the most hated part of the population were the tax
- 00:14:18.439 --> 00:14:20.842
- Collectors, they're traitors.
- 00:14:20.842 --> 00:14:25.046
- Under the idea of doing public good,
- 00:14:25.046 --> 00:14:28.216
- They're stealing from the people.
- 00:14:28.216 --> 00:14:30.785
- Gee, that would never happen today.
- 00:14:30.785 --> 00:14:35.156
- "zacchaeus was a chief tax collector and he was wealthy."
- 00:14:35.156 --> 00:14:39.627
- Luke points that out at the beginning
- 00:14:39.627 --> 00:14:40.962
- Of this little narrative.
- 00:14:40.962 --> 00:14:42.297
- "he wanted to see who jesus was, but he was a short man and he
- 00:14:42.297 --> 00:14:45.466
- Couldn't because of the crowd.
- 00:14:45.466 --> 00:14:46.801
- So he ran ahead and he climbed a sycamore-fig tree to see him,
- 00:14:46.801 --> 00:14:50.071
- Jesus was coming that way.
- 00:14:50.071 --> 00:14:52.006
- And when jesus reached the spot, he looked up and said to him,
- 00:14:52.006 --> 00:14:56.511
- 'zacchaeus, come down immediately.
- 00:14:56.511 --> 00:14:58.046
- I must stay at your house today.'
- 00:14:58.046 --> 00:15:03.418
- So he came down at once and he welcomed him gladly.
- 00:15:03.418 --> 00:15:05.620
- And the people saw this and they began to mutter,
- 00:15:05.620 --> 00:15:08.256
- 'he is gone to be the guest of a sinner.'"
- 00:15:08.256 --> 00:15:12.260
- A lot of unhappy people.
- 00:15:12.260 --> 00:15:14.629
- "he's no prophet.
- 00:15:14.629 --> 00:15:15.964
- Look who he said he was having lunch with.
- 00:15:15.964 --> 00:15:18.933
- I knew he was a fraud.
- 00:15:18.933 --> 00:15:21.903
- If he was really spiritual, he wouldn't spend
- 00:15:21.903 --> 00:15:23.871
- Any time with him."
- 00:15:23.871 --> 00:15:25.473
- You've got some holiday appointments with people
- 00:15:25.473 --> 00:15:27.775
- Who are pretty public sinners.
- 00:15:27.775 --> 00:15:31.045
- Some of them are gonna join you at your family table.
- 00:15:31.045 --> 00:15:36.918
- I didn't put your picture on the screen,
- 00:15:36.918 --> 00:15:38.486
- I'm just acknowledging a reality.
- 00:15:38.486 --> 00:15:43.391
- What are we gonna do?
- 00:15:43.391 --> 00:15:44.892
- How do we respond?
- 00:15:44.892 --> 00:15:46.694
- I don't wanna use my voice to encourage ungodliness because
- 00:15:46.694 --> 00:15:49.931
- That means i get the reward of the ungodly,
- 00:15:49.931 --> 00:15:52.000
- And i don't want that.
- 00:15:52.000 --> 00:15:55.336
- I don't necessarily have to show up in anger or resentment and
- 00:15:55.336 --> 00:15:59.173
- Bitterness, it's a real thing.
- 00:15:59.173 --> 00:16:00.608
- What are we gonna do?
- 00:16:00.608 --> 00:16:03.344
- Well, it's a part of my objective, but let's follow
- 00:16:03.344 --> 00:16:05.146
- Jesus through this, it works.
- 00:16:05.146 --> 00:16:07.382
- "the people saw this and they began the mutter,
- 00:16:07.382 --> 00:16:09.317
- 'he is gone to be the guest of a sinner.'
- 00:16:09.317 --> 00:16:10.785
- But zacchaeus stood up and he said to the lord, 'look,
- 00:16:10.785 --> 00:16:14.255
- Here and now i give half of my possessions to the poor, and if
- 00:16:14.255 --> 00:16:17.125
- I have cheated anybody,'" if i have cheated anybody, can you
- 00:16:17.125 --> 00:16:19.861
- See the side eyes all through the crowd?
