Pastor Allen Jackson's mission is to help people become fully devoted followers of Jesus Christ.
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Allen Jackson Ministries | Allen Jackson - They Soon Forget (Part 2) | December 16, 2024
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- Cc by aberdeen captioning 1-800-688-6621
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- Allen jackson: for all of our talk about abortion, the
- 00:00:06.965 --> 00:00:10.302
- Abortion numbers have not diminished.
- 00:00:10.302 --> 00:00:13.405
- It really wasn't a legal issue.
- 00:00:13.405 --> 00:00:16.508
- It wasn't because it was the law of the land.
- 00:00:16.508 --> 00:00:18.310
- It was the condition of our hearts.
- 00:00:18.310 --> 00:00:21.013
- How abortions are performed changes dramatically, the same
- 00:00:21.013 --> 00:00:23.816
- Way so much of our lives changes dramatically.
- 00:00:23.816 --> 00:00:26.151
- Technology changes it.
- 00:00:26.151 --> 00:00:28.720
- Now you can have a pill in the privacy of your home.
- 00:00:28.720 --> 00:00:30.923
- You can live in a state where abortion is not legal, but
- 00:00:30.923 --> 00:00:33.025
- They'll ship the pills to your home.
- 00:00:33.025 --> 00:00:36.261
- We're losing as many children as we've ever lost.
- 00:00:36.261 --> 00:00:39.331
- We are told frequently, loudly, boldly, creatively,
- 00:00:39.331 --> 00:00:42.501
- Persistently, that it's my body and my choice, that an unborn
- 00:00:42.501 --> 00:00:45.904
- Child is just a mass of cells, a blob of protoplasm.
- 00:00:45.904 --> 00:00:50.676
- We're very reluctant to say anything about it.
- 00:00:50.676 --> 00:00:54.613
- We are not frequently reminded with--and certainly not with the
- 00:00:54.613 --> 00:00:57.249
- Intensity that we're told that it's our body and our choice.
- 00:00:57.249 --> 00:01:00.452
- I mean, it wasn't our body and our choice when it was about
- 00:01:00.452 --> 00:01:02.955
- A vaccination.
- 00:01:02.955 --> 00:01:05.624
- We are not reminded that there are frequently, regularly, as a
- 00:01:05.624 --> 00:01:09.027
- Matter of medical practice, surgeries performed on unborn
- 00:01:09.027 --> 00:01:11.864
- Children, fetal procedures for a whole variety of
- 00:01:11.864 --> 00:01:14.833
- Physical problems.
- 00:01:14.833 --> 00:01:16.668
- It's not just a mass of cells.
- 00:01:16.668 --> 00:01:19.071
- There's a human being there that our health care community
- 00:01:19.071 --> 00:01:21.773
- Acknowledges can be treated and helped.
- 00:01:21.773 --> 00:01:26.078
- We all understand, every mom understands, that their diet and
- 00:01:26.078 --> 00:01:29.681
- Their health is important during pregnancy, because the impact
- 00:01:29.681 --> 00:01:32.784
- Upon the developing child.
- 00:01:32.784 --> 00:01:35.721
- Simple things like abstaining from alcohol or drugs or tobacco
- 00:01:35.721 --> 00:01:40.359
- Because they all can affect the development of a child.
- 00:01:40.359 --> 00:01:42.761
- It's not just a blob of cells.
- 00:01:42.761 --> 00:01:44.763
- How can we be silent?
- 00:01:44.763 --> 00:01:49.768
- Illicit books in our schools for young children.
- 00:01:49.768 --> 00:01:54.873
- And we are told we should avoid censorship, the banning
- 00:01:54.873 --> 00:01:57.743
- Of books.
- 00:01:57.743 --> 00:01:59.077
- We're limiting education.
- 00:01:59.077 --> 00:02:01.313
- If you require us to remove these wicked books from the
- 00:02:01.313 --> 00:02:03.682
- Library, it'll lead to the removal of the bible from
- 00:02:03.682 --> 00:02:06.752
- Public places.
- 00:02:06.752 --> 00:02:10.956
- We are not reminded.
- 00:02:10.956 --> 00:02:12.925
- See, the arguments they want to obfuscate, muddy, confuse.
- 00:02:12.925 --> 00:02:17.196
- They'll push for something as a distraction that isn't dealing
- 00:02:17.196 --> 00:02:20.199
- With the real reality.
- 00:02:20.199 --> 00:02:21.533
- We're not reminded of things like age-appropriate learning.
- 00:02:21.533 --> 00:02:25.804
- We don't sell cigarettes in our elementary schools.
- 00:02:25.804 --> 00:02:29.374
- You don't get a beer with the school lunch program.
- 00:02:29.374 --> 00:02:34.179
- And i'm not suggesting we should.
- 00:02:34.179 --> 00:02:39.484
- They don't talk about the parental role in the training of
- 00:02:39.484 --> 00:02:42.054
- Their children, that they don't want strangers making decisions
- 00:02:42.054 --> 00:02:46.558
- About sexualizing their young children.
- 00:02:46.558 --> 00:02:49.895
- The sexualization of children is an elaborate framing
- 00:02:49.895 --> 00:02:53.565
- Of grooming.
- 00:02:53.565 --> 00:02:54.900
- It's inappropriate. it's evil.
- 00:02:54.900 --> 00:03:00.005
- I don't think school boards should argue about
- 00:03:00.005 --> 00:03:01.607
- It incessantly.
- 00:03:01.607 --> 00:03:03.041
- Once the books are identified, once the nature of that
- 00:03:03.041 --> 00:03:06.411
- Discussion is clearly articulated, they need
- 00:03:06.411 --> 00:03:09.314
- To choose.
