Pastor Allen Jackson's mission is to help people become fully devoted followers of Jesus Christ.
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Allen Jackson Ministries | Allen Jackson - Lead With Faith, Holiday Edition (Part 1) | December 3, 2024
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- Allen: it's an honor to be with you today.
- 00:00:06.498 --> 00:00:08.167
- Our topic is "leading with our faith
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- In the midst of the holidays."
- 00:00:09.802 --> 00:00:11.537
- You know, it's an important time of the year.
- 00:00:11.537 --> 00:00:13.205
- You're gonna be gathered with friends and family
- 00:00:13.205 --> 00:00:14.606
- And co-workers, all sorts of collections of people.
- 00:00:14.606 --> 00:00:17.242
- We don't wanna just exchange gifts or greetings or enjoy
- 00:00:17.242 --> 00:00:20.379
- Our favorite holiday food.
- 00:00:20.379 --> 00:00:21.914
- I wanna bring our faith into those discussions.
- 00:00:21.914 --> 00:00:24.750
- So we're gonna talk about some ways we can do that in a way
- 00:00:24.750 --> 00:00:26.819
- That will not cause us to be excluded from the holidays
- 00:00:26.819 --> 00:00:29.188
- Next year.
- 00:00:29.188 --> 00:00:30.522
- I promise it'll be fun.
- 00:00:30.522 --> 00:00:32.191
- Grab your bible and a notepad, but most importantly,
- 00:00:32.191 --> 00:00:34.393
- Open your heart.
- 00:00:34.393 --> 00:00:35.761
- Allen: i want to, in this session and the next at least,
- 00:00:37.729 --> 00:00:42.367
- Do a holiday edition of "leading with faith."
- 00:00:42.367 --> 00:00:47.139
- For the next few weeks we have the opportunity to gather
- 00:00:47.139 --> 00:00:50.843
- With family and friends and other big gatherings at school
- 00:00:50.843 --> 00:00:55.047
- And at work, i mean, there'll just be
- 00:00:55.047 --> 00:00:56.949
- Any number of collections of people that are available
- 00:00:56.949 --> 00:01:00.252
- To us because of the holidays
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- For which that won't be true in just a few more weeks.
- 00:01:02.321 --> 00:01:06.992
- So there's a very unique opportunity to lead
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- With our faith and what i'd like to do is try
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- To process that with you a little bit and then to give you
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- Some tools so that you can be prepared to make an impact
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- For the kingdom of god.
- 00:01:19.905 --> 00:01:22.641
- But it is such an important time.
- 00:01:22.641 --> 00:01:25.277
- You know, the god--the purposes and the plans of god are moving
- 00:01:25.277 --> 00:01:27.846
- Forward in the earth at a pace and you just see
- 00:01:27.846 --> 00:01:30.782
- The wickedness marching.
- 00:01:30.782 --> 00:01:32.184
- I assure you the purposes of god are moving forward
- 00:01:32.184 --> 00:01:34.052
- Even more rapidly.
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- That there's a divine script unfolding all around us.
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- We're living in the midst of something
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- That i really don't think can be understood
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- In any other way than the supernatural.
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- The question that i wanna pose to you is to what extent
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- Do you intend to be a part of that.
- 00:01:49.835 --> 00:01:53.238
- Or do you have the imagination that you're born again,
- 00:01:53.238 --> 00:01:55.340
- You're saved, you're converted, you've got a ticket for heaven,
- 00:01:55.340 --> 00:01:57.576
- And you're just gonna go sit in the bleachers and watch?
- 00:01:57.576 --> 00:02:00.612
- I hope not because, if you're willing,
- 00:02:00.612 --> 00:02:03.315
- God will enable you to use your strength and your days under the
- 00:02:03.315 --> 00:02:07.019
- Sun in such a way that you could be rewarded for all eternity.
- 00:02:07.019 --> 00:02:11.523
- I would submit that's a better way to travel.
- 00:02:11.523 --> 00:02:14.526
- And i'm gonna start with the be-attitudes of the holidays.
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- It's a difficult time of the year.
- 00:02:19.831 --> 00:02:21.433
- The incidence of depression and discouragement is higher
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- At the end of the year than any other season of the year,
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- But i don't believe that has to be true.
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- I think we can make some choices to counteract that a little bit,
- 00:02:29.875 --> 00:02:33.512
- So i wanna start real quickly with some be-attitudes
- 00:02:33.512 --> 00:02:36.181
- Of the holidays.
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- First of all, be prepared.
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- The holidays are coming.
- 00:02:40.519 --> 00:02:42.254
- You've got the same family tree filled with fruits and nuts
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- That you had last year.
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- Shouldn't be a surprise.
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- You've done this before.
- 00:02:49.228 --> 00:02:51.797
- So be prepared to make a difference
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- For the kingdom of god.
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- Don't be caught unprepared.
- 00:02:54.933 --> 00:02:57.069
- Don't be surprised.
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- Don't say, "well, it never occurred to me that--"
- 00:02:59.438 --> 00:03:01.573
- And it's a rinse and repeat of what you've seen before.
- 00:03:01.573 --> 00:03:05.444
- Let's determine that we'll be prepared this holiday as never
- 00:03:05.444 --> 00:03:08.447
- Before to make a difference for the kingdom of god.
- 00:03:08.447 --> 00:03:11.950
- The second be-attitude is to be flexible.
- 00:03:11.950 --> 00:03:15.988
- You know, we make our plans and we get everything scripted
- 00:03:15.988 --> 00:03:19.358
- The way we want it to go, and then reality happens.
- 00:03:19.358 --> 00:03:23.929
- And reality very seldom considers our plans.
- 00:03:23.929 --> 00:03:28.834
- "well, i didn't know they'd be late,"
- 00:03:28.834 --> 00:03:31.470
- Or "i didn't know a flight would get canceled,"
- 00:03:31.470 --> 00:03:34.139
- Or "i didn't know somebody was gonna get sick."