- 00:16:19.861 --> 00:16:23.431
- If i've cheated--you cheated everybody.
- 00:16:23.431 --> 00:16:28.403
- You greedy, dishonest, self-absorbed--
- 00:16:28.403 --> 00:16:35.543
- "i've cheated anybody out of anything,
- 00:16:35.543 --> 00:16:36.978
- I'll pay back four times the amount.'
- 00:16:36.978 --> 00:16:40.348
- And jesus said to him, 'today, salvation has come to this
- 00:16:40.348 --> 00:16:42.483
- House, because this man, too, is the son of abraham.
- 00:16:42.483 --> 00:16:47.288
- For the son of man came to seek and to save what was lost.'"
- 00:16:47.288 --> 00:16:50.992
- I think it's a helpful little narrative.
- 00:16:50.992 --> 00:16:54.228
- Jesus did accept zacchaeus's hospitality.
- 00:16:54.228 --> 00:16:57.765
- Jesus knew exactly who he was and what he was.
- 00:16:57.765 --> 00:17:01.636
- He understood the prominent role he played in the community, and
- 00:17:01.636 --> 00:17:05.239
- Jesus accepted his hospitality.
- 00:17:05.239 --> 00:17:08.209
- There were many people who complained.
- 00:17:08.209 --> 00:17:11.846
- Luke tells us that.
- 00:17:11.846 --> 00:17:13.314
- I mean, luke first tells us that zacchaeus was really rich.
- 00:17:13.314 --> 00:17:16.384
- And then he said a lot of people muttered and complained because
- 00:17:16.384 --> 00:17:19.220
- Jesus chose him as a friend on that day.
- 00:17:19.220 --> 00:17:22.156
- Don't you know the church bazaar had prepared lunch.
- 00:17:22.156 --> 00:17:25.293
- They had tuna and jello.
- 00:17:25.293 --> 00:17:34.702
- I've been to that lunch. so have you.
- 00:17:34.702 --> 00:17:39.707
- I would also point out jesus didn't ask for a donation.
- 00:17:39.707 --> 00:17:45.279
- He didn't just use as an opportunity to further his
- 00:17:45.279 --> 00:17:47.582
- Agenda and pretend like he didn't know the ungodliness
- 00:17:47.582 --> 00:17:49.784
- That was going on.
- 00:17:49.784 --> 00:17:53.087
- The outcome of jesus's presence with zacchaeus was a public
- 00:17:53.087 --> 00:17:57.525
- Expression of repentance.
- 00:17:57.525 --> 00:18:01.028
- Listen, if i've been stealing, i will stop
- 00:18:01.028 --> 00:18:04.265
- And i will make restitution.
- 00:18:04.265 --> 00:18:05.600
- That is the portrayal of what repentance is.
- 00:18:05.600 --> 00:18:10.838
- So if we want a little guidebook for our holidays,
- 00:18:10.838 --> 00:18:14.809
- We're gonna interact with all kinds of people,
- 00:18:14.809 --> 00:18:17.345
- Some of them beyond our families.
- 00:18:17.345 --> 00:18:19.113
- Some people wouldn't know god if you gave them a g and an o
- 00:18:19.113 --> 00:18:21.415
- And ask them to spell it.
- 00:18:21.415 --> 00:18:24.519
- I have great compassion on those people,
- 00:18:24.519 --> 00:18:25.987
- They're stumbling in the darkness.
- 00:18:25.987 --> 00:18:28.356
- And perhaps you can be just a little bit of light in their
- 00:18:28.356 --> 00:18:31.492
- Lives and help them meet a person of faith that would cause
- 00:18:31.492 --> 00:18:34.362
- Them to consider it for their lives.
- 00:18:34.362 --> 00:18:35.763
- There's other people you'll gather with that hide amongst
- 00:18:35.763 --> 00:18:38.599
- The christians but they're living an ungodly life.
- 00:18:38.599 --> 00:18:40.902
- That's a different response altogether because they're
- 00:18:40.902 --> 00:18:43.371
- Deceived, they think they're getting away with it.