- 00:03:09.314 --> 00:03:10.682
- And if you think that's good for our children, in my opinion, you
- 00:03:10.682 --> 00:03:13.652
- Forfeited your right to lead.
- 00:03:13.652 --> 00:03:16.188
- It's destructive.
- 00:03:16.188 --> 00:03:22.561
- Illegal immigration.
- 00:03:22.561 --> 00:03:23.895
- We're told regularly that deportation will be unfair.
- 00:03:23.895 --> 00:03:29.001
- I heard this week some sober-minded person looking in a
- 00:03:29.001 --> 00:03:31.903
- Camera trying to convince me of their intellectual prowess that
- 00:03:31.903 --> 00:03:35.440
- If these deportations of people who are illegal--are here
- 00:03:35.440 --> 00:03:38.543
- Illegally is more than a million people already identified,
- 00:03:38.543 --> 00:03:41.847
- Informed that they should leave the country because of criminal
- 00:03:41.847 --> 00:03:45.717
- Records, acts of violence.
- 00:03:45.717 --> 00:03:47.319
- This person is looking at a lens with sobriety saying to us on
- 00:03:47.319 --> 00:03:51.056
- The other side, if you persist, when removing these million
- 00:03:51.056 --> 00:03:54.092
- People, there will be a doctor or a nurse or a health care
- 00:03:54.092 --> 00:03:57.462
- Worker deported.
- 00:03:57.462 --> 00:04:02.567
- They proceeded.
- 00:04:05.971 --> 00:04:07.339
- I mean, they had a whole little litany.
- 00:04:07.339 --> 00:04:08.674
- They said children will suffer if the border is closed, that an
- 00:04:08.674 --> 00:04:12.778
- Open border is an expression of compassion.
- 00:04:12.778 --> 00:04:17.115
- What they weren't saying, i mean, it's like a smoke bomb,
- 00:04:17.115 --> 00:04:21.586
- It's a distraction.
- 00:04:21.586 --> 00:04:23.188
- And most of us are busy enough, we don't wanna think about it.
- 00:04:23.188 --> 00:04:25.424
- It's not my problem.
- 00:04:25.424 --> 00:04:26.792
- That's why we send somebody else to do something.
- 00:04:26.792 --> 00:04:30.362
- Millions of illegal immigrants, multiplied millions, have placed
- 00:04:30.362 --> 00:04:34.299
- An enormous demand upon the health care system of our
- 00:04:34.299 --> 00:04:36.835
- Nation, every day, all across the nation, diminishing the
- 00:04:36.835 --> 00:04:42.341
- Quality of care that's available for the citizens.
- 00:04:42.341 --> 00:04:47.312
- And they're searching to find some health care professional
- 00:04:47.312 --> 00:04:49.881
- That will be caught up in addressing this.
- 00:04:49.881 --> 00:04:54.019
- Children in the migrant caravans are subjected to
- 00:04:54.019 --> 00:04:56.722
- Horrible things.
- 00:04:56.722 --> 00:04:59.391
- They're being trafficked at our border in numbers never seen in
- 00:04:59.391 --> 00:05:03.195
- The united states of america.
- 00:05:03.195 --> 00:05:04.996
- Tens of thousands of them regularly sold into slavery,
- 00:05:04.996 --> 00:05:09.968
- Sexual slavery.
- 00:05:09.968 --> 00:05:13.472
- And we've stayed silent.
- 00:05:13.472 --> 00:05:16.842
- Antisemitism, we're told.
- 00:05:16.842 --> 00:05:21.179
- Israel is an apartheid state.
- 00:05:21.179 --> 00:05:27.185
- The attacks of october 7th by hamas, a terrorist organization
- 00:05:27.185 --> 00:05:31.123
- Funded by iran, should be given moral equivalency with the state
- 00:05:31.123 --> 00:05:35.961
- Of israel when their military in uniform goes to search for
- 00:05:35.961 --> 00:05:40.265
- Those terrorists.
- 00:05:40.265 --> 00:05:42.267
- The elite schools in our nation, we are told frequently, are
- 00:05:42.267 --> 00:05:46.304
- Appropriate when they support antisemitic demonstrations.
- 00:05:46.304 --> 00:05:51.309
- This week, the international criminal court, the icc, issued
- 00:05:51.309 --> 00:05:56.148
- Arrest warrants for the israeli prime minister and former
- 00:05:56.148 --> 00:05:59.384
- Defense minister as well as the head of hamas, ibrahim al-masri.
- 00:05:59.384 --> 00:06:08.960
- As if there was an equivalency between the prime minister of
- 00:06:08.960 --> 00:06:12.197
- Israel and the head of hamas.
- 00:06:12.197 --> 00:06:15.200
- Folks, this stuff washes over us day in and day out.
- 00:06:15.200 --> 00:06:20.405
- It cascades over us.
- 00:06:20.405 --> 00:06:21.840
- We're not reminded of the innocent women, children, and
- 00:06:21.840 --> 00:06:26.845
- Families that were murdered and slaughtered and brutalized in
- 00:06:26.845 --> 00:06:31.082
- The most awful ways on october the 7th.
- 00:06:31.082 --> 00:06:35.454
- The list could go on and on.
- 00:06:35.454 --> 00:06:37.556
- It did in my notes.
- 00:06:37.556 --> 00:06:40.725
- But underlying it all, if you'll allow me to bring it back to
- 00:06:40.725 --> 00:06:43.795
- Your outlines and to the biblical perspective, it has to
- 00:06:43.795 --> 00:06:47.132
- Do with the existence of evil.
- 00:06:47.132 --> 00:06:50.135
- I believe you have to understand evil exists to process what we
- 00:06:50.135 --> 00:06:53.738
- Are watching.