- 00:03:34.139 --> 00:03:36.808
- And then all those intrusions seem to cascade upon us.
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- Emotionally, we go, "well, i just wasn't prepared."
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- Be prepared to be flexible.
- 00:03:44.016 --> 00:03:47.319
- It's not gonna work as perfectly as you would like.
- 00:03:47.319 --> 00:03:49.988
- The light in your oven will go out,
- 00:03:49.988 --> 00:03:53.759
- The turkey will be overdone or underdone or too smoky
- 00:03:53.759 --> 00:03:57.562
- Or not smoky enough or something.
- 00:03:57.562 --> 00:04:01.700
- Somebody will show up with a guest
- 00:04:01.700 --> 00:04:03.402
- And you've got one more person than you have places set.
- 00:04:03.402 --> 00:04:06.772
- Or something.
- 00:04:06.772 --> 00:04:09.207
- And don't allow it to collapse your joy.
- 00:04:09.207 --> 00:04:14.279
- The third piece is to be purposeful.
- 00:04:14.279 --> 00:04:17.516
- Let's begin this holiday with the intent to make
- 00:04:17.516 --> 00:04:21.353
- A kingdom difference, not just to shop
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- Or to cook or to decorate.
- 00:04:24.456 --> 00:04:27.192
- And i know many of you have significant emotional
- 00:04:27.192 --> 00:04:29.895
- Investments in those things and i'm not challenging that.
- 00:04:29.895 --> 00:04:32.798
- I think it's okay to celebrate the holiday season.
- 00:04:32.798 --> 00:04:36.268
- I mean, some of you do it with an enthusiasm
- 00:04:36.268 --> 00:04:38.637
- That started in july.
- 00:04:38.637 --> 00:04:41.973
- You're trying to make the 21st century edition
- 00:04:41.973 --> 00:04:44.176
- Of "christmas vacation."
- 00:04:44.176 --> 00:04:46.912
- That's okay with me, but let's be equally intent
- 00:04:46.912 --> 00:04:50.248
- On a kingdom purpose for the holiday.
- 00:04:50.248 --> 00:04:53.819
- Let's have objectives.
- 00:04:53.819 --> 00:04:55.454
- What would it look like for-- to have the most spiritually
- 00:04:55.454 --> 00:04:59.024
- Influential or impactful holiday season that you've ever had?
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- Think about it.
- 00:05:05.063 --> 00:05:06.631
- Ask the lord about it, begin to pray about it.
- 00:05:06.631 --> 00:05:11.470
- Number four: be helpful.
- 00:05:11.470 --> 00:05:14.506
- "see, and i don't know how to do all this stuff.
- 00:05:14.506 --> 00:05:15.974
- You're gonna talk to me about praying prayers,
- 00:05:15.974 --> 00:05:17.442
- I don't know how to do that."
- 00:05:17.442 --> 00:05:19.244
- I'll give you a way you could change the--
- 00:05:19.244 --> 00:05:21.480
- You be more helpful than you've ever been.
- 00:05:21.480 --> 00:05:25.650
- Wash more dishes, say "thank you" more frequently,
- 00:05:25.650 --> 00:05:34.860
- Don't require others to wait on you,
- 00:05:34.860 --> 00:05:38.997
- Facilitate good outcomes, show up with the best attitude
- 00:05:38.997 --> 00:05:43.235
- That your friends or families or co-workers have ever seen.
- 00:05:43.235 --> 00:05:47.806
- Make them wonder what happened to you.
- 00:05:47.806 --> 00:05:53.512
- "never seen her be that cooperative."
- 00:05:53.512 --> 00:05:56.415
- Decide to do it on purpose, not because you feel like it,
- 00:05:56.415 --> 00:06:00.218
- Not because you want to, but it's a way to honor the lord.
- 00:06:00.218 --> 00:06:04.823
- It's a way to serve the lord.
- 00:06:04.823 --> 00:06:07.025
- After all, the entire season, "holiday" is a corruption
- 00:06:07.025 --> 00:06:11.062
- Of "holy days."
- 00:06:11.062 --> 00:06:13.899
- You're getting those breaks in your schedule and days off work
- 00:06:13.899 --> 00:06:16.601
- And days out of school because we are celebrating holy days.
- 00:06:16.601 --> 00:06:22.174
- So why, as the people of god, don't we bring an attitude
- 00:06:22.174 --> 00:06:25.043
- Of holiness to the holy days?
- 00:06:25.043 --> 00:06:28.580
- "well, i just don't like how secular it is."
- 00:06:28.580 --> 00:06:30.649
- Well, okay, just get your holy self on out there
- 00:06:30.649 --> 00:06:34.719
- To the holy days and be more helpful than you've ever been.
- 00:06:34.719 --> 00:06:42.127
- Number five: be available, primarily to the lord.
- 00:06:42.127 --> 00:06:46.731
- Be available to the lord.
- 00:06:46.731 --> 00:06:49.668
- I would--for the next few weeks, i would start every day saying,
- 00:06:49.668 --> 00:06:52.204
- "lord, i'm--whatever you have today,
- 00:06:52.204 --> 00:06:54.039
- I'm on assignment."
- 00:06:54.039 --> 00:06:56.107
- What would that look like?
- 00:06:56.107 --> 00:06:57.442
- Who do i know for whom an act of kindness would make
- 00:06:57.442 --> 00:07:00.045
- A big difference?
- 00:07:00.045 --> 00:07:02.347
- Who is it in my sphere of influence where a kind word
- 00:07:02.347 --> 00:07:04.282
- Could change the outcome of their day or their attitude
- 00:07:04.282 --> 00:07:07.953
- Or their holiday?
- 00:07:07.953 --> 00:07:09.788
- Be available.
- 00:07:09.788 --> 00:07:11.122
- And the last one on your be-attitudes list is
- 00:07:11.122 --> 00:07:12.958
- To be grateful.
- 00:07:12.958 --> 00:07:15.193
- Now, for some of us, it's not an easy time of the year.
- 00:07:15.193 --> 00:07:17.796
- We've had losses, we've had difficult things happen,
- 00:07:17.796 --> 00:07:20.532
- And oftentimes the end of the year is a reminder
- 00:07:20.532 --> 00:07:22.767
- Of some of those things or maybe your life isn't the way
- 00:07:22.767 --> 00:07:26.137
- You would like it to be.
- 00:07:26.137 --> 00:07:28.707
- You know, maybe the kids aren't coming home or maybe
- 00:07:28.707 --> 00:07:30.842
- The kids are coming home or-- everybody brings joy,
- 00:07:30.842 --> 00:07:38.550
- Some with their arrival and some with their departure,
- 00:07:38.550 --> 00:07:41.152
- But everybody brings joy.
- 00:07:41.152 --> 00:07:43.021
- You know, maybe the grandkids aren't available
- 00:07:46.091 --> 00:07:47.759
- Or maybe they're too available.
- 00:07:47.759 --> 00:07:49.261
- I mean, they're just--it's really easy to understand
- 00:07:49.261 --> 00:07:52.497
- Why you're unhappy and it's easy to get focused on that.
- 00:07:52.497 --> 00:07:56.801
- "well, it's not going the way i wanted it.
- 00:07:56.801 --> 00:07:58.203
- I'm not getting my way," or "they never include me
- 00:07:58.203 --> 00:08:00.939
- The way i wanna be included," or "i've been left off of this,
- 00:08:00.939 --> 00:08:03.542
- Or pushed out of that," or "i've been invited to too many,"
- 00:08:03.542 --> 00:08:06.211
- Or "there's--" whatever.
- 00:08:06.211 --> 00:08:08.713
- Just determine at the beginning of the holiday season,
- 00:08:08.713 --> 00:08:11.550
- "i am going to be grateful.
- 00:08:11.550 --> 00:08:15.353
- Lord, i'm gonna worship you.
- 00:08:15.353 --> 00:08:17.956
- I'm gonna give thanks to you.
- 00:08:17.956 --> 00:08:20.659
- You are the one that i'm directing
- 00:08:20.659 --> 00:08:22.327
- My thankful attitude towards.
- 00:08:22.327 --> 00:08:24.095
- You're the one that sent your son to change my life in time
- 00:08:24.095 --> 00:08:27.432
- And eternity."
- 00:08:27.432 --> 00:08:29.601
- There's no circumstance.
- 00:08:29.601 --> 00:08:31.336
- "the christmas trees are more expensive."
- 00:08:31.336 --> 00:08:32.737
- I'm not gonna stop worshiping the lord because
- 00:08:32.737 --> 00:08:36.441
- The knuckleheads have inflated what things cost
- 00:08:36.441 --> 00:08:40.312
- And then tell me it's my imagination.
- 00:08:40.312 --> 00:08:44.282
- Apparently, i have a very active imagination.
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- I actually built these from scripture
- 00:08:52.557 --> 00:08:55.560
- But i'm not gonna walk you through all the verses.
- 00:08:55.560 --> 00:08:57.495
- 1 peter 3 says: "in your hearts set apart christ as lord.
- 00:08:57.495 --> 00:09:03.401
- Always be prepared to give an answer to everyone
- 00:09:03.401 --> 00:09:06.204
- Who asks you to give the reason for the hope that you have."
- 00:09:06.204 --> 00:09:09.708
- Always be prepared.
- 00:09:09.708 --> 00:09:11.943
- Okay, for the next few weeks, be prepared.
- 00:09:11.943 --> 00:09:15.413
- I'm gonna give you some tools, i'm gonna offer
- 00:09:15.413 --> 00:09:16.848
- Some suggestions, i'm gonna bundle up some prayers
- 00:09:16.848 --> 00:09:18.683
- And send 'em with you and you can put 'em in your phone.
- 00:09:18.683 --> 00:09:21.586
- Take a picture of your outline.
- 00:09:21.586 --> 00:09:23.288
- I'll direct you towards some tools where you can--
- 00:09:23.288 --> 00:09:25.056
- I mean, we will give you some things to choose from,
- 00:09:25.056 --> 00:09:28.293
- But you have to decide to be prepared.
- 00:09:28.293 --> 00:09:32.397
- It's too late to be in the moment and go,
- 00:09:32.397 --> 00:09:34.199
- "wait, what did he say?
- 00:09:34.199 --> 00:09:35.533
- And when was that?
- 00:09:35.533 --> 00:09:36.868
- And what was i supposed to do?"
- 00:09:36.868 --> 00:09:38.603
- That's not preparation.
- 00:09:38.603 --> 00:09:41.873
- Be prepared to give a reason for why you have hope.
- 00:09:41.873 --> 00:09:46.277
- Stop being part of the choir of complaining.
- 00:09:46.277 --> 00:09:50.982
- There's enough negative voices.
- 00:09:50.982 --> 00:09:54.753
- You know why they can take-- some of the--
- 00:09:54.753 --> 00:09:57.288
- Our elite universities can take some
- 00:09:57.288 --> 00:10:00.191
- Of our at least higher-scoring students and motivate them
- 00:10:00.191 --> 00:10:05.096
- On behalf of antisemitism?
- 00:10:05.096 --> 00:10:06.865
- Because for generations now, we've been coaching young people
- 00:10:06.865 --> 00:10:09.267
- To hate our country.
- 00:10:09.267 --> 00:10:11.870
- How about you use your holiday to tell--teach everybody
- 00:10:11.870 --> 00:10:13.872
- That's within earshot of you why you love this place?
- 00:10:13.872 --> 00:10:19.477
- You say, "well, everybody wouldn't like that."
- 00:10:19.477 --> 00:10:23.381
- Ephesians chapter 5 takes us into a little bigger picture,
- 00:10:27.585 --> 00:10:31.423
- Really the heart of this issue, i think.
- 00:10:31.423 --> 00:10:34.459
- "to be imitators of god, as dearly loved children and
- 00:10:34.459 --> 00:10:38.430
- Live a life of love, just as christ loved us and gave himself
- 00:10:38.430 --> 00:10:42.367
- Up for us as a fragrant offering and a sacrifice to god."
- 00:10:42.367 --> 00:10:49.541
- This is part of a much larger conversation that started
- 00:10:49.541 --> 00:10:52.077
- In chapter 4, but for the sake of brevity,
- 00:10:52.077 --> 00:10:55.547
- This is really kind of the summary component.
- 00:10:55.547 --> 00:10:58.416
- And the instruction is to be an imitator of god
- 00:10:58.416 --> 00:11:00.719
- And live a life of love, just as christ loved us.
- 00:11:00.719 --> 00:11:05.323
- It's a message that has been dominant in contemporary
- 00:11:05.323 --> 00:11:08.693
- Evangelicalism in our nation.
- 00:11:08.693 --> 00:11:11.596
- I'm an advocate for that.
- 00:11:11.596 --> 00:11:14.199
- I believe in the love of god.
- 00:11:14.199 --> 00:11:16.768
- I believe we have to give expression to the love of god.
- 00:11:16.768 --> 00:11:20.338
- But it's confusing this time of the year because,
- 00:11:20.338 --> 00:11:22.507
- As we gather with families and friends,
- 00:11:22.507 --> 00:11:24.375
- It's not easy always to know how to do that
- 00:11:24.375 --> 00:11:29.013
- Because we are all works in progress.
- 00:11:29.013 --> 00:11:32.350
- And when we gather, what does that look like?
- 00:11:32.350 --> 00:11:36.454
- It's not an easy question.
- 00:11:36.454 --> 00:11:39.090
- And i think this passage is very insightful.
- 00:11:39.090 --> 00:11:41.159
- It begins with this fundamental notion
- 00:11:41.159 --> 00:11:43.661
- To live a life of love as christ loved us.
- 00:11:43.661 --> 00:11:47.699
- And then in verse 3 it says: "but among you
- 00:11:47.699 --> 00:11:49.868
- There must not even be a hint of sexual immorality,
- 00:11:49.868 --> 00:11:55.640
- Or any kind of impurity, or of greed,
- 00:11:55.640 --> 00:11:58.977
- Because these are improper for god's holy people."
- 00:11:58.977 --> 00:12:03.214
- It's a thought.
- 00:12:03.214 --> 00:12:04.549
- He said, "listen, amongst the people of god
- 00:12:04.549 --> 00:12:08.153
- There shouldn't even be a hint of immorality
- 00:12:08.153 --> 00:12:11.389
- Or any kind of impurity or greed.
- 00:12:11.389 --> 00:12:15.426
- It's just not appropriate for god's people.
- 00:12:15.426 --> 00:12:19.364
- And the next sentence is if he-- his mind is running
- 00:12:19.364 --> 00:12:22.500
- And he says, "well, wait a minute," he said,
- 00:12:22.500 --> 00:12:25.336
- "in fact, there shouldn't be any obscenity or foolish talk
- 00:12:25.336 --> 00:12:30.074
- Or coarse joking, those are out of place,
- 00:12:30.074 --> 00:12:33.978
- But rather thanksgiving.
- 00:12:33.978 --> 00:12:37.115
- For of this you can be sure."
- 00:12:37.115 --> 00:12:38.650
- It's just like once he started pulling this thread,
- 00:12:38.650 --> 00:12:40.652
- He said, "of this you can be sure:
- 00:12:40.652 --> 00:12:42.153
- No immoral, impure or greedy person--
- 00:12:42.153 --> 00:12:45.423
- Such a person is an idolater--
- 00:12:45.423 --> 00:12:47.125
- Has any inheritance
- 00:12:47.125 --> 00:12:48.459
- In the kingdom of christ and of god."
- 00:12:48.459 --> 00:12:52.030
- Now, all of that's in the context
- 00:12:52.030 --> 00:12:53.832
- Of living a life of love.
- 00:12:53.832 --> 00:12:57.735
- He said, "among you, these things just can't happen.
- 00:12:57.735 --> 00:13:02.807
- There's no room for them.
- 00:13:02.807 --> 00:13:04.142
- There's no place for them.
- 00:13:04.142 --> 00:13:05.476
- It's not love to make room for them."
- 00:13:05.476 --> 00:13:08.146
- And then he tells us why in the next sentence:
- 00:13:08.146 --> 00:13:10.348
- "let no one deceive you with empty words," [clearing throat]
- 00:13:10.348 --> 00:13:14.285
- Excuse me, "for because of such things
- 00:13:14.285 --> 00:13:17.055
- God's wrath comes on those who are disobedient.
- 00:13:17.055 --> 00:13:21.392
- Therefore don't be partners with them."
- 00:13:21.392 --> 00:13:24.162
- A more literal translation says: "have nothing to do with them."
- 00:13:24.162 --> 00:13:29.100
- So we have this rather stark presentation.
- 00:13:29.100 --> 00:13:33.104
- It says: "be imitators of god and live a life of love."
- 00:13:33.104 --> 00:13:38.209
- Okay, but then we're given some definition
- 00:13:38.209 --> 00:13:40.378
- On what that looks like.
- 00:13:40.378 --> 00:13:42.513
- He said, "among you, there's a distinction between people
- 00:13:42.513 --> 00:13:46.084
- Who intend to honor god and people who don't."
- 00:13:46.084 --> 00:13:50.421
- When you're with people who have no intention of honoring god,
- 00:13:50.421 --> 00:13:53.024
- The ground rules are different.
- 00:13:53.024 --> 00:13:56.694
- I think we understand we have to be a light in those places,
- 00:13:56.694 --> 00:14:00.465
- That there may be conversations that we don't enter into.
- 00:14:00.465 --> 00:14:03.001
- There may be humor that's expressed
- 00:14:04.502 --> 00:14:06.104
- That we choose not to engage with.
- 00:14:06.104 --> 00:14:10.308
- There may be behaviors or activities or whatever
- 00:14:10.308 --> 00:14:12.343
- And we have reason to say, "listen, you know,
- 00:14:12.343 --> 00:14:14.512
- My faith kind of leaves me a little apart from that.
- 00:14:14.512 --> 00:14:17.849
- I'm happy to be your friend, i'll be around you,
- 00:14:17.849 --> 00:14:19.417
- But there's a fundamental difference in the authority
- 00:14:19.417 --> 00:14:22.687
- That i answer to."
- 00:14:22.687 --> 00:14:25.356
- I mean, after all, that's the verse we just read.
- 00:14:25.356 --> 00:14:26.991
- It said to be prepared to give an answer for the hope
- 00:14:26.991 --> 00:14:30.328
- That we have.
- 00:14:30.328 --> 00:14:33.331
- Among you, these things can't hurt,
- 00:14:33.331 --> 00:14:36.034
- But if we're with people who imagine themselves
- 00:14:36.034 --> 00:14:38.002
- To be godly and they are practicing ungodliness,
- 00:14:38.002 --> 00:14:45.510
- That's a different discussion altogether.
- 00:14:45.510 --> 00:14:48.246
- Not an easy one.
- 00:14:48.246 --> 00:14:51.082
- Not a comfortable one.
- 00:14:51.082 --> 00:14:53.351
- Doesn't mean that we have to turn our holidays
- 00:14:53.351 --> 00:14:55.219
- Into a theological debate.
- 00:14:55.219 --> 00:15:00.792
- We do have to understand the nature of the kingdom of god.
- 00:15:00.792 --> 00:15:04.295
- And if we care about the people that we're gathering with,
- 00:15:04.295 --> 00:15:06.531
- At the very least we wanna be prepared for those interactions
- 00:15:06.531 --> 00:15:09.133
- Because our interaction might be a component that brings
- 00:15:09.133 --> 00:15:12.236
- Some freedom and deliverance to them, if god were so merciful
- 00:15:12.236 --> 00:15:16.407
- As to choose to do that.
- 00:15:16.407 --> 00:15:19.177
- And paul ends this little passage with a warning.
- 00:15:19.177 --> 00:15:23.748
- He said: "let no one deceive you with empty words."
- 00:15:23.748 --> 00:15:28.886
- See, i think one of the things that we're facing
- 00:15:28.886 --> 00:15:30.421
- In the christian community is widespread deception.
- 00:15:30.421 --> 00:15:33.658
- ♪♪♪
- 00:15:33.658 --> 00:15:39.697
- Allen: i want to take just a moment to say thank you.
- 00:15:41.032 --> 00:15:43.534
- In a year of political turmoil and confusion and wars and
- 00:15:43.534 --> 00:15:47.271
- Rumors of wars, because of your partnership,
- 00:15:47.271 --> 00:15:49.874
- Your generosity, your prayers, your encouragement,
- 00:15:49.874 --> 00:15:53.044
- We have done more for the gospel than any year
- 00:15:53.044 --> 00:15:55.546
- In our ministry so far.
- 00:15:55.546 --> 00:15:56.881
- We started a whole new genre of programing.
- 00:15:56.881 --> 00:15:59.283
- Allen jackson now does a daily review of headlines
- 00:15:59.283 --> 00:16:01.986
- From a biblical worldview.
- 00:16:01.986 --> 00:16:03.788
- We've started a new podcast, "culture & christianity," to
- 00:16:03.788 --> 00:16:06.224
- Help stabilize god's people in the midst of all the confusion.
- 00:16:06.224 --> 00:16:10.428
- All of that because of your faithfulness,
- 00:16:10.428 --> 00:16:12.263
- Your generosity, your prayers.
- 00:16:12.263 --> 00:16:13.931
- Thank you so much.
- 00:16:13.931 --> 00:16:15.633
- As we come to the end of this year, i want to ask
- 00:16:15.633 --> 00:16:17.368
- You to prayerfully consider making a sacrificial
- 00:16:17.368 --> 00:16:19.904
- Investment in what's next.
- 00:16:19.904 --> 00:16:22.607
- We want to take those programs, share them in new
- 00:16:22.607 --> 00:16:24.909
- Places with more people.
- 00:16:24.909 --> 00:16:27.045
- We want to continue to be creative in how we share the
- 00:16:27.045 --> 00:16:29.847
- Good news of jesus christ.
- 00:16:29.847 --> 00:16:31.983
- A generous partner makes it possible.
- 00:16:31.983 --> 00:16:33.684
- Every gift you give will be matched.
- 00:16:33.684 --> 00:16:35.319
- It doubles your gift between now and the end of the year.
- 00:16:35.319 --> 00:16:38.089
- Let me thank you in advance for what we've been doing and what
- 00:16:38.089 --> 00:16:40.625
- God's going to do with our lives and our partnership
- 00:16:40.625 --> 00:16:43.494
- Together in 2025.
- 00:16:43.494 --> 00:16:45.763
- Thank you and god bless you.
- 00:16:45.763 --> 00:16:48.199
- Female announcer: god is moving in major ways in the
- 00:16:48.199 --> 00:16:50.301
- Ministry and our world.
- 00:16:50.301 --> 00:16:52.837
- As we watched the 2024 election unfold,
- 00:16:52.837 --> 00:16:55.706
- We witnessed a miracle.
- 00:16:55.706 --> 00:16:57.742
- God has heard our prayers.
- 00:16:57.742 --> 00:16:59.844
- He has shown us his mercy.
- 00:16:59.844 --> 00:17:02.080
- We're entering a new era with new leaders,
- 00:17:02.080 --> 00:17:05.149
- But it's not a time to rest.
- 00:17:05.149 --> 00:17:07.351
- Our assignment hasn't changed.
- 00:17:07.351 --> 00:17:09.387
- In fact, it's as urgent as ever.
- 00:17:09.387 --> 00:17:12.423
- You and i have been set apart by god for his purposes,
- 00:17:12.423 --> 00:17:15.660
- And there's a lot for us to do.
- 00:17:15.660 --> 00:17:18.129
- Allen: i believe when god shows you mercy,
- 00:17:18.129 --> 00:17:22.433
- He gives with it an opportunity.
- 00:17:22.433 --> 00:17:25.203
- I want us to quietly say to the lord, "here am i.
- 00:17:25.203 --> 00:17:34.946
- Let me go.
- 00:17:34.946 --> 00:17:37.381
- Let me go back to where i work in the name of jesus.
- 00:17:37.381 --> 00:17:41.252
- Let me go back into my neighborhood
- 00:17:41.252 --> 00:17:42.887
- In the name of jesus."
- 00:17:42.887 --> 00:17:45.356
- God himself has shown us grace, and it will require of us
- 00:17:45.356 --> 00:17:53.297
- Greater strength and greater courage than we have ever had to
- 00:17:53.297 --> 00:17:57.335
- Attach to our faith before.
- 00:17:57.335 --> 00:18:01.105
- Let's go. let's go.
- 00:18:01.105 --> 00:18:04.842
- Announcer: let's set our hearts on preparing for what's
- 00:18:04.842 --> 00:18:06.878
- Next with pastor allen's brand-new 90-day devotional
- 00:18:06.878 --> 00:18:10.548
- Called "set apart for his purposes."
- 00:18:10.548 --> 00:18:13.751
- It will help us seek god so we can recognize his voice and
- 00:18:13.751 --> 00:18:16.787
- Consistently choose to follow him.
- 00:18:16.787 --> 00:18:18.990
- Each day includes scripture, a short teaching,
- 00:18:18.990 --> 00:18:21.292
- And a prayer, followed by a journaling prompt and room
- 00:18:21.292 --> 00:18:24.529
- To write and reflect.
- 00:18:24.529 --> 00:18:26.264
- Let's get ready for the season ahead.
- 00:18:26.264 --> 00:18:28.533
- Request your copy of "set apart for his purposes" when you
- 00:18:28.533 --> 00:18:31.369
- Donate $50 or more today at or by calling
- 00:18:31.369 --> 00:18:35.706
- ...
- 00:18:35.706 --> 00:18:39.310
- Allen: we act as if god really doesn't have an opinion
- 00:18:41.145 --> 00:18:44.448
- And if he does, then my opinion is just as significant as his.
- 00:18:44.448 --> 00:18:49.687
- And that is not a biblical attitude.
- 00:18:49.687 --> 00:18:53.958
- God establishes truth.
- 00:18:53.958 --> 00:18:56.994
- God establishes right and wrong.
- 00:18:56.994 --> 00:18:59.130
- Look at 2 corinthians 5 and verse 19.
- 00:18:59.130 --> 00:19:01.165
- It says: "he's committed to us the message of reconciliation.
- 00:19:01.165 --> 00:19:04.702
- We are therefore christ's ambassadors,
- 00:19:04.702 --> 00:19:07.071
- As though god were making his appeal through us."
- 00:19:07.071 --> 00:19:09.907
- In all these places we're gonna be for these next few weeks,
- 00:19:09.907 --> 00:19:12.376
- We're going as ambassadors for the kingdom of god.
- 00:19:12.376 --> 00:19:16.013
- There's gonna be a god appeal made through our lives.
- 00:19:16.013 --> 00:19:19.784
- "well, really, pastor, all i wanted to do was take dessert."
- 00:19:19.784 --> 00:19:22.320
- God's making an appeal through us.
- 00:19:26.123 --> 00:19:28.259
- There are some things you and i can do to prepare
- 00:19:28.259 --> 00:19:31.963
- Because i think this needs some pretty practical coaching
- 00:19:31.963 --> 00:19:35.633
- 'cause i interact with enough of you, and you come to me
- 00:19:35.633 --> 00:19:37.568
- With your personal circumstances and the individual stories
- 00:19:37.568 --> 00:19:40.171
- And we can't do this on a one-on-one basis,
- 00:19:40.171 --> 00:19:43.674
- But there are some things we can do to prepare.
- 00:19:43.674 --> 00:19:45.910
- We have to respect authority.
- 00:19:45.910 --> 00:19:47.612
- If we're going into someone else's home
- 00:19:48.913 --> 00:19:51.449
- Or someone other's-- it's another environment
- 00:19:51.449 --> 00:19:53.651
- And we are entering as a guest, our role is different.
- 00:19:53.651 --> 00:19:59.590
- So as much as i would love for you to begin a holiday meal
- 00:19:59.590 --> 00:20:01.692
- With a prayer, if you're a guest in that setting it's really
- 00:20:01.692 --> 00:20:03.861
- Not appropriate to climb up on the table and say,
- 00:20:03.861 --> 00:20:07.331
- "i'm here as an ambassador for the kingdom of god.
- 00:20:07.331 --> 00:20:11.535
- And buckle up 'cause i'm about to drop the word of the lord
- 00:20:11.535 --> 00:20:15.206
- Upon you."
- 00:20:15.206 --> 00:20:21.145
- You don't have that authority unless you've been invited.
- 00:20:21.145 --> 00:20:27.351
- If it's a group of people and you'd like to bless the food
- 00:20:27.351 --> 00:20:29.820
- Or you'd like to have a prayer, it would be appropriate to ask
- 00:20:29.820 --> 00:20:32.790
- Permission in a private setting, not at the table
- 00:20:32.790 --> 00:20:36.427
- When there's no gracious way for them to say,
- 00:20:36.427 --> 00:20:38.296
- "no, i think you're crazy."
- 00:20:38.296 --> 00:20:40.231
- Be respectful of the authority that you're under.
- 00:20:41.999 --> 00:20:47.772
- That doesn't mean you submit to evil.
- 00:20:47.772 --> 00:20:50.641
- That's another discussion.
- 00:20:50.641 --> 00:20:51.976
- We'll do that in another series.
- 00:20:51.976 --> 00:20:54.712
- There's a second component of preparation.
- 00:20:54.712 --> 00:20:56.314
- There are settings in which you'll gather
- 00:20:56.314 --> 00:20:58.649
- This holiday season where you will be the primary authority.
- 00:20:58.649 --> 00:21:02.520
- If it's your home and it's your table,
- 00:21:03.421 --> 00:21:05.089
- You have the authority to offer a prayer.
- 00:21:05.089 --> 00:21:09.493
- If it's your gathering, if you're the one
- 00:21:09.493 --> 00:21:11.929
- That extended the invitation, the nature of that gathering
- 00:21:11.929 --> 00:21:15.333
- Reflects your values and your views and your hopes
- 00:21:15.333 --> 00:21:18.769
- And your dreams and your aspirations.
- 00:21:18.769 --> 00:21:21.872
- Are you honoring the lord?
- 00:21:21.872 --> 00:21:24.775
- Are you creating an environment and a series of interactions
- 00:21:24.775 --> 00:21:27.712
- That represent the faith that you want to display?
- 00:21:27.712 --> 00:21:33.818
- There's a third component of preparation
- 00:21:33.818 --> 00:21:35.653
- And i would encourage you to prepare prayerfully
- 00:21:35.653 --> 00:21:38.622
- For every one of these holiday opportunities
- 00:21:38.622 --> 00:21:40.758
- That you will have.
- 00:21:40.758 --> 00:21:42.993
- Spend a little time talking to the lord about it,
- 00:21:42.993 --> 00:21:44.862
- Listening to the lord about it.
- 00:21:44.862 --> 00:21:47.465
- There may be people that you're gonna gather with
- 00:21:47.465 --> 00:21:49.400
- And you think they need to hear a word from god,
- 00:21:49.400 --> 00:21:51.669
- And god may have somebody else entirely that he thinks needs
- 00:21:51.669 --> 00:21:54.505
- A note of encouragement.
- 00:21:54.505 --> 00:21:57.475
- Spend some time prayerfully preparing.
- 00:21:57.475 --> 00:21:59.510
- You say, "well, i don't know how to do that.
- 00:21:59.510 --> 00:22:01.545
- I'm not one of those goofy prayer people."
- 00:22:01.545 --> 00:22:04.081
- Oh, you are.
- 00:22:04.081 --> 00:22:06.317
- You're listening to a church service on a saturday night.
- 00:22:06.317 --> 00:22:08.552
- That makes you goofy.
- 00:22:08.552 --> 00:22:11.722
- I'm not suggesting anything any more bizarre than say,
- 00:22:11.722 --> 00:22:13.991
- "lord, before i gather with my family or my friends,"
- 00:22:13.991 --> 00:22:16.961
- For whatever the activity is or whatever the event is,
- 00:22:16.961 --> 00:22:21.265
- "i'd like to ask you to be there."
- 00:22:21.265 --> 00:22:26.771
- It may be an office function or a school function
- 00:22:26.771 --> 00:22:28.973
- Or a neighborhood function.
- 00:22:28.973 --> 00:22:30.775
- It may not be an overtly christian thing,
- 00:22:30.775 --> 00:22:32.843
- But "father, i'd like to ask you to be there.
- 00:22:32.843 --> 00:22:36.147
- Rather than me just blend in or participate or be entertained
- 00:22:36.147 --> 00:22:40.017
- Or be entertaining, i would like to go on your behalf.
- 00:22:40.017 --> 00:22:47.691
- Is there any way i could do that, father,
- 00:22:47.691 --> 00:22:49.727
- And be an encouragement to someone or a help
- 00:22:49.727 --> 00:22:52.530
- To someone or serve someone or--
- 00:22:52.530 --> 00:22:56.567
- Could christ in me be visible enough
- 00:22:56.567 --> 00:22:58.202
- That you could trust me to send somebody to me with a question
- 00:22:58.202 --> 00:23:02.173
- Or i could offer a sentence prayer for them,
- 00:23:02.173 --> 00:23:04.208
- I could have a 'let's pray' moment in the middle of that?"
- 00:23:04.208 --> 00:23:07.077
- See, you can do that.
- 00:23:07.077 --> 00:23:10.080
- None of those prayers or ideas are beyond you.
- 00:23:10.080 --> 00:23:12.383
- They don't require greek or hebrew,
- 00:23:12.383 --> 00:23:15.519
- You don't have to feel spiritual or holy.
- 00:23:15.519 --> 00:23:18.522
- What you have to have is the intent.
- 00:23:18.522 --> 00:23:21.358
- We go back to our be-attitudes for the holidays.
- 00:23:21.358 --> 00:23:24.395
- So a little intercession.
- 00:23:26.163 --> 00:23:28.532
- Intercession means you're praying for someone other
- 00:23:28.532 --> 00:23:30.334
- Than yourself.
- 00:23:30.334 --> 00:23:32.369
- See, this is the time of year we get so wrapped up in
- 00:23:32.369 --> 00:23:34.171
- What i want, and how i want it to go, and who i wanna be with,
- 00:23:34.171 --> 00:23:36.974
- And what i wanna do for this person,
- 00:23:36.974 --> 00:23:38.709
- And what i want done for me, and how i want this to go,
- 00:23:38.709 --> 00:23:42.346
- And then life starts happening, and we get torqued.
- 00:23:42.346 --> 00:23:44.882
- "it's not the way i wanted it."
- 00:23:45.783 --> 00:23:47.218
- Okay, i got that.
- 00:23:47.218 --> 00:23:48.819
- Me too.
- 00:23:50.354 --> 00:23:52.423
- But let's not surrender.
- 00:23:52.423 --> 00:23:54.725
- Let's walk into this holiday season with a purposefulness
- 00:23:54.725 --> 00:23:57.661
- And an intentionality and a determination
- 00:23:57.661 --> 00:24:00.798
- To make a difference for the kingdom of god.
- 00:24:00.798 --> 00:24:04.335
- Have a plan, an objective.
- 00:24:04.335 --> 00:24:07.104
- You can do this as a family.
- 00:24:07.104 --> 00:24:10.541
- Years ago, when i--my brothers and i were still at home,
- 00:24:10.541 --> 00:24:14.278
- My brothers had a classmate.
- 00:24:14.278 --> 00:24:15.846
- They went to a different school than i did.
- 00:24:15.846 --> 00:24:18.215
- I was special.
- 00:24:18.215 --> 00:24:20.284
- Not in the best sense of the word.
- 00:24:23.087 --> 00:24:25.890
- But they had a classmate who was battling an ill--
- 00:24:25.890 --> 00:24:28.926
- He had a brain tumor and his family weren't church people.
- 00:24:28.926 --> 00:24:34.431
- And we knew them through the horse business,
- 00:24:34.431 --> 00:24:36.567
- So we interacted with them and we had connections with them.
- 00:24:36.567 --> 00:24:39.403
- And i remember the holiday.
- 00:24:39.403 --> 00:24:41.338
- We had a plan.
- 00:24:41.338 --> 00:24:42.673
- We were gonna invite the young man
- 00:24:42.673 --> 00:24:44.008
- To come spend an afternoon with us.
- 00:24:44.008 --> 00:24:47.011
- And the friendships were in place that made
- 00:24:47.011 --> 00:24:48.846
- That appropriate but we had a discussion,
- 00:24:48.846 --> 00:24:50.648
- I remember my parents got us together and said,
- 00:24:50.648 --> 00:24:52.483
- "listen, we're not gonna let this young man leave
- 00:24:52.483 --> 00:24:54.818
- Our house without talking to him about eternity."
- 00:24:54.818 --> 00:24:59.189
- And so, the christmas story became a part of the afternoon
- 00:24:59.189 --> 00:25:01.559
- And why jesus came became a part of the afternoon.
- 00:25:01.559 --> 00:25:05.129
- And we prayed together as a-- and we weren't in the habit
- 00:25:05.129 --> 00:25:07.731
- Of getting--well, there were three boys in our house.
- 00:25:07.731 --> 00:25:10.334
- There were many things we would do in the afternoon,
- 00:25:10.334 --> 00:25:12.202
- But getting together for prayer with our friend
- 00:25:12.202 --> 00:25:13.904
- Was not one of them.
- 00:25:13.904 --> 00:25:16.340
- But that day, we understood we had an assignment.
- 00:25:16.340 --> 00:25:20.611
- And that wasn't all we did that christmas.
- 00:25:20.611 --> 00:25:23.480
- Wasn't the only thing we did, but there was an expression
- 00:25:23.480 --> 00:25:25.983
- Of intentionality in the midst of that.
- 00:25:25.983 --> 00:25:28.185
- Please don't let these next few weeks go past without you being
- 00:25:28.185 --> 00:25:31.455
- Purposeful about your faith.
- 00:25:31.455 --> 00:25:35.159
- See, we have to--we have to demonstrate that
- 00:25:35.159 --> 00:25:37.962
- We're trustworthy to the lord, that his purposes matter to us,
- 00:25:37.962 --> 00:25:44.969
- That the people that he puts around us are important enough
- 00:25:44.969 --> 00:25:48.005
- To us that we're willing to climb over
- 00:25:48.005 --> 00:25:50.307
- Some of those awkward moments.
- 00:25:50.307 --> 00:25:51.742
- I would have never done that at that point in my life
- 00:25:51.742 --> 00:25:53.410
- Without parental threats.
- 00:25:53.410 --> 00:25:55.546
- I wasn't that comfortable with my faith.
- 00:25:59.450 --> 00:26:03.954
- I was intimidated by people with life-threatening diseases.
- 00:26:03.954 --> 00:26:08.425
- That young man went to heaven and i understand it may be
- 00:26:08.425 --> 00:26:15.299
- A little beyond what you're comfortable with or--
- 00:26:15.299 --> 00:26:17.935
- But it's worth it.
- 00:26:17.935 --> 00:26:19.570
- If you'll allow me and i mean this as respectfully as i can,
- 00:26:19.570 --> 00:26:22.640
- It's not about you.
- 00:26:22.640 --> 00:26:24.508
- It really isn't.
- 00:26:26.577 --> 00:26:28.746
- We're on an assignment and if i can add to that
- 00:26:28.746 --> 00:26:30.414
- One more phrase without being overly offensive,
- 00:26:30.414 --> 00:26:32.983
- Don't be weird.
- 00:26:32.983 --> 00:26:34.518
- Spiritual is not weird.
- 00:26:35.386 --> 00:26:37.655
- Allen: our most important preparation
- 00:26:38.822 --> 00:26:40.157
- For the holidays is our self-preparation.
- 00:26:40.157 --> 00:26:42.593
- Let's ask the lord to give us a heart in the right place
- 00:26:42.593 --> 00:26:45.529
- Before we begin those gatherings.
- 00:26:45.529 --> 00:26:47.731
- Let's pray.
- 00:26:47.731 --> 00:26:49.133
- Father, i thank you that you love us,
- 00:26:49.133 --> 00:26:50.467
- That you have forgiven us, and i pray as we prepare
- 00:26:50.467 --> 00:26:53.504
- Ourselves to gather with friends and families that we will go,
- 00:26:53.504 --> 00:26:56.173
- Filled with your grace and your love and your mercy.
- 00:26:56.173 --> 00:26:59.543
- I thank you for that and for your goodness to us,
- 00:26:59.543 --> 00:27:01.879
- In jesus's name, amen.
- 00:27:01.879 --> 00:27:03.947
- God bless you.
- 00:27:03.947 --> 00:27:05.282
- Enjoy the holiday.
- 00:27:05.282 --> 00:27:06.617
- ♪♪♪
- 00:27:06.617 --> 00:27:26.336