- 00:18:43.371 --> 00:18:45.106
- They don't understand that the god that created heaven
- 00:18:45.106 --> 00:18:47.542
- And earth isn't fooled.
- 00:18:47.542 --> 00:18:52.880
- And in those lives, our responses are different,
- 00:18:52.880 --> 00:18:55.049
- We need more wisdom.
- 00:18:55.049 --> 00:18:57.318
- Sometimes your presence and your willingness to express your
- 00:18:57.318 --> 00:18:59.520
- Faith and to acknowledge your faith in a public place is
- 00:18:59.520 --> 00:19:02.123
- Enough to call them to make a change.
- 00:19:02.123 --> 00:19:05.660
- I'm not suggesting you be the voice of judgment at every
- 00:19:05.660 --> 00:19:07.828
- Holiday gathering.
- 00:19:07.828 --> 00:19:09.664
- I am suggesting you go in the name of the lord.
- 00:19:09.664 --> 00:19:14.235
- And that we don't use our voice to affirm,
- 00:19:14.235 --> 00:19:16.037
- Encourage, cheer for, advocate for ungodliness.
- 00:19:16.037 --> 00:19:19.840
- If you do that, understand biblically you
- 00:19:19.840 --> 00:19:23.211
- Get the reward for that.
- 00:19:23.211 --> 00:19:26.747
- That's the whole notion of a watchman.
- 00:19:26.747 --> 00:19:29.684
- It's a part of our assignment.
- 00:19:29.684 --> 00:19:32.453
- Jericho was different after jesus left.
- 00:19:32.453 --> 00:19:36.023
- The most notorious thief in the community has had
- 00:19:36.023 --> 00:19:38.960
- A change of heart.
- 00:19:38.960 --> 00:19:41.729
- Makes public expression of that, it's a different place.
- 00:19:41.729 --> 00:19:44.565
- My prayer for you and me this holiday season is by the time we
- 00:19:44.565 --> 00:19:47.201
- Get to the beginning of a new year and back to our routines
- 00:19:47.201 --> 00:19:50.538
- And settled in again, the kids are in school and we're finished
- 00:19:50.538 --> 00:19:53.941
- With all the erratic part of the holidays,
- 00:19:53.941 --> 00:19:57.411
- That we'll say the lord met us, we're in a new place.
- 00:19:57.411 --> 00:20:01.515
- I think that's a legitimate goal.
- 00:20:01.515 --> 00:20:03.751
- So i wanna spend the balance of our time and give you a little
- 00:20:03.751 --> 00:20:05.820
- Bit of a ministry toolkit, some things that you could think
- 00:20:05.820 --> 00:20:08.155
- About, just some practical expressions of faith that
- 00:20:08.155 --> 00:20:11.025
- You could take with you to all these varied opportunities that
- 00:20:11.025 --> 00:20:14.629
- We'll present over these next few weeks.
- 00:20:14.629 --> 00:20:18.132
- It's important.
- 00:20:18.132 --> 00:20:19.567
- We wanna make inviting god into our lives normal.
- 00:20:19.567 --> 00:20:25.072
- We wanna make inviting god into our lives normal,
- 00:20:25.072 --> 00:20:29.477
- As normal as watching a ball game, as normal as
- 00:20:29.477 --> 00:20:33.214
- A conversation around our favorite holiday food.
- 00:20:33.214 --> 00:20:37.451
- In fact, let's determine that our intent is to honor god and
- 00:20:37.451 --> 00:20:40.621
- His word in our lives, period.
- 00:20:40.621 --> 00:20:45.793
- That's my objective.
- 00:20:45.793 --> 00:20:47.728
- Wherever i go, and whatever i'm invited to,
- 00:20:47.728 --> 00:20:50.031
- And whatever i'm included, my objective is to honor god and
- 00:20:50.031 --> 00:20:53.334
- His word in my life.
- 00:20:53.334 --> 00:20:55.269
- Doesn't mean i don't talk about what's happening in the world,
- 00:20:55.269 --> 00:20:57.605
- Doesn't mean i may not watch a ball game or enjoy a good meal,
- 00:20:57.605 --> 00:21:02.043
- But my objective in all of those things is to honor
- 00:21:02.043 --> 00:21:04.478
- God and his word.