- 00:06:53.738 --> 00:06:55.440
- Secular culture avoids the reality of spiritual forces.
- 00:06:55.440 --> 00:07:00.645
- They don't want to talk about it.
- 00:07:00.645 --> 00:07:01.980
- They don't want to acknowledge it.
- 00:07:01.980 --> 00:07:03.348
- If you say you believe in those things, they discount you.
- 00:07:03.348 --> 00:07:06.885
- You lack sophistication to speak into the current world.
- 00:07:06.885 --> 00:07:11.089
- But the reality is the church of jesus christ exists because of
- 00:07:11.089 --> 00:07:15.293
- Spiritual power.
- 00:07:15.293 --> 00:07:17.462
- We have to lead with our faith.
- 00:07:17.462 --> 00:07:20.499
- We don't just lead with generosity and kindness and good
- 00:07:20.499 --> 00:07:24.269
- Deeds and expressions of material
- 00:07:24.269 --> 00:07:28.373
- Possessions to people in need.
- 00:07:28.373 --> 00:07:29.708
- All of those things are appropriate.
- 00:07:29.708 --> 00:07:31.042
- I'm not saying we should stop them, but they're not the
- 00:07:31.042 --> 00:07:33.745
- Fullest expression of what we've been called to do.
- 00:07:33.745 --> 00:07:36.214
- We are salt and light.
- 00:07:36.214 --> 00:07:37.782
- We hold out the eternal truth of a living god.
- 00:07:37.782 --> 00:07:42.721
- And to do that, we have to recognize that good and evil
- 00:07:42.721 --> 00:07:48.193
- Exist, that they are expressions of spiritual realities.
- 00:07:48.193 --> 00:07:51.530
- They're not political classifications.
- 00:07:51.530 --> 00:07:55.700
- We've been bullied into silence for too long.
- 00:07:55.700 --> 00:07:59.271
- There are different dimensions which exist.
- 00:07:59.271 --> 00:08:02.974
- I find it a bit amusing that if you believe there are aliens
- 00:08:02.974 --> 00:08:05.610
- From other planets that are frequenting our world, you are
- 00:08:05.610 --> 00:08:09.748
- Enlightened and sophisticated.
- 00:08:09.748 --> 00:08:14.553
- It's okay with me, but then if you believe in an almighty god
- 00:08:14.553 --> 00:08:17.589
- Who created the heavens and the earth, you are backwards.
- 00:08:17.589 --> 00:08:22.627
- You can call me all the names you want.
- 00:08:22.627 --> 00:08:24.095
- I'm not gonna give up my belief.
- 00:08:24.095 --> 00:08:27.365
- In ephesians 6 and verse 12, it says: "our struggle is not
- 00:08:27.365 --> 00:08:30.335
- Against flesh and blood, but against the rulers, against the
- 00:08:30.335 --> 00:08:33.371
- Authorities, against the powers of this dark world and against
- 00:08:33.371 --> 00:08:36.575
- The spiritual forces of evil in the heavenly realms."
- 00:08:36.575 --> 00:08:39.711
- That the church is called to take a stand against spiritual
- 00:08:39.711 --> 00:08:44.583
- Forces of evil in the heavenly realms.
- 00:08:44.583 --> 00:08:50.388
- We have to become more aware of kingdoms and authorities and
- 00:08:50.388 --> 00:08:54.993
- Less occupied with politicians and parties.
- 00:08:54.993 --> 00:09:01.199
- In ephesians chapter 2 and verse 1, it says: "you were dead in
- 00:09:01.199 --> 00:09:04.135
- Your transgressions and sins, in which you used to live when you
- 00:09:04.135 --> 00:09:08.173
- Followed the ways of this world and the ruler of the kingdom of
- 00:09:08.173 --> 00:09:11.042
- The air, the spirit who's now at work in those who
- 00:09:11.042 --> 00:09:14.613
- Are disobedient."
- 00:09:14.613 --> 00:09:18.049
- I believe that the spiritual world is every bit as real as
- 00:09:18.049 --> 00:09:21.252
- The material physical world in which we live.
- 00:09:21.252 --> 00:09:23.555
- It does not offend my intellect whatsoever to believe in
- 00:09:23.555 --> 00:09:28.660
- Dimensions that exist, that coexist.
- 00:09:28.660 --> 00:09:34.299
- In fact, it's impossible to say you believe your bible and not
- 00:09:34.299 --> 00:09:36.935
- To believe in spiritual things.
- 00:09:36.935 --> 00:09:39.537
- The significance of those kingdoms, look at revelation 5
- 00:09:39.537 --> 00:09:42.240
- And verse 11.
- 00:09:42.240 --> 00:09:44.209
- John said, "i looked and i heard the voice of many angels,
- 00:09:44.209 --> 00:09:47.278
- Numbering thousands upon thousands, and ten thousands
- 00:09:47.278 --> 00:09:49.948
- Time ten thousand.
- 00:09:49.948 --> 00:09:51.282
- They encircled the throne and the living creatures and
- 00:09:51.282 --> 00:09:53.585
- The elders."
- 00:09:53.585 --> 00:09:55.020
- John has a vision of the throne room of god and he sees this
- 00:09:55.020 --> 00:09:57.822
- Enormous gathering of angels, and he said there were 10,000
- 00:09:57.822 --> 00:10:02.927
- Times 10,000.
- 00:10:02.927 --> 00:10:04.295
- Some of you are good with numbers.
- 00:10:04.295 --> 00:10:06.731
- It's 100 million angels.
- 00:10:06.731 --> 00:10:12.904
- That's a lot.
- 00:10:12.904 --> 00:10:15.306
- Angels, we're told, are ministering spirits, messengers.
- 00:10:15.306 --> 00:10:18.843
- We're told in scripture that there are mighty angels,
- 00:10:18.843 --> 00:10:21.246
- Powerful angels, angels with great strength, angels assigned
- 00:10:21.246 --> 00:10:25.083
- To people groups, angels assigned to nations.
- 00:10:25.083 --> 00:10:29.454
- They have authority to see the purposes of god and the will of
- 00:10:29.454 --> 00:10:32.757
- God brought forward in the earth.
- 00:10:32.757 --> 00:10:35.226
- They're here to help the people of god living in time.
- 00:10:35.226 --> 00:10:40.031
- More than 100 million of them.
- 00:10:40.031 --> 00:10:46.304
- Allen: i want to take just a moment to say thank you.
- 00:10:50.375 --> 00:10:52.877
- In a year of political turmoil and confusion and wars and
- 00:10:52.877 --> 00:10:56.614
- Rumors of wars, because of your partnership,
- 00:10:56.614 --> 00:10:59.217
- Your generosity, your prayers, your encouragement,
- 00:10:59.217 --> 00:11:02.387
- We have done more for the gospel than any year
- 00:11:02.387 --> 00:11:04.889
- In our ministry so far.
- 00:11:04.889 --> 00:11:06.224
- We started a whole new genre of programing.
- 00:11:06.224 --> 00:11:08.626
- Allen jackson now does a daily review of headlines
- 00:11:08.626 --> 00:11:11.329
- From a biblical worldview.
- 00:11:11.329 --> 00:11:13.131
- We've started a new podcast, "culture & christianity," to
- 00:11:13.131 --> 00:11:15.567
- Help stabilize god's people in the midst of all the confusion.
- 00:11:15.567 --> 00:11:19.771
- All of that because of your faithfulness,
- 00:11:19.771 --> 00:11:21.606
- Your generosity, your prayers.
- 00:11:21.606 --> 00:11:23.274
- Thank you so much.
- 00:11:23.274 --> 00:11:24.976
- As we come to the end of this year, i want to ask
- 00:11:24.976 --> 00:11:26.711
- You to prayerfully consider making a sacrificial
- 00:11:26.711 --> 00:11:29.247
- Investment in what's next.
- 00:11:29.247 --> 00:11:31.950
- We want to take those programs, share them in new
- 00:11:31.950 --> 00:11:34.252
- Places with more people.
- 00:11:34.252 --> 00:11:36.387
- We want to continue to be creative in how we share the
- 00:11:36.387 --> 00:11:39.190
- Good news of jesus christ.
- 00:11:39.190 --> 00:11:41.326
- A generous partner makes it possible.
- 00:11:41.326 --> 00:11:43.027
- Every gift you give will be matched.
- 00:11:43.027 --> 00:11:44.662
- It doubles your gift between now and the end of the year.
- 00:11:44.662 --> 00:11:47.432
- Let me thank you in advance for what we've been doing and what
- 00:11:47.432 --> 00:11:49.968
- God's going to do with our lives and our partnership
- 00:11:49.968 --> 00:11:52.837
- Together in 2025.
- 00:11:52.837 --> 00:11:55.106
- Thank you and god bless you.
- 00:11:55.106 --> 00:11:57.542
- Female announcer: god is moving in major ways in the
- 00:11:57.542 --> 00:11:59.644
- Ministry and our world.
- 00:11:59.644 --> 00:12:02.180
- As we watched the 2024 election unfold,
- 00:12:02.180 --> 00:12:05.049
- We witnessed a miracle.
- 00:12:05.049 --> 00:12:07.085
- God has heard our prayers.
- 00:12:07.085 --> 00:12:09.187
- He has shown us his mercy.
- 00:12:09.187 --> 00:12:11.422
- We're entering a new era with new leaders,
- 00:12:11.422 --> 00:12:14.492
- But it's not a time to rest.
- 00:12:14.492 --> 00:12:16.694
- Our assignment hasn't changed.
- 00:12:16.694 --> 00:12:18.730
- In fact, it's as urgent as ever.
- 00:12:18.730 --> 00:12:21.766
- You and i have been set apart by god for his purposes,
- 00:12:21.766 --> 00:12:25.003
- And there's a lot for us to do.
- 00:12:25.003 --> 00:12:27.472
- Allen: i believe when god shows you mercy,
- 00:12:27.472 --> 00:12:31.776
- He gives with it an opportunity.
- 00:12:31.776 --> 00:12:34.546
- I want us to quietly say to the lord, "here am i.
- 00:12:34.546 --> 00:12:44.289
- Let me go.
- 00:12:44.289 --> 00:12:46.724
- Let me go back to where i work in the name of jesus.
- 00:12:46.724 --> 00:12:50.595
- Let me go back into my neighborhood
- 00:12:50.595 --> 00:12:52.230
- In the name of jesus."
- 00:12:52.230 --> 00:12:54.699
- God himself has shown us grace, and it will require of us
- 00:12:54.699 --> 00:13:02.640
- Greater strength and greater courage than we have ever had to
- 00:13:02.640 --> 00:13:06.678
- Attach to our faith before.
- 00:13:06.678 --> 00:13:10.448
- Let's go. let's go.
- 00:13:10.448 --> 00:13:14.185
- Announcer: let's set our hearts on preparing for what's
- 00:13:14.185 --> 00:13:16.221
- Next with pastor allen's brand-new 90-day devotional
- 00:13:16.221 --> 00:13:19.891
- Called "set apart for his purposes."
- 00:13:19.891 --> 00:13:23.094
- It will help us seek god so we can recognize his voice and
- 00:13:23.094 --> 00:13:26.130
- Consistently choose to follow him.
- 00:13:26.130 --> 00:13:28.333
- Each day includes scripture, a short teaching,
- 00:13:28.333 --> 00:13:30.635
- And a prayer, followed by a journaling prompt and room
- 00:13:30.635 --> 00:13:33.872
- To write and reflect.
- 00:13:33.872 --> 00:13:35.607
- Let's get ready for the season ahead.
- 00:13:35.607 --> 00:13:37.876
- Request your copy of "set apart for his purposes" when you
- 00:13:37.876 --> 00:13:40.712
- Donate $50 or more today at or by calling
- 00:13:40.712 --> 00:13:45.049
- ...
- 00:13:45.049 --> 00:13:48.653
- Allen: now, it's not terribly difficult
- 00:13:50.955 --> 00:13:55.393
- To get people to believe in angels.
- 00:13:55.393 --> 00:13:56.728
- Even secularists like to believe in angels.
- 00:13:56.728 --> 00:13:59.530
- It's kind of polite and chic.
- 00:13:59.530 --> 00:14:06.170
- I would remind you of what most of you know from scripture, that
- 00:14:06.170 --> 00:14:10.208
- A third of the angels joined with satan in his rebellion
- 00:14:10.208 --> 00:14:12.911
- Against god.
- 00:14:12.911 --> 00:14:15.713
- If we have 100 million of them in this one scene, it's safe to
- 00:14:15.713 --> 00:14:20.585
- Say there are tens of millions of angels that joined satan in
- 00:14:20.585 --> 00:14:24.923
- His attempt to oppose the purposes of god.
- 00:14:24.923 --> 00:14:30.628
- So if you say, "well, i don't believe, you know, spiritual
- 00:14:30.628 --> 00:14:32.664
- Conflict stuff.
- 00:14:32.664 --> 00:14:33.998
- You know, that's just a lot of hocus pocus."
- 00:14:33.998 --> 00:14:36.267
- Let me help you restate that: "i don't believe my bible.
- 00:14:36.267 --> 00:14:42.874
- I reject jesus."
- 00:14:42.874 --> 00:14:45.777
- Get clarity on what you're saying.
- 00:14:45.777 --> 00:14:49.981
- I would--i don't endorse it.
- 00:14:49.981 --> 00:14:51.316
- I don't think it's the appropriate way to go.
- 00:14:51.316 --> 00:14:53.017
- But to imagine that politicians and parties determine our world
- 00:14:53.017 --> 00:14:56.554
- More than the involvement of the angelic beings that god has
- 00:14:56.554 --> 00:14:59.958
- Created to help us requires a lack of spiritual awareness that
- 00:14:59.958 --> 00:15:05.263
- We can no longer afford.
- 00:15:05.263 --> 00:15:09.434
- In 1 peter 5, we're told that we have an adversary: "be
- 00:15:09.434 --> 00:15:12.303
- Self-controlled and alert.
- 00:15:12.303 --> 00:15:13.671
- Your enemy the devil prowls around like a roaring lion
- 00:15:13.671 --> 00:15:17.342
- Looking for someone to devour.
- 00:15:17.342 --> 00:15:21.713
- Resist him, standing firm in the faith, because you know that
- 00:15:21.713 --> 00:15:27.151
- Your brothers throughout the world are undergoing the same
- 00:15:27.151 --> 00:15:29.620
- Kind of sufferings."
- 00:15:29.620 --> 00:15:32.256
- He didn't offer a suggestion.
- 00:15:32.256 --> 00:15:33.691
- He gave a direction.
- 00:15:33.691 --> 00:15:35.626
- This is the fisherman that jesus recruited as a teenager.
- 00:15:35.626 --> 00:15:38.997
- When he writes this letter, he's an old man, his strength
- 00:15:38.997 --> 00:15:41.466
- Is diminished.
- 00:15:41.466 --> 00:15:43.267
- He stood many years as an unrelenting advocate for jesus
- 00:15:43.267 --> 00:15:46.938
- Of nazareth, after jesus ascended back to heaven.
- 00:15:46.938 --> 00:15:49.674
- He's been arrested, imprisoned, condemned to death,
- 00:15:49.674 --> 00:15:52.577
- Narrowly escaped.
- 00:15:52.577 --> 00:15:55.413
- And he says, "you have an adversary that searches the
- 00:15:55.413 --> 00:15:58.316
- Earth like a roaring lion.
- 00:15:58.316 --> 00:15:59.751
- Resist him.
- 00:15:59.751 --> 00:16:02.387
- Stand firm in your faith."
- 00:16:02.387 --> 00:16:06.858
- "well, now, wait a minute, pastor.
- 00:16:06.858 --> 00:16:08.192
- I thought that's what we just did.
- 00:16:08.192 --> 00:16:09.560
- We voted.
- 00:16:09.560 --> 00:16:13.598
- Can't i just go back to my routine?"
- 00:16:13.598 --> 00:16:17.702
- Our routines is what got us in this fine mess.
- 00:16:17.702 --> 00:16:22.206
- I know we wanna blame everybody else.
- 00:16:22.206 --> 00:16:25.710
- And i'm not saying that all of us are engaged in gross
- 00:16:25.710 --> 00:16:30.181
- Immorality and ungodliness.
- 00:16:30.181 --> 00:16:32.450
- I pray you're not.
- 00:16:32.450 --> 00:16:33.785
- If you are, stop. it'll destroy you.
- 00:16:33.785 --> 00:16:37.321
- But i'm very confident that those things have touched all of
- 00:16:37.321 --> 00:16:40.658
- Our lives.
- 00:16:40.658 --> 00:16:43.394
- And in far too many instances, we've been quiet.
- 00:16:43.394 --> 00:16:46.831
- And in our silence, we've added an endorsement, a sublime
- 00:16:46.831 --> 00:16:52.637
- Blessing, and it ripples out to children and generationally.
- 00:16:52.637 --> 00:16:58.543
- And you do that for very long, and then you realize that all of
- 00:16:58.543 --> 00:17:02.313
- A sudden that notion of a biblical worldview has been so
- 00:17:02.313 --> 00:17:04.549
- Diminished, so turned down, that it's no longer welcome in the
- 00:17:04.549 --> 00:17:07.785
- Corporate setting or the public square, and it has
- 00:17:07.785 --> 00:17:11.422
- Very little to do with laws.
- 00:17:11.422 --> 00:17:12.757
- It has to do with the will of the people.
- 00:17:12.757 --> 00:17:20.331
- Jesus taught us to pray in matthew 6: "lead us not into
- 00:17:20.331 --> 00:17:23.167
- Temptation, but deliver us from the evil one."
- 00:17:23.167 --> 00:17:26.971
- Jesus said, "you better pray that you'll be delivered from
- 00:17:26.971 --> 00:17:29.807
- The evil one."
- 00:17:29.807 --> 00:17:32.543
- We've adopted a different stance: "i'm not sure i believe
- 00:17:32.543 --> 00:17:36.347
- In an evil one.
- 00:17:36.347 --> 00:17:40.118
- Well, you know, i know some people believe in that, but my
- 00:17:40.118 --> 00:17:44.055
- People, the church i go to, the tradition i belong to, the
- 00:17:44.055 --> 00:17:48.826
- Denomination i grew up, you know, we didn't--we didn't lead
- 00:17:48.826 --> 00:17:52.063
- With that.
- 00:17:52.063 --> 00:17:53.431
- We led with grace."
- 00:17:53.431 --> 00:17:55.967
- I'm an advocate for grace.
- 00:17:55.967 --> 00:17:57.301
- I'm the poster child.
- 00:17:57.301 --> 00:17:58.669
- You look up grace, you'll probably find my picture.
- 00:17:58.669 --> 00:18:01.806
- I have needed grace and mercy.
- 00:18:01.806 --> 00:18:04.642
- But we better be asking the lord to deliver us from the evil one.
- 00:18:04.642 --> 00:18:09.881
- We face evil within.
- 00:18:09.881 --> 00:18:11.415
- It's not just external.
- 00:18:11.415 --> 00:18:12.783
- Matthew 9, jesus is speaking: "some of the teachers of the law
- 00:18:12.783 --> 00:18:16.621
- Said to themselves, 'this fellow is blaspheming!'
- 00:18:16.621 --> 00:18:18.856
- Knowing their thoughts, jesus said, 'why do you entertain evil
- 00:18:18.856 --> 00:18:22.059
- Thoughts in your hearts?'"
- 00:18:22.059 --> 00:18:24.162
- These are biblical experts, they're keeping all the rules,
- 00:18:24.162 --> 00:18:28.900
- And he said, "you're entertaining evil thoughts in
- 00:18:28.900 --> 00:18:31.602
- Your hearts": what you watch, what you listen to, what you
- 00:18:31.602 --> 00:18:35.373
- Think about, the jokes you tell, the conversations you'll
- 00:18:35.373 --> 00:18:40.044
- Entertain, the gossip you'll listen to.
- 00:18:40.044 --> 00:18:43.848
- Matthew 15: "out of the heart come evil thoughts, murder,
- 00:18:43.848 --> 00:18:47.818
- Adultery, sexual immorality, theft, false testimony, slander.
- 00:18:47.818 --> 00:18:51.923
- This is what makes a man 'unclean'; not eating with
- 00:18:51.923 --> 00:18:55.960
- Unwashed hands."
- 00:18:55.960 --> 00:18:58.663
- Jesus said out of the hearts of his covenant people.
- 00:18:58.663 --> 00:19:03.167
- Our heart is our carnal self, that selfish part of us.
- 00:19:03.167 --> 00:19:08.806
- The biblical prescription for that carnal part of every one of
- 00:19:08.806 --> 00:19:12.143
- Us, we all have it, is we have to execute it.
- 00:19:12.143 --> 00:19:14.712
- We have to put it to death.
- 00:19:14.712 --> 00:19:16.914
- Every thought we have, every emotion we have, is not godly.
- 00:19:16.914 --> 00:19:23.688
- And there's this overwhelming notion amongst us that says,
- 00:19:23.688 --> 00:19:27.692
- "well, you can't tell me what to feel."
- 00:19:27.692 --> 00:19:30.328
- No, i can't, but i can tell you some feelings are ungodly.
- 00:19:30.328 --> 00:19:36.234
- "well, it's my feeling."
- 00:19:36.234 --> 00:19:37.935
- Duly noted.
- 00:19:37.935 --> 00:19:41.772
- But if you pursue something that is fueled by evil, ungodliness,
- 00:19:41.772 --> 00:19:46.210
- Immorality, that stands in opposition to the purposes of
- 00:19:46.210 --> 00:19:49.714
- God, it will bring you to destruction.
- 00:19:49.714 --> 00:19:53.584
- We're reading lamentations.
- 00:19:53.584 --> 00:19:59.824
- Matthew 12, jesus again: "you brood of vipers."
- 00:19:59.824 --> 00:20:05.529
- In case you didn't know, that's not a compliment.
- 00:20:05.529 --> 00:20:09.500
- Good old tennessee language: "you bunch of snakes."
- 00:20:09.500 --> 00:20:13.271
- "how can you who are evil say anything good?
- 00:20:13.271 --> 00:20:15.940
- Out of the overflow of the heart the mouth speaks.
- 00:20:15.940 --> 00:20:19.010
- The good man brings good things out of the good stored up in
- 00:20:19.010 --> 00:20:21.812
- Him and the evil man brings evil things out of the evil stored up
- 00:20:21.812 --> 00:20:24.982
- In him."
- 00:20:24.982 --> 00:20:26.550
- We can't tolerate ungodliness.
- 00:20:26.550 --> 00:20:31.656
- We can no longer afford the luxury.
- 00:20:31.656 --> 00:20:33.858
- God has shown us mercy and grace.
- 00:20:33.858 --> 00:20:36.694
- There are people reorienting their lives saying they wanna
- 00:20:36.694 --> 00:20:39.363
- Stand up for principles that will bring freedom and liberty.
- 00:20:39.363 --> 00:20:43.267
- The only hope they have, the only opportunity, is if the
- 00:20:43.267 --> 00:20:48.072
- People of god will repent.
- 00:20:48.072 --> 00:20:51.642
- The spiritual authority that will make change possible, will
- 00:20:51.642 --> 00:20:55.313
- Begin in the hearts of god's people.
- 00:20:55.313 --> 00:21:03.721
- I'm out of time.
- 00:21:03.721 --> 00:21:05.990
- I'll read matthew 13.
- 00:21:05.990 --> 00:21:08.292
- Jesus again said, "the son of man will send out his angels,
- 00:21:08.292 --> 00:21:11.896
- And they'll weed out of his kingdom everything that causes
- 00:21:11.896 --> 00:21:15.933
- Sin and all who do evil."
- 00:21:15.933 --> 00:21:17.435
- It's the parable of the wheat and the tares, the wheat and
- 00:21:17.435 --> 00:21:20.471
- The weeds.
- 00:21:20.471 --> 00:21:22.173
- And the question is put to the owner of the field: "do you want
- 00:21:22.173 --> 00:21:26.043
- Us to go out and pull the weeds?"
- 00:21:26.043 --> 00:21:27.411
- And he said, "no, let them grow so that the wheat and the weeds,
- 00:21:27.411 --> 00:21:31.782
- The good and the evil, the true and the false, are going
- 00:21:31.782 --> 00:21:34.185
- To flourish.
- 00:21:34.185 --> 00:21:35.519
- The same climactic conditions that cause the wheat to ripen
- 00:21:35.519 --> 00:21:37.621
- Will let the weeds ripen."
- 00:21:37.621 --> 00:21:40.091
- So i believe we will see ungodliness flourish and
- 00:21:40.091 --> 00:21:44.628
- Godliness flourish, which means we're all very vulnerable
- 00:21:44.628 --> 00:21:49.333
- 'cause they're all growing around us and we've got access
- 00:21:49.333 --> 00:21:51.869
- To it and we're gonna be told it's normal and we should
- 00:21:51.869 --> 00:21:55.473
- Compromise and we should yield.
- 00:21:55.473 --> 00:21:57.375
- Folks, this isn't something new.
- 00:21:57.375 --> 00:21:58.976
- We read about josiah a session or two ago on the temple, next
- 00:21:58.976 --> 00:22:02.913
- To the temple where they offer daily sacrifices, they built
- 00:22:02.913 --> 00:22:06.650
- Places for prostitution.
- 00:22:06.650 --> 00:22:09.253
- There were priests that presided over it, people that benefited
- 00:22:09.253 --> 00:22:12.523
- From it, and infrastructure that supported it.
- 00:22:12.523 --> 00:22:15.159
- It was profitable and pleasurable, and it existed for
- 00:22:15.159 --> 00:22:22.133
- A long time.
- 00:22:22.133 --> 00:22:24.869
- And when josiah said, "tear it down," i promise you there were
- 00:22:24.869 --> 00:22:27.605
- People that said, "we will remove you from power."
- 00:22:27.605 --> 00:22:35.179
- Jesus said, "the wheat and the weeds are gonna grow together."
- 00:22:35.179 --> 00:22:39.283
- We have to guard our hearts.
- 00:22:39.283 --> 00:22:42.186
- I believe we have an unprecedented opportunity,
- 00:22:42.186 --> 00:22:44.588
- Nothing like it in my lifetime, to see the values of the kingdom
- 00:22:44.588 --> 00:22:49.627
- Of god brought forward again in our schools, on our college
- 00:22:49.627 --> 00:22:53.431
- Campuses, in our courtrooms, the corridors of our hospitals.
- 00:22:53.431 --> 00:22:58.536
- Doctors should be able to pray with patients without fear
- 00:22:58.536 --> 00:23:00.771
- Of attorneys.
- 00:23:00.771 --> 00:23:07.845
- How did we get to a place if a person of faith wants to pray a
- 00:23:07.845 --> 00:23:11.582
- Prayer for someone who says they would like a prayer that there
- 00:23:11.582 --> 00:23:14.618
- Is fear involved?
- 00:23:14.618 --> 00:23:16.620
- And why would we tolerate it?
- 00:23:16.620 --> 00:23:21.659
- What has happened to us, church?
- 00:23:21.659 --> 00:23:28.332
- I brought you a hymn of thanksgiving.
- 00:23:28.332 --> 00:23:30.034
- I wanna close with this.
- 00:23:30.034 --> 00:23:32.703
- I took it from that same scene where all the angels were
- 00:23:32.703 --> 00:23:35.272
- Gathered, kind of a heavenly party.
- 00:23:35.272 --> 00:23:39.810
- But there were statements being made by angels and statements
- 00:23:39.810 --> 00:23:44.482
- Being made by people of significance
- 00:23:44.482 --> 00:23:46.116
- In the purposes of god.
- 00:23:46.116 --> 00:23:47.451
- And i borrowed two of them and i put them in this declaration
- 00:23:47.451 --> 00:23:52.356
- Of thanksgiving.
- 00:23:52.356 --> 00:23:53.724
- I thought it was a good week to do this.
- 00:23:53.724 --> 00:23:55.059
- Why don't you stand with me?
- 00:23:55.059 --> 00:23:57.361
- It's really short.
- 00:23:57.361 --> 00:23:58.696
- I'd like to make this statement to all four points of
- 00:23:58.696 --> 00:24:00.865
- The compass.
- 00:24:00.865 --> 00:24:02.566
- I don't wanna leave anything out.
- 00:24:02.566 --> 00:24:05.202
- If you're in three crosses with us, which is gonna be my point
- 00:24:05.202 --> 00:24:08.606
- Of orientation.
- 00:24:08.606 --> 00:24:09.940
- If you're someplace else, you're gonna have to know the compass.
- 00:24:09.940 --> 00:24:12.510
- I know for some of you that requires a cell phone.
- 00:24:12.510 --> 00:24:18.916
- But we're, in three crosses, you're facing north.
- 00:24:18.916 --> 00:24:21.585
- So we'll start with the north.
- 00:24:21.585 --> 00:24:23.654
- And i want us to make this--say this hymn together.
- 00:24:23.654 --> 00:24:26.724
- We're gonna echo what's being-- has been said in the halls
- 00:24:26.724 --> 00:24:28.993
- Of heaven.
- 00:24:28.993 --> 00:24:30.327
- That makes me smile.
- 00:24:30.327 --> 00:24:32.062
- Let the praises of god fill the earth.
- 00:24:32.062 --> 00:24:35.332
- Let the praises of god fill our homes.
- 00:24:35.332 --> 00:24:38.235
- Let the praises of god fill our schools and our college campuses
- 00:24:38.235 --> 00:24:42.339
- And our courtrooms and the operating suites of
- 00:24:42.339 --> 00:24:45.609
- Our hospitals.
- 00:24:45.609 --> 00:24:47.311
- Doesn't mean everybody in all those places
- 00:24:47.311 --> 00:24:49.179
- Have to praise the lord.
- 00:24:49.179 --> 00:24:50.514
- But it's appropriate that the praises of god break forth in
- 00:24:50.514 --> 00:24:53.651
- Those places.
- 00:24:53.651 --> 00:24:57.988
- We'll tolerate profanity in those places.
- 00:24:57.988 --> 00:25:00.624
- We'll tolerate ungodly music in all those places.
- 00:25:00.624 --> 00:25:03.327
- We'll tolerate all sorts of things.
- 00:25:03.327 --> 00:25:05.329
- But as people of faith, people who said, "we've chosen jesus as
- 00:25:05.329 --> 00:25:08.198
- Lord," we haven't been willing to use our voice.
- 00:25:08.198 --> 00:25:10.501
- We're changing.
- 00:25:10.501 --> 00:25:12.803
- We are changing.
- 00:25:12.803 --> 00:25:18.609
- To the north: "worthy is the lamb, who was slain, to receive
- 00:25:18.609 --> 00:25:24.415
- Power and wealth and wisdom and strength and honor and glory
- 00:25:24.415 --> 00:25:29.920
- And praise!
- 00:25:29.920 --> 00:25:31.522
- And to him who sits on the throne and to the lamb be praise
- 00:25:31.522 --> 00:25:36.493
- And honor and glory and power, for ever and ever, amen."
- 00:25:36.493 --> 00:25:42.933
- To the east.
- 00:25:42.933 --> 00:25:44.368
- Let's turn physically.
- 00:25:44.368 --> 00:25:45.703
- Come on, if you don't know where that is, i'm sorry.
- 00:25:45.703 --> 00:25:50.975
- Let's read it again: "worthy is the lamb, who was slain, to
- 00:25:50.975 --> 00:25:55.245
- Receive power and wealth and wisdom and strength and honor
- 00:25:55.245 --> 00:26:00.851
- And glory and praise!
- 00:26:00.851 --> 00:26:06.423
- --and to the lamb be praise and honor and glory and power, for
- 00:26:06.423 --> 00:26:11.762
- Ever and ever, amen."
- 00:26:11.762 --> 00:26:15.566
- To the south.
- 00:26:15.566 --> 00:26:17.034
- That's the back, for those of you directionally challenged.
- 00:26:17.034 --> 00:26:23.340
- "worthy is the lamb, who was slain, to receive power and
- 00:26:23.340 --> 00:26:28.479
- Wealth and wisdom and strength and honor and glory and praise!
- 00:26:28.479 --> 00:26:35.319
- To him who sits on the throne--"
- 00:26:35.319 --> 00:26:38.155
- Congregation: "and to the lamb be praise and honor and glory
- 00:26:38.155 --> 00:26:41.959
- And power, for ever and ever!"
- 00:26:41.959 --> 00:26:45.029
- Allen: amen.
- 00:26:45.029 --> 00:26:46.563
- And to the west: "worthy is the lamb, who was slain, to receive
- 00:26:46.563 --> 00:26:54.004
- Power and wealth and wisdom and strength and honor and glory
- 00:26:54.004 --> 00:27:00.044
- And praise!
- 00:27:00.044 --> 00:27:02.479
- --sits on the throne and to the lamb be praise and honor and
- 00:27:02.479 --> 00:27:07.918
- Glory and power for ever and ever, amen," hallelujah.
- 00:27:07.918 --> 00:27:15.793
- ♪♪♪
- 00:27:15.793 --> 00:27:15.793