Pastor Allen Jackson's mission is to help people become fully devoted followers of Jesus Christ.
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Allen Jackson Ministries | Allen Jackson - Seasons of Change (Part 2) | December 18, 2024
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- Allen jackson: galatians 1, "i'm astonished that you
- 00:00:07.356 --> 00:00:09.525
- Are,"--again, this is not unique to us.
- 00:00:09.525 --> 00:00:12.227
- It wasn't unique to just one church, it wasn't unique to the
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- Corinthian church or the church at thessaloniki.
- 00:00:14.930 --> 00:00:18.100
- It's a persistent problem against the communities of faith
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- In our new testament.
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- There--they have been coached, encouraged, discipled by people
- 00:00:22.204 --> 00:00:27.676
- Who knew the lord personally.
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- They had really good beginnings.
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- Paul writes in galatians 1, "i'm astonished that you're so
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- Quickly deserting the one who called you by the grace of
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- Christ and are turning to a different gospel."
- 00:00:37.486 --> 00:00:40.456
- We have a world filled with alternative gospels,
- 00:00:40.456 --> 00:00:43.792
- Social gospels.
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- We do good things.
- 00:00:45.627 --> 00:00:47.129
- We're kind and generous and benevolent.
- 00:00:47.129 --> 00:00:49.498
- We're civic clubs, but we don't judge anybody so we don't bring
- 00:00:49.498 --> 00:00:53.202
- Any moral perspectives forward.
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- We don't talk about things like right and wrong, good or evil.
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- We study the culture of the first century.
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- We studiously avoid the culture of the 21st century.
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- We have liberation theology.
- 00:01:05.614 --> 00:01:07.249
- It's a real thing.
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- It's a real thing in theology schools.
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- Prevalent, initially in south america with a strong
- 00:01:11.687 --> 00:01:14.056
- Marxist orientation.
- 00:01:14.056 --> 00:01:15.524
- It's more about class warfare than it is the transformation of
- 00:01:15.524 --> 00:01:19.328
- The gospel.
- 00:01:19.328 --> 00:01:22.297
- 2 thessalonians 2, "don't let anyone deceive you in any way."
- 00:01:22.297 --> 00:01:25.267
- If the bible warns you about deception, understand this, you
- 00:01:25.267 --> 00:01:28.504
- Are uniquely vulnerable.
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- If you don't believe you can be deceived, you already are.
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- "don't let anyone deceive you in any way, for that day will not
- 00:01:35.344 --> 00:01:37.980
- Come until the rebellion occurs."
- 00:01:37.980 --> 00:01:42.351
- The more literal translation for rebellion would be apostasy,
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- Apostasy means falling away.
- 00:01:45.854 --> 00:01:48.657
- He says, "that day can't come until the (falling away)
- 00:01:48.657 --> 00:01:50.959
- Occurs and the man of lawlessness is revealed," the
- 00:01:50.959 --> 00:01:54.563
- Antichrist, "the man doomed to destruction."
- 00:01:54.563 --> 00:01:57.166
- The antichrist won't emerge until there's an enormous change
- 00:01:57.166 --> 00:02:01.270
- Amongst the people of faith.
- 00:02:01.270 --> 00:02:04.740
- We're watching things we've never seen before.
- 00:02:04.740 --> 00:02:06.508
- Our children are targeted without shame or embarrassment.
- 00:02:06.508 --> 00:02:10.946
- Targeted for abortion.
- 00:02:10.946 --> 00:02:12.314
- They'll pull an abortion ban up in front of a national
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- Convention asking for leadership rights in our nation.
- 00:02:14.650 --> 00:02:20.722
- We see the gender confusion being taught to our children and
- 00:02:20.722 --> 00:02:25.027
- Health care professional's institutions saying that they're
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- A profit stream if we mutilate them.
- 00:02:27.930 --> 00:02:33.302
- They're being trafficked on our borders, sold into sexual
- 00:02:33.302 --> 00:02:37.472
- Slavery in unprecedented numbers.
- 00:02:37.472 --> 00:02:40.809
- And we are so blind or so bold as to say, "it's an expression
- 00:02:40.809 --> 00:02:45.714
- Of compassion to leave the border open."
- 00:02:45.714 --> 00:02:50.953
- Biblical values are being set aside and perverted.
- 00:02:50.953 --> 00:02:53.622
- Values around marriage, sexual morality, gender roles.
- 00:02:53.622 --> 00:02:57.359
- You know, we got to the place where men are competing in
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- Women's sports?
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- You know, we arrived in a place where culturally we're so blind
- 00:03:02.464 --> 00:03:05.467
- To that?
- 00:03:05.467 --> 00:03:06.868
- That for years, the church has not had the courage to talk
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- About biblical perspectives on gender roles.
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- That's another series, i'm not going there today.
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- I'll annoy you later.
- 00:03:18.847 --> 00:03:21.850
- But truthfully, it's the capitulation of the church on
- 00:03:21.850 --> 00:03:24.786
- The things the scripture handed us that allowed the culture to
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- Arrive at the point of such absurdity that even ungodly
- 00:03:27.923 --> 00:03:30.659
- People go, "now, wait a minute, something's wrong."
- 00:03:30.659 --> 00:03:36.231
- We've set aside values around the authority of scripture,
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- Around the gathering with god's people.
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- Now, we imagine we're in charge of that.
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- We choose.
- 00:03:45.107 --> 00:03:46.908
- The bible says, "don't abandon that.
- 00:03:46.908 --> 00:03:48.910
- Don't stop that."
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- That it's essential that we only reach maturity together.
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- It's true, you don't have to sit in a church building to be born
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- Again, but you're gonna need the people of god to grow up.