- 00:21:04.478 --> 00:21:06.080
- You see, if you don't have the intent, you won't do it.
- 00:21:06.080 --> 00:21:12.153
- And the reason we've found ourselves in this fine mess,
- 00:21:12.153 --> 00:21:14.655
- Ollie, is we have lacked the intent.
- 00:21:14.655 --> 00:21:19.593
- We've wanted somebody else to do that.
- 00:21:19.593 --> 00:21:26.500
- Wherever we go, i wanna suggest we should intend to represent
- 00:21:26.500 --> 00:21:30.705
- Our lord and his people, period.
- 00:21:30.705 --> 00:21:36.544
- That's how you establish a legacy of faith.
- 00:21:36.544 --> 00:21:40.281
- "so, you know, i really haven't done that.
- 00:21:40.281 --> 00:21:43.017
- I've been focused on other things, accomplishing
- 00:21:43.017 --> 00:21:44.985
- Or achieving or becoming or accumulating,"
- 00:21:44.985 --> 00:21:47.088
- Or whatever it may, it's okay, let's begin this year.
- 00:21:47.088 --> 00:21:51.258
- It'll take god to help us do that anyway,
- 00:21:51.258 --> 00:21:53.027
- We can't do it on our own.
- 00:21:53.027 --> 00:21:55.463
- But why not determine to do that this year?
- 00:21:55.463 --> 00:21:57.298
- We're gonna pray before we go today,
- 00:21:57.298 --> 00:21:58.632
- Make a commitment to the lord, if you're up for that.
- 00:21:58.632 --> 00:22:02.169
- So the first part of your toolkit i'm gonna suggest is
- 00:22:02.169 --> 00:22:05.673
- There's some prayers that we wanna pray
- 00:22:05.673 --> 00:22:07.141
- In preparing ourselves.
- 00:22:07.141 --> 00:22:08.542
- These aren't about the other people, these aren't
- 00:22:08.542 --> 00:22:10.077
- The ones with whom we're gonna gather or
- 00:22:10.077 --> 00:22:11.912
- Interact or the server at the restaurant, this is about us.
- 00:22:11.912 --> 00:22:15.750
- In mark 11, jesus said, "when you stand praying,
- 00:22:15.750 --> 00:22:17.918
- If you hold anything against anyone forgive him."
- 00:22:17.918 --> 00:22:21.222
- Apparently it's possible as human beings that we could hold
- 00:22:21.222 --> 00:22:24.158
- Something against someone else.
- 00:22:24.158 --> 00:22:26.093
- Who knew?
- 00:22:26.093 --> 00:22:27.895
- I mean, i know that's not you, but there could be somebody in
- 00:22:27.895 --> 00:22:31.265
- This wide world that holds something,
- 00:22:31.265 --> 00:22:34.402
- Something that is unhelpful, like unforgiveness
- 00:22:34.402 --> 00:22:36.604
- Or anger or resentment or bitterness or hatred.
- 00:22:36.604 --> 00:22:40.808
- We can hold hatred generationally.
- 00:22:40.808 --> 00:22:43.444
- It's amazing.
- 00:22:43.444 --> 00:22:45.613
- If you don't believe it, watch the headlines.
- 00:22:45.613 --> 00:22:47.848
- We have wars being fought in our world over things that happened
- 00:22:47.848 --> 00:22:50.184
- Hundreds of years ago.
- 00:22:50.184 --> 00:22:54.688
- Before you get to any of these gatherings,
- 00:22:54.688 --> 00:22:56.490
- There's some prayers you and i wanna pray.
- 00:22:56.490 --> 00:22:58.392
- Hebrews 12 reminds us to not let any bitter roots grow up.
- 00:22:58.392 --> 00:23:04.932
- In fact, the phrase before that intrigues me.
- 00:23:04.932 --> 00:23:06.767
- It says, "see to it that no one misses the grace of god."
- 00:23:06.767 --> 00:23:09.437
- Grace is unmerited, unearned, how could you mess something up
- 00:23:09.437 --> 00:23:13.474
- That you didn't earn and you don't deserve?
- 00:23:13.474 --> 00:23:17.378
- You can nullify the grace of god by holding onto bitterness.
- 00:23:17.378 --> 00:23:21.649
- Please don't do that.
- 00:23:21.649 --> 00:23:23.584
- Forgiveness is a decision, it's not a feeling.
- 00:23:23.584 --> 00:23:26.353
- It's not earned or merited.
- 00:23:26.353 --> 00:23:28.389
- We don't forgive people because they deserve it,
- 00:23:28.389 --> 00:23:29.990
- We forgive them because we desperately need to be forgiven,
- 00:23:29.990 --> 00:23:32.426
- And i cannot afford the weight of resentment 'cause my anger
- 00:23:32.426 --> 00:23:37.331
- Puts me in bondage.
- 00:23:37.331 --> 00:23:39.767
- And i will forgive so that i can get on with what god has for me.
- 00:23:39.767 --> 00:23:43.404
- I will release you, i will cancel the marker.
- 00:23:43.404 --> 00:23:47.174
- I'm not saying that what you did was appropriate,
- 00:23:47.174 --> 00:23:48.876
- I'm not endorsing the evil or the pain that may have been
- 00:23:48.876 --> 00:23:51.745
- Caused, i'm not even willing to get back in line for further
- 00:23:51.745 --> 00:23:55.916
- Mistreatment, but i will cancel the marker.
- 00:23:55.916 --> 00:23:59.386
- It's a decision i've made. my emotions will catch up.
- 00:23:59.386 --> 00:24:03.891
- So i wanna encourage you as a part of your preparation for the
- 00:24:03.891 --> 00:24:08.095
- Holiday, don't carry the junk into the season.
- 00:24:08.095 --> 00:24:13.000
- Just don't do it.
- 00:24:13.000 --> 00:24:14.335
- Some of you even mad at people in your
- 00:24:14.335 --> 00:24:15.669
- Family for--long time.
- 00:24:15.669 --> 00:24:18.739
- They don't even remember why you're mad,
- 00:24:18.739 --> 00:24:20.074
- They just know you are.
- 00:24:20.074 --> 00:24:23.077
- You know, there are very few things that are more frustrating
- 00:24:23.077 --> 00:24:25.179
- Than being angry and somebody doesn't notice.
- 00:24:25.179 --> 00:24:31.018
- Come on, you've been there.
- 00:24:31.018 --> 00:24:32.419
- 'cause now you have to kind of send signals.
- 00:24:32.419 --> 00:24:35.656
- You have to snort a little bit, you have to scowl some.
- 00:24:35.656 --> 00:24:40.628
- "what's wrong?" "i don't know."
- 00:24:40.628 --> 00:24:45.633
- So your preparation is perhaps the most important
- 00:24:45.633 --> 00:24:48.168
- Part on this list.
- 00:24:48.168 --> 00:24:49.904
- And then now there's an invitation in james 1
- 00:24:49.904 --> 00:24:51.739
- And verse 5, it says, "if any of you lacks wisdom,
- 00:24:51.739 --> 00:24:54.141
- He should ask god, who gives generously to all without
- 00:24:54.141 --> 00:24:56.544
- Finding fault, and it'll be given to him."
- 00:24:56.544 --> 00:24:58.579
- You can ask god for his wisdom for your preparation.
- 00:24:58.579 --> 00:25:02.483
- That's a wonderful--we have permission from scripture.
- 00:25:02.483 --> 00:25:04.652
- "lord, give me the wisdom i need to be prepared
- 00:25:04.652 --> 00:25:06.353
- For this gathering."
- 00:25:06.353 --> 00:25:08.188
- I pray that prayer frequently when i'm headed to places and
- 00:25:08.188 --> 00:25:11.225
- Opportunities and for whatever role i'm playing or not playing.
- 00:25:11.225 --> 00:25:14.562
- If i'm just going, "lord help me,
- 00:25:14.562 --> 00:25:15.896
- I don't wanna just waste this time.
- 00:25:15.896 --> 00:25:19.500
- I'm not going just for relaxation,
- 00:25:19.500 --> 00:25:21.201
- Lord, i want to go on your behalf.
- 00:25:21.201 --> 00:25:23.270
- Give me wisdom to know what to say or when to be quiet."
- 00:25:23.270 --> 00:25:28.842
- The lord will help you.
- 00:25:28.842 --> 00:25:31.312
- So the first piece in the toolkit is your preparation.
- 00:25:31.312 --> 00:25:35.449
- Not gonna carry that stuff.
- 00:25:35.449 --> 00:25:36.784
- Some of you have carried anger and resentment
- 00:25:36.784 --> 00:25:38.252
- And bitterness and hatred for so long,
- 00:25:38.252 --> 00:25:39.954
- You think it's a part of you, you're proud of it,
- 00:25:39.954 --> 00:25:44.058
- You boast about it.
- 00:25:44.058 --> 00:25:46.360
- It's a part of your armor, and it's keeping you
- 00:25:46.360 --> 00:25:49.930
- From the best of god.
- 00:25:49.930 --> 00:25:53.567
- I would encourage you to lay it down.
- 00:25:53.567 --> 00:25:56.303
- I know you feel justified.
- 00:25:56.303 --> 00:25:57.638
- Some of you're mad at god because the circumstances of
- 00:25:57.638 --> 00:26:01.075
- Your life have been disappointing.
- 00:26:01.075 --> 00:26:04.178
- The narrative you had, the plan that you held unraveled and
- 00:26:04.178 --> 00:26:09.483
- You're mad about it, and you're making life choices based on
- 00:26:09.483 --> 00:26:12.786
- Anger and resentment and hatred, and you're
- 00:26:12.786 --> 00:26:15.356
- Compounding the frustrations.
- 00:26:15.356 --> 00:26:19.259
- Some of us need to forgive god.
- 00:26:19.259 --> 00:26:22.062
- Some of us need to forgive people that
- 00:26:22.062 --> 00:26:23.397
- Aren't even alive anymore.
- 00:26:23.397 --> 00:26:25.733
- You can do that.
- 00:26:25.733 --> 00:26:28.969
- You know their name, you know the circumstance because when
- 00:26:28.969 --> 00:26:30.771
- You see the circumstance again, you get all the adrenaline back.
- 00:26:30.771 --> 00:26:36.076
- "lord, i forgive whomever of whatever, i release them."
- 00:26:36.076 --> 00:26:42.616
- And i'll tell you why that is so important is
- 00:26:42.616 --> 00:26:44.084
- I need god's forgiveness.
- 00:26:44.084 --> 00:26:47.187
- And the promise that god gave about forgiving us all our sins
- 00:26:47.187 --> 00:26:50.391
- Is a conditional promise.
- 00:26:50.391 --> 00:26:52.159
- The good news is the only condition,
- 00:26:52.159 --> 00:26:54.028
- It's not about education or iq or wealth or the ability to run
- 00:26:54.028 --> 00:26:58.265
- A mile in less than six minutes, the only qualification is that
- 00:26:58.265 --> 00:27:01.769
- I'm willing to forgive.
- 00:27:01.769 --> 00:27:03.971
- Allen: hey, before we go, we wanna pray for god's wisdom,
- 00:27:03.971 --> 00:27:06.640
- That we can lead with our faith this holiday season
- 00:27:06.640 --> 00:27:09.910
- That he would be pleased.
- 00:27:09.910 --> 00:27:11.612
- Lord, i thank you that you said if we lacked
- 00:27:11.612 --> 00:27:13.881
- Wisdom, we could ask.
- 00:27:13.881 --> 00:27:15.215
- And we ask for your wisdom that, as we gather with our friends
- 00:27:15.215 --> 00:27:18.218
- And family this holiday season, that you might be honored,
- 00:27:18.218 --> 00:27:21.221
- That you would be pleased.
- 00:27:21.221 --> 00:27:22.556
- In jesus's name, amen.
- 00:27:22.556 --> 00:27:27.327