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- Matthew 24, jesus gives us a window in the midst of all this
- 00:04:03.458 --> 00:04:06.662
- Change and of the cataclysmic sweeping,
- 00:04:06.662 --> 00:04:09.631
- Realignment, re-imagination.
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- There's tremendous opportunities in it.
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- I've never had the privilege of serving with a more committed
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- Group of people than i do in these days.
- 00:04:16.972 --> 00:04:20.075
- I've never seen a group of people regularly present
- 00:04:20.075 --> 00:04:22.911
- Themselves with a heart to do the best they know for god, to
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- Make an impact for the kingdom of god than the current people
- 00:04:26.348 --> 00:04:29.251
- That i have the privilege of serving with in middle tennessee
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- And many beyond.
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- It's the greatest privilege of my life.
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- I've never seen anything quite like it.
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- I've also never seen the kind of opposition that we face today.
- 00:04:38.327 --> 00:04:42.264
- I've never seen the open censorship.
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- I've never seen the blatant expressions of immorality, the
- 00:04:44.766 --> 00:04:47.436
- Brazenness and the boldness in mocking the values that define a
- 00:04:47.436 --> 00:04:51.373
- Christian community.
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- I never imagined american--leading american
- 00:04:54.176 --> 00:04:58.046
- Corporations would mock and ridicule the christian faith.
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- We see both of those things happening at the same time.
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- I believe those two trends will increase.
- 00:05:05.220 --> 00:05:07.089
- You're gonna have to decide where you wanna fit.
- 00:05:07.089 --> 00:05:10.826
- Matthew 24, jesus gives us some insight.
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- He said, "you must be ready, because the son of man will come
- 00:05:13.328 --> 00:05:15.864
- In an hour when you don't expect him."
- 00:05:15.864 --> 00:05:19.267
- See, people get really heated up.
- 00:05:19.267 --> 00:05:20.602
- "you know, i think it's probably january."
- 00:05:20.602 --> 00:05:25.874
- And they've got a chart and they're favorite 11 authors.
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- And i'm like, "yeah, i see that," but jesus said, "i'm
- 00:05:33.849 --> 00:05:38.353
- Gonna come when you don't expect me."
- 00:05:38.353 --> 00:05:40.822
- Then he asked the question that's very relevant for all
- 00:05:40.822 --> 00:05:43.325
- Of us.
- 00:05:43.325 --> 00:05:44.659
- He said, "who then is a faithful and wise servant, whom the
- 00:05:44.659 --> 00:05:46.928
- Master has put in charge of the servants in his household to
- 00:05:46.928 --> 00:05:50.465
- Give them their food at the proper time?"
- 00:05:50.465 --> 00:05:53.201
- That's a question every one of us really needs to process
- 00:05:53.201 --> 00:05:55.837
- Privately, not publicly, not in a church building.
- 00:05:55.837 --> 00:05:58.874
- Who did jesus say a faithful and wise servant is?
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- I'm gonna give you an opinion, but i really would encourage you
- 00:06:03.812 --> 00:06:06.148
- To sort it out for yourself.
- 00:06:06.148 --> 00:06:07.516
- Don't accept my opinion.
- 00:06:07.516 --> 00:06:09.384
- "it will be good for that servant whose master finds him
- 00:06:09.384 --> 00:06:11.820
- Doing so when he returns.
- 00:06:11.820 --> 00:06:14.156
- I tell you the truth, he'll put him in charge of all of
- 00:06:14.156 --> 00:06:16.291
- His possessions."
- 00:06:16.291 --> 00:06:17.692
- That's the cabinet position you want, right there.
- 00:06:17.692 --> 00:06:21.096
- You want the king to say, "let me put you in charge of
- 00:06:21.096 --> 00:06:23.865
- Something significant."
- 00:06:23.865 --> 00:06:26.334
- I really don't care who overlooks me, who bypasses me,
- 00:06:26.334 --> 00:06:28.804
- Who diminishes me.
- 00:06:28.804 --> 00:06:30.806
- If the king says, "you are esteemed in what i'm doing,"
- 00:06:30.806 --> 00:06:35.877
- I'm good.
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- I didn't get there in a day.
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- I can't even tell you that on bad days, i can hold
- 00:06:40.715 --> 00:06:42.784
- That position.
- 00:06:42.784 --> 00:06:44.853
- But that is the determination, that's the intent of my life, is
- 00:06:44.853 --> 00:06:48.623
- To build that as deeply into myself as i can.
- 00:06:48.623 --> 00:06:53.094
- That the highest honor of my life is serving the lord.
- 00:06:53.094 --> 00:07:02.504
- I'm not telling you, i don't waiver.
- 00:07:02.504 --> 00:07:04.873
- I'm not telling you there aren't times when the people of god
- 00:07:04.873 --> 00:07:07.275
- Will cause me to pray.
- 00:07:07.275 --> 00:07:14.950
- I wanna give you one more piece of this.
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- When god is moving, when there's great change afoot, when there's
- 00:07:21.189 --> 00:07:24.926
- A lot happening, it's hard to know the appropriate response.
- 00:07:24.926 --> 00:07:30.499
- It takes a moment for the shifting to settle, to
- 00:07:30.499 --> 00:07:34.135
- Have clarity.
- 00:07:34.135 --> 00:07:35.470
- And often times decisions are remanded and--demanded and
- 00:07:35.470 --> 00:07:39.508
- Movement is necessary.
- 00:07:39.508 --> 00:07:40.842
- You can't just maintain you, you gotta go.
- 00:07:40.842 --> 00:07:43.745
- One of the most powerful responses that i'm aware of when
- 00:07:43.745 --> 00:07:49.651
- God is moving, is the power of gratitude.
- 00:07:49.651 --> 00:07:53.655
- I know it's thanksgiving week and you expect me to say that,
- 00:07:53.655 --> 00:07:58.159
- But i can tell you this, since this most recent election, there
- 00:07:58.159 --> 00:08:02.631
- Has been within me, the most deep-seated, genuinely felt,
- 00:08:02.631 --> 00:08:07.836
- Persistent, quiet, determined gratitude that i've ever known.
- 00:08:07.836 --> 00:08:17.512
- And to be candid, not primarily because of individuals that were
- 00:08:17.512 --> 00:08:21.182
- Elected all over the country, but because of the responses i
- 00:08:21.182 --> 00:08:25.220
- Saw in the hearts of people from coast to coast, and border to
- 00:08:25.220 --> 00:08:29.824
- Border against the messaging they were handed.
- 00:08:29.824 --> 00:08:32.627
- They said, "we need a different direction."
- 00:08:32.627 --> 00:08:39.768
- I think we would miss it completely to think it's about
- 00:08:39.768 --> 00:08:42.304
- An individual or a party.
- 00:08:42.304 --> 00:08:45.473
- I choose to believe it was 'cause there was a group of
- 00:08:45.473 --> 00:08:47.776
- People that said, "there's a set of values and principles that we
- 00:08:47.776 --> 00:08:52.180
- Don't see as broadly as we would like and we need change."
- 00:08:52.180 --> 00:08:57.085
- The only thing that i think could have made that possible is
- 00:08:57.085 --> 00:08:59.521
- God himself because we've had many elections in my lifetime.
- 00:08:59.521 --> 00:09:04.559
- I've had to come to the platform after many elections and say, "i
- 00:09:04.559 --> 00:09:09.130
- Don't really have words other than, 'we'll have to trust the
- 00:09:09.130 --> 00:09:11.800
- Mercy of god."'
- 00:09:11.800 --> 00:09:13.134
- And i think we've seen an expression of mercy but
- 00:09:13.134 --> 00:09:15.403
- Politicians aren't gonna fix us, folks.
- 00:09:15.403 --> 00:09:19.007
- So, i wanna invite you towards this attitude of being grateful.
- 00:09:19.007 --> 00:09:24.112
- Not for politicians and parties.
- 00:09:24.112 --> 00:09:26.481
- They're human beings, they will disappoint, they're gonna
- 00:09:26.481 --> 00:09:28.850
- Stumble, they're not gonna get it right.
- 00:09:28.850 --> 00:09:31.920
- ♪♪♪
- 00:09:31.920 --> 00:09:36.391
- Allen: i want to take just a moment to say thank you.
- 00:09:38.927 --> 00:09:41.429
- In a year of political turmoil and confusion and wars and
- 00:09:41.429 --> 00:09:45.166
- Rumors of wars, because of your partnership,
- 00:09:45.166 --> 00:09:47.769
- Your generosity, your prayers, your encouragement,
- 00:09:47.769 --> 00:09:50.939
- We have done more for the gospel than any year
- 00:09:50.939 --> 00:09:53.441
- In our ministry so far.
- 00:09:53.441 --> 00:09:54.776
- We started a whole new genre of programing.
- 00:09:54.776 --> 00:09:57.178
- "allen jackson now" does a daily review of headlines
- 00:09:57.178 --> 00:09:59.881
- From a biblical worldview.
- 00:09:59.881 --> 00:10:01.683
- We've started a new podcast, "culture & christianity," to
- 00:10:01.683 --> 00:10:04.119
- Help stabilize god's people in the midst of all the confusion.
- 00:10:04.119 --> 00:10:08.323
- All of that because of your faithfulness,
- 00:10:08.323 --> 00:10:10.158
- Your generosity, your prayers.
- 00:10:10.158 --> 00:10:11.826
- Thank you so much.
- 00:10:11.826 --> 00:10:13.528
- As we come to the end of this year, i want to ask
- 00:10:13.528 --> 00:10:15.263
- You to prayerfully consider making a sacrificial
- 00:10:15.263 --> 00:10:17.799
- Investment in what's next.
- 00:10:17.799 --> 00:10:20.502
- We want to take those programs, share them in new
- 00:10:20.502 --> 00:10:22.804
- Places with more people.
- 00:10:22.804 --> 00:10:24.939
- We want to continue to be creative in how we share the
- 00:10:24.939 --> 00:10:27.742
- Good news of jesus christ.
- 00:10:27.742 --> 00:10:29.878
- A generous partner makes it possible.
- 00:10:29.878 --> 00:10:31.579
- Every gift you give will be matched.
- 00:10:31.579 --> 00:10:33.214
- It doubles your gift between now and the end of the year.
- 00:10:33.214 --> 00:10:35.984
- Let me thank you in advance for what we've been doing and what
- 00:10:35.984 --> 00:10:38.520
- God's going to do with our lives and our partnership
- 00:10:38.520 --> 00:10:41.389
- Together in 2025.
- 00:10:41.389 --> 00:10:43.658
- Thank you and god bless you.
- 00:10:43.658 --> 00:10:46.094
- Female announcer: god is moving in major ways in the
- 00:10:46.094 --> 00:10:48.196
- Ministry and our world.
- 00:10:48.196 --> 00:10:50.732
- As we watched the 2024 election unfold,
- 00:10:50.732 --> 00:10:53.601
- We witnessed a miracle.
- 00:10:53.601 --> 00:10:55.637
- God has heard our prayers.
- 00:10:55.637 --> 00:10:57.739
- He has shown us his mercy.
- 00:10:57.739 --> 00:10:59.974
- We're entering a new era with new leaders,
- 00:10:59.974 --> 00:11:03.044
- But it's not a time to rest.
- 00:11:03.044 --> 00:11:05.246
- Our assignment hasn't changed.
- 00:11:05.246 --> 00:11:07.282
- In fact, it's as urgent as ever.
- 00:11:07.282 --> 00:11:10.318
- You and i have been set apart by god for his purposes,
- 00:11:10.318 --> 00:11:13.555
- And there's a lot for us to do.
- 00:11:13.555 --> 00:11:16.024
- Allen: i believe when god shows you mercy,
- 00:11:16.024 --> 00:11:20.328
- He gives with it an opportunity.
- 00:11:20.328 --> 00:11:23.098
- I want us to quietly say to the lord, "here am i.
- 00:11:23.098 --> 00:11:32.841
- Let me go.
- 00:11:32.841 --> 00:11:35.276
- Let me go back to where i work in the name of jesus.
- 00:11:35.276 --> 00:11:39.147
- Let me go back into my neighborhood
- 00:11:39.147 --> 00:11:40.782
- In the name of jesus."
- 00:11:40.782 --> 00:11:43.251
- God himself has shown us grace, and it will require of us
- 00:11:43.251 --> 00:11:51.192
- Greater strength and greater courage than we have ever had to
- 00:11:51.192 --> 00:11:55.230
- Attach to our faith before.
- 00:11:55.230 --> 00:11:59.000
- Let's go. let's go.
- 00:11:59.000 --> 00:12:02.737
- Announcer: let's set our hearts on preparing for what's
- 00:12:02.737 --> 00:12:04.773
- Next with pastor allen's brand-new 90-day devotional
- 00:12:04.773 --> 00:12:08.443
- Called "set apart for his purposes."
- 00:12:08.443 --> 00:12:11.646
- It will help us seek god so we can recognize his voice and
- 00:12:11.646 --> 00:12:14.682
- Consistently choose to follow him.
- 00:12:14.682 --> 00:12:16.885
- Each day includes scripture, a short teaching,
- 00:12:16.885 --> 00:12:19.187
- And a prayer, followed by a journaling prompt and room
- 00:12:19.187 --> 00:12:22.423
- To write and reflect.
- 00:12:22.423 --> 00:12:24.159
- Let's get ready for the season ahead.
- 00:12:24.159 --> 00:12:26.427
- Request your copy of "set apart for his purposes" when you
- 00:12:26.427 --> 00:12:29.264
- Donate $50 or more today at or by calling
- 00:12:29.264 --> 00:12:33.601
- ...
- 00:12:33.601 --> 00:12:37.205
- Allen: i've got an image inside of me.
- 00:12:39.374 --> 00:12:40.842
- My father for many years was a veterinarian.
- 00:12:40.842 --> 00:12:42.577
- I know you know that.
- 00:12:42.577 --> 00:12:43.945
- So, i've been around a lot of animals.
- 00:12:43.945 --> 00:12:46.781
- Horses and then dogs.
- 00:12:46.781 --> 00:12:49.517
- And then one of the things i still have this memory of is the
- 00:12:49.517 --> 00:12:52.720
- Growl of a dog.
- 00:12:52.720 --> 00:12:55.557
- You know, when my dad treated horses, you had to go over where
- 00:12:55.557 --> 00:12:57.992
- The horses were.
- 00:12:57.992 --> 00:12:59.360
- So, we would get out and it was not uncommon that you'd hop out,
- 00:12:59.360 --> 00:13:01.963
- Or you'd pull up in some farmer's driveway, or someplace
- 00:13:01.963 --> 00:13:04.699
- And their dog would be what would meet you.
- 00:13:04.699 --> 00:13:07.468
- And you had to make a decision from the cab of the truck, or
- 00:13:07.468 --> 00:13:10.071
- The seat of the car, if he was friend or foe.
- 00:13:10.071 --> 00:13:15.510
- Not always easy to tell.
- 00:13:15.510 --> 00:13:17.812
- Now, if your primary experience with a dog is on television, you
- 00:13:17.812 --> 00:13:20.815
- Don't understand.
- 00:13:20.815 --> 00:13:24.219
- And so, you tried to learn to read their--'cause they--most
- 00:13:24.219 --> 00:13:29.224
- Dogs don't speak southern.
- 00:13:29.224 --> 00:13:34.395
- And one of the markers was when a dog growled.
- 00:13:34.395 --> 00:13:38.733
- I don't mean teeth.
- 00:13:38.733 --> 00:13:40.101
- If they got their teeth barred and their--but you could have
- 00:13:40.101 --> 00:13:42.270
- A clue.
- 00:13:42.270 --> 00:13:44.572
- But there's something preliminary to that and it
- 00:13:44.572 --> 00:13:46.641
- Starts deep down within 'em.
- 00:13:46.641 --> 00:13:48.142
- It's where that thanksgiving in me has been in.
- 00:13:48.142 --> 00:13:50.945
- It hasn't been so verbal, it hasn't been loud, it's been a
- 00:13:50.945 --> 00:13:53.248
- Very quiet, persistent rumble of, "thank you.
- 00:13:53.248 --> 00:13:58.519
- You have been so good to us."
- 00:13:58.519 --> 00:14:01.522
- Not because who's going someplace, not because the
- 00:14:01.522 --> 00:14:04.392
- Office is going to be filled.
- 00:14:04.392 --> 00:14:05.860
- But the people who said, "god, we need to turn to you."
- 00:14:05.860 --> 00:14:11.132
- And i'm so grateful for that, that this idea of a growl is
- 00:14:11.132 --> 00:14:14.836
- What i've been living with.
- 00:14:14.836 --> 00:14:16.371
- You know, when a dog feels threatened or perceives a
- 00:14:16.371 --> 00:14:18.706
- Threat, there's an instinctive growl that arises.
- 00:14:18.706 --> 00:14:23.511
- You've never ever had that experience?
- 00:14:23.511 --> 00:14:24.879
- Let me help you, it's a warning to the unsuspecting.
- 00:14:24.879 --> 00:14:27.715
- If a dog's growling at you, hesitate.
- 00:14:27.715 --> 00:14:32.420
- Unless you're the trainer, then that's a different set
- 00:14:32.420 --> 00:14:34.522
- Of instructions.
- 00:14:34.522 --> 00:14:36.624
- If a dog's growling at you, it's a signal of life.
- 00:14:36.624 --> 00:14:40.595
- "i'm not inert, i'm aware."
- 00:14:40.595 --> 00:14:43.464
- It's a response to an approaching adversary.
- 00:14:43.464 --> 00:14:46.868
- It's a presentation of awareness.
- 00:14:46.868 --> 00:14:50.238
- They may look lethargic, but if you hear that growl, they're
- 00:14:50.238 --> 00:14:53.207
- Gonna move.
- 00:14:53.207 --> 00:14:56.611
- Here's my suggestion, when we perceive a threat to our well
- 00:14:56.611 --> 00:15:01.115
- Being, let's learn to respond with a growl of gratitude.
- 00:15:01.115 --> 00:15:10.191
- I'm not suggesting that you're about to bite.
- 00:15:10.191 --> 00:15:13.661
- I'm about--i'm suggesting that you're about to break out into
- 00:15:13.661 --> 00:15:16.364
- Full-blown thanksgiving.
- 00:15:16.364 --> 00:15:18.866
- But that you're gonna start with the deep, heartfelt, quiet sense
- 00:15:18.866 --> 00:15:23.805
- Of the lord has been really good to me.
- 00:15:23.805 --> 00:15:26.274
- He's blessed us.
- 00:15:26.274 --> 00:15:28.076
- The future isn't always crystal clear, but god has been good.
- 00:15:28.076 --> 00:15:32.613
- Psalm 31 and verse 19 says, "how great is your goodness, which
- 00:15:32.613 --> 00:15:36.584
- You stored up for those who fear you, which you bestow in the
- 00:15:36.584 --> 00:15:40.588
- Sight of men on those who take refuge in you.
- 00:15:40.588 --> 00:15:44.659
- In the shelter of your presence you hide them from the intrigues
- 00:15:44.659 --> 00:15:47.628
- Of men; in your dwelling you keep them safe from
- 00:15:47.628 --> 00:15:50.398
- Accusing tongues."
- 00:15:50.398 --> 00:15:52.567
- Remember all those things we said would be necessary to take
- 00:15:52.567 --> 00:15:55.036
- A significant role?
- 00:15:55.036 --> 00:15:57.605
- This psalm is dressing almost all of them.
- 00:15:57.605 --> 00:15:59.874
- "praise be to the lord, for he showed his wonderful love to me
- 00:15:59.874 --> 00:16:03.244
- When i was in a besieged city.
- 00:16:03.244 --> 00:16:05.947
- In my alarm i said, 'i'm cut off from your sight!'
- 00:16:05.947 --> 00:16:08.516
- Yet you heard my cry for mercy when i called to you for help.
- 00:16:08.516 --> 00:16:12.954
- Love the lord, all his saints!
- 00:16:12.954 --> 00:16:15.189
- The lord preserves the faithful, but the proud he pays back
- 00:16:15.189 --> 00:16:18.292
- In full.
- 00:16:18.292 --> 00:16:19.627
- Be strong and take heart, all you who hope in the lord."
- 00:16:19.627 --> 00:16:23.731
- That's a marvelous declaration over your life.
- 00:16:23.731 --> 00:16:27.402
- If you're not in the habit of reading those psalms aloud,
- 00:16:27.402 --> 00:16:29.737
- You're forfeiting something of significance.
- 00:16:29.737 --> 00:16:32.774
- See, i wanna submit to you that gratitude is a warning to all of
- 00:16:32.774 --> 00:16:35.643
- God's adversaries.
- 00:16:35.643 --> 00:16:37.645
- That i'm aware of god's abiding presence.
- 00:16:37.645 --> 00:16:41.516
- Of my dependence upon his strength.
- 00:16:41.516 --> 00:16:43.284
- It's a signal of my awareness of the one to whom i belong.
- 00:16:43.284 --> 00:16:46.988
- It's a response to any adversary, "i'm not alone.
- 00:16:46.988 --> 00:16:50.691
- I'm not confused, i'm not frightened, i am giving thanks
- 00:16:50.691 --> 00:16:53.694
- To the one to whom i belong.
- 00:16:53.694 --> 00:16:55.863
- I serve in his kingdom."
- 00:16:55.863 --> 00:16:59.834
- The ultimate authority is the authority in my life.
- 00:16:59.834 --> 00:17:03.805
- And if you challenge me, you challenge him.
- 00:17:03.805 --> 00:17:07.308
- You're not confronting me, i'm limited, folks.
- 00:17:07.308 --> 00:17:10.111
- In strength, iq, and resource, you can get to the bottom of me
- 00:17:10.111 --> 00:17:13.214
- In a hurry.
- 00:17:13.214 --> 00:17:14.682
- But the one who backs me up.
- 00:17:14.682 --> 00:17:21.856
- I'm grateful to the one who called me out of darkness.
- 00:17:21.856 --> 00:17:24.292
- The god who extended to me a gift of righteousness.
- 00:17:24.292 --> 00:17:27.328
- He set me free from the law of sin and death and brought me
- 00:17:27.328 --> 00:17:30.498
- Into the kingdom of the son he loves.
- 00:17:30.498 --> 00:17:33.234
- I've been sanctified, justified, declared righteous.
- 00:17:33.234 --> 00:17:36.838
- I may face challenges, difficulties, and even enormous
- 00:17:36.838 --> 00:17:39.740
- Threats from adversaries, but the one who called me
- 00:17:39.740 --> 00:17:42.743
- Is faithful.
- 00:17:42.743 --> 00:17:44.078
- "when i walk through a shadowed valley, he is with me.
- 00:17:44.078 --> 00:17:46.781
- His rod and the staff, they comfort me and protect me."
- 00:17:46.781 --> 00:17:50.585
- I'm not afraid, i'm filled with courage.
- 00:17:50.585 --> 00:17:53.387
- I'm determined to keep my attention upon jesus, my lord,
- 00:17:53.387 --> 00:17:56.691
- Savior, and king.
- 00:17:56.691 --> 00:17:58.893
- He's the author and completer of my story.
- 00:17:58.893 --> 00:18:01.028
- He's a defender of the weak and he determines the justice of
- 00:18:01.028 --> 00:18:04.332
- My life.
- 00:18:04.332 --> 00:18:05.766
- He's my healer.
- 00:18:05.766 --> 00:18:07.101
- He's my complete provision.
- 00:18:07.101 --> 00:18:09.604
- The holy spirit is my helper, he guides my steps.
- 00:18:09.604 --> 00:18:12.473
- He reminds me of what i need to know.
- 00:18:12.473 --> 00:18:14.108
- He reveals to me what's hidden in the darkness.
- 00:18:14.108 --> 00:18:17.311
- The spirit of god has empowered me, provided direction for my
- 00:18:17.311 --> 00:18:20.414
- Journey through time.
- 00:18:20.414 --> 00:18:22.150
- I stand as an ambassador for the eternal kingdom of the lord of
- 00:18:22.150 --> 00:18:25.953
- All lords, the king of all kings.
- 00:18:25.953 --> 00:18:28.322
- The living one who holds the keys of death and hades.
- 00:18:28.322 --> 00:18:32.894
- My reward is established in christ jesus.
- 00:18:32.894 --> 00:18:35.530
- It is not subject to rust, to deterioration, or devaluation.
- 00:18:35.530 --> 00:18:40.668
- It's not mine alone.
- 00:18:40.668 --> 00:18:42.803
- It's available for all who are longing for his appearance.
- 00:18:42.803 --> 00:18:46.607
- I will persevere, i will overcome, i will complete
- 00:18:46.607 --> 00:18:49.410
- My course.
- 00:18:49.410 --> 00:18:50.745
- "in the strength of the one who called me, i will stand in the
- 00:18:50.745 --> 00:18:53.147
- Day of evil.
- 00:18:53.147 --> 00:18:54.649
- And having done everything i know, i will stand."
- 00:18:54.649 --> 00:18:58.052
- The decision has been made, my will has been expressed, "as for
- 00:18:58.052 --> 00:19:01.822
- Me in my household, we will serve the lord."
- 00:19:01.822 --> 00:19:06.460
- All of that is wrapped up in those expressions of gratitude
- 00:19:06.460 --> 00:19:11.766
- Within us.
- 00:19:11.766 --> 00:19:13.267
- All of them are centered in those expressions of gratitude.
- 00:19:13.267 --> 00:19:17.338
- My time is about gone.
- 00:19:17.338 --> 00:19:18.706
- I wanna go back in your outlines to revelation 5.
- 00:19:18.706 --> 00:19:21.475
- It's a marvelous scene of the throne room of god.
- 00:19:21.475 --> 00:19:25.012
- John, the apostle, he's an old man, his friends have been
- 00:19:25.012 --> 00:19:27.515
- Martyred, he's alone.
- 00:19:27.515 --> 00:19:29.984
- He's been isolated because of his faith, not because he's
- 00:19:29.984 --> 00:19:32.853
- A thief.
- 00:19:32.853 --> 00:19:34.755
- And it says, "on the lord's day, he was in the spirit and he has
- 00:19:34.755 --> 00:19:38.526
- A vision."
- 00:19:38.526 --> 00:19:39.961
- God trusted john with a picture of the end of the age.
- 00:19:39.961 --> 00:19:44.899
- May i make a suggestion?
- 00:19:44.899 --> 00:19:47.735
- Make the ambition of your life to be a person that god would
- 00:19:47.735 --> 00:19:50.972
- Trust with significant assignments.
- 00:19:50.972 --> 00:19:54.675
- See, when we pick him up, we don't know what's gonna
- 00:19:54.675 --> 00:19:56.344
- Be significant.
- 00:19:56.344 --> 00:19:58.579
- I've had just about every job in this congregation since
- 00:19:58.579 --> 00:20:01.182
- I started.
- 00:20:01.182 --> 00:20:02.550
- I've mowed the grass, and cleaned the bathrooms, and
- 00:20:02.550 --> 00:20:04.585
- Painted the walls.
- 00:20:04.585 --> 00:20:06.654
- I vacuumed carpet and straightened chairs.
- 00:20:06.654 --> 00:20:09.357
- And it seemed like that would be my assignment forever.
- 00:20:09.357 --> 00:20:14.862
- I do--there wasn't one i said, "i'll wait until there's
- 00:20:14.862 --> 00:20:17.031
- Something more significant.
- 00:20:17.031 --> 00:20:19.100
- I'll wait until there's a larger crowd.
- 00:20:19.100 --> 00:20:21.902
- I'll wait until somebody will listen respectfully."
- 00:20:21.902 --> 00:20:24.071
- If i'd waited for all those things, i would have
- 00:20:24.071 --> 00:20:25.506
- Never began.
- 00:20:25.506 --> 00:20:28.009
- I had to simply begin and say, "you know, if my job is to clean
- 00:20:28.009 --> 00:20:30.511
- The bathroom, i'm gonna clean it like the lord's gonna be
- 00:20:30.511 --> 00:20:32.513
- The inspector."
- 00:20:32.513 --> 00:20:35.416
- Now, i can't tell you, i always got my attitude in the right
- 00:20:35.416 --> 00:20:37.652
- Place, but i had enough awareness that i knew i
- 00:20:37.652 --> 00:20:41.455
- Needed to.
- 00:20:41.455 --> 00:20:43.758
- And i would try to bring correction to it when it got in
- 00:20:43.758 --> 00:20:45.826
- The wrong space.
- 00:20:45.826 --> 00:20:47.762
- Determined to be a person that god could trust with
- 00:20:47.762 --> 00:20:51.832
- Something significant.
- 00:20:51.832 --> 00:20:53.801
- And the pathway for that probably begins with something
- 00:20:53.801 --> 00:20:56.070
- That doesn't look so significant.
- 00:20:56.070 --> 00:21:00.007
- John has this vision of the throne of heaven.
- 00:21:00.007 --> 00:21:04.312
- It says, "they sang a song: 'you were worthy to take the scroll
- 00:21:04.312 --> 00:21:07.048
- And to open its seals, because you were slain, and with your
- 00:21:07.048 --> 00:21:09.417
- Blood you purchased men for god from every tribe and language
- 00:21:09.417 --> 00:21:12.353
- And people and nation.'"
- 00:21:12.353 --> 00:21:13.721
- Who's he seeing?
- 00:21:13.721 --> 00:21:15.923
- Jesus.
- 00:21:15.923 --> 00:21:18.059
- "you've made them to be a kingdom and priests to serve our
- 00:21:18.059 --> 00:21:20.394
- God, and they will reign on the earth."
- 00:21:20.394 --> 00:21:23.864
- In verse 11, there's the angels song.
- 00:21:23.864 --> 00:21:25.633
- All the angels begin to sing.
- 00:21:25.633 --> 00:21:27.234
- "i looked and i heard the voice of many angels, numbering
- 00:21:27.234 --> 00:21:29.704
- Thousands upon thousands, and ten thousand times
- 00:21:29.704 --> 00:21:32.139
- Ten thousand.
- 00:21:32.139 --> 00:21:33.607
- They encircled the throne and the living creatures and
- 00:21:33.607 --> 00:21:35.843
- The elders.
- 00:21:35.843 --> 00:21:37.178
- And in a loud voice they sang: 'worthy is the lamb, who was
- 00:21:37.178 --> 00:21:40.081
- Slain, to receive power and wealth and wisdom and strength
- 00:21:40.081 --> 00:21:43.818
- And honor and glory and praise!'"
- 00:21:43.818 --> 00:21:46.921
- My imagination is not adequate for that scene.
- 00:21:46.921 --> 00:21:50.624
- Ten--it's an enormous gathering of angels, 10,000 times 10,000.
- 00:21:50.624 --> 00:21:55.129
- Some of you are good with numbers.
- 00:21:55.129 --> 00:21:56.464
- That's a hundred million.
- 00:21:56.464 --> 00:21:58.399
- There's more than a hundred million angels gathered.
- 00:21:58.399 --> 00:22:01.635
- Folks, there's about seven million people in tennessee.
- 00:22:01.635 --> 00:22:05.172
- You couldn't see the whole crowd.
- 00:22:05.172 --> 00:22:08.075
- The gathering of angels would either have had to disappear in
- 00:22:08.075 --> 00:22:12.012
- The distance or john would have had to been up above them,
- 00:22:12.012 --> 00:22:15.383
- Traveling over them.
- 00:22:15.383 --> 00:22:16.751
- You couldn't imagine a number of that great.
- 00:22:16.751 --> 00:22:18.319
- You can't see all those.
- 00:22:18.319 --> 00:22:19.854
- It's an innumerable company of angels.
- 00:22:19.854 --> 00:22:24.625
- Horizon to horizon.
- 00:22:24.625 --> 00:22:27.628
- Imagine them when they begin to sing, it may have started quiet
- 00:22:27.628 --> 00:22:32.266
- And gentle but it--what begins as a low rumble is gonna
- 00:22:32.266 --> 00:22:35.136
- Become thunderous.
- 00:22:35.136 --> 00:22:38.572
- It's an amazing scene.
- 00:22:38.572 --> 00:22:41.776
- You know who angels are?
- 00:22:41.776 --> 00:22:44.412
- Ministering spirits sent forth to help us.
- 00:22:44.412 --> 00:22:50.284
- The bible says, "we entertain angels and we don't know it."
- 00:22:50.284 --> 00:22:56.524
- That's another lesson.
- 00:22:56.524 --> 00:22:59.093
- Verse 13, "then i heard every creature in heaven on earth and
- 00:22:59.093 --> 00:23:02.263
- Under the earth and on the sea, and all that's in
- 00:23:02.263 --> 00:23:05.132
- Them, singing."
- 00:23:05.132 --> 00:23:06.500
- Every creature, every creature that walks or swims, "to him who
- 00:23:06.500 --> 00:23:12.173
- Sits on the throne and to the lamb be praise and honor and
- 00:23:12.173 --> 00:23:16.010
- Glory and power, forever and ever."
- 00:23:16.010 --> 00:23:20.848
- We're in a season of tremendous shaking.
- 00:23:20.848 --> 00:23:24.685
- We saw it with covid, we saw it again on october 7, i believe we
- 00:23:24.685 --> 00:23:28.923
- Saw another episode last month.
- 00:23:28.923 --> 00:23:31.959
- There's a shaking taking place.
- 00:23:31.959 --> 00:23:35.229
- Realignment, forcing people to make decisions.
- 00:23:35.229 --> 00:23:39.767
- Status quo is under great threat.
- 00:23:39.767 --> 00:23:42.870
- The future is not going to be like the past.
- 00:23:42.870 --> 00:23:45.439
- We're gonna see things we haven't seen some good, some not
- 00:23:45.439 --> 00:23:48.075
- So good.
- 00:23:48.075 --> 00:23:49.777
- One of the most profound responses i'm conscious of, is
- 00:23:49.777 --> 00:23:53.247
- The determination on our part to be thankful, to practice,
- 00:23:53.247 --> 00:23:58.519
- Being grateful.
- 00:23:58.519 --> 00:24:01.121
- Doesn't mean i'm always happy, doesn't mean things are always
- 00:24:01.121 --> 00:24:04.291
- Going my way.
- 00:24:04.291 --> 00:24:06.694
- When we're given these windows into the throne room of god,
- 00:24:06.694 --> 00:24:09.763
- They are filled with these expressions of thanks.
- 00:24:09.763 --> 00:24:13.601
- When you and i see the lord in all of his glory, i don't
- 00:24:13.601 --> 00:24:17.238
- Believe we'll say, "you know, i've got a question for you."
- 00:24:17.238 --> 00:24:22.243
- I think we'll be overwhelmed with gratitude.
- 00:24:22.243 --> 00:24:26.113
- I want it to grow within me.
- 00:24:26.113 --> 00:24:28.415
- I want it to shape my response to my circumstances.
- 00:24:28.415 --> 00:24:32.319
- I want it to be a great strength in my life.
- 00:24:32.319 --> 00:24:36.423
- I wanna close with that little hymn of thanksgiving i gave you.
- 00:24:36.423 --> 00:24:41.428
- I took it from revelation 5, if you'll stand with me, we're
- 00:24:41.428 --> 00:24:44.064
- Gonna read it together.
- 00:24:44.064 --> 00:24:47.768
- It's directed to our king.
- 00:24:47.768 --> 00:24:51.906
- The one we serve, the one who sets the priorities of our
- 00:24:51.906 --> 00:24:56.176
- Lives, the one we've chosen to yield our will to.
- 00:24:56.176 --> 00:24:59.980
- The one we will submit our emotions to.
- 00:24:59.980 --> 00:25:04.118
- It says to the elders, the most triumphant from among the people
- 00:25:04.118 --> 00:25:08.055
- Of god when they saw the lord, they threw their crowns
- 00:25:08.055 --> 00:25:10.758
- Before him.
- 00:25:10.758 --> 00:25:12.092
- There was nothing they would hold back.
- 00:25:12.092 --> 00:25:14.795
- We don't arrive at that place immediately, we hold back a lot.
- 00:25:14.795 --> 00:25:20.734
- But we're learning, we're growing, we're gaining strength.
- 00:25:20.734 --> 00:25:27.775
- We are salt and light in this generation and we will choose
- 00:25:27.775 --> 00:25:30.878
- The lord.
- 00:25:30.878 --> 00:25:32.713
- When the history of the church is put together, may this be one
- 00:25:32.713 --> 00:25:35.649
- Of the most triumphant seasons of the people of god across the
- 00:25:35.649 --> 00:25:39.353
- Span of time.
- 00:25:39.353 --> 00:25:40.688
- This is our watch.
- 00:25:40.688 --> 00:25:43.190
- In the face of darkness, and evil, and ungodliness, let's
- 00:25:43.190 --> 00:25:46.193
- Find our voices.
- 00:25:46.193 --> 00:25:48.195
- In a time of great pressure, let's respond with
- 00:25:48.195 --> 00:25:50.864
- Great enthusiasm.
- 00:25:50.864 --> 00:25:53.233
- Let's not be hesitant, let's not be cowardly.
- 00:25:53.233 --> 00:25:56.270
- Let's not turn back, let's not wait for someone else to
- 00:25:56.270 --> 00:25:58.906
- Step up.
- 00:25:58.906 --> 00:26:00.274
- Let's not say, "it's not our assignment."
- 00:26:00.274 --> 00:26:03.143
- Let's respond with isaiah, "here i am!
- 00:26:03.143 --> 00:26:05.379
- You can send" me, i'll go.
- 00:26:05.379 --> 00:26:07.815
- Let's respond with david's mighty men, if the king wants to
- 00:26:07.815 --> 00:26:10.718
- Drink, let's go get it.
- 00:26:10.718 --> 00:26:13.921
- We've hidden in the shadows long enough, church.
- 00:26:13.921 --> 00:26:17.324
- We've got a hymn and we gotta go.
- 00:26:17.324 --> 00:26:19.193
- Let's read it together, "you are worthy to take the scroll and to
- 00:26:19.193 --> 00:26:23.364
- Open its seals, because you were slain, and with your blood, you
- 00:26:23.364 --> 00:26:27.968
- Purchased men for god from every tribe and language and people
- 00:26:27.968 --> 00:26:33.340
- And nation.
- 00:26:33.340 --> 00:26:34.842
- You have made them to be a kingdom and priest to serve our
- 00:26:34.842 --> 00:26:39.480
- God, and they will reign on the earth.
- 00:26:39.480 --> 00:26:43.050
- Worthy is the lamb, who was slain, to receive power and
- 00:26:43.050 --> 00:26:47.721
- Wealth and wisdom and strength and honor and glory and praise!
- 00:26:47.721 --> 00:26:53.961
- And to him who sits on the throne and to the lamb...
- 00:26:53.961 --> 00:27:01.802
- Forever and ever!"
- 00:27:01.802 --> 00:27:03.904
- Amen, god bless you.
- 00:27:03.904 --> 00:27:06.874
- ♪♪♪
- 00:27:06.874 --> 00:27:29